
2020年08月04日 20:23


Collective Nouns For Animal Groups

A congregation

of alligators

A nest army colony swarm of ants
A shrewdness troop of apes
A pace herd drove of asses
A troop of baboons
A cete

of badgers

A sloth sleuth of bears
A family colony of beavers
A grist swarm nest hive of bees
A sounder singular of boars
An obstinacy herd troop gong of buffalo
A flutter of butterflies
A wake of buzzards
A train caravan flock of camels
A herd of caribou
A clowder cluster glaring pounce of cats
An army of caterpillars
A herd drove of cattle
A brood peep of chickens
A coalition of cheetahs
An intrustion of cockroaches
A gulp of cormorants
A bask float of crocodiles
A murder of crows
A herd of deer
A pack of dogs
An orc dule flight pitying of doves
A podding flock raft of ducks
A convocation or aerie of eagles
A bed swarm of eels
A herd memory of elephants
A herd gang of elk
A mob of emus
A business of ferrets
A charm of finches
A school shoal of fish
A stand flamboyance of flamingos
A swarm cloud business of flies
A leash skulk troop of foxes
An army of frogs
A gaggle skein of geese
A herd corps tower of giraffes

A swarm cloud horde of gnats
A flock herd tribe trip of goats
A troubling of goldfish
A bond troop of gorillas
A cloud of grasshoppers
A colony of gulls
A down husk of hares
A boil cost kettle of hawks
A hedge siege of herons
A bloat of hippos
A herd band of horses
A mute brace pack of hounds
A cockle of hyenas
A band party scold of jays
A smack brood of jellyfish
A mob herd troop of kangaroos
An exaltation of larks
A pride of lions
A lounge of lizards
A tiding of magpies
A nest of mice
A labor of models
A troop cartload of monkeys
A herd of moose
A barren span pack of mules
A romp of otters
A team yoke drove of oxen
A parliament of owls
A bed of oysters
A company pandemonium of parrots
An ostentation pride muster of peacocks
A pod of pelicans
A rookery colony of penguins
A bouquet nye of pheasants
A herd sounder of pigs
A string of ponies
A prickle of porcupines
A school pod of porpoises
A coterie of prairie dogs
A bevy covey of quail
A nest warren of rabbits
A gaze nursery of raccoons
A rhumba of rattlesnakes
An unkindness conspiracy of ravens

A crash stubbornness of rhinoceroses
A building clomor of rocks
A family of sardines
A pod harem herd colony of seals
A school shoal shiver of sharks
A flock fold of sheep
A bed knot den nest of snakes
A host ubiquity of sparrows
A clutter of spiders
A dray scurry of squirrels
A chattering murmuration of starlings
A mustering of storks
A flight gulp of swallows
A bevy herd bank of swans
A sounder drift herd drove of swine
An ambush streak of tigers
A nest knot of toads
A hover of trout
A rafter dole flock of turkeys
A bale turn of turtles
A blessing of unicorns
A huddle herd of walruses
A colony pack sneak gang of weasels
A pod school mod gam of whales
A pack rout of wolves
A wisdom of wombats
A descent of woodpeckers
A herd zeal cohort of zebras







