歌舞青春 中英文电影对白

2020年08月05日 01:31


High School Musical 1
新年快乐 女士Happy New Year's ladies.
盖比 这是新年前夜 别读书了Gabby it's New Year's reading.
可是 妈妈 马上就完了But Mom I'm almost done.
派对呢?我准备了你最好的衣服 来吧The teen party? I've laid out your best clothes. Come get
能把书还我吗?Can I have my book back?
- 谢谢 - 来吧- Thank you. - Come on.
一直攻左路 特洛伊Keep working left Troy.
得到冠军赛的后卫位置 我们希望你能打垮他们!Got a guard in the championship game we're
expectin'. You'll torch 'em!
- 向左? - 对- Am I going left? - Yeah.
- 他向中路 你投篮 - 象这样?- He looks middle you take it downtown. - OK like this?
喔!对了 用在比赛中吧Whoo! That's it man. Sweet. Let's see that in the game.
- 嘿? - 别担心我- Boys? - Don't worry about me.
我们飞到这里就为了继续打篮球?Did we really fly all this way to play more basketball? 哦
这是假期的最后一天It's the last night of vacation.
派对 记得吗?The party remember?
对 派对。新年前夜Right the party. The party. New Year's Eve.
特洛伊 他们在楼下俱乐部有少年派对Troy they have a kid's party downstairs in the Freestyle
- 少年派对? - 年青人的 去吧 洗个澡- Kid's party? - Young adults. Now go shower up.
好 就再来一个Come on. One more.
- 最后一个 - 很快- Last one. - Real quick.
好 这是我们结束的方法There we go. That's the way to end it.
嗨 女士Howdy ma'am.
好!滑雪的人来个吧?All right! How about that for a couple of snowboarders?
- 好! - 嗨!- Yeah! - Hey!
谁是下一个呢?Who's gonna rock the house next?
Huh? Ha-ha! Ho-ho!
我不会唱 不 你来吧I can't sing. No you go.
你!来 来吧And you! Yeah come on.
看 我不会唱歌 别 伙计...Look I don't sing. I can't sing. No guys...
上来吧!Get up there!
嘿 知道吗?有朝一日你们会感谢我的Hey you know what? Someday you guys might thank me
for this.
也许不Or not.
Living in my own world
Didn't understand
That anything can happen
When you take a chance
I never believed in
What I couldn't see

High School Musical 1
- I never opened my heart - Oh
To all the possibilities
- I know - That something has changed
Never felt this way
And right here tonight
This could be the start of something new
- It feels so right - To be here with you
And now I'm lookin' in your eyes
- I feel in my heart - Feel in my heart
The start of something new
Oh yeah
Now who'd have ever thought that
We'd both be here tonight
- Ooh - Yeah
- And the world looks so much brighter - Brighter brighter
- Oh with you by my side - By my side
I know that something has changed never felt this way
- I know it for real - Real
This could be the start of something new
It feels so right to be here with you
And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart
The start of something new
I never knew that it could happen till it happened to me
Oh yeah
I didn't know it before but now it's easy to see
It's the start of something new
It feels so right to be here with you
And now I'm lookin' in your eyes I feel in my heart
That it's the start of something new
- It feels so right to be here with you - Oh
And now looking in your eyes
- I feel in my heart - Feel in my heart
The start of something new
The start of something new
The start of something new
- 特洛伊 - 盖比瑞拉- Troy. - Gabriella.
你的嗓音真好呀 你是个歌手 对吧?But seriously you have an amazing voice. You're a singer
只是在教堂的唱诗班 我试过独唱差点晕倒Just church choir is all. I tried to solo and nearly

High School Musical 1
真的?为什么?Really? Why is that?
我看到人们在盯着我 然后我知道的就是我正看着天花板I looked at the people staring at me.
Next thing I knew I was staring at the ceiling.
- 独唱事业就结束了 - 看你唱歌的样子 很难相信- End of solo career. - The way you sing
that's hard to believe.
这是我第一次 很酷That was the first time I did that. It was so cool.
- 我知道!确实这样! - 听起来你也唱过很多- I know! Completely! - You sound like you've sung
a lot too.
对 我家的淋浴喷头有深刻印象Yeah sure. My showerhead is very impressed with me.
我想我最好找到我妈妈 祝她新年快乐I guess I better go find my mom and wish her a happy
new year.
我也是 不是指你妈妈 是我妈妈和爸爸Yeah me too. I mean not your mom. My mom... and
哦 我给你电话 我明天打给你Uh... I'll call you. I'll call you tomorrow.
- 对! - 存你的号码- Yeah! - Here put your number in. 这Here.
- 你也是 - 好- You too. - Oh OK.
给你There you go.
你知道吗 和你唱歌是我这次假期最高兴的事Just so you know singing with you was the most
fun I've had on this vacation.
那么 你住在哪里?So um... where do you live?
Wildcats sing along They really got it going on
Wildcats in the house Everybody sing out
Wildcats. Everywhere wave your hands up in the air
That's the way we do it let's get to it
Time to show the world
Wildcats. Sing along They really got it goin' on
Wildcats in the house everybody sing out...
- 特洛伊!你好吗? - 嘿 柴德 怎么样?- Troy! How ya doing man? - Hey Chad what's up?
- 嗨 伙计 新年快乐 - 嗨!- Hey guys happy new year. - Yeah!
- 野猫队的新年快乐! - 你真行!- It's a happy Wildcat new year! - You're the man!
还有两周 我们就要冲击冠军了In two weeks we're going to the championships
有你带领我们一直冲顶with you leading us to infinity and beyond.
- 哪只队? - 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats!
- 哪只队? - 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats!
冰公主从北极回来了The ice princess returned from the North Pole.
她用通常的方法过了节She spent the holidays the way she always does.
- 什么方法? - 买镜子- How's that? - Shopping for mirrors.
看作动物园的动物 宣布新年 多有个性Ugh behold the zoo animals heralding the new year.
How tribal.
妈妈 我的胃...Mom my stomach...
是第一天在新学校的紧张 你会很好的 你总是这样的Is nervous on first day at a new school.

High School Musical 1
You'll do great. You always do.
我要我的公司答应在你毕业前我不会再调动了I made my company promise that I can't be
transferred again until you graduate.
我看了你的很好的成绩单 你会在在东部高中出色的I reviewed your impressive transcripts.
Your light will shine brightly at East High.
我不想再成为学校的怪怪的天才女孩I don't want to be the school's freaky genius girl again.
只是盖比瑞拉Just be Gabriella.
这边This way.
特洛伊!特洛伊!Troy! Troy! Hey!
怎么样?你好吗?How's it goin'? How are you?
达布丝小姐?Miss Darbus?
- 你记得那一晚吗? - 不 完全忘了- Do you remember the night before? - No not at all.
我记得的是 粉红果冻...All I remember is like pink jelly. I...
对不起Excuse me. 哦!Ooh!
- 嗨 特洛伊 - 嗨- Hi Troy. - Hi.
我相信你们都过了欢乐的节日I trust you all had splendid holidays.
大家看看走廊里的注册单的新活动 伯顿Check the sign-up sheets in the lobby for new
activities Mr. Bolton.
特别是我们的冬季音乐会 我们会有独唱的试镜Especially our winter musicale. We will have
singles auditions...
- 你没事吧? - 嗯- You OK? - Yeah.
还有俩人的领唱的试镜...and pairs auditions for our two leads. - Pfft.
丹福斯 这是学习的地方 不是冰球场Mr. Danforth this is a place of learning not a hockey
还有下周的学校的十项全能比赛的报名There is also a final sign-up for next week's scholastic
decathlon competition.
俱乐部主席泰勒 麦克西会回答你们的问题Chem Club president Taylor McHessey can answer
all of your questions about that.
嗯 手机又来损害我们的学习环境了Ah the cell phone menace has returned to our crucible of
- 是你的手机吗? - 沙佩 莱恩 手机- Is it your phone? - Sharpay and Ryan cell phones.
- 我会要你留堂的 - 啊!- I will see you in detention. - Ahh!
我们不允许在在课堂用手机We have zero tolerance for cell phones in class,
所以我们会在留堂的时候互相认识 手机so we will get to know each other in detention. Cell
欢迎来到东部高中 蒙兹 伯顿 我看到是你们的手机And welcome to East High Miss Montez.
Mr. Bolton I see your phone is involved.
- 所以你也要留堂 - 不可能 达布丝小姐- So we will see you in detention as well. - That's not a
possibility Miss Darbus.
您看 我们有篮球训练 而特洛伊...Your Honor see 'cause we have basketball practice and Troy...
嗯 你也要留 分钟 丹福斯 算算Ah that will be minutes for you too Mr. Danforth. Count
对柴德来说太难了 他数不了那么多Could be tough for Chad. He can't count that high.
泰勒 麦克西 分钟Taylor McHessey minutes.

High School Musical 1
还有人继续要留堂吗?节日结束了 同学们Shall the carnage continue? Holidays are over
好了!有什么问题吗?Way over! Now any more comments questions?
- 杰森 - 你节日过得好吗 达布丝小姐?- Jason. - How were your holidays Miss Darbus?
- 对不起 留堂时见 - 再见 没关系的- Sorry man. See you in detention. - See you later. It's all
嗯 她不正常Uhh she's crazy.
- 我不... - 相信- I don't... - Believe it.
- 嗯 我... - 但 现在?- Well me... - Either. But how?
我妈妈的公司调她到阿伯可My mom's company transferred her here to Albuquerque.
我不能相信你住这里 我新年的时候一直在找你I can't believe you live here. I looked for you at
the lodge on New Year's Day.
- 我们得离开 - 你为什么嘀咕?- We had to leave first thing. - Why are you whispering?
什么?喔 我的朋友们知道滑雪的事What? Oh uh... my friends know about the snowboarding.
我还没有讲唱歌的事情I haven't quite told them about the singing thing.
- 怎么回事? - 嗨- What's up? - Hey.
- 他们接受不了? - 不 那很酷- Too much for them to handle? - No it was cool.
但 你知道 我的朋友们 嗯... 那不是我做的事But you know my friends it's uh... It's not what I
那 好像 一个不同的人That was like a different person.
所以 呃...无论如何 欢迎来东部高中So uh... anyway welcome to East High.
现在你见到达布丝小姐 我打赌你不能等着去报名了Now that you've met Miss Darbus I bet
you just can't wait to sign up for that.
我不会报任何名的 我只想了解学校I won't be signing up for anything for a while. I just wanna
get to know the school.
但是如果你报名 我会考虑参加的But if you sign up I'd consider coming to the show.
- 对 这完全不可能 - 什么不可能 特洛伊?- Yeah yeah. That's completely impossible. -
What's impossible Troy?
哦 你真不错带你的新同学参观Oh so nice of you to show our new classmate around.
哦 你也要报名吗?我弟弟和我Oh were you going to sign up too? My brother and I
已经是学校所有剧的明星了 我们很欢迎新来者have starred in all the school's productions
and we really welcome newcomers.
有很多的配角 我相信我们会给你找到角色的There are a lot of supporting roles. I'm sure we
could find something for you.
不 不 我只是在看所有的布告栏No no no. I was just looking at all the bulletin boards.
现在 学校在进行很多活动Lots going on at this school. Wow.
字写得很好Nice penmanship.
特洛伊 我在假期很想你 你过得如何?So Troy. I missed you during vacation. What'd you do?
你知道 嗯...打篮球 滑雪 更多的篮球You know um... played basketball snowboarding more
- 什么时候是那重要的比赛? - 还有两周- When's the big game? - Two weeks.

High School Musical 1
你这么专注 就象我You are so dedicated. Just like me.
我希望你能来看我的音乐演出 答应我?I hope you come watch me in the musical. Promise?
- Toodles! - Toodles.
伙计 你知道学校音乐演出的事吗? 你只要参加就有加分Dude you know that school musical
thing? You get extra credit just for auditioning?
- 谁在乎? - 有加分总是好事...- Who cares? - It's always good to get extra credit...
进入大学...for college...
想想小皇帝杰姆斯 大鲨鱼奥尼尔 会试镜学校的音乐剧演出?Think LeBron James or
Shaquille O'Neal auditioned for their school musical?
- 也许 - 特洛伊- Maybe. - Troy.
这音乐演出不是说唱 摇滚 或文化经典The music in those shows isn't hip-hop or rock or
anything essential to culture.
只是音乐秀 服装和化妆It's like show music. It's all costumes and makeup...
- 哦 伙计 太可怕了 - 我知道 我想那会很可笑- Oh dude it's frightening. - I know. I thought
it'd be a good laugh.
- 沙佩也很可爱 - 山狮也是- Sharpay's kinda cute too. - So is a mountain lion.
但你不把它做宠物But you don't pet it.
好 野猫队!集合!All right Wildcats! Pair up!
来吧!开始!Let's go! Come on!
教练说虚右实左Coach said to fake right and break left
看着球 留意防守Watch out for the pick and keep an eye on defense
需要跑动 带球去空档Gotta run the give and go and take the ball to the hole
不要担心远投And don't be afraid to shoot the outside
集中精力比赛 集中精力比赛Just keep your head in the game Just keep your head in the game
不要担心远投不要担心远投And don't be afraid to shoot the outside
集中精力比赛 你要集中精力比赛Just keep your head in the game You gotta get your head in
the game
我们需要 集中精力比赛We gotta get our get our get our get our head in the game
你们需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your head in the game
我们需要 集中精力比赛We gotta get our get our get our get our head in the game
来 你要 集中精力比赛Come on get your get your head in the game
我们需要 集中精力比赛We gotta get our get our get our get our head in the game
你需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your head in the game
我们需要 集中精力比赛We gotta get our get our get our get our head in the game
让我们保证篮板Let's make sure that we get the rebound
因为我们得到 观众就狂热'Cause when we get it then the crowd'll go wild
第二次机会 抓住它A second chance gotta grab it and go
也许这次我们会正确Maybe this time we'll hit the right notes
等等 注意时间和位置 等等 集中精力比赛Wait a minute not the time and place wait a
minute get my head in the game
等等 集中精力比赛Wait a minute get my head in the game
等等 我需要 集中精力比赛Wait a minute wait a minute I gotta get my get my head in the

High School Musical 1
你需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game
我需要 集中精力比赛I gotta get my get my head in the game
你需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game
来 集中精力比赛Come on get my get my head in the game
你需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game
我需要 集中精力比赛I gotta get my get my head in the game
你需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game whoo
我为什么觉得不妥?Why am I feeling so wrong?
我脑中想着比赛 心中想着歌My head's in the game but my heart's in the song
她要我感觉那么好She makes this feel so right
我应该唱歌吗?Should I go for it?
最好忘了它!I better shake this. Yikes!
我需要 集中精力比赛I gotta get my get my head in the game
你需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game
我需要 集中精力比赛I gotta get my get my head in the game
你需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game
来 集中精力比赛Come on get my get my head in the game
你需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game
我需要 集中精力比赛I gotta get my get my head in the game
你需要 集中精力比赛You gotta get your get your get your get your head in the game
- 什么队? - 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats!
- 什么队? - 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats!
- 什么队? - 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats!
- 野猫队! - 集中精力比赛吧!- Wildcats! - Get your head in the game!
嗯 看来你认识特洛伊 伯顿So it seemed like you knew Troy Bolton.
不是 他只是带我转转Not really. He was just showing me around.
嗯 特洛伊通常不和新同学搭话Well Troy usually doesn't interact with new students.
- 哦 为什么不? - 他通常 乘 搞篮球- Uh why not? - It's pretty much basketball with
- 应该是派分之 ... - 蒙兹小姐?- That should be over pi... - Yes Miss Montez?
对不起 我只是...I'm sorry I was just... Uh...
第二等式应该是派分之 ?Shouldn't the second equation read over pi?
派分之 ?不太可能 over pi? That's quite impossible.
我要改正I stand corrected.
哦...欢迎你Oh... and welcome aboard.
- 一会见 - 好- Catch you later guys. - OK.
特洛伊 伯顿在看报名单Troy Bolton was looking at our audition list.
他和新来的女孩一起转来看过了He was hanging around with that new girl and they were both
looking at the list.
她有些怪 她说她从哪里来?There's something freaky about her. Where did she say she's
哦!爱因斯坦Wow! An Einsteinette.

High School Musical 1
你为什么认为她对音乐剧感兴趣?So why do you think she's interested in our musical?
我不确定。我们不需要担心业余的I'm not sure that she is. And we needn't concern ourselves
with amateurs.
但 确认一下没坏处But... there is no harm in making certain
盖比瑞拉的来校的欢迎活动是...that Gabriella's welcome to school activities that are...
嗯 适合她...well appropriate for her.
而且...After all...
她喜欢派...she loves pi.
金色!再多些!Gold! More gold!
刷 刷!开始!Paint paint! Let's go!
- 回答是好! - 呃?- The answer is yes! - Huh?
学校的全能队伍下周又第一次比赛Our scholastic decathlon team has its first competition next
当然有你的位置and there is certainly a spot for you.
- 这是从哪里来的? - 不是你放到我柜子里的吗?- Where did those come from? - Didn't you
put them in my locker?
- 当然不是 - 嗯 我们欢迎你来我们队伍- Of course not. - Well we'd love to have you on our
我们每天放学都开会We meet almost every day after school.
我在参加任何俱乐部前需要熟悉环境I need to catch up on the curriculum here before I think
about joining any clubs.
嗯 多好的熟悉环境的方法呀 和学校最聪明的人交流Well what a perfect way to get caught
up. Meeting with the smartest kids in school.
- 多么慷慨的承诺 泰勒 - 今天留了这么多新面孔- What a generous offer Taylor. - So many
new faces in detention today.
我希望你别把它成为习惯I hope you don't make a habit of it,
但是戏剧俱乐部经常抓壮丁but the drama club can always use an extra hand.
我们工作的时候 让我们查明那个闯祸的手机邪恶And while we are working let us probe the
mounting evils of cell phones.
来 集合! 我们还有两周到重大的比赛Come on guys huddle up! We got two weeks to the big
特洛伊和柴德在哪里?Where's Troy and Chad?
别要我再问一遍Don't make me ask again.
- 特洛伊和柴德在哪里?! - 留堂- Where's Troy and Chad?! - Detention.
也许最可恨的滥用手机的例子就是在剧院Perhaps the most heinous example of cell-phone
abuse is ringing in the theater.
多么野蛮!剧院是艺术的圣殿What temerity! The theater is a temple of art.
- 一个宝贵的充满创造的丰饶角饰 - 我的队伍在哪里 达布丝?- A precious cornucopia of
creative energy. - Where's my team Darbus?
这两个人在这树上做什么?What the heck are those two doing in a tree?
这是犯错和惩罚 伯顿,It's called crime and punishment Bolton.
另外 接近艺术可以净化心灵Besides proximity to the arts is cleansing for the soul.
我们能谈谈吗?Can we have a talk please?

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你们俩 去体育馆 现在!And you two in the gym now!
如果他们留堂来刷道具 他们可以晚上做 不是练习时间If they have to paint sets for
detention they could do it tonight not during practice.
如果是演出者 你能要求特殊待遇吗?If these were theater performers would you seek special
达布丝 我们距离年度最重要的比赛只有几天了Darbus we are days away from our biggest
game of the year.
我们 伯顿 我们也在给你那些冬季音乐剧试镜!And we Bolton are in the midst of our
auditions for our winter musicale as well!
这个学校不只有邋遢的男孩This school is about more than just young men in baggy shorts
进攻达阵!flinging balls for touchdowns!
投篮!他们投篮Baskets! They shoot baskets.
好了!听着 你们争论这事Stop! Guys listen you've been having this argument
从你们俩来的那天开始since the day you both started teaching here.
我们是同一学校 同一学生We are one school one student body,
同一的教职工!我们可以认同这点吗?one faculty! Can we not agree on that?
教练 队伍怎么样了?So Coach how's the team lookin'?
- 特洛伊把他们组织起来了 - 哦!- Troy got 'em whipped into shape? - Oh!
西部高中骑士队连续三年淘汰了我们West High Knights have knocked us out of the playoffs
three years running,
现在我们就差一场比赛从他们那里夺回冠军了!and now we are one game away from taking
that championship back from 'em!
现在是我们表现的时候It's time to make our stand.
队伍就是你们The team is you.
你们就是队伍 队伍不会存在You are the team. And this team does not exist
除非你们每个人都集中注意在我们的目标上 清楚吗?unless each and every one of you is
fully focused on our goal. Am I clear?
- 嘿 什么队?! - 野猫队!- Hey what team?! - Wildcats!
- 什么队? - 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats!
- 什么队? - 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats!
- 野猫队! - 去比赛吧!- Wildcats! - Get your head in the game!
我们从没通过第一轮的学校全能比赛We've never made it past the first round
你会是我们的答案of the scholastic decathlon. You could be our answered prayer.
我现在集中精力在我的学习上I'm focusing on my studies this semester,
还有帮我妈妈整理新的房子 也许明年吧and help my mom get the new house organized.
Maybe next year.
- 你认为特洛伊 伯顿怎么样? - 特洛伊?嗯- What do you know about Troy Bolton? - Troy?
我不是那方面的专家I'm not an expert on that particular sub-species,
可是 除非你和啦啦队说however unless you speak cheerleader,
噢 天啊!特洛伊 伯顿是不是很性感啊?
噢 他太棒了Oh he's so beautiful.
- 呵呵 明白我的意思? - 我不知道如何与啦啦队交流- Ha-ha. See what I mean? - I don't

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know how to speak cheerleader.
我们存在和篮球青年特洛伊不同的世界里We exist in an alternate universe to Troy the
basketball boy.
你没试图了解他?Have you tried to get to know him?
明天你和我们一起吃饭 看看这里的潜规则Watch how it works tomorrow when you have
lunch with us.
除非你宁愿和啦啦队一起讨论修指甲Unless you'd rather sit with the cheerleaders and discuss
firm nail beds.
我可不关心指甲的事情My nail beds are history.
- 我还是不理解留堂的事 - 是我的错- Still don't understand this detention thing. - It was my
- 对不起 - 场地那边- Sorry Dad. - Cross court.
达布丝会想尽办法找我麻烦 也包括你Darbus will take any opportunity to bust my chops. That
includes yours too.
嗨 爸爸?Hey Dad?
你曾有过做新的尝试 但是担心你的朋友的想法吗?Did you ever want to try something new
but were afraid of what your friends think?
就象 向左?你没问题的Like going left? You're doing fine.
嗯...不Well... no.
我意思是 如果你尝试全新的I mean what if you wanna try something really new
完全是个灾难 你所有的朋友嘲笑你and it's a total disaster and all your friends laugh at you.
也许他们不是你的朋友。这是我今天对队员们讲的Maybe they're not your friends. That was
my whole point about team today.
你们要互相照看。你是队长You gotta look out for each other. You're the leader.
下周的比赛会有大学的球探来There's gonna be college scouts at our game next week.
知道现今的奖学金值多少吗?Know what a scholarship is worth these days?
- 很多 - 对 集中精力 特洛伊 来- A lot. - Yeah. Focus Troy come on.
给你的Just something for you.
我期望我们都吸取了昨天的教训 对吗?I expect we all learned our homeroom manners
yesterday people correct?
如果不是 我们还有更衣室要粉刷If not we have some dressing rooms that need painting.
现在 一些通知Now a few announcements.
今天上午的自由时间有音乐剧的试镜This morning during free period will be your chance for
the musicale auditions,
独唱和对唱both single and pairs.
我会呆到中午 为了你们大胆地展现I will be in the theater until noon for those of you bold
enough to extend
你们的创新精神the wingspan of your creative spirit.
什么时候她会老调重谈?When's she due back on the mother ship?
讨论莎士比亚的重要性...Discussing the importance of Shakespeare...
- 怎么了? - 什么事?- What's up man? - What's up?
队员们会在自由活动时间去体育馆 我们练什么?The team's hitting the gym during free

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period. What should we run?
我去不了 我得赶作业I can't make it. I gotta catch up on some homework.
什么?嘿 这才是回来的第二天 我都没落下作业What? Hello it's only the second day back.
I'm not even behind on homework yet.
我从学前班开始就落下作业And I've been behind on homework since preschool.
太荒谬了。一会儿见That's hilarious. I'll catch you later.
作业?不可能Homework? There's no way.
- 你好吗? - 随便转转?- How's it going? - Just hanging out?
- 高兴见到你 - 他搞什么?- Good to see you. - What's he doing?
你好吗?How's it going man?
我要迟到了I'm late for class.
好 就放那里That's good just leave it here.
这是认识艺术家真正表现的地方This is where the true expression of the artist is realized.
通过演员的表演展现内部的真实...Where inner truth is revealed through the actor's journey...
- 是手机吗? - 是我的吗?- Was that a cell phone? - Is it mine?
- 不 是提醒的铃声 - 啊!- No ma'am. That was the warning bell. - Ah!
要参加试镜的人要明白时间的紧迫Those wishing to audition must understand that time is of
the essence.
我们有许多的角色 下周是最后一次We have many roles to cast and final callbacks will be next
首先 你们要先唱一段 我会评价你是否First you will sing a few bars and I will give you a sense
of whether or not
适合剧场。最好现在直接听我的 而不是一会儿从你朋友那里知道the theater is your calling.
Better to hear it from me now than from your friends later.
我们的作曲 凯尔丝 尼尔森 会陪你们Our composer Kelsi Nielson will accompany you
在最后试镜前彩排and be available for rehearsals prior to callbacks.
开始?Shall we?
It's hard to believe that I couldn't see
That you were always right beside me
This feeling like no other
I want you to know
哦 谢谢 下一个!Uh-huh. Yes thank you. Next!
It's hard to believe
That I couldn't sneeze... see
That you were always right there next to... beside me
阿伦 我敬佩你的勇气Alan I admire your pluck.
关于你的歌...- As to your singing... ...like no other
你的领带很好 下一个!That's a wonderful tie you're wearing. Next!
It's hard to believe that I couldn't see
That you were always there beside me
This feeling's like no other
I want you to know
哦...停吧Uh... stop.

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...so lonely before I finally found
What I've been looking...
啊...辛蒂Ah... Cindra.
多大的勇气来唱自然界没有的音符What courage to pursue a note that has not been accessed
in the natural world.
好啊!Bravo! Brava!
春季音乐剧吧Perhaps the spring musicale.
- It's hard to believe that I could not see - Can't see
- That you were right beside me - Beside me
- Thought I was alone - Alone
- With no one to hold - To hold
- But you were right beside me - Beside me
嗯 这Well that was just...
太恶心了。看心理医生去...very disturbing. Go see a counselor. Uhh.
你决定报名参加什么活动了吗?So you decided to sign up for something?
- 呃....没 你? - 没- Uh... No. You? - No.
嗯...你为什么躲在拖把后面?Um... why are you hiding behind a mop?
你朋友不知道你在这里 对吗?Your friends don't know you're here right?
谢谢 下一个Thank you. Next.
达布丝小姐有点....刻薄Miss Darbus is a little... harsh.
- 野猫队的明星害怕了? - 不!我不怕 我...- The Wildcat superstar's afraid? - No! I'm not
afraid I...
- 我就是...恐惧 - 我也是...经常- I'm just... scared. - Me too... usually.
关于主角明尼和阿诺德 我们只有一对人报名And for the lead roles of Minnie and Arnold we
only have one couple signed up.
沙佩和莱恩 我想也许对你们有益处Sharpay and Ryan I think it might be useful for you
给你们一个感觉 我们为什么来到这个圣殿to give us a sense of why we gather in this
hallowed hall.
什么调?What key?
哦 我们要自己的钢琴师录了音Oh we had our rehearsal pianist do an arrangement.
It's hard to believe that I couldn't see
You were always there beside me
Thought I was alone with no one to hold
But you were always right beside me
- This feeling's like no other - I want you to know
I've never had someone that knows me like you do
The way you do
I've never had someone as good for me as you

High School Musical 1
No one like you
So lonely before I finally found
What I've been looking for
So good to be seen so good to be heard
Don't have to say a word
For so long I was lost so good to be found
I'm lovin' having you around
This feeling's like no other
I want you to know
I've never had someone that knows me like you do
The way you do
I've never had someone as good for me as you
No one like you
So lonely before I finally found
What I've been looking for
Do do-do-do do-do
Oh whoa-oh-oh-oh
Do do-do-do do-do
Oh whoa-oh-oh-oh
我告诉你不要摆爵士步I told you not to do the jazz squares.
那是人们喜欢的 人人都喜欢爵士步It's a crowd favorite. Everybody loves a good jazz square.
有没有候补报名?Are there any last- minute sign-ups?
别灰心。戏剧俱乐部除了歌手还需要爱好者Don't be discouraged. The theater club needs more
than singers. It needs fans too.
买票!Buy tickets!
哦 对Oh actually,
如果你唱那部分 我想会慢很多...if you do the part with that particular song I imagined it much
如果我们唱?If we do the part?
凯尔丝 矮个子 我做过 部学校音乐剧Kelsi my sawed-off Sondheim I've been in school
有多少你的作品被选用了?How many of your compositions have been selected?
- 这是第一个 - 这告诉我们什么?- This would be the first. - Which tells us what?
- 我需要为你写更多的独唱? - 不 这告诉我们你不要指挥- That I need to write you more
solos? - No. It tells us that you do not offer
不要建议。而且你要感激direction suggestion or commentary. And you should be thankful
我和莱恩提高你的音乐的品位that me and Ryan can lift your music out of its obscurity.
- 明白吗? - 是 长官 我是说 沙佩- Are we clear? - Yes ma'am. I mean Sharpay.
很荣幸和你交谈Nice talking to you.
还有没有报名的?Any last-minute sign-ups?
- 我们应该走了 - 没有?好 结束- We should go. - No? Good. Done.

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我想试镜 达布丝小姐I'd like to audition Miss Darbus.
剧场的时间是有意义的 年青人Timeliness means something in the world of theater young
独唱试镜结束了 而且没有其他人和你对唱The individual auditions are long over and there
are simply no other pairs.
我和她唱I'll sing with her.
特洛伊 伯顿?你的队伍呢?Troy Bolton? Where is your sports posse or whatever it's called?
- 队伍 - 呃- Team. - Ah.
但我是一个人。实际上 我来这里和她唱的But I'm here alone. Actually I'm here to sing with
好 我们东部高中这里对此非常认真Yes well we take these shows very seriously here at East
我问了对唱的试镜 你没有回应I called for the pairs audition and you didn't respond.
自由活动的时间到了Free period is now over.
- 她的嗓音非常好 - 也许下一部音乐剧吧- She has an amazing voice. - Perhaps the next
你是做曲人?So you're a composer?
你写歌 莱恩和沙佩只是唱?You wrote the song Ryan and Sharpay just sang?
整个剧?And the entire show?
嗯 真酷Well that's really cool.
我太期望其余的部分了I can't wait to hear the rest of the show.
那么 你为什么怕莱恩和沙佩?So why are you so afraid of Ryan and Sharpay?
- 我是说 这是你的剧 - 是吗?- I mean it is your show. - It is?
难道作曲者不是象篮球中的决策人?Isn't the composer of a show kind of like the playmaker in
那个让别人表现得好的人The one who makes everyone else look good.
如果没有你就没有这个剧。你是这里的决策人 凯尔丝Without you there is no show. You're
the playmaker here Kelsi.
我是?I am?
你们想不想听听二重唱应该是什么样的?Do you wanna hear how the duet's supposed to
It's hard to believe that I couldn't see
You were always there beside me
Thought I was alone with no one to hold
But you were always right beside me
This feeling's like no other
I want you to know
That I've never had someone that knows me like you do
The way you do
And I've never had someone as good for me as you
No one like you
So lonely before I finally found
What I've been looking for

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喔 太好了Wow. That's nice.
伯顿 蒙兹 你们来下次试镜Bolton Montez - you have a callback.
凯尔丝 给他们第二幕的重唱Kelsi give them the duet from the second act.
- 好好准备 - 好- Work on it with them. - All right.
如果你们想练习 放学后的自由时间我总在这里If you guys wanna rehearse I'm usually here
during free period and after school,
甚至生物课的时候 你们可以任何时间来and even sometimes during biology class. You can
come and rehearse anytime.
或来我家吃早饭 我有钢琴 我们可以在那里练习Or come to my house for breakfast. I have a
piano we can rehearse there.
放学后 上学前 篮球课后After school before school - whatever works. After basketball class...
再次试镜?!Callback?! Aah!
阿诺德和明尼再次试镜 在下周四下午 for roles Arnold and Minnie next
Thursday pm.
莱恩和沙佩 艾文斯 盖比瑞拉 蒙兹和特洛伊 伯顿
and Troy Bolton.
这是开玩笑吗?他们都没去试镜!Is this some kind of joke? They didn't even audition!
- 也许我们被整了? - 什么?- Maybe we're being punked? - What?
也许我们正在被拍摄 也许我们会见到阿斯顿!Maybe we're being filmed right now. Maybe
we'll get to meet Ashton!
闭嘴 莱恩!Oh shut up Ryan!
怎么了?What's wrong?
她怎么敢报名!我选了我更衣室的颜色How dare she sign up! I picked out the colors for my
dressing room.
她都没请求我们的允许来加入戏剧俱乐部She hasn't even asked our permission to join the
drama club.
- 得有人告诉她这里的规则 - 没错- Someone's gotta tell her the rules. - Exactly.
什么规则?- And what are the rules? - Ohh!
You can bet there's nothin' but net when I am in a zone and on a roll
But I got a confession my own secret obsession
And it's making me lose control
Everybody gather 'round
如果特洛伊 能讲他的秘密 我也可以讲我的If Troy can tell his secret then I can tell mine.
- 我做饭 - 什么?- I bake. - What?
我喜欢做饭!烤饼 苹果布丁I love to bake! Strudels scones even apple pandowdy.
Not another sound
有一天我希望做出乳酪点心Someday I hope to make the perfect creme brulee.
No no no no! No no no
Stick to the stuff you know
If you wanna be cool follow one simple rule

High School Musical 1
Don't mess with the flow no no
Stick to the status quo
Look at me and what do you see? Intelligence beyond compare
But inside I am stirring something strange is occurring
It's a secret I need to share
Open up dig way down deep
我喜欢说唱音乐。我喜欢搞破坏!Hip-hop is my passion. I love to pop and lock and jam and
这合法吗?Is that even legal?
Not another peep!
就是跳舞 我想这比作业有意思It's just dancing. I think it's cooler than homework.
No no no no! No no no
Stick to the stuff you know
It is better by far to keep things as they are
Don't mess with the flow no no
Stick to the status quo
Listen well I'm ready to tell about a need that I cannot deny
Dude there's no explanation for this awesome sensation
But I'm ready to let it fly
Speak your mind and you'll be heard
如果特洛伊 想唱歌 我也参与If Troy wants to be a singer then I'm coming clean.
- 我弹大提琴! - 好啊!那是什么?- I play the cello! - Awesome! What is it?
- 锯! - 不 是个大的小提琴!- A saw! - No dude it's like a giant violin!
Not another word
- 你要穿服装吗? - 西服领带- Do you have to wear a costume? - Coat and tie.
No no no no! No no no
Stick to the stuff you know
If you wanna be cool follow one simple rule
Don't mess with the flow no no
Stick to the status quo
No no no
Stick to the stuff you know
It is better by far to keep things as they are
Don't mess with the flow no no
Stick to the status quo
This is not what I want
This is not what I planned
And I just gotta say
I do not understand
Something is really
- Something's not right - Really wrong
And we've gotta get things back where they belong
- We can do it - Gotta play
- Stick with what you know - We can do it

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- Hip- hop hooray - She has got to go
- We can do it - Creme Brulee
Keep your voice down low
- Not another peep - No
- Not another word - No
- Not another sound - No
Everybody quiet!
为什么大家都看你?Why is everybody staring at you?
- 不是我 是你 - 因为试镜?- Not me you. - Because of the callbacks?
我受不了人们看我I can't have people staring at me. I can't.
No! No no no
Stick to the stuff you know
If you want to be cool follow one simple rule
Don't mess with the flow no no
Stick to the status quo
No no no
Stick to the stuff you know
It is better by far to keep things as they are
Don't mess with the flow no no
Stick to the status stick to the status
Stick to the status quo
对不起I am so sorry.
你不要插进去You do not want to get into that man.
太戏剧化了- Too much drama. - Yeah.
怎么回事?What is going on here?
看看 盖比瑞拉把午餐扣在我身上!Look at this! That Gabriella girl just dumped her lunch on
故意的!是他们破坏音乐剧的计划的一部分On purpose! It's all part of their plan to ruin our
特洛伊和他的人明显在幕后And Troy and his basketball robots are obviously behind it.
你为什么认为他试镜了?Why do you think he auditioned?
在你努力为音乐剧工作后After all the hard work you've put into this show.
这不正确It just doesn't seem right.
- 怎么了? - 怎么了?呃 看看...- What's up? - What's up? Oh let's see...
你错过了自由时间的练习去试镜可恨的音乐剧You missed free-period workout to audition for
a heinous musical.
现在突然间大家都开始自我表白And now suddenly people are confessing.
泽克 泽克做了...奶油布丁Yeah and Zeke. Zeke is baking... creme brulee.
这是什么?What's that?
奶油冻加了焦糖Oh a creamy custard with a caramelized surface.
- 很好吃 - 闭嘴 泽克!- It's really satisfying. - Shut up Zeke!
看...看到发生什么了吗?Look... do you see what's happening here man?
我们的队伍因为你唱歌分裂了Our team is coming apart because of your singing thing.

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就连那些怪人和好学生都Even the drama geeks and the brainiacs suddenly think that they
和我们讲话了...talk to us.
看 滑板的人都混在一起- Look the skater dudes are mingling. - Yo!
突然间 人们都认为他们能做些其他的事了Suddenly people think that they can do other stuff.
不是他们本身的事Stuff that's not their stuff.
你在想演出 就在我们下周有淘汰赛的时候You're thinking about show tunes when we've got a
playoff game next week.
注意!- Ooh! - Heads up!
好了 摊牌吧- All right. Cards on the table right now. - Huh?
我把你的明星们留堂 你吃亏了 现在打平手了You're tweaked because I put your stars in
detention and now you're getting even.
你在说什么 达布丝?What are you talking about Darbus?
你全明星的儿子来我这里试镜Your all-star son turned up at my audition.
现在 我给每个人公平的机会Now I give every student an even chance,
这是剧院里的崇高的传统which is a long and honorable tradition in the theater.
你不懂的Something that you wouldn't understand.
但 他如果在我的圣殿里计划什么捣乱...But if he is planning some sort of practical joke in my
chapel of the arts...
- 特洛伊都不会唱歌 - 噢 你可错了- Troy doesn't even sing. - Oh well you're wrong about
但我不会允许我的闪光镇音乐剧成为闹剧But I will not allow my Twinkle Town musicale to be
made into farce.
- 闪光镇? - 看?我就知道!- Twinkle Town? - See? I knew it!
- 嘿... - 我就知道!- Hey... - I knew it!
好像很适合冬天 祝你好运!Sounds like a winner. Good luck on Broadway!
沙佩真的很生气吗?我说了对不起Is Sharpay really really mad at me? I said I was sorry.
看 从幼儿园开始就没人比沙佩音乐好Look no one has beaten out Sharpay for a musical since
我没要和她比I wasn't trying to beat anyone out.
我们都没有试镜 只是唱了唱We didn't even audition we were just singing.
沙佩不会信的You won't convince Sharpay of that.
如果她能自己一起演罗米欧和朱莉叶 她弟弟都没有机会If that girl could play both Romeo
and Juliet her own brother would be aced out.
我告诉你就这么发生了 但我喜欢I told you it just happened but I liked it.
非常的A lot.
你感到过就好像你心中有另一个人Did you ever feel like there's a whole other person inside
想夺路而出?just looking for a way to come out?
没有Not really. No.
我们走吧Let's go.
嗨 沙佩 我想因为特洛伊 伯顿会在你的演出里...Hey Sharpay I thought since Troy Bolton's

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gonna be in your show...
特洛伊 伯顿不在Troy Bolton is not in my show.
好...我想也许你什么时间可以来看我打球OK um... well I thought maybe you could watch me
play ball sometime.
- 我宁愿把笔插到眼里 - 不会不舒服吗?- I'd rather stick pins in my eyes. - Wouldn't that be
awfully uncomfortable?
消失吧 高个Evaporate tall person!
我做饭!I bake!
如果有帮助的话If that helps.
- 喔!这上面象个个丛林 - 对 就象那个咖啡厅- Wow! It's like a jungle up here. - Yeah just like
that cafeteria.
我刚刚丢尽了脸Well I just humiliated myself into the next century.
- 不!算了 - 这是你的小天地?- No! Come on. - So this is your private hideout?
嗯 感谢科学俱乐部 意思是我的伙伴们不知道这地方Yeah. Thanks to the science club. Which
means my buddies don't know it exists.
你把学校连在了一起 对吗 特洛伊?You pretty much have the school wired don't you Troy?
好像学校里所有人都想和你做朋友Seems to me like everyone on campus wants to be your
除非我们输了Unless we lose.
嗯 我想做教练的儿子不容易Well I'm sure it's tricky being the coach's son.
我想使我更努力训练Makes me practice a little harder I guess.
我不知道他会怎么说唱歌的事I don't know what he'll say about the singing.
- 你担心了? - 我父母的朋友总是说- You worried? - My parents' friends are always saying,
你儿子是打篮球的料 你一定很骄傲
我只想做个普通人 知道吗?I just wanna be a guy. You know?
我昨天看到你对待凯尔丝的态度I saw the way you treated Kelsi at the audition yesterday.
你朋友了解那个人吗?Do your friends know that guy?
他们 我是决策人To them I'm the playmaker dude.
他们不完全了解你 特洛伊They don't know enough about you Troy.
在其他学校我是怪怪的数学女孩At my other schools I was the freaky math girl.
来这里很好...成为我想成为的任何人It's cool coming here and being... anyone I wanna be.
当我和你唱歌的时候 我感觉像...一个女孩When I was singing with you I just felt like... a girl.
你看起来也很象You even look like one too.
记得在幼儿园你遇到个孩子 你什么都不了解Remember in kindergarten how you'd meet a kid
and know nothing about them,
, 秒后 你们就象好朋友一样玩了then ten seconds later you play like you're best friends
因为你只要做自己就好了because you didn't have to be anything but yourself.
- 对 - 和你唱歌就象那样- Yeah. - Singing with you felt like that.
嗯...我从没想过唱歌 确实这样Well uh... I never thought about singing. That's for sure.
直到遇到你Till you.
那么你还想继续试镜?So you really wanna do the callbacks?
嘿 就叫我怪怪的试镜男孩好了Hey just call me freaky callback boy.
你很酷 特洛伊You're a cool guy Troy.

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可不是你朋友们想的那些原因But not for the reasons your friends think.
谢谢带我来这个秘密的小天地And thanks for showing me your top-secret hiding place.
就象幼儿园Like kindergarten.
We're soarin' we're flyin'...
Creating space between us...
There's not a star in heaven that we...
There's not a star in heaven that we...
来 快些!向胸部 来!传球!Let's go guys! Make it sharp! To the chest come on! Pop it!
来 移动!开始!Come on guys. Step with it! Let's go!
来 移动!开始!Come on move it! Let's go!
来!集中!集中精力在比赛!Come on guys focus! Focus! Get your head in the game!
移动!Move it!
- 你看到 特洛伊? - 没有...教练- You seen Troy? - No... Coach.
来 继续!Again let's go!
好了 洗澡去吧。好防守 比赛里见That's it guys. Let's hit the showers. Good hustle. Let's see
that in the game.
我...我想我会呆会儿 练罚篮I uh... think I'm gonna stay a while. Work on some free throws.
因为你错过了训练 我认为你的队伍今天要看你的努力Since you missed practice I think your
team deserves a little effort from you today.
喔 这是你真正的舞台Wow. So this is your real stage.
对 我想你可以这么说Yeah. I guess you could call it that.
或一个有味道的体育馆Or just a smelly gym.
Don't tell me you're good at hoops too.
知道吗 我曾在联赛决赛里得了 分You know I once scored points at a league
championship game.
- 不可能 - 同一天- No way. - Mm-hm. And the same day,
我发明了航天飞机和微波炉爆米花I invented the space shuttle and microwave popcorn.
微波炉爆米花 有意思Oh! Microwave popcorn. Ha-ha. Funny.
- 我在和凯尔丝练习 - 我也是 顺便说- I've been rehearsing with Kelsi. - Me too. And by the
我错过了训练 那么如果我被赶出队 你良心会受谴责I missed practice. So if I get kicked off
the team it'll be on your conscience.
- 嘿 我不是那个告诉你... - 盖比瑞拉 别跑- Hey I wasn't the one who told you... - Gabriella
嗨 这是走步 不 这是严重走步Hey that's traveling. No that's really bad traveling.
小姐!对不起 这是非公开的训练Miss! I'm sorry this is a closed practice.
- 爸爸 训练结束了 - 还有一个队员没走呢- Dad practice is over. - Not till the last player
- 队里的规定 - 对不起- Team rule. - Oh I'm sorry sir.
- 爸爸 这是盖比瑞拉 蒙兹 - 哦 你留堂的伙伴- Dad this is Gabriella Montez. - Ah your
detention buddy.

High School Musical 1
再见 特洛伊I'll see you later Troy.
很高兴见到你 伯顿教练Nice meeting you Coach Bolton.
我也是 蒙兹You as well Miss Montez.
爸爸 留堂是我的错 不是她Dad detention was my fault not hers.
你三年没错过训练。直到她出现...You haven't missed practice in three years. That girl shows
她叫盖比瑞拉 她很好That girl is named Gabriella. She's very nice.
使你错过训练是她不好 至少对我讲Helping you miss practice doesn't make her very nice. Not
in my book.
- 或你的队伍 - 爸爸 不是她的问题- Or your team's. - Dad she's not a problem.
- 她只是个女孩 - 但你不只是个男孩 特洛伊- She's just a girl. - But you're not just a guy
你是队伍的领袖You're the team leader.
你的影响不只对队伍而且是对整个学校What you do affects not only this team but the entire
除非你全心投入 我们下周不会赢And without you completely focused we're not gonna win
next week.
冠军赛 - 不经常有The championship games - they don't come along all the time.
- 这是特别的 - 对 很多事是特别的 爸爸- They're something special. - Yeah a lot of things are
special Dad.
但你是球队领袖....不是歌手 对吗?But you're a playmaker... not a singer right?
你没想过我两个都是吗?Did you ever think maybe I could be both?
- 什么? - 我们走- What? - Let's go.
是什么魔法让那个高智商的女孩What spell has this elevated-IQ temptress girl cast
突然使你想去那音乐剧?that suddenly makes you wanna be in a musical?
看 我做了 谁在乎?Look I just did it. Who cares?
谁在乎?你最忠诚的朋友?Who cares? How about your most loyal best friend?
- 安静 丹福斯 - 是他 福萨小姐 不是我- Quiet in here Mr. Danforth. - It's him Miss Falsaff not
看 你是篮球的料 不是唱歌的Look you're a hoops dude not a musical singer person.
你看过麦克 克莱福德在麦片盒子上吗?Have you seen Michael Crawford on a cereal box?
- 谁是麦克 克莱福德? - 正是我的观点- Who's Michael Crawford? - Exactly my point.
他是百老汇的歌剧幽灵He was the Phantom of the Opera on Broadway.
现在 我妈妈 她看那歌剧 遍Now my mom she's seen that musical times,
而且把麦克 克莱福德的照片放到冰箱里and put Michael Crawford's picture in our refrigerator.
对 不在外面 在里面Yeah not on it in it.
我的观点是 如果你打篮球 你会在麦片盒子上So my point is if you play basketball you're
gonna end up on the cereal box.
如果你做音乐剧 你会在我妈妈的冰箱里If you're in musicals you'll end up in my mom's
为什么在冰箱里?Why in her refrigerator?
她的一个疯狂的减肥计划 我从不想理解女性的看法One of her crazy diet ideas. I won't
attempt to understand the female mind.
那是个外国的领地It's foreign territory.

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你怎么能希望我们集中精力在比赛上 如果你在其他地方How can you expect the rest of us to
be focused on a game if you're off somewhere
唱什么内衣 闪光镇?in leotards singing
没有人说什么内衣No one said anything about leotards.
还没有 但你等等看Not yet my friend but just you wait.
你看 我们需要你 队长 重要时刻Look we need you Captain. Big time.
- 丹福斯 - 我正告诉他 福萨小姐- Mr. Danforth. - I tried to tell him Miss Falsaff.
真累Really tried.
有些事情不对Something isn't right.
- 嗨 我们得谈谈 - 走- Hey look. We need to talk. - Go.
他们一定在想如何确定特洛伊和盖比瑞拉打败我们They must be trying to figure out a way to
make sure Troy and Gabriella beat us out.
这些人控制着大部分学校 但如果他们使特洛伊参加音乐剧The jocks rule most of the school
but if they get Troy into a musical,
他们就控制了所有学生then they've conquered the entire student body.
如果这些好学生使盖比瑞拉搞到一起And if those science girls get Gabriella hooked up with
Troy Bolton,
学术俱乐部就野鸡变凤凰了the scholastic club goes from drool to cool.
莱恩 我需要从他们手中挽救我们的剧 那些连Ryan we need to save our show from people
who don't know the difference
托尼 阿沃德和托尼 何克都分不清的人between a Tony Award and Tony Hawk.
你认为那可行吗?Do you think that'll work?
这是唯一挽救特洛伊和盖比瑞拉的方法It's the only way to save Troy and Gabriella from
- 那我们行动? - 好- So we on? - Yeah.
- 好 我们明天就开始 - 好 首先的是- Good. So we start tomorrow then. - OK the first thing.
- 好 我们行动 - 酷- Nice. Let's go. - Cool.
我时间是 山地标准时间 同步吗?So my watch is Mountain Standard time. We synched?
- 随便 - 那么我们在 午餐行动- Whatever. - Then we're on go mode for lunch .
好 柴德 行动。但我们不是霹雳娇娃 好吗?Yes Chad we're a go. But we're not Charlie's
Angels. OK?
我倒想 行吗?I can dream can't I?
蜘蛛人比尔 纳存 级 .
他是联赛冠军赛的最有价值球员He was the MVP in the league championship game.
萨姆 尼德尔 级 被称为赛米 斯拉码Nedler class of ' Also known as
Slamma Jamma.
队长 联赛冠军赛的最有价值球员Captain MVP of the league championship team.
霹雳手哈泊 哈顿 级The .
领导野猫队连夺两届城市冠军Led the Wildcats to back-to-back city championships.
- 一个传奇 - 对 传奇 所有都是- A legend. - Yes. Legends one and all.
但你认为他们野猫队的传奇能成为传奇是否But do you think that any of these Wildcat
legends became legends
因为参与冠军赛前的音乐剧试镜?by getting involved in musical auditions days before the
league championships?

High School Musical 1
- 集中精力比赛! - 不- Get your head in the game! - No.
这些野猫队传奇能成为传奇These Wildcat legends became legends
因为他们从不想荣誉以外的事because they never took their eye off the prize.
集中精力比赛!Get your head in the game!
谁是第一个二年级就成为首发阵容的??Who was the first sophomore ever to make starting
- 特洛伊! - 谁选他作我们今年的队长的?- Troy! - Who voted him team captain this year?
- 我们! - 谁在周五的比赛会被打倒- Us! - And who is gonna get their butts kicked
如果特洛伊担心试镜?in Friday's championship game if Troy's worried about an audition?
- 我们 - 兄弟们 算了- We are. - Guys come on.
队里有 名队员 不只我There's people on this team not just me.
, ?哦 不Just ? Oh no.
我想你忘了最重要的第 人I think you're forgetting about one very important th member of
our squad.
- 我爸爸 - 对 特洛伊- My dad. - Yes Troy.
野猫队冠军 级Wildcat basketball champion class of .
冠军 父亲 现在是教练Champion father and now coach.
这是与众不同的胜利传统It's a winning tradition like no other.
从猿人到早期的武士 中世纪的骑士From lowly Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon to early warriors
medieval knights.
所有都是All leading up to...
顽固的篮球队员...lunkhead basketball man.
对 我们的传统供奉冒进的Yes our culture worshiped the aggressor throughout the ages
而我们最后结局是笨的、高估的无脑的运动员and we end up with spoiled overpaid bonehead
不会为文明做贡献 除了扣篮和达阵who contribute little to civilization other than slam dunks
and touchdowns.
这是特洛伊 伯顿不可避免的道路That is the inevitable world of Troy Bolton.
但我们所在用头脑的道路But the path of the mind the path we're on,
我们的道路是带给我们这些人 ours is the path that has brought us these people
艾尔纳 罗斯福 福瑞达 克尔 桑托 奥康纳Eleanor Roosevelt Frida Kahlo Sandra Day
姆丹 克瑞 简 固德尔 奥泊 温福尔Madame Curie Jane Goodall Oprah Winfrey
和其他世界名人and so many others who the world reveres.
但 什么是...?凯尔丝在等我练习Uh but what is? I've got Kelsi waiting for me to rehearse.
特洛伊 伯顿代表进化的另一方Troy Bolton represents one side of evolution.
我们这边 是受教育And our side the side of education and accomplishment
是文明的未来!is the future of civilization!
这是你所应该在的一方This is the side where you belong.
兄弟们 如果你们不知道我会投入 % 的努力在比赛里Guys if you don't know that I'll put
a % of my guts into that game,
那么那么就不了解我then you don't know me.
- 但我们只是想... - 我告诉你们我怎么想- But we just thought... - I'll tell you what I thought.

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我想你们是我的朋友 一起赢 一起输 是队友I thought that you're my friends. Win together
lose together teammates.
- 但突然 女孩...唱歌 - 我是球队的!- But suddenly the girl... and the singing. - Man I'm for the
我总是球队的 她只是我遇到的一个人I've always been for the team. She's just someone I met.
好了 唱歌不算什么 只是缓解紧张All right. The singing thing is nothing. Away to keep my
nerves down.
唱歌不算什么 你们是我的兄弟 这是我们的队伍It means nothing to me. You're my guys and
this is our team.
盖比瑞拉不重要Gabriella is not important.
我会忘了她 忘了试镜 我们会得到冠军I'll forget about her. Forget the audition and we'll get
that championship.
都满意了?Everyone happy now?
无赖的篮球运动员Behold lunkhead basketball man.
盖比瑞拉 我们愿意你参加学术竞赛So Gabriella we'd love to have you for the scholastic
你要吃午餐吗?Did you wanna grab some lunch?
嗯 如果你去我们在那里等你Well we'll be there if you wanna come.
- 野猫队! - 集中精力比赛!- Wildcats! - Get your head in the game!
- 我们走! - 野猫队!- Let's go! - Go Wildcats!
Everybody sing out
Wildcats everywhere wave your hands up in the air
That's the way we do it let's get to it. Time to show the world
Wildcats. Sing along. They really got it going on
Wildcats in the house everybody sing out
Wildcats everywhere wave your hands up in the air...
特洛伊 特洛伊 特洛伊...Troy Troy Troy...
当你发现自己It's funny when you find yourself
置身于外 很可笑Looking from the outside
我在这里 但我想在那里I'm standing here but all I want is to be over there
为什么我要自己相信Why did I let myself believe
奇迹会发生?Miracles could happen?
因为我必须假装我不在乎'Cause now I have to pretend that I don't really care
我原以为你是我的童话I thought you were my fairy tale
一个我做的美梦A dream when I'm not sleeping
一个成真的愿望A wish upon a star that's coming true
但任何人都知道But everybody else could tell
我在骗自己That I confused my feelings with the truth
当只有我和你When there was me and you
我发誓我知道你所唱的旋律I swore I knew the melody that I heard you singing
当你微笑的时候使我感到我可以唱And when you smiled you made me feel like I could sing
但然后你离开 食言But then you went and changed the words

High School Musical 1
现在我的心灵空虚Now my heart is empty
我只感到我被利用 当有一首歌的时候I'm only left with used-to-bes and once upon a song
现在我知道你不是个童话Now I know your not a fairy tale
美梦只是在梦中And dreams were meant for sleeping
流星的愿望不会实现And wishes on a star just don't come true
因为我现在知道'Cause now even I can tell
我在骗自己That I confused my feelings with the truth
因为我喜欢那场景'Cause I liked the view
只有我和你When there was me and you
我不能相信我这么无视I can't believe that I could be so blind
就象你浮上去而我在下沉It's like you were floating while I was falling
我不在乎And I didn't mind
因为我喜欢那场景Because I liked the view ooh ooh ooh ooh
我以为你也这么想I thought you felt it too
当只有你和我When there was me and you
嗨 你好吗?Hey how you doin'?
我想和你谈谈I wanna talk to you about something.
就是 我明白这好像是对你的朋友的负担And here it is I know what it's like to carry a load
with your friends.
我明白了 你有你的队伍 特洛伊 好的 我们就这样吧I get it. You've got your boys Troy. It's OK.
So we're good.
就怎么样?我想和你谈谈最后的试镜Good about what? I wanna talk about the final callbacks.
我也不想参加试镜了I don't wanna do the callbacks either.
我们要骗谁?你有你的队伍 我有我Who are we trying to kid? You've got your team and I've
got mine.
我会参加学术竞赛 你赢你的冠军I'll do the scholastic decathlon and you'll win the
那是我们的归宿It's where we belong.
- 野猫队 - 可是我...- Go Wildcats. - But I...
我也不Me neither.
野猫队!Go Wildcats!
嗨 队长!Hey Captain!
- 特洛伊怎么了? - 别担心- What's with Troy? - Don't worry about it.
嗨!Oh hey!
- 特洛伊!嗨 - 嗨 特洛伊!- Troy! Hey. - Hey Troy!
嗨 嗯...Hey um...
我们刚刚开了队会We just had another team meeting.
哦...好Oh... wonderful.
我们开会讨论我们怎么表现得不象一只队伍We had a team meeting about how we haven't
been acting like a team.
我意思我们 不是你I mean us not you.
- 关于唱歌的事... - 不 不想谈这个- About the singing thing... - I don't even wanna talk about

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我们想要你知道我们会在那里We just want you to know that we're gonna be there.
- 为你喝彩 - 呃?- Cheering for you. - Huh?
如果唱歌是你想做的If singing is what you wanna do,
我们应该支持你 不是捣乱we should boost you up not tear you down.
对 无论输赢 我们是队友Yeah. Win or lose we're teammates.
这才是我们 即使你是最差的歌手That's what we're about. Even if you turn out to be the worst
singer in the world.
我们还不清楚这个 因为我们还没听你唱过Which we don't know because we haven't heard
you sing.
你们不会听到我唱了You're not gonna hear me sing guys.
因为 盖比瑞拉不和我讲话了Because Gabriella won't even talk to me...
我不知道为什么...and I don't know why.
我们知道We do.
我今天新做的I baked these fresh today.
你也许在我们告诉你之前想尝尝You'll probably want to try one before we tell you the rest.
盖比瑞拉 我们是混蛋Gabriella we were jerks.
不 我们更坏 因为我们还刻薄No we were worse than jerks because we were mean jerks.
我们以为特洛伊和唱歌的事We thought Troy and the whole singing thing was
会破坏你参加我们学术竞赛的队伍killing our chances of having you on the scholastic
decathlon team.
我听说他所要讲的 我现在参加你们的队伍 好了I heard what he had to say. I'm on your team
now. Done.
不 不对No not done.
我们知道柴德使得特洛伊说那些的We knew that Chad could get Troy to say things
而使你忘掉试镜to make you want to forget about the callbacks.
我们是计划好的 我们很难堪 对不起We planned it and we're embarrassed and sorry.
没人逼特洛伊说那些话。你们知道什么?算了No one forced Troy to say anything. And you
know what? It's OK.
我们应该准备比赛 是该忘掉的时候了We should prepare for the decathlon it's time to move
不No it's not OK.
竞赛不算什么 但你怎么看我们 而且 特洛伊 -The decathlon is whatever but how you feel
about us and even more Troy -
很重要that's what really matters.
我们努力了We tried.
嗨...我来讲对不起Hi uh... Just came to say I'm sorry.
- 嗨 蒙兹小姐 我是特洛伊 伯顿 - 哦 特洛伊!- Hi Miss Montez I'm Troy Bolton. - Oh Troy!
Um... Gabriella is kind of busy with homework so now's not a good time.
嗯...盖比瑞拉在忙作业 所以现在不行No.
我犯了错误 蒙兹小姐 我现在真的想要盖比瑞拉知道这些I made a mistake Miss Montez and
I would really like to let Gabriella know that.
- 您能转告她我来过吗? - 我会的...特洛伊- Could you tell her I came by to see her? - I will...
- 晚安 - 晚安 谢谢- Good night. - Good night. Thank you.

High School Musical 1
- 喂? - 你听到的 都不是真的- Hello? - What you heard none of that is true.
我被我的朋友烦透了 所以我讲那些使他们停嘴I was sick of my friends riding me so I said
things to shut them up.
我的意思不是那样的I didn't mean any of it.
我听起来很相信的You sounded pretty convincing to me.
你假期遇到的是比讲蠢话的更真实的我The guy you met on vacation is more me than the guy
who said those stupid things.
这唱歌的事使学校混乱了The whole singing thing is making the school whack.
你那么讲自己 所有人都因此对你不同了You said so yourself. Everyone's treating you
differently because of it.
也许因为我不想仅仅打篮球Maybe because I don't wanna only be the basketball guy.
他们不能理解。不是我的问题 是他们的They can't handle it. That's not my problem. It's theirs.
- 你爸爸呢? - 这不是我爸爸的问题- How about your dad? - And it's not about my dad.
这是我的感觉 我没有放弃球队This is about how I feel. And I'm not letting the team down.
他们抛弃我They let me down.
所以我要唱歌。你呢?So I'm gonna sing. What about you?
- 我不知道 特洛伊 - 嗯 你应该说要- I don't know Troy. - Well. You need to say yes.
因为我给你带来了东西Because I brought you something.
你什么意思?What do you mean?
转过身来Turn around.
这可能是崭新的开始This could be the start of something new
和你在一起感觉美妙It feels so right to be here with you
看看我的眼睛And now lookin' in your eyes
我感觉到内心深处I feel in my heart
一段崭新的The start of something...
对唱的剧本It's a pairs audition.
那么做 你就会得两分Zn and by doing that you end up with two...
又两分 明白吗?...and two. Got it?
怎么了?What's happening?
来 放 克这个Come here. Go ahead and put five grams of this in,
会使它成为酸性态and that causes it to change from an acidic state.
使颜色从粉红变兰Causing the color to change from pink to blue.
就象酸碱试纸Just like those pH strips.
哦 该走了。再见Oh gotta go. See you guys later!
你晚了!You're late!
...strength to believe
We're soarin'

High School Musical 1
There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach
Bop bop bop...
(Troy) If we're tryin'
(both) Yeah we're breakin' free
Wow. They sound good.
喔 他们唱得不错(gasps)
Like a wave the ocean just...
我们得有所行动We have to do something.
好 我们的试镜是周四OK our callback is on Thursday
篮球赛和学术竞赛是周五and the basketball game and scholastic decathlon are on Friday.
太遗憾了 它们不在同一天...Too bad all these events weren't happening on the same day...
同一时间...at the same time.
那不会发生 因为那时特洛伊和盖比瑞拉不能到...That wouldn't work out because then Troy
and Gabriella wouldn't be able to make...
我真自豪叫你姐姐I'm proud to call you my sister.
我知道I know.
我再也不想听到特洛伊和那蒙兹了(Darbus) I don't want to hear any more about Troy and that
Montez girl.
所以 如果你作为细菌俱乐部的联合主席改变试镜的时间So if you're telling me as
co-presidents of the drama club that changing the callbacks
对我们的节目很有好处 我会非常同意would be what's best for our theater program I might
actually agree with you.
那是同意吗?Is that a yes?
Bop bop bop up to the top
And wipe away your inhibitions
Stomp stomp stomp do the romp and strut your stuff
Bop bop bop straight to the top...
没问题。太疯狂了(Chad) No problem at all. It was crazy man.
试镜和比赛在同一时间?Callbacks the same time as the game?
- 还有学术竞赛 - 他们为什么这么做?- And the scholastic decathlon. - Why would they do
- 我闻到了达布丝这老鼠的味道 - 我想到两只老鼠 都不是达布丝- I smell a rat named
Darbus. - I think two rats neither named Darbus.
你知道怎么回事吗 小个?Do you know something about this small person?
达布丝小姐认为这会保护音乐剧Miss Darbus thinks she's protecting the show,
但莱恩和沙佩只想保护他们自己but Ryan and Sharpay are only concerned with protecting
你知道我要怎么对付这两只戏剧狗吗?Do you know what I'll do to those two show dogs?
什么都不 我们不会对他们怎样Nothing. We're not gonna do anything to them.
除了唱歌 也许Except to sing maybe.
现在唯一要做的就是我们一起行动Now this is only gonna happen if we all work together.
- 谁参加? - 你知道算上我- Now who's in? - You know I'm in.
(classroom chatter)

High School Musical 1
- 一个派蛋糕- A pi pie. - (gasps)
- 哦 上帝! - 哦 上帝!- Oh my goodness! - Oh my gosh!
什么?谢谢!What? Thank you!
- 喔 我们也有东西给你们 - 对 来 看- Oh we have something for you too. - Yeah come here
Oh... it's an equation.
啊...算式(both) Ta- da!
太差了!That's awful!
待在那里 看Stay right there. Watch.
我们队伍送给你们的From our team to yours.
向 - 前 - 进 - 舞 - 台 - 戏 - 剧- 俱- 乐- 部G-o d-r-a-m-a c-l-u-b.
感叹号Exclamation point.
嗯 好像野猫队下午会有趣Well seems we Wildcats are in for an interesting afternoon.
向 - 前 - ...G-o-d... dra... Go dra... Go dray...
喔!- Ugh! - Drame?
(bell ringing. Students yelling)
(rhythmic clapping)
你怎么样?How you feeling?
- 紧张 - 嗯 我也是- Nervous. - Yeah me too.
- 真希望我能和你一起上场 - 嘿 你有你的角色- Wish I could suit up and play with you. - Hey
you had your turn.
知道我今天想从你那里得到什么吗?You know what I want from you today?
- 冠军 - 嗯 也许不会有- The championship. - Well that'll come or it won't.
我想要的是你能体会乐趣What I want is for you to have fun.
我知道那些压力 也许是我给你的太多了I know all about the pressure. Probably too much of it
has come from me.
我真正想要的是看到我的儿子在他的生命中体会What I really want is to see my son having
the time of his life
进行我们都喜欢的运动playing the game we both love.
你给我这个 不管比分如何 我都会笑着睡着的You give me that and I will sleep with a smile on
my face no matter what the score.
谢谢 教练...Thanks Coach... uh...
(cheering. Drummers drumming)
欢迎来到的 届学术竞赛(announcer) Welcome to the tenth annual Scholastic Decathlon.
东部高中野猫队对西部高中骑士队The East High Wildcats versus the West High Knights.
嗨 这边Hello! Right here right here.
(vocal gibberish)
- Mah mah mah! - Mah mah mah!
- Eeh! Eeh! - Ow! Ow!
- 我信任你们 - 力量- I trust you. - Energy.

High School Musical 1
- 来吧 我们来- (all) Whoo! - Come on let's do it.
现在是东部高中野猫队!(announcer) And now introducing your East High Wildcats!
我们来!Let's go! Go!
... 冠军赛将在东部高中和西部高中!...for this championship game between East High and
West High!
做剧中的主角是挑战 更是责任Casting the leads of a show is both a challenge and a
快乐和负担A joy and a burden.
我希望你们其他年轻的艺术家一道I commend you and all other young artists to hold out
为了月亮 太阳和星星for the moon the sun and the stars.
我们要一起高飞吗?Shall we soar together?
沙佩和莱恩!Sharpay and Ryan!
Mucho gusto!
Ay. Que fabulosa!
(trills tongue) Ay! Ay! Ay!
- Arriba! - Quien es bailar?
Me la me
I believe in dreamin' shootin' for the stars
Baby to be number one you've got to raise the bar
Kickin' and a scratchin' grindin' out my best
Anything it takes to climb the ladder of success
(both) Work our tails off every day
Gotta bump the competition blow them all away
- Caliente! - Suave!
Yeah we're gonna
Bop bop bop bop to the top
Slip and slide and ride that rhythm
Jump and hop hop till we drop
And start again
Zip zap zop pop like a mop
Scoot around the corner
Move it to the groove till the music stops
Do the bop bop bop to the top
Don't ever stop bop to the top
Gimme gimme shimmy shimmy
...冠军奖杯!(announcer)... the coveted championship trophy!
(cheerleaders cheering in background)
(blows whistle)
东部高中抢到了开球 开始进攻East High wins the opening tip. Pushing the ball up the court.
东部高中(man) East High.
我们成功了!We did it!
很好!Great job!

High School Musical 1
Shake some booty and turn around
Flash a smile in their direction
Show some muscle
Do the Hustle
好 野猫队 到离开体育馆的时间了All right Wildcats time for an orderly exit from the gym.
西部高中在三分线运球And West High pushes the ball around the perimeter on the offensive
西部高中控球很好Nice ball movement by West High.
突破...Driving the lane...
投篮...shot is up and...
(buzzer sounds)
我们有技术故障We seem to be experiencing some technical difficulties.
我们现在暂停We've got a timeout on the court here.
我们出了问题 暂停比赛We have a problem. Stop the game. Stop the game.
裁判表示暂停Referee has signaled timeout.
大家保持冷静Everyone please remain calm.
走Go go go go.
我们会很快解决。与此同时 按安全规定We'll get this figured out real soon. In the meantime
per safety regulations,
我们需要大家顺序离开体育馆we need to all make an orderly exit from the gym please.
谢谢Thank you.
(both) Yeah. We're gonna bop. Bop. Bop
- Bop to the top - Wipe away your inhibitions
Stump stump stump do the romp
And strut your stuff
Bop bop bop straight to the top
Going for the glory
We'll keep stepping up and we just won't stop stop
Till we reach the top
Bop to the top
嗨!打电话Oh hi! Call me.
看到我们为什么热爱剧院了吗?很好!Do you see why we love the theater people? Well done!
喔 特洛伊 伯顿 盖比瑞拉 蒙兹Ah Troy Bolton Gabriella Montez.
特洛伊?盖比瑞拉?Troy? Gabriella?
- 他们就来了 - 剧院 就象我经常指出的- They'll be here. - The theater as I have often pointed
谁也不等 对不起waits for no one. I'm sorry.
好 我们结束了Well we are done here.
祝贺大家 名单会公布Congratulations to all. The cast list will be posted.
等等!达布丝小姐 等等!Wait! Miss Darbus wait!
- 我们准备好了 我们可以唱了 - 我叫过你们两次了- We're ready we can sing. - I called your

High School Musical 1
names twice.
- 达布丝小姐 求求你! - 规定就是规定!- Miss Darbus please! Please! - Rules are rules!
(students murmur)
我们愿意再给他们表演一次We'll be happy to do it again for our fellow students.
我不知道怎么回事 但是I don't know what's going on here but in any event,
太晚了 我们没有钢琴师了it's far too late and we have not got a pianist.
- 嗯 演出界 - 我们不用钢琴唱- Well that's show biz. - We'll sing without a piano.
哦 不 你们不可以 钢琴师在这里 达布丝小姐Oh no you won't. Pianist here Miss Darbus.
- 你不想这么做 - 噢 我想- You really don't wanna do that. - Oh yes I really do.
准备演出Ready on stage.
现在是戏剧化Now that's show biz.
(Kelsi plays intro)
我不行 特洛伊 大家都在看我I can't do it Troy not with all these people staring at me.
嘿 看着我 就我Hey hey look at me right at me.
就看着我。就好像我们第一次那样 记得吗?Right at me. Like the first time we sang together.
好像幼儿园一样Like kindergarten.
We're soarin' flyin'
There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach
If we're trying so we're breaking free
You know the world can see us
In a way that's different than who we are
Creating space between us till we're separate hearts
But your faith it gives me strength strength to believe
- We're breakin' free - We're soarin'
There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach
If we're tryin'
Yeah we're breakin' free
- Oh we're breakin' free - Oh
Can you feel it building
Like a wave the ocean just can't control
Connected by a feeling Ooh in our very soul
Very soul ooh
Rising till it lifts us up so everyone can see
We're breakin' free
- We're soarin' - Flyin'
There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach
- If we're trying - Yeah we're breaking free
- Oh we're breakin' free - Ooh!
- Runnin' - Climbin'
To get to that place to be all that we can be
Now's the time
So we're breaking free

High School Musical 1
- We're breaking free - Ooh yeah
More than hope more than faith This is true this is fate
And together we see it comin'
More than you more than me Not a want but a need
Both of us breakin' free
- Soarin' - Flyin'
There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach
If we're tryin'
Yeah we're breaking free
Breaking free
- We're runnin' - Ooh climbin'
To get to the place to be all that we can be
- Now's the time - Now's the time
We're breaking free Oh we're breaking free
You know the world can see us
In a way that's different than who we are
(applause and cheering)
- 太棒了! - 太棒了!- (boy) That's amazing! - (girl) Amazing yeah!
西部高中传球(announcer) And West High pushin' the ball.
快攻 找空档Fast break. Looking for an open man.
哦 号从另一方向断球!Oh. But it's stolen by number heading back the other way!
东部高中得到球!时间在走!East High has the ball! Time is running down on the clock!
找空档Looking for an open man.
假动作。传到外线。在三分线Fake. Swing to the outside. Ball on the perimeter.
回到内线。好配合Looks for a man on the inside. Nice screen.
投篮!进了!Shot's up! And it's good!
, 码跳投 在最后赢得胜利!A -foot jump shot as time expires for the victory!
东部高中得到冠军! 你们的东部高中野猫队是冠军!East High has won the championship!
Your East High Wildcats are champions!
祝贺你们 东部高中!Congratulations. East High!
特洛伊!特洛伊!特洛伊!(crowd chants) Troy! Troy! Troy!
- 祝贺你 - 谢谢- Congratulations. - Thanks.
过来!Coming through! Coming through! Coming through!
- 什么队? - 野猫队!- (player) What team? - (all) Wildcats!
- 什么队? - 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats!
- 什么队? - 野猫队!- What team? - Wildcats!
- 野猫队! - 来比赛!- Wildcats! - Get your head in the game!
Oh yeah bro!
- 我为你自豪 儿子! - 谢谢 爸爸!- I'm proud of you son! - Aw thanks Dad!
- Bravo! - Brava!
- 特洛伊 你真行! - 不 是你!- (boy) Troy you're the man! - No you!
- 祝贺你 野猫队! - 你们队呢?- Congratulations Wildcat! - What about your team?

High School Musical 1
我们也赢了!We won too!
嘿!我们投票给你这个比赛用球 队长!Yo! Team voted you the game ball Captain!
谢谢 太谢谢了Yeah thank you. Thanks a lot.
那么...你会和我去庆祝派对 对吗?So... you're going with me to the after-party right?
- 约会? - 你的幸运日- Like on a date? - Must be your lucky day.
柴德刚刚约我了Chad just asked me out.
祝贺你Well congratulations.
我会继续准备 如果你不能演出I'll be the understudy in case you can't make a show so...
比如断了腿...break a leg.
在剧院里 意思就是祝你好运In theater that means good luck.
嗨 沙佩 很遗憾你没主演 但我认为你很棒Hey Sharpay. I'm sorry you didn't get the lead but I
think you're really good.
- 我十分敬佩你 - 为什么不?再见- I admire you so much. - And why wouldn't you? Now
等等 我为你做了些点心- Wait. I baked you some cookies. - Ew.
- 精彩比赛 - 谢谢- Nice game. - Thanks.
作曲人 这是我们的比赛球 你应当得的 决策人Composer here's your game ball. You deserve
it playmaker.
- (all cheer) - Yeah!
哦 这才是我说的Whoo that's what I'm talkin' about.
我们开始!Here we go!
Together together together everyone
Together together come on let's have some fun
Together were there for each other every time
Together together come on let's do this right
Here and now it's time for celebration
I finally figured out
Yeah yeah
That all our dreams have no limitations
- That's what it's all about - Come on now
Everyone is special in their own way
- We make each other strong - (both) Each other strong
Were not the same we're different in a good way
Together's where we belong
We're all in this together
Once we know that we are we're all stars and we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows when we stand hand in hand
Make our dreams come true
Everybody now
Together together together everyone
Together together come on let's have some fun
Together we're there for each other every time
Together together come on let's do this right

High School Musical 1
We're all here and speaking out with one voice
We're gonna rock the house yeah yeah
The party's on now everybody make some noise
Come on scream and shout
We've arrived because we stuck together
Champions one and all
We're all in this together
Once we know that we are we're all stars
And we see that we're all in this together
And it shows when we stand hand in hand
Make our dreams come
We're all in this together
When we reach we can fly know inside
We can make it
We're all in his together
Once we see there's a chance that we have and we take it
Wildcats sing along
Yeah you really got it goin' on
Wildcats in the house
Everybody say it now
Wildcats everywhere wave your hands up in the air
That's the way we do it let's get to it
Time to show the world
Hey! Ho! All right here we go!
We're all in this together
Once we know that we are we're all stars and we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows when we stand hand in hand
Make our dreams come true
We're all in this together
When we reach we can fly know inside we can make it
We're all in this together
Once we see there's a chance that we have and we take it
Wildcats everywhere wave your hands up in the air
That's the way we do it let's get to it
Come on everyone!
- Yeah! - (giggles)
Yeah! Go.
(boy) Whoo.
Wildcats sing along

High School Musical 1
They really got it goin' on
Wildcats in the house
Everybody sing out
Wildcats everywhere wave your hands up in the air
That's the way we do it let's get to it
Time to show the world
Wildcats sing along
Yeah you really got it goin' on
Wildcats in the house
Everybody say it now
Wildcats everywhere wave your hands up in the air
That's the way we do it let's get to it
Time to show...
这些点心太好吃了!These cookies are genius!
我吃过最好吃的东西!The best things I've ever tasted!
你还会为我做吗 泽克?Will you make some more for me Zeke?
我也许还会为你做奶油布丁I might even make you a creme brulee.








