
2020年08月05日 04:51


1、把习语“巧妇难为无米之炊”译成英语时译为“even the cleverest housewife can't make
bread without flour”说明翻译会受到()的影响。

A. 地理文化
B. 历史典故
C. 宗教文化
D. 价值观念

A. 谋事在人 成事在天 和 Man proposes, God disposes
B. 嫁鸡随鸡 嫁狗随狗 和 When a rooster crows at break of day, all his hen
folk must obey.
C. 害群之马 和 black sheep
D. 挥金如土 和 spend money like water
原文: 医师叫他滴酒不要沾。

A. The doctor told him to keep off wine.
B. The doctor told him to keep off spirits.
C. The doctor told him to keep off beer.
D. The doctor told him to keep off alcohol.

A. Family life makes me feel happy.
B. Family life is a source of happiness to me.
C. Family life makes me happy.
D. Family life makes me be happy.

A. third industry
B. the third industry
C. tertiary industries
D. tertiary industry


A. international big city
B. international city
C. big international city
D. cosmopolis

A. university
B. institute
C. academy
D. school

A. 副经理 vice manager
B. 副教授associate professor

C. 副校长 vice president
D. 副书记 deputy secretary
It is officially announced that National People's Congress is to be held next

A. 它在办公室里宣布,全国人民代表大会下月召开。
B. 人们正式宣布,全国人民代表大会下月召开。
C. 办公室宣布,全国人民代表大会下月召开。
D. 官方宣布,全国人民代表大会将于下月召开。
10、仔细观察下列句子的它的 译文,然后说出译文中对单词“forgiver”的处理中采用了什
原文:Talking with his daughter, the old man was the forgiver of the girl’s
past wrong doings.

A. 引申
B. 转译法
C. 化抽象为具体

D. 增词法
A view of Mt. Fuji can be obtained from here. 从这里可以看到富士山。
他的新书十分成功。His new book is a great success.
Students admire her for her wide range of knowledge. 学生很羡慕她的博学。
It is unwise of you to be jealous of others and to speak evil of others. 你不该嫉妒人,说人家的坏
Miss Zhang's beauty is the envy of a lot of women. 不少女人嫉妒张小姐的美貌。
Liu Shuai is cool and wears whiskers. 刘帅很酷,留着络腮胡。
They should draw a lesson here:Don't neglect safe driving. 他们应该从这里吸取一条教训:不要
It was nice and cool under the shade of a tree. 树荫底下凉凉爽爽。
We have to pay in dribs and drabs. 我们不得不零零星星的偿付。
We wish you a safe and sound journey. 祝你一路平平安安。

研究生教育研讨会将于2009年8月25-27日在中国北京的北京理工大学举行。8 月25
将主办这 次具有特殊意义的会议,并盼望与会者到北京理工大学参加此次会议。
A Graduate Education Workshop is to be held at Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing, China on Aug. 25—27, 2009. Registration and reception will begin on the
evening of Thursday, August 25
. Friday, August 26
will feature a keynote speech,
paper sessions, and an evening banquet. All of Saturday, August 27
will consists of
more paper sessions, with a closing workshop in the evening. The Graduate School of
BIT is hosting this unique workshop and looks forward to welcoming participants to
Beijing Institute of Technology.

我没有注意到这个错误。I failed to spot the mistake.
2000 年奥运会将在悉尼举行。
The 2000 Olympic Game will be held in Sydney

1980年中国成功地发射了第一枚洲际导弹。1980 saw the successful launching of China’s first
intercontinental guided missile.
A rabbit dashed over. It ran into a tree trunk, broke its neck and died on the spot.
上海将建成经济、金融、贸易中心。Shanghai will become an economic, financial and trade center.
They were determined to carry out their plan no matter what obstacles they would have to face.
武汉位于长江和汉水汇合处。 Wuhan lies where the Yangtze and the Han River meet.
Microsoft Windows system provides us users with easy-to –use word-processing program.
90 percent of directors votes to accept the proposal to appoint Steve to be
general manager.

Professor Wang was making his jubilant way through the school grounds, with a brand-new chair
held in both hands.

海洋覆 盖了地球表面的71%,是全球生命支持系统的一个基本组成部分,也是资源的宝库,
环境的重要调节器 。人类社会的发展必然会越来越多地依赖海洋。
即将到来的二十一世纪是人类开发利用海洋的新世纪。 维护《联合国海洋法公约》确定的国
际海洋法律原则,维护海洋健康,保护海洋环境,确保海洋资源的可 持续利用和海上安全,
中国是一个发展中的沿 海大国。中国高度重视海洋的开发和保护,把发展海洋事业作为国家
发展战略,加强海洋综合管理,不断 完善海洋法律制度,积极发展海洋科学技术和教育。中
国积极参与联合国系统的海洋事务,推进国家间和 地区性海洋领域的合作,并认真履行自己
The Development of China's Marine Programs
The ocean, which covers 71 per cent of the earth's surface, is a basic
component of the global bio-support system. It is also a treasure house of
resources and an important regulator of the environment. It is inevitable
that the development of human society will come to depend more and
more on the ocean.
In the coming 21st century mankind will have new opportunities to
develop and utilize the ocean. Upholding the principles of the
international marine law as defined by the United Nations Convention on
the Law of the Sea, maintaining the wholesomeness of the oceans,
protecting the marine environment and guaranteeing the sustainable
utilization of marine resources and maritime safety have become common
norms for all the people in the world to abide by, and a collective mission
for all mankind to undertake.

As a major developing country with a long coastline, China attaches great
importance to marine development and protection, and takes it as the
state's development strategy. It is constantly strengthening comprehensive
marine management, steadily improving its marine-related laws, and
actively developing science, technology and education pertaining to the
oceans. China has made positive contributions to international ocean
development and protection by participating positively in UN marine
affairs, promoting co- operation between countries and regions and
conscientiously carrying out its obligations in this field.
The year 1998 has been designated by the United Nations as International
Ocean Year, and on this occasion the Chinese Government would like to
introduce the progress of China's work in this particular field to the

天坛是明、清两代皇帝“祭天祁谷”的地方, 建于1420年,占地面积273公顷。主要建筑
祈年殿建于14 20年,1545年改建为一座镏金宝顶的三重檐园殿,1890年重修,1971年又
进行了修整。祈 年殿是皇帝祈谷的地方,殿高38米(包括6米高石座),直径30米,砖木
寰丘建于1530年,是皇 帝冬至祭天和夏季祈雨的地方。寰丘是镶有汉白玉栏杆的三层石台,
站在台面中心说话,声音显得格外宏 亮。
The temple of Heaven
the temple of Heaven, built in 1420 and covering an area of 273 hectares,
was the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
worshiped heaven and prayed for good harvest. It mainly consists of the
Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest, the Circular Mound Altar and the
Imperial Vault of Heaven.
The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest, originally built in 1420, was turned
into a cone-shaped structure with triple eaves and a gilded ball on the top
in 1545. Burnt down in a thunderstorm, it was rebuilt in 1890, and
repaired in 1971. Used as a place for the emperor to pray for good harvest,
the hall, 38 meters high (including 6 meters of stone terrace)and 30
meters in diameter, is built of wood and brick, with no beam in the centre.
Built in 1530, the Imperial Vault of Heaven contains the famous Echo
Wall and the Triple Sound Stones.
The Circular Mound Altar, also built in 1530, was a place for the
emperors to worship heaven on the winter solstice and to pray for rain in
summer. It is a 3-layer stone terrace decorated with white marble railings.

speaking in the middle of the altar, one's voice will sound particularly
loud and clear.







