
2020年08月05日 05:15



今年是2019年,是新中国成立70周年,曾经 被西方列强侵
飞速发展,被各国 敬仰。
This year is 2019, the 70th anniversary of the founding of New
China. China, once invaded and encroached on by Western powers,
was forced to sign unequal treaties and looked down upon by all
countries, is developing rapidly and respected by all countries.
我看新 闻,知道了嫦娥奔月、世界最大的射电望远镜、量子
卫星、港珠澳大桥、深海探测器、国产航母等等,我 为此感慨,
不代表国家的日益强 大和我们生活的日新月异吗?
I read the news and learned about Chang'e's flying to the moon,
the world's largest radio telescope, quantum satellite, Hong
Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, deep-sea detectors, domestic aircraft
carriers and so on. For this reason, I lament that China, which could
not even build satellites before, has risen. Doesn't this great change
of vicissitudes represent the growing strength of the country and the
day we live in? Is it changing?

Through books and news, I know the rapid development of the
motherland, know that the motherland has created a happy life and a
good learning environment for us, I am proud of having such a
我在《学生新报》中读了一些有关爱国的作文 ,我非常感动,
慧和汗水才有了 今天的生活。我仰望天空,发现小鸟的上空有一
I read some patriotic writings in Student Newspaper. I am very
touched that our motherland has changed from weak to strong. It is
the blood and sacrifice of millions of revolutionary martyrs who
have made today's life through wisdom and sweat. I looked up at
the sky and saw a jet airplane above the bird. I smiled.
我还看过一本林海 英写的《城南旧事》,那时的生活环境也很
不好,但人们却有志向,而这本书给我了莫大的启示,让我明 白
我们将和祖国同呼吸、共命运 ,追随着祖国的发展而成长。
I also read a Book “Old Stories of the South” written by Lin
Haiying. At that time, the living environment was not good, but

people had aspirations, and this book gave me great inspiration, let
me understand the indifference of the society and the needs of
national development at that time. As children and adolescents in the
new century, we will breathe and share our destiny with our
motherland and grow up with the development of our motherland.
记得我上次回老家时,发现大道上的坑坑洼洼都不见了,以< br>前坐车在这条路上跌跌撞撞、摇摇晃晃的感觉没有了,从前泥泞
的小路变成了现在宽阔的大路,地 面平得像一面镜子,汽车开得
上 了太阳能路灯,家家户户电气一应俱全;亲人们拿着智能手机,
有的在打电话、有的在发微信,有的在照 相。我对家乡人民的幸
发展真快 呀”!
I remember when I returned to my hometown last time, I found
that the pits and holes on the main road had disappeared. The feeling
of bumping and shaking on the road had disappeared. The muddy
road had turned into the broad road now. The ground was flat as a
mirror, and the car was driving as fast as a gust of wind. When I
returned home, I found that many small foreign buildings were built
in the village, and solar street lamps were installed. Every household
had all kinds of electric appliances. Families were holding
smartphones, some were making phone calls, some were sending

letters, and some were taking pictures. I am very happy about the
happy life of the people in my hometown. I have a patriotic heart. I
marvel: “Our country is developing very fast!”
我想我们应该珍惜现在的生活,因为这 来之不易。我们应该
I think we should cherish the present life, because it is hard to
come by. We should study hard, make progress every day, express
our love and wishes for our motherland, and strive to be a good
teenager together.
祖国的繁荣,才有我们 的幸福生活。啊!新中国70周年,你
是我们学习的榜样,也体现了那句话:”少年智,则国智;少年< br>富则国富;少年强,则国强;少年独立,则国独立;少年自由,
则国自由;少年进步,则国进步; 少年胜于欧洲,则国胜于欧洲;
Only the prosperity of our motherland can we have a happy life.
Ah! On the 70th anniversary of New China, you are an example for
us to learn, which also embodies the sentence: “Young wisdom
means national wisdom; rich youth means national wealth; strong
youth means national strength; independent youth means national
independence; free youth means national freedom; progress of
young people means national progress; young people are superior to

Europe, then the country is superior to Europe; young people are
superior to the earth; The country is strong on the earth.
大了,伟大的祖国妈妈笑了,我们也笑了,我 觉得这种感悟颇耐
When the bright five-star red flag is rising, I feel that the People'
s Republic of China is stronger, the great motherland mother laughed,
and we laughed. I think this feeling is quite interesting.
70 周年以来祖国的沧桑巨变,是伟大的中国共产党带领全国
人民通过革命斗争,流血牺牲,走了一条适合中 国国情的社会主
后也一定要为祖 国的发展做贡献,而现在要做的不就是努力学习
吗?这样,才能获取更多知识,才能为祖国的发展作出更 大的贡
The great changes of the motherland since the 70th anniversary
have been achieved by the great Communist Party of China leading
the people of the whole country through revolutionary struggle,
bloodshed and sacrifice, taking a socialist road suited to China's
national conditions, and through reform and opening-up and hard
work. I think: “When I grow up, I must also contribute to the
development of the motherland, and now what I want to do is not to
study hard? Only in this way can we acquire more knowledge and

make greater contributions to the development of our motherland.
啊!祖国,您是我们成长的 摇篮,您哺育着我们,使我们在
人拾柴火焰高,您一定会日益强大,我们 永远爱您!
Ah! Motherland, you are the cradle of our growth, you nurture us,
so that we can grow healthily and happily in a peaceful and tranquil
environment. I hope that your greatness will continue to be passed
on, let's protect our motherland and love her together. I believe that
you will become stronger and stronger as people gather firewood,
and we will love you forever! __________







