
2020年08月05日 05:20


未能妥善解决 银行风险问题。长期以来,这一问题也困扰着我国,成为威胁我国
国民经济持续、健康发展的重大隐患。 几年来国家采取了一系列必要措施:从
1994至1995年给银行业立法,1996年后加强金融审慎 性监管,1998年为四大
银行补充2700亿元资本金,1999年成立资产管理公司并剥离五大行的 1.4万亿
均 没有触及体制不合理这个根本问题,因而无法从根本上控制银行风险增量,提
后外资金融机构进入所带 来的竞争和挑战,本届政府下决心彻底改革国有银行的
体制,去年末央行动用外汇储备向中国银行、中国 建设银行注资450亿美元,充
实其资本金,使之达到《巴塞尔协议》规定的8%的资本充足率,推动国 有银行
国银行风 险的特点、特殊的制度成因,股份制改革和公司治理结构建立这些被称
为治本措施的一系列政策问题,具 有重要的理论和现实意义。
的流动性风险虽 未显现(暂时被居民的高储蓄率所掩盖),但潜在的支付困难因
素日益增多;财务风险主要表现在国有商 业银行资本金严重不足和经营利润虚盈
实亏两方面;此外我国银行还存在着较为严重的利率汇率风险、市 场风险、犯罪
风险。我国银行风险具有集中性、隐蔽性和社会性的特点。 所谓集中性是指由
要指我国银行经营不善一 般不会导致其破产倒闭,往往表现为中央银行增加基础
货币投放,引发高通货膨胀,由社会民众承担;社 会性是指银行风险引发银行危
险又是如何生成和累积的呢? 本文第二章试图回答这些问题。中国处于计划经济
向市场经济的过渡阶段,这给政府执行稳定的经济调控 政策留下了很大的空间,
维持我国未爆发 银行危机的五大政策支柱都面临着冲击,因此探究中国银行风险

场制度性 风险的生成因素,主要有以下几个方面:转轨中的社会经济体制尚未走
出计划经济体制的阴影;国有产权 制度无法适应市场经济发展的需要;金融市场
不发达,资本市场的融资比例偏低;金融市场的法律法规建 设很不完善,金融监
中国银行风险主要表现为制度性风险,根源在于银行的法人 治理结构不完
行 目前存在的问题,必须从产权改革入手,实行国有银行的股份制改造,核心在
于加快深化内部改革,建立 良好的治理结构,转换经营机制,治本之策在于治理
结构。文章提出了改革国有银行治理结构的思路:明 确国有产权出资人,形成二
级法人体制,建立公司化组织结构,分离所有者的监督权和经理人的经营管理 权,
商业银行公 司治理结构的政策建议等问题。同时强调借鉴西方发达国家银行实行
的以风险为核心的绩效考核机制,加 强银行内部控制,建立、完善信贷资产风险
本文第四章提出应建立外部配套措施, 为银行的良性发展创造良好的环境。
首先,一个具有竞争性的银行体系是银行长期保持效率和稳健性的基 础。而目前
营绩 效,必须引入市场和竞争机制,实现产权的流动,同时必须打破国有银行对
中国银行业的垄断地位,建立 一个充分竞争的金融市场结构。其次,强调增强中
国人民银行的独立性,利用银监会加强对商业银行的金 融监管;同时评价了于
2004年4月25日开始实施的差额存款准备金制度,这是依据中国金融体制现 状
便规避较大经 营风险;分业经营和分业管理制度的安排,发挥其防范金融风险的
“防火墙”作用;建立宏观金融风险监 控、预警系统,及时处置金融风险,防止风

China's Commercial Banks Accounting Risk Causes

and Countermeasures
Historical materials show : Led many countries to the 20th century, has erupted since the
banking crisis is mainly due to failure to properly resolve the banking risks. China has been
puzzled by this problem all along, which becomes a great hidden danger threatening economy to
develop healthily . Chinese government had taken a series of measures over the past several years:
Legislation for the banking in 1994, strengthening financial scrupulous supervision after 1996,
supplementing capital of 270 billion yuan for four major state-owned banks in 1998, establishing
assets management company and stripping non-performing assets of 14 thousand billion Yuan in
1999, etc. But all these measures have not touched the unreasonable system foundation of the
banking system , therefore unable to control the risk increment fundamentally and improve
performance .
At present, the hidden risks have been exposed . In face of competition and challenge brought
by foreign financial institutions after entering the WTO in 2006, Government's determination to
thoroughly reform the current system of state-owned banks, foreign exchange reserves to the
central bank late last year, the Bank of China, China Construction Bank injected 45 billion U.S.
dollars, enrich their capital, so as to achieve
rate, to promote joint-stock reform of state-owned banks and the ultimate listing of a fundamental
solution to the problem of incremental risk of state-owned banks. Therefore probing into the
characteristic of bank risk, special systematic original cause, joint-stock reformation and
administration structure which are regarded as primary mesures has important theoritical and
realistic meaning.
Chapter one expounds the forms of China bank risks at first. The credit risks ,especially
assets credit quality of state-owned commercial banks, are the most outstanding financial risks at
present; Although the liquidity risk of the state-owned commercial banks has not appeared
( concealed by high deposits rate of the residents temporarily), the potential difficulty in payment
increases Financial crisis is mainly manifested in the state-owned commercial banks, a serious
shortage of capital and operating profit both virtual surplus real losses,
serious exchange rate risk, interest rate risk, crime risk and so on. In this part, the characteristic of
China bank risks is also put forward,which includes concentrating, hidden and social characteristic.
Concentricity refers to indirect financing mode is adopted in Chinese enterprises in the main and
Chinese bank risk mainly lies in the state-owned bank; disguise mainly refers to improper
operation of banks will not lead to bankruptcy of the bank itself but generally prompt the
investment in monetary base in Central Bank of China and trigger high inflation, which will be
assumed by the public; sociability refers to bank risk will trigger bank crisis and may lead to

social turbulence and further shock and overthrow a state regime.
Our bank risk of high lurk in China, so why not banking crisis erupted our bank risk? How is
the generation and accumulation in the second chapter? Trying to answer these question. China is
planned economy to market economy, the stages of transition to the implementation of the policy
of economic regulation stable left a large space, five pillars of the Chinese banking system,
namely high savings, internal financing smes rapid growth, strong export to other financing
channels, the strict control of state security and implicit in China. The paper points out that
maintain banking crisis erupted without five policy pillar are faced with, so the impact of bank
risk causes appears very important.
This article will locate the emphasis of the causes of bank risk on the factors in the
analyzed the generating factors that caused China's financial market system
risk .mainly in thefollowing aspects:the socio-economic system has not step out of the shadow of
the planned economic system; state-owned property rights system could not adapt to the market
needs of economic development; financial markets are underdeveloped , the low percentage of
capital market financing; financial market laws and regulations of the building is very sound
financial supervision and is not strong.
Risk shows Bank of China mainly for system risk , origin depends on the bank corporate
management structure does not improve and perfect , state property right main body vacancy place
and agency by agreement chain are too long, therefore the main body of a book third chapter put
forward need to resolve a bank having problem at present , must reform from property right
starting, the stock system putting state banks into practice reforms, core is lain in being
accelerated deepening the reform of the inside, building-up is fine govern structure , shift
operation mechanism, scheme of effecting a permanent cure is lain in governing structure. the
article governs the architectural train of thought having brought forward reformation state banks:
Make clear that state property right sends out the money people , form two stage corporation
system , found the company-rization framework of organization, separate owner's authority to
supervise and manager's powers for operation and management , realize professionalization
administration. And have brought forward state-owned commercial bank problem such as
governing the architectural target and realizing way , the state-owned building-up commercial
bank company governing architectural policy suggestion. Emphasize that the achievement effect
centering on risk drawing the developed Western countries bank effectuation checks mechanism ,
controls in inside of sharpening bank at the same time , build , perfect credit assets risk
administration mechanism.
Fourth chapters submit the main body of a book should build external supporting measures,

in order the bank beneficial development creates the fine environment. That the primo , one have
the competitiveness bank system is that the bank long range keeps efficiency and solid basis. But,
the at present domestic finance job is short of a competitiveness being able to have an effect to
deploy resource market structure. Need to enhance state banks's managing achievement effect,
must lead into the marketplace and competitive system , realize property right flow, must break
the state banks monopoly position to Chinese banking at the same time , build a financial market
structure competing sufficiently. Secondly, emphasize the independent character strengthening
People's Bank of China , make use of a silver to supervise financial regulation that can reinforce to
the commercial bank; System designs one item speciality of the current situation having estimated
that system , this are to judge by Chinese monetary system at the same time in the required
reserves starting the differences being put into effect on April 25 , 2004. Policy is arranged for
other that this part has been brought forward, if setting up bank deposit insurance system, to evade
more manage risk; Mark of job manages and divides job management system arrangement, bring
it's the
view financial risks supervisory control , early warning system , deal with financial risks in time,
prevent risk large area from diffusing but trigger financial crisis.







