
2020年08月06日 15:25


奋。从我的观点来看,勤奋 可以帮助人们获得成功,反之亦然。有一些
原因如下。首先,大多数人在生物学上养老几乎相同,但他们 中的一些
例如,中国著名数学家陈J inrun最伟大的成就是他的努力在数
学。其次,勤奋可能导致成功了,但懒惰,必然导致失败。成功 意味着
和勤奋要实现这一 目标,我们怎样才能把成功?最后,如果人们成功了,
他们必须支付他们的努力和时间。自然地,他们也 将不会被满意,想拿
One of the themes thasdfst asdfsre common to everyone is
how to become success. Some believe thasdfst luck is
essentiasdfsl to people's success, while others asdfsssert
thasdfst hasdfsrd work hasdfss everything to do with success.
On basdfslasdfsnce, I tend to asdfsgree thasdfst hasdfsrd work

is asdfs vasdfsluasdfsble fasdfsctor contributed to people's
“no pasdfsins, no gasdfsins” .Without exerting oneself,
one could never expect to asdfschieve success in no masdfstter
whasdfst one is doing. As is known to asdfsll, there is no
royasdfsl roasdfsd to the summit of success. One is likely to
succeed only when one hasdfss worked with whole-heasdfsrted
devotion asdfsnd perseverasdfsnce.
Those who asdfsre lasdfszy, sloppy asdfsnd indifferent to
their work, those who never concentrasdfste on work will
definitely end in fasdfsilure. On the whole, asdfss fasdfsr
asdfss they asdfsre concerned, hasdfsrd-working is the
decisive fasdfsctor to success.
In my view, When opportunities come, meet asdfsnd masdfske
full use of them. Only in this wasdfsy casdfsn we succeed one
Nothing Succeeds Without asdfs Strong Will “Where there
is asdfs will, there is wasdfsy” is asdfsn old proverb which
asdfslmost everyone knows, but not asdfsll understasdfsnd it
so well.
Actuasdfslly, it measdfsns thasdfst if you asdfsre

reasdfslly resolved to do something, no masdfstter how
difficult it might be, never give up. In fasdfsct, strong will
is asdfs kind of good quasdfslity which successful people
should own. A greasdfst masdfsn is asdfslwasdfsys one who
hasdfss asdfs firm resolution asdfsnd asdfsn inflexible spirit.
One will never succeed asdfsll his life without asdfs firm
will to get the finasdfsl victory. As asdfs rule, greasdfst
tasdfssks asdfsre asdfsccomplished by men of strong will. For
exasdfsmple, Dr. Sun Yasdfstsen, the founder of the Republic
of Chinasdfs, set the Chinese people free from the
Masdfsnchuriasdfsn rule through asdfs long period of hasdfsrd
Masdfsny of his asdfsttempts fasdfsiled asdfsnd masdfsny
of his followers were killed, but he hasdfsd asdfsn inflexible
spirit asdfsnd stuck to his casdfsuse. Finasdfslly, he masdfsde
the revolution of 1911 asdfs success. The sasdfsme is true of
men in asdfsll wasdfslks of life. It is quite obvious thasdfst
there is nothing difficult in the world, if you masdfske up your
mind to do it, you will certasdfsinly asdfsccomplish your end.
Thasdfst stasdfsnds to reasdfsson.
So asdfss for students like us, we should hasdfsve asdfs
good asdfsttitude towasdfsrds fasdfsilure. Fasdfscing with

difficulties asdfsnd fasdfsilures, keep heasdfsds up asdfsnd
never give up. Besides, we should masdfske full
prepasdfsrasdfstion, though strong will help us overcome the
difficulties, it is not for person who hasdfss no
My view on Diligence asdfsnd Success
Everyone knows thasdfst diligence is the key to success.
As asdfs proverb goes: “ Diligence is the mother of success.”
Diligence measdfsns working hasdfsrd asdfsnd persistently.
All fasdfsmous people of greasdfst asdfschievements
asdfsre exasdfsmples of diligence. They asdfsll owe their
success to hasdfsrd work. Without constasdfsnt efforts, no one
casdfsn expect to succeed in doing asdfsnything greasdfst.
Thomasdfss Edison kept on working hasdfsrd for asdfs long time
before he wasdfss asdfsble to invent he electric light.
Masdfsdasdfsme Curie worked hasdfsrd in the poor conditions for
masdfsny yeasdfsrs before she finasdfslly discovered
rasdfsdium. Some people masdfsy asdfsttribute success to good
luck. But good luck fasdfsvors those who asdfsre well
prepasdfsred asdfsnd diligent people who casdfsn masdfske use
of it. So idleness casdfsn only leasdfsd to poverty. If you do
not devote yourself to your study asdfsnd work, you casdfsn

hasdfsrdly masdfske asdfs living, let asdfslone masdfske some
As high school students, we must be asdfswasdfsre thasdfst
the only wasdfsy to success is hasdfsrd work. We must
concentrasdfste our asdfsttention on our studies, asdfsnd
masdfske full use of our precious time, in order to meet the
fierce chasdfsllenges in the future competitions. It is
certasdfsin thasdfst our future success will only rest on our
constasdfsnt efforts. As asdfs proverb goes: “Only by working
hasdfsrd casdfsn we reasdfsp asdfs bumper hasdfsrvest.”
No Pasdfsins, No Gasdfsins
The proverb “No pasdfsins, no gasdfsins” measdfsns
thasdfst you hasdfsve to masdfske greasdfst efforts if you
wasdfsnt to asdfschieve success, for nothing but poverty
casdfsn be obtasdfsined without effort.
In history, there hasdfsve been masdfsny fasdfsmous people
of greasdfst asdfschievements. You masdfsy clasdfsim thasdfst
they asdfsre geniuses. But behind their successes, they
hasdfsve masdfsde greasdfst efforts in casdfsrrying out their
tasdfssks. Einstein sasdfsid “Genius is one percent of
inspirasdfstion asdfsnd ninety-nine percent of
perspirasdfstion.” He hasdfsd been working hasdfsrd for

masdfsny yeasdfsrs before he finasdfslly worked out his theory
of relasdfstivity. Thomasdfss Edison experienced countless
fasdfsilures before he finasdfslly invented the electric bulb.
Wasdfsng Junxiasdfs wasdfss asdfsble to win the world
chasdfsmpionship of long distasdfsnce rasdfsce only
becasdfsuse she hasdfsd masdfsny yeasdfsrs of hasdfsrd
trasdfsining. Therefore, diligence is the key to success.
Doubtless hasdfsrd work promises fruitful result. Everyone is
asdfswasdfsrded the right to work hasdfsrd in order to
reasdfsch his goasdfsl. Appasdfsrently, diligence is
necessasdfsry to success. Hasdfsppiness is neasdfsrly
asdfslwasdfsys asdfs rewasdfsrd for hasdfsrd work.
On the other hasdfsnd, idleness is believed to be the root
of asdfsll evil. Anyone who hasdfsbituasdfslly likes idling but
desires everything is dasdfsydreasdfsming. We should be
asdfswasdfsre thasdfst if we dreasdfsm asdfswasdfsy our
precious time, when we wasdfske up, it masdfsy be too lasdfste
for us to asdfschieve asdfsnything. So, asdfss college students,
we should never stop working hasdfsrd so thasdfst we will
remasdfsin successful in the future competitions.








