
2020年08月06日 15:28



【篇一:英语作文---- 不喜欢数学】

i don’t like for me, it’s too difficult for me to learn it
well. as you know, we have to remember a lot of formulas and
do endless exercises every day, which is dull and boring.
what’s more, although i’m not good at maths, it seems that
maths has little influence on my life. in my opinion, we are
supposed to learn maths well. we should learn essential
knowledge about maths, after all, it’s helpful in some
ways .however, it’s not necessary for us to learn too complex
maths. only those who calls for high level’s maths knowledge
should get further study in maths.


题目a war against aids


directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a
short essay entitled a war against aids. you should write at
least 180 words but no more than 500 words following the
outline given below:

1. aids is a threat to young people;

2. a war against aids is important and necessary;

3. something is needed to be done in the war against aids.

作文号:328478教师:韦储学 字数:100~500 满分:100

a war against aids

we all will be scared when we hearing about aids as it cant be
cured so far. aids is short for the name acquired immune
deficiency syndrome , which first founded in the 1970s. we
have got the information that it is a fatal disease which one
person just waits to die if he unfortunately infected from it.
here are some threatens that we should to know about it
clearly: for personally, hiv infected people and patient tend to
be in lonely situation and get serious impact on work and life.
also, when hiv infected people develop to aids patients, health
will deteriorate rapidly, such as extremely thin, physical
sucked and great pain on the body. for public, husbands give it
to wives, mother to babies, those it tends not to strike just one

member of a family, so as to get immediate impact on public
health and economic growth.

since it makes a seriousness in ourselves or others, a war
against aids is important and necessary apparently. something
is needed to be done in the war against aids.

first, we should make good publicity that what is aids and how
does it affect our body. second, the government should be the
leader in protecting the aids-infected patient, insuring their
base human-right and privacy been not disturbed. third, its
necessary that the hospital do some activities which is free for
people to check them health in terms of aids and offer
anything helpful or useful.

only we recognize the true face of aids can we understand the
feeling of patient and the truth that it is not so terrible as
people saying, every one of us has the responsibility to make
conflict with it. so let us move now!


how to protect intellectual property 要求

directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a
short essay entitled how to protect intellectual property. you
should write at least 180words but no more than 500 words
following the outline given below:

1. 知识产权保护越来越被重视

2. 如何保护知识产权

3. 我的观点


intellectual property rights are the conception of the rights
enjoyed by the creation of intellectual proprietary rights. any
kinds of intellectual creations such as inventions, literary and
artistic works, as well as symbols, names, images and designs
used in the commercial, all above can be considered to be
owned by an individual or organization who has intellectual
property rights. as the globalization of economy and
technology, the intellectual property protection is paid more
and more attention. in our daily life, we could hear some
examples like this. recently, the news about the version of
hebei shijiazhuang copycatting the the sphinx dominated
headlines and it is said that egypt began to sue it at unesco. as

a signatory state of the chinese, high imitation of sphinx has
violated international conve

ntions, and based on it, i’m also ashamed of it. there are much
other information you may notice such as the battle between
jiaduobao and guangzhou pharmaceutical wong lo kat red tank,
qiong yao sued yu zheng for copyright infringement, apple and
samsungs dispute in patent etc.

with noticing anything or anyone around you, we can learn
that it is how important to protect the intellectual property
rights. maybe you are not feeling it in yourself, however, it
doesnt mean you can neglect it, or may someday, you will use
it as your weapon. so let’s learn how to defend it. for the
government, they should strengthen enforcement of the law
and punish violations of intellectual property rights severely.
also, in face of the current problems in the work, they should
perfect the system of laws and regulations. from other said,
the enterprises and other units should obtain the
corresponding right on the basis of intellectual property law.
they could also establish special intellectual property
management organization to safeguard their legitimate rights
and interests when someone offends it. all above are my
opinions about how to protect the intellectual property which
you could consider, at the same time, you may also find other

标题:develop chinas west

字数: 不低于100字并且不高于500 字

满分: 100


1. 用劝说文体

2. 不少于150字

题目develop chinas west

in january 2000, the government adopted a strategy to assist
underdeveloped western regions catching up with chinas more
prosperous place - the east.

so, why we should to develop it? of cause, there are some
advantages. for example, it has the rich resources, filled with
many kinds of mineral products, water, animals and local
culture. we can make full use of it to develop our country in
any corner of side, like industry, travel,

archaeology, medical science and so on. in the other hand,
because of this huge gap, we can provide a large of jobs so
that resolve the problem of employment. it is a good
opportunity to flourish it and speed up the modernization.

also, in the road of developing, we should know that there are
many difficulties and problems we must confront. first, the
local people are still in old ideas and narrow field of vision. it
will be hard for them to receive the new things. so, with this
point, we must put the advanced ideas in the first place.
second, we should accept the fact that it has the dangerous
environment and the infrastructure is rather poor. last,
structural adjustment could be difficult with the traditional
industry as the leading.

no matter what it is, we must recognize the situation clearly
that despite the process may be hard, the fruits of our victory
will come in the end. to the beautiful future, to the development
of the west, we cant lose up this opportunity!

标题:假设你是某大学数学系主任,给美国芝加哥大学数学系 主任

字数: 不低于100字并且不高于500 字

满分: 100



an invitation for a academic exchange

december 4th, 2013 dear professor: it is a pleasure for me to
invite you on behalf of the university of chicago to accept an
appointment as a visiting professor at guilin university of
electronic technology university.

as the mathematician master, you have the global reputation
and owned the important position that influenced each other
internationally. so we invite you to come here to let our student
appreciate your charms and knowing academic development
and trends. also, we hope that it will improve and strengthen
the cultural exchange between us and further cooperation in
various fields. i think it will be a good opportunity or chance to
spread both in our students and teachers.

in view of our two schools have had successful exchange and
collaboration experience, i think this time must be held very

triumphant too. i delegate our leaders and students once again
to issue the invitation to you to pay a visit to our school.

look forward to hearing from you!


字数: 不低于100字并且不高于500 字

满分: 100



latter of complaint

dear sirs, i am writing to place a complaint against the training
class. at my school, i received an advertisement three mouths
before. it claims that as only as you take its course, you will go
a pass the cet 4 or 6 with no compressive stress and the
passing rate is 98%. also, it undertakes that if you have not
went through it, you could refund or get no fee in the next
training class until you successes. so, at this situation, i
signed up for a course and have learned it for 3 mouths in the
weekend. but after taking over the training class i find that my
english is not so amazing progress. than as the mark of the cet
6 coming out, i failed it with lacking 20 scores. naturely, i went
to the training agency to return my tuition. as the consequence,
they refuse to my requst, and told me that i can just get the 50%
of my registration fee. this is totally different from the promise
which declaimed firstly, and most all of us has been cheated.

in my opinion, one person should take responsibility to what
he did or said and quality products and service are the vital for
being competitive and for the development of an enterprise. in
order to prevent this organization to continue lying to others
and to protect our own interests, i report to your department.

it will be appreciated if you can help us on this matter. i look
forward to hearing from you. yours faithfully, yan.


这个学期我的作文 和英语水平有明显提高,计算和语文有一些提高,
书写和数学则有些腿步,副科中体育还需努力,其他则 比较好。

语文 ,将书写和数学提高到原来的水平,副科中,提高体育,保持

其他科目的成绩。以后争取 每次都能英语100分,数学95分以上,




(一)学习的 目标明确,实现目标也有保证。学习计划就是规定在
什么时候采取什么方法步骤达到什么学习目标。短时 间内达到一个
步地由小目标走 向大目标。

以 把自己的学习管理好。到一定时候对照计划检查总结一下自己的
学习,看看有什么优点和缺点,优点发扬 ,缺点克服,使学习不断

(三)对培养良好的学习习惯大有帮助。良好习 惯养成以后,就能
困难、不怕 失败的精神,无论碰到什么困难挫折也要坚持完成计划,

习,生活、工作的人。这种计划观念和 计划能力,学生都应该学习

有些学生学习毫无计划 。脚踩西瓜皮,滑到哪里算到哪里,这是很
不好的。高尔基说:不知明天该做什么的人是不幸的。有的学 生认
求办就行了。何必自己再 定计划,这种想法不对。学校和老师的计
划是针对全体学生的,每个学生还应该按照老师要求针对自己的 学

共同特点。学习好和学习不 好的差别当中有一条就是有没有学习计

怎样制定学习计划呢? 一份好的学习计划大致包括三方面的内容。

一、进行自我分析 我们每天都在学习,可能有的同学没有想过我是
怎样学习的这个问题,因此制订计划前首先进行自我分析 。

况,找出学 习特点。各人的学习特点不一样:有的记忆力强,学过

知识不易忘记;有的理解力好,老 师说一遍就能听懂;有的动作快
公式定义记得比较牢;有的想象力丰 富,善于在图形变换中找出规

2、 分析自己的学习现状,一是和全班同学比,确定看自己数学成绩
在班级中的位置,还常用好、较好、中、 较差、差来评价。二是和
进步 、照常、有退步、退步大来评价。

二、确定学习目标 学习目标是学生学习的努力方向, 正确的学习目
目标,就象漫步 在街头不知走向何处的流浪汉一样,是对学习时光

确定学习目标首 先应体现学生德智体全面发展的教育方针,其次要
按照学校的教育要求,此外还要根据自己的学习特点和 现状。当然


适当 就是指目标不能定得过高或过低,过高 了,最终无法实现,容
不利于 进步。要根据自己的实际情况提出经过努力能够达到的目标.

明确 就是指学习目标要便 于对照和检查。如:今后要努力学习,争
取更大进步这一目标就不明确,怎样努力呢?哪些方面要有进步 ?
上水平。这样就明确了,以 后是否达到就可以检查了。

具体 就是目标要便于实现,如怎样才能达到数学中上水平这一 目标
式都要准确无疑地背出 来,等等。


确定了学习目标之后,就要通过科学 地安排。使用时间来达到这些

全面 在安 排时间时,既要考虑学习,也要考虑休息和娱乐,既要考
虑课内学习,还要考虑课外学习,还要考虑不同 学科的时间搭配。

合理 要找出每天学习的最佳时间,如有的同学早晨头脑清醒,最适< br>合于记忆和思考;有的则晚上学习效果更好,要在最佳时间里完成

较重要的学习任 务,此外注意文理交叉安排,如复习一会语文,就

高效 要根据事情的轻重缓急来安排时间,一般来说,把重要的或困
难的学习任务放在前面 来完成,因为这时候精力充沛,思维活跃,
而把比较容易的放稍后去做。此外,较小的任务可以放在零星 时间

一天中供自己安排的时间基本上分为四段: 早上起床到上学,上午
主要应 在这四段时间里统筹安排自己的学习生活内容。


1、 要突出重点 也就是说,要根据地自我分析中提出 的学习标点或

2、 要有机动时间,计划不要排太满太紧,贪心的计划是难以做到

计划不落空,要对计划的 实行情况定期检查。可以制定一个计划检
查表,把什么时间完成什么任务达到什么进度,列成表格,完成 一
使自己制定计划的能力越 来越强。







