
2020年08月06日 16:06



【篇一:年轻人为什么要有奋斗精神?young people
should have combatant spirit】

young people should have combatant spirit

nowadays, many people especially the youth tend to be
indulged in a life of pleasure and comfort and terribly lack
combatant spirit. they hold the idea that combatant spirit is
needed in revolutionary age, as for today when material well-
being life has been greatly improved, it is outdated.

there are several factors contributing to this phenomenon.
firstly, since great improvement has been made recently in
terms of living condition thanks to the material prosperity in
our country. young people generally enjoy a more easy life
under cozy circumstances, which render them unaware of the
obstacles and challenges in the long journey of life .secondly,
the education system in schools are now concerned too much
about the students academic performance and paying little
attention to the development of their mental spirits. thirdly, the
effect brought by the bad practice in the society ,for
example ,the bad performance of the people around them, the
negative massages they got through the various medias,
especially internet and tv set which may be impropriate for
them. last but not least, they themselves are not provided with
essential practice resulting in their unwilling to face up to

as far as i am concerned, though time changes, the need of
combatant spirit is everlasting. it is one of our national spirits.
we do not need to live the way in revolutionary age ,but we do
need to be equipped with it to strive to become stronger so
that the nation can be stronger in the world.


11服装设计与工程 汪秀花 11102618


you cant connect the dots looking forward, you can only
connect them looking backwards. so you have to trust that the
dots will somehow connect in your future. you have to trust in

something, your gut, life, karma, whatever. because the the
confidence to

your dont waste it dont let the noise of got to find what you
love. and that is for your work as it is for your lovers. your
work is gonna fill large part of your life. and the only way to be
truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. and the
only way to do great work is to love what

you do.

if you havent found it yet, keep looking and dont settle. have
the courage to follow your heart and intuition. they how

have some downs. on feel their health, their bills happy
relationships. positive then. anybody can then. anybody can
have circumstances. the real of growth mentally, emotionally,
spiritually comes when you get knocked down. it takes
courage to act. (?)how to be in humbly when you are being
defeated. it takes courage to start over again.

fear kills dreams. fear kills hope. fear put people in the
hospital. fear can age you, can hold you back from doing
something that you know within yourself, that are capable of
doing but it will at end of every principle a your look feeless( ?
it not at the end of an promise. your feeless, you ’might your
dream back a whole six months, a whole year. that one single
day, that one day you didn’t get up push you stop back and
you don’t

know how long. don’t allow your emotion to control you! we

emotion, but we want begin to discipline your emotion. if you
don’t discipline to contain your emotion, they won’t use you.

you want it! and you will go to have it. it’s not going to be you
want to change, it’s not affective easy, you here! i’am not
going to me! i’m coming stronger, and i of it! you have to make
this is what you up for your dreams, just life!

except ( ? ) where you are, and responsibility that where you
want to go. you can decide that i am going to live the each day

as if it were my last!

live your life with passion! with some drive! decide you’re
going to push yourself. the last chapter to your life has been
written yet. it doesn’t what happened yesterday, it doesn’what
happened to you, is,

this year, i this goal to become the talk about it

’s important ’t give up, don’t give in( ? ).

( ? ) 处为不清楚的地方,欢迎大家提出建议哈!



人的一生分为不同的阶段,每个阶段都有不同的 任务,如果你想精
说,奋斗是 成长路上必不可少的,是伴随着你一步步走向成功的必

你需要相信事物的 发展都有其自己的规律,事情有因有果,现在的
处境和过去的行为相联系。你要做的就是遵从你内心的声 音,朝着
到你所感兴趣的事情 ,投入时间和精力,为你自己工作和生活,不
要活在其他人的评价之下,被阻碍在世俗的眼光里。你需要 一种敢

前进的路上总 有曲折,并不是每个人都能成功。人们会感到难过、
失望和沮丧。但是你要忠于对自己的承诺。控制你的 情绪,让内心
好每件事,对你 的未来负责。对爱你的人负责,活出你自己存在的
意义。 不要被昨日的忧伤蒙上忧愁的面纱,重要的是 ,制定你现在
下来要做什么。 并且坚持着重复看似单调但却是你内心所喜欢的事

人生而不平等, 每个人所占有的资源是不均衡的,这是无法改变的。
但是无论你的家庭是贫穷还是富有,你都需要精彩的 人生,越过每
切都是你自己的 选择,都是为了你自己的生活。所以,年轻人需要
奋斗。需要过得精彩,需要改变命运,总之是要让自己 活得有价值,







