
2020年08月06日 16:17


1. 如果没有意外的麻烦,我们可以提前完成了令人烦恼的项目. (unexpected)
Without the unexpected trouble, we would have completed the troublesome project ahead of
2. 这个著名的学校把它的音乐系和戏剧系合并成一个新的系. (unite)
The well-known school has united its music and theater departments to form a new one.
3. 你们班有些学生不愿意参加室外运动,这是真的吗? (unwilling)
Is it true that some of the students in your class are unwilling to take part in outdoor sports?
4. 污染了的河水扰乱了生态平衡,所以我们要尽力制止工厂把有毒化学物质倒入河里.
Polluted water in the rivers upsets the balance of nature so we should try our best to prevent
factories from pouring dangerous chemicals into rivers.
5. 使我们大家高兴的是,最新的视听设备在我们学校安装好了。(up-to-date)
To our pleasure, some up-to-date audio-visual equipment has been installed in our school.
6. 我们五年前买的那些二手手推车还在使用. (in use)
The second- handed trolleys we bought five years ago are still in use.
7. 尽管王先生已退休了,但他仍像往常那样六点就起床了。(as usual)
Although he is retired, Mr. Wang gets up at six in the morning as usual.
8. 在街对面曾经有过—个咖啡馆,那个小提琴手经常在那里出现。(used to)
There used to be a cafe across the road and that violinist often turned up there.
9. 在选择工作时, 他看中对工作的兴趣上, 而不是报酬上. (value)
In choosing a job, he always sets a high value on the interest of the work rather than on the
10. 在过去的三年里,我学到的最宝贵的东西是怎样做个正直的人。(valuable)
The most valuable thing (that) I have learned during in the past three years is how to be an
honest person.
11. 对于噪音的反应,随着对象的不同而有很大差别。(vary)
The response to noise varies greatly among individuals.
12. 现在许多商店给人们提供种类多样的商品挑选. (variety)
A large number of shops nowadays provide people with a large variety of goods to choose
13. 这个国家在北温带, 植物丰富. (vegetation)
The country is in the north temperate zone, and is rich in vegetation.
14. 我恰好要和你谈论的问题就是去哪里休假. (very)
The very question that I want to talk to you about is where to spend this vacation.
15. 没有人愿意成为恶作剧的对象. (victim)
Nobody would like to fall a victim of a practical joke.
16. 在攀登事业高峰的过程中,坚持不懈对成功非常重要的. (vital)
In the process course of climbing the ladder of career, perseverance is vital to success.
17. 志愿者认为自愿帮助别人的人才是世界上最幸福的人. (volunteer)
Volunteers believe those who volunteer to help others are the happiest people in the world.
18. 我们投票决定下周去水上旅行, 但有人警告会有台风. (voyage)
We voted to go on a voyage next week, but someone warned us of typhoon.
19. 在找到你之前, 我在大街上前前后后徘徊了十分钟. (up and down)
I have been wandering up and down in the street for 10 minutes before finding you.


20. 如果驾驶员开车前喝了酒,他的判断力就会减弱。(weaken)
If a driver drinks before he drives a car, his ability of judgment will be weakened.
21. 请把这只包裹称一下,将重量告诉我。(weigh,weight)
Please weigh the parcel and tell me its weight.
22. 我不欢迎任何导致灾难的改变. (welcome)
I don’t welcome any change that will lead to tragedy.
23. 一旦你下定决心,无论遇到什么困难也不要放弃。(whatever)
Once you have made up your mind, don't give up whatever difficulties you meet.
24. 昨天,我在第一百货商店里闲逛时,遇到了我的朋友Tom。(when)
When I was walking around the No.1 Department Store yesterday, I ran across my friend,
25. 我不会忘记我在高中的那些日子。(when)
I won't forget the days when I was in senior high school.
26. 无论什么时候你有麻烦,就打电话给我。(whenever)
Please call me whenever you are in trouble.
27. 我现在所住的地方过去是一家工厂。(where,used to)
The place where I live now used to be a factory.
28. 他是亲自来还是派别人代替,这个问题必须马上决定。(whether,substitute)
The question whether he should come himself or send a substitute must be decided at once.
29. 没有人会帮助不愿意努力工作的人。(willing)
Nobody will help one who is not willing to work hard.
30. 参加告别晚会的每一个人都祝愿那位科学家健康和长寿. (wish)
Everyone at the farewell party all wished the scientist good health and a long life.
31. 在上海火车站,乘客可以免费使用网络。(access)
In the Shanghai Railway Station, passengers have free access to internet.
32. 他的成功使我意识到了坚持不懈的重要性。(aware)
His success makes made me aware of the importance of perseverance.
33. 如果你现在没心情复习,不妨出去走走。(mood)
If you are not in a mood for revision, you may as well go out for a walk.
34. 一些教育家认为,中学生广告看得越多,就越变得物质化。(the more…, the more…)
Some educators believe that the more TV commercials middle school students watch, the more
materialistic they become.
35. 从物理老师失望的表情可以判断玛丽又一次与奖学金失之交臂。(judge)
Judging from the disappointed expression of the physics teacher, Mary failed to win the
scholarship again.
36. 他声称赢得了比赛,可是我不相信他的话。(claim)
He claimed to have won the game, but I don’t believe what he said.
37. 我现在所关心的是他们是否得到了资金支持。(concern)
What I am concerned about now is whether they have got the financial support.
38. 他没想到老板黔驴技穷只好解雇一些工人。(occur)
It never occurred to him that the boss had no choice but to dismiss fire some workers.
39. 考试一结束,他就参加了社区组织的志愿者活动。(Hardly…)
Hardly had he finished the examination when he took part in the volunteer activities organized
by the community.


40. 是天赋和科学训练使他在奥运会上创造奇迹、勇夺金牌。(It )
It was talentgift and scientific training that enabled him to create wondersmiracles and win
gold medals at the Olympicsthe Olympic Games.
41. 考官将会问你几个关于科技发展的问题。(related)
The judges interviewers will ask you several questions related to the development of science
and technology.
42. 他在英语学习方面取得了比其他同学更大的进步。(than…)
He has made more progress than other students in English learning.
43. 就你的观点,缺少均衡饮食以及室外运动会有怎样的负面结果?(consequence)
From your point of view, what are the negative consequences of lacking balanced diets or
outdoor activities?
44. 在未来几周内,这些学校将要安装网络设备为了方便学生获取所需信息。(install)
In the coming weeks, the schools will be installed with network devices equipment to make it
convenient for students to get the information needed.
45. 韩国影星在女学生中大受欢迎,很多人为了见上一面甚至愿意在机场等上几小 时,这却
So popular are the Korean stars among the girl students that some are even willing to wait at
the airport for hours just to have a look, which makes their parents feel worried.
46. 大家一致同意,应该及时采取措施惩罚破坏生态平衡的人。(agree)
We all agree that immediate measures should be taken to punish those who upset disturb
destroy the balance of nature.
47. 他没有遵守操作规则,结果造成了机器故障。(result v.)
He didn’t obey the operating rules, which resulted in resulting in the breakdown of the
48. 一般而言,一个人越用功,其在学业上取得的进步就越大。(the more… , the more…)
Generally speaking, the harder one works, the greater progress he she will make in his her
49. 不管他如何讨好我,我都不会和他成为朋友,因为他经常言而无信。(whatever)
Whatever he does to please me, I will not make friends with him, as he often fails to keep his
promise word.
50. 汤姆不仅渴望学习书本知识,而且热衷于探索那些未知的事物。(Not only…)
Not only is Tom eager to does Tom long to does Tom desire to acquire obtain get the
knowledge from books, but he is also keen on exploring the unknown.








