
2020年08月06日 16:32


1. 潮水退了,小船被搁浅在礁石上。(strand)
The tide had gone out, leaving the boat stranded on the rocks.
2. 我突然产生了一个可怕的念头——我锁门了吗?(strike)
A terrible thought struck me---had I locked the door?
3. 至尽世界上仍有好几千万人缺少食品。(short)
Up to now there are still tens of millions of people in the world who are short of
4. 我们用红球代替篮球,看这是否会引起婴儿的注意。(substitute)
We substituted red balls for blue to see if the baby would notice.
5. 你的宝贵经验将有助于你取得成功。(success)
Your rewarding experience will help you achieve success.
6. 手术是治疗心脏病患者的有效方法之一。(suffer)
Operation is one of the most effective ways to treat patients suffering from heart
7. 高中毕业生应该掌握一门外语。(suppose)
High school graduates are supposed to master a foreign language.
8. 雨天未能阻止球迷们去看足球赛。(stop)
The rain could not stop the football fans from going to watch the football match.
9. 他在沙漠中靠饼干和水维持了一个星期。(survive)
He survived in the desert for a week on biscuits and water.
10. 我们只知道他隐藏在欧洲的某个地方,但他居住在哪里仍然是个迷。
We were only aware that he was hiding somewhere in Europe, but where he lives
remains a question.
11. 政府免费给学校供应书籍。(supply)
The government supplies free books to schools.
12. 他辞职了,因为他认为这个岗位不适合他。(suit)
He resigned as he thought the post did not suit him.
13. 经验告诉我们我们要根据学生的不同需要来制定课程。(tailor)
Experience has taught us to tailor our program to the different needs of our
14. 大多数年轻人想当然地认为他们大学毕业以后每个月的工资都必须在5000
元以上。(take for granted)
Most young people take it for granted that they should earn a salary of over
5000 yuan per month after they graduate from college.
15. 在这次全球金融风暴中,这家大公司接手了许多海外小公司。(take over)
In this global financial crisis, the large company took over many small overseas
16. 当在评估他的工作时,我们必须考虑到他生病了这一事实。(take …into
We must take into account the fact that he is ill when assessing his work.
17. 他对写作有着一种特殊的天分,但慢慢地他的天分磨灭在他枯燥的工作中


He has a special talent for writing, but gradually his talent was wasted in his
boring job.
18. 那个推销员试图说服我买只电动牙刷。(talk)
The salesman tried to talk me into buying an electric tooth brush.
19. 在会议上,他作报告谈了他在美国访问期间的所见所闻。(talk n.)
At the meeting, he gave a talk on what he had seen and heard during his visit to
20. 我这辈子滴酒未沾,但我每次去法国都会给我朋友买合他口味的红酒。(taste
I have never tasted alcohol in my life, but every time I go to France I will buy a
bottle of red wine to my friend’s taste.
21. 飞机起飞前所有的旅客都必须系好安全带。(take off)
Before the plane takes off, all the passengers should fasten their seatbelts.
22. 我们的校园正呈现出新的面貌,大家都注意到了。(take on)
Our campus is taking on a new look, as is noticed by all.
23. 必须采取行动制止犯罪率上升。(take action)
Action must be taken to stop the crime rate from rising.
24. 只有母亲能很容易分辨出两个双胞胎孩子。(tell)
Only the mother can tell one of the twins from the other.
25. 愿意帮助别人的人从不想得到回报。(those)
Those who are willing to help others never expect any rewards.
26. 实验的结果比我们预料的好得多。(than)
The result of the experiment was better than we had expected.
27. 通常一种新药在给病人使用前先在动物身上做试验。(test)
A new medicine is usually tested on animals before it is used by patients.
28. 他有绘画的天赋。(talent)
He has a talent for drawing.
29. 他的行为是如此愚蠢以至于我几乎要发脾气。(lose one’s temper)
He was behaving so stupidly that I nearly lost my temper.
30. 罢工者受到威胁,他们如果不复工就会被解雇。(threaten)
The strikers were threatened with dismissal if they did not return to work.
31. 在做出决定之前,我们必须肯定把所有的事情都考虑进去了。(take … into
Before making a decision, we should take everything into consideration.
32. 不论去哪一个国家,你都要遵守那里的习俗和法律。(observe)
Whichever country you go, you have to observe the customs and law there.
33. 尽管我们已经警告他们有危险,这座斜拉桥仍在建造中。(progress)
Though we have warned them of the danger, the construction of the suspension
bridge is still in progress.
34. 这位卓越的化学家决心回到中国,他并不在乎国外提供给他的高薪。(notice)
The distinguished chemist determined to return to China, taking little notice of
the high salary offered to him abroad.


35. 年轻的父亲发现很难使他的儿子相信勤能补拙。(make up for)
The young father found it difficult to make his son believe that hard work can
make up for the lack of intelligence.
36. 媒体在舆论方面的影响力巨大。(play a role)
The media play a(n) big important significant role in influencing people’s
37. 听说李明在这次英语竞赛中名列前茅,我感到很吃惊。(astonish)
I was astonished to hear that Li Ming had ranked high in the English
38. 第一次来到上海,John对所见所闻充满了好奇。(the first time)
The first time John came to visited Shanghai, he was curious about what he had
seen and heard saw and heard.
39. 只有当叙利亚(Syria)交出化学武器,和平会谈才有继续下去的可能。(Only,
Only when Syria hands over chemical weapons is it possible for the peace talks to
continue to be continued.
40. 微信(Micro message)作为一种新的聊天工具越来越流行,但是很多人也渐
渐意识到了面 对面交流的重要性。(popular)
Micro message, as a new chat tool, is becoming more and more popular, but many
people come begin to realize the importance of face-to-face talk.
41. 一部吸引观众的电影从一开头就能调起他们的兴趣。 (appeal)
A film which appeals to the audience can arouse their interest from the very
42. 该自然保护区的工人们试图靠他们自己来清理,但他们的努力远远不够。
The workers of this nature reserve try to clean it by themselves but their efforts
are not enough.
43. 她昨晚已恢复了知觉,但是可能还要很长一段时间才能重拾网球拍。
She regained consciousness last night, but there is still a long way to go before
she plays tennis again.
44. 学校团体旅游对孩子们大量了解自己的国家提供了一个好机会。(excursion)
A school excursion is a good chance for children to learn a great deal about their
own country.
45. 许多美籍华人在美国经济中起着如此重要的作用以至于在某些领域,他们是
不可替代的 。(substitute)
Many Chinese-Americans are playing such an important role in the American
economy that in some fields nobody can substitute for them there is no substitute
for them.
46. 低碳生活方式建立在低能耗,低污染的基础上。(base)
Low carbon lifestyle is based on low energy and low pollution.
47. 按惯例,我们把中年危机和四,五十岁的人们联系在一起。(associate)
By tradition, we associate midlife crisis with people in their forties or fifties.
48. 随着现代科学的发展,人们和家人,朋友沟通的方式在某种程度上发生了改
With the development of modern science, the way (in which that) people


communicate with friends and families has changed to some extent.
49. 尽管越来越多的人钟情于美剧,但肥皂剧和英语学习不可相提并论。(equal)
Even though more and more people are obsessed with American drama, soup
opera is not equal to English learning.
50. 提到购买私家车,许多人为了面子盲目跟风,结果开车常常不如步行快。(only
When it comes to the purchase of private cars, many people follow suit blindly
only to find walking is very often faster than driving.








