
2020年08月06日 16:54


英 语
1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题 卷和答题卡上,并将准考证
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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)(略)
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
阅读下 列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答
(湖北省名校2020届高三第二次联考)Choosing where to live may be one of the
biggest decisions you’ll make when you move to Sydney, but you’ll have plenty of

Temporary arrival accommodation
Before you move to Sydney, we recommend that you book a temporary place to stay.
Once you get here, you can look for longer-term accommodation.

On-campus- residential colleges (fully catered饮食全包的)
The University has eight residential colleges on the CamperdownDarlington
Campus, including International House, a residential community of global scholars.

Colleges provide comfortable, fully furnished single rooms and daily meals, along
with sporting, cultural, leadership and social programs. They also include on-site
tutorials(辅导课) in addition to campus-based classes.

On-campus residences (self-catered饮食自理的)
The University has two self-run residences—Queen Mary Building (QMB) and
Abercrombie Student Accommodation—on the CamperdownDarlington Campus. Both just
under a year old, they house up to 1000 students. These residences provide modern
single-study rooms with large common living, learning and study spaces, shared
kitchens, a theatre, gyms, soundproofed music rooms, art studios, sky lounges and
rooftop gardens.

Off- campus living
More than 90 percent of our students live off campus. The University is close
to many dynamic and multicultural suburbs such as Annandale, Newtown, Chippendale
and Glebe. A great place to search is our large online database of properties.
21. Where can you find a place to live temporarily?
A. On “eges”.
B. On “mmodationshort-term”.
C. On “”.
D. On “”.
【解析】本文是一篇广告布告类阅读。文 章介绍了当你搬到悉尼的时候,选择在哪儿居
住也许是你要做的最大的决定之一。但是,此文对你会有一 定的帮助。
细节理解题。根据文章第二段Before you move to Sydney, we recommend that you book
a temporary place to stay. 和--mmodationshort-term可以直接找到

22. What do students living in QMB have access to?
A. Their own kitchens.
B. On-site tutorials.
C. Daily meals.
D. Gyms.
【解析】细节理解题。根据文章On-campus residences (self-catered饮食自理的)
中的These residences provide modern single-study rooms with large common living,
learning and study spaces, shared kitchens, a theatre, gyms, soundproofed music rooms,
art studios, sky lounges and rooftop gardens.内容可知,生活在QMB的学生是可以进入
23. What is the most popular choice among students?
A. Living off campus.
B. Living in host families.
C. Living in self-catered flats on campus.
D. Living in fully catered houses on campus.
【解析】细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第一句话More than 90 percent of our students live
off campus.可知,超过90%的学生选择外宿。故选A。
For those concerned about wrinkly old skin, It might be a creative solution:
an elastic(有弹性的) “second skin” that can be smoothed on to make aged tissue look
more youthful.
The wearable film, developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),
has shown promise in a series of small experiments where it was applied to wrinkles,
under-eye bags and areas of dry skin. When applied to the face or body, the thin,
transparent layer sticks to the skin and supports the tissue, making it look and behave
like younger skin, its producers claim.
“What we’ve been able to do is create a cream that you can put on the skin,
and then when it's on the skin it can actually form, essentially, an elastic second

skin,” said Bob Langer, who led the research. Tests in the lab found that the polymer
film (高分子膜), which is only 70 thousandths of a millimeter thick, reduced the
appearance of wrinkles and under-eye bags, and helped keep moisture in areas of dry
The layer is designed to be applied in the morning, then peeled off at night,
In previous studies, the second skin withstood normal daily wear, and the stresses
and strains of exercise and swimming, without falling off or causing irritation. It
also survived exposure to rain.
“It's something you can wear for a whole day or longer, depending on the physical
forces that
get applied to the area where it is worn, Daniel Anderson, who helped develop
the product at MIT. “You can't tell you're wearing it.”
While normal cosmetics can mask imperfections on the skin, the new coating changes
the way skin behaves by giving it the elasticity of young skin. It was developed with
help from two companies.
24. According to the text, the “second skin” __________.
A. was developed by two companies
B. has not been tested by scientists
C. is developed to remove under-eye bags
D. is a transparent covering for the skin
【解析】本文是一篇科普类短文 阅读。想让肌肤焕发第二次生命吗?在麻省理工研究人员的
细节理解题。根据文章第二段When applied to the face or body, the thin, transparent
layer sticks to the skin and supports the tissue, making it look and behave like younger
skin, its producers claim.可知,当被使用到脸部或者皮肤上时,这种薄而透明的层面会
25. Compared with normal cosmetics, the new product_____________.
A. can make the skin appear younger
B. can fully mask imperfections on the skin

C. doesn't cause any problems in the skin
D. must be used in a more complicated way
【解析】细节理解题。根据文章最后一段While normal cosmetics can mask imperfections
on the skin, the new coating changes the way skin behaves by giving it the elasticity
of young skin.可知,正常化妆品可以掩盖皮肤的瑕疵,但是新的涂层可以改变皮肤的状态。
26. What can we learn from the Daniel’s words?
A. You can recognize if people wear the “second skin.”
B. The “second skin” should be peeled off at night.
C. How long people can wear the layer varies.
D. The product can provide skin with a lot of water.
【解析】推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段It's something you can wear for a whole day
or longer, depending on the physical forces that get applied to the area where it
is worn可知,这种东西可以戴一天甚至更久。故选C。
27. What is the main idea of the text?
A. MIT has made a breakthrough in cosmetics.
B. The “second skin” helps renew one’s youth.
C. Masks will soon become a thing of the past.
D. How the “second skin” is used to improve skin.
【答案】B < br>【解析】主旨大意题。根据文章大意可知,文章主要讲述研究人员发明的可戴薄膜可以让你
焕发青 春。故选B。
This year’s flu season is pretty scary. To try to minimize the effects, public
officials are still urging anyone who hasn’t yet gotten their flu shot to get one
as soon as possible. However, even if every single person got a shot in the arm, the
vaccine(疫苗)--- with its excellent 36 percent effectiveness---would not prevent
everyone from getting infected with the annoying virus. Knowledge is power, so here's

what goes on in your body when you come down with the flu.
The influenza virus primarily attacks your nose, throat, and the tubes that
lead to your lungs. But the flu is so much more than that. Your muscles ache, your
head hurts, and your appetite goes down, among other things. To our surprise, almost
all of these symptoms have less to do with the virus itself than with your immune(免
疫的)response to them. Unfortunately, the very defense you have in place to get rid
of the flu is the reason you feel so painful when you recover.
The virus usually enters through your mouth, typically by way of your hands
But it takes a few days for symptoms to set in. While this process might cause some
harm to your nose and throat, it's nothing major, and nothing like the symptoms that
typically accompany a bad or even mild case of the flu.
The real fun starts when your immune system begins to fight. Your immune system
comes in two parts: the innate system and the adaptive. The innate immune system is
essentially an all-purpose tool. As soon as your body senses the presence of any injury
or invader (入侵者), the innate immune system launches into action by producing tiny
proteins called cytokines and chemokines. The cytokines reproduce almost immediately
and start to attack the virus. This increase in immune cells creates an serious
inflammation(炎症) throughout the body. But the worst is still to come. Meanwhile,
the chemokines work with the adaptive immune system to help create T cells. These
cells are a special type of white blood cell that works in a much more specific way:
They find the influenza virus, identify what's special about it, and create something
unique on their surface that finds and destroys similar invaders.
28. What can we infer from Paragraph 1?
A. All the vaccine is not effective.
B. No one can avoid catching this year's flu.
C. This year's flu is the most serious one in recent years.
D. Public health officials have to use a gun when necessary.
【解析】本文主要讲了流感病毒是如何侵袭人体,让人类生病,以及人类的免疫系 统是

推理判断题。由However, even if every single person got a shot in the arm, the
vaccine(疫苗)——with its excellent 36 percent effectiveness——would not prevent
everyone from getting infected with the annoying virus.可推知并不是所有的疫苗都有
29. Why many parts of your body suffer while you're recovering from a flu?
A. Because recovery from illness is painful.
B. Because your immune system is working against your defense system.
C. Because your body is fighting hard against the flu.
D. Because the influenza virus attacks your nose, throat and other parts.
【解析】细节理解题。由Unfortunately, the very defense you have in place to get
rid of the flu is the
reason you feel so painful when you recover.可知 当你从流感中恢复的时候,你身体的
30. The underlined word “fun” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by .
A. joy
B. battle
C. action
D. program
【解析】词义猜测题。The real fun starts when your immune system begins to fight.
这句话的意思是当你的免疫系统开始作战的时候,真 正的战役开始了。fun的意思是战役,选
31. What's the main idea of Paragraph 4?
A. The fight between innate immune system and the adaptive.
B. The categories of immune system.
C. The way immune system works.
D. The process of the development of immune system.

Chinese audiences seemed not to have been satisfied with the third season of
the highly anticipated food documentary
A Bite of China
Even though the series has maintained high viewership ratings since its comeback
last week, much higher than other programs aired at the same time, the ranking on
Douban, a social networking website featuring films, literature and events, slipped
to 4.2 out of 10, as of Tuesday, compared with 9.3 and 8.4, respectively, for the
first two seasons.
Picky viewers complain that some of the narration is not accurate, while others
pinpoint misleading content. At the same time, food blogger @barbara questioned
whether it is appropriate to give a close-up shot of the poisonous plant Nandina
(南天竺)in a food program.
A Bite of China
, which debuted in 2012, became hugely popular nationwide for
its quality introduction of some rarely- known and mouth-watering domestic cuisine.
In the new show, however, watchers are not satisfied with “irrelevant” food
references, such as lipsticks made of Chinese traditional medicine and martial arts
The first episode introduced a hand-made iron frying pan from east China’s
Shandong province, which prompted thousands of Chinese Internet users to buy one from
China’s leading e-commerce website Tmall in the next few days. Sales of the pan at
“Zhensanhuan” surged 6,000 times compared with a year ago, according to Beijing
Youth Daily.
In response to overwhelming criticism and questions,
A Bite of China
crew responded on Weibo that they seek innovation despite the risks following the
first two phenomenal seasons.
“It is unavoidable to make comparisons with the first two, and some audiences
may not accept the changes,” the crew said. “We explore the culture and civilization
behind food, and give food a historic touch. That’s why we feature culinary(烹
饪的)tools, feast and rituals, as well as a healthy diet to show Chinese wisdom and
philosophy, which has not been shown in any food programs before.”

32. Why does the passage mention Nandina?
A. Because some of the narration is not accurate.
B. Because it may be improper to give a close- up shot of a poisonous plant.
C. Because it is misleading content.
D. Because it is not attractive at all to most picky viewers.
细节理解题。由At the same time, food blogger @barbara questioned whether it
is appropriate to give a close-up shot of the poisonous plant Nandina(南天竺)in
a food program.可知文中提到南天竺是因为给一个有毒的植物特写镜头不合适,选B。
33. Which of the following elements leads to viewers’ dissatisfaction with
the new show?
A. some mouth-watering domestic cuisines
B. food- unrelated items
C. some rarely-known cuisines
D. the increasing sales of the pan at “Zhensanhuan”
【解析】细节理解题。由In the new show, however, watchers are not satisfied with
“irrelevant” food references, such as lipsticks made of Chinese traditional
medicine and martial arts master.可知和食物无关的东西使得观众对新的节目很不满意,
34. According to its production crew, what is unique to ‘A Bite of China III’?
A. It makes comparisons with the first two episodes.
B. It tells the story of some martial arts related to food.
C. It receives overwhelming criticism and questions from audience.
D. It focuses on cooking tools, rituals and healthy eating.
【解析】推理判断题。由the crew said. “We explore the culture and civilization
behind food, and give food a historic touch. That’s why we feature culinary(烹

饪的)tools, feast and rituals, as well as a healthy diet to show Chinese wisdom and
philosophy, which has not been shown in any food programs before.”可推知《舌尖上
35. What is the best the title for the passage?
A. 'A Bite of China III' Draws Criticism from Audiences
B. 'A Bite of China III' Maintains High Viewership Ratings
C. 'A Bite of China III' Changes for the Worse
D. 'A Bite of China III' Explains its Purposes
【解析】主旨大意题。由全文的主题句Chinese audiences seemed not to have been
satisfied with the third season of the highly anticipated food documentary A Bite
of China.可知这篇文章主要讲了《舌尖上的中国3》引起了观众们的批评,选A。
第二节 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
A memorable science project
If someone tells you to remember a phone number or address, it feels like an
easy task at first. You repeat the numbers to yourself, either aloud or in your mind.
But after just a few seconds you might find yourself starting to doubt your own memory.
___36___ Thus, it will try to throw away information that seems old or irrelevant.
There are ways of helping our minds retain (记住) information, however, and in this
activity you will explore ways that we lose and keep memories.
Short-term, or working memory, is a way of describing most people’s abilities
to store a small amount of information for a brief period of time in a readily
accessible form._37___ People don’t have to stop and think to remember something
in short term memory.
__38___ Such techniques include visualizing (观察) the information in a
surprising way or linking pieces of information together so that one reminds you of
the other. In the case of visualizing information, this could be as simple as

remembering you parked your car on the fifth floor in the D section by picturing five
dogs sitting in your car!__39___ If you need to purchase cereal (谷物), milk, fruit,
cheese and eggs, you could imagine the cereal in a bowl, with milk pouring over it
and pieces of fruit on top. Then imagine cracking an egg over everything, and it’s
full of melted cheese! These may seem simple or even silly._40___ In this activity
you’ll test the recall of a few friends or family members, and learn a few tricks
for improving memory!
A. There are many techniques for improving memory.
B. Our brain is always seeking new and useful information.
C. Short- term memory has a short duration but is quickly and easily accessed.
D. In addition, linking information could help you remember your grocery list.
E. Retaining that information over longer periods of time becomes difficult
F. Your short-term memory has a limited amount of space to store information.
G. However, they are proved to be good ways for improving memory by scientist.
【答案】36. B 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. G
36. B
根据下文:因此,它将试图丢弃那些看起来过时或无关紧要的信息。可知,我们的 大
37. C
根据下文:人们不需要停 下来,想在短期记忆中记住一些东西。可知,短期记忆的持
38. A
根据下文:这些技术包括以一种令人惊讶的方式可视化信息或将信息链接在一起, 目
39. D
根 据下句:如果你需要购买谷物、牛奶、水果、奶酪和鸡蛋,你可以想象一个碗里的
谷物,牛奶倒在上面, 上面有水果。可知, 此外,链接信息可以帮助你记住你的购物清单。

40. G
根据上句:这些看起来很简单,甚至有 些愚蠢。所以下句应该是一句与上句转折的内
容,“然而,事实证明,它们是科学家提高记忆力的好方法 。”故选G。此处However表示转
第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 45)
第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填
A young painter lived in a small house, living on painting portraits(画像). One
day, a rich man came for a portrait. They agreed on the ___41___ of $10,000. The
day the man came to take the painting, an ___42___ idea occurred to him: “It’s me
in the painting. If I don’t buy, no one will ___43___…” So he said, “I’ll only
pay$3,000!” The young artist had never ___44___ such things. He strongly argued,
expecting the rich man to ___45___ the agreement. “I ask you at last, will you sell
it $3,000 or not?”
Realizing the man did it ___46___, the artist said in a ___47___ voice, “No!
I’d prefer to not sell it rather than be humiliated(羞辱). Today you ___48___ your
word and someday you must pay ___49___times.”
“What a joke! Am I stupid?”
“Well, we’d better wait and see.”
Soon the painter moved out to ___50___ some well-known teachers to work harder.
Years later, he finally made a name ___51___ in the circle of art.
The rich man had forgotten the whole thing. ___52___ one day, some friends came
to tell him, “In a famous exhibition, one painting is ___53___ $200,000 and the
man in it looks ___54___ the same as you. It’s so strange that its ___55___ is Thief.”
He immediately thought of the ___56___. If the painting were that one, it would be
a(n) ___57___ for him. He went to find the young painter ___58___.
And it was! He quickly apologized to the artist and paid 200,000 dollars to buy
it back. With a strong ___59___, the young painter made the rich man ___60___ his

head. This young man was Pablo Picasso.
41. A. award
42. A. ill
43. A. neither
44. A. stood by
45. A. stick to
turn to
46. A. by accident
47. A. reliable
48. A. eat
49. A. forty
50. A. receive
51. A. for himself B. in itself
52. A. After
53. A. marked
54. A. eventually
55. A. content
56. A. coincidence
57. A. honor
58. A. right away
59. A. process
B. reward C. bonus D. salary
B. optimistic C. abstract D.
B. either C. nor D. besides
B. sent for C. come across D. pulled
B. take to C. see to D.
B. in turn C. on principle D. on
B. gentle C. loud D. firm
B. break C. take D. give
B. thirty C. twenty D.
B. accept C. consult D. abandon
C. by himself D. of
B. Before C. Until D.
B. grasped C. followed D. bought
B. exactly C. slightly D. probably
B. cover C. sign D. title
B. accident C. reputation D.
B. shame C. disappointment D.
B. just now C. at times D. now and
B. head C. faith D. concept

60. A. raise
B. bend C. charge D. fail
41. B 42. A 43. B 44. C 45. A 46. D 47. D 48. B 49. C 50.
51. A 52. C 53. A 54. B 55. D 56. D 57. B 58. A 59. C 60.
【解析】这是一篇记 叙文。一个有钱人让一位画家给他画一幅肖像,约定给艺术家$10,000,
但是,有钱人后来食言了 。只打算给$3000。艺术家对此非常生气,发誓要让有钱人付出20
倍的代价。后来,艺术家成名了 ,他将这幅画标价$200,000,并取名为“Thief”。有钱人
知道后,花了$200,000 将这幅画买回。艺术家终于洗刷了自己的耻辱。
41. 考查名词词义辨析。award奖赏,奖品, 奖;reward报答,酬金;bonus红利,津贴;
salary薪水。年轻人请画家给他画一幅肖 像,他们约定的报酬为$10,000。B选项正确。
42. 考查形容词词义辨析。ill坏的,不 好的,生病的;optimistic乐观的;abstract
抽象的;elegant优雅的。由下 文中的“It’s me in the painting. If I don’t buy, no one
will ___43___…” So he said, “I’ll only pay$3,000!”可知,年轻人想少付钱,这
43. 考查副词词义辨析。neither也不;either也;nor也不;besides此外 ,另外。年
轻人想:“画像上画的是我。如果我不买,别人也不会买。either置于句末,表示“也 ”。
故B选项正确。该句中no one已表示否定意思,故A和C选项不正确。
44. 考查动词短语辨析。stand by站在…的一边;send for派人去请(叫);come across
(偶然)遇见;pull through (使)渡过危机(或难关)。年轻的艺术家以前从未遇到过这样的
45. 考查动词短语辨析。stick to遵守,坚持(诺言、协议、决定或原则等);take to
开始从事(某种职业、业务等);see to照料,留意;turn to向……求助。艺术家强烈地和
46. 考查短语辨析。by accident偶然,意外地;in turn轮流;on principle按照原则;
on purpose故意地。艺术家意识到年轻人故意要少给钱。D选项正确。
47. 考查形容词词义辨 析。reliable可靠的;gentle温柔的;loud大声的;firm坚定
的。由后面艺术家 说的话(No! 我宁愿不卖它也不愿遭受侮辱)可知,他说话的语气非常坚

48. 考查动词词义辨析。eat吃;break打破;t ake带走;give给。年轻人原本答应给
艺术家$10,000,后来只打算给$3,000,他说 话不算数,食言了。故B选项正确。
49. 考查数词词义辨析。forty四十;thirty三十 ;twenty二十;fifty五十。由最后
一段中的“paid 200,000 dollars to buy it back”可知,有钱人花了原价的20倍买回了
50. 考查动词词义辨析。receive收到;accept接受;consult向……咨询,向 ……请教;
51. 考查介词短语辨析。for himself为他自己;in itself自身,本质上;by himself
单独地,独立地;of itself自行;自然而然地。艺术家为自己闯出了名声。A选项正确。
52. 考查连词词义辨析 。after在……之后;before在……之前;until直到……;unless
除非,如果不 。那个富人忘记了整件事。直到有一天,他的一些朋友告诉他:“在一个著名
的展览上,一幅画标价$2 00,000,画里的人看起来和你一模一样。”。故C选项正确。
53. 考查动词词义辨析。ma rk标出,标上;grasp抓住;follow跟随;buy买。在一个
著名的展览上,一幅画标价$ 200,000。故A选项正确。
54. 考查副词词义辨析。eventually最终,最后;e xactly完全地,确切地;slightly
稍微地;probably可能地。画里的人看起来和 你(富人)完全一样。exactly表强调。B选项
55. 考查名词词义辨析。c ontent内容;cover封面;sign迹象,符号;title标题,头
衔。奇怪的是,这幅画 的标题是“Thief”。故D选项正确。
56. 考查名词词义辨析。coincidence巧合 ;accident意外事故;reputation名声;
incident事件,事。那个有钱人马 上就想起了数年前的那件事。D选项正确。
57. 考查名词词义辨析。honor荣誉;shame 羞耻;disappointment失望;pity怜悯,
遗憾。如果这幅画就是数年前的那幅画,那 么,这对他来说就是一个耻辱(这幅画的名字是
58. 考查短语辨析。right away立刻;just now刚才;at times有时候;now and then
59. 考查名词词义辨析。process过程,程序;head头;faith信念,信任;con cept概
60. 考查动词词义辨析。raise提高,举起;bend低( 头),俯(首);charge收费,索

价;fail失败。 有钱人向艺术家道歉,并且花了20万美元买回了那幅画。他向艺术家低了头。
第 II 卷
第三部分 英语知识运用
China, which takes pride in four inventions in ancient times, has once again shown
its ability ___61___ (change) the world with its “new four great inventions”:
high-speed railways, electronic payment, shared bicycles and online shopping.
Recently, the “new four great inventions”___62___ (improve) the quality of
people’s lives. Thanks to online shopping and mobile payment, people can buy what
they want ___63___ (simple) with a tap of the phone within doors. High-speed trains
have shortened ___64___ journey from Beijing to the coastal city Tianjin to half an
hour. As for the bikes, they themselves are not new. It is the operating model of
bike-sharing __65___ (base) on satellite navigation (导航) system, mobile payment
as well as big data __66___ has surprised the world. Shared bicycles are bringing
cycling back ___67___ people’s lives and they are making public transport more
__68___ (attract).
It is increasingly clear that China is no longer ___69___ (copy) western ideas
and is leading in many new ways. A growing number of foreign ___70___ (company) hope
to promote the development in their home country by highlighting the need for
technological achievements like that of China.
61. to change 62. have improved 63. simply 64. the 65. based
66. that 67. to 68. attractive 69. copying 70. companies
【解析】中国在古代曾经以四大发明而 自豪,本文讲述今天中国正在以“新的四大发明”领
先世界。新的四大发明是:高速铁路、电子支付、共 享自行车和网上购物。
61. 考查不定式。句意:中国,在古代以四大发明而自豪,今天它再次以它 “新的四大
发明”展示了改变世界的能力。ability to do sth.表示“做……的能力”,故填to change。

62. 考查动词的时态。根据时间状语Recently可 推断,此处描述过去发生一直延续到现
在的动作,用现在完成时,故填have improved。
63. 考查副词。simply作状语用副词形式,simple是形容词。故填simply。
64. 考查冠词。句意:高速列车缩短了从北京到沿海城市天津的旅程,仅为半小时。此
处特 指“从北京到天津的旅程”,故填the。
65. 考查过去分词。句意:它是基于卫星导航系统、移 动支付和大数据的一种共享单车
的一种操作模式。“___ (base) on satellite navigation (导航) system, mobile payment
as well as big data”作定语,与被修饰model是被动关系,用过去分词表示被动关系。故
66. 考查定语从句。“__66___ has surprised the world”是定语从句,先行词是big
67. 考查介词。句意:共享单车正在把自行车待会人们的生活。bring back to…“让……
68. 考查形容词。make后接复合宾语,空格处是宾语补足语,解释说明宾语public
69. 考查动词。句意:日益清楚,中国不再复制西方模式,正在用一种新的方式领先。
由下 文的and可推断,谓语动词copy与下文的谓语动词is leading时态一致,空格前的is
70. 考查名词。company“公司”是可数名词,由a growing number of“越来越多的”
第四部分 写作 (共两节 满分 35)
第一节 短文改错(10 分)
(2016-2019学年宁夏银川一中 高一上学期期末考试)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之


I don’t remember exact how old I was when I began to ride a bike. I only
remembered how I practiced riding a bike in early years. When I first successfully
rode a bike, that remains a vivid memory, my brother helped me with holding the back
seat of the bike while I was riding. “Wow, I did it!”, cried I, as soon as he noticed
I was riding without his hands hold it! I learnt quickly, and soon, even though my
feet were not touching the ground, but I was able to cycle around six kilometer a
day to school! It’s so lovely to remember which happened at that time.
I don’t remember exact how old I was when I began to ride a bike. I only
remembered how I practiced
exactly remember
riding a bike in

early years. When I first successfully rode a bike, that
remains a vivid memory, my
mythe which
brother helped me with holding the back seat of the bike while I was riding.
“Wow, I did it!”, cried I,
as soon as he noticed I was riding without his hands hold it! I learnt quickly,
and soon, even though
I holding
my feet were not touching the ground, but I was able to cycle around six kilometer
a day to school! It’s
so lovely to remember which happened at that time.
考查时态。表示主语现在的状态,用一般现在时,所以remembered改成 remember。

考查非限制性定语从句。which remains a vivid memory作定语,修饰整个句子,所以
which remains a vivid memory是一个非限制性定语从句,关系词在从句中作主语,所以用
which, that不能引导非限制性定语从句,所以that改成which。
考查介词。我骑自行车时,我哥 哥通过握着车后座来帮助我。表示“通过”,所以with
考查代词。我注意到了 我骑自行车的时候,他没有握着后座。表示“我注意到”,所以
考查v+ ing。介词之后,用v +ing。所以hold改成holding。
考查连词。即使我的脚碰不到地面,我也能每天骑六千米到学校。even though与but不
考查名词单复数。被six修饰,所以用名词复数,kilometer改成 kilometers。
考查宾语从句。what happened at that time.作remember的宾语,所以what happened
at that time .是一个宾语从句,引导词在从句中作主语,which表示“哪一个”,而what表
示“什么”,所 以which改成what。
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
师Mr. Smith来帮忙策划。请根据以下提示,用英语给Mr. Smith写一封求助信。内容包括:
1. 求助事由;
2. 希望指导;
3. 感谢帮助。
注意:1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Mr. Smith,
_______________________________________ ___________________________________
__________________________________________________ ________________________
___________ __________________________________________________ _____________

___ __________________________________________________ _____________________
______________ __________________________________________________ __________
_________________________ _________________________________________________< br>______
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Li Hua
Dear Mr. Smith,
I’m writing to ask you for advice, hoping that you will do me a favor.
As you know, every year we hold an activity, appealing to new members to join
a variety of student societies. I’m keen to organize an English club and throw English
parties if possible. What I should do is to put up attractive posters. I’ve been
told that no one else can design a better poster than you. Would you please do me
a favor to help create the poster? If you agree, I w ill come to your house at your
I’d appreciate it if you’d like to offer me a helping hand. Looking forward
to your reply.
Li Hua







