高职高专英语Unit 1教案

2020年08月06日 17:56


序号 1
课程名称:新世纪高职高专英语 授课教师:徐家红
授课班级 游戏楼宇楼宇

11301 11301 11302

Unit 1 Why College?
1. Understand the Text:Why College?
2. Explain the key words and structures in the text.

1. Understand why people go to college for further studies
2. Master the key words and structures in the text


Unit 1 Why College?
pre-school → nursery school
primary school
secondary school
school high school → middle school
vocational school
university → institute
community college

bachelor lecturer
degree master teacher associate professor
doctor professor


Unit 1 Why College?
Master the key words and structures, and understand why people go to
college for further studies.
advanced beyond career dominate
elective entertain executive major out earn
reserve talented view variety make it
in addition to
Structure the more… the more…; either … or
reading: how to find out the meaning of words;
Skills writing: form-filing
learning: indexes and contents
Article a, an; the;
Lead in; Study of the text; Grammar; Reading skills; Practical reading
and writing; Phonetics; Listening and Speaking
6 periods per unit
Key Points

Total Periods

I. Lead in ( 15 minutes)
Ask the students to discuss in pairs why some high school graduates go to college and why some
do not, and then ask some pairs to tell their opinions to the whole class.

Q1: Why are people paying more and more attention to education?
A: Because they have realized education can prepare them for better careers as well as future life.
Q2. Why are high school students making every effort to go to college?
A: Because they understand diplomas and advanced degrees will give them better chances for
well-paid jobs in future.
Q3. As a college student, have you ever asked yourself why you go to college?
A: We go to college in hopes of either good jobs in a very competitive job market or preparation
for further study in university.

II. Read in ( 65 minutes)
1. Background Information ( 5 minutes)

1) Education in the United States
The national system of formal education in the United States took shape in the 19th century. It
differed from educational systems of other Western countries in three fundamental respects. First,
Americans were more inclined to regard education as a solution to various social problems. Second,
because they had this confidence in the power of education, Americans provided more years of
schooling for a larger percentage of the population than other countries. Third, educational institutions
were primarily run by local authorities rather than by federal ones.
3) Cyndi Lauper
American singer, vocalist, movie star who has released a lot of albums. Cyndi Lauper (full


name: Cynthia Ann Stephanie Lauper Thornton), was born in Brooklyn, New York on June 22nd
She took up playing the guitar and writing lyrics at the age of 12. The first song she learnt to
play was “Green sleeves.” In the mid-70s she performed as a vocalist with various cover bands in the
New York metropolitan area.
More information: www.

2. Developing vocabulary (30 minutes)
1)advanced adj. new and not yet generally accepted
e.g. He introduced advanced technology and management into China.
e.g. The board of directors advanced her to president.
Extended words: advance v. n.

2) beyond prep. Outside the range of
e.g. The car is beyond repair.

3) career n. profession or occupation with opportunities for advancement or promotion
e.g. How do you see your career development?
e.g. make a career
Related words: job work occupation profession

4) diploma n. a certificate of graduation from a school or college
e.g. He received a diploma from Harvard in 2000.

5) dominate v. have control of or a very strong influence on (people, events, etc)
e.g. She must dominate her passions.
e.g. The superpower attempted to dominate over other countries.
Extended words: dominant adj. domination n.

6) elective adj. not compulsory; optional
e.g. elective course Cf. required course
Extended words: elect v. election n.

7) entertain v. amuse sb.
e.g. A teacher should entertain as well as teach.
Extended words:
entertainment n. entertainer n.

8) executive n.
e.g. I would like to apply for the position of sales executive.

9) major n. principle subject or course of a student at college or university
adj. more important; greater
v. specialize in a certain subject (at college or university)
e.g. Can you tell me why you choose this major?
e.g. One of the major problems facing mankind today is racism.
e.g. He majored in two subjects at Cambridge University.


10) out earn v. earn more than others
e.g. Tom out earns his father.
Extended words: out: surpassing e.g. outgo, outgrow, outlook, outlive
e.g. Jim outlived his wife by five years.

11) privilege n. special right given to a person
e.g. The wealthy seem to have a great many privileges.

12) require v. need
e.g. It is required that the instrument should be tested before it is actually used.

13) reserve v. order or set aside (seats, accommodation, etc.)for use by a special person at a
future time; book
v. have or keep (a specified power); retain
v. put aside or keep sth. for a later occasion or special use
e.g. I have reserved a table for two at the restaurant.
e.g. The management reserves the right to refuse admission.
e.g. Reserve your strength for the climb.
Extended words: reserved adj. reservation n.

14) talented adj. having talent; gifted
e.g. I wish you as you are truly one the most talented and hard working individuals I know.

15) view v. look at or watch sth. carefully
v. consider sth. in the mind; regard sth. (as sth.)
e.g. The police viewed the scene of the crime.
e.g. I view Tom as a reliable colleague.

16) vary v. change, esp. according to some factor
e.g. The demand varies with the season.
e.g. Dialects vary from one province to another in this big country.
Extended words: various adj. variety n.

17) whatever . any or all of the things that are wanted, needed or possible
e.g. Whatever happens, don’t forget to write to me.

18) make it
e.g. He failed to make it as a writer.
e.g. It’s hard to make it to the top in show business.

19) in addition to prep.
e.g. In addition to reviewing my lessons, I often play basketball with my classmates.
In addition to the dictionary he wanted, I also bought him some reference books.



Detail study of the text (30 minutes)

Paragraph One

1) Comprehension Questions
Q: How do you understand “the more you learn, the more you earn”?
A: That means you can make more money if you receive more education.
2) Main idea
In the U.S.A. today people generally believe that the more you learn the more you earn.
3) Sentence structure
The more you learn, the more you earn.
e.g. The more practice you have, the fewer mistakes you will make.
The harder he studies at present, the more he will earn in the future.
The more we looked forward to his arrival, the more disappointed we became.
The happier he pretended to be in public, the sadder he felt in private.
4) Difficult sentences
“Although Cyndi made it without a high school degree, most people don’t.”
In spite of the fact that Cyndi was successful in her career without a high school degree,
most people usually are not so successful without a high school degree.

Paragraph Two
1) Comprehension Questions
Q: What is the purpose of college education?
A: On the one hand, a college education is preparation for a career. On the other hand, it is a
kind of preparation for one’s future life. (Topic Sentence)
2) Main idea
People choose to go to college not only for career but also for life.
3) Difficult sentences
“In addition to courses in their major field of study, most students have time to take elective
Many students not only take required courses but also select other courses in which they are

Paragraph Three
1) Comprehension Questions
Q: Why is it that high school graduates no longer dominate the college campuses now?
A: Because more and more adult students come back to college for continuing education
2) Main idea
Today, it is common for adult s of all ages to come back to college campuses.
3) Sentence structure
Going to college, … is naturally becoming the next step after high school.
e.g. Getting up early is considered a good habit.
4) Difficult sentences
“Today, it is quite common for adults of all ages to come back to college either for career
advancement or personal growth.”
Nowadays, it has become common for people of different age groups and with work
experience to return and study at college for better job opportunities and the development of personal



Paragraph Four
1) Comprehension Questions
Q: What does the rising number of Americans with a bachelor’s degree show?
A: It shows the faith of Americans in the value of education.
2) Main idea
Most Americans have a chance to go to college.
3) Difficult sentences
“In the USA, a college education is not viewed as a privilege reserved for the wealthy or the
academically talented.”
In the USA, a college education is not regarded as a special advantage or right for the rich or
the bright only.

III. Exercise ( 10 minutes)
Practice Ex. I
IV. Assignments
1. Review the text and the key wordsphrases
2. Finish off Ex. II – Ex. VI
3. Preview Grammar; Reading skills; Practical reading and writing

1. Read the article “Why I Came to College” (Book: Human Nature )
2. Online learning



序号 2
课程名称:新世纪高职高专英语 授课教师:徐家红

Unit 1 Why College?
1. Grammar: Article
2. Reading skills: Using Definition and Restatement to find out the Meanings of words
3. Practical Reading: Reading Indexes and Contents
4. Practical Writing: Form-Filling

1. Master the use of Article
2. Master the reading skill: Using Definition and Restatement to find out the meanings of
3. Learn how to read indexes and contents
4. Learn how to fill a form




Unit 1 Why College?

Grammar – Article

The Indefinite
Article(a an)
aan + n.
a book an exam
The Definite
Article(a an)
the + a. The old are to be respected.
V. + sb. + in on across + She took two quick steps forward and struck him
the + 身体部位 across the mouth.
The secretary and driver of mine is waiting for me
the + n.1 +n.2.
outside the office.(秘书兼司机)
the + instruments My neighbor is now playing the guitar.
the + same
The man you’ve just met are of the same age.

I. Review the text

(15 minutes)
1. Check the assignments
2. Summarize the text
Better education usually means higher incomes, although this may not always be the case in our
life. In America today, more and more people, in spite of their differences in age, go to college also for
career advancement or personal growth. The fact that America has got a much higher percentage of
people with college degrees than most other major countries in the world is proof of American faith in
the value of education and equal rights for education in the U.S.

II. Grammar Tips –Article

(15 minutes)
He majored in history in college.
They elected the middle-aged man president of the society.
Tom is playing football on the playground.
2.Practice Ex. I and Ex. II


III. Reading Skills

(15 minutes)

1. Understanding Definition and Restatement
2. Using Definition and Restatement to Find Out the Meanings of Words

e.g. The sheets were made of muslin. Muslin is a strong cotton cloth. (Definition)

a strong cotton cloth
The ring was made of garnets, deep red stones, set in gold. (Restatement)

deep red
3. Answer the questions on page 12

IV. Practical Reading (15 minutes)
1. Read the reading material
2. Practice: Ex. I and Ex. II

V. Form-Filling (20 minutes)
1. Learn how to fill forms
1) 一般的表格具有以下内容:
页眉部分:名字(Family Name, Given Name)、地址(Address)、
出生日期(Date of Birth)、 年龄(Age)
教育背景 (Education Data)
个人资料 (Personal Information)
工作经历 (Work Experience)

2) 名字:如“周晓阳”有几种写法。1)Xiaoyang ZHOU;2) XIAOYANG ZHOU;3) Xiaoyang
Zhou;4) Zhou, Xiaoyang。中国人一般接受写法3),标准写法为2)。一般英文表
格中,名字分 为两部分:Family Name 指姓,Given Name 指名。
3) 地址:省名后要写中国,一般用China简单清楚。邮编的标准写法是放在省市名之后。
4) 电话:前面一定加地区号,区号用括号,如中国上海 区号(86-21)。区号和8位号码之
间加空格,如:(86-21) 66556688。若电话号 码长,如手机号码,要用“4-3-4原则”,
5) 性别:Gender和Sex 都指性别,男性(Male),女性(Female)。
6) 出生日:格式为:日月年,可以都是阿拉伯数字,月份也可以用英语缩写。
如 1988年2月11日出生,写为 11021988 或 11Feb1988。
2. Practice Fill the form on page 15

VI. Study Guide and Memorable Quotes ( 5 minutes)
1. Read the guide and try to do as it
2. Resize the quotes


VII. Assignments ( 5 minutes)
1. Make a card to introduce yourself and your hobby, your wishes for college life, etc.
2. Review: Article; Reading skill
3. Preview: the Front Vowels; Greeting and Introducing
4. Online learning


序号 3
课程名称:新世纪高职高专英语 授课教师:徐家红
授课班级 游戏楼宇楼宇

11301 11301 11302

Unit 1 Why College?
1. Phonetics: Front Vowels: [ i: ] [ i ] [ e ] [ æ ]
2. Listening and Speaking: Greeting and Introducing

1. Master the Front Vowels
2. Master the pattern of greeting and introducing people.



Unit 1 Why College?

Greetings Responses
Good morning afternoonevening Good morning afternoonevening
Hi! How are you
How are things?

Not too bad
Everything is all right
Fine, thanks.
Very well, thank you. Nothing special
Same here

Hello! How have you been?
Hi, what’s upnew?
Pleased to meetsee you


My name is…

Very pleasedhappy to meet you.
I’m pleased to meet you
It’s a pleasure to meet you
A pleasure to meet you
Let me introduce myself
MeetThis is…
I’d like you to meet…
I’d like to introduce…

I. Dictate the Key Words , Phrases and Expression ( 15 minutes)
II. Learn the Front Vowels ( 15 minutes)
1. Learn the Front Vowels [ i: ] [ i ] [ æ ]
2. Practice these vowels:
[ i: ]
feet-feed; cease- seize; neat- need; evening, evening school, good evening; tree, a tree, a pine tree;
BTV; CCTV; agree; to speak Chinese; to eat a meal; a Chinese meal
[ i ]
a chicken, a pit; to dig a pit; office; movie; music; wind, windy; window, window shopping, to do
window shopping; ticket; picnic, to go picnicking; taxi, dinner, victory, picture, biscuit, chocolate, Kentucky
fried chicken, pizza
[ e ]
egg- plant, fetch, debt, sweat, second, seven, eleven, bench, friend, friendship, friendly, very, pleasant,
pleasure, envy
[ æ ]
back, cat, and, fan, gas, have, happen, hat, ax, man, exam, angry, bracket, salad, apple,
3. Practice Ex. I – Ex. III

III. Listening ( 20 minutes)
Review the pattern of Greeting and Introduction

Listen to the 2 dialogues and complete the sentences
Practice the 2 dialogues in pairs
Listen to the conversation and answer the questions on page 8
Listen to the conversation again and try to repeat it one sentence by sentence

IV. Speaking ( 20 minutes)
1. Read the expressions on page 8 ( Ex. I )
2. Introduce yourself orally.
1) your name 2) where you come from 3) your family 4) your hobbies 5) what you are
good at
3. Practice Ex. II in pairs
4. Work with the partners and act out the dialogues

V. Assignments ( 5 minutes)
1. Review Unit 1 and Preview Unit 2 online


VI. Self- assessment ( 15 minutes)
Get the students to try to develop the habit of self-assessment.
1. Mark your performance out of 5 for each of the tasks in the unit, using this marking scheme:
5- Excellent 4- Good 3- Satisfactory 2- Unsatisfactory 1- Poor
In this unit how well you do





Task 1? ( the understanding of the text)

Task 2? (some new vocabulary)

Task 3? (Grammar: Article)

Task 4? ( reading skills)

Task 5? ( write your

Task 6? ( Greeting and Introduction)
If you like, record your marks (out of 30).
If you scored only 2 or 1 on any task, ask yourself:
Q1: Why did I score badly? Q2: What action should I take?
2. Keep a Learning Journal
In your learning journal, you write down the progress you have made, the
problems you have, and possible solution.
Help the students to think about, and improve, the way you learn.








