
2020年08月06日 18:24


Unit 1
1打扮 1. dress as
2把…处死 2. put …to death
3改善监狱条件 3. improve prision conditions
4诺贝尔和平奖 Nobel Peace Prize
5. one of the top leaders
modern Chinese history
n oneself with(in)
8. welfare project
9. the China Welfare Institute
10. a specialist in women’s illnesses
11 devote one’s life to medical work
12. encourage sb to do sth
13. go to university
14 the connections between chimps
and human beings
15. as…as possible
16. National Park
18. meaning doing
19. the night before
20. in the shade
21. move off
22. play in the tree
23. be allowed to do
24. communicate with
25. work out
the wild
28. set up
to oneself
30. lead a … life
31. gain a doctor’s degree
32. a way of showing love
33. daily activities
35. sit at the computer
36. do research on
37. by chance
38. come across

39..似乎 39. It seems that
40 .她所选的事业 40. her chosen career
41 .去国外留学 41. travel abroad to study
42.吸引某人的注意 42. catch a person’s eye
43.降低死亡率 43. cut the death rate
44照顾 44. care for
45.摆脱疾病 45. free from sickness
46.为 …准备的 intended for
47.次于,亚于 47. second to
48.聪明得多 48. much clever
49.别的任何人 49. anyone else
50.温和的性格 50. gentle nature
51.后来 51. later on
52.无数的故事 52. story after story
53.深夜 53. late at night
54.接生小孩 54. deliver a baby
55.迫不及待 55. can’t wait to do
56.献身于 56. devote one’s life to ndoing
57.宁愿决定做某事 57. choose to do sth
58.确保 sure that…
59.继续 59. carry on
60.医学院 60. medical college
61.为…而准备 e for
62.高考 62. the university entrance examination
63.如下 follows
64.涉及,参考 64. refer to
65.瞧不起 65. look down onupon
spent years observing and recording their daily activities.她花了多年的时间来观察
并记录它们的日常活动(spend time in doing in可省略)
after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin
her project.她母亲头几个月来帮忙后,她才得以开始自己的计划。(onl y修饰状语位于句首,

Unit 2
1. 著名的科学家 1. famous scientist
2. 耕耘土地 2. work the land
3. 晒黑的脸 3. sunburnt face
4. 超级杂交水稻 4. super hybrid rice
5. 50年 5. five decades
6. 农业先驱 ltural pioneer
7. 种水稻 7. grow rice
8. 高产量 8. high output
9. 毕业于 te from
10. 从那时起 10. since then

11. 生活目标 11. life goal
12. 令人烦恼的问题 12. a disturbing problem
13. 寻找办法 13. search for a way
14.不扩大土地面积 t expanding the area of field
15. 传播知识 15. circulate knowledge
16. 欠发达国家 16. less developed countries
17. 幸亏,由于 17. thanks to
18. 消除世界饥饿 the world of hunger
19. 对…感到满意 satisfied with
20. 愿意做… 20. would rather do
21. 喜欢听小提琴音 21. enjoy listening to violin music
22. 过舒适的生活 a comfortable life
23. 太多的钱 much money
24. 出口水稻 24. export rice
25. 在过去的半个世纪里 the past half century
26. 化肥 26. chemical fertilizer
27. 增加产量 27. increase production
28. 给…造成损失 28. cause damage to
29. 人们的健康 29. people’s health
30. 地下水 round water

31. 转向有机耕 to organic farming
32. 集中于 32. focus on
33. 没有疾病 33. free of disease
34. 减少疾病 disease
35. 富含矿物质 35 be rich in minerals
36. 使…免遭 36. keep…free from
37. 避免损害环境 37. avoid damaging environment
Farmers are producing harvest twice as large as before.农民收获的是以前的两倍(倍数+

Unit 3
content with 1. 对…满意
2. badly off(worse off) 2.贫困
depressed 3.感到郁闷
families 4.表演家庭
income 5. 家庭收入
mid-nineteenth century 6.十九世纪中期
7.a pair of leather shoes 7. 一双皮鞋
top of the shoes 8. 鞋帮
bottom of the shoes 9.鞋底
10. be well-known throughout the world 10.举世闻名
11. wear worn-out shoes 11.穿着破鞋子
12. carry a walking stick 12. 拿着手杖

13. a social failure 13. 一个社会生活中的失败分子
14. overcome difficulties 14. 克服困难
15. be unkind to sb 15.对…不好
16. rush there in search of 16. 冲向…寻找…
17. fortunate enough 17. 足够幸运
18. pick up 18. 拾起…接某人
19. be caught in a snowstorm 19. 遭遇到暴风雪
20. on the edge of a mountain 20. 在大山边缘
21. pick out 21. 挑出
22. cut off 22.切断,隔绝…
23. as if 23. 似乎,好象
24. eat every mouthful with great enjoyment 24. 每口都吃得津津有味
25. star in 25.主演…
lifetime outstanding work 26. 他终生杰出的工作

Unit 4
1communicate with 1. 与交流
Sb 2.向某人打招呼,问候
the idea with sb 3.与某人交流看法
4. a student’s association 4.学生社团
Capital International Airport 5.首都国际机场
student canteen 6.学生食堂
7. half an hour of waiting for 7.半小时的等待…
8 the waiting area 8. 等待区
around curiously 9.好奇地向四周张望
10. The first person to arrive 10. 第一个到的人
11. Be closely followed by… 11.后面紧跟着
uce…to… 12. 介绍…给
ch sb 13. 靠近…
14. kiss her on the cheek 14. 吻她的脸颊
15 step back 15.后退
surprised 16. 看起来吃惊
17. a major misunderstanding 17.较大的误会
his hand out 18.伸出手
19. move close to 19.靠近…
g face 20. 笑脸
21. On the contrary 21.相反
at sb. 22. 向某人点头
the same way 23. 同样…
24. spoken language 24. 口语
25. express feelings 25.表达感情
26. physical distance 26. 身体距离
27. be likely to do 27. 很有可能做
28. shake hands with sb 28. 与…握手

29. nod at 29对…点头
al customs 30. 文化习俗
difficulties 31.避免 困难
32. in general 32. 一般而言,总的来说
of communication 33.交流方式
all kinds of feelings 34. 表达各种各样的感情
aloud 35.大声地说出来
sb to do sth 36. 打算使某人…
unspoken communication 37.扑捉没有说出的信息
universal facial expression 38.最普遍的面部表情
39. show happinessanger 39.表示高兴 生气
40. put sb at ease 40.使某人安心
41. hide feelings 41.掩饰感情
face 42.丢脸
one’s back to sb 43.背对着某人
a fist 44.握拳
agreement 45.表示同意
46. be used for 46.被用来
47. nod up and down 47. 点头
48. shake the head from side to side 48.摇头
away from people 49.把眼光从某人身上移开
50. In most cases 50.在多数情况下
one’s head away 51.把头转向一边
52. be respectful to people 52. 尊重人
based on 53. 以…为基础
general 54.一般来说
a hug to a boss 55. 拥抱上司
56.a higher rank 56.更高级别
57 . be willing to do 57. 愿意做某事
58. cultural differences 58.文化差异
59. be wrong about sb 59.误解某人
60. An amazing thing 60.一件令人惊异的事
Sentence :
Not all cultures greeet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with
touching or distance between people.各种文化背景下的问候语不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距
程度也不尽相同。(not all 并非都…, 部分倒装)
Unit 5
1 theme park 1.主题公园
2. be famous for 2. 以…出名
3.a roller coaster 3.过山车
familiar with 4. 对…熟悉
l world 5..魔幻世界
dream comes true 6.你的梦想成真
through space 7.穿越太空

8. a pirate ship 8. 海盗船
9.a fairy tale 9. 童话
10.A cartoon character 10.卡通人物
11 wander around the fantasy amusement park 11.漫步在梦幻的游乐园
12. swing ships 12.吊船
13. terrifying free-fall drops 13.可怕的自由落体
14. have fun doing 14. 做…开心
15. celebrate America’s traditional southeastern culture 15.庆祝美国东南地区的传统文化
16. country music groups 16.乡村音乐乐团
year 17. 全年
or outdoor theatres 18.室内或露天剧院
19. iron objects 19.铁制品
20. in old-fashioned way 20.用老的方式
21. take a ride on the steam-engine train 21. 乘蒸汽火车
22. the bald eagle preserve 22.秃鹰保护区
fun doing 23. 做…开心
24. be based on 24. 以…为基础
magic show 25. 观看魔术表演
modelled after 26. 仿造
ng with sword 27. 剑术
ng tournament 28. 格斗联赛
29.a world of fantasy 29.梦幻世界
a journey deep into space 30. 深入太空旅行
31. solar system 31. 太阳系
airplane crash 32. 坠机
33. in the jungle 33. 在丛林中
34. car racing 34. 赛车
35. face to face with 35.与…面对面
ed technology 36. 先进的技术
close to 37. 接近
to life 38. 复活,活跃起来
39. learning centres 39. 学习中心
40. scientific experiments 40. 科学实验
the park’s entrance 41. 在公园入口处
perfect mix of fun and learning 42. 娱乐学习完美的结合
43. in advance 43. 提前
group admission rate 44. 团票价
45. provide sth to … 45. 给…提供 …
46. within easy reach of freeway 46. 在高速路附近
47. souvenir shops 47. 纪念品商店
sure to do 48.一定要做…
49. comfortable sneakers 49. 舒适的运动鞋
50. for a break 50.作为间歇

all these attractions,no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is Disneyland.







