
2020年08月06日 18:58


Unit 1 I laughed till I cried! The first period
一. 教学内容
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
1. 知识目标
⑴ 帮助学生掌握以下词汇:如ski, mountain, beach, sail, skate, vacation, wonderful, parent

⑵ 帮助学生掌握询问和提供过去的经历所使用的词组和句型,如:
a. useful expressions about some activities:
visit the zoo, go swimming skating skiing boating sailing fishing, pick apples, climb
mountains, play volleyball on the beach, etc.
b. ask for and give information on past experiences:
How was your vacation?
It was wonderful great not bad.
We had great fun.
Where did your family go? Where did you go?
I went to …. We went to ….
What did you do there?
2. 能力目标
⑴ 学生能听懂关于询问和提供过去的经历的对话。
⑵ 学生能就过去的经历这一话题进行简单的交流,能够就这一话题询问和提供信息。
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (25 min)


1. The teacher greets each student:
Good morning.
Nice to see you again.
Welcome back to school.
What did you do during your winter vacation?
Did your family go somewhere?
Did you enjoy yourselves?
(设计意图:这是学生寒假回来的第一节英语课,和学生互相问候了之后,顺便聊到寒假里的活动是再< br>自然不过的事了。这里的开门见山让学生很快进入了本节课的话题。)
2. Encourage the Ss to give answers. And collect different answers on the blackboard. While
collecting, teach new words such as ski, mountain, sail, skate, beach, etc.
(设计意图:教师可以一 边和学生进行交流,一边就把学生的回答写在黑板上,不仅可以复习巩固一些
旧的表达方式,同时可以呈 现新的单词和词组,可谓一举两得。)
3. Activity 1: Tick the activities you did before.
After the students has finished it, ask some individuals to tell the whole what they once did
by using: I visited the zoo. I went swimming. I climbed mountains. < br>(设计意图:在这一活动中,教师不应仅仅局限于让学生完成一个打勾的练习,而是要让他们用语言表达出曾经做过的事情。要说的句子只需在所列出的词组中加上一个I即可,这也让学生更有信心与别人
4. Activity 2: Listen and match.
Get the Ss to do it by themselves without listening. Then get them to listen and repeat.
(设计意图:这一活动,教师可以先不让学生听,直接让他们Look and match. 在完成之后,再让学
Step Two Listening (20 min)
1. Before listening, ask the Ss to look at the pictures and talk about what cities they may
2. Activity 3. Listen and tick. Then heck the answers with them.
3. Activity 5. Listen again and match the people with the activities. Check the answers with
4. Activity 4. Listen again and answer the questions. Check the answers with them.


(设计意图: 在听之前,让学生先讨 论教材中的图片能让他们先熟悉要听的内容。接着,要让他们明白
在听的过程中要完成的任务。把教材中 的活动4和活动5调整了一下顺序是因为学生对于回答问题总是
比较害怕,也觉得比较难。所以可以把这 一练习放到最后去完成。)
Step Three Speaking (30 min)
1. Activity 6. Read and underline. Practice the dialogue with your partner and underline the
vacation activities.
2. Activity 7. Look at the pictures and talk in pairs.
(设计意图: 模拟真实情景,两人小组相互询问在假期中的活动。)
3. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues. If some Ss have difficulties, the teacher can
give them some hints.
(设计意图:让学生表演对话,一来可以检查 学生的掌握情况,以便教师在下一活动中进行调整。二来
可以锻炼学生的胆量。而教师在鼓励学生表演时 ,不应只请一些表达能力较强的学生,也应多多地把机
会给能力较弱的学生。这样,既给了这些学生开口 的机会,让他们增添一份自信,同时也保护了他们的
4. Activity 8: Ask each student to interview five students with the chart.
Step Four Summary (10 min)
Make a short summary of what we’ve learned today.
(1) Useful expressions: visit the zoo, go swimming skiing skating sailing fishing
boating, climb mountains, play volleyball on the beach, pick apples
(2) Everyday English:
How was your vacation?
It was wonderful great not bad.
We had great fun.
Did you enjoy yourselves?
Where did you go? Where did your family go?
What did you do there?
Step Five Homework (5 min)


1. Practice the dialogue with your classmate after class.
2. Make a similar dialogue, talking about winter vacation.
1. Practice the dialogue with your classmate after class.
2. Make a similar dialogue, talking about winter vacation.
Useful expressions:
visit the zoo
You can ask like this:
How was your vacation?
go swimming skiing sailing skating What was the weather like there?
pick apples
climb mountains
play volleyball on the beach

Where did you go? Where did your family
Did you enjoy yourselves?
You can answer like this:
It was wonderful great not bad.
It was hot warm …
I went to Harbin with my parents.
Yes, we had great fun.
(设计意图,用不同颜色的粉笔让学生对本节课所学的新词、要求掌握的重点一目了然。同时 ,教师的
不同班级教学效果相差很大,三个班中两个班能基本完成教学过程,另一个班管纪 律用去大量时间。在


Book 2 Unit 1 I laughed till I cried! The second period
一. 教学内容
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
⑴ 帮助学生理解并掌握以下词汇:如career, housewife, household, daily, return, hesitation, typical, chore,
volunteer, ham等
⑵ 能够看懂教材中的两个关于家庭成员的故事。
2. 能力目标
⑴ 学生能根据不同的阅读需求,正确地掌握一些阅读的方法,如skimming, scanning等。
⑵ 学生能在理解故事的前提下,根据所给提示词语,复述家庭成员的故事。
(3) 学生能从连词成句渐渐过渡到连句成段,简单地描述自己或家庭成员的经历。
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (15 min)
1. Revision.
The teacher greets the Ss and get them to talk about their holidays.
T: How was your winter vacation?
Where did you go?
What was the weather like there?
What did you do?
Did your family have a good time?
Who made a decision in your family during the vacation?
Who had more experience in your family?


(设计意图:在日常的师生问候中,自然地复 习了上一课时所学的内容,并在交流中,导入本课时所要
2. Involve more questions about families. Make a short survey.
In your family,
who does the housework?
who is the most hard-working?
who is the laziest?
who is the funniest?
who likes eating most?
who usually makes decisions?
Your father

Your mother You

(设计意图: 把活动9的问题进行补充,多方面的问题能够让学生慢慢回忆起家庭中的各种趣事,从而
会在下面的阅读 中引起共鸣。可以叫几个学生做一个简短的汇报,必定会引起其他同学的笑声不断。本
课时的教学即能在 欢快轻松的氛围中展开。)
Step Two Reading (30 min)
1. Activity 10: fast reading. Get the Ss to read the letters as quickly as they can and tick the right topic. Then
check the answer with the whole class.
2. Activity 11. Read the letter again and tick the things Bob’s mother and Ben’s father did.
3. Activity 12. Read the letters again and tick the correct sentences. Then check the answers with the Ss. See if
they have any problems, help them with some important and difficult points.
(设计意图,通过找出正确的 句子让学生进一步理解课文,同时在与学生校对答案时看他们是否存在阅
4. Reading aloud. Get the Ss to read the letters by themselves. While they are reading, the teacher walks
around to help them.
(设计意图: 在课堂教学中,要时刻培养学生大声朗读的习惯,以朗读进一步促进对文章的理解,并为
下一活动——复 述故事做好铺垫。)
5. Activity 13: Complete the summary of Ben’s story. Then check the answers with the Ss. Ask the Ss to
prepare for telling the stories.
(设计意图:在完成此活动时,可让学生尝试着不看阅读材料,直接填写。这样做 一方面可以检测他们


在前半节课中的掌握程度,另一方面让他们 养成勤记忆的习惯。能力较强的学生可以参考方框中给出的
词语来复述。而能力较弱的学生则可以看着完 整的语句进行复述,这样就会有更多的同学参与到活动中
Step Three Writing (30 min)
1. Group work: Activity 14. Get the Ss to use the given information to describe the pictures. The teacher can
get the Ss to work in groups and then ask some individuals to do it orally. Finally, ask the Ss to write down the
sentences according to the pictures.
帮 助、讨论。第一步,小组讨论。第二步,教师让个别同学发言,然后全班同学一起校对。第三步,学
生把 句子写下来。这样做可以循序渐进,分解难度,帮助学生克服写作的心理障碍。)
2. Activity 15. Get the Ss to connect all the sentences.
(设计意图:学生在上一活动中已经完成了对每一幅图片的描述,那么在这 里学生就要把这些句子连成
Step Four summary(10 min)
career woman household daily
return to daily return to slip on the driveway
send … to the hospital without hesitation
typical housewife do the housework family chores
last Sunday afternoon volunteer to do a shopping list
half an hour later open a large grocery bag start to do
Step Five Homework (5 mins)
1. Retell one of the two short stories that you are interested in.
2. Complete Activity 15.
3. Write down some expressions that are accosiated with your experiences in your childhood or in the vacation.

1. Retell one of the two short stories that you are interested in.
2. Complete Activity 15.
3. Write down some expressions that are accosiated with your experiences in your childhood or in the vacation.


Bob’s story:
career woman
return to
on the driveway
send … to the hospital
without hesitation

(设计意图,这样设计可以让学生非常清楚地在两篇故事中找到生词和重点词组。 而学生在做复述的时

Ben’s story:
typical housewife
do the housework
family chores
last Sunday afternoon
volunteer to do
a shopping list
half an hour later
open a large grocery bag
start to do

Book 2 Unit 1 I laughed till I cried! The third period
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
⑴ 学生能够理解并识记一般过去时的基本结构:动词的过去式
⑵ 学生能够理解并识记一般过去时的肯定式、否定式和疑问式的结构:
肯定式:动词的过去式(was were; did)
否定式:wasn’t weren’t; didn’t do
疑问式:Was Were …? Did …?
(3) 学生能够理解并识记动词过去式的变化规则。
2. 能力目标
⑴ 学生能正确使用一般过去时的肯定式、否定式和疑问式
⑵ 学生能运用一般过去时描述过去的经历。
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (20 min)
1. Have a comment on Ss’ compositions. Pick out some good examples and get the Ss to read them aloud.
After reading, ask some questions.
(设计意图: 教师对于上一课时的学生作文进行讲评,能让学生明确并及时订正自己的差错。对于优秀
作文的肯定及在 全班的示范朗读,更能激发学生的自豪感,从而更主动积极地完成作业。在朗读前,明
确任务,听后要回 答问题。这样既能让听的同学更集中注意力,也有意识地培养了大家尊重他人的品质。)
2. Introduce the Past Tense.
Tell the Ss the basic structure of the Past Tense. Ask the Ss if they know the past forms of verbs.


一般过去时: 动词的过去式
(设计意图:在学生作文朗读结束后,教师告诉 学生,作文中大家用来描述过去的经历要使用一般过去
Step Two Language in use (25 min)
1. Game: Get the Ss to put the words into the right envelope. (25 min)

played danced studied stopped went cried came did read returned replied
listened watched chatted had enjoyed cooked stayed gave slipped counted
asked sent arrived started was were
(设计意图:这一游戏要求学生按照已给的例子,把其他的单词填入正确的方框中,1.直接 加ED,2.
该Y为I加ED,3.不规则变化形式,4.双写加ED。这里其实在复习动词的过去式的 变化规则。而采用
游戏和竞赛的方式,可以化枯燥为有趣,让学生在玩中学、做中学。在学生把这些单词 全部放入正确的
位置后,可以让他们自己来归纳动词过去式的变化规则。教师还可以在这里让学生根据这 些过去式,说
出它们的原形。在这里选用的动词,大多数为本单元中出现的词汇,学生比较熟悉。而对于 不规则变化
Step Two Language in use (25 min)
1. Game: who + what + where + when(25 min)
Divide the Ss into four groups. Students of each group write a part of a sentence. Help them to use the past
forms of verbs. Then each group leader hand in what their group members write. There are four boxes on the
teachers’ desk. Each box collects one part. Then Ss can read what they write.
(设计意图 :同学们在每个盒子中随意各抽出一张纸条,然后组合起来,往往期待一个搞笑的场景。而
学生在说的过 程中,教师可以帮助学生理清各部分在句子中的位置。不过,要注意学生在写what和when
这两部 分时,要提醒他们用动词的过去式以及表示过去的时间状语。)
Step Three Grammar Focus(10 min)
Get the Ss to read these sample sentences together. Help them to learn the examples. Ask them to pay special
attention to the verb forms and the adverbial phrases of time.
(设计意图:教师提醒他们注意动词的形式和相应的时间状语。帮助学生仔细学习一般过去时的肯定式< br>和否定式。)
Get the Ss to complete Activity 17. Then check the answers with them.
(设计意图:在检测时, 教师提问的时候有意识地使用了很多一般疑问句,帮助学生用YesNo来回答。


Step four Summary (5 min)
Make a short summary of what we’ve learned today.
a. the past forms of verbs
b. the basic structure of the Simple Past.
Step Five Homework (5m)
Say something interesting in your childhood or something funny in the vacation. Choose one topic and write
five sentences down.

Say something interesting in your childhood or something funny in the vacation. Choose one topic and write
five sentences down.
肯定式:was were
否定式:wan’t weren’t
didn’t do
疑问式:Was Were …?
Yes, … was. No, … wasn’t.
Did …?
Yes, … did. No, … didn’t.
who + what + where + when这个游戏在网上看到的,今天上课效果真的很好。学生有意思只是以后 要注

a. 一般直接+ed
b. 以不发音e结尾+d
c. 以辅音字母+y,则去y加ied
d. 重读闭音节结尾,双写最后一个字母,然
e. 不规则变化

Book 2 Unit 2 I saw a terrible movie. The first period
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
学生能够理解并掌握重点词汇以及以下四个动词的词语搭配:go, have, play, make
2. 能力目标
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (20 min)
1. Collect the Ss’ homework and get some of them to tell others key phrases of what they will talk today. Get
others to guess.
went swimming bathed in the sun walked along the beach
What did Li Jie do last vacation?
She went swimming, bathed in the sun and walked along the beach.
Where did she go?
Did you go to Sanya?
No, I didn’t.
Did you go to Qingdao?
No, I didn’t. I went to Thailand.
Who did she go with?
Did you go with your parents?
Yes, I did.


( 设计意图:这一步骤教师既能对学生的作业情况进行及时地检查,教师在并听的过程中边提出问题,
并且 问题是结合上个单元的知识点,又可以检查学生们对于一般过去时的掌握情况。鼓励学生用上个单
元学过 的句型进行提问和回答。教师因此也达到了复习一般过去时的目的。同时,教师也为下一班即将
要进行的 表演做了铺垫。)
Step Two Vocabulary pracice (25 min)
1. Activity: Get the Ss to find the words that go together.
football a wonderful time a snowman a lot of fun sailing swimming shopping skiing
a long holiday a terrible time volleyball skating to a park tennis a trip to Beijing
computer games with my friends with my parents to the zoo the piano a birthday cake
coffee a birthday party a great time the zoo mountains apples the birthday present
songs stories
Step Three performance task (25 min)
T: Everyone has some experiences that are very funny. Our class is to hold a funny story acting competition.
1. Ss work in groups of 6 to 10. The Ss share their stories in the group.
2. Choose a representitive for the competition.
3. Vote for the funniest storyteller in the class.
Tell the Ss that they can use as many expressions on blackboard as possible.
(设计意图: 故事的素材要求学生事先已经找好,在课堂上,教师要求学生先进行小组活动,除了要选
出小组中最好的 一名讲故事者之外,更重要的是,学生能够在这一活动中互相帮助、互相合作,克服学
习上的困难。教师 引导学生可以参考教材26和27页,是让他们能够学会寻求书本的帮助,真正让书本
为他们所用,成为 他们的好朋友、好老师。)
Step Four reading practices (10 min)
Get the Ss to work in pairs. While one of them is reading, the other should listen carefully and point out if his
or her partner reads it well.
Ask individuals to read it in front of the class.
(设计意图:通过对话朗读来提高学生的朗读技巧。要求学生在朗读英语时养 成良好的语音习惯,重视
Step Five summary (5 min)
go fishing shopping skiing …to a park to Beijing …


have a party a long holiday a lot of fun …
play basketball volleyball …with my parents …
make a cake a snowman …climb mountains pick apples visit the zoo do the housework
Step Six Homework (5 min)
prepare for the word dictation.

prepare for the word dictation.
Useful phrases:
go fishing shopping skiing …to a park to Beijing …have a party a long holiday a lot of fun …
play basketball volleyball …with my parents …make a cake a snowman …climb mountains pick
apples visit the zoo do the housework
如果是上午一,二节课。则第一节课前20分钟规定为读英语时间,10分钟教师 领读,10分钟学生自由
朗读。要求一定要读出声音。以后每个礼拜都这样做。英语交际能力,说很重要 。

Book 2 Unit 2 I saw a terrible movie. The second period
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
(1)学生能够掌握关于周末娱乐活动的词组,如:surf the Internet, see a movie, listen to music, go to the
gym, watch a cartoon, play computer games etc。


What did you do last weekend?
What do you think of the …?
How about you? Did you do anything special?
Yes. I ... No, I ...
We both spent a relaxing weekend.
2. 能力目标
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (20 min)
1. Brainstorming
Teacher : What did you do last weekend?
Ask students to tell the activities one by one.
(设计意图: 激活学生已有的词汇知识。通过头脑风暴启发学生的主动思维 ,调动学生的积极性、主
2. Look and complete.
Show the students a group of pictures. Then ask the students to describe each picture, using the sentence
pattern “I He She … last weekend.”
Step Two Words Study (25 min)
1. Read
Teacher : read aloud and explain the words.
Students: follow and take notes.
2. Listen
Ss read one by one others listen.
Step Three Listening (15 min)


(1)Listen and number (Activity3)
Listen and number the phrases in the order you hear them.
(2)Listen and tick (Activity 4)
Listen to the tape again and tick the right picture according to the questions.
提 供语言铺垫。)
Step Four Speaking (15 min)
1. Read and underline (Activity 5)
Students read the dialogue and underline the weekend activities.
I went to see a movie called Titanic with my father.
I went to the gym and played volleyball with my friends.
2. Activity 6: Listen and repeat
Students read the dialogue after the tape, focusing on the sentences underlined.
(设计意图:通过跟读对话,让学生对周末娱乐活动 的句型进行反复口头表达。为以下的对话操练做好
3. Practice and act
Students make dialogues in pairs, following the example. Then some of them act out their dialogues to the
whole class.
Step Five summary (10 min)
Ask students to do a survey in groups of four: How did they spend their last weekend?
Name Where did you go Who did you go
last weekend? with?
When did you
go there?
How did you
like it?
Ask some of them to report their results to the whole class.
Eg. Last weekend, XX watched TV, played football…
Step Six Homework (5 min)
1. Remember and search more phrases about weekend activities.
2. Write a short report about one of the classmates’ weekend activities.


(设计意图:记忆周末娱乐活动的词汇并加以补充,以复习课 堂词汇并扩散学生的思维。)

1. Remember and search more phrases about weekend activities.
2. Write a short report about one of the classmates’ weekend activities.
Unit 2 I saw a terrible movie.
T: What did you do last weekend?S1: I ...
T: How about you? Did you do anything special?
S2: Yes. I ... No, I ...
教学时从学生的需求出发,联系学生的生活实际 ,激发和培养学生学习的内在动力和主动性,组织丰富
多彩的学习活动,提供适当的帮助,帮助学生体验 学习过程,感悟方法,感受快乐

Book 2 Unit 2 I saw a terrible movie. The third period
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
学生能通过阅读有关人们的业余娱乐活动的材 料,获取相关信息。学生能以一般过去时表述自己和他人
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
4. 知识目标
(1)学生能掌握和运用描述娱乐活动的词汇和短语,如exciting, relaxing, interesting, moving, rent movies,
play computer games, etc。
I liked rock music.
I liked renting movies.


I loved playing computer games.
It kept my mind busy.
It was so exciting.
It was relaxing.
5. 能力目标
6. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in(20 min)
Give a short report
Several students are asked to give a report according to the homework about their classmates’ weekend
(设计意图:从上节课的课后作业入手,让学生根 据他们的调查作简单的口头报告说出同学的娱乐活
Step Two Reading (25 min)
1. Read the stories and match these people with their activities. ( Activity 9 )
2. Read the stories again and complete the chart. ( Activity 10 )
Students read the material and complete the chant in Activity 10. Teacher asks 3 students to write their
answers on the board to check whether they are right or not.
3. Read the stories again and match the sentences. ( Activity 11)
Students read the material together, and then match the sentences.
Teacher checks the answers by asking several students to answer it.
(设计意图: 通过阅读活动,让学生逐步理解该阅读材料。在了解材料的前提下,查找有关细节信息。 )
Step Three Explain the text (20 min)
r explain the important words and expressions
r explains the important phrases and sentences in the material.


Ask students to answer the questions about Mary with complete sentences in Activity 12.
Ask students to complete Mary’s story with the information in Activity 12.
(设计意图: 训练学生的阅读能力并为下面的写作做好铺垫。)
Step Four Writing (15 min)
Interview ( Activity 14)
Students Interview their partners and write down the answers in Activity 14.
Teacher walks around to see if they can write the sentences correctly.
Step Five summary (5 min)
I liked rock music.
I liked renting movies.
I loved playing computer games.
It kept my mind busy.
It was so exciting.
It was relaxing.
Step Six Homework (5 min)
Link the answers in activity 14 to form a paragraph.
Five years ago, Zhang Ming’s favorite song was Yesterday Once More. He liked that song. It could bring back
happy moments of his childhood.
(设计意图: 巩固课堂上所学内容。)

Link the answers in activity 14 to form a paragraph.
Five years ago, Zhang Ming’s favorite song was Yesterday Once More. He liked that song. It could bring back
happy moments of his childhood.
Unit 2 I saw a terrible movie.
the answers to Activities (written by students ) Useful words and phrase in the reading material.
(written by teacher )


展示反馈活动组成,学生表现活跃,基本都能积极上台来表演展示,这是值得我在以后的教学 设计中多

Book 2 Unit 3 Have you ever done a part time job? The first period
一、 教学内容
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
1. on the website
2. send the resume to us
3. as soon as possible
4. computer skills
5. be willing to do sth
6. experienced marketing assistant
7. under pressure
It is very boring. I want to sleep.
She is my favorite singer. Her songs are very relaxing and soft.
I think it is exciting and I always dance when I listen to jazz.
It is different from rock music. It is more peaceful.
2. 能力目标
3. 情感目标


Step One Lead-in (10 min)
Vocabulary memory:
Teacher shows a group of pictures about jobs and works and asks students to describe each picture.
(设计意图: 展示各类工作,职业图片,让学生更直观、形象地区分理解不同工作 ,职业,锻炼学生
Step Two Presentation (35 min)
Teacher plays different kinds of short dialogues and movies about jobs and works.
Students enjoy them and think about:
What type of jobs and works is it?
What do you think of the jobs and works?
(设计意图:放映几段工作, 职业电影视频、对话片段,让学生判断他们的类别,写出单词;再用相关
形容词和简单句型描述对这些工 作,职业的感受。该活动是本单元学习中的适度放松环节,既巩固复
习本单元的重点词汇句型,又拓展学 生的知识面,激发学生的学习兴趣。)
Step Three Practice (20 min)
1. Complete the chart with words from the list in Activity 19.
2. Choose the proper adjectives to describe the pictures in Activity 20.
3. Complete the conversation with the correct forms of the words given in Activity 21. < br>(设计意图:通过各种不同的形式,充分练习巩固本单元的重要词汇和语法,培养学生在真实语境中使用词汇,运用语言的能力。)
Step Four Group work (15 min)
Do a survey in groups of six.
Interview the classmates with the chart in Activity on P52.
Then ask the leader of each group to give a short report.
(设计意图:在熟练掌握所学句型之后,给学生设计一个调查任务。六人 一组,调查小组成员对不同工
作,职业的喜好,然后推选一人报告调查结果。小组活动有助于培养学生的 合作学习意识。)
Step Five Summary (5 min)
Grammar focus - Simple Past Tense
1. Present the simple past tense with some examples.


2. Complete the sentences and make a dialogue in pairs
(设计意图: 总结本单元所学语法内容,在语境中让学生熟练掌握一般过去时的用法,并进一步运用
Step Six Homework (5 min)
Prepare for the Unit3 Task in groups.
(设计意图: 自主学习,小组预习单元任务。)

Prepare for the Unit3 Task in groups.
Unit 3 Have you ever done a part time job?
I’ve had a job interview today.
I’ve applied to six companies so far.
Do you have any experience in this field?
What are your strong points?
Do you think you are qualified for this job?
英语学习中,学生实际存在着“学不精、学不实、学不透”的问题。学不精,大小 写不分,标点符号不
加,屡教不改;学不实,懒得开口,不愿多花时间背单词、背课文,作业没人盯着不 行;学不透,对英
语缺乏主动学习,英语节目不听,文章不读,浅尝辄止。因此,教学中应重视基本关键 句型的多种方式

Book 2 Unit 3 Have you ever done a part time job? The second period
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点


三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
2. 能力目标
学生能在活动中用一般过去时熟练谈论自己过去做过的事情,并与一般将来时对比,谈论自己 的未来打
3. 情感目标
(1) 学生能在活动中明确自己的任务,积极配合小组工作,共同完成任务。
(2) 学生在任务活动过程中感受自信心和成就感。
Step One Lead-in (5 min)
Teacher tells students that today we will hold a talent show to attract students’ attention.
Step Two Unit Task (6 min)
Teacher introduces the unit task (hold a talent show). Now work in groups and prepare for the show. The steps
are as follows:
1. Work in groups of three to form a band. Find a singer, a dancer and a host hostess for your band.
2. Prepare for the talent show. The singer should decide on a popular English song. The dancer should design a
dance that can go along with the song and the music. Third, the host hostess should prepare a 1-minute
English presentation to introduce the band. The presentation should answer the following questions:
What is the name of this band?
When did the singer learn to sing?
When did the dancer learn to dance?
Why did we choose this song?
What is the main idea of the song?
3. Present your talents to the whole class.
4. Vote for the super group for this class talent show. You can make your decisions with the help of the
following table.
Class Talent Show Score Sheet


Singer (30)
Host hostess (30)
Dancer (30)
Organization (10)
Total score

(设计意图: 让学生 能够运用本单元所学语言完成一个真实的任务,即开展现场能力秀。真实的任务能
调动学生的积极性和参 与性,将语言学习变成一件快乐的事情。而且在活动中每个小组的成员都有自
己的任务,负责好分配的事 项,让每个人都动起来,在活动和交流中都有收获,让他们充分感受到成
Step Three Reading practice time (15 min)
Listen and pay attention to the stressed syllables.
Step Four summary (5 min)
What is the name of this band?
When did the singer learn to sing?
When did the dancer learn to dance?
Why did we choose this song?
What is the main idea of the song?
Step Five Homework (5 min)
1. Finish the exercises in Exercise Book.
2. Do the self-check after class to check your exercises.

1. Finish the exercises in Exercise Book.
2. Do the self- check after class to check your exercises.


Unit 3 Have you ever done a part time job?
What is the name of this band?
When did the singer learn to sing?
When did the dancer learn to dance?
Why did we choose this song?
What is the main idea of the song?
学生们爱猜谜悬念, 就让他们猜一猜想一想;孩子们缺乏实在的巩固,就重重复复领读几遍;学生们对
机械训练容易厌倦,就 设置情境假设身份。

Book 2 Unit 3 Have you ever done a part time job? The third period
一. 教学内容
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
2. 能力目标
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (20 mins)
Translation practice
Teacher show a job-wanted ad on the blackboard and ask ss to write down and translate.
(设计意图: 教师在黑板上展示一篇招聘广告要求学生记录并翻译,引入到本课主题招聘和自我介绍。


Step Two Explain the job-wanted ad (25 min)
r explain the important words and expressions
r explains the important phrases and sentences in the material.
Step Three Writing (30 min)
Students write a self introduction according to the materials given below
Job Descriptioins Job Typ Nature Location Payment Range Work Hours & Holidays
Age Education Major Work Experience Language Computer Skills Other Skills
Contact E-Mail
Teacher walks around to see if they can write the sentences correctly.
Step Five Summary (10 min)
Present perfect tense.现在完成时
Step Six Homework (5 min)
Reading the text and remember all the new words and expressions
Exercises in workbook: Unit 3
(设计意图: 巩固课堂上所学内容。)

Reading the text and remember all the new words and expressions
Exercises in workbook: Unit 3 30-31页。
Unit 3 Have you ever done a part time job?
Job Descriptioins Job Typ Nature Location Payment Range Work
Hours & Holidays Age Education Major Work Experience
Language Computer Skills Other Skills Contact E-Mail


学生以后进入外企的机会或许不多,但英文程度较好的也会有在职 业发展中碰到此类机遇的可能性,所
以为他们做好职业准备还是非常有必要的。纵使不能在职业生涯中实 际接触这个话题,通过在本单元讨
论自己的职业经历、特长和优势,还是会对孩子们在心灵上和精神上的 成长起到一臂之力。

Book 2 Unit 4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation The first period
本单元的话题——“交通”是与学生实际生活密不可分的,具体 内容为:有关常见的交通工具、出行方
式的英文表达;用简单的句式和词汇描述交通方式;听懂有关交通 和出行的对话;谈论某地的交通状况
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
学生能听懂有关交通和出行的简单对话,并在仿真的情景中运用相关的词汇和句式对交通工具 和出行方
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
⑴ 学生能理解并运用有关交通工具的词汇,如:subway, train, bus, taxi, plane, car, light rail, ferry等。
⑵ 学生能理解并运用描述交通工具、出行方式的词汇与句式,如:cheap, comfortable, dangerous,
expensive, safe, fast, slow等。
2. 能力目标
⑴ 学生能运用有关词汇与句式对交通方式进行简单描述。
⑵ 学生能运用所学语言谈论某地的交通状况并发表简单评论。
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (25 min)
1. Brainstorm (5min)


The teacher asks, “What would you consider when you look for a part-time job?”
(ability, salary, opportunity, work time, workplace, traffic or means of transportation, boss, distance …)
(设计意图: 通过游戏,利用头脑风暴的形式引起学生发散思 维,抓住学生注意力,活跃气氛,在复
2. Match (5min)
The teacher asks, “Which means of transportation do you take when you go to work go to school?”
Show some pictures of means of transportation. Match the pictures with the words. Then read the words after
the teacher.

1. subway 2. train 3. bus 4. taxi 5. bicycle 6. motorbike 7. plane 8. car 9. ferry 10. light rail

(设计意图:此步骤加入图片与交通工具match的设计, 首先使学生对交通工具有直观的认识,多
两个词汇供选择,使最后一张图片时,学生也仍要做出选择。带 读解决不熟悉单词,利于学习用英语
3. Activity 1. Discussion (5min)
“What kind of transportation have you taken? Work in pairs and discuss the means of transportation you
have used.”
Example: A: Have you ever taken the subway?
B: Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
(设计意图:把单词引入句型中,进一步巩固交通工具的词汇,也为后面语法的 学习做铺垫。讨论
4. Activity 2. Description (10min)
Which means of transportation will you choose when you …? And why will you choose it? What do you
think the subway … is like?
a. go to New York.
b. go to school


c. go to Zhoushan
d. go to Shanghai
e. …
Encourage the students to describe the means of transportation. Encourage the students to make use of the
adj, such as cheap, comfortable, dangerous, expensive, safe fast, slow …. Give the students an example. Get
them to make sentences.
Example: The light rail in Shanghai is comfortable.

(设计意图:在此步任务中,学生会根据地点选择交通工具,进一步巩固交通工具,并说明理由,鼓 励
学生用形容词和相应的句式描述交通方式,在讨论时自然引出常用句型,并加以操练,目的性明确,< br>为听力的理解和掌握作铺垫,帮助学生掌握重点句型,又化解听力中的难点。)
Step Two Listening (20 min)
1. Activity 3. Listen and tick what you hear.
Listen to the tape and answer the question, “What means of transportation mentioned in the dialogue?”
1) ferry
5) subway
2) taxi
6) plane
3) train
7)light rail
4) bus
8) boat
(设计意图: 通过听对话,该步骤有助于训练学生能根据表格提供的信息有针对性地获取听力主
2. Activity 4. Listen again and answer the questions.
1) How did Sara go to Shanghai?
2) What place did she visit in Shanghai?
( 设计意图:从个人活动过度到全班活动,问答活动有助于学生掌握该关键句型的用法,在训练听
力能力外 ,还会训练学生利用听力材料中的信息组织语言回答相关问题的能力。)
3. Activity 5. Listen again and fill in the form..
Listen to the tape again and catch the key words.
Public Transportation in Shanghai
Light rail

Sara’s Opinion
(设计意图: 进一步完成表格任务,检测学生对听力细节材料的理解和把握,有目的地获取信息的能


Step Three Speaking (20 min)
1. Read and underline. (10 min)
Students read the dialogue in Activity 6 individually, and then they underline important sentences about
means of transportation. Teacher asks 2 or 3 students to tell others their opinions. Teacher writes down the
useful sentences on the blackboard:
What’s the transportation like in …?
The transportation there is ….
Did you take …?
Yes, … was comfortable.
How did you go there?
I went there by ….
(设计意图:学生通过阅读,独立找出Activity 6中关于有关交通方式的关键句型,培养学生 归纳、
总结学习重点的能力,进一步加深对交通工具名称及相关句型的印象,为下面的活动做必要的语言 储
2. Read the dialogue together. (10 min)
Students read the dialogue twice together. The first time is between two groups, and the second is between
boys and girls.
读时语 调正确,教师可以和他们一起大声朗读作为引导和示范。)
Step Four Everyday English (10 min)
Have you ever missed your last train or us home?
Have you ever ridden a horse? How about a motorbike?
How many times have you traveled by airplane?
What kind of transportation do you used often?
The transportation there is very convenient.
(设计意图 :此项活动有助于学生把掌握的语言输出,应用到真实的语境中,训练学生在相对真实的情
景下运用所学 语言进行交际。并在活动中对本课所学知识做一小结。)
Step Five Summary (10 min)
Make a survey about the transportation in the city that your classmate has been to.


Students’ name
Places he she has been to
Means of transportation there
Transportation he she likes best
Transportation he she likes least
Step Six Homework (5 min)
Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

(1) Practice the dialogue and repeat the dialogue.
(2) Do some exercises in the textbook page 59
(3) Write down their dialogue of their own about the transportation.
(设 计意图:对话的复述和一定的练习,可以巩固课上所学的语言重点,写下他们自己的对话,又可以
锻炼学 生的语言表达能力。)

(1) Practice the dialogue and repeat the dialogue.
(2) Do some exercises in the textbook page 59
(3) Write down their dialogue of their own about the transportation.
Unit 4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation.
subway, train, bus, taxi, plane, car, light rail, ferry …
How to describe the transportation:
cheap, comfortable, dangerous, expensive, safe, fast, slow …
根据本单元的教学目的,教师应通过尽量接近真实的情境模拟,通 过形象的图片启发、多样化的练习手
段,加深和巩固学生对基础语言知识的理解,并通过设置角色卡等形 式,来检验学生对语言知识的运用

Book 2 Unit 4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation The second period


授课材料为reading and writing,具体内容包括:读懂交通方面的 短文;根据提示写出完整的博客文章;
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
⑴ 学生能掌握有关交通博客的词汇,如traffic jam, rush hour, carpooling, a second hand car, public
transportation, blog, workplace, strange。
⑵ 能够读懂有关交通方面的短文。
2. 能力目标
⑴ 学生能快速阅读,总结、归纳及概括文章大意。
⑵ 学生能在阅读中查找关键信息。
(3) 学生能根据提示和要求完成写作。
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (20 min)
1. Free talk. (10 min)
Get the student to introduce the Zhu Zhou public bus transportation system. Get the other students to listen
carefully and answer some questions about the public bicycle transportation system.
(设计意图:通过学生有关株洲公交车系统的free talk,并回答相关问题,复习巩固前一课所 学知识,
话题紧密联系学生实际生活。长期坚持课前free talk,进行展示与练习,有利于学生 熟悉并逐步积累英
语的基本表达,有利于提高学生的口语交际表达能力和英语学习兴趣,提高他们的生活 实际运用能力。)
2. Revision (10 min)
The teacher shows some pictures about the transportation in Zhu Zhou. (The teacher can ask something about
local transportation.) Then ask the students:
Have you taken the bus?


Have you taken …? How about …?
What’s the transportation like in Hang Shou ? How’s traffic in your city?
Which means of transportation do you like best least?
How do you travel every day?
What kind of transportation do you use most often?
Are there terrible traffic jams in Hangzhou?
Have you ever been caught in a traffic jam?
What do you know the transportation in New York is like? < br>(设计意图:以本地交通为真实场景,复习巩固上节课所学句型与词汇,有助于活跃思维,激发学生的参与热情,并由株洲是否存在严重的交通堵塞,学生有没有遭遇过交通堵塞,自然引出新课,为开展
Step Two Reading (25 min)
1. Activity 8 Brainstorm. (10 min)
Work in groups of four and brainstorm about the causes of traffic jams in big cities. They can give any
suggestion for the improvement of the traffic in big cities?
(设计意图:发散思维,先小组活动,四人一组讨论,再全班活动,组 间交流互补,学生公布讨论结果,
2. Activity 9 Fast reading. (5 min)
Get the Ss to read Wang Lu’s blog as quickly as they can and choose the best title. Then check the answer with
the whole class.
(1) My first job in New York. ( )
(2) Transportation in New York. ( )
(3) Traffic jam in New York. ( )
3. Activity 10. Read the article again and finish Wang Lu’s fact file. Get some students to give their answers
and check the answers. (5 min)

(设计意图: 训练学生在阅读中查找关键信息的能力。)


4. Activity 11 Read the article again and complete the following chart. Get some students to show their chart
and check the answer with the whole class. (5 min)

Means of transportation
Light rail

(设计意图: 训练学生在阅读中查找关键信息的能力。教 师可在阅读之前对相关单词如advantage进
Step Three Writing (30 min)
Activity 12 Discussion and writing.
Suppose you are going to New York next month. Where are you going to visit in New York? Which means of
transportation would you like to try? And why? Discuss in groups.
A: Where are you going to visit in New York?
B: We are going to …
A: Which means of transportation will you choose?
B: We will …
A: Why?
B: Because …
Students write the discussion into a composition. Get some students to read their compositions.
(设计意图:小组活 动,创设讨论情景,根据提示进行小组讨论,然后教师以小组为单位提问并给予反
馈。小组讨论中加入A ctivity 13中的参观地点,巩固所学知识。再增加一步把小组讨论的结果写成作
文的步骤,进 一步训练学生总结、归纳及根据提示信息,写出完整文章的能力。在讨论过程中,教师
可根据需要提供词 汇或句式的帮助。)
Step Five Summary (10 min)
Wang Lu has written about her trip to the United States in her blog
Useful expresses
traffic jam, rush hour, carpooling, a second hand car, public transportation, blog,
workplace, strange


Step Six Homework (5 min)
(1) Do some exercises in the workbook.
(2) Write down their composition about the city where they want to visit. They need choose the right
(设计意图:学生针对所学,完成一定的练习, 是对本课所学知识必要的巩固。学生自主选择要去游玩
的城市,自主选择交通工具,既是对课堂所学的延 伸,也是一种对所学知识的应用与拓展。)

(1) Do some exercises in the workbook.
(2) Write down their composition about the city where they want to visit. They need choose the right
Unit 4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation.
Useful expresses
traffic jam, rush hour, carpooling, a second hand car, public transportation,
blog, workplace, strange
虽然他们今后出 国的可能性并不太大,但他们对这交通话题感兴趣,也愿意了解和讨论,所以交流的时
候非常活跃,也能 达到讨论的效果。

Book 2 Unit 4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation The third period
授课内容为课本vocabulary consolidation + unit task + fun time部分。
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
让学生能够运用本单元所学语言完成一个真实的任务,及接受交通工具的发展及变化,并制作三种不同< br>

三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
2. 能力目标
⑴ 学生能够运用本单元所学语言完成一个真实的任务。
⑵ 学生能利用所学语言制作幻灯片。
3. 情感目标
学生能了解交通工具的变化,理解不同国 家的人们在出行时选择的交通工具的差异,地球是个大的地球
Step One Lead-in (20 min)
Let’s act it out!
The teacher puts up two pictures on the blackboard, in which people are doing various activities. Get the
students to make a dialogue about what they have done. Then students act the dialogue out in a group with 4
(设计意图: 该步骤有助于学生对本单元知识进行回顾和复习,并在真 实情景中运用。图片教学的导
入形式新鲜有趣。模拟画面中人物的对话有难度, 教师可以指导学生表演前写出对话。)
Step Two Reading (25 min)
Tick the sentences that are true for your hometown.
(1) You can go to my hometown by train.
(2) You can only walk or ride a bicycle to my town.
(3) There are terrible traffic jams in my town.
(4) No bus can take you to my town.
(5) The transportation in my town has improved.
(6) You can go to many places in my town by subway.
(7) There are not many cars on the road in my town.
(8) You can fly to my hometown.
Work in groups. Introduce the means of transportation in their hometown according to the above sentences.
(设计意图:个人活动,学 生选出符合自己家乡实际的交通情况的句子,小组活动,四位学生一组,轮


< p>
Step Three Unit task (30 min)
The whole class is divided into 3 big groups: the Land Transportation Group, the Water Transportation Group
and the Air Transportation Group. They can make slideshows about any transportation. And they can make up
several groups with any classmates. They can use the books and Internet to find how transportation has
changed through time. They can find something about transportation they are interested in. Each group should
put their descriptions and pictures together to make a slideshow.
(设计意图:制作和展示幻灯片,是学生感兴趣的事,也是一个能更好地复习和 巩固单元知识的载体,
Step Five summary (10 min)
The words about transportation:
1. adj.: safe, comfortable, terrible …
2. means of transportation: ferry, bus …
Step Six Homework (5 min)
Students check what they have learnt by ticking the items on Page 69.
(设计意图:该步骤有助于学生自主检测其关于本单元知识的掌握情况,在脑 海中就单元知识及其运用
Students check what they have learnt by ticking the items on Page 69.
Unit 4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation.
The words about transportation:
1. adj.: safe, comfortable, terrible …
2. means of transportation: ferry, bus …
教师将交通工具话题和发展过程和学生的计算机能力相结合(制作P PT),使学生在英语表达能力和计


Book 2 Unit 5 It’s time to change The first period
授课内容为课本language in use部分,具体包括:现在完成时态用法Ⅱ,现在完成时的结构及引导时间
状语的链接词since和 for在现在完成时中的用法。
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
(1) 学生能体会since和for在现在完成时句子中的用法。
(2) 现在完成时的结构及用法,即某一动作开始于过去,一直持续到现在。
2. 能力目标
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (20 min)
The teacher gets the students to make some sentences according to the following information. They need use
the present perfect tense.
(1) take a part-time job
(3) visit Beijing

(2) fly to another city
(4) have a job interview
(6) read a job advertisement (5) take the TOEFL test
Students can discuss first. Then teacher asks some of them to give their ideas. Then they can work in pairs to
ask and answer according to the information.
(设计意图: 用现在完成时造句,复习现在完成时的第一种用 法,巩固现在完成时的结构及句型转换,
Step Two Presentation (25 min)


I have been in New York for just two weeks.
It has been ten years since I last came to New York.
She has visited many places in New York since she went there.
She has studied in the university for two months.
Get the students to read the sentences together and tell something about the usage of the present perfect tense.
Get them to underline the expresses with “for” or “since”. Get the students to tell the difference between “for”
and “since”.
(设计意图: 通过例句向学生呈现现在完成时的基本用法,朗读 加深印象,先全班齐读,还可点名让
学生朗读。个人活动,叙述自读句子并试着画出现在完成时的结构及 引导时间状语的词——for, since。)
Step Three Language in use (30 min)
Give them some exercises to practice. Complete the following expresses with “for” or “since”. (10 min)
(1) five years
(4) last year

(2) he left his hometown (3) 3 minutes
(6) the whole spring (5) his father worked in the factory
(设计意图: 通过一分钟的练习,让学生更加明确for和 since的用法区别,为接下来教学使用延续性
Activity14. Complete the sentences with “for” and “since”.(10 min)
(1) Jane has been in America __________ last weekend.
__________ a week.
(2) My brother hasn’t eaten any food __________ 24 hours.
__________ yesterday.
(3) I have learned English __________ last July.
__________ six months.
(4) My parents haven’t phoned me __________ Saturday.
__________ two days.
(5) This team hasn’t won __________ last year.
__________ a year.
(设计意图:先个人活动,学生用for或since完成句 子搭配。再双人活动,学生相互改错,请学生对
for,since在现在完成时中的用法进行归纳,教 师给予反馈。让学生在练习中自己体会for,since在现


Activity 15. Talk with your partner and see if you have the same experiences. (10 min)
They can ask like this:
Have you lived here for ten years?
Have you lived here since you were born?
Have you watched English TV programs for several years?
Have you been to other cities by plane?
Have you never been late for class?

They can ask other questions which they are interested in and fill in the form.
(设计意图:双人活动,根据比昂内容,学生间交谈,也可以利用现在完成时针对 生活中学生感兴趣的
话题进行交谈,在语言运用中根据真实情况提问和回答,教师对几组学生进行抽查并 给出反馈。教师
Step Four summary (10 min)
(1) five years
(4) last year

(2) he left his hometown (3) 3 minutes
(6) the whole spring (5) his father worked in the factory
Step five Homework (5 mins)
(1) Do some exercises in the workbook.
(2) Write down their composition about the pictures page 81
(设计意图:学生针对所学,完成一定的练 习,是对本课所学知识必要的巩固。有助于学生巩固本课所
(1) Do some exercises in the workbook.
(2) Write down their composition about the pictures page 81
Unit 5 It’s time to change
The difference between “for” and “since”:
Practice with “for” or “since”.
(1) five years (2) he left his hometown (3) 3 minutes
(4) last year (5) his father worked in the factory (6) the whole spring


现在完成时的结构:havehas + v-ed (主动结构
英语基础好的学生善于表达自己,学习英语的兴趣浓厚,但也有一部分学生基础薄 弱,英语储备有限,
缺乏适当的表达技巧,自主学习能力弱,不能主动参与到学习中。因此在教学中一方 面要充分发挥尖子
生的带头作用,发挥优势学生的主观能动性,调动学生的积极性,带动全班学生的学习 积极性,同时在
教学中还要特别关注学有困难的学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围,鼓励他 们努力尝试,

Book 2 Unit 5 It’s time to change The second period
授课内容包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking两部分,主要内容是关于生活习惯及描述性形容词词汇
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
1)学生能够掌握描述健康状况的词汇,如pale, weak ,fat, thin, sleepy, angry etc.
2)学生能够掌握有关周末计划的词组, 如:climb the mountain, do outdoor activities, watch TV, stay at
home etc.
3)学生能掌握有关讨论生活习惯的句型,如:I’d rather……I prefer to……I likeloveenjoy……
2. 能力目标


(2)学生能用I’d rather……,I like…, I love…等句型口头表达个人生活习惯。
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (20 min)
Teacher : “What activities are good for your healthy? What activities are bad for your healthy?
Students : Compete with each other group and write the related phrases on the blackboard .

(设计意图: 激活学生已有的词汇知识;通过回忆一些有关健康的活动词汇,启发学生的主动思维,< br>调动学生的积极性、主动性,也为后面的听说做好铺垫。)
Step Two Word Study (25 min)
1. Matching game
Teacher: Choose the right adjectives to describe the pictures on the screen.
Students: Work in individuals and match the words and related pictures.
2. Check up
Ask some Ss to speak out their answers and at the same time let other Ss check it up,
if necessary, the teacher will help them.
3. Discussion
Discuss how they can keep fit. Match the suggestions with the pictures in Activity 1.
(设计意图: 通过图片与词汇的匹配活动,让学生了解了有关描述性健康习惯的词汇,同时进一步让< br>学生讨论活动1中的人物如何保持健康,为后续的听说活动做好了充分的热身活动。)
Step Three Listening (30 min)
Teacher: Ask some students about their weekend activities.
T: What do you usually do on weekends?
OR Do you usually go out with your classmates?
Do you usually stay at home?
S: ……..
(设计意图: 通过对话,联系学生的生活实际,加强巩固前两个活动中的重点词汇,以帮助学生扫除


Listen and tick
Lead the students to look through the three topic words quickly, and ask them to tick what Tom and Sara are
talking about.
Listen and complete
Students listen to the tape again and decide whether the statements are true or false, and then check them up in
groups, if they can’t finish them the first time, let the Ss listen to the tape again.
Listen and fill in the blanks.
Listen again, and finish off the ex. Then check it though the whole class.
(设计意图:通过此活动,训练学生能根据所提供的信息预测听 力内容的能力以及在听的过程中把握
材料的大意、获取主要信息的能力,同时训练将所听信息进行整合后 ,选择相应的短语补全对话的能
Read and underline.
Teacher:Play the tape sentence by sentence and lead students to repeat them.
Students: Listen to the tape again and repeat sentence by sentence, and then underline the sentences showing
preferences. Teacher writes the sentences on the board. If students can’t understand the words or sentences,
teacher should explain them.
(设计意图:在句子的跟读中,使学生掌握关于谈论兴趣 爱好的重点句型,为后面的说话做最基础的
Step Four Summary (10 min)
good for health bad for health
do outdoor activities sleep too late
climb mountains eat no breakfast
sleep early stay at home all day
eat breakfast …
Step five Homework (5 min)
1. Summarize the weekend activities phrases.
2. Make up a new dialogue about your weekend activities with the partner.


< br>(设计意图:归纳总结周末计划活动词汇并加以补充,以复习课堂词汇并扩散学生的思维。对话操练旨在巩固句型运用。)
1. Summarize the weekend activities phrases.
2. Make up a new dialogue about your weekend activities with the partner.
Unit 5 It’s time to change
good for health bad for health
do outdoor activities sleep too late
climb mountains eat no breakfast
sleep early stay at home all day
eat breakfast ……
I’d rather……I prefer to……I likeloveenjoy……
倡导合作学习活动,进行情景创设的语言实践,使学生在互相学习、互相帮助中体 验成功的快感和成就

Book 2 Unit 5 It’s time to change The third period
授课内容即Reading and Writing 部分。此部分内容主要涉及到健身、健康习惯。
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
(1)学生能掌握和运用表达健身、健康习惯的词汇和短语,如slim, skip supper, stay up, cycle to work ,etc。


2. 能力目标
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (20 min)
Give a short report
Several students are asked to give a report according to the homework about their classmates’ life style they
did before class. And discuss it and decide which is healthy and which is unhealthy.
Healthy lifestyle Unhealthy life style

康的 生活习惯,也自然而然地过渡到阅读。)
Step Two Reading (25 min) page 77-78
1. Fast-reading (True or False questions)
① The girl is a worker. ( )
② The girl wants to put on weight. ( )
③ The coach asks the girl to have some vegetables and fruit for supper. ( )
④ The man wants to have a change. ( )
(设计意图: 设计对错判断题目,意在培养学生通过快速阅读,了解并掌握文章大意的基本能力。)
2. Read and fill in the chart
Students read the material and fill in the chart on page78. Teacher asks 3 students to write their answers on the
board to check whether they are right or not.
(设计意图: 在填空练习中,训练学生细节阅读能力以及综合分析能力;让学生在黑板上写出答案以< br>面对全体学生检查阅读结果。)
3. Explain the important words and expressions


Teacher explains the important phrases and sentences, especially the words and phrases about life style.
(设计意图:在老师的解释过程中以处理阅读材料中的生词,让 学生更深刻理解有关重要的词汇的运
4. Read and complete the coach’s diary.
The Ss to finish the coach’s diary in pairs, and the teacher checks the answers by asking several students to
answer it.
(设计意图:通过学生两人一组完成健身教练的工作日记,再次对阅读材料中的重点词汇短语 进行巩
Step Three Writing (30 min)
Example writing
Teacher: Ask two students to write down the sentence on the board according to the first picture. For example
Jim used to play computer games and go to bed late.
Students: Look at the following pictures and use the given words and phrase to write down a sentence,
following the examples on the board.
(设计意图:学生能够根据图片内容和提示信息,最终写出完整的信息, 训练学生从阅读中获取信息并
Step Four Summary (10 min)
Healthy lifestyle Unhealthy life style
Jim used to play computer games and go to bed late.

Step five Homework (5 min) ( 三选二)
1. Put all the sentences together to tell the story of Jim.
2. Finish off the exercise20 on page 83.
3. Imitate Jim’s story and write a short story about your life style.
(设计意图:通过阅读材料并模仿例子,结合实际写 出自己生活习惯的小故事,以巩固课堂上所学内容,
并能学以致用,另外通过三选二的作业方式,来满足 不同学业水平学生的需求。)

1. Put all the sentences together to tell the story of Jim.
2. Finish off the exercise20 on page 83.


3. Imitate Jim’s story and write a short story about your life style..
Unit 5 It’s time to change.
Healthy lifestyle Unhealthy life style
Jim used to play computer games and go to bed late.

在听说课的教学中,通过对材料的整合,来进行以任务为指导的听说训 练,以及多种活动的有效实践,
使学生提高在听的过程中有目的地把握材料大意,获取主要信息的能力; 同时又从听力中归纳出学习的

Book 2 Unit 6 Tell me when the pain started The first period
授课内容为课本包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking两部分,具体内容为:部分疾病名称、描述身体
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
headache back pain
1) 询问个人疾病状况,原因等信息时:
What’s wrong with you?
How long have you felt this way?
I have a runny nose. And I cough all the time.

stomachache toothache fever cough

For about one day.
2. 能力目标
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (20 min)
A game. We play a game first. Students guess what kind of illness is with the help of the action and
expression--- sb felt, sb can not .... “cold! cold!” Students will always shout with great interest. Then com
stomachache toothache fever cough headache back pain
For example: A person cough and feel cold all the time. Possible answer: bad cold
1. Play computer games for the whole night. ( )
2. Eat sweets before going to bed. ( )
3. Drink too little water. ( )
4. Eat a lot of ice cream right after a meal. ( )
5. Wear a short skirt in winter. ( )
(设计意图:由学生表演 动作和表情入手,采用猜谜游戏形式,利用多媒体图片呈现,引发学生对疾病
话题的兴趣和开口欲望,并 初步接触本单元关键词汇。)
Step Two speaking (25 min)
Brainstorm. Students are encouraged to list the vocabulary of illness they have learned as many
as they can.
Medicine pain temperature
headache fever toothache
cold stomachache cough
(设计意图:通过头脑风暴,我们可以 快速呈现尽可能多的疾病相关词汇和句型,自然而然拓展学生词
Step Three Listening and speaking(30 min)
1. Activity 3. Listen and tick the right picture for the question. Listen to the dialogue and answer the


2. Activity 4. Listen again and fill the blanks. Make sure students understand the meaning of each sentence
and highlight the key words in the following sentences
3. Activity 5. Read and underline. Read the dialogue and underline the seeing a doctor’s questions and
Tell me when the pain started.
I want to know what is wrong with you.
I don’t know what I should do.
I wonder how you caught the cold.
Tell us where you broke your leg.
4. Read the key sentences after the teacher. Make sure that students can say them out fluently and their
pronunciation of the words is correct.
5. Activity ce the dialogue in pairs. Use Activity 6 as an example.
(设计意图:从 词到句,从句到对话,每一步骤都要确保学生能扎实掌握。从领读到齐读到互相读再到
个别读,教师要确 认学生能正确掌握发音和语音语调。)
Step Four Summary (10 min)
Make a short summary of what we’ve learned today.
(1)key vocabulary:
Medicine pain temperature
headache fever toothache
cold stomachache cough
(2) expression about asking and answering the information of one’s illness
Tell me when the pain started.
I want to know what is wrong with you.
I don’t know what I should do.
I wonder how you caught the cold.
Tell us where you broke your leg.
Step five Homework (5 min)
1. Copy and memorize the new words and expressions.
2. Practice dialogue with your classmates after class.


3. Make a similar dialogue, talking about seeing a doctor

1. Copy and memorize the new words and expressions.
2. Practice dialogue with your classmates after class.
3. Make a similar dialogue, talking about seeing a doctor
Unit 6 tell me when the pain started.
Ask for information : Provide information :
Tell me when the pain started. Play computer games for the whole night.
I want to know what is wrong with you. Eat sweets before going to bed.
I don’t know what I should do. Eat a lot of ice cream right after a meal.
I wonder how you caught the cold. Wear a short skirt in winter.
教学注重因材施教,化 难为易,通过设计接近真实生活环境的情景,在各种各样的活动中理解、运用、
习得语言。将课本知识与 学生生活实际紧密结合,通过互动练习和简单有效的游戏进行操练,帮助学生
掌握知识,同时注意培养学 生观察身边的人和事的能力,学会谈论与自身实际生活相关的话题。

Book 2 Unit 6 Tell me when the pain started The second period
一 .教学内容
授课内容为课本Language in use & Unit task部分,具体包括:Grammar focus and practice。
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标


Unit 1 I laughed till I cried! The first period
一. 教学内容
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
1. 知识目标
⑴ 帮助学生掌握以下词汇:如ski, mountain, beach, sail, skate, vacation, wonderful, parent

⑵ 帮助学生掌握询问和提供过去的经历所使用的词组和句型,如:
a. useful expressions about some activities:
visit the zoo, go swimming skating skiing boating sailing fishing, pick apples, climb
mountains, play volleyball on the beach, etc.
b. ask for and give information on past experiences:
How was your vacation?
It was wonderful great not bad.
We had great fun.
Where did your family go? Where did you go?
I went to …. We went to ….
What did you do there?
2. 能力目标
⑴ 学生能听懂关于询问和提供过去的经历的对话。
⑵ 学生能就过去的经历这一话题进行简单的交流,能够就这一话题询问和提供信息。
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (25 min)


1. The teacher greets each student:
Good morning.
Nice to see you again.
Welcome back to school.
What did you do during your winter vacation?
Did your family go somewhere?
Did you enjoy yourselves?
(设计意图:这是学生寒假回来的第一节英语课,和学生互相问候了之后,顺便聊到寒假里的活动是再< br>自然不过的事了。这里的开门见山让学生很快进入了本节课的话题。)
2. Encourage the Ss to give answers. And collect different answers on the blackboard. While
collecting, teach new words such as ski, mountain, sail, skate, beach, etc.
(设计意图:教师可以一 边和学生进行交流,一边就把学生的回答写在黑板上,不仅可以复习巩固一些
旧的表达方式,同时可以呈 现新的单词和词组,可谓一举两得。)
3. Activity 1: Tick the activities you did before.
After the students has finished it, ask some individuals to tell the whole what they once did
by using: I visited the zoo. I went swimming. I climbed mountains. < br>(设计意图:在这一活动中,教师不应仅仅局限于让学生完成一个打勾的练习,而是要让他们用语言表达出曾经做过的事情。要说的句子只需在所列出的词组中加上一个I即可,这也让学生更有信心与别人
4. Activity 2: Listen and match.
Get the Ss to do it by themselves without listening. Then get them to listen and repeat.
(设计意图:这一活动,教师可以先不让学生听,直接让他们Look and match. 在完成之后,再让学
Step Two Listening (20 min)
1. Before listening, ask the Ss to look at the pictures and talk about what cities they may
2. Activity 3. Listen and tick. Then heck the answers with them.
3. Activity 5. Listen again and match the people with the activities. Check the answers with
4. Activity 4. Listen again and answer the questions. Check the answers with them.


(设计意图: 在听之前,让学生先讨 论教材中的图片能让他们先熟悉要听的内容。接着,要让他们明白
在听的过程中要完成的任务。把教材中 的活动4和活动5调整了一下顺序是因为学生对于回答问题总是
比较害怕,也觉得比较难。所以可以把这 一练习放到最后去完成。)
Step Three Speaking (30 min)
1. Activity 6. Read and underline. Practice the dialogue with your partner and underline the
vacation activities.
2. Activity 7. Look at the pictures and talk in pairs.
(设计意图: 模拟真实情景,两人小组相互询问在假期中的活动。)
3. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues. If some Ss have difficulties, the teacher can
give them some hints.
(设计意图:让学生表演对话,一来可以检查 学生的掌握情况,以便教师在下一活动中进行调整。二来
可以锻炼学生的胆量。而教师在鼓励学生表演时 ,不应只请一些表达能力较强的学生,也应多多地把机
会给能力较弱的学生。这样,既给了这些学生开口 的机会,让他们增添一份自信,同时也保护了他们的
4. Activity 8: Ask each student to interview five students with the chart.
Step Four Summary (10 min)
Make a short summary of what we’ve learned today.
(1) Useful expressions: visit the zoo, go swimming skiing skating sailing fishing
boating, climb mountains, play volleyball on the beach, pick apples
(2) Everyday English:
How was your vacation?
It was wonderful great not bad.
We had great fun.
Did you enjoy yourselves?
Where did you go? Where did your family go?
What did you do there?
Step Five Homework (5 min)


1. Practice the dialogue with your classmate after class.
2. Make a similar dialogue, talking about winter vacation.
1. Practice the dialogue with your classmate after class.
2. Make a similar dialogue, talking about winter vacation.
Useful expressions:
visit the zoo
You can ask like this:
How was your vacation?
go swimming skiing sailing skating What was the weather like there?
pick apples
climb mountains
play volleyball on the beach

Where did you go? Where did your family
Did you enjoy yourselves?
You can answer like this:
It was wonderful great not bad.
It was hot warm …
I went to Harbin with my parents.
Yes, we had great fun.
(设计意图,用不同颜色的粉笔让学生对本节课所学的新词、要求掌握的重点一目了然。同时 ,教师的
不同班级教学效果相差很大,三个班中两个班能基本完成教学过程,另一个班管纪 律用去大量时间。在


Book 2 Unit 1 I laughed till I cried! The second period
一. 教学内容
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
⑴ 帮助学生理解并掌握以下词汇:如career, housewife, household, daily, return, hesitation, typical, chore,
volunteer, ham等
⑵ 能够看懂教材中的两个关于家庭成员的故事。
2. 能力目标
⑴ 学生能根据不同的阅读需求,正确地掌握一些阅读的方法,如skimming, scanning等。
⑵ 学生能在理解故事的前提下,根据所给提示词语,复述家庭成员的故事。
(3) 学生能从连词成句渐渐过渡到连句成段,简单地描述自己或家庭成员的经历。
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (15 min)
1. Revision.
The teacher greets the Ss and get them to talk about their holidays.
T: How was your winter vacation?
Where did you go?
What was the weather like there?
What did you do?
Did your family have a good time?
Who made a decision in your family during the vacation?
Who had more experience in your family?


(设计意图:在日常的师生问候中,自然地复 习了上一课时所学的内容,并在交流中,导入本课时所要
2. Involve more questions about families. Make a short survey.
In your family,
who does the housework?
who is the most hard-working?
who is the laziest?
who is the funniest?
who likes eating most?
who usually makes decisions?
Your father

Your mother You

(设计意图: 把活动9的问题进行补充,多方面的问题能够让学生慢慢回忆起家庭中的各种趣事,从而
会在下面的阅读 中引起共鸣。可以叫几个学生做一个简短的汇报,必定会引起其他同学的笑声不断。本
课时的教学即能在 欢快轻松的氛围中展开。)
Step Two Reading (30 min)
1. Activity 10: fast reading. Get the Ss to read the letters as quickly as they can and tick the right topic. Then
check the answer with the whole class.
2. Activity 11. Read the letter again and tick the things Bob’s mother and Ben’s father did.
3. Activity 12. Read the letters again and tick the correct sentences. Then check the answers with the Ss. See if
they have any problems, help them with some important and difficult points.
(设计意图,通过找出正确的 句子让学生进一步理解课文,同时在与学生校对答案时看他们是否存在阅
4. Reading aloud. Get the Ss to read the letters by themselves. While they are reading, the teacher walks
around to help them.
(设计意图: 在课堂教学中,要时刻培养学生大声朗读的习惯,以朗读进一步促进对文章的理解,并为
下一活动——复 述故事做好铺垫。)
5. Activity 13: Complete the summary of Ben’s story. Then check the answers with the Ss. Ask the Ss to
prepare for telling the stories.
(设计意图:在完成此活动时,可让学生尝试着不看阅读材料,直接填写。这样做 一方面可以检测他们


在前半节课中的掌握程度,另一方面让他们 养成勤记忆的习惯。能力较强的学生可以参考方框中给出的
词语来复述。而能力较弱的学生则可以看着完 整的语句进行复述,这样就会有更多的同学参与到活动中
Step Three Writing (30 min)
1. Group work: Activity 14. Get the Ss to use the given information to describe the pictures. The teacher can
get the Ss to work in groups and then ask some individuals to do it orally. Finally, ask the Ss to write down the
sentences according to the pictures.
帮 助、讨论。第一步,小组讨论。第二步,教师让个别同学发言,然后全班同学一起校对。第三步,学
生把 句子写下来。这样做可以循序渐进,分解难度,帮助学生克服写作的心理障碍。)
2. Activity 15. Get the Ss to connect all the sentences.
(设计意图:学生在上一活动中已经完成了对每一幅图片的描述,那么在这 里学生就要把这些句子连成
Step Four summary(10 min)
career woman household daily
return to daily return to slip on the driveway
send … to the hospital without hesitation
typical housewife do the housework family chores
last Sunday afternoon volunteer to do a shopping list
half an hour later open a large grocery bag start to do
Step Five Homework (5 mins)
1. Retell one of the two short stories that you are interested in.
2. Complete Activity 15.
3. Write down some expressions that are accosiated with your experiences in your childhood or in the vacation.

1. Retell one of the two short stories that you are interested in.
2. Complete Activity 15.
3. Write down some expressions that are accosiated with your experiences in your childhood or in the vacation.


Bob’s story:
career woman
return to
on the driveway
send … to the hospital
without hesitation

(设计意图,这样设计可以让学生非常清楚地在两篇故事中找到生词和重点词组。 而学生在做复述的时

Ben’s story:
typical housewife
do the housework
family chores
last Sunday afternoon
volunteer to do
a shopping list
half an hour later
open a large grocery bag
start to do

Book 2 Unit 1 I laughed till I cried! The third period
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
⑴ 学生能够理解并识记一般过去时的基本结构:动词的过去式
⑵ 学生能够理解并识记一般过去时的肯定式、否定式和疑问式的结构:
肯定式:动词的过去式(was were; did)
否定式:wasn’t weren’t; didn’t do
疑问式:Was Were …? Did …?
(3) 学生能够理解并识记动词过去式的变化规则。
2. 能力目标
⑴ 学生能正确使用一般过去时的肯定式、否定式和疑问式
⑵ 学生能运用一般过去时描述过去的经历。
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (20 min)
1. Have a comment on Ss’ compositions. Pick out some good examples and get the Ss to read them aloud.
After reading, ask some questions.
(设计意图: 教师对于上一课时的学生作文进行讲评,能让学生明确并及时订正自己的差错。对于优秀
作文的肯定及在 全班的示范朗读,更能激发学生的自豪感,从而更主动积极地完成作业。在朗读前,明
确任务,听后要回 答问题。这样既能让听的同学更集中注意力,也有意识地培养了大家尊重他人的品质。)
2. Introduce the Past Tense.
Tell the Ss the basic structure of the Past Tense. Ask the Ss if they know the past forms of verbs.


一般过去时: 动词的过去式
(设计意图:在学生作文朗读结束后,教师告诉 学生,作文中大家用来描述过去的经历要使用一般过去
Step Two Language in use (25 min)
1. Game: Get the Ss to put the words into the right envelope. (25 min)

played danced studied stopped went cried came did read returned replied
listened watched chatted had enjoyed cooked stayed gave slipped counted
asked sent arrived started was were
(设计意图:这一游戏要求学生按照已给的例子,把其他的单词填入正确的方框中,1.直接 加ED,2.
该Y为I加ED,3.不规则变化形式,4.双写加ED。这里其实在复习动词的过去式的 变化规则。而采用
游戏和竞赛的方式,可以化枯燥为有趣,让学生在玩中学、做中学。在学生把这些单词 全部放入正确的
位置后,可以让他们自己来归纳动词过去式的变化规则。教师还可以在这里让学生根据这 些过去式,说
出它们的原形。在这里选用的动词,大多数为本单元中出现的词汇,学生比较熟悉。而对于 不规则变化
Step Two Language in use (25 min)
1. Game: who + what + where + when(25 min)
Divide the Ss into four groups. Students of each group write a part of a sentence. Help them to use the past
forms of verbs. Then each group leader hand in what their group members write. There are four boxes on the
teachers’ desk. Each box collects one part. Then Ss can read what they write.
(设计意图 :同学们在每个盒子中随意各抽出一张纸条,然后组合起来,往往期待一个搞笑的场景。而
学生在说的过 程中,教师可以帮助学生理清各部分在句子中的位置。不过,要注意学生在写what和when
这两部 分时,要提醒他们用动词的过去式以及表示过去的时间状语。)
Step Three Grammar Focus(10 min)
Get the Ss to read these sample sentences together. Help them to learn the examples. Ask them to pay special
attention to the verb forms and the adverbial phrases of time.
(设计意图:教师提醒他们注意动词的形式和相应的时间状语。帮助学生仔细学习一般过去时的肯定式< br>和否定式。)
Get the Ss to complete Activity 17. Then check the answers with them.
(设计意图:在检测时, 教师提问的时候有意识地使用了很多一般疑问句,帮助学生用YesNo来回答。


Step four Summary (5 min)
Make a short summary of what we’ve learned today.
a. the past forms of verbs
b. the basic structure of the Simple Past.
Step Five Homework (5m)
Say something interesting in your childhood or something funny in the vacation. Choose one topic and write
five sentences down.

Say something interesting in your childhood or something funny in the vacation. Choose one topic and write
five sentences down.
肯定式:was were
否定式:wan’t weren’t
didn’t do
疑问式:Was Were …?
Yes, … was. No, … wasn’t.
Did …?
Yes, … did. No, … didn’t.
who + what + where + when这个游戏在网上看到的,今天上课效果真的很好。学生有意思只是以后 要注

a. 一般直接+ed
b. 以不发音e结尾+d
c. 以辅音字母+y,则去y加ied
d. 重读闭音节结尾,双写最后一个字母,然
e. 不规则变化

Book 2 Unit 2 I saw a terrible movie. The first period
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
学生能够理解并掌握重点词汇以及以下四个动词的词语搭配:go, have, play, make
2. 能力目标
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (20 min)
1. Collect the Ss’ homework and get some of them to tell others key phrases of what they will talk today. Get
others to guess.
went swimming bathed in the sun walked along the beach
What did Li Jie do last vacation?
She went swimming, bathed in the sun and walked along the beach.
Where did she go?
Did you go to Sanya?
No, I didn’t.
Did you go to Qingdao?
No, I didn’t. I went to Thailand.
Who did she go with?
Did you go with your parents?
Yes, I did.


( 设计意图:这一步骤教师既能对学生的作业情况进行及时地检查,教师在并听的过程中边提出问题,
并且 问题是结合上个单元的知识点,又可以检查学生们对于一般过去时的掌握情况。鼓励学生用上个单
元学过 的句型进行提问和回答。教师因此也达到了复习一般过去时的目的。同时,教师也为下一班即将
要进行的 表演做了铺垫。)
Step Two Vocabulary pracice (25 min)
1. Activity: Get the Ss to find the words that go together.
football a wonderful time a snowman a lot of fun sailing swimming shopping skiing
a long holiday a terrible time volleyball skating to a park tennis a trip to Beijing
computer games with my friends with my parents to the zoo the piano a birthday cake
coffee a birthday party a great time the zoo mountains apples the birthday present
songs stories
Step Three performance task (25 min)
T: Everyone has some experiences that are very funny. Our class is to hold a funny story acting competition.
1. Ss work in groups of 6 to 10. The Ss share their stories in the group.
2. Choose a representitive for the competition.
3. Vote for the funniest storyteller in the class.
Tell the Ss that they can use as many expressions on blackboard as possible.
(设计意图: 故事的素材要求学生事先已经找好,在课堂上,教师要求学生先进行小组活动,除了要选
出小组中最好的 一名讲故事者之外,更重要的是,学生能够在这一活动中互相帮助、互相合作,克服学
习上的困难。教师 引导学生可以参考教材26和27页,是让他们能够学会寻求书本的帮助,真正让书本
为他们所用,成为 他们的好朋友、好老师。)
Step Four reading practices (10 min)
Get the Ss to work in pairs. While one of them is reading, the other should listen carefully and point out if his
or her partner reads it well.
Ask individuals to read it in front of the class.
(设计意图:通过对话朗读来提高学生的朗读技巧。要求学生在朗读英语时养 成良好的语音习惯,重视
Step Five summary (5 min)
go fishing shopping skiing …to a park to Beijing …


have a party a long holiday a lot of fun …
play basketball volleyball …with my parents …
make a cake a snowman …climb mountains pick apples visit the zoo do the housework
Step Six Homework (5 min)
prepare for the word dictation.

prepare for the word dictation.
Useful phrases:
go fishing shopping skiing …to a park to Beijing …have a party a long holiday a lot of fun …
play basketball volleyball …with my parents …make a cake a snowman …climb mountains pick
apples visit the zoo do the housework
如果是上午一,二节课。则第一节课前20分钟规定为读英语时间,10分钟教师 领读,10分钟学生自由
朗读。要求一定要读出声音。以后每个礼拜都这样做。英语交际能力,说很重要 。

Book 2 Unit 2 I saw a terrible movie. The second period
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
(1)学生能够掌握关于周末娱乐活动的词组,如:surf the Internet, see a movie, listen to music, go to the
gym, watch a cartoon, play computer games etc。


What did you do last weekend?
What do you think of the …?
How about you? Did you do anything special?
Yes. I ... No, I ...
We both spent a relaxing weekend.
2. 能力目标
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (20 min)
1. Brainstorming
Teacher : What did you do last weekend?
Ask students to tell the activities one by one.
(设计意图: 激活学生已有的词汇知识。通过头脑风暴启发学生的主动思维 ,调动学生的积极性、主
2. Look and complete.
Show the students a group of pictures. Then ask the students to describe each picture, using the sentence
pattern “I He She … last weekend.”
Step Two Words Study (25 min)
1. Read
Teacher : read aloud and explain the words.
Students: follow and take notes.
2. Listen
Ss read one by one others listen.
Step Three Listening (15 min)


(1)Listen and number (Activity3)
Listen and number the phrases in the order you hear them.
(2)Listen and tick (Activity 4)
Listen to the tape again and tick the right picture according to the questions.
提 供语言铺垫。)
Step Four Speaking (15 min)
1. Read and underline (Activity 5)
Students read the dialogue and underline the weekend activities.
I went to see a movie called Titanic with my father.
I went to the gym and played volleyball with my friends.
2. Activity 6: Listen and repeat
Students read the dialogue after the tape, focusing on the sentences underlined.
(设计意图:通过跟读对话,让学生对周末娱乐活动 的句型进行反复口头表达。为以下的对话操练做好
3. Practice and act
Students make dialogues in pairs, following the example. Then some of them act out their dialogues to the
whole class.
Step Five summary (10 min)
Ask students to do a survey in groups of four: How did they spend their last weekend?
Name Where did you go Who did you go
last weekend? with?
When did you
go there?
How did you
like it?
Ask some of them to report their results to the whole class.
Eg. Last weekend, XX watched TV, played football…
Step Six Homework (5 min)
1. Remember and search more phrases about weekend activities.
2. Write a short report about one of the classmates’ weekend activities.


(设计意图:记忆周末娱乐活动的词汇并加以补充,以复习课 堂词汇并扩散学生的思维。)

1. Remember and search more phrases about weekend activities.
2. Write a short report about one of the classmates’ weekend activities.
Unit 2 I saw a terrible movie.
T: What did you do last weekend?S1: I ...
T: How about you? Did you do anything special?
S2: Yes. I ... No, I ...
教学时从学生的需求出发,联系学生的生活实际 ,激发和培养学生学习的内在动力和主动性,组织丰富
多彩的学习活动,提供适当的帮助,帮助学生体验 学习过程,感悟方法,感受快乐

Book 2 Unit 2 I saw a terrible movie. The third period
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
学生能通过阅读有关人们的业余娱乐活动的材 料,获取相关信息。学生能以一般过去时表述自己和他人
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
4. 知识目标
(1)学生能掌握和运用描述娱乐活动的词汇和短语,如exciting, relaxing, interesting, moving, rent movies,
play computer games, etc。
I liked rock music.
I liked renting movies.


I loved playing computer games.
It kept my mind busy.
It was so exciting.
It was relaxing.
5. 能力目标
6. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in(20 min)
Give a short report
Several students are asked to give a report according to the homework about their classmates’ weekend
(设计意图:从上节课的课后作业入手,让学生根 据他们的调查作简单的口头报告说出同学的娱乐活
Step Two Reading (25 min)
1. Read the stories and match these people with their activities. ( Activity 9 )
2. Read the stories again and complete the chart. ( Activity 10 )
Students read the material and complete the chant in Activity 10. Teacher asks 3 students to write their
answers on the board to check whether they are right or not.
3. Read the stories again and match the sentences. ( Activity 11)
Students read the material together, and then match the sentences.
Teacher checks the answers by asking several students to answer it.
(设计意图: 通过阅读活动,让学生逐步理解该阅读材料。在了解材料的前提下,查找有关细节信息。 )
Step Three Explain the text (20 min)
r explain the important words and expressions
r explains the important phrases and sentences in the material.


Ask students to answer the questions about Mary with complete sentences in Activity 12.
Ask students to complete Mary’s story with the information in Activity 12.
(设计意图: 训练学生的阅读能力并为下面的写作做好铺垫。)
Step Four Writing (15 min)
Interview ( Activity 14)
Students Interview their partners and write down the answers in Activity 14.
Teacher walks around to see if they can write the sentences correctly.
Step Five summary (5 min)
I liked rock music.
I liked renting movies.
I loved playing computer games.
It kept my mind busy.
It was so exciting.
It was relaxing.
Step Six Homework (5 min)
Link the answers in activity 14 to form a paragraph.
Five years ago, Zhang Ming’s favorite song was Yesterday Once More. He liked that song. It could bring back
happy moments of his childhood.
(设计意图: 巩固课堂上所学内容。)

Link the answers in activity 14 to form a paragraph.
Five years ago, Zhang Ming’s favorite song was Yesterday Once More. He liked that song. It could bring back
happy moments of his childhood.
Unit 2 I saw a terrible movie.
the answers to Activities (written by students ) Useful words and phrase in the reading material.
(written by teacher )


展示反馈活动组成,学生表现活跃,基本都能积极上台来表演展示,这是值得我在以后的教学 设计中多

Book 2 Unit 3 Have you ever done a part time job? The first period
一、 教学内容
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
1. on the website
2. send the resume to us
3. as soon as possible
4. computer skills
5. be willing to do sth
6. experienced marketing assistant
7. under pressure
It is very boring. I want to sleep.
She is my favorite singer. Her songs are very relaxing and soft.
I think it is exciting and I always dance when I listen to jazz.
It is different from rock music. It is more peaceful.
2. 能力目标
3. 情感目标


Step One Lead-in (10 min)
Vocabulary memory:
Teacher shows a group of pictures about jobs and works and asks students to describe each picture.
(设计意图: 展示各类工作,职业图片,让学生更直观、形象地区分理解不同工作 ,职业,锻炼学生
Step Two Presentation (35 min)
Teacher plays different kinds of short dialogues and movies about jobs and works.
Students enjoy them and think about:
What type of jobs and works is it?
What do you think of the jobs and works?
(设计意图:放映几段工作, 职业电影视频、对话片段,让学生判断他们的类别,写出单词;再用相关
形容词和简单句型描述对这些工 作,职业的感受。该活动是本单元学习中的适度放松环节,既巩固复
习本单元的重点词汇句型,又拓展学 生的知识面,激发学生的学习兴趣。)
Step Three Practice (20 min)
1. Complete the chart with words from the list in Activity 19.
2. Choose the proper adjectives to describe the pictures in Activity 20.
3. Complete the conversation with the correct forms of the words given in Activity 21. < br>(设计意图:通过各种不同的形式,充分练习巩固本单元的重要词汇和语法,培养学生在真实语境中使用词汇,运用语言的能力。)
Step Four Group work (15 min)
Do a survey in groups of six.
Interview the classmates with the chart in Activity on P52.
Then ask the leader of each group to give a short report.
(设计意图:在熟练掌握所学句型之后,给学生设计一个调查任务。六人 一组,调查小组成员对不同工
作,职业的喜好,然后推选一人报告调查结果。小组活动有助于培养学生的 合作学习意识。)
Step Five Summary (5 min)
Grammar focus - Simple Past Tense
1. Present the simple past tense with some examples.


2. Complete the sentences and make a dialogue in pairs
(设计意图: 总结本单元所学语法内容,在语境中让学生熟练掌握一般过去时的用法,并进一步运用
Step Six Homework (5 min)
Prepare for the Unit3 Task in groups.
(设计意图: 自主学习,小组预习单元任务。)

Prepare for the Unit3 Task in groups.
Unit 3 Have you ever done a part time job?
I’ve had a job interview today.
I’ve applied to six companies so far.
Do you have any experience in this field?
What are your strong points?
Do you think you are qualified for this job?
英语学习中,学生实际存在着“学不精、学不实、学不透”的问题。学不精,大小 写不分,标点符号不
加,屡教不改;学不实,懒得开口,不愿多花时间背单词、背课文,作业没人盯着不 行;学不透,对英
语缺乏主动学习,英语节目不听,文章不读,浅尝辄止。因此,教学中应重视基本关键 句型的多种方式

Book 2 Unit 3 Have you ever done a part time job? The second period
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点


三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
2. 能力目标
学生能在活动中用一般过去时熟练谈论自己过去做过的事情,并与一般将来时对比,谈论自己 的未来打
3. 情感目标
(1) 学生能在活动中明确自己的任务,积极配合小组工作,共同完成任务。
(2) 学生在任务活动过程中感受自信心和成就感。
Step One Lead-in (5 min)
Teacher tells students that today we will hold a talent show to attract students’ attention.
Step Two Unit Task (6 min)
Teacher introduces the unit task (hold a talent show). Now work in groups and prepare for the show. The steps
are as follows:
1. Work in groups of three to form a band. Find a singer, a dancer and a host hostess for your band.
2. Prepare for the talent show. The singer should decide on a popular English song. The dancer should design a
dance that can go along with the song and the music. Third, the host hostess should prepare a 1-minute
English presentation to introduce the band. The presentation should answer the following questions:
What is the name of this band?
When did the singer learn to sing?
When did the dancer learn to dance?
Why did we choose this song?
What is the main idea of the song?
3. Present your talents to the whole class.
4. Vote for the super group for this class talent show. You can make your decisions with the help of the
following table.
Class Talent Show Score Sheet


Singer (30)
Host hostess (30)
Dancer (30)
Organization (10)
Total score

(设计意图: 让学生 能够运用本单元所学语言完成一个真实的任务,即开展现场能力秀。真实的任务能
调动学生的积极性和参 与性,将语言学习变成一件快乐的事情。而且在活动中每个小组的成员都有自
己的任务,负责好分配的事 项,让每个人都动起来,在活动和交流中都有收获,让他们充分感受到成
Step Three Reading practice time (15 min)
Listen and pay attention to the stressed syllables.
Step Four summary (5 min)
What is the name of this band?
When did the singer learn to sing?
When did the dancer learn to dance?
Why did we choose this song?
What is the main idea of the song?
Step Five Homework (5 min)
1. Finish the exercises in Exercise Book.
2. Do the self-check after class to check your exercises.

1. Finish the exercises in Exercise Book.
2. Do the self- check after class to check your exercises.


Unit 3 Have you ever done a part time job?
What is the name of this band?
When did the singer learn to sing?
When did the dancer learn to dance?
Why did we choose this song?
What is the main idea of the song?
学生们爱猜谜悬念, 就让他们猜一猜想一想;孩子们缺乏实在的巩固,就重重复复领读几遍;学生们对
机械训练容易厌倦,就 设置情境假设身份。

Book 2 Unit 3 Have you ever done a part time job? The third period
一. 教学内容
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
2. 能力目标
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (20 mins)
Translation practice
Teacher show a job-wanted ad on the blackboard and ask ss to write down and translate.
(设计意图: 教师在黑板上展示一篇招聘广告要求学生记录并翻译,引入到本课主题招聘和自我介绍。


Step Two Explain the job-wanted ad (25 min)
r explain the important words and expressions
r explains the important phrases and sentences in the material.
Step Three Writing (30 min)
Students write a self introduction according to the materials given below
Job Descriptioins Job Typ Nature Location Payment Range Work Hours & Holidays
Age Education Major Work Experience Language Computer Skills Other Skills
Contact E-Mail
Teacher walks around to see if they can write the sentences correctly.
Step Five Summary (10 min)
Present perfect tense.现在完成时
Step Six Homework (5 min)
Reading the text and remember all the new words and expressions
Exercises in workbook: Unit 3
(设计意图: 巩固课堂上所学内容。)

Reading the text and remember all the new words and expressions
Exercises in workbook: Unit 3 30-31页。
Unit 3 Have you ever done a part time job?
Job Descriptioins Job Typ Nature Location Payment Range Work
Hours & Holidays Age Education Major Work Experience
Language Computer Skills Other Skills Contact E-Mail


学生以后进入外企的机会或许不多,但英文程度较好的也会有在职 业发展中碰到此类机遇的可能性,所
以为他们做好职业准备还是非常有必要的。纵使不能在职业生涯中实 际接触这个话题,通过在本单元讨
论自己的职业经历、特长和优势,还是会对孩子们在心灵上和精神上的 成长起到一臂之力。

Book 2 Unit 4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation The first period
本单元的话题——“交通”是与学生实际生活密不可分的,具体 内容为:有关常见的交通工具、出行方
式的英文表达;用简单的句式和词汇描述交通方式;听懂有关交通 和出行的对话;谈论某地的交通状况
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
学生能听懂有关交通和出行的简单对话,并在仿真的情景中运用相关的词汇和句式对交通工具 和出行方
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
⑴ 学生能理解并运用有关交通工具的词汇,如:subway, train, bus, taxi, plane, car, light rail, ferry等。
⑵ 学生能理解并运用描述交通工具、出行方式的词汇与句式,如:cheap, comfortable, dangerous,
expensive, safe, fast, slow等。
2. 能力目标
⑴ 学生能运用有关词汇与句式对交通方式进行简单描述。
⑵ 学生能运用所学语言谈论某地的交通状况并发表简单评论。
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (25 min)
1. Brainstorm (5min)


The teacher asks, “What would you consider when you look for a part-time job?”
(ability, salary, opportunity, work time, workplace, traffic or means of transportation, boss, distance …)
(设计意图: 通过游戏,利用头脑风暴的形式引起学生发散思 维,抓住学生注意力,活跃气氛,在复
2. Match (5min)
The teacher asks, “Which means of transportation do you take when you go to work go to school?”
Show some pictures of means of transportation. Match the pictures with the words. Then read the words after
the teacher.

1. subway 2. train 3. bus 4. taxi 5. bicycle 6. motorbike 7. plane 8. car 9. ferry 10. light rail

(设计意图:此步骤加入图片与交通工具match的设计, 首先使学生对交通工具有直观的认识,多
两个词汇供选择,使最后一张图片时,学生也仍要做出选择。带 读解决不熟悉单词,利于学习用英语
3. Activity 1. Discussion (5min)
“What kind of transportation have you taken? Work in pairs and discuss the means of transportation you
have used.”
Example: A: Have you ever taken the subway?
B: Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
(设计意图:把单词引入句型中,进一步巩固交通工具的词汇,也为后面语法的 学习做铺垫。讨论
4. Activity 2. Description (10min)
Which means of transportation will you choose when you …? And why will you choose it? What do you
think the subway … is like?
a. go to New York.
b. go to school


c. go to Zhoushan
d. go to Shanghai
e. …
Encourage the students to describe the means of transportation. Encourage the students to make use of the
adj, such as cheap, comfortable, dangerous, expensive, safe fast, slow …. Give the students an example. Get
them to make sentences.
Example: The light rail in Shanghai is comfortable.

(设计意图:在此步任务中,学生会根据地点选择交通工具,进一步巩固交通工具,并说明理由,鼓 励
学生用形容词和相应的句式描述交通方式,在讨论时自然引出常用句型,并加以操练,目的性明确,< br>为听力的理解和掌握作铺垫,帮助学生掌握重点句型,又化解听力中的难点。)
Step Two Listening (20 min)
1. Activity 3. Listen and tick what you hear.
Listen to the tape and answer the question, “What means of transportation mentioned in the dialogue?”
1) ferry
5) subway
2) taxi
6) plane
3) train
7)light rail
4) bus
8) boat
(设计意图: 通过听对话,该步骤有助于训练学生能根据表格提供的信息有针对性地获取听力主
2. Activity 4. Listen again and answer the questions.
1) How did Sara go to Shanghai?
2) What place did she visit in Shanghai?
( 设计意图:从个人活动过度到全班活动,问答活动有助于学生掌握该关键句型的用法,在训练听
力能力外 ,还会训练学生利用听力材料中的信息组织语言回答相关问题的能力。)
3. Activity 5. Listen again and fill in the form..
Listen to the tape again and catch the key words.
Public Transportation in Shanghai
Light rail

Sara’s Opinion
(设计意图: 进一步完成表格任务,检测学生对听力细节材料的理解和把握,有目的地获取信息的能


Step Three Speaking (20 min)
1. Read and underline. (10 min)
Students read the dialogue in Activity 6 individually, and then they underline important sentences about
means of transportation. Teacher asks 2 or 3 students to tell others their opinions. Teacher writes down the
useful sentences on the blackboard:
What’s the transportation like in …?
The transportation there is ….
Did you take …?
Yes, … was comfortable.
How did you go there?
I went there by ….
(设计意图:学生通过阅读,独立找出Activity 6中关于有关交通方式的关键句型,培养学生 归纳、
总结学习重点的能力,进一步加深对交通工具名称及相关句型的印象,为下面的活动做必要的语言 储
2. Read the dialogue together. (10 min)
Students read the dialogue twice together. The first time is between two groups, and the second is between
boys and girls.
读时语 调正确,教师可以和他们一起大声朗读作为引导和示范。)
Step Four Everyday English (10 min)
Have you ever missed your last train or us home?
Have you ever ridden a horse? How about a motorbike?
How many times have you traveled by airplane?
What kind of transportation do you used often?
The transportation there is very convenient.
(设计意图 :此项活动有助于学生把掌握的语言输出,应用到真实的语境中,训练学生在相对真实的情
景下运用所学 语言进行交际。并在活动中对本课所学知识做一小结。)
Step Five Summary (10 min)
Make a survey about the transportation in the city that your classmate has been to.


Students’ name
Places he she has been to
Means of transportation there
Transportation he she likes best
Transportation he she likes least
Step Six Homework (5 min)
Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

(1) Practice the dialogue and repeat the dialogue.
(2) Do some exercises in the textbook page 59
(3) Write down their dialogue of their own about the transportation.
(设 计意图:对话的复述和一定的练习,可以巩固课上所学的语言重点,写下他们自己的对话,又可以
锻炼学 生的语言表达能力。)

(1) Practice the dialogue and repeat the dialogue.
(2) Do some exercises in the textbook page 59
(3) Write down their dialogue of their own about the transportation.
Unit 4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation.
subway, train, bus, taxi, plane, car, light rail, ferry …
How to describe the transportation:
cheap, comfortable, dangerous, expensive, safe, fast, slow …
根据本单元的教学目的,教师应通过尽量接近真实的情境模拟,通 过形象的图片启发、多样化的练习手
段,加深和巩固学生对基础语言知识的理解,并通过设置角色卡等形 式,来检验学生对语言知识的运用

Book 2 Unit 4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation The second period


授课材料为reading and writing,具体内容包括:读懂交通方面的 短文;根据提示写出完整的博客文章;
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
⑴ 学生能掌握有关交通博客的词汇,如traffic jam, rush hour, carpooling, a second hand car, public
transportation, blog, workplace, strange。
⑵ 能够读懂有关交通方面的短文。
2. 能力目标
⑴ 学生能快速阅读,总结、归纳及概括文章大意。
⑵ 学生能在阅读中查找关键信息。
(3) 学生能根据提示和要求完成写作。
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (20 min)
1. Free talk. (10 min)
Get the student to introduce the Zhu Zhou public bus transportation system. Get the other students to listen
carefully and answer some questions about the public bicycle transportation system.
(设计意图:通过学生有关株洲公交车系统的free talk,并回答相关问题,复习巩固前一课所 学知识,
话题紧密联系学生实际生活。长期坚持课前free talk,进行展示与练习,有利于学生 熟悉并逐步积累英
语的基本表达,有利于提高学生的口语交际表达能力和英语学习兴趣,提高他们的生活 实际运用能力。)
2. Revision (10 min)
The teacher shows some pictures about the transportation in Zhu Zhou. (The teacher can ask something about
local transportation.) Then ask the students:
Have you taken the bus?


Have you taken …? How about …?
What’s the transportation like in Hang Shou ? How’s traffic in your city?
Which means of transportation do you like best least?
How do you travel every day?
What kind of transportation do you use most often?
Are there terrible traffic jams in Hangzhou?
Have you ever been caught in a traffic jam?
What do you know the transportation in New York is like? < br>(设计意图:以本地交通为真实场景,复习巩固上节课所学句型与词汇,有助于活跃思维,激发学生的参与热情,并由株洲是否存在严重的交通堵塞,学生有没有遭遇过交通堵塞,自然引出新课,为开展
Step Two Reading (25 min)
1. Activity 8 Brainstorm. (10 min)
Work in groups of four and brainstorm about the causes of traffic jams in big cities. They can give any
suggestion for the improvement of the traffic in big cities?
(设计意图:发散思维,先小组活动,四人一组讨论,再全班活动,组 间交流互补,学生公布讨论结果,
2. Activity 9 Fast reading. (5 min)
Get the Ss to read Wang Lu’s blog as quickly as they can and choose the best title. Then check the answer with
the whole class.
(1) My first job in New York. ( )
(2) Transportation in New York. ( )
(3) Traffic jam in New York. ( )
3. Activity 10. Read the article again and finish Wang Lu’s fact file. Get some students to give their answers
and check the answers. (5 min)

(设计意图: 训练学生在阅读中查找关键信息的能力。)


4. Activity 11 Read the article again and complete the following chart. Get some students to show their chart
and check the answer with the whole class. (5 min)

Means of transportation
Light rail

(设计意图: 训练学生在阅读中查找关键信息的能力。教 师可在阅读之前对相关单词如advantage进
Step Three Writing (30 min)
Activity 12 Discussion and writing.
Suppose you are going to New York next month. Where are you going to visit in New York? Which means of
transportation would you like to try? And why? Discuss in groups.
A: Where are you going to visit in New York?
B: We are going to …
A: Which means of transportation will you choose?
B: We will …
A: Why?
B: Because …
Students write the discussion into a composition. Get some students to read their compositions.
(设计意图:小组活 动,创设讨论情景,根据提示进行小组讨论,然后教师以小组为单位提问并给予反
馈。小组讨论中加入A ctivity 13中的参观地点,巩固所学知识。再增加一步把小组讨论的结果写成作
文的步骤,进 一步训练学生总结、归纳及根据提示信息,写出完整文章的能力。在讨论过程中,教师
可根据需要提供词 汇或句式的帮助。)
Step Five Summary (10 min)
Wang Lu has written about her trip to the United States in her blog
Useful expresses
traffic jam, rush hour, carpooling, a second hand car, public transportation, blog,
workplace, strange


Step Six Homework (5 min)
(1) Do some exercises in the workbook.
(2) Write down their composition about the city where they want to visit. They need choose the right
(设计意图:学生针对所学,完成一定的练习, 是对本课所学知识必要的巩固。学生自主选择要去游玩
的城市,自主选择交通工具,既是对课堂所学的延 伸,也是一种对所学知识的应用与拓展。)

(1) Do some exercises in the workbook.
(2) Write down their composition about the city where they want to visit. They need choose the right
Unit 4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation.
Useful expresses
traffic jam, rush hour, carpooling, a second hand car, public transportation,
blog, workplace, strange
虽然他们今后出 国的可能性并不太大,但他们对这交通话题感兴趣,也愿意了解和讨论,所以交流的时
候非常活跃,也能 达到讨论的效果。

Book 2 Unit 4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation The third period
授课内容为课本vocabulary consolidation + unit task + fun time部分。
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
让学生能够运用本单元所学语言完成一个真实的任务,及接受交通工具的发展及变化,并制作三种不同< br>

三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
2. 能力目标
⑴ 学生能够运用本单元所学语言完成一个真实的任务。
⑵ 学生能利用所学语言制作幻灯片。
3. 情感目标
学生能了解交通工具的变化,理解不同国 家的人们在出行时选择的交通工具的差异,地球是个大的地球
Step One Lead-in (20 min)
Let’s act it out!
The teacher puts up two pictures on the blackboard, in which people are doing various activities. Get the
students to make a dialogue about what they have done. Then students act the dialogue out in a group with 4
(设计意图: 该步骤有助于学生对本单元知识进行回顾和复习,并在真 实情景中运用。图片教学的导
入形式新鲜有趣。模拟画面中人物的对话有难度, 教师可以指导学生表演前写出对话。)
Step Two Reading (25 min)
Tick the sentences that are true for your hometown.
(1) You can go to my hometown by train.
(2) You can only walk or ride a bicycle to my town.
(3) There are terrible traffic jams in my town.
(4) No bus can take you to my town.
(5) The transportation in my town has improved.
(6) You can go to many places in my town by subway.
(7) There are not many cars on the road in my town.
(8) You can fly to my hometown.
Work in groups. Introduce the means of transportation in their hometown according to the above sentences.
(设计意图:个人活动,学 生选出符合自己家乡实际的交通情况的句子,小组活动,四位学生一组,轮


< p>
Step Three Unit task (30 min)
The whole class is divided into 3 big groups: the Land Transportation Group, the Water Transportation Group
and the Air Transportation Group. They can make slideshows about any transportation. And they can make up
several groups with any classmates. They can use the books and Internet to find how transportation has
changed through time. They can find something about transportation they are interested in. Each group should
put their descriptions and pictures together to make a slideshow.
(设计意图:制作和展示幻灯片,是学生感兴趣的事,也是一个能更好地复习和 巩固单元知识的载体,
Step Five summary (10 min)
The words about transportation:
1. adj.: safe, comfortable, terrible …
2. means of transportation: ferry, bus …
Step Six Homework (5 min)
Students check what they have learnt by ticking the items on Page 69.
(设计意图:该步骤有助于学生自主检测其关于本单元知识的掌握情况,在脑 海中就单元知识及其运用
Students check what they have learnt by ticking the items on Page 69.
Unit 4 I’ve tried all the means of transportation.
The words about transportation:
1. adj.: safe, comfortable, terrible …
2. means of transportation: ferry, bus …
教师将交通工具话题和发展过程和学生的计算机能力相结合(制作P PT),使学生在英语表达能力和计


Book 2 Unit 5 It’s time to change The first period
授课内容为课本language in use部分,具体包括:现在完成时态用法Ⅱ,现在完成时的结构及引导时间
状语的链接词since和 for在现在完成时中的用法。
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
(1) 学生能体会since和for在现在完成时句子中的用法。
(2) 现在完成时的结构及用法,即某一动作开始于过去,一直持续到现在。
2. 能力目标
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (20 min)
The teacher gets the students to make some sentences according to the following information. They need use
the present perfect tense.
(1) take a part-time job
(3) visit Beijing

(2) fly to another city
(4) have a job interview
(6) read a job advertisement (5) take the TOEFL test
Students can discuss first. Then teacher asks some of them to give their ideas. Then they can work in pairs to
ask and answer according to the information.
(设计意图: 用现在完成时造句,复习现在完成时的第一种用 法,巩固现在完成时的结构及句型转换,
Step Two Presentation (25 min)


I have been in New York for just two weeks.
It has been ten years since I last came to New York.
She has visited many places in New York since she went there.
She has studied in the university for two months.
Get the students to read the sentences together and tell something about the usage of the present perfect tense.
Get them to underline the expresses with “for” or “since”. Get the students to tell the difference between “for”
and “since”.
(设计意图: 通过例句向学生呈现现在完成时的基本用法,朗读 加深印象,先全班齐读,还可点名让
学生朗读。个人活动,叙述自读句子并试着画出现在完成时的结构及 引导时间状语的词——for, since。)
Step Three Language in use (30 min)
Give them some exercises to practice. Complete the following expresses with “for” or “since”. (10 min)
(1) five years
(4) last year

(2) he left his hometown (3) 3 minutes
(6) the whole spring (5) his father worked in the factory
(设计意图: 通过一分钟的练习,让学生更加明确for和 since的用法区别,为接下来教学使用延续性
Activity14. Complete the sentences with “for” and “since”.(10 min)
(1) Jane has been in America __________ last weekend.
__________ a week.
(2) My brother hasn’t eaten any food __________ 24 hours.
__________ yesterday.
(3) I have learned English __________ last July.
__________ six months.
(4) My parents haven’t phoned me __________ Saturday.
__________ two days.
(5) This team hasn’t won __________ last year.
__________ a year.
(设计意图:先个人活动,学生用for或since完成句 子搭配。再双人活动,学生相互改错,请学生对
for,since在现在完成时中的用法进行归纳,教 师给予反馈。让学生在练习中自己体会for,since在现


Activity 15. Talk with your partner and see if you have the same experiences. (10 min)
They can ask like this:
Have you lived here for ten years?
Have you lived here since you were born?
Have you watched English TV programs for several years?
Have you been to other cities by plane?
Have you never been late for class?

They can ask other questions which they are interested in and fill in the form.
(设计意图:双人活动,根据比昂内容,学生间交谈,也可以利用现在完成时针对 生活中学生感兴趣的
话题进行交谈,在语言运用中根据真实情况提问和回答,教师对几组学生进行抽查并 给出反馈。教师
Step Four summary (10 min)
(1) five years
(4) last year

(2) he left his hometown (3) 3 minutes
(6) the whole spring (5) his father worked in the factory
Step five Homework (5 mins)
(1) Do some exercises in the workbook.
(2) Write down their composition about the pictures page 81
(设计意图:学生针对所学,完成一定的练 习,是对本课所学知识必要的巩固。有助于学生巩固本课所
(1) Do some exercises in the workbook.
(2) Write down their composition about the pictures page 81
Unit 5 It’s time to change
The difference between “for” and “since”:
Practice with “for” or “since”.
(1) five years (2) he left his hometown (3) 3 minutes
(4) last year (5) his father worked in the factory (6) the whole spring


现在完成时的结构:havehas + v-ed (主动结构
英语基础好的学生善于表达自己,学习英语的兴趣浓厚,但也有一部分学生基础薄 弱,英语储备有限,
缺乏适当的表达技巧,自主学习能力弱,不能主动参与到学习中。因此在教学中一方 面要充分发挥尖子
生的带头作用,发挥优势学生的主观能动性,调动学生的积极性,带动全班学生的学习 积极性,同时在
教学中还要特别关注学有困难的学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围,鼓励他 们努力尝试,

Book 2 Unit 5 It’s time to change The second period
授课内容包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking两部分,主要内容是关于生活习惯及描述性形容词词汇
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
1)学生能够掌握描述健康状况的词汇,如pale, weak ,fat, thin, sleepy, angry etc.
2)学生能够掌握有关周末计划的词组, 如:climb the mountain, do outdoor activities, watch TV, stay at
home etc.
3)学生能掌握有关讨论生活习惯的句型,如:I’d rather……I prefer to……I likeloveenjoy……
2. 能力目标


(2)学生能用I’d rather……,I like…, I love…等句型口头表达个人生活习惯。
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (20 min)
Teacher : “What activities are good for your healthy? What activities are bad for your healthy?
Students : Compete with each other group and write the related phrases on the blackboard .

(设计意图: 激活学生已有的词汇知识;通过回忆一些有关健康的活动词汇,启发学生的主动思维,< br>调动学生的积极性、主动性,也为后面的听说做好铺垫。)
Step Two Word Study (25 min)
1. Matching game
Teacher: Choose the right adjectives to describe the pictures on the screen.
Students: Work in individuals and match the words and related pictures.
2. Check up
Ask some Ss to speak out their answers and at the same time let other Ss check it up,
if necessary, the teacher will help them.
3. Discussion
Discuss how they can keep fit. Match the suggestions with the pictures in Activity 1.
(设计意图: 通过图片与词汇的匹配活动,让学生了解了有关描述性健康习惯的词汇,同时进一步让< br>学生讨论活动1中的人物如何保持健康,为后续的听说活动做好了充分的热身活动。)
Step Three Listening (30 min)
Teacher: Ask some students about their weekend activities.
T: What do you usually do on weekends?
OR Do you usually go out with your classmates?
Do you usually stay at home?
S: ……..
(设计意图: 通过对话,联系学生的生活实际,加强巩固前两个活动中的重点词汇,以帮助学生扫除


Listen and tick
Lead the students to look through the three topic words quickly, and ask them to tick what Tom and Sara are
talking about.
Listen and complete
Students listen to the tape again and decide whether the statements are true or false, and then check them up in
groups, if they can’t finish them the first time, let the Ss listen to the tape again.
Listen and fill in the blanks.
Listen again, and finish off the ex. Then check it though the whole class.
(设计意图:通过此活动,训练学生能根据所提供的信息预测听 力内容的能力以及在听的过程中把握
材料的大意、获取主要信息的能力,同时训练将所听信息进行整合后 ,选择相应的短语补全对话的能
Read and underline.
Teacher:Play the tape sentence by sentence and lead students to repeat them.
Students: Listen to the tape again and repeat sentence by sentence, and then underline the sentences showing
preferences. Teacher writes the sentences on the board. If students can’t understand the words or sentences,
teacher should explain them.
(设计意图:在句子的跟读中,使学生掌握关于谈论兴趣 爱好的重点句型,为后面的说话做最基础的
Step Four Summary (10 min)
good for health bad for health
do outdoor activities sleep too late
climb mountains eat no breakfast
sleep early stay at home all day
eat breakfast …
Step five Homework (5 min)
1. Summarize the weekend activities phrases.
2. Make up a new dialogue about your weekend activities with the partner.


< br>(设计意图:归纳总结周末计划活动词汇并加以补充,以复习课堂词汇并扩散学生的思维。对话操练旨在巩固句型运用。)
1. Summarize the weekend activities phrases.
2. Make up a new dialogue about your weekend activities with the partner.
Unit 5 It’s time to change
good for health bad for health
do outdoor activities sleep too late
climb mountains eat no breakfast
sleep early stay at home all day
eat breakfast ……
I’d rather……I prefer to……I likeloveenjoy……
倡导合作学习活动,进行情景创设的语言实践,使学生在互相学习、互相帮助中体 验成功的快感和成就

Book 2 Unit 5 It’s time to change The third period
授课内容即Reading and Writing 部分。此部分内容主要涉及到健身、健康习惯。
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
(1)学生能掌握和运用表达健身、健康习惯的词汇和短语,如slim, skip supper, stay up, cycle to work ,etc。


2. 能力目标
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (20 min)
Give a short report
Several students are asked to give a report according to the homework about their classmates’ life style they
did before class. And discuss it and decide which is healthy and which is unhealthy.
Healthy lifestyle Unhealthy life style

康的 生活习惯,也自然而然地过渡到阅读。)
Step Two Reading (25 min) page 77-78
1. Fast-reading (True or False questions)
① The girl is a worker. ( )
② The girl wants to put on weight. ( )
③ The coach asks the girl to have some vegetables and fruit for supper. ( )
④ The man wants to have a change. ( )
(设计意图: 设计对错判断题目,意在培养学生通过快速阅读,了解并掌握文章大意的基本能力。)
2. Read and fill in the chart
Students read the material and fill in the chart on page78. Teacher asks 3 students to write their answers on the
board to check whether they are right or not.
(设计意图: 在填空练习中,训练学生细节阅读能力以及综合分析能力;让学生在黑板上写出答案以< br>面对全体学生检查阅读结果。)
3. Explain the important words and expressions


Teacher explains the important phrases and sentences, especially the words and phrases about life style.
(设计意图:在老师的解释过程中以处理阅读材料中的生词,让 学生更深刻理解有关重要的词汇的运
4. Read and complete the coach’s diary.
The Ss to finish the coach’s diary in pairs, and the teacher checks the answers by asking several students to
answer it.
(设计意图:通过学生两人一组完成健身教练的工作日记,再次对阅读材料中的重点词汇短语 进行巩
Step Three Writing (30 min)
Example writing
Teacher: Ask two students to write down the sentence on the board according to the first picture. For example
Jim used to play computer games and go to bed late.
Students: Look at the following pictures and use the given words and phrase to write down a sentence,
following the examples on the board.
(设计意图:学生能够根据图片内容和提示信息,最终写出完整的信息, 训练学生从阅读中获取信息并
Step Four Summary (10 min)
Healthy lifestyle Unhealthy life style
Jim used to play computer games and go to bed late.

Step five Homework (5 min) ( 三选二)
1. Put all the sentences together to tell the story of Jim.
2. Finish off the exercise20 on page 83.
3. Imitate Jim’s story and write a short story about your life style.
(设计意图:通过阅读材料并模仿例子,结合实际写 出自己生活习惯的小故事,以巩固课堂上所学内容,
并能学以致用,另外通过三选二的作业方式,来满足 不同学业水平学生的需求。)

1. Put all the sentences together to tell the story of Jim.
2. Finish off the exercise20 on page 83.


3. Imitate Jim’s story and write a short story about your life style..
Unit 5 It’s time to change.
Healthy lifestyle Unhealthy life style
Jim used to play computer games and go to bed late.

在听说课的教学中,通过对材料的整合,来进行以任务为指导的听说训 练,以及多种活动的有效实践,
使学生提高在听的过程中有目的地把握材料大意,获取主要信息的能力; 同时又从听力中归纳出学习的

Book 2 Unit 6 Tell me when the pain started The first period
授课内容为课本包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking两部分,具体内容为:部分疾病名称、描述身体
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标
headache back pain
1) 询问个人疾病状况,原因等信息时:
What’s wrong with you?
How long have you felt this way?
I have a runny nose. And I cough all the time.

stomachache toothache fever cough

For about one day.
2. 能力目标
3. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in (20 min)
A game. We play a game first. Students guess what kind of illness is with the help of the action and
expression--- sb felt, sb can not .... “cold! cold!” Students will always shout with great interest. Then com
stomachache toothache fever cough headache back pain
For example: A person cough and feel cold all the time. Possible answer: bad cold
1. Play computer games for the whole night. ( )
2. Eat sweets before going to bed. ( )
3. Drink too little water. ( )
4. Eat a lot of ice cream right after a meal. ( )
5. Wear a short skirt in winter. ( )
(设计意图:由学生表演 动作和表情入手,采用猜谜游戏形式,利用多媒体图片呈现,引发学生对疾病
话题的兴趣和开口欲望,并 初步接触本单元关键词汇。)
Step Two speaking (25 min)
Brainstorm. Students are encouraged to list the vocabulary of illness they have learned as many
as they can.
Medicine pain temperature
headache fever toothache
cold stomachache cough
(设计意图:通过头脑风暴,我们可以 快速呈现尽可能多的疾病相关词汇和句型,自然而然拓展学生词
Step Three Listening and speaking(30 min)
1. Activity 3. Listen and tick the right picture for the question. Listen to the dialogue and answer the


2. Activity 4. Listen again and fill the blanks. Make sure students understand the meaning of each sentence
and highlight the key words in the following sentences
3. Activity 5. Read and underline. Read the dialogue and underline the seeing a doctor’s questions and
Tell me when the pain started.
I want to know what is wrong with you.
I don’t know what I should do.
I wonder how you caught the cold.
Tell us where you broke your leg.
4. Read the key sentences after the teacher. Make sure that students can say them out fluently and their
pronunciation of the words is correct.
5. Activity ce the dialogue in pairs. Use Activity 6 as an example.
(设计意图:从 词到句,从句到对话,每一步骤都要确保学生能扎实掌握。从领读到齐读到互相读再到
个别读,教师要确 认学生能正确掌握发音和语音语调。)
Step Four Summary (10 min)
Make a short summary of what we’ve learned today.
(1)key vocabulary:
Medicine pain temperature
headache fever toothache
cold stomachache cough
(2) expression about asking and answering the information of one’s illness
Tell me when the pain started.
I want to know what is wrong with you.
I don’t know what I should do.
I wonder how you caught the cold.
Tell us where you broke your leg.
Step five Homework (5 min)
1. Copy and memorize the new words and expressions.
2. Practice dialogue with your classmates after class.


3. Make a similar dialogue, talking about seeing a doctor

1. Copy and memorize the new words and expressions.
2. Practice dialogue with your classmates after class.
3. Make a similar dialogue, talking about seeing a doctor
Unit 6 tell me when the pain started.
Ask for information : Provide information :
Tell me when the pain started. Play computer games for the whole night.
I want to know what is wrong with you. Eat sweets before going to bed.
I don’t know what I should do. Eat a lot of ice cream right after a meal.
I wonder how you caught the cold. Wear a short skirt in winter.
教学注重因材施教,化 难为易,通过设计接近真实生活环境的情景,在各种各样的活动中理解、运用、
习得语言。将课本知识与 学生生活实际紧密结合,通过互动练习和简单有效的游戏进行操练,帮助学生
掌握知识,同时注意培养学 生观察身边的人和事的能力,学会谈论与自身实际生活相关的话题。

Book 2 Unit 6 Tell me when the pain started The second period
一 .教学内容
授课内容为课本Language in use & Unit task部分,具体包括:Grammar focus and practice。
二. 教学重点、难点
⑴ 教学重点
⑵ 教学难点
三. 教学目标
1. 知识目标








