托福阅读tpo 5 The Origin of the Pacific Island People太平洋群岛居民的起源原

2020年08月06日 19:16



?The greater Pacific region, traditionally called Oceania, consists of three
cultural areas: Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. Melanesia, in the southwest
Pacific, contains the large islands of New Guinea, the Solomons, Vanuatu, and New
Caledonia. Micronesia, the area north of Melanesia, consists primarily of small
scattered islands. Polynesia is the central Pacific area in the great triangle defined
by Hawaii, Easter Island, and New Zealand. Before the arrival of Europeans, the
islands in the two largest cultural areas, Polynesia and Micronesia, together
contained a population estimated at 700,000.

Speculation on the origin of these Pacific islanders began as soon as outsiders
encountered them, in the absence of solid linguistic, archaeological, and biological
data, many fanciful and mutually exclusive theories were devised. Pacific islanders
are variously thought to have come from North America, South America, Egypt, Israel,
and India, as well as Southeast Asia. Many older theories implicitly deprecated the
navigational abilities and overall cultural creativity of the Pacific islanders. For
example, British anthropologists G. Elliot Smith and W. J. Perry assumed that only
Egyptians would have been skilled enough to navigate and colonize the Pacific. They
inferred that the Egyptians even crossed the Pacific to found the great civilizations
of the New World (North and South America). In 1947 Norwegian adventurer Thor
Heyerdahl drifted on a balsa-log raft westward with the winds and currents across
the Pacific from South America to prove his theory that Pacific islanders were Native
Americans (also called American Indians). Later Heyerdahl suggested that the Pacific
was peopled by three migrations: by Native Americans from the Pacific Northwest of
North America drifting to Hawaii, by Peruvians drifting to Easter Island, and by
Melanesians. In 1969 he crossed the Atlantic in an Egyptian-style reed boat to prove
Egyptian influences in the Americas. Contrary to these theorists, the overwhelming
evidence of physical anthropology, linguistics, and archaeology shows that the
Pacific islanders came from Southeast Asia and were skilled enough as navigators to
sail against the prevailing winds and currents.

The basic cultural requirements for the successful colonization of the Pacific
islands include the appropriate boat-building, sailing, and navigation skills to get
to the islands in the first place, domesticated plants and gardening skills suited
to often marginal conditions, and a varied inventory of fishing implements and
techniques. It is now generally believed that these prerequisites originated with
peoples speaking Austronesian languages (a group of several hundred related languages)
and began to emerge in Southeast Asia by about 5000 B.C.E. The culture of that time,
based on archaeology and linguistic reconstruction, is assumed to have had a broad
inventory of cultivated plants including taro, yarns, banana, sugarcane, breadfruit,
coconut, sago, and rice. Just as important, the culture also possessed the basic
foundation for an effective maritime adaptation, including outrigger canoes and a

variety of fishing techniques that could be effective for overseas voyaging.

Contrary to the arguments of some that much of the pacific was settled by
Polynesians accidentally marooned after being lost and adrift, it seems reasonable
that this feat was accomplished by deliberate colonization expeditions that set out
fully stocked with food and domesticated plants and animals. Detailed studies of the
winds and currents using computer simulations suggest that drifting canoes would have
been a most unlikely means of colonizing the Pacific. These expeditions were likely
driven by population growth and political dynamics on the home islands, as well as
the challenge and excitement of exploring unknown waters.

Because all Polynesians, Micronesians, and many Melanesians speak Austronesian
languages and grow crops derived from Southeast Asia, all these peoples most certainly
derived from that region and not the New World or elsewhere. The undisputed
pre- Columbian presence in Oceania of the sweet potato, which is a New World
domesticate, has sometimes been used to support Heyerdahl’s “American Indians in
the Pacific” theories. However, this is one plant out of a long list of Southeast
Asian domesticates. As Patrick Kirch, an American anthropologist, points out, rather
than being brought by rafting South Americans, sweet potatoes might just have easily
been brought back by returning Polynesian navigators who could have reached the west
coast of South America.

尼西亚和波利 尼西亚。美拉尼西亚在西南太平洋,包含了新几内亚岛、所罗 门、瓦努阿图和
新喀里多尼亚的广大岛屿 。密克罗尼西亚在美拉尼西亚的北边,主要由一些分散的岛屿组成。
波利尼西亚是太平洋中心地区,位于 由夏威夷、复活节 群岛和新西兰的三大岛屿组成的三角
区域中。在欧洲人到来之前,最大的波利尼西亚 和密克罗尼西亚岛屿群一共有差不多70万人

对于太平洋群岛居民起源的思索 开始于外来者和岛民们接触的最初,由于缺乏可靠的语
言学、考古学和生物学资料,出现了很多奇异并且 互斥的理论。之前太平洋岛 民曾被认为来
自北美洲、南美洲、埃及、以色列、印度以及东南亚。许多古 老的理论含蓄地贬低了太平洋
群岛居民的航海能力和综合文化创造力。比如说,英国人类 学家G. Elliot Smith 和W. J.
Perry认为只有埃及人才能熟练地航海和统治太平洋。 他们推断埃及人甚至曾经穿越过太平
洋去寻找新世界的文明(北美洲和南美洲)。1947年,挪威探险 家Thor Heyerdahl为了证
明他的太平洋群岛居民是美国本土居民(也被称作美国印第安人 )的理论,用一只带有标志
的轻质木筏,借助风力和水流从南美洲漂流过 了太平洋。后来Heyerd ahl表明太平洋人来自
三个移民群体:从北美洲西北部太平洋地区漂流到夏威夷的美国本土居民,从秘 鲁去往复活
节岛的漂流者,还 有美拉尼西亚人。1969年,他驾驶一条埃及样式的芦苇船穿过大西洋 ,
证明埃及人在美洲的影响。与这些理论相矛盾的是,有关物理人类学、语言学和考古学的 权

成功地将太平洋群岛殖民地化需要的基础文化条件包括: 适当的 造船、航行和航海技术
以首先到达岛屿;适应贫瘠条件的驯化植物和园艺技术;各种各样的捕鱼器具和技 术。现在
普遍认为这些先决条件是那些说南岛语(一 个有几百种亲属语种的语系)的人所带来的,他
们公元前5 000年前就出现在东南亚。通过考古学和 语言学的重建发现,那个时候的文明拥
有广泛的植物储存,包括芋头、纱、香蕉、甘蔗、面包果、椰子、 西米和稻米。同 样重要的

与那个太平洋人很多都是波利尼西亚人偶然 迷失并漂流而定居下来的说法相反的是,这些功绩是通过有意的殖民远征来实现的,他们那些准备周详,出发时满载食物、已培育好的
植物和以 驯化的动物。通过电 脑模拟对风向和洋流进行的详细研究表明,船只漂流是最不可
能的殖民太平洋的途 径。远征可能是由本土的人口增长、政治动荡以及探索未知水域的挑战
和兴奋所驱 动的。因为所有的波 利尼西亚人、密克罗尼西亚人和很多美拉尼西亚人说南岛语,
种植的庄稼起源于东南亚,所以所有的这些 人最有可能来自那个地方,而不是新世 界或者其
他地方。甘薯,一种新世界的品种,在哥伦比亚发现美 洲大陆前它就在大洋洲的出现,这是
无可置疑的,这有时候被用来证明Heyerdahl的太平洋 岛 民是美国印第安人的理论。然而,
这是一种在东南亚培育的植物的长名单之外的植物。正如美国人类学家 Patrick Kirch所指


According to paragraph 1, all of the following are true statements about Melanesia,
Micronesia, and Polynesia EXCEPT:

A:Collectively, these regions are traditionally known as Oceania.

B:These islands of Micronesia are small and spread out.

C:Hawaii, Easter Island, and New Zealand mark the boundaries of Polynesia.

D:Melanesia is situated to the north of Micronesia.


EXCEPT题,排除法。A对应 第一句第二个逗号之前的部分,正确,不选;B选项对应第
二句,注意scattered就是spre ad out,所以正确,不选;而且第二句还与D选项相反,应
该是Micronesia在Mela nesia北面,所以D错,选;C选项对应第三句,正确,不选。


By stating that the theories are “mutually exclusive” the author means that

A:if one of the theories is true, then all the others must be false

B:the differences between the theories are unimportant

C:taken together, the theories cover all possibilities

D:the theories support each other


mutual共同,exclusive想到e xclude再想到include,所以是不包含的,排他的,那
mutually exclusi ve的意思就是不相容的,互相矛盾的,所以答案应该是A。前文说由于缺
乏各方面证据,各种各样的想 象的和什么样的理论被设计出来,至少说明个词应该是不靠谱


The word “overwhelming” in the passage is closest in meaning to






overwhelming压倒性的,势不可挡的,而且over表示在„„之上或者是超过 之意,所
以A正确。原文说与上面的例子不同,怎么样的证据显示这些太平洋岛民来自东南亚。首先原文没提到时间概念,所以current不对,原文也没说之前的都不合理,所以reasonable< br>不对,favorable赞同的,倾向的靠谱,但不对。


According to paragraph 2, which of the following led some early researchers to
believe that the Pacific islanders originally came from Egypt?

A:Egyptians were known to have founded other great civilizations.

B:Sailors from other parts of the world were believed to lack the skills needed
to travel across the ocean.

C:Linguistic, archaeological, and biological data connected the islands to

D:Egyptian accounts claimed responsibility for colonizing the Pacific as well
as the Americas.


以Egypt和early researchers双关键词回原文定位至第四句(For example句),说两
个人认为只 有埃及人有技术能够航行到并且占领太平洋的岛,至于后半句是两个人推断出来
的东西,不是答案,所以 A错B对,C和D都没说。


Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2 about early theories of
where the first inhabitants of the Pacific islands came from?

A:They were generally based on solid evidence.

B:They tried to account for the origin of the characteristic features of the
languages spoken by Pacific islanders.

C:They assumed that the peoples living in Southeast Asia did not have the skills
needed to sail to the Pacific islands.

D:They questioned the ideas of G. Elliot Smith and W. J. Perry.


以early (older) theories做关键词定位至第三 句,说早期的理论认为那些岛民的航海
能力不行,紧接着给出例子,就是上一题定位的那句,只有埃及人 才有能力航行到并且占领
这些岛,所以通过例子证明C正确,东南亚人没那个技术航线到这些岛上;原文 说没证据,


The word “implements” in the passage is closest in meaning to






implement动词 的意思是实施,执行;名词的意思是工具,所以B正确。原句中与它并
列的是technique,所以 意思应当与technique接近但不相同,所以A错;C和D习惯上都不
能与technique并 列。


All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 3 as required for successful
colonization of the Pacific islands EXCEPT

A:knowledge of various Austronesian languages

B:a variety of fishing techniques

C:navigational skills

D:knowledge of plant cultivation


EXCEPT题,排除法,BCD三个答案都在第一句,一上来就说successful colon ization
的条件是blabla,A语言的问题是在下一句说的,已经不是条件了,所以A错,选 。


In paragraph 3, why does the author provide information about the types of crops
grown and boats used in Southeast Asia during the period around 5000 B. C. E.?

A:To evaluate the relative importance of agriculture and fishing to early
Austronesian peoples

B:To illustrate the effectiveness of archaeological and linguistic methods in
discovering details about life in ancient times

C:To contrast living conditions on the continent of Asia with living conditions
on the Pacific islands

D:To demonstrate that people from this region had the skills and resources
necessary to travel to and survive on the Pacific islands


修辞目的题,以5000 B.C.E.为关键词定位至第二句,但事实上关于种的作物的信息在
第三句中的”The culture of that time”,往第二句看,这些前提条件是说A语言的人有的,
也就 是说A有占领太平洋岛屿的能力,正确答案D。


Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the
highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in
important ways or leave out essential information.

A:Some people have argued that the Pacific was settled by traders who became
lost while transporting domesticated plants and animals.

B:The original Polynesian settlers were probably marooned on the islands, but
they may have been joined later by carefully prepared colonization expeditions.

C:Although it seems reasonable to believe that colonization expeditions would
set out fully stocked, this is contradicted by much of the evidence.

D:The settlement of the Pacific islands was probably intentional and well planned
rather than accidental as some people have proposed.


原句的结构是contrary to 什么什么,怎么怎么样,与„„相对的是,怎么怎么。所以
只看一半就可以,而且后半句才是作者的真实 意思,说这个feat是通过有意的占领完成的,
不认识deliberate的看后面的解释,说装满 了东西,当然是有备而来的。A说这些人是lost
到这些岛上来的,反了;B说两批人,第一批是lo st的,后来有人装满了东西加入了他们,
没说;C也说lost,注意although后面的文字与 句子的真实意思相反,所以只有D对。


The word “undisputed” in the passage is closest in meaning to






dispute争辩 ,undisputed无可辩驳的,所以acknowledged广为承认的正确;原文说一
个什么 样的证据能够用来支持某人的理论,A神秘的B出乎意料的明显不靠谱,significant
指显要 重要,原文没提到这个证据是很重要的,也不对。


According to paragraph 4, which of the following is NOT an explanation for why
a group of people might have wanted to colonize the Pacific islands?

A:As their numbers increased, they needed additional territory.

B:The winds and currents made the islands easy to reach.

C:The political situation at home made emigration desirable.

D:They found exploration challenging and exciting.


EXCEPT题,排除法,A选项的their number increased对应原文第三句的population
growth;正确,不选;C的political situation at home对应第三句中的political dynamics
on the home islands,正确,不选;D选项的challenging and exciting对应第三句中的
challenge and excitement,正确,不选;B没说,选。


Why does the author mention the views of “Patrick Kirch”?

A:To present evidence in favor of Heyerdahl’s idea about American Indians
reaching Oceania

B:To emphasize the familiarity of Pacific islanders with crops from many
different regions of the world

C:To indicate that supposed proof for Heyerdahl’s theory has an alternative

D:To demonstrate that some of the same crops were cultivated in both South America
and Oceania


修辞目的题,往前看,however句与前句有紧密的衔接 ,所以再往前看一句。说甜土豆
的出现支持了H的理论,紧接着就来了个转折,说明PK的观点不支持H 的观点,A反了;C
的alternative explanation正确;B和D都没说。


Look at the four squares [] that indicate where the following sentence could be
added to the passage. Where could the sentence best fit?

Later theories concentrate on journeys in the other direction.


两个过渡点,later theories和other direction。根据later theories看,A一定不
对,老的理论还没说不能出现新的理论;B后的for example 和C后的they都说明这两处的
过渡非常紧密,不能插入任何句子,都不对,所以D正确;而且D之前 说从埃及到南美,D
之后说从南美洲出发,刚好对应插入句中的other direction。


Choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not
presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth
2 points. Together, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia make up the region described
as the Pacific islands, or Oceania.

A. The first Europeans to reach the area assumed that the islands’ original
inhabitants must have drifted to Oceania, perhaps from Egypt or the Americas.

B. It is now believed that the process of colonization required a great deal of
skill, determination, and planning and could not have happened by chance.

C. Using linguistic and archaeological evidence, anthropologists have determined
that the first Pacific islanders were Austronesian people from Southeast Asia.

D. New evidence suggests that, rather than being isolated, Pacific islanders
engaged in trade and social interaction with peoples living in Southeast Asia.

E. Computer simulations of the winds and currents in the Pacific have shown that
reaching the Pacific islands was probably much easier than previously thought.

F. Although early colonizers of the islands probably came from agriculture-based
societies, they were obliged to adopt an economy based on fishing.








A(the first)选项对应原文第二段的前半部分,正确。

B(it is now)选项对应原文第三段,正确。


D(new) 选项不对,原文只是说甜土豆是可能是从南美带来的,而且还提出可能是岛民
自己带回来的,不是什么贸 易,不选。


F(computer)选项与第四段中的一个细节矛盾,原文说drifting conoes would have been
a most unlikely means , 不是更容易,不选。






















