
2020年08月06日 19:22


阅读是一个很好的习惯,但是读 书的时候如何选择书,选什么书也是很关键的一个问题,
需要大家慎重考虑的。下面一起来看一下网的专 家精心的为大家准备的关于2017考研英语
阅读材料:比尔 盖茨如何选书单的一些资料,帮助同学们更好的做好考研英语的复习备考

Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, has emergedas a force in the publishing industry, thanks
to the book reviews he posts on his blog, GatesNotes. Mr. Gates, who says he reads about 50
books a year, discussed his love of reading, howhe makes his selections and what book Warren
Buffett recommended. Below are excerpts froma recent email interview.

微软公司的联合创始人比尔 盖茨(Bill Gates)因为在自己的博客Gates Notes 上发表书评,成
了出版界一股新力量。盖茨先生说自己每年大约读50本书,他在这里谈了自己对阅读的 爱
好,如何选择书籍,沃伦 巴菲特(Warren Buffett)推荐他读了什么书。下面是最近的一次电

What role does reading play in your life?


It is one of the chief ways that I learn, and has been since I was a kid. These days, I also get tovisit
interesting places, meet with scientists and watch a lot of lectures online. But reading is stillthe
main way that I both learn new things and test my understanding.

答:它是我最主要的 学习方式之一,从我小时候就是这样了。这些日子以来,我也去拜访有
趣的地方、同科学家会面,在网上 看很多讲座。但阅读仍然是我学习新鲜事物与测试自己理

For example, this year I enjoyed Richard Dawkins s The Magic of Reality, which explainsvarious
scientific ideas and is aimed at teenagers. Although I already understood all theconcepts, Dawkins
helped me think about the topics in new ways. If you can t explainsomething simply, you don t
really understand it.

比如说,今年我很喜欢理查德 道金斯(Richard Dawkins)的《真相的魔力》(The Magic of
Reality),它解释了各种科 学概念,目标读者是青少年。尽管那些概念我都理解,道金斯还
是能够帮助我以新的方式思考这些话题。 如果你无法简单明了地解释某种东西,你就没有真

What made you decide to start the books blog and write reviews?


I have always loved reading and learning, so it is great if people see a book review and
feelencouraged to read and share what they think online or with their friends.

答:我一直都喜欢阅读和学习,所以如果人们看 到一篇书评,于是就去读这本书,并且在网

It also helps to have a platform for talking about the work I m doing, both through thefoundation
and separate from it, because I find people are curious about it.

另外 ,有一个平台来讲一讲我手头在做的工作也很好,不管是不是基金会的事,因为我发现
人们对此很感兴趣 。

How do you choose the books you read? Recommendations from familyfriendsmedia?


It s a mix of things. Melinda and I will sometimes exchange books we like. I also
getrecommendations from friends. After I finish something great, I will often try to find
otherbooks by that author or similar ones on the same subject.

答:各种因素都有。梅林达(Melin da)和我有时候交换自己喜欢的书。朋友们也向我推荐书。
我读完一本好书,也经常会去找这个作者的 其他着作,或是类似题材的其他书籍。

Earlier this year Melinda and I saw the musical Hamilton, which inspired me to read RonChernow
s biography.

今年年初,我和梅林达看了音乐剧《汉密尔顿》(Hamilton),所以我就去读了洛恩 彻诺(Ron


What was the process of selecting the books for the best-of-the-year list? Any tough choices?


I didn t set out to do this intentionally, but when I looked back at the books I read this year,
Irealized that a lot of them touch on the theme how things work.

答:我不是有意这么做的,但回忆今年读过的书,我发现很多都与 事物如何运行 这个主题

Some, like Randall Munroe s Thing Explainer, are written exactly for that reason. He
usesdiagrams paired with the most common 1,000 words in the English language to
explaincomplicated ideas.

有些书,比如兰道尔 门罗(Randall Munroe)的《解释者》(Thing Expla iner)就是完全为这个目
的而写的。他使用图表,配上最普通的1000来个英文单词,去解释复杂 的概念。

Other books on my list offer insights into human beings, our values, our strengths and flaws.


Is there one book that was an unexpected choice for you that you unexpectedly loved?


One of the main reasons I started my blog was to share thoughts about what I m reading. So itis
nice to see people sharing their own reactions and recommendations in the comments sectionof the

答:我开这个博客的主要原 因之一就是希望分享自己的阅读心得。所以看到别人在网站评论

里分享他们的反馈和推荐 是非常愉快的事情。

One book that was especially fun to highlight was Business Adventures, by John is the first book
Warren Buffett recommended to me after we met in 1991, and it is still thebest business book I
have ever read. Brooks deserves to be much better known than he is.

约翰 布鲁克斯(John Brooks)的《商业冒险》(Business Adventures)是一本特别有意思的书。
我和沃伦 巴菲特是1991年认识的,这是他推荐给 我的第一本书,到现在仍然是我读过的最

Although he wrote in the 1960s, the issues he talks about are still relevant today.
BusinessAdventures went out of print decades ago and Brooks died in 1993, but his family was
niceenough to let me post one chapter called Xerox Xerox Xerox Xerox on my blog.

十年前就已 经绝版了,布鲁克斯也于1993年去世,但他的家人很慷慨,允许我在自己的博
客上贴出了书中的一章 ,名为 复印,复印,复印,复印 。

I don t read a lot of fiction but was surprised by how much I loved the novel The RosieProject, by
Graeme Simsion. Melinda read it first and kept stopping to recite parts of it outloud to me.
Eventually, I decided to take a look.

我没有读过很多虚构文学,但是却喜欢上了格拉伊姆 西姆森(Graeme Simsion)的小说《罗西
方案》(TheRosie Project),让我自己也很吃惊。这 本书是梅林达先读的,她不断停下来给我

I started it one night at 11 . and stayed up with it until 3 . It is very funny, while alsoshowing a lot
of empathy for people who struggle in social situations.

我是夜里1 1点开始读的,一直读到凌晨三点。它非常有意思,也对那些拼命应付社交场合
的人表现出了许多共情心 。

After I sent it and the sequel ( The Rosie Effect ) to dozens of friends and wrote about it on
myblog, I heard from a lot of people who were touched by it. There is talk of turning it into
amovie, which I hope happens. Rosie and Don Tillman would make a great on-screen couple.

后来我把这本书和它的续集《罗西效应》(The Rosie Effect)拿给几十个朋友读,还 在博客上
写了书评,然后很多人都说他们读过之后受到了感动。听说有人想把它拍成电影,我很希望这能实现。罗西和堂 迪尔曼(DonTillman)肯定能成为不错的银幕情侣。

I like highlighting the work of Vaclav Smil. He has written more than 30 books, and I have
readthem all. He takes on huge topics like energy or transportation and gives them a

我还想强调一下瓦克拉夫 斯米尔(Vaclav Smil)的着作。他写的30多本书我全都读过。他讲
述能源和交通之类重大 题材,并且对之进行详尽的阐释。

Smil s books are not for casual readers and I don t agree with him on everything, but I like
tofeature his work because the world would be a better place if more people thought as
rigorouslyand systematically as he does.

斯米尔的书不适合随手翻阅的读者,我也并不赞同他的 所有观点,但是我想特别提一下他的
作品,因为加入更多人都能像他这样进行缜密而有系统的思考,世界 就能变得更好。







