
2020年08月06日 20:16


Unit 2
Section A A Busy Weekday Morning
The radio clicked on. Rock music blasted forth.
Like a shot, the music woke Sandy.
She looked at the clock; it was 6:15 A.M.
Sandy sang along with the words
as she lay listening to her favorite radio station.
,, turn that music off!
Steve Finch burst into her room.

It's the same thing over and over.
I'm not sure it is really music though it does have rhythm.
Hmmm. No, it isn't really music.
It's weird. It is definitely horrible stuff.
— Green Waves.
Listen for a minute; I'm sure you'll like it.
It has a really powerful message.
Didn't you ever listen to music like this when you were a youngster?
Sandy reached for the radio to turn it up louder.

The music I listened to had a message, too, but the words were clear
and the musicians didn't use such offensive language.
Turn that radio down so your mother and I can't hear it.
I'm sure that music is hurting your ears as well as your brain.
Now, would you please hurry up and turn it off?
Get ready for school or you'll be late!
the shower.]At first, the water felt cold.
It helped her wake up. Then, as the water got hotter,
she thought,
No one disturbs me in here.
She grabbed the soap and washed thoroughly, including her hair.
If she stayed in the shower too long,
her mom or dad usually banged on the door to rush her
so she grabbed a towel and dried off.
After her shower, Sandy brushed her hair, put on her old, green T-shirt and some jeans
and wrapped her sweater around her shoulders.
Then she put on her makeup, grabbed her books and went to the kitchen.
She looked at the clock again; it was late.
As usual, she didn't know what to have for breakfast,
so she grabbed a glass of milk and ate a piece of toast
while standing by the sink.
Just then, her mother, Jane, entered the kitchen.
, why don't you sit down and eat your breakfast?
It isn't healthy to eat standing up.

I don't have time to sit down and eat.

ah .

I'll brush my teeth when I'm done.
ou should brush your teeth when you wake up
and then brush them again after breakfast.
Sandy, why are you wearing that old T-shirt? It's disgusting.
I know you have some nice blouses in your closet.

Sandy, are you wearing eye-liner?

sn't it pretty? It's called French Lilac Blue. I just love it.
Sandy pretended not to notice that her mother was a little annoyed.

Please go upstairs and wash it off.

Believe me, all the girls at school wear makeup.
Some have tattoos and pierced ears, and noses and tongues, too.
Mom, I don't have time to talk about this now — I'm late.
I've got to go. See you later.
Sandy kissed her mother quickly on the cheek,
picked up her books, and bolted out of the house.
As she ran to catch the school bus,
Sandy thought of her older brother Bill who was away at college
He phoned her often so they could talk and share their problems,
but she hadn't heard from him for a while.
She missed him. Since Bill had gone to college,
her mother bugged Sandy much more than before,
and she was arguing with her mother a lot more than usual, too.
收音机“咔嗒”一声,摇滚乐就大声地响开了。音乐像枪声似的将 桑迪吵醒。
歌词 。
“桑迪,” 她父亲喊道,“桑迪,把音乐关了!”史蒂夫?芬奇冲进她的卧室。
“你为什么一定要听这么糟糕的音乐? 还听了一遍又一遍。虽然有节奏,可恐怕
“别,别开那么响,我受不了。把收音机音量调低点,这样我和你 妈妈就听
化好妆,走进了厨房。和往常 一样,她不知道早餐该吃什么,便抓了杯牛奶,站

“桑迪,你怎么不坐下吃饭? 站着吃饭对身体不好。”
“桑迪,你怎么穿那件旧圆领衫呢? 难看死了。”
“妈妈,我都15岁了,到了可以化妆的年龄 了。给您说实话吧,学校的女孩
子都化妆,有些还文身,有的还戴耳环、鼻环、舌环呢。妈妈,我现在没 时间给
您说,我快迟到了,得走了。再见。” 桑迪匆匆吻了一下妈妈的脸颊,拿起书冲
“不,谢谢,亲爱的。我胃不舒服,心乱如麻。可能是因 为那讨厌的音乐每
“你知道,亲爱的,不同年龄的人喜欢不同的音乐,” 简劝说道。“还记得我
“你注意到了吗,今天早 晨我们15岁的女儿都化了什么样的妆?我真不敢相
信自己以前没有注意到。我想我们应该感到幸运,因 为我们女儿的最大问题还只
道我们的女儿到底 怎么回事。她在变,我很担心她。化妆品,糟糕的音乐,谁知
道以后还会有什么花样?我们得和她谈谈。 新闻里报道的尽是惹上麻烦的青少

需要和桑迪谈谈,” 简说道。
什么,得 对桑迪说什么。她和桑迪之间还可以进行交流,这令她很高兴。她知道
自己得有耐心,得保持自己和桑迪 之间沟通的渠道畅通。她想在桑迪的身边,做

Unit 2 Section B Is There a Generation Gap?
The term gapwas coined in the concept of the generation gap is that
parents and children have different values and beliefs .As a result, many parents fear that peer
opinions will become more highly valued and that they in turn will lose influence. Although the
term continues to be used often, some people are beginning to ask the question, there a
generation gap in today's society?
One study compared four generations,aged18-30,31-48,49-62,and 63 and over. Several questions
were asked to tap into basic beliefs and values, such as
and is the very best place in the world to live inAcross the generations, there was
great consistency in the responses.
Many studies on youth also refute the concept of a generation gap. These studies show that while
young people tend to value their peers' evaluations over parents' on things like music, clothing and
what's ”,they continue to look to parents for basic values and guidance in the more important
areas of life, such as career and lifetime goals.
Of course, general trends can't always be applied to individual cases. It is natural to feel like there
is an uncomfortable
though, the problem does not lie in a difference of opinions or values, but in the way we relate to
and communicate with each other. Here are some tips from an article entitled the
Generation Gap

Show respect. An attitude of respect and trust can be contagious. Young people tend to see
themselves the way their parents see them. In turn, they gain self-confidence and respect for
themselves when you show that you respect their ability to make decisions and learn from their

Listen more than you talk. Questioning can sound like interrogation. Instead, adopt an attitude of
curiosity rather than control. Ask questions like
surprised?”If your object is only to
listen, you should be careful not to be preparing your response while your teen is still talking.
You'll hear better that way, and they will be encouraged to talk more.

Ask whether your child wants to hear it before sharing your point of view. Only go on if they say

with a is what makes sense to me as opposed to is the right way to see

Thinkinstead ofhave chores to do before we leave the house;how can we take
care of what needs to be done?way you can get across the messagein this

Keep can easily destroy your credibility by getting angry or too excited during a
d of ou're ruining your life!about what might happen

Don't apply double ers pay close attention to double 't expect them
to follow rules you don't follow r it's about checking in by the phone,putting
things away or drinking out of the milk carton,
Admit your own mistakes and talk about what you are learning from g
self-acceptance and tolerance for imperfection is very encouraging to teenagers(as well as other
people around you)and tends to make you easier to approach with questions, regrets and
ize when you think you had done or said something differently,like losing your
cool or saying something hurtful during an argument.

Enjoy humor,energy and sense of possibility teenagers often have can awaken parents to
positive sides of themselves they had forgotten or teens experience being
liked,they usually act more likeable.
“代沟 ”这一术语出现于20世纪60年代。代沟的概念之一是指父母和孩子
有不同的价值观和信仰。因此,很 多父母害怕孩子赞成伙伴的观点,父母转而失
去影响力。虽然这个术语还是常常被使用,有人却开始问这 个问题:“今天的社
有一项研究比较了四代人:18-30岁的人,31- 48岁的人,49-62岁的人,63
岁和63岁以上的人,问了几个问题以了解人们对一些问题的基本 信仰和价值观,
对音乐、服装和何为 “酷”的评价,年轻人更趋于赞同伙伴的见解,与此同时,在
生活中更重要的方面,如职业生涯、终身目 标等,他们还是继续依赖父母的基本
当然,总趋势是不能时时用于个例的。觉 得在我们和我们的十多岁孩子之间
好像存在令人不快的“代沟”,需要弥合它,这是自然的。然而,问题 也许不在于
篇题 为“弥合代沟”的文章,也许对弥合代沟有所帮助。

待自己。反过来,当你表示你尊重他们有能力决策和从错误中学习时,他们会 因
多听少说。询问听起来可能像审问,不要这样。应该抱有好奇的态度 而不是
打算怎么 做?你有什么计划?这事你是不是需要帮助?”如果你的目的只是听,
在孩子说话时,你就需小心别在心 里琢磨怎么回答。这样你会听得更好,而孩子
先问孩子是否想听,然 后才说你的观点。只有当孩子说“是”时才继续说下去,
而且要简洁。不要说教,不要期待孩子同意你的 观点。说话时,如果你的态度是
“我是这样理解的”,而不是“这样看问题才对”,孩子就可能更愿意听 ,而不会有
用“我们”而不用“你”。“离开家之前我们要做家务,我们怎么料理 必须做的
就 有助于弥合本可能由冲突带来的鸿沟。
保持冷静。交谈时生气或者太激动,你就可能轻易地毁了自己的 可信度。不
我说的做”而 不是“照我做的做”是不会改善关系的。
承认自己的错误,说说你从他们身上学到了什么。表现出自我 接受和对不完
接 近你,向你提出问题、表达遗憾甚至对你提出挑战。当你认为自己做错了事或
说错了话,比如发了脾气或 争论时说了令人伤心的话,就道歉。
有欣赏之心。青少年常有幽默感,充满活力,看什么事都觉得可能 ,这些能
爱时, 他们通常表现得更可爱。







