如何猜测英语阅读中生词的含义 新课标 人教版

2020年08月06日 20:23


提高学生阅读理解能力是高中阶段英语教学的主要目标 之一,在完成阅读理解题
时,因为对一些生词理解不准确影响了对文章的理解,使答题正确率降低。所以 中
根据上下文 进行逻辑推理,在具体的语言环境中用我们所熟悉的词语来推测我们不
熟悉的生词的词义。利用上下文猜 测词义常用下列几种猜词法。
1. 下定义或解释概念法 (Definition Explanation): 往往通过下文的同位语、
定语从句、或由or that is; that is to say; namely; in other words; that
means 等表达形式导出词义。 如:
1).Perhaps the most startling (surprising) theory to come out of kinesics,
the study of body movement, was suggested by Professor Ray. (人体运动学)
2).An extinct animal is one that once lived but does not exist now.(绝种
3).Sometimes the earth moves between the sun and the moon. Then the earth's

shadow falls on the moon; no light from the sun can then reach the moon.
The moon gets dark because it cannot reflect the sun's light. We call this
an eclipse of the moon. (月蚀)
4).They surrendered, that is, threw out their weapons and walked out with
their hands above their heads.
2.举例(Giving examples):for example, such as, a case in point is...过渡
1).John works in a hospital where people are treated for phobia, some of
phobias are the fear of flying, the fear of high places, and the fear of
animals. 根据下文的举例即可推出phobia是患恐惧症的病人.
2).Many United Nations employees are polyglots. Mrs. White, for example,
speaks five languages. 根据后面的例证不难推出polyglots是能说多种语言的

3.运用同义词关系(Synonym or Restatement Clues)
有的情况下,在一段话中,通过同义关系重现了某一生词的词义。用 and; not

only…but also…; besides; similarly; likewise; in the same way 或用分号
1).There was clearly nothing left to do but drop herself onto the shabby
little couch and weep....When Della had finished crying....(crying重现了
2).If you are fond of stories, you will; if you're like me, read them quickly;
you'll 含有read quickly的意思)
3).Our uncle was a roamer, an wanderer who never could stay one place. (到
4.根据对比关系猜词(Comparison-and-contrast Clues or antonym)
在特定的上下文中,往往通过某种对照、转折、比较或递进等关系,可以明确一词< br>的意思。这种类型的线索往往通过and, another, but, however, instead, like,
thoughalthough, still, while, on the other hand等词或词组引导出一个单词,
形成意义上的照应关系,从而帮助理 解词义。此外分号引出类似或对立的观点。如:
1).Her voice was usually soft and sweet, but now it was hoarse, (沙哑的)

2).Though Tom's face has been washed quite clean, his neck still remains
grubby. (肮脏的).
在含有though , but 等含有转折词的句子中, 主从句某些词构成对比关系. 即可
看出soft and sweet 和hoarse 及clean 和grubby 意义相对.
3).If you agree, write 根据对比关系的
yes 和no,不难看出agree 和dissent是反义词.
4).He has been in office for only a few months. He has, however, achieved
more than any of his predecessors. (前任者) 用however 来提示下文要表达意
5.根据同等关系猜词(Words in Series Clues)
在特定的情况下,作者通过一连串同一类型或同一范畴和词语来表达其思 想。如果
围推 断出生词的词义范围。如:
1).But the captain's courage, perseverance, and powerful will mastered every
man on board, and we went to work again. (意志) 这一段文字中,反映的是船

长的积极进取的精神面貌,是船长的勇气、毅力和意志征服大 家,才使他们又重新
2).In the ancient city of Rome, we visited every mansion, church, battle
site, theatre and public halls. (建筑物)从这一连串词不难看出mansion的词
6.经验型线索 (Experience Clues)
在上下文中,根据个人的经历、体验,和有关常识,结合句子 和段落中的相关词句,
2).Soon the wind had piled snow into drifts (雪堆)
7.推断型线索(Inference Clues)或根据因果(cause and effect)关系猜词
推断型线索的语境往往含有其它类型的语境因素,可以说是一种综合语境。在 其它
1). ....friend, ....I....I...something chocked him; he could not

finish the sentence.由于感情的激动,一句话要说又说不出来。好像有什么东西
2).The stream is so turbid that it is impossible to see the bottom even when
it is shallow. (浑浊)
3).He is such a shrewd businessman that he loses no money in any trade. (精
8.构词法(word-building): root(词根); prefix(前缀); suffix(后缀)
1).He renamed the restaurant
2).As they went along they saw the fog thickening and the thickness of the
fog made them unable to see anything.
1. adj.+ly=adv.
cheap--cheaply cruel—cruelly
firm--firmly strange-- strangely
2. en+adj.=v.

sure-- ensure able--enable
3. n.+en=v.
fright-- frighten height--heighten strength--strengthen
familiar--familiarize 使通俗 modern --modernize 现代化
real--realize special --specialize 以...为专业
mud-- muddy rain--rainy shadow--shadowy 阴暗的
storm --stormy wind--windy
+en=v. 使具有;使成为
black--blacken bright—brighten
sharp-- sharpen weak--weaken
7. n.+some=adj.
quarrel--quarrelsome trouble--troublesome
tire--tiresome worry--worrisome

Air--airy anger-- angry hill--hilly luck--lucky
Love--lovely hour--hourly
quarter-- quarterly year--yearly
10.n.+ous=adj. 充满...的
danger--dangerous courage--courageous fame --famous
center--central education--educational industry--industrial
arrive--arrival refuse-- refusal
dismiss--dismissal remove--removal
We machine a machine part on a machine tool.我们在机床上加工机器零件.
总之,语境是理解词义的源泉。由于语境是 属于语境性的、逻辑性的,因此,通过

语境途径培养理解能力,要求学生具备一定的英语 基本功后才能进行(高中阶段的
学生是完全可以的),而且也是一个长期的过程,不是能立竿见影的;也 并非在任
一个 非常关键的词,或者前后有多个生词时,就需要借助词典;只是在有明显的上
下文线索,或者只需要了解 一个朦朦胧胧的词义时,是可以通过语境途径来理解词
当然,不论是哪种类型的上下文 线索,通常伴有其它相关因素。这里,不妨借用语
言学家海默斯归纳的语言要素SPEAKING一词中 的“SPEAK”来表示这些因素;S代
表Setting and Scene(背景),P代表Pa rticipants(参加者),E代表Ends(目
的及结果),A代表Act Sequence(相关信息的逻辑顺序),K代表Key(传递信息
“Are you at leisure now? I’ d like to have a word with you”
“No, I have not a moment’s leisure now. I have a lot of work to do. Come
to me this evening.”

A. free time B. busy time
C. time for sleep D. time for work
The bell was hung from a tree. It swings backwards and forwards whenever
the bellman strikes it.
A. to swim B. to win
C. to move D. to hang
I’m delighted to receive a letter from my father. In the letter he told
me that he would buy a new bike for me. I’m so happy, because from now on
I won’t have to walk a long way to school.
A. very sorry B. very sad
C. very tired D. very pleased
The Young Pioneers walked in procession through the street to the science
museum. Many people looked out of their windows to watch the long line of
people passing by.
A. a line of people B. a science museum

C. a Young Pioneer D. a lot of cars
Joe will be put to death because he killed an old man with a lot of money.
It is said that the execution will take place in public.
A. beating B. killing C. hunting D. running
Xiao Li opposed the study plan. The reason why he did not agree to this plan
was that his advice had not been taken yet.
A. to be for B. to be against
C. to agree D. to refuse
Mr. Brown is very old. He is now over 80 years old. Two years ago his white
hair began to fall out soon more and more hair fell out and now he is
completely bald
A. white B. hairless C. old D. gold
It snowed heavily last night. This morning the sun came out and shone brightly.
It got warmer and warm. Soon the snow began to melt. The snow turned into
water because of the sun’s heat.

A. become liquid B. become solid
C. become large D. become small
Robert lived in a small town. He was a peddler. Every morning he carried
a basket of cakes. He walked along the street and tried to sell his cakes
from house to house. In this way he could support his family.
A. a seller B. a farmer C. a worker D. a driver
There is a legend that, long age on a Qing- ming Holiday a young man named
Xu Xian was coming back home when suddenly it started to rain heavily. He
ran at once to an old tree so as to keep out of the rain. When he reached
the tree, he saw a beautiful lady and her servant standing there. The young
man and the beautiful lady fell in love with each other at first sight.
A. a letter from England B. a story from old times
C. a book by Lu Xun D. a novel by Charles Dickens.
Mrs. White lost her husband not long ago. It is now very difficult for the
widow to feed a family of four because she has no job and is given only a

little money by the government.
A. a window whose glass is broken
B. a woman whose husband is dead
C. a man whose wife is dead
D. a child whose parents are dead
Many foreigners came to our school for a visit yesterday. We waited for them
at the school gate. When they arrived , we all clapped out hand and shouted.
Welcome! The foreigners also clapped their hands with a smile.
to make a sound by striking the hands together.
To make a fire by striking the stones together
To make a living by selling green vegetables.
To make a noise by striking the table.
( Key: 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.B 11.B 12. A)







