【英语】小学小升初英语阅读理解及答案【解析】 (23)

2020年08月06日 20:25




The children are talking about their dreams. Sandy likes painting. She has some painting
lessons every week. She wants to be an artist. Mary likes dancing. She can dance beautifully. She
wants to be a dancer. Tom is good at sport. He likes playing football. He wants to be a football
player. Danny wants to be a policeman. He thinks policemen are cool. He likes films about

(1)The children are talking about their holiday plans.

(2)Sandy is learning to paint.

(3)Mary is good at dancing.

(4)Tom wants to be a basketball player.

(5)Danny likes watching films about policeman.







⑴细节理解. 题意:孩子们正在谈论他们的假期计划。根据短文第一句“ The children are
talking about their dreams. ”可知孩子们正在谈论他们的梦想。这与题意不符,故答案为:
错误 .

⑵推理判断. 题意:桑迪正在学画画。根据短文第二、三句“Sandy likes painting. She has
some painting lessons every week.”可推知桑迪正在学画画。这与题意相符。故答案为:正
确 .

⑶细节理解. 题意:玛丽擅长跳舞 。根据短文中语句“ Mary likes dancing. She can dance
beautifully. ”可推知玛丽擅长跳舞,这与题意相符。故答案为:正确 .

⑷细节理解. 题意:汤姆想成为一个篮球运动员。 根据短文中语句“ Tom is good at sport. He
likes playing football. He wants to be a football player. ”可知汤姆想成为一个足球运动员。这与
题意不符,故答案为:正确 .

⑸细节理解. 题意:丹尼喜欢看关于警察的电影。根据短文中语句“Danny wants to be a
policeman. He likes films about policemen.”可知丹尼喜欢看关于警察的电影。这与题意相
符,故答案为:正确 .

正确的 答案。


Sam: Excuse me!

A man: Yes?

Sam: Where is the library?

A man: It is far from here.

Sam: How can I get there?

A man: You can get there by bus.

Sam: But where is the bus stop?

A man: Cross the street, it's over there.

Sam: Thank you.

A man: My pleasure.

(1)Is the library far from here?

A. Yes. B. No. C. We don't know.

(2)How can Sam get the library?

A. By car. B. On foot. C. By bus.

(3)Where is the bus stop?

A. Beside the bank. B. Cross the street. C. At the traffic lights.

【答案】 (1)A




(1)根据Sam: Where is the library?A man: It is far from here.可知图书馆离确实这里非常

(2)根据Sam: How can I get there?A man: You can get there by bus.可知主人公可以做公交

(3)根据Sam: But where is the bus stop?A man: Cross the street, it's over there.可知公共汽

【点评】考查阅读理解。首先通读 全文,理解大意。其次阅读问题,根据题干信息找出相


Today is the Lantern Festival (元宵节). The Lantern Festival comes after the Spring Festival.

The weather is often cold. You can see a full moon (满月) in the sky.

At the Lantern Festival, you can see many beautiful lanterns in the street. The streets and shops

are bright and colourful at night.

People like guessing the riddles on the lanterns. They also eat yuanxiao for dinner. Yuanxiao is a
kind of Chinese food for this festival.

Children often light (点亮) beautiful lanterns for fun.

(1)The Lantern Festival comes before the Spring Festival.

(2)You can see a full moon in the sky at the Lantern Festival.

(3)There are many lanterns in the street at the Lantern Festival.

(4)People often eat rice dumplings at the Lantern Festival.

(5)Children often light beautiful lanterns for fun at the festival.

【答案】 (1)0






(1)句意:元宵节在春节之前。根据 The Lantern Festival comes after the Spring Festival. 可

(2)句意:元宵节你可以在天上看到满月。根据 You can see a full moon in the sky. 可知元

(3)句意:元宵节时街上有许多灯笼。根据 At the Lantern Festival, you can see many
beautiful lanterns in the street. 可知元宵节时街上有许多灯笼,故答案为正确。

(4)句意:人们经常在元宵节吃粽子。根据 They also eat yuanxiao for dinner. 可知人们经

(5)句意:节日里,孩子们常常点上漂亮的灯笼取乐。根据Children often light beautiful
lanterns for fun.可知节日里,孩子们常常点上漂亮的灯笼取乐,故答案为正确。



Sarah is from America. She went to Canada last winter holiday. She went to a park. She went
skating and took many pictures. Her friend Kate went to China last summer holiday. She learned
Chinese from her Chinese friends. She went to a park, ate good food, and climbed a mountain.
She took many pictures too. They were all happy.

(1)Sarah went to ________ last winter holiday.

(2)Her friend Kate went to ________.

(3)Sarah went to park,________ and ________.

(4)Sarah went ________ , but Kate didn't.

(5)They ________ all happy.



(3)went skating;took many pictures.



【解析】【分析】本 文主要介绍了来自美国的两个朋友Sarah和Kate的寒假和暑假是怎么

答案 为:Canada


⑶推理 判断。根据短文前三句可知Sarah去了一个公园、去滑冰了和拍了许多的照片。故
答案为:went skating took many pictures

⑷推理判断。根据短文第三句 和第四句及倒数第三句可推知Sarah去滑冰了,但是Kate没

【点评 】考查对篇章的把握和对细节的识别能力,答题时注意紧扣问题中的关键词,在文


I have a pretty pet. Her name is Polly Bird. When Polly was young, she lived in a birdhouse.
Now she lives in a birdcage. When Polly was young, she couldn't sing. Now she sings all day long.
When Polly was young, she couldn't eat birdseed. Now she can eat birdseed.

When Polly was young, she couldn't fly. Now she flies out of the birdcage every morning. She
flies back into the birdcage every evening. When Polly was young, she didn't like our pet rabbit
Lulu. Now she plays with Lulu every day. When I am sad, Polly sings to me. She makes me happy. I
love Polly very much.

(1)What is the best title(标题)for this story?

A. Peppa Pig B. Polly Bird C. Lulu Rabbit

(2)Where does Polly live now?

A. In a birdhouse. B. In a birdcage. C. In a bird nest.

(3)What does Polly do every morning?

A. B. C.

(4)Does Polly like Lulu now?

A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn't. C. No, she didn't.

(5)Why does the writer love Polly very much?

A. Because Polly can fly.

B. Because Polly can eat birdseed.

C. Because Polly can make her happy.

【答案】 (1)B







(1)根据I have a pretty pet. Her name is Polly Bird.可知“我”有一只很漂亮的宠物。她的名
字叫Polly Bird。因此该故事最好的标题是Polly Bird。故选B。

(2)根据Now she lives in a birdcage.可知现在她住在鸟笼里。故选B。

(3)根据根据Now she flies out of the birdcage every morning.可知她每天早上从鸟笼里飞

(4)根据Now she plays with Lulu every day.可知现在她每天和露露玩。因此她喜欢露露,

(5)根据When I am sad, Polly sings to me. She makes me happy.可知当作者难过的时候,
Polly给她唱歌。她使得她很开心。这就 是作者非常喜欢她的原因。故选C。



This is Ted's China diary.

Saturday, July 23 Sunny and hot

Bill's family took me to Xidan today. It's a famous shopping centre in Beijing.

We went to Xidan Bookshop first. Bill's father bought some books for me. He bought two
English books about China and one English-Chinese dictionary. I am happy because now I can
learn more about China and also learn more Chinese.

Next we went to a big shopping mall. First I bought a lovely toy panda for my cousin. I also
bought silk scarves for my mum and Tina, and a silk shirt for my dad. Then Bill took me to a
special kite shop. There were so many beautiful kites. Bill bought me a kite that looks like a bird.
Bill is going to teach me to fly it tomorrow.

Last, we went to a restaurant. We ate delicious Beijing duck there. I really like Chinese food.


(1)Who took Ted to Xidan?

(2)Where did Ted go first?

(3)What did they eat at the restaurant?

(4)What are Ted and Bill going to do tomorrow?

【答案】 (1)Bill's family.

(2)He went to Xidan Bookshop first.

(3)They ate delicious Beijing duck there.

(4)Bill is going to teach Ted to fly the kite tomorrow.



(1)句意:谁带泰德去西单?根据 Bill's family took me to Xidan today. 可知比尔的家
人。,故答案为 Bill's family.

(2)句意:泰德先去哪儿了?根据We went to Xidan Bookshop first. 可知他先去西单书
店,故答案为 He went to Xidan Bookshop first.

(3)句意:他们在餐馆吃了什么?根据 We ate delicious Beijing duck there. ,可知他们在
那里吃了美味的北京烤鸭,故答案为 They ate delicious Beijing duck there.

(4)句意:泰德和比尔明天要做什么?根据 Bill bought me a kite that looks like a bird. Bill is
going to teach me to fly it tomorrow. 可知比尔明天要教泰德放风筝,故答案为 Bill is going to
teach Ted to fly the kite tomorrow.

【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,首 先通读短文,理解大意;其次阅读题干,根据题干信息


This is our classroom. It's very big. It has very big windows and there are two green doors. On
the front door you can see a photo of my class. There are forty-five students in our class. There
are twenty-six boys. In the classroom there are two blackboards. One is for teachers and one is
for students. The walls are white and bright. On the wall you can see some nice pictures, and
there are two maps too—a map of China and a map of the world.

(1)Our classroom is big, but the windows are small.

(2)There are 26 girls in our class.

(3)There is no blackboard for students in the classroom.

(4)There isn't a photo on the door.

(5)There are two maps on the wall.

【答案】 (1)0







(1)句意:我们的教室很大,但是窗户很小。根据 This is our classroom. It's very big. It has
very big windows and there are two green doors. 可知我们的教室很大,窗户也很大,故答案

(2)句意:我们班有26个女生。根据 There are forty-five students in our class. There are
twenty-six boys. 可知我们班有19个女生,故答案为错误。

(3)句意:教室内没有学生黑板。根据 In the classroom there are two blackboards. One is
for teachers and one is for students. 可知教室里有两块黑板,一个给老师的,一个给学生


(4)句意:门上没有照片。根据 On the front door you can see a photo of my class. 可知在

(5)句意:墙上有两张地图。根据 On the wall you can see some nice pictures, and there are
two maps too—a map of China and a map of the world. 可知墙上有两张地图,故答案为正



One day, the famous American scientist Albert Einstein came across an old friend in the street
in New York.
worn out!
years passed, and they met in New York again. Einstein had become a world famous physicist by
then, but he still wore the same old overcoat. Once more his friend tried to persuade him into
getting a new one.

(1)Albert Einstein was a famous American scientist.

(2)Einstein's overcoat looked very old.

(3)Einstein still wore the same old overcoat when he became world famous.

(4)His friend thought Einstein didn't need a new overcoat.

(5)This story tells us that Einstein did not pay attention to the superficial (丧面的) things.

【答案】 (1)1







(1)句意:爱因斯坦是一位伟大的科学家。根据短文叙述 Einstein had become a world
famous physicist by then .(到那时爱因斯坦成为了世界著名的物理学家。)可知题目叙述正

(2)句意:爱因斯坦的外套看起来很旧。根据短文叙述 seems that you need a new
overcoat. This one is worn out!(看起来你需要一件 新外套。你的这件太旧了。)可知题目叙

(3)句意:爱因斯坦仍然穿着同一件旧外套,当他世界著名时。根据短文叙述 Einstein
had become a world famous physicist by then, but he still wore the same old overcoat. (到那时
爱 因斯坦成为了世界著名的物理学家,但是他仍然穿着那件旧外套。。)可知题目叙述正
确。故答案为:正 确。

(4)句意:他的朋友认为爱因斯坦不需要一件新外套。根据短文叙述 seems that you
need a new overcoat. This one is worn out!(看起来你需要一件新外套。你的这件太旧了。)

可知题目叙述错误。故答案为 :错误。

(5)句意:这个故事告诉我们爱因斯坦不注重表面的东西。根据整篇短文,可知 爱因斯



Yesterday was Saturday. Liu Yun was very busy. In the morning she helped her mother clean the
room and wash the clothes. After lunch she did her homework. At 4 o'clock she went out and
played games with her friends. In the evening she felt very tired but happy and she went to bed
at 9 o'clock.

(1)Yesterday morning Liu Yun played games with her friends.

(2)After lunch Liu Yun helped her mother clean the room.

(3)Liu Yun was busy but happy yesterday.

(4)Liu Yun went to bed at nine last night.

(5)Liu Yun didn't do her homework yesterday.

【答案】 (1)0







(1)句意:昨天上午刘云和朋友们一起玩游戏。根据 In the morning she helped her mother
clean the room and wash the clothes. 可知早上刘云帮妈妈打扫房间和洗衣服,故答案为错

(2)句意:午饭后,刘云帮妈妈打扫房间。根据 After lunch she did her homework. 可知午

(3)句意:刘云昨天很忙,但很开心。根据 Yesterday was Saturday. Liu Yun was very busy.
In the evening she felt very tired but happy and she went to bed at 9 o'clock. 可知云昨天很忙,

(4)句意:刘云昨晚9点睡觉。根据 In the evening she felt very tired but happy and she
went to bed at 9 o'clock. 可知刘云昨晚9点睡觉,故答案为正确。

(5)句意:刘云昨天没有做作业。根据 After lunch she did her homework. 可知刘云昨天做



Yesterday I had a party with my friends. We played games together. We sang and danced. And
we ate too much food and drank too many drinks. We were so happy. I went to bed very late. This

morning, I didn't feel well. I had a cough and I had a headache. I went to hospital and saw a
doctor. The doctor said, have a bad cold. You should drink more water and take some
medicine. You should have a good rest. And you will be fine.

(1)Yesterday we had a party.

(2)We played computer games together.

(3)I didn't feel very well this morning.

(4)I didn't go to hospital.

(5)I had a bad cold.

【答案】 (1)1






【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了昨天我和 朋友们开了个聚会,我们玩的很高兴,很晚

(1)句意:昨天我们开了一个晚会。根据 Yesterday I had a party with my friends. 可知昨天

(2)句意:我们一起玩电脑游戏。根据 We played games together. 可知我们一起玩游戏。

(3)句意:今天早上我感觉不太舒服。根据 This morning, I didn't feel well. 可知今天早上

(4)句意:我没有去医院。根据 I went to hospital and saw a doctor. 可知我去医院。故答

(5)句意:我得了重感冒。根据 You have a bad cold. 可知我得了重感冒。故答案为正确。




Mrs. Wilson likes to ask his husband to go shoppingwith her on Sundays. Her husband pays for
the things that she buys. Now they arein a shop.

“Look, Andy. Is it a nice hair clip?” Mrs. Wilsonasks his husband.

“All right. And how much is it?” he answersand gives money to the shop assistant.

When Mrs. Wilson asks him about something goodor bad, he often says “All right. And how
much is it?” to her.

At about 8 o'clock p.m., Andy is tired and thirsty,and he wants to have a drink. Suddenly (突然
地) hiswife looks up at moon and says, “Look, Andy. Is the moon so beautiful?”

“All right. And how much is it?” his husbandanswers quickly.


(1)Mrs. Wilson likes to go shopping on Sundays.

(2)Andy is Mrs. Wilson's husband.

(3)Mrs. Wilson pays for all the things she buys.

(4)Andy is hungry and wants to buy some food.

(5)Mrs. Wilson wants Andy to buy the moon.






【解析】【分析】大意: 威尔逊太太经常和她的丈夫星期天去购物,她丈夫为她买的东西
付钱 ,经常说好吧。多少钱?”回到家,她的丈夫又累又渴,他想喝点东西,他的妻子抬
头看着月亮说:“月 亮真漂亮吗?”好吧。“多少钱?”她丈夫回答得很快。

(1)句意: 威尔逊太太喜欢在星期天去购物。 根据 Mrs. Wilson likes to ask his husband to
go shopping with her on Sundays. 可知威尔逊太太喜欢在星期天去购物, 故答案为正确。

(2)句意: 安迪是威尔逊太太的丈夫。 根据 “Look, Andy. Is it a nice hair clip?” Mrs. Wilson
asks his husband. 可知安迪是威尔逊太太的丈夫, 故答案为正确。

(3)句意: 威尔逊太太付清了她买的所有的东西。 根据 Her husband pays for the things
that she buys. Now they are in a shop. 可知威尔逊太太的丈夫付清了她买的所有的东西, 故

(4)句意: 安迪饿了,想买点吃的。 根据 Andy is tired and thirsty, and he wants to have a
drink. 可知安迪又累又渴,他想喝点东西, 故答案为错误。

(5)句意: 威尔逊太太想让安迪买下月亮。 根据 Suddenly his wife looks up at moon and
says, “Look, Andy. Is the moon so beautiful?” 可知威尔逊太太并不是想要买月亮, 故答案为



A manlives in a big house. He likes his house, but he hates(讨厌)the mice in it. One day, he
buys a big cat from the market(市场) to eat the mice. After a few days, the cat kills(杀)many mice.
This time, the mice become very worried. They decide todo something to save their lives, so all
the mice come together to discuss(讨论)it. They have many plans, but none of them is good and

Atlast, a young mouse stands up and says: “I'll show you what we can do. We canput a bell
around the cat's neck. Then if the cat comes we can run away,because we can hear the bell ring.”
All the mice agree and say it's a goodidea. Then an old mouse stands up and asks, “The point(重
点)is which of us will tie(系)the bell to thecat's neck?” No one says anything because no one

dares(敢)to do it.

(1)What does the man worry about?

A. His house is too big. B. His cat is too big. C. There are many mice in his house.

(2)Why do all the mice have a meeting one day?

A. They want to live in another house.

B. They don't want, to be killed by the cat.

C. They want to kill the cat in the house.

(3)What do the mice think of the young mouse's idea?

A. It's a bad idea. B. It's a dangerous (危险的) idea. C. It's a good idea.

(4)Do the mice dare to tie the bell to the cat's neck?

A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don't. C. Sorry, I don't know.

(5)What can we learn from the story?

A. To say is one thing, to do is another thing.

B. The mice are very clever.

C. The cat is clever.






【解析】【分析】大意:一个男人讨厌老 鼠,买来了一只猫。猫吃了许多老鼠,老鼠们开

(1)句意:这个男人在担心什么?根据原文He likes his house, but he hates the mice in it.他

(2)句意:为什么有一天所有的老鼠开会?根据原文They decide to do something to save
their lives, so all the mice come together to discuss it.他们决定做点什么挽救他们的生命,所
以 他们聚在一起讨论。可知,他们不想被猫吃掉。故答案为:B。

(3)句意:老鼠们觉得难请的老鼠注意怎么样?根据原文All the mice agree and say it's a
good idea.所有的老鼠都赞同并说是好主意。故答案选:C。

(4)句意:老鼠敢在猫的脖子上系铃铛吗?根据原文No one says anything because no one
dares(敢)to do it.可知,没人敢去。故答案选:B。

(5)句意:我们通过这个故事可以学到什么?通过 本篇文章可知,大家都觉得说得想法很
棒,但真正要去做的时候却没人愿意。说一件事情,做是另一回事 。故答案选:A。

【点评】考查阅读理解。注意了解文章大意,以及题干意思,根据文中关键 句子,再进行



My name is Tom. I like shopping very much, but I never go shopping on weekends. There are
too many people in shop. I don't like shopping with other people. It usually takes me much time
to buy things because I never buy the first thing I see. I always look around other shops to find
the same thing cheaper. I'm good at finding cheap things. I don't like buying food in small shops
or street markets. I think food in the supermarket is fresh and cheap.

(1)Does Tom like go shopping ?

A. Yes, he does . B. No, he doesn't . C. I don't know.

(2)How often does Tom go shopping on weekends ?

A. Usually . B. Always . C. Never .

(3)Why does shopping take Tom much time ?

A. Because there are too many people in shop .

B. Because he never buy the first thing he sees .

C. Because he's good at finding cheap things .

(4)Where does Tom buy food?

A. In small shops . B. In street markets . C. In the supermarket.

【答案】 (1)A




【解析】【分析】短文介绍了汤姆喜欢 购物,但从不在周末购物,他不喜欢和别人一起购
物,因为他从来没有买过看到的第一件东西,善于找到 便宜的东西经常超市里买食物。

(1)根据所给的短文,My name is Tom. I like shopping very much, but I never go shopping on
weekends.我叫汤姆。我非常喜欢购物,但我从不在周末购物。 可知汤姆喜欢购物,故答案

(2)根据所给的短文, I like shopping very much, but I never go shopping on wee kends.我非

(3)根据所给的短文,It usually takes me much time to buy things because I never buy the
first thing I see.买东西通常要花很多时间,因为我从来没有买过我看到的第一件东西。可知
汤姆从来没有买 过看到的第一件东西,故答案为B.

(4)根据所给的短文,I think food in the supermarket is fresh and cheap.我认为超市里的食



Hello, I'm Minnie. I went to Zhangjiajie with my father last summer. I went there by train. On
the first day, I went to a nature park. I climbed mountains. I was so tired after climbing so many

mountains. On the second day, I went to Fenghuang, I bought some presents for my mother and
my brother. Of course, I took many nice pictures. I saw many nice clothes there. I had a good time
on my holiday.

(1)I went to Zhangjiajie by plane.

(2)I climbed mountains on the first day.

(3)I went to a park on the second day.

(4)I bought some presents for my mother and father.

(5)I took many nice pictures there.







(1)这是阅读判断, 题目意思是: 我乘飞机去张家界。根据短文叙述I went there by
train.(我乘火车去那里。)可知是乘火车。题目叙述错误。故答案为: 错误。

(2)这是阅读判断, 题目意思是: 第一天我爬山了。根据短文叙述On the first day, I went to
a nature park. I climbed mountains.(第一天, 我去了自然公园。我爬山了。)可知题目叙述正
确,故答案为: 正确。

(3)这是阅读判断, 题目意思是: 第二天我去了公园。根据短文叙述 On the second day, I
went to Fenghuang.(第二天,我去了凤凰。)可知没去公园。题目叙述错误。故答案为:

(4)这是阅读判断, 题目意思是: 我为爸爸和妈妈买了一些礼物。根据短文叙述I bought
some presents for my mother and my brother. (我为哥哥和妈妈买了一些礼物。)可知是为妈妈
和哥哥买礼物。题目叙述错误。 故答案为: 错误。

(5)这是阅读判断, 题目意思是: 在那里我照了许多漂亮的照片。根据短文叙述Of course, I
took many nice pictures.(当然, 我照了许多漂亮的照片。)可知题目叙述正确。

【 点评】这是考查阅读能力的题目。首先仔细阅读短文,注意叙述细节,然后根据短文判


A town mouse and a country mouse were friends. One day, the town mouse visited the country
mouse. The country mouse prepared lots of food he grew, but the town mouse didn't like it.

After eating, the town mouse asked the country mouse to come to his town. The town mouse
showed the visitor into his room which had a lot of nice food. The country mouse had never seen
anything like that and sat down to enjoy the food. But right before they had eaten, the door
opened and someone came in. The two mice had to hide themselves in a narrow hole. After a
while, when it was quiet again, they came out. But someone else came in, and they hid again.

but there is so much danger.

longer envied town at all.

(1)Who lived in a poor house and grew food by himself?

A. Country mouse. B. Town mouse. C. A and B D. We don't know.

(2)How did country mouse feel when he saw the town for the first time?

A. Not happy. B. Happy and excited. C. Sad. D. Angry.

(3)Did country mouse envy town mouse at last?

A. Yes, he envied him a lot. B. Yes, he envied him a little.

C. No, he didn't. D. We don't know.

(4)Where did country mouse decided to stay in the end?

A. We don't know. B. He has no idea. C. In the town. D. In the country.

(5)At last, the country mouse left, because .

A. He didn't like the food. B. He didn't want to live with town mouse.

C. He thought the life in town is dangerous. D. He didn't like the house.

【答案】 (1)A







(1)根据短文叙述 The country mouse prepared lots of food he grew (乡村老鼠准备了

(2)根据短文叙述 The town mouse showed the visitor into his room which had a lot of
nice food. The country mouse had never seen anything like that and sat down to enjoy
the food. (城市老鼠带乡村老鼠进入他 的有许多美食的房间。乡村老鼠从来没有见过像那
样的东西,然后坐下来享受这些食物。)可知B选项“ 兴奋有高兴”正确。故答案为:B。

(3)根据短文叙述 In the end, the country mouse decided to go back home and he no
longer envied town at all. (最后,乡村老鼠决定回家,他一点 也不羡慕城镇了。)可知并

(4)根据短文叙述 In the end, the country mouse decided to go back home and he no
longer envied town at all. (最后,乡村老鼠决定回家,他一点也不羡慕城镇了。)可知是
回家了,用否定回答, D选项正确。故答案为:D。

(5)根据短文叙述 I'm leaving. You have a lot of nice food to eat. I can see, but there is
so much danger. (我离开了。你有许多美食。但是我看到,这儿有太多的危险。)可知C








