详案反思unit4 jobs people do

2020年08月06日 20:37


Teaching Plan
Gu Jing (谷静)
Shanghai No.3 Girls’ Middle School
Oct 15
, 2010

Teaching content: Oxford English, 7A, Module 2 Unit 4 Jobs people do, 1st period


I. In this unit we are going to learn jobs people do. Speaking of job, teaching actually is not
my first choice. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a doctor, because my sister and my
parents are all doctors. But later I changed my mind. I decided to be a model. Walking on
the stages and wearing all those beautiful clothes, wouldn’t that be wonderful? Unluckily,
it turned out that I was not tall enough. So finally I found out that my favourite job is
teacher. I like standing on the platform and writing on the blackboard, and most
importantly I like spending time with you guys. So I came to Shanghai to study English
and now I am here to learn how to be a good teacher.
II. So if you ask me “what job do you do?” , I will say “I am a teacher.” Now imagine you
are working, tell me “what job do you do?”
I. Please look at these pictures. What jobs do they do?
II. Now guess what job I do. “I’m good at writing and taking photos. I write articles for
newspapers. What job do I do?” What about this picture? **, can you read it?
III. Now let’s play a game. I have written some jobs on my cards. Now I need four students to
come here, choose one and say something about it. So we can guess it. Ok? Who would
like to come? You can speak like this. First, I like sth or I am good at sth. Then, I usually
do sth at work. And last, what job do I do? Are you clear?
IV. Look at the picture. ** and **, can you read the dialogue? Now in pairs, ask and answer
questions like this.
I. Look at this lady. What job does she do? What does she usually do?
Look at this girl. What is she doing? She is drawing plans of buildings. What job does she
do? Look at these people. They are building what she is drawing or we can say they are
constructing buildings. Construct is a verb, and its noun form is construction. What
company does she work for?
What is he doing? Or we can say he is removing something. Here remove is a verb, and
its noun form is removal. What job does he do? What company does he work for?
Who is the secretary? Who is the architect? Who is the removal man? They live in the
same block, but they have different jobs. Here block means building.
II. Now listen to the tape and read together. Underline the phrase “the same…as”. How to
say the sentence “
我和吉姆去同一所学校。” “我和莉莉喜欢同一首歌。

(Paragraph 2) Listen. Where does Mrs. Wang work? What does she usually do? Underline
the phrase “make sick people better”.
(Paragraph 3) Listen. Where does Miss Tang work? What does she usually do? Underline
phrases “work for a construction company” and “draw plans of buildings”.

(Paragraph 4) Listen. Where does Susan work? What does she usually do? Underline the
phrase “type letters”.
(Paragraph 5) Listen. Where does David work? What does he usually do? Underline
phrases “David is a removal man.” and “move people’s furniture to their new flats”.
III. Let’s complete the table. Who moves furniture? What job does David do?
I. In pairs, write about two different jobs. Then read aloud and ask other students to guess.
You can write like this “She works in a hospital. She makes sick people better. What job
des shehe do?”
I. For your homework, please finish WB page 22, copy the new words and recite the text.
第一节课上下来,我深深地体会到教学绝不仅仅是纸上谈兵。 并非写好教案,做好PPT就可以上好
一节课。上课前需要大量的准备工作,而且要细致全面,比如如何 做好两个环节之间的串联,如何发出清
晰准确的指令,如何把握好讲课的节奏等等。这些都是我需要不断 学习的。下面针对本节课的几个细节问
第一、 在“热身”和“阅读前”两 个环节里,我想不起来预先设计好的台词,影响了教学效果。“热身”中,
So if you ask me “what job do you do?” , I will say “I am a teacher.”
词。可能是由于紧张以及备课不够充分, 把两个课时弄混了。在“阅读前”,本应是抽签游戏,我说成了小组
活动,没有清晰地指令,学生不知道 他们应该做什么。另外,抽签游戏中,POET这个单词学生不知道,
没办法进行游戏。备课时应注意多 了解学生的程度,教学内容不应过难。
第二、 “阅读前”的三、四环节之间缺少过渡。可以说
what questions can you ask if you want to
know something about a person’s job?
加一个问题 Where do you work?这样既可以使学生 思考,也可自
然地引出这些问题和下面的对话练习。另外,看图对话时有一张图片没有学生准备,我只好 点名回答。其

第三、 口误和笔误。讲单词时有一句话“
An architect works for a construction company.
, 还让学 生读了两遍。另外把
这个词的音标写错了。学生很善于模仿老师,如 果他们把错误

第四、 讲
Who is the secretary? Who is the architect? Who is
the removal man?
Who is Miss Tang? Who is Susan?
Who is David?
第五、 “阅读中”,我是对一段课文提问、讲解、阅读后,再度下一段课文,这样割断了学生对课文的
环节划词组。另外,如何让学生跟读课文(点几个学生,读几遍),这是我课前缺少思考的地方。因此这 个
第六、 “阅读后”的小组活动,指令不够清晰,我要求让其他组同学猜,结果变成了同组之间猜。其实

Teaching content: Oxford English, 7A, Module 2 Unit 4 Jobs people do, 2nd period

I. Look at this picture. These are Andy’s neighbours and Sally’s neighbours. Please listen
and write their jobs. Here are some choices for you.
II. There are a lot of people in Sally’s block. They do different jobs. Look at the pictures and
complete the sentences. Where does he work for? What does he do? Now do it by
I. Here are some other people who live in Sally’s block. Does Mrs. Feng wear a uniform?
Does Anna wear a uniform? Some people wear uniforms, and some don’t. **, what’s
your father’s job? Does he wear a uniform? Work in pairs, ask and answer questions like
this? Of course you can also say your mother, your uncle or other people in your family.
I. What job does he do? What are those in his bag? What does a postman usually do?
What job does he do? What does a fireman usually do?
How can these injured or sick people get to a hospital quickly? Who are these workers?
II. Listen to the tape and read. Underline the sentences.
III. Please close your books. Listen and write the jobs. Now you can look at the picture and
tell me the jobs.
IV. Complete the table. In pairs, ask and answer questions below.
I. Look at these pictures. They have different jobs and they wear different uniforms. Can
you tell me their jobs?Please choose a picture and discuss in pairs.
I. For your homework, please finish WB page 23 and 24 and copy the new words. Now let’s

underline some phrases.
第一, 课前的听力难度较大,不适合放在“热身”环节。
第二, “阅读前”我问学生
Does Mrs. Feng wear a uniform? Does Anna wear a uniform?
what do people wear at work? Do they all
wear uniforms?

what’s your father’s job?
第三, 填表格时,我问学生
Who puts out fires and rescues people?
Please give me a complete sentence, e.g. A fireman puts out fires and rescues people.

由于上课节奏和时间的把握不好,最后一个小组对话没有练。上课前听其他实习老师说 ,由于紧

Teaching content: Oxford English, 7A, Module 2 Unit 4 Jobs people do, 3rd period

Look at the picture. Who wears a uniform at work? What does a pilot do? Suppose you
are kitty. You are asking Mr. Yang some questions. ** and **, can you read the dialogue?

I. So we know that this lady is Susan and she is a secretary. Now let’s find out more about
her. What is Susan doing in the pictures? Who is the man?
II. Kitty met Susan in the lift. They talked about Susan’s job. Listen and complete the survey
form. Pay attention to these information – name, job, where does she work, what does
she do, does she like her job, why or why not.
I. Listen to the tape and read.
II. Answer the questions about Susan’s job. ** and **, ask and answer.
III. Let’s complete the report about Susan. Let’s read it together.

I. Now let’s do a survey. Work in groups of three. The first student, ask these questions. The
second student, answer the questions. Remember you must pretend to be an adult. The
third student, make a report like this.
I. For your homework, please finish WB page 26 and copy the new words. And also do a
survey like this at home, and then write a report. Now let’s underline some phrases.
* *and **, can you read the dialogue?
Who want to be
KittyMr. Yang?
第二,最后的活 动是做一个采访和报告,学生理解了要求,但是活动效果没有预想好。首先学生在讲台上
没有访谈的感觉 ,主要是在念稿子;其次回答问题缺少思考和创新,基本上是几个简单句子的重复;
最后学生会犯一些语 法错误,特别是谓语是否用第三人称单数。因此给出指令时,应该说明这是一
个访谈,可以用图片、视频 ,或一些道具,如椅子、话筒等。同时,可以给学生做一个示范,告诉
他们 回答问题时可以发挥想象力。另外,要认真听学生的回答,及时纠正错误。
第三,作业的要求因该更详 细。不仅要说把报告写下来,而且要说明格式、内容。可以参考陈老师的方案,
把作业写在一张A4纸上 ,上面写采访的问题与回答(可以增加其它问题),下面写一份报告。

Teaching Plan
Gu Jing (谷静)
Shanghai No.3 Girls’ Middle School
Oct 15
, 2010

Teaching content: Oxford English, 7A, Module 2 Unit 4 Jobs people do, 1st period


I. In this unit we are going to learn jobs people do. Speaking of job, teaching actually is not
my first choice. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a doctor, because my sister and my
parents are all doctors. But later I changed my mind. I decided to be a model. Walking on
the stages and wearing all those beautiful clothes, wouldn’t that be wonderful? Unluckily,
it turned out that I was not tall enough. So finally I found out that my favourite job is
teacher. I like standing on the platform and writing on the blackboard, and most
importantly I like spending time with you guys. So I came to Shanghai to study English
and now I am here to learn how to be a good teacher.
II. So if you ask me “what job do you do?” , I will say “I am a teacher.” Now imagine you
are working, tell me “what job do you do?”
I. Please look at these pictures. What jobs do they do?
II. Now guess what job I do. “I’m good at writing and taking photos. I write articles for
newspapers. What job do I do?” What about this picture? **, can you read it?
III. Now let’s play a game. I have written some jobs on my cards. Now I need four students to
come here, choose one and say something about it. So we can guess it. Ok? Who would
like to come? You can speak like this. First, I like sth or I am good at sth. Then, I usually
do sth at work. And last, what job do I do? Are you clear?
IV. Look at the picture. ** and **, can you read the dialogue? Now in pairs, ask and answer
questions like this.
I. Look at this lady. What job does she do? What does she usually do?
Look at this girl. What is she doing? She is drawing plans of buildings. What job does she
do? Look at these people. They are building what she is drawing or we can say they are
constructing buildings. Construct is a verb, and its noun form is construction. What
company does she work for?
What is he doing? Or we can say he is removing something. Here remove is a verb, and
its noun form is removal. What job does he do? What company does he work for?
Who is the secretary? Who is the architect? Who is the removal man? They live in the
same block, but they have different jobs. Here block means building.
II. Now listen to the tape and read together. Underline the phrase “the same…as”. How to
say the sentence “
我和吉姆去同一所学校。” “我和莉莉喜欢同一首歌。

(Paragraph 2) Listen. Where does Mrs. Wang work? What does she usually do? Underline
the phrase “make sick people better”.
(Paragraph 3) Listen. Where does Miss Tang work? What does she usually do? Underline
phrases “work for a construction company” and “draw plans of buildings”.

(Paragraph 4) Listen. Where does Susan work? What does she usually do? Underline the
phrase “type letters”.
(Paragraph 5) Listen. Where does David work? What does he usually do? Underline
phrases “David is a removal man.” and “move people’s furniture to their new flats”.
III. Let’s complete the table. Who moves furniture? What job does David do?
I. In pairs, write about two different jobs. Then read aloud and ask other students to guess.
You can write like this “She works in a hospital. She makes sick people better. What job
des shehe do?”
I. For your homework, please finish WB page 22, copy the new words and recite the text.
第一节课上下来,我深深地体会到教学绝不仅仅是纸上谈兵。 并非写好教案,做好PPT就可以上好
一节课。上课前需要大量的准备工作,而且要细致全面,比如如何 做好两个环节之间的串联,如何发出清
晰准确的指令,如何把握好讲课的节奏等等。这些都是我需要不断 学习的。下面针对本节课的几个细节问
第一、 在“热身”和“阅读前”两 个环节里,我想不起来预先设计好的台词,影响了教学效果。“热身”中,
So if you ask me “what job do you do?” , I will say “I am a teacher.”
词。可能是由于紧张以及备课不够充分, 把两个课时弄混了。在“阅读前”,本应是抽签游戏,我说成了小组
活动,没有清晰地指令,学生不知道 他们应该做什么。另外,抽签游戏中,POET这个单词学生不知道,
没办法进行游戏。备课时应注意多 了解学生的程度,教学内容不应过难。
第二、 “阅读前”的三、四环节之间缺少过渡。可以说
what questions can you ask if you want to
know something about a person’s job?
加一个问题 Where do you work?这样既可以使学生 思考,也可自
然地引出这些问题和下面的对话练习。另外,看图对话时有一张图片没有学生准备,我只好 点名回答。其

第三、 口误和笔误。讲单词时有一句话“
An architect works for a construction company.
, 还让学 生读了两遍。另外把
这个词的音标写错了。学生很善于模仿老师,如 果他们把错误

第四、 讲
Who is the secretary? Who is the architect? Who is
the removal man?
Who is Miss Tang? Who is Susan?
Who is David?
第五、 “阅读中”,我是对一段课文提问、讲解、阅读后,再度下一段课文,这样割断了学生对课文的
环节划词组。另外,如何让学生跟读课文(点几个学生,读几遍),这是我课前缺少思考的地方。因此这 个
第六、 “阅读后”的小组活动,指令不够清晰,我要求让其他组同学猜,结果变成了同组之间猜。其实

Teaching content: Oxford English, 7A, Module 2 Unit 4 Jobs people do, 2nd period

I. Look at this picture. These are Andy’s neighbours and Sally’s neighbours. Please listen
and write their jobs. Here are some choices for you.
II. There are a lot of people in Sally’s block. They do different jobs. Look at the pictures and
complete the sentences. Where does he work for? What does he do? Now do it by
I. Here are some other people who live in Sally’s block. Does Mrs. Feng wear a uniform?
Does Anna wear a uniform? Some people wear uniforms, and some don’t. **, what’s
your father’s job? Does he wear a uniform? Work in pairs, ask and answer questions like
this? Of course you can also say your mother, your uncle or other people in your family.
I. What job does he do? What are those in his bag? What does a postman usually do?
What job does he do? What does a fireman usually do?
How can these injured or sick people get to a hospital quickly? Who are these workers?
II. Listen to the tape and read. Underline the sentences.
III. Please close your books. Listen and write the jobs. Now you can look at the picture and
tell me the jobs.
IV. Complete the table. In pairs, ask and answer questions below.
I. Look at these pictures. They have different jobs and they wear different uniforms. Can
you tell me their jobs?Please choose a picture and discuss in pairs.
I. For your homework, please finish WB page 23 and 24 and copy the new words. Now let’s

underline some phrases.
第一, 课前的听力难度较大,不适合放在“热身”环节。
第二, “阅读前”我问学生
Does Mrs. Feng wear a uniform? Does Anna wear a uniform?
what do people wear at work? Do they all
wear uniforms?

what’s your father’s job?
第三, 填表格时,我问学生
Who puts out fires and rescues people?
Please give me a complete sentence, e.g. A fireman puts out fires and rescues people.

由于上课节奏和时间的把握不好,最后一个小组对话没有练。上课前听其他实习老师说 ,由于紧

Teaching content: Oxford English, 7A, Module 2 Unit 4 Jobs people do, 3rd period

Look at the picture. Who wears a uniform at work? What does a pilot do? Suppose you
are kitty. You are asking Mr. Yang some questions. ** and **, can you read the dialogue?

I. So we know that this lady is Susan and she is a secretary. Now let’s find out more about
her. What is Susan doing in the pictures? Who is the man?
II. Kitty met Susan in the lift. They talked about Susan’s job. Listen and complete the survey
form. Pay attention to these information – name, job, where does she work, what does
she do, does she like her job, why or why not.
I. Listen to the tape and read.
II. Answer the questions about Susan’s job. ** and **, ask and answer.
III. Let’s complete the report about Susan. Let’s read it together.

I. Now let’s do a survey. Work in groups of three. The first student, ask these questions. The
second student, answer the questions. Remember you must pretend to be an adult. The
third student, make a report like this.
I. For your homework, please finish WB page 26 and copy the new words. And also do a
survey like this at home, and then write a report. Now let’s underline some phrases.
* *and **, can you read the dialogue?
Who want to be
KittyMr. Yang?
第二,最后的活 动是做一个采访和报告,学生理解了要求,但是活动效果没有预想好。首先学生在讲台上
没有访谈的感觉 ,主要是在念稿子;其次回答问题缺少思考和创新,基本上是几个简单句子的重复;
最后学生会犯一些语 法错误,特别是谓语是否用第三人称单数。因此给出指令时,应该说明这是一
个访谈,可以用图片、视频 ,或一些道具,如椅子、话筒等。同时,可以给学生做一个示范,告诉
他们 回答问题时可以发挥想象力。另外,要认真听学生的回答,及时纠正错误。
第三,作业的要求因该更详 细。不仅要说把报告写下来,而且要说明格式、内容。可以参考陈老师的方案,
把作业写在一张A4纸上 ,上面写采访的问题与回答(可以增加其它问题),下面写一份报告。







