职称英语综合类阅读理解第7篇Modern Sun Worshippers逐句翻译

2020年08月06日 20:55


第七篇 Modern Sun Worshippers 现代日光崇拜者
People travel for a lot of reasons. 人的旅行有很多理由。
Some tourists go to see battlefields or religious shrines'. .一些
游客去看看战场或宗教圣地。 Others are looking for culture,
or simply want to have their pictures taken2 in front of
famousplaces. 其他正在寻找文化,或只是想将其著名的地方
拍摄照 片。 But most European tourists are looking for a
sunny beach to lie on'3 但是,大多数欧洲游客正在寻找阳光
Northem Europeans are willing to pay a lot of money and
put up with a lot of inconveniences for the sun because they
have so little of it4. 北欧洲人愿意 支付大量的金钱和忍受了
很多不便为了太阳,因为他们如此之少的。Residents of cities
like London,Copenhagen, and Amsterdam spend a lot of their
winter in the dark because the days are so short,and much of
the rest of the year in the rain5. 居民的城市如伦敦,哥本哈根
和阿 姆斯特丹在冬季花费了大量时间在黑暗中度过,因为冬
季的白天很短,而其余的季节都是阴雨连绵。Th is is the
reason the Mediterranean6 has always attracted them. 这也是
地中海一直吸引他们的原因。 Every summer, more than 25
million people travel to Mediterranean resorts' and beaches for
their vacation. 每年夏天,有超过 2500 万人前往地中海度假

胜地和海滩的度假。 They all come for the same reason:sun!
The huge crowds mean lots of money for the economies of
Mediterranean countries. 庞大的人群意味着为地中海地区的
国家带来巨大的经济财富。Italy's 30,000 hotels are booked
solid8 every summer. 每年夏天,意大利的3万多家旅馆全部

And 13 million people camp out on French beaches, parks, and
roadsides. 还有1300 万人露营在法国的海滩,公园和路旁。
Spain's long sandy coastline attracts more people than
anywhere else. 西班牙那漫长的海岸线更成为众多旅行者向
往的地方。 37million tourists visit yearly,or one tourist for
every person living in Spain9.每年三千七百万游客,换句话说,
But there are signs that the area is getting more tourism
than it can handle. 但有迹象表明,旅游业的发展已经超出了
该地区的承受内力。The Mediterraneanis already one of the
most polluted seas on earth. 地中海已经成为在地球上污染
最严重的海 洋。 And with increased tourism,it's getting worse.
而随着旅游的发展,它将变得更 糟。The French can't figure
out what to do with all the garbage left by campers around St.
Tropez. 。法国想不出什么好办法怎么处理垃圾St. Tropez周
围露营者丢掉的。And in many places, swimming is dangerous
because of pollution.在许多地方,游泳是危险的,因为水是
None of this,however,is spoiling然而,这些
都没有破坏人民的兴致。 The Mediterranean gets more
popular every year with tourists. 地中海得到了更多的游客每
年。 Obviously,they don't go there for clean water and

solitude12. 显然,他们到那里不是为了那里的清洁饮水 和
孤独。 They tolerate traffic jams13 and seem to like crowded
beaches.他们忍受交通阻塞, 同样喜欢拥挤的海滩。They
don't even mind the pollution. No matter how dirtythe water is,
他们不介意污染。无论多么肮脏的水。the coastline still looks
beautiful. 海岸线依然美丽。And as long as the sun

shines, it's still better than sitting in the cold rain in Berlin ,
London, or Oslo 只要阳光普照,但仍优于坐在冷雨水在柏林,
1.religious shrine:宗教圣殿
2.have their pictures taken:请别人为他们照相
3.But most European tourists are looking for a sunny
beach to lie on.但大多数欧洲游 客愿意寻找阳光充足的海滩
晒日光浴。 注意 look for 和 find 的区别。 look for 是“找”
的过程, 常解释为“寻找”,find 是“找”的结果, 所以
常解释为“找到”。 不妨体会一下它们的差别: I've been
looking for my lost watch and haven't found it yet.
4. Northern Europeans are willing to pay a lot of money
and put up with a lot of inconveniences for the sun because
they have so little of it.北欧人心甘情愿花大笔金 钱,容忍
5. Residents of cities like London, Copenhagen, and
Amsterdam spend a lot of their winter in the dark because the
days are so short, and much of the rest of the year in the

rain.由于白 天很短,像伦敦、哥本哈根和阿姆斯特丹的居民
在冬季的大部分时间里,都是 在昏暗中度过的,而其余的
的气 候特征,也就解释了欧洲游客执著追求温暖明媚阳光
6.the Mediterranean:地中海地区
8.be booked solid:全部客满
9. 37 million tourists visit yearly, or one tourist for every
person living in Spain.每年 有 3 700 多万游客,换句话说,
旅游者与西班牙居民人数相当,即为 l:l。
10. figure out:此处指“想出”,它还有“算出;明白;断
11. spoil:原意为“损坏;宠坏”,此处指“破坏兴致”。
12. solitude:意为“独居,独处”,文中指清静自在。
13. traffic jams:交通堵塞
14. as long as:意为“只要;在„„情况下”,引导条件状
语从句。又如:I'm happy as long as youare happy.
1. The writer seems to imply that Europeans travel mostly
for the reason that—D—.
A) they want to see historic remains or religious spots

B) they are interested in different cultural traditions and
social customs
C) they would like to take pictures in front of famous sites
D) they wish to escape from the cold, dark and rainy days
back at home
1. 第一段首先在主题句中指出人们外出旅行的原因是
多种多样的, D 然后以 some 和 others 举出一些例子, 最
后以转折连词 but 点出作者要着重描述的欧洲游客对阳光
特殊的追求及其 原因。选项 AB.C 均属于作者列举的一般
游客感兴趣的事物,只有 D 项才是欧洲游客旅 行的动机,
所以选 D。
2. In paragraph like London,Copenhagen,and
Amsterdam are mentioned——A.
A) to show that they are not good cities in terms of
geography and climate
B) to tell us how wealthy their residents are
C) to suggest that these cities lack places of historic interest
and scenic beauty
D) to prove that they have got more tourism than they can
2.A 第二段中所举的三个城市都具有阴冷日短的气候特
点,这些不利的地理气候条件使得 当地居民向往阳光充足

的地方。四个选项中,选项 A 最接近题意。
3. According to the passage,which of the following
countries attracts more tourists than theothers?
A) Italy. B) Spain. C) France. D) Greece.
3. 第三段中的第四句话是这么说的: B Spain's
long,sandy coastline attracts more people than anywhere else.
因此选 B。
4. The latter half of the last sentence in paragraph 3,i.e.,“or
one tourist for every

person living inSpain”means____.
A) all the 37 million people living in Spain are tourists
B) every year almost as many tourists visit Spain as there
are people living in that country
C) every person living in Spain has to take care of a tourist
D) every Spanish is visited by a tourist every year
4.B 去西班牙旅行的游客人数与西班牙人口的比例达
1:1,所以选 B。
5. According to the passage, which of the following factors
might spoil the tourists' fun at Mediterranean resorts and
A) Polluted water. B) Crowded buses. C) Traffic jams. D)
Rainy weather.
5.D 最后一段中已说明:只要阳光普照,就比阴冷多雨
的北欧强,因此只有 D 项“多雨的 天气”才会破坏游客们







