
2020年08月07日 03:15




目 录
Unit1 Meeting new people Unit2 Can you swim Unit3 Are you happy
Unit4 Do you have any cousins Unit5 My friends Unit6 My parents Unit7 At
school Unit8 At the shop Unit9 At home Unit10 Around my home Unit11
Shapes Unit12 Weather
Meeting new people
一、 教学过程
Warm-up(5 minus)

Free talk: 跟学生打招呼,问候,相互熟悉。 Teacher: Hello!I’m ... S1: Hi!
I’m ...
S2: Hello! I’m ... Who are you? S3: I’m ...
复习数字one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 导入本课数字学
Presentation and Practice(75 minus)
1) 单词:eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen
拓展单词:classmate one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 2)基
本句型:This is ... (介绍用语) 这是、、、 See you. 再见。

- Nice to see you. 很高兴见到你。
- Nice to see you too. 也很高兴见到你。 基于课本进行讲解。 Part 1: Look and
Good morning, Peter. Good morning, Kitty.
This is my sister. Her name is Sally. She’s twelve.
And this is my brother. His name is Paul. He’s only six.
Hi, Sally. Hi, Paul. My name is Kitty. I’m Peter’s classmate. Hi, Kitty.
We are going to the park. Goodbye, Kitty. Part 2: Ask and answer
Show a photo of your friend. Then talk about him her.
This is my friend. His name’s Danny. He’s nine. He can ride a bicycle.
This is my friend. Her name’s Tracy. She’s thirteen. She can skip. S: This
is my ... His Her name’s ... He’s She’s ... (age) He She can ... 3)语
1. 形容词性物主代词 my, her, his, your
于形容 词,置于名词前,在句子中用于修饰名词,做定语,后面必须跟一个名
词。 例如:This is my brother. His name is Tom. 这是我的哥哥。他叫汤姆。
形容词性物主代词有人称和数的变化, 单数形式:my(我的),your(你的),
his herits(他的、她的、它的)。 复数形式:our(我们的),your(你们
的),their(他们的)。 练习:
1. This is my book. are over there.
A. Your B. Yours C. You D. Mine 2. Whose pen is it? It’s .
A. her B. hers C. she D. his 3. __ bag is new and __ is new, too.

A. Our, he B. Ours, his C. My, his D. My, her 4. This room is ours, and that
one is __.
A. they B. them C. theirs D. their 5. Whose pencils are there? They’re __.
A. my B. me C. mine D. our 6. Is the new watch __? Yes, it’s __.
A. you, me B. yours, mine C. your, my D. your, mine 7. Whose shoes are
these? They are __.
A. me B. mine C. my D. I 8. She is a student , __ name is Han Mei.
A. its B. her C. hers D. his 9. It’s a dog. I don’t know __ name.
A. its’ B. its C. it D. it’s 10. This ruler isn’t mine. I think it is __. A. he B.
him C. his D. her
11.__ schoolbag is beautiful. But __ is more beautiful. A. Jims, my B.
Jim’s, mine C. Jim’s, me D. Jims’, I 12. __ am a boy and __ is a girl.
A. My, she B. I, her C. I, she D. Mine, she 13.I like __ new dress.
A. She B. her C. hers D. his
14.I often help __ mother do __ housework(家务活)。 A. me, she B.
mine, her C. my, her D. I, hers that __ hat? No, it’s not __. It’s _
_. A. your, my, Toms B. you, mine, Tom’s C. yours, mine, Tom D. your,
mine, Tom’s
2. 情态动词Can
can后的动词必须是原形, 否定形式can’t 例如:肯定句:He can swim very
fast. 否定句:He can’t sing.
疑问句:Can he climb a tree?
回答: Yes, he can. No, he can’t. 练习:

1.___________ _____________(an,aeroplane,hear,Lucy,can )
2. ____________________________ (not,he ,dance,can )
3.____________________________? (you,can ,see,what )
4.____________________________(can ,see ,not ,we ,you)
5._____________________________. (I ,can ,help ,you )
6._____________________________? (I,can ,do,what)
7._____________________________? (you ,can ,hear me)
8._____________________________? (you ,can ,dance)
3. 名词所有格:
(1) 一般情况(包括单数名词和不带词尾s的复数名词)加 -’s: children’s
books 儿童图书 today’s paper 今天的报纸
(2) 带词尾s的复数名词只加省字撇(‘): girls’ school 女子学校
the Smiths’ car 史密斯家的小汽车 注:带词尾s的单数名词,通常仍加’s:
the boss’s plan 老板的计划 the hostess’s worry 女主人的担心
(3) 带词尾s带词尾的人名,可加’s 或只加省字撇(‘): Dickens’ novels 狄更
斯的小说 Charles’s job 查理斯的工作
注:不带词尾- s却以咝音结尾者,一律加’s却以咝音结尾者, Marx’s works 马
克思的著作 George’s room 乔治的房间 Closure(10 minus)
1)带领学生复习总结今天所学单词和句型,一般是提问的方式。 2)放学前一个

Unit2 Can you swim
Unit3 Are you happy?
1、帮助学生学习Look and learn中表示感觉的单词thirsty, happy, sad,, tired,
full, hungry.
happy„表达感受,为询问别人的感觉打下基础。 重点难点:
词汇:happy, sad, tired, hungry, full, thirsty 句型:I’m happy. 使用教材构想
应。 教学过程 一、出示目标:
1、 能听、说、读、写Look and learn中表示感觉的单词thirsty, happy, sad,,
tired ,full, hungry.
2、通过猜谜游戏和看图造句活动,巩固词汇学习,结合句型I’m happy„表达
感受。 二、导入:
1、播放歌曲Are you happy?让学生欣赏,借助肢体动作帮助学生理解歌曲大
意。 2、教师边做动作边借助夸张的表情和人物图片来帮助学生理解happy的意
思。 三、自学指导:
出示课本11页Look and learn的图片,根据人物的表情来理解单词的意思,然
后听录音3次。 先学一:
听录音,学生跟读 thirsty, happy, sad,, tired ,full, ,hungry. 先学后检测练习----
教师做出各种表情,学生用You’are„来描述老师的感觉。 教师的协学措施:学
生已学会 后教一

活动1、表演:看单词做动作。 教师根据学生的表情提问: Are you„?
活动2、分别利用 thirsty, happy,sad,,
tired ,full,各写一句话来介绍自己的感觉。 学生各写一句话 活动3、小组活动
学生两人一组练习词汇和句型。 教学反思
本课是选自《英语》(上海教育出版社)小学三年级起点四年级上册Unit 3Are
you happy ?第一课时。在备课的过程中,我根据针对小学生好动、好奇、喜欢亲
身 经历的心理特征,我利用现有的教学资源进行加工制作了多媒体课件,让学生操
练所学过的语言文化知识 ,转移到学习新知上。现将我对这节课的反思如下:
在Warming up 阶段,我播放课件,让学生唱了首歌,If you are happy „.学生
和图 片的直观教学,学生表现出极强的学习兴趣。通过提问Are you happy?引
如果按第一课时的安排就讲6个表示感觉类的单词。我觉得比较枯 燥,于是我把
教材重新进行整理,将Are you hungry?Yes, I am. No, I’m not. Have
some water. Thank you.也融入课堂中。让学生 在对话中自然的学习新单词。学
生的学习积极性很高。而且说的很好。另外我还把10页的课文转变成了 一篇阅读
为了检测学生对本节课的掌握程度,我做了一个当堂检测。有三道 题。第一是听音
度。是根据句子的描述 来写出对应的单词。第一题正确率为100%。第二题有个别

Do you have any cousins?
My friends
My parents
4A Unit 7 At school
【学习目标】 1.

汇:school,classroom,library,office, playground, toilet 2.能正确运用句型There
is are ...进行表述。 3.阅读故事《动物学校》,明白每个人都各有所长的道理。
4.学习字母o的发音。 【重点、难点】 1.

汇:school,classroom,library,office, playground, toilet 2.能正确运用句型There
is are ...进行表述。 【学具】 录音机,卡片 【自主学习】 ①自学提纲 Look
and learn
1.让学生用英语说出自己所知道的地点名称。 2.拿出卡片,学习有关场所的新词
汇。 3.播放录音,学生跟读单词。 4.学生自主朗读词汇。 Listen and say

2.教师用classroom做示范,引出句型There is are ... In our classroom. 3.学
生根据图片做句型练习。 4.小组展示。 Learn the sound
2.教师领读,学生跟读,帮助学生读好单词。 3.学生自主朗读单词。 ②自我检测
【总 结所得】以学生为主,尽量使每个学生都能开口说英语,会用所学句型进行表
达,提高学生的英语口语水 平。 【拓展训练】 ①基础达标题
1. There ______ some bread in the bag. A. are B. is C. 2. There are ten
________ in our school.
A. computers rooms B. computer room C. computer rooms 【学后记】 教学
目标: 1.认知目标:

school,classroom,library,office, playground, toilet 。 能正确理解、会认读句
型There is are ...。 能正确读出字母O的发音。
2.功能目标:能正确运用there be 句型表述身边的食物。
3.情感目标:在学习的过程中加深学生对学校的了解,激发学生爱校的情感。 教
能正确理解掌握句型,并能流利地进行对话运用。 教学难点:
There be 句型的掌握。 教学过程:
g-up :sing a song .
words: 出示卡片,让同学猜猜这都是什么地方。播放录音,帮助学生认读
3.学生在组内练习认读新单词。 ce pattern:


型 There be ... in our classroom. 注意:There is 后跟单数名词或不可数名词;
There are 后跟可数名词的复数。
ce: 学生结对用其他词汇做句型练习。
idation: 学生在小组内讨论用所学句型介绍自己的学校,请个别小组做展
示。 rk:
Copy the new words: Do a survey (P35) 板书设计: Unit 7 At school
school classroom library office playground toilet There is are .... in my ...
Unit 8 At the shop
牛津小学英语4A第八单元 二、教材分析
本单元主要学习运用句型What would you like? I’d like „„
以致用,并在学习 中学会关心别人,互相尊重。
本节课所学的新单词是学生感兴趣的蔬菜单词,教学时要遵循趣味性教学 原则,运
三、教学目标 1、知识目标

⑵能听得懂,会说、会读和会写句型:What would you like? I’d like „„ „„。
⑴以游戏、竞赛为学习的主要形式,激发学生学习的兴趣。 ⑵激发积极思维,发
掘学生潜能,拓展学用空间。 四、教学重点
⑴听得懂,会说、会读和会拼写单词:tomato,potato,carrot,soup。 ⑵能初步理
解和掌握本课的日常交际用语。 五、教学难点
⑴正确朗读单词tomato,potato,carrot,soup。 ⑵能听得懂,会说、会读本节课
实物(萝卜,西红柿,土豆),图片,单词卡片,多媒体课件。 七、教学流程
Step1: Warm up
1、歌曲“I like ice-cream.” (师生边唱边随着音乐做动作,进入教室,自然而
2、师运用句型Do you like „„,I like „„(为学习新的句型What would you like?
I’d like „„ „„作铺垫)。(亲切、自然的对话交流及体态语言的运用,让学生在
Step2: Presentation and practice
㈠学习单词tomato,potato,carrot,soup.和句型What would you like? I’d like
„„ „„。
1、 学习单词:tomato

(1)师出示实物(西红柿)问:What's this? 学生回答:It's a „„,师拿出一个
(2)师带读tomato(师简要讲解名词复数的构成规则),这 时,师将卡片贴在黑
(3)师带读单词数遍(直观教具的使用, 为学生创造一种逼真的语言环境,有利于
学生的形象思维。 2、学习单词:potato
(1)师出实物potato, 师带读tomato (2)用I like „„ 操练句型 (3)Read
loudly ,read lowly.
3、学习新单词carrot以及句型What do you like?
⑴师出示实物(萝卜)师板书carrot这时师带读(单、复数分开读)。 ⑵小组练
(3)歌曲I like coffee,I like tea.
Step3: Ask and answer
1.I say “I like „„”,you say “I’d like„„”引出新句型。 2.I’d like „„练习拓
展句型What would you like? I’d like „„。 3.小组练习,师问生答。
4.出示第一幅图的投影片。Listen to the tape together. (师生互相操练该幅图
师可与一个能力比较强的学生操练该幅图的句型,让其他同学理解意思。 3.示第
同桌之间互相操练句型(这时,教师可以放手,放手让学生自己去说 ,培养学生的
Srep4: Consolidation 1.小组合作练习阅读理解题。

2、师运用其它实物让学生练习写句型,师巡回指导,巩固所学句型。 Step5:
Assign homework
1. Read these new words.
potato – potatoes tomato – tomatoes carrot – carrots
2. Act out the dialogue on Student’s Book page 42.
at home
Teaching aims :
Basic aims: 1. 能用特殊疑问句Where„? 询问地点。e.g. Where’s Sam? 2. 能
用简单的过去式谈论过去的状态。e.g. He was here at ten o’clock. 3. 能用介词
短语表示时间。e.g. He was here at eleven o’clock. Education aims: 培养学
Developing aims: 能运用所学的过去式描述日常生活中已发生的事。 Key points:
1. 能用简单的过去式谈论过去的状态。 2. 能用介词短语表示时间。
Difficult points: 能运用所学的过去式描述日常生活中已发生的事。
Teaching aids: picture cards, toy dog, cassette5B, a cassette player, etc.
Preparation: Make a copy of photocopiable page 32. Teaching procedure:
1.学习新单词: furniture; rug; mirror; picture.
2.掌握词组: move the furniture into „.; move in the new house; a picture
of „..; take a picture of „...
3.会用一般过去时态句型表达物体的变化: It was________. It is _______ now. 4.巩

5.会动手操作,利用学具布置一个美丽的居家环境,并描述它们的变化。 教学准
备:教具、学具(两人一套)关于家具 教学过程: 一. Pre-task: 1. Daily talk:
(1) What’s the weather like today?
(2) What day is today? How many days are there in a week? What are they?
(3) What’s the date today?
(4) What season is it now? Do you like spring? (5) Who time do you get up?
(6) Who goes to school by bicycle? (7) Who teaches you Chinese? (8)
Which subject do you like best? (9) What’s your favourite animal? (10)
Which ruler do you like ? 2. Revision:
(1) Review the preposition:
T: I can’t find my ruler. Where is it ?
It’s in the book. It’s behind the book.(underonabovenearbesidein
front ofbetween„.. 板书:between) (2) Write the words:
am; is (过去式)_____ are (过去式)______ roll (过去式)______ said (原形)_______ fell
(原形)_______ hay (复数) ______ (3) Read out the phonetic word.
l?mp t?e? teibl s?uf? clok ?elf 二. While-task:
1. All these are “furniture”.
(1) Read “furniture”.
(2) f_ _ n _ _ _ _ _ (nurse; picture) (3) No plural form.
some furniture a piece of furniture two pieces of furniture (4) Other
furniture: beddeskcupboard„„ (5) move sth. into spl move in the new
Mrs Li is moving the furniture________ the bedroom.

Mrs Li buys a new flat. She is going to move _____ the new house next
month. 2. picture
(1) What’s this? It’s a picture. It’s a picture of „„ (2) a picture of „„ take
a picture of
Look! Ben is ______ ___ _______ of Alice.
This is ___ _______ _____ Shanghai. Shanghai is beautiful!
(3) Here’s a picture of Mrs Li’s sitting-room. Is it nice?What can you
see in the picture? 3. rug
4. mirror ( doctor)
Compare: Look at the mirror. Look in the mirror. (Ask someone to act.)
5. There is so much furniture in the room. But Mrs Li is not satisfied with it.
She moves the furniture. How does she move? Listen to the tape. 听录音并
The _______ was _________. Where is it now? It’s ______________ now.
6. Can you find out more differences? Talk in pairs. 7. Writing:
Look! This is Mrs Li’s sitting-room. The sofa was_____ the shelf. It is __
______ ___ the window now. The small lamp was on the round table. It is on
the ______ now. The plant was on the ______. It is on the big _____ now. The
mirror was ______ the rug. But now it is _________ the picture and the shelf.
三. Post-task:
1. Mrs Li is still not satisfied with her sitting- room. Can you help her to
design a new sitting-room?

2. Speaking. (对照第二副图和学生自己摆的图,说说变化。) Can you talk
about the changes? 3. Fill in the blanks.
(1) It ____ (be) cold yesterday. But it _____ (be) warm today . (2) _____ (be)
you ten years old last year? No, I ___(be not).
(3) They ______ (be) in the classroom at 10:00. Now they ________ (have)
lunch at home.
(4) Look, the children ________(sleep). Please _____ (be) quiet.
(5) Ben _____________ (make) a shaker. Please give ______ (he) some beans.
4. Rewrite:
(1) The mirror is above the rug. 过去时态:___________________________ (2)He
was at home at 6:30.
一般疑问句:____________________________ 否定回答:
_______________________________ (3)The sofas were near the window yesterday.
划线提问:________________________________ (4)We were in the library.
划线提问:________________________________ 四. Homework:
Design a new sitting-room. Stick the furniture on the paper. Write down
the changes.
Around my home
Topic: Look and learn Language aims:
·Using nouns to identify different places in a neighbourhood e.g.
supermarket,post office,restaurant ·Using prepositions to identify positions
e.g. next to,between

·Using modelled sentences to describe existence e.g. There are many shops
near my home. Ability aims:
Students can use modelled sentences to describe existence Key points:
supermarket,post office,restaurant,next to,between There is„There are„
Difficult points:
Using nouns to identify different places in a neigbourhood. Materials:
Student’s Book4AP38, Cassette player, power point
Around my home (Period2)
Topic: Look and say Language aims:
·Using nouns to identify different places in a neighbourhood e.g.
supermarket,post office,restaurant
·Using modelled sentences to identify positions e.g. It’s at No.126,Garden
·Using yesno questions to elicit a positive or negative response.
there a park near your home?Yes,there is. ·Using modelled sentences to
describe existence e.g. There are many shops near my home. Ability aims:
Students can use modelled sentences to describe existence Key points:
It’s at No.126,Garden Street.
Is there„Are there„?Yes,there isare. No, there isn’taren’t. Difficult
Using prepositions and modelled sentences to identify positions

Student’s Book4AP37, Cassette player, power point
Around my home (Period3)
Topic: Nanjing Road- A busy road in Shanghai Teaching Aims:
1. To learn new words: centre busy people shop watch restaurant stay
hotel 2. To learn new sentences:
If you like ___, there is are ____ on Nanjing road . You can _____ there.. 3. To
be able todescribe something about Nanjing Road .
4. To br able to use sentences to introduce roads and streets about
Shanghai . Main points:
To be able to desrcibe something about Nanjing Road . Difficult points:
1. To be able to desrcibe something about Nanjing Road .
2. To be able to use sentences to introduce roads and streets about
Shanghai .







