广州版小学英语四年级上册教案 全册

2020年08月07日 03:43


广州版小学英语四年级上册精品教案 全册
Module 1 Clothes
Unit 1 Buying Clothes
Unit 2 Different Clothes
Unit 3 Development
Module 2 People
Unit 4 Friends
Unit 6 Development
Unit 5 Our Heroes And Heroines
Module 3 Occupations
Unit 7 Our Future Jobs
Unit 8 My family members’ jobs
Unit 9 Development
Module 4 People Who Help Us
Unit 10 The New Neighbours
Unit 11 They Can Help Us
Module 5 Time
Unit 13 Our Arrangement
Unit 14 Time to go to school
Unit 15 Development
Module 6 Days of the week
U16 Games we play
Revision Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ

Long- Term Objectives
Success with English aims to help pupils to achieve the following objectives:
 To enjoy learning English;
 To be motivated to learn English;
 To become independent learners and users of English;

 To want to be able to continue learning English after the course;
 To become accurate users of English;
 To become fluent users of English;
 To become appropriate users of English;
 To become effective users of English;
 To become effective listeners of English;
 To become effective speakers of English;
 To become effective writers of English.
Module 1 Clothes
I. Objectives(目标)
1. Language skill (Listening speaking reading writing)
(1) know about clothes in English
(2) can talk about clothes and ask the price of the clothes I want to buy.
2. Language knowledge
(1) Vocabulary:
4 skills: shirt, blouse, dress, skirt, coat, pair, a pair of …., shoe, shorts, shop, can, help,
I’d like to buy… much, how much, yuan, forth, them, twenty, thirty, fifty,
eighty, hundred, T-shirt, sock, pound, whose
3 skills: clothes, jacket, sweater, trousers, jeans, assistant, shop assistant, take, I’ll
take it, sport, sport shoe, sir, bye, madam
(2) * Can I help you, sir madam?
* I’d like to buy a pair of shoes.
* How much is the T-shirt?
* It’s twenty yuan.
* How much are the trousers?
They’re forty pounds.

* Whose is the coat?
It’s John’s.
* Whose are the long socks?
They’re my sister’s.
(3) sub-topic:
Unit 1: Buying clothes
Unit 2: Different clothes
Unit 3: Development
3. Affect
(1) To give pupils chances to share their knowledge.
(2) To increase pupils’ confidence & self-esteem
(3) To provide challenges
(4) To have fun
(5) To develop cultureal awareness
(6) To open the pupils’ minds
(7) To promote imagination
4. Learning Strategy
(1) Cognitive strategy
(2) Regulating strategy
(3) Communicative resource strategy
5. Cultural Consciousness
(1) The Eskimo woman wears her fur coat in winter in order to keep warm.
(2) The Japanese woman wears her kimono at ceremonies because it’s traditional.
(3) The African woman wears her grass skirt when she is dancing. This is because it’s
traditional and it keeps her cool.
II. focal points:
1. Can I help you sir madam?
2. I’d like to….
3. How much is are…?

It’s They’re…
4. Whose is are…?
III. Difficult points
1. Usage of “a pair of ….”
2. Practice in numerals.
IV. Schedule: 8 long-periods
V. Materials: Textbook, Activity book, Tapes, Teacher’s book, word cards.
Unit 1 Buying Clothes
I. Subjects
1. vocabulary:
can, help, buy, much, yuan, dress (4 skills)
shop assistant, clothes, take (3 skills)
2. Can I help you? I’d like to buy….
How much is it? It’s….
3. Culture: “yuan”——外来语,单复同形
II. Focal and difficult points
Can I help you? I’d like to….
How much is it? It’s…
I’ll take it
III. Processes
1. Leading in
A. Review numerals
Ten, twenty… ninety → ninety yuan (show) “yuan” 外来语,单复同形
B. P
T: Guess! Which one is worth 90 yuan?
Yes, the dress. (教dress pl dresses)

2. Presentation

A. P
T: Now, the woman is shopping at the shop.
→ T分饰两角,重复对话两次配合动作让生了解对话。
B. 第三次边说边板书,并教新单词:
T: 带读重难句:
Can I help you?
Yes, please. I’d like to buy that dress.
How much is it ?
I’ll take it.
C. P
try to listen to the tape after teacher’s guide, then read after the tape (2 times)

3. Practice
A. read in pairs
B. ask students to read
C. use coat, shirt, skirt, jacket, instead of dress (teach the new words) (P
4. Summing up
A. Whole class read the new words
B. 请生总结购买单数物品的说法
1. ① 完成对话
2. recide the dialogue
3. P
Shop assistant: Good afternoon Can I help you?
Lily: Yes, please. I’d like to buy that jacket.
How much is it?
Shop assistant: It’s eight-five yuan.
Lily: OK. I’ll take it.
板:Module 1 Unit Buying Clothes
10 S a: Good morning. Can I help you? Much

12 20 W: Yes, please. I’d like to buy that dress. Can
13 30 How much is it? Help
14 40 S a: It’s ninety yuan dress
15 50 W: OK. I’ll take it take
16 60 boat coat
17 70 shirt
18 80 skirt
19 90 yuan
Unit 1 Buying Clothes
I. Objectives
1. vocabulary
jeans, them, trousers, shorts, shoes, socks, a pair of
2. How much are they? They’re….
I’ll take them
3. Focal points
a pair of …
How much are they? They’re…
4. Difficult points
a pair of shoes trousers…
I’d like to buy those jeans
II. Processes
1. Leading in
(1) listen to the tape and read the dialogue (A)
(2) Try to retell dialogue (A)
(3) role play
2. Presentation
(1) T: I have 49 yuan (show) I’d like to buy a dress. What can I say?
(2) Ask 2 students try to act out after teacher’s guide.
(3) T: I don’t want to buy the dress now.

Please turn to P
. Guess, what else I want to buy?
T: Yes, jeans. (教读jeans)
(4) 牛仔裤有两条裤管,一直要用复数jeans
(5) 那么,怎样表达“一条牛仔裤”?
use: a pair of jeans.
(6) 在P
找出要用a pair of 表示“一条 一对 一双”的物品:
教:trousers, shorts, shoes, boots, socks
读音 → 拼写 → 记忆
(7) T: Now, I’m the customer (顾客) in the shop
I want to buy those jeans. (show)
And you’re the shop assistant.
What will you say? (Guide)
that + dress → those jeans
is it → are they
It’s → They’re
I’ll take it → I’ll take them
(8) read the dialogue after the teacher
(9) read after the tape
(10) read in pairs
(11) (Guide) Try to retell the dialogue (4 pairs)
3. Summing up
4. Practice and development
3. complete the dialogue B
1. copy the new words
2. recide the dialogue
3. act out the dialogue in pairs

板: Unite 1 Buying Clothes
----- Good morning. Can I help you? A pair of jeans
----- Yes, please. I’d like to trousers
buy those jeans. shorts
How much are they? shoes
----- They’re forty-nine yuan boots
----- OK. I’ll take them
Unit 1 Buying Clothes
I. Objectives
1. Let’s learn together
2. Vocabulary, twenty, thirty, fifty, eighty, hundred, osport shoes, sweater, jacket
3. review: How much is it are they?
It’s They’re…
II. Processes
1. Leading in
(1) Role play: dialogue 2 (A) & (B)
2. Presentation
(1) count the numbers (以前学过,不作为难点)
(板) 11 eleven 10 ten
12 twelve 20 twenty
13 thirteen 30 thirty
14 fourteen 40 forty
15 fifteen 50 fifty
16 sixteen 60 sixty
17 seventeen 70 seventy
18 eighteen 80 eight
19 nineteen 90 ninety
100 hundnd
(2) P
Let’s karn together 1 (check)

Ask ps to write their answers on the bl.
(板) * thirty—nine (连接符号书写)
(3) P
Teach: sport shoes
T: For example – How much is the shirt?
-- It’s 30 ynan
-- How much are the jeans?
-- They’re 220 yuan
A. do by themselves
B. check the answers. (one by one)
(4) P
Fun with English
For example
T: Look at picture A. The boy’s shirt is black and his shorts are red.
shoes are yellow and white. His long socks are green.
1. copy the new words (and remember)
2. P
Ex. 1 Fun with English
3. 《活》P
Ex.4 Ex.5 (师要先举例)
4. Listen to the tape Unit 1 (3 times)
Unit 2 Different Clothes
I. Objective
1. Vocabulary: sir, madam, bye
2. Here you are All right
II. Processes
1. Reviciv
(1) read the rocabularies
(2) dictation
clothes, shirt, skirt, jacket, sweater, blouse, dress, skirt, coat
His sport

(3) 下列单词,哪些可以跟a pair of 连用
表示一对…. 一双…. 一条… ? 哪些不可以?
A pair of : trousers, jeans, dress, shirt, socks, shoes coat
2. Presentation
(1) T: today, we’ll learn Unite 2 Different Clothes.(教学different)
(2) Listen to the tape, try to understand the dialogue (first two parts)
(3) Open the books, listen again find out the new words.
Sir (区别香港人的读法),除表示先生还可表示警官
Madam (观察单词的字母结构,帮助记忆)
Bye ----------- by -------------- buy
Bye- bye by the river I’d like to buy….
(4) game: Here you are
(以小组为单位,把笔从前往后传,一生说Here you are 另一生说Thank you,
(5) All right = OK
(6) Read after the tape
(7) Practice in pairs
1. 抄生词,准备听写
2. 技P
Ex 3.4
3. 读背 P
4. 改正②,每错改3次
板 Unit 2 Different Clothes
sir madam a pair of trousers
Here you are coat
Bye ----------by ------------------buy shoes

Bye bye by the river I’d like to buy… shorts
Unite 2 Different Clothes
I. Objectives
1. Vocabulary: pounds
2. Do you have any?
What about….?
3. Usage of pound £ & yuan ¥
4. Dialogue 2 & Let’s learn together 1
II. Difficult point:
1. £ & ¥
2. What can I do…?
III. Processes
1. Revision
(1) whole class read the new words.
(2) dictation:
trousers, shoe, jeans, shorts, shop assistant, pair, a pair of
(3) whole class read U
(the first 2 parts)
(4) role play (3 pairs)
2. Presentation
(1) T: Do you have any dresses?
OK. Let’s go shopping to buy a dress?
(2) 一人分饰两角
---- Good morning. Can I help you, madam?
---- I’d like to buy a black dress.
Do you have any (dresses)? Dresses 可省略
---- Yes, madam. Here you are.

---- How much is it ?
---- £ 95(引起兴趣,疑问) 区别 ¥
Ninety-five pounds yuan
(3) retell the dialogue, ask ps try to retell
(4) ---- What about the red one ? (repeat 3 times)
---- It’s thirty pounds
---- That’s all right. I’ll take that one
---- Here you are
---- Thanks, bye
(5) listen to the tape: U
(6) read the dialogue after the tape
(7) (Guide) Try to read by themselves
(8) Practice in groups
(9) role play (2 groups)
3. Practice
Let’s learn together 1
1. recide (listen to the tape)
2. copy the new words. (下节听写)
3. 改正听写本
4. 活 P
Ex. 3 P
Ex. 6
板: Unit 2 Different Clothes
Do you have any (dresses)?
(That’s ) all right.
I’ll take that one
Unit 2 Different
I. Objectives
1. Dialogue 2
2. Let’s learn together

3. Vocabulary whose
II. Difficult points:
1. What can I do for you?
2. whose is …? It’s…’s.
whose are ….? They’re…’s.
III. Processes
1. Leading in
(1) read the new words
(2) dictation
can, help, buy, I’d like to buy… much, how, much, yuan, take,
(3) role play U

2. Presentation
(1) P
dialogue 2 (A) (提醒第一幅图用¥,第二幅图用 £ )
(2) P
2 (B)
Can I help you? → What can I do for you?
Ask students try to act out the dialogue.
(3) Song: Hi Hello Little girl
→ Who are you ? → new word: whose
(4) T: Where is the T-shirt?
P: It’s on the desk.
T: Good! Whose is the T-shirt?
Ps: David.
T: It’s David’s
(5) 用所知衣服和人物的单词作替换练习,师抽查
(6) show a pair of sport shoes.
T: Whose are the sport shoes? (鞋上有名)
I’ll take it

Ps: They’re Ben’s.
(T) 用shorts, socks 等做替换练习,请生两两对语
3. Summing up
Can I help you? → What can I do for you?
4. Practice & development
Ex.2 先自做再核对
1. copy the new words and remember
2. 课 Ex.1
3. 技:P
Ex.三 P
4. copy: What can I do for you?
Whose is the pair of jeans? It’s Jiamin’s
Whose are the sport shoes? They’re Ben’s.
板: Can I help you ? → What can I do for you?
Who whose
Whose is the T-shirt? It’s David’s
Whose are the sport shoes? They’re Ben’s.
Unit 3 Development
I. Objective
1. Story time
2. Did you know (Cultural Consciousness)
3. Review: Can I help you?
Whose is are… ? It’s They’re… ‘s.
II. Processes
1. Leading in
(1) Scene 1:

Show some clothes (a shop)
---- Can I help you? What can I do for you ?
---- I’d like to buy….
---- How much…. ?
---- It’s They’re…
---- OK. I’ll take…
---- Here you are.
---- Thank you.
(2) Scene 2 (At a friend’s home)
-- Hello
-- Hello
-- Whose is are… ?
-- It’s They’re….’s
(3) dictation forty – soprt, shoe

2. Presentation
(1) show some pictures, explain the pictures one bye one.
(2) repeat the sentences:
it’s got…
why are you…?
What do you mean?
(3) P
listen to the tape
(4) read after the tape twice
(5) read in groups
(6) act out the story
(7) P
Did you know
The Eskimo woman wears her fur coat in winter in order to keep warm.
The Japanese woman wears her kimono at ceremonies because it is traditional.
The African woman wears her grass skirt, when she is dancing. This is because it

is traditional and it keeps her cool.
3. Practice and development
(1) 活 P
Ex. 5 (先对个别题指导 → 自做 → 校对)
(2) 活P
Ex. 3 Ex.4
1. 活 P
Ex.1 P
– P
2. 改正听写
3. 听录音读Module 1 3次
Module 1 Clothes
I. Objectives
1. Review: Clothes in English
2. Can talk about clothes and ask the price of the clothes I want to buy.
3. Do some exercises.
II. Processes
1. dictation: (read the words first)
sir madam bye pound whose
2. act out Unit 1 in groups
3. (1) whole class read Unit 2
(2) ask students to act out U

(1) 从苹果权吉找出与a pair of 配对的苹果
skirt, dress, shoes, jeans, trousers, blouse, socks, boots
(2) 把苹果正确分类后,请生按自己的喜好买苹果用上:
---- Can I help you ? What can I do for you?
---- I’d like to buy…
---- How much….
---- It’s They’re…
---- I’ll take
(3) 各生把苹果买回校后,打乱顺序,请他人猜

---- Whose is are….?
---- It’s They’re…’s.
5. 《技》P
Ex.一 Ex.二
Ex.一. 二
1. 技 P
Ex. 五. 六
Ex. 五. 六
2. 听录音,预习Unit 4 (词)
3. 自学 P
Additional words
Module 2 People
I. Objectives
1. Language skill
(1) Can describe my friend
(2) Know the words to describe people
2. Language knowledge
(1) Vocabulary
4 skills: cap, hat, wear, be wearing, thin, heavy, young, today, talk, about, kind,
funny, both, great, cook, well, everyone, true, friendly, round
3 skills: mean, hero, heroine, hardworking, patient, handsome, movie, star, homest,
parents, feed, ugly, weak
(2) Drills
* You mean the short boy?
* She’s wearing a pair of black shoes.
* The woman is very thin.
* Who’s your hero?
* She kind and hardworking
(3) Sub- topic:

Unit 4 : Friends
Unit 5 : Our Heroes and Heroines
Unit 6: Development
3. Affect:
(1) To arise the pupil’s awareness of the three structures for describing people’s
(2) To reinforce, in a fun way, pupils’ understanding of adjectives that describe people.
(3) To develop creativity and imagination by drawing.
(4) To raise awareness of how friends can help each other than to compete.
4. Learning strategy
(1) Cognitive strategy
(2) Regulation strategy
(3) Communicative Resource strategy
5. Cultural Consciousness
To introduce some great person whom are comsidered as heros or heroines.
e.g. Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Lai feng, Zhang Haidi
II. Focal points:
1. be wearing
2. The three structures for describing people’s appearance (Noun + Verb + Adjeetive)
e.g. The man is very heavy.
(Noun + has + Noun)
e.g. the woman has white short hair.
(Noun + verb + wearing)
e.g. The man is wearing a cap.
3. Who’s your hero herine?
III. Difficult points
1. be wearing
2. adjective for describe person ality
IV. Schedule : 6 long-periods

V. Materials:
Text book, Activity book, Tapes, Teacher’s book, word cards
Unit 4 Friends
I. Objectives
1. Vocabulary
mean, cap, wear, hat, be wearing
2. You mean that short boy with a black cap be wearing.
3. Difficult points
(1) be wearing
(2) difference between hat and cap.
II. Processes
1. Leading in
KiKi and CoCo are friends, Today, we’ll learn Friends
2. Presentation
(1) Look, KiKi has a cap. “cap ” ← cat
CoCo has a hat. “hat”
(2) T: KiKi is wearing a black cap.
“wear” ear 加上饰物 → wear → is wearing → are wearing → be wearing
(3) show the picture of P

T: acts out the dialogue on P
Teach “mean” (feedback)
(4) look at the picture and listen to the tape
(5) read after the tape. (twice)
(6) role play
(7) dialogue 2. P

A. Students do by themselves
B. Read it out

3. summing up
(1) read the new words, and dialogue
(2) take notes
1. copy the new words.
2. 听、读、背 P

Layout: Unit 4 Friends
---- You mean the short boy cat cap
with a black cap? Hat
---- No, he’s not short and ear wear “be wearing”
he’s not wearing a black mean
cap He’s wearing a
yellow T-shirt and a brown hat .
Unit 4 Friends
I. Objectives
1. Vocabulary:
thin, heavy, young, weak, ugly
2. You mean that tall girl in a red coat?
3. The man is old and thin. He is wearing a hat and a coat.
II. Processes
1. Revision
(2) Whole class read P

(1) act out the dialogue.
2. Presentation
(1). T: Now Mr. Chen and Tomoko are talking about the girl over there. (show the
(2) Imitate Tomoko & Mr. Chen act out the dialogue
* in a red coat
with long blonde hair

(3) listen to the tape
(4) read after the tape (twice)
(5) whole class read the dialogue
3. Show pictures P
teach adj.
(1) weak, ugly, heavy, thin, young
(2) show picture one by one (feedback)
4. Let’s learn together P

(1) Look at the pictures
(2) Ask students to read the sentences
(3) Put a tick or a cross after reading
(4) whole class read the sentences
5. Summing up
(1) read the new words and dialogue
(2) take notes.
1. copy the new words and dialogue
2. listen read recide P

3. review new words of U

Layout Unit 4 Friends
With long blonde hair
In a red coat
A pair of brown shoes
An Australian girl
Unit 6 Development
I. Objectives
1. story time
2. did you know

3. additional words
4. sing along. P
My friend
II. Process
1. Revision
(1) Whole class read U

(2) Recide the dialogue
(3) Act out the dialogue
2. Presentation
(1) P
Story time
A. Listen to the tape
B. Explain the story
C. Read after the tape
D. Try to act out the dialogue
(2) P
Did you know
To introduce some great person whom are considered as heroes or heroines.
(3) P
Additional words
A. Explain the words
B. Tell the students. The rules to find out their opposite words.
(4) P
Sing along : My Friend
A. Teach the new words:
Kind, honest, funny, hand wording
B. listen to the tape
C. singina low voice
D. sing aloud
Homework: (国庆长假)
1. P
Ex. 2
2. 活P
Ex.1 Ex.2
3. ④家听U
4. 改正听有作业薄

5. 预习U
Fun funny
Hard + working hard working
Hand + some hand some
Unit 5 Our Heroes And Heroines
I. Objective
1. Vocabulary:
hero (heroes) heroine (heroines) today talk, about, kind, hardworking, patient
2. Who is your hero
My hero is my father. He is kind and hardworking
3. Usage of who & whose.
II. Processes
1. Warmming up
(1) song: My friend
(2) review the words
kind, honest, funny, hardworking, handsome
2. Presentation
(1) show a picture
T: whose is the picture? Guess!
It’s Miss Zhou’s. This is my father and this is my mother.
My father is my hero. “hero” → heroes
My mother is my heroine heroine → heroines

(2) A. My father is kind and hardworking
My mother is patient and she’s kind too.
B. Read the sentences after the teacher.
(3) T: Who is your hero?
My hero is…. He’s…
T: Who is your heroine?
My heroine is ….. She’s….
(4) Listen to the tape teach: today, talk about
(5) read after the tape
(6) whole class read the dialogue
1. copy the new words
2. listen read recide the dialogue
3. 家听U
4. 补活P
Ex.1 Ex.2
Layout Unit 5
Our Heroes and Heroines
Whose…? Who is your hero? Hero heroes
谁的 谁是 heroine heroines
my hero is… patient
who is your heroine? Tall talk
my heroine is…. about
Unit 5 Our Heroes And Heroines
I. Objective
1. Vocabulary:
handsome, movie star, parents, both, great, cook, feed, well, everyone, true
2. My hero and heroine are my parents!
They’re both great cooks and feed me well!

3. Difficult points:
(1) vocabulary
II. Processes
1. Revision
(1) Dictation
(2) Whole class read P21
(3) Ask students to recide the dialogue
2. Presentation
(1) show the pictures one by one
(2) Try to explain the dialogue and teach the new words.
Handsome (read → remember → feedback) star
Movie star
Parents ( father & mother )
Both, great, cook, feed, well, everyone, true
(3) whole class read the new words and phrases after the teacher
(4) listen to the dialogue
(5) read after the tape
(6) read the difficult words again
(7) whole class read the dialogue
(8) take notes
3. Summing up
(1) Read the new words and phrases
(2) Look at the pictures and try to retell them
4. P24 Let’s learn together Ex.2
T read from A to D Students write the letter.
1. copy the new words. Read for dictation
2. 活P10-12. 15
3. Recide U5

4. 改①.②.③.④活
Layout handsome both
Star great
Movie star cook cooks
Father feet feed
Wall well
Mother very everyone
Tree true
Unit 5
I. Objectives
1. Review U4-U6
2. Let’s learn together
3. Vocabulary: round, ugly, weak, friendly
4. Difficult point
Describe a person in one or two sentences.
II. Processes
1. Revision
(1) Dictation
(2) Whole class read:
P2. U1, P7. U2, P10, P16. U4, P19,
2. Presentation
(1) P25 opposite words
A. Read after the teacher
B. Read by themselves.
(2) P24. Let’s learn together 1
A. teach: friendly friend → friendly
B. fill in the form
C. Tell their friends their answers
(3) Let’s learn together 2
P21. U5

A. show pictures one by one
B. Read the description according to the picture
C. teach: round ugly weak
D. whole class read A. B. C. D
(4) Exercise A: Describe the picture in one or two sentences
B: Exercise paper
* You mean the short mean with a red hat?
She is wearing a yellow skirt
Are you an honest man?
He has short black hair
1. copy P24. Ex.2
2. 改活练习纸
3. 认真复习,准备测验
Friend friendly
Pound round round
Module 3 Occupations
I. Objectives
1. Language skill
(1) Know about jobs in English.
(2) Can talk about what I want to be in the future.
(3) Can talk about relatives’ jobs.

2. Language knowledge
(1) Vocabulary:
4 skills: nurse, doctor, driver, want, be, when, up, job, factory, worker, soldier,
farmer, policeman, policemen
3 skills: postman, postmen, bank, manager, grow, grow up, fireman, firemen,
athlete, cleaner, waiter, waitress, lawyer, clerk, bank clerk
(2) Drills
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I want to be a teacher.
What’s the lady’s job?
She’s a nurse.
What does he do?
He’s a policeman.
(3) Sub- topic:
Unit 7: Our future jobs
Unit 8: My family member’s job
Unit 9: Development
3. Affect:
(1) To help pupils to start thinking about occupations.
(2) To help pupils enjoy the learning experience
(3) To provide practice in using set phrases connected to future occupation to express
personal wish.
(4) To build confidence in using English
(5) To encourage creativity
4. Learning strategy
(1) cognitive strategy
(2) regulating strategy
(3) communicative resource strategy
5. Cultural Consciousness

(1) To introduce outstanding people in different occupations.
(2) To stimulate interest in occupations.
II. Difficult Points
(1) What do you want to be when you grow up?
I want to be a teacher.
(2) What’s….. job?
He She is a ….
(3) What does he she do?
He She is a …..
III. Schedule:
5 long- periods
IV. Materials
Textbook, activity book, tapes, teacher’s book, word cards
Unit 7 Our Future Jobs
I. Objectives
1. Vocabulary
postman, postmen, nurse, doctor, driver, bank, manager, want, be, when, grow, grow
2. I want to be…
3. Difficult point:
I want to be…
II. Processes
1. revision
Whole class read U1 – U2
2. Presentation
(1) P32. song, I want to be…

teach: want, to be (remember → feedback )
when (read after the teacher → read one by one → spell → feedback )
grow up (eg. Sally is a little girl now. when she grows up. She will be a pretty
woman. )
( whole class read → feedback )
repeat “ when I grow up” (action)
teach: doctor
driver river → driver → driver the bus
(2) listen to the song
(3) sing in a low voice
(4) sing aloud
(5) teach: doctor, nurse, bank manager, postman (postmen )
( read → spell → remember → feedback )
(6) P30 Dialogue 1
eg. Who is the postman?
A is the postman.
3. Summing up
(1) Whole class read the new words.
(2) words game
4. Exercise
Make a sentence with
I want to be a …. When I grow up.
1. copy the new words
2. sing the song
Layout Unit 7 Our Future Jobs
I want to be…. When I grow up
River driver driver the bus
Doctor nurse cook

Bank manager postcard postman postmen
Unit 7 Our Future Jobs
I. Objectives
1. Vocabulary
job, factory, worker, soldier, farmer, fireman, firemen, policeman, policemen
2. Let’s learn together 1
3. Difficult point
(1) What do you want to be when you grow up?
I want to be….
II. Processes
1. Warmming up
(1) sing the song: I want to be…
2. Presentation
(1) T: 如果你要问你的朋友长大想当什么?应该怎么问?
(把I want to be … when I grow up 改为 what do you want to be when you grow
(2) How do you answer this question?
I want to be a…
(3) Practice: 请问你的同桌长大以后要当什么?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I want to be…
(4) P31 listen to the dialogue then repeat
(5) Whole class read the dialogue
(6) read in groups
(7) take notes
(8) P33 Let’s learn together 1
teach: farmer, soldier, factory worker, fireman, policeman
( read → spell → remember → feedback )
3. Summing up

read the dialogue & new words.
4. Development:
game: 问你的好朋友他长大了想当什么?
1. copy the new words and dialogue
2. 活U7 listening
3. read & recide U7
Layout Unit 7 out future jobs
---- what do yu want to be farm farmer
when you grow up? Old soldier
---- I want to be… work worker factory worker
fire fireman firemen (pl.)
police policeman policemen(pl.)
Unit 8 My family members’ jobs
I. Objectives
1. Vocabulary
job, athlete, cleaner, lawyer, waiter, waitress, bank, clerk
2. What’s his job? He’s a….
3. What does he do? He’s a….
4. Difficult point
What’s his job? He’s a ….
What does he do? He’s a …
5. Let’s learn together 1
II. Processes
1. Warmming up
(1) review words of jobs
(2) recide Unit 7

2. Presentation
(1) T:我们已学过这么多职业,那怎么问他人的职业是什么呢?
(2) What’s his job? (男性)
He’s a ..
( read after the teacher )
(3) What’s her job? (女性)
she’s a …
(4) Practice:
What’s… job?
He’s She’s…
(5) T: 就跟say hello 和 hi一样,问他(她)的职业是什么?除了问What’s his
her job?
还可以问What does he do?
Teach “does”
(6) Practice
What does he she do?
He’s She’s a...
(7) P35 listen to the tape then read
(8) take notes
(9) P35 complete the dialogue
(10) whole class read the dialogue
(11) P38 let’s learn together 1
learn the words one by one
( read → spell → remember → feedback )
IV. summing up
1. read the dialogue
2. read the new words.

1. copy the new words & dialogue
2. textbook P38 Ex.1 P39 Ex.2
3. listen, read, recide U8
Layout Unit 8 my family Members’ jobs
What’s his job? He’s a ….
Mr. Chen’s
Your father’s
The old man’s
What’s her job? She’s a ….
Miss Li’s
Your aunt’s
The young woman’s
What’s his job ? = What does he do?
her she
he’s a …
she’s a …
athlete wait waiter
clean cleaner dress waitress
law lawyer bank manager bank clerk
Unit 9 Development
I. Objectives
1. P38 Let’s learn together 2
2. Story time
3. Did you know
4. Additional words
II. Processes
1. Warmming up

(1) review words of jobs
(2) P39 Check fun with language 2
(3) Whole class recide U8
2. Presentation
(1) Let’s learn together
A. Practice : (with pictures)
What’s his job ? He’s
her She’s
(in groups → in pairs → feedback)
B. What does she do? She’s…
he He’s..
C. What are their jobs?
D. Whose father is a lawyer?
Li Ping’s father.
(2) story time
A. Look at the pictures then ask the students about the robot’s jobs.
B. Listen to the story. In groups, think of an and of the story and draw it.
(3) Did you know?
Look at the pictures and write the name of the job under the person.
(4) Additional words
Listen to the tape, find out the names for the jobs. Then match the words with
the pictures.
1. copy P38 Let’s learn together 2 (translate)
2. P40 Ex.2
3. Listen to U10 (find out the new words)
P38 (add)
Sally’s brother Zhuang Qing’s aunt Li Ping’s Faher

Mike’s uncle Janet’s sister Ben’s cousin
Module 4 People Who Help Us
I. Objective
1. Language skill
(1) Can talk about people who help us
(2) Can ask questions about jobs.
2. Language knowledge
(1) Vocabulary
neighbour, move, move in, has (have) got, because, after, after school, see, see you,
ambulance, ambulance man, ambulance men, child, only, the only child, dentist,
check, catch, criminal, drive, learn, put out, fire, sick, hey, top, at the top of, can’t,
down, get down, dangerous, could, ask, him, everything, letter, serve, drinks,
(2) Drills
do they help sick people?
Yes, they do. No, they don’t
What can he do?
He can help us to learn.
Can you drive an ambulance?
Yes, I can No, I can’t.
The cat can’t get down.
See you after school
Could he help?
Of course.
(3) Sub – topic:
Unit 10 : The new neighbours
Unit 11 : They can help us

Unit 12 : Development
3. Affect:
(1) To troduce pupils the ways of asking and answering basic questions about jobs.
(2) To provide practice in asking and giving information about family members’ jobs.
(3) To build confidence
(4) To encourage creativity in making up a story.
(5) To stimulate interests.
4. Learning strategy
(1) cognitive strategy
(2) regulating strategy
(3) communicative resource strategy
5. Cultural consciousness
Ask pupils to suggest what the people in the photographs do to help pupils in Britain
(the dinner man serves school lunches and supervises the children during their lunch
break; the classroom assistant helps the teacher in the classroom )
II. Difficult Points.
1. Do they help sick people?
Yes, they do. No, they don’t
2. What can he do?
He can…
3. Can you…?
Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
4. The cat can’t get down.
IV. Schedule: 7 long – periods
V. Materials: textbook, activity book, tape, teacher’s book, word cards
Unit 10 The New Neighbours
I. Objectives

1. Vocabulary
neighbour, move, move in , because, has (have) got, after, after school, see, see you,
ambulance man, the only child
2. see: I see, see you
3. Are you moving in ?
Yes, because my dad has got a new job.
Why don’t you come to my apartment after school.
II. Processes
1. Dictation
waiter, waitress, athlete, cleaner, lawyer, clerk, bank clerk
2. Presentation
(1) Ask students to recide U8
(2) T: What does you dad do?
What’s your dad’s job?
(3) teach: neighbour ← eight
U10 The new neighbours
(4) Teach new words one by one
A. move movie → move (read → remember → feedback )
move in
moving in
Are you moving in ?
B. because
C. has got (第三人称单数)
he has got a new job
mike has got a new job
my dad has got a new job
have got
because my dad has got a new job (game practice)
D. after afternoon after school

E. See Oh, I see(明白)
See you = Bye
(5) P44 Listen to the tape first
repeat: Why don’t you come to my apartment after school?
(6) read after the tape
(7) whole class read the dialogue, then read in groups.
3. Summing up
(1) read the new words.
(2) P45. Ex.2
A. Teach: ambulance man,
The only child , (children)
B. Do by themselves
C. Check
(3) Tack notes
1. copy the new words
2. listen read and recide U10
Layout: U10 The new neighbacrs
---- Are you moving in ? movie
---- Yes, because my dad
has got a new job
---- why don’t you come
to my apartment afternoon
after school
---- see you after school
U10 The New
I. Objectives
has got
have got
see I see
see you
alnbulance man
children child

1. Vocabulary
dentist, check, catch, criminal, drive, learn, put out, fire, sick
2. Let’s learn together
3. Difficult points
(1) * Chick your teeth
* catch criminals
* drive an ambulance
* help us to learn
* put out fires
* help sick people
(2) pl. of noun
II. Processes
1. Warmming up
(1) whole class read U10
(2) Ask students to recide.
2. Presentation
(1) P47. Put the right picture sticker above each word.
(2) pl. of the words.
(3) what do these people do?
( explain one by one and teach the new words )
(4) game : memorize
(5) P47. Ex.2 Ask & answer in pairs.
e.g. ---- firemen
---- put out fires
(6) game: Act and guess
3. summing up
read the new words and phrases
4. Exercise
P48. Fill in the crossword in groups

1. activity book P21. 22
2. copy the new words and phrases
3. ④ dictation: U8
Firemen put out fires
Nurses or doctors help sick people
Dentists check your teeth
Ambulance men drive an ambulance
Teachers help us to learn
Policemen catch criminals
Unit 11 They Can Help Us
I. Objectives
1. Vocabulary: hey, at the top of, can’t get down, dangerous, could, ask, him
2. It can’t get down
Could he help?
Let’s go and ask him.
II. Processes
1. Warm up
(1) Whole class read U10
(2) Recide U10
(3) Dictation
2. Presentation
(1) Show two toys
T: This is a bird. This is a Frog. They’re friends. They’re on their way to school.
(stick a cat)
B: Look, there is a cat at the top of the house.

F: It cant’ get down.
B: That’s dangerous…. Hey, what does
You dad do?
F: He’s a fireman.
B: Could he help?
F: Of course. Let’s go and ask him.
(2) Retell and teach the new words one by one
(3) Repeat again
(4) Open the books P49. Listen to the tape.
(5) Read after the tape.
(6) P50 Answer the questions.
(7) Try to recide by key words.
1. copy the new words
2. copy the dialogue
3. recide the dialogue
Unit 11 They Can Help Us
At the top of the house top
It can’t get down can’t = can not
Could he help? dangerous
Of course could
Let’s go and ask him get down
He asks him
She asks her
Unit 11 They Can Help Us
I. Objectives

1. Dialogue
2. Let’s learn together
3. Vocabulary: everything, deliver, letter, serve, drinks.
II. Procedure
I warn up
1. review new words
2. Dictation
3. P47 read the phrases
4. Whole class read U11
5. Act out the dialogue
III. Presentation
1. write on the blackboard
waiter, postman, cleaner, taxi driver, shop assistant
2. pl. of 1
3. T: What do they do?
(Teach one by one and the new words)
4. Read the phrases
5. Teach: What do cleaners do?
They clean up everything.
6. Bractice: What do….do?
1. Copy the new words
2. Make 5 sentences according to P52
3. activity Book P26-27
4. Read U10-U11
lay out
waiter waiters ---- serve us foods and drinks
postman postmen ---- deliver letter

cleaner cleaners ---- clean up everything
taxi driver taxi drivers ---- drive a taxi
shop assistant shop assistants ---- help in a shop
Module 5 Time
I. Objectives 1
1. Language skill
(1) Can tell the time in English
(2) can draw a clock showing the time
2. Language knowledge
(1) Vocabulary
4 skills: breakfast, usually, break, egg, milk, o’clock, lunch, dinner, rice, bun,
Chinese, maths, art, music, P.E. get up, It’s time to…, too, late, must, go
to school, back, go back, go to bed
3 skills: juice, coffee, noodles, rice noodles, porridge, subject, break, history,
(2) Drills
What do you usually have breakfast?
We have bread, juice and eggs.
When what time do you have breakfast?
I usually have breakfast at about seven o’clock
Jean has English lesson from nine o’clock to ten o’clock on Monday.
What time is it ?
It’s seven thirty
It’s time to get up.
(3) sub-topic:
Unit 13: Our Arrangement
Unit 14: Time to go to school

Unit 15: Development
3. Affect:
(1) To connect time to the pupil’s daily lives o
(2) Encourage the pupils to have fun acting out the actions.
(3) To encourage the use of the imagination
4. Learning strategy
(1) cognitive strategy
(2) regulating strategy
(3) communicative resource
5. Cultural Consciousness
(1) To provide further practice of understanding and using numbers and time
(2) Visual aids such as a globe of the world a map, photos of the cities etc, would help
to get the concept of time difference over to the pupils
II. Difficult points
1. C & U noun
2. What do you usually have breakfast?
We have bread, juice and egg.
What time When do you have…?
I usually have … at…
3. Jean has English lesson from nine o’clock to the o’clock on Monday.
4. What time is it?
5. It’s time to ….
III. Schedule: 6 long- periods
IV. Materials: Textbook, activity book, Tapes, teacher’s book, word cards
Unit 13 Our Arrangement
I. Objectives:
1. vocabulary:
4 skills: breakfast, usually, bread, egg, milk, o’clock, lunch, dinner

3 skills: juice, coffee
2. Usage of C and U noun.
3. What do you have for breakfast?
Usually we have…
What time do you have breakfast?
At about eight o’clock.
II. Processes
1. Motivation
Today, let’s learn Module 5 time
U13 Our Arrangement 那怎么询问时间?
2. Presentation
(1) What time?
(2) Teach: breakfast, lunch, dinner, have breakfast lunch dinner
(3) What time do you have breakfast?
At eight o’clock. Teach o’clock
At about eight o’clock
(4) What time do you have dinner?
Usually at about seven thirty
Teach: Usually * 注意发准音
(5) 那问一日三餐吃什么又什么问?
What do you have for breakfast?
Usually we have…
Teach: bread, egg, juice, milk, coffee
(6) listen to the tape
(7) read after the tape

1. copy the new words and text
2. read, listen and recide the dialogue
3. remember the new words.
Layout Module 5 Time
Unit 13 Our Arrangement
What time do you have breakfast?
At about eight o’clock
Usually at about seven thirty
What do you have for breakfast?
Usually we have…

Unit 13 Our Arrangement
I. Objectives:
1. Vocabulary:
rice, noodles, rice noodles, bun,
2. when do you have breakfast?
=what time
3. Time expressions
II. Processes
1. Dictation
2. time expressions
(1) whole class read U13 (P58)
[i] [e]
[ ]
bread U
juice U
milk U
coffee U
[ ] [i:]

(2) Ask pupils to act out the dialogue
(3) T: what time do you have breakfast,…?
Ps: At…
T: We can also say
When do you have breakfast?
(4) Game: Ask & answer
What time When do you…?
(5) P62 Fun with language
3. Sum up
What do you have (for) breakfast?
What time do you have breakfast?
4. new words
(1) T: What do you have for…?
Ps: I have….
T: Now, I’ll introduce more foods for you
Teach: noodles, rice noodles, rice, bun, porridge
(2) read the new words
5. P59. Complete the dialogue in pairs
6. Read the dialogue P59
7. P59(4) Discuss and complete the sentences
1. copy the new words
2. P58 Ex.2 P59. Ex.4
Unit 13 Our Arrangement
What do you have (for) breakfast?
What time do you have breakfast?
mice rice

rice noodles
bus bun
Unit 13 Our Arrangement
I. Objectives
1. Vocabulary: Chinese, maths, art, music, P. E
2. P61 Let’s learn together
3. Review Module 1—Module 4
4. songs
II. Procedure
1. Dictation
2. Presentation
(1) P61. Ex.1
Teach: Chinese, art, music, P. E. maths
(2) Listen and writte the letters in the blanks
(3) check the answers
(4) Teach: subject, break, history
(5) P61. Ex.2 Show the timetable
has (have)… lesson →practice
form…. To…
(6) take notes
(7) Practice the sentence
3. Songs:
(1) lazy piggy, will you get up?
(2) This is the way
4. Revision Module 1 – Module
(1) recite the dialogue
(2) drills
subject, break, history

1. copy the new words
2. Activity book
layout Chinese music
jean has English lesson P.E art
from nine o’clock to ten o’clock maths subject
on Monday history his
break bread
Unit 14 Time to go to school
I. Objectives
1. vocabulary
It’s time to…, too, late, must, go to school, back, go back, go to bed, goodbye
2. Drills
What time is it? It’s…
It’s time to…
I must…
II. Procedure
1. warm up
song: This is the way
Lazy Piggy, will you get up?
2. Presentation Teach: go to school (little)
(1) T: Look at the clock. What time is it?
Ps: (It’s) 10 o’clock. (repeat)
T: What time is it?
It’s eight forty.
(2) Show tow dolls. Present the dialogue

Teach the new words and the sentences.
It’s time to…
I must…
(3) whole class read the new words
(4) Listen to the dialogue
(5) Read after the tape
(6) Read in groups
(7) Try to recite by key words
(8) Act out the dialogue
III. sum up
IV. Development P66 Let’s learn together
(1) Teach: go back home
go to bed
(2) Make a dialogue with their good friends
eg---- what time is it?
---- It’s… It’s time to….

---- Oh, it’s…
---- It’s too late. I must…
Homework: 1. copy the words and dialogue
2. recite the dialogue
layout Unit 14 time to go to school
what time is it ? too two to
It’s… [u:]
It’s time to …. Late
Its too late.. [ei]
Here’s your… must
Here is [ ]
I ‘ve no time to …. goodbye

[u] [ai]
I have go back home
I must.. go to bed
Unit 15 Development
I. Objectives
1. Story time
2. P66 Let’s learn together
3. Activity book
4. Did you know
II. Procedure
1. read and recide U13. U14
2. sum up
what time do you have breakfast?
What time is it?
3. P66 Let’s learn together
listen and match the pictures with the clocks
4. story time
(1) look at the pictures
(2) listen to the tape
(3) answer the questions
(4) whole class read the story
(5) try to act out the story
5. P69 Did you know
6. Exercises
Activity book, Module 5 Unit 13

Check the answer one bye one
1. 活P39
2. P39. Ex.三 P40 Ex.四 五
3. 预U16(词)
Module 6 Days of the week
I. Objectives
1. Language skill
(1) Can tell what I do every day
(2) Can ask what my friends do and what they don’t do during the week
2. Language Knowledge
(1) Vocabulary:
4 skills: football, card, Monday, often, sometimes, chess, basketball, swim, game,
day, week, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, run, floor,
every, go shopping, out, go out, happy, make, watch, housework, homework
3 skills: badminton, tennis, table tennis, skip, activity, sweep, do gardening,
(2) Drills:
what day is it today?
It’s Monday.
What do you usually do after school on Monday
I often play football.
(3) sub-topic:
unit 16: games we play
unit 17: the work we do at home
unit 18: development
3. Affect:

(1) to have fun
(2) to develop imagination and creativity
(3) to develop interests and confidence in using English
4. learning strategy
(1) cognitive strategy
(2) regulating strategy
(3) communicative resource strategy
5. cultural consciousness
to raise awareness of the relationships between the names of the planets and the
names of the days of the week in English.
The link between the names of the solar planets and the days of the week started in
egypy very early in the history of civilization
II. Difficult Points:
(1) What day is it today?
(2) what do you usually do after school on Monday?
I often…
(3) do you often…?
Yes, I we do. No, I we don’t.
III. schedule: 5 long- periods
IV. Materials
Textbook, activity book, tapes, teacher’s book, word cards
U16 Games we play
I. Objectives:
1. Vocabulary: game, football, basketball, card, Monday, often, sometimes, chess,
badminton, swim
2. Drills

(1) what day is it today?
It’s Monday
(2) what do you usually do after school on Monday?
I often play football
II. Procedure
1. Point to the blackboard. (Monday)
T: what day is it today?
Ss: Monday
T: Yes, it’s Monday.
Teach: Monday
Repeat: what day is it today?
It’s Monday.
2. What do you do ?
what do you usually do?
I often play football.
Teach: often, play football

What do you usually do after school on Monday.
I often play football with my friends (practice)
3. Use play basketball, play badminton, play chess, play cards, skip, swim, instead of
paly football
teach: basketball, card, skip
4. listen to the tape, presents the dialogue
5. teach: sometimes
6. read after the tape
7. whole class read the dialogue
8. read in groups
9. try to recide by key words
10. sum up

(1) read the new words.
(2) Under line the phrases
1. copy the new words, phrasesand U16 dialogue
2. recide U16
layout Unit 16 Games we play
what day is it today?
It’s Monday
What do you usually do after school on Monday?
I often play football with my friends
Do you often…?
No, sometimes… sometime….
Play football football
Basketball basketball
Chess chess
Cards card
Badminton badminton
U16 Games we play
I. Objectives:
1. Vocabulary: skip, table tennis, week, activity, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, run
2. Drills
(1)Do you often play badminton after school on Monday?
No, I don’t.
(2) What do you do than?

3. Song: Seven Days Of A Week
II. Procedure
1. Warming up
(1)Whole class read unit 16
(2)Ask students to act out the dialogue
(1)T: What day is it today? (Tuesday)
teach: Tuesday
practice: What day is it today? It’s Tuesday.
(2)teach : Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the same way.
* pay attention to Tuesday & Thursday
practice : What day is it today? It’s …
(3)P75 Let’s learn together 1: put the words in the right order
(4) Song: Seven Days Of A Week
A. Listen to the song
B. Sing in a low voice
C. Sing aloud
(5)Let’s learn together 2
A. teach: day, week (How many days are there in a week? Seven.), activity (pl.
activities), run
B. For example
C. fill in the form in groups
D. T asks a student: Do you often play badminton after school on Monday?
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
What do you do then?
I often play football.
E. Ask two students to make a dialogue in the same way
F. Practice in groups
G. Ask students to present the dialogue

Layout: Unit 16 Games We Play
What day is it today? Do you often… after school on …?
It’s Monday. No, I don’t. Yes, I do.
Tuesday. What do you do then?
Wednesday. I …
Revision Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ
Module 1—Module 2
1. Unit and Unit 2 dialogue
2. Drills
 They have dresses.
He has pink dress.
 Whose is the red sweater? It’s Alice’s.
Whose are the black jeans? They’re Mr Joan’s.
3. Can talk about clothes and ask the price of clothes I want to buy.
1. Whole class read U1 and U2
* P8 Can I help you?
Yes, please. I’d like to buy…
What can I do for you?
I want to buy…
2. Free talk: shopping
3. Game: Kingsun (review clothes in English)

4. Game: (The boy has a pair of green sport shoes.)
5. P86 Guessing game: Whose is…?
Whose are…?
6. Exercises
(1) O P54 Ex. 11
(2) Activity book P55 Ex. 9
(3) O P61 Ex. 8
1. O P52 Ex. 6
2. Copy new words of U1 and U2 once
3. Read and recite U1, U2, U4 and U5
The boy has a pair of green sport shoes.
They have …
Whose is the red sweater? It’s Alice’s.
Whose are the black jeans? They’re Mr Joan’s.
Module 3----Module 4
1. Review
 What’s … job? He’s She’s…
 What does … do? He’s She’s …
 What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be…
 What do –s do? They …
2. Words about jobs
3. Talk about people who help us
4. Exercises
1. Whole class recite Unit 7
2. Free talk: What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be a lawyer driver bank manager doctor nurse cook …
3. Recite (whole class in groups ) U8, U10, U11
4. Make a dialogue in groups
What’s your father’s job? What does your father do?
He’s a cleaner waiter bank clerk movie star …
5. Write down the sentences above
6. Guessing game: What do –s do? They…
7. Exercises
Revision book (1) P1---5 (pay attention to Ex. 4)
(2) P14 Ex. 4 (* 7, 10, 13, 14, 19)
(3) explain P16 Ex.5
1. P16 Ex.5.6.8
2. Dictation U7 and U8 words
3. Read and recite Module 3---- Module 4
Module 5---- Module 6
1. Review
 What do you have for breakfast? Usually I we have…
 What time When do you have breakfast? At…
 What time is it? It’s …
 What day is it today? It’s Sunday Monday…
 What do you do? I We …
2. Foods
3. Exercises (改句)
1. T: What day is it today?
Ps: It’s Sunday Monday…
2. Compare : Tuesday & Thursday

Spell: Wednesday
3. T: How many days are there in a week? (There are seven.)
4. What do you have for breakfast?
(Usually Often ) I we have…
review words of food (compare: bread, break, breakfast)
5. What time When do you have breakfast?
At (about) …
Review how to express time
* 7:55 seven eleven X seven fifty-five
6. Compare with 4.& 5.
7. What time is it? It’s …
8. Compare with 5 & 7
9. Free talk ( use the sentences above)
10 Fill in the form in groups
eg. What do you do after school on Monday? I play football …
Days of the week

11. Exercise
P19 Ex.7 (改句)
(1) Ask students do by themselves
(2) Write their answers on the blackboard
(3) Check and explain
1. Finish the exercise paper
2. P21-23


3. Dictation U10 and U11
4. Read and recite Module 5—6







