
2020年08月07日 06:06


Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.
A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing
nothing. — George Bernard Shaw
一个尝试错误的人生,不但比无所事事的人生更荣耀,并且更有意义。—(英) 萧伯纳
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. 实现明天理想的唯一
障碍是今天的疑虑。-Franklin Roosevelt(美国总统罗斯福)
Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind.
青春不是一段年华,而是一种心境。 ——Samuel Ullman(塞缪尔•厄尔曼)
Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.人生是由我们创造的,从来就是这样,
也永远会是这样。—— Grandma Moses

分之九十九的失败来自于那些习惯找借口的人。 —— George Washington Carver (乔治.华盛
Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be
needed. 幸福来源于深切地去感触,简单地去享受,自由地去思考,敢于冒险和被人需要的
能力。—— Storm Jameson
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. 保持沉默让
Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater
benefit. 每一次不幸、每一次失败、每一次心痛都会孕育同样或更大的成功。—— Napoleon
All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.
She sells seashells by the see shore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells shells
on the seashore, I shall see she sells seashore shells.
Few free fruit flies fly from flames.
The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without
fear for newer and richer experience.
--------Eleanor Roosevelt
Can I see you for a minute? 能找你说点事儿吗?
We can rule that out. 我们可以排除这个可能性。
I did what I could 我能做的都做了。
Great wonderful amazing awesome fabulous remarkable fantastic marvelous terrific excellent
superb impressive prefect splendid cool exceptional outstanding extraoridinary incredible
成绩单transcript;录取、入学 admission;入学许可 证I-20;签证visa;全体教授faculty;
顾问advisor;奖学金fellowsh ip;总平均成绩GPA(gradepoint average);不及格flunk;实
习internship;入学测试placement test;学生公寓residence hall;研讨课seminar;学分;credit。


How iseverything going?最近还好吗?
Could be better 不怎么好
Nothing much老样子
I haven’t seen you for ages好久不见了
Fancy meeting you here没想到在这儿遇到你。
What have you been up to ?最近忙什么呢?
Are you gaining weight? 最近是不是胖了?
【实用口语】, gross.恶心。2.I'm going out of my mind.我快崩溃了。 rubs me the wrong
way.我看他不顺眼。 you grasp that?明白了吗?5.I know what you mean.我懂你的意思。
6.I don't know him well.我跟他不熟。're on the clock.时间紧迫。's take a vote.我们来
【实用口语】 up and smell the coffee!面对现实吧!'s go Dutch!各付各的分摊吧!
a rip- off!真是敲竹杠啊! a chance!门都没有! it up!不记前嫌!'s not
the point.这不是重点。's not gonna work.行不通的! a mess!乱七八糟。
【实用口语】 it like it is.实话实说。 me a discount! 打个折吧! say it, but you
don't mean it.口是心非。 what? 那又怎样? back! 快去快回! takes two to tango.
一个巴掌拍不响。 hands are tied! 我帮不上忙! a shame! 好可惜!
【实用口语】's botheringeating you?你在烦什么? can count on me.包在我身上。
such thing.没这回事。 the subject.说点别的吧。 before you
twice. 三思而后行。's not gonna work.行不通的!7.怎么会这样How did this happen?
【实用口语】 a heart! 行行好嘛! pretending! 别装了! me off! 气死我了!
's an exaggeration! 太夸张了! are dreaming! 你做梦! for? 何必呢?为什
么呢?! 安分点! skate! 小气鬼! wants?谁稀罕?
【实用口语】 1、Don't make trouble! 别惹麻烦。 2、I'm not leaving until I see you. 不见不
散。 3、We're even. 我们扯平了。 4、That's more like it! 这才像话嘛! 5 、Let's fight
one-on-one! 来单挑! 6、Same difference. 半斤八两。
【怎样回答How are you?】1. I feel terrible. 感觉糟透了 2. Fair to middling. 还过得去 3.
Right as rain. 一切顺利 4. I feel like a million bucks! 感觉棒极了!5. Better than ever. 好得不
能再好了 6. So-so. 一般般 7. Can't complain. 没啥好抱怨的 8. I am hanging on. 还活着
【表达郁闷】1.I'm so depressed.我很郁闷。2.I'm in a bad mood today.我今天心情不好。3.I'm so
down.我心情很低落。4.I am not in the mood.我没有心情。5.I am in no mood for joking!我没有
心情开玩笑!6.I can't put my finger on what's wrong. 我不晓得什么地方不对劲儿
【英文表达随便你】er. ng you 's up to you. do what you like.
your way. you are the boss. yourself. depends on you. 10.I
don't care! cares!
【你说了算】 are the have the conn.你说了算。 have the final say.你决定
吧。's all up to you.全听你的了。 final decision is yours.你做最后定夺吧。 are in
charge here.这里你管事。 are the one who call the tune in this house.在这里,你说了算。
it never end?没完没了。's too much!You've gone too far!太过分了! a long
story short.长话短说。 did it come to this?岂有此理!'s the rush?你急什么?
said that?谁说的?
Don’t give up, just be you,cause life’s too short to be anybody else.


Later, respectively, wander and suffer sorrow. 从此,各自飘零,各自悲哀。——《飘》
The screen frozen 屏幕不动了
This is very lifelike这感觉太逼真了
One moment 稍等
I’m going to play it cool 我决定冷静处理
Everybody has got someone每个人都有了归属
Love is stronger than the miles between you 爱情不会被距离打败
What’s the word?想唧歪啥呀?
Go rock-paper-scissors.用石头剪子布来决定
Make it so 就这么定了
1. My turn.轮到我了. am I to say no!我凭什么说不呢! may be hard for you to
hear.这话你可能不爱听.'re mocking me.你这是在嘲笑我. you!去你的!
don't hear me bitching about it.我还没跟你吐槽呢.7.I take it all back.我收回刚才的话.
实用口语】 the hell!搞什么呀! base!太离谱了吧! kind of talk is that? 你
这是说什么话?4.I didn't do it on purpose.我不是故意的。5 .I feel the same way.我也这么想。
haven't changed a bit!你一点都没变! your dreams!作梦吧! it down!别闹了!
1. You've been through enough.你已经承受够多了.2.I am here for moral support if you need
me.我永远在精神上支持你.3.I'm a thrill seeker.我是个寻求刺激的人.'t be an ass.别
那么讨厌. cool.一点都不好玩. should be more into it.你应该更投入一点.—《吸
【美剧口语】 I borrow your muscles?能帮忙干点活吗?'s your call.由你决定. had
our first heart-to-heart talk.我们第一次推心置腹地谈话. put,she's in trouble.简单地说,
她惹麻烦了.'s green screen那是电影特效. you for the heads-up谢谢提醒.—《绯
【美剧口语】 what you need to do.去做你需要做的事情。2.I'm not that evolved.我觉悟没
那么高。3.I'm just starting to get along.我刚刚开始适应。're all lame.你们太无趣了。
following me around.别再跟着我了。 trying so hard.不要再那么费心了。—《吸血鬼日
【美剧口语】1、That's life.这就是人生。 2、The rest is history. 众所皆知。 3、That's really
something.真了不起。4、I dare you. 我量你们也不敢。 5、You look very serious about something.
你似乎有很严重的事。 6、I'm up to my ears in work.我忙死了。
【美剧口语】 haven't changed at all.你一点都没变. game are you playing?你到底在
搞什么鬼?'t flirt with me.别跟我调情. bond is unbreakable.我们的关系牢不可破.5.I
never said yes in the first place.我压根就没答应.,that explains it.原来如此。—《吸血鬼日
【美剧口语】 it?忘记了? question.问得好。 taking candy from a baby.这易
如反掌。r.令人震惊。 will turn around for you.一切都会好起来的。 are
what you wear. Clothes make the man.人靠衣装。't fall into a rut.不要落入俗套。—《绯
【美剧口语】's like talking to a wall.像是对牛弹琴。't take that tone with me.别用那种
语气跟我说话。 role-played this.我们是角色扮演。's play.小儿科. be fair,he's
kind of a sore loser.说句公道话,他是个输不起的人. had a fit.他大发脾气。—《生活大爆炸》


Don’t compare you life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
You are so lucky, because you can choose to love me or not, but myself only have to choose from
loving you or loving you more.
It’s all Greek to me 我完全不懂
I’ll go along with you.我同意你

【浆果类水果】str awberries草莓;bayberries杨梅;cranberry蔓越莓;blackberries 黑莓;blood
orange血橙;grape葡萄;lime酸橙;lemon柠檬;kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry猕猴桃;
pomegranate石榴;d urian榴莲;pineapple菠萝;watermelon西瓜;mandarin orange热带橘
【天气词汇】meteorology 气象学;climate 气候;weather 天气;sunny 晴朗的;rainy .下
雨的;dull 阴天的;windy 刮风的;breeze 微风;humidity 潮湿;drought 干旱;freeze 冰
冻;hail 冰雹;thunder and lightning雷电;snow 雪;fog 浓雾;dew 露水;downpour 暴雨;
shower 阵雨。
【如何建立人脉】How to build up social network?1、学会适应环境 adjust yourself;2、学
会大方 be generous;3、学会低调 be humble;4、有礼貌 be polite;5、学会感恩 be grateful;
6、遵守时间 be punctual;7、信守诺言 keep promises;8、学会忍耐 be tolerant
【SeaWorld】海豚penguin,企鹅beluga,白鲸turtle,海龟polar bear,北极熊walruses,海象
crocodile,鳄鱼pelican,shamu,虎 鲸sea lion,海狮seal,海豹sea star,海星electric eels,电鳗
slippery as an eel,滑的像泥鳅manta,琵琶鱼dolphin,鹈鹕spiky sea urchin,海胆habitat,栖息地
【简历必备-个人信息】gender 性别;birth date 出生日期;native place 籍贯;province 省;
city 市;autonomous region 自治区;nationality 国籍;present adress 目前地址;postal code
邮编;marital status 婚姻状况;married 已婚;single 未婚;career objective 求职目标。
【发型颜色】直发straight;卷曲curly;波浪wavy;柔软soft;粗 糙coarse。自然的发色有
黑色black;棕色brown;金色blond;红色red。黑头 发是最普遍的发色,有jet black 深黑;
红黑rufous;柔黑soft;蓝黑blue- black。此外,Dark brown 深棕色;golden blond 金黄色;
auburn 赤褐色;yellowish 淡黄色
各种凉鞋】 sandals 凉鞋;flip-flop人字拖鞋;slipper拖鞋;moccasin 软拖鞋;court shoes 船
鞋;close toe 不露趾;slingback 鞋后帮呈带状的露跟凉鞋;high-heeled shoes 高跟鞋;wedge
heel 坡跟鞋;peep toe sandals露趾凉鞋
1. Not really.不见得。 exactly.不是全然如此。 necessarily.未必。 entirely.不
全然。 usually.一般不会(是)。 yet.还没。 all.不是全部。 always.不
是每次。 now.现在不行。 me.不是我。 today.今天不行。 a word.保
持安静。 so fast.不要那么快。 a chance.一点机会也没有。 at all.一点也不。
good enough.还不够好。 again.不会再来一次吧。 possible.不可能。
a soul in sight.半个人影也没有。
have broad interest兴趣广泛;experimenting乐于尝试;reso urceful足智多谋;reliable稳重可


靠;scrupulous一丝不苟;persistent坚韧不拔;candid为人正直;compete nt有竞争力;dedicated
【简历必备- 自我评价】mature 思想成熟;aggressive 有进取心;high sense of responsibility 有
责任感;pleasant personality 性格开朗;innovative 有创新精神;sociable 善于交际;easygoing
容易相处;adaptable 适应性强;analytical 善于分析;cooperative 有合作精神。
【宇宙】cosmos(universe)宇宙;solar system太阳系;galaxy (Milky Way)银河系;star恒星;
planet行星;meteor流星;comet彗 星;satellite卫星;Asteroid小行星;Earth地球;Mercury
水星;Ve nus金星; Mars火星;Jupiter木星;Saturn土星;Uranus天王星;Neptune 海王
green salad 蔬菜沙拉;green awareness 环保意识;green hands 新手;give the green light 开
绿灯;a green thumb 园艺高手;green with envy, green eyed 嫉妒,“眼红”; 人们把嫉妒心
强的人成为green-eyed monster
【各种】 what?你说什么?(听不清对方讲什么时可用) ng will do.任何东西
都可以。't do me like that.你不能这样对待我。's do Rachel.轮到 Rachel 了。 is
doing his masters degree.他正在攻读硕士学位。's do boy-boy and girl- girl.男生一作队,女
【工资条你伤不起】1)Salary薪水 2)Wage时薪 3)Deductions扣除 4)Income tax个人所得税
5)Pension养老金 6)Medical医疗保险 7)Net净工资 8)Bonuses奖金 9)Raise加薪 10)Pay rate
工资标准 11)Pay period工资周期 12) Pay stub工资存根 13)Commissions佣金 14)Direct
【机场必备】登机门Boarding Gate;登机证Boarding Pass;登机时间Boarding Time;机场
税Airport Tax;安全检查Security Check;候机室Waiting Room;航班信息Flight Information
Board;登机证Boarding Pass;头等舱First Class;商务舱 Business Class;经济舱Economy
Class ;转机transfer
【各种“店”】 bookshop 书店;laundry 洗衣店;hairdresserbarbershop 理发店;pub 小酒馆;
bar 酒吧;cafe 咖啡馆;teahouse 茶馆;bakery 面包店;snack bar 小吃店;grocery 食品杂
货店;restaurant 餐馆;inn 小旅馆客栈; photo studio 照相馆;newsstand 书报摊
【“不确定”的几种地道表达】 1)I don't know. 我不知道。2)I'm not sure. 我不确定。3)Who
knows? 谁知道啊?4)Don't ask me! 别问我!5) It's not certain. 还不确定。6) It hasn't been
decided yet. 还没有决定呢。7)It's not clear. 事情还未明朗。8) It's hard to say. 很难说。
【音乐风格】Pop:流行 Folk:民谣 Blues:蓝调 Jazz:爵士 Rock:摇滚 Punk:朋克 Heavy Metal:
重金属 Soul:灵歌 Raggae:雷鬼 R&B:节奏布鲁斯 Country:乡村 Trance:迷幻舞曲 Ambient:
环境音乐 Rap:说唱 Hip-Hop:嘻哈 Britpop:英式摇滚 Latin:拉丁 Bassa Nova:巴西音乐
Electro:电子乐 New Age:新世纪纯音乐
【各种味道】taste 味道;tasty 美味的;delicious 味道好的;sweet 甜的;sour 酸的; bitter
苦的;hot 辣的;salty 咸的;spiced 加香料的;fragrant 香的;seasoned 加作料的;tasteless
无味的;flat 淡而无味的(如走了气的啤酒);greasy 油腻的;bland 清淡的;light 清淡的
【各种birds】喜鹊:magpie 麻雀:sparrow 啄木鸟:woodpecker 斑鸠:turtle dove 鹈鹕:pelican
杜鹃:cuckoo 黄鹂:golden oriole 翠鸟:kingfisher 百灵:lark 鹦鹉:parrot 燕子:swallow 夜
莺:nightingale 金丝雀:canary 画眉:thrush 知更鸟:robin 白头鹰:bald eagle 孔雀:peacock 大
雁:wild goose
【电影词汇】爱情片:romance 喜剧片:comedy 战争片:war film 史诗片:epic film 奇幻
片:fantasy 古装片:costume film 悬疑片:suspense film 侦探片:detective film 科幻片:science
fiction 动画片:animation 灾难片:disaster film 恐怖片:horror film 动作片:action film武侠


片:swordsmen film 功夫片:kungfu film 传记片:biographical film 纪录片:documentary 警匪
片:gangster film 歌舞片:musical 西部片:western 续集:serial 恶搞片:mockbuster 儿童
片:children's film 励志片:inspirational film 催泪片:tear-jerker
【烹饪词汇】1)Fry 油炸 2)Roast 烘烤(肉类) 3)Bake 烘焙(面食类) 4)Grill 用(烤架)
烤 5)Stew 焖 6)Simmer 炖 7)Steam 蒸 8)Knead 揉面 9)Mash 捣碎 10)Boil 煮熟
11)Mincechop 绞碎 12)Dice 切小块 13)Shred 切丝 14) Whip 搅拌 15)Grate 磨碎 16)toss
拌 17)drain 捞 18)shell 剥皮
【音乐词汇】交响乐:symphony 乐章: movement 前奏:prelude 间奏:interlude 尾声:coda 独
奏:solo 二重奏:duet 三重奏:trio 四重奏:quartet 五重奏:quintet 大调:major 小调:minor 和
弦:chord 和声:harmony 合唱:chorus 音阶:scale 快板: allegro 慢板:adagio 管弦乐:orchestral
music协奏曲:concerto 奏鸣曲:sonata 练习曲:etude 进行曲:march 圆舞曲:waltz 摇篮
曲:lullaby 歌剧:opera 弥撒:mass 清唱剧:oratorio 受难曲:passion 安魂曲:reguiem 小夜
曲:serenade 夜曲:nocturne 狂想曲:rhapsody 小步舞曲:minuet 组曲:suite回旋曲:rondo
【欧洲国家相关的复合词】Dutch courage酒后之勇一时虚勇;Dutch treat各自付钱的聚餐
或娱乐;Italian hand暗中干预;Spanish athlete吹牛的人;French kiss法式接吻;French leave
不辞而别;French window 落地长窗;French grey 浅灰色;German measles风疹;Russian blue蓝
灰色;Russian boot长统靴
【跟中国相关的复合词】China plate好友;Chinese puzzle难答之事,难解之谜;China aster
翠菊;China grass芒麻;China ink墨;China rose月季;Chinese copy与原物一模一样的复
制品;Chinese calendar农历;Chinese lantern灯笼;Chinese red朱红色;Chinese watermelon
【各种餐具】rice bowl 饭碗;chopsticks 筷子; soup spoon 汤匙;fork叉子; knife 餐刀;
cup 杯子;napkin 餐巾;table cloth 桌布;dish 碟; plate 盘;saucer 小碟子; glass 玻璃
杯;fruit plate 水果盘;toothpick 牙签;tea -pot 茶壶;tea set 茶具; tea tray 茶盘;coffee
cup 咖啡杯
【五个手指的“英文名”】1、 thumb 大拇指 2、forefinger 食指 又名index finger, 或first finger.
3、middle finger 中指 又名second finger. 4、ring finger 无名指 又名 third finger. 5、little
finger 小指 又名fourth finger.
【手指动作】thumb up:赞 pinch:捏拧掐 pluck:采摘拔 rip:拆开撕掉 scratch:抓挠刮划
snap:打响指 flip:掷(硬币)click:点击 press:按压 point to:指向 squeeze out:挤出拧出 show
the middle finger竖起中指 flick dust:弹掉灰尘 wipe:擦拭 strum:弹拨 grip:抓住 clench:握紧
【各种树】松树:pine 雪松:cedar 落叶松:larch 柏树:cypress 杉树:fir 云杉:spruce 白
杨:poplaraspen 柳树:willow 垂柳:weeping willow 白桦:birch 香樟:camphor 橡树:oak 槐
树:locust tree 榕树:banyan 枫树:maple 榆树:elm 桑树:mulberry 梧桐树:Chinese parasol 棕
榈:palm 冬青树:holly
【No字开头的短语】 pain No gain没有付出就没有回报; interest没兴趣;
objection没意见; use没用; idea不知道;6. .No offence!没有冒犯你的意思!
problem没问题; way没门儿; sense没道理; wonder怪不得! cross, no
crown:不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹; admittance请勿入内; touching! 别碰; Parking!
禁止停车;5. No farther!好了!够了! response没反应; comment无可奉告;
【英语狠话12句】 out of my face.从我面前消失! a hike!哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去
吧。 piss me off.你气死我了。 it out.省省吧。5. I can't take it anymore.我受不了了!
were you thinking?你脑子进水啊? over yourself.别自以为是。


【表达称赞20句part2】!太妙了! dog!了不起!'re catching on.你很有吸引力。
're incredible.你简直令人难以置信。're on target!你达到目标了!'re on your
way.你就要成功了。're unique.你太不寻常了。g can stop you now.现在你已所向
【英语解恨词】geek 怪才;nerd 书呆子;dweeb 白痴;idiot 傻瓜;moron 低能;slacker 懒
鬼;bozo 笨家伙;bonehead 蠢货;brown-noser 马屁精;egomaniac 利己狂;bragger自大
狂;tattler 长舌妇;crybaby 爱哭鬼;tightwad 吝啬鬼;backstabber 卑鄙小人;time-waster 浪
【time part2】t time 争分夺秒的; time腾出时间; with the times 赶时髦;
of time不合时宜; one's own time 在方便的时候; of time 提前; one time
曾经,一度; any time 随时; no time绝不 the first time第一次 times 不

【time part2】t time 争分夺秒的; time腾出时间; with the times 赶时髦;
of time不合时宜; one's own time 在方便的时候; of time 提前; one time
曾经,一度; any time 随时; no time绝不 the first time第一次 times 不
时 time及时; time准时; no time立马地; the time一直总是; the
times落伍; times有时偶尔; the same time同时; whole time自始至终; after
time屡次一再; and again常常
【给力吵架英语】1、Get lost.滚开! 2、How dare you! 你敢! 3、Shut up! 闭嘴! 4、Drop dead.
去死! 5、Nonsense! 鬼话! 6、Enough is enough! 够了! 7、You bastard! 杂种! 8、You're a jerk!
混账! 9、Leave me alone. 走开。10、You're crazy!疯子! are dead meat.你死定了。
【经济词汇_视频版】export 出口,import 进口;government bond 政府债券;exchange rate
汇率;peg 汇率挂钩;appreciate升值;depreciate 贬值;economist 经济学家;capitalism 资
本主义;commodity 商品;consumer 消费者;demand 需求;
【人生的每个阶段】 life stages—— Infant 婴儿(Birth to two years);Child小孩(3-9 years);
Adolescent 青少年(10-19 years);Young adult 年轻人(20-29 years);Adult 成年人(30-39
years);Middle age 中年(40-60 years);Old peopleThe aged 老年人(Age 60 onward);End of
Life 生命终止
【各种酒】啤酒beer;红(葡萄)酒red wine;白(葡萄)酒white wine;白兰地brandy;威士忌
whisky;伏特加vodka;人头马Remy Martin;轩尼诗Hennessy;香槟 champagne;鸡尾酒
cocktail;苹果 酒cider;白酒liquorspirit;米酒rice wine;朗姆酒rum;雪利酒sherry ;清酒
Sake;琴酒gin;苦艾酒vermouth西方人将酒大致分成三类:1. liquor 烈酒,包括brandy 白
兰地、whiskey 威士忌、vodka 伏特加、tequila 龙舌兰等;2. beer 啤酒;3. wine 葡萄酒和
水果酒。除此之外,还有cocktail 鸡尾酒、mixed drink 调酒、liqueur利口酒(具甜味而芳
【各种酒】啤酒beer;红(葡萄)酒red wine;白(葡萄)酒white wine;白兰地brandy;威士忌
whisky;伏特加vodka;人头马Remy Martin;轩尼诗Hennessy;香槟 champagne;鸡尾酒
cocktail;苹果 酒cider;白酒liquorspirit;米酒rice wine;朗姆酒rum;雪利酒sherry;清酒
【与dog有关的谚语】1、Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 2、He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸
运儿。 3、Every dog has his day. 凡人皆有得意日。(风水轮流转) 4、Dog does not eat dog.
同类不相残。(同室不操戈) 5、It is ill to waken sleeping dogs.别惹事生非。 6、hang-dog look
【反义词构成的短语】come and go往来;now yes, now no出尔反尔;from start to finish自


始至终;here and there到处;up and down上上下下;in and out进进出出;day and night日
日夜夜地;early or late迟早;young and old老老少少;rain or shine不论晴雨无论如何;not
very new nor old半新不旧
【各种哭】cry 大声哭;weep 默默哭;sob 啜泣;whimper 呜咽;wail 嚎啕大哭;blubber
又哭又闹;lament 恸哭;mewl 低泣;snivel 啜泣;squall大声哭喊;whine发呜呜声;yammer
哭泣叹息; yowl 号叫
【文学词汇】classical literature古典文学 contemporary literature现代文学 light literature通
俗文学 poem诗 prose散文 novel小说 biography自传 allegory寓言 essay杂文 book of
travels 游记 best seller畅销书 anthology选集 theatre戏剧 drama话剧 comedy喜剧 tragedy
悲剧 farce滑稽剧
【关于水果的英语 part 2】pitaya火龙果 persimmon柿子 pomegranate石榴durian榴莲 areca
nut槟榔果 kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry猕猴桃litchi荔枝 greengage青梅 haw山楂果
honey peach水蜜桃 musk melon香瓜,甜瓜 plum李子 waxberry杨梅 longan桂圆 starfruit
杨桃 loquat枇杷tangerine柑橘
【关于水果的英语】pineapple菠萝 watermelon西瓜 tomato西红柿 banana香蕉 shaddock
(pomelo)柚子orange橙子 apple苹果 lemon柠檬 cherry樱桃peach桃子 pear梨 Chinese
date枣 coconut椰子 strawberry草莓 raspberry树莓 blueberry蓝莓 blackberry黑莓 grape
葡萄sugar cane甘蔗mango芒果pawpaw木瓜
【wedding】求婚:proposal 媒人:matchmaker 订婚:engagement 未婚夫:fiance 未婚妻:fiancee
婚宴:wedding feast 婚纱:wedding gown 新郎:groom 新娘:bride 男傧相:bestman 女傧
相:bridesmaid 证婚人:witness of wedding 婚誓:wedding vows 花童:flower girl 嫁妆:dowry
【不同香气的表达】:指一种强烈 的、弥漫的香味,如烟叶、咖啡或美味食品的香
味;:指天然或人造的淡淡幽香;e:指香味,尤指由花 精中所散发的香味;
nce:指甜美的香味,特指植物的清新香味;t :指甜美的香味,特指各种酒
【各种hold】hold on等一下坚持住;hold in约束;hold with赞同支持;hold a brief for辩
护主张;hold good仍然有效;hold down压制;hold forth滔滔不绝地说;hold loose漠然置
之;hold sway支配;hold one's hand住手;hold one's tongue保持沉默;hold one's own坚持自
【用于夸奖的英语】gorgeous靓美养眼, hilarious热闹有料, fantastic可赞优秀, excellent出众
超棒, intelligent聪明机灵, marvelous很好很强, bravo不错真好, brilliant赞绝了, glorious出色
光辉, outstanding出众有才, superb超赞, impressive挺好, exquisite绝好, incomparable无与伦








