One day, an expert in time management was speaking
to a group of students and, to drive
home a
point, used an illustration those students will
never forget.
As he stood in front of the group of
overachievers he said,
out a one-gallon, wide-
mouth jar and set it on the table in front of him.
He also produced about a
dozen fist-sized
rocks and carefully placed them, one at a time,
into the jar. When the jar was
filled to the
top and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked,
Everyone in the class
yelled, The time management expert replied, He
reached under the table and pulled out a
bucket of gravel. He dumped some gravel in and
the jar, causing pieces of gravel to
work themselves down into the spaces between the
big rocks.
He then asked the group once more,
By this time the class was on to him.
replied. He reached under the table and
brought out a bucket of sand. He started dumping
sand in the jar and it went into all of
the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel.
Once more
he asked the question,
and began to pour it in until the jar was
filled to the brim. Then he looked at the class
point is, no matter how full
your schedule is, if you try really hard you can
always fit some more
things in it!
don't put the big rocks in
first, you'll never get them in at all. What are
the 'big rocks' in your life?
Time with your
loved ones, your education, your dreams, a worthy
cause, teaching or mentoring
Remember to put these big rocks in first or you'll
never get them in at all.
Sometimes your
biggest weakness can become your biggest strength.
Take, for example,
the story of one girl who
decided to study judo[柔道] despite the fact that
she had lost her left
arm in a car accident.
The girl began lessons
with an old Japanese judo instructor. The girl was
doing well. So she
couldn't understand why,
after three months of training, the instructor had
taught her only one
instructor replied.
Not quite
understanding, but believing in her teacher, the
girl kept training.
months later, the instructor took the girl to her
first tournament[比赛]. Surprising
herself, the
girl easily won her first two matches. The third
match proved to be more difficult, but
some time, her opponent became impatient and
charged. The girl deftly[巧妙的] used her
move to win the match. Still amazed by her
success, the girl was now in the finals.
This time, her opponent
was bigger, stronger and more experienced. For a
while, the girl
appeared to be overmatched.
Concerned that the girl might get hurt, the
referee[裁判] called a
time-out. She was about
to stop the match when the instructor intervened.
Soon after the match
resumed, her opponent made a critical mistake: she
dropped her
guard. Instantly, the girl
used her move to pin her opponent. The girl had
won the match and the
tournament. She was the
the way home, the girl and her teacher reviewed
every move in each and every match.
Then the
girl summoned the courage to ask what was really
on her mind.
difficult throws in all of judo. Second, the only
known defense for that move is for your
opponent to grab your left arm.
The girl's biggest
weakness had become her biggest strength.
One day, the lion king
announced that he was going to get married, and he
invited all the
animals to attend the wedding
ceremony. So the tortoise thought, “I am an
animal. I shall attend
it as well.” Then he
set out on the journey.
On his way, he met
other animals. They were stunned for a few seconds
and then began to
laugh at the tortoise,
saying, “How silly you are! The ceremony is
starting. Can you make it as you
walk so
lowly? I’m afraid you still can’t be there after
the baby lion king is born, or grow up or
after he gets married.” But the tortoise had made
his mind to go.
Many years passed, and he
finally got to the entrance of the lion king’s
cave. No wonder
that the lion king’s wedding
had already been finished a long time ago.
However, the tortoise
found that the cave was
so well- decorated and all varieties of animals
were there. They told the
tortoise, “Today,
the son of the old lion king is going to get
How could the tortoise attend
the little lion king’s wedding party if he had
stopped half-
After a
heavy rain, a spider was climbing hard towards his
broken net on the wall. Because
the wall was
too wet, the spider fell down after reaching a
certain height. But he continuously
climbed up and fell down again and
The first man saw it, sighed
heavily and said to himself, “My life is just like
that spider’s;
busy all the time but getting
nothing?” He became increasingly depressed.
The second man saw it and said, “What a stupid
spider. Why doesn’t it make a detour to a
drier place? I’d never be that stupid.” So he
became smarter.
The third man saw it. He
was quite moved by the spider’s perseverance and
said to himself,
“I won’t let a little spider
be stronger and more persistent than me. I’ll
learn from his example
and become stronger,”
and he did.
There was a young
flower in the desert where all was dry and sad
looking. It was growing
by itself, enjoying
every day and saying to the sun, “When shall I be
grown up?” And the sun
would say, “Be patient!
Each time I touch you, and you will grow a
little.” She was so pleased
because she would
have a chance to bring beauty to this corner of
sand. And this is all she
wanted to do ----
bring a little bit of beauty to this world.
But one day a hunter came by and stepped on the
flower. She was going to
die and she felt
so sad. Not because she was dying, but because she
would never have a
chance to bring a little
bit of beauty to this corner of the desert.
The Great Spirit saw her, thinking that she should
be living. So he reached down and
her---- and gave her a second life.
Finally she grew up to be a beautiful flower. And
this corner of the desert also became so
beautiful because of the small flower.
Soon after her little brother was born,
Sachi began to ask her parents to leave her alone
with the new baby. They worried that like most
four-year-olds, she might feel jealous and want to
hurt (hit or shake) him, so they said no. But
she tried every effort to show she wouldn’t hurt
(But they found her have no sign of
jealousy.) She treated the baby with kindness, and
her pleas
to be left alone with him became
more urgent. After a long time of observation, her
finally allowed it.
she went into the baby’s room and shut the door,
but it opened a crack---- enough
for her
curious parents to peek in and listen. They saw
little Sachi walk quietly up to her baby
brother, put her face close to his and say
quietly, “Baby, tell me what God feels like. I’m
starting to
are three brothers who all have doctor degrees and
work for NASA. One day after
finishing dinner
in their mother’s home, again they started
discussing the project of landing on
the moon
and establishing the space station.
One of
the daughters-in-law washing dishes in the kitchen
complained, “They three discuss
unimaginable things all the time, which makes us
foolish compared with them.”
But the
mother said, “I used to think that I was foolish.
However, I changed my mind
that they three spent the whole afternoon fixing
all the screen windows around
the house last
A customer having lunch
in a restaurant asked a waiter, “What will be the
weather like
The waiter
answered full of certainty, “It will be the
weather I like.”
Puzzled, the customer
asked, “How can you know it will be the weather
you like?”
The waiter said, “I find that
the surroundings can not always go with my mind.
So I learn to
face everything that I encounter
joyfully. Then the weather tomorrow must be the
one that I
criminals were sentenced to stay in prison for
three years. The warden agreed to
satisfy each
a request.
The American liked to smoke
cigars so he asked for three cases of cigars.
The Frenchman was the most romantic among
them all. He wanted a beautiful lady for
The Jewish, however, would
like to have a phone connecting the outside
Three years later, the first man
rushing out of the prison was the American, with
his nostrils
full of cigars, shouting, “Give
me fire! Give me fire!” He turned out to forget to
ask for fire.
Then there came the
Frenchman. He was seen to hold a child in his
arms. The beautiful
lady was followed by one
child, too, perceiving the third one.
last coming one was the Jewish. He held the
warden’s hand tightly and said, “Thanks to
telephone. I have been keeping contact with the
outside society these three years. My
didn’t stop, but has increased by 200%. So I’ll
send you a Rolls-Royce as a gift to show
(8) The Fox and the Crow
One day a crow stood on a branch near his
nest and felt very happy with the meat in his
mouth. At that time, a fox saw the crow with
the meat, so he swallowed and eagerly thought of a
plan to get the meat. However, whatever the
fox said to the crow, the crow just kept silent.
the fox thought highly of the crow’s
beautiful voice, the crow felt flattered and
opened his mouth
to sing. As soon as the meat
fell down to the ground, the fox took the meat and
went into his
was a little mouse staying at home all day. It
dared not to go out, even at night. “The
is such a terrible animal. He’ll eat me.” it
always said, with a shudder of horror.
sympathized with the little mouse very much, so he
turned it into a cat. But the cat
which was
previously a mouse turned out to be afraid of
dogs. “Dogs always appear fiendish.
What can I
do if I happen to encounter him?” So God turned it
into a dog. But it then began to be
scared of
tigers. And trying his best, God turned it into a
To his surprise, again the
tiger said with its legs shaking, “The hunter’s
gun can kill me at
any time.”
At last,
God was so angry that he turned it back to a
mouse. He said, “You’re
a mouse after all.
Even if I turned you into a hunter, you would be
in fear of mice. I can not
help you because
you only have a mouse’s gut.”
(10) Suffering
Is a Part of Life
----By Kimberly Kirberger
One of the most difficult things to accept about
life is the fact that
suffering is a part of
it. People die, get sick, hurt each other and hurt
themselves. One of the most
important lessons
I have learned is that it is very important to
accept the bad with the good, the
light with
the dark and the pain with the joy. I have learned
that without pain I wouldn’t know joy.
I have
learned that because of things like illness and
death it is that much more important to love
and live life to the fullest. Great lessons
are learned from terrible tragedies, tremendous
takes place when we are pushed to our
very limits, and although I don’t necessarily like
“tough stuff” I am learning to live with
A varying hare named Clara
and his family lived in the northern part of
America where was
snowy most of the time and
was lack of food.
Clara didn’t want to
live this kind of life any more. So although his
relatives urged him to
stay, he resolutely set
off for immigration
After months of trek,
the open grassland which grew all kinds of grass
finally appeared
right before Clara. This
definitely excited Clara. But right at that time,
Clara suddenly felt
something wrong. He looked
up alertly but only found a shadow diving sharply
toward him. “An
eagle!” Clara shouted out. But
it was too late to escape. Clara was licked up by
the eagle.
Actually, eagles are born to be
the enemy of varying hares. But in the northern
varying hares’ fur is the same color
with the snow surrounded. The eagles can’t find
the hares
despite of their sharp eyes.
However, white Clara was so outstanding in the
green grassland.
Every one has his own
advantages. But these advantages are not implicit.
Sometimes they
may turn to disadvantages.
A college graduate was new in
job and he found something really strange. One of
colleagues was a chair warmer. Most of the
time, he would play his digital camera, receive
send his private e-mails or listen to the
music. And more strangely, the boss never blamed
The graduate was quite curious. How
come his colleague could laze away while the
competition nowadays was so fierce? May he be
the boss’s relative?
One day, his
colleague was listening to the music leisurely
while the boss
suddenly came and said
seriously, “The host computer in the company has
The colleague jumped
up right off and rushed to the controlling centre.
All the managers
were there, waiting
anxiously, and knew nothing to do.
The colleague tested the machines and began to fix
it silently. Twenty minutes later, the
computer reworked normally. Thanks to his good
judging and instant handling, the company
saved hundreds of millions of dollars.
Then the graduate realized that the boss was not
stupid to raise a lazy man. The economic
that his colleague had saved this time must have
been hundreds times of his salary.
On June 11, a country girl working in
Shenzhen named Liu Wenxiu was shopping while she
saw a man with a knife in his hand was trying
to commit a suicide on the pedestrian
Liu found the man’s emotion was
turning more and more instable, so she wanted to
save him. At
that time, the police didn’t
allow anyone to come close, but Liu claimed that
she was the man’s
girlfriend so that the
police let her get close to the man. On the
overcrossing, Liu got to know
that the man was
only 16 years old. His mother passed away while he
was young and his father
married to another
woman who treated him badly and robbed him blind.
Liu said she used to
have the same desperate
feeling. She hoped the man could come through the
The man gained Liu’s
understanding and burst into tears. Liu kiss the
man in the end. Just in
the second, the
firemen rushed to pull the man back from the
railing and saved his life.
Liu said, “I
think that if we want to communicate with someone,
we need to understand
him first, think in his
position. He was so sad then that I also cried.”
Later, people said the
19-year-old girl gave
the man “the angel’s kiss”.
student from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry
University named Chen Wenyuan is working
the school canteen. Recently he is famous for his
high speed of dishes receiving. A video on the
Internet showed that he could collect three
dishes one by one in one second and he collected
nearly 20,000 dishes in two hours at noon.
People commented that it was easy to do easy
but hard to do them excellently.
Although Chen is from a poor family but he has the
qualities which a modern university
student needs anxiously, such as self-reliance,
and perseverance. Chen told us
that even the most ordinary things also needed to
be done
One day, an expert in
time management was speaking to a group of
students and, to drive
home a point, used an
illustration those students will never forget.
As he stood in front of the group of
overachievers he said,
out a one-gallon, wide-
mouth jar and set it on the table in front of him.
He also produced about a
dozen fist-sized
rocks and carefully placed them, one at a time,
into the jar. When the jar was
filled to the
top and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked,
Everyone in the class
yelled, The time management expert replied, He
reached under the table and pulled out a
bucket of gravel. He dumped some gravel in and
the jar, causing pieces of gravel to
work themselves down into the spaces between the
big rocks.
He then asked the group once more,
By this time the class was on to him.
replied. He reached under the table and
brought out a bucket of sand. He started dumping
sand in the jar and it went into all of
the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel.
Once more
he asked the question,
and began to pour it in until the jar was
filled to the brim. Then he looked at the class
point is, no matter how full
your schedule is, if you try really hard you can
always fit some more
things in it!
don't put the big rocks in
first, you'll never get them in at all. What are
the 'big rocks' in your life?
Time with your
loved ones, your education, your dreams, a worthy
cause, teaching or mentoring
Remember to put these big rocks in first or you'll
never get them in at all.
Sometimes your
biggest weakness can become your biggest strength.
Take, for example,
the story of one girl who
decided to study judo[柔道] despite the fact that
she had lost her left
arm in a car accident.
The girl began lessons
with an old Japanese judo instructor. The girl was
doing well. So she
couldn't understand why,
after three months of training, the instructor had
taught her only one
instructor replied.
Not quite
understanding, but believing in her teacher, the
girl kept training.
months later, the instructor took the girl to her
first tournament[比赛]. Surprising
herself, the
girl easily won her first two matches. The third
match proved to be more difficult, but
some time, her opponent became impatient and
charged. The girl deftly[巧妙的] used her
move to win the match. Still amazed by her
success, the girl was now in the finals.
This time, her opponent
was bigger, stronger and more experienced. For a
while, the girl
appeared to be overmatched.
Concerned that the girl might get hurt, the
referee[裁判] called a
time-out. She was about
to stop the match when the instructor intervened.
Soon after the match
resumed, her opponent made a critical mistake: she
dropped her
guard. Instantly, the girl
used her move to pin her opponent. The girl had
won the match and the
tournament. She was the
the way home, the girl and her teacher reviewed
every move in each and every match.
Then the
girl summoned the courage to ask what was really
on her mind.
difficult throws in all of judo. Second, the only
known defense for that move is for your
opponent to grab your left arm.
The girl's biggest
weakness had become her biggest strength.
One day, the lion king
announced that he was going to get married, and he
invited all the
animals to attend the wedding
ceremony. So the tortoise thought, “I am an
animal. I shall attend
it as well.” Then he
set out on the journey.
On his way, he met
other animals. They were stunned for a few seconds
and then began to
laugh at the tortoise,
saying, “How silly you are! The ceremony is
starting. Can you make it as you
walk so
lowly? I’m afraid you still can’t be there after
the baby lion king is born, or grow up or
after he gets married.” But the tortoise had made
his mind to go.
Many years passed, and he
finally got to the entrance of the lion king’s
cave. No wonder
that the lion king’s wedding
had already been finished a long time ago.
However, the tortoise
found that the cave was
so well- decorated and all varieties of animals
were there. They told the
tortoise, “Today,
the son of the old lion king is going to get
How could the tortoise attend
the little lion king’s wedding party if he had
stopped half-
After a
heavy rain, a spider was climbing hard towards his
broken net on the wall. Because
the wall was
too wet, the spider fell down after reaching a
certain height. But he continuously
climbed up and fell down again and
The first man saw it, sighed
heavily and said to himself, “My life is just like
that spider’s;
busy all the time but getting
nothing?” He became increasingly depressed.
The second man saw it and said, “What a stupid
spider. Why doesn’t it make a detour to a
drier place? I’d never be that stupid.” So he
became smarter.
The third man saw it. He
was quite moved by the spider’s perseverance and
said to himself,
“I won’t let a little spider
be stronger and more persistent than me. I’ll
learn from his example
and become stronger,”
and he did.
There was a young
flower in the desert where all was dry and sad
looking. It was growing
by itself, enjoying
every day and saying to the sun, “When shall I be
grown up?” And the sun
would say, “Be patient!
Each time I touch you, and you will grow a
little.” She was so pleased
because she would
have a chance to bring beauty to this corner of
sand. And this is all she
wanted to do ----
bring a little bit of beauty to this world.
But one day a hunter came by and stepped on the
flower. She was going to
die and she felt
so sad. Not because she was dying, but because she
would never have a
chance to bring a little
bit of beauty to this corner of the desert.
The Great Spirit saw her, thinking that she should
be living. So he reached down and
her---- and gave her a second life.
Finally she grew up to be a beautiful flower. And
this corner of the desert also became so
beautiful because of the small flower.
Soon after her little brother was born,
Sachi began to ask her parents to leave her alone
with the new baby. They worried that like most
four-year-olds, she might feel jealous and want to
hurt (hit or shake) him, so they said no. But
she tried every effort to show she wouldn’t hurt
(But they found her have no sign of
jealousy.) She treated the baby with kindness, and
her pleas
to be left alone with him became
more urgent. After a long time of observation, her
finally allowed it.
she went into the baby’s room and shut the door,
but it opened a crack---- enough
for her
curious parents to peek in and listen. They saw
little Sachi walk quietly up to her baby
brother, put her face close to his and say
quietly, “Baby, tell me what God feels like. I’m
starting to
are three brothers who all have doctor degrees and
work for NASA. One day after
finishing dinner
in their mother’s home, again they started
discussing the project of landing on
the moon
and establishing the space station.
One of
the daughters-in-law washing dishes in the kitchen
complained, “They three discuss
unimaginable things all the time, which makes us
foolish compared with them.”
But the
mother said, “I used to think that I was foolish.
However, I changed my mind
that they three spent the whole afternoon fixing
all the screen windows around
the house last
A customer having lunch
in a restaurant asked a waiter, “What will be the
weather like
The waiter
answered full of certainty, “It will be the
weather I like.”
Puzzled, the customer
asked, “How can you know it will be the weather
you like?”
The waiter said, “I find that
the surroundings can not always go with my mind.
So I learn to
face everything that I encounter
joyfully. Then the weather tomorrow must be the
one that I
criminals were sentenced to stay in prison for
three years. The warden agreed to
satisfy each
a request.
The American liked to smoke
cigars so he asked for three cases of cigars.
The Frenchman was the most romantic among
them all. He wanted a beautiful lady for
The Jewish, however, would
like to have a phone connecting the outside
Three years later, the first man
rushing out of the prison was the American, with
his nostrils
full of cigars, shouting, “Give
me fire! Give me fire!” He turned out to forget to
ask for fire.
Then there came the
Frenchman. He was seen to hold a child in his
arms. The beautiful
lady was followed by one
child, too, perceiving the third one.
last coming one was the Jewish. He held the
warden’s hand tightly and said, “Thanks to
telephone. I have been keeping contact with the
outside society these three years. My
didn’t stop, but has increased by 200%. So I’ll
send you a Rolls-Royce as a gift to show
(8) The Fox and the Crow
One day a crow stood on a branch near his
nest and felt very happy with the meat in his
mouth. At that time, a fox saw the crow with
the meat, so he swallowed and eagerly thought of a
plan to get the meat. However, whatever the
fox said to the crow, the crow just kept silent.
the fox thought highly of the crow’s
beautiful voice, the crow felt flattered and
opened his mouth
to sing. As soon as the meat
fell down to the ground, the fox took the meat and
went into his
was a little mouse staying at home all day. It
dared not to go out, even at night. “The
is such a terrible animal. He’ll eat me.” it
always said, with a shudder of horror.
sympathized with the little mouse very much, so he
turned it into a cat. But the cat
which was
previously a mouse turned out to be afraid of
dogs. “Dogs always appear fiendish.
What can I
do if I happen to encounter him?” So God turned it
into a dog. But it then began to be
scared of
tigers. And trying his best, God turned it into a
To his surprise, again the
tiger said with its legs shaking, “The hunter’s
gun can kill me at
any time.”
At last,
God was so angry that he turned it back to a
mouse. He said, “You’re
a mouse after all.
Even if I turned you into a hunter, you would be
in fear of mice. I can not
help you because
you only have a mouse’s gut.”
(10) Suffering
Is a Part of Life
----By Kimberly Kirberger
One of the most difficult things to accept about
life is the fact that
suffering is a part of
it. People die, get sick, hurt each other and hurt
themselves. One of the most
important lessons
I have learned is that it is very important to
accept the bad with the good, the
light with
the dark and the pain with the joy. I have learned
that without pain I wouldn’t know joy.
I have
learned that because of things like illness and
death it is that much more important to love
and live life to the fullest. Great lessons
are learned from terrible tragedies, tremendous
takes place when we are pushed to our
very limits, and although I don’t necessarily like
“tough stuff” I am learning to live with
A varying hare named Clara
and his family lived in the northern part of
America where was
snowy most of the time and
was lack of food.
Clara didn’t want to
live this kind of life any more. So although his
relatives urged him to
stay, he resolutely set
off for immigration
After months of trek,
the open grassland which grew all kinds of grass
finally appeared
right before Clara. This
definitely excited Clara. But right at that time,
Clara suddenly felt
something wrong. He looked
up alertly but only found a shadow diving sharply
toward him. “An
eagle!” Clara shouted out. But
it was too late to escape. Clara was licked up by
the eagle.
Actually, eagles are born to be
the enemy of varying hares. But in the northern
varying hares’ fur is the same color
with the snow surrounded. The eagles can’t find
the hares
despite of their sharp eyes.
However, white Clara was so outstanding in the
green grassland.
Every one has his own
advantages. But these advantages are not implicit.
Sometimes they
may turn to disadvantages.
A college graduate was new in
job and he found something really strange. One of
colleagues was a chair warmer. Most of the
time, he would play his digital camera, receive
send his private e-mails or listen to the
music. And more strangely, the boss never blamed
The graduate was quite curious. How
come his colleague could laze away while the
competition nowadays was so fierce? May he be
the boss’s relative?
One day, his
colleague was listening to the music leisurely
while the boss
suddenly came and said
seriously, “The host computer in the company has
The colleague jumped
up right off and rushed to the controlling centre.
All the managers
were there, waiting
anxiously, and knew nothing to do.
The colleague tested the machines and began to fix
it silently. Twenty minutes later, the
computer reworked normally. Thanks to his good
judging and instant handling, the company
saved hundreds of millions of dollars.
Then the graduate realized that the boss was not
stupid to raise a lazy man. The economic
that his colleague had saved this time must have
been hundreds times of his salary.
On June 11, a country girl working in
Shenzhen named Liu Wenxiu was shopping while she
saw a man with a knife in his hand was trying
to commit a suicide on the pedestrian
Liu found the man’s emotion was
turning more and more instable, so she wanted to
save him. At
that time, the police didn’t
allow anyone to come close, but Liu claimed that
she was the man’s
girlfriend so that the
police let her get close to the man. On the
overcrossing, Liu got to know
that the man was
only 16 years old. His mother passed away while he
was young and his father
married to another
woman who treated him badly and robbed him blind.
Liu said she used to
have the same desperate
feeling. She hoped the man could come through the
The man gained Liu’s
understanding and burst into tears. Liu kiss the
man in the end. Just in
the second, the
firemen rushed to pull the man back from the
railing and saved his life.
Liu said, “I
think that if we want to communicate with someone,
we need to understand
him first, think in his
position. He was so sad then that I also cried.”
Later, people said the
19-year-old girl gave
the man “the angel’s kiss”.
student from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry
University named Chen Wenyuan is working
the school canteen. Recently he is famous for his
high speed of dishes receiving. A video on the
Internet showed that he could collect three
dishes one by one in one second and he collected
nearly 20,000 dishes in two hours at noon.
People commented that it was easy to do easy
but hard to do them excellently.
Although Chen is from a poor family but he has the
qualities which a modern university
student needs anxiously, such as self-reliance,
and perseverance. Chen told us
that even the most ordinary things also needed to
be done