
2020年08月07日 06:10


外研六上 Module 1
Unit 1

1. 学会听、说句子 These postcards are great! It’s a picture of the Great
2. 运用Tell me more的操练来了解讲诉某个地方(事件)的情况。
3. 学习新单词: postcard, more, thousand, kilometre, million
4. 学会听How long,How big开头的特殊疑问句。
5. 用景点进行说话练习。
1. 学会听、说句子:These postcards are great! It’s a picture of the Great
2. 运用Tell me more的说话操练来了解The Great Wall , New York, Beijing
1. 流利说一些简单的表达It ’s very big. It’s got --- . That is big. That’s
a lot.
2. 了解关于数词的表达about eight million people ,about six thousand
seven hundred kilometres

Step 1 Lead-in
Where have you been in the summer holiday?
I have been to (九寨沟,西安,北京ect)
It’s a picture of ----. It’s very---.
老师从学生的图片中取几张比较典型的进行提问:“Do you know this place?”
Step 2 Presentation
1. 师拿出一张名信片说“look,a beautiful postcards” 板书跟读几 遍。介绍
明 信片的一面printed a lot of beautiful pictures,such as, the Great Wall,
The Huangshan Mountain, 师说“It’s a picture about the Great Wall. 跟
读板书,学生看图片练习说It’s a picture---句子。
2.学生跟读后( 长城)学生将课前准备收集好关于的资料用汉语进行讨论,当两三
个学生说一部分时师:“刚才讲得很好 ,Tell me more(板书)两三个学生再介绍长
城时师又说Tell me more.
3. 学习单词, 师拿出 hundred thousand million ,kilometer,people卡片跟
读师问“Tell me more about the Great Wall. How long is it? 再跟读twenty
thousand seven hundred kilometers long师问“Tell me something about
New York. How big is it? 学生用汉语回答后,师出示It’s got 8,000,000人再
跟读eight million people师问“Tell me something about Beijing . How big

is it?
4.学习常用口语That is big. That’s a lot! It’s very big.跟师朗读。将挂图
挂在黑板上,播放录音,把全班分成两组,一组扮演Simon一组扮演Da ming,表演
Tell me more,请求获取更多的信息,T: It’s an animal.
S: Tell me more T: It’s very big.
S: Tell me more. Is it long? T: It’s long.
S: Tell me more. Is it tall? T: It’s tall
S: :It’s an elephant. T: You ’re right.
师给学生分组,各分配说话的任务,小组共同展开这个游戏搜集一个大 城市的图片
Step3 Homework


外研六上 Module 1
Unit 2

本模块是出自《新标准英语》第七册第一 模块第二单元,Unit1主要是让 学生学
数量等。 Unit2为第一单元的延续, 是在前一课的基础上继续谈论某处, Unit 2
It’s in the west.本册教材内容主要通过讲述某个地方的地理位置和相关的基
本信息。 特别让学生学会看地图,从地图上找到某一个地方,指出并说出来。并更
进一步用east, south, west, north,这些单词来询问和回答城市所在国家的方位。
重点: 教授方向单词:east, south, west, north。
新授句型:It’s in the east of……
Step 1 Lead- in
老师出示一张长城的图片来复习上个单元的内容: How long is the
Great Wall 并引出本课的问句:Where’s the Great Wall
2. 课文导入 通过答案It’s in the north of China.引出本节课的学习
Step 2 Presentation

A. Activity 1 listen and repeat.
① 通过ppt复习巩固四个方向词east, south, west, north。
② 出示西湖图片学习the West Lake,并提出问题 Where’s the West
③ 听活动1,找出答案。
④ 音跟读,然后齐读课文。
⑤ 学习检测:看图回答城市的位置,熟练运用句型 Where’s … It’s
in the … of China .
B. Activity 2 Look, listen and point.
①Talk about American map, and try to find New York,
San Francisco, Houston. New York is in the east. San
Francisco is in the west. Houston is in the south. 通过
②listen and follow .
③Learn the new words: map, country, right
④学习感叹句What a big map of the US!
⑥ 读课文。
4. 课堂小结:齐读课堂板书,巩固所学单词和句型。
5. 课堂练习:Activity 3,look and write.
Step 3 Homework



外研六上 Module 2
Unit 1

1. 四会单词:miss sometimes restaurant really dancing 。
2. 句型:There’s a Chinatown in New York.
There are lots of Chinese shops there.
3. 能力目标:
学生体会合作的 重要性。
4. 情感目标:
通过活动、游戏学生能产生学习英语的兴趣;学生能敢于、乐于 、善于开口讲英
语,积极参与交流,树立学好英语的信心。因此,在本课的设计中,比较充分地运用了< br>新课程标准的教育教学理念,采用了多媒体课件,考虑了新课标下的学生特点,强
调了学生共同合 作,参与学习过程。
1. 教学重点是学生能听说读写单词

用(miss sometimes restaurant really dancing);
There’s a Chinatown in New are lots of Chinese s
hops there. 进行交际。
2. 教学难点是通过这一句型描述图片及事物。

Step 1 Lead-in
教育家托尔斯泰说过:“成功的教学所必须的不是强制, 而是激发学生的兴趣,激
发学生参与学习的兴趣,是新课导入的关键。精彩的课堂开头,不仅能使学生迅 速
景。英语 chant是提高学生英语学习兴趣和学习效率的有效方法之一。第一模 块
这首活泼的chant既能感染学生,调动学生的情绪,其中的词组如:”There be”
首先小组内合 作利用单词卡片复习本模块的单词,并有小老师带领大家一起记忆
单词。然后看大屏幕,回答问题:Wh ere’s New York? Where’s Tennessee?
Step 2 Presentation
1、 导入。出示一张唐人街的图片,问:Do you know where it is ? What can you
see in this picture? 请学生回答你的问题。有些学生可能对唐人街有所了解,肯
定他们的发言和大胆尝试 。对学生说:“Daming现在在美国表兄的家里,他正在
给家人发送 email。他想念家人吗? 他今天了解到了关于美国的什么情况呢?让我
们一起看看。学过今天的课文。我们要试着使用这些语言介 绍一个我们自己去过
的有趣的 地方.”
2、看动画,听录音。认真听Daming 和Simon 之间的对话,然后判断大明是否
想念中国,为什么?老师可以引导学生得出正确的回答。 通过第一遍录音学生们可

3、再听 录音。在听的过程中划出文中的重点单词、短语和疑难点,然后组内进行
交流讨论,由小组代表把找出的 重难点分类写在黑板上。逐一解决。最后看大屏
4、 听录音并跟读,在跟读的过程中划出文中的“There is There are…”.大屏
幕上 会显示这三个句子,让学生们认真观察这三个句子,找出它们的共同点与不同
点,然后小组讨论、展示, 学生们不可能一下子就能发现 “There be”这个语法
点,需要老师积极的引导。通过孩子们自己的总结引出了“There be”语法点,能
5、再次听录音跟读,注意模仿语音语调。听读完毕 ,学生们进行小组内读课文,先
由小组长指导,然后组内分角色朗读课文,最后进行展示。在这一环节中 ,老师要对
Step 3 Cosolidation
1、 歌曲“There’s a Great Wall in China”.大屏幕上显示一张长城的图片,
要求学生们用“There is There are…”进行描述。然后学唱There’s a Great
Wall in China”缓解一下学习的疲劳,并能巩固本课的重要知识点。
2、PK赛。小组内讨论如何用“There is There are…”描述教室里的物品。然
Step 4 Summary
总结本模块的关键点。特别注意“There is There are…” 的区别,并能在课后

Step 5 Homework


外研六上 Module 2
Unit 2

1. 全体学生能够初步运用语句There are lots of beautiful lakes in China.这
2. 全体学生能够理解词汇:strong;部分学生能够运用词汇:strong
3. 能感知单词重音和句子重读。
4. 全体学生能听懂:There are lots of beautiful lakes in China.
5. 了解中国的自然人文景观。
复习、巩固“there be”句型的一般现在时用法。
用“there be”这一句型介绍某个地方的特征。
Step 1 Warming up
1. Greetings.
2. Free talk: Talk about Chinatown.
T: Boys and girls, Do you remember Chinatown?
Where is it?
Ss: …

T: What is in it?
Ss: …
T: Do you like it?
S: …
3. Lead-in, then watch the video and learn to say the chant in Activity 1.
T: OK! Chinatown is very beautiful. But here are some beautiful places in
China. Do you want to know what they are?
Ss: Yes.
(The teacher shows the students four pictures and asks them to talk
about the pictures. )
Watch the video.
(1) Listen and chant.
(2) Learn the new word: strong.
Step 2 Presentation
Today, we’ll go on learning how to introduce places. And after this class,
we’ll write a postcard to our family or friends in English.
【讲授】Learn test
Tell all the students, this class we’ll learn: M2U2 There are lots of
beautiful lakes in China.
1. Watch the video and number the pictures.
T: Simon has got some postcards, He is introducing them. Look at these
pictures, watch the video and number them.

(The answer is: 3 1 4 2)
2. Read and talk about the four postcards in groups.
T: What about the postcards?
Read the text and and talk about them in groups.
3. Introduce each postcard one group by one group.
T: Look at this postcard. Who can talk about it?
S: There are many mountains in China. There’s a famous mountain in
Anhui. It’s the Huangshan Mountain.
T: (Write “There are many mountains in China. There’s a famous
mountain in Anhui.” on the blackboard.)
The same way to learn other postcards and write “There are lots of
beautiful lakes in China.” on the blackboard.
4. Do a match game.
5. Sum up grammar: “there be”.
Read the sentences and sum up grammar about “there be”.
6. Listen and repeat.
7. Look at four postcards and talk about them.
Step 3 Drill and consolidation
1. Do Activity 3.
Look at the four pictures in Activity 3. Make sentences with “There be”.
Talk about them in group,then in class.
2. Do Activity 4. Listen and learn to say.

(1) Get Ss to read the words in sentences or the words in the stressed
(2) Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the stress.
(3) Read out in class.
3. Do Activity 5. Listen and say. Then sing a song. There’s a Great Wall in
(1) Have the students look at the picture and guess what the song might
be about (the Great Wall).
(2) Watch the video of the song and get the students to repeat the song.
(3) Listen and sing. Please students to imitate the recording of the
pronunciation and intonation
(4) Practise and try to sing together.
4. Do a memory game.
(1) Look at the picture and describe with “There be”.
(2) Give the students 30 seconds memory time.
(3) Recall and say it.
Step 4 Conversation
Write a postcard in English. and describe it to friends or
(1) Show the picture and get Ss to describe it with “there be” .
(2) Show the picture of Activity 7,Let the students look at the card and its

(3) According to the model and complete the postcards.
(4) The whole class show.
Let some students read their postcards.
Step 4 Summary&Homework
1. Sum up the knowledge and the skills of this lesson with the teacher’s
A. The whole class:
Listen and read the text twice.
Read and copy the words and sentences five times.
B. Most of the class:
Make a postcard and introduce it to family and friends.


外研六上 Module 3
Unit 1

1. 全体学生听、说、读、写、认生词:collect, stamp, hobby;
2. 全体学生理解“have got”的意思“有”;理解目标句型:Collecting stamps
is my hobby; They have got famous people on them.
1、能听,说,读并正确使用单词:collect , stamp, hobby.
2、能理解并掌握句型:Collecting stamps is my hobby; They have got
famous people on them.
1、能理解并灵活使用句型:Collecting stamps is my hobby; They have got
famous people on them.
Step 1 Warm-up
1. T:Today we are going to learn Module 3 Unit 1. First, look at this
picture, boys and girls. Who are they? Yes, Daming and Simon. And

they’re talking about toy cars. Now let’s listen to the tape and you will
think about“what toys has Simon got?”“Has Simon got a dog?”
Students listen to the tape, then answer the questions.
Listen and repeat.
2. T: Before the class, I will introduce you my hobby. (teach “hobby”
板书“hobby”) Flying kites is my hobby. I have got three butterfly kites
and a bird kite. So what’s your hobby? After learning this class, let’s
talk about your hobbies, and what you have got. OK? First, let’s go to
see Simon’s hobby. Watch the video and think about “What’s
Simon’s hobby?”
Step 2 Presentation
1. Students watch the video and then answer the question:“Collecting
stamps is my hobby.”(Teach “collect” “stamps”. 板书“collect”
2. Watch the video the second time and think about“What are
those?”and underline the sentences with “have got”. Students answer
the question:“These are stamps from Canada.”“They have got famous
people on them.”(板书“They have got famous people on them.”)
3. Students talk about the sentences with “have got”, then discuss how
to use “have got” and “has got” in groups. Sum up together.
4. Listen and repeat.
5. Act the text out.

Step 3 Practice
Finish Activity 3. Listen and repeat.
Finish Activity4. Look and say. Work in pairs.
Step 3 Task completion
students some pictures. And let them try to talk about their
hobbies , use: …is my hobbies. I have got …
AB Activity 1
AB Activity 2
AB Activity 3
Step 4 Summary and homework
1. Summary
T: What have we learnt today?
2. Homework
1. Copy the words and sentences 5 times.
2. Recite Activity 2
3. 学案7~8页


外研六上 Module 3
Unit 2

1. 学生能听说读写:What’s your hobby?
Collecting stamps is my hobby.
Bicycle doll
2. 学生能根据对话调换相关词语自己编对话。
1. 本课时的教学重点是句型:What's your hobby?
Collecting stamps is my hobby.
2. 学习句型:Ving+is my hobby结构.
肯定回答:Yes.I have. has No.I haven’t.
Step 1 Lead-in
1. singing English song begin to this lesson.
2. free talk:


What day is it today ?
What’s the date ?
What’s the weather like today?
What’s your favourite colour foodanimal sport?
Step 2 Exercise
1. ____ (is are)there any letters for me?
2. ____ (thisthese)is my book.
3. Are ____ (this these)your parents?
4. What are ____ (thatthose)?
5. _____ (thisthese)is a stamp from Canada.
6. There __ (isare) a real dog here .
7. ____ (thatthose) is right.
Step 3 Practise
what’s your hobby ? one by one , read louder and louder
Chant: wang tianyi ,wang tianyi .what’s your hobby?
I like ,I like , I like ……
Pair work:
S1: what’s your hobby?
S2: I like ……
S1: she likes he likes……
Step 4 Homework


请您课后用英语采访身边的老师、家人、朋友等各自的业余爱好是 什么,然后用


外研六上 Module 4
Unit 1


1. 学生能够听、说、读、写单词或短语:Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day, flag,
Flag Day, American, special, meal, sound, football
2. 能够听懂并用句型:Thanksgiving is my favourite festival. We always
have a special meal. We say “thank you” for our food, family and friends.
3. 能够运用所学的语言知识与同伴进行交流。

1. 听说读中单词和短语:Thanksgiving, flag,Flag Day, special, meal, sound,
football 。
2. 学习句型:Thanksgiving is my favourite festival. We always have a
special meal.
We say “thank you” for our food, family and friends.
1. 用句型:Thanksgiving is my favourite festival. We always have a special
meal. We say “thank you” for our food, family and friends. 谈论感恩节。
2. meal与dinner 的用法。
3. football(美式)橄榄球,soccer(英式)足球。


Step 1 Lead-in
1. Sing the song We wish you a Merry Christmas
T: Let's play games you remember?
T show CAI
T: Simon and Daming are talking about festival. Let’s watch a video and
find the answers:
1. What festival do they talk about?
2. What do they say on that festival?
Step 2 Presentation
T:Thanksgiving is a very important festival in America. Do you want to k
now more about Thanksgiving?Do you want to know more about Ameri
can festivals?Let’s come to Module 4 Unit 1 Thanksgiving is my favouri
te festival.
T: How to talk about Thanksgiving and American festivals ? We’ll have
a team match.
Part 1 Listen and look
T: listen and try to find
1. What festivals do they talk about?”
T: They are Flag Day and Thanksgiving.

Then T teaches Flag Day.
Part 2 Listen again and answer
1. What do they do on Flag Day ?
2. What do they do on Thanksgiving Day?
S: They fly the flag and sing songs.
Ss learn fly and flag.
Question : What do you do On Thanksgiving Day ?
学生自读课文,找到答案。We always have a special meal.(学生齐读,单个读,
教师板书句子。然后教授单词 meal.然后接着问
Q:What is a special meal? Ss: It‟s a big family dinner.
Q;What do we eat on Thanksgiving Day ?
T show CAI. T: We eat roast turkey and pumpkin pie.
Q :There are also other festivals. At these festivals we also have a specia
l meal. Do you know them. (两分钟,小组讨论,教师指导)
出示句型: We always have a special at on…
S1 : We always have a special meal at the Spring Festival.
T :What do we eat ? S: We eat dumplings.
T: Can you tell me more about Thanksgiving ?
S: We say “Thank you” for our food , family and friend.
“What do you want to say “thank you for”?(接下来一分钟,小组讨论)

出示句型; We say „thank you for…”
学生一一回答。We say thank you for our teachers.等等。
T: Can you tell me more about “Thanksgiving “?What do we do?
S: After Thanksgiving dinner we watch a big football game on TV.
T show CAI .Learn football.
Listen and repeat .
听音跟读,并学习sound 一词。
Step 3 Practice
1.T: Let’s play “what’s missing?”
the text. Ss read after T. and practice in 3 seconds.
Ss judge the sentences true or false and correct it.
the blanks and try to recite the text.
五、 Think and guess.
My favourite American festival
________ is my favourite American festival. We send cards and presents to
family and friends. We have a special sing songs We are very
happy. S: Christmas.
Step 4 Homework
1. Try to retell the text to your family and friends.(试着向朋友和家人复述课
2. Write a composition on the subject “My favourite festival”
(用“My favourite festival”写一个小作文)


外研六上 Module 4
Unit 2


1. 能理解、认读生词:moon cakes, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Dragon
Boat Festival, race, lantern, the Lantern Festival, hang,
2. 能用口头运用“ The Spring Festival is my favourite festival. My father
likes this festival . We have a special family dinner. We eat yuanxiao.”这
3. 能谈论和描述课文所介绍的节日,并激发对中国传统文化的热爱和兴趣。
4. 能在积极参与活动、和他人合作完成任务的过程中获得学习的乐趣和学习成

1. 能听懂、会读moon cakes, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Dragon Boat
Festival, race, lantern, the Lantern Festival, hang,
2. 能理解和认读句子The Spring Festival is my favourite festival. My father
likes this festival . We have a special family dinner. We eat yuanxiao.

Step1 Warming-up

1. Greeting : hello. Everyone , Are you happy ?
2. Chant: before the class , let’s have a chant , ok ?
Step2 presentation
1. T: boys and girls . I feel cool this morning . do you know what season it
is now ? oh , it is autumn . Do you like autumn ? what’s your favourite
season , spring , summer , autumn or winter ? Do you know what season
is my favourite ? It’s winter , because my favourite festival is in winter .At
this Festival , I can get lots of yasuiqian , wear new clothes , play the
fireworks . I can eat dumplings and have a special family dinner .(在说话
的过程中课件出示各种有关春节的风俗活动) Let’s watch a viedo and guess
what festival it is .
T: 播放视频 : what festival is it ?
T: (课件出示春节图片) It is the Spring Festival . It always comes in January .
Sometimes it comes in February. (出示 January , February)
T: Now , let’s see what people do at the Spring Festival ?
T: (指着图片说)This is my_____(引导学生说出family) . (课件出示 family ) .
our favourite festival is ____ (引导学生说出the Spring Festival) . (出示
favourite ) 板书 our favourite we have a special_____.(引导学生说出
family dinner)板书:we have .(出示 special , dinner) we eat ____.( 引导学生
说出dumplings) (出示dumpling ) 板书:we eat
T: now let’s listen to the tape (播放录音1次) . 然后让学生集体根据提示词
把有关春节的小片段复述出来,再叫小组和个人复述。(ca you retell the section

with these words ?)
T: 出示练习题
2.T:do you know which Chinese festival is d after The Spring Festival ?
S : 元宵节
T: Yor are right . let’s watch a video播放元宵节视频:on the video , the
people are doing the dragon dances . you can see the dragon dances at
the -----引出 the Lantern Festival.
T: 课件出示词组the Lantern Festival 音频教读
T:the lantern festival is after…引导学生说出the spring festival . 让学生再重
T: 出示灯笼图片,说: It’s picture of a lantern . 音频教读 lantern
出示图片,说:the children are hanging lanterns. 出示hang , 音频教读。教读
hang lanterns ,操练句子:People hang lanterns at the Lantern Festival .
T:出练习题 ,提问学生
T:出示课文图片:It’s a picture about the lantern festival .
T: (老师边描述边显示关键词) my favourite , after , eat , hang , dances .
T: Now let’s listen to the tape and then retell the section , ok ?
2. 课件出示一幅龙舟的图片, T::what’s this ? S: It’s a dragon boat
T:the dragon boat looks like a draorn . when can you see the dragon
boat ?
T:播放龙舟赛视频,说: It’s a dragon boat race .

在dragon boat 后呈现race , 音频教读race , 再操练dragon boat race
T: we can see the dragon boat race at the ----呈现 The Dragon
BoatFestival , 音频教读。操练几次the Dragon Boat Festival .
T: you can see dragon boat race at The Dragon Boat Festival .
T: 出示看龙舟赛的图片:What do you do at the Dragon Boat Festival ?
让学生说出:We go to see the dragon boat race . (操练句子2次)
T : What do you eat at the Dragon Boat Festival ? (出示粽子的图片)
T: Do you like zongzi ? I like zongzi because it’s very …
T: 老师边描述图片边显示关键词I, love, we, go to see , race, eat , delicious.
T: listento the tape and then retell the section . 小组读片段,个人读
4. T : 课件分别出示月亮和蛋糕图片,问:what’s this ? S : It’s a moon. It’s a
cake .
课件出示月饼图片,说: It’s a moon cake . 音频教读。
T:Do you like moon cakes ? when can we eat moon cakes ?
S: 中秋节.
T: Let’s watch a vedio . 播放视频:We can eat moon cakes at the ---引出
the Mid-Autumn Festival . 音频操练。学生重复句子
T: 做练习题
T: 出示课文图片,老师先根据图片讲述小片段内容, 并出现几个关键词:my ,
mother , love , make , delicious , father, like , sing , about , well .
T: Now let’s listen to the tape first .听录音一遍,让学生根据关键词复述小片

Step 3 Practise
A: what’s your favourite festival ?
B: It’s the _____Festival .
A: What do you eat at the _____Festival ?
B: I eat _______.
A: what do you do at the _____Festival ?
B: I _______.
Step 4 情感升华
T : Today we have learnt four Chinese festivals ,what other Chinese
festivals do you know ?出示清明节,七夕节,重阳节,中元节
T: Boys and girls , we are all Chinese . We should love Chinese festivals
because they’re Chinese culture . Love your family , love China ! 课件出
Step5 Writing
My favourite festival is ________. It’s a _______festival . It’s in _______. At
_______, I can ______and ______. I can _________, too .
Step 6 homework


外研六上 Module 5
Unit 1

1.语言知识目标: a.能听、说、读、写本课的重点单pleased ,meet ,address, pen
friend; b.能表达句子Pleased to meet you ! Can you speak English? Can I
write to your friend? I can…
2.语言能力目标:使学生能利用所学知识向同学及朋友讲述自己的能力 3.情感目

1.本课出现的新单 词~pleased ,meet ,address, pen friend; b.能表达句子
Pleased to meet you ! Can you speak English? Can I write to your friend? I


Step 1 Sing a chant.
T: Are you ready for our English class? T: Let’s sing a chant together ,OK?
Ss: Yes ( first slowly ,then quickly.) 简单的歌谣调动了学生的学习兴趣,为下一

Step 2 Warm up
1. T: Hello, boys and girls. Look at these pictures , can you see them in
English? (play football, swim, sing, run)教师一边说,一边出示课件,请学生进
行描述和表达。 T: You did a good this class. I think I can do the best,
and you can do the best. Can you?
2. Pairwork. A: I can… Can you…? B: Yes, I can. No, I can’t. 请学生两人
Step 3 Presentation
习Nice to meet you ,同时引出Pleased to meet you!这个新句型。再让每同
S1: Hi,S2. S2.:Hi, S1. S1:This is my friend, S3. S3.: Hello, S2. Pleased to
meet you. Nice to meet you . S2.: Pleased to meet you. Nice to meet
you .(引出课题Module 5 Unit 1) 让学生在特定 的环境中感受语言,并在创设的
Step 4 New lesson
Activity 1
and learn.
2. T: Now first let’s free talk about yourself. 两人一组,老师让学生之间运用
Can you….句型来进行提问。 T: Please ask one by one, but don’t say the
same sentences. 让学生用Yes, I can . No, I can’t 来回答。 S1: I can speak

English , can you ? S2: Yes, I can . (to S3) Can you be my pen friend ? 学生
Activity 2 T: Today we have a new friend, look at the screen(showing
Laura’s picture) let’s say ….? (引导学生运用刚学过的Pleased to meet you
来与画面中的Laura打招呼。 T: Here are four questions on the screen.
Please try to answer the questions after you watching the cartoon, OK?
1) Where is Laura from?
2) Can Laura write Chinese?
3) Can Daming write English?
4) Daming has got two friends from England. Who are they?
2. Now watch again ,then answer the questions. (学生在听之前先浏览一遍
题目,然后看课文动画。)通过学生听看和听回答问题,在真实的语境中帮助 学生初
and circle the word “can”.
and repeat.
Step 5 Development
1.T: Let’s make a dialogue.
a game. 在老师的巧妙引导下,有一条 无形的线始终牵动着他们,不断学
到语言知识,提高语言能力,满足他们的成就感,学生们轻松愉快的完 成了学习任
Step 6 Homework
an ID card(名片) about yourself.

a letter to your friends with five sentences. 形式新颖的作业将学习


外研六上 Module 5
Unit 2

(1)能听说读写单词French, age,candy,story。
(2)能听懂、会说,读写句子I can... I like...
(1)单词French, age,candy,story的认知和运用。
(2)句子I can... I like...的认知和运用。
(1) can+v. like+v-ing的区别应用
Step 1 Lead-in
ngs and warming up
(1) Greetings with Ss.
(2) 把学生分成四个小组,并选出小组长和说明奖励方式。(糖果奖励,和新词
(3) Game: Who can say more ? (use I can... And I like... to make sentences)
Step 2 Presentation
Activity 1

(1)T: Do you want to know about me ? I can speak different kinds of
languages. “你好吗?” I can speak and write in Chinese. “Nice to meet
you.” I can speak and write in English. “Bonjour 、Je tai’me” I can speak
French,too . Do you know French? 引出“French”教学。
(2)T: Can you write in Chinese and English? How about our friends, Sam
or Amy?通过提问引出活动一的教学。
(3)Listen and say, then answer the questions.
Question 1 :Sam can write in______and ______.Question 2 : Amy can write
in ______.Question 3 : Tom wants a ______ friend.
(并通过phone friend引出book friend, football friend, pen friend)
Activity 2
(1) T: Do you want a pen friend? Ss: Yes.
T: Ok , I want to introduce my friends to you. They’re Mike, Tingting,
Jim and Linda. (引出课文人物及任务)
(2)Listen and pay attention to age and city .
(3) Listen and read. Pay attention to hobbies.
(4) Fill in the blank with the stickers.
(5) Open your book, check the answer and read it in your group.
(6)Role play. 区别I can 和I like..的用法。
ride, riding, I can ride. I like riding.
read, reading, I can read. I like reading.

sing, singing, I can sing. I like singing.
draw, drawing. I can draw. I like drawing.
dance,dancing. I can dance. I like dancing.
swim,swimming. I can swim. I like swimming.
【练习】ty 3
(1)Draw, write and say.
(2)Based on the form , Ss can introduce themselves.
【练习】 5. Activity 4
(1)watch the video about the famous people.
(2)Choose one of them to write a letter.
(3)Show the letters.
(4)Put the letters into the post box.


外研六上 Module 6
Unit 1

1. 会读下列单词:world, often, difficult.

2. 听:能够听懂课文中的录音材料。
3. 说:能够谈论本课信件的内容。
4. 读:训练跳读寻找信息的阅读技巧,能够读出课文及自己所写的文本。
5. 写:能够仿写一封交友信件。

1. 能理解课文内容。
2. 能书写信件。

Step 1 Lead-in
1. 展示Sam 和John的图片,播放他们的对话引入课文话题。(学习生词world)
2. 学生分角色朗读对话。
Step 2 Presentation
听课文,回答:What have Sam and Amy got?

浏览信件回答:Who wrote the letter? Who is Laura?
齐读课文, 缩写内容。
1) 找出句中含有and 和but的句子,并圈出and和but.
2) 教师展示相关句子,学生观察规律,说出区别,教师补充。
Step 3 Homework
1. 总结本节课学生学习情况。
2. 听读课文三遍。


外研六上 Module 6
Unit 2

2、能够听懂选择问句:Have you got…or …?并作出正确的回答I’ve got… I’
ve got…,but I haven’t got…。
3、能理解和掌握句子:I’ve got a knife and fork and
chopsticks. I’ve got some stamps from China, but I haven’t got any
stamps from Canada.
2、能够听懂选择问句:Have you got…or …?并作出正确的回答I’ve got… I’
ve got…,but I haven’t got…。
3、能理解和掌握句子:I’ve got a knife and fork and chopsticks. I’ve got
some stamps from China, but I haven’t got any stamps from Canada.
1、会听懂句型Have you got…or …?并作出正确的回答,培养并发展学生的听
2、能正确表达自己或他人有…或没有….某人have has got…but某人haven’

thasn’t got…
3、能够在阅读中理解Have you got…or …? I’ve got… I’ve got…,but I
haven’t got…,句子意思,并能在阅读中解决问题。
Step 1 Review & Lead-in
Play a word game“火眼金睛”(物体一部分)
【设计目的】:本环节能高效复习一些与本单元连接 到的词汇,并能快速集中学生
2.引出单词stamp,同时板出课题Module 6 Unit 2 I’ve got a stamp from
Step 2 Presentation and drill
1.师拿出魔法袋子晃了一下,说:Look! This is my magic bag? What have I got
in it? 让S1摸,从中拿出并展示物品的一部分(让学生带有悬念),What have I
Ss: knife
fork, a knife and fork一副刀叉
I’ve got a knife.

I’ve got a knife and fork
6、过渡: Have you got a knife and fork?引出单词chopsticks教学.(分音节教
【设 计目的】:设置 信息差,激发学生的求知欲并让他们通过听录音自主获取信息,
自主习得正确而地道的原配音,遵循了“ 先听后说”原则,也有利于培养学生良好
的 自主学习习惯。结合实物、动作教学,注重“音形义”相结 合,渗透语音教学,
7、T:I’ve got a knife and fork and chopsticks.
Have you got?
S1:Yes, I have.
(示意S1问S2)Have you got a knife and fork and chopsticks?
Yes, I have. I’ve got a knife and fork and chopsticks.
板书:Have you got …and …?
Yes, I have. I’ve got…and … No, I haven’t. (板书句型,and贴纸卡)
1.教学Activity 1
T:I’ve got some stamps from China .
Have you got any stamps from China?
T:And let’s look at Simon and Daming? What have
they got? Let’s listen and match.

Daming some stamps from China
Simon some food from China
The dog a kite from China
1)T: We’ve got a knife and fork and chopsticks.
But how about our friends Sam and Lingling?
Now let’s listen then answer.
What has Lingling got?
Read the dialogue and answer:(PPT)
(1)Has Sam got a Chinese kite or a Japanese kite?
(2)Has Lingling got a book about America or a book about China?
(3)Has Sam got stamps from China or stamps from Canada?
the answers.
to the dialogue again and follow.
【设计目的】:通过让学生带着问题反复听 录音,提高了学生的听力能力,和自我解
决问题的能力,同时也培养了学生良好的听力习惯;也为学生语 言输出奠定了基础。
Step 3 Practice
1.同桌之间随意拿起身边的文具、书籍练习:Have you got…or …? I’ve got…

I’ve got …and…
【设计目 的】:通过设计真实的交际情境,层层递进,自然引出新语言知识的学习,
并用贴纸卡or和and,以 突出强调,并通过合作学习尝试运用语言进行交际。
2.承接学生回答,师:I’ve got…but I haven’t got…
3. 练习Activity 6 :Play a card game.
用I’ve got…but I haven’t got…句型练习.
学生拿出已准备好 的小图片(即课本P25的图片),玩打牌游戏。游戏说明:先“剪
刀石头布”决定赢者分牌并可先晒出 一张牌并说:I’ve got ….。对方根据自己 “牌”
I’ve got…,too。同时吃掉所出的“牌”;如果不一样,则回答 :I haven’t
got… but I’ve got…。最终看谁的牌多则胜利。
【设计目的】:通过设计学生熟悉而又喜爱的 “打牌”游戏让学生自然运用句型,
将语言在快乐的游戏中学以致用,这也将充分激发学生的学习兴趣, 把教学活动推
Step 4 Consolidation
Reading Exercise (适时利用评价体系表扬鼓励)
Read and Judge.(附件)

Step 5 Extension
Writing Exercise (附件)
Step 6 Homework
1、听读 Modlle 6 Unit 2 Activity 1-2。
3、写一写自己所拥有或没有的东西。(各不少于三样 )


外研六上 Module 7
Unit 1


1. 能够结合语境理解、会读、会说词汇:believe, snake, DVD, together, lucky,
bamboo, its, body, come out of, flute, get, frightened.
2. 能用“Pandas love bamboo. Do snakes like music?”这样的句型谈论喜
欢的动物和它们的生活习性。能够运用I believe it. I don’t believe it.表达
3. 能运用所学的语言描述动物的生活习性。

1. 词汇:believe, snake, DVD, together, lucky, bamboo, its, body, come
out of, flute, get, frightened.
2. 理解课文对话
3. 能用“Pandas love bamboo. Do snakes like music?”这样的句型谈论喜
欢的动物和它们的生活习性。能够运用I believe it . I don’t believe it.表达

1. 运用本节课所学知识,复述熊猫或者蛇的生活习性。
2. 能运用已学语言描述动物的生活习性。

Step 1. Warm up

T: Hi, boys and girls.
Ss: Hi, Ms. He.
T: How are you today?
Ss: I’m fine, thank you. And you?
T: I’m fine, too. Thank you.
2. Guessing game.
T: Boys and girls. Look, last week, I went to the zoo with my daughter. T
here are many animals in the zoo. Now, Let’s guess what are they?
S1: They are birds.
T: That’s right. Birds are cute. Can you say something about birds?
S1: They are…
S2: They are…
S2: They areeat…
T: You all did a good job. Big hands for them. Now, let
s guess the next animals.
S1: They are dogs.
T: Bingo, what do you think about dogs?
S1: They are…
S2: They are …
S3: They eat…
T: Well down. Praise them, please. Boys and girls. There is a kind of anim

als, they have got long tails. They climb trees very fast. They like banana
s. What are they?
S1: They are monkeys.
T: Bingo. You are smart. Come here. You read the riddle and ask your cla
ssmates what they are?
S1: There is a kind of animals. They are long. They have got small heads.
They haven’t got legs. What are they?
S2: They are snakes.
S1: You are right. (引导生生评价)
T: Good job. Boys and girls, look here. This is a snake.
Ss: Snake. Snake.
T: a, a, ei, ei, ei, lake, cake, snake. Now Let
s guess the last animals. XXX,Come and read the riddle .
S2: There is a kind of animals, they are black and white. They love bamb
oo. They live in China. What are they?
S3: They are pandas.
S2: You are right. (引导生生评价)
T: Well done, Boys and girls, pandas love .... Yes, bamboo, bamboo, b æ
b æm, oo u bu.
Ss: Bamboo
3. Divide into groups and PK.
T: Today, we have a competition. Group one,you

re pandas team. Group two,you are snakes team. Let
s PK. I have got a present for the winner. It
s it about? Let’s enjoy it. (播放熊猫视频)
Step 2 Presentation
1. 学习怎样描述熊猫习性。
T:What’s the DVD about?
S1: It’s about pandas.
T: In this DVD, we know pandas love bamboo. But what can they do?
S1:They can …
S2:They can…
S3:They can…
’s a DVD. What

T:Good job. Do you know how many hours do pandas eat for a day? mrn.
Let me guess. Pandas eat for one hour a day. Do you
believe it? Believe, Believe, be li eve. I believe it. I don’t believe it. XXX,Do
you believe it?
S1: Yes.I believe it.
S2: I don’t believe it.
T: Today, Daming’s grandma gives him a present. It’s a DVD,too. This
DVD can tell us the answer. Let’s watch it together. (教读
together.延伸read together. write together. run together, jump
together.)Now ,let’s watch together.

T:Now, who can tell me Panda eat for ________hours a day
S1: Pandas eat 12 hours a day.
T: Well done. Let’s read together.
Ss:Pandas eat 12 hours a day.
T: How many hours are there in a day?
S1: 24 hours.
T: 24 hours a day. But pandas eat for 12hours a day. How lucky they are!
LUCKY, LUCKY, lucky pandas.
T: How about people? People eat for …
S1: People eat for X hours a day.
T: Ask your classmates do you believe it.
S1: People eat for __hours a day. Do you believe it? XXX.
S2: I believe it .
S3:I don’t believe it.
T: Let’s see the answer and read together.
How about koalas? Koalas sleep for …
S1: koalas sleep for X hours a day. Do you believe it? XXX.
S2: I believe it .
S3:I don’t believe it.
T: Let’s check the answer and read together.
And how about infants?

S1: Infants sleep for X hours a day. Do you believe it? XXX.
S2: I believe it .
S3:I don’t believe it.
T: Let’s see the answer and read together.
T:Pandas love bamboo. Do snakes love bamboo? Let’s watch the DVD
again, and find out ’s snakes ’favorite food? 2. What can snake
Now you can discuss with your best friends. And then tell us the answers.
You have two minutes to finish, go.
T: Time’s up. Who can tell the answers?
T:What’s snakes’ favorite food?
S2:Snakes like meat.
T:Well done. What can snake do?
S4:Snake can …
S5:Snake can …
S6:Snake can …(让孩子说出更多的答案)
T:You all did a good job. Big hands for them.
Now I’ll show you an interesting video about snakes. Let’s watch

What can snake do?
Ss: The snake can dance.
T: Yes, the snake can use its body to dance.(教读its body 延伸扩展:my
body, your body..) ,Do snakes love music? Why does the
snake come out of the box? What happened to the snake? Daming’s
DVD can tell your answers.
Now discuss with your friends and find out the answer. You have two
minutes to finish, go.
T: Time is up. Now, who can tell me the answers.

T: You all did a good job. Boys and girls, Grandma gives Daming a
present. It’s a DVD. We know a lot about pandas and snakes
from the DVD. What do you think this DVD?
S1:I think this DVD is ____________
S2: I think this DVD is ____________

T:You also can use these words to describe this DVD. I think this DVD is
greatexcellentwonderful…Does Daming like the DVD?

Let’s listen and repeat, then find out the answer.
T:Does Daming like the DVD?
Ss:Yes ,he does.
T&Ss:He says it’s a fantastic present.
T:Now,Let’ s role-play
T: Who want to be grandma? Who want to be Daming?
Other students listen carefully.
Good job. Now, let’s read together.
Step 3. Retell
T: Today, we have learned a lot about pandas and snakes. Who can tell us
what have we learned about pandas?
S1:Pandas are ______and_________.
They love_________
They can_________
Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.
S2:Pandas are ______and_________.
They love_________
They can_________
Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.
Step 4 Extension

Try to challenge: 请和小伙伴一起完成挑战:复述本课所学的有关蛇的信息或者
Step 5 Homework
more interesting things about animals .利用网络资源,了解更多不可
your writing with your parents.和爸爸妈妈一起分享您的习作。


外研六上 Module 7
Unit 2


1. 能理解和运用单词:bamboo, snake, sleep, grass
2. 能熟练运用句式短语:love bamboo, like water, love the sun, like grass,
like playing with children, like to sleep
3. 能用句型“...love like...”谈论动物及习性。
4. 通过了解动物的生活习性,了解动物与人类的和谐关系,培养学生热爱动物的

1. 掌握本课时的重点单词与重点句型。
2. 学会运用描写动物习性的句型,并向同学介绍自己最喜爱的动物。

Step 1 Warming up
1. Greetings:
T: Good morning, boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning, Miss Yang.
2. Sing a song: (播放动物叫声歌曲, 让学生做动作、模仿跟唱。以唱歌活跃课堂
T: Do you like singing songs? First, Let’s sing “the Animal Sounds Son
g” .

T: You can sing very well. In this lesson, I will divide you into two groups:
Group A and Group B. Let’s see which group will be the winner. Ok?
Ss: Ok!
3. Review
T: We can see so many animals in the song. Do you remember their
Step 2 Presentation
(通过幻灯片播放图片、幻灯片路径设置和小视频等方式,设置一 个带领学生乘坐
1. T: Boys and girls, let’s play a guessing game. Please guess the name
s of animals by listening to their sounds or looking at the part-
covered pictures.(让学生通过听声音或者看遮挡图片猜动物名称,通过抢答游戏的方式吸引学生的注意力,激发他们的学习兴趣,同时加深他 们对动物名称的
e.g. T ask: What is it? Ss answer: It’s a bear monkey lion panda...
2. T: Now let’s get on the train and visit the zoo. (让学生坐上小火车,开始
园) Now we come to house No.1. Who lives in it? Let’s have a look.(进
入一号房子 ——熊猫之家,用幻灯片呈现熊猫吃竹子的动
画) Look!The panda is eating something. What is it eating? Oh, it’s eati
ng bamboo. Read after me, am [æm] [æm] [æm], oo [u:] [u:] [u:], bambo

o. (引 出新词bamboo, 拿出竹叶图片,边板书边让学生跟电脑读三
遍). So what do pandas love? Ss: Pandas love bamboo. (引出重点句型,让
学生跟电脑读三遍,通过 比划,拍掌操练,分组竞
赛) Ok, we are going to house No.2. Let’s say goodbye to pandas. (让学
生向熊猫挥 手说再见,幻灯片离开熊猫之家,继续坐小火车去二号房子参观动物)
3. T: Now we come to house No.2. It’s the elephants’ house! (进入二
号房子—— 大象之家,用幻灯片呈现大象喷水的动
画) What is the elephant doing? It’s playing with water. So what do ele
phants like? (引 导学生回答“ Elephants like water.”并板书)
Let’s chant: What do elephants like? What do elephants like? Elephants
like water. Elephants like water.
4. (让学生向熊猫挥手说再见,幻灯片离开大象之家,继续坐小火车去三号房子参
观) Oh, it’s the snakes’ house. (出示已学过的单词 take, make,让学生根
据发音规律拼读出 “snake”) Follow me, a [ei] [ei] [ei], snake (拿出蛇的图
片,教授新词snake,板书,跟电脑读三遍, 通过高低声的游戏操
练) Let’s look at the snakes. They are sleeping under the sun. (幻灯片展
示蛇在太阳 底下睡觉的图片,引导学生说出 “Snakes love the sun.”,边板书
5. (继续坐小火车去四号房子参观) Now we come to house No.4—
the sheep’s house. What are the sheep doing? (幻灯片展示羊在山上吃草
的动画,引导学生说 出 “Sheep like grass.”,边板书边跟电脑读,然后通过

6. (让学生向羊挥手说再见,小火车开到五号房子,幻灯片展示狗和孩子们玩耍的
动画) What do dogs like? Yes, they like playing with children.(板书带读,指
7. (小火车开到六号房子,幻灯片展示熊在雪中睡觉的动
画) Look! It’s snowing. What season is it? Yes, it’s winter. What are the
bears doing? (引 导学生说
出 “Bears are sleeping. Bears like to sleep in winter.” 并板书带读,通过手
势指导学 生分段朗读句子)
8. Watch the video and repeat.(播放课文视频,跟读)
9. Students point and read by themselves.
1. Fun time: Learn a new song “Lovely Lovely Animal” (把课文重点句子
以小星星的曲调创作一首新歌,教学生唱。激发学生兴趣,使学生在 美妙的歌曲中
Lovely, lovely animal,
how I wonder what you like.
Pandas, pandas love bamboo.
Elephants, elephants like water.
Lovely, lovely animal,
how I wonder what you like.


2. Create a new song. (让学生创作新歌,并和全班一起唱)
Step 3 Practice and Consolidation
1. Pair work: Answer and answer. (问答连线)
2. Group work: Talk and write about your favourite animal.
(教师先介绍自己最喜爱的动物,再让 小组长选择一种动物图片贴在白纸上,四人
Our Favourite Animal
Our favourite anmial is___________. They live in the _____________. They are
__________. They like ___________. They like__________, too.

T:Have you finished? I want some groups to tell us something about your
favourite animals. (请小组上来投影展示,每人读一句)
Step 4 Homework
1. Teach your parents the new song.
2. Write more about your favourite animal.


外研六上 Module 8
Unit 1


1. 能运用语句:A: Do you often play with dolls? B: Do you often clean your
2. 能够运用Do you often _________?的句型谈论行为和爱好,会用以下几种方
式回答:Yes, I do. No,I don’t. Not really. Not very often.
3. 对自己做事的喜好程度做出正确描述。
4. 培养学生的合作精神和与人交流的能力。
1. 能理解often,并运用句子:Do you often _________?
2. 知道以下几种回答的区别: Yes, I do. No,I don’
very often.并会根据喜好程度做出正确的表达。
Step 1 Warm up
2. A chant“hobbies”
3. Review.
T: Look, I have some photos. Look at this photo, what are(is heshe) they

doing? (屏幕出示几组学生活动的照片,逐一出示照片及短语)
play computer games, speak English, swim, play basketball help your
mum, eat fast food., watch TV,read stories, clean your room
(2) 复习句型Do you often……..? 几种方式回答: Yes, I do. No,I don’t.
Not really. Not often. Not very often.
Step 2 Presentation
1. 出示课题:Module 8 Unit1 Looking at photos.)
2. 看图回答: a. Who are they?
b. What are they doing?
过渡:T:Do you want to see Amy’s photo?
Ss: Yes.
T:You can say“Yes, I’d love to.”
3. 带着问题听读第一遍课文
a. How many photos are they talking about?
b. What can you see in them?
(4) Listen and choose “T” or “F”.
(5) Read and answer the questions
(6)a. Listen to the tape and find “often”
b. Use “often” make sentences.
c. Chant

(7) listen ,point and repeat.
(8)Read together.
(9) Read in roles. Group1-Amy Group2- Lingling.
(10) Act it out.
Step 3 Homework
1. 以填空形式复述课文
2. 看图选词组成对话。


外研六上 Module 8
Unit 2


1. 学生能在课文插图和课文动画的帮助下听懂、读懂课文,能理解 在描述日常习
惯中使用的频度副词的词汇:often、always、sometimes、neve r。
2. 在描述日常习惯时能灵活运用句型:
I oftenalwayssometimesnever__________.
3. 掌握一般现在时态的基本用法。

单词: often、always、sometimes、never.
句型: I often alwayssometimesnever__________.的学习。

Step 1 Pre—reading(3mins)
T: Good morning, children. How are you today?Are you ready for our
T: Last lesson, We have learnt something about Amy. Can you remember
What dose Amy often do?
—Dose Amy often_________?

Free talk.
T: How about you? What do you often do?
I often__________.
Can you ask me?
S: What do you often do?
T: I often go swimming.
T:Today let’s learn about habit. I often go swimming. Today let’s learn.
I often go swimming.(板书标题)
设计意图:师生交流,激发学生的学习兴趣,充分地唤醒学生已有的 知识储备,为接
Step2 While-reading(10mins)
’s Chant:
T:Do you often chant? Let’s chant. Look at this picture. What can you
S: A tree and a bird.
T:Who can go away,the tree or the bird?
T:What does the tree say to the bird? (展示PPT填)
T: Do you like this story?I like reading stories very much. Look, this is my
I like reading stories. I read stories on Monday…
I always read books. ( 板书 always,What do you always do?)

I like swimming too. I often go swimming.( 板书
I like watching films. Sometimes, I watch films in English. I don’t like
football. I never play football.( 板书 never What do you never do? )
and say.
T: Look at these picture. We have another eight friends. They’
about habits, too. Who can you see?
S:I can see Simon.
T: What is he doing?
Ss: He is riding a bike.
T: Can you talk about this picture?
S: He’s eating.
T: Look at Sam. What is he doing?
S:He is swimming in the sea.
T: Who can talk about this picture?
T: Dose Mao mao like football?
S: No, she dosen’t.
T: why?
S:She is not happy.
T:Can you talk about Lingling?

T:Let’s listen. What do they say about themselves.

re talking

T:What does Simon say?
S: I always go to school by bike. I never go to school by bus.
T: How does Simon go to school?
S:Does he go to school by bus?
S: No, he doesn’t.
T: How do you often go to school?(two practise)
T: Look at jack .Jack is hungry. What does Jack often do?
S: I often eat with fork and knife.
T: eat with fork and knife. Eat with fork
T: What do you often eat with?
S:I often eat with…
S:Dose he like chopsticks?
T: Maybe chopsticks are difficult for him. But he
wants to try and he says I like chopsticks.
T: What does Sam often do ?
S: I often swimming
T: Why does Sam often go swimming?
S: I like swimming in the sea.
T: How about you ? What do you often do? Why?
生进行猜一 猜的游戏,增强了活动的趣味性。
Step3 Post—reading (3mins)

What do you do on Sundays? Interview your friend. You can use these
Step4 writing (6mins)
the blank and writing about yourself.
I like swimming. I often go swimming in the sea.
____ __________________________________________________ _____________________
________________________ __________________________________________________ __
Step5 homework
1. Retell the text in group.
2. Write about your habits.


外研六上 Module 9
Unit 1


1. 全体学生能运用Do you want to visit…? I want to visit…的句型;
2. 能识别认读around, all around, member states等单词;
3. 注意一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的语音语调特征。
4. 培养学生乐于接触外国文化,能积极参与活动,乐学爱学英语的兴趣。

能运用Do you want to …?句式进行问与答,并能在实际情景中运用。
want to 后面要接动词的原型。

Step 1 Greeting and Warming(2 minutes)
T: Good morning, boys and girls!
Ps: Good morning, Elly!
T: How are you today?
Ps: We are fine, thank you! And you?
T: I’m fine too. Thank you!
T: This class, I’ll divide you into two teams. If you do the best, I will give
you the stickers. OK! Come on.

Ps: OK!
Step-2 Lead in(4 minutes)
T: Let’s listen the song, There’s a Great Wall in China.
Ps: OK!
T: Do you like this song? Is it nice?
Ps: Yes, It’s very nice.
T: This song is about…
Ps: The Great Wall.
T: Yes, It’s about the Great Wall. Can you tell me something about the
Great Wall?
Ps: ……
T: It’s very long and old. It’s a great building in China. Building, the letter
u 不发音。Building
Ps: Building, building
T: Do you want to go there? Do you want to visit the Great Wall?
Ps: Yes.
T: Yes, I do. I want to visit the Great Wall, too. Do you want to visit the
Great Wall, P1?
P1: Yes, I do.
T: Yes, I do. I want to visit the Great Wall, too. Do you want to visit the
Great Wall, P2?
P2: Yes, I do.

T: Do you want to visit the Great Wall?
Ps: Yes, we do.
教师用同样的方式利用the White House重复练习句型。
Step 3 Work in pairs (3 minutes)
T: Look at the pictures, make the dialogues with your partners.
Ps: OK!
P1: Do you want to visit Big Ben?
P2: Yes, I do.
Step 4 Teaching (15 minutes)
用PPT展示一些建筑物或名胜的图片练习Do you want to visit…?句型,并做回
答,引出the UN building.
T: UN is short for United Nations. Another eg. RMB=人民币, USA= United
States of America.
T: It’s very big and tall. It’s a great building in New York. There are many
flags outside the UN building, look at the picture. Outside(在外面),
Ps: Outside, inside
教师板书outside, inside,并举例讲解两个单词。
T: Look, my pen is outside the book, but now my pen is inside the book.
Ps: Yes.
T: How many member states are there in the UN?
Ps: There are 193 member states in it. member states. (教学单词,并板书,注

Ps: Member states.
T: 193,100+93,one hundred and ninety-three
Ps: one hundred and ninety-three
T: How to say the numbers(196, 289, 365...)
T: How many member states are there in the UN?
Ps: There are 193 member states.
T: There are flags from all around the world. All around
Ps: All around.
T: Is China in the UN?
Ps: …
T: Please look here, Oh, China is one of the first countries in the UN.
Ps: Yes, China is one of the first countries in the UN.
T: Are you proud of it?
Ps: Yes.
T: Do you know what does the UN want to do?make peace(利用所学单词
peach, nice等来教学peace)
Ps: make peace
T: The UN wants to make peace in the world.
Ps: The UN wants to make peace in the world.
T: Do you want to visit the UN building?
P1: Yes, I do.

T: Do you want to visit the UN building?
Ps: We, I do.
T: Do Simon and Daming want to visit the UN building?
Step 5 Student’s book(5 minutes)
T: Let’s listen (play the flash),After listening, please answer the question,
do Simon and Daming want to visit the UN building?
Ps: OK!...
T: Do Simon and Daming want to visit the UN building?
Ps: Yes, they do.
T: Read after me one by one.
Ps: OK!...
T: Please answer this question, What does Simon want to show?
Ps: He wants to show a present.
T: Yes, a beautiful train with ivory carving. A railway from Chengdu to
Kunming in 1970.
T: Listen again, then repeat after the radio. Read in groups, read in pairs.
Ps: ...
Step-6: Let’s do some exercises (5 minutes)
Teacher give some exercises, the students do by themselves. Then,
1. There are 193 in the UN.

2. The UN building is the US.
3. The UN wants to in the world.
4. you want to visit the West Lake? .
5. I to visit the Great Wall.
6. Many countries give to the UN.
Step 7 Review (3 minutes)
Teacher give some pictures, the students make some dialogues;
T: Do you want to visit Big Ben?
Ps: Yes, we do.
Review the new words, read the new words together.
Step-8: Expanse (2 minutes)
学生在老师的引导下说出一些著名的建筑物,仿造句型。(Water Cube, Bird’s
T: Can you tell me more famous building?
Ps: Yes, ...
T: What is this?
Ps: It’s Water Cube.
T: Do you want to visit Water Cube?
Ps: Yes, we do.


外研六上 Module 9
Unit 2


1.能理解、运用单词:want, visit, place, should
Do you want to …?Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
There are lots of beautiful places to go in China.
I want to go to Shanghai. Shanghai is very big and very famous.

运用Do you want to …?Yes, I do. No, I don’t.来询问他人的意愿和表达自
Step 1 Lead-in

1. 电脑播放G20峰会杭州晚会的动画,然后询问学生:Do you want to go to
Hangzhou? Why?

2.T: There are lots of beautiful and famous places in our country. Such as:
the Great Wall, the Changjiang River, the West lake and the Huangshan
Can you tell me more?
S1: the Great Wall
S2: …
2.打开书本,让学生猜测小 鸟飞到了哪里。然后播放动画,理解语境。再次播放动
T:What’s this?。
Ss: It’s a map.
T: Yes, it’s a map of China. There are lots of beautiful places to go
in China. Have you ever been to these places? Where did you go? And
tell us something about it.
S1: I went to .... It’s ....
S2:I went to .... It’s ...
复习了原先学过的 知识,也为新内容的学习做好铺垫,实现知识与切身体会的结合,
提高了学生的参与度,更能让学生意识 到我们的祖国是多么地美丽。)

2.出示东方明珠、外滩和 老城隍庙的图片,让学生猜测这些地方在什么城市。然后
问学生:Do you want to go to Shanghai? Why?
T:Yes, I want to go to Shanghai too. Shanghai is very big and famous.
T:Have you ever been to this place?
T:Yes, it’s in Kunming. Where’s Kunming?
Ss: It’s in the south of China.
T: Do you want to go to Kunming? Can you tell us something
about Kunming?
Ss: ....
T:Do you want to go to Guilin?
(设计意图:通过图片的 形式让学生提前对书本将要学习的三个地方有初步的认识,
同时让学生知道我们的祖国有很多美丽的地方 ,以此激发学生的爱国之情。)
Step 2 Presentation
1. 播放录音,请同学们认真听,找出Ms Smart一家打算去哪里旅行。
2. 放第二遍录音,请学生试着找出录音中每个人想去的地方和为什么。
3. 学生听完录音后,交流展示:
S1:Sam wants to go to Shanghai. Because Shanghai is very big and very

S2:Mr Smart wants to go to Kunming. It’s got a beautiful lake.
S3. Amy wants to go to Guilin. Because there are lots of mountains and
lakes in Guilin.
Step 3
1. 全班学生一起完成SB Unit2 活动6的游戏。做游戏之前,请学生先仔细看图,
识别出图片中的内容。学生A使用句型Do you want to·?向学生B提问,学生B
根据图片标注的是对勾还是叉子来决定回答Yes, I do. 或是No , I don't.
1.小组合作交流:寒假快到 了,同学四人一组讨论自己想要去哪里旅游,并简单说明
(设计意 图:用英语创设情景,用英语组织游戏,对话和调查采访,增强了学生的兴趣。
而学生也通过调查探究学 习法和小组合作学习法,进一步激发了主动参与学习的
Step 4 Homework



外研六上 Module 10
Unit 1


1. 会读、会写:line, stand in line, close ,rule , quiet, problem , No problem。
2. 语句:掌握和运用句型Don’t talk in the library. Please stand in line.
3. 会使用祈使句“Please do ….”及“Don’t do ….”发出指令或要求。
4. 通过多种形式的活动,激发小学生学习的兴趣,培养小学生的组织能力和合作
意识,从而提高小学生的英 语听说读写的能力。

1.理解和掌握词汇:line, stand in line, close ,rule , quiet, problem , No
2.掌握和运用句型“Don’t talk in the library. Please stand in line.”
1. 半点和整点之外的时间的表达。
2. 灵活运用祈使句“Please do ….”及“Don’t do ….”发出指令或要求。

Step 1 Lead-in
2、引导学生唱熟悉的英文歌曲“Please stand up.”学生边唱边做动作。


Step 2 Presentation
Ql. When do Simon and Daming go to the library?
At twenty to five.
Q2. What did Simon find?
A book and a CD.
Q3. What does the old man say to Simon?
He says “Look at the library rule.”
Q4. What does the young man say to Simon?
He says “Please stand in line.”
Q5. What are the library rules?
(1) Don’t talk in the Library. (2) Please be quiet.

1、老 师对板书的句子加以总结,可以通过表情和手势使学生更加明确“Please”
与Don’t...” 的含义。然后播放课件图片,请学生配上所学重点句型并大声说出
小组合作制作班规。(学生们以小组为单位,讨论制 作班规。)把制作好的班规粘贴
Step 3 Homework


外研六上 Module 10
Unit 2


1. 能听懂、会说并能熟练使用词组turn leftright. Be quiet.
2. 能听懂、会说并能熟练使用句子
(1)Go straight on!
(2)Don’t walk.
(3)Stop!Don’t go!
(4)Go!It’s green now.
(5)Don’t ride your bicycle here!
6)Don’t turn right here .
3. 复习巩固祈使句的肯定形式与否定形式的句式结构。

能听懂、会说并能熟练使用本课有关Traffic rules的词组及句子
Step 1 Warming up

’s dance:兔子舞 (奖励让赛车前行)
Step 2:Lead in Watch a video
Q: What is the video about 它是关于什么的 (看完后可用中文
回答) It’s about the traffic rules.
教读traffic rules T: Traffic rules are very important to
us,right Today we are going to learn the rules about
the traffic. Do you want to know how to say them in
Step 3 Presentation
1. 交通标志图向左转→turn left
交通标志图向右转→turn right
交通标志图直行→go straight on → 课题Go straight on教读,学
生 依 次直线开始读
2. T: How about this one How to say it 教师拿出禁
止向左转的标志 Ss: Don’t turn left. (奖励赛车前行)
依此法学习Don’t turn right. Don’t go straight on.
: I say you do.我来说你来做 让学生当
小老师来发命令 (那组做的好,反应快的加分)
Step 4: Text learning ng game: 让同学猜歌名 教师播

放<<红绿灯>> →Traffic lights 教读
2.Q: When can we cross The light is ____ . A. Red
B. Green 看P59 第一部分课文flash视频,看完后跟读,然后回答问题
hot→lot→stop→pot→cross The light is ____ . You can
____ .
3.看P59第二部分课文, 快速反应 看图说 Don’t walk.
Walk. (Please walk.) 看图 What does it mean The
light is red. Stop! Don’t go. The light is yellow.
(可以用中文说) Please wait. The light is green. Go!
It’s green now.
Step 5 Practice
1.看交 通标志快速反应抢单词
2.看例句来造反义句 Cross the road → Don’t cross the
road. Turn left → Turn right → Turn around
→ Go straight on → Ride your bicycle →
in the blanks:(小组先讨论,要会拼)
(1).Don’t ______ your bicycle here! 不要在这里骑自行车。
(2).Turn _______. 左转 .
(3).Turn _______. 右转.
(4). Don’t ______!不要穿过!
(5). Go ________ on . 直行.

rules for school,zoo,park


make ”please”,”dont”
sentences.(run,shout,fight ,climb the tree…) Please be quiet
in the library. Don’t talk in the library.
and say 用英语问路,怎样从学校到书店?
A:Excuse me. How do I get to the school
B: Turn right and go to White Street .Go straight on.
Turn left at Red Street. The school is on your right.学校在
A: Thank you.
书P60(3)画路 径,同桌进行同位练习。
time 表演(运用学生熟知的周围环境华润超市和植物园)
Sam/Amy: Taxi, Excuse me! How can I get to the
Taxi driver: Go straight on. And turn…
Policeman: Stop! Don’t go. Please wait. Please go!
Taxi driver: Turn….Here is the library.
Sam/Amy: Thank you!
’s make English newspaper制作手抄报
Traffic Rules 交通规则
Don’t walk! Please walk! You can cross. Don’t
turn left! Stop! Don’t go!

Step 6 Homework
l. Make an English newspaper.
2. Use “Please …… Don’t……” to talk with your friends.









