
2020年08月07日 07:27


六年级上册 第四单元
第1课时 教案
Teaching contents 教学内容
Story time

Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标
1. 能听懂、会读、会说e-book, mobile phone, newspaper, radio, telephone, e-friend,
anywhere, could,并能运用于语句中。
2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语couldcould not …以及动词过去式的表达。
3. 能正确地解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。
4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论过去和现在会做的事情。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点
教学难点:couldcould not …的正确理解和运用。

Teaching procedures 教学过程
Step 1 Free talk
1. I ask and you answer:
T: What did you do yesterday?
S: I …
2. You ask and I answer:
S: What did you do yesterday?
T: Guess!
S: Did you …? (PPT提示图片,操练短语:read

newspapers,buy things,do shopping on the Internet,listened to
the radio)
T: I enjoyed my old photos yesterday. Do you want to have a look?
【设计意图:通 过我问你答和你问我答两个环节和学生进行对话,在复习过去式

的表达的同时将本课的几 个短语进行了预设,并为接下来句型的引出做了铺垫。】
Step 2 Presentation
1. T: Look! These are my photos. Long long ago, I could do many things.
2. (PPT出现图片和句型)
T: Thirty years ago, I could ride a bike.
Twenty years ago, I could play basketball.
Ten years ago, I could swim. (教师脸上做自豪状)
How about you? (引导学生用PPT上的句型来表达)
________ years ago, I could ________
3. T: You really did a good job. Let’s get more challenges. Are you ready?
(PPT上句型稍作变换:________ years ago, I could not … But now I can.)
(学生先操练,然后选择一组学生进行non-stop talking)
点句型提前解决 ,并通过抢答、non-stop talking、“金手指”等多样化的方式让学
4. T: Good job! Pay attention to these phrases. (PPT呈现Thirty years agoTwenty
years agoTen years ago,教师边指PPT边领读)
T: When we talk about the time before, we can use this word: then. What does it
mean? (PPT只剩下then和now)
T: Yes, today we are going to learn a new lesson. The topic is Then and now. (点题)
Step 3 Story time
Part 1
1. T: Many changes have happened to Mike’s family. What are they? (播放动画)

T: Can you say something about Mike’s family? (PPT呈现句型)
例:Six years ago, Mike was short. Now he is tall.
2. T: They have changed a lot. And in this lesson, we’ll know more about the changes
of Mike’s family.
3. T: This boy is Mike. Now, he is a young boy. And he can do many things now. Let’s
guess, what can he do?
T: Could Mike do all these things six years ago? What could he do? Can you guess?
What couldn’t he do?
T: So, six years ago, Mike could read and draw but he couldn’t write. (师生一起读
T: Can you describe little Mike six years ago and young Mike now?
4. (1) Listen and tick (学生们选出听到的单词,整体感知课文)
(2) Check and read (教师核对答案并领读单词)
5. T: What did they do then and what do they do now? Read the text quickly, and try
to find out the answer. (PPT呈现)
Part 2
1. T: How about Mr Brown? How did he keep in touch with his friends twenty years
ago? How does he keep in touch with his friends now?
2. T: Let’s fill in the blanks together. Now, try to describe Mr Brown. (学生复述)
T: So the means of contact is changing.
Part 3
T: How about Mike’s grandpa? How did he get news thirty years ago?
S: He listened to the radio and read newspapers for news. (提醒学生read作为过去式
T: How can he get news now?
S: On the Internet and from e-books.
T: Let’s read this paragraph together. Then describe Mike’s grandpa. (学生复述)
T: So the way of getting news is changing. How do you get news, boys and girls?
Part 4
1. T: Do you remember Mrs Brown? What is she doing in the pictures?

T: So maybe she is doing some shopping or chat with her e-friends (解释e-friends)
on the Internet.
T: And the picture on the left is Mrs Brown twenty years ago. Then she was a
schoolgirl. Where did she make friends? And where did she buy things?
2. Read the text with your partners.
T: It tells us the way to ______ and the way to _______. And the ways are changing
整篇文章,通过观 看动画、自读课文,听录音,看图说话获取信息等方式,让学
生逐步了解课文内容,逐步根据图表进行复 述。】
Step 3 Consolidation
1. Read the text together.
2. Retell the text. (4人一组,可选择齐读、齐背、一人背诵一段等方式)
3. Write and say. (完成38页的练习)
4. Retell the whole text together.
的形式,课堂有 放有收,同时能检测学生的掌握情况,最后看着板书全班复述,
Step 4 Beyond Story time
1. T: Boys and girls, how does science change our lives? Can you describe with one
2. T: Do you like the changes? Why?
T: Technology and time change us a lot. It brings convenience and downsides as
well. What should we do? Do you have any changes these years?
Think it over. Let’s talk about it next class.
【设计意图:教师的职责不仅仅 是教会学生书本上的知识,同时也要教会学生思
考以及做一个更聪明的人,课文巩固之后用两个问题引导 学生思考,用两个不同
的观点引发学生的辨证的思维能力,同时给学生留下作业,为下节课的复习做好< br>准备。】

Homework 家庭作业
1. 听录音,跟读故事5遍。(必做)
2. 尝试背诵故事。(可选做)
3. 分别找一张自己过去和现在的照片,模仿书40页的句型进行操练。(必做)
4. 根据书40页的语言提示,写一个小短文。(可选做)
【设计意图:学生的能力各不相同,布置作业时 需考虑到不同层次学生的需求,
必做题可以保证吸收能力较慢的学生进行力所能及的巩固练习,而选做题 则为学

Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)
板书设计: Unit 4 Then and now

Mike 6 yrs ago could read and run


not write
Mr Brown 20 yrs ago wrote letters

used the telephone
30 yrs ago listened to the radio

Mike’s grandpa
read newspapers

Mrs Brown 20 yrs ago made friends at school
bought things from shops

then now

can do many things

writes emails
has a mobile phone
can read news and watch news
on the Internetreads e-books
makes e-friends and does
shopping on the Internet

在本节课导入部分,用“我问你答”和“你问我答”这两个形式的free talk
开始课堂 教学,既调节了课堂气氛又帮助学生复习了过去式的表达,为接下来的
课题做了铺垫,并顺势引出了co uld 和could not,激起学生和教师竞争的兴趣,
从而在进入课文前就解决了新句型。接着引出课题Then and now,用今昔对比的
方式,以“change”为主线,根据四个人物特点,分四个段落来消 化整篇文章,
课 文内容,逐步根据图表进行复述。接着通过小组合作的方式,让学生进行当堂

反馈,最后 教师根据板书引导学生集体复述。在复述的过程中,让学生感受几十
年来这个家庭所发生的变化,最后用 两个问题激发学生的辨证思维能力,给学生
 关注学生对课文的整体感知和细节信息的获取
 关注学生的过程性体验
 关注学生思维能力的培养
 多样化的评价方式以及分层作业的布置。

六年级上册 第四单元
第2课时 教案
Teaching contents 教学内容
Grammar time & Fun time

Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标
1. 能熟练掌握句型:could 和couldn’t,并能运用于语句中。
2. 能熟练掌握动词过去式的表达,并能熟练运用到语句中。
3. 能根据自己的照片前后对比,进行过去式和现在时态的正确表达。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点

Teaching procedures 教学过程
Step 1 Free talk
1. Ask and answer
T: What did you do yesterday?What can you do?What could you do … years ago?

2. Work in pairs
【设计意图:通过这个环节教师可以给出正 确的示范,为接下来学生两两合作提
Step 2 Revision
1. Think and say
T: What about Mike’s family? Did they change a lot?
(PPT呈现表格,学生根据Story time的内容举手发言填写表格)
【设计意图: 利用表格来帮助学生区分过去和现在,而动词部分会用红色标识,
2. T: What about my family? There’s a short passage about my family. According to
the pictures I provide, please fill in the blanks. (学生举手抢答)
3. T: Good job! Can you tell me what the verbs are in the present tense?
(PPT 根据学生的回答圈出一般现在时的动词)
4. T: Well done! Can you tell me what the verbs are in the past tense?
(PPT 根据学生的回答圈出过去式的动词)

【设计意图:引导学生根 据图片提示来完成一篇小的短文填空,让学生自己进一
5. Present Grammar time
6. Play a game: Quick respond
(1) 教师带领学生先示范:
T: I say “is”.
S: I say “was”.
(2) Play with your deskmate.
(3) Boys and girls have a competition.
【设计意图:语法知识呈现后,用几个简单 有趣的游戏提高学生的学习积极性,
Step 3 Consolidation

1. T: According to the photos, say something about your past (PPT呈现句型).
(学生根据自己带来的图片,用过去式来进行表述;教师可以先选择 学习能
2. T: Is it good to grow up or not? Why? (这里可以允许学生用简单的中文来陈述
理由;有了前面语法知识的铺垫, 学生敢说并且有话可说;PPT上给出的过
去式句型给学生提示,让他们得以充分地练习过去时的表达, 不给学生设定
3. (PPT呈现生活中四个变化的主要方面:shopping, learning, entertainment,
4. 小组之间互相交流,根据PPT上的句型提示来总结四个变化。

Homework 家庭作业
1. 跟朋友谈论你这几年的变化,注意一般现在时和过去式的区别。(必做题)
2. 填写Fun time的空白处。(必做题)
3. 根据你这几年来的变化,模仿Story time写一篇小短文。(选做题)
【设计意图:学生的能 力各不相同,布置作业时需考虑到不同层次学生的需求,
必做题可以保证吸收能力较慢的学生进行力所能 及的巩固练习,而选做题则为学
有余力的学生提供了更多的提升空间,建议教师在选做作业上多多激励。 】

Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)
板书设计: Unit 4 Then and now

I was …

I could …

_______ years ago,
I couldn’t …

I didn’t …

I …

作为一节语法课,如果只是简单枯燥地讲解语法是 不合适的。用学生照片的
以在此过程中帮 助学生进一步巩固过去式句型的使用,然后根据学生这几年发生
的变化来总结人们近年来生活上四个方面 的变化,通过四人小组合作的方式来完
成完型填空和小组口语交流汇报。课堂走到这一步,就为学生课后 尝试用过去式
 关注课堂完整的情节的设置
 关注学生的知识的自我总结获得
 关注学生小组合作能力的培养
 多样化的评价方式以及分层作业的布置

六年级上册 第四单元
第3课时 教案
Teaching contents 教学内容
Sound time & Culture time

Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标
1. 复习Story time及其过去式的表达,并能熟练用于日常用语或语篇的表达中。
2. 了解字母组合er的读音,并能够运用到别的生词的发音中。
3. 了解人类的两个重要发明:飞机和火车,并了解中国古代的四大发明。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点

1. 复习Story time及其过去式的表达,并能熟练用于日常用语或语篇的表达中。
2. 了解字母组合er的读音,并能够运用到别的生词的发音中。

Teaching procedures 教学过程
Step 1 Warm-up
1. Play a game:
【设计意图:用一个快速反应的游戏,帮助学生迅速复习 动词的三单现形式和过
去式,既吸引了学生的注意力同时又让学生快速复习重点知识,让课堂气氛迅速< br>活跃起来。】
2. Funny sentence-making
学生C:ride a bike
学生D:Mike rode a bike yesterday.
建议:教师可以写班级同学的名 字和一些比较有趣的动作来增加趣味性,
举例2:学生A:every day
学生B:Zhang Lan
学生C:dance on the house
学生D:Zhang Lan dances on the house every day.
【 设计意图:四人小组的造句活动,让学生能够注意力很集中地进行快速造句,
他们需要把人物时间和动作 用正确的语法结构组成一句话,而选择他们熟悉的班
级同学,再加上一些滑稽的动作短语,让整个活动特 别有趣,学生也会很专注且
3. Let’s retell
男生一起复述Mr Brown的变化

女生一起复述Mrs Brown的变化
4. Look and say
(PPT呈现过去和现在对比的图片,教师板书句型提示:… years ago, I … Now 、
I …,学生两人一组谈论变化)
【设计意图:学生根据表格来复述Story time ,接着根据PPT上提供的图片讨论
变化,并表述出来,这个过程就是帮助学生复习旧知并在实际生活中 运用。】
Step 2 Sound time
1. T: Look! There are lots of changes in our life, such as transportation, learning,
shopping and entertainment. And learning English has become more and more
important. Let’s read together.
2. T: Now pay attention to the red part, can you find out what “er” pronounces?
S: Yes, it pronounces ə (教师带读)
3. T: Can you give me some other examples? (PPT呈现更多例词带读)
T: Can you make sentences with these words?
T: Good job. I also made some sentences for you. They can help you remember
these words. Let’s read together.
My father and my brother often play together.
The writer wrote a letter to the singer last winter.
The player in the red sweater was the winner.
读音,接着通过造句 的方法帮助学生来记住这些单词,这些步骤由简到难,让学
Step 3 Culture Time
1. T: Look at Sam and Bobby. They are talking about a book called: Great inventions.
It tells us the great inventions all over the world. So Bobby and Sam like this
book so much. Let’s take a look. OK?
T: Look, what’s this?
S: It’s an aeroplane.

T: What about this?
S: It’s a train.
T: Who invented the aeroplane and the train? Please read it by yourselves.
S: The Americans invented the aeroplane and the British invented the train.
T: Do you know the names of the inventors?
T: Wright Brothers invented the first plane. Do you want to know more about the
first plane? Let’s take a look. (PPT呈现)
3. T: What about the first train? After class, you can surf the Internet and learn more
about the first train. The Americans and the British invented the first plane and
the train. And our Chinese people are even better. Look, they’re the four great
inventions of ancient China. (PPT呈现Papermaking, Printing, Gunpowder,
T: What other inventions do you know? Now share in groups.
4. T: Look at the other inventions. Which one do you know? (教师呈现更多发明家)
Edison invented the light bulb.
Watt invented steam engine.
Great inventions have changed our lives. Do you want to be an inventor in the
future? So what should you do?

Homework 家庭作业
1. 听录音,跟读Sound time 5遍。(必做);
2. 预习Cartoon time.划出生词,并尝试查单词读音和语义。(必做)
3. 在电脑上查询世界上第一辆火车的相 关资料,跟你的伙伴交流资讯,根据这些
【 设计意图:让学生在学习英语的同时也感知相应的文化背景知识,这是现在英
语教学中致力要做到的一点 。随着科技的发展,学生获得知识的方式越来越多元
化,因此作业的布置中设置了一个用电脑来查询第一 辆火车的相关资料,跟同伴

交流资讯后做个海报的任务。虽然是选作作业,但一定程度上 让部分学有余力或

Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)
Unit 4 Then and now
… years ago, I … Now I …
butter summer
worker nicer
farmer bigger
cooker fatter …
… invented …

本节课导入部分用一个游戏来开始课堂教学,因为已 经进行到第三课时,学
——趣味造句,让学 生完成由词到句的提升,学生必须根据人物、时间和动作来
迅速造句,既考验了学生的快速反应以及对语 法知识的掌握,同时用班级孩子或
者老师的名字来造句又增加了游戏的趣味性。完成Story tim e复习后,接下来呈
同时也介绍了中国 古代的四大发明,培养学生的民族自豪感。
 关注学生由词到句,由句到语篇的能力提升
 关注学生的自我习得

 关注学生多样化获得信息的需要
 多样化的评价方式以及分层作业的布置

六年级上册 第四单元
第4课时 教案
Teaching contents 教学内容
Cartoon time

Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标
1. 阅读并理解Cartoon time的内容,学会表演并明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处。
2. 通过课文的学习能够养成良好的课堂听讲习惯。
3. 在前几课的基础上会正确并熟练对比以前和过去,感受个人的成长和社会的

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点
教学重点:阅读并理解Cartoon time的内容,学会表演并明白Cartoon time 的幽

Teaching procedures 教学过程
Step 1 Free talk
1. T: Say something about myself (PPT展示照片)
_________ years ago, I was short and thin.

I couldn’t speak English. I wanted to be a teacher.
I am _________ years old now. I’m tall.
I’m a teacher. I can teach English well.
And I also like teaching English.

2. T: It’s your turn to say something about yourself. Use the sentences on the PPT,
please. You can first practice by yourself and then talk to us.
________ years ago, I was ________. I couldn’t ________.
I wanted to ________.
I am ________ years old now, I am ________.
I can ________. And I also _________.
【设计意图:教师首先呈现自己小时候和现在的照片的对比,最好选择和现在 反
PPT上提供 的句型来谈论自己的前后对比,既帮助他们复习了重点知识,也为接
下来Cartoon time做了铺垫。】
3. T: Let’s talk. Who wants to try?
T: Good job!
Step 2 Presentation
1. T: What are you doing now?
S: We are having an English lesson.
T: (PPT呈现Bobby 和Sam的图片) What are they doing? Are they also having an
English lesson?
S: Yes, they are having an English lesson.
T: Look at Miss Fox. Is she happy?
S: No.
T: You are right. She is not happy. She gets angry. Why? Let’s watch and answer.
T: Have you got the answer? What is Bobby doing? Is he listening to Miss Fox?
S: No.
T: He is looking out of the window.
(教授look out of,此处可快速举例组词:look out of the door etc.)
T: What are Bobby and Sam doing?
S: They are talking in class.
T: Yes, so Miss Fox gets angry.

2. Read and judge
T: Now open your English book and read Cartoon time by yourselves. Then judge
the sentences on PPT.
3. Read and choose
T: What do you think of Sam and Bobby?
T: Bobby and Sam didn’t listen carefully in class. And Bobby looked out of the
window many times. So Miss Fox gets angry. What do you think of Bobby?
S: …
T: Why do you think so?
S: …
4. Read and repeat
T: Listen carefully and try to imitate the pronunciation and tone.
选择 ,再到模仿整篇课文的语音语调,每个步骤都让学生带着任务来了解课文,
然后在不知不觉中掌握课文内 容。】
Step 3 Consolidation
1. T: This time, read and act in groups of four, Miss Fox, Bobby, Sam and narrator,
please pay attention to their tones and actions.
2. T: If you were Miss Fox, what would you say?
【设计意图:在一个班级中学生对 语言的接受能力各不相同,在设置任务时也应
该考虑到各个层次的学生,让每个学生都能体会到学习的成 就感。在课文表演过

Homework 家庭作业
1. 听录音,跟读卡通5遍。(必做)
2. 尝试背诵并表扬故事。(可选做)

3. 背诵生词。(可选做)
【设计意图:学生的能力各不相同,布置作业时 需考虑到不同层次学生的需求,
必做题可以保证吸收能力较慢的学生进行力所能及的巩固练习,而选做题 则为学

Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)
板书设计: Unit 4 Then and now

Bobby is look out of the window
They are talking.

Miss Fox

How is ?

由于已经是第四课时,课堂一开始的free t alk较之前几课有了一定程度的提
高,教师先展示自己的新旧照片的对比并进行描述,给学生做示范也 鼓励学生开
不同 层次的要求,学生得以总体感知课文、理解课文内容,了解其中的趣味性。
最后分层要求学生来操练课文 ,让每个学生都能参与进来同时获得成就感。
 关注学生对课文的整体感知和细节信息的获取
 任务型学习能力的培养
 关注学生思维能力的培养
 多样化的评价方式以及分层作业的布置

Bobby and

六年级上册 第四单元
第5课时 教案
Teaching contents 教学内容
Checkout time (Think and write) & Ticking time

Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标
1. 能在前几课的基础上比较一般现在时和过去时。
2. 能使用… year(s) ago来进行过去式的表述。
3. 了解er组合在单词中的读音。
4. 能运用本课所学单词和句型进行简单语篇的书写。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点

Teaching procedures 教学过程
Step 1 Sing a song
1. Sing a song: Mary had a little lamb
2. Show students the learning goals of this lesson
Step 2 Revision
1. T: Let’s play a game: I say, you say
2. Free talk
T: Thirty years ago, I was … I liked … I couldn’t … Now I am … I like … I can …

How about you?
(引导学生用PPT上的句型来表达 _____ years ago, I could …,然后让学生根
据自己的表现在Ticking time里自评)
【设计意图:用一个“I say, you say”的游戏帮助学生复习动词过去式,从而为
3. Sum up
(1) 引导学生总结一般现在时的时间状语关键词
(2) 引导学生总结过去式的时间状语关键词
(3) 找出过去式的时间状语
(4) 总结过去式
(5) 动词过去式的变化规则
(最后请学生在Ticking time的框里自评) < br>【设计意图:抓住一般现在时和过去式两个语法的重点区别——时间状语,引导
学生总结这两种语 法的不同,抓住重点关键词。】
4. 复习Sound time
(呈现一组单词和句子,学生集体认读,然后在Ticking time的框里自评)
Step 3 Consolidation
1. T: Can you read this sentence? (PPT呈现句子)
S: Yes!
T: There are four tasks for you. Let’s go!
2. Task 1
3. Task 2 (可以用小组竞答的方式来进行)
4. Task 3 (学生独立完成后,用抢答的方式来校对答案)
5. Task 4 (先小组讨论再独立完成,选择学生朗读自己的短文,教师做简单点评)
接着是快速 造句,再到按要求改写句子,最后才是完整的语篇,让学生在激烈的
竞争中兴致昂然地被老师引导着不知 不觉地复习本课重点知识。】

Homework 家庭作业

1. 复习第四单元重点知识。(必做)
2. 完成补充小练习(见下)。
1. I ___________ (buy) a new dictionary the day before yesterday.
2. —What day ___________ (be) it yesterday?
—It ___________ (be) Friday.
3. He ___________ (be) here half an hour ago.
4. We often ___________ (play) games five years ago.
5. She ___________ (give) me a book a moment ago.
6. The girl ___________ (get) up very early this morning.
7. They ___________ (take) photos near the river an hour ago.
8. He ___________ (not watch) TV yesterday evening.
9. —Why ___________ (be) the boy late for school this morning?
—Because he ___________ (have) breakfast late.
10. Mr Green ___________ (come) to visit me last night.
11. They ___________ (make) him work twelve hours a day last year.
12. She ___________ (write) her address on the blackboard after class.
巧,让学生在今天 课堂练习巩固的基础上进一步获得。】

Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)
板书设计: Unit 4 Then and now

… year(s) ago , I …

1. 时间状语
2. 动词过去式

去式。接着通过“I Say, you say”这样的游戏让学生巩固了动词过去式,从而让
学生在“… year(s) ago, I …”这个语段的表达中能够更加顺畅。接着以任务型学
习为主,层层递进,引导学生总结 两个句型的区别,再通过课堂练习来进一步巩
固,最后才是语篇的呈现,让学生的学习能力得到进一步的 提高。
 任务型学习
 关注学生自主学习能力的培养
 关注学生思维能力的培养
 关注学生答题习惯和技巧的培养







