
2020年08月07日 15:20


2 其次,对于一个对自己的相貌不自信的人,他的外形可能会影响到就职甚至事业,这时
候改变容貌会增加 他的自信,也就增加了他成功的可能性。第一部分,一个好的外表使人
们更加自信。一方面,自信对人的 发展很重要。一旦他们有了自信,他们会为自己感觉良
好,并过上更好的生活。另一方面,一个自信的人 可以吸引更多的人,这样他们就可以和
4最后 ,整容现在已经逐渐成为一个产业,它的繁荣发展能够为国家带来大量的税收。因
此我们支持整容。?F inally, cosmetic surgery has now become an industry, and its prosperity
and development can bring a lot of tax revenue for the country.
1整容无疑是告诉别人,我不自信我很丑。First of all, you say a good appearance makes
people more confident. But if you get a cosmetic ,is it undoubtedly to tell others, I am not
confident and I'm ugly.
2对方辩手总是强调一点,“爱美是人的天性”。整容可以是自己变得更 美,更有自信。
然而,你只是忽略了风险,人们可能采取的整形手术。有这么多的方式来改善我们的外观 ,
此外 ,有时整形外科手术的结果可能不会变成你原本想要的东西。有的甚至出现缺陷。因
为所有这些原因,我 们认为有整形手术来改善自己的外貌是不明智的。
The pro debaters are always stressing the point that “loving beauty is human’s nature”. Plastic
surgery can be their own become more beautiful, more confident However, you just ignore the
risk that people may take to have the plastic surgery. With so many ways to improve our
appearance, such as making ups, wearing jewelry, or designing a fashionable hair- style and so on,
why don’t we choose a secure and inexpensive way? Moreover, Sometimes the result of the
plastic surgery might not turn out to be what you originally desire. Some even suffer
disfigurement. For all these reasons, we don’t think it’s wise to have plastic surgeries to
improve one’s appearance.
3自信源自内心深处的你。 外观不应该是决定信心的关键因素。虽然第一印象很重要,但
未来需要的是你真正的能力,而不是你的外 表。虽然整容给别人留下了很好的印象,但人
们发现你的能力很差,会使事情变得更糟。当你在面试的时 候,内心的性格比你唯一的外
表更重要。这说明外观不是最重要的。所以没有必要做整容手术。seco nd you mentioned
his appearance may affect his or her career, changing his appearance will increase his
self-confidence, and good appearance can takes more work chance. But self confidence
comes from you within heart. Appearance should not be a key factor in the decision of
confidence. Although the first impression is important, what need in future is your real ability
instead of your appearance. Though plastic surgery gives others a good impression on you, yet
people find that you are poor in ability that will make things even worse . inner character is
more important than the only appearance when you are under a interview. This shows that

appearance is not the most important. So there is no necessary to do cosmetic surgery. Thank
you. < br>4自然美更重要。有一些人为了满足他们的虚荣心,通过整容手术来改善他们的外表。这
种美是肤 浅的,不会持续太久。整容美得不自然,自然美更重要,内在美比外在美更重要,
自信、乐观、善良一样 吸引人美是真,美本身必须是真的。优雅的心是保持青春的根本途
径。所以我们的一方认为我们不应该通 过整形手术改善我们的外表。And some times,
people to improve their appearance through plastic surgery just to satisfy their vanity. In addition,
beauty is superficial and will not last long. Cosmetic beauty is not natural, natural beauty is more
important, inner beauty is more important, confident, optimistic, kind and attractive。Beauty is
true, beauty itself must be true. One’s elegant heart is the fundamental approach to maintaining
youth for good. So Our side thinks unanimously that we shouldn’t improve our appearance
through the plastic surgery.
5美 丽是要付出代价的,整容的风险依然存在,一旦失败,可能导致毁容。整形外科技术
并不完善,因此,人 们会承担更多的风险。我们都知道,失败的可能性是存在的。一旦手
术失败,后果严重。整容会带来后遗 症,整容之后有很多禁忌,很多东西不能吃,也不能
You said we believe that the plastic surgery is an effective way for people to get a better
appearance and a better the plastic surgery technology is not perfect, therefore, people
will take more risk. And as we all know, the possibility of failure exist. Once the surgery fails, the
consequence is serious。Plastic surgery will bring sequelae, there are many taboo after the
plastic surgery, a lot of things can not eat, can not sun and so on, these are the heart of their own
is a very big blow.
6整形 手术是有害的,而且有很多副作用,这是不可避免的(不可避免的),那些有失败的
整形手术将不会恢复 ,并会留下一个不可磨灭的心理阴影在他们的心。为了美丽而去伤害
你的身体是没有必要的。 Those who have failure plastic surgery will not be resuming, and will
leave an indelible psychological shadow in their heart. It is not necessary to hurt your body in
order to be beauty. Do you think so? Thank you.
7其次,整容需要大量 的医疗费用,而且整容后的维持也需要大量的时间、精力和金钱。
如果你有这些钱,还不如去多买几件漂 亮衣服和化妆品。
Plastic surgery requires a lot of medical expenses, and the maintenance of cosmetic surgery also
requires a lot of time, energy and money. If you have the money, you might as well buy some
beautiful clothes and cosmetics.
人的歧 视。但是对一个残疾人来说,整容不能起到根本性作用。他们真正需要的是拥有一
个乐观强大的心You mentioned as for disabled people. plastic surgery will make them get rid of
the discrimination of We should know For a disabled person, cosmetic surgery can
not play a fundamental role。What they really need is to have a strong heart.
9整 容与我们的传统道德相违背。许多人认为,他他身体,头发和皮肤的父母,我们不能
改变它:身体发肤, 受之父母,不敢毁伤,孝之始也.与孝相违背。父母给予我们身体,给
予我们生命,让我们得以活在这个 世上。我们不应该对父母给予我们的一切保持尊敬和感
谢吗?It goes against people think that 他he body, and the hair, and the skin are
given by parents, we can't change it at will.
it is the parents give me the old us live our lives in this world, that we should not be
respected and grateful for what our parents have given us.
我 国最主要的税收来源是:增值税、营业税、企业所得税、个人所得税、消费税。整容的

税 收仅是一小小部分。 The pro debaters says that cosmetic surgery has now become an
industry, and its prosperity and development can bring a lot of tax revenue for the country. But
I would like to say that do the entire state of the tax should rely on cosmetic surgery to maintain
it. Our country's most important source of tax revenue is:: value added tax, business tax,
enterprise income tax, individual income tax, consumption tax,is not from the cosmetic surgery

Ask the other two debate, cosmetic rise in the entertainment, but in the majority of young
people in flood, this thought of the man
Will the delay in the development of young people become more superficial and ignore the
quality of their own?
更 < br>加注重内在品质的培养吗。我们欣喜的看到,在我国大力的推进和谐社会的构建过程中,
人民的素 质得到广泛的提升,您所说的现象不会出现。?

I would ask the other three debate, we see, because of cosmetic failure caused by countless
tragedies, they have a beautiful dream
Have to bear the double blow of body and soul, in the face of these tragedies can we go?




As the saying goes, people rely on clothes horse saddle, three points seven points in
appearance. There are many ways to make themselves become beautiful, we
Through clothing, cosmetics, jewelry to make up the insufficiency, why must rush into danger
choose plastic surgery?
国 < br>家,如果没有民众的支持,这个行业是不可能发达起来的。您说整容是不应该的,难道这
个国家没 有意识到,他们广大的人民也全都错了吗??

public is not necessarily beneficial, correct, and our country has also had the cultural revoluti on.
您生有 兔唇,您不会整容吗??
了 < br>追求身体某个部位的完美而去整容,这才是不值得的。我想问对方辩友,您去整容,就没
有考虑到 父母家人的感受么?父母想要原装的孩子,孩子想要真实的家长。?I would like to
ask the other side of the debate, you go to cosmetic surgery, you do not take into account the
feelings of parents, parents want the original child, the child wants the true parents.
们 可以看到,很多年纪比较大的人为了抵抗衰老,纷纷选择去医院美容院整容,这是无可
我 < br>们身体,给予我们生命,让我们得以活在这个世上。我们不应该对父母给予我们的一切保
持尊敬和 感谢吗??But as we mentioned before, whole body, by the parents, it is the parents
give me the old us live our lives in this world, that we should not be respected and
grateful for what our parents have given us.
我 < br>们要爱惜和保护,不得损害,但是整容并不是伤害我们的身体,而是使其更加完美。如果
一个人生 来有缺陷,而他谨遵古训不整容,那么与其承受着各种各样的压力和痛苦,何必
以 < br>用珠宝首饰来弥补,甚至可以用金钱来弥补,但是为什么一定要选择整容这条道呢?整容
的风险我 们都知道,一旦失败,后悔莫及。Alternative methods are various. Can be used to
make up for our talent ability, can be used to make up for the clothing, can
Risks of the surgery and as we all know, once failed, too late to regret. Jewelry to make up,
even can be used to make money, but why must choose cosmetic this way??

想 < br>说,古人古训古时用,时代变化,思想不能盲目守旧。第二,整容有风险,我们承认,但
是我们也 必须承认,正规的手术,风险也是很小的,而且随着技术的发展,风险将越来越
小。第三,爱美之心人皆 有之,整容给我们提供了改变自己的可能,能够帮助我们实现白


美不 足可以用内在美修饰。而另一方面,大部分人形貌健康,只是单纯的喜欢双眼皮、高
鼻梁、尖下巴而去整 容,对方辩友明显忽略了这大部分群体。而整容的风险仍然高度存在,
很有可能无法解决问题,反而造成 更大的问题,因此整容是不可取

1北京电影学院今年却在招生中有一条 新规定,严格筛查整容和文身的学生,北影今年拒收
整容考生。Beijing Film Academy this year rejected candidates and cosmetic tattoos
王劲松表示,考生须靠自然美“征服”考官,文身、整容可能会影响成绩。北电表演学 院副院
2 The tragic(悲剧的) death of celebrity(名人) Wang Bei has made people aware of the risks
of cosmetic surgery, which is becoming increasingly popular. < br>超女王贝接受面部磨骨手术,但在术中出现意外,血液通过王贝喉咙进入气管,抢救无效死
亡。d ied of cosmetic surgery accident
3国际美容整形外科学会的调 查结果显示,2009年~2010年中国的整形手术数量共达340多
万例。而中国消费者协会统计则 显示,中国整容整形业兴起的近10年中已有20万张脸被毁
掉。Investigation of the international society of aesthetic plastic surgery, the results show that
from 2009 to 2010 China's plastic surgery number amounted to more than 340 million cases.
And the China Consumers Association statistics showed the rise of China cosmetic plastic
industry in the past 10 years more than 20 million face is destroyed. < br>4巨星迈克尔?杰克逊,接受过10余次面部整容手术,包括6次鼻子、3次下颚、2次嘴唇和
1 次面颊,后来五官严重变形。superstar Jackson Michael, received over ten facial cosmetic
surgery, including the six nose surgery, three jaw surgery, two lips surgery and a cheek surgery,
so later severe deformation of the facial features.
5由《新京报》主办的 “2011中国最美50人盛典”在京举行。既选出了美女林志玲、章子怡、
马伊俐、黄圣依等,也选出 了俊男黄晓明、佟大为、文章等,但更多的是并不怎么漂亮甚至
在一般人眼中还有点丑的人,如葛优、李 宇春、汪峰、濮存昕、张嘉译、王珞丹、尚雯婕等。
其中,葛优、章子怡当选“年度人物”。章子怡领取 奖章时感谢《新京报》不以貌取人――“否
则葛优也不会出现在现场”,而最后出场的葛优则指着自己的 胸口表示:“今天我觉得评委特
6“中国最 美50人”活动由《新京报》于2005年发起,旨在传播当下社会公众领域审美风尚。
2011年“中 国最美50人”活动的口号是“榜样的力量”,今年的“美人”分为五类,分别体现“成
就”“责任”“ 突破”“专注”“新锐”等榜样的力量。
其实美丽是丰富多彩的,远不止外在的赏心悦目,更多的在于内在的幽香持久。In fact,
beauty is rich and colorful, far more than the outside is more inherently good to hear or see,
lasting fragrance.?
一对美丽的父母生出一个丑孩子,丈夫方知妻子曾整容。这是一种欺骗A pair of beautiful
parents give birth to an ugly child, her husband knew his wife had a face lift.







