
2020年08月07日 15:21





27年前,开放对于中国还是一个很陌生的词汇。当邓小平提出对外开放的时候,中国人遇< br>到了思维上前所未有的挑战,很多人怀疑中国的开放是不是风险太大了?但无论阻力有多
大,二十 多年来中国始终坚持了对外开放的基本国策。今天,当人们回首往事时,惊喜地发
现,中国已实现了历史 的跨越:在27年间,国民生产总值增加了1100%,平均增速达9.4%。
改革开放之初,人们把那 些巨富的人称为“万元户”,而目前我国居民人均储蓄就有上万元
了。所以,开放给中国人民带来了实惠 ,中国人从心里喜欢开放。

中国人办事,喜欢大家都高兴。中国开放的过程也是外来投资 分享利润的过程。从1990年
到2004年,外来投资者汇出了2500多亿美元的利润。正在运营的 28万多家外商投资企业
中,三分之二以上赢利。中国美国商会2004年的调查显示:被调查的四分之 三美国公司在
华赢利,42%的公司在华利润超过其全球的利润率。德国大众在华合资公司的运营利润相 当

通过双向贸易和投资,中国在世界经济增长中正 发挥着日益重要的带动作用。以去年为例,
中国以约占世界4%的GDP,对世界经济的增长做出了10 %的贡献;以约占世界6%的外贸
额,为世界贸易的增长做出了12%的贡献。《经济学家》周刊指出, 在2000—2001年美国
的股市泡沫破裂之后,由于中国的强劲发展,整个世界逃脱了衰退的一劫。 联合国贸发会议

今天,在促进经济发 展、实现与世界共赢的同时,中国的对外开放也进入了一个新的时期。
为什么叫“新时期”?因为当今的 中国与20年前的中国已判若两人,与10年前的中国也大


首先,中国的开放水平上了一个新台阶 。自加入WTO以后,经过3年多的过渡期,我们已
经按照有关规则和承诺,调整了国内的经济体制,关 税总水平已经降到了10%以下,所有
非关税壁垒已被取消,国内各行业尤其是服务业的对外开放程度已 大幅度提高。目前,中国
开放了100个服务贸易部门,占服务部门总数的62.5%,只比发达国家低 5个百分点。

第二,中国的市场规模越来越大,而且方兴未艾。谁也不怀疑,中国正在成 为世界上成长最
快的巨大市场,已经成为世界最大的电视机、电冰箱和手机消费国;住房、家用轿车和国 内
生 活资料,中国东部近5亿人口的地区,人均GDP已经达到了2000美元。盖洛普公司最新
调查数据显 示,目前中国中高收入家庭的标准为6100美元,人口总数为1.4亿。而且根据
预测,今后中等收入 人口每年还要增加两三千万。在中国的银行里,居民储蓄已超过1.5万

第三,中国不仅有较高素质的蓝领工人,还将有众多白领工人。过去,中国靠 廉价的劳动力
里程7. 2万公里,居世界第三;港口吞吐量41亿吨,居世界首位;电话用户总数已超过6.5
亿户,居世界第 一;互联网用户数超过9400万户,居世界第二。中国已有条件在完善和通

第五,外商投资企业在中国已不是一个个孤岛,外商投资企业已经摆脱了过去“孤军作战”< br>的局面,形成了从上游到下游的产业链,而且与流通企业、金融企业相互配合,编织成上上
下下、 纵横交错的产业网络;并且与中国企业相互渗透,你中有我,我中有你,在竞争中合

第六,中国已拥有巨大而且持续增长的进口需求。中国每年的进口总额已经从1978年的1 09
亿美元增加到2004年的5614亿美元。近5年,中国进口的年均增长率超过了28%。这种< br>大幅快速增长的进口,将为世界经济提供广阔的市场。

十年前,有人还担心或怀疑 中国是否能保持稳定。现在,恐怕全世界绝大多数人都不怀疑中
国的稳定和秩序了。中国有句老话,“疾 风知劲草,路遥知马力”,十年又过去了,中国不仅
没有乱,而且越来越好,这种长期稳定和有序的环境 对各国的投资者来说,也是个定心丸。

到2010年,按较为保守的估计,我国与北美、 与欧盟的进出口贸易将分别超过4000亿美元,
与日韩的贸易将超过5500亿美元,与东盟10国的 贸易也将超过2000亿美元。
但我想强调,中国仍然是发展中国家,还存在许多困难和问题,按照 绝对贫困人口的标准,
我国农村还有2600多万贫困人口;如果按照低收入人口的标准,这一数字将达 到近8000
万人;在城市还有2000多万人领取最低生活保障,显而易见,这些人的生活是非常困难 的。

作为发展中国家,中国的许多产业尚不具备国际竞争力,但我们不怕巨大的压力和竞 争的挑
进程取 得更大进展。尽管中国在发展过程中存在许多困难和问题,但中国政府是开明的,政
策是开放的,我们依 然致力于推进多哈回合谈判,推动建立更加公平、自由的全球贸易体系。

作为发展中国家 ,中国的许多产业尚不具备国际竞争力,但我们不怕巨大的压力和竞争的挑
战,仍以最大的开放诚意,经 历了15年的执着申请加入了WTO。三年来,我们恪守承诺,
清理并修订了约3000部法律、法规和 部门规章,涉外经济法律体系建设不断完善,市场化
进程取得更大进展。尽管中国在发展过程中存在许多 困难和问题,但中国政府是开明的,政
策是开放的,我们依然致力于推进多哈回合谈判,推动建立更加公 平、自由的全球贸易体系。

目前的纺织品问题就是一个典型事例。十年前,在乌拉圭回合 中,WTO的纺织品服装协议
就已明确规定,发达国家应该在十年内分阶段放开纺织品和服装的配额。但 是,一些发达国
家将70%-90%最重要的配额保留到去年年底,目前还把纺织品出口增长较快的责任 归于中

国,对中国产品设限,搞贸易保护主义,这是不公平的。WTO从 GATT算起有57年了,
在漫长的历史过程中,绝大部分产业都是发达国家占据优势,虽然WTO中有 不少发展中国
这一 点比较优势,还在全球纺织品一体化刚刚4个月后,就立刻遭到配额限制,令人无法理
解。大家都在倡导 自由贸易,但不应使用双重标准。当自己具有绝对优势的时候,就主张自
由贸易,让大家都打开大门;当 遇到发展中国家开始挑战的时候,就立即设限,关上大门;
这种做法显然有悖于自由贸易的原则,会有损 于世贸规则的严肃性,对正在进行的新一轮谈

关于中国的 知识产权,大家都很关心,我们也很关心。坦率地说,中国保护知识产权,绝不
是因为有什么压力,也不 是做给什么人看的,而是自身发展的需要。中国保护知识产权的决
心是一贯和坚定的,我们很清醒,如果 没有一个保护知识产权的法制环境,中国100年也发
展不起来。过去十年,中国的企业都越来越强烈地 呼吁保护知识产权。中国国内发生的侵权
行为,有70%至80%是针对国内企业而不是外国企业的。近 年来,我们进一步加大了知识
产权保护的力度,颁布了新的司法解释,加强了对侵权行为的处罚,对近2 000人追究了刑
事责任。我们也盼望知识产权保护能增强中国企业的核心竞争力,形成中国自主的品牌 。


不久前,中国领导人提出了建设和谐社会的 目标。中国古时就讲“和气生财”,即做生意要
和气,中国是礼仪之邦,愿广交世界的朋友,并在全面协 调可持续发展中,为各国投资者创



China's Opening and A Win-For- All World
Speech by Mr Bo Xilai, Minister of Commerce at Fortune Global Forum

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good Morning. It is my great pleasure to come to the Fortune Forum. I would like to talk to
you through my following speech titled China's Opening and a win-for-all World.

27 years ago, the word Opening was very novel to Chinese people. When Deng Xiaoping
first put forward the initiative of opening to the outside world, the Chinese people found
themselves in front of an unprecedented challenge in their mindset. Many of them were
hesitating at the risks of this opening up. However, despite all the disagreements, China
has been sticking to its basic national policy of opening up to the outside world through all
the last 20 odd years. In retrospect, the Chinese people find to their pleasant surprise that
China has made a historic leap. In 27 year's time, China's GNP increased by 1100% with
an average rate of 9.4%. During the early years of the reform and opening up, people call
the very rich people the ten thousanders, whereas the deposit per capita today is already
over ten thousand yuan. Thus we can see, the opening policy really brings benefit to the
Chinese people, and the Chinese people love this policy from the bottom of their hearts.

One of the working principles of Chinese people is to make everyone happy. The process
of China's opening up is one where China has been sharing profits and benefits with
foreign investors. From 1990 to 2004, foreign investors had remitted US$$250 billion of
their profits out of China. Among over 280,000 foreign invested enterprises in operation,
two-thirds of them were profitable. According to the 2004 survey of the American Chamber
of Commerce in China, three-fourth of the surveyed US invested companies in China
were making profits, and 42% of American-invested enterprises saw the profit ratio in
China above their global average. Profit that Volkswagen generated from its joint venture
in China equaled one quarter of the company's global profit.

Through two-way trade and investment, China is playing an increasingly important role in
driving the world economy. For instance, last year China took up 10% of the growth of the
world economy with its GDP accounting for about 4% of the world's total; it contributed
12% to the increase of the global trade with its external trade value taking up a 6% share
in the world's total. According to the Economist, it was the strong economic growth of
China that saved the world economy out of recession after the American stock bubbles
burst in 2000 and 2001. The UNCTAD also regarded China, together with the US, as the
two powerhouses of the world economy.

Today, when we are striving for economic growth and an all-win world, China's opening
drive also ushers in a new phase. Why should we call it a new phase? Because today
China looks fundamentally different from 20 years ago or even 10 years ago.

The word new phase is not merely a descriptive term. Rather, it embodies concrete

First, China's opening has been lifted to a new level. Following the WTO accession, China
has restructured its economy according to WTO rules and commitments within the 3-year
transitional period. The overall tariff rate was brought down to less than 10%, all the
non-tariff barriers have been eliminated, and the liberalization of all industries, especially
the service industry, has been significantly enhanced. At present, 100 segments in the
service sector have been opened, taking up 62.5% of all segments in the industry and
only 5 percentages lower than that of the developed countries.

Second, the Chinese market has become larger in scale and shows a continuous, upward
trend. No one doubts the fact that China is becoming the fastest-growing as well as huge
market in the world, and has become the largest consumer of television, refrigerator, and
mobile phone. Housing, private car and domestic and outbound tourism have become the
new highlights of consumption. Last year, the domestic market consumed means of
production and livelihood with a total value of more than two billion US dollars. The per
capita GDP of East China where the population is nearly 500 million reached $$ 2000. The
latest poll released by Gallop indicates that currently households with high and medium
income are defined as annual income of USD 6100, covering a population of 140 million.
In addition, it is predicted that population with moderate income will increase annually by
20 million to 30 million. Chinese household savings have exceeded 1.5 billion US dollars.

Third, China not only has skilled blue-collars, but will also have more white-collars. China
used to compete on the advantage of inexpensive labor force. While this advantage is
maintained, high-quality talents are growing as well. With more than 3 million university
students about to graduate this year, the intellectuality of China's human resources and
the popularization of foreign languages among them will also be improved.

Fourth, China's infrastructure is being bettered. At present, the total length of highways in
China has reached 30 thousand kilometers. 72,000-kilometer railways have been put in
operation, making China the No. 3 in the world of that for the railway system. Handling
capacity of Chinese ports stands at 4.1 billion tons, ranking No. 1 globally. The number of
telephone users is more than 650 million, marking the largest user community in the world;
the number of Internet users is 94 million, the second largest globally. China is already
equipped with bettered and smooth conditions to work with the rest of the world.

Fifth, foreign invested enterprises are no longer isolated islands in China. Gone are the
days when foreign invested enterprises fought by their isolated forces on this marketplace.
They have forged industrial chains covering the upstream and downstream stages,
shaping crisscross and interlocking industrial networks by cooperating with circulation
enterprises and financial companies. Mutual penetration has made foreign invested
enterprises and Chinese ones interdependent on and interwoven with each other and

search for cooperation and win-win in competition.;

Sixth, China has already enjoyed a huge and continually growing import demand. China's
annual import volume increased from USD 10.9 billion in 1978 to USD 561.4 billion in
2004. In the last five years, China realized an average import growth rate of over 28%.
Such considerably and rapidly growing import will provide the world economy with a broad

Ten years ago, some people held concerns or misgivings about whether stability could be
maintained in China. Today, I am afraid that the vast majority of people in the world have
no doubt about China's stability and order. As the old Chinese saying goes, sturdy grass
withstands high wind and distance tests a horse's stamina. Ten years passed, China
experienced no chaos, and is turning better and better. Such a long-term stable and
orderly environment is a reassuring pill that set all investors' minds at rest.;

According to conservative estimates, by 2010 China's import and export volume with
North America and the EU would surpass USD 400 billion respectively, with Japan and
Republic of Korea, top USD 550 billion and with ten ASEAN countries, exceed USD 200

But I would like to emphasize that China is still a developing country with many difficulties
and problems. By the criterion for absolute poverty, there are more than 26 million
impoverished people in China's rural areas, and figure would be lifted to 80 million by the
criterion for low-income population. In urban areas, there are still 20 million more people
living on the minimum livelihood guarantee offered by the government. Obviously, these
people are living a very difficult life.

Many industries in China, which is a developing country, are yet to be equipped with
international competitiveness. However, we are not frightened by enormous pressure or
by challenges from competition. With the utmost sincerity about opening up to the outside
world, we eventually acceded to the WTO after 15 years' perseverance. Over the past
three years, we have abided by our commitments, reviewed and revised about 3,000 laws,
rules and regulations. Foreign-related economic legal system has been constantly
perfected with market opening improved by a large margin. Despite the numerous
difficulties and problems in China's development, the Chinese government is
open- minded, the policy is open, and we are still committed to advancing the DDA
negotiations and helping to build a fairer and freer global trading system.

In December this year, the Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference will be held in Hong Kong,
China, which is of critical importance to the DDA negotiations. DDA is all about the new
round of talks on international trade rules, which China will actively push forward with an
open mindset. At the same time, we hope that the new rules for free trade should fully
reflect the principle of equality, mutual benefit, opening up and win for all, be more
transparent and just, ensuring all parties to be as good as their words. Once an

agreement is reached, every one should live up to his commitments, otherwise, there
would be no point in negotiating new rules. The attitude of pragmatism cannot be adopted
to implement the favorable rules only, not unfavorable ones.

The current textile issue is a typical example. In the Uruguay Round 10 years ago, the
WTO ATC explicitly provided that developed countries should eliminate their textile and
clothing quotas by stages in ten year's time. However, some developed countries kept
70-90% of the most important quotas till the end of last year. They then ascribe to China
the short-term rapid textile export growth following the integration, set restrictions over
Chinese products and apply trade protectionism. This is unfair. WTO has been in place for
57 years since the creation of GATT. In this long historical process, it is developed
countries that hold advantages in the absolute majority of industries. Though many of the
WTO members are developing countries, they are not capable of competing. It took China,
a developing country, innumerous trials and hardships to cultivate the textile industry with
comparative advantages, which is an industry merely with low added value and has a
bearing on the livelihood of tens of millions low income earners. Too difficult for us to
understand is that even such a tiny comparative advantage was immediately put under
quota restrictions only four months after the global integration of trade in textiles.
Everybody is advocating free trade nowadays, but we should not allow the adoption of
double standards. Claiming free trade and forcing others to open up the market when one
is in absolute advantage while erecting restriction and closing its own market as soon as
the developing countries begin to impose challenges--such practice is apparently against
the principle of free trade, and will undermine the gravity of WTO rules and exert negative
impact on the on-going new round of negotiations.

You are all concerned about intellectual properties in China, so are us. To be honest,
China is by no means protecting IPR for any pressure. We are not doing that for anybody
else, and we are doing that out of our own need of development. The resolution of China
in IPR protection is consistent and firm. We are sober-minded that without a legal
environment for IPR protection China could not secure a development even in 100 years.
During the last decade, Chinese enterprises are more and more strongly calling for IPR
protection. 70-80% of IPR violations taking place in China are directed at domestic
enterprises instead of foreign ones. In recent years, we have further intensified protection
of IPR, promulgated the new Judicial Interpretation, strengthened penalty for IPR
infringements and brought nearly 2000 people to criminal punishment. We also look
forward to seeing that IPR help enhance the core competence of Chinese enterprises and
build our own independent brands.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Not long ago, the Chinese leadership put forward the objective of building a harmonious
society. As the ancient Chinese saying goes, peace breeds wealth. We should cherish
friendship with an even temper in doing business. China, as a land of amenity, is willing to
make friends with the rest of the world and to create a better environment and generate

more wealth for investors from all countries in our comprehensive, coordinated and
sustainable development.

Thank you.







