
2020年08月07日 15:57


1978年,中国 开启了改革开放的历史进程。改革开放是中国人民用双手书写的国
家和民族发展的壮丽史诗,是中国和世 界共同发展进步的伟大历程,不仅深刻改变了
中国,也深刻影响了世界。40年来,中国坚持对外开放基 本国策,打开国门搞建设,
逐步形成了全方位多层次宽领域的对外开放格局,极大促进了中国与外部世界 的交流
2001年中国加入世界贸 易组织,是中国深度参与经济全球化的里程碑,标志着中
国改革开放进入历史新阶段。加入世贸组织以来 ,中国积极践行自由贸易理念,全面
履行加入承诺,大幅开放市场,实现更广互利共赢,在对外开放中展 现了大国担当。
以世贸组织为核心的多边贸易体制是国际贸易的基石,是全球贸易健康有序发展< br>的支柱。中国坚定遵守和维护世贸组织规则,支持开放、透明、包容、非歧视的多边
贸易体制,全 面参与世贸组织工作,为共同完善全球经济治理发出中国声音、提出中
国方案,是多边贸易体制的积极参 与者、坚定维护者和重要贡献者。
中国加入世贸组织既发展了自己,也造福了世界。中国积极践行 新发展理念,经

站在新时代的历史起 点上,中国开放的大门不会关闭,只会越开越大。中国过去
40年的经济发展是在开放条件下取得的,未 来中国经济实现高质量发展也将在更加开
放条件下进行。中国将继续坚持对外开放基本国策,以更加积极 的姿态融入经济全球
为全面介绍中国履行加入世贸组织承诺的实践,阐释中国参与 多边贸易体制建设
的原则立场和政策主张,阐明中国推进更高水平对外开放的愿景与行动,中国政府特< br>发表本白皮书。
2001年中国加入世 贸组织①以来,不断完善社会主义市场经济体制,全面加强同
多边贸易规则的对接,切实履行货物和服务 开放承诺,强化知识产权保护,对外开放
政策的稳定性、透明度、可预见性显著提高,为多边贸易体制有 效运转作出了积极贡
始 终坚持社会主义市场经济改革方向。加快完善社会主义市场经济体制,健全市
场体系,理顺政府和市场关 系,使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用,更好发挥政府作
用。广泛开展世贸组织规则宣传教育,市场意识 、竞争意识、规则意识、法治观念深
不断健全社会主义市场经济法律体系。坚持 依法治国,全面遵守和执行世贸组织
规则,完善基于规则的市场经济法律法规,构建符合多边贸易规则的 法律体系。加入
护等各个方 面。2014年,制订进一步加强贸易政策合规工作的政策文件,要求各级政
府在拟定贸易政策的过程中 ,对照世贸组织协定及中国加入承诺进行合规性评估。

2016年,建立规范性文件合法 性审查机制,进一步清理规范性文件,增强公共政策制
大幅降低进口关税。减少进口成本,促进贸易发展,让世界各国 更多分享中国经
济增长、消费繁荣带来的红利。截至2010年,中国货物降税承诺全部履行完毕,关< br>税总水平由2001年的15.3%降至9.8%。其中,工业品平均税率由14.8%降至8.9%;< br>农产品平均税率由23.2%降至15.2%,约为世界农产品平均关税水平的四分之一,远
低于 发展中成员56%和发达成员39%的平均关税水平。农产品的最高约束关税为65%,
而美国、欧盟、 日本分别为440%、408%、1706%。
显著削减非关税壁垒。减少不必要的贸易限制,促 进贸易透明畅通。截至2005
年1月,中国已按加入承诺全部取消了进口配额、进口许可证和特定招标 等非关税措
全面放开外贸经营权 。促进经营主体多元化,激发各类企业开展贸易的积极性。
自2004年7月起,中国对企业的外贸经营 权由审批制改为备案登记制,极大地释放
了民营企业的外贸活力,民营企业进出口发展迅速,份额持续扩 大,成为对外贸易的
重要经营主体。民营企业和外商投资企业进出口占全国进出口总额的比重由2001 年
广泛开放服务市场 。大力推动服务业各领域快速发展,提高服务业对国民经济的
贡献。在世贸组织分类的12大类服务部门 的160个分部门中,中国承诺开放9大类
的100个分部门,接近发达成员平均承诺开放108个分部 门的水平。截至2007年,
持续减少限制 措施。逐步降低服务领域外资准入门槛,按期取消服务领域的地域

和数量限制,不断扩大 允许外资从事服务领域的业务范围。其中,在快递、银行、财
产保险等54个服务分部门允许设立外商独 资企业,在计算机、环境等23个分部门允
许外资控股,在电信、铁路运输、旅游等80个分部门给予外 资国民待遇。2010年,
中国服务业吸引外商直接投资额首次超过制造业,2017年吸引外商直接投 资额占比达
加强知识产权保护是 中国的主动作为。加强知识产权保护是完善产权保护制度最
重要的内容,也是提高中国经济竞争力最大的 激励。中国推进知识产权保护,不仅符
合自身发展需要,也有助于进一步完善法治化、国际化、便利化的 营商环境。中国鼓
励中外企业开展正常技术交流合作,依法保护在华外资企业合法知识产权,同时,希< br>望外国政府加强对中国知识产权的保护。
构建完备的知识产权保护法律体系。加入世贸组织 后,中国建立健全知识产权法
律法规,与多个国家建立知识产权工作机制,积极吸收借鉴国际先进立法经 验,构建
加 了惩罚性赔偿制度;修订《反不正当竞争法》,进一步完善了商业秘密的保护,同
时明确市场混淆行为, 引入标识的概念,拓宽对标识的保护范围。目前,正在加快推
显著提上去 ,把法律威慑作用充分发挥出来。重新组建国家知识产权局,完善执法力
量,加大执法力度。在北京、上 海、广州设立三家知识产权法院,在南京、苏州、武
汉、西安等15个中级法院内设立专门审判机构,跨 区域管辖专利等知识产权案件。
加大行政执法力度,针对重点违法领域,开展专利“护航”行动、打击网 络侵权盗版
知识产权保护效果明显。从200 1年起,中国对外支付知识产权费年均增长17%,

2017年达到286亿美元。20 17年,中国发明专利申请量达到138.2万件,连续7年
居世界首位,申请者中近10%为外国单位 和个人;国外来华发明专利申请量达到13.6
万件,较2001年3.3万件的申请量增长了3倍。世 界知识产权组织日前公布,2017
年,中国通过《专利合作条约》途径提交的专利申请受理量达5.1 万件,仅次于美国,
明确提供法律 制度保障。《立法法》《行政法规制定程序条例》《规章制定程序条
例》明确要求法律、行政法规和规章 草案须按有关规定公开征求公众意见。全国人大
常委会法工委定期出版《中华人民共和国法律》(英文版 )。国务院法制机构定期出版
《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(中英文对照),商务部在《中国对外经 济贸易文告》
全面履行世贸组织通报义务。中国按照要求定期向世 贸组织通报国内相关法律、
法规和具体措施的修订调整和实施情况。截至2018年1月,中国提交的通 报已达上
中国在 加入世贸组织时作出广泛而深入的开放承诺,国内企业直接面对国际竞
争,多数产业面临较大困难。中国 企业主动应对挑战,大力推进产业结构调整,积极
以世贸组织为核心的多边贸易体制是国际贸易的基石,为推动全球 贸易发展、建
反对单边主义和保 护主义,维护多边贸易体制的权威性和有效性,与各成员共同推动
世贸组织在经济全球化进程中发挥更大 作用。

全面参与多哈回合各 项议题谈判。中国提出和联署谈判建议百份以上,推动贸易
便利化、农业出口竞争等多项议题达成协议, 推动多边贸易体制不断完善。2015年,
中国成为接受《贸易便利化协定》议定书的第16个世贸组织 成员。2016年中国担任
二十国集团主席国期间,推动多国完成《贸易便利化协定》的国内批准程序, 为协定
积极推动诸边贸易自由化进程。作为发展中成员,中国 积极参与诸边自由化倡议,
并为谈判作出了重要贡献。中国在加入世贸组织时参加了《信息技术协定》, 在此基
十国集团领导人杭州 峰会期间推动谈判达成重要共识。中国于2007年启动加入《政
府采购协定》谈判,为加入该协定作出 了积极努力。
便利化之友”, 引导70多个成员达成《关于投资便利化的部长联合声明》。加入“中
小微企业之友”,推介中国在世贸 组织相关提案中关于支持中小微企业的内容。加入
“电子商务发展之友”,积极推动世贸组织电子商务议 题多边讨论,分享经验做法,
切实履行《贸易便 利化协定》。作为发展中成员,中国积极推动实施《贸易便利
化协定》。中国组建了国家贸易便利化委员 会,各有关部门通力协作,提高贸易便利
化水平。截至2017年,各省(自治区、直辖市)已经建立了 贸易便利化工作联席会
议制度,积极做好本地区贸易便利化相关工作。在履行该协定方面,中国的A类措 施
后经 过一定过渡期后实施)。中国将严格履行承诺,在3年过渡期后如期实施B类措

积极维护争端解决机制有效运 转。世贸组织争端解决机制为保障国际贸易可预见
性、维护多边贸易体制稳定发挥了重要作用。中国积极 参与改进争端解决程序的谈判,
支持世贸组织上诉机构独立公正开展上诉审议工作。针对当前个别世贸组 织成员阻挠
贸易争端。按照事项统计 ,截至2018年4月,中国在世贸组织起诉案件17项,已结
案8项;被诉案件27项,已结案23项 。中国通过主动起诉,遏制了少数世贸组织成
员的不公正做法,维护了自身贸易利益和世贸规则权威。中 国积极应对被诉案件,尊
重并认真执行世贸组织裁决,作出了符合世贸规则的调整,无一例被起诉方申请 报复
认真接受成员的贸易政策监督 。世贸组织贸易政策审议机制有助于增加多边贸易
体制的透明度。中国高度重视贸易政策审议,已接受世 贸组织六次审议,并正在积极
准备即将于2018年7月进行的世贸组织对中国的第七次贸易政策审议。 中国始终以
开放的良好形象为发 挥审议机制作用树立了典范。
敦促其他成员遵守多边贸易协定。加入世贸组织以来,中国参与世贸 组织对其他
支持世贸组织将发展作为工作重心。确保发展中国家 尤其是最不发达国家从国际
贸易中获益,进而实现经济增长是世贸组织宗旨之一。作为世界上最大的发展 中国家,

< p>
向其他发展中 成员提供务实有效的支持。加大对发展中成员特别是最不发达国家
成员援助力度,促进缩小南北发展差距 。截至2018年3月,已对36个建交且已完成
换文手续的最不发达国家97%税目产品实施零关税。 积极响应世贸组织“促贸援助”
倡议,利用多双边援助资源帮助其他发展中成员特别是最不发达国家成员 加强基础设
发达国家及加 入世贸组织中国项目”,已帮助6个最不发达国家加入世贸组织。2017
年起,中国在南南合作援助基 金项下与世贸组织等国际组织加强合作,在“促贸援助”
领域实施合作项目,帮助其他发展中成员提高从 全球价值链中获益的能力。
单边主义和保护主 义与世贸组织基本原则背道而驰。多边贸易体制是顺应世界经
济发展的历史选择。世贸组织倡导以规则为 基础,秉持开放、透明、包容、非歧视等
基本原则,其解决全球贸易问题主渠道的地位不会改变。中国旗 帜鲜明反对单边主义
有坚持平等 协商、携手合作,才能实现共赢、多赢。
利用多边合作平台倡导自由贸易。中国倡导通过加强合作 、平等对话和协商谈判
来解决国际贸易中的问题。中国主办亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议、 二
将反对贸 易保护主义写入会议成果文件。中国领导人出席“一带一路”国际合作高峰
论坛、博鳌亚洲论坛、世界经 济论坛等多边会议期间,多次阐明支持多边贸易体制、
推动建设开放型世界经济的坚定立场。在世贸组织 内中国积极倡议,与多数成员发出

中国坚定不移奉行互利共赢的对外开 放战略,遵循世贸组织自由贸易理念,在对
外开放中展现大国担当。从加入世贸组织到共建“一带一路” ,中国开放胸襟、拥抱
世界,为促进世界经济贸易发展、增加全球民众福祉作出了重大贡献,成为世界经 济
是拉动 世界经济复苏和增长的重要引擎。
中国新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化快速推进,形成 巨大的消费和投
业岗 位。
生活 从短缺走向充裕、从贫困走向小康,现行联合国标准下的7亿多贫困人口成功脱
贫,占同期全球减贫人口 总数70%以上,为世界提供了最高的减贫贡献率。
促进对外贸易回稳向好。 世贸组织数据显示,2017年,中国在全球货物贸易进口和出
口总额中所占比重分别达到10.2%和 12.8%,是120多个国家和地区的主要贸易伙伴。
中国货物贸易出口为全球企业和民众提供了物美 价优的商品;2001-2017年,中国货
物贸易进口额年均增长13.5%,高出全球平均水平6. 9个百分点,已成为全球第二大

进口国。自2009年以来,中国一直是最不发达国家第 一大出口市场,吸收了最不发
2001-2017年,中国服务 贸易进口从393亿美元增至4676亿美元,年均增长
16.7%,占全球服务贸易进口总额的比重接 近10%。自2013年起,中国成为全球第二
大服务贸易进口国,为带动出口国当地消费、增加就业、 促进经济增长作出了重要贡
献。以旅游服务为例,中国连续多年保持世界第一大出境旅游客源国地位。2 017年,
新业态新模式快速发展, 为贸易伙伴提供了更加广阔的市场。2017年中国海关验放的
跨境电子商务进出口商品总额为902. 4亿元人民币,同比增长80.6%,其中进口为
中国推动构建公正、合理、透明的国际经贸投资规则体 系,促进生产要素有序流
中国积极吸引外国机构和个 人来华投资兴业,外商直接投资规模从1992年起连
续26年居发展中国家首位。加入世贸组织后,外 商直接投资规模从2001年的468.8
亿美元增加到2017年的1363.2亿美元,年均增长6 .9%。外商投资企业在提升中国经
济增长质量和效益的同时,分享中国经济发展红利。中国美国商会《 2018中国商务环
境调查报告》显示,约60%的受访企业将中国列为全球三大投资目的地之一,74 %的会
企 业计划增加在华投资10%以上。中国欧盟商会《商业信心调查2018》报告显示,超
过一半的会员企 业计划扩大在华运营规模。2017年全国新设立外商投资企业35652
贸组织之初 的第26位上升至2017年的第3位。中国对外投资合作加快了东道国当地

技术进步步 伐,促进其经济发展和民生改善,创造了大量就业机会。
造开放型合作平台,维护 和发展开放型世界经济,与其他国家共同构建广泛的利益共
提出共建“一带一路” 倡议。面对世界经济发展困境,中国提出共建“一带一路”
倡议。“一带一路”倡议源于中国,但机会和 成果属于世界,对于促进各个国家和地
区之间深化合作和共同发展,维护和发展开放型世界经济,推动开 放、包容、普惠、
作协议。中国与相关国家 深化务实合作,取得了丰硕成果。2013-2017年,中国同沿
线国家贸易总额超过5万亿美元,中 国企业在这些国家累计投资超过700亿美元。截
至2017年底,中国企业在有关国家建设75个境外 经贸合作区,上缴东道国税费超过
16亿美元,为当地创造了22万个就业岗位。自2018年起,中国 将在3年内向参与“一
带一路”建设的发展中国家和国际组织提供600亿元人民币援助,建设更多民生 项目。
1 00多个国家参与的国际博览会,是推动全球包容互惠发展的国际公共产品。首届中
国国际进口博览会将 于2018年11月举行。举办进口博览会是中国推进新一轮高水平
对外开放的重大决策,是中国主动向 世界开放市场的重大举措,是中国支持经济全球
化和贸易自由化的实际行动。未来15年,中国预计将进 口24万亿美元商品。中国国
际进口博览会将为各国出口提供新机遇,为各国共享中国发展红利搭建新平 台,为世
中 国的对外开放不会止步于履行加入世贸组织承诺。面对汹涌澎湃但又充满曲折
的经济全球化,中国顺应时 代发展潮流和世界发展大势,坚定不移扩大对外开放,不

断创造更全面、更深入、更多元 的对外开放格局,实现更广泛的互利共赢。
中国的贸易战 略宗旨是互利共赢、多元平衡。中国注重提升出口质量和附加值,
积极扩大进口,更好融入全球价值链。 中国不刻意追求货物贸易顺差,客观看待目前
服务贸易存在的逆差,支持有利于丰富市场供给、有利于提 升人民生活品质、有利于
促进产业结构升级的进口。在全面履行加入承诺的基础上,中国近年来又多次以 暂定
均 关税已降至4.4%,与美国、欧盟等发达经济体相差1.5-2个百分点。截至2017
年底,已调减 900多个税目产品的税率。在博鳌亚洲论坛2018年年会上,中国宣布
将进一步扩大降税范围,努力 增加人民群众需求比较集中的特色优势产品进口。
世贸 组织《贸易便利化协定》实施一年多以来,中国贸易便利化水平显著提升。
目前,中国海关进口货物平均 通关时间缩短至20小时以内,出口货物平均通关时间
不到2小时。中国加快推进国际贸易“单一窗口” 建设和推广。截至2017年底,中
国国际贸易“单一窗口”已与11个口岸管理相关部门对接,基本覆 盖大通关主要流
压缩进出口环节 和成本,不断优化口岸营商环境。
对外商投资实行准 入前国民待遇加负面清单管理模式,是中国适应经济全球化新
形势和国际投资规则变化的制度变革。20 16年9月,全国人大常委会对《外资企业法》
等4部法律进行了修订,将不涉及国家规定实施准入特别 管理措施的外商投资企业设
立及变更事项,由审批改为备案管理。2018年上半年,中国完成修订外商 投资负面清

农 业、采矿业、制造业开放。
对于船舶行业,中国将于2018年取消外资股比限制,包括设计、制 造、修理各
车外资股比限制,并 将在未来5年内逐步取消汽车行业的全部股比限制。
理程序,建设高标准自由 贸易试验区,加强投资促进与投资保护,进一步提升外商投
资环境法治化、国际化、便利化水平,让中国 市场更加透明、更加规范,促进外资增
截至2018年3月,中 国全面取消非行政许可审批,与2013年3月相比,削减行
政审批事项44%。中央政府层面核准的企 业投资项目数量累计减少90%。全面改革工
商登记、注册资本等商事制度,全面推行注册资本认缴登记 制,工商登记前置审批事
项压缩了87%,企业开办时间缩短三分之一以上。推进市场准入负面清单制度 改革,
中国将继续推进 简政、降税、减费改革,继续加强同国际经贸规则对接,增强透
明度,强化产权保护,坚持依法办事、鼓 励竞争、反对垄断。加快制定出台《外国投
资法》,构建符合新时代改革开放需要的外资法律体系,推进 更高水平的对外开放和
更深层次的外资管理体系改革,保护外商投资和外国投资者合法权益。降低外国人 才
探索建 设中国特色自由贸易港。
中国政府积极引导企业在海 外守法经营、履行企业社会责任,支持企业按照商业
原则和国际惯例开展对外投资合作。中国将继续积极 推动境外投资持续合理有序健康
发展,有效防范各类风险,同时,中国呼吁东道国避免滥用安全审查等限 制性做法对

多边贸易体制和区域贸易安排是驱动经济全球化向前发展的两个轮子。 中国维护
总额的25. 9%。已签署的自贸协定中,零关税覆盖的产品范围基本超过90%,承诺开
放的服务部门已从加入世贸 组织时的100个增至近120个。中国将继续坚定不移地推
进经济全球化、维护自由贸易,与有关各方 早日签署并实施《区域全面经济伙伴关系
协定》,加快亚太自贸区和东亚经济共同体建设,构建立足周边 、辐射“一带一路”、
当今世 界正在经历新一轮大发展大变革大调整,人类面临的不稳定不确定因素依
然很多。近年来,逆全球化潮流 涌动,保护主义和单边主义抬头,以世贸组织为核心
经济全球 化为世界经济增长提供了强劲动力,是不可逆转的时代潮流,中国与多
边贸易体制休戚与共。中国将继续 践行承诺、遵守规则,积极参与多边贸易体制建设,
彻创新、协 调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念,完善社会主义市场经济体制,充分激
识产权保护 ,加强国际交流合作,使技术发展和创新不仅造福中国而且惠及世界,让
越来越多的人享受科技发展带来 的便利。

推 动全球经济治理朝着平等公正、合作共赢的方向发展。
中国将以更大力度、更高水平的对外开放促 进全球共同发展,为各国分享中国红
利创造更多机会。中国愿与全球贸易伙伴一道,推动经济全球化朝着 更加开放、包容、
普惠、平衡、共赢的方向发展,让不同国家、不同阶层、不同人群共享经济全球化的< br>好处。

中国是共产党领导的社会主义国家。中国始终坚持从本国 国情和宗教实际出发,
实行宗教信仰自由政策,保障公民宗教信仰自由权利,构建积极健康的宗教关系, 维

< br>下,中国全面推进依法治国,把宗教工作纳入国家治理体系,用法律调节涉及宗教的
各种社会关系 ,宗教工作法治化水平不断提高。信教公民和不信教公民相互尊重、和
睦相处,积极投身改革开放和社会 主义现代化建设,共同为实现中华民族伟大复兴的
中国实行宗教信仰自由政策,依法管理宗教事务,坚持独立自主 自办原则,积极
宗教的基本政策。每个公 民既有信仰宗教的自由,也有不信仰宗教的自由;有信仰某
一种宗教的自由,也有在同一宗教中信仰某个 教派的自由;有过去不信教而现在信教
的自由,也有过去信教而现在不信教的自由。信教公民同不信教公 民一样,享有同等
政治及经济社会文化等方面的权利,不会因信仰不同造成权利上的不平等。国家尊重< br>公民宗教信仰自由,保护正常宗教活动;公民行使宗教信仰自由权利,不得妨碍其他
公民的合法权 利,不得强制他人信仰宗教,不得歧视不信教或者信仰其他宗教的公民,
不得利用宗教妨害公民合法权益 。行使宗教信仰自由权利必须尊重公序良俗,尊重文
依法管理宗 教事务。国家对待各宗教一律平等,一视同仁,不以行政力量发展或
禁止某个宗教,任何宗教都不能超越 其他宗教在法律上享有特殊地位。国家依法对涉
及国家利益和社会公共利益的宗教事务进行管理,但不干 涉宗教内部事务。国家依法
保护公民宗教信仰自由权利,保护正常宗教活动和宗教界合法权益,制止非法 宗教活
打击 利用宗教进行的违法犯罪活动。信教公民应当遵守宪法、法律、法规和规章。宗
教在国家法律范围内开展 活动,不得干预行政、司法、教育等国家职能的实施。不得
恢复已经被废除的宗教封建特权,不得利用宗 教从事危害社会稳定、民族团结和国家

坚持独立自主自办原 则。宗教团体和宗教事务不受外国势力的支配,是中国宪法
确定的原则。中国政府依照宪法和法律,支持 各宗教坚持独立自主自办原则,各宗教
团体、宗教教职人员和信教公民自主办理宗教事业。独立自主自办 原则是中国人民在
民族独立、社会进步的斗争中,基于天主教和基督教长期被殖民主义、帝国主义所控< br>制和利用,被称作“洋教”的屈辱历史,由中国信教公民自主作出的历史性选择。这
一原则,顺应 了中国人民谋求民族独立、人民解放的历史潮流,顺应了实现中华民族
伟大复兴的中国梦的时代要求,使 中国宗教的面貌焕然一新,得到国际宗教友好人士
的普遍理解、尊重和支持。坚持独立自主自办原则,不 是要断绝中国宗教组织同境外
宗教组织的正常联系。中国政府支持和鼓励各宗教在独立自主、平等友好、 相互尊重
疑 ,展示良好形象。对境外组织和个人利用宗教从事各种违反中国宪法、法律、法规
和政策的活动,控制中 国宗教组织、干涉中国宗教事务,甚至企图颠覆中国政权和社
会主义制度,中国政府坚决反对并将依法处 置。
是要 引导信教公民热爱祖国、热爱人民,维护祖国统一,维护中华民族大团结,服从
服务于国家最高利益和中 华民族整体利益;就是要引导宗教界拥护中国共产党领导、
拥护社会主义制度,坚持走中国特色社会主义 道路,坚持宗教中国化方向,积极践行
社会主义核心价值观,弘扬中华优秀传统文化,努力把宗教教义教 规同中华优秀传统
中国特色社会主义法律体系不断完善,宗教信仰自由权利保障的 法治化水平不断

教的公民和不信 仰宗教的公民。”“任何人不得利用宗教进行破坏社会秩序、损害公民
身体健康、妨碍国家教育制度的活 动。”“宗教团体和宗教事务不受外国势力的支配。”
这些规定为国家保障宗教信仰自由权利、依法管理 宗教事务、构建积极健康的宗教关
宗教信仰自由权利保障体现于基本 法律之中。《中华人民共和国刑法》《中华人民
共和国国家安全法》《中华人民共和国反恐怖主义法》等 法律均有保护公民宗教信仰
自由的相关规定。《中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大 会选举
人 民共和国城市居民委员会组织法》《中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法》《中华人民
共和国刑事诉讼法》 《中华人民共和国教育法》《中华人民共和国劳动法》《中华人民
共和国就业促进法》《中华人民共和国 工会法》等法律贯彻平等保护原则,规定公民
在各级人民代表大会和基层群众性自治组织中的选举权和被 选举权、法律适用上的平
等权、受教育权、平等就业权和自主择业权、依法参加和组织工会的权利等不因 宗教
民族自 治地方的自治机关保障各民族公民有宗教信仰自由。《中华人民共和国未成年
人保护法》规定,未成年人 不分宗教信仰,依法平等享有生存权、发展权、受保护权、
参与权、受教育权等权利。《中华人民共和国 广告法》规定,广告不得含有宗教歧视
的内容。《中华人民共和国刑法》规定,国家机关工作人员非法剥 夺公民的宗教信仰
自由,情节严重的,追究刑事责任。《中华人民共和国民法总则》规定,依法设立的< br>宗教活动场所,具备法人条件的,可以申请法人登记,取得捐助法人资格。
宗教事务行政法 规更加完善。2017年修订公布的《宗教事务条例》,强化了对公
民宗教信仰自由和宗教界合法权益的 保障,依法规范政府管理宗教事务的行为,增加
了维护国家安全和社会和谐的内容。条例规定了宗教团体 、宗教活动场所和信教公民
在设立宗教活动场所、举行宗教活动、开办宗教院校、申请法人资格、出版发 行宗教

书刊、接受宗教捐献、管理宗教财产、开展公益慈善和对外交流活动等方面的权利 和
定,各级 地方人民政府应当为宗教团体、宗教院校和宗教活动场所提供公共服务;各
级地方人民政府应当将宗教活 动场所建设纳入土地利用总体规划和城乡规划;任何组
织或者个人不得在信教公民与不信教公民之间制造 矛盾与冲突;出版物、互联网不得
外国人在中国 境内的宗教活动依法受到保护。《中华人民共和国境内外国人宗教
活动管理规定》强调,中国政府尊重在 中国境内外国人的宗教信仰自由,保护外国人
在宗教方面同中国宗教界的友好交往和文化学术交流活动。 境内外国人可以在寺庙、
宫观、清真寺、教堂等宗教活动场所参加宗教活动,经省、自治区、直辖市以上 的宗
认可的 场所举行外国人参加的宗教活动,可以邀请中国宗教教职人员为其举行洗礼、
婚礼、葬礼和道场法会等宗 教仪式,可以携带符合规定的宗教印刷品、宗教音像制品
和其他宗教用品入境。同时规定,外国人在中国 境内进行宗教活动,应当遵守中国法
律、法规。外国人和外国组织不得在中国境内成立宗教组织、设立宗 教办事机构和宗
规定,境外非 政府组织在中国境内不得非法从事或者资助宗教活动。
依法打击宗教极端势力和暴力恐怖活动。《 中华人民共和国反恐怖主义法》规定,
国家反对一切形式的以歪曲宗教教义或者其他方法煽动仇恨、煽动 歧视、鼓吹暴力等
极端主义,禁止任何基于地域、民族、宗教等理由的歧视性做法。《宗教事务条例》< br>规定,不得宣扬、支持、资助宗教极端主义,不得利用宗教破坏民族团结、分裂国家
和进行恐怖活 动。国家采取措施遏制宗教极端主义传播、蔓延,同时特别注意防止把
暴力恐怖活动、宗教极端主义与特 定民族或特定宗教联系在一起。

中国主要有 佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、天主教和基督教等宗教,信教公民近2亿,
宗教教职人员38万余人。佛教和道 教信徒众多,但普通信徒没有严格的入教程序,
人数难以精确统计。佛教教职人员约22.2万人。道教 教职人员4万余人。10个多数
人信仰伊斯兰教的少数民族总人口2000多万人,伊斯兰教教职人员5 .7万余人。天
主教信徒约600万人,宗教教职人员约0.8万人。基督教信徒3800多万人,宗教 教
起,参 与民间信仰活动的群众较多。中国的宗教团体约5500个,其中全国性宗教团
体7个,分别为中国佛教 协会、中国道教协会、中国伊斯兰教协会、中国天主教爱国
会、中国天主教主教团、中国基督教三自爱国 运动委员会、中国基督教协会。
宗教活动场所条件明显改善。国家依法对信教公民开展集体宗教活 动的场所进行
余座 ,南传佛教1700余座。道教宫观9000余座。伊斯兰教清真寺3.5万余处。天主
教教区98个, 教堂和活动堂点6000余处。基督教教堂和聚会点约6万处。宗教团体、
宗教活动场所执行国家统一的 税收制度,按照国家有关规定缴纳税收和享受税收优
惠;水、电、气、暖、道路、通讯,以及广播电视、 医疗卫生等公共服务延伸和覆盖
宗教典籍文献依法出版。多语种、多版 本的宗教经典以及记载、阐释、注解宗教
教义、教规的印刷品、音像制品和电子读物的印制出版流通,满 足了各族信教公民的
多样化需求。整理出版《大藏经》《中华道藏》《老子集成》等大型宗教古籍文献。 西
印经卷6 .3万种。已翻译出版发行汉、维吾尔、哈萨克、柯尔克孜等多种文字版的《古
兰经》等伊斯兰教经典, 编辑发行《新编卧尔兹演讲集》系列等读物和杂志,总量达
176万余册。中国已为100多个国家和地 区累计印刷超过100个语种、1.6亿多册《圣
经》,其中为中国教会印刷约8000万册,包括汉语 和11种少数民族文字以及盲文版。

许多宗教团体和活动场所开设了网站,中国伊斯兰教 协会开通中文版和维吾尔文版网
宗教教育体系更加完善。截至2017年9月,经国 家宗教事务局批准设立的宗教
院校共91所,其中佛教41所,道教10所,伊斯兰教10所,天主教9 所,基督教21
生1万多人,历 届毕业生累计4.7万余人。
宗教教职人员社会保障更加有力。2010年有关部门联合发布《关 于妥善解决宗教
教职人 员医疗保险参保率达到96.5%,养老保险参保率达到89.6%,符合条件的全部
纳入低保,基本实 现了社保体系全覆盖。
信教公民的宗教活动有序进行。公民在宗教活动场所内以及按照宗教习惯在 自己
烧香、 弥撒、受洗、受戒、终傅、追思、过宗教节日等,受法律保护,任何组织和个
人不得加以干涉。藏传佛教 寺庙学经、辩经、受戒、灌顶、修行等传统宗教活动和寺
庙学经考核晋升学位活动正常进行,每逢重大宗 教节日都循例举行各种宗教活动。穆
斯林在饮食、衣饰、年节、婚姻、丧葬等方面的风俗习惯得到充分尊 重。中国伊斯兰
教协会每年组织穆斯林赴沙特参加朝觐活动,从2007年起,每年人数均在1万人以< br>上。
动场所“被承包 ”“被上市”等乱象。2017年国家宗教事务局等12个部门制定下发了
《关于进一步治理佛教道教商 业化问题的若干意见》,禁止商业资本介入宗教活动场
所,防止借教敛财等行为扰乱宗教活动正常秩序。 有关部门加大对互联网宗教事务的

管理,及时处理涉及宗教的违法信息,保护宗教界的合 法权益。
中国鼓励各宗教与时俱进,与社会主义社 会相适应,为促进经济发展、社会和谐、
努力 对教义教规作出契合国情和时代要求的阐释。中国各宗教在发展过程中历来
有与中国优秀传统文化相融合 、与社会发展现实需求相适应的特点。中国宗教界坚持
宗教中国化方向,践行社会主义核心价值观,弘扬 中华民族优良传统,积极探索符合
中国国情的宗教思想。在保持基本信仰、核心教义、礼仪制度的同时, 佛教界和道教
界将爱国与爱教结 合起来,更多关注现世问题,更加注重弘法利生、公益慈善、文化
交流。道教界致力于尊道贵德、道法自 然、清静恬淡、抱朴守真等教理教义的转化和
发展,助力中华优秀传统文化的继承与弘扬。伊斯兰教界注 重阐释教义中爱国、和平、
团结、宽容、中道等思想,起到了立正信、明是非、反分裂、抵制宗教极端主 义的积
行“ 民主办教”。基督教界吸取中国优秀文化的养分,促进基督徒与不同信仰者之间
的互相尊重、和睦相处, 推动基督教更好地融入当代中国社会。
积极从事公益慈善活动。从2012年起,宗教界依据《关 于鼓励和规范宗教界从
事公益慈善活动的意见》,每年开展“宗教慈善周”活动,捐款数额累计超过10 亿元。
族自 治县脱贫;开展多种形式的捐资助学;资助专业医疗机构开展便民义诊,捐助困
难群体的医疗救治;开展 多种形式的敬老助残活动,创建养老机构,建立残疾人康复
站,初步统计,宗教界共开办了养老机构40 0多家,床位数总计约2.9万张;倡导绿
色环保理念,佛教界和道教界开展了“文明敬香”和“合理放 生”活动,建设生态寺

自觉抵制极端主义。面对宗教极端 思想对人类文明共同底线的挑战,宗教界旗帜
鲜明地同极端主义划清界限,坚决反对冒用宗教名义从事暴 力恐怖和民族分裂活动,
大力倡导正信正行。2013年1月,汉传、藏传与南传三大语系佛教的高僧大 德和专家
观 ,反对违背佛教教义和戒律实施或煽动他人实施自焚的极端行为。2014年5月,中
国伊斯兰教协会发 出《坚守中道,远离极端》倡议书,全国伊斯兰教界知名人士共同
发声,严厉谴责暴力恐怖活动。201 6年7月,中华宗教文化交流协会会同中国伊斯兰
教协会在乌鲁木齐举办了伊斯兰教中道思想国际研讨会 ,倡导中道思想,共同反对极
端主义。2017年12月,中国全国性宗教团体联合发出倡议,号召宗教 界增强鉴别能
教、信教公 民与不信教公民等多种关系,形成了积极健康的宗教关系。
党和政府与宗教界的关系和谐融洽。中 国共产党坚持以“政治上团结合作、信仰
上互相尊重”的原则处理同宗教界的关系,同宗教界的爱国统一 战线不断巩固。目前,
中国约有2万名宗教界人士担任了各级人民代表大会和政治协商会议的代表、委员 ,
团体负 责人迎春座谈,听取他们的意见建议。全国各地普遍建立了党政领导干部与宗
教界人士联谊交友机制,加 深了解,增进友谊。
社会对宗教持包容态度。两千多年来,佛教、伊斯兰教、天主教、基督教等先 后
间信仰持 开放态度,宗教信仰自由和民间信仰多样性获得尊重。各宗教继承和发扬长
期以来中国化、本土化的传统 ,主动适应社会,发扬爱国爱教、团结进步、服务社会、
和谐包容的优良传统,自觉维护国家利益、社会 公共利益和公序良俗,履行社会责任。
2016年,全国宗教界在各地开展了纪念抗日战争暨世界反法西 斯战争胜利71周年和

中国优秀传 统文化的有机组成部分。在当代,不同宗教相互尊重、相互学习,开展对
话交流,开创了“五教同光,共 致和谐”的新境界。全国性和一些地方性宗教团体建
立了联席会议机制,对涉及宗教关系的问题进行协商 沟通,创造了具有中国特色的宗
宗教领域国 际交流广泛开展。在独立自主、平等友好、相互尊重的基础上,中国
宗教界已经与超过80个国家的宗教 组织建立了友好关系,积极参加涉及不同文明、
信仰与宗教的国际性会议,广泛参与世界基督教教会联合 会、世界佛教徒联谊会、伊
斯兰世界联盟、世界宗教者和平会议等国际性组织的活动,参加联合国人权理 事会会
化交 融。佛教界举办了4届世界佛教论坛,道教界举办了4届国际道教论坛,这两个
论坛已成为海内外佛教、 道教重要的国际交流平台。中国伊斯兰教协会分别于2012
年、2014年赴土耳其、马来西亚举办伊 斯兰文化展演活动。中美基督教会2013年在
上海举办“第二届中美基督教领袖论坛”,2017年在 美国举办“中国教会事工”交流
会。2016年,中国伊斯兰教协会、中国基督教协会和中国天主教一会 一团共同与德国
信教和不信教公民和睦相处。不信教公民尊重信 教公民的宗教信仰,不歧视和排
斥信教公民;信教公民尊重不信教公民的信仰选择。在多数公民不信教的 地方,少数
宗教是人类文明的有机组成部分。保障宗教信仰自由, 妥善处理宗教关系,使之
与时代相适应,遏制宗教极端主义,是世界各国面临的共同课题。中国结合宗教 发展

国代表大会 报告明确指出,全面贯彻党的宗教工作基本方针,坚持宗教的中国化方向,
积极引导宗教与社会主义社会 相适应。中国将一如既往地尊重和保障公民的宗教信仰
自由,努力建设富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义 现代化强国。

近年来,全球气候 变暖,北极冰雪融化加速。在经济全球化、区域一体化不断
深入发展的背景下,北极在战略、经济、科研 、环保、航道、资源等方面的价值不断
提升,受到国际社会的普遍关注。北极问题已超出北极国家间问题 和区域问题的范畴,
中国倡导构建人类命运共同体,是北极事务的积极参与者、建设者 和贡献者,努

构 开展北极活动和北极合作,推动有关各方更好参与北极治理,与国际社会一道共同
维护和促进北极的和平 、稳定和可持续发展,中国政府发表本白皮书。
北极具有特殊的地 理位置。地理上的北极通常指北极圈(约北纬66度34分)以
北的陆海兼备的区域,总面积约2100 万平方公里。在国际法语境下,北极包括欧洲、
亚洲和北美洲的毗邻北冰洋的北方大陆和相关岛屿,以及 北冰洋中的国家管辖范围内
海域、公海和国际海底区域。北极事务没有统一适用的单一国际条约,它由《 联合国
规 范。
加拿大 、丹麦、芬兰、冰岛、挪威、俄罗斯、瑞典、美国八个北极国家。北冰洋海域
的面积超过1200万平方 公里,相关海洋权益根据国际法由沿岸国和各国分享。北冰
洋沿岸国拥有内水、领海、毗连区、专属经济 区和大陆架等管辖海域,北冰洋中还有
北极域外国家在北极不享有领土 主权,但依据《联合国海洋法公约》等国际条约
和一般国际法在北冰洋公海等海域享有科研、航行、飞越 、捕鱼、铺设海底电缆和管
道等权利,在国际海底区域享有资源勘探和开发等权利。此外,《斯匹次卑尔 根群岛
以及 从事生产和商业活动的权利,包括狩猎、捕鱼、采矿等。
北极具有独特的自然环境和丰富的资源,大部 分海域常年被冰层覆盖。当前,北
极自然环境正经历快速变化。过去30多年间,北极地区温度上升,使 北极夏季海冰
平面上升、极端 天气现象增多、生物多样性受损等全球性问题。另一方面,北极冰雪

融化可能逐步改变北 极开发利用的条件,为各国商业利用北极航道和开发北极资源提
供机遇。北极的商业开发利用不仅将对全 球航运、国际贸易和世界能源供应格局产生
重要影响,对北极的经济社会发展带来巨大变化,对北极居民 和土著人的生产和生活
方式产生重要影响,还可能对北极生态环境造成潜在威胁。在处理涉北极全球性问 题
中国是北极事务的重要利益 攸关方。中国在地缘上是“近北极国家”,是陆上最
接近北极圈的国家之一。北极的自然状况及其变化对 中国的气候系统和生态环境有着
直接的影响,进而关系到中国在农业、林业、渔业、海洋等领域的经济利 益。
境、科研 、航道利用、资源勘探与开发、安全、国际治理等问题,关系到世界各国和
人类的共同生存与发展,与包 括中国在内的北极域外国家的利益密不可分。中国在北
冰洋公海、国际海底区域等海域和特定区域享有《 联合国海洋法公约》《斯匹次卑尔
根群岛条约》等国际条约和一般国际法所规定的科研、航行、飞越、捕 鱼、铺设海底
的航道和资源开发 利用可能对中国的能源战略和经济发展产生巨大影响。中国的资
金、技术、市场、知识和经验在拓展北极 航道网络和促进航道沿岸国经济社会发展方
面可望发挥重要作用。中国在北极与北极国家利益相融合,与 世界各国休戚与共。
中国参与北极事务由来已久。1925年,中国加入《斯匹次卑尔根群岛条约》, 正
活动不断 扩展,合作不断深化。1996年,中国成为国际北极科学委员会成员国,中国
的北极科研活动日趋活跃 。从1999年起,中国以“雪龙”号科考船为平台,成功进
行了多次北极科学考察。2004年,中国 在斯匹次卑尔根群岛的新奥尔松地区建成“中
国北极黄河站”。截至2017年年底,中国在北极地区已 成功开展了八次北冰洋科学考

察和14个年度的黄河站站基科学考察。借助船站平台,中 国在北极地区逐步建立起
海洋、冰雪、大气、生物、地质等多学科观测体系。2005年,中国成功承办 了涉北极
的北极活动已由单 纯的科学研究拓展至北极事务的诸多方面,涉及全球治理、区域合
作、多边和双边机制等多个层面,涵盖 科学研究、生态环境、气候变化、经济开发和
人文交流等多个领域。作为国际社会的重要成员,中国对北 极国际规则的制定和北极
治理机制的构建发挥了积极作用。中国发起共建“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世 纪海上
护各国和国际社会在北极的 共同利益,推动北极的可持续发展。
认识北极就是要提高北极的科学研究水平和能力,不断深化对北 极的科学认知
保护北极就是要积极应对北极气候变化,保护北极独特的自然环境和生态系统,< br>不断提升北极自身的气候、环境和生态适应力,尊重多样化的社会文化以及土著人的
环境保护、资源 利用、航道开发等领域的北极活动,促进北极的经济社会发展和改善
当地居民的生活条件,实现共同发展 。
对外,中国 坚持依据包括《联合国宪章》《联合国海洋法公约》和气候变化、环境等
领域的国际条约以及国际海事组 织有关规则在内的现有国际法框架,通过全球、区域、

多边和双边机制应对各类传统与非 传统安全挑战,构建和维护公正、合理、有序的北
极治理体系。对内,中国坚持依法规范和管理国内北极 事务和活动,稳步增强认识、
通过认 识北极、保护北极、利用北极和参与治理北极,中国致力于同各国一道,
在北极领域推动构建人类命运共 同体。中国在追求本国利益时,将顾及他国利益和国
际社会整体利益,兼顾北极保护与发展,平衡北极当 前利益与长远利益,以推动北极
循《联合国宪章》《联合国 海洋法公约》等国际条约和一般国际法,尊重北极国家在
北极享有的主权、主权权利和管辖权,尊重北极 土著人的传统和文化,也包括尊重北
极域外国家依法在北极开展活动的权利和自由,尊重国际社会在北极 的整体利益。
内外国家、政府间国 际组织、非国家实体等众多利益攸关方共同参与,在气候变化、
科研、环保、航道、资源、人文等领域进 行全方位的合作。
赢,确保北极国 家、域外国家和非国家实体的普惠,并顾及北极居民和土著人群体的
利益,而且要实现北极各领域活动的 协调发展,确保北极的自然保护和社会发展相统
可持续是中国参与北极事务的根本目标 。可持续就是要在北极推动环境保护、
资源开发利用和人类活动的可持续性,致力于北极的永续发展。实 现北极人与自然的
和谐共存,实现生态环境保护与经济社会发展的有机协调,实现开发利用与管理保护< /p>

中国参与北极事务坚持科研先导,强调保护环境、主张合理利 用、倡导依法治
中国积 极推动北极科学考察和研究。中国尊重北极国家对其国家管辖范围内北
极科考活动的专属管辖权,主张通 过合作依法在北极国家管辖区域内开展北极科考活
动,坚持各国在北冰洋公海享有科研自由。中国积极开 展北极地质、地理、冰雪、水
文、气象、海冰、生物、生态、地球物理、海洋化学等领域的多学科科学考 察;积极
设 科学考察或观测站、建设和参与北极观测网络,对大气、海洋、海冰、冰川、土壤、
生物生态、环境质量 等要素进行多层次和多领域的连续观测。中国致力于提高北极科
学考察和研究的能力建设,加强北极科考 站点和科考船只等保障平台的建设与维护并
化的北极科研平 台,努力提高北极科研能力和水平。大力开展北极自然科学研究,加
强北极气候变化和生态环境研究,进 一步推动物理、化学、生命、地球等基础学科的
发展。不断加强北极社会科学研究,包括北极政治、经济 、法律、社会、历史、文化
以及北极活动管理等方面,促进北极自然科学和社会科学研究的协同创新。加 强北极
才,建 立北极科普教育基地,出版北极相关文化产品,提高公民的北极意识。积极推
进北极科研国际合作,推动 建立开放包容的国际北极环境监测网络,支持通过国际北
极科学委员会等平台开展务实合作,鼓励中国科 学家开展北极国际学术交流与合作,

推动中国高校和科研机构加盟“北极大学”协作网络 。
地技术 装备,积极参与北极开发的基础设施建设,推动深海远洋考察、冰区勘探、大
气和生物观测等领域的装备 升级,促进在北极海域石油与天然气钻采、可再生能源开
发、冰区航行和监测以及新型冰级船舶建造等方 面的技术创新。
中国坚持依据国际法保护 北极自然环境,保护北极生态系统,养护北极生物资源,
中国始终把解决全球性环境问题放在首要地位,认真履行有关国际条约 的义务,
境 背景调查,尊重北极国家的相关环保法规,强化环境管理并推动环境合作。
海洋环境是北极环境保护 的重点领域。中国支持北冰洋沿岸国依照国际条约减
少北极海域陆源污染物的努力,致力于提高公民和企 业的环境责任意识,与各国一道
加强对船舶排放、海洋倾废、大气污染等各类海洋环境污染源的管控,切 实保护北极
北极是全球多种濒危野生动植物的重 要分布区域。中国重视北极可持续发展和生
物多样性保护,开展全球变化与人类活动对北极生态系统影响 的科学评估,加强对北
极候鸟及其栖息地的保护,开展北极候鸟迁徙规律研究,提升北极生态系统的适应 能
题,已将落实 “国家自主贡献”等应对气候变化的措施列入国家整体发展议程和规划,
为《巴黎协定》的缔结发挥了重 要作用。中国的减排措施对北极的气候生态环境具有

积极影响。中国致力于研究北极物质 能量交换过程及其机理,评估北极与全球气候变
化的相互作用,预测未来气候变化对北极自然资源和生态 环境的潜在风险,推动北极
冰冻圈科学的发展。加强应对气候变化的宣传、教育,提高公众对气候变化问 题的认
自身的资金 、技术和国内市场优势,通过国际合作开发利用北极资源。中国一贯主张,
开发利用北极的活动应遵循《 联合国海洋法公约》《斯匹次卑尔根群岛条约》等国际
条约和一般国际法,尊重北极国家的相关法律,并 在保护北极生态环境、尊重北极土
北极航道包括东北航道、西北航道和中央航道。全球变暖使北极航道有 望成为国
权、 执法权和司法权,主张根据《联合国海洋法公约》等国际条约和一般国际法管理
北极航道,保障各国依法 享有的航行自由以及利用北极航道的权利。中国主张有关国
参与北极航 道基础设施建设,依法开展商业试航,稳步推进北极航道的商业化利用和
常态化运行。中国重视北极航道 的航行安全,积极开展北极航道研究,不断加强航运
水文调查,提高北极航行、安全和后勤保障能力。切 实遵守《极地水域船舶航行安全
规则》,支持国际海事组织在北极航运规则制定方面发挥积极作用。主张 在北极航道
中国尊重北极国家根据国际法对其国家管辖范围内油气 和矿产资源享有的主权
权利,尊重北极地区居民的利益和关切,要求企业遵守相关国家的法律并开展资源 开

发风险评估,支持企业通过各种合作形式,在保护北极生态环境的前提下参与北极油< br>气和矿产资源开发。
北极富含地热、风能等清洁能源。中国致力于加强与北极国家的清洁能 源合作,
供 应和替代利用,实现低碳发展。
鱼类资源受气 候变化等因素影响出现向北迁移趋势,北冰洋未来可能成为新渔
场。中国在北冰洋公海渔业问题上一贯坚 持科学养护、合理利用的立场,主张各国依
法享有在北冰洋公海从事渔业资源研究和开发利用活动的权利 ,同时承担养护渔业资
中国支持就北冰洋公海渔业管理制定有 法律拘束力的国际协定,支持基于《联合
国海洋法公约》建立北冰洋公海渔业管理组织或出台有关制度安 排。中国致力于加强
护北极生物 多样性,倡导透明合理地勘探和使用北极遗传资源,公平公正地分享和利
北极旅游是新兴的北极活动,中国是北极游客的来源国之一。 中国支持和鼓励企
业与北极国家合作开发北极旅游资源,主张不断完善北极旅游安全、保险保障和救援< br>保障体系,切实保障各国游客的安全。坚持对北极旅游从业机构与人员进行培训和监
管,致力于提 高中国游客的北极环保意识,积极倡导北极的低碳旅游、生态旅游和负
责任旅游,推动北极旅游业可持续 发展。
价 值观,以及尊重北极国家为加强北极地区居民能力建设、促进经济社会发展、提高
教育和医疗水平所作努 力的前提下,参与北极资源开发利用,使北极地区居民和土著

人成为北极开发的真正受益 者。
中国主张构建和完善北极治理机制。坚持依 法规范、管理和监督中国公民、法人
或者其他组织的北极活动,努力确保相关活动符合国际法并尊重有关 国家在环境保
合国海洋法公约》 为核心的现行北极国际治理体系,努力在北极国际规则的制定、解
释、适用和发展中发挥建设性作用,维 护各国和国际社会的共同利益。
中国主张稳步推进北极国际合作。加强共建“一带一路”倡议框架下 关于北极
易 畅通、资金融通、民心相通为主要内容的务实合作,包括加强与北极国家发展战略
对接、积极推动共建经 北冰洋连接欧洲的蓝色经济通道、积极促进北极数字互联互通
和逐步构建国际性基础设施网络等。中方愿 与各方以北极为纽带增进共同福祉、发展
在全球层面,中国积极参与全球环境 、气候变化、国际海事、公海渔业管理等领
域的规则制定,依法全面履行相关国际义务。中国不断加强与 各国和国际组织的环保
合作,大力推进节能减排和绿色低碳发展,积极推动全球应对气候变化进程与合作 ,
气候变化 框架公约》《京都议定书》《巴黎协定》中作出的承诺,为发展中国家应对气
候变化提供支持。中国建设 性地参与国际海事组织事务,积极履行保障海上航行安全、
防止船舶对海洋环境造成污染等国际责任。中 国主张加强国际海事技术合作,在国际
海事组织框架内寻求全球协调一致的海运温室气体减排解决方案。 中国积极参与北冰
洋公海渔业管理问题相关谈判,主张通过制定有法律拘束力的国际协定管理北冰洋公< br>海渔业资源,允许在北冰洋公海开展渔业科学研究和探捕活动,各国依据国际法享有
的公海自由不 受影响。

在区域层面,中国积极参与政府间北极区域性机制。中国是北极理事会正 式观察
环境 与可持续发展等问题的主要政府间论坛。中国信守申请成为北极理事会观察员时
所作各项承诺,全力支持 北极理事会工作,委派专家参与北极理事会及其工作组和特
别任务组的活动,尊重北极理事会通过的《北 极海空搜救合作协定》《北极海洋油污
预防与反应合作协定》《加强北极国际科学合作协定》。中国支持 通过北极科技部长会
在多边和双边层面,中国积极推动在北极各 领域的务实合作,特别是大力开展在
气候变化、科考、环保、生态、航道和资源开发、海底光缆建设、人 文交流和人才培
对话机制。 自2013年起,中俄持续举行北极事务对话。2012年,中国与冰岛签署《中
华人民共和国政府与冰 岛共和国政府关于北极合作的框架协议》,这是中国与北极国
家缔结的首份北极领域专门协议。中国重视 发展与其他北极域外国家之间的合作,已
同英国、法国开展双边海洋法和极地事务对话。2016年,中 国、日本、韩国启动北极
事务高级别对话,推动三国在加强北极国际合作、开展科学研究和探索商业合作 等方
中国支持各利益攸关方共同参与北极治理和国际 合作。支持“北极-对话区域”、
北极圈论坛、“北极前沿”、中国-北欧北极研究中心等平台在促进各 利益攸关方交流
北极的和平与稳定是各国开展各类北极活动的重要保障,符合包括中国 在内的世
保 护北极地区人员和财产安全,保障海上贸易、海上作业和运输安全。中国支持有关

各方依 据《联合国宪章》《联合国海洋法公约》等国际条约和一般国际法,通过和平
方式解决涉北极领土和海洋 权益争议,支持有关各方维护北极安全稳定的努力。中国
致力于加强与北极国家在海空搜救、海上预警、 应急反应、情报交流等方面的国际合
北极的未来关乎北极国家的利益,关乎北极域外国家和全人类的福祉,北极治理< br>需要各利益攸关方的参与和贡献。作为负责任的大国,中国愿本着“尊重、合作、共
赢、可持续” 的基本原则,与有关各方一道,抓住北极发展的历史性机遇,积极应对
北极变化带来的挑战,共同认识北 极、保护北极、利用北极和参与治理北极,积极推
动共建“一带一路”倡议涉北极合作,积极推动构建人 类命运共同体,为北极的和平

China and the World Trade Organization
The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China
June 2018
I. China Has Faithfully Fulfilled Its WTO Accession Commitments
II. China Firmly Supports the Multilateral Trading System
III. China’s Significant Contribution to the World After Accession to the WTO
IV. China Is Actively Advancing Opening-Up to a Higher Level
In 1978, China started the historic process of reform and opening-up. This is a glorious
chapter in the development epic of the country and the nation composed by the Chinese
people, recording the great journey of common progress of China and the rest of the world.
It has not only profoundly changed the country, but also greatly influenced the whole world.
Over the past 40 years, China has been adhering to the fundamental national policy of
reform and opening-up and pursuing development with its door wide open. A model of
all-round, multi-level, and wide-ranging opening-up has gradually taken shape. China is
closely connected with
the outside world and has made a significant contribution to the noble cause of global peace
and development.
In 2001, China acceded to the World Trade Organization (WTO). This was a milestone in
China’s integration into economic globalization, marking a new historic stage of reform and
opening-up. Since its accession to the WTO, China has been a strong advocate for free
trade. China has comprehensively fulfilled its commitments to the WTO, substantially

opened its market to the world, and delivered mutually beneficial and win-win outcomes on
a wider scale. Through these efforts, China has lived up to its responsibility as a major
The multilateral trading system, with the WTO at its core, is the cornerstone of international
trade and underpins the sound and orderly development of global trade. China firmly
observes and upholds the WTO rules, and supports the multilateral trading system that is
open, transparent, inclusive and non- discriminatory. China has participated in all aspects of
WTO work, made its voice heard and contributed its own proposals on improving global
economic governance. China is an active participant, strong supporter and major
contributor in the multilateral trading system.
Accession to the WTO has boosted China’s development and benefited the rest of the world.
Propelled by a new vision of development, the Chinese economy is transitioning from rapid
growth to high-quality development. China has become a major stabilizer and driving force
for the world economy. China stays committed to the strategy of opening-up for win- win
results, vigorously promotes the Belt and Road Initiative, and shares opportunities and
benefits with other countries and their people while developing China itself, enhancing
global wellbeing and common prosperity.
At the historic starting point of a new era, China’s door of opening-up will not be closed
and will only open even wider. Opening-up was key to China’s economic growth over the
past 40 years. In the same vein, high-quality development of China’s economy in the future
can only be achieved with greater openness. China will continue adhering to the
fundamental national policy of reform and opening-up. China will more proactively
embrace economic globalization, adopt policies to promote high-standard liberalization and
facilitation of trade and investment, and work together with other countries to build a
community of shared future with extensive converging interests and a high degree of

The Chinese government is publishing this white paper to give a full account of China’s
fulfillment of its WTO commitments, to explain China’s principles, stances, policies, and
propositions regarding the multilateral trading system, and to describe China’s vision and
actions in advancing higher-level reform and opening-up.
I. China Has Faithfully Fulfilled Its WTO Accession Commitments
Since China acceded to the World Trade Organization in 2001, it has made continued
efforts to improve its socialist market economy system, further align its policies with
multilateral trade rules in all areas, honor its commitments on opening trade in goods and
services, and strengthen intellectual property rights (IPR) protection. Remarkable
improvements have been made in enhancing the stability, transparency, and predictability of
its opening-up policies. China has contributed significantly to the effective operation of the
multilateral trading system.
1. Improving the socialist market economy and relevant legal system
Consistently reforming to develop the socialist market economy. China has accelerated
efforts to improve the socialist market economy system and strengthen the market system.
This has involved reorganizing the relationship between the government and the market,
letting the market play the decisive role in resource allocation and the government play its
role better. Education campaigns on WTO rules have been extensively rolled out, raising
public awareness of the market, competition, rules and the concept of rule of law.
Continuously improving the legal system of socialist market economy. Upholding the rule
of law, China has faithfully observed and implemented WTO rules, improved its laws and
regulations on market economy, and built up a legal system in line with multilateral trade
rules. After its accession, China launched major efforts to review and revise relevant laws
and regulations, involving 2,300 laws, regulations and departmental rules at central

government level, and 190,000 policies and regulations at sub-central government levels,
covering trade, investment, IPR protection, etc. In 2014, China issued an official document
on furthering trade policy compliance with WTO rules, requiring government at all levels to
assess proposed trade policies in accordance with WTO agreements and China’s
commitments. In 2016, China set up a legality review mechanism to examine normative
documents, enhancing the transparency of and public participation in policy development.
2. Fulfilling commitments on trade in goods
Substantively reducing import tariffs. By reducing import costs to boost trade, China has
shared its development dividend and growing markets with the rest of the world. By 2010,
China had fulfilled all of its tariff reduction commitments, reducing the average tariff level
from 15.3 percent in 2001 to 9.8 percent. It lowered the average tariff rate of manufactured
goods from 14.8 to 8.9 percent. It cut the average tariff rate of agricultural products from
23.2 to 15.2 percent, about one fourth of the global average and far lower than those
imposed by the WTO’s developing members (56 percent) and developed members (39
percent). China’s maximum bound tariff rate of agricultural products is 65 percent, while
the corresponding rates of the United States, the European Union and Japan are 440, 408
and 1,706 percent respectively.
Significantly lowering non-tariff barriers. To increase transparency and facilitate trade,
China has reduced unnecessary trade restrictions. By January 2005, in accordance with its
commitments, China had eliminated import quotas, import licenses, specific import
tendering requirements and other non-tariff measures with regard to 424 items such as
automobiles, machinery and electronics products, and natural rubber. It introduced tariff
rate quota administration for important bulk commodities, i.e. wheat, corn, rice, sugar,
cotton, wool, wool top, and chemical fertilizers.
Liberalizing the right to trade. To diversify entities and stimulate their enthusiasm to engage

in foreign trade, in July 2004 China replaced approval system with registration system for
foreign trade authorization, releasing immense vigor of private businesses which has led to
a surge of foreign trade in the private sector. With rapid growth and an increasing share of
the market, private companies have become important actors in China’s foreign trade. In
2017, foreign trade by private companies and foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) accounted
for 83.7 percent of the country’s total trade volume, up from 57.5 percent in 2001. In 2017,
Chinese private companies, which take the largest share of China's exports, contributed
46.6 percent of all goods and services exported.
3. Fulfilling commitments on trade in services
Extensively opening up the services market. China has striven to boost the services industry
and increase its share of contribution to the economy. Of the 160 services sub-sectors under
the 12-sector WTO classification, China committed to opening up 100 sub-sectors under 9
sectors, a level approximate to the average 108 sub-sectors committed by the developed
members of the WTO. By 2007, China had honored all of its commitments on trade in
Continuously reducing restrictions. China has step by step lowered the threshold for foreign
investment to enter the services sectors in China, lifted geographical and quantitative
restrictions on services according to schedule, and constantly broadened the business scope
for foreign investment in the services sectors. China has permitted wholly foreign-owned
enterprises in 54 sub-sectors such as courier, banking and property insurance services,
allowed foreign majority ownership in 23 sub-sectors such as computer and environment
services, and accorded national treatment to foreign capital in 80 sub-sectors such as
telecommunication, rail transport, and tourism services. In 2010, foreign direct investment
(FDI) flowing into China’s services industry surpassed that into manufacturing industry for
the first time. In 2017, FDI in the services industry made up 73 percent of all FDI in China.

4. Fulfilling commitments on IPR protection
Strengthening IPR protection on China’s own initiative. Strengthening IPR protection is the
centerpiece for improving the property rights protection system, and it would provide the
biggest boost to the competitiveness of the Chinese economy. It not only serves China’s
own development needs, but also helps cultivate a business environment that is law- based,
internationalized and business- friendly. China encourages technological exchanges and
cooperation between Chinese and foreign enterprises, and protects the lawful IPR owned by
foreign enterprises in China. At the same time, we hope foreign governments will also
improve protection of Chinese IPR.
Building a full-fledged legal system on IPR protection. Since acceding to the WTO, China
has formulated and improved its laws and regulations on IPR protection, set up IPR
working mechanisms with many countries, drawn upon advanced international legislative
practices, and built an IPR legal system that conforms to WTO rules and suits national
conditions of China. The amended Trademark Law sets up a system of punitive damages.
The amended Anti-Unfair Competition Law improves the protection of trade secrets,
identifies act of confusion, introduces the concept of sign and expands the scope of
protection for sign. Currently China is working on amending the Patent Law and the
Copyright Law.
Continuously strengthening law enforcement on IPR protection. China has enhanced the
dominant role of the judiciary in IPR protection to significantly raise the cost for offenders
and fully unlock the deterrent effect of relevant laws. The State Intellectual Property Office
has been restructured to strengthen law enforcement. China has set up three IPR courts in
Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, and special judicial organs at 15 intermediate courts in
Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuhan, Xi’an and other cities to handle cross-regional IPR cases,
including those related to patents. China strengthened administrative law enforcement on

intellectual property protection and launched special campaigns targeting outstanding
problems, which effectively protected intellectual property rights. Such campaigns include
“Convoy Campaign” for protecting patent rights, the “Sword-net Campaign” for combating
online infringement and piracy, the “Sweeping Campaign” for cracking down pornography
and illegal publication in the copyright field, the “Network Sword Campaign” for
combating IPR infringements and counterfeits and the “Sword Actions on Quality Control”
for cracking down counterfeits.
Attaining notable results in IPR protection. Since 2001, intellectual property royalties paid
by China to foreign right holders has registered an annual growth of 17 percent, reaching
USD28.6 billion in 2017. In 2017, China received 1.382 million invention patent
applications, ranking the first in the world for the seventh consecutive year. Nearly 10
percent of the applicants were foreign entities and individuals. Invention patent applications
filed by foreign entities and individuals in China reached 136,000, growing by threefold
compared with 33,000 in 2001. According to the World Intellectual Property Organization,
51,000 patent applications filed from China through the Patent Cooperation Treaty were
accepted in 2017, second only to the US.
5. Fulfilling commitments on transparency
Providing a solid legal basis. The Legislation Law, the Regulations on Procedures for
Formulation of Administrative Regulations, and the Regulations on Procedures for
Formulation of Rules explicitly provide for the solicitation of public comments on draft
laws, administrative regulations and rules. The legislative affairs commission of the
Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress regularly publishes the Laws of the
People’s Republic of China (English edition); the State Council’s legislative affairs organ
regularly publishes the Laws and Regulations of the People’s Republic of China Governing
Foreign-Related Matters (Chinese and English bilingual edition); and the Ministry of

Commerce regularly publishes trade policies in China Foreign Trade and Economic
Cooperation Gazette.
Comprehensively implementing the WTO notification obligations. China has submitted
notifications to the WTO on a regular basis concerning the amendment, revision and
implementation of relevant laws, regulations and measures as required by the WTO. By
January 2018, China had submitted over one thousand notifications covering areas such as
central and sub-central subsidy policies, agriculture, technical regulations, standards,
conformity assessment procedures, state trading, trade in services, and IPR laws and
6. Making tremendous efforts to honor its commitments
China made extensive and profound commitments on opening up when entering the WTO.
Domestic companies were confronted with international competition, and most industries
faced great difficulties. Rising up to these challenges, Chinese companies took the initiative
to promote structural readjustment, participated in the global value chains and significantly
increased their international competitiveness.
II. China Firmly Supports the Multilateral Trading System
The multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core is the cornerstone of international
trade, and has been playing a pivotal role in promoting global trade and building an open
world economy. Since its accession to the WTO, China has firmly supported the
multilateral trading system, participated in all aspects of WTO work. It called upon the
WTO to focus more on the concerns of developing members, opposed unilateralism and
protectionism, upheld the authority and efficacy of the multilateral trading system, and
made concerted efforts with other members in supporting the WTO to play a greater role in
economic globalization.
1. Liberalizing and facilitating trade and investment

Participating fully in the Doha Round negotiations. China has submitted or co-sponsored
more than 100 negotiation proposals, helped secure agreement on trade facilitation and
export competition in agricultural products, and promoted the continuous improvement of
the multilateral trading system. In 2015, China became the 16th WTO member to ratify the
Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA). During its G20 presidency in 2016, China encouraged
a number of countries to complete their domestic ratification procedures of the TFA,
prompting the agreement’s entry into effect at an early date.
Promoting plurilateral trade liberalization. As a developing country, China has actively
participated in plurilateral liberalization initiatives and made important contributions to
relevant talks. It accepted the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) upon accession,
subsequently participated in the negotiations to expand its coverage, and encouraged
relevant parties to reach agreement on eliminating tariffs of 201 information technology
products. As one of the initiators of the negotiations on the Environment Goods Agreement,
China always participated in relevant discussions in a constructive manner, and contributed
to the important consensus reached at the G20 Summit in Hangzhou. In 2007, China started
the negotiation on its accession to the Agreement on Government Procurement and has
been making great efforts ever since.
Mobilizing support for discussing new issues in the WTO. China has encouraged the WTO
to respond to and discuss new topics of general interest to the members such as investment
facilitation, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), and e-commerce. China
initiated “Friends of Investment Facilitation for Development (FIFD)” and sponsored the
Joint Ministerial Statement on Investment Facilitation for Development signed by over 70
members. China joined the “Friends of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises”, and
shared with other members its proposals that support MSMEs. As an advocate of
multilateral discussions on e-commerce in the WTO, China joined “Friends of E-commerce

for Development (FED)”, shared its experiences and helped other developing members
benefit from e-commerce.
Faithfully implementing the Trade Facilitation Agreement. As a developing member, China
has actively promoted the implementation of TFA. It has set up the National Committee on
Trade Facilitation to coordinate the efforts of relevant government agencies to enhance
trade facilitation. By 2017, China’s provinces (as well as autonomous regions and
municipalities directly under the central government) had all established a joint committee
mechanism for trade facilitation in their respective jurisdictions. Regarding China’s TFA
commitments, 94.5 percent of all commitments fall into Category A (immediately
implemented upon entry into force of the TFA), and only four items belong to Category B
(implemented after a transitional period following the TFA’s entry into force). China will
honor its promise and implement all the Category B measures following a transitional
period of three years after entry into force of the Agreement.
2. Safeguarding the dispute settlement mechanism
Safeguarding the effective operation of the dispute settlement mechanism. The WTO
dispute settlement mechanism has played a vital role in maintaining the predictability of
international trade and the stability of the multilateral trading system. China has actively
participated in the negotiations on improving the Understanding on Rules and Procedures
Governing the Settlement of Disputes and supports the independence and impartiality of the
WTO Appellate Body. Despite the attempt of certain WTO member to obstruct the
appointment of members of the Appellate Body, China joined more than 60 members in
submitting a proposal on starting the selection process at the earliest possible date.
Properly handling trade disputes with other WTO members. China supports WTO members
to solve their trade disputes within the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. By April 2018,
China had brought 17 disputes to the WTO, of which 8 had been concluded. Meanwhile,

China had been complained against in 27 disputes, of which 23 had been concluded. By
lodging complaints in the WTO, China redressed other members’ violation of obligations
under the covered agreements, and defended its own trade interests as well as the authority
of WTO rules. China also actively defended the cases against it, respected the WTO rulings,
and made adjustments to its measures according to WTO rules. Up to now, none of the
complainants has requested for retaliation against China.
3. Fully participating in trade policy review
Attaching great importance to trade policy monitoring by other WTO members. The WTO
trade policy review (TPR) mechanism is effective in enhancing the transparency of the
multilateral trading system. China places great emphasis on the TPR process. Having
undergone six TPRs on itself, China is preparing for the seventh one in July 2018. In an
open and frank manner, China has briefed the WTO membership on its macro- economic,
trade and investment policies, and listened attentively to their comments and suggestions on
China’s reform and opening-up. Other WTO members applaud China’s active participation
and regard China as an impressive example in reinforcing the role of TPR in monitoring
commitments, ensuring compliance and enhancing openness.
Urging other WTO members to abide by multilateral trade agreements. Since its accession
to the WTO, China has participated in nearly 300 TPRs on other members. It raised
thousands of written questions and trade concerns to the members under review, urged them
to abide by the WTO rules and their commitments, and played a positive role in
safeguarding and strengthening the TPR mechanism.
4. Vigorously supporting the integration of developing members into the multilateral
trading system
Supporting the WTO to focus on development. An important objective of the WTO is to
ensure that developing members, especially least-developed country members, benefit from

international trade and boost their economic growth. As the largest developing country,
China understands the difficulties of developing members to benefit from the global value
chains and participate in international economic and trade governance. China worked hard
to make trade an enabler of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Providing pragmatic and effective support to other developing members. China has
reinforced its aid to other developing members, especially least- developed country
members, to bridge the South-North development gap. By March 2018, it had accorded
zero tariff treatment on 97 percent of all tariff lines to 36 least-developed countries (LDCs)
that have diplomatic relations with China and completed exchange of notes. Responding to
the “Aid for Trade” initiative, China has contributed multilateral and bilateral resources to
help other developing members, especially least-developed country members, with
infrastructure construction, professionals training, productivity improvement, as well as
trade and investment development. It has donated USD1 million to the WTO Trade
Facilitation Agreement Facility to assist the implementation of the TFA. The LDCs and
Accessions Program, established by China in 2011, has helped six LDCs accede to the
WTO. Since 2017, China has strengthened cooperation with the WTO and other
international organizations under the South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund, and
carried out cooperative projects in “Aid for Trade” to help other developing members
benefit from global value chains.
5. Firmly opposing unilateralism and protectionism
Unilateralism and protectionism run counter to the fundamental principles of the WTO. The
multilateral trading system is a historic choice that follows the trend of global economic
development. The WTO advocates the principles of rules, openness, transparency,
inclusiveness and non-discrimination, and it will remain the main channel to address global
trade issues. China explicitly opposes unilateralism and protectionism. Unilateralism goes

against the law of the market and international rules, causes injury to others but ends up
defeating oneself. Pursuing protectionism is like locking oneself in a dark room. While
wind and rain may be kept outside, that dark room will also block light and air. Only
through equal consultation and joint efforts can win-win results be achieved for all.
Pursuing free trade through platforms for multilateral cooperation. China advocates solving
international trade problems through cooperation, dialogue and consultation on an equal
footing. During the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting, the G20 Hangzhou Summit,
and the BRICS Xiamen Summit, all hosted by China, the country increased coordination
with all parties concerned, and secured statements on opposing trade protectionism in the
outcome documents of these summits. When attending the Belt and Road Forum for
International Cooperation, the Boao Forum for Asia, and the World Economic Forum,
Chinese leaders repeatedly expressed their firm support for the multilateral trading system
and an open world economy. In the WTO, the vast majority of members echoed China’s
opposition to unilateralism and protectionism.
III. China’s Significant Contribution to the World After Accession to the WTO
China steadfastly pursues a mutually beneficial opening-up strategy, upholds the WTO’s
principle of free trade, and has lived up to its responsibilities as a major country in the
process of opening-up. From its WTO accession in 2001 to the Belt and Road Initiative in
2013, China has embraced the world with open arms, made a significant contribution to
promoting international trade and increasing global wellbeing, and become a key anchor
and driver for the world economy.
1. Boosting world economic recovery and growth
Since its accession to the WTO, China has accelerated its reform and opening-up process
and economic growth. China’s development is a forceful driver of global economic growth.
In 2016, China’s GDP accounted for 14.8 percent of the world total, up by 10.7 percentage

points over 2001, calculated at exchange rates. Since 2002, China’s contribution to global
economic growth has approached 30 percent on average. The Chinese economy has become
a major engine for global economic recovery and growth.
China has quickened its pace in promoting new industrialization, IT application,
urbanization, and agricultural modernization, created enormous opportunities for
consumption and investment, and generated more jobs for the world. According to a report
released by the International Labor Organization, “Effects of China on the Quantity and
Quality of Jobs in Latin America and the Caribbean”, China created 1.8 million jobs for
Latin America and the Caribbean region from 1990 to 2016.
China’s rapid development has made tremendous contributions to the cause of global
poverty reduction. Over the past 40 years of reform and opening-up, the Chinese people
have emerged from scarcity to abundance and from poverty to moderate prosperity.
According to current UN standards, more than 700 million Chinese people have been lifted
out of poverty, accounting for more than 70% of the global total over the same period. This
represents the largest contribution to poverty reduction in the world.
2. Foreign trade development benefiting the world
Since China’s entry into the WTO, China’s foreign trade has maintained sustained
development, benefiting more than 1.3 billion Chinese and other peoples across the world.
Confronted with unprecedented difficulties and challenges including the global financial
crisis in 2008, China has taken effective measures to stabilize and revitalize its foreign trade.
According to WTO statistics, China’s imports accounted for 10.2 percent of the world total
merchandise import in 2017, and its exports 12.8 percent, making China a major trade
partner of more than 120 countries and regions. China’s exports have provided high- quality
and inexpensive products to businesses and people around the world. From 2001 to 2017,
China’s imports increased by an annual average of 13.5 percent, 6.9 percentage points

higher than the global average; and China has become the world’s second largest importer.
Since 2009, China has been the largest export market for the LDCs, and absorbed 20
percent of their exports.
China’s services imports increased from USD39.3 billion in 2001 to USD467.6 billion in
2017, up by an annual average of 16.7 percent, and accounting for nearly 10 percent of the
world total. Since 2013, China has been the world’s second largest service importer, making
significant contributions to stimulating consumption, creating jobs and boosting economic
growth in the exporting countries. Taking tourism services as an example, China has been
the world’s largest source of outbound tourists for many years in a row. In 2017, outbound
tourist trips made by Chinese citizens exceeded 130 million person- times, generating
USD115.29 billion of overseas tourism spending.
China’s innovation in trade models has also given new impetus to world trade growth.
Cross-border e-commerce and other new types and modes of foreign trade have flourished
in China, providing an ever- expanding market to its trading partners. In 2017, the value of
imported and exported goods in cross-border e-commerce checked and released by China
Customs totaled RMB90.24 billion, up by 80.6 percent on yearly basis, of which imports
stood at RMB56.59 billion, up by 120 percent compared with the previous year.
3. Two-way investment benefiting all countries
China has been promoting the establishment of a fair, equitable and transparent system of
international trade and investment rules to boost the orderly flow of production factors,
efficient resources allocation and full market integration.
China has proactively attracted foreign institutions and individuals to invest and develop in
China. Since 1992, China has consistently topped the list of FDI recipients among
developing countries for 26 years consecutively. After China’s accession to the WTO, its
FDI increased from USD46.88 billion in 2001 to USD136.32 billion in 2017, up by an

annual average of 6.9 percent. FIEs have shared the benefits of China’s economic
development, while helping improve the quality and performance of China’s economy.
According to the “2018 China Business Climate Survey Report” by the American Chamber
of Commerce in China (AmCham China), nearly 60 percent of the interviewed enterprises
ranked China as a top three investment priority; some 74 percent of the AmCham China
member enterprises plan to expand their investments in China in 2018, the highest in recent
years, and one third of the interviewed enterprises plan to increase their investments in
China by over 10 percent. According to the “Business Confidence Survey 2018” by the
European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, more than half of its member enterprises
plan to expand their presence in China. In 2017, newly founded FIEs in China reached
35,652, registering an increase of 27.8 percent.
China’s outward investment cooperation has developed in a sustained, sound, and orderly
way. In terms of annual flow of outward direct investment (ODI), China’s world ranking
rose from the 26th place after its accession to the WTO to the third in 2017. China’s
outward investment cooperation has accelerated technological progress in the host countries,
advanced their economic development, improved their people’s well-being and created
many jobs.
4. Providing public goods to the world
China receives support from the international community in its own development process
and stands ready to provide more public goods to the world. China is committed to building
an open platform of cooperation, upholding and growing an open world economy, and
working together with other countries to build a broad community of shared interests.
Proposing the Belt and Road Initiative. In the face of difficulties in world economic
development, China put forward the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013. While the proposal
was initiated by China, the opportunities and achievements belong to the world. The Belt

and Road Initiative plays an important role in promoting in-depth cooperation and common
development between countries and regions, upholding and growing an open world
economy, making economic globalization open, inclusive, balanced, win-win and beneficial
to all and advancing the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.
Since 2013, more than 80 countries and international organizations have signed cooperation
agreements with China. The in- depth and practical cooperation between China and relevant
countries has achieved fruitful results. From 2013 to 2017, the total value of China’s trade
with other Belt and Road countries exceeded USD5 trillion, and total investment by
Chinese enterprises in these countries exceeded USD70 billion. By the end of 2017,
Chinese enterprises had set up 75 overseas economic and trade cooperation zones in
relevant countries, contributed more than USD1.6 billion taxes to the host countries and
created 220,000 local jobs. Within three years starting from 2018, China will provide
RMB60 billion worth of aid to the developing countries and international organizations
participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, with a view to developing more projects to
improve people’s lives.
Hosting the China International Import Expo. Initiated by China, the China International
Import Expo (CIIE) will bring together multiple international organizations and more than
100 countries. It is an international public product that promotes inclusive and mutually
beneficial development around the globe. The inaugural session of CIIE will be held in
November 2018. Hosting the CIIE is an important decision made by China to promote a
new round of high-level opening-up, a major policy measure of China to further open its
market to the world, and a concrete action by China to support economic globalization and
trade liberalization. In the coming 15 years, China is expected to import USD24 trillion
worth of goods. The CIIE will provide new export opportunities for the world, build a new
platform for other countries and regions to share China’s development dividends, and bring

more dynamism to world economic growth.
IV. China Is Actively Advancing Opening-Up to a Higher Level
Fulfilling China’s WTO commitments has never been the end point of its opening-up. In the
face of the overwhelming trend of economic globalization and its winding path, China
keeps pace with the times, takes firm steps to expand opening-up, and makes continuous
efforts to open up in a more comprehensive, profound and diversified way, with a view to
achieving greater mutual benefit and win-win outcomes.
1. Promoting balanced development of trade
China pursues a trade strategy of mutual benefit, win-win, diversification and balanced
development. It endeavors to raise the quality and added-value of its exports, proactively
increase imports, and better integrate into the global value chains. China never deliberately
pursues trade surplus in goods. At the same time, China takes an objective view towards
existing trade deficit in services. The country always welcomes imports that diversify
market supply, improve people’s quality of life, and upgrade its industrial structure. In
recent years, on top of its commitments to the WTO, China has self-initiated significant
reductions to import tariffs on an interim basis for multiple times. According to the WTO,
China’s trade-weighted average import tariff rate had fallen to 4.4 percent in 2015, only 1.5
to 2 percentage points higher than those of developed economies such as the US and the EU.
By the end of 2017, China had reduced tariffs on more than 900 tariff lines. At the 2018
Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference, China announced plans to further reduce import
tariffs and to import more high-quality, distinctive products that meet the strong demand of
the Chinese people.
2. Facilitating international trade
China’s efforts to implement the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement, which entered into
force in February 2017, have resulted in impressive improvement in China’s trade

facilitation. The average time for customs clearance has been reduced to less than 20 hours
for imports and less than two hours for exports. China has accelerated the establishment of
a single window for international trade. By the end of 2017, the China International Trade
Single Window had been connected to 11 authorities and agencies responsible for border
control and covered basically all major import and export procedures. This one-stop system
enables traders to use a single entry point to declare freight and taxes with a single
submission of documents, and track the results after a single joint inspection by the
participating authorities. It has accelerated the modernization of China’s port management.
China will further optimize supervision and management approaches, reform port
administration regime and streamline procedures and reduce costs for import and export, to
create a more business-friendly environment at the port.
3. Substantially widening market access for foreign investment
China has adopted a foreign investment administration model of pre-establishment national
treatment plus negative list. This move marks an institutional reform in response to new
developments in economic globalization and changes in international rules for investment.
In September 2016, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress amended
four laws including the Law on Foreign Invested Enterprises. For those foreign-invested
enterprises not subject to the special administrative measures on access to foreign
investment (the negative list), their establishment and changes are now administered by a
“filing for record” approach instead of the examination and approval system. In the first
half of 2018, revision of the negative list for foreign investment was completed and the
“Notice of the State Council on Measures for Using Foreign Investment Actively and
Effectively to Promote High-Quality Economic Development” was issued to further widen
market access considerably. China is making efforts to steadily liberalize its financial sector,
constantly open up the services industry, and deepen the opening-up of agricultural, mining

and manufacturing sectors.
As regards the shipbuilding industry, China will lift foreign equity caps for companies
engaged in the design, manufacturing and repair of vessels in 2018. Moreover, China will
lift foreign equity caps on airplane manufacturing of trunk airliners, regional jets, utility
aircrafts, helicopters, drones and lighter-than-air aircrafts. In the automobile industry, China
will remove foreign equity caps on manufacturing of special-purpose vehicles and
new-energy vehicles, and phase out those on all automotive ventures over the next five
4. Creating a more attractive environment for foreign investment
China makes efforts to create a favorable and orderly investment environment, ease market
access for foreign investment, further simplify the administrative procedures on access to
foreign investment, build pilot free-trade zones (FTZs) with high standards, and better
promote and protect foreign investment. China works to improve an investment climate that
conforms to international rules, facilitates foreign investment and is based on the rule of law,
and to make its market more transparent and better regulated. These efforts will help attract
more foreign investment into China and ensure its effective utilization.
By March 2018, all items for non-administrative license approval had been cancelled, and
items for administrative approval had decreased by 44 percent as compared to March 2013.
The number of investment projects by enterprises subject to verification of the central
government had been reduced by 90 percent. China has comprehensively reformed its
systems for business registration and registered capital, rolled out the subscribed capital
registration system, and revoked 87 percent of the items subject to examination and
approval preceding the industrial and commercial registration. The time for business
establishment has been shortened by at least one third. In order to alleviate the burden on
businesses, China is advancing the reform of the negative list for market access, promoting

the concept of “everything that is not forbidden is allowed”, and reinforcing the impartiality
of law enforcement.
China will continue with the reform to streamline administration, lower taxes, and reduce
fees. China will further align its business environment with international economic and
trade rules, enhance policy transparency, strengthen the protection of property rights,
advance the rule of law, encourage competition and oppose monopoly. The enactment of
the Law on Foreign Investment will be expedited to build a legal system for foreign
investment that meets the needs of reform and opening-up in the new era, elevate
opening-up to a higher level, push for deeper reform in the foreign investment
administration system, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investment
and foreign investors. The threshold will be lowered for foreign talents to work and start
their own businesses in China. In addition, China will improve various development zones,
build the pilot FTZs with high standard and good quality, and explore the construction of
free-trade ports with Chinese characteristics.
5. Regulating outward investment
China encourages its enterprises to abide by local laws, fulfill corporate social
responsibilities and observe business principles and international practices when they do
business in host countries and conduct outward investment cooperation. China will
continue to promote the sustainable, reasonable, orderly and sound development of outward
investment, and effectively prevent risks of all kinds. Meanwhile, in order to create a more
equitable, transparent and predictable environment for foreign investment, China calls on
host countries to refrain from abusing security review or adopting other restrictive practices
to impose excessive limitations on foreign investment.
6. Advancing the Free Trade Area Strategy
The multilateral trading system and regional trade arrangement are the two wheels driving

economic globalization forward. China upholds the multilateral trading system and
promotes free trade arrangements. By May 2018, China had signed 16 free trade
agreements (FTA) with 24 countries and regions. In 2017, trade between China and its FTA
partners (excluding Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special
Administrative Region, and Taiwan Province) accounted for 25.9 percent of China’s total
foreign trade. In those free trade agreements, basically 90 percent of imported products
enjoy duty free treatment, and approximately 120 service sectors have been opened to
foreign suppliers, compared to 100 service sectors in China’s commitments to the WTO at
the time when China joined the organization. Committed to advancing economic
globalization and safeguarding free trade, China is negotiating with relevant parties the
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership for its early conclusion and
implementation, and is accelerating the building of Free Trade Area of Asia-Pacific and
East Asia Economic Community. With all these efforts, China will build a high standard
network of free trade areas, focusing on the neighboring areas, radiating across the Belt and
Road and open to the world.
The world is undergoing a new round of major development, great change and profound
readjustment. The mankind still faces growing uncertainties and destabilizing factors.
Surging tides of anti-globalization in recent years, coupled with rising protectionism and
unilateralism, have posed severe challenges to the multilateral trading system with the
WTO at its core.
Economic globalization has powered global growth and is an irreversible trend of our times.
China and the multilateral trading system stand together through thick and thin. China will
continue to fulfill its commitments, comply with rules, actively participate in the
improvement of the multilateral trading system, and give firm support to the WTO in

playing a greater role in global economic governance.
China’s economy has been transitioning from rapid growth to high- quality development. In
this historic process, China will pursue with firmness the vision of innovative, coordinated,
green, and open development that is for everyone, improve the socialist market economy
system, and stimulate the vitality of various market entities.
China will take innovation as the primary driving force for development. China will adopt a
more open attitude, strengthen the protection of innovation and intellectual property rights,
and enhance international exchanges and cooperation. These efforts will ensure that
technological development and innovation benefit not only China, but also the world, and
its convenience readily accessible to more and more people.
China calls on all countries to jointly shoulder the responsibilities of our times and believes
that all countries should have equal access to development opportunities. As the largest
developing country in the world, China looks forward to further cooperation and
communication with other countries to jointly respond to global issues that emerge in the
process of globalization, and to building a global economic governance system based on
equality, equity and win-win cooperation.
China commits itself to opening up wider and deeper to promote common development
across the world, providing other countries with more opportunities to share the benefits of
China’s development. China is willing to work hand-in-hand with its global trading partners
to make economic globalization more open, inclusive, balanced and win-win with benefits
to all so that different countries, different social strata and different groups of people all
share in the benefits of economic globalization.
China's Policies and Practices on Protecting Freedom of Religious Belief
The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China
April 2018

I. Basic Policies in Protecting Freedom of Religious Belief
II. Legal Guarantees for Freedom of Religious Belief
III. Conducting Religious Activities in an Orderly Manner
IV. The Role of Religious Groups Has Been Fully Developed
V. Active and Healthy Religious Relations
As a socialist country under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China
adopts policies on freedom of religious belief based on national and religious conditions to
protect citizens’ right to freedom of religious belief, build active and healthy religious
relationships, and maintain religious and social harmony. Since the 18th CPC National
Congress in 2012, China, under the staunch leadership of the CPC Central Committee with
Xi Jinping as the core, has advanced law- based governance in all respects, integrating
religious work into the national governance system, employing laws to deal with all social
relationships concerning religion, and improving the management of religious work under
the rule of law. Religious believers and non- believers respect each other, and live in
harmony, committing themselves to reform and opening up and the socialist modernization,
and contribute to the realization of the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.
I. Basic Policies in Protecting Freedom of Religious Belief
China adopts policies on freedom of religious belief, manages religious affairs in
accordance with the law, adheres to the principle of independence and self-management,
actively guides religions to adapt to the socialist society, and unites religious believers and
non-believers to the greatest extent.

Adopting policies on freedom of religious belief. Respecting and protecting freedom of
religious belief is a basic policy of the CPC and the Chinese government. Every citizen
enjoys the freedom to choose whether to believe in a religion; to believe in a certain
religion or a denomination of the same religion; to change from a non-believer to a believer
and vice versa. Believers and non- believers enjoy the same political, economic, social and
cultural rights, and must not be treated differently because of a difference in belief. The
state respects citizens’ freedom to religious belief and protects their normal religious
activities. In exercising their right to free religious belief, believers should not interfere in
the lawful rights of other people, or force others to believe in any religion. Believers should
not discriminate against non-believers or believers of other religions. No one shall use
religion to interfere in the lawful rights and interests of citizens. Believers should respect
public order, customs, cultural traditions and social ethics in exercising their freedom of
religious belief.
Managing religious affairs in accordance with the law. The state treats all religions fairly
and equally, and does not exercise administrative power to encourage or ban any religion.
No religion is given preferential treatment above other religions to enjoy special legal
privileges. The state manages religious affairs involving national and social public interests
in accordance with the law but does not interfere in the internal affairs of religions. The
state protects citizens’ right to freedom of religious belief, normal religious activities and
the lawful rights and interests of religious groups, bans illegal religious activities, prohibits
the dissemination of extremist thought and engagement in extremist activities in the name
of religion, resists the infiltration of hostile foreign forces taking advantage of religion, and
fights against illegal and criminal activities under the guise of religion. Believers should
abide by the Constitution, laws, rules and regulations of the country. Religious activities
should be carried out within the bounds of the law. No religion should interfere in the

implementation of administrative, judicial and educational functions of the state. No
abolished religious and feudal privileges should be resumed. No activities which employ
religion to endanger social stability, national unity and state security are allowed to be
carried out.
Adhering to the principle of independence and self-management. Religious groups and
religious affairs are not subject to control by foreign countries; this principle is enshrined in
the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China. The Chinese government supports all
religions in upholding the principle of independence and self-management, allowing
religious groups, clerical personnel and believers to manage religious affairs themselves in
accordance with the Constitution and law. This principle is a historic choice made by
Chinese religious believers in the Chinese people’s struggle for national independence and
social progress, as Catholicism and Protestantism, which were known as foreign religions
in China, had long been controlled and utilized by colonialists and imperialists. The
establishment of this principle conforms to the historical trend of the Chinese people’s
search for national independence and liberation, to the demands of the times to realize the
Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, and as a result religions in China have taken on an
entirely new look, winning widespread understanding, respect and support of friendly
religious believers around the world. Adhering to the principle of independence and
self- management does not mean the severing of normal connections between religious
organizations in China and their foreign counterparts. The Chinese government supports
and encourages all its religions to conduct international exchanges, to build, develop and
consolidate friendly relations with religious groups overseas, to enhance mutual trust and
eliminate misgivings, and to present a positive image based on independence, equality and
mutual respect. The Chinese government will resolutely oppose and deal with foreign
organizations and individuals engaging in activities which violate China’s Constitution,

laws, regulations and policies, their attempts to control China’s religious organizations, to
interfere in China’s religious affairs and to subvert the Chinese government and socialist
system under the guise of religion.
Actively guiding religions in adapting to the socialist society. Actively guiding religions in
adapting to the socialist society means guiding religious believers to love their country and
compatriots, safeguard national unity, ethnic solidarity, be subordinate to and serve the
overall interests of the nation and the Chinese people. It also means guiding religious
groups to support the leadership of the CPC and the socialist system; uphold and follow the
path of socialism with Chinese characteristics; develop religions in the Chinese context;
embrace core socialist values; carry forward China’s fine traditions; integrate religious
teachings and rules with Chinese culture; abide by state laws and regulations, and accept
state administration in accordance with the law.
II. Legal Guarantees for Freedom of Religious Belief
The socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics is continuously being improved,
with enhanced implementation of the rule of law in protecting freedom of religious belief
and increasingly standardized governance of religious affairs, providing stronger guarantees
for the lawful rights and interests of its religious believers.
Freedom of religious belief is protected by the Constitution. According to Article 36 of the
Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, “Citizens of the People’s Republic of China
enjoy freedom of religious belief. No State organ, public organization or individual may
compel citizens to believe in, or not to believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate
against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion.” Article 36 also stipulates
that “No one may make use of religion to engage in activities that disrupt public order,
impair the health of citizens or interfere with the educational system of the State,” and that
“Religious bodies and religious affairs are not subject to any foreign control.” These

stipulations serve as the constitutional basis for the State in protecting citizens’ freedom of
religious belief, administering religious affairs in accordance with the law, and building
positive relations with and among religions.
Freedom of religious belief is protected by basic laws. China’s Criminal Law, National
Security Law, and Counter-Terrorism Law provide for the protection of citizens’ freedom of
religious belief. The principle of equal protection for all Chinese citizens is enshrined in the
Election Law of the National People’s Congress and Local People’s Congresses, Organic
Law of the People’s Courts, Organic Law of the People’s Procuratorates, Organic Law of
the Urban Residents Committees, Organic Law of the Villagers Committees, Criminal
Procedure Law, Education Law, Labor Law, Employment Promotion Law, and Trade Union
Law. These laws stipulate that all citizens enjoy equal rights to vote and stand for election
to people’s congresses at all levels and to community-level self-government organizations,
the right to equality before the law, the right to education, the right to work and to free
choice of employment, and the right to join or organize trade unions in accordance with the
law, irrespective of religious belief. The Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy states that
organs of self-government in ethnic autonomous areas shall guarantee citizens of all ethnic
groups the freedom of religious belief. According to the Law on the Protection of Minors,
minors enjoy equal rights to life, development, protection, participation and education in
accordance with the law, irrespective of their religious belief. The Advertisement Law
prohibits any advertisements that contain any information that discriminates against
religions. The Criminal Law stipulates that workers of State organs involved in serious
cases, which illegally deprive citizens of their right to freedom of religious belief, shall be
investigated for criminal responsibility. The General Provisions of the Civil Law states that
a lawfully established place of worship qualifying as a legal person may register for the
status of legal person to accept donations.

Administrative regulations regarding religious affairs are improving. The revised
Regulations on Religious Affairs released in September 2017 strengthen the protection of
Chinese citizens’ freedom of religious belief and the lawful rights and interests of religious
groups, bring government’s management of religious affairs under due procedures in
accordance with the law, and add provisions on safeguarding national security and
maintaining social harmony. The Regulations prescribe the rights and responsibilities of
religious organizations, places of worship, and religious believers when establishing places
for and holding religious activities, setting up and running religious institutions, applying
for legal person status, publishing and distributing religious books and periodicals,
receiving donations, managing religious property, conducting charity activities, and
carrying out exchanges with other countries. The Regulations prohibit the
commercialization of religions, and include additions concerning religious information
services on the Internet. In addition, the Regulations also require local governments to
provide public services to religious organizations, religious institutions, and places of
worship, and incorporate such sites into the overall local plans for land use and urban and
rural planning. The Regulations forbid any organization or individual from creating
disputes and conflicts between believers and non-believers and prohibit print publications
and the Internet from disseminating information which discriminates against religious or
non-religious citizens.
The religious activities of foreigners in China are protected in accordance with the law. The
Rules on the Administration of Religious Activities of Foreigners in the People’s Republic
of China highlights China’s respect for the freedom of religious belief of foreigners within
the territory of the People’s Republic of China, and its commitment to protecting the
friendly relations, and cultural and academic exchanges with regards to religion between
foreigners and Chinese religious groups. Foreigners may attend religious activities at

temples, mosques, churches, and other sites for religious activities. They are also permitted
to preach at places of worship when invited to do so by Chinese religious bodies at or
above the provincial level. Foreigners may hold religious activities attended by foreigners
at sites approved by government religious affairs departments at or above the county level.
They may invite Chinese clerical personnel to perform baptisms, weddings, funerals,
prayers, or other religious services. They are allowed to carry religious printed text,
audio-video products, and other religious articles that conform to relevant regulations when
entering Chinese territory. Foreigners who conduct religious activities within China shall
abide by Chinese laws and regulations. They shall not establish religious organizations, set
up religious offices and sites for religious activities, run religious institutions, or recruit
foreign students studying in China without authorization; nor shall they recruit followers,
appoint clerical personnel from among Chinese citizens or engage in other missionary
activities. The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Activities of
Overseas Non-Governmental Organizations Within China prohibits overseas NGOs from
illegally engaging in or sponsoring religious activities.
Religious extremism and violent terrorist activities are dealt with in accordance with the
law. The Counter-Terrorism Law of the People’s Republic of China states that China
opposes all extremism that seeks to instigate hatred, incite discrimination and advocate
violence by distorting religious doctrines or through other means, and forbids any
discriminatory behavior on the grounds of region, ethnicity and religion. The Regulations
on Religious Affairs prohibit any organization or individual from advocating, supporting or
sponsoring religious extremism, or using religion to undermine ethnic unity, divide the
country, or engage in terrorist activities. China takes measures against the propagation and
spread of religious extremism, and at the same time, carefully avoids linking violent
terrorism and religious extremism with any particular ethnic group or religion.

III. Conducting Religious Activities in an Orderly Manner
The major religions practiced in China are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, and
Protestantism; with a total of nearly 200 million believers and more than 380,000 clerical
personnel. China has numerous Buddhist and Taoist believers, but it is difficult to
accurately estimate their numbers as there are no set registration procedures which ordinary
believers must follow as part of their religion. There are around 222,000 Buddhist clerical
personnel and over 40,000 Taoist clerical personnel. The 10 minority ethnic groups, the
majority of whose population believe in Islam, total more than 20 million, with about
57,000 clerical personnel. Catholicism and Protestantism have 6 million and 38 million
followers in China respectively, with 8,000 and 57,000 clerical personnel. China also has
many folk beliefs which are closely linked to local cultures, traditions and customs, in
which a large number of people participate. There are approximately 5,500 religious groups
in China, including seven national organizations which are Buddhist Association of China,
Chinese Taoist Association, China Islamic Association, Chinese Catholic Patriotic
Association, Bishops’ Conference of Catholic Church in China, National Committee of the
Three-Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Churches in China, and China Christian
Conditions of places of worship have been notably improved. The State requires the
registration of places of worship for group religious activities in accordance with the law, so
as to provide legal protection and ensure that all activities are carried out in an orderly
manner. At present, there are about 144,000 places of worship registered for religious
activities in China, among which are 33,500 Buddhist temples (including 28,000 Han
Buddhist temples, 3,800 Tibetan Buddhist lamaseries, and 1,700 Theravada Buddhist
temples), 9,000 Taoist temples, 35,000 Islamic mosques, 6,000 Catholic churches and
places of assembly spread across 98 dioceses, and 60,000 Protestant churches and places

of assembly. Religious groups and places of worship follow the unified tax regulations of
the State, pay taxes and enjoy tax breaks accordingly. The government ensures that places
of worship have access to public services such as running water, electricity, gas, heating,
roads, communications, broadcast facilities, televisions, and medical services.
Religious texts and literature are published as prescribed by the law. The printing,
publication and circulation of religious text, in different languages and editions, and printed
works, audio-visual products and e-books that record, explain andor annotate religious
doctrines and canons, have met the diverse demands of citizens with religious beliefs from
the various ethnic groups. Several large collections of religious classics, including the
Chinese Buddhist Canon, the Chinese Taoist Canon and ACollection of Editions and
Commentaries for the Laozi, have been compiled and published. Traditional sutra printing
houses in Tibetan Buddhist temples have been well preserved and developed. There are
now 60 such sutra printing houses, including the one in the Potala Palace, that can print
63,000 different sutras every year. Islamic classics, such as the Koran, have been translated
and published in Chinese, Uygur, Kazakh, and Kyrgyz languages. The publication and
circulation of the New Collection of Al-Wa’z Speeches series and other reading materials
and magazines have exceeded 1.76 million copies. China has printed over 160 million
copies of theBible in more than 100 different languages for over 100 countries and regions,
including 80 million copies printed in the Chinese language, 11 ethnic minority languages
and braille for churches in China. A great many religious groups and places of worship have
launched websites; and the Islamic Association of China has a website in both Chinese and
Uygur languages.
The religious education system has been further improved. By September 2017, there are
91 religious schools in China whose establishment was approved by the State
Administration of Religious Affairs (SARA), including 41 Buddhist, 10 Taoist, 10 Islamic,

9 Catholic and 21 Protestant schools. There are six national level religious colleges, namely,
the Buddhist Academy of China, High-level Tibetan Buddhism College of China, Chinese
Taoist College, China Islamic Institute, National Seminary of the Catholic Church in China,
and Nanjing Union Theological Seminary. At present, more than 10,000 students study in
these religious schools whose graduates total more than 47,000.
Social security for religious clerical personnel has been enhanced. The SARA and other
relevant departments jointly issued the “Directives on Solving the Social Security Problem
for Religious Clerical Personnel” in 2010, and again the “Notice of Further Solving the
Social Security Problem for Religious Clerical Personnel” in 2011, which brought clerical
personnel into the social security system. At the end of 2013, 96.5 percent of clerical
personnel were covered by medical insurance, 89.6 percent by the old-age insurance, and
all qualified personnel by subsistence allowance welfare. Almost all clerical personnel were
covered by the social security system in China.
The religious activities of believers are being conducted in an orderly manner. All normal
religious activities, including attending religious services, fasting, worshiping Buddha,
praying, preaching, reciting scriptures, burning incense, attending Mass, being baptized or
ordained, observing extreme unction, holding memorial ceremonies, and celebrating
religious festivals, which believers conduct at places of worship or in their own homes in
accordance with customary religious practices, are protected by law, and no organization or
individual may infringe on these rights. Traditional Tibetan Buddhist activities such as
scripture study and debate, initiation into monkhood or nunhood, abhisheka (empowerment
ceremony) and self-cultivation, and tests and degree promotions in lamaseries are held on a
regular basis, while ceremonial activities are also held during important religious festivals.
Muslim customs regarding food and drink, clothing, festivals, marriages and funerals are
fully respected. The Islamic Association of China organizes for Muslims to go on

pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia every year, with the number of participants exceeding 10,000 a
year since 2007.
Activities that disturb the normal order in places of worship have been rectified. In
accordance with the “Directives on Some Issues Relating to the Management of Buddhist
and Taoist Temples”, the SARA and other relevant departments have been conducting joint
investigations since 2012 into the problem of religious revenue being used by
businesspeople or “go public”. In 2017, the SARA and 11 related departments issued
“Guidelines on Further Controlling the Commercialization of Buddhism and Taoism”,
which prohibits commercial capital from being invested in religious revenues, to prevent
normal religious activities from being affected by money-grabbing behavior. Relevant
departments have intensified the management of the Internet regarding religious affairs, and
swiftly dealt with the spread of illegal information concerning religions, effectively
protecting the legal rights and interests of religious groups.
IV. The Role of Religious Groups Has Been Fully Developed
China encourages all religions to keep pace with the times and adapt to the socialist society,
and contribute to economic growth, social harmony, cultural prosperity, ethnic solidarity
and national unification.
Making efforts to interpret religious teachings and rules which conform to the national
conditions and demands of the times. In the course of their development, religions in China
have blended with traditional Chinese culture and adapted to the actual needs of social
development. Chinese religious groups must conduct religious activities in the Chinese
context, practice core socialist values, carry forward the fine traditions of the Chinese
nation, and actively explore religious thought which conforms to the reality in China. While
maintaining their basic beliefs, core religious teachings and etiquette system, the Buddhist
and Taoist communities hold sermons, the Islamic community carries out work interpreting

the classics, the Catholic community encourages the running of its religious work in a
democratic manner, and the Protestant community conducts theological construction, all in
an attempt to interpret religious teachings and rules to conform to the national conditions
and demands of the times. The Buddhist community integrates patriotism with love of
religion, focusing more on worldly concerns, promoting Buddhism to benefit all living
creatures, public charity, and cultural exchange. The Taoist community is committed to
promoting its religious principles such as “respecting the Tao and valuing morality”, “Tao
follows nature”, “being quiet and serene”, and “embracing simplicity and wisdom”, to help
carry forward and promote traditional Chinese culture. The Islamic community focuses on
interpreting the thoughts in its religious doctrine of patriotism, peace, unity, tolerance and
the Middle Path, serving to form correct belief, discerning right from wrong, opposing
secession, and resisting religious extremism. The Catholic community actively promotes
the localization of churches, managing church activities and making decisions in a
democratic manner. The Protestant community draws nourishment from traditional Chinese
culture, helping to foster mutual respect and harmony between Protestants and believers of
all faiths so as to allow Protestantism to better integrate into modern Chinese society.
Actively engaging in public charity activities. Since 2012, based on “Opinions on
Encouraging and Regulating Religious Circles’ Participation in Public Welfare Charitable
Activities”, religious groups have carried out an annual “Religious Charity Week”; with
total donations exceeding one billion yuan. They have also held prayer services following
the Wenchuan earthquake and other major disasters and incidents, utilized available
resources to help the Sandu Shui Autonomous County, Guizhou Province to eliminate
poverty, made donations to education in various forms, funded professional medical
institutions to provide free services, subsidized medical treatment for disadvantaged groups,
and carried out a range of activities to help the elderly and disabled by establishing nursing

homes for the elderly and rehabilitation centers for the disabled. According to preliminary
statistics, religious groups have established more than 400 nursing homes offering
approximately 29,000 beds. They also advocate a “green environment” philosophy.
Buddhist and Taoist communities have called for environmentally friendly forms of burning
incense and freeing captive animals, and have constructed eco-friendly temples.
Conscientiously resisting extremism. Faced by the challenge of religious extremism to the
bottom line of human civilization, religious groups have taken a clear stand and drawn a
line against extremists, fully advocating correct belief and behavior, and fighting resolutely
against the use of terrorist violence and instigation of separatism in the name of religion. In
January 2013, eminent monks, experts and scholars of Buddhism of Chinese tradition,
Tibetan tradition and Theravada tradition convened a meeting to call on all Buddhists to
become more active in preaching to their believers about the correct outlook on life and
opposing extremist behaviors such as self-immolation or the incitement of others to do so,
which violate Buddhist teachings and discipline. In May 2014, the China Islamic
Association released a proposal entitled “Keep to the Middle Path and Steer Clear of
Extremism”, whereby well-known Islamic figures across the country condemned violent
terrorist activities. In July 2016, the China Religious Culture Communication Association
and the China Islamic Association held the International Seminar on the Islamic Middle
Path in Urumqi, advocating the role of the Middle Path in opposing extremism. In
December 2017, national religious groups jointly issued a proposal calling for religious
communities to enhance their abilities to distinguish, guard against and resist the
encroachment of cults, and maintain social harmony and stability.
V. Active and Healthy Religious Relations
Relations between the Partygovernment and religious groups, society and religion,
different religions within the country, religions of China and foreign countries, and

religious believers and non- believers are properly handled in China. This has enabled active
and healthy religious relations to take shape.
Harmony between the Partygovernment and religious CPC adheres to the
principle of “uniting and cooperating politically, and respecting each other’s beliefs” in the
handling of relations with religious groups, and maintains good relations with religious
circles. They have formed a consolidated patriotic united front. At present, approximately
20,000 prominent figures from the religious circles serve as deputies and members at all
levels of people’s congresses and committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative
Conference, and participate in the deliberation and administration of state affairs and
exercising democratic oversight. Since 1991, Party and state leaders have held annual
seminars before the Spring Festival with heads of national religious groups to listen to their
opinions and suggestions. Mechanisms have been established between Party and
government leaders and religious personages across the country to help enhance mutual
understanding and friendship.
Social tolerance towards religions. Religious conflict and confrontation have rarely been
seen in China since the introduction of Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism
over the past 2,000 years. The state and the society have maintained an open mind towards
diverse religions and folk beliefs, and respect both freedom of religious belief and diversity
of folk beliefs. Religious groups carry on the longstanding tradition whereby religions in
China must be Chinese in orientation, and actively adapt to society. They also carry on the
fine traditions of patriotism, unity, progress, service to society, harmony, and inclusiveness.
Religious groups conscientiously safeguard national and social public interests, public
order and good customs, and fulfill social responsibility. In 2016, Chinese religious groups
organized peaceful prayer services across the country to commemorate the 71st anniversary
of victory in the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the

Second World War, and call for the maintenance of ethnic solidarity, national stability and
world peace.
Active exchanges and dialogues between different religions. Throughout history, different
religions in China have blended together and drawn lessons from one another to become an
integral part of traditional Chinese culture. In modern times, different religions respect and
learn from each other, and take part in exchanges and dialogues, and a new realm of “five
religions (Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism) working together to
achieve harmony” has taken shape. National and local religious groups have established a
mechanism of joint conferences to discuss issues concerning religious relations, creating
modes of religious dialogue with Chinese characteristics and enhancing mutual
understanding and friendship.
Extensive international religious e religious groups have established
friendly relations with religious organizations in more than 80 countries based on the
principles of independence, equality, friendship, and mutual respect, and played an active
part in international conferences involving diverse cultures, beliefs and religions. Chinese
religious groups participate extensively in activities run by international organizations
including the World Council of Churches, World Fellowship of Buddhists, Muslim World
League, and World Conference on Religion and Peace, as well as conferences set up by the
United Nations Human Rights Council, and bilateral and multilateral dialogues on human
rights. Chinese religious groups have responded actively to the Belt and Road Initiative,
working to promote closer ties between people and the linking up of cultures. Chinese
Buddhist and Taoist communities have held four World Buddhist Forums and four
International Taoism Forums respectively, which have become important international
platforms for the communication of Buddhism and Taoism both at home and abroad. The
China Islamic Association organized the China Islamic Culture Expo & Art Show in Turkey

and Malaysia in 2012 and 2014 respectively. Chinese and American Protestant
organizations held the Second China-USA Protestant Church Leaders Forum in Shanghai in
2013, and the China-U.S. Church Symposium in the U.S. in 2017. In 2016, the China
Islamic Association, China Christian Council, Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association,
Bishops Conference of Catholic Church in China and Union Evangelical Churches in
Germany jointly hosted the China-Germany Inter-religious Dialogue – Peace & Sharing in
Germany. Since China’s adoption of reform and opening up in 1978, Chinese religious
groups have sent more than 1,000 people abroad to study.
Harmony between religious believers and ns who do not hold any
religious belief respect the freedom of others to practice religion, and do not discriminate
against them; religious believers respect those who do not believe in any religion. In
regions where the majority of citizens are non-believers, the legitimate rights of minority
religious believers are respected and protected; in regions where the majority of citizens are
religious believers, the legitimate rights of the minority who are non- believers are equally
respected and protected.
Religion is an integral part of human civilization. Protecting freedom of religious belief,
properly handling religious relations and adapting them to the times, and curbing religious
extremism are common tasks facing all countries around the world. Considering the
development of religions and changes in religious work, and learning from both positive
and negative experiences at home and abroad, China has embarked on a road to success
which enshrines freedom of religious belief in law, promotes harmonious religious relations,
and encourages religious groups to play a positive role. According to General Secretary Xi
Jinping’s report at the 19th CPC National Congress held in 2017, China will fully
implement the Party’s basic policy on religious affairs, uphold the principle that religions in

China must be Chinese in orientation and provide active guidance to religions so that they
can adapt themselves to the socialist society. China will continue to respect and protect its
citizens’ freedom to religious beliefs, and strive to build the country into a modern socialist
country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and with a
sound environment.
China's Arctic Policy
The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China
January 2018
First Edition 2018
I. The Arctic Situation and Recent Changes
II. China and the Arctic
III. China's Policy Goals and Basic Principles on the Arctic
IV. China's Policies and Positions on Participating in Arctic Affairs
1. Deepening the exploration and understanding of the Arctic
2. Protecting the eco-environment of the Arctic and addressing climate change
3. Utilizing Arctic Resources in a Lawful and Rational Manner
4. Participating Actively in Arctic governance and international cooperation
5. Promoting peace and stability in the Arctic Conclusion
Global warming in recent years has accelerated the melting of ice and snow in the Arctic
region. As economic globalization and regional integration further develops and deepens,
the Arctic is gaining global significance for its rising strategic, economic values and those

relating to scientific research, environmental protection, sea passages, and natural resources.
The Arctic situation now goes beyond its original inter- Arctic States or regional nature,
having a vital bearing on the interests of States outside the region and the interests of the
international community as a whole, as well as on the survival, the development, and the
shared future for mankind. It is an issue with global implications and international impacts.
A champion for the development of a community with a shared future for mankind, China
is an active participant, builder and contributor in Arctic affairs who has spared no efforts to
contribute its wisdom to the development of the Arctic region. The Chinese government
hereby issues this white paper, to expound its basic positions on Arctic affairs, to elaborate
on its policy goals, basic principles and major policies and positions regarding its
engagement in Arctic affairs, to guide relevant Chinese government departments and
institutions in Arctic-related activities and cooperation, to encourage relevant parties to get
better involved in Arctic governance, and to work with the international community to
safeguard and promote peace and stability in, and the sustainable development of, the
Arctic Situation and Recent Changes
The Arctic is situated at a special geographical location. It commonly refers to the area of
land and sea north of the Arctic Circle (approximately 66 degrees 34 minutes N), totaling
about 21 million square kilometers. In the context of international law, the Arctic includes
the northernmost landmasses of Europe, Asia and North America adjacent to the Arctic
Ocean and the relevant islands, and a combination of sea areas within national jurisdiction,
high seas, and the Area in the Arctic Ocean. There is no single comprehensive treaty for all
Arctic affairs. The Charter of the United Nations, the United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the Spitsbergen Treaty and other treaties and general
international law govern Arctic affairs at present.

The continental and insular land territories in the Arctic cover an area of about 8 million
square kilometers, with sovereignty over them belonging to Canada, Denmark, Finland,
Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States, respectively. The Arctic Ocean
covers an area of more than 12 million square kilometers, in which coastal States and other
States share maritime rights and interests in accordance with international law. These
coastal States have within their jurisdiction internal waters, territorial seas, contiguous
zones, exclusive economic zones, and continental shelves in the Arctic Ocean. Certain areas
of the Arctic Ocean form part of the high seas and the Area.
States from outside the Arctic region do not have territorial sovereignty in the Arctic, but
they do have rights in respect of scientific research, navigation, overflight, fishing, laying
of submarine cables and pipelines in the high seas and other relevant sea areas in the Arctic
Ocean, and rights to resource exploration and exploitation in the Area, pursuant to treaties
such as UNCLOS and general international law. In addition, Contracting Parties to the
Spitsbergen Treaty enjoy the liberty of access and entry to certain areas of the Arctic, the
right under conditions of equality and, in accordance with law, to the exercise and practice
of scientific research, production and commercial activities such as hunting, fishing, and
mining in these areas.
The Arctic boasts a unique natural environment and rich resources, with most of its sea area
covered under thick ice for most of the year. The Arctic natural environment is now
undergoing rapid changes. Over the past three decades, temperature has been rising
continuously in the Arctic, resulting in diminishing sea ice in summer. Scientists predict
that by the middle of this century or even earlier, there may be no ice in the Arctic Ocean
for part of the year. On the one hand, melting ice in the Arctic has led to changes in the
natural environment, or possibly can result in accelerated global warming, rising sea levels,
increased extreme weather events, damaged biodiversity, and other global problems. On the

other, with the ice melted, conditions for the development of the Arctic may be gradually
changed, offering opportunities for the commercial use of sea routes and development of
resources in the region. Commercial activities in the region will have considerable impact
on global shipping, international trade and energy supply, bring about major social and
economic changes, and exert important influence on the way of work and life of Arctic
residents including the indigenous peoples. They may also pose a potential threat to the
ecological environment of the Arctic. The international community faces the same threat
and shares the same future in addressing global issues concerning the Arctic.
II. China and the Arctic
China is an important stakeholder in Arctic affairs. Geographically, China is a
Stateone of the continental States that are closest to the Arctic Circle. The natural
conditions of the Arctic and their changes have a direct impact on China's climate system
and ecological environment, and, in turn, on its economic interests in agriculture, forestry,
fishery, marine industry and other sectors.
China is also closely involved in the trans- regional and global issues in the Arctic,
especially in such areas as climate change, environment, scientific research, utilization of
shipping routes, resource exploration and exploitation, security, and global governance.
These issues are vital to the existence and development of all countries and humanity, and
directly affect the interests of non-Arctic States including China. China enjoys the freedom
or rights of scientific research, navigation, overflight, fishing, laying of submarine cables
and pipelines, and resource exploration and exploitation in the high seas, the Area and other
relevant sea areas, and certain special areas in the Arctic Ocean, as stipulated in treaties
such as the UNCLOS and the Spitsbergen Treaty, and general international law. As a
permanent member of the UN Security Council, China shoulders the important mission of
jointly promoting peace and security in the Arctic. The utilization of sea routes and

exploration and development of the resources in the Arctic may have a huge impact on the
energy strategy and economic development of China, which is a major trading nation and
energy consumer in the world. China's capital, technology, market, knowledge and
experience is expected to play a major role in expanding the network of shipping routes in
the Arctic and facilitating the economic and social progress of the coastal States along the
routes. China has shared interests with Arctic States and a shared future with the rest of the
world in the Arctic.
China has long been involved in Arctic affairs. In 1925, China joined the Spitsbergen Treaty
and started to participate in addressing the Arctic affairs. Since then, China has exerted
more efforts in the exploration of the Arctic, expanding the scope of activities, gaining
more experience and deepening cooperation with other participants. China's membership in
the International Arctic Science Committee in 1996 marked its more active participation in
scientific research in the Arctic. Since 1999, China has organized a number of scientific
expeditions in the Arctic, with its research vessel Xue Long (Snow Dragon) as the platform.
In 2004, China built the Arctic Yellow River Station in Ny Alesund in the Spitsbergen
Archipelago. By the end of 2017, China has carried out eight scientific expeditions in the
Arctic Ocean, and conducted research for 14 years with the Yellow River Station as the
base. Using its research vessel and stations as platforms, China has gradually established a
multi-discipline observation system covering the sea, ice and snow, atmosphere, biological,
and geological system of the Arctic. The year 2005 saw China as the first Asian country to
host the Arctic Science Summit Week, a high- level conference on Arctic affairs. In 2013,
China became an accredited observer to the Arctic Council. In recent years, Chinese
companies have begun to explore the commercial opportunities associated with Arctic
shipping routes. China's activities in the Arctic have gone beyond mere scientific research,
and expanded into diverse areas of Arctic affairs including the platforms of global

governance, regional cooperation, and bilateral and multilateral affairs, and such disciplines
as scientific research, ecological environment, climate change, economic development, and
cultural exchanges. As an important member of the international community, China has
played a constructive role in the formulation of Arctic- related international rules and the
development of its governance system. The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century
Maritime Silk Road (Belt and Road Initiative), an important cooperation initiative of China,
will bring opportunities for parties concerned to jointly build a Silk Roadand
facilitate connectivity and sustainable economic and social development of the Arctic.
III. China's Policy Goals and Basic Principles on the Arctic
China's policy goals on the Arctic are: to understand, protect, develop and participate in the
governance of the Arctic, so as to safeguard the common interests of all countries and the
international community in the Arctic, and promote sustainable development of the Arctic.
To understand the Arctic,China will improve the capacity and capability in scientific
research on the Arctic, pursue a deeper understanding and knowledge of the Arctic science,
and explore the natural laws behind its changes and development, so as to create favorable
conditions for mankind to better protect, develop, and govern the Arctic.
To protect the Arctic, China will actively respond to climate change in the Arctic, protect its
unique natural environment and ecological system, promote its own climatic,
environmental and ecological resilience, and respect its diverse social culture and the
historical traditions of the indigenous peoples.
To develop the Arctic, China will improve the capacity and capability in using applied
Arctic technology, strengthen technological innovation, environmental protection, resource
utilization, and development of shipping routes in the Arctic, and contribute to the
economic and social development of the Arctic, improve the living conditions of the local
people and strive for common development.

To participate in the governance of the Arctic, China will participate in regulating and
managing the affairs and activities relating to the Arctic on the basis of rules and
mechanisms. Internationally, China is committed to the existing framework of international
law including the UN Charter, UNCLOS, treaties on climate change and the environment,
and relevant rules of the International Maritime Organization, and to addressing various
traditional and non-traditional security threats through global, regional, multilateral and
bilateral mechanisms, and to building and maintaining a just, reasonable and well-organized
Arctic governance system. Domestically, China will regulate and manage Arctic-related
affairs and activities within its jurisdiction in accordance with the law, steadily enhance its
ability to understand, protect and develop the Arctic, and actively participate in
international cooperation in Arctic affairs.
Through all the above efforts to understand, protect, develop and participate in the
governance of the Arctic, China will work with all other countries to build a community
with a shared future for mankind in the Arctic region. While pursuing its own interests,
China will pay due regard to the interests of other countries and the broader international
community, bear in mind the importance of the protection and development of the Arctic,
and of keeping in proper balance its current and long-term interests, so as to promote the
sustainable development of the Arctic.
In order to realize the above-mentioned policy goals, China will participate in Arctic affairs
in accordance with the basic principles of cooperation, win-win result and
is the key basis for China's participation in Arctic affairs. Respect should be
reciprocal. It means all States should abide by international treaties such as the UN Charter
and the UNCLOS, as well as general international law. They should respect the sovereignty,
sovereign rights, and jurisdiction enjoyed by the Arctic States in this region, respect the

tradition and culture of the indigenous peoples, as well as respect the rights and freedom of
non-Arctic States to carry out activities in this region in accordance with the law, and
respect the overall interests of the international community in the Arctic.
is an effective means for China's participation in Arctic affairs. It means
establishing a relationship of multi-level, omni-dimensional and wide-ranging cooperation
in this area. Through global, regional, multilateral and bilateral channels, all stakeholders -
including States from both inside and outside the Arctic, intergovernmental organizations,
and non-state entities - are encouraged to take part in cooperation on climate change,
scientific research, environmental protection, shipping route development, resource
utilization and cultural activities.

stakeholders in this area should pursue mutual benefit and common progress in all fields of
activities. Such cooperation should ensure that the benefits are shared by both Arctic and
non-Arctic States as well as by non-state entities, and should accommodate the interests of
local residents including the indigenous peoples. It should also help to promote coordinated
development of activities in all fields to ensure the harmony between natural conservation
and social development.
is the fundamental goal of China's participation in Arctic affairs. This
means promoting the sustainable development of the Arctic by ensuring the sustainability
of environmental protection, resource utilization and human activities in the area. It means
realizing harmonious coexistence between man and nature, better coordination between
ecological protection, economic growth and social progress, better balance between
utilization, management and protection, and intergenerational equity.
IV. China's Policies and Positions on Participating in Arctic Affairs
When participating in Arctic affairs, China prioritizes scientific research, underscores the

importance of environmental protection, rational utilization, law-based governance and
international cooperation, and commits itself to maintaining a peaceful, secure and stable
Arctic order.
1. Deepening the exploration and understanding of the Arctic
The Arctic holds great value for scientific research. To explore and understand the Arctic
serves as the priority and focus for China in its Arctic activities.
China actively promotes scientific expedition and research in the Arctic. China respects the
Arctic States' exclusive jurisdiction over research activities under their national jurisdiction,
maintains that scientific research in areas under the jurisdiction of Arctic States should be
carried out through cooperation in accordance with the law, and stresses that all States have
the freedom of scientific research on the high seas of the Arctic Ocean. China is actively
involved in multi-disciplinary research including Arctic geology, geography, ice and snow,
hydrology, meteorology, sea ice, biology, ecology, geophysics and marine chemistry. It
actively participates in monitoring and assessing local climatic and environmental changes,
and carries out multi-level and multi-domain continuous observation of atmosphere, sea,
sea ice, glaciers, soil, bio-ecological character and environmental quality through the
establishment of multi-element Arctic observation system, construction of cooperative
research (observation) stations, and development of and participation in the Arctic
observation network. China is committed to improving its capacity in Arctic expedition and
research, strengthening the construction, maintenance and functions of research stations,
vessels and other supporting platforms in the Arctic, and promoting the building of
icebreakers for scientific purposes.
China supports and encourages research activities in the Arctic by constantly increasing
investment in scientific research, building modernized research platforms, and improving
the capacity in, and level of, research on the Arctic. It is making a greater effort to advance

research in the fields of natural science, climate change and ecological environment,
accelerate the development of basic subjects such as physics, chemistry, life science and
earth science, strengthen social science research including Arctic politics, economy, law,
society, history, culture and management of Arctic activities, and promote innovation in
both natural and social sciences. It is also working to strengthen personnel training and
public awareness of the Arctic, support higher learning and research institutions to train
professionals specialized in natural and social sciences on the Arctic, build science
popularization and education centers, and publish cultural products on the Arctic to
improve public knowledge. It actively promotes international cooperation on Arctic
research, pushes for an open and inclusive international monitoring network of the Arctic
environment, supports pragmatic cooperation through platforms such as the International
Arctic Science Committee, encourages Chinese scientists to carry out international
academic exchanges and cooperation on the Arctic, and encourages Chinese higher learning
and research institutions to join the network of the University of the Arctic.
The availability of technical equipment is essential to understanding, utilizing and
protecting the Arctic. China encourages the development of environment-friendly polar
technical equipment, actively participates in the building of infrastructure for Arctic
development, pushes for the upgrade of equipment in the fields of deep sea exploration, ice
zone prospecting, and atmosphere and biology observation, and promotes technology
innovation in Arctic oil and gas drilling and exploitation, renewable energy development,
navigation and monitoring in ice zones, and construction of new-type icebreakers.
2. Protecting the eco-environment of the Arctic and addressing climate change
China follows international law in the protection of the natural environment and ecosystem
of the Arctic and conservation of its biological resources, and takes an active part in
addressing the challenges of environmental and climate change in the Arctic.

(1) Protecting the Environment
China always gives top priority to resolving global environmental issues, earnestly fulfills
its obligations under relevant treaties, and discharges its responsibility of environmental
protection. China is actively engaged in improving the Arctic environment by enhancing
the environmental background investigation of Arctic activities and the assessment of their
environmental impact. It respects the environmental protection laws and regulations of the
Arctic States and calls for stronger environmental management and cooperation.
The marine environment is a key area for Arctic environmental protection. China supports
the Arctic coastal States in their efforts to reduce pollutants in the Arctic waters from
land-based sources, in accordance with the relevant treaties, and commits itself to raising
the environmental responsibility awareness of its citizens and enterprises. In order to
effectively protect the marine environment of the Arctic, China works with other States to
enhance control of the sources of marine pollution such as ship discharge, offshore
dumping, and air pollution.
(2) Protecting the Eco-system
The Arctic is home to several endangered species of wild fauna and flora from around the
globe. China attaches importance to the sustainable development and biodiversity
protection of the Arctic. It conducts scientific evaluation of the impact on the Arctic
ecological system caused by global climate change and human activities, strengthens
protection of migratory birds and their habitats, organizes research on the migration
patterns of Arctic migratory birds, improves the adaptability and resilience of the Arctic
ecological system, and advances international cooperation in the protection of Arctic
species of fauna and flora.
(3) Addressing climate change
Addressing climate change in the Arctic is an important part of global climate governance.

China consistently takes the issue of climate change seriously. It has included measures to
deal with climate change such as Nationally Determined Contributions in its overall
national development agenda and planning, and has made significant contributions to the
conclusion of the Paris Agreement. China's emission reduction measures have a positive
impact on the climatic and ecological environment of the Arctic. China is committed to
studying the substance and energy exchange process and mechanisms of the Arctic,
evaluating the interaction between the Arctic and global climate change, predicting
potential risks posed by future climate change to the Arctic's natural resources and
ecological environment, and advancing Arctic cryospheric sciences. It strengthens publicity
and education on addressing climate change to raise the public's awareness of the issue, and
promotes international cooperation in addressing climate change in the Arctic.
3. Utilizing Arctic Resources in a Lawful and Rational Manner
The Arctic has abundant resources, but a fragile ecosystem. China advocates protection and
rational use of the region and encourages its enterprises to engage in international
cooperation on the exploration for and utilization of Arctic resources by making the best
use of their advantages in capital, technology and domestic market. China maintains that all
activities to explore and utilize the Arctic should abide by treaties such as the UNCLOS and
the Spitsbergen Treaty as well as general international law, respect the laws of the Arctic
States, and proceed in a sustainable way on the condition of properly protecting the
eco- environment of the Arctic and respecting the interests and concerns of the indigenous
peoples in the region.
(1) China's participation in the development of Arctic shipping routes
The Arctic shipping routes comprise the Northeast Passage, Northwest Passage, and the
Central Passage. As a result of global warming, the Arctic shipping routes are likely to
become important transport routes for international trade. China respects the legislative,

enforcement and adjudicatory powers of the Arctic States in the waters subject to their
jurisdiction. China maintains that the management of the Arctic shipping routes should be
conducted in accordance with treaties including the UNCLOS and general international law
and that the freedom of navigation enjoyed by all countries in accordance with the law and
their rights to use the Arctic shipping routes should be ensured. China maintains that
disputes over the Arctic shipping routes should be properly settled in accordance with
international law.
China hopes to work with all parties to build a
Arctic shipping routes. It encourages its enterprises to participate in the infrastructure
construction for these routes and conduct commercial trial voyages in accordance with the
law to pave the way for their commercial and regularized operation. China attaches great
importance to navigation security in the Arctic shipping routes. It has actively conducted
studies on these routes and continuously strengthened hydrographic surveys with the aim to
improving the navigation, security and logistical capacities in the Arctic. China abides by
the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code), and supports the
International Maritime Organization in playing an active role in formulating navigational
rules for the Arctic. China calls for stronger international cooperation on infrastructure
construction and operation of the Arctic routes.
(2) Participating in the exploration for and exploitation of oil, gas, mineral and other
non-living resources
China respects the sovereign rights of Arctic States over oil, gas and mineral resources in
the areas subject to their jurisdiction in accordance with international law, and respects the
interests and concerns of residents in the region. It requires its enterprises to observe the
laws of the relevant States and conduct risk assessments for resource exploration, and
encourages them to participate in the exploitation of oil, gas and mineral resources in the

Arctic, through cooperation in various forms and on the condition of properly protecting the
eco-environment of the Arctic.
The Arctic region boasts an abundance of geothermal, wind, and other clean energy
resources. China will work with the Arctic States to strengthen clean energy cooperation,
increase exchanges in respect of technology, personnel and experience in this field, explore
the supply of clean energy and energy substitution, and pursue low-carbon development.
(3) Participating in conservation and utilization of fisheries and other living resources
As fish stocks have shown a tendency to move northwards due to climate change and other
factors, the Arctic has the potential to become a new fishing ground in the future. As
regards fishing in the high seas in the Arctic Ocean, China has consistently held a firm
stance in favor of conservation in a scientific manner and of rational use, and maintains that,
while enjoying their lawful right to conduct fisheries research and development in the high
seas in the Arctic Ocean, all States should fulfill their obligations to conserve the fishery
resources and the ecosystem in the region.
China supports efforts to formulate a legally binding international agreement on the
management of fisheries in the high seas portion of the Arctic Ocean. China also supports
the establishment of an Arctic fisheries management organization or making other
institutional arrangements based on the UNCLOS. China will strengthen survey on and
research into the fishery resources in the high seas in the Arctic, carry out appropriate
exploratory fishing, and play a constructive part in the management of fisheries in the high
seas in the Arctic Ocean. China hopes to strengthen cooperation with the Arctic coastal
States on the research, conservation, and utilization of fishery resources. China is
committed to properly protecting Arctic biodiversity and advocates transparent and
reasonable exploration and utilization of Arctic genetic resources, and fair and equitable
sharing and use of the benefits generated by the exploitation of such resources.

(4) Participating in developing tourism resources
Arctic tourism is an emerging industry, and China is a source of tourists to the Arctic. China
supports and encourages its enterprises to cooperate with Arctic States in developing
tourism in the region, and calls for continuous efforts to enhance security, insurance, and
rescue systems to ensure the safety of tourists in the Arctic. China conducts training for and
regulates Chinese tourism agencies and professionals involved in Arctic tourism, and
endeavors to raise the environmental awareness of Chinese tourists. China advocates
low- carbon tourism, ecotourism, and responsible tourism, and hopes to contribute to the
sustainable development of Arctic tourism.
China takes part in the development and utilization of Arctic resources on the condition of
respecting the traditions and cultures of the Arctic residents including the indigenous
peoples, preserving their unique lifestyles and values, and respecting the efforts made by
the Arctic States to empower the local citizens, foster their social and economic progress,
and improve education and medical services, so that the Arctic residents, including the
indigenous peoples, will truly benefit from the development of Arctic resources.
4. Participating Actively in Arctic governance and international cooperation
China is committed to improving and complementing the Arctic governance regime. China
has worked to regulate and supervise the activities of Chinese citizens, legal persons or
other organizations in the Arctic in accordance with the law to ensure that their activities
accord with international law and respect the relevant national laws on environmental
protection, resource conservation, and sustainable development. And it has endeavored to
strengthen overall coordination of its Arctic policy and related affairs. Furthermore, China
takes an active part in the international governance of the Arctic. China upholds the current
Arctic governance system with the UN Charter and the UNCLOS as its core, plays a
constructive part in the making, interpretation, application and development of international

rules regarding the Arctic, and safeguards the common interests of all nations and the
international community.
China stands for steadily advancing international cooperation on the Arctic. It has worked
to strengthen such cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative according to the principle
of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits and emphasized policy
coordination, infrastructure connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and closer
people-to-people ties. Concrete cooperation steps include coordinating development
strategies with the Arctic States, encouraging joint efforts to build a blue economic passage
linking China and Europe via the Arctic Ocean, enhancing Arctic digital connectivity, and
building a global infrastructure network. China hopes to work for the common good of all
parties and further common interests through the Arctic.
At the global level, China actively participates in the formulation of rules concerning the
global environment, climate change, international maritime issues, and high seas fisheries
management, and fulfills all its international obligations in accordance with the law. China
expands cooperation with various States and international organizations in environmental
protection, and promotes energy conservation, emissions reduction, and low-carbon
development. China also promotes global cooperation in tackling climate change, and
upholds the principles of equity, common but differentiated responsibilities, and respective
capabilities. It urges developed countries to fulfill their commitments under the UN
Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement,
and provides support to fellow developing countries in addressing climate change. China
plays a constructive role in the work of the International Maritime Organization, and makes
solid efforts to fulfill its international responsibilities for ensuring maritime navigational
security and preventing its ships from polluting the maritime environment. China advocates
stronger international cooperation in maritime technology and a globally coordinated

solution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from maritime transport under the
International Maritime Organization framework. China takes an active part in negotiations
over high seas fisheries regulation in the Arctic, and calls for a legally binding international
agreement for managing fishery resources in the high seas portion of the Arctic. The
agreement should allow scientific research and exploratory fishing activities in the high
seas portion of the Arctic, and protect the freedom of all States on the high seas in
accordance with international law.
At the regional level, China takes an active part in Arctic inter-governmental mechanisms.
China, as an accredited observer to the Arctic Council, highly values the Council's positive
role in Arctic affairs, and recognizes it as the main inter-governmental forum on issues
regarding the environment and sustainable development of the Arctic. China stands by the
commitments it made when applying to become an observer to the Council. It fully
supports the work of the Council, and dispatches experts to participate in the work of the
Council including its Working Groups and Task Forces. China respects the Agreement on
Cooperation on Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue in the Arctic, the Agreement
on Cooperation on Marine Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response in the Arctic, and the
Agreement on Enhancing International Arctic Scientific Cooperation, all adopted by the
Arctic Council. China also supports international cooperation through such platforms as the
Arctic Science Ministerial Meeting.
At the bilateral and multilateral levels, China promotes practical cooperation in all fields,
especially regarding climate change, scientific expeditions, environmental protection,
ecosystems, shipping routes, resource development, submarine fiber-optic cables, cultural
exchanges, and capacity building. China proposes to form cooperative partnerships between
Arctic and non-Arctic States, and has carried out bilateral consultations on Arctic affairs
with all Arctic States. In 2010, China and the United States set up an annual dialogue

mechanism for bilateral dialogues on the law of the sea and polar issues. Since 2013, China
and Russia have been conducting dialogues on Arctic issues. In 2012, China and Iceland
signed the Framework Agreement on Arctic Cooperation, which was the first
inter- governmental agreement on Arctic issues between China and an Arctic State. China
also values cooperation with other non-Arctic States. It has conducted bilateral dialogues on
the law of the sea and polar issues with the United Kingdom and France. In 2016, China,
Japan and the Republic of Korea launched high-level trilateral dialogues on Arctic issues to
promote exchanges on policies, practices, and experience regarding Arctic international
cooperation, scientific research, and commercial cooperation.
China supports the participation of all Arctic stakeholders in Arctic governance and
international cooperation. China supports platforms such as Arctic: Territory of
DialogueArctic CircleFrontiersChina-Nordic Arctic Research
Centerin promoting exchanges and cooperation among the stakeholders. China also
supports the participation of research institutions and enterprises in Arctic governance with
their own expertise put to good use. China encourages research institutions to communicate
with foreign think tanks and academic institutions, and supports enterprises to participate in
the commercial development and utilization of the Arctic in a lawful and orderly manner.
5. Promoting peace and stability in the Arctic
Peace and stability in the Arctic provides a significant guarantee for all activities in the
region, and serves the fundamental interest of all countries including China. China calls for
the peaceful utilization of the Arctic and commits itself to maintaining peace and stability,
protecting lives and property, and ensuring the security of maritime trade, operations and
transport in the region. China supports the peaceful settlement of disputes over territory and
maritime rights and interests by all parties concerned in accordance with such treaties as the
UN Charter and the UNCLOS and general international law, and supports efforts to

safeguard security and stability in the region. China strives to reinforce cooperation with
the Arctic States in maritime and air search and rescue, maritime early warning, emergency
response, and information sharing in order to properly handle security challenges such as
maritime accidents, environmental pollution, and maritime crimes.
The future of the Arctic concerns the interests of the Arctic States, the wellbeing of
non-Arctic States and that of the humanity as a whole. The governance of the Arctic
requires the participation and contribution of all stakeholders. On the basis of the principles
country, is ready to cooperate with all relevant parties to seize the historic opportunity in
the development of the Arctic, to address the challenges brought by the changes in the
region, jointly understand, protect, develop and participate in the governance of the Arctic,
and advance Arctic-related cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, so as to build a
community with a shared future for mankind and contribute to peace, stability and
sustainable development in the Arctic.







