
2020年08月07日 16:20


目 录
在世界的东方,中国这个拥有13亿多人口的文明古国,正在现 代化道路上阔步
前行。世界对中国的关注集中起来就是,中国选择了一条什么样的发展道路,中国的发展 对
中国多次向世界宣示,中国始终不渝走和平发展道路,在坚持自 己和平发展的同
时,致力于维护世界和平,积极促进各国共同发展繁荣。在进入21世纪第二个十年和中 国
国 、为世界文明进步作出更大贡献的战略抉择。中国将坚定不移沿着和平发展道路走下去。
在5000多年文明发展历程中,中国各族人民以自己的勤劳智 慧,创造了璀璨
的中华文明,缔造了统一的多民族国家。中华文明具有独特的延续性、包容性、开放性。 在
了 重大贡献。
19世纪中叶,西方列强用炮舰打开中国封闭的门户,内忧外患导致中国逐步成< br>为半殖民地半封建社会,国家积贫积弱、战乱不已,民不聊生。在民族存亡的危急关头,无
数仁人 志士前仆后继,苦苦追寻变革救亡之路。1911年的辛亥革命,结束了统治中国几
千年的君主专制制度 ,激励中国人民为争取民族独立和国家富强而斗争。然而,这些探索和
斗争都未能改变中国半殖民地半封 建的社会性质和中国人民的悲惨命运。中国共产党肩负民
族的期望,带领中国人民进行了艰苦卓绝的奋斗 ,于1949年建立了中华人民共和国,实

不断 总结汲取本国及其他国家发展的经验教训,不断深化对人类社会发展规律的认识,不断
推动社会主义制度 自我完善和发展。通过艰苦努力,中国找到了一条符合自身国情的发展道
路,这就是中国特色社会主义道 路。
坚持对外开 放,学习借鉴别国长处;顺应经济全球化发展潮流,寻求与各国互利共赢和共同
发展;同国际社会一道努 力,推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。这条道路最鲜明的
特征是科学发展、自主发展、开放发展 、和平发展、合作发展、共同发展。
科学发展。科学发展就是尊重并遵循经济社会和自然发 展规律,牢牢扭住经济建
设这个中心,坚持聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展,不断解放和发展社会生产 力。中国把
科学发展观作为经济社会发展的重要指导方针,坚持把发展作为党执政兴国的第一要务,坚< br>持以人为本,坚持全面协调可持续发展,坚持统筹兼顾。坚持以人为本,始终尊重人权和人
的价值 ,不断满足人民日益增长的物质文化需要,走共同富裕道路,促进人的全面发展,做
到发展为了人民、发 展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享。坚持全面协调可持续发展,全面推
进经济建设、政治建设、文化建设 、社会建设以及生态文明建设,促进现代化建设各个环节、
各个方面相协调。坚持统筹兼顾,正确认识和 妥善处理中国特色社会主义事业中的重大关系,
统筹城乡发展、区域发展、经济社会发展、人与自然和谐 发展、国内发展和对外开放。
自主发展。中国这样人口众多的发展中大国归根结底要靠自己 的力量来发展。中
国始终坚持独立自主,把国家发展的基点和重心放在国内,注重从本国国情出发,主要 依靠
革开 放作为一项基本国策,把对内改革和对外开放结合起来,把坚持独立自主同参与经济全
球化结合起来,把 继承中华民族优良传统同学习借鉴人类社会一切文明成果结合起来,把国
际国内两个市场、两种资源结合 起来,以开放的姿态融入世界,不断拓展对外开放的广度和
深度,加强同世界各国交流合作,完善内外联 动、互利共赢、安全高效的开放型经济体系。
惨痛 经历中,深感和平之珍贵、发展之迫切,深信只有和平才能实现人民安居乐业,只有发
展才能实现人民丰 衣足食,把为国家发展营造和平稳定的国际环境作为对外工作的中心任务。
同时,中国积极为世界和平与 发展作出自己应有的贡献,绝不搞侵略扩张,永远不争霸、不
称霸,始终是维护世界和地区和平稳定的坚 定力量。

合作发展。国际社会始终会存在竞争和矛盾。各国应该在良性竞争 中取长补短,
不断寻找合作机会,扩大合作领域,拓展共同利益。中国坚持以合作谋和平、以合作促发展 、
利 合作,有效应对日益增多的全球性挑战,协力解决关乎世界经济发展和人类生存进步的重
多人 分享发展成果,世界和平稳定才有坚实基础和有效保障,世界各国发展才可以持续。因
此,中国坚持奉行 互利共赢的开放战略,坚持自身利益与人类共同利益的一致性,在追求自
身发展的同时努力实现与他国发 展的良性互动,促进世界各国共同发展。中国真诚期待同世
世界繁 荣稳定作出了重大贡献,与世界更加紧密地联系在一起。
实现综合国力大幅度提升。经济总量 从1978年到2010年翻了四番多,达
到5.88万亿美元,占世界的比重从1.8%增加到9.3 %。中国现代化建设的物质基
础更加坚实,工业化、信息化、城镇化、市场化、国际化深入发展,社会主 义建设事业全面
推进。人民生活实现从温饱不足到总体小康的历史跨越,人均国民总收入相当于世界平均 水
划 经济体制到充满活力的社会主义市场经济体制的伟大历史转折,形成公有制为主体、多种
所有制经济共同 发展的基本经济制度,市场在资源配置中的基础性作用明显增强,宏观调控
体系日臻完善。覆盖城乡居民 的社会保障体系逐步建立,文化、教育、科技、卫生、体育等
实 现从封闭半封闭到全方位开放的伟大历史转折。从建立经济特区到开放沿海、
沿江、沿边、内陆地区,从 引进外资到鼓励中国企业对外投资,从敞开国门搞建设到加入世
界贸易组织,中国参与经济全球化和区域 经济合作,对外开放水平不断提高。进出口总额从
1978年的206亿美元增加到2010年的297 40亿美元。1979年至2010
年,累计使用外商直接投资10483.8亿美元。迄今同163个 国家和地区建立了双边
经贸合作机制,签署10个自由贸易区协定,同129个国家签署双边投资保护协 定,同9
的9.8 %,并取消了大多数非关税措施。中国积极构建总体稳定、均衡发展、互利共赢的
大国关系框架,促进形 成机遇共享、共同发展的周边合作局面,巩固并加强了同发展中国家
传统友谊和团结合作,与各国相互依 存、利益交融日益加深,与世界各国交流合作更加广泛。
为世界经济稳定发展作出重要贡献。 2001年加入世界贸易组织以来,中国年
均进口近7500亿美元商品,相当于为相关国家和地区创造 了1400多万个就业岗位。
过去10年,在华外商投资企业从中国累计汇出利润2617亿美元,年均 增长30%。2
000年至2010年,中国非金融类年度对外直接投资从不足10亿美元增加到590 亿

美元,有力促进了有关国家经济发展。2009年境外中资企业实现境外纳税106亿 美元,
稳定,为区 域经济稳定和发展作出了贡献。2008年国际金融危机发生后,中国积极参与
二十国集团等全球经济治 理机制建设,推动国际金融体系改革,参与各国宏观经济政策协调,
参与国际贸易融资计划和金融合作, 组织大型采购团赴海外采购,向陷入困境的国家伸出援
手。中国认真落实联合国千年发展目标,成为全球 唯一提前实现贫困人口减半国家,并根据
自身能力积极开展对外援助。截至2009年底,中国累计向1 61个国家、30多个国际
和区域组织提供了2563亿元人民币的援助,减免50个重债穷国和最不发 达国家债务3
达国 家95%的输华产品给予零关税待遇。
为维护世界和平、应对全球性挑战发挥重要作用。中国 是唯一公开承诺不首先使
用核武器、不对无核武器国家和无核武器区使用或威胁使用核武器的核国家。中 国累计向联
合国30项维和行动派出各类人员约2.1万人次,是派出维和人员最多的联合国安理会常< br>任理事国。中国积极参与反恐、防扩散领域国际合作,向遭受严重自然灾害的国家提供人道
主义援 助并派出救援队,为打击海盗行为向亚丁湾、索马里海域派遣海军护航编队。中国参
加了100多个政府 间国际组织,签署300多个国际公约,成为国际体系的参与者、建设
者和贡献者。中国是最早制定并实 施《应对气候变化国家方案》的发展中国家,也是近年节
能减排力度最大、新能源和可再生能源研发速度 最快的国家之一。中国为应对国际和地区热
点问题发挥了建设性作用,在朝核问题、伊朗核问题等热点问 题上坚持劝和促谈,推动形成
朝核问题六方会谈机制。中国同12个陆地邻国解决了历史遗留的边界问题 ,坚持通过对话
谈判处理同邻国领土和海洋权益争端,以建设性姿态提出“搁置争议、共同开发”的主张 ,
新中国成立以来特别是改革开放30多年的发展历程表明 ,中国是国际社会的重
要成员,是推动国际政治经济秩序朝着更加公正合理方向发展并努力作出贡献的国 家。
中国和平发展的不懈追求是,对内求发 展、求和谐,对外求合作、求和平。具体
而言,就是通过中国人民的艰苦奋斗和改革创新,通过同世界各 国长期友好相处、平等互利
合作,让中国人民过上更好的日子,并为全人类发展进步作出应有贡献。这已 经上升为中国
末实行 改革开放后,中国制定并实施了“三步走”的现代化发展战略。第一步,实现国民生
产总值比1980年 翻一番,解决人民温饱问题。第二步,到20世纪末实现国民生产总值
再翻一番,人民生活达到小康水平 。这两步目标已经实现。第三步,到本世纪中叶中华人民

共和国成立100年时,人均国 民生产总值达到中等发达国家水平,人民生活比较富裕,基
本实现现代化,建成富强民主文明和谐的社会 主义现代化国家。“三步走”目标的核心任务
是,提高人民物质文化生活水平,实现富民与强国的统一。 同时,要随着综合国力的不断增
全面建成惠及十几 亿人口的更高水平的小康社会是中国和平发展的中长期目标。
到2020年,中国将全面建成惠及十几亿 人口的更高水平的小康社会,使中国成为工业化
基本实现、综合国力显著增强、国内市场总体规模位居世 界前列的国家,成为人民富裕程度
普遍提高、生活质量明显改善、生态环境良好的国家,成为人民享有更 加充分民主权利、具
有更高文明素质和精神追求的国家,成为各方面制度更加完善、社会更加充满活力而 又安定
引下,《中华人民共和国 国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》确立了“十二五”时
期(2011 2015年)中国经济 社会发展的指导思想、总体思路、目标任务和重大举
措。今后5年,中国经济社会发展将坚持以科学发展 为主题、以加快转变经济发展方式为主
线,主要目标是:经济平稳较快发展,经济结构战略性调整取得重 大进展,科技教育水平明
显提高,资源节约和环境保护成效显著,人民生活持续改善,社会建设明显加强 ,改革开放
不断深化。经过全国人民共同努力奋斗,使转变经济发展方式取得实质性进展,综合国力、< br>国际竞争力、抵御风险能力显著提高,全面建成小康社会的基础更加牢固。同时,中国将积
极开展 国际交流合作,扩大和深化同各方利益汇合点,促进各国共同发展。
从温饱到小康再到中等发 达水平,使人民生活更加富裕,集中体现了中国和平发
展的战略意图。为了实现上述目标,中国决心在以 下方面作出努力。
把经济结构战略性调整作为主 攻方向。坚持扩大国内需求特别是消费需求,通过
多种途径增强居民消费能力,调整优化国内投资结构, 同步推进工业化、城镇化和农业现代
化,促进经济增长由主要依靠投资和出口拉动向消费、投资、出口协 调拉动转变,由主要依
靠第二产业带动向依靠第一、第二、第三产业协同带动转变,由主要依靠增加物质 资源消耗
术和管理 经验,不断提高经济增长质量和效益。
着力突破制约发展的资源环境瓶颈。确立绿色、低碳发 展理念,以节能减排为重
点,加快构建资源节约、环境友好的生产方式和消费模式。推动循环经济发展, 改善环境质
量,构建安全、稳定、经济、清洁的现代能源产业体系,提升资源保障程度,促进人与自然< br>和谐发展,实现经济发展与人口资源环境相协调,坚持探索一条科技含量高、经济效益好、
资源消 耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的中国特色新型工业化道路。中国经
济实现全面协调可持 续发展,将为世界经济发展开辟更加广阔的空间。

中国拥有丰富的人力物力资源和比较完备的工业体系,将坚持 以自力更生为主实
现持续发展。预计到2015年,中国人才资源总量将达到1.56亿人,主要劳动年 龄人
基本实现自给 自足。尽管人均国内资源拥有量较低,但通过充分发挥市场配置功能和推动科
技进步,可以最大限度减少 中国经济社会发展对资源的依赖。中国将发挥原材料、装备以及
消费品制造等产业优势,满足本国民众的 物质需求,为世界市场提供更多优质产品和服务。
人口规模和经济总量决定了中国拥有巨大国 内需求潜力。随着人均收入不断增加、
国内投资稳步提高、区域发展战略深入推进,中国还将形成新的经 济增长极和更大的市场空
间。未来5年,中国消费结构将进一步提升,居民消费潜力将得到进一步释放, 国内市场总
中国将加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设,夯实社 会和谐的民生基础。推进
社会体制改革,建立健全基本公共服务体系,创新社会管理机制,提高社会管理 水平,完善
建设社 会主义法治国家,保障人民当家作主。继续依法实行民主选举、民主决策、民主管理、
民主监督,保障人 民的知情权、参与权、表达权、监督权,扩大公民有序政治参与。继续坚
持各民族一律平等和民族区域自 治,依法保障人民的宗教信仰自由,充分尊重并维护公民的
坚持对外开放的基本国策。奉行互利共赢的开放战略,充分利用经济 全球化和区
域经济合作提供的各种有利条件,实现对外开放由出口和吸收外资为主向进口和出口、吸收< br>外资和对外投资并重转变,不断拓展新的开放领域和空间,完善开放型经济体系,提高开放
型经济 水平,以开放促发展、促改革、促创新。
加快转变外贸发展方式。继续积极参与国际分工,推 动外贸发展从规模扩张向质
量效益提高转变、从成本优势向综合竞争优势转变,大力发展服务贸易,扩大 进口规模,促
引进智力、人才、技术, 引导外资投向重点领域和重点地区。保护外资企业在华合法权益,

对国际资本和先进技术 持开放态度,创造公平有序的投资环境。实施国家知识产权战略,大
力提高知识产权创造、运用、保护和 管理能力。
更加重视对外投资和合作。鼓励各类企业有序开展境外投资和合作经营,支持在< br>境外开展技术研发投资合作,开展海外工程承包和劳务合作,扩大农业领域国际合作,深化
国际能 源资源开发互利合作。大力开展有利于改善东道国民生和增强东道国自主发展能力的
项目合作,尊重当地 宗教和风俗习惯,遵守驻在国法律,承担相应社会责任和义务,促进驻
在国发展。优化对外援助结构,创 新对外援助方式,提升对外援助效果。
有序扩大金融市场和金融业对外开放。构建服务高效、 风险可控的金融体系,完
善以市场供求为基础、有管理的浮动汇率制度,逐步实现人民币资本项目可兑换 。既为各国
对华开展贸易投资互利合作带来更大便利,也为维护国际货币金融市场稳定、促进经济全球< br>化健康发展创造更好条件。
中 国坚持在和平共处五项基本原则的基础上同所有国家发展友好合作。同发达国
家加强战略对话,增进战略 互信,深化互利合作,妥善处理分歧,探索建立和发展新型大国
关系,推动相互关系长期稳定健康发展。 坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴、睦邻友好的方针,发展
同周边国家和亚洲其他国家的友好合作关系,积极开展 双边和区域合作,共同营造和平稳定、
平等互信、合作共赢的地区环境。加强同广大发展中国家的团结, 深化传统友谊,扩大互利
合作,通过援助和投资等方式,真诚帮助发展中国家实现自主发展,维护发展中 国家正当权
民间 等各方面交流合作,扩大人文领域对外交流,增进中国人民同各国人民的相互了解和友
万多公里,大陆海岸线1 .8万多公里。中国面临复杂多样的传统和非传统安全挑战,受到
分裂势力和恐怖主义等威胁。推进国防 现代化是中国合理的国家安全需求,是中国实现和平
发展的必要保障。中国军队现代化的根本目的是捍卫 国家主权、安全、领土完整,保障国家
发展利益。中国国防开支是合理适度的,是与维护国家安全需要相 适应的,中国不会也无意
同任何国家搞军备竞赛,不会对任何国家构成军事威胁。中国坚持“人不犯我、 我不犯人”,
的国际关系理念和对外方 针政策。

维护世界和平、促进共同发 展是中国外交政策的宗旨。中国倡导并致力于同世界
各国一道推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。 认为这既是一个长期目标,又是一项现
政 治上相互尊重、平等协商,共同推进国际关系民主化。国家不分大小、强弱、
贫富,都是国际社会平等成 员,都应受到国际社会尊重。维护联合国在世界事务中的核心地
位,遵循联合国宪章宗旨和原则,恪守国 际法和公认的国际关系准则,在国际关系中弘扬民
主、和睦、协作、共赢精神。各国内部事务应由本国人 民自己决定,世界上的事情应由各国
展。努 力建立公正、公开、合理、非歧视的多边贸易体制,使经济全球化成果惠及世界各国。
携手落实联合国千 年发展目标,使21世纪成为人人享有发展成果的世纪。
文化上相互借鉴、求同存异,尊重世 界多样性,共同促进人类文明繁荣进步。大
力提倡不同文明间对话和交流,消除意识形态偏见和隔阂,使 人类社会一天比一天和谐和睦,
安全上相互信任、加强合作, 坚持用和平方式而不是战争手段解决国际争端,共
同维护世界和平稳定。通过协商对话增进信任、减少分 歧、化解纠纷,避免使用武力或以武
环保上相互帮助、协力推进,共同呵 护人类赖以生存的地球家园。提倡创新发展
模式,走可持续发展道路,促进人与自然和谐发展。坚持共同 但有区别的责任原则,加强环
中国人民坚持自己选择的社会制度和发展道路,不允许外部势力 干涉中国内政。
坚持在和平共处五项原则基础上,同所有国家发展友好合作,不同任何国家和国家集团结 盟,
坚持通过求同 存异、对话协商解决矛盾分歧,不把自己的意志强加于人。坚持从中国人民的
根本利益和世界人民的共同 利益出发,根据事情本身的是非曲直确定立场和政策,秉持公道,
伸张正义,在国际事务中积极发挥建设 性作用。

中国把中国人民的利 益同世界各国人民的共同利益结合起来,扩大同各方利益的
汇合点,同各国各地区建立并发展不同领域不 同层次的利益共同体,推动实现全人类共同利
安全内涵扩展到更多领域 。国际社会需要强化综合安全观念,坚持综合施策、标本兼治,携
全意识 ,既要维护本国安全,又要尊重别国安全关切。要摒弃冷战思维和同盟对抗,通过多
边合作维护共同安全 ,协力防止冲突和战争。充分发挥联合国在维护世界和平与安全方面的
作用,建立公平有效的共同安全机 制。
反对动辄使 用武力或以武力相威胁。
作为世界上人口最 多的发展中国家,中国把自己的事情办好,本身就是对世界负
责任最重要的体现。作为国际社会负责任的 国家,中国遵循国际法和公认的国际关系准则,
认真履行应尽的国际责任。中国以积极姿态参与国际体系 变革和国际规则制定,参与全球性
问题治理,支持发展中国家发展,维护世界和平稳定。各国国情和发展 阶段不同,应按照责
任、权利、实力相一致的原则,着眼本国和人类共同利益,从自身国力出发,履行相 应国际
中国同周边各国积极开展睦邻友好合作,共同 推动建设和谐亚洲。主张地区各国
相互尊重、增进互信、求同存异,通过谈判对话和友好协商解决包括领 土和海洋权益争端在
内的各种矛盾和问题,共同维护地区和平稳定。密切经贸往来和互利合作,推进地区 经济一
国家,中国 的繁荣发展和长治久安对周边邻国是机遇而不是威胁。中国将始终秉承自强不息、

开拓进 取、开放包容、同舟共济的“亚洲精神”,永做亚洲其他国家的好邻居、好朋友、好
走和平发展道路是中国政府和人民继承中华文化的优秀传 统、根据时代发展潮流
中国文化自古就认为世界应是一个和谐整体,这个观念深深影 响了中华民族的思
精神凝 聚家庭、敦睦邻里、善待他人。和谐文化培育了中华民族热爱和平的民族禀性。举世
闻名的“丝绸之路” 是一条贸易之路、文化之路、和平之路,铭刻下中国古人追求同各国人
民友好交流、互利合作的历史足迹 。中国明代著名航海家郑和“七下西洋”,远涉亚非30
多个国家和地区,展现的是中华灿烂文明和先进 科技,留下的是和平与友谊。
中华民族以“海纳百川,有容乃大”的胸怀,接受一切有益的外 来文化,促进了
中外文化融合,留下了不少对外文化交流的千古佳话。中国人民具有强烈的集体意识和社 会
心 ,不将自己的意志强加于人。对外待之以礼,实行睦近交远。
中国人口多、底子薄,用世界7.9%的 耕地和6.5%的淡水资源养活着世界
近20%的人口,经济社会发展成就要由13亿多人共享,不断满 足众多人口生存和发展需
求是巨大难题。2010年,中国人均国内生产总值约为4400美元,居世界 100位左
右。中国城乡、区域发展很不平衡,经济社会发展结构性矛盾突出,资源环境等发展的瓶颈< br>制约突出,经济增长过于依赖物质资源投入,转变经济发展方式任务艰巨。中国自主创新能
力较弱 ,在国际产业体系和贸易分工中仍处于产业链低端。中国人民生活水平还不高,社会
保障体系还很不完善 ,与发达国家相比还有很大差距。
中国现代化是世界五分之一人口的现代化,这是一个很长的 历史过程。这一过程
中的困难和问题,无论规模还是难度,在当今世界都是绝无仅有的,在人类历史上也 是罕见

< br>即使中国将来强大起来,和平依然是发展的基本前提,没有理由偏离和平发展道路。基本国
情、文 化传统和国家根本利益、长远利益是中国和平发展的决定因素和内生动力。
和平与发展是当今时代的两大主题,和平、发展、合作是不可 阻挡的世界潮流。
当前,世界多极化、经济全球化深入发展,国际体系变革的要求突出,国际社会正面临 越来
的国家相互依存、利益交 融,形成“你中有我、我中有你”的命运共同体。人类再也承受不
起世界大战,大国全面冲突对抗只会造 成两败俱伤。
生安 全等攸关人类生存和经济社会可持续发展的全球性问题日益增多。任何国家都不可能单
独解决这些问题, 国际社会必须携手应对。如果不能通过全面持续的国际合作抑制各种负面
因素,世界和平与发展将面临重 大障碍,甚至可能遭受更大灾难。
世界多极化发展进程难以阻挡。新兴市场国家、区域集团和 亚洲等地区力量不断
发展壮大,各类非国家行为体迅速成长,借助经济全球化和社会信息化拓展影响,成 为各国
世界潮流浩浩荡荡,顺之则昌,逆之则亡。国际社 会应该超越国际关系中陈旧的
“零和博弈”,超越危险的冷战、热战思维,超越曾把人类一次次拖入对抗 和战乱的老路。
要以命运共同体的新视角,以同舟共济、合作共赢的新理念,寻求多元文明交流互鉴的新 局
展 的新道路。要和平,不要战争;要发展,不要停滞;要对话,不要对抗;要理解,不要隔
阂,乃大势所趋 、人心所向。中国走和平发展道路,正是在这一时代大背景下的必然选择。
和平发展道路是中国这个世界上最大的发展中国家探索出的一条 新型发展道路,
随着时间的推移,这条道路已经并将进一步显示出其世界意义。这条道路的成功既需要中 国
中国和平发展打破了“国强必霸 ”的大国崛起传统模式。建立殖民体系、争夺势
力范围、对外武力扩张,是近代历史上一些大国崛起的老 路。特别是在20世纪,追逐霸权、
实力对抗、兵戎相见,使人类惨遭两次世界大战的浩劫。中国基于自 己几千年历史文化传统,
基于对经济全球化本质的认识,对21世纪国际关系和国际安全格局变化的认识 ,对人类共
同利益和共同价值的认识,郑重选择和平发展、合作共赢作为实现国家现代化、参与国际事< /p>

经济全球化和科技革命为更多国家提供了通过经济发展和互利合作 实现振兴的历
更强 劲的动力。中国和平发展顺应了这一世界发展大势,中国乐见并支持越来越多的发展中
国家改变自身命运 ,也乐见和支持发达国家继续繁荣发展。
在世界发生翻天覆地变化的今天,无论什么主义、什 么制度、什么模式、什么道
路,都在经历时代和实践的检验。各国国情千差万别,世界上不存在最好的、 万能的、一成
复杂 性,将更加注意总结和运用自身的成功经验,更加注意学习借鉴其他国家的有益经验,
更加注意研究前进 道路上的新问题、新挑战,为和平发展开辟更为广阔的前景。
中国发展离不开世界,世界繁荣 稳定也离不开中国。中国取得的发展成就与世界
各国友好合作密不可分,中国未来发展更需要国际社会理 解和支持,我们衷心感谢所有理解、
关心、支持、帮助中国发展的国家和人民。有十几亿人口的中国走和 平发展道路,这是人类
发展史上新的伟大探索和实践,不可能做得十全十美,我们欢迎一切友好建议和善 意批评。
我们真诚希望国际社会更加深入地了解中国源远流长的文明传统,尊重中国人民对国家主权、< br>安全、领土完整和社会稳定的珍视,理解中国作为最大发展中国家需要逐步解决的各种发展
难题, 理解中国人民渴望彻底摆脱贫困、过上富裕日子的心情,相信中国人民走和平发展道
路的诚意和决心,支 持而不是阻碍中国走和平发展道路。
回顾历史,展望未来,我们坚信,一个繁荣发展的中国, 一个民主法治的中国,
一个和谐稳定的中国,必将为世界作出更大贡献。中国人民愿同世界各国人民一道 ,为实现

China’s Peaceful Development
Information Office of the State Council The People’s Republic of China
September 2011, Beijing


I. The Path of China’s Peaceful Development: What It Is About
II. What China Aims to Achieve by Pursuing Peaceful Development
III. China’s Foreign Policies for Pursuing Peaceful Development
IV. China’s Path of Peaceful Development Is a Choice Necessitated by History
IV. What China’s Peaceful Development Means to the Rest of the World
Situated in the East, China, a country with an ancient civilization and a population of over 1.3
billion, is making big strides in its advance toward modernization. What path of development has
China chosen? What will China’s development bring to the rest of the world? These issues are the
focus of the whole world.
China has declared to the rest of the world on many occasions that it takes a path of peaceful
development and is committed to upholding world peace and promoting common development
and prosperity for all countries. At the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century and on
the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC),
China declared solemnly again to the world that peaceful development is a strategic choice made
by China to realize modernization, make itself strong and prosperous, and make more
contribution to the progress of human civilization. China will unswervingly follow the path of
peaceful development.
I. The Path of China’s Peaceful Development: What It Is About
Over the past 5,000 years, people of all ethnic groups in China, with diligence and wisdom, have
created a splendid civilization and built a unified multi-ethnic country. The Chinese civilization has
a unique feature of being enduring, inclusive and open. The Chinese nation has endeavored to
learn from other nations and improved itself through centuries of interactions with the rest of
the world, making major contribution to the progress of human civilization.
In the mid-19th century, Western powers forced open China’s door with gunboats. Internal
turmoil and foreign aggression gradually turned China into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal
society. The country became poor and weak, and the people suffered from wars and chaos.
Facing imminent danger of national subjugation, one generation of patriots after another fought
hard to find a way to reform and save the nation. The Revolution of 1911 put an end to the
system of monarchy which had ruled China for several thousand years, and inspired the Chinese
people to struggle for independence and prosperity. However, such efforts and struggle failed to
change the nature of China as a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, or lift the Chinese people
out of misery. Living up to the people’s expectation, the CPC led them in carrying out arduous
struggle, and finally founded the People’s Republic of China in 1949. This marked the realization
of China’s independence and liberation of its people and ushered in a new epoch in China’s
In the past six decades and more since the founding of New China, and particularly since the
introduction of the reform and opening-up policies in 1978, the Chinese government has worked
hard to explore a path of socialist modernization that conforms to China’s conditions and the
trend of the times. Overcoming difficulties and setbacks, the Chinese people have advanced with
the times, drawn on both experience and lessons from the development of China itself and other
countries, deepened understanding of the laws governing the development of human society,
and promoted the self-improvement and growth of the socialist system. Through arduous
struggle, the Chinese people have succeeded in finding a path of development conforming to
China’s reality ― the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Viewed in the broader, global and historical context, the path of peaceful development may be
defined as follows: China should develop itself through upholding world peace and contribute to
world peace through its own development. It should achieve development with its own efforts
and by carrying out reform and innovation; at the same time, it should open itself to the outside
and learn from other countries. It should seek mutual benefit and common development with
other countries in keeping with the trend of economic globalization, and it should work together
with other countries to build a harmonious world of durable peace and
common prosperity. This is a path of scientific, independent, open, peaceful, cooperative and
common development.
― Scientific development. Scientific development means respecting and following the laws
governing the development of economy, society and nature, focusing on development and
freeing and developing the productive forces. China takes the Scientific Outlook on Development
as an important principle guiding economic and social development, and gives top priority to
development in governing and rejuvenating the country by the Party. It puts people first,
promotes comprehensive, balanced, and sustainable development, and takes all factors into
consideration when making balanced overall plans. In putting people first, the Chinese
government always respects human rights and human values and works to meet the
ever-growing material and cultural needs of the people and promote prosperity for all. It strives
to advance the all-round development of man, to ensure that development is for the people, by
the people and with the people sharing its fruits. In promoting comprehensive, balanced, and
sustainable development, the Chinese government promotes comprehensive economic
development as well as political, cultural and social progress and ecological improvement, and
coordinated development of all links and aspects of the modernization drive. In making balanced
overall plans, the Chinese government seeks to identify and properly handle the major
relationships in the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and maintain balance
between urban and rural development, development of different regions, economic and social
development, man and nature, and domestic development and opening to the outside world.
― Independent development. As a populous developing country, China must rely on itself in
pursuing development. China maintains independence, focuses on domestic development, acts
in keeping with its national conditions, carries out reform and innovation for economic and social
development through its own efforts, and it does not shift problems and difficulties onto other
countries. In the era of economic globalization, only by pursuing independent development can
China more effectively participate in international division of labor, and promote mutually
beneficial cooperation with other countries.
― Open development. China has learned from its development course that it cannot develop
itself with its door closed. Taking reform and opening-up as a basic policy, China both carries out
domestic reform and opens itself to the outside world, both pursues independent development
and takes part in economic globalization and both carries forward the fine traditions of the
Chinese nation and draws on all the fine achievements of other civilizations. It combines both the
domestic market and foreign markets and uses both domestic resources and foreign resources.
China integrates itself with the rest of the world with an open attitude, expands and deepens the
opening-up strategy, and strengthens exchanges and cooperation with other countries. It strives
to build an open economic system which ensures better linkages with the global economy,
mutually beneficial cooperation as well as

security and efficiency. China will never close its door to the outside world, and will open itself
increasingly wider.
― Peaceful development. The Chinese nation loves peace. From their bitter sufferings from war
and poverty in modern times, the Chinese people have learned the value of peace and the
pressing need of development. They see that only peace can allow them to live and work in
prosperity and contentment and that only development can bring them decent living. Therefore,
the central goal of China’s diplomacy is to create a peaceful and stable international environment
for its development. In the meantime, China strives to make its due contribution to world peace
and development. It never engages in aggression or expansion, never seeks hegemony, and
remains a staunch force for upholding regional and world peace and stability.
― Cooperative development. There are always competition and conflicts in international
relations. Each country should draw on others’ merits to offset its own weakness through fair
competition, find opportunities for cooperation, expand areas of cooperation, and improve
common interests. China uses cooperation as a way to pursue peace, promote development and
settle disputes. It seeks to establish and develop cooperative relationships of different forms with
other countries and effectively meet growing global challenges by constantly expanding mutually
beneficial cooperation with other countries, and works with them to solve major problems that
affect world economic development and human survival and progress.
― Common development. Countries are becoming increasingly interdependent. Only when
common development of all countries is realized and more people share the fruit of development,
can world peace and stability have a solid foundation and be effectively guaranteed, and can
development be sustainable in all countries. Therefore, China unswervingly follows a strategy of
opening-up and mutual benefit. It pursues both its own interests and the common interests of
mankind and works to ensure that its own development and the development of other countries
are mutually reinforcing, thus promoting the common development of all countries. China
sincerely hopes to work with other countries to realize common development and prosperity.
Thanks to its pursuit of peaceful development, China has under-gone profound changes. It has
made remarkable achievements in development, made major contribution to world prosperity
and stability, and is more closely linked with the rest of the world.
China’s overall strength has grown considerably. Its total economic output reached US$$5.88
trillion in 2010, over 16 times that of 1978, rising to 9.3% of the world’s total from 1.8% in 1978.
The material basis for China’s modernization drive has become more solid; steady progress has
been made in turning China into an industrialized, information- based, urbanized,
market-oriented and internationalized country, and the cause of socialist development is being
advanced in all respects.
The Chinese people, once inadequately fed and clad, are leading a decent life on the whole ― a
historic breakthrough. The share of China’s per capita income comparable to the world average
grew from 24.9% in 2005 to 46.8% in 2010. A historic transformation from a highly centralized
planned economy to a dynamic socialist market economy has been achieved in China. A basic
economic system in which public ownership takes the lead and different economic ownerships
grow side by side has come into being. The market plays an increasingly important role in
allocating resources, and the system of macroeconomic regulation is improving. A social security
system covering both urban and rural residents is taking shape, and culture, education, science
and technology, health care, sports and other social programs are flourishing.

A historic transformation turning China from a closed or semi-closed state to one featuring
all-round opening up has been realized. With the setting up of special economic zones, opening
of coastal areas, regions along the major rivers and the borders and inland areas to the outside
world, absorbing foreign investment and making Chinese investment overseas, and entry into the
World Trade Organization, China has taken an active part in economic globalization and regional
economic cooperation, and its opening-up has steadily deepened. The country’s total import and
export volume grew from US$$20.6 billion-worth in 1978 to US$$2.974 trillion-worth in 2010.
Utilized foreign direct investment from 1979 to 2010 totaled US$$1.04838 trillion. China maintains
business and trade ties with 163 countries and regions. It has signed ten free- trade-zone
agreements, bilateral investment treaties with 129 countries, and double taxation avoidance
agreements with 96 countries. All this shows that China is actively promoting liberalization and
facilitation of trade and investment. To honor its commitments to the WTO, China has reduced its
total tariff rate from 15.3% before its entry into the WTO to the present 9.8%, and abolished
most non-tariff measures. China has been working to build a framework in which its relations
with other major countries are generally stable and mutually beneficial and develop in a
balanced way, and which ensures that China and its neighbors share opportunities and develop
together. It has strengthened traditional friendship, solidarity and cooperation with other
developing countries. China is becoming increasingly interdependent with other countries; it is
more closely linked with them in terms of interests, and its exchanges and cooperation with
other countries are becoming more extensive than ever before.
China has made important contribution to the stable development of the world economy. Since
its entry into the WTO in 2001, China has imported goods worth nearly US$$750 billion every year,
and created over 14 million jobs for those exporting countries and regions. Over the past decade,
foreign-funded companies in China have remitted a total of US$$261.7 billion of profits, with an
annual increase of 30%. From 2000 to 2010, China’s annual non-financial direct overseas
investment grew from less than US$$1 billion to US$$59 billion, thus boosting the economic
development in the recipient countries. In 2009, overseas China-invested companies paid taxes
worth US$$10.6 billion, and employed 439,000 local people. China has contributed over 10% to
world economic growth every year in recent years. In 1997
when the Asian financial crisis caused a dramatic devaluation of currencies in countries and
regions close to it, China succeeded in keeping the RMB exchange rate basically stable,
contributing to regional economic stability and development. Since the international financial
crisis erupted in 2008, China has taken an active part in the G20’s efforts to build a global
economic governance mechanism, promoted the reform of the international financial system, got
involved in multi-country macroeconomic policy coordination, and participated in international
trade financing schemes and financial cooperation. It has sent large overseas purchasing missions
and helped countries in difficulties. China conscientiously meets the Millennium Development
Goals of the United Nations, and is the only country in the world that has halved the number of
people living in poverty ahead of schedule. In addition, China provides assistance to other
countries and regions as its capacity permits. By the end of 2009, China had given assistance
worth RMB 256.3 billion to 161 countries and over 30 international and regional organizations,
reduced and canceled 380 debts incurred by 50 heavily indebted poor countries and
least-developed countries, trained 120,000 people for other developing countries, and sent
21,000 medical personnel and nearly 10,000 teachers abroad to help other countries. China

encourages the least- developed countries to expand exports to China and has pledged zero tariff
treatment to over 95% of the exports to China by all the least-developed countries which have
diplomatic relations with China.
China plays an important role in safeguarding world peace and meeting global challenges. China
is the only nuclear-weapon country that has publicly stated that it will not be the first to use
nuclear weapons, or use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non- nuclear-weapon states
or nuclear-weapon-free zones. China has dispatched about 21,000 personnel on 30 UN
peacekeeping missions, which is the highest number among the permanent members of the UN
Security Council. China takes an active part in international cooperation in anti- terrorism and
nonproliferation. It provides humanitarian aid and dispatches rescue teams to countries hit by
severe natural disasters and deploys naval escort fleets to combat piracy in the Gulf of Aden and
off the coast of Somalia. China is a member of over 100 intergovernmental international
organizations, a party to over 300 international conventions, and an active participant in building
the international system. China is the first developing country to formulate and implement the
National Climate Change Program. It is also one of the countries which have made the greatest
efforts in energy saving and emission reduction and which have made the fastest progress in
developing new and renewable energy sources in recent years. China has played a constructive
role in addressing international and regional hotspot problems. For instance, it calls for resolving
the Korean nuclear issue, the Iranian nuclear issue and other hotspot issues through peaceful
talks, and has helped to establish the Six-Party Talks mechanism on the Korean nuclear issue.
China has settled historical boundary issues with 12 land neighbors. It calls for settling disputes
over territory and maritime rights and interests with neighboring countries through dialogue and
negotiation. For instance, China has made a constructive proposal to “shelve disputes and seek
joint development” and done its utmost to uphold peace and stability in the South China Sea,
East China Sea and the surrounding areas. China seeks to promote common development and
prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region by pursuing bilateral cooperation and participating in
regional and sub-regional cooperation.
China’s development since New China was founded in 1949 and particularly since the reform and
opening-up policies were introduced in 1978 shows that China is an important member of the
international community which has contributed its due share to bringing about a more just and
equitable international political and economic order.
II. What China Aims to Achieve by Pursuing Peaceful Development
China’s overall goal of pursuing peaceful development is to promote development and harmony
domestically and pursue cooperation and peace internationally. Specifically, this means that
China will endeavor to make life better for its people and contribute to human progress through
hard work, innovation and reform carried out by the Chinese people and growing long-term
friendly relations and promoting equality and mutually- beneficial cooperation with other
countries. This has become a national commitment which is manifest in strategies for national
development, and progress made in the course of China’s development.
To achieve modernization and common prosperity for the people is the overall goal of China’s
pursuit of peaceful development. Following the introduction of the policies of reform and
opening-up to the outside world in the late 1970s, China adopted and implemented a three-step
strategy for achieving modernization. The first step was to double the GNP of 1980 and ensure
people’s basic living needs. The second step was to redouble the output of 1980 and achieve

initial prosperity by the end of the 20th century. The goals of these two steps have been met. The
third step aims to make the per capita GNP reach the level of that of the medium- developed
countries, bring about general prosperity, basically realize modernization and build China into a
rich, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and modern socialist country by the 100th
anniversary of the People’s Republic of China in the mid-21st century. The central goal of this
three-step development strategy is to improve people’s material and cultural lives, and make the
people rich and the country strong. Meanwhile, as its comprehensive strength increases, China
will shoulder corresponding international responsibilities and obligations.
To build a society of higher-level initial prosperity in an all-round way which benefits over one
billion Chinese people is the medium-and long-term goal of China’s pursuit of peaceful
development. By 2020, China will have built a society of higher- level initial prosperity in an
all-round way that benefits the over one billion Chinese people. This will make China a country
which has basically realized industrialization, significantly increased its comprehensive national
strength and taken the lead in the world in terms of the total size of the domestic market. The
general living standard and quality of life of the Chinese people will be raised, and the country’s
natural environment will be well protected. The Chinese people will enjoy full democratic rights,
are better educated and pursue common aspirations. China’s social system and institutions will
be further improved, the Chinese society will be more dynamic, stable and unified, and China will
be a more open and engaging country and contribute more to human civilization.
To implement the Twelfth Five- Year Plan of development is the near and medium- term goal of
China’s pursuit of peaceful development. To build a society of initial prosperity in an all-round
way, the Outline of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of
the People’s Republic of China (2011-2015) laid down the guiding principles, goals and major
tasks for this period. In the coming five years, China will focus on scientific development and
accelerate the shifting of model of growth in pursuing economic and social development, and
efforts will be made to achieve the following goals: ensuring stable and fairly fast development of
the economy, making great progress in carrying out strategic adjustment of the economy,
significantly improving science, technology and education, making major progress in saving
resources and protecting the environment, continuing to improve people’s lives, enhancing social
services and further deepening the reform and opening-up to the outside world. Through the
concerted efforts of the Chinese people, we will make major progress in shifting the model of
growth, markedly improve China’s comprehensive strength, international competitiveness and
the ability to ward off risks and consolidate the foundation for building a society of initial
prosperity in an all- round way. Meanwhile, China will energetically conduct international
exchanges and cooperation, and expand and deepen the shared interests of all countries to
promote common development.
From ensuring people’s basic living needs to building a society of initial prosperity and then to
reaching the level of the medium-developed countries ― this is what China’s strategy for
peaceful development is all about. To reach these goals, China will make the following efforts:
― Accelerating the shifting of the model of growth
Making adjustment of the economic sectors will receive top priority. Domestic demand,
especially consumer demand, will be stimulated by increasing individual consumption through
multiple channels and by adjusting and improving the domestic investment mix. Industrialization,
urbanization and agricultural modernization will be promoted simultaneously so that economic

growth will be driven by the combined forces of consumption, investment and export instead of
investment and export only. China’s economic growth will be driven by the combined forces of
the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors instead of the secondary sector only. It will also be
driven by progress in R&D, better quality of the labor force and managerial innovation instead of
increase of material and resource consumption. Moreover, we are carrying out strategies of
accelerating development through developing science and technology, and fostering people with
capabilities to build China into a country of innovation. We should be open to new ideas and be
innovative in improving institutions, draw on the advanced technologies and managerial
expertise of other countries, and improve the sustainability and efficiency of economic growth.
We will make more efforts to remove bottlenecks in resources and the environment that impede
development. We will adopt a green and low-carbon development approach with emphasis on
energy-saving and emission reduction, and accelerate the forming of energy-saving and
eco-friendly modes of production and consumption. We will build a circular economy, improve
environmental quality, build safe, stable, efficient, clean and modern energy industries, enhance
resources supply, promote harmonious development between man and nature, and strike a
balance among economic development, population, resources and the environment. We will
explore a new path towards industrialization based on science and technology, with high
economic returns, low consumption of resources, less pollution, and full utilization of human
resources. The all-round, coordinated and sustainable growth of China’s economy will create
great space for the growth of the world economy.
― Further exploiting China’s domestic resources and its market strengths
With abundant human and material resources and a fairly complete industrial system, China will
mainly rely on itself in pursuing sustainable development. It is estimated that by 2015 the
number of skilled personnel will reach 156 million in China, 15% of the workforce will have
received higher education, and the rate of contribution to economic growth by skilled people will
reach 32%. This will ensure ample supply of quality labor force to sustain China’s economic
development. China ranks among the first in the world in terms of deposits of mineral resources
and farmland and is basically self sufficient in grain supply. Although China’s per capita share of
resources is low, we can minimize dependence on resources by China’s economic and social
development by giving full play to market’s role of resources allocation and progress in R&D.
China will fully tap the strengths of its industries of raw material, equipment manufacturing and
consumer goods production to meet the consumption demands of the Chinese people and
provide more quality goods and services to the international market.
The size of China’s population and its total economic output mean a huge potential of domestic
demand. With the continuous increase of per capita income, steady growth of domestic
investment, and further progress in implementing the strategy for regional development, China
will see the emergence of growth engines and its market will further expand. In the coming five
years, China’s consumption structure will be further upgraded, and the potential of individual
consumption will be further released. The size of China’s domestic market will be one of the
biggest in the world, and the accumulated import volume is expected to reach US$$8 trillion. All
this will create more business opportunities to other countries.
― Accelerating the building of a harmonious society China will accelerate the building of a
harmonious society with emphasis on improving people’s lives, thus strengthening the
foundation of achieving social harmony. It will accelerate the reform of social systems, improve

basic public services, develop new mechanisms for social management and make such
management more efficient, and improve income distribution and the social security system. Our
goal is to ensure that all people have the right to education, employment and pay, medical and
old-age services and housing, so that all the people share the responsibility of creating a
harmonious society and enjoy life and the full benefit of development in such a society.
We will strengthen the building of socialist democracy, advance the political structural reform
actively and steadily, develop socialist democracy and turn China into a socialist country under
the rule of law and ensure that the people control their own destiny. We will continue to conduct
democratic election, decision- making, governance and supervision in accordance with the law,
uphold people’s right to have access to information, to participate in governance, to express their
views and to supervise the government, and we will expand orderly public participation in the
political process. We will continue to treat all ethnic groups as equals and practice the system of
regional autonomy of ethnic minorities, protect people’s freedom of religious belief according to
law, and fully respect and uphold basic human rights and other lawful rights and interests of
― Implementing the opening-up strategy of mutual benefit China will continue to pursue the
basic state policy of opening up to the outside world and the opening-up strategy of mutual
benefit. By making full use of the favorable conditions created by economic globalization and
regional economic cooperation in the course of opening-up, we will move away from focusing on
export and absorbing foreign investment towards putting equal emphasis on import and export
and on absorbing foreign investment and making overseas investment. We will continuously
explore new ways of opening up and improving the open economic system and make the open
economy work better so as to promote China’s development, reform and innovation through
We will speed up the way of conducting foreign trade and continue to actively participate in
international division of labor. We will move away from focusing on increasing volume of trade
only to improving the quality and efficiency of trade, and raise the overall competitiveness of
China’s foreign trade instead of relying on low cost production. We will make great efforts to
promote service trade, increase import, and bring about basic balance of payment in
international trade. We oppose trade protectionism and handle properly frictions in international
We will make better use of foreign investment by continuously improving the investment
structure, diversifying ways of investment and expanding investment channels. We will also
speed up the introduction of intellectual resources, talented people and new technologies, and
encourage foreign investment in key areas and regions. We will protect the legitimate rights and
interests of foreign companies in China, adopt an open attitude towards foreign capital and
advanced technologies, and foster a fair and orderly investment environment. We will continue
to implement the national strategy for intellectual property rights and enhance ability to create,
apply, protect and manage intellectual property.
We will attach greater importance to overseas investment and international cooperation. We
encourage companies of all types to make overseas investment and engage in joint operations in
an orderly way, make R&D-related investment and undertake overseas project contracting and
provide labor services. In addition, we will expand international cooperation in agriculture and
deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries in the development of energy and

other resources. We will undertake more cooperation projects in host countries which improve
life of the local people and enhance the ability for self-development of the host countries. The
Chinese companies are requested to respect local religions and customs, observe local laws,
undertake due social responsibilities and obligations, and promote the development of the host
countries. We will improve and develop new ways of providing aid so as to make aid more
We will continue to open China’s financial market and financial sectors in an orderly way. We will
build a financial system that pro-vides efficient services and places risks under control. We will
im-prove the managed, floating exchange rate system based on market supply and demand, and
make the RMB convertible under capital account in a phased way. These measures will not only
facilitate foreign trade and investment cooperation with China, but also create better conditions
for maintaining the stability of international currencies and financial market and promoting the
sound development of economic globalization.
― Creating a peaceful international environment and favorable external conditions
China will continue to promote friendly relations with the other countries on the basis of the Five
Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. We will increase strategic dialogue with the developed
countries to promote strategic mutual trust, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, handle
differences properly, explore ways to establish and develop a new type of relationship among the
major countries and promote long- term, steady and sound growth of China’s relations with these
countries. We will continue the policy of developing good-neighborly relations and treating
China’s neighbors as partners and enhance friendship and cooperation with both the neighboring
countries and other Asian countries. We will expand bilateral and regional cooperation and
jointly create a regional environment of peace, stability, equality, mutual trust, cooperation and
mutual benefit. We will enhance unity with other developing countries, deepen traditional
friendship, expand mutually beneficial cooperation, sincerely help the other developing countries
achieve independent development by providing aid and making investment and uphold their
legitimate rights and interests as well as their common interests. We will actively engage in
handling multilateral issues and addressing global issues, undertake our due international
obligations and play a constructive role in making the international political and economic order
fairer and more equitable. We will continue to carry out exchanges and cooperation with the
parliaments, parties, local authorities and NGOs of other countries, expand people-to-people and
cultural exchanges to enhance understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and
the people of other countries.
China is committed to pursuing a defense policy which is defensive in nature. China has a vast
land territory and sea area, with a borderline of over 22,000 kilometers and a coastline of over
18,000 kilometers. China faces multiple traditional and non-traditional security challenges and
the threat of separatists and terrorism. It is therefore necessary and justified to modernize
China’s defense capabilities in order to uphold China’s security and protect its peaceful
development. The fundamental purpose of modernizing the Chinese armed forces is to safeguard
China’s sovereignty, security, territorial integrity and interests of national development. China’s
defense expenditures are appropriate and moderate, and are in keeping with the need to
safeguard its security. China will not engage in arms race with any other country, and it does not
pose a military threat to any other country. China follows the principle of not attacking others
unless it is attacked, and it is committed to solving international disputes and hotspot issues with

peaceful means. China actively carries out international military exchanges, promotes
international and regional security cooperation and opposes terrorism in all forms.
III. China’s Foreign Policies for Pursuing Peaceful Development
As a member of the international community, China has great hope for the future world, and
adopts the following thinking on international relations and foreign policies that conform to
peaceful development.
― Promoting the building of a harmonious world
China’s foreign policy aims to uphold world peace and promote common development. China
advocates the building of a harmonious world of durable peace and common prosperity and
works with other countries in pursuing this goal. To China, it is both a long-term objective and a
current task. To build a harmonious world, we should make the following efforts:
Politically, countries should respect each other and treat each other as equals, and work together
to promote democracy in international relations. All the countries in the world, whether big or
small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community and
should receive due respect of the international community. Countries should also safeguard the
UN’s core role in handling global affairs, adhere to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter,
abide by international law and the generally-accepted principles governing international relations,
and promote democracy, harmony, coordination and win-win spirit in international relations. The
internal affairs of a country should be decided by its own people, international affairs should be
decided by all countries through consultation on an equal footing, and every country’s right to
equally participate in international affairs should be respected and upheld.
Economically, countries should cooperate with each other, draw on each other’s strengths and
make economic globalization a balanced and win-win process that benefits all countries.
Countries should also seek to establish an international multilateral trading system that is fair,
open, equitable and nondiscriminatory so that the benefit of economic globalization will cover all
countries. All countries should work together to fulfill the UN Millennium Development Goals and
enable everyone to enjoy the benefit of development in the 21st century.
Culturally, countries should draw on each other’s strengths, seek common ground while putting
aside differences, respect the diversity of the world, and promote progress in human civilization.
Dialogues and exchanges among civilizations should be encouraged to do away with ideological
prejudice and distrust, and make human society more harmonious and the world more colorful.
In terms of security, countries should trust each other and strengthen cooperation, settle
international disputes and conflicts peacefully rather than resorting to war and jointly safeguard
world peace and stability. Consultation and dialogue should be carried out to enhance mutual
trust, reduce differences and settle disputes. Use or threat of use of military force should be
In terms of the environment, all countries should help each other and make concerted efforts to
better protect our only home ― the Earth. Countries should develop new modes of development,
take the path of sustainable development and promote the harmonious development of man and
nature. We should follow the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, and
enhance international cooperation in environmental protection and in addressing climate
― Pursuing an independent foreign policy of peace
The Chinese people adhere to the social system and path of development chosen by themselves

and will never allow any external forces to interfere in China’s internal affairs. China promotes
friendly and cooperative relations with all the other countries on the basis of the Five Principles
of Peaceful Coexistence. It does not form alliance with any other country or group of countries,
nor does it use social system or ideology as a yardstick to determine what kind of relations it
should have with other countries. China respects the right of the people of other countries to
independently choose their own social system and path of development, and does not interfere
in other countries’ internal affairs. It is opposed to the practices of the big bullying the small and
the strong oppressing the weak, and to hegemonism and power politics. China calls for settling
disputes and conflicts through talks and consultation and by seeking common ground while
putting aside differences. It does not impose its own will upon others and acts in the
fundamental interests of the Chinese people and the common interests of all peoples throughout
the world. China bases its decision on a particular issue according to its merits. Upholding justice,
China plays an active and constructive role in international affairs.
China is firm in upholding its core interests which include the following: state sovereignty,
national security, territorial integrity and national reunification, China’s political system
established by the Constitution and overall social stability, and the basic safeguards for ensuring
sustainable economic and social development.
China fully respects other countries’ legitimate rights to protect their interests. While developing
itself, it fully accommodates other countries’ legitimate concerns and interests and never makes
gains at others’ expense or shifts its own troubles onto others.
China aligns its own interests with the common interests of the people of the world and seeks to
expand common interests of all the parties. It works to establish and expand community of
common interests in various fields and at various levels with other countries and regions. China is
committed to promoting the common interests of all humanity and bringing the benefit of
human civilization to everyone.
― Promoting new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and
China advocates a new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and
coordination, and pursues comprehensive security, common security and cooperative security.
In terms of comprehensive security, the security issue has new dimensions as traditional and
non-traditional security threats have become intertwined under the new historical conditions.
The international community should appreciate the need of ensuring comprehensive security
and adopt comprehensive measures to address security threats and their root causes and
countries around the world should work together to meet various challenges to security.
Regarding common security, all countries share a common stake in the era of economic
globalization. The international community should heighten awareness of common security.
Countries should safeguard their own security while respecting others’ security concerns. They
should abandon the Cold War mentality and confrontation between different alliances, uphold
common security through multilateral cooperation and work together to prevent conflicts and
wars. It is important to give full play to the UN’s role in maintaining world peace and security and
establish a fair and effective mechanism for upholding common security.
With regards to cooperative security, war and confrontation will only lead to a vicious cycle of
violence begetting violence, while dialogue and negotiation are the only effective and reliable
way to settle disputes. Countries should seek peace, safeguard security, settle disputes and

promote harmony through cooperation, and oppose the use or threat of use of military force
against one another.
― Actively living up to international responsibility
For China, the most populous developing country, to run itself well is the most important
fulfillment of its international responsibility. As a responsible member of the international
community, China abides by international law and the generally recognized principles governing
international relations, and eagerly fulfills its international responsibility. China has actively
participated in reforming international systems, formulating international rules and addressing
global issues. It supports the development of other developing countries, and works to safeguard
world peace and stability. As countries vary in national conditions and are in different stages of
development, they should match responsibility with rights in accordance with their national
strength. They should play a constructive role by fulfilling their due international responsibility in
accordance with their own capability and on the basis of aligning their own interests with the
common interests of mankind. For its part, China will assume more international responsibility as
its comprehensive strength increases.
― Promoting regional cooperation and good-neighborly relations
China actively enhances friendly cooperation with its neighbors and works with them to promote
a harmonious Asia. China calls on countries in the region to respect each other, increase mutual
trust, seek common ground while putting aside differences, safeguard regional peace and
stability, and settle disputes including those over territorial claims and maritime rights and
interests through dialogue and friendly negotiation. Countries should increase trade and
mutually beneficial cooperation, promote regional economic integration, improve the current
regional and sub-regional cooperative mechanisms, be open-minded to other proposals for
regional cooperation, and welcome countries outside the region to play a constructive role in
promoting regional peace and development. China does not seek regional hegemony or sphere
of influence, nor does it want to exclude any country from participating in regional cooperation.
China’s prosperity, development and long-term stability represent an opportunity rather than a
threat to its neighbors. China will uphold the Asian spirit of standing on its own feet, being bold
in opening new ground, being open and inclusive and sharing weal and woe. It will remain a good
neighbor, friend and partner of other Asian countries.
IV. China’s Path of Peaceful Development Is a Choice Necessitated by History
Taking the path of peaceful development is a strategic choice made by the Chinese government
and people in keeping with the fine tradition of Chinese culture, the development trend of the
times and the fundamental interests of China, and it is also a choice which China’s development
calls for.
― Peaceful development carries forward the Chinese historical and cultural tradition.
The world has been believed to be a harmonious whole in the Chinese culture ever since the
ancient times. This belief has a lasting impact on the thinking and acts of the Chinese nation,
which is an important value that the Chinese people follow in handling interpersonal
relationships, the relationship between man and nature and relations between different
The Chinese people have always cherished a world view of “unity without uniformity,” “harmony
between man and nature,” and “harmony is invaluable.” This belief calls for the fostering of
harmonious family bond, neighborhood harmony and good interpersonal relationships. Under

the influence of the culture of harmony, peace-loving has been deeply ingrained in the Chinese
character. The world-renowned Silk Road, for example, was a road of trade, cultural exchanges
and peace, which testifies to the pursuit of friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation with
other peoples by the ancient Chinese. The famous Ming Dynasty navigator Zheng He made seven
voyages to the Western Seas, visiting over 30 countries and regions across Asia and Africa. He
took along with him the cream of the Chinese culture and technology as well as a message of
peace and friendship.
Imbued with the belief that one should be as inclusive as the vast ocean which admits hundreds
of rivers, the Chinese nation has embraced all that is fine in foreign cultures. This has forged
strong cultural ties, leaving behind much-told anecdotes about the cultural interactions between
China and the world. The Chinese have a strong collective consciousness and sense of social
responsibility. We believe that “you should not do unto others what you would not have them do
unto you.” We respect different cultures and views, treat others in the same way as we expect to
be treated, and do not impose our will upon others. We treat all foreign countries with courtesy,
foster harmonious ties with neighbors and make friends with distant states.
The Chinese people have inherited the fine tradition of Chinese culture of over 5,000 years and
added to it new dimensions of the times.
― Peaceful development is determined by China’s basic national conditions.
China has a large population yet a weak economic base. It has to feed close to 20% of the world’s
population with 7.9% of the world’s farmland and 6.5% of the world’s fresh water. What has been
achieved in its social and economic development must meet the need of 1.3 billion people, which
presents a great challenge to China. China’s per capita GDP in 2010 was about US$$4,400, ranking
around the 100th place in the world. Unbalanced development still exists between the urban and
rural areas and among different regions; the structural problems in economic and social
development remain acute; and economic growth, which excessively depends on resource input,
is increasingly constrained by resource shortages and environmental problems. All this has made
the shifting of the growth model a daunting task. China’s capacity for independent innovation is
weak, and it is at the low end of the value chain in both international division of labor and trade.
The standard of living of the Chinese is not high, and China’s social security system is inadequate,
lagging far behind those of the developed countries.
China’s modernization involves one fifth of the world’s population and will be a long-term process.
The scale and magnitude of the difficulties and problems involved are unprecedented in the
present world and rare in human history. China will remain a developing country for a long time
to come, which means that China must dedicate itself to advancing its modernization drive,
promoting development and improving its people’s livelihood. This calls for maintaining a
peaceful and stable international environment and conducting international exchanges and
cooperation. China could become strong in the future. Yet peace will remain critical for its
development, and China has no reason to deviate from the path of peaceful development.
China’s basic conditions, its cultural traditions, its fundamental national interests and its
long-term interests ― all these factors have created the innate force driving China’s peaceful
― Peaceful development is a choice that represents the global trend.
Peace and development are the two major issues of today’s world. Peace, development and
cooperation are part of the irresistible global trend. The world today is moving towards

multipolarity and economic globalization is gaining momentum. There is a growing call for change
in the international system and the world is facing more historical challenges. To share
opportunities presented by development and jointly ward off risks is the common desire of the
people of the world.
Economic globalization has become an important trend in the evolution of international relations.
Countries of different systems and different types and at various development stages are in a
state of mutual dependence, with their interests intertwined. This has turned the world into a
community of common destiny in which the members are closely interconnected. Another world
war would be disastrous for the whole of mankind, and no one would emerge victorious in an
all-out conflict between big powers.
Global challenges have become major threats to the world. Common security issues are
becoming ever more severe. They include terrorism, the spread of weapons of mass destruction,
financial crises, natural disasters, climate change, and security of energy, resources, food and
public health, and the list is growing. These and other global problems have a major impact on
human survival and sustainable economic and social development. No country can handle these
issues on its own, which should be addressed by all countries together. If these problems are not
addressed through comprehensive and sustained international cooperation, world peace and
development will run into huge obstacles and could even suffer disastrous setback.
The global trend towards multipolarity is irresistible. The emerging economies, regional groups
and Asian and other regions are be-coming stronger, and various non- state actors are growing
fast, which, taking advantage of economic globalization and the information age, expand their
influence and have become an important force in various countries and in the international
The global trend is surging forward: those who go along with it will prosper and those who go
against it will perish. The international community should reject the zero-sum game which was a
product of the old international relations, the dangerous cold and hot war mentality, and all
those beaten tracks which repeatedly led mankind to confrontation and war. It should find new
perspectives from the angle of the community of common destiny ― sharing weal and woe and
pursuing mutually beneficial cooperation, exploring new ways to enhance exchanges and mutual
learning among different civilizations, identifying new dimensions in the common interests and
values of mankind, and looking for new ways to handle multiple challenges through cooperation
among countries and realize inclusive development. We want peace and not war; development
and not stagnation; dialogue and not confrontation; understanding and not misunderstanding.
This is the general trend of the world and the common aspiration of all people. It is against this
historical background that China has chosen the path of peaceful development.
V. What China’s Peaceful Development Means to the Rest of the World
The path of peaceful development is a new path of development which China, the biggest
developing country in the world has embarked upon, and its global impact will manifest itself
over time. Its success calls for both the untiring efforts of the Chinese people and understanding
and support from the international community.
China’s peaceful development has broken away from the traditional pattern where a rising power
was bound to seek hegemony. In modern history, some rising powers established colonies, fought
for spheres of influence, and conducted military expansion against other countries. This reached
climax in the 20th century, when rivalry for hegemony and military confrontation plunged

mankind into the abyss of two devastating world wars. With a keen appreciation of its historical
and cultural tradition of several thousand years, the nature of economic globalization, changes in
international relations and the international security landscape in the 21st century as well as the
common interests and values of humanity, China has decided upon peaceful development and
mutually beneficial cooperation as a fundamental way to realize its modernization, participate in
international affairs and handle international relations. The experiences of the past several
decades have proved that China is correct in embarking upon the path of peaceful development,
and there is no reason whatsoever for China to deviate from this path.
Economic globalization and revolution in science and technology have created historical
conditions for more countries to revitalize themselves by pursuing economic development and
mutually beneficial cooperation, and made it possible for more developing countries to embark
on the path of rapid development. Because of this, the size of the world economy and the
potential for development are both increasing, the international community is better positioned
to resist economic and financial crises, and there is stronger impetus for reforming the
international economic system. China’s peaceful development conforms with this global trend.
China is glad to see and supports more and more developing countries in changing their destiny,
and it is also glad to see and supports the developed countries in maintaining prosperity and
In the ever- changing world of today, all doctrines, systems, models and paths are subject to the
test of the times and practice. As national conditions vary from country to country, there is no
such thing as a fixed mode of development which claims to be the only effective one and
applicable to all. A path of development is viable only when it suits the national conditions of a
country. China’s path of development has taken shape in the Chinese environment. China is fully
aware that taking the path of peaceful development is an important and long-term process and
that the current domestic and foreign environments are going through profound and complex
changes. It will thus better summarize and apply its own successful experience, draw on the
practices of other countries, and stay alert about new problems and challenges that may arise, so
as to open up brighter prospects for peaceful development.
China cannot develop itself in isolation from the rest of the world, and global prosperity and
stability cannot be maintained without China. China’s achievements are inseparable from its
friendly cooperation with the outside world; in pursuing development, it needs further
understanding and support from the rest of the world. We are deeply appreciative to all the
countries and peoples who have shown understanding and solicitude for and given support and
help to China’s development. Taking the path of peaceful development by China with its over one
billion population is a great new undertaking in the history of human development, and we do
not claim that what we do leave nothing more to be desired. We welcome all friendly suggestions
and well-intentioned criticism. We sincerely hope that the international community will have a
deeper appreciation of China’s time-honored cultural traditions, and respect its sovereignty,
security, territorial integrity and social stability, which the Chinese people hold dear. We hope
that it will appreciate China’s need to settle, step by step, various difficulties in development it
faces as the largest developing country, and the aspiration of the Chinese people to shake off
poverty and live a prosperous life. We also hope that the international community will have
confidence in the Chinese people’s sincerity and determination to achieve peaceful development,
and support rather than obstruct China’s pursuit of peaceful development.

Looking back at the past and looking ahead to the future, we are convinced that a prosperous
and developing China, a democratic, harmonious and stable country under the rule of law, will
make more contribution to the world. The Chinese people will make unremitting efforts together
with other peoples to bring about a bright future for mankind.
Information Office of the State Council The People’s Republic of China
September 2011, Beijing

目 录
在世界的东方,中国这个拥有13亿多人口的 文明古国,正在现代化道路上阔步
前行。世界对中国的关注集中起来就是,中国选择了一条什么样的发展 道路,中国的发展对
中国多次向世界宣示,中国始终不渝走和平发 展道路,在坚持自己和平发展的同
时,致力于维护世界和平,积极促进各国共同发展繁荣。在进入21世 纪第二个十年和中国
共产党成立90周年之际,中国再次向世界郑重宣告,和平发展是中国实现现代化和 富民强
在5000多年文明发展历程中,中国各族人 民以自己的勤劳智慧,创造了璀璨
的中华文明,缔造了统一的多民族国家。中华文明具有独特的延续性、 包容性、开放性。在
长期对外交往中,中华民族努力学习借鉴其他民族的长处,自强不息,为人类文明进 步作出
19世纪中叶,西方列强用炮舰打开中国封闭的门户,内忧外患 导致中国逐步成
为半殖民地半封建社会,国家积贫积弱、战乱不已,民不聊生。在民族存亡的危急关头, 无
千 年的君主专制制度,激励中国人民为争取民族独立和国家富强而斗争。然而,这些探索和
斗争都未能改变 中国半殖民地半封建的社会性质和中国人民的悲惨命运。中国共产党肩负民
族的期望,带领中国人民进行 了艰苦卓绝的奋斗,于1949年建立了中华人民共和国,实
现了民族独立、人民解放,开创了中国历史 新纪元。

新中国成立60多年特别是改革开放30多年来,中国一直致力于探 索符合本国
国情和时代要求的社会主义现代化道路。虽然历经曲折,中国人民却孜孜以求、与时俱进,< br>不断总结汲取本国及其他国家发展的经验教训,不断深化对人类社会发展规律的认识,不断
推动社 会主义制度自我完善和发展。通过艰苦努力,中国找到了一条符合自身国情的发展道
路,这就是中国特色 社会主义道路。
从更宽广的世界历史视野看,和平发展道路归结起来就是:既通过维护世界和 平
发展;同国际 社会一道努力,推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。这条道路最鲜明的
特征是科学发展、自主发展 、开放发展、和平发展、合作发展、共同发展。
科学发展。科学发展就是尊重并遵循经济社 会和自然发展规律,牢牢扭住经济建
设这个中心,坚持聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展,不断解放和发 展社会生产力。中国把
科学发展观作为经济社会发展的重要指导方针,坚持把发展作为党执政兴国的第一 要务,坚
到发展为 了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享。坚持全面协调可持续发展,全面推
进经济建设、政治建设 、文化建设、社会建设以及生态文明建设,促进现代化建设各个环节、
各个方面相协调。坚持统筹兼顾, 正确认识和妥善处理中国特色社会主义事业中的重大关系,
统筹城乡发展、区域发展、经济社会发展、人 与自然和谐发展、国内发展和对外开放。
自主发展。中国这样人口众多的发展中大国归根结 底要靠自己的力量来发展。中
国始终坚持独立自主,把国家发展的基点和重心放在国内,注重从本国国情 出发,主要依靠
自身力量和改革创新推动经济社会发展,不把问题和矛盾转嫁给别国。在经济全球化大背 景
合 作。
球化结合起 来,把继承中华民族优良传统同学习借鉴人类社会一切文明成果结合起来,把国
际国内两个市场、两种资 源结合起来,以开放的姿态融入世界,不断拓展对外开放的广度和
深度,加强同世界各国交流合作,完善 内外联动、互利共赢、安全高效的开放型经济体系。
中国对外开放的大门绝不会关上,开放水平只会越来 越高。
展才能实 现人民丰衣足食,把为国家发展营造和平稳定的国际环境作为对外工作的中心任务。
同时,中国积极为世 界和平与发展作出自己应有的贡献,绝不搞侵略扩张,永远不争霸、不
称霸,始终是维护世界和地区和平 稳定的坚定力量。

合作发展。国际社会始终会存在竞争和矛盾。各国应该在 良性竞争中取长补短,
不断寻找合作机会,扩大合作领域,拓展共同利益。中国坚持以合作谋和平、以合 作促发展、
以合作化争端,同其他国家建立和发展不同形式的合作关系,致力于通过同各国不断扩大互< br>利合作,有效应对日益增多的全球性挑战,协力解决关乎世界经济发展和人类生存进步的重
大问题 。
此,中国坚持 奉行互利共赢的开放战略,坚持自身利益与人类共同利益的一致性,在追求自
身发展的同时努力实现与他 国发展的良性互动,促进世界各国共同发展。中国真诚期待同世
世界繁 荣稳定作出了重大贡献,与世界更加紧密地联系在一起。
实现综合国力大幅度提升。经济总量 从1978年到2010年翻了四番多,达
到5.88万亿美元,占世界的比重从1.8%增加到9.3 %。中国现代化建设的物质基
础更加坚实,工业化、信息化、城镇化、市场化、国际化深入发展,社会主 义建设事业全面
推进。人民生活实现从温饱不足到总体小康的历史跨越,人均国民总收入相当于世界平均 水
划 经济体制到充满活力的社会主义市场经济体制的伟大历史转折,形成公有制为主体、多种
所有制经济共同 发展的基本经济制度,市场在资源配置中的基础性作用明显增强,宏观调控
体系日臻完善。覆盖城乡居民 的社会保障体系逐步建立,文化、教育、科技、卫生、体育等
实 现从封闭半封闭到全方位开放的伟大历史转折。从建立经济特区到开放沿海、
沿江、沿边、内陆地区,从 引进外资到鼓励中国企业对外投资,从敞开国门搞建设到加入世
界贸易组织,中国参与经济全球化和区域 经济合作,对外开放水平不断提高。进出口总额从
1978年的206亿美元增加到2010年的297 40亿美元。1979年至2010
年,累计使用外商直接投资10483.8亿美元。迄今同163个 国家和地区建立了双边
经贸合作机制,签署10个自由贸易区协定,同129个国家签署双边投资保护协 定,同9
的9.8 %,并取消了大多数非关税措施。中国积极构建总体稳定、均衡发展、互利共赢的
大国关系框架,促进形 成机遇共享、共同发展的周边合作局面,巩固并加强了同发展中国家
传统友谊和团结合作,与各国相互依 存、利益交融日益加深,与世界各国交流合作更加广泛。
为世界经济稳定发展作出重要贡献。 2001年加入世界贸易组织以来,中国年
均进口近7500亿美元商品,相当于为相关国家和地区创造 了1400多万个就业岗位。
过去10年,在华外商投资企业从中国累计汇出利润2617亿美元,年均 增长30%。2
000年至2010年,中国非金融类年度对外直接投资从不足10亿美元增加到590 亿

美元,有力促进了有关国家经济发展。2009年境外中资企业实现境外纳税106亿 美元,
稳定,为区 域经济稳定和发展作出了贡献。2008年国际金融危机发生后,中国积极参与
二十国集团等全球经济治 理机制建设,推动国际金融体系改革,参与各国宏观经济政策协调,
参与国际贸易融资计划和金融合作, 组织大型采购团赴海外采购,向陷入困境的国家伸出援
手。中国认真落实联合国千年发展目标,成为全球 唯一提前实现贫困人口减半国家,并根据
自身能力积极开展对外援助。截至2009年底,中国累计向1 61个国家、30多个国际
和区域组织提供了2563亿元人民币的援助,减免50个重债穷国和最不发 达国家债务3
达国 家95%的输华产品给予零关税待遇。
为维护世界和平、应对全球性挑战发挥重要作用。中国 是唯一公开承诺不首先使
用核武器、不对无核武器国家和无核武器区使用或威胁使用核武器的核国家。中 国累计向联
合国30项维和行动派出各类人员约2.1万人次,是派出维和人员最多的联合国安理会常< br>任理事国。中国积极参与反恐、防扩散领域国际合作,向遭受严重自然灾害的国家提供人道
主义援 助并派出救援队,为打击海盗行为向亚丁湾、索马里海域派遣海军护航编队。中国参
加了100多个政府 间国际组织,签署300多个国际公约,成为国际体系的参与者、建设
者和贡献者。中国是最早制定并实 施《应对气候变化国家方案》的发展中国家,也是近年节
能减排力度最大、新能源和可再生能源研发速度 最快的国家之一。中国为应对国际和地区热
点问题发挥了建设性作用,在朝核问题、伊朗核问题等热点问 题上坚持劝和促谈,推动形成
朝核问题六方会谈机制。中国同12个陆地邻国解决了历史遗留的边界问题 ,坚持通过对话
谈判处理同邻国领土和海洋权益争端,以建设性姿态提出“搁置争议、共同开发”的主张 ,
新中国成立以来特别是改革开放30多年的发展历程表明 ,中国是国际社会的重
要成员,是推动国际政治经济秩序朝着更加公正合理方向发展并努力作出贡献的国 家。
中国和平发展的不懈追求是,对内求发 展、求和谐,对外求合作、求和平。具体
而言,就是通过中国人民的艰苦奋斗和改革创新,通过同世界各 国长期友好相处、平等互利
合作,让中国人民过上更好的日子,并为全人类发展进步作出应有贡献。这已 经上升为中国
末实行 改革开放后,中国制定并实施了“三步走”的现代化发展战略。第一步,实现国民生
产总值比1980年 翻一番,解决人民温饱问题。第二步,到20世纪末实现国民生产总值
再翻一番,人民生活达到小康水平 。这两步目标已经实现。第三步,到本世纪中叶中华人民

共和国成立100年时,人均国 民生产总值达到中等发达国家水平,人民生活比较富裕,基
本实现现代化,建成富强民主文明和谐的社会 主义现代化国家。“三步走”目标的核心任务
是,提高人民物质文化生活水平,实现富民与强国的统一。 同时,要随着综合国力的不断增
全面建成惠及十几 亿人口的更高水平的小康社会是中国和平发展的中长期目标。
到2020年,中国将全面建成惠及十几亿 人口的更高水平的小康社会,使中国成为工业化
基本实现、综合国力显著增强、国内市场总体规模位居世 界前列的国家,成为人民富裕程度
普遍提高、生活质量明显改善、生态环境良好的国家,成为人民享有更 加充分民主权利、具
有更高文明素质和精神追求的国家,成为各方面制度更加完善、社会更加充满活力而 又安定
引下,《中华人民共和国 国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》确立了“十二五”时
期(2011 2015年)中国经济 社会发展的指导思想、总体思路、目标任务和重大举
措。今后5年,中国经济社会发展将坚持以科学发展 为主题、以加快转变经济发展方式为主
线,主要目标是:经济平稳较快发展,经济结构战略性调整取得重 大进展,科技教育水平明
显提高,资源节约和环境保护成效显著,人民生活持续改善,社会建设明显加强 ,改革开放
不断深化。经过全国人民共同努力奋斗,使转变经济发展方式取得实质性进展,综合国力、< br>国际竞争力、抵御风险能力显著提高,全面建成小康社会的基础更加牢固。同时,中国将积
极开展 国际交流合作,扩大和深化同各方利益汇合点,促进各国共同发展。
从温饱到小康再到中等发 达水平,使人民生活更加富裕,集中体现了中国和平发
展的战略意图。为了实现上述目标,中国决心在以 下方面作出努力。
把经济结构战略性调整作为主 攻方向。坚持扩大国内需求特别是消费需求,通过
多种途径增强居民消费能力,调整优化国内投资结构, 同步推进工业化、城镇化和农业现代
化,促进经济增长由主要依靠投资和出口拉动向消费、投资、出口协 调拉动转变,由主要依
靠第二产业带动向依靠第一、第二、第三产业协同带动转变,由主要依靠增加物质 资源消耗
术和管理 经验,不断提高经济增长质量和效益。
着力突破制约发展的资源环境瓶颈。确立绿色、低碳发 展理念,以节能减排为重
点,加快构建资源节约、环境友好的生产方式和消费模式。推动循环经济发展, 改善环境质
量,构建安全、稳定、经济、清洁的现代能源产业体系,提升资源保障程度,促进人与自然< br>和谐发展,实现经济发展与人口资源环境相协调,坚持探索一条科技含量高、经济效益好、
资源消 耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的中国特色新型工业化道路。中国经
济实现全面协调可持 续发展,将为世界经济发展开辟更加广阔的空间。

中国拥有丰富的人力物力资源和比较完备的工业体系,将坚持 以自力更生为主实
现持续发展。预计到2015年,中国人才资源总量将达到1.56亿人,主要劳动年 龄人
基本实现自给 自足。尽管人均国内资源拥有量较低,但通过充分发挥市场配置功能和推动科
技进步,可以最大限度减少 中国经济社会发展对资源的依赖。中国将发挥原材料、装备以及
消费品制造等产业优势,满足本国民众的 物质需求,为世界市场提供更多优质产品和服务。
人口规模和经济总量决定了中国拥有巨大国 内需求潜力。随着人均收入不断增加、
国内投资稳步提高、区域发展战略深入推进,中国还将形成新的经 济增长极和更大的市场空
间。未来5年,中国消费结构将进一步提升,居民消费潜力将得到进一步释放, 国内市场总
中国将加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设,夯实社 会和谐的民生基础。推进
社会体制改革,建立健全基本公共服务体系,创新社会管理机制,提高社会管理 水平,完善
建设社 会主义法治国家,保障人民当家作主。继续依法实行民主选举、民主决策、民主管理、
民主监督,保障人 民的知情权、参与权、表达权、监督权,扩大公民有序政治参与。继续坚
持各民族一律平等和民族区域自 治,依法保障人民的宗教信仰自由,充分尊重并维护公民的
坚持对外开放的基本国策。奉行互利共赢的开放战略,充分利用经济 全球化和区
域经济合作提供的各种有利条件,实现对外开放由出口和吸收外资为主向进口和出口、吸收< br>外资和对外投资并重转变,不断拓展新的开放领域和空间,完善开放型经济体系,提高开放
型经济 水平,以开放促发展、促改革、促创新。
加快转变外贸发展方式。继续积极参与国际分工,推 动外贸发展从规模扩张向质
量效益提高转变、从成本优势向综合竞争优势转变,大力发展服务贸易,扩大 进口规模,促
引进智力、人才、技术, 引导外资投向重点领域和重点地区。保护外资企业在华合法权益,

对国际资本和先进技术 持开放态度,创造公平有序的投资环境。实施国家知识产权战略,大
力提高知识产权创造、运用、保护和 管理能力。
更加重视对外投资和合作。鼓励各类企业有序开展境外投资和合作经营,支持在< br>境外开展技术研发投资合作,开展海外工程承包和劳务合作,扩大农业领域国际合作,深化
国际能 源资源开发互利合作。大力开展有利于改善东道国民生和增强东道国自主发展能力的
项目合作,尊重当地 宗教和风俗习惯,遵守驻在国法律,承担相应社会责任和义务,促进驻
在国发展。优化对外援助结构,创 新对外援助方式,提升对外援助效果。
有序扩大金融市场和金融业对外开放。构建服务高效、 风险可控的金融体系,完
善以市场供求为基础、有管理的浮动汇率制度,逐步实现人民币资本项目可兑换 。既为各国
对华开展贸易投资互利合作带来更大便利,也为维护国际货币金融市场稳定、促进经济全球< br>化健康发展创造更好条件。
中 国坚持在和平共处五项基本原则的基础上同所有国家发展友好合作。同发达国
家加强战略对话,增进战略 互信,深化互利合作,妥善处理分歧,探索建立和发展新型大国
关系,推动相互关系长期稳定健康发展。 坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴、睦邻友好的方针,发展
同周边国家和亚洲其他国家的友好合作关系,积极开展 双边和区域合作,共同营造和平稳定、
平等互信、合作共赢的地区环境。加强同广大发展中国家的团结, 深化传统友谊,扩大互利
合作,通过援助和投资等方式,真诚帮助发展中国家实现自主发展,维护发展中 国家正当权
民间 等各方面交流合作,扩大人文领域对外交流,增进中国人民同各国人民的相互了解和友
万多公里,大陆海岸线1 .8万多公里。中国面临复杂多样的传统和非传统安全挑战,受到
分裂势力和恐怖主义等威胁。推进国防 现代化是中国合理的国家安全需求,是中国实现和平
发展的必要保障。中国军队现代化的根本目的是捍卫 国家主权、安全、领土完整,保障国家
发展利益。中国国防开支是合理适度的,是与维护国家安全需要相 适应的,中国不会也无意
同任何国家搞军备竞赛,不会对任何国家构成军事威胁。中国坚持“人不犯我、 我不犯人”,
的国际关系理念和对外方 针政策。

维护世界和平、促进共同发 展是中国外交政策的宗旨。中国倡导并致力于同世界
各国一道推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。 认为这既是一个长期目标,又是一项现
政 治上相互尊重、平等协商,共同推进国际关系民主化。国家不分大小、强弱、
贫富,都是国际社会平等成 员,都应受到国际社会尊重。维护联合国在世界事务中的核心地
位,遵循联合国宪章宗旨和原则,恪守国 际法和公认的国际关系准则,在国际关系中弘扬民
主、和睦、协作、共赢精神。各国内部事务应由本国人 民自己决定,世界上的事情应由各国
展。努 力建立公正、公开、合理、非歧视的多边贸易体制,使经济全球化成果惠及世界各国。
携手落实联合国千 年发展目标,使21世纪成为人人享有发展成果的世纪。
文化上相互借鉴、求同存异,尊重世 界多样性,共同促进人类文明繁荣进步。大
力提倡不同文明间对话和交流,消除意识形态偏见和隔阂,使 人类社会一天比一天和谐和睦,
安全上相互信任、加强合作, 坚持用和平方式而不是战争手段解决国际争端,共
同维护世界和平稳定。通过协商对话增进信任、减少分 歧、化解纠纷,避免使用武力或以武
环保上相互帮助、协力推进,共同呵 护人类赖以生存的地球家园。提倡创新发展
模式,走可持续发展道路,促进人与自然和谐发展。坚持共同 但有区别的责任原则,加强环
中国人民坚持自己选择的社会制度和发展道路,不允许外部势力 干涉中国内政。
坚持在和平共处五项原则基础上,同所有国家发展友好合作,不同任何国家和国家集团结 盟,
坚持通过求同 存异、对话协商解决矛盾分歧,不把自己的意志强加于人。坚持从中国人民的
根本利益和世界人民的共同 利益出发,根据事情本身的是非曲直确定立场和政策,秉持公道,
伸张正义,在国际事务中积极发挥建设 性作用。

中国把中国人民的利 益同世界各国人民的共同利益结合起来,扩大同各方利益的
汇合点,同各国各地区建立并发展不同领域不 同层次的利益共同体,推动实现全人类共同利
安全内涵扩展到更多领域 。国际社会需要强化综合安全观念,坚持综合施策、标本兼治,携
全意识 ,既要维护本国安全,又要尊重别国安全关切。要摒弃冷战思维和同盟对抗,通过多
边合作维护共同安全 ,协力防止冲突和战争。充分发挥联合国在维护世界和平与安全方面的
作用,建立公平有效的共同安全机 制。
反对动辄使 用武力或以武力相威胁。
作为世界上人口最 多的发展中国家,中国把自己的事情办好,本身就是对世界负
责任最重要的体现。作为国际社会负责任的 国家,中国遵循国际法和公认的国际关系准则,
认真履行应尽的国际责任。中国以积极姿态参与国际体系 变革和国际规则制定,参与全球性
问题治理,支持发展中国家发展,维护世界和平稳定。各国国情和发展 阶段不同,应按照责
任、权利、实力相一致的原则,着眼本国和人类共同利益,从自身国力出发,履行相 应国际
中国同周边各国积极开展睦邻友好合作,共同 推动建设和谐亚洲。主张地区各国
相互尊重、增进互信、求同存异,通过谈判对话和友好协商解决包括领 土和海洋权益争端在
内的各种矛盾和问题,共同维护地区和平稳定。密切经贸往来和互利合作,推进地区 经济一
国家,中国 的繁荣发展和长治久安对周边邻国是机遇而不是威胁。中国将始终秉承自强不息、

开拓进 取、开放包容、同舟共济的“亚洲精神”,永做亚洲其他国家的好邻居、好朋友、好
走和平发展道路是中国政府和人民继承中华文化的优秀传 统、根据时代发展潮流
中国文化自古就认为世界应是一个和谐整体,这个观念深深影 响了中华民族的思
精神凝 聚家庭、敦睦邻里、善待他人。和谐文化培育了中华民族热爱和平的民族禀性。举世
闻名的“丝绸之路” 是一条贸易之路、文化之路、和平之路,铭刻下中国古人追求同各国人
民友好交流、互利合作的历史足迹 。中国明代著名航海家郑和“七下西洋”,远涉亚非30
多个国家和地区,展现的是中华灿烂文明和先进 科技,留下的是和平与友谊。
中华民族以“海纳百川,有容乃大”的胸怀,接受一切有益的外 来文化,促进了
中外文化融合,留下了不少对外文化交流的千古佳话。中国人民具有强烈的集体意识和社 会
心 ,不将自己的意志强加于人。对外待之以礼,实行睦近交远。
中国人口多、底子薄,用世界7.9%的 耕地和6.5%的淡水资源养活着世界
近20%的人口,经济社会发展成就要由13亿多人共享,不断满 足众多人口生存和发展需
求是巨大难题。2010年,中国人均国内生产总值约为4400美元,居世界 100位左
右。中国城乡、区域发展很不平衡,经济社会发展结构性矛盾突出,资源环境等发展的瓶颈< br>制约突出,经济增长过于依赖物质资源投入,转变经济发展方式任务艰巨。中国自主创新能
力较弱 ,在国际产业体系和贸易分工中仍处于产业链低端。中国人民生活水平还不高,社会
保障体系还很不完善 ,与发达国家相比还有很大差距。
中国现代化是世界五分之一人口的现代化,这是一个很长的 历史过程。这一过程
中的困难和问题,无论规模还是难度,在当今世界都是绝无仅有的,在人类历史上也 是罕见

< br>即使中国将来强大起来,和平依然是发展的基本前提,没有理由偏离和平发展道路。基本国
情、文 化传统和国家根本利益、长远利益是中国和平发展的决定因素和内生动力。
和平与发展是当今时代的两大主题,和平、发展、合作是不可 阻挡的世界潮流。
当前,世界多极化、经济全球化深入发展,国际体系变革的要求突出,国际社会正面临 越来
的国家相互依存、利益交 融,形成“你中有我、我中有你”的命运共同体。人类再也承受不
起世界大战,大国全面冲突对抗只会造 成两败俱伤。
生安 全等攸关人类生存和经济社会可持续发展的全球性问题日益增多。任何国家都不可能单
独解决这些问题, 国际社会必须携手应对。如果不能通过全面持续的国际合作抑制各种负面
因素,世界和平与发展将面临重 大障碍,甚至可能遭受更大灾难。
世界多极化发展进程难以阻挡。新兴市场国家、区域集团和 亚洲等地区力量不断
发展壮大,各类非国家行为体迅速成长,借助经济全球化和社会信息化拓展影响,成 为各国
世界潮流浩浩荡荡,顺之则昌,逆之则亡。国际社 会应该超越国际关系中陈旧的
“零和博弈”,超越危险的冷战、热战思维,超越曾把人类一次次拖入对抗 和战乱的老路。
要以命运共同体的新视角,以同舟共济、合作共赢的新理念,寻求多元文明交流互鉴的新 局
展 的新道路。要和平,不要战争;要发展,不要停滞;要对话,不要对抗;要理解,不要隔
阂,乃大势所趋 、人心所向。中国走和平发展道路,正是在这一时代大背景下的必然选择。
和平发展道路是中国这个世界上最大的发展中国家探索出的一条 新型发展道路,
随着时间的推移,这条道路已经并将进一步显示出其世界意义。这条道路的成功既需要中 国
中国和平发展打破了“国强必霸 ”的大国崛起传统模式。建立殖民体系、争夺势
力范围、对外武力扩张,是近代历史上一些大国崛起的老 路。特别是在20世纪,追逐霸权、
实力对抗、兵戎相见,使人类惨遭两次世界大战的浩劫。中国基于自 己几千年历史文化传统,
基于对经济全球化本质的认识,对21世纪国际关系和国际安全格局变化的认识 ,对人类共
同利益和共同价值的认识,郑重选择和平发展、合作共赢作为实现国家现代化、参与国际事< /p>

经济全球化和科技革命为更多国家提供了通过经济发展和互利合作 实现振兴的历
更强 劲的动力。中国和平发展顺应了这一世界发展大势,中国乐见并支持越来越多的发展中
国家改变自身命运 ,也乐见和支持发达国家继续繁荣发展。
在世界发生翻天覆地变化的今天,无论什么主义、什 么制度、什么模式、什么道
路,都在经历时代和实践的检验。各国国情千差万别,世界上不存在最好的、 万能的、一成
复杂 性,将更加注意总结和运用自身的成功经验,更加注意学习借鉴其他国家的有益经验,
更加注意研究前进 道路上的新问题、新挑战,为和平发展开辟更为广阔的前景。
中国发展离不开世界,世界繁荣 稳定也离不开中国。中国取得的发展成就与世界
各国友好合作密不可分,中国未来发展更需要国际社会理 解和支持,我们衷心感谢所有理解、
关心、支持、帮助中国发展的国家和人民。有十几亿人口的中国走和 平发展道路,这是人类
发展史上新的伟大探索和实践,不可能做得十全十美,我们欢迎一切友好建议和善 意批评。
我们真诚希望国际社会更加深入地了解中国源远流长的文明传统,尊重中国人民对国家主权、< br>安全、领土完整和社会稳定的珍视,理解中国作为最大发展中国家需要逐步解决的各种发展
难题, 理解中国人民渴望彻底摆脱贫困、过上富裕日子的心情,相信中国人民走和平发展道
路的诚意和决心,支 持而不是阻碍中国走和平发展道路。
回顾历史,展望未来,我们坚信,一个繁荣发展的中国, 一个民主法治的中国,
一个和谐稳定的中国,必将为世界作出更大贡献。中国人民愿同世界各国人民一道 ,为实现

China’s Peaceful Development
Information Office of the State Council The People’s Republic of China
September 2011, Beijing


I. The Path of China’s Peaceful Development: What It Is About
II. What China Aims to Achieve by Pursuing Peaceful Development
III. China’s Foreign Policies for Pursuing Peaceful Development
IV. China’s Path of Peaceful Development Is a Choice Necessitated by History
IV. What China’s Peaceful Development Means to the Rest of the World
Situated in the East, China, a country with an ancient civilization and a population of over 1.3
billion, is making big strides in its advance toward modernization. What path of development has
China chosen? What will China’s development bring to the rest of the world? These issues are the
focus of the whole world.
China has declared to the rest of the world on many occasions that it takes a path of peaceful
development and is committed to upholding world peace and promoting common development
and prosperity for all countries. At the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century and on
the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC),
China declared solemnly again to the world that peaceful development is a strategic choice made
by China to realize modernization, make itself strong and prosperous, and make more
contribution to the progress of human civilization. China will unswervingly follow the path of
peaceful development.
I. The Path of China’s Peaceful Development: What It Is About
Over the past 5,000 years, people of all ethnic groups in China, with diligence and wisdom, have
created a splendid civilization and built a unified multi-ethnic country. The Chinese civilization has
a unique feature of being enduring, inclusive and open. The Chinese nation has endeavored to
learn from other nations and improved itself through centuries of interactions with the rest of
the world, making major contribution to the progress of human civilization.
In the mid-19th century, Western powers forced open China’s door with gunboats. Internal
turmoil and foreign aggression gradually turned China into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal
society. The country became poor and weak, and the people suffered from wars and chaos.
Facing imminent danger of national subjugation, one generation of patriots after another fought
hard to find a way to reform and save the nation. The Revolution of 1911 put an end to the
system of monarchy which had ruled China for several thousand years, and inspired the Chinese
people to struggle for independence and prosperity. However, such efforts and struggle failed to
change the nature of China as a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, or lift the Chinese people
out of misery. Living up to the people’s expectation, the CPC led them in carrying out arduous
struggle, and finally founded the People’s Republic of China in 1949. This marked the realization
of China’s independence and liberation of its people and ushered in a new epoch in China’s
In the past six decades and more since the founding of New China, and particularly since the
introduction of the reform and opening-up policies in 1978, the Chinese government has worked
hard to explore a path of socialist modernization that conforms to China’s conditions and the
trend of the times. Overcoming difficulties and setbacks, the Chinese people have advanced with
the times, drawn on both experience and lessons from the development of China itself and other
countries, deepened understanding of the laws governing the development of human society,
and promoted the self-improvement and growth of the socialist system. Through arduous
struggle, the Chinese people have succeeded in finding a path of development conforming to
China’s reality ― the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Viewed in the broader, global and historical context, the path of peaceful development may be
defined as follows: China should develop itself through upholding world peace and contribute to
world peace through its own development. It should achieve development with its own efforts
and by carrying out reform and innovation; at the same time, it should open itself to the outside
and learn from other countries. It should seek mutual benefit and common development with
other countries in keeping with the trend of economic globalization, and it should work together
with other countries to build a harmonious world of durable peace and
common prosperity. This is a path of scientific, independent, open, peaceful, cooperative and
common development.
― Scientific development. Scientific development means respecting and following the laws
governing the development of economy, society and nature, focusing on development and
freeing and developing the productive forces. China takes the Scientific Outlook on Development
as an important principle guiding economic and social development, and gives top priority to
development in governing and rejuvenating the country by the Party. It puts people first,
promotes comprehensive, balanced, and sustainable development, and takes all factors into
consideration when making balanced overall plans. In putting people first, the Chinese
government always respects human rights and human values and works to meet the
ever-growing material and cultural needs of the people and promote prosperity for all. It strives
to advance the all-round development of man, to ensure that development is for the people, by
the people and with the people sharing its fruits. In promoting comprehensive, balanced, and
sustainable development, the Chinese government promotes comprehensive economic
development as well as political, cultural and social progress and ecological improvement, and
coordinated development of all links and aspects of the modernization drive. In making balanced
overall plans, the Chinese government seeks to identify and properly handle the major
relationships in the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and maintain balance
between urban and rural development, development of different regions, economic and social
development, man and nature, and domestic development and opening to the outside world.
― Independent development. As a populous developing country, China must rely on itself in
pursuing development. China maintains independence, focuses on domestic development, acts
in keeping with its national conditions, carries out reform and innovation for economic and social
development through its own efforts, and it does not shift problems and difficulties onto other
countries. In the era of economic globalization, only by pursuing independent development can
China more effectively participate in international division of labor, and promote mutually
beneficial cooperation with other countries.
― Open development. China has learned from its development course that it cannot develop
itself with its door closed. Taking reform and opening-up as a basic policy, China both carries out
domestic reform and opens itself to the outside world, both pursues independent development
and takes part in economic globalization and both carries forward the fine traditions of the
Chinese nation and draws on all the fine achievements of other civilizations. It combines both the
domestic market and foreign markets and uses both domestic resources and foreign resources.
China integrates itself with the rest of the world with an open attitude, expands and deepens the
opening-up strategy, and strengthens exchanges and cooperation with other countries. It strives
to build an open economic system which ensures better linkages with the global economy,
mutually beneficial cooperation as well as

security and efficiency. China will never close its door to the outside world, and will open itself
increasingly wider.
― Peaceful development. The Chinese nation loves peace. From their bitter sufferings from war
and poverty in modern times, the Chinese people have learned the value of peace and the
pressing need of development. They see that only peace can allow them to live and work in
prosperity and contentment and that only development can bring them decent living. Therefore,
the central goal of China’s diplomacy is to create a peaceful and stable international environment
for its development. In the meantime, China strives to make its due contribution to world peace
and development. It never engages in aggression or expansion, never seeks hegemony, and
remains a staunch force for upholding regional and world peace and stability.
― Cooperative development. There are always competition and conflicts in international
relations. Each country should draw on others’ merits to offset its own weakness through fair
competition, find opportunities for cooperation, expand areas of cooperation, and improve
common interests. China uses cooperation as a way to pursue peace, promote development and
settle disputes. It seeks to establish and develop cooperative relationships of different forms with
other countries and effectively meet growing global challenges by constantly expanding mutually
beneficial cooperation with other countries, and works with them to solve major problems that
affect world economic development and human survival and progress.
― Common development. Countries are becoming increasingly interdependent. Only when
common development of all countries is realized and more people share the fruit of development,
can world peace and stability have a solid foundation and be effectively guaranteed, and can
development be sustainable in all countries. Therefore, China unswervingly follows a strategy of
opening-up and mutual benefit. It pursues both its own interests and the common interests of
mankind and works to ensure that its own development and the development of other countries
are mutually reinforcing, thus promoting the common development of all countries. China
sincerely hopes to work with other countries to realize common development and prosperity.
Thanks to its pursuit of peaceful development, China has under-gone profound changes. It has
made remarkable achievements in development, made major contribution to world prosperity
and stability, and is more closely linked with the rest of the world.
China’s overall strength has grown considerably. Its total economic output reached US$$5.88
trillion in 2010, over 16 times that of 1978, rising to 9.3% of the world’s total from 1.8% in 1978.
The material basis for China’s modernization drive has become more solid; steady progress has
been made in turning China into an industrialized, information- based, urbanized,
market-oriented and internationalized country, and the cause of socialist development is being
advanced in all respects.
The Chinese people, once inadequately fed and clad, are leading a decent life on the whole ― a
historic breakthrough. The share of China’s per capita income comparable to the world average
grew from 24.9% in 2005 to 46.8% in 2010. A historic transformation from a highly centralized
planned economy to a dynamic socialist market economy has been achieved in China. A basic
economic system in which public ownership takes the lead and different economic ownerships
grow side by side has come into being. The market plays an increasingly important role in
allocating resources, and the system of macroeconomic regulation is improving. A social security
system covering both urban and rural residents is taking shape, and culture, education, science
and technology, health care, sports and other social programs are flourishing.

A historic transformation turning China from a closed or semi-closed state to one featuring
all-round opening up has been realized. With the setting up of special economic zones, opening
of coastal areas, regions along the major rivers and the borders and inland areas to the outside
world, absorbing foreign investment and making Chinese investment overseas, and entry into the
World Trade Organization, China has taken an active part in economic globalization and regional
economic cooperation, and its opening-up has steadily deepened. The country’s total import and
export volume grew from US$$20.6 billion-worth in 1978 to US$$2.974 trillion-worth in 2010.
Utilized foreign direct investment from 1979 to 2010 totaled US$$1.04838 trillion. China maintains
business and trade ties with 163 countries and regions. It has signed ten free- trade-zone
agreements, bilateral investment treaties with 129 countries, and double taxation avoidance
agreements with 96 countries. All this shows that China is actively promoting liberalization and
facilitation of trade and investment. To honor its commitments to the WTO, China has reduced its
total tariff rate from 15.3% before its entry into the WTO to the present 9.8%, and abolished
most non-tariff measures. China has been working to build a framework in which its relations
with other major countries are generally stable and mutually beneficial and develop in a
balanced way, and which ensures that China and its neighbors share opportunities and develop
together. It has strengthened traditional friendship, solidarity and cooperation with other
developing countries. China is becoming increasingly interdependent with other countries; it is
more closely linked with them in terms of interests, and its exchanges and cooperation with
other countries are becoming more extensive than ever before.
China has made important contribution to the stable development of the world economy. Since
its entry into the WTO in 2001, China has imported goods worth nearly US$$750 billion every year,
and created over 14 million jobs for those exporting countries and regions. Over the past decade,
foreign-funded companies in China have remitted a total of US$$261.7 billion of profits, with an
annual increase of 30%. From 2000 to 2010, China’s annual non-financial direct overseas
investment grew from less than US$$1 billion to US$$59 billion, thus boosting the economic
development in the recipient countries. In 2009, overseas China-invested companies paid taxes
worth US$$10.6 billion, and employed 439,000 local people. China has contributed over 10% to
world economic growth every year in recent years. In 1997
when the Asian financial crisis caused a dramatic devaluation of currencies in countries and
regions close to it, China succeeded in keeping the RMB exchange rate basically stable,
contributing to regional economic stability and development. Since the international financial
crisis erupted in 2008, China has taken an active part in the G20’s efforts to build a global
economic governance mechanism, promoted the reform of the international financial system, got
involved in multi-country macroeconomic policy coordination, and participated in international
trade financing schemes and financial cooperation. It has sent large overseas purchasing missions
and helped countries in difficulties. China conscientiously meets the Millennium Development
Goals of the United Nations, and is the only country in the world that has halved the number of
people living in poverty ahead of schedule. In addition, China provides assistance to other
countries and regions as its capacity permits. By the end of 2009, China had given assistance
worth RMB 256.3 billion to 161 countries and over 30 international and regional organizations,
reduced and canceled 380 debts incurred by 50 heavily indebted poor countries and
least-developed countries, trained 120,000 people for other developing countries, and sent
21,000 medical personnel and nearly 10,000 teachers abroad to help other countries. China

encourages the least- developed countries to expand exports to China and has pledged zero tariff
treatment to over 95% of the exports to China by all the least-developed countries which have
diplomatic relations with China.
China plays an important role in safeguarding world peace and meeting global challenges. China
is the only nuclear-weapon country that has publicly stated that it will not be the first to use
nuclear weapons, or use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non- nuclear-weapon states
or nuclear-weapon-free zones. China has dispatched about 21,000 personnel on 30 UN
peacekeeping missions, which is the highest number among the permanent members of the UN
Security Council. China takes an active part in international cooperation in anti- terrorism and
nonproliferation. It provides humanitarian aid and dispatches rescue teams to countries hit by
severe natural disasters and deploys naval escort fleets to combat piracy in the Gulf of Aden and
off the coast of Somalia. China is a member of over 100 intergovernmental international
organizations, a party to over 300 international conventions, and an active participant in building
the international system. China is the first developing country to formulate and implement the
National Climate Change Program. It is also one of the countries which have made the greatest
efforts in energy saving and emission reduction and which have made the fastest progress in
developing new and renewable energy sources in recent years. China has played a constructive
role in addressing international and regional hotspot problems. For instance, it calls for resolving
the Korean nuclear issue, the Iranian nuclear issue and other hotspot issues through peaceful
talks, and has helped to establish the Six-Party Talks mechanism on the Korean nuclear issue.
China has settled historical boundary issues with 12 land neighbors. It calls for settling disputes
over territory and maritime rights and interests with neighboring countries through dialogue and
negotiation. For instance, China has made a constructive proposal to “shelve disputes and seek
joint development” and done its utmost to uphold peace and stability in the South China Sea,
East China Sea and the surrounding areas. China seeks to promote common development and
prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region by pursuing bilateral cooperation and participating in
regional and sub-regional cooperation.
China’s development since New China was founded in 1949 and particularly since the reform and
opening-up policies were introduced in 1978 shows that China is an important member of the
international community which has contributed its due share to bringing about a more just and
equitable international political and economic order.
II. What China Aims to Achieve by Pursuing Peaceful Development
China’s overall goal of pursuing peaceful development is to promote development and harmony
domestically and pursue cooperation and peace internationally. Specifically, this means that
China will endeavor to make life better for its people and contribute to human progress through
hard work, innovation and reform carried out by the Chinese people and growing long-term
friendly relations and promoting equality and mutually- beneficial cooperation with other
countries. This has become a national commitment which is manifest in strategies for national
development, and progress made in the course of China’s development.
To achieve modernization and common prosperity for the people is the overall goal of China’s
pursuit of peaceful development. Following the introduction of the policies of reform and
opening-up to the outside world in the late 1970s, China adopted and implemented a three-step
strategy for achieving modernization. The first step was to double the GNP of 1980 and ensure
people’s basic living needs. The second step was to redouble the output of 1980 and achieve

initial prosperity by the end of the 20th century. The goals of these two steps have been met. The
third step aims to make the per capita GNP reach the level of that of the medium- developed
countries, bring about general prosperity, basically realize modernization and build China into a
rich, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and modern socialist country by the 100th
anniversary of the People’s Republic of China in the mid-21st century. The central goal of this
three-step development strategy is to improve people’s material and cultural lives, and make the
people rich and the country strong. Meanwhile, as its comprehensive strength increases, China
will shoulder corresponding international responsibilities and obligations.
To build a society of higher-level initial prosperity in an all-round way which benefits over one
billion Chinese people is the medium-and long-term goal of China’s pursuit of peaceful
development. By 2020, China will have built a society of higher- level initial prosperity in an
all-round way that benefits the over one billion Chinese people. This will make China a country
which has basically realized industrialization, significantly increased its comprehensive national
strength and taken the lead in the world in terms of the total size of the domestic market. The
general living standard and quality of life of the Chinese people will be raised, and the country’s
natural environment will be well protected. The Chinese people will enjoy full democratic rights,
are better educated and pursue common aspirations. China’s social system and institutions will
be further improved, the Chinese society will be more dynamic, stable and unified, and China will
be a more open and engaging country and contribute more to human civilization.
To implement the Twelfth Five- Year Plan of development is the near and medium- term goal of
China’s pursuit of peaceful development. To build a society of initial prosperity in an all-round
way, the Outline of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of
the People’s Republic of China (2011-2015) laid down the guiding principles, goals and major
tasks for this period. In the coming five years, China will focus on scientific development and
accelerate the shifting of model of growth in pursuing economic and social development, and
efforts will be made to achieve the following goals: ensuring stable and fairly fast development of
the economy, making great progress in carrying out strategic adjustment of the economy,
significantly improving science, technology and education, making major progress in saving
resources and protecting the environment, continuing to improve people’s lives, enhancing social
services and further deepening the reform and opening-up to the outside world. Through the
concerted efforts of the Chinese people, we will make major progress in shifting the model of
growth, markedly improve China’s comprehensive strength, international competitiveness and
the ability to ward off risks and consolidate the foundation for building a society of initial
prosperity in an all- round way. Meanwhile, China will energetically conduct international
exchanges and cooperation, and expand and deepen the shared interests of all countries to
promote common development.
From ensuring people’s basic living needs to building a society of initial prosperity and then to
reaching the level of the medium-developed countries ― this is what China’s strategy for
peaceful development is all about. To reach these goals, China will make the following efforts:
― Accelerating the shifting of the model of growth
Making adjustment of the economic sectors will receive top priority. Domestic demand,
especially consumer demand, will be stimulated by increasing individual consumption through
multiple channels and by adjusting and improving the domestic investment mix. Industrialization,
urbanization and agricultural modernization will be promoted simultaneously so that economic

growth will be driven by the combined forces of consumption, investment and export instead of
investment and export only. China’s economic growth will be driven by the combined forces of
the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors instead of the secondary sector only. It will also be
driven by progress in R&D, better quality of the labor force and managerial innovation instead of
increase of material and resource consumption. Moreover, we are carrying out strategies of
accelerating development through developing science and technology, and fostering people with
capabilities to build China into a country of innovation. We should be open to new ideas and be
innovative in improving institutions, draw on the advanced technologies and managerial
expertise of other countries, and improve the sustainability and efficiency of economic growth.
We will make more efforts to remove bottlenecks in resources and the environment that impede
development. We will adopt a green and low-carbon development approach with emphasis on
energy-saving and emission reduction, and accelerate the forming of energy-saving and
eco-friendly modes of production and consumption. We will build a circular economy, improve
environmental quality, build safe, stable, efficient, clean and modern energy industries, enhance
resources supply, promote harmonious development between man and nature, and strike a
balance among economic development, population, resources and the environment. We will
explore a new path towards industrialization based on science and technology, with high
economic returns, low consumption of resources, less pollution, and full utilization of human
resources. The all-round, coordinated and sustainable growth of China’s economy will create
great space for the growth of the world economy.
― Further exploiting China’s domestic resources and its market strengths
With abundant human and material resources and a fairly complete industrial system, China will
mainly rely on itself in pursuing sustainable development. It is estimated that by 2015 the
number of skilled personnel will reach 156 million in China, 15% of the workforce will have
received higher education, and the rate of contribution to economic growth by skilled people will
reach 32%. This will ensure ample supply of quality labor force to sustain China’s economic
development. China ranks among the first in the world in terms of deposits of mineral resources
and farmland and is basically self sufficient in grain supply. Although China’s per capita share of
resources is low, we can minimize dependence on resources by China’s economic and social
development by giving full play to market’s role of resources allocation and progress in R&D.
China will fully tap the strengths of its industries of raw material, equipment manufacturing and
consumer goods production to meet the consumption demands of the Chinese people and
provide more quality goods and services to the international market.
The size of China’s population and its total economic output mean a huge potential of domestic
demand. With the continuous increase of per capita income, steady growth of domestic
investment, and further progress in implementing the strategy for regional development, China
will see the emergence of growth engines and its market will further expand. In the coming five
years, China’s consumption structure will be further upgraded, and the potential of individual
consumption will be further released. The size of China’s domestic market will be one of the
biggest in the world, and the accumulated import volume is expected to reach US$$8 trillion. All
this will create more business opportunities to other countries.
― Accelerating the building of a harmonious society China will accelerate the building of a
harmonious society with emphasis on improving people’s lives, thus strengthening the
foundation of achieving social harmony. It will accelerate the reform of social systems, improve

basic public services, develop new mechanisms for social management and make such
management more efficient, and improve income distribution and the social security system. Our
goal is to ensure that all people have the right to education, employment and pay, medical and
old-age services and housing, so that all the people share the responsibility of creating a
harmonious society and enjoy life and the full benefit of development in such a society.
We will strengthen the building of socialist democracy, advance the political structural reform
actively and steadily, develop socialist democracy and turn China into a socialist country under
the rule of law and ensure that the people control their own destiny. We will continue to conduct
democratic election, decision- making, governance and supervision in accordance with the law,
uphold people’s right to have access to information, to participate in governance, to express their
views and to supervise the government, and we will expand orderly public participation in the
political process. We will continue to treat all ethnic groups as equals and practice the system of
regional autonomy of ethnic minorities, protect people’s freedom of religious belief according to
law, and fully respect and uphold basic human rights and other lawful rights and interests of
― Implementing the opening-up strategy of mutual benefit China will continue to pursue the
basic state policy of opening up to the outside world and the opening-up strategy of mutual
benefit. By making full use of the favorable conditions created by economic globalization and
regional economic cooperation in the course of opening-up, we will move away from focusing on
export and absorbing foreign investment towards putting equal emphasis on import and export
and on absorbing foreign investment and making overseas investment. We will continuously
explore new ways of opening up and improving the open economic system and make the open
economy work better so as to promote China’s development, reform and innovation through
We will speed up the way of conducting foreign trade and continue to actively participate in
international division of labor. We will move away from focusing on increasing volume of trade
only to improving the quality and efficiency of trade, and raise the overall competitiveness of
China’s foreign trade instead of relying on low cost production. We will make great efforts to
promote service trade, increase import, and bring about basic balance of payment in
international trade. We oppose trade protectionism and handle properly frictions in international
We will make better use of foreign investment by continuously improving the investment
structure, diversifying ways of investment and expanding investment channels. We will also
speed up the introduction of intellectual resources, talented people and new technologies, and
encourage foreign investment in key areas and regions. We will protect the legitimate rights and
interests of foreign companies in China, adopt an open attitude towards foreign capital and
advanced technologies, and foster a fair and orderly investment environment. We will continue
to implement the national strategy for intellectual property rights and enhance ability to create,
apply, protect and manage intellectual property.
We will attach greater importance to overseas investment and international cooperation. We
encourage companies of all types to make overseas investment and engage in joint operations in
an orderly way, make R&D-related investment and undertake overseas project contracting and
provide labor services. In addition, we will expand international cooperation in agriculture and
deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries in the development of energy and

other resources. We will undertake more cooperation projects in host countries which improve
life of the local people and enhance the ability for self-development of the host countries. The
Chinese companies are requested to respect local religions and customs, observe local laws,
undertake due social responsibilities and obligations, and promote the development of the host
countries. We will improve and develop new ways of providing aid so as to make aid more
We will continue to open China’s financial market and financial sectors in an orderly way. We will
build a financial system that pro-vides efficient services and places risks under control. We will
im-prove the managed, floating exchange rate system based on market supply and demand, and
make the RMB convertible under capital account in a phased way. These measures will not only
facilitate foreign trade and investment cooperation with China, but also create better conditions
for maintaining the stability of international currencies and financial market and promoting the
sound development of economic globalization.
― Creating a peaceful international environment and favorable external conditions
China will continue to promote friendly relations with the other countries on the basis of the Five
Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. We will increase strategic dialogue with the developed
countries to promote strategic mutual trust, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, handle
differences properly, explore ways to establish and develop a new type of relationship among the
major countries and promote long- term, steady and sound growth of China’s relations with these
countries. We will continue the policy of developing good-neighborly relations and treating
China’s neighbors as partners and enhance friendship and cooperation with both the neighboring
countries and other Asian countries. We will expand bilateral and regional cooperation and
jointly create a regional environment of peace, stability, equality, mutual trust, cooperation and
mutual benefit. We will enhance unity with other developing countries, deepen traditional
friendship, expand mutually beneficial cooperation, sincerely help the other developing countries
achieve independent development by providing aid and making investment and uphold their
legitimate rights and interests as well as their common interests. We will actively engage in
handling multilateral issues and addressing global issues, undertake our due international
obligations and play a constructive role in making the international political and economic order
fairer and more equitable. We will continue to carry out exchanges and cooperation with the
parliaments, parties, local authorities and NGOs of other countries, expand people-to-people and
cultural exchanges to enhance understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and
the people of other countries.
China is committed to pursuing a defense policy which is defensive in nature. China has a vast
land territory and sea area, with a borderline of over 22,000 kilometers and a coastline of over
18,000 kilometers. China faces multiple traditional and non-traditional security challenges and
the threat of separatists and terrorism. It is therefore necessary and justified to modernize
China’s defense capabilities in order to uphold China’s security and protect its peaceful
development. The fundamental purpose of modernizing the Chinese armed forces is to safeguard
China’s sovereignty, security, territorial integrity and interests of national development. China’s
defense expenditures are appropriate and moderate, and are in keeping with the need to
safeguard its security. China will not engage in arms race with any other country, and it does not
pose a military threat to any other country. China follows the principle of not attacking others
unless it is attacked, and it is committed to solving international disputes and hotspot issues with

peaceful means. China actively carries out international military exchanges, promotes
international and regional security cooperation and opposes terrorism in all forms.
III. China’s Foreign Policies for Pursuing Peaceful Development
As a member of the international community, China has great hope for the future world, and
adopts the following thinking on international relations and foreign policies that conform to
peaceful development.
― Promoting the building of a harmonious world
China’s foreign policy aims to uphold world peace and promote common development. China
advocates the building of a harmonious world of durable peace and common prosperity and
works with other countries in pursuing this goal. To China, it is both a long-term objective and a
current task. To build a harmonious world, we should make the following efforts:
Politically, countries should respect each other and treat each other as equals, and work together
to promote democracy in international relations. All the countries in the world, whether big or
small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community and
should receive due respect of the international community. Countries should also safeguard the
UN’s core role in handling global affairs, adhere to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter,
abide by international law and the generally-accepted principles governing international relations,
and promote democracy, harmony, coordination and win-win spirit in international relations. The
internal affairs of a country should be decided by its own people, international affairs should be
decided by all countries through consultation on an equal footing, and every country’s right to
equally participate in international affairs should be respected and upheld.
Economically, countries should cooperate with each other, draw on each other’s strengths and
make economic globalization a balanced and win-win process that benefits all countries.
Countries should also seek to establish an international multilateral trading system that is fair,
open, equitable and nondiscriminatory so that the benefit of economic globalization will cover all
countries. All countries should work together to fulfill the UN Millennium Development Goals and
enable everyone to enjoy the benefit of development in the 21st century.
Culturally, countries should draw on each other’s strengths, seek common ground while putting
aside differences, respect the diversity of the world, and promote progress in human civilization.
Dialogues and exchanges among civilizations should be encouraged to do away with ideological
prejudice and distrust, and make human society more harmonious and the world more colorful.
In terms of security, countries should trust each other and strengthen cooperation, settle
international disputes and conflicts peacefully rather than resorting to war and jointly safeguard
world peace and stability. Consultation and dialogue should be carried out to enhance mutual
trust, reduce differences and settle disputes. Use or threat of use of military force should be
In terms of the environment, all countries should help each other and make concerted efforts to
better protect our only home ― the Earth. Countries should develop new modes of development,
take the path of sustainable development and promote the harmonious development of man and
nature. We should follow the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, and
enhance international cooperation in environmental protection and in addressing climate
― Pursuing an independent foreign policy of peace
The Chinese people adhere to the social system and path of development chosen by themselves

and will never allow any external forces to interfere in China’s internal affairs. China promotes
friendly and cooperative relations with all the other countries on the basis of the Five Principles
of Peaceful Coexistence. It does not form alliance with any other country or group of countries,
nor does it use social system or ideology as a yardstick to determine what kind of relations it
should have with other countries. China respects the right of the people of other countries to
independently choose their own social system and path of development, and does not interfere
in other countries’ internal affairs. It is opposed to the practices of the big bullying the small and
the strong oppressing the weak, and to hegemonism and power politics. China calls for settling
disputes and conflicts through talks and consultation and by seeking common ground while
putting aside differences. It does not impose its own will upon others and acts in the
fundamental interests of the Chinese people and the common interests of all peoples throughout
the world. China bases its decision on a particular issue according to its merits. Upholding justice,
China plays an active and constructive role in international affairs.
China is firm in upholding its core interests which include the following: state sovereignty,
national security, territorial integrity and national reunification, China’s political system
established by the Constitution and overall social stability, and the basic safeguards for ensuring
sustainable economic and social development.
China fully respects other countries’ legitimate rights to protect their interests. While developing
itself, it fully accommodates other countries’ legitimate concerns and interests and never makes
gains at others’ expense or shifts its own troubles onto others.
China aligns its own interests with the common interests of the people of the world and seeks to
expand common interests of all the parties. It works to establish and expand community of
common interests in various fields and at various levels with other countries and regions. China is
committed to promoting the common interests of all humanity and bringing the benefit of
human civilization to everyone.
― Promoting new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and
China advocates a new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and
coordination, and pursues comprehensive security, common security and cooperative security.
In terms of comprehensive security, the security issue has new dimensions as traditional and
non-traditional security threats have become intertwined under the new historical conditions.
The international community should appreciate the need of ensuring comprehensive security
and adopt comprehensive measures to address security threats and their root causes and
countries around the world should work together to meet various challenges to security.
Regarding common security, all countries share a common stake in the era of economic
globalization. The international community should heighten awareness of common security.
Countries should safeguard their own security while respecting others’ security concerns. They
should abandon the Cold War mentality and confrontation between different alliances, uphold
common security through multilateral cooperation and work together to prevent conflicts and
wars. It is important to give full play to the UN’s role in maintaining world peace and security and
establish a fair and effective mechanism for upholding common security.
With regards to cooperative security, war and confrontation will only lead to a vicious cycle of
violence begetting violence, while dialogue and negotiation are the only effective and reliable
way to settle disputes. Countries should seek peace, safeguard security, settle disputes and

promote harmony through cooperation, and oppose the use or threat of use of military force
against one another.
― Actively living up to international responsibility
For China, the most populous developing country, to run itself well is the most important
fulfillment of its international responsibility. As a responsible member of the international
community, China abides by international law and the generally recognized principles governing
international relations, and eagerly fulfills its international responsibility. China has actively
participated in reforming international systems, formulating international rules and addressing
global issues. It supports the development of other developing countries, and works to safeguard
world peace and stability. As countries vary in national conditions and are in different stages of
development, they should match responsibility with rights in accordance with their national
strength. They should play a constructive role by fulfilling their due international responsibility in
accordance with their own capability and on the basis of aligning their own interests with the
common interests of mankind. For its part, China will assume more international responsibility as
its comprehensive strength increases.
― Promoting regional cooperation and good-neighborly relations
China actively enhances friendly cooperation with its neighbors and works with them to promote
a harmonious Asia. China calls on countries in the region to respect each other, increase mutual
trust, seek common ground while putting aside differences, safeguard regional peace and
stability, and settle disputes including those over territorial claims and maritime rights and
interests through dialogue and friendly negotiation. Countries should increase trade and
mutually beneficial cooperation, promote regional economic integration, improve the current
regional and sub-regional cooperative mechanisms, be open-minded to other proposals for
regional cooperation, and welcome countries outside the region to play a constructive role in
promoting regional peace and development. China does not seek regional hegemony or sphere
of influence, nor does it want to exclude any country from participating in regional cooperation.
China’s prosperity, development and long-term stability represent an opportunity rather than a
threat to its neighbors. China will uphold the Asian spirit of standing on its own feet, being bold
in opening new ground, being open and inclusive and sharing weal and woe. It will remain a good
neighbor, friend and partner of other Asian countries.
IV. China’s Path of Peaceful Development Is a Choice Necessitated by History
Taking the path of peaceful development is a strategic choice made by the Chinese government
and people in keeping with the fine tradition of Chinese culture, the development trend of the
times and the fundamental interests of China, and it is also a choice which China’s development
calls for.
― Peaceful development carries forward the Chinese historical and cultural tradition.
The world has been believed to be a harmonious whole in the Chinese culture ever since the
ancient times. This belief has a lasting impact on the thinking and acts of the Chinese nation,
which is an important value that the Chinese people follow in handling interpersonal
relationships, the relationship between man and nature and relations between different
The Chinese people have always cherished a world view of “unity without uniformity,” “harmony
between man and nature,” and “harmony is invaluable.” This belief calls for the fostering of
harmonious family bond, neighborhood harmony and good interpersonal relationships. Under

the influence of the culture of harmony, peace-loving has been deeply ingrained in the Chinese
character. The world-renowned Silk Road, for example, was a road of trade, cultural exchanges
and peace, which testifies to the pursuit of friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation with
other peoples by the ancient Chinese. The famous Ming Dynasty navigator Zheng He made seven
voyages to the Western Seas, visiting over 30 countries and regions across Asia and Africa. He
took along with him the cream of the Chinese culture and technology as well as a message of
peace and friendship.
Imbued with the belief that one should be as inclusive as the vast ocean which admits hundreds
of rivers, the Chinese nation has embraced all that is fine in foreign cultures. This has forged
strong cultural ties, leaving behind much-told anecdotes about the cultural interactions between
China and the world. The Chinese have a strong collective consciousness and sense of social
responsibility. We believe that “you should not do unto others what you would not have them do
unto you.” We respect different cultures and views, treat others in the same way as we expect to
be treated, and do not impose our will upon others. We treat all foreign countries with courtesy,
foster harmonious ties with neighbors and make friends with distant states.
The Chinese people have inherited the fine tradition of Chinese culture of over 5,000 years and
added to it new dimensions of the times.
― Peaceful development is determined by China’s basic national conditions.
China has a large population yet a weak economic base. It has to feed close to 20% of the world’s
population with 7.9% of the world’s farmland and 6.5% of the world’s fresh water. What has been
achieved in its social and economic development must meet the need of 1.3 billion people, which
presents a great challenge to China. China’s per capita GDP in 2010 was about US$$4,400, ranking
around the 100th place in the world. Unbalanced development still exists between the urban and
rural areas and among different regions; the structural problems in economic and social
development remain acute; and economic growth, which excessively depends on resource input,
is increasingly constrained by resource shortages and environmental problems. All this has made
the shifting of the growth model a daunting task. China’s capacity for independent innovation is
weak, and it is at the low end of the value chain in both international division of labor and trade.
The standard of living of the Chinese is not high, and China’s social security system is inadequate,
lagging far behind those of the developed countries.
China’s modernization involves one fifth of the world’s population and will be a long-term process.
The scale and magnitude of the difficulties and problems involved are unprecedented in the
present world and rare in human history. China will remain a developing country for a long time
to come, which means that China must dedicate itself to advancing its modernization drive,
promoting development and improving its people’s livelihood. This calls for maintaining a
peaceful and stable international environment and conducting international exchanges and
cooperation. China could become strong in the future. Yet peace will remain critical for its
development, and China has no reason to deviate from the path of peaceful development.
China’s basic conditions, its cultural traditions, its fundamental national interests and its
long-term interests ― all these factors have created the innate force driving China’s peaceful
― Peaceful development is a choice that represents the global trend.
Peace and development are the two major issues of today’s world. Peace, development and
cooperation are part of the irresistible global trend. The world today is moving towards

multipolarity and economic globalization is gaining momentum. There is a growing call for change
in the international system and the world is facing more historical challenges. To share
opportunities presented by development and jointly ward off risks is the common desire of the
people of the world.
Economic globalization has become an important trend in the evolution of international relations.
Countries of different systems and different types and at various development stages are in a
state of mutual dependence, with their interests intertwined. This has turned the world into a
community of common destiny in which the members are closely interconnected. Another world
war would be disastrous for the whole of mankind, and no one would emerge victorious in an
all-out conflict between big powers.
Global challenges have become major threats to the world. Common security issues are
becoming ever more severe. They include terrorism, the spread of weapons of mass destruction,
financial crises, natural disasters, climate change, and security of energy, resources, food and
public health, and the list is growing. These and other global problems have a major impact on
human survival and sustainable economic and social development. No country can handle these
issues on its own, which should be addressed by all countries together. If these problems are not
addressed through comprehensive and sustained international cooperation, world peace and
development will run into huge obstacles and could even suffer disastrous setback.
The global trend towards multipolarity is irresistible. The emerging economies, regional groups
and Asian and other regions are be-coming stronger, and various non- state actors are growing
fast, which, taking advantage of economic globalization and the information age, expand their
influence and have become an important force in various countries and in the international
The global trend is surging forward: those who go along with it will prosper and those who go
against it will perish. The international community should reject the zero-sum game which was a
product of the old international relations, the dangerous cold and hot war mentality, and all
those beaten tracks which repeatedly led mankind to confrontation and war. It should find new
perspectives from the angle of the community of common destiny ― sharing weal and woe and
pursuing mutually beneficial cooperation, exploring new ways to enhance exchanges and mutual
learning among different civilizations, identifying new dimensions in the common interests and
values of mankind, and looking for new ways to handle multiple challenges through cooperation
among countries and realize inclusive development. We want peace and not war; development
and not stagnation; dialogue and not confrontation; understanding and not misunderstanding.
This is the general trend of the world and the common aspiration of all people. It is against this
historical background that China has chosen the path of peaceful development.
V. What China’s Peaceful Development Means to the Rest of the World
The path of peaceful development is a new path of development which China, the biggest
developing country in the world has embarked upon, and its global impact will manifest itself
over time. Its success calls for both the untiring efforts of the Chinese people and understanding
and support from the international community.
China’s peaceful development has broken away from the traditional pattern where a rising power
was bound to seek hegemony. In modern history, some rising powers established colonies, fought
for spheres of influence, and conducted military expansion against other countries. This reached
climax in the 20th century, when rivalry for hegemony and military confrontation plunged

mankind into the abyss of two devastating world wars. With a keen appreciation of its historical
and cultural tradition of several thousand years, the nature of economic globalization, changes in
international relations and the international security landscape in the 21st century as well as the
common interests and values of humanity, China has decided upon peaceful development and
mutually beneficial cooperation as a fundamental way to realize its modernization, participate in
international affairs and handle international relations. The experiences of the past several
decades have proved that China is correct in embarking upon the path of peaceful development,
and there is no reason whatsoever for China to deviate from this path.
Economic globalization and revolution in science and technology have created historical
conditions for more countries to revitalize themselves by pursuing economic development and
mutually beneficial cooperation, and made it possible for more developing countries to embark
on the path of rapid development. Because of this, the size of the world economy and the
potential for development are both increasing, the international community is better positioned
to resist economic and financial crises, and there is stronger impetus for reforming the
international economic system. China’s peaceful development conforms with this global trend.
China is glad to see and supports more and more developing countries in changing their destiny,
and it is also glad to see and supports the developed countries in maintaining prosperity and
In the ever- changing world of today, all doctrines, systems, models and paths are subject to the
test of the times and practice. As national conditions vary from country to country, there is no
such thing as a fixed mode of development which claims to be the only effective one and
applicable to all. A path of development is viable only when it suits the national conditions of a
country. China’s path of development has taken shape in the Chinese environment. China is fully
aware that taking the path of peaceful development is an important and long-term process and
that the current domestic and foreign environments are going through profound and complex
changes. It will thus better summarize and apply its own successful experience, draw on the
practices of other countries, and stay alert about new problems and challenges that may arise, so
as to open up brighter prospects for peaceful development.
China cannot develop itself in isolation from the rest of the world, and global prosperity and
stability cannot be maintained without China. China’s achievements are inseparable from its
friendly cooperation with the outside world; in pursuing development, it needs further
understanding and support from the rest of the world. We are deeply appreciative to all the
countries and peoples who have shown understanding and solicitude for and given support and
help to China’s development. Taking the path of peaceful development by China with its over one
billion population is a great new undertaking in the history of human development, and we do
not claim that what we do leave nothing more to be desired. We welcome all friendly suggestions
and well-intentioned criticism. We sincerely hope that the international community will have a
deeper appreciation of China’s time-honored cultural traditions, and respect its sovereignty,
security, territorial integrity and social stability, which the Chinese people hold dear. We hope
that it will appreciate China’s need to settle, step by step, various difficulties in development it
faces as the largest developing country, and the aspiration of the Chinese people to shake off
poverty and live a prosperous life. We also hope that the international community will have
confidence in the Chinese people’s sincerity and determination to achieve peaceful development,
and support rather than obstruct China’s pursuit of peaceful development.

Looking back at the past and looking ahead to the future, we are convinced that a prosperous
and developing China, a democratic, harmonious and stable country under the rule of law, will
make more contribution to the world. The Chinese people will make unremitting efforts together
with other peoples to bring about a bright future for mankind.
Information Office of the State Council The People’s Republic of China
September 2011, Beijing







