中英文 温家宝在2008年夏季达沃斯论坛上的讲话

2020年08月07日 16:23



Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Distinguished
Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,

2008年夏季达 沃斯论坛在天津召开。首先,我谨代表中国政府,并以我个人的名义表示热烈
的祝贺!对各位来宾表示诚 挚的欢迎!

Let me begin by extending,on behalf of the Chinese Government and in my own name,
warm congratulations on the opening of the World Economic Forum Summer Davos 2008
in Tianjin and a warm welcome to you all!

达沃 斯论坛创办37年来,已成为国际交流与对话的重要平台,为世界的发展和进步发挥了积
极作用。去年达 沃斯论坛在中国大连成功举办了首届夏季年会,今年又在天津举办第二届年
会。我们为论坛的发展和成就 ,为论坛与中国的进一步合作感到由衷的高兴。

In the 37 years since its inception,the World Economic Forum has grown into an
important platform for international exchanges and dialogue and played an active role
in promoting world development and progress. Last year,the Summer Davos had its first
successful annual meeting in Dalian,China and now it is holding this second annual
meeting in Tianjin. We applaud the Forum's progress and achievements and are pleased
with the deepened cooperation between China and the Forum.

大革命”, 整个国家处于封闭半封闭的落后状况,国民经济走到了崩溃的边缘。中国向何处去?
这个重大而紧迫的问 题摆在了中国人民面前。我们坚持解放思想,实事求是,选择了改革开
放的道路,这是决定当代中国命运 的关键抉择。

This year marks the 30th anniversary of reform and opening-up in China. What was China
like 30 years ago? At that time,we had just put an end to the Revolution
and the country wasin a backward and closed or semi-closed state with the economy
on the brink of collapse.
facing the Chinese people. Following the principles of freeing minds and seeking truth
from facts, we chosethe path of reform and opening-up,a critical choice that has since
shaped the course of development of contemporary China.

中国的改革发 端于农村。开始时是涓涓细流,后来发展成势不可挡的洪流。改革从农村到城
市,从经济领域到政治、文 化和社会等各个领域。中国的开放则从建立深圳等四个经济特区
到沿海、沿江、沿边城市,再到全方位、 多层次的全面开放。我们成功实现了从高度集中的
计划经济体制到充满活力的社会主义市场经济体制、从 封闭半封闭状态到全方位对外开放的
历史性转变。确立了社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度,建立了适应 市场经济要求的现代企
业制度,形成了统一开放竞争有序的现代市场体系,建立了以经济手段和法律手段 为主的宏

< br>了以社会主义民主政治建设为主要内容的政治体制改革,确立依法治国、建设法治国家的方

China's reform began in the rural areas. It spread from the country to cities and
from the economic sector to the political, cultural, social and all other fields.
What started as a small stream grew into an unstoppable mighty current. The opening-up
endeavor started with the establishment of Shenzhen and three other special economic
zones and expanded to cities along the coast,rivers and border areas and eventually
became an all-directional and multi-tiered opening-up. We have achieved the historic
transition from a highly centralized planned economy to avibrant socialist market
economy and from a closed or semi-closed society to one that is fully open to the
outside world. We have established the basic economic system for the primary stage
of socialism,a modern corporate system that meets the needs of the market economy,and
a modern market system that is unified, open, competitive and in good order. We have
built a macro- economic regulation system that relies mainly on economic and legal
means. And we have gradually improved the system under which distributionaccording
to work is dominant and a variety of distribution modes coexist. The social safety
net has been further improved for greater equity and justice. At the same time,we
have advanced reform in education,culture,science,technology,health and other
areas,promoted political restructuring with the focus on expanding socialist
democracy and adopted the strategy of building a country under the rule of law.

改革开放从根本上 改变了中国长期闭关锁国和沉闷僵化的状况,打破了束缚人们的思想和体
制桎梏,极大地调动了亿万人民 群众的积极性和创造性,给中国大地带来了蓬勃生机和活力,
有力地推动了经济社会的大发展。中国经济 连续30年保持高速增长,国内生产总值占全球的
比重由1978年的1%上升到2007年的5%以上 ,对外贸易总额占全球的比重由不足1%上升到
8%左右。广大人民群众真正从改革开放中得到了实惠, 实现了从温饱不足到总体小康的转变。
更为重要的是,改革开放使整个社会活跃起来了,人们能够自由地 依靠自己的勤劳、节俭和

Reform and opening-up brought a fundamental change to the closed,backward and
ossified situation that existed in China for years. They freed people's minds,broke
the institutional barriersto development,unleashed tremendous enthusiasm and
creativity of hundreds of millions of Chinese people,injected great vigor and
vitality into the nation,and greatly stimulated economic and social development. As
a result,China has achieved 30 years of continued fast economic growth. Back in
1978,China's GDP accounted for only 1% of the world's total. By 2007,it was over 5%.
China's share in global trade jumped from less than 1% to roughly 8% during this period.
Reform and opening-up have delivered real benefits to the people,whose livelihood
has undergone great changes - from lack of adequate food and clothing to moderate
prosperity. What is more important is that reform and opening-up have invigorated
the whole society and enabled people to freely pursue a happy life through hard
work,frugality and wisdom.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

题, 城乡之间、地区之间、经济与社会发展之间不平衡、不协调,经济发展方式粗放,人口、
资源、环境压力 大,劳动就业、社会保障、收入分配、教育卫生等方面问题仍然较多,还有
贪污腐败现象严重等问题。解 决这些问题归根到底要靠深化改革。只有坚持改革开放,坚定
不移地走中国特色社会主义道路,国家才有 光明的前途,从这个意义上说,改革开放一定要

China's changes over the past three decades would not have been possible without
reform and opening-up. To meet the goals of the modernization drive and build China
into a prosperous,strong,democratic,culturally advanced and harmonious country,we
must remain committed to reform and opening-up. China is still in the primary stage
of socialism and will remain so for a long time to come,and there are many economic
and social issues that call for our attention. For example,there is a lack of balance
and coordination in the development between urban and rural areas,among different
regions and between the economic and social sectors. The pattern of economic growth
remains extensive. There are heavy population,resources and environmental
pressures,as well as many challenges in employment,social security,income
distribution,education and health. Corruption is also a serious problem. The
fundamental solution to these problems lies in deepened reform. Only by continuing
reform and opening- up and unswervingly following the path of socialism with
distinctive Chinese features can China have a bright future. Reform and opening-up
must be carried on through the entire process of China's modernization drive.

——我们要继续深化经济体制改革。进一步完善基本经济制度,健全市场体系;深化财税、< br>金融体制改革,完善宏观调控体系。当前,特别要加快资源性产品价格形成机制改革,更好
地发挥 市场在资源配置中的基础性作用;继续深化国有企业股份制改革,健全现代企业制度;
进一步完善公共财 政体系和转移支付制度,全面推进增值税转型改革;建立健全资源有偿使
用制度和生态环境补偿机制,适 时推进资源税制度改革;大力发展各类金融市场,促进资本
市场稳定健康发展,完善人民币汇率形成机制 ,逐步实现资本项目可兑换。通过深化改革,
使整个体制更加适应现代经济发展的要求。 ——我们要继 续推进政治体制改革和其他方面改
革。人民民主是社会主义的生命,没有民主,就没有社会主义。我们不 仅要通过发展经济改
善人民生活,还要通过民主法制建设保障人民的民主权利,实现社会公平和正义。我 们要建
育,让每个 孩子都能上得起学、上好学;建立基本医疗卫生制度,让全体人民都享有基本医
疗保障;加快健全覆盖城 乡的社会保障体系,更好地关爱社会弱势群体,让全体人民共享改

-- We will continue to deepen economic reform. We will further improve the basic

economic system and market system, deepen reform of the fiscal,taxation and banking
systems and improve themacro-economic regulation system. At the current stage,it is
particularly important to accelerate reform of the price-setting mechanism of
resource products,bring into full play the basic role of the market in resources
allocation,further deepen reform to institute the shareholding system in SOEs and
improve the modern corporate system. We will build better public finance and transfer
payments systems,push forward reform of value-added tax,set up and improve the
compensation systems for use of resources and for damage caused to the ecosystem,and
carry forward reform of the resource taxes system. We will also work hard to develop
financial markets of various types,promote stable and sound development of the
capital market,improve the RMB exchange rate regime and gradually make the RMB
convertible under capital accounts. By deepening reform,we aim to build a whole set
of systems that can better meet the needs of modern economic development.

——我们要进一步拓展对外 开放的深度和广度。开放也是改革,只有开放兼容,国家才能富
强。中国的对外开放是长期的、全面的、 互利的。一切有利于对外开放的政策,我们都会坚
持下去。我们要不断学习和借鉴人类创造的一切优秀文 明成果。我们积极参与经济全球化的
进程,推动建设公正合理的国际贸易体系和金融体制,坚定地支持多 哈回合谈判早日达成平
衡的结果,支持完善国际贸易准则,推进贸易投资自由化便利化,继续在多边经贸 体系中发
挥建设性作用。继续深化涉外经济体制改革,完善涉外经济法律法规和政策,扩大市场准入,< br>加大知识产权保护力度,改善外商来华投资兴业环境。一个制度更加完善、社会充满活力、
持续稳 定发展、对外更加开放的中国,不仅有利于增加13亿中国人民的福祉,而且必将对世
界和平与发展作出 更大的贡献。

-- We will further deepen and broaden opening-up. Opening-up also means reform. Only
an open and inclusive country can 's opening-up is long-term and
all-directional that benefits all. We will stick to all those policies that facilitate
opening-up. We will keep learning from and drawing upon all the achievements of human
civilization. We will take an active part ineconomic globalization,promote the
establishment of a just and equitable international trade system and financial regime.
We willfirmly support the efforts to achieve early and balanced results at the Doha
Round negotiations and improve the norms governing international trade,push forward
trade and investment liberalization and facilitation,and continue to play a
constructive role in the multilateral trading system. We will deepen the
foreign-related economic structural reform,improve foreign-related economic
laws,regulations and policies,expand market access,strengthen the protection of
intellectual property rights and provide a better environment for foreign businesse
in China. With a better system,a dynamic society,sustained and steady development
and greater openness,China will not only bringmore benefits to the 1.3 billion Chinese
people,but also make greater contribution to world peace and development.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

今年初,我曾经讲过,今年恐怕是中国经济最为困难 的一年。我国遭受了严重的雨雪冰冻灾
害和特大地震灾害,又面临国内外复杂多变的环境。我们克服重重 困难,保持了经济平稳较
快发展的态势。上半年国内生产总值同比增长10.4%;农业发展势头良好, 夏粮连续五年增
产;投资、消费、出口三大需求增长趋向均衡,经济发展协调性增强;产业结构调整加快 ,
城 镇就业持续增加,城乡居民收入继续提高;近几个月来,居民消费价格指数涨幅逐月回落。
总的看,中国 经济发展的基本面没有改变,正朝着宏观调控的预期方向发展。

As I said earlier in the year, 2008 could be the most difficult year for China's economy.
We experienced heavy snow and sleet storms and the devastating earthquake and faced
a complex and changing situation both at home and abroad. Yet,we have overcome
difficulties one after another and maintained the momentum of steady and fast economic
growth. In the first six months,the GDP grew by 10.4% over the corresponding period
of last year. Agriculture has enjoyed good development and summer crops have
registered five consecutive years of increase. The demands for
investment,consumption and export are growing in a more balanced way,and there is
better coordination in economic development. With accelerated adjustment in the
industrial structure,marked progress in energy conservation and emission
reduction,and fairly rapid increase in fiscal revenue and business profits,the
quality and efficiency of development have been further enhanced. More jobs have been
created in urban areas,and urban and rural income continues to grow. The consumer
price index has been coming down in recent months. In short,the economic fundamentals
in China remain unchanged and the economy ismoving in the direction envisaged in the
macro-economic control policy.

大家很关心中国经济能不能继续保持平稳较快发展。我的 看法是,当前困难不少,一方面,
国际经济环境更趋严峻复杂,金融动荡加剧,经济明显减速;另一方面 ,国内价格上涨压力
仍然很大,农业基础还很薄弱,能源资源制约经济发展的矛盾比较突出,部分行业和 企业生
的阶段,经 济增长潜力很大。今后一个比较长的时期,中国发展仍处于重要战略机遇期。我
国劳动力和资金供给仍然 充裕,国内消费和投资需求持续增长的潜力还很大,市场广阔,企
业竞争力和活力不断增强,宏观调控能 力和水平在实践中继续提高,政治社会稳定,特别是
我们在改革开放中已经形成符合中国国情和人民意愿 的路线、战略和方针政策,这些都是长
期起作用的因素。和平与发展仍然是当今世界的主题,国际环境总 体上对我国发展有利。我
们完全有信心、有能力克服前进中的各种困难,保持国民经济在更长时间内又好 又快发展。

I know you are interested in whether the Chinese economy will be able to maintain
steady and fast growth. Let me share with you my observations. We do face considerable
difficulties. First,the world economic environment is getting tougher and more
complex,with exacerbated financial volatility and notable economic slowdown.
Second,pressure for domestic price rises remains high. The foundation of agriculture
is still weak. The constraint on development posed by energy and resources is serious.
Some industries and businesses are having difficulties with production and

management,while hidden problems still exist in the financialsector. However,all
these are difficulties that have occurred in the course of our development. There
are many favorable conditionsfor China to maintain sustained and fast growth. China
is in the stage of rapid industrialization and urbanization and has huge potential
for economic growth. The important period of strategic opportunities for China's
development will last quite a long is abundant supply of labor and capital
as well as huge potential of increased domestic consumption and investment
's market is vast and its enterprises are becoming more competitive and
dynamic. Our ability and level of macro- economic control continue to improve through
practice. China enjoys political and social stability. In the course of reform and
opening-up,we have formulated guidelines,strategies and principles that meet our
national conditions and the will of the people. All of these factors will have a
long- term impact. In addition,peace and development remain the main trend of the
worldtoday,and the international environment as a whole is favorable to China's
development. We have full confidence and capability to overcome various difficulties
to ensure sound and fast growth of the national economy for an even longer period
of time.

举办这次会议的天津是中国近代工业的重要发祥地和最早对外开 放的城市之一,也是中国的
国际港口城市。现在天津滨海新区开发开放已纳入国家总体发展战略布局规划 ,成为中国一
得圆 满成功!

The host city of this Forum, Tianjin, is the birthplace of China's modern industry
and one of the earliest cities opening to the outside world. It is also an
international port city. To develop and open up Tianjin's Binhai New Area is part
of China's overall national development strategy and will become a new growthpoint
in China. Many of you are from growing enterprises that are most dynamic,competitive
and full of development potential. You are welcome to invest in China,to start
businesses in Tianjin and to seize the opportunity and pursue greater development.
In conclusion, I sincerely wish this Forum full success!


Thank you!







