
2020年08月07日 16:34


Unit 1

Tourist industry was designated as a new economic growth point
in the national economy at the conference on economic work held by
the central committee of the communist party of china. 在中国共产党
The move promoted the status of the tourist sector in economic and
social development, paving the way for the rapid development of the
tourist industry in the next century.这不仅提高了旅游业 在经济和社
The top 54 tourist cities were selected throughout the country by
examination. The event has not only improved the environment for
urban tourist development, but has also speeded up the
internationalization and modernization of the tourist cities.
通过检查,评选出了54个旅游城市。这样的评选不仅改善了城市< br>旅游环境,也加快了城市旅游业国际化和现代化的进程。
Continuous growth was obtained despite the adverse
circumstances of the international market.尽管国际市场的环境并不
A steady growth in overseas travelers has given an impetus to the
development of the domestic tourist industry.海外旅客的稳定增长促
In 1998, the total volume of income from the tourist industry
amounted to 343 billion yuan, an increase of 10.2% over the previous
year, contributing greatly to realizing the preset growth target with
regard to the national economy. 1998年,旅游业的总收入为3430亿
元人民币,比去年增长了10.2%,为 实现国民经济预定的增长目标
A provisional method for the trial establishment of sino-foreign
joint-venture travel agencies was introduced with the approval of the
state council. 征得国务院的同意,我们引进了关于试建中外合资旅
游机构的暂行方法A structure to further expand the opening of the
tourist industry has emerged thanks to the promulgation of the method.
It will help open new channels for attracting expertise from overseas
travel services, which will bring about a new competitiveness in the
domestic travel service market. 这一办法会帮助我们打开吸引游 客、
的旅游业市场带来新的竞 争。


Not long ago, the secretary general of the world tourism
organization said. “the Asian financial crisis has slowed down the
development of world tourism , but the Chinese tourism industry has
maintained a high growth speed.” 世界旅游组织秘书长弗朗加利 日
业却继续保持着强劲增长势 头。
He predicted that by 2020, china will become the largest tourism
country in the world.
The secretary general was attending the ’98 china international
tourism fair, held in shanghai. At the fair, the quoted a survey report
as saying; due to the financial crisis in Asia, the number of tourists
coming and going between the Asian countries has dropped by a large
margin since summer 1997. 弗朗加利去年出席了上海98中国国际
的影响,亚洲各国之间出入境旅游人 数从1997年夏季开始大幅度
The growth speed of world tourism decreased from 5.5 percent in 1996
to 3.8 percent in 1997.世界旅游业的增长速度因此由1996年的5.5%
From January to August 1998, the number of tourist entering
china totaled 41.3284 million peopletimes, or an increase of 12.22
percent over the figure for the corresponding period of last year.1998
年1至8月份,我国旅游入境人数达4132.84万人次,比1997 年
Foreign exchange earnings generated by tourism reached 8.198 billion
us dollars, or an increase of 5.55 percent over those of the
corresponding period of last year. 旅游外汇收入达81.98亿美元,比
The number of overseas tourists coming to china has kept growing,
except from the other Asian countries, the number of whose tourists has
shown a slight reduction.
The secretary general pointed out that china’s tourism industry
has shown a rising trend during the Asian financial crisis, and the
Chinese people should be proud of this, he said. 秘书长弗朗加利指
In 1990, the number of foreign tourists entering china ranked 12
in the
world, and in 1997, the sixth: 1997年中国的旅游入境人数在世界上
and its foreign exchange earnings generated from tourism ranked 25

in the world in 1990, and the eighth in 1997.旅游外汇收入则从第25
The constant deepening of China’s reform and opening to the outside
world has greatly promoted the development of China’s tourism. 秘书
It is predicted that by 2020, the number of tourists worldwide will be
about 1.6 billion, of whom 137 million will come to china.预计到了
2020年,全世界旅游 人数将接近16亿,其中1.37亿人将到中国旅
The secretary general said that he likes china very much, because
china is a “very lovely country”. 秘书长说,他非常喜欢中国,因
为中国是个“十分可爱的国家”,It has beaches, plains and mountains,

as well as one of the most ancient civilizations in the world, he pointed
out. 它不仅拥有海滩、平原和山脉,而且是世界文明古国之一。
He is right: china’s 5000-year history of civilization is an invaluable
tourism resource which is attracting more and more tourists from all
over the world.中国五千年文明史就是最大的旅游资源,正在越来越

Since the reform and opening policies were first instituted,
china’s tourism industry has developed more rapidly than the overall
national economy. 自从改革开放政策的实施,中国旅游业的发展比
国民经济的总体发展还要快。From 1978 to 1996, foreign exchange
earnings derived from tourism rose from us $$ 260 million to us $$ 10.2
billion, an average annual growth of 22%.举个例子, 从1978年到1996
International tourism has leapt over several historical stages of
development. 国际旅游业的发展经历了几个历史阶段。
In the wake of the resounding successes of visit china '92 programme,
tourism authorities launched theme activities like china landscape '93,
china heritage '94, china folklore'95, china resort '96, visit china '97,
china city and country tour '98 and ecology tour '99. 随着92中国旅游
化古迹游,95中国民俗风情游, 96中国度假胜地游,97中国旅游
All these activities has earned foreign exchange for the country and
have improved the development of domestic tourism and national
Tourism infrastructure has been continuously adjusted,
improved and optimized. 旅游基础设施也在不断地得到调整,改进,
The arrangements within the tourism resorts have been made more
In the development of tourism, structural adjustments have been
strengthened and the variety of offerings has been improved and
expanded each year.在旅游业的发展中,我们加强了结构调整,各种
服务每年都得到改善和扩张。In addition to the development of 12
state-level holiday resorts, china also offers tours involving boating,
exploration, hunting, and dozens of other specialized tour package. 除
了发展12个国家级的度假村 以外,我们还提供了如划船,探险,
Tours centered on the silk road, the yangtze river three gorges, and
other special itineraries have enriched tourism offerings. 以丝绸之路,
Tourism in the central and western regions has come to the fore in
fierce development.中部和西部地区的旅游业也有了显著的发展。
Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems.没有合理
For example, too many tourists can crowed public places that are also
enjoyed by the inhabitants of a count ry.比如,过多的游客会令那个国
家的所有公共场所拥挤不堪,而这些场所同时也是当地人们所享有< br>的。
If tourists create too much traffic, the inhabitants became annoyed and
unhappy. 如果游客令交通拥挤,当地居民将会感到不高兴甚至恼
They begin to dislike tourists and to treat them impolitely. They forget
how much tourism can help the country's economy. 他们开始不喜欢
游客,也不再会礼貌地对待他们。当地人会忘 记旅游业给他们的经
It is important to think about the people of a destination country and
how tourism affects them.所以,经常想想旅游目的地国家的那些当
Tourism should help a country keep the customs and the beauty that
attract tourist. Tourism should also improve the well-being of local
in habitants.旅游业应该帮助一个国家保存它的那些吸引游客的风俗
文化和美丽风景;同时旅游 业也应该保证当地居民的幸福健康。
Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism grows too
quickly, people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry.
旅游业太发达也会是一个问题。如果旅游业发展得太快了,人们 就
必须放下其他工作来服务于旅游业。This means that other parts of
the country's economy can suffer.这意味着这个国家的其他经济项目
On the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people can
lose jobs. Businesses can also lose money. 另一方面,如果旅游业不
It costs a great deal of money to build large hotels, airports, first-class
roads and other support facilities needed by tourist attractions. 修建大
For example, a major international-class hotel can cost as much as 50
thousand dollars per room to build.比如,修建一个国际级大酒店的一
个客房就得耗资5万美元.If this room is not used most of the time,
the owners of the hotel lose money.如果这个客房大部分时间都空着,
Building a hotel is just a beginning. There must be many
support facilities as well, including roads to get to the hotel, electricity,
sewers to handle wastes and water.修建一个酒店只是刚刚开始,还需
要有很多 辅助设施,比如通往酒店的道路,酒店的供电,处理污水
All of these support facilities cost money. If they are not used because
there are not enough tourists, jobs and money are lost.所有这些辅助设
施都需要钱 。如果这些设施仅仅是因为没有足够的游客而闲置着,

English version for Techniques for Interpreting英
A. Tourist sites to show ancient culutre展示古代文化的几个旅游点

Shanxi Province plans to develop four major tourist sites
based on the zhou(11th century-256BC),
Qin(221-207BC),Han(206BC-220)and Tang(618-907)dynasty culture.
The Qin culture Tourist Site will be expanded on the basis of
the Mausoleum of Qinshihuang. 秦文化旅游点以秦始皇墓为基础扩
In addition to the existing Qin Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses, some
other halls will be built to specially house different exhibits, such as
bronze horses and chariots, sacrificial object tombs and the tombs of
mausoleum builders.
别的展品,如:青铜战马,战车,殉 葬品墓以及陵墓建造者的坟墓
Upon completion of various facilities, the Mausoleum of Qinshihuang
will be turned into the Qinshihuang Mausoleum Museum which will be
a considerable scale.这个旅游点的各种设施建成以后,秦始皇墓将
The Han Culture Tourist Site will be located a dozen km
north of xi'an, capital city of the province.汉文化旅游点将坐落在省
府西安以北十几公里处。The area enconpasses many imperial tombs
and sacrificial pits, which contain rich artifacts of high artistic value.这
个旅游点将包括许多帝王墓,祭奠场地,其中含有很多具 有极高艺
The ruins of the birthplace of the Western Zhou Dynasty(11th
century-771BC)in the east of Baoji city will be the major component of
the Zhou Culture Tourist Site; while the Tang Culture tourist site will
be at the northeast of Xi'an city proper. 周朝旅游点位于宝鸡市东面的

B. First Eco-park 第一个生态公园
The Shunde Eco-park, opened at the end of last year, is a
new tourist attraction in Guangdong province, built in line with
ecological principles and displaying the local unique eco-agr iculture.去
公园的 建立,既符合生态规律,又展示了当地独特的生态农业。
Built at a cost of 300 million yuan, the park covers nearly
2 million square meters and is the country's first theme park that
centers on ecological environmental protection. 耗资3亿元人民币建
成的这个生态公园,占地 面积200万平方米,是中国第一个以生态
It integrates the local natural eco-environment with sightseeing,
holidays, culture, entertainment, production and environmental
The part that has been opened is the first-phrase project built with an
investment of 9 million yuan.目前已经开放的是耗资900万元的第一

C. Visit wild animals near the great wall 长城边上的野生动物园
The Badaling Wildlife World, the largest zoo of its kind in
the northern china, was officially opened to visitors on May 1999 after
more than a year's construction.八达岭野生动物世界是华北地区同类
动物园中最大的。 经过一年多的修建,这个动物世界于1999年5
The zoo, adjacent to the Badaling section of the Great wall,
was built on the mountain, at a cost of 15 million yuan. 这个动物世界
Covering an area of about 400 hectares, it consists of 20 zoological
gardens, two historical sites, four places featuring animal performances,
one botanical garden, one holiday resort and two places for body
building and sports.动物世界占地面积大约400公顷,其中包括有20
More than 2000 animals are kept in the zoo. Visitors may
take a touring carriage to enter the animal section inhabited by beasts
of prey, such as white tigers, northeast china tigers, African lions, bears
and wolves. 野生动物世 界内有2000多种动物。游客可以乘坐公园
里的游览车进入猛兽区,在那里游客将看到凶猛的白虎,东 北虎,
One may walk in the tame animal section and enjoy affinity with
giraffes, zebras, peacocks, swans and rhesus monkeys. 游客也可以走
A wildlife nature reserve with ancient Roman style is provided,
enabling visitors to see animals hunting in the wild.一个具有古罗马风
格的野生自然保护区, 让游客可以亲眼目睹动物在野生环境中猎
At the same time, visitors may also enjoy the well-preserved
natural scenery in the zoo. 同时,游客还可以尽情享受动物世界里得
到良好保护的自然风光。One may stroll along small winding roads,
savoring the beauty of lush forests and apricot blossom. 人们可以漫
步在蜿蜒的小路上,欣赏茂盛的丛林和盛开的杏花;Or one may
climb up the mountain, in search of the thousand-year-old Buddha.可

Unit 2
2-1 Nanjing南京 英

china National Tourism Administration. 由中国国家旅游局策划的
On this tour travelers have the chance to appreciate the beauty of
southeast china and the Yangtze Delta. 可以让游客欣赏到中国东南
部和长江三角洲的秀丽风光。Tour starts in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu
Province, and ends in shaoxing, Zhejiang province, totaling 300 km.
Cities along this tour are very close to one another, so transportation is
very convenient. 这条路线的各个旅游城市相距很近,交通都很方

Nanjing is one of the seven ancient Chinese capitals. One of its
most famous spots is the Qinhuai River. 南京市是中国著名的七大古
The Qinhuai River, about five kilometers long, has always been a
business and cultural artery for Jiangsu Province.秦淮河号称十里之
As night falls, lighted boats can be seen shuttling back and forth.
夜幕降临,秦淮河上的灯船往来似火龙。The Qinhuai River region
has become a very popular tour because it offers so many classical
Chinese sights and sounds. 现在的秦淮河已经建成了具有古典特色
The streets along the river banks date from the Ming and Qing
Dynasties, and tourists can enjoy listening to local opera on a boat in
the evening, and at the same time enjoy the local cuisine.到达这里,不
仅可 以欣赏明清风格的街市建筑,还可以乘船夜游秦淮河,聆听地

2-2 Yangzhou扬州 英
Yangzhou, 95 km from Nanjing, can be reached by bus in two
扬州距南京95公里,约两小时车程。There are many beautiful lakes
and gardens in Yangzhou, the best known of which is Shouxihu(the
slender west lake), Located in the western suburbs of the city, the lake
got its name because of its narrow shape and beautiful scenery.扬州是
一座风景园林城市 ,以瘦西湖著名。瘦西湖位于西郊,因湖面瘦长,
Rows of trees and flowers grow on Shouxihu's banks,
interspersed and accentuated by exquisite pavilions. 瘦西湖湖岸花木
From Yuning Bridge in the middle of the lake one can see 15 inverted
reflections of the moon in every arch of the bridge, a unique view of
Yangzhou.其最独特的 景色是:每当皓月当空的夜晚,建在湖上的玉

2-3 Wuxi无锡 英
Wuxi is known for its attractive Taihu Lake, advanced economy,
a fertile
10 key tourist sites in China. 无锡以太湖胜迹,鱼米之乡,经济发达,
The Taihu Lake, a creation by the nature, moulds the humane spirit of
the Wuxi people with its grandness and unique beauty.自然造化的太
The rivers and lakes alternating with hills and plains form the
terrain of the area. 无锡的江河湖泊与山丘平原相间;With the four
seasons clearly demarcated, it enjoys abundant sunshine. 四季分明,阳
The ecological environment is favorable with more than 2500 species
flourishing.生物总类多达2500种左右,生态坏境优越;Rich in natural
resources, it has a highly developed agriculture.物产丰富,农业特别发
It has a big population and comparatively few farmlands. As a
result, people are engaged in intensive farming, as if doing embroidery
work in their fields. 在人多地少的情况下,无锡人种田如绣花,精
Farmlands, fishponds, tea gardens, orchards, mulberry trees and
bamboo jointly provide food for the people and form a unique
ecological picture.由此,农田,鱼塘和茶果桑竹在提供饮食的同时,
The intensive farming has fostered a special way of thinking
and behaviour among the Wuxi people who are astute, careful and
ca lculated.精耕细作,也熏陶了人的思维,行为方式,使无锡人具
有精明,细致,缜密的性格倾 向;It has also brought the development of
industry and commerce.它也带动了工商业的发展。
Nearly all of the local entrepreneurs in its modern history
started their businesses connecting with the grain, vegetable oil, cotton
or silk. 无锡近代民族实业家无不从粮油,棉纱,蚕丝等起步,
Wuxi was once proclaimed as one of the country's four major rice
markets, the cotton yarn shipping center and the finest silk producer in
southeast china.所以,无锡有全国四大米市之一,布码头,丝蚕甲
The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Cannal which crosses the city,
connects the Shanghai-Ningbo Railway and the Yangtze River port in
the east. 穿越而过的京杭大运河东连上海的泸宁铁路和长江口岸;
This facilitates the city with the expansion of its industry and
commerce. Thus, it was known as 使无锡的工商业

2-4 Flying Asparas 飞天 英
According to Indian Mythology, an asparas is a goddess of
water and clouds, and there is another saying that they are the lovers of
the god of musicians and dan cers.根据印度的神话传说,飞天是云和
水的女神,也有说她是佛教中歌舞奏乐者的情人。As Buddhism
spread to China through the silk road, flying asparas began to appear in
Chinese mural. 飞天随着佛教,沿着丝绸之路传入中国后,便在

2-5 Sailing on Queen Elizabeth 1 乘坐伊丽莎白1号游船
The finest way to Europe is not necessarily the best way. 赴欧
Sailing on Queen Elizabeth 1 is a vacation in itself, you do not arrive in
a frazzle, more tired than when you left. 比如,乘坐伊丽莎白1号漂
洋过海,虽然耗费时间,但度假休闲却自此开始。当您到达目的 地
时,您会像刚出发时一样,丝毫不觉得旅途劳顿; You arrive as you
should: refreshed, with new friends and new experience. 当您到达目
There are more things to see and to do aboard Queen Elizabeth
1 than there are in most European towns. 乘坐伊丽莎白1号,您可以
She's 65000 tons, 13 stories high, and longer than three football fields.

Queen Elizabeth1 is one of the great sights of Europe.伊丽 莎白1号的
An airplane provides a seat, Queen Elizabeth 1 provides a
stateroom nicer than most hotels in Europe. 飞机仅为乘客提供一个
座位,而伊丽莎白1号却为您 提供一个舱房,其豪华舒适程度,欧
Room for room, she has the largest stateroom, wardrobes, dressing
rooms, and bathrooms of any ships afloat. 就房间而言,它的舱房,
Queen Elizabeth1 has a staff of over 900. This means at least
one crew member for every two passengers. 伊丽莎白1号拥有900
When you ring for your steward or stewardess, the call is answered
with dispatch.当您按铃叫唤服务员时,他们会随叫随到; Like a
good English butler or a maid, they are there when you want them and
not there when you don't want them.就像训练有素的英国家仆,招之
Queen Elizabeth 1 carries so many passengers, you are bound
to meet a host of people you like, or love. (Is there time to fall in love
on an airplane?) 伊丽莎白1号载客如云,您无疑可以遇到许多有 趣
的人,或您所爱的人(乘飞机有时间谈情说爱吗?)And if you
should happen to meet someone you don't like, a game of
hide-and-seek aboard Queen Elizabeth 1 can last until southampton.即
使您碰巧遇上一个不喜欢的人,您也尽可在船上和 她(他)玩玩捉
Airplane have a baggage limit of 44pounds. Queen Elizabeth 1
has a baggage limit of 275 pounds, you may buy a car in Europe and
bring it home in our garage.乘飞机旅行,行李限重44磅,但乘坐伊
丽莎白1号,行李限重高达27 5磅。您可以在欧洲买辆车,停放在
It will hold 80 cars. Our hold holds countless antiques.该汽车间可停
$$46 a day includes your stateroom, food and entertainment.一天
46美元,包括舱房,膳食和娱乐。Or you can spend $$193 a day. The
price depends upon the size and location of your stateroom and the
time of year you sail. 船上最高收费也只不过是每天193美元,其价格的高低取决于舱房的大小,所处的位置和航行的季节。$$46 per day
in total is $$321. This is $$5 more than one-way economy air fare.以每天
46美元计算,总航程共需321美元,该费用仅比单程经 济舱机票

2-6 Travel in yunnan云南之游 英
Yunnan is a place abundant in tourism resources. It is a
province of plateaus and mountains and has three kinds of climate:
tropical, frigid and temperate. 云南的旅游资源非常丰富。云南的地
It is one of the birthplaces of human begins. The ape-man's tooth fossil
proves that there was human activity in yunnan as early as about 1.7
million years ago. 云南是人类发源地之一,在那里发现的猿人牙齿
化石 证明,早在170万年前,云南就有人类活动的痕迹。
Yunnan has the largest number of ethnic groups-52 out 56 Chinese
ethnic groups live in yunnan. 云南是中国最大的少数民族聚集地~中
It is regarded as the origin of ethnic folk art and literature. It has rich
natural resources and is given a number of titles such as plant
kindom,animal kindom,kindom of non- ferrous metals
and 她被誉为少数民族风俗文化的起源地。云
南的自然资 源丰富,被赋予植物王国,动物王国,有色金属王
国和自然花园等美称。Kunming is called the
adverage temperature of 15 degrees Centigrade. It is not very cold in
winter or very hot in summer and flowers ,bloom all through the four
seasons in the city.其省会昆明享有春城之美誉。昆明冬天 不冷,
The Xishuangbanna Tropical Rain Forest and Dai Ethnic
Folklore Tour are essential while you are travelling in Yunnan. 西双版
Xishusngbanna lies in southern yunnan. In the thick forest on both
sides of the Lancang River live scores of ethnic groups including the
Dai, Hani and Jingpo. 西双版纳位于云南的南部,澜沧江两岸茂密
的 森林里生活着包括傣族,哈尼族和景颇族在内的众多少数民族。
The ancient folk customs and beautiful tropical landscape will give you
a new experience. 古朴的民俗风情和迷人的热带景色给人一种崭新
It takes 50 minutes to fly from Kunming to Jinghong, capital of
Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous prefecture. 从昆明乘飞机到景洪~
In the Dai village, you can find two-story detached buildings primarily
made of bamboo and wood. The ground floor serves as barns and sties
for domestic animals; the upper floor is for people to live in. 在傣族的
分上下两层,下层为 畜圈和仓库,上层住人。In the Dai bamboo
buildings, which reflect the Dai characteristics, you can see that
bamboo is found everywhere: in bedrooms, balconies, doors and
windows and even floors are all made of bamboo.在傣族人的竹楼里,
卧室,阳台,门窗,甚至楼板处处用竹,体现了傣族的特色。 Here,
tour visitors can visit the local people's home freely. Whenever there
are visitors, the hospitable hosts will make a fire and serve their guest a
cup of hot tea. 在这里,游客可以随便到当地人家做客。只要有客人,
There are tropical fruit trees and flowers in every courtyard. You can
enjoy as much as you like the unique Dai Ethnic folklore.每个庭院里

2-7 Sydney悉尼

The city of Sydney is the oldest and largest city in Australia.
Sydney was founded in 1788 as a British prison colony with about
1500 prisoners and their guards; 悉尼是奥大利亚最大,最古老的城
市,建 立于1788年。当时,它只是英国犯人的聚居地,在那里大

概有1500名犯人和看守 。
Today it is home to more than 3.6 million people. It is a busy industrial
centre and tourist resort. 今天,这里已经是360万人的城市了。悉尼

2-8 Venice威尼斯

The old seaport of Venice is one of the world's most beautiful
Like several other Italian towns, it has many magnificent buildings
from the past. 就像意大利的其他小城一样,威尼斯有许多过去遗留
Venice was built on a group of small islands in a lagoon, which remains
flooded throughout the year. The main streets are canals, and the
traditional boat called a gondola is still a common form of transport.
是运 河,主要的交通工具是一种狭长的平底船。

2-9 New York纽约

At the mouth of the Hudson River on the east coast of the United
States is New York City, the country's biggest city. It is also one of the
历史最古老的城市。New York has founded in 1642 and is now an
urban area with 8 million people. 纽约建于1624年,目前拥有800
The city is the financial heart of the nation and houses the offices of
many large companies and dozens of theatres, museums, and parks.
Skyscrapers more than 300 metres tall dominate the city centre,
有几十家戏院,博物馆, 公园等,其在市中心曼哈顿里,林立着

2-10 Crater Lake 火山湖
Crater Lake National Park is Oregon's only national park and it
is one of the most accessible and breathtaking parks in the United
States. 火山湖国家公园是俄勒冈州唯一的国家公园,是美国一个最
The deep blue color of the lake's water almost seems unreal and it will
facinate you first time you lay eyes on it. 深蓝色的湖水如梦似幻,你
Carter Lake is the deepest lake in the United States with the depth of
1932 feet. It was formed 7700 years ago from an eruption. 火山湖是
成的。A caldera was created from the volcano falling into itself; and
later from rain and snow melt it was filled with the bluest of blue water.
火山喷发后岩浆又落入火山口,形成破火山口; 后来,雨水和溶化
So blue in fact, as one story goes, that many years ago the Kodak
Company used to send letters to its customers apologizing for its
inability to match the color exactly. 曾有这样一个故事来描述湖水的
蓝,很多年前, 柯达公司曾发信给它的客户,因其无法真实地再现
It's hard to imagine that from such a violent eruption came one of the
most beautiful and tranquil settings in the United States. Crater Lake is
the best visited during the summer months and into the fall. 很难想
像,这样一次凶猛的火山喷发竟形成了美国最美丽宁静的一大自 然
景观。火山湖最佳的游览季节是夏季和初秋。From October to July,
a thick blanked of snow covers the park and encircles the lake. It's a
setting best for some of the best cross-country skiing in the natio n.从10
野滑雪的人来说, 这是最佳的场地了。

English version for Techniques for Interpreting 英
A. Border Tour in the Heihe River Area黑河地区的边境旅游
The city of Heihe in Heilongjiang Province, taking border
tourism as its pillar industry, in 1998 witnessed a remarkable grown in
the number of travelers, income and profits compared with the same
period of 1997. 位于黑龙江省的黑河市把边境旅游作为它的支柱产
The number of visitors to the Heihe River increased to 118087 by the
end of last October, an increase of 10.6% over the same period of 1997.
19 97年同期增长了10.6%。
Heihe and Russia's Amur Region are only separated by the
river. 黑河和俄罗斯的阿穆尔地区仅一江之隔。
With the advantageous geological conditions, the Heihe government
has further expanded its opening, including border tourism.当地政府
While improving its environment for economic development, the local
government has also attached importance to speeding up the
construction of tourist scenic spots .在改善环境以促进经济发展的同
As a result, its tourism is thriving with unique border characteristics
and a special national flavour, thus extending domestic and overseas
tourist routes.为此,黑河的旅游正以其独特的边境特点和特殊的民
族风格蓬 勃发展,为国内外游客增添了旅游路线。
Now, the city has built more than 40 good hotels and restaurants
to attract more tourists.目前,黑河已经建成了40座体面的旅店和餐

B. Guilin桂林

As a beautiful and historical famous world city, Guilin is

located in South China's Guanxi Zhuang Autonomous region. 风景优
Featuring Karst topography, it has long been renowned for having the
most beautiful scenery in China. 桂林以溶岩地形为主,因拥有中国
It is endowed with scenery characterized by lovely hills, weridly
shaped peaks, winding rivers with limpid waters, grotesque rocks and
exotic caves.桂林的风景很有特色:秀丽的丘陵,险峻的山峰,蜿蜒
Tourism has become the pillar industry in the city. A
multi-functional and multi- level industrial structure and a tourist
receiving system have been formed.旅游业已成为这座城市的支 柱产
The city has 31 star hotels, including two five-star hotels, three
four-star hotels and 15 three- star hotels.桂林有31个星级酒店,其中
It has 18 international travel agencies and nearly 1000 interpreters in
20 foreign languag es.她还拥有18个国际旅行社,有大约1,000名口
The beauty of the city and the hospitality of its people have
drawn tens of millions of visitors from more than 100 countries and
regions during the past twenty years.在过去的20年里,这座风景美丽
的城 市和她热情好客的人民吸引了来自100多个国家的数千万游

C. Marine Eco-Tour Booms in Guangdong广东海洋生态旅游迅速发

In recent years, marine ecological tourism has been rapidly
developed in coastal Guangdong Province. 最近,海洋生态旅游在地
处沿海的广东省迅速发展起来。It is expected to become a new
economic growth point at the beginning of the new century.预计这将
Statistics show that the Pearl River Delta, with a population of
more than 20 million, is the largest and most stable tourist market in
this regard.数据表明,拥有2000万人口的珠江三角洲将会成为这方
面最大,最稳定的旅游市场。 For example, Dong'ao Tourist
Comprehensive Development Zone, in the central part of Wanshan
Archipelago, covers an area of only 4.62 square km. However, the zone
was visited by 50000 travelers in the first nine month of 1998, earning
an income of 20 million yuan from the tourist industry.例如,位于万山
群岛中部的东澳岛旅游综合开发区,虽然仅占地4 .62平方公里,
万 元。
The booming marine eco-tourism has changed the lives of the
local fishing community, who look upon the new industry as one way
out of poverty.迅速发展的海洋生态旅游业改变了当地渔民的生活,

Unit 3
3-1 Reduction of summer grain output by over 10 million tons 英
The latest statistics from the state statistics bureau shows that
summer grain output of 2000 will decrease by 11 million tons from that
of 1999. 据国家统计局的最新统计,2000年夏粮比1999年减产
This yield reduction is a result of decreased growing acreage and
differs in nature from those caused by natural disasters. 这一减产主要
The yield reduction is voluntary readjustment in the face of
transformed supply and demand in the grain market.它与以往由于自
然灾害引起的减产有本质不同,这是在粮食 供求关系发生重大变化
Structurally, growing area for grain crops sees the greatest
reduction, cotton-growing area remains at the same level as 1999, and
sugar-bearing crops growing area continues to decrease while growing
acreage for oil-bearing crops and fruits incre ases.从种植业结构来看,
In 2000, the land available for growing grain crops is expected
to decrease by 50 million mu. 预计2000年全国粮食播种面积将减少
However, land for growing fine varieties of crops will increase.
Sixty-nine million mu goes to fine wheat, two times the 1999 figure
and 20% of the total land area for wheat. 虽然种粮面积减少,但优质
粮面积却增加了,优质专用小 麦种植面积达到6900万亩,占小麦
Fifty million mu goes to fine early-maturing rice, which is 50% of the
total land area for early rice.优质早稻5000万亩,占早稻总面积的
In terms of geographical distribution, half of the reduction is in
the eastern part of China, meaning production of major crops begins to
concentrate in advantageous regions. 从区域结构来看,东部地区调
After readjustment, wheat growing area in Hebei, Shandong, Henan,
shanxi and Shaanxi, which are the major producers of wheat in china,
will take up 51.3% of the country's total wheat growing land, compared
with 49% in the year 1999.经过调整,预计小麦主产区冀,鲁,豫,
晋,陕五省的小麦面积在全国所占比例将 由1999年的49%上升到

3-2 Concern about grain output reduction对粮食减产的担心 英
People are concerned about such a decrease of grain crops
growing area, because the 50 million mu reduction in 2000 is already
on the basis of a decrease of 9.4 million mu in 1999, with the total
grain crops growing area down to 1.65 billion mu all over the country.
粮食播种面积在1999年减少940万亩的基 础上,2000年又调减
5000万亩,使得全国粮食作物总面积下调至16.5亿亩。There has
never been such a great acreage decrease historically and people are
worried because this reduction hits the alarming mark that is needed to
ensure food supply.从历史上看,这么大的调整力度是没有 过的,而

的担 心。
Experts from the Ministry of Agriculture asked people not to
worry too much. 农业部专家指出,对此不必过于担心。
On one hand, with steady increase in unit yield and weakening
dependence on unprocessed food grains as a result of a different diet in
rural and urban areas, data based on past experience may not be reliable.
粮消费 依赖性的减弱,过去的经验数据已不一定可靠;
On the other hand, analysis should not be confined to quantity only.
Instead, different situations in different regions should be taken into
consideration. A greater reduction of acreage in non-production zone
should be considered normal.另一方面,也不能光看总量, 应根据区

3-3 Action needed against aridity 行动起来对付干旱
China has a pressing need to develop agriculture which uses
water efficiently in a bid to ensure security of food supplies and
alleviate poverty in its vast arid areas, a senior Ministry of Agriculture
official said. 农业部一位高级官员说,为保证广大 干旱地区的粮食
of the country's arable land is afflicted by a water
shortage. Some 43 percent of China's population lives in arid regions,
Vice-Minister said. 这位农业部副部长表示,我国一半的可耕地面
临着水资源短缺的问题。大约43%的人口居 住在干旱地区。
Nationwide, droughts reduce grain output by 3-million tons a
production is expected to remain at about 500 million
tons at the end of the century and reach 800 million tons in the next 30
years. Arid farm land will play a crucial role in increasing future
output.预计到20世纪末粮食产量将保持在5亿吨的水 平,往后
The arid regions, mostly located in the north of the country,
have vast land resources and abundant sunshine. 干旱地区集中在我
Statistics from Ministry of Agriculture indicate that per capita farm
land and forests in the 16 northern provinces and regions are
respectively 1.34 and 1.15 times the country's average. 根据农业部的
统计数字,北方16省的人均农田和森林分别是全国平均水平的1.3 4
倍和1.15倍。Arid land in these areas produces 46 percent of the
country's grain, 61 percent of cotton, 72 percent of soybeans, and 46
percent of edible oil products.全国46%的粮食,61%的棉花,72%的
大豆以 及46%的食用油由这些干旱地区生产。
But these regions still practice extensive agriculture, with unit
yield far below the country's average, which is partly attributable to
lack of water.但是这些地区 实行的仍然是粗放经营,单产远远低于

were equipped with water-saving agricultural technology, and their unit
yields reached the national average, they could produce 20 million tons
more grain than now, going a long way towards resolving their food
problems, 副部长表示,假 如山西和陕西两省三
量将比现 在增加两千万吨,这对于解决那里的粮食问题将是迈进了
Poverty always goes hand in hand with aridity and other
difficult natural conditions and this has made it all the more important
to develop agriculture in these regions which uses water effi ciently.贫
效用水的 农业特别重要。

3-4 Agrochemicals draw attention 农业化学制品受关注
The first China International Agrochemical Exhibition will be
held at the China Agriculture Exhibition Hall in Beijing November 2-5.
The event will show the industry's determination to increase
competitiveness through international co- operation.展览会将显示我国
The agrochemical products on display will include pesticide,
herbicide, fertilizers, plastic films, biotechnologies for agricultural use,
feed additives, rubber products and chemical building materials.参展的
农化产品包括杀虫剂,除草剂,化肥,塑料薄膜,农用 生物技术,
Currently, China has the capacity to produce 750000 tons of
perticide and herbicide a year, with an actual output averaging 400000
tons a year, ranking the second largest in the world.目前,中国杀虫剂
和除草剂的年 生产能力为75万吨,实际年均产量为40万吨,居世
About 95 percent of pesticides and herbicides have proven to be
highly efficient products with little chemical remains in plants when
put into practical use. 约95%的杀虫剂和除草剂经证实十分有效,残
In 1998, more than 100000 tons were exported, earning US
$$ 320 million in foreign exchange. Exports have exceeded imports for
the past five years. 1998年,中国出口十多万吨杀虫剂和除草剂,创
汇32,000万美元。过去5年出口量一直超过进 口量。
However, China still lags behind developed nations in terms of
product varieties, production technology and expertise, as well as
investment in research and development.然而,中国在产品种类,生
Fertilizers will become the main item on display at the
exhibition. 化肥将成为展览会会上的主要展品。 According to a
report from the Ministry of Agriculture, the ratio of contribution of
fertilizers to yield increase has amounted to 40 percent.根据农业部的
Currently, China is self-sufficient in nitrogen supply, but still

falls short of demand for phosphate and potash fertilizers.目前,我国氮
Analysts say that if China joins the World Trade Organization,
the domestic fertilizer industry will suffer tough competition from
foreign counterparts since the costs of their fertilizers are much lower
than those in China.分析家们认为,假如中国 加入世贸,国内化肥业

up, the fertilizer industry, like other chemical sectors, will be greatly
affected,一位业 内人士指出,若取消配额,
的 冲击。
Over the past few years, China has invested significantly in
fertilizer projects to support development of agriculture. 过去几年,中
However, a decline in farmers' income, the price war between domestic
enterprises, and an influx of imports have squeezed the profit margins
of the fertilizer producers, thereby exacerbating the burdens on these
projects to repay loans.然而,随着 农民收入的下降,国内企业之间

Unit 4
4-1 英
Since the restoration of its rightful status in international sports
organizations in the late 70s and early 80s, China has taken an active
part in their competitions, including the last five World Cup editions
organized by the Federation International de Football Association
(FIFA). 自从中国在70年代末,80年代初恢复了在国际体育组织
际足联组积的前五届世界杯锦 标赛。
But on all occasions it was knocked out in the zonal preliminaries and
failed to the final stage.但每一次都在分区预赛中就被淘汰,总是没
Over the past two decades or so, the Chinese sport circles have
raised the inspiring slogan out of Asia and march into the
In some sports, such as table tennis, weightlifting and fancy diving,
China has reached the continental and world levels.在一些体育 项目
But the picture is quite different in the world's NO.1 sport
football, also known as soccer. (To be exact, here we mean the men's
soccer, not women's soccer in which China is fairly strong, placing
second at the Atlanta Olympics.)但在世界头号 运动~足球方面,中国
子足球 。中国的女子足球还是比较强大的,曾在亚特兰大奥运会中
It will take us a long time to fill the gaps between China and the
world's soccer powers. 我们需要很长时间的努力才能缩短和世界足
球强国之间的差距。To achieve this, first of all, our players must
improve their individual skills in all the technical movements-- such as
dribbling, passing and shooting.要达到这个目 标,首先,我们的运动
In the second place, they must improve their tactical
cooperation. 其次,运动员们必须改进他们在战术上的合作。
This is particularly necessary for a national team with its members
coming from different clubs and playing different styles. The 11
individuals must knit into an organic whole. 这 种合作对于由来自不
位成员必 须抱成一团,形成有机的整体。
Whatever style a team plays, as has been proved by the world cup
games, there must be good balance between attack and defense, and it
is wrong to overemphasize one to the neglect of the other in actual
fighting.历届世界杯比 赛证明,不管足球队的风格怎样,他们的进
攻和防守都能达到一定的平衡,过分强调一方面而忽略另一方 面都
Our players must improve their psychological training. 中国队
员还必须加强他们的心理素质训练。They must build a strong desire
to win and confidence in victory, trying to catch up when falling behind
and never letting up when running against all the odds. 他们必须具有
手 的实力有悬殊时不要气馁。
Our national team has almost always lost to South Korea mainly
because of its deep-rooted 我们国家队几乎
每次都是因为恐南韩症而输给南韩的。A player will never be able
to conquer his opponents if he fails to conquer himself, or his own
mental barriers.一个运动员如果不能战胜自己,战胜自己的心理障

Professional American football in the United States is almost
wholly played by the native-born American citizens, mostly very large
and very strong, many of them black.从事美式职业足球的运动员几
It is a game of physical strength. Linemen routinely weigh
more than 300 pounds. Players are valued for their weight and muscles,
for how fast they can run, and how hard they can hit each other.这种运
动是体力的较量。锋线球员体重通常超过300磅。运 动员被看中的
Baseball was once American's favorite game, but has lost that
claim to basketball.棒球曾经是美国最受欢迎的运动项目,但现已让
In baseball, agility, quickness, perfect vision and quick reaction are
more important than pure strength. 对于棒球,敏捷,速度,良好的
视力和快速的反应比单纯的力量更重要。Baseball was once a purely
American game, but has spread around much of the New World.棒球曾
Soccer, which many countries just call football, is the most

widely enjoyed sport in the world. 英式足球(许多国家就称之为足
More than 20 million people in 140 nations play the game. It requires
stamina more than strength. 在140个国家里有2000万人从事这项运
动。Unlike American football and baseball, where long pauses are built
into the game, soccer requires almost constant motion.这 项运动需要
时间的暂停,它需 要几乎不停地跑动。It requires little else: one ball,
two goals and a field with boundaries. 它没有什么其他要求: 一个
球,两个球门,一块划上边界的场地足矣。Despite its worldwide
appeal and easy access, however, it has been slow to catch on in the
United States.尽管英式足球风靡全球,简单易行,但在美国却流行

4-3 英
More Chinese people than ever are enjoying a fashionable
sporting lifestyle.越来越多的中国人开始享受一种时尚的运动型生
They are spending their spare time doing keep-fit exercises in the
once-not-so-familiar gymnasiums and stadiums around the country. 人
With the ever rising living standards, their quest is to keep themselves
fit and beautiful. 随着生活水平的不断提高,人们也要求保持健美。
The trend has created a need for more space in gymnasiums and
stadiums throughout the country.在这种趋势下,国家需要开放更多的
Statistic released by the China National Sports Commission
shows there are 615,693 arenas around the country, occupying 780
million metres.
所, 占地面积共7.8亿平方米。
It means that each person in China has 0.65 square metres of sporting
But figures from 1995 show that only 6000 stadiums were regularly
open to the public .Many of them were left unused or were occupied
for other purposes, such as furniture showrooms.而1995年 数据表明,
着,或者用于 其他用途,如用做家具展厅等。
But things have been changing since China launched its
National Fitness Programme in 1995, which encourages people
nationwide to exercise improve their physique. 但是,自从中国在
鼓励全民 锻炼身体,提高体质。
The National Sport Commission released a circular in May 1996
requiring all gymnasiums and stadiums in the country to open to the
public as soon as possible. 国家体委于1996年5月公布了一项通告,
The Commission says it wants to see more sports facilities utilized,
with more space made available for ordinary people. 希望有更多的运

A high-calibre gymnastics coach came to china from Russia to
help Chinese Gymnasts. Following is a brief account of his experience
in China.一位很有能力的俄罗斯体操教练来到中国,帮助中国体操
运动员。下面他简 单地介绍了他在中国的一些经历。

for myself in this country. In recent years, China has made tremendous
progress in its economy.由于我在中国工作,所以我能亲眼目睹这
个国家发生的一些事情。The people are well-fed and well-clothed. In
particular, I'm impressed by the great variety of foods available in the
market, most of which are cheap and home-produced. 人们吃得好,穿
得好。特 别就给我深刻印象的是,市场上食物品种丰富,大多都是
本地产的,而且价格公道。Of course, there are also problems which
remain to be solved.当然,还存在一些问题有待解决。
But China is not a country going from one extreme to the other. Rather,
she keeps to her own way tackling problems with determination. 但是
That's why I have great respect and admiration for this country and her
After coming to China, I was surprised to find the excellent
training facilities which most Russian gymnasts would envy. 我到了
中国后,非常吃惊地发现,这里 拥有非常先进的训练设备,对此大
多数的俄罗斯体操运动员都会羡慕的。As one of the four sports
powers in the world today, China has successfully learnt from the
of the former Soviet Union,while making innovations
suited to her domestics condition. 作为当今世界上四大体育强国之
一的中国 ,已经成功地学习了前苏联的经验,同时还有所创新以适
应它的国情。The Chinese Government provides all the neccessary
facilities for training and competitions, thereby enabling talented
youngsters to receive systematic training and make steady progress. 中
的青 少年接受系统的训练,使他们稳步提高。All these plus the
expertise and experience gained from their foreign counterparts, I
believe , contribute to China's tremendous success in sports.所有的这
些,加上从 国外同行那里学到的先进技术和经验,使中国体育取得
During my stay in China, I taught gymnastics in two different
provinces one after the other.我在中国期间,曾先后在两个省执教。
Working in the bright and spacious gyms with a group of diligent and
smart girls, I was always in a very merry mood. 在宽敞,明亮的体操
Moreover, I had the respect of my Chinese about the rules I made,
however strict they we re.而且,我尊敬我的中国同事,我的队员们严
格地执行我的指令,不管我定的规则有多严格,她们都 毫无怨言。
For example, when I requested that they pay attention to their diet, they
would follow my advice and would not even take an extra drop of

I was deeply impressed by such highly disciplined teams.她们高度的

4-5 Dialogue Interpreting

Situation: Practicing Chinese martial arts require a lot of
efforts. You must be able to stand as straight as a pine tree, sit as
squarely as a stone, and move as swiftly as a gust of wind. 练习中国
It doesn't sound easy, does it? But some people are just determined to
try. A few of them are foreigners. 这听上去并不容易,是吗?但是仍
One of these enthusiasts is Mr. Derrick Copp from the U.S., who is
even setting up a martial arts school in Beijing. He talked with the
reporter about his understanding of and experiences with Chinese
martial arts.来自美国的德雷克 .科普先生便是这样一位热心者。他甚

TW:How do you come up with the idea of practicing Chinese martial
Derrick: Actually, I've exercised all my life. When I was a child, I did
some ballet. I did some gymnastics. And I used to like swimming. So
when I am studying Chinese, I decided that I would need some sort of
exercise. So I thought, well, since I was in China, I might just do some
typical Chinese thing. While at the same time, learn Chinese and
Chinese culture. 其实我一直都在运动。小时候,我跳芭蕾。我练过
体操, 游泳。因此,当我在中国学习的时候,我应该学一种运动,
我想,既然我在中国,那就应该学点中国典型 的东西。同时,了解

TW: You must have encountered a lot of people who are also practicing
Chinese martial arts?您一定遇见过许多也练武术的人?
Derrick: Right. I've met people practicing martial arts at all levels. I've
met people who have, I would say, very shallow understanding of
Chinese martial arts. And also I've met people who have deep
understanding of Chinese martial arts.没错,我遇到了各 个层次的练
也遇到一些对武术 理解很深刻的人。

TW: Why would you use the world 您为什么用肤浅这个词
Derrick: I think the underlying meaning of the Chinese martial arts is
very mental. It has to do with mental state. 我认为武术的根本内涵是
A lot of people teach martial arts only as a physical movement. You do
this move. You do that move. You hit a person here, you hit a person
there. 很多人只是把武术当作身体动作来教,你做这个动作,你做
But I think the more you study Chinese martial arts, you begin to
understand that there is more of mental state. 但我想,你研究中国武
How to improve your mental state. How to make yourself happier.
How to deal with the world around you. 比如,怎样使自己更快乐,
怎样应付你周围的客观坏境。I think a lot of the internal styles are
addressing this tyle of thing. That's why I say 我

TW: You said just now that the Chinese martial arts have certain things
that can help people happier.您刚才说可以帮助人们变得更加快乐。
Derrick: A lot of internal styles are based on meditation. A lot of the
Chinese philosophies, I think, are based on meditation, like Taoism,
Buddhism, and some of the martial arts. 很多内在的东西是以默想为
基础的。很多中国的哲学体系 都基于默想,如道教,佛教,还有一
I think they are all trying to reach this goal of happiness. When martial
arts address these goals, they make the objective of these goals better
fitted for a peoson. 我想它们都是要达到快乐这一目标的。而武术使
这些目标更适合每一个人。I think just physical exercise doesn't
necessarily make you happy. When doing taijiquan, it makes me calmer,
especially in C hina.我想,单纯的体育运动不一定能带给你快乐。当
我打太极拳的时候,我感觉特别宁静,安详, 特别是在中国。

TW: Why especially in china?为什么特别在中国?
Derrick: There are so many things in China that exerts a lot of pressure
on you. And China is a developing country. So there are just some
difficulties that come along with a developing country.因为在中国有
很多事情会影响到 你。中国是一个发展中国家,存在许多发展中国

TW: Are there many Chinese martial arts clubs back in the States?
Derrick: A lot, actually. There are a lot of martial arts clubs from other
countries too, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Brazil, not as many
and it should be, but they are growing. 有很多,其实还有很多别国的
There is a large amateur following now. And they've begun a
professional competition going. So it's growing. 有大量业余爱好者在
According to statistics, one every ten Americans has studied or is
studying a martial arts. So that's a huge market. 110 of the
population.根据一些统计,每10个美国人中就 有1个已经或正在学

TW:From your point of view, why do they go to martial arts school to

Derrick: Americans have a lot of leisure time. I think that martial arts is
reaching more than a goal. They help to keep fit, healthy, and to learn
about self- defense and about another culture.美国人有很多空闲时间,
而 且我想练武术的目的也不是单一的。武术可以帮助我们保持身
材,保持健康,教会我们自卫,同时还可以 帮助我们了解另一种文

TW: Derrick, I'm sure you will keep up practicing Chinese martial arts.
Derrick: Oh, definitely, definitey. Martial arts is something you have to
keep on studying through out your entire life. It's unlimited.当然,武术

TW: Well, good luck. 那,祝您好运。
Derrick: Thank you.

Exercises for Techniques for Interpreting
China Cup National Horse Racing Open Tournament is
scheduled to be held at the Guangzhou Racecourse.中国杯速度塞马
The participating horses will be divided into two groups ~
Chinese horses and thoroughbrebs, with the former competing in the
1000m, 1300m, 1800m and 3000m races and the latter in the 1000m
and 1800m events, and all of them will first take part in the prelims
before competing in the finals. 参赛马分国产马和纯种马两个组。国
产马分别编班参加1000米,1300 米,1800米和3000米预赛,根
Rewards in cash will be given to the first three racers in each event. 各
The purpose is to use the money to improve the quality of the horses
and to introduce fine studhorses.颁发奖金的目的旨在促进各队对马
By comparision , dope tests for horses are even more
Whereas there are nearly 200 kinds of forbidden drugs for human
athletes according to the figures published by the authorities concerned,
the number is well over 300 for horses. 人的违禁药品目前有关部门
At present, only the testing centre in Britain has the equipment to test
the blood samples of horses, but such equipment is so expensive that
China cannot affort it. 而且目前只有英国的马匹检测中心才拥有这
种血检设备,其价格昂贵。Nevertheless, horses experts can tell
whether a horse has used any drug or not through a scrutiny of its eyes,
tongue and sweat. 虽然我国还不具备这套血检仪器,但有关的马匹< br>专家还是能通过察言观色,从马的眼睛,舌头,出汗情况来判断
Horse racing, whose history dates back to the ancient times, is a
traditional and popular sport among the minority nationalities in China.
观赏性和民族 性深受广大群众尤其是少数民族的喜爱。早在远古时
Modern horse racing, it is reported, was introduced into China in the
Since the founding of new China in 1949, great attention has been paid
by the departments concerned to promoting equestrian sports, and rapid
progress has been made in recent years. 新中国成立后,马术和速度
With the development of China's economy, many clubs and racecourses
have been set up in various parts of the country, thereby providing
favourable conditions for the promotion of this sport.近年来,随着经
济建设的不断发展,各地区兴建了不同规模的马场和俱乐部,为 中

At the invitation of the Chinese football Association, Adidas
organized a five-day Wiel Coerver Coaching in the coastal city of
Qinhuangdao last September-the third of its kind ever held in china.由
中国足球协会邀请,阿迪达斯公司于今年9月在 我国秦皇岛举行了
Invited by the famous Dutch coach Wiel Coerever in the 70s,
this training class has made remarkable achievements for juvenile
soccer players in many countries in promoting their technical and
tactical standards on the basis of all-out training.训练班由荷兰教练
Weil Coerver于70年代首创,强调经过全面训练, 提高整个球队的
During the past two decades or so, Adidas has given full
support to China in the development of soccer among the children,
providing them with chances for training and competiton. 近20年来,
阿迪达斯公司大力支持中国足球运动的发展,为中国青少年球员 提
In the Adidas Football Park held in paris during the 98 world cup, china
took park in the competiton and placed fifth. 1998年世界杯期间,在
巴黎举办了阿迪达斯Football Park青少年足球比赛,中国获得第
Adidas will sponsor
event to advance soccer throughout the world.明 年阿迪达斯将继续组

A. Saint-Denis: The Grand Stadium圣丹尼斯体育场
The State de France can only be described in superlatives: the
biggest multifunction Olympic-sized stadium in the world; the biggest
worksite in France; and the one that has the most media attention. 这
座法兰西体育场只能用 最字来描绘:它是世界上最大的多功能的

奥林匹克体育场,是法国最大的建筑工地,它也 得到了媒体最大的
From May 11995 when building work started, the site, due for
completion in November 1997, has never failed to astonish its visitors.
It has to be said that over and above its technical achievements, the
stadium is impressive for many other reasons!据说这座体育场之所以
Thanks to its variable capacity, its unparalleled comfort, and the
exceptional quality of its installations, the State de France can host a
wide variety of events ranging from football and rugby matches to
shows on a grand scale, as well as athletics competitions. 由于它的可
以举行从足球,橄榄球比赛到大规模 的表演等多种多样的活动,当
The ability to vary its capacity is one of the state de France's chief
The circle of mobile stands closest to the sports area, and which
contains 25000 seats, is an amazing technical achievement, for never
before has flexibility on this scale been attempted. 离比赛场地最近的
活动看台拥有25,000个座位,这是一个令人惊讶的技术 成就。因
为如此规模的活动装置是前所未有的。The stands, when set in a
configuration 15 meters back from the running tracks and jumping pits,
provides 21000 seats, giving spectators maximum visibility. 这个看台
被放置在 离跑道和跳坑15米之外的一个装置上,可以提供21,000
The middle stand has a capacity of 30000 and the upper stand 25000.
In addition, the stadium ground itself can accommodate 25000,
bringing the maximum capacity for large-scale shows to 105000.另外,
体育 场内地面上可以容纳25,000人。因此遇到大型表演时,体育

B. FIFA & World Cup国际足联和世界杯
The Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)
was set up in 1904 when the game had spread across the continent of
Europe to the point at which international organization was
组积。于是,国际足球联合 会应运而生,简称国际足联。
The first competition for the cup was organized in 1930 by
FIFA and was won by Uruguay.国际足联组积的首届世界杯比赛是在
Held every four years since that time, except during World War II, the
competition consist of international sectional tournaments, leading to a
final elimination event made up of 16 national teams. (From 1988, the
number of teams rises to 32). 从此,除了二次世界大战期间,世界杯
每四年举行一次。整 个比赛包括国际区际比赛,以及由16支球队
Unlike Olympic association football, world Cup teams are not limited
to amateur players, and so the competition serves more nearly as a
contest between the world's best players. 与奥林匹 克足球赛不同的
项赛事几乎可以 被视为世界顶尖高手间的较量。
Referees are selected from lists that are submitted by all the national

Unit 5

5-1 英
China implements a family planning policy with the aim of
promoting its social and economic development, raising the people's
living standards, improving the quality of life of its population and
safeguarding the people's rights to enjoy a better life.中国实行计划生
育政策,目的是促进 社会,经济的发展,提高人民生活水平,改善
In order to guarantee its people's minimum living conditions
and enable citizens to become better off, the only correct choice that
China can make is to strive for economic growth and adjust its
population growth to the country's social and economic development.
为了保证人们起码的生活条件, 使公民富裕起来,中国唯一正确的
In the view of China's situation, the Chinese government has
formulated a population policy of controlling the size and raising the
quality of the population and a family planning policy of late marriage
and childbirth, having fewer but healthier babies, and one child per
family. 根据 中国的实际情况,中国政府制定了控制数量,提高质
量的人口政策和晚婚晚育,少生优生,每家一个孩子 的计划生育政
Shorthanded rural families with financial difficulties may have a
second child after an interval of 3 or over 3 years.农村缺乏劳动力的
The family planning programme puts constraction first. The
government forbids any form of forced abortion, and induced abortion
is performed only as remely for contraception. 计划生育以避 孕为主。
It is universally acknowledged that China has achieved tremendous
successes in family planning.中国计划生育取得了巨大的成就,这是
When carrying out its family planning policy, the government
has always given priority to publicity and education to make people
realize that birth control, as a fundemental policy, has a direct bearing
on the country's prosperity and people's happy family life.中国在执行
计划生育政策的时候,政府始终 把宣传教育放在首位,使人们认识
福。At the same time, the government has adopted some necessary
economic and administrative measures as supplementary means.同时,


5-2 An Urgent Problem Waiting for a Solution一个亟待解决的问题
A very important world problem~in fact, I am inclined to say
it is the most important of all the great world problems which face us at
the present time~is the rapidly increasing pressure of population on
land and on land resourse.一个非常重要的全球问题~实际上,我要说< br>这是当前我们面临的全球重大问题中最重要的问题~迅速增长的人
It is not so much the actual population of the world but its rate
of increase which is important. 关键不在于现实人口之多,重要的是
It works out to be about 1.6 percent in each year's net increase. In terms
of numbers this means something like ninety million additional people
every year.据计算,每年净增长大约1.6%;用具体数字表示,就是每
年增加约 90,000,000人。
Canada has a population of twenty-seven million~rather less
than four months' climb in the world population. 加拿大有2700万人
口~不到世界人口4个月的增长数。Take Australia. There are
seventeen million people in Australia. So, it takes the world less than
three months to add to itself a population which lives in that large
country. 拿澳大利亚来说,它有人 口1700万,因此要不了3个月
Let us take our own crowded country -England and Wales: fifty-six
million people ~ just about seven months' supply.让我们看看自己这
个拥挤的国家~英格兰和威尔士有人口 5600万~只不过大约是世界
By this time tomorrow, and every day, there will be added to
the earth about 240000 extra people.明日此时,地球上要新添24万
I am not taking about birth rate. This is net increase. 我不是
在谈出生率,而是在谈净增数。To give you some idea of birth rate,
look at the second hand of your watch. Every second about five babies
are born somewhere in the world. Another baby! Another baby! You
cannot speak quickly to keep pace with the birth rate. 为了向你提供
关于出生率的概念,请看着你手表上的秒针 ,每秒钟世界上大约有
上出生 率呢。
This enormous increase of population will create immense
人口剧增会带来大问题。By AD 2000, unless something unexpected
happens, there will be as many as 6100000000 people on the surface of
this earth! 到公元2000年,如不发生意外,世界人口将多达61亿!
So this is a problem which you are going to see in your lifetime.所以这
Why is this enormous increase in population taking place?为什
么会发生人口剧增呢?It is really due to the spread of the knowledge
and the practice of what is coming to be called Death Control. 这实际
上是由于知识的普及和实行了所谓的死亡控制。You have heard of
Birth Control? Death control is something different. 你听说过节制生
育吧?死亡控制则是另一码事。Medical examinations at school
catch disease early and ensure healthier school children. Scientists are
at work eliminating deadly diseases.学校里进行的体格检查 能早期发
As we know, medical care helps to keep people alive longer. 正
We used to think seventy was a good age; now eighty, ninety, it may
be , are coming to be recognized as a normal age for human begins. 我
的正常寿命。People are living longer, and fewer children are dying, so
the population of the world is shooting up.人的寿命增高,儿童死亡率

5-3 Old-age Insurance in China中国的老年养老保险 英
At present, old-age insurance is a growing problem. 目前情况
In the past pension for government workers were provided by the state,
and the senior citizens in rural areas were supported by their families.
With the development of a market economy this mode will no longer
do. In the cities the elderly have become a heavy burden on enterprises
and the government, while in the countryside, with the implementation
of family planning, sometimes one couple has to support four parents
and one child. And this obviously would be a very heavy burden.随着
市场经济的发展,这种养老模式受到了严峻的挑战,养老费 用已经
个家庭一对夫妇要承担 三四位老人和一个孩子的赡养,负担显然过
In the countryside, providing old-age insurance for 900 million
peasants is a very complicated problem. 在农村,解决九亿农民的养
老是一个极为复杂的问题。This is attributable to China's low level of
economic development, huge population and limited national strength.
nevertheless progress has been made in this aspect.尽管如此,近年来
Old-age insurance is collected mainly from individuals,
subsidized by collective funds, and the government grants preferential
policies in support. 农村养老保险奉行的是个人保障为主,集体补
助为辅,国家予于政策扶持的原则。The money comes mainly from
the individual, although rural enterprises pay a small part, and
government at various levels is being called upon to contribute.具体来
说,资金主要以农民个人缴费为主,乡镇企业出一部分 ,农村各级
Old-age insurance in the countryside helps peasants alleviate
worries about their dotage and changes the traditional concept of
rearing children for one's old age. Its influence on social development
is also potentially far-reaching.农村社会养老保险的深入发展 ,有助

老的生 育观念,它对社会发展的影响是深远的。
Considering China's present capabilities, it is impossible for
government and society to take on the entire burden of supporting the
elderly.从中国目前的国力来考虑,没 有家庭养老的支撑,国家和社
会是很难承担如此庞大的农村老年群体的赡养任务的。 Chinese
stress family, and the tradition of supporting the elderly under one's
roof should be carried forward. 中国的家庭素来重视亲情,爱幼敬
China's old-age support system will still have to take the family as the
core unit, subsidized by social welfare, all in accordance with China's
realities and cultural traditions .总之,中国的养老体系应以家庭养老

5-4 英
Ever since Thomas Malthus published his Essay on the
Principle of Population in 1798, population has been blamed for all
other problems. 自从马尔萨斯在1798年发表他的人口理论学说 以
Worsening environmental pollution, energy shortages, soil erosion, the
destruction of forests and desertification since the 1960s have further
intensified concern about population growth, especially that of
developing countries.60年代以来 急剧恶化的环境污染,能源短缺,
As the most populous country in the world, China has often
been a focus of attention in the international community. 作为世界上
With rapid economic development and success in family planning,
China has been frequently maligned with talk of the
the spread of mistaken ideas like world will be unable to feed
Chinaand planning violates human rights.随着经济的发展
和计划生育政策所 取得的成功,中国开始频繁地遭到诸如中国威
胁论,世界将养不活中国以及计划生育违背人权等错误论调 的

5-5 英
October 12 of 1999 is the United Nations World Day of Six
Billion People. 1999年10月12日是联合国确定的世界60亿人口
This indicates that the world's population has reached six billion, a
landmark in human development that sounds an alarm.这表明世界人
口总数已经达到60亿,这是我们人类发展的一个里程 碑,也是人
Human society has experienced remarkable development and
changes in the 20th century. 20世纪人类社会经历了前所未有的进步
Along with those has come the rapid growth of population and severe
deterioration of the global environment. 同时也出现了人口剧增和严
重的环境问题。The United Nations and governments of all nations,
especially those in the developing world, have made unswerving efforts
to solve the population problem.针对这种形势,联合国以及各国政
府,特别是发展中国家为解 决人口增长过快问题做出了不懈努力。
With 1.2 billion residents, China is the world's most populous
developing country. Being confronted with the heavy population
pressure, Chinese government has made family planning a fundamental
state policy to control the population growth. 中国是人口最多的发 展
Besides this, the government has mapped out a series of documents
setting pace for the sustainable development.同时还制定了一系列重
China will continue its present family planning policy to
tackle population problems in China and create a positive population
environment for all-round development in the next century. 有12亿人
口的中国将继续以目前的计划生育政策来解决中国的人口问题 ,为
新世纪的全面发展创造一个良好的人口环境。And we hope that
exchanges between China and other nations will be further
strengthened in the fields of population and development so as to make
new contributions to stabilizing and promoting the global peace and
development.我们希望在人口与发展领域加强与国际 社会的广泛交

The population of the world is increasing at an alarming rate.世
There are now about 5700 million people on the earth. By the year
2000 there will be at least 400 million more. 现在地球上大约有57亿
人,到2000年至少要增加4亿。Where will all these millions live?
More houses, blocks of flats and skyscrapers will have to be built. Soon
no new houses will be able to have a garden. 人们将不得不修建更多
will have to build houses under the sea. Scientists are already working
on this possibility. 人们将不得不在海底建造房屋,科学家们正在研
究这种可能性。By the twenty-first century many men will probably go
to live on other planets if life is found to be possible there. 到了21世
There will probably be regular flights in spaceships from the earth to
these other planets.这样在地球和这些星球之间就可能会有宇宙飞船

5-7 Uneven Population Distribution人口分布不均
China's population is unevenly distributed, becoming denser as
one moves from west to east. 中国的人口分布不均,人口分布从西到
The coastal areas in the east are densely populated, with 360 people per
sq. km; the plateau areas in the west are sparsely populated, with fewer
than 10 people per . 东部沿海地区人口密集,每平方公里360
If a straight line is drawn between Heihe in Heilongjiang province and
Tengchong in Yunnan Province, we will find that in the area east of the

line, which makes up 42.9% of China's territory, live 94.4% of the
country's population, whereas in the area west of the line, which
constitutes 57.1% of the total area of China, inhabit only 5.6% of its
population.如果我 们画一条直线把黑龙江的黑河到云南的藤冲连接
起来,我们就会发现,这条直线的东面,占了全国面积的 42.9%,
却有94.4%的人口居住在这里; 而这条直线的西面,占了57.1%的

5-8 China Benefits Mankind中国造福人类
With its outstanding achievements in halting the population
explosion, China won high praise from United Nations experts. 中国
has had the most successful family planning policy in the
history of mankind in terms of quantity, and with that China has done
mankind a favour,United Nations population Fund representative
Burmester said.联合国人口基金代表布尔梅斯特说: 中国是人类历
On October 12, our planet received its 6 billion baby. 今年10月
But the day might have come at least three years ago if China had not
implemented its family planning policy.然而,如果中国不实行计划生
UN figures indicate that the world population has doulbed in
the past 40 years, and 1 billion were added in the' past 12 years, the
shortest amount of time ever to witness a billion births.联合国的数据
表明,在过去4年里,世界人口翻了一番; 而仅仅是过去的12年
The expanding population is imposing heavy pressure on the
environment and resources. It has also caused continuing poverty in
fast growing areas.人口的不断膨胀给环境和资源带来了沉重的压
力,同时也使人口增长迅速 的地区穷者更穷的情况持续下去。
Curbing the rapid population growth is a tough task whole
world is facing, not just one or two countries.控制人口的快速增长是
With a responsible attitude towards its people and world,
China was among the earlies to input great manpower and money in
carrying out a family planning policy. China has made a great
contribution to mankind.本着对它的人民以及对世界负责的精 神,中
为人类作出了巨大的贡 献。

Unit 6
6-1 英
China persistently sopports activities involving the peaceful use
of outer space, and maintains that international space cooperation shall
be promoted and strengthened on the basis of equality and mutual
benefit, mutual complementarity and common development. 中国一贯
支持和平利用外层空间的各种活动,主张在平等互 利,取长补短,
We insist that the aim of international space cooperation is to peacefull
develop and use space resources for the benefit of all mankind. 我们坚
The Chinese government adopts the following policies in developing
international space cooperation: persisting in the independence and
self-reliance policy, carring out active and pragmatic international
space cooperation to meet the needs of the national modernization
drive and the demands of the domestic and international markets for
space science and te chnology.中国政府在开展国际空间合作中采取
的基本政策是:坚持独立自主的方针,根据国家 现代化建设的需要,
China's participation in international space cooperation started
in the mid-1970s. 中国在空间领域的国际合作始于20世纪70年代
During the last two decades or more, China has joined bilateral,
regional, multilateral and international space cooperation in different
forms, such as commercial launching service, which have yielded
extensive achievements.
20多年来,中国开展了双边合作,区域 合作,多边合作以及商业
Ever since the Chinese government made the declaration in
1985 that China's Marchlaunching vehicles would serve the
international market and provide intetnational satellite launching
service, up to October 2000, China had successfully launched 27
foreign-made satellites for user in Pakistan, Australia, Sweden, the
United States, the Philippines, as well as domestic users. 自1985年中
服务业务以来,至2000年10月, 先后为巴基斯坦,澳大利亚,瑞
外制造的卫星。The service of
intetnational satellite launching market is a beneficial supplement to
international commercial satellite launching services, and it has
provided foreign clients with new options.长征系列运载火箭进入
国际卫星发射服务市场,是对国际商业卫星 发射服务的有益补充,

6-2 英
According to an agreement signed in Beijing, the Great Wall
Industry Corporation(CGWIC) will take satelcom, a
telecommunications satellite owned by the Italian Alenia Aerospazio
Company, into space aboard a Long March 3A rocket. It will be
launched in the first half of 2001.中国长城工业总公司与意大利阿莱
尼亚宇航公司在北京签订了用长征三号甲运载火箭发 射讯达恒通
Weighing 2.6 tons, the Satelcom is a geo- stationary
telecommunications satellite with 28 KU-band transponders on board.
讯达恒卫星是地球同步轨道通 讯卫星,总量约2.6吨,共有28个

The lauch will be the fourth for the three-stage Long March 3A,
following three successful launches since its maiden flight in 1994. 长
征三号甲运载火箭是我国自 行研制的三级运载火箭。自从1994年
The contract was the first time Great Wall provided launch services for
an international client using the Long March 3A.这是长城工业总公司

6-3 英
In January 1979, the China Aviation Technology Import and
Export Corporation was founded with the approval of the State Council.
Since then, China has had a window to show its srength in aviation
industry development to the world. 1979年1月,伴随着中国改革开
放的步伐,中国航空技术进出口公司经国务 院批准正式成立。中国
Simultaneously, China's aviation industry has expanded its business to
technology introduction, engine export, production subcontracting,
sales services for aviation components and the export of non-aviation
electrical and machinery products, achieving good economic return.与
此同时,中国航空工业还通过中航技术公司开展技术引 进,发动机
项贸易往来,并取 得了突出成就。
In the mid-1970s, China sold its first batch of
So far, several hundreds planes have been put into service in 20
counties and regions. 到目前为止,已有数百架飞机在20多个国家
The fihgter planes made in China have become a main army force to
safeguard territorial air space of the countries importing them.以歼击
China's civil transport planes have also reputation in the
countries importing them for their reliable performance, multiple
purposes and low price. 中国运系列民用飞机一直以性能可靠,用
They also play a positive role in the development of agriculture,
forestry, fishery, transport, post and telecommunications, disaster relief
and emergency needs. 也在农业,林业,渔业,运输业,邮政业以
Some of the planes have become special ones to serve the presidents of
other countries. 有的还成为国家首脑的专用飞机。
Since 1989, the Corporation has signed contracts to export 93
million and taking a share of the international market.从1989年起,中
航技术工公司与亚洲,非洲,南美洲 ,大洋洲等地区国家签署了
市 场占了一席之地。

6-4 英
The China Aviation Technology Import and Export Shenzhen
Company is a window of China National Aviation Industry Corporation
in Shenzhen, and a branch of the China Aviation Technology Import
and Export Corporation. 中国航空技术进出口公司深圳分公司是中
国航空总公司设在 深圳经济特区的窗口,是中国航空技术技术进出
Since its founding in 1980, the company has gradually grown into a
comprehensive enterprise group integrating high technology industry,
commerce and trade, real estate, tourism, finance and securities,
supported by the talents and technical force of the aviation industry and
taking advantage of the geography and policy of the specail zone. 自
从1980年成立以来,该公司依托航空工业的人才和 技术实力,发
房地产,旅游 服务和金融证券等多元化于一体的综合性企业集团。
By the end of 1996, the company had 106 enterprises including three
listed companies of Fiyta, Nanguang and Tianma, with a staff of 10000.
至1996年底,拥有包括飞亚达 ,南光,天马3家股票上市公司在
In 1994, the company was among the 100 top enterprise of Guangdong
Province in import and export and has become one of the 18 key
enterprises in Sh enzhen.1994年,该公司进入广东省进出口百强企业
之列,并成为深圳市18家重点扶持企业 之一。
Taking advantage of aviation technology to produce civil
products, the company is energetically developing high-tech, high
value-added, high exchange earning export-oriented enterprises,
forming electronics, clock and watch , computer, telecommunications,
machinery, building materials and plastics industries, with most of its
products exported.中航技术进出口公司深圳分公司充分利用航空尖
创汇的外向型企业,形成电子,钟表 ,电脑与通信,机械,建材和
The company has established close ties with foreign countries
via the overseas institutions of the China National Aviation Industry
Corporation and China Aviation Technology Corporation, forming an
autonomous foreign trade network, operating advanced production
technology and equipment, purchasing materials, exporting civil
products, contracting processing business and undertaking boned
warehousing and transshipping business.
该公司通过中国航空工业总公司,中国航空技术进 出口总公司设在
民用产品,承 接三来加工业务,并开展保税仓储以及转运业务。
The region above earth is, in a way, becoming a dump.
Scientists estimate that 10,000 to 15,000 large pieces of junk are
orbiting our planet.
目前大约有1万~1.5万块 垃圾正在围绕着地球旋转。
The space junk includes burned- out rocket engines, old fuel tanks,
satellite that have stopped working, and parts of exploded rockets. 这

Most pieces hurtle along at about 6 miles a second (9.5 kms).大多数
Space trash has already fallen to earth. Most of it has landed in
the oceans or on open land, away from the cities. 太空垃圾已有不少
Scientists are working on various ways to clean up the litter while it is
still orbiting in space. 科学家正在探索各种途径以清除朋在太空中
One suggestion: a satellite that would function as a trash A
space shuttle would carry it into orbit. 其中一项建议是发射一颗能充
There, the satellite would track trash and collect it with robot arms. The
shuttle would then bring the satellite~and its trash ~ back to e arth.在那
可以将卫星连 同垃圾一并带回地球
Where space trash might land is only one problem. 太空垃圾
Scientists worry more about a greater danger: collisions in orbit
between spacecraft and trash. 科学家更为担心的是一个更大的危险:
Cleaning up space trash would make space travel safer for
satellites-and for astronauts.清楚太空垃圾能使得人造卫星和宇航员

On July 20, 1969, two American astronauts planted the first
human footsteps on the moon. 1969年7月20日,两名美国宇航员第
The man who took the first step was Neil A. Armstrong, the
38-year-old civilian commander of the Apollo 11. 第一个踏上月球的
As he reached the bottom of the landing craft's ladder and extended his
booted left foot to touch the moon's powdery surface, he said:
one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.当 他走到登月艇
他说:这是一个 人的一小步,却是人类跨出的一大步。
He was followed down the ladder minutes later by Edwin B.
Aldrin, Jr., a 39-year-old Air Force colonel. 几分钟后,跟着他走下梯
For 2 hours and 21 minutes, the two men wandered about on the barren,
rock-strewn moon surface. 他们在寸草不生,乱石嶙嶙的月面漫步了
2小时21分钟。They tested their ability to move about on this strange
world. They took photographs of the landscapes. They set up scientific
experiments and collected rock and soil samples. 他们在这个陌生的
星球上测验他们的的行走能力。他们拍摄照片 ,进行科学试验,收
They set up a television camera so the whole world could watch.他们
All the while, the third member of the crew, Michael Collins, 38, an Air
Force lieutenant colonel, piloted the Command ship in lunar orbit 70
miles above the surface, waiting for the two explorers to rejoin him for
the trip back to earth. 第三名成员麦克尔·柯林斯,一位38岁的空
军中校,始终驾驶着指挥船在月面上空70 英里处的月球轨道上运
Altogether, the visit to the moon lasted 21 hours and 37 minutes. 这次
Through television and radio, hundreds of millions of of people
followed the activities aboard Columbia, the Command Ship, and
Eagle, the landing craft.通过电视和广播,几亿人追踪着哥伦比亚
Though the mission was completed almost without flaw, it was
filled with suspense and anxiety. 这次任务虽然圆满完成,却令人充
The astronauts faced risks on the moon never before met by man.宇航
And, as with all space flights, chances of failure and disaster were ever
present. 而且,像所有太空飞行一样,失败和灾难的可能性是永远
An error or failure of the millions or individual parts anywhere along
the way could have ended the mission short of goal.在数百万零部件
An equipment failure or accident on the way could have left the
astronauts stranded.在月球如果有一种设备失灵或出事,就会使宇航
But they made it. After eight days in space, they splashed
down in the Pacific to a presidential greeting aboard the recovery
carrier, the U.S.A hornet. 但是他们完成了任务。经过8天太空飞行
之后,他们降落在太平洋上,在 担任打捞任务的美国航空母舰大
They were the heroes of the nation and the world. It was a journey that
look man beyond the earth to walk on another world.他们成了美国和
全世界的英雄人物。这是一次将人类带到地球以外 的另一个星球上

Passage B
China's International Commercial Satellite Launching
service greas up to international pratice
Reporter(Q): More than 10 years have elapsed since the Chinese
Government authorized the Great Wall Corporation to exclusively run
the business of international business satellite launching. Your
corporation has won prestige in the international community of
astronautics, insurance and satellite communications.
Zhang Xinxia(A): In October 1985, the Chinese Government
announced that its Long March serial carrier rockets had entered the
international business launching service market. Over the past decade
or so, we have established business relationships with corporations,
international satellite organizations, and insurance companies in dozens
of countries and regions. We have held business talks with more than
100 satellite clients and potential clients, resulting in the conclusion of

26 business contracts and many long-term cooperative agreements. So
far, we have successfully launched 8 rockets and have succeeded in 5
carrier launches. China's business satellite launching service(BSLS),
developing from its first entry into the market to winning a certain
share of the market, and from a few models of carrier rockets at the
initial stage to being capable of producing new models of various
specifications of powerful thrust and multifunctional carrier rockets at
present, has made important contributions to China's astronomical
science and technology industry.
Q: Presently, how about the rocket carriage capacity for satellite
A: To meet the demands for launching on the intetnational
market, we have studied and produced new models of carrier rockets
with powerful thrust for various demands. On the basis of the LM-2C
and LM-3 rockets, we have step by step built up a series of carrier
rockets for commercial satellite launching, including the models
LM-2C, LM-2, ICSD, LM-2D, LM-2E, LM-3, LM-3B, and LM-4,
promoting the carrier capabilities for satellites to be launched into a
synchronous orbit with the moving earth from 1.4 tons to 5 tons, and
the perigee orbit carrier capability from 2.5 tons to 9.5 tons. Meanwhile,
the EPKM solid-propellant engine used for perigee synchronous orbit
launching and the satellite distributor for iridium satellite launching
have also successfully been developed. China's astronomical industry
can now launch satellites for different uses into perigee orbit, orbit
running in synchronism with the sun and orbit running in synchronism
with the movement of the earth.
Q: Following the two failures in satellite launching, what remedial
measures have you taken?
A: On February 15, 1996, a LM-3B rocket with powerful thrust
was first launched carrying a 708 satellite, but crashed to the ground 22
seconds after it was launched as a result of the malfunction of its
intertial calibration in the control system. On August 18, 1996, a LM-3
rocket carrying Chinese satellite No.7 was launched, but it failed to
enter its planned orbit because of the second engine closing time for the
third stage engine of the rocket signaled 48 seconds in advance of the
scheduled time. These two failurescreated uncertainty among the
customers and the insurance circles in the Long March series rockets.
As a result, three contracts were canceled and two others were
suspended. And another two would-be projects in the making proved
abortive and the corporation found itself in a very difficult situation,
unable to reassure its clients and continue to develop its market in the
In this severe situation, the corporation mobilized all the personnel
in the system to find the causes of the failures. It strengthened its rigid
control and took forceful measures to promote its general product
quality. The general corporation immediately drew up five concrete
measures, including the
Control Over Model Qualitythe Concerning the
Strengthening of Astronautic Scientific Research and Control Over
published the Regulation On the Approval of Astronautic
Model Products
principles of a more serious, more prudent, and more
conscientious attitude in workThe China Carrier Rocket Research
Institute conducted a harmless detection on a large amount of
refractory parts of the carrier ing to the new standards
set by the state, several hundreds of welded seaming points were
detected through X-ray or industrial CT examinations. When rockets
were equipped with the qualified and flawless pans, they were again
put into testing and experiment. And a quality re-examination and
testing were also conducted on several hundred non-metallic parts in
storage. The passing standards for various stages were revised with
stricter rules on the control points of delivery, and were moved from
place to place, filling propellant fuel, and ignition, guaranteeing the
launch and flight of any rockets without any potential causes of
accident. After many endeavors, the quality of rockets was upgraded.
As the general contractor for international satellite launching, the Great
Wall Corporation notified its clients and insurance circles about the
whole process of the failure of the launches and the causes and reported
the analysis of the causes and the measures taken. It invited
international astronomical specialists to join in the investigation into
the accidents. After the examination of the accidents was conducted,
specialists were organized to visit clients and insurance circles abroad
and expounded to them all the details of the accident. It also invited the
officials of the insurance community to inspect the ground tests and test
flights of our improved rockets. All these endeavors have been
rewarded with the understanding from clients and insurance circles.
Only by so doing, have they learned of the improvements in rocket
quality and seen their confidence in the product increase. And
consequently a new satellite-launching contract was implemented and
the launch proved a success.
On August 20, 1997, the successful launch of a philippines'
satellite justified the general design of the LM-3B, demonstrating a
satisfactory result achieved in improving quality. On September 1, the
LM-ZCSD rocket to be used for the launch of an iridium satellite,
successfully made its first test flight. On October 17, the Asia-pacific
No.2 R satellite was once again launched by the LM-3B successfully,
and with a very high degree of precision. These three successful
launches, in addition to the earlier successful launches in the same year
of the East-Is-Red No.3 and the wind-and- Clouds No.2 satellites,
meant that the corporation's situation was beginning to turn for the
better, and it recovered its reputation among its clients and insurance
circles. Following the successful launches made by the LM-3B, a series
of launching service activities have been carried out.
Q: In face of the fierce competition in international commercial
satellite launching, what do you plan to do?
A: Astronomic technology is the symbol of the comprehensive
strength of a country, representing, in a sense, the political status,
economic strength and technological progress of the country and nation.
Today, the competition in commercial launching is so acute that the old

rocket suppliers are trying their best to consolidate and develop their
market. In recent years, the Russian model
and Janpanese H2 rockets have joined the competitors. In
particular, rocket suppliers now have organized themselves into
conglomerations, and transnational groups, further adding fuel to the
flames of competition. Facing the challenge, we must promote the
reliability of our payload rockets, and create a satisfactory flight record
on the basis of steady progress on the one hand, and on the other, we
have to create the world's first rate level of service so as to develop our
market by providing good service. At present, we have to promote the
coordinate capabilities in the launching service and shorten the cycling
period of time in production and launch, and create a good business
image for our corporation in the minds of clients and insurance circles.
To promote the level of service and to meet the needs of the world
market, we have taken some measures, as follows:
1. Promoting the reliability of rockets. Quality is the foundation of
reputation and the lifeline of international commercial satellite
launching. The successful launches of the retrievable satellite in
October 1996, the East-Is-Red No.3, the Wind-and-Clouds No.2, the
Philippines' and the Asia-Pacific No.2 R satellite and the test flight of
the iridium satellite in 1997, have proved that the measures taken to
promote quality are correct. Should we persist in the improvement, we
can promote the quality of our product and the level of service
ing coordinate capabilities in launching services. Shorten
the cycling period of time in production and launch. Improve the
facilities for launching.
ng a reliable image in the minds of clients and insurance
circles. Whatever may happen in launches in the future, success or
failure, the process and result should be promptly and accurately
relayed to them.
ing measures for security control and salvage. And
promote handling capabilities in urgent situation.
ing the quality of personnel and the level of management
so as to further promote our service to gear up with the practice on the
world market. Promoting personal business, technological and
managerial levels, and creating conditions for clients and insurance
circles and satellite producers to have a good understanding of China.
And improving gradually the living conditions for launching service.
6. In the development of the world market, we should positively
cooperate with the powerful corporations in the world in various forms.
Q: What share has China obtained of the international launching
market? And now can it develop itself in the domain of astronomic
trade in the future?
A: From our first business satellite launch in 1990 to July of 1996,
we held about 7 to 9 percent of the total shares of the market. In 1997,
we have carried out the planned launch of the Philippine's and the
Asia-Pacific No.2 R satellite. As planned, the iridium satellite will also
be launched this year. The iridium satellite system is a perigee orbiting
communications system in synchronism with the moving earth,
consisting of 66 satellites. China has entered constracts for 11 launches
of 22 of these satellites.
The launch plan for 1998 also includes the Chinese satellite No.8,
Xin Nuo No.1 and the scientific experimental satellite carrying a load
from China and Brazil, all to be launched by LM-3B rockets.
According to the long-term agreement signed between the
corporation and the American Hughes Co., the world's largest
commercial satellite supplier, in June 1997, in the period from the
second half of 1998 to 2006, a total of 10 satellite made by Long
March rockets. Five of them will be positioned and the other five
selective. The Great Wall Corporation has also conducted a
memorandum with the American Lora Co. for a number of launching
services, and the latter has promised to purphase two rockets from the
Great Wall Corporation.
The successful launches by the LM-3B rocket in 1997 have
created favourable conditions for china to acquire more contracts for
launching satellites orbiting in synchronism with the moving earth.
China's perigee orbiting commercial satellite system will enter the
practical use stage. The development of the moving and wide-band
alternative communications system has shown the broad visa for the
average and low altitute orbit satellite market. We must make more
efforts to develop this market. Moreover, we will also intensify
outer-space technology coorperation with our counterparts in the world
to promote the country's export of satellites and parts and components.
Q: May I take the liberty to ask you another question? Have you
financial allowances been granted by the government for your
commercial satellite launching service?
A: No. Not any. Our launching service is completely governed by
the market economy.

Unit 7
7-1 Redefining types of ownership in the country's economy 英
The new regulations concerned aim at accurately reflecting
structure of ownership and SOE's control of sh ares.为准确反映和研究
In general the bifurcation of economy includes public &
non-public, the former is again divided into state ownership and
collective ownership while the latter into private enterprises,
enterprises owned by Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan businessmen,
and enterprises owned by foreign businessmen.经济成分将被划分为
经济和集体经济两种成分类型 ; 第二大类为非公有经济,其中包括
The calculation method is based on the paid- in(i.e. paid up) capital.
In the paid-in capital there are five kinds: state capital, collective
capital, individual capital (calculated as private capital), HK, Macao
and Taiwan capital, and foreign capital. 确定企业经济成分时的推算
方法: 根据企业实收资本中的国家资本,集体资本,个人资本,港

国有经济成分,集体资 本作为集体资本成分,个人资本作为私有经
济资本,港澳台资本作为港澳台经济成分,外商资本作为外商 经济
However joint share concerns(enterprises) are calculted as collective
sector of the economy. Determination of the type of economy is based
on the ratio among the 5 kinds of paid-in capital.在企业登记注册类型
中填报为股份 合作企业的,不论其资本构成如何,全部列入集体经
In terms of registration, the following types of enterprises are
1. Internal which includes SOE, collective enterprises, joint stock
enterprises, jointly run enterprises, limited liability company, joint
stock company limited, privately run enterprises, and other enterprises.
一是内资企业。其具体注 册类型分为:国有企业,集体企业,股份
合作企业,联营企业,有限责任公司,股份有限公司,私营企业 和
2. HK, Macao and Taiwan which includes equity joint venture, joint
run, sole proprietorship and joint stock company limited.二是港澳台
商投资企业。其具体注册类型包括: 合资经营企业(港澳台资),合作经营企业(港澳台资),港澳台商独资经营企业和港澳台商投资
3. Foreign which includes Sino-foreign joint investment, joint run,
foreign enterprises and company limited liabilities.三是外商投资企
业。其具体注册类型包括: 中外合资经营企业,中外合作经营企业,
The old regulations will be abolished as soon as the new ones
take effect.自该规定颁布实施之日起,原有的规定同时废止。

7-2 Economic Development in Guangdong Province英
In 1978, the Party Central Committee began to prepare for the
establishment of Special Economic Zones in Shenzhen, Zhuhai,
Shaotou and Xiamen. 1978年,党中央开始酝酿在全国建设深圳,珠
海,汕头,厦门四个经济特区;In the next year the Special Economic
Zones were formally established, serving as the showcase of China's
reform and opening up and the bridge leading to modernization. 1979
桥梁。Later on the whole Guangdong province became the experiment
base of the country. 进而广东省成为全国试验基地。
Guangdong lived up to expectations and in the early 80's, it launched
price reform and opening up into the era of market economy.广东不负
In 1987, Shenzhen initiated an open auction of land; in the early 90's,
shunde reformed its property right system and Shenzhen Stock
Exchange was set up and put into operation, all of which milestoned
the establishment of market economy in Guangdong. 1978年,深圳第
一次向社会拍卖土 地,90年代初顺德的产权改革以及深圳证券交
易所成立与运行,成为广东市场经济体制建立的里程碑。 The slogan
new edges for higher scorepropels Guangdong forward
from a new starting line.跨世纪的增创新优势,更上一层楼,使广

Twenty Years of Glory 辉煌的20年
During the 20 years of reform and opening up, Guangdong has
been the first to deregulate price system, pass down power and concede
profits to enterprises, transform enterprise mechanism and link itself to
international practices. While exploring on how to build the new
socialist market economy, Guangdong has built itself into an economic
power in the country:20年来,广东率先闯过了放开物价 ,放权让利,
市场经济新体制 之路,并一跃为经济强省之一。
1. Total Economic Volume ranks the first in the country. Both its
GDP and industrial and commercial taxes took up 10% of that of the
whole country. Total import and export volume has been No.1 for 12
years on end, with export volume occupying a quarter of the country's
total. Also, foreign exchange income generated from tourism accounts
for 25% of the country's total.经济总量居全国首位。GDP,工商税均占
全国十分之一;进出口总 额全国十二连冠,其中出口占全国四分之
一; 旅游创汇占全国25%左右。
2. Total retail sales of consumer goods has been No.1 for 15
consecutive years, leading the country in telecommunication,
transportation, bank savings of inhabitants and per capita national
民存款,人均国民收入等均 领先于全国各省区。
3. The number of enterprises and high-tech output value rank first
in the country. High-tech industry, electronic appliances, textiles and
fashion, and food industry have formed industrial clusters, playing a
leading role in China. Remarkable achievements has also been made in
the introduction of foreign investment, enterprise patents, etc.企业数
量,高新技术产品产值全国第一,高科技,电子电器,纺织服装,< br>食品形成产业族群并领先全国。在引进外资,企业申请专利方面更
4. Registered trademarks account for 10% of the total of the
country, occpying the first place in China.其注册商标占全国商标总

Foundation for Market Economy市场经济体制得基石
In 1978, Guangdong became the first to abolish the system of
unified procuremment and sales of agricultural produce.1978年广州率
In 1983, over 80% of the materials and goods in Foshan were put under
market regulation and up to 1997, 95% of the material and goods in the
whole province were market-regulated.1983年佛山物资 市场调节占
Reform such as replacement of fund allocation by credit loans, of profit
submission by tax payment is carried out the most thoroughly in

Advances haves also been made in attracting talents, popularizing
nine-year compulsive education, press and publication, thus laying the
foundation for the establishment of a socialist market economic
framework.在人才引进,普及九年 义务教育,新闻出版等全方位迈

A New Investment Mechanism新投资体制的建立
The new investment mechanism in Guangdong starts with the
reform of infrastructure construction. 广东新的投资制度主要从基础
In the early 80's, Guangdong introduced market mechanism into
infrastructure construction and gradually came up with the policy of
东人把市场机制引入基 础设施建设,逐步形成了谁投资,谁受益,
This policy has put an end to capital starvation in energy sector and
transportation, resulting in rapid progress in power industry, highways,
railways and air transportation. 这政策迅速摆脱了能源,交通捉襟见
A new investment mechanism has come into being, with multipe
sources of investment from the central Government, local authorities,
social resources and foreign investors. 形成了国家,地方,社会,外
Such an investment mechanism helps to foster a new system of
allocating resources by market forces and it quickly spreads to all over
the country.推动了资源按市场组积的体制形成,随即这一模式遍及

A New Concept of Distribution新的分配观的确立
By 1987, most of the counties and municipalities in the Pearl
River Delta, Foshan being the first, had established the new distribution
practice of 年,珠江三角洲大多
With approval from the local authorities, entrepreneurs were rewarded
with high annual salaries, apartments and cars according to their
When it entered the 90's Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Guangzhou began to
give substantial awards to intellectuals and technological brains,
marking the institution of the values that knowledge is fortunes.进入90
年代,深圳,珠海,广州等地重奖知识分子和 科技人员,标志着知

Building Modern Enterprise System现代企业制度的建设
Enterprise reform in Guangdong has led to the gradual
establishment of the modern enterprise system requiring that
rights should be accurately defined, power and obligations clearly
established, enterprise operations independent from administration, and
management scientific
责明确,政企分开,管理科学的 新体制
A number of international enterprises in Guangdong occupy prominent
positions in the national economy, including Kelon Group, TCL,
Jianlibao,Guangdong Honda, etc. 一批国际性企业成为民族经济的
These enterprises are internationally oriented from management to
marketing, thus a great help to upgrade the industial structure in
Guangdong Province. 这些企业从管理到营销都向国际化迈进,从而
Statistics show that some 300 enterprises of international fame have
entered into co- operation with enterprises in Guangdong and over 500
Guangdong enterprises have set up branches overseas..据统计,已有
300多家国际知名企业与广东企业界合作,广东的企业亦有500 多
家在境外开设了分支机构。1998, products of famous brands of
Guangdong occupy one quarter of China's total. 1998年,广东的名牌
An all- round framework of opening up has been established
nation wide. Confronted with such pressing situation, Guangdong has
to go all out to make progress or it will be lagging behind. 全国已形
Massive efforts will be made on economic reform and the
transformation of the mode of economic growth. In order to lay a solid
foundation for the basic realization of modernization at the beginning
of the 21st century, Guangdong will place priority on the following 3
strategies: achieving growth with the export-oriented sector as engine,
invigorating Guangdong through science, technology and education,
and developing sustainably.广东将大力推进经济体制和经济增长方
式的两个根本 转变,突出抓好外向带动,科教兴粤和可持续发
展三大发展战略,为力争在下个世纪初基本实现现代化奠 定坚实

7-3 China's progress, policies remarkable
It has been widely acknowledged that the outstanding economic
growth China has achieved in the past two decades is among the
world's most significant changes.中国在过去20年里突出的经济发展
可谓是世界上最显著的变化,这一点已得到了广泛 的承认。
Annual growth rate averaged 9.8 per cent from 1978 to 1997, the
highest in the world.从1978年到1997年,中国经济的年均增长率达
If the 6.1 percent average growth rate from 1952 to 1978 is taken
into account when evaluating China's economic progress, the result is
even more impressive.如果评估时将1952年到1978年6.1%的 年均
In contrast to the high economic growth rate, China's population
has been growing slowly.与高经济增长率相反的是,中国的人口增长
This had resulted in part from China's successful implementation
of population control programmes consistent with China's limited
resources and level of development.这是因为中国成功地实行 了与其

Under this programme, China's population structure had witnessed
a big change. The percentage of the urban population surged to 30
percent in 1997 from 18 percent 1978.由于实行了计划生育,中国的
人口结构发生了巨大的变化 。城市人口有1978年的18%增长到
After many years of strenuous efforts by the government, China's
economic structure is moving towards a more rational one.经过政府多
Secondary and tertiary industries gain momentum while the
primary sector grows comparatively slowly.第二和第三产业获得良好
Other remarkable achievements have taken place in the agriculture
The household contract responsibility system, the application of
advanced technologies and intensive farming have been part of the
agricultural face- lift.农业改革包括实行家庭承包责任制,采用先进
In 1997, China was ranked among the world's largest producers of
grain, meat and cotton. As a result, far fewer families are gripped by a
lack of food.
Although threatened several times by inflationary dangers,
government measures have been effective at avoiding long-term
The exchange rate of RMB to US dollar has remained stable from
1994 to 1998.从1994年到1998年,人民币对美元的汇率保持稳定。
By the end of 1997, China's foreign exchange reserves had
jumped to US $$ 139.9 billion, only slightly lower than Japan's. This
figure does not take into condideration Hong Kong's foreign exchange reserve.到1997年底,中国的外汇储备增加到1,399亿美元,仅略
低于日本的外汇 储备。而该数字还没包括香港的外汇储备。
Over the last two decades, China has attached importance to
attracting foreign investment.在过去的20年,中国十分重视吸引外
In fact without the inflow of foreign capital, China's economic
mirable would have been difficult to create.实际上,没有外国资本的
According to figures released by the States Statistics Bureau,
about US $$ 348.35 billion in foreign capital has poured into China over
the past 20 years.根据国家统计局发布的数字,过去20年里有3483.5
The foreign capital has eased China's capital shortage, a factor that
had severely stagnated China's economy and blunted the competitive
edge of China's enterprises.外资的投入缓解了中国的资金短缺问题,
Foreign capital has accelerated China's economic reform and has
had a positive effect on China's capital market, level of technology and
labour market.外资的投入加速了中国的经济改革,对中国的资金市
场,技术水 平和劳动力市场都有着积极的影响。
Foreign investment has also become an engine of China's foreign
In 1997, circulating capital realized by joint ventures was valued
at US $$ 156.62 billion, accounting for 47.3 per cent of China's
circulating foreign trade capital.1997年,合资企业实现流动资金达
1566.2亿美元,占中国外贸流动资金的4 7.3%。
Also, establishing special economic zones in coastal areas has
played a crucial role in propelling China's economic wheel forward.同
For example, the Shenzhen special economic zone in Guangdong
province alone attracted investment from 62 foreign countries by the
end of 1997.例如,到1997年底,仅广东省的深圳特区就吸引了来
Although China has not been directly hit by the Asian financial
crisis, it has felt the chilly wind of the global economic downturn.中国
Foreign trade is the first sector which fell victim to the wave of
currency depreciation that swamped the Asian nations.货币贬值席卷
To counteract the impact of the Asian financial storm, China has
made great efforts to carve out new markets. The increase of exports to
these underutilized markets~Europe, Latin American and
Africa~compensated for losses caused by the financial turbulence.为抵
抗亚洲金融风暴的影 响,中国作了很大的努力,开拓新的市场。对
过去输出不足的地区~欧洲,拉美和非洲~的出口增加,弥 补了金融
The crisis has highlighted unfair competition problems and
exposed the defects in China's economic system such as redundant
production and debts that go unpaid by State-owned enterprises.金融危
机凸现了不公平竞争的种种问题,暴 露了中国经济体制的缺陷,例
Under these circumstances, the government made a meticulous
analysis of the internal and external economic and trade environments
and formulated a response.在此情况下,中国政府对国内外经贸环境
To maintain a high rate of economic growth, the government
concentrated on optimizing its economic structure in exports,
investment and domestic demand and implemented a proactive fiscal
面优化经济结构,实 行积极的财政政策。
To cheer up sagging exports, China'a banks granted more
preferential loan policies to export-oriented firms.为刺激出口,中国各

Froming the beginning of 1998, export- oriented enterprises have
been authorized to keep 15 percent of their foreign exchange profits.从
This has greatly extended the latitude of those enterprises and
made them more flexible when foreign trade conditions deteriorate.这
一措施大大扩展了 企业的活动余地,使得它们在外贸环境恶化时更
Focusing on sluggish domestic demand, the Chinese government
has taken drastic measures to kick-start the rural market, another action
that is likely to stimulate the national economy and minimize income
differences between urban and rural residents. 在刺激内需方面,政府
展,缩小 城乡居民间收入差距。
Despite the fact that China was afflicated with the heavy losses
triggered by last year's summer floods, it managed to offer help to other
crisis-torn countries and won worldwide acclaim.去年夏天的洪灾使
中国遭受了沉重的损失,尽管如此,它仍然主 动帮助遭遇金融危机
Pressed by currency depreciation among its neighbourd, China
managed to stabilize its currency at the risk of export meltdown.面临
周边邻国货币贬值的压力,中国冒着出口崩溃的危险,保 持住其货
China's commitment and actions have been signnificant for
preventing a worsening of the region's economy.中国的决心与行动,

Part V
4. General outlook of China's national economy英
Moderate high growth was achieved in the national economy.
Preliminary statistics indicated that the gross domestic product (GDP)
of the year was RMB 7,477.2 billion, up by 8.8 percent over the
previous year.
Of this total, the added-value of the primary industry was RMB 1,367.4
million, up by 3.5 percent, and its share in GDP dropped by 1.9
percentage points; 其中,第一产业增加值13674亿元。增长3.5%,
比重下降1.9个百分点; the added-value of the secondary industry was
RMB 3,577 billion, up by 10.8 percent, and its share rose by 0.2
percentage points; 第二产业增值35770亿元,增长10.8%,比重上
and the added-value of the tertiary industry was RMB 2,432.8 billion,
up by 8.2 percent, with its share growing by 1.7 percentage points.第三
The momentum of the increase of market prices was curbed and
price movement was characterized by low increase and minor
The retail prices of commodities for the year rose by 0.8 percent over
1996 the consumer prices of households went up by 2.8 percent, with
their growth rate dropped by 5.3 percentage points and 5.5 percentage
points respectively. 全年商品零售价格比1996年 上涨0.8%,居民消
This attributed mainly to rational macroeconomic policies and to the
consecutive harvest in agriculture. 这主要得益于正确的宏观调控和
农业连续丰收;A buyer-oriented market has taken shape. The
strengthened role of market mechanism has played a positive role to
some extent in curbing the price increase.买方市场形成,市场机制作
Work on employment was strengthened. By the end of 1997, the
total of employed people in China numbered 696 million, or 7.5
million more than that at the end of 1996. 劳动就业工作有所增强。
Of this total, 147.6 million were staff and workers in urban areas, a
decrease of 850,000 persons over that at the end of 1996; 26.69 million
people were employed in private enterprises or self-employed in urban
areas, an increase of 3.4 million. 其中城镇职工14760万人,比上年
末 减少85万人;城镇私营个体就业人员2669万人,增加340万人。
Progress was made in the implementation of reemployment project,
and 4.8 million laid-off workers found new jobs through various
measures. 实施再就业工程取得进展,480万下岗职工通过多种途径

By the end of 1997, the urban unemployment rate through
unemployment registration was 3.1 percent, or 0.1 percentage points
higher than that at the end of 1996.1997年年末全国城镇登记失业率
However problems existed in the course of economic and social
development. 国民经济和社会发展中也存在不少问题。
They include: with a still irrational industrial structure and weak
agriculture sector, the overall quality and efficiency of the national
economy remained low;主要是,国民经济整体素质和效益不高,产
业结构仍不合理,农业基础仍然薄弱;some of State-owned
enterprises had difficulties in their production and management, as was
reflected by the still poor economic efficiency of such enterprises; 部
the number of laid-off workers rose and the pressure of reemployment
the financial supervision was not perfect; the banking order, in some
aspects was distorted; and the life of some low-income families were
difficul t.金融监管体系不够健全,金融秩序在某些方面比较混乱;一

Unit 8
8-1 英
A large number of foreign investors have been attracted to
Shenzhen by the favorable investment environment there. 深圳优越的
Up to the end of December 1998, businessmen from 65 countries and

regions have come and invested in Shenzhen. 到1998年12月底,已
A total of 22,050 foreign-invested projects have been approved, agreed
amount of foreign capital reaching US $$ 27.608 billion and paid-in
foreign capital US $$ 17,292 billion. 累计批准外商投资项 目22050
Among the 22,050 projects, 16,564 projects are with direct foreign
investment, resulting in agreed amount of foreign capital US $$ 25,220
billion and paid-in foreign capital US $$ 12.037 billion.其中外商直接
投资项目16564个,合同利用外资252.20亿美 元,实际利用外资
There are 696 projects involving direct foreign investment each
exceeding US $$ 10 million, 102 projects each exceeding US $$ 30
million and 18 projects each exceeding US $$ 100 million.外商直接投
资项目中,投资总额在1000 万美元以上的有696个,3000万美元
Shenzhen also sees an increasing number of multi- national
Up till present over 100 multi-national companies and well-known
international enterprises have established their presence in the local
economy involving more than 180 projects. 迄今已有100多个跨国公
Some are listed by Fortune magazine among the top 500 MNCs of the
world, including Walmart, Pepsi Cola, Dupont and others from
America, Hitachi, Mitsui, National, etc from Japan, Shell from Holland
and Britain, Samsung Electric from Korea, Phillips from Holland,
Siemens from Germany and ABB from Switzerland.其中列入《幸福》
杂志1997年排名500家最大的跨国公司的有: 美国 沃尔玛,百事
油,韩国的三星 电机,荷兰的飞利浦,德国的西门子,瑞士的ABB
Along with a large influx of foreign direct investment, financial
institutions from outside the country are mushrooming in Shenzhen.
There are all together 55 of them, including Shanghai- Hongkong
Banking Corporation, Sanwa Bank, ABMAMRO Bank, Dao Heng
Bank, Societe Generale De France, Banque Nationale de Paris,
Standard & Chartered Bank, and Citibank.深圳现有外资金融机构55
家,包 括香港上海汇丰银行,三和银行,荷兰银行,道亨银行,法
国兴业银行,巴黎国民银行,渣打银行,花旗 银行等。

8-2 英
Foreign investment goes to a wide range of industries, including
electronics, foodstuffs, textiles and garments, pharmacy, metal and
plastic products, machinery, real estate, finance, transportation and
catering business. 外商投资涉及的主 要行业包括电子,食品,纺织
The respective share of foreign investment in the primary, secondary
and tertiary industries is 0.2%, 63.7% and 36.5%.在外商投资 总额中,
Foreign invested operations in Shenzhen enjoy excellent
perpformance and handsome returns. 外商在深圳投资企业经营状况
普遍良好,,投资回报丰厚。Many enterprises follow in each other's
footsteps in increasing investment and expanding businesses. 许多企
In 1998, a total of 399 foreign invested enterprises put in additional
investment, adding a contractual sum of $$ 1.062 billion.1998年有399
Foreign investment plays an essential role in Shenzhen's economy.
In 1998, foreign invested enterprises contributed to 77% of the city's
total industrial output value and 58% of the total export volume.1998
年 ,外商投资企业工业产值占全市工业总产值的77%,出口额占全

8-3 SEZs Need to Readjust Policies经济特区需要进行政策调整
Chinese officials and economists are discussing the way out for
special economic zones(SEZs) which may have their tax breaks for
investors affected upon China's joining the World Trade
Organization(WTO).随着中国加入世贸,经济特区为投资 者提供的
讨论经济特区的出路 。
At a three-day seminar, which opened in Qingdao, Mr. Zhao,
president of the Association of China Economic and Technological
Development Zones, said the zones have scored great achievements
since their establishment in 1984. 这次研讨会在青岛召开,为期3天。
中国经济技术开发区协会主席赵先生在会上指出 ,特区从1994年
But he said problems still exist in the zones and that it is essential to
tackle them promptly, because China is readjusting its policy towards
the zones and quickening steps to open its domestic market wider to the
outside world.
但是他说特区也 存在一些问题,及时解决这些问题是关键,因为我
Development zones of various kinds have been one of the main
vehicles for attracting foreign investment over the past 20 years in
China. They offer tax breaks and other preferential policies for foreign
investors.过去 20年来,各种类型的开发区一直是我国吸引外资的
主要工具。特区和开发区为外国投资者提供税收减免 和其他优惠政
State-owned enterprises have long viewed such treatment as
unfair, because it applies to only a select few.国有企业长期以来认为
As China bids for its membership in the WTO, it has made
dramatic concessions especially in terms of tariffs. China is to open
more markets to foreign companies.中国正争取加入世贸,尤其在关
税方面 做出了巨大的让步,将向外国公司开放更多的市场

In other words, the historical economic zones might see their
former tax advantage waning, as more and more other regions come up
with similar attrac tions.换句话说,随着越来越多的地区提出类似的
优惠条件,历史上的开发区或经济特区在税收方 面的优势也就渐渐
Lower tariffs and more intense foreign competition may be a good
chance to help reshuffle State-owned enterprises.关税降低,来自外资
Busy preparing for China's entry into the WTO, the country's
financial administration is taking measures to standardize the tax
system, smooth the distribution of fiscal resources, promote foreign
trade and provide a good social environment with fair competition.为
迎接中国 加入世贸,我国的财政部门正积极采取措施规范税制,整
顿财政资源的分配,促进外贸发展,为公平竞争 营造一个良好的社
Some preferential terms previously enjoyed by companies in the
economic zones are unlikely to be extended when they expire.开发区
或特区里的公司以往所享受的一些优惠政策在到期以后,可 能不会
Though preferential policies granted to the development zones are
being gradually phased out, foreign-invested companies can still make
money. They are the early birds who have already established a strong
foothold in the Chinese market.尽管开发区的优惠政策逐渐被取消,
但外资公司仍然能 够赚钱。他们率先来到中国,已经在中国市场上
China now has 32 such zones, which achieved an industrial output
value of 293.8 billion yuan(US $$ 35.4 billion) last year.目前,我国有
32个享受优惠的特区,它们在过去的一年实现 工业产值达2938亿

Unit 9
Every year on 5 June, we celebrate World Environment Day-an
occasion when people over the world come together to demonstrate
their commitment to the protection of the environment.每年 的6月5
他们保护环境的心声 。
With the theme, 2000 The Environment Millennium-time to Act,
this year's celebrations take on a special significate. This is the first
World Environment Day of the Third Millennium. 今年的环境日主题
为2000环境千年~行动时刻,有着其特殊 的意义。这是第三个千年
On January 1 of this year, millions of people on every continent
celebrated the dawn of this millennium. 今年1月1日,各大洲都有
数以百万计的人们欢庆新千年黎明的到来。Even those who do not
observe the Roman Christian calendar joined in. 甚至那些不使用公
The millennium celebrations seemed to capture a global mood, a
realization that we are all connected, no matter how far apart we live
geographically, culturally or economically.千年的 喜庆活动似乎将世
甚远,但实 际上,我们所有人都是紧密相联的。
In our daily lives, it is not always easy to recognize how closely
we are interconnected with our fellow human begins. 在我们的日常
Increasingly, however, we are recognizing that what connects the street
child in Rio, the farmer in Kalimantan or Kenya, the factory worker in
Germany and the stockbroker in New York is the global environment.
然而,我们正愈来愈清楚地意识到,将里约热内卢街 上的小男孩,
系在一起的正是 全球的环境。
More and more we are realizing that what we do has far reaching
ramifications~even if the connections are not immediately obvious. 我< br>们越来越意识到我们的所作所为将产生广泛的影响~尽管这其中的
关系并不是马上就能反映出来。 In fact, the ramifications are already
being felt in every corner of the globe.事实上,这些影响正在世界的
Let me highlight some of the more pressing issues the planet faces.
Many parts of the world face severe water shortages. 我想在此重点谈
一谈地球面临的一些迫在眉睫的问 题。地球上许多地方都面临着水
About 20 percent of the planet's people lack access to safe drinking
water and 50 percent lack adequate sanitation. 大约20%的人缺乏安
Weather events worldwide are becoming more frequently extreme. 全
球天气活动正更频繁地极端化。Land fertility is declining. Land
degradation is increasing. The rapid growth of urbanization is causing
massive air pollution. 地力正在不断下降,土地退化日趋加剧。城市
Nitrogen pollution is compromising terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems,
as well as contributing to global warming.氮气污染正危及水陆生态
系统,同时引起全球变暖。Over 80 percent of the planet's forests have
been destroyed or degraded, a quarter of the world's mammal species
are at serious risk of extinction, and biological diversity is disappearing
at an alarming rate.
地球上80%的森林已遭毁坏或已退化,14的哺乳动物正濒临灭绝 ,
More than half the world's coral reefs are threatened by human
activities, and marine fisheries are being over-exploited to the point
that their ability to quickly recover is in doubt.半数以上的珊瑚礁受到
The world's population has now passed six billion, and the
majority of these people live in poverty.
Meanwhile, the share of the planet's resources being used by the
affluent minority is also growing. 此外,少数富人使用地球资源的份
These two issues~the poverty of the majority and the excessive
consumption of the minority ~ are driving the forces of environmental

deg radation.大多数人生活贫困而少数人过度消耗这两个问题正使
It is essential to reverse these trends, but time is running out. If we
are to make real progress, the environmental agenda of the 21st century
should be one that drives enviromental improvement to accompany
economic and social g ains.逆转这种趋势势在必行,但时间却是非常
紧迫的。如果我们要想取得真正的进步,21世纪的 环境保护议程
We are at a watershed. We have the knowledge and the technology
to solve many of the environmental ills facing our planet. What we
need now is more political will to bring about change. Now is the time
to act.我们正处于一个转折点。我们已经有了可以解决地球面临环

9-2 英
China is a developing country. Now it is confronted with the dual
task of developing the economy and protecting the environment. 中国
Proceeding from its national conditions, China has, in the process of
promoting its overall modernization program, made environmental
protection one of its basic national policies. China regards the
realization of sustainable development as an important strategy and
carries out throughout the country large-scale measures for pollution
prevention and control as well as ecological environment protection.从
一项基本国策,把实现可持续发展作为 一个重大战略,在全国范围
China's modernization drive has been launched in the following
conditions: the country has a large population base, its per-capita
average of natural resources is low, and its economic development as
well as scientific and technological level remain quite backward.中国
现代 化建设是在人口基数大,人均资源少,经济发展和科学技术水
Along with the growth of China's population, the development of
the economy and the continuous improvement of the people's
consumption level since the 1970s, the pressure on resources, which
were already in rather short supply, and on the fragile environment has
become greater and greater. < br>70年代以来,随着中国人口的增长,经济的发展和人民消费水平
的不断提高,使本来就已经短缺 的资源和脆弱的环境面临着越来越
Which road of development to choose has turned out, historically, to be
an issue of paramount importance to the survival of the Chinese people
as well as their posterity.选择一条什么样的发展道路,历史地成为与
The Chinese government has paid great attention to the
environmental issues arising from the country's population growth and
economic development, and has made protecting the environment an
important aspect of the improvement of the people's living standards
and quality of life.中国政府十分重视因人口增长和经济发展而出现
的 环境问题,把保护环境作为提高人民生活水平和生活质量的一个
In order to promote coordinated development between the
economy, the society and the environment, China has enacted and
implemented a series of principles, policies, laws and measures for
environmental protection since the 1980s.为了促进经 济,社会与环境
政策,法律 和措施。

9-3 英
The total land area in China ranks the third in the world and the
per capita land area is 0.777 hectare, about one third of the world's
average figure.我国土地总面积居世界第三位,人均 土地面积为
The per capita arable land is 0.106 hectare, which is 43% of the world's
average figure. 人均耕地面积为0.106公顷,是世界人均数的43%。
The quality of the arable land in the country is not good on the
whole. There are about six million hectares of steep slope land. The
arable land with water sources and irrigation facilities only accounts for
40% and the medium and low yield arable land accounts for 79% of the
我国耕地总体 质量不高,全国大于25°的陡坡耕地近600万公顷,
有水源保证和灌溉设施的耕地只占40%,中低 产田占耕地面积的
The per capita forest area in China is 0.11 hectares, about 17.2%
of the world's average figure, ranking the 119th in the world. 我国人
The per capita forest cumulation in China is 8.6 m3, about 12.0% of the
per capita level in the world. China is a country with low per capita
forest cumulation,我国人均森林蓄积量为8.6立方米, 相当于世界人
the forest coverage rate being 13.9%, far below the 26.0% of the
world's forest coverage rate.我国的森林覆盖率是13.9%,明显低于世
The net increase of the forest timber in the whole country is 399
million m3 and the actual annual consumption amount is 344 million
m3. The per capita timber consumption was 0.12 m3.全国林木 年均净
耗量0.12立 方米。

9-4 英
There are rich grassland resources in China, with 390 million
hectares of natural grassland of various kinds, accounting for about
40% of the national territory. But the per capita grassland area was only
0.33 hectare, being about one half of the per capita grassland in the
world.我国是草地资源大国,拥有各类天然草地3.9亿公 顷,约占

Most of the grassland in our country, however, has degraded or is
degrading. The grassland of medium degradation(including
sandification and alkalization)is as much as 130 million hectares.然
而,我国大部分草地已经或正在退化,其中,中度退化 程度以上(包
Grassland degradation shows itself in the following: vegetation
degrading, output of grass is reducing, poisonous, harmful and
low-grade grass growing fast, soil and water eroding, soil being
salinized, the weight of grazed livestock reducing; mice and insect pest
being rampant, productivity of grassland greatly damaged .草原退化的
流失,土地盐碱 化,放牧家畜体重下降,鼠虫害猖獗,草原生产力
The degradation of grassland has several reasons. It is the result of
combination between natural and artificial factors. 草原退化的原因是
Affected by the greenhouse effect, the world' temperature is rising,
rainwater is reducing, more and more droughts appear. 全球受温室效
Especially in spring , high temperature, drought, and strong wind cause
great damage to grasslands. 特别是春季高温,干旱,大风对草原退
However, the most important reason is the unreasonable development
and exploitstion of grassland by human beings themselves. 但最重要
The essential reason for grassland degradation is that large
quantities of substance are taken away from the grassland with no
compensation whatsoever, namely, intake falling short of output. This
violates the basic principles of ecological balance.一句话,草原退化的
本质是由于不断从草地上带走大量物质, 而得不到补偿,长期入不
Following measures are extremely important for the prevention
and control of grassland degradation: 以下措施对防治草原退化极为
Firstly, forbid grassland reclamation, prevent further destruction of the
grassland, and restore grass planting on the reclaimed land, close
grassland to facilitate grass planting and renew grassland vegetation.
首先要严禁草原开垦,防止进一步破坏草 原,对被垦草原实行退耕
还草,围封育草,恢复草原植被。Secondly, manage grassland
according to the law, carry out in an effective way the contract and
responsibility system, set a limit to the quantity of livestock in the
grassland, forbid overload grazing.其次要依法管理好草原,搞好草原
Thirdly, build good biological environment. The whole society should
pay attention to the biological environment in grasslands because it
affects not only the local pastoral production and life, but also the
survival environment of people living in other areas.第三要搞好生态
环境建设,草原的生态 环境不仅影响当地牧民的生产生活,也影响
The worst flood in 1998 has a lot to do with the destruction of
vegetation in grassland and forest in the upper and middle reaches of
the Yangtze River.
Sandstorm, which appeared so many times in the north this year, also
has a lot to do with degradation of grassland and desertification in vast
arid and semi-arid regions. 今年北方的多次沙尘暴的发生更与草原
Therefore, the whole society should show great concern to the
biological environment construction in the country.因此,全社会都应

9-5 英
An urban population of 10 million and 1.4 million vehicles in
Beijing puts great pressure on resources and the environment. 1000多
The underground water level in Beijing has continued to decrease in
recent years due to excessive use. 北京的地下求由于过度开采近期
Coal burning, exhaust emission from vehicles and factories also
intensify the city's environment problems. 燃煤,汽车和工厂排出的
We have to pay the historical debts we owe to the environment, and at
the same time maintain fast economic development.我们必须在还清
In a sense, it is a stimulation to the economy because pollution
controls motivate enterprises to aim for higher industrial standards and
start a material and resources efficient production. 从某种意义上看,
环保可以刺激经济的发展,因为它能促使企业制定更高的工 业标准
并着手节能化的生产,提高资源的使用率。The exhaust control on
vehicles was cited as an example.机动车废气的控制便是一例。
The municipal government required eariler this year that the
pollutant level in vehicle emissions be controlled to reduce air pollution.
Unleaded gasoline has also been promoted during the past year.今年早
些时候市政府规定必须控制机动车废气造成的污染 ,以减轻大气污
As a result, automobile and chemical factories have to enhance their
production technology to meet the demand.这样一来,汽车制造厂和
Other measures on Beijing's agenda include replacing coal with
natural gas, reducing dust and afforestation to improve the lives of
residents. 北京的做法还包括用天然气代替燃煤,减少灰尘,加强
Meanwhile, efforts has been made to clean rivers in Beijing. 同时,将
花大力气整治河流。 In the past two years, 3.28 billion yuan(US
$$ 395 million) has been invested in water cleaning proje cts.在过去的
美 元)。

The floods in the Yangtze River basin are the worst in 44 years.长
江流域的水灾是44年来最严重的。 Official figures indicate that
more than 2,000 people drowned and 13.8million have been driven
from their homes. Crops have been destroyed on 4.5 million hectares,
3% of China's total cropland. 官方的数字表 明,已有2000多人死亡,
1380万人被迫离开家园,450万公顷的农作物被毁,占中国耕地总< br>面积的3%。
Some factories have had to shut. The transportation of goods and
people has been disrupted. The overall effect on China's economy will
be felt for many months.一些工厂被迫停工,客运及货运被中断 。在
Floods during the monsoon season in southern China are a regular
occurrence. But there's a human land in this, in the form of
deforestation and intensive land development. 华南地区在季风季节
发生水灾是常有的事 。但这次水灾也有认为因素,表现在砍伐森林
The Yangtze basin is home to 400 million people. With such a density
of population , the human pressure on the land is intense. The Yangtze
basin has lost 85% of its original forest cover. 长江流域是4亿人的家< br>园。人口密度如此之高,人口对土地的压力是极为巨大的,长江流
域原有的森林覆盖率已失去85 %。The forests once absorbed and help
huge quantities of monsoon rainfall, but now there's much greater
runoff into the river. 过去那些森林曾吸收和截留大量的季风雨,而
The construction of buildings and roads in the basin is increasing at a
staggering pace. And land hunger is forcing more and more homes to
be built on the river floodplain. 长江流域内的建筑和道路建设正以
The extent of factory construction also defies the imagination. By a
rough estimate the size of the industrial workforce in the basin wound
be at least 50 million. 工厂的建设规模也超出了人们的想像。粗略估
计,流域内工业劳动力的规模至少有5000万,With the average
factory in the private sector employing fewer than 120 people, this
means half a million factories. 以私营工厂平均雇用少于120人计,
Collectively these homes and factories cover a vast area, further
reducing the capacity of the land to absorb rainfall.总体算来,这些住
Due to higher global temperature and more intense monsoons, the
Yangtze basin may well be one of the areas getting some of the
additional rainfall. 由于全球气温的升高以及更为频繁的猛烈季风,
长江流域很可能是获得更多降雨的地区之一。We can expert even
worse floods in the years ahead. If the basin adds another 100 million
people, as projected, in the next few decades, China will need to build
another 25 million homes. 我们可以预料,今后几年可能有更严重的
水灾,如果长江流域像人们所预料的那样在今后 的几十年内增加1
As industrialization continues at a rapid pace, factory and road
construction will also continue, further reducing the area of land that
can absorb water and increasing the amount that will ultimately flow
into the Yangtze.由于工 业化进程加快,厂房和道路建设也将继续下
去,从而进一步减少吸收雨水的土地的面积,最终将增加流入 长江
With the international community unable to agree on a meaningful
effort to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, rising atmospheric levels of
this greenhouse gas promise even higher temperatures for more
evaporation, more rainfall and even stronger monsoons. 由于国际社
The 400 million Chinese living in the basin are begining to feel directly
the effects of altering the environment. 生活在长江流域的4亿人口
This should be a warning to the international community to begin
working together to lower greenhouse gas emissions before climate
change affects even more people.这对国际社会也应是一个警告。人
们应该通力合作,减少温室气体 的排放量,以免更多的人受气候变

What was the purpose of Earth Day? How did it start? These are
the questions I am most frequently asked.设立地球日的初衷何在?它
Actually, the idea for Earth Day evolved over a period of seven
years starting in 1962. 实际上,从1962年以后的7年中,设立地球
For seven years, it had been troubling me that the state of our
environment was simply a non- issue in the politics of the country. 7年
来,我一直在 被这样的现状所困扰,即我们的环境状况还没有列入
Finally, in November 1962, an idea occurred to me that was , I thought,
a virtual cinch to put the environment into the political
and for all. 到了1962年11月,我萌生了一个想法。我觉得这个想
法可以一劳永逸地使环境问题成为 受人瞩目的政治议题。
The idea was to persuade President Kennedy to give visibility to this
issue by going on a national conservation tour. 这个想法就是通过说
I flew to Washington to discuss the proposal with Attorney General
Robert Kennedy, who liked the idea. So did the president.我飞到华盛
顿,与罗伯特·肯尼迪大法官讨 论此事,他很赞成这个想法。总统
The president began his five-day, eleven-state conservation tour in
September 1963. 1963年9月,总统开始为期5天,历经11个洲的
For many reasons the tour did not succeed in putting the issue onto the
national political agenda. However, it was the germ of the idea that
ultimately flowered into Earth Day.由于多种原因。这次考察 未能成功

Six years would pass before the idea that became Earth Day
occurred to me while I was on a conservation speaking tour out West in
the summer of 1969. 1969年夏,当我在西部进行环保巡回演讲中萌
生设立地球日这个想法时,已经整整过去六年了。At the time,
anti-Vietnam War demonstrations, called had spread to
college campuses all across the nation.当时反越战示威,即宣讲会
Suddenly, the idea occurred to me - why not organize a huge
grass-roots protest over what was happening to our environment ? 突
然间,一个念头出现在 我的脑海中~为什么不组积一次庞大的群众
I was satisfied if we could tap into the environmental concerns of the
general public and infuse the student anti-war energy into the
environmental cause, we could generate a demonstration that would
force this issue onto the political agenda. It was a big gamble, but
worth a try.如 果我们能够引起公众对环境问题的关注,将学生的反
战情绪注入到环境问题中来,就可以发起一次示威活 动,借此将该
At a conference in Seattle in September 1969, I announced that in
the spring of 1970 there would be a nationwide grass-roots
demonstration on behalf of the environment and invited everyone to
participate. 在1969年9月西雅图的一 次会议上,我宣布了1970年
The response was electric. It took off like gangbusters. Telegrams,
litters and telephone inquiries poured in from all across the country. 反
The American people finally had a forum to express its concern about
what was happening to the land, rivers, lakes and air~and they did so
with spectacular exuberance. 美国人民终于有了一个论坛,在这里他
For the next four months, two members of my Senate staff, Linda
Billings and John Heritage, managed Earth Day affairs out of my
Senate off ice.在这以后的四个月中,我在州参议院的两位职员~琳
达·比令斯和约翰·哈里特基在我的办公室 里处理着地球日的有关
It was obvious that we were headed for a spectacular success on
Earth Day. 很显然,我们正朝着地球日活动的巨大成功迈进。
It was also obvious that grass-roots activities had ballooned beyond the
capacity of my U.S. Senate office staff to keep up with the telephone
calls, paper work, inquiries, etc. 同样引人瞩目的是,群众活动的发
展非常迅速,我在参议院的办公室 工作人员为电话,文案及答询等
工作忙的不可开交,开始倍感力不从心。 In mid- January, three
months before Earth Day, John Gardner, Founder of Common Cause,
provided temporary space for a Washington, D.C. headquarter s.1月中
球日活动华盛顿总 部提供了临时办公场所。
I staffed the office with college students and selected Denis Hayes as
co- ordinator of activities.我招募了一批大学生在此工作并选出丹尼
Earth Day worked because of the spontaneous resonse at the
grass-roots level. 正是群众的自发响使得地球日活动取得了成功。
We had neither the time nor resources to organize 20 million
demonstrators and the thousands of schools and local communities that
participated. 我们实际上既没有时 间也没有财力去组积参与这次活
动的2000万示威者和几千所学校及当地团体。That was the
remarkable thing about Earth Day. It organized itself.这正是地球日最

Anthropologists define culture as any human behavior that is
learned rather than genetically transmitted. 人类学家给文化一词下的
定义是: 人类后天学习所得而非遗传所得的行为。
They believe that culture is not necessarily high or low; it exist in any
type or stage of civilization. 他们认为文化无所谓高低之分,任何形
In addition, the cultural patterns that are typical of a certain group
communicate the essence of that group. Culture distinguishes one
group of people from another. 此外,一个特有的群体所具有的文化
Culture is all pervasive, including not only customs and habits, ideas
and beliefs but also the artifacts made by humans.文化无所不包,风俗
习惯,思想观念与 信仰属于文化范畴,人类所创造的一切均属于文
Culture has two major components; the material and nonmaterial.
While the former refers to tangible items such as cars, watches,
television sets, and houses, the latter is comprised of intangible
elements such as values, beliefs and customs. 前者指的是有形的物
品,如轿车,手表 ,电视机,房屋等,后者则包含诸如价值观,信
Both the material and nonmaterial components of culture play a major
role in influencing people's perceptions of reality, thought and behavior
p atterns.文化的组成部分,无论是有形的还是无形的,均在影响人
们对现实的看法,思维与行为 的模式方面起着决定性的作用。
The nonmaterial component of culture can be illustrated by the
following examples: values, norms, beliefs, emotions, attitudes, laws
and symbols.文化的非物质成分可由以下方面加以说明: 价值观念,
Culture shapes values, norms, emotions, beliefs, attitudes,
symbols, laws, perceptions and material possessions. 文化使价值观
In turn, these impact culture, which means that cultures are dynamic,
always undergoing tremendous change. 反过来,这些又对文化行成
As individual and group qualities change either due to the internal

process of growth and maturation or contact with outside groups,
cultures also change.

Values that characterize what is desirable are a significant part of
culture. Very often, values of one cultural group may be in conflict with
those of another. 衡量什么才是称心合意的东西体现了人的价值观念,属文化的重要组成部分。一个文化群体的价值观念常常与另一
While individualism, competition and winning are core values of U.S.
society, East Asian societies of China, Korea and Japan that are deeply
rooted in Confucianism put paramount emphasis on proper social
relationships and their maintenance.个体主义和竞争取胜是美国社会
Emphasis on social relationships in Asia and on the individual in the
United States produces different patterns of interpersonal and
management styles.
亚洲人看重的是社会关系,美国人看重的是个人因素 ,由此产生的
Norms can be defined as rules that guide behavior. While some
norms are proscriptive, stating what must not be done, others are
prescriptive, stressing what must be done. 行为准则指的是指导人们
行为的规则。有些文化的准则是禁止 型的,表明哪些是不允许做的
Standards that define what is are determined by the culture
Beliefs which directly or indirectly dictate what is right or wrong
also differ from one culture to another. Beliefs are at the core of
forming particular world views. 信仰直接或间接地支配正确与错误,
The the U.S. may
not be well-regarded in Mexico even though they believe in
彻头彻尾的个体主义在美国是理所当然的 ,而在墨西
哥这并不是人们推崇备至的,尽管他们也信奉个人的努力。The U.S.
people regard the individual as the center of attention, with ability to
achieve anything through hard work.美国人视个体为关注的焦点,只
Finally, culture can be defined in terms of symbols that a group of
people are associated with. 最后,文化还可以视为与某一个群体相
连的象征符号。 A flag with fifty stars, white, blue and red colors and
an eagle symbolizes the United States of America and so do very big
cars. 一面星条旗,白蓝红相间,或者鹰,是美国的标志,大型轿
Movies that are shown abroad tend to portray the United States as a
country with many rich people and plenty of guns. 国外放映的电影通
As these example illustrate, some of our perceptions of a certain culture
may be quite true and others may not be so true because they are based
on a small sample of the population. 正如以上例子说明的,我们对某
确。因为这些是基于有限的取样。I have seen many movies, for
example, on Africa and almost in every case, there is an animal around.
If it is not a lion, it is an elephant or a giraffe. The truth is that these
animals are not so rampant or at least they don't roam about people's
compounds as often as the movies tend to suggest. 不是狮子,便是大
Just as perceiving the U.S. people in terms of abounding riches may to
a large extent be a false image, the same is true of other cultures, too.正
如将美国人都视为富翁通常仅仅是假象 一样,我们对其他文化的看

10-2 英

The ancestors of today's Chinese began to settle in the Huang
He(Yellow River) valley more than five thousand years ago. They were
at the time divided into several different tribes. 大约五千多年以前,
中国人的祖先就生活在黄河流域,他们分成好几个部落。Legend has
it that there then two tribal chieftains who were half brothers named
Huang Di (the Yellow Emperor) and Yan Di respectively.传说,其中有
Huang Di led the people in offering sacrifices to heaven and earth
and to gods and spirits. He got them organized in agricultural
production and the development of culture. 黄帝带领各部落的人民
祭祀天地,鬼神,大搞农业生产,发展文化。 He devised the first
calender in China which was called Huang Di's calender or the Huang
calender. 他创立了中国最早的历法,称为黄帝历,又称黄历。
He also engaged in the study of medicine with a famous medical man
of that time named Qi Bo. The medical theories they developed were
later written into a medical classic by posterity which was given the
title of the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medici ne.黄帝同名医
Huang Di also had his wife teach the people how to raise silkworms
and make clothes of different colours. 黄帝让妻子教老百姓养蚕,制
He ordered Cang Jie, his chronicler, to set about devising a writing
system and had his music officer make all kinds of musical instruments.
Under his leadership, the people created many new things. They built
houses, vehicles and boats. They made weapons of bronze. 人们在黄
The Yellow River valley thus became the cradle of Chinese civilization
and a centre of ancient civilization of mankind.黄河流域就成了中国
The tribes that has settled in the Yellow River valley called
themselves the Hua tribes or Huaxia tribes whose civilization gradually
spread to other parts of the country. This is the origin of the Chinese
nation. 黄河流域的部落称自己是华 族或华夏族。华夏族的人民

把文化渐渐传播到全国各地。这样,中华民族就成了中国各部 落
The whole nation respect and revere Huang Di looking on him as the
common ancestor of the whole nation. That is why they call themselves
the scions of Huang Di. 中华民族非常敬仰黄帝,把黄帝看做是华夏
And since Huang Di and Yan Di were believed to be born of the same
mother and since their two tribes were later merged, the Chinese have
another name for themselves and that is Di and
Yan Di因为炎帝和黄帝是同一个母亲生的,两个部落后来合并成
According to legend, Huang Di lived to be a hundred years old when
on his 100th birthday a divine dragon came for him from heaven. On
this gragon he rode, to where he had come from.传说,黄帝活到一百
In memory of Huang Di, later generations built at the ancient capital of
Xi'an a huge mausoleum which they called Huang Di's Mausoleum.后

10-3 英
Buddhism was first introduced to China during the last years of
the Western Han Dynasty. After that, it spread quickly in the
succeeding dynasties of Eastern Han, Wei, Jin, the Northern and
Southern Dynasties until Sui. 佛教是在西汉末年传入中国的,经过东
During the Sui Dynasty, in the Eastern Capital Luoyang there lived a
boy by the name of Chen Hui. As his family was poverty stricken, he
was sent at eleven to a temple to be a little monk where he was given
the Buddhist name Xuan Zang.隋朝的东都洛阳有个名叫陈祎的孩
子,家里非常穷苦,11岁进寺院,做了和尚,取法名玄奘 。
Xuan Zang made a conscientious and thorough- going study of
Buddhist sutras in the course of which it occured to him that the
Chinese translation of some of the scriptures might not be accurate so
that he was confronted by many insolvable questions. Hence he
resolved to make a trip to India, the birthplace of Buddhism.玄 奘在学
确切,存在许多疑问, 他决心到佛教发源地印度去。
Upon his return from the trip, Xuan Zang completed a book
entitled Notes on the Western Regions of the Great Tang Empire, in
which was recorded what he had seen and heard in the 110 countries
which he had visited during his travels. Using information he had
collected in his 55,000 kilometre journey which lasted some fifteen
years, he dealt with geographical locations, local conditions and
customs, places of historical and scenic interest, stories and legends
and historical events and figures. 玄奘将自己历时15年,跋涉55000
多公里,旅经11 0个国家的见闻,包括地理位置,风土人情,名胜
古迹,故事传说和历史人物等等,写成了一本《大唐西 域记》。Having
been translated into various languages, the book has become famous
and interesting to all the world. 这本书现在已经译成好几国文字,成
After his return to Chang'an, he settled in the Ci En Si Temple, taking
upon himself the task of studying and translating Buddhist scriptures.
After nineteen years of arduous work he completed the translation of
seventy-five Buddhist scriptures comprising in all 1,355 scrolls. 玄奘
的辛勤劳动,译出了75部佛经共13 35卷。The term Yindu(India) in
the Chinese language was Xuan Zang's choice. 现在汉语当中的印度
Meanwhile, he was introduced to the Indian people Dao De Jing by
Laozi, an important philosophical work of ancient China which he had
translated into Sanskrit. 同时玄奘又把中国古代重要的哲学著作老
子的《道德经》译成梵文,介绍给印度人民。He was also the founder
of Fa Xiang Zong in Buddhism.
Xuan Zang was an outstanding traveller, explorer, translator,
philosopher and theologist . Because he was a monk of great renown of
the Tang Dynasty, he was often referred to as Tang Seng (a monk of
Tang ). 玄奘是中国历史上一位杰出的旅行家,探险家,翻译家和
宗教哲学理论家。因 为他是中国唐朝的高僧,所以又被称为唐僧。
His pilgrimage was a heroic undertaking in the history of Chinese
culture. It is also an oft-told story about the history of cultural
exchange between China and India. 玄奘取经是中国文化史上的一
Basing his story on the historical legend of Xuan Zang's pilgrimage, the
Ming novelist Wu Cheng'en wrote the famous mythical novel A
pilgrimage to the West in which Xuan Zang is the prototype of Tang
Seng the Buddhist priest.
成了小说《 西游记》,书中唐僧的原型就是这位玄奘。

10-4 英
At the time of the founding of the Yuan Dynasty by Kublai Khan,
China was probably the most powerful as well as the most wealthy
country in the world. As such it held great attractions for envoys,
merchants and travellers from various countries to the west. 忽必烈建
立元朝的时候,中国是世 界上最强大,最富庶的国家,西方各国使
Among the visitors was Marco Polo, an Italian who was the first
European to make extensive tours in China and some other Asian
countries and whose remarkable book, the Travels of Marco Polo was a
significant contribution to East- West cultural exchange. 意大利人马
可波罗就是其中的一位欧洲来客。在中 国古代中西方文化交流史
的重 要著作《马可波罗游记》,为沟通中西方文化交流作出了重要
Marco Polo was indeed a pioneer in forging friendly ties between the
people of Italy and China.马可波罗是中意人民友好的先驱者。
This book, which stirred the whole of Europe, is sometimes
referred to as 震动欧洲的《马可波

It describes what Marco Polo and the other two Italians had seen of the
customs and conditions of life in the countries they had visited on their
journey to the east and chronicles the state affairs of Yuan and the wars
it engaged in. 书中记述了马可波罗三人东行时沿途一些国家和地
It contains descriptions of life at court, palace architecture, festivals,
games hunting, marriage and burial customs, feudal superstitious
practices and what not. 记载了元朝国事,战事,朝廷,宫殿,节目,
There are also detailed descriptions of the beautiful sight of flourishing
cities like Beijing, Xi'an, Kaifeng, Nanjing, Yangzhou, Suzhou and
Hangzhou. 详细描述了北京,西安,开封,南京,扬州,苏州和杭
The use of coal, which had already had a history of 2,000 years in
China, were introduced to Europe through this book.并将中国人民已
China, according to Marco Polo, was a vast country rich in natural
resources, an ancient country with a long civilized history. 书中热情
The book also includes sections on other countries and lands like
Russia and Southeast Asia. 这本书也介绍了俄国,东南亚和南洋一
些国家,地区的情况。 On the basis of Marco Polo's descriptions, some
European geographers succeeded in making an early map of the world
which stimulated the West's interest in Chinese civilization and helped
strengthen their determination to set sail for the east. 一些欧洲 地理学
It was with the inspiration and encouragement provided by this book
that the famous navigator Columbus started on his voyage in 1492,
carrying with him a message from the king of Spain for the Chinese
emperor. 1492年,著名旅行家哥伦布也 从书中受到启发和鼓舞,带
It was an accident that he had finally hit land in America and
discovered a new continent.结果无意中到了美洲,发现了新大陆。

10-5 英
Known in ancient history as the
the Yellow River has given life to hundreds of millions of Chinese. It is
also called the of the nation and the birthplace of its
civilization. 在中国古代史 上,黄河被称为中华名族的母亲,她哺
育了千千万万中华儿女。黄河流域是中华民族的摇篮,也是中国< br>文化的发祥地。
In remote antiquity, the Yellow River valley was covered with luxuriant
growths of trees and grass, a region with an abundance of plant life
where our ancestors lived and worked and propagated. 远古时代,这
After hundreds of thousands of years of primitive society, the Yellow
River Valley, of all places in China, became the first settled agricultural
region in the country and the first foothold of class society. 经过数十
万年原始社会生活以 后,在中国这块辽阔的国土上,最先进入农业
All the names that entered Chinese historical annals, like Shen Nong
Shi, Huang Di, Yao, Shun and Yu the Great and many of our myths and
legends are associated with the Yellow River. 中国历史典籍中记载的
Ancient capitals in the valley, such as Xi'an, Luoyang and Kaifeng,
were before the time of the Northern Song Dynasty, the political,
economic and cultural centres of the country. 黄河流域的古都西安,
The brave and industrious sons and daughters of Huang Di and Yan Di
have created in this region a history that is truly world-shaking,
bringing forth an immensely colourful and resplendent culture and art.
Many of the historical sites and cultural relics are still there today.黄河

The peoples and countries of the world have always loved their
history and the land they have lived on for generations. 世界各国人民
Indeed , the prevalence of such feelings would seem to indicate that
they respond to something most basic in human nature. But another
most-human feeling is hope in a better future. 对过去的眷恋和对美
好未来的期盼是人类共有的情感。We look back and we remember
our forebears; we look forward and hope that our children will have a
better life than we had. 我们回顾历史,不忘祖先:我们展望未来,希
In a world marked by rapid industrialization and accelerating change,
maintaining a felicitous balance between the two is indeed a challenge.
和 未来之间保持一种恰到好处的平衡的确是个挑战。cannot
live in the pastwe say to ourselves, only to add, we can't live
without our past!我们不能生活在过去,但是没有过去我们也无法
In the century which has just come to a close, many began to
realize that there are certain manifestations of nature or culture that
really evoke or express something so profoundly human that they
deserve to be preserved for all humanity. 在刚刚过去的20世纪,许
多人开始意识 到某些自然或文化资源真正深刻地触动了人类的情
The Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and
Natural Heritage was adopted by UNESCO in 1972. 1972年联合国教
As UNESCO says, cultural and natural heritage are both
irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration. They are our touchstones,
our points of reference, our identify.正如它所说,我们的文化与自
然遗产是不可替代的 生命源泉和灵感源泉,能帮助我们点石成金,

Quite clearly, many historic neighborhoods and buildings are in
cities~the growing, expanding, chaning urban centers so unlike the old
cities that lent its name to the citizens who inhabited them. 许多历史
The first International Conference for Mayors of Historic Cities in
China and the EU was held in historic Suzhou - an apt site since it was
an early point of Chinese-European contact in the time of Marco Polo
and the Yuan Dynasty.早在 马可波罗时期和元朝,苏州就是中欧交流
The signing of the
understanding how to combine the desire to preserve our heritage with
the needs of sustainable development in order to improve the lives of
The people of Suzhou invited us one night to enjoy traditional
music in the 200-year-old Master-of-Nets Garden. 我们应邀在有两百
There, next to a pond and under a light rain, I sat under a gazebo and
listened to a short reed-flute solo. The moon was not visible but I could
feel its presence. 我坐在池塘边的凉亭下,听着短笛独奏,天空飘着
细雨,月亮若隐若现。At such a moment the world takes on a new
shape ~ larger, more varied, with many paths crossing and leading to
yet-to-be-discovered opportunities, with even the rain a blessing. 此刻
的世界呈现出一个崭新的面貌 ~更为辽阔,多姿多彩,条条道路都
隐含着无限的机会。Here there are no stranger but only friends to be
made. 在这里人人都不陌生,大家都是朋友。This, for me, is the
embodiment of a heritage shared.对于我来说,这就是共享人类文化







