
2020年08月07日 16:39



good evening ladies and gentlemen:
thank you for ing to this election campaign today. with the trust
and plete support of my team, i am delighted to announce that i am
running for chairman of the student union.
as a diligent man with pleasant, i have been always considered to be
a good team member. meanwhile, as a big fan of sports i fully realize
the importance of teamwork and advocate the spirit of being quicker and
stronger. i possess strong determination to take firm steps toward
achieving the objectives of my team. in addition, my working experience
with the student union in the past two years will be extremely helpful
to my future work here if i get elected.
a sign of a really strong organization is that it can change its
leadership without hindering its progress and without damaging its
values. if i am elected, i believe i have the capability to lead the
union to advance in the right direction. i will cooperate well with my
fellow members of the union and take innovative measures, including
establishing a student-information center, forming a teacher- student-
friendship association, to make the union a true assistance to
students'' study and life here as well as a bridge of munication between
teachers and students.
thank you very much.
a campaign speech
good evening ladies and gentlemen:
thank you for ing to this election campaign today. with the trust
and plete support of my team, i am delighted to announce that i am
running for chairman of the student union.
as a diligent man with pleasant personality, i have been always
considered to be a good team member. meanwhile, as a big fan of sports i
fully realize the importance of teamwork and advocate the spirit of
being quicker and stronger. i possess strong determination to take firm
steps toward achieving the objectives of my team. in addition, my

working experience with the student union in the past two years will be
extremely helpful to my future work here if i get elected.
a sign of a really strong organization is that it can change its
leadership without hindering its progress and without damaging its
values. if i am elected, i believe i have the capability to lead the
union to advance in the right direction. i will cooperate well with my
fellow members of the union and take innovative measures, including
establishing a student-information center, forming a teacher-student-
friendship association, to make the union a true assistance to students'
study and life here as well as a bridge of munication between teachers
and students.
thank you very much.
good morning. earlier this week, i traveled to baghdad to visit the
capital of a free and democratic iraq. it was an incredible feeling to
stand in the cockpit of air force one and watch the pilot steer us in
toward baghdad. after we landed, i had the pleasure of meeting with our
dedicated embassy staff and intelligence officers serving far from home
under dangerous circumstances. and i was honored to meet with some of
our troops, including those responsible for bringing justice to the
terrorist zarqawi. it was a privilege to shake their hands, look them in
the eye, and tell them how much the american people appreciate their
daily courage, and how much we appreciate the sacrifices that they and
their families are making. on my trip, i also met with the new iraqi
prime minister maliki, and i was able to see firsthand his strong
character and his determination to succeed. we held a joint meeting of
our two cabinets, with members of my cabinet participating by video
teleconference from camp david. the prime minister briefed us on his
plan to take immediate steps in three key areas: improving security,
building up iraq's economy so iraqis can see real progress in their
lives, and reaching out to the international munity to secure support
for iraq's new government. then we discussed how my administration can
help the prime minister acplish these vital objectives. his top priority
is securing baghdad, so coalition and iraqi forces have launched
operation together forward, a joint effort to restore security and the
rule of law to high-risk areas of the city. to help the prime minister

improve security, we will continue embedding coalition transition teams
in iraqi army and police units, and we will help the new iraqi ministers
of defense and interior improve their mand and control, root out
corruption, and investigate and punish human rights violations. we will
also support the prime minister as he works to rein in illegal militias,
build a judicial system that will provide equal justice to all, and
promote reconciliation among the iraqi people. to aid the prime minister
in revitalizing iraq's economy, we will send additional experts to help
the iraqi government develop an economic framework that will promote job
creation and opportunity for all iraqis. we will also help the prime
minister increase oil and electricity production by working together on
ways to protect key infrastructure from attacks, and to quickly restore
oil and electricity production when attacks do occur. finally, america
will help the prime minister engage the international munity in iraq's
success. we will encourage other nations to fulfill the monetary pledges
they have already made to help the new iraqi government succeed. we will
also support the prime minister's efforts to forge a new international
pact. under this pact, iraq will take a series of steps in the political,
economic, and security areas, and in return, the
international munity will provide iraq with more robust political
and economic support. during my trip, i was impressed with the prime
minister, the team he has assembled, and the plan he has set for his
government. i appreciate his determination, and the determination of his
cabinet, to make his agenda work. i told them that the future of iraq is
in their hands. and i told them that america is a nation that keeps its
word, and america will stand with them as we work toward our shared goal:
a free iraq that can govern itself, sustain itself, and defend itself.
by seizing this moment of opportunity, we will defeat our mon enemies
and build a lasting democracy in the heart of the middle east, and that
will make americans, iraqis, and the world more secure. i traveled to
baghdad to personally show our nation's mitment to a free iraq, because
it is vital for the iraqi people to know with certainty that america
will not abandon them after we have e this far. the challenges that
remain in iraq are serious. we face determined enemies who remain intent
on killing the innocent, and defeating these enemies will require more
sacrifice and the continued patience of our country. but our efforts in

iraq are well worth it, the mission is necessary for the security of our
country, and we will succeed. thank you for listening. cockpit : 飞机座

from:q lc

大家,下午好!很荣幸站在这个讲台上,在这里,首 先我要感谢学院提供了这
次机会,让我有幸参与竞选;同时也感谢在座的各位领导,老师以及同学们对我 的
下面请容许我做下自我陈述:我叫蔡可贺,来自机械工程学院机10 6班。今天
选 择合适的人,并用事实验证他的选择。
竞争使人优秀也验证着优秀。所谓“沧海横流,方显英 雄本色。”我毫不畏惧
两年多来,我 积极参加学院的每一项活动,事无巨细,从星级学生分会评比、
送老新生晚会等材料的整理,到十佳歌手 决赛的参与策划和部门篮球赛、学院义卖
等活动的主导,我不断的在学习实践中感悟与成长,并形成了我 今天竞选主席的优
通过工作,以及以前校大学生科协的主席团助理和现在的菁英班,我建立了 良
们学院的各 个部门,我的朋友既有数量,更有质量,我相信我良好的人际关系也将
成为我今后更好为学院服务的一大 助力,这也是我通过思考脑中我们学院未来的发
展方向:于内有视野、有思想、有能力,于外有口碑、有 影响、有朋友。
虽然工作忙碌,但我始终没有忘记自己是一 名学生。连续两年获得校奖学金,
并获得校级优秀团员称号。英语四级、计算机二级也被我拿下。同时我 也积极向党
我愿意用 我的热情把四年的青春都先给它。当走在路上的时候别人问我是哪个学院

的时候,我会骄 傲的说“机械工程”以上四个方面,是我竞选院学生会主席的优势,
假如我有幸当选,这些优势条件将有 助于我很快进入工作的角色。
学生会是学院部门和广大学生的桥梁,它关系着同学的日常学习 和生活,于是
本届学生会应该继 承以往学生会的宗旨,坚持“务实高效,开拓创新”的工作
作风,并朝“正规化”方向不断迈进。同时, 继续坚持“以同学为本”的工作原则,
1、正规化部门的工作流程,加强办公室文化气息。通过 增强各部门会议及会
2、实行 健全,弹性的人事制度。通过奖惩制度,绩效考的核等措施提高成员
的工作积极性,完善人才培养机制, 保障学生会健康有序的发展。
3、加强学生会部门之间的横向交流,主席团与部门的交流。通 过建立各种沟
知名度和在同学间的亲和力 。通过关系同学切身利益的活动和一系列“品牌活动”,
建立学生会与学生沟通的渠道,树立学生会内外 的形象。
样才能让我们的团队在极具活力的创新中稳步前行 以上就是我关于学生会工作的
彩,我在不断地磨砺中成长 ,在成长中成熟,在此,我
向对我谆谆教导的老师、一路引导我走过来的学长学姐和一路风雨 同舟的兄弟
个 )
给我翱翔的天空。 请投我一票。
能够顾全大 局。今天我很荣幸地站在这里表达自己由来已久的愿望:“我要竞选学

生会主席。”我在 这里郑重承诺:“我将尽全力完成学校领导和同学们交给我的任
务,使学生会成为一个现代化的积极团体 ,成为学校的得力助手和同学们信赖的组
我已经在团委会纪检部工作了近一年的段时 间,从工作中,我学会了怎样为人处
世、怎样学会忍耐,怎样解决一些矛盾,怎样协调好纪检部各成员之 间的关系,怎
会主席一职,并且有能 力把学生会发扬光大。
假如我当上了学生会主席,我要进一步完善自己,提高自己各方面的素质,要 进
步提高责任 心,在工作中大胆创新,锐意进取,虚心地向别人学习;要进一步的广
纳贤言,做到有错就改,有好的意 见就接受,同时坚持自己的原则,演讲稿《学生
假如我当上了学生会 主席,我要改(转载自百分网,请保留此标记。)革学生会
的体制。真正的做到“优胜劣汰”,做到“日 日清,周周结”,每周都对各部门的
负责人进行考核,通过其部门的成员反应情况,指出他在工作中的优 点和缺点,以
责人常作自我批评,自 我检讨的活动,每月以书面材料形式存入档案。我还将常常
找各部门的成员了解一些情况,为作出正确的 策略提供可*的保证。还要协调好各
部门 之间的关系,团结一切可团结的力量,扩大学生会的影响及权威。
同学们服务 ,代表同学 们行使合法权益,为校园的建设尽心尽力。在学生会利益
前,我们坚持以学校、大多数同学的利益为重, 决不以公谋私。努力把学生会打造
成功之路上 的鲜花。我想,如果我当选的话,一定会言必行,行必果。







