
2020年08月07日 16:56


Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic
of China
Order of the President of the People's Republic of China
(No. 65)

The labor contract Law of the People's Republic of China,
which was adopted at the 28th Session of the Standing
Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the
People's Republic of China on June 29, 2007, is hereby
promulgated and shall come into force as of January 1,

President of the People's Republic of China Hu Jintao

June 29, 2007

labor contract Law of the People's Republic of China

(Adopted at the 28th Session of Standing Committee of the
Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic
of China on June 29, 2007)


Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II Formation of labor contracts
Chapter III Fulfillment and Change of labor contracts
Chapter IV Dissolution and Termination of labor contracts
Chapter V Special Provisions
Section 1 Collective Contract
Section 2 Worker Dispatch
Section 3 Part-time Employment
Chapter VI Supervision and Inspection
Chapter VII Legal Liabilities
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 This Law is formulated for the purposes of
improving the labor contractual system, clarifying the rights
and obligations of both parties of labor contracts, protecting
the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and
establishing and developing a harmonious and stable
employment relationship.
Article 2 This Law shall apply to the establishment of
employment relationship between employees and
enterprises, individual economic organizations, private non-

和国第十届全国人民代表大会常 务委员会第二十八次
年1月1日起施 行。
中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛


目 录

第一章 总则
第二章 劳动合同的订立
第三章 劳动合同的履行和变更
第四章 劳动合同的解除和终止
第五章 特别规定
第一节 集体合同
第二节 劳务派遣
第三节 非全日制用工
第六章 监督检查
第七章 法律责任
第八章 附则
第一章 总则
第一条 【立法宗旨】为了完善劳动合同制度,
明确劳动合同双方当事人的权利和义 务,保护劳动者
第二条 【适用范围】中华人民共和国境内的企

enterprise entities, or other organizations (hereafter
referred to as employers), and to the formation, fulfillment,
change, dissolution, or termination of labor contracts.

The state organs, public institutions, social organizations,
and their employees among them there is an employment
relationship shall observe this Law in the formation,
fulfillment, change, dissolution, or termination of their labor
Article 3 The principle of lawfulness, fairness, equality, free
will, negotiation for agreement and good faith shall be
observed in the formation of a labor contract.

A labor contract concluded according to the law shall have
a binding force. The employer and the employee shall
perform the obligations as stipulated in the labor contract.
Article 4 An employer shall establish a sound system of
employment rules so as to ensure that its employees enjoy
the labor rights and perform the employment obligations.

Where an employer formulates, amends or decides rules or
important events concerning the remuneration, working
time, break, vacation, work safety and sanitation, insurance
and welfare, training of employees, labor discipline, or
management of production quota, which are directly related
to the interests of the employees, such rules or important
events shall be discussed at the meeting of employees'
representatives or the general meeting of all employees,
and the employer shall also put forward proposals and
opinions to the employees and negotiate with the labor
union or the employees' representatives on a equal basis to
reach agreements on these rules or events.

During the process of execution of a rule or decision about
an important event, if the labor union or the employees
deems it improper, they may require the employer to
amend or improve it through negotiations.

The employer shall make an announcement of the rules
and important events which are directly related to the
interests of the employees or inform the employees of
these rules or events.
Article 5 The labor administrative department of the
people's government at the county level or above shall,
together with the labor union and the representatives of the
enterprise, establish a sound three-party mechanism to
第三条 【基本原则】订立劳动合同,应当遵循
第四条 【规章制度】用人单位应当依法建立和
完善劳动规章制度,保障劳动者享有劳动权 利、履行
工作时间、 休息休假、劳动安全卫生、保险福利、职
者 切身利益的规章制度或者重大事项时,应当经职工
代表大会或者全体职工讨论,提出方案和意见,与工< br>会或者职工代表平等协商确定。
者 职工认为不适当的,有权向用人单位提出,通过协
第五条 【协调劳动关系三方机制】县级以上人

coordinate employment relationship and shall jointly seek to
solve the major problems related to employment relations.
Article 6 The labor union shall assist and direct the
employees when they conclude with the employers and
fulfill labor contracts and establish a collective negotiation
mechanism with the employers so as to maintain the lawful
rights and interests of the employees.

第六条 【集体协商机制】工会应当帮助、指导
劳 动者与用人单位依法订立和履行劳动合同,并与用
Chapter II Formation of labor contracts

第二章 劳动合同的订立
Article 7 An employer establishes an employment
relationship with an employee from the date when the
employer puts the employee to work. The employer shall
prepare a roster of employees for inspection.
Article 8 When an employer hires an employee, it shall
faithfully inform him of the work contents, conditions and
location, occupational harm, work safety state,
remuneration, and other information which the employee
requires to be informed. The employer has the right to know
the basic information of the employer which is directly
related to the labor contract and the employee shall
faithfully provide such information.
Article 9 When an employer hires an employee, it shall not
detain his identity card or other certificates, nor require him
to provide a guaranty or collect money or property from him
under any other excuse.
Article 10 A written labor contract shall be concluded in the
establishment of an employment relationship.

Where an employment relationship has already been
established with an employee but no written labor contract
has been entered simultaneously, a written labor contract
shall be concluded within one month from the date when
the employee begins to work.

Where an employer and an employee conclude a labor
contract prior to the employment, the employment
relationship is established from the date when the
employee begins to work.
Article 11 Where an employer fails to conclude a written
labor contract when the employer put his employee to work,
第七条 【劳动关系的建立】用人单位自用工之< br>日起即与劳动者建立劳动关系。用人单位应当建立职
第八条 【用人 单位的告知义务和劳动者的说明
工作内容、 工作条件、工作地点、职业危害、安全生
况; 用人单位有权了解劳动者与劳动合同直接相关的
第九条 【用人单位不得扣押劳动者证件和要求
居民 身份证和其他证件,不得要求劳动者提供担保或
第十条 【订立书面劳动合同】建立劳动关系,
第十一条 【未订立书面劳动合同时劳动报酬不

if the remuneration stipulated between the employer and
the employee is not clear, the remuneration to the new
employee shall conform to the provisions of the collective
contract. If there is no collective contract or if there is no
such stipulation in the collective contract, the principle of
equal pay for equal work shall be observed.
Article 12 labor contracts are classified into fix-term labor
contracts, labor contracts without a fixed term, and the
labor contracts that set the completion of specific tasks as
the term to end contracts.
Article 13 A fixed-term labor contract refers to a labor
contract in which the employer and the employee stipulate
the time of termination of the contract.

The employer and the employee may conclude a fixed-term
labor contract upon negotiation.
Article 14 A labor contract without a fixed term refers to a
labor contract in which the employer and the employee
stipulate no certain time to end the contract.

An employer and an employee may, through negotiations,
conclude a labor contract without a fixed term. Under any of
the following circumstances, if the employee proposes or
agrees to renew or conclude a labor contract, a labor
contract without a fixed term shall be concluded unless the
employee proposes to conclude a fixed-term labor contract:
1. The employee has already worked for the employer for
10 full years consecutively;
2. When the employer initially adopts the labor contract
system or when a state-owned enterprise re-concludes the
labor contract due to restructuring, the employee has
already worked for this employer for 10 full years
consecutively and he attains to the age which is less than
10 years up to the statutory retirement age; or
3. The labor contract is to be renewed after two fixed-term
labor contracts have been concluded consecutively, and
the employee is not under any of the circumstances as
mentioned in Article 39 and Paragraphs (1) and (2) of
Article 40 of this Law.

If the employer fails to sign a written labor contract with an
employee after the lapse of one full year from the date
when the employee begins to work, it shall be deemed that
the employer and the employee have concluded a labor
contract without a fixed term.
有集体合同或者集体合同未规定的,实行同 工同酬。
第十二条 【劳动合同的种类】劳动合同分为固

第十三条 【固定期限劳动合同】固定期限劳动
合 同,是指用人单位与劳动者约定合同终止时间的劳

第十四条 【无固定期限劳动 合同】无固定期限
限劳动合同。有下列情形之一,劳动者提出 或者同意
劳动合同外,应当订立无固定期限 劳动合同:
(二)用人单位初次实 行劳动合同制度或者国有
连续工作满十年且 距法定退休年龄不足十年的;
者没有本法 第三十九条和第四十条第一项、第二项规

用人 单位自用工之日起满一年不与劳动者订立书

Article 15 A labor contract that sets the completion of a
specific task as the term to end the contract refers to the
labor contract in which the employer and the employee
stipulate that the time period of the contract shall be based
on the completion of a specific task.

An employer and an employee may, upon negotiation,
conclude a labor contract that sets the completion of a
specific task to end the contract.
Article 16 A labor contract shall be agreed with by the
employer and the employee and shall come into effect after
the employer and the employee affix their signatures or
seals to the labor contract.

The employer and the employee shall each hold one copy
of the labor contract.
Article 17 A labor contract shall include the following
1. The employer's name, domicile, legal representative, or
major person-in-charge;
2. The employee's name, domicile, identity card number, or
other valid identity certificate number;
3. The time limit for the labor contract;
4. The job descriptions and work locations;
5. The work hours, break time, and vocations;
6. The remunerations;
7. The social security;
8. The employment protection, work conditions, and
protection against and prevention of occupational harm;
9. Other items that shall be included in the labor contract
under any laws or regulations.

Apart from the essential clauses as prescribed in the
preceding paragraph, the employer and the employee may,
in the labor contract, stipulate the probation time period,
training, confidentiality, supplementary insurances, welfares
and benefits, and other items.
Article 18 If remunerations, work conditions, and other
criterions are not expressly stipulated in a labor contract
and a dispute is triggered, the employer and the employee
may re-negotiate the contract. If no agreement is reached
through negotiations, the provisions of the collective
contract shall be followed. If there is no collective contract
or if there is no such stipulation about the remuneration, the
principle of equal pay for equal work shall be observed. If
第十五条 【以完成一定 工作任务为期限的劳动
用人单位与劳动者约 定以某项工作的完成为合同期限

第十六条 【劳动合同的生效】劳动合同由用人
动合同 文本上签字或者盖章生效。

第十七条 【劳动合同的内容】劳动合同应当具

劳动合同除前款规定的必备条款外 ,用人单位与
第十八条 【劳动合同对劳动报酬和劳动条件约
定不明确的解决】劳动合同对劳动报酬和劳 动条件等

以重新协商;协商不 成的,适用集体合同规定;没有
同酬;没有 集体合同或者集体合同未规定劳动条件等

there is no collective contract or if there is no such
stipulation about the work conditions and other criterions in
the collective contract, the relevant provisions of the state
shall be followed.
Article 19 If the term of a labor contract is not less than 3
months but less than 1 year, the probation period shall not
exceed one month. If the term of a labor contract is not less
than one year but less than 3 years, the probation period
shall not exceed 2 months. For a labor contract with a fixed
term of 3 years or more or without a fixed term, the
probation term shall not exceed 6 months.

An employer can only impose one probation time period on
an employee.

For a labor contract that sets the completion of a specific
task as the term to end the contract or with a fixed term of
less than 3 months, no probation period may be stipulated.

The probation period shall be included in the term of a labor
contract. If a labor contract only provides the term of
probation, the probation shall be null and void and the term
of the probation shall be treated as the term of the labor
Article 20 The wage of an employee during the probation
period shall not be lower than the minimum wage for the
same position of the same employer or lower than 80% of
the wage stipulated in the labor contract, nor may it be
lower than the minimum wage of the locality where the
employer is located.
Article 21 During the probation period, except when the
employee is under any of the circumstances as described
in Article 39 and Article 40 (i) and (ii), the employer shall not
dissolve the labor contract. If an employer dissolves a labor
contract during the probation period, it shall make an
Article 22 Where an employer pays special training
expenses for the special technical training of his
employees, the employer may enter an agreement with his
employees to specify their service time period.

If an employee violates the stipulation regarding the service
time period, he shall pay the employer a penalty for breach
of contract. The amount of penalty for breach of contract
第十九条 【试用期】劳动合同期限三个月以上
不满一年的,试 用期不得超过一个月;劳动合同期限
以上固 定期限和无固定期限的劳动合同,试用期不得
试用期的,试用期不成立,该期限为劳动合同期限。 第二十条 【试用期工资】劳动者在试用期的工
资不得低于本单位相同岗位最低档工资或者劳动 合同
第二十一条 【试用期内解除劳动合同】在试用
同。用人单位在试用期解除劳动合同的,应当向劳 动
第二十二条 【服务期】用人单位为劳动者提供
专项培训费用, 对其进行专业技术培训的,可以与该
劳动者违反服务期约 定的,应当按照约定向用人
供的培训费用。 用人单位要求劳动者支付的违约金不

shall not exceed the training fees provided by the employer.
The penalty for breach of a contract in which the employer
requires the employee to pay shall not exceed the training
expenses attributable to the service time period that is

The service time period stipulated by the employer and the
employee does not affect the promotion of the
remuneration of the employee during the probation period
under the normal wage adjustment mechanism.
Article 23 An employer may enter an agreement with his
employees in the labor contract to require his employees to
keep the business secrets and intellectual property of the
employer confidential.

For an employee who has the obligation of keeping
confidential, the employer and the employee may stipulate
non- competition clauses in the labor contract or in the
confidentiality agreement and come to an agreement that,
when the labor contract is dissolved or terminated, the
employee shall be given economic compensations within
the non- competition period. If the employee violates the
stipulation of non-competition, it shall pay the employer a
penalty for breaching the contract.
Article 24 The persons who should be subject to non-
competition shall be limited to the senior mangers, senior
technicians, and the other employees, who have the
obligation to keep secrets, of employers. The scope,
geographical range and time limit for non- competition shall
be stipulated by the employer and the employee. The
stipulation on non-competition shall not be contrary to any
laws or regulations.

After the dissolution or termination of a labor contract, the
non-competition period for any of the persons as mentioned
in the preceding paragraph to work in any other employer
producing or engaging in products of the same category or
engaging in business of the same category as this
employer shall not exceed two years.
Article 25 Except for the circumstances as prescribed in
Articles 22 and 23 of this Law, the employer shall not
stipulate with the employee that the employee shall pay the
penalty for breaching contract.
Article 26 The following labor contracts are invalid or are
第二十三条 【保密义务和竞业限制】用人单位
与劳动者可以在劳动合同中约定保守用人单 位的商业
对负有保密义务的劳动者,用人单位可以在 劳动
约定在解除或者终止劳动合同后,在竞 业限制期限内
的,应当按照约定向用人单位 支付违约金。
第二十四条 【竞业限制的范围和期限】竞业限
制的人员限于用人单位的高 级管理人员、高级技术人
域、期限由用人单 位与劳动者约定,竞业限制的约定
在解除或者终止劳动合同 后,前款规定的人员到
竞争关系的其他用人 单位,或者自己开业生产或者经
第二十五条 【违约金】除本法第二十二条和第
二十三条规定的情形外,用人单位不得与劳 动者约定
第二十六条 【劳动合同的无效】下列劳动合同

partially invalid if:
1. a party employs the means of deception or coercion or
takes advantage of the other party's difficulties to force the
other party to conclude a labor contract or to make an
amendment to a labor contract, which is contrary to his will;
2. an employer disclaims its legal liability or denies the
employee's rights; or
3. the mandatory provisions of laws or administrative
regulations are violated.

If there is any dispute over the invalidating or partially
invalidating of a labor contract, the dispute shall be settled
by the labor dispute arbitration institution or by the people's
Article 27 The invalidity of any part of a labor contract does
not affect the validity of the other parts of the contract. The
other parts shall still remain valid.
Article 28 If a labor contract has been confirmed to be
invalid, the employer shall pay remunerations to his
employees who have labored for the employer. The amount
of remunerations shall be determined by analogy to the
remuneration to the employees taking up the same or
similar positions of the employer .
Chapter III Fulfillment and Change of labor contracts
Article 29 An employer and an employee shall, according
to the stipulations of the labor contract, fully perform their
respective obligations.
Article 30 An employer shall, under the contractual
stipulations and the provisions of the state, timely pay its
employees the full amount of remunerations.

Where an employer defers paying or fails to pay the full
amount of remunerations, the employees may apply to the
local people's court for an order of payment. The people's
court shall issue an order of payment according to the law.
Article 31 An employer shall strictly execute the criterion
on production quota, it shall not force any of its employees
to work overtime or make any of his employees to do so in
a disguised form. If an employer arranges overtime work, it
shall pay its employee for the overtime work according to
方在 违背真实意思的情况下订立或者变更劳动合同
第二十七条 【劳动合同部分无效】劳动合同部
第二十八条 【劳动合同无效后劳动报酬的支
付】劳动合同被确认无效,劳动者已付出劳动 的,用
额,参照本单位相同或者相近岗位劳动 者的劳动报酬
第三章 劳动合同的履行和变更
第二十九条 【劳动合同的履行】用人单位与劳
第三十条 【劳动报酬】用人单位应当按照劳动
者可以依法向当地人民法院申请支付令,人 民法院应
第三十一条 【加班】用人单位应当严格执行劳
动 定额标准,不得强迫或者变相强迫劳动者加班。用
人单位安排加班的,应当按照国家有关规定向劳动者< br>支付加班费。

the relevant provisions of the state.
Article 32 If an employee refuses to perform the dangerous
operations ordered by the manager of his employer who
violates the safety regulations or forces the employee to
risk his life, the employee shall not be deemed to have
violated the labor contract.

第三十二条 【劳动者拒绝违章指挥、强令冒险
作业】劳动者拒绝用人单位管 理人员违章指挥、强令

An employee may criticize, expose to the authorities, or
charge against the employer if the work conditions may
endanger his life and health.
Article 33 An employer's change of its name, legal
representative, key person-in- charge, or investor shall not
affect the fulfillment of the labor contracts.
Article 34 In case of merger or split the original labor
contracts of the employer still remain valid. Such labor
contracts shall be performed by the new employer who
succeeds the rights and obligations of the aforesaid
Article 35 An employer and an employee may modify the
contents stipulated in the labor contract if they so agree
upon negotiations. The modifications to the labor contract
shall be made in writing.

The employer and the employee shall each hold one copy
of the modified labor contract.
Chapter IV Dissolution and Termination of labor contracts
Article 36 An employer and an employee may dissolve the
labor contract if they so agree upon negotiations.
Article 37 An employee may dissolve the labor contract if
he notifies in writing the employer 30 days in advance.
During the probation period, an employee may dissolve the
labor contract if he notifies the employer 3 days in advance.
Article 38 Where an employer is under any of the following
circumstances, its employees may dissolve the labor
1. It fails to provide labor protection or work conditions as
stipulated in the labor contract;
2. It fails to timely pay the full amount of remunerations;
第三十三条 【用人单位名称、法定代表人等的
变更】用 人单位变更名称、法定代表人、主要负责人
第三十四条 【用人单位合并或者分立】用人单
第三十五条 【劳动合同的变更】用人单位 与劳
第四章 劳动合同的解除和终止
第三十六条 【协商解除劳动合同】用人单位与
第三十七条 【 劳动者提前通知解除劳动合同】
除劳动合同 。劳动者在试用期内提前三日通知用人单
第三十八条 【劳动者单方解除劳动合同】用人

3. It fails to pay social security premiums for the employees;
4. The rules and procedures set up by the employer are
contrary to any law or regulation and impair the rights and
interests of the employees;
5. The labor contract is invalidated due to the circumstance
as mentioned in Article 26 (1) of this Law; or
6. Any other circumstances prescribed by other laws or
administrative regulations that authorize employees to
dissolve labor contracts.

If an employer forces any employee to work by the means
of violence, threat, or illegally restraining personal freedom,
or an employer violates the safety regulations to order or
forces any employee to perform dangerous operations that
endanger the employee's personal life, the employee may
immediately dissolve the labor contract without notifying the
employer in advance.
Article 39 Where an employee is under any of the following
circumstances, his employer may dissolve the labor
1. It is proved that the employee does not meet the
recruitment conditions during the probation period;
2. The employee seriously violates the rules and
procedures set up by the employer;
3. The employee causes any severe damage to the
employer because he seriously neglects his duties or seeks
private benefits;
4. The employee simultaneously enters an employment
relationship with other employers and thus seriously affects
his completion of the tasks of the employer, or the
employee refuses to make the ratification after his employer
points out the problem;
5. The labor contract is invalidated due to the circumstance
as mentioned in Item (1), paragraph 1, Article 26 of this
Law; or
6. The employee is under investigation for criminal liabilities
according to law.
Article 40 Under any of the following circumstances, the
employer may dissolve the labor contract if it notifies the
employee in writing 30 days in advance or after it pays the
employee an extra month's wages:
1. The employee is sick or is injured for a non-work-related
reason and cannot resume his original position after the
expiration of the prescribed time period for medical
treatment, nor can he assume any other position arranged
by the employer;
2. The employee is incompetent to his position or is still so
用人单位以暴力、威胁 或者非法限制人身自由的
令冒险作业危及劳 动者人身安全的,劳动者可以立即
第三十九条 【用人单位单方解除劳动合同(过
以解除劳 动合同:
(四)劳动者同时与其他用人 单位建立劳动关
用人单位提出,拒不改正的 ;
第四十条 【无过失性辞退】有下列情形之一
的,用人单 位提前三十日以书面形式通知劳动者本人
同 :
疗期满后不能从事原工作,也不能从事 由用人单位另

after training or changing his position; or
3. The objective situation, on which the conclusion of the
labor contract is based, has changed considerably, the
labor contract is unable to be performed and no agreement
on changing the contents of the labor contract is reached
after negotiations between the employer and the employee.
Article 41 Under any of the following circumstances, if it is
necessary to lay off 20 or more employees, or if it is
necessary to lay off less than 20 employees but the layoff
accounts for 10% of the total number of the employees, the
employer shall, 30 days in advance, make an explanation
to the labor union or to all its employees. After it has
solicited the opinions from the labor union or of the
employees, it may lay off the number of employees upon
reporting the employee reduction plan to the labor
administrative department:

1. It is under revitalization according to the Enterprise
Bankruptcy Law;
2. It encounters serious difficulties in production and
business operation;
3. The enterprise changes products, makes important
technological renovation, or adjusts the methods of its
business operation, and it is still necessary to lay off the
number of employees after changing the labor contract; or
4. The objective economic situation, on which the labor
contract is based, has changed considerably and the
employer is unable to perform the labor contract.

The following employees shall be given a priority to be kept
when the employer cuts down the number of employees:
1. Those who have concluded a fixed-term labor contract
with a long time period
2. Those who have concluded a labor contract without fixed
term; and
3. Those whose family has no other employee and has the
aged or minors to support.

If the employer intends to hire new employees within 6
months after it cuts down the number of employees
according to the first paragraph of this Article, it shall notify
the employees cut down and shall, in the equal conditions,
give a priority to the employees cut down.
Article 42 An employer shall not dissolve the labor contract
under Articles 40 and 41 of this Law if any of its employee:
1. is engaging in operations exposing him to occupational
disease hazards and has not undergone an occupational
大变化,致使劳动合同无法履行,经用人单位 与劳动
第四十一条 【经济性裁员】有下 列情形之一,
业职工总数百分之十以上的, 用人单位提前三十日向
见后,裁减人员方案 经向劳动行政部门报告,可以裁
用人单位依照本条第一 款规定裁减人员,在六个
同等条件下优先招 用被裁减的人员。
第四十二条 【用人单位不得解除劳动合同的情
形】劳动者有下列情形 之一的,用人单位不得依照本

health check-up before he leaves his position, or is
suspected of having an occupational disease and is under
diagnosis or medical observation;
2. has been confirmed as having lost or partially lost his
capacity to work due to an occupational disease or a work-
related injury during his employment with the employer
3. has contracted an illness or sustained a non-work- related
injury and the proscribed time period of medical treatment
has not expired;
4. is a female who is in her pregnancy, confinement, or
nursing period;
5. has been working for the employer continuously for not
less than 15 years and is less than 5 years away from his
legal retirement age; or
6. finds himself in other circumstances under which an
employer shall not dissolve the labor contract as proscribed
in laws or administrative regulations
Article 43 Where an employer unilaterally dissolves a labor
contract, it shall notify the labor union of the reasons in
advance. If the employer violates any laws, administrative
regulation, or stipulations of the labor contract, the labor
union has the power to require the employer to make
ratification. The employer shall consider the opinions of the
labor union and notify the labor union of the relevant result
in writing.
Article 44 A labor contract may be terminated under any of
the following circumstances:
1. the term of a labor contract has expired;
2. the employee has begun to enjoy the basic benefits of
his pension;
3. the employee is deceased, or is declared dead or
missing by the people's court;
4. the employer is declared bankrupt;
5. the employer's business license is revoked or the
employer is ordered to close down its business or to
dissolve its business entity, or the employer makes a
decision to liquidate its business ahead of the schedule; or
6. other circumstances proscribed by other laws or
administrative regulations.
Article 45 If a labor contract expires and it is under any of
the circumstances as described in Article 42 of this Law,
the term of labor contract shall be extended until the
disappearance of the relevant circumstance. However, the
matters relating to the termination of the labor contract of
an employee who has lost or partially lost his capacity to
work as prescribed in Article 42 (ii) of this Law shall be
第四十三条 【工会在劳动合同解除中的监督作
应当研究工会的意见,并将处理结果书面通 知工会。
第四十四条 【劳动合同的终止】有下列情形之
第四十五条 【劳动合同的逾期终止】劳动合同
的劳动合同的终止,按照国家有关工伤保险 的规定执

handled according to the pertinent provisions on work-
related injury insurance.
Article 46 The employer shall, under any of the following
circumstances, pay the employee an economic
1. The employee dissolves the labor contract in pursuance
of Article 38 of this Law;
2. The employer proposes to dissolve the labor contract,
and it reaches an agreement with the employee on the
dissolution through negotiations;
3. The employer dissolves the labor contract according to
Article 40 of this Law;
4. The employer dissolves the labor contract according to
the first Paragraph of Article 41 of this Law; or
termination of a fixed-term labor contract according
to Article 44 (i) of this Law unless the employee refuses to
renew the contract even though the conditions offered by
the employer are the same as or better than those
stipulated in the current contract;
6. The labor contract is terminated according to Article 44
(iv) and (v) of this Law; or
7. Other circumstances as proscribed in other laws and
administrative regulations.
Article 47 An employee shall be given an economic
compensation based on the number of years he has
worked for the employer and at the rate of one month's
wage for each full year he worked. Any period of not less
than six months but less than one year shall be counted as
one year. The economic compensations payable to an
employee for any period of less than six months shall be
one-half of his monthly wages.

If the monthly wage of an employee is higher than three
times the average monthly wage of employees declared by
the people's government at the level of municipality directly
under the central government or at the level of a districted
city where the employer is located, the rate for the
economic compensations to be paid to him shall be three
times the average monthly wage of employees and shall be
for no more than 12 years of his work.

The term of “monthly wage” mentioned in this Article refers
to the employee's average monthly wage for the 12 months
prior to the dissolution or termination of his labor contract.
Article 48 If an employer dissolves or terminates a labor
contract in violation of this Law but the employee demands
第四十六条 【经济补偿】有下列情形之一的,
(二)用人单位依 照本法第三十六条规定向劳动
(五)除用人单位维持 或者提高劳动合同约定条
本法第四十四条第 一项规定终止固定期限劳动合同
第四十七条 【经济补偿的计算】经济补偿按劳
劳动者月工资高 于用人单位所在直辖市、设区的
倍的,向其 支付经济补偿的标准按职工月平均工资三
十 二年。
第四十八条 【违法解除或者终止劳动合同的法

the continuous fulfillment of the contract, the employer shall
do so. If the employee does not demand the continuous
fulfillment of the contract or if the continuous fulfillment of
the labor contract is impossible, the employer shall pay
compensation to the employee according to Article 87 of
this Law.
Article 49 The State shall take measures to establish and
improve a comprehensive system to ensure that the
employees' social security relationship can be transferred
from one region to another and can be continued after the
Article 50 At the time of dissolution or termination of a
labor contract, the employer shall issue a document to
prove the dissolution or termination of the labor contract
and complete, within 15 days, the procedures for the
transfer of the employee's personal file and social security

The employee shall complete the procedures for the
handover of his work as agreed upon between both parties.
If relevant provisions of this Law require the employer to
pay an economic compensation, it shall make a payment
upon completion of the procedures for the handover of the
employee's work.

The employer shall preserve the labor contracts, which
have been dissolved or terminated, for not less than two
years for reference purposes.
Chapter V Special Provisions
Section 1 Collective Contracts
Article 51 The employees of an enterprise may get
together as a party to negotiate with their employer to
conclude a collective contract on the matters of
remuneration, working hours, breaks, vacations, work
safety and hygiene, insurance, benefits, etc. The draft of
the collective contract shall be presented to the general
assembly of employees or all the employees for discussion
and approval.

A collective contract may be concluded by the labor union
on behalf of the employees of enterprise with the employer.
If the enterprise does not have a labor union yet, the
合同已经不能继续履行的,用人单位应当依 照本法第
第四十九条 【社会保险关系跨地区转移接续】

第五十条 【劳动合同解除或者终止后双方的义
务】用人单位应 当在解除或者终止劳动合同时出具解
办理档 案和社会保险关系转移手续。
单位依照本 法有关规定应当向劳动者支付经济补偿


第五章 特别规定

第一节 集体合同
第五十一条 【集体合同的 订立和内容】企业职
工作时间、休息休假、 劳动安全卫生、保险福利等事
会或者全体职 工讨论通过。

立;尚未建立 工会的用人单位,由上级工会指导劳动

contract may be concluded between the employer and the
representatives chosen by the employees under the
guidance of the labor union at the next higher level.
Article 52 The employees of an enterprise as a party may
negotiate with the employer to enter specialized collective
contracts regarding the issues of the work safety and
hygiene, protection of the rights and interests of female
employees, the wage adjustment mechanism, etc.
Article 53 Industrial or regional collective contracts may be
concluded between the labor unions and the
representatives of enterprises in industries such as
construction, mining, catering services, etc. in the regions
at or below the county level.
Article 54 After a collective contract has been concluded, it
shall be submitted to the labor administrative department.
The collective contract shall become effective after the
lapse of 15 days from the date of receipt thereof by the
labor administrative department, unless the said
department raises any objections to the contract.

A collective contract that has been concluded according to
law is binding on both the employer and the employees. An
industrial or regional collective contract is binding on both
the employers and employees in the local industry or the
Article 55 The standards for remunerations, working
conditions, etc. as stipulated in a collective contract shall
not be lower than the minimum criterions as prescribed by
the local people's government. The standards for
remunerations, working conditions, etc. as stipulated in the
labor contract between an employer and an employee shall
not be lower than those as specified in the collective
Article 56 If an employer's breach of the collective contract
infringes upon the labor rights and interests of the
employees, the labor union may, according to law, require
the employer to bear the liability. If a dispute arising from
the performance of the collective contract is not resolved
after negotiations, the labor union may apply for arbitration
or lodge a lawsuit in pursuance of law.
第五十二条 【专项集体合同】企业职工一方与

第五十三条 【行业性集体合同、区域性集体合

第五十四条 【集体合同的报送和生效】集体合
同订立后,应当报送劳动行政部门;劳动行 政部门自
第五十五条 【集体合同中劳动报酬、劳动 条件
低于当地人民政府规定的最低标准;用 人单位与劳动

第五十六条 【集体合同纠纷和法律救济】用人
单位 违反集体合同,侵犯职工劳动权益的,工会可以

Section 2 Worker Dispatch Service

第二节 劳务派遣
Article 57 A worker dispatch service provider shall be
established according to the Company Law and have a
registered capital of not less than RMB 500,000 yuan.

第五十七条 【劳务派遣单位的设立】劳务派遣
Article 58 Worker dispatch service providers are employers
第五十八条 【劳务派遣单位、用工单位及劳动
as mentioned in this Law and shall perform an employer's
obligations for its employees. The labor contract between a
worker dispatch service provider and a worker to be
dispatched shall, in addition to the matters specified in
Article 17 of this law, specify such matters as the entity to
which the worker will be dispatched, the term of dispatch,
positions, etc.

The labor contracts between a worker dispatch service
provider and the workers to be dispatched shall be fixed-
term labor contract with a term of not less than two years.
The worker dispatch service provider shall pay the
remunerations on a monthly basis. During the time period
when there is no work for the workers, the worker dispatch
service provider shall compensate the workers on monthly
basis at the minimum wage prescribed by the people's
government of the place where the worker dispatch service
provider is located.
Article 59 To dispatch workers, a worker dispatch service
provider shall enter into dispatch agreements with the entity
that accepts the workers under the dispatch arrangement
(hereinafter referred to as the “accepting entity”). The
dispatch agreements shall stipulate the positions to which
the workers are dispatched, the number of persons to be
dispatched, the term of dispatch, the amounts and terms of
payments of remunerations and social security premiums,
and the liability for breach of agreement.

An accepting entity shall decide with the worker service
dispatch provider on the term of dispatch based on the
actual requirements of the positions, and it shall not
dismember a continuous term of labor use into two or more
short-term dispatch agreements.
Article 60 A worker dispatch service provider shall inform
the workers dispatched of the content of the dispatch

No worker dispatch service provider may skimp any
remuneration that an accepting entity pays to the workers
应当履行用人单 位对劳动者的义务。劳务派遣单位与
七条规 定的事项外,还应当载明被派遣劳动者的用工
劳务 派遣单位应当与被派遣劳动者订立二年以上

第五十九条 【劳务派遣协议】劳务派 遣单位派
下称用工单位)订立劳务派遣协议 。劳务派遣协议应
社会保险费的数额与支付 方式以及违反协议的责任。
遣单位确定派遣 期限,不得将连续用工期限分割订立

第六十条 【劳务派遣单位的告知义务】劳务派


according to the dispatch agreement.

No worker dispatch service provider or accepting entity may
charge any fee against any dispatched worker.
Article 61 If a worker dispatch service provider assigns a
worker to an accepting entity in another region, the worker's
remuneration and work conditions shall be in line with the

第六十一条 【跨地区派遣劳动者的劳动报酬、
遣劳动者享有的劳动报酬和劳动条件,按照用工单 位
relevant standards of the place where the accepting entity
is located.
Article 62 An accepting entity shall perform the following
1. To implement state labor standards and provide the
corresponding working conditions and labor protection;
2. To communicate the job requirements and labor
compensations for the dispatched workers;
3. To pay overtime remunerations and performance
bonuses and provide benefits relevant to the position;
4. To provide the dispatched employees who assume the
positions with required training; and
5. To implement a normal wage adjustment system in the
case of continuous dispatch.

No accepting entity may in turn dispatch the workers to any
other employer.
Article 63 The workers dispatched shall have the right to
receive the same pay as that received by employees of the
accepting entity for the same work. If an accepting entity
has no employee in the same position, the remunerations
shall be determined with reference to that paid in the place
where the accepting entity is located to employees at the
same or a similar position.
Article 64 The workers dispatched have the right to join the
labor union of the worker dispatch service provider or of the
accepting entity or to organize such unions, so as to protect
their own lawful rights and interests.
Article 65 A worker dispatched may, according to Articles
36 and 38 of this Law, dissolve the labor contract between
him and the worker dispatch service provider.

Where a worker dispatched is under any of the
circumstances as mentioned in Article 39 and Article 40 (i)
and (ii), the accepting entity may return the worker to the
第六十二条 【用工单位的义务】用工单位应当
第六十三条 【被派遣劳动者同工 同酬】被派遣
工单位无同类岗位劳动者的, 参照用工单位所在地相
第六十四条 【被派遣劳 动者参加或者组织工
依法参加或者组织工会 ,维护自身的合法权益。
第六十五条 【劳务派遣中解除劳动合同】被派
遣劳动者可以依 照本法第三十六条、第三十八条的规
被派遣劳动者有本 法第三十九条和第四十条第一
劳务派遣单位 ,劳务派遣单位依照本法有关规定,可

worker dispatch service provider, the worker dispatch
service provider may dissolve the labor contract with the
Article 66 The worker dispatch services shall normally be
used for temporary, auxiliary, or substituting positions.
Article 67 No accepting entity may establish any worker
dispatch service to dispatch the workers to itself and to its
Section 3 Part-time Employments
Article 68 The “part- time employment” is a form of labor in
which the remuneration is mainly calculated on hourly
basis, the average working hours of a worker per day shall
not exceed 4 hours, and the aggregate working hours per
week for the same employer shall not exceed 24 hours.
Article 69 Both parties to a part-time employment may
reach an oral agreement.

A worker who engages in part-time employment may
conclude a labor contract with one or more employers, but
a labor contract concluded subsequently may not prejudice
the performance of a labor contract previously concluded.
Article 70 No probation period may be stipulated by both
parties for a part-time employment.
Article 71 Either of the parties to part-time employment
may inform the other party of the termination of labor at any
time. Upon the termination of a part-time employment, the
employer will pay no economic compensation to the
Article 72 The criterions for the calculation of part-time
employment on hourly basis shall not be lower than the
minimum hourly wage prescribed by the people's
government of the place where the employer is located.

The maximum remuneration settlement and payment cycle
for part-time employment shall not exceed 15 days.
第六十六条 【劳务派遣的适用岗位】劳务派遣

第六十七条 【用人单位不得自设劳务派遣单


第三节 非全日制用工
第六十八条 【非全日制用工的概念】非全日制

第六十九条 【非全日制用工的劳动合同】非全

第七十条 【非全日制用工不得约定试用期】非

第七十一条 【非全日制用工的终止用工】非全

第七十二条 【非全日 制用工的劳动报酬】非全
政府规定的最低小 时工资标准。


Chapter VI Supervision and Inspection
Article 73 The labor administrative department of the State
Council shall be responsible for the supervision and
inspection of the implementation of the system of labor
contracts throughout the country.

The labor administrative department of the local people's
governments at the county level and above shall be
responsible for the supervision and inspection of the
implementation of the system of labor contracts within their
respective administrative areas.

During the supervision and inspection of the
implementation of the system of labor contracts, the labor
administrative departments of the people's governments at
the county level and above shall solicit the opinions of the
labor unions, enterprise representatives and relevant
industrial administrative departments.
Article 74 The labor administrative department of the local
people's government at the county level or above shall
exercise supervision and inspection in respect of the
implementation of the system of labor contracts:
1. The employers' formulation of rules and regulations
directly related to the interests of workers, and the
implementation thereof;
2. The formation and dissolution of labor contracts by
employers and workers;
3. The compliance with relevant regulations on dispatch by
worker dispatch service providers and the accepting
employers' compliance with provisions of the state on
workers' working hours, breaks and vacations;
5. The employers' payment for remuneration as specified in
the labor contracts and compliance with the minimum wage
6. The employers' participation in the social security and the
payment for social security premiums; and
7. Other labor supervision matters as prescribed by laws
and regulations.
Article 75 During the supervision and inspection process,
the labor administrative department of the people's
government at the county level or above has the power to
consult the materials relevant to the labor contracts and
collective contracts and to conduct on-the- spot inspections
to the work places. The employers and employees shall
faithfully provide pertinent information and materials.

第六章 监督检查
第七十三条 【劳动合同制度的监督管理体制】
制度实施的监督管理工作中,应当听取工会 、企业方

第七十四条 【劳动行政部 门监督检查事项】县
动合同制度的情况进行 监督检查:

第七十五条 【监督检查措施和依法行政、文明执法】县级以上地方人民政府劳动行政部门实施监督
检查时,有权查阅与劳动合同、集体合同有关的 材


When the functionaries of the labor administrative
department conduct an inspection, they shall show their
badges, exercise their duties and powers pursuant to laws
and enforce the law in a well-disciplined manner.
Article 76 The relevant administrative departments of
construction, health, work safety supervision and
administration, etc. of the people's governments at the
county level and above shall, with the scope of their
respective functions, supervise and administer the
employers' implementation of the system of labor contracts.
Article 77 For any employer whose lawful rights and
interests are impaired, he may require the relevant
department to deal with the case, apply for an arbitration, or
lodge a lawsuit.
Article 78 A labor union shall protect the employees'
legitimate rights and interests and supervise the employer's
fulfillment of the labor contracts and collective contracts. If
the employer violates any law or regulation or breaches any
labor contract or collective contract, the labor union may put
forward its opinions and require the employer to make
ratification. If the employee applies for arbitration or lodges
a lawsuit, the labor union shall support and help him in
pursuance of law.
Article 79 Any organization or individual may report the
violations of this law. The labor administrative departments
of the people's governments at the county level and above
shall timely verify and deal with such violations and shall
grant awards to the meritorious persons who report the
Chapter VII Legal Liabilities
Article 80 If the rules and procedure of an employer
directly related to the employees' interests is contrary to
any laws or regulations, the labor administration
department shall order the employer to make ratification
and give it a warning. If the rules and procedures cause any
damage to the employees, the employer shall bear the
liability for compensation.
Article 81 If the text of a labor contract provided by an
第七十六条 【其他有关主管部门的监督管理】
县级以上 人民政府建设、卫生、安全生产监督管理等

第七十七条 【工会监督检查的权利】劳动者合

第七十八条 【劳动者权利救济途径】工会依法
维 护劳动者的合法权益,对用人单位履行劳动合同、
集体合同的情况进行监督。用人单位违反劳动法律、< br>法规和劳动合同、集体合同的,工会有权提出意见或

第七十九条 【对违法行为的举报】任何组织或


第七章 法律责任
第八十条 【规章制度违法的法律责任】用人单
位直接涉及劳 动者切身利益的规章制度违反法律、法


第八十一条 【缺乏必备条款、不提供劳动合同

employer does not include the mandatory clauses required
by this Law or if an employer fails to deliver a copy of the
labor contract to its employee, the labor administration
department shall order the employer to make ratification. If
any damage is caused to the employee, the employer shall
bear the liability for compensation.
Article 82 If an employer fails to conclude a written labor
contract with an employee after the lapse of more than one
month but less than one year as of the day when it started
using him, it shall pay to the worker his monthly wages at
double amount.

If an employer fails, in violation of this Law, to conclude with
an employee a labor contract without fixed term, it shall pay
to the employee his monthly wage at double amount,
starting from the date on which a labor contract without
fixed term should have been concluded.
Article 83 If an employer stipulates the probation period
with an employee to violate this Law, the labor
administration department shall order the employer to make
ratification. If the illegally stipulated probation has been
performed, the employer shall pay compensation to the
employee according to the time worked on probation
beyond the statutory probation period, at the rate of the
employee's monthly wage following the completion of his
Article 84 Where an employer violates this Law by
detaining the resident identity cards or other certificates of
the employees, the labor administrative department shall
order the employer to return the ID and certificates to the
employees within a time limit and shall punish the employer
according to the relevant laws.

Where an employer violates this Law by collecting money
and property from employees in the name of guaranty or in
any other excuses, the labor administrative department
shall order the employer to return the said property to the
employees within a time limit and fine the employer not less
than 500 yuan but not more than 2,000 yuan for each
person. If any damage is caused to the employees, the
employer shall be liable for compensation.

When an employee dissolves or terminates the labor
contract in pursuance of law, if the employer retains the
archives or other articles of the employees, it shall be
punished according to the provisions of the preceding
明本法规定的劳动合 同必备条款或者用人单位未将劳
正;给劳动者 造成损害的,应当承担赔偿责任。
第八十二条 【不订立书面劳动合同的法律责
任】用人 单位自用工之日起超过一个月不满一年未与
限劳动合同的,自应当订立 无固定期限劳动合同之日
第八十三条 【违法约定试用 期的法律责任】用
行政部门责令改正;违法 约定的试用期已经履行的,
履行的超过法定 试用期的期间向劳动者支付赔偿金。
第八十四条 【扣押劳动者身份等证件的法律责
任】用 人单位违反本法规定,扣押劳动者居民身份证
劳动 者收取财物的,由劳动行政部门责令限期退还劳
劳动者依法解除或者终止劳动合同,用人单 位扣

Article 85 Where an employing entity is under any of the
following circumstances, the labor administrative
department shall order it to pay the remunerations,
overtime remunerations or economic compensations within
a time limit. If the remuneration is lower than the local
minimum wage, the employer shall pay the shortfall. If
payment is not made within the time limit, the employer
shall be ordered to pay an extra compensation to the
employee at a rate of not less than 50 percent and not
more than 100 percent of the payable amount:
1. Failing to pay an employee his remunerations in full
amount and on time as stipulated in the labor contract or
prescribed by the state;
2. Paying an employee the wage below the local minimum
wage standard;
3. Arranging overtime work without paying overtime
remunerations; or
4. Dissolving or terminating a labor contract without paying
the employee the economic compensation under this Law.
Article 86 Where a labor contract is confirmed invalid
under Article 26 of this Law and any damage is caused to
the other party, the party at fault shall be liable for
Article 87 If an employer violates this Law by dissolving or
terminating the labor contract, it shall pay compensation to
the employee at the rate of twice the economic
compensations as prescribed in Article 47 of this Law.
Article 88 Where an employer is under any of the following
circumstances, it shall be given an administrative
punishment. If any crime is constituted, it shall be subject to
criminal liabilities. If any damage is caused to the
employee, the employer shall be liable for compensation:
1. To force the employee to work by violence, threat or
illegal limitation of personal freedom;
2. To illegally command or force any employee to perform
dangerous operations endangering the employee's life;
3. To insult, corporally punish, beat, illegally search, or
restrain any employee; or
4. To cause damages to the physical or mental health of
employees because of poor working conditions or severely
polluted environments;
第八十五条 【未依法支付劳动报酬、 经济补偿
行政部门责令限期支付劳动报酬、 加班费或者经济补
差额部分;逾期不支付的 ,责令用人单位按应付金额
第八十六条 【订立无效劳动合同的法律责任】
第八十七条 【违反解除或者终止劳动合同 的法
同的,应当依照本法第四十七条规定的 经济补偿标准
第八十八条 【侵害劳动者人身权益的法律责
罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;给劳动 者造成

Article 89 Where an employer violates this Law by failing to
issue to an employee a written certificate for the dissolution
or termination of a labor contract, it shall be ordered to
make a ratification by the labor administrative department.
If any damage is caused to an employee, the employer
shall be liable for compensation.
第八十九条 【不出具解除、终止书面证明的法
律责任】 用人单位违反本法规定未向劳动者出具解除

Article 90 Where an employee violates this Law to dissolve
the labor contract, or violates the stipulations of the labor
contract about the confidentiality obligation or non-

第九十条 【劳动者的赔偿责任】劳动者违反 本
密义务或者竞业限制,给用人单位造成损 失的,应当
competition, if any loss is caused to the employer, he shall
be liable for compensation.
Article 91 Where an employer hires any employee whose
labor contract with another employer has not been
dissolved or terminated yet, if any loss is caused to the
employer mentioned later, the employer first mentioned
shall bear joint and several liability of compensation.
Article 92 Where a worker dispatch service provider
violates this Law, it shall be ordered to make ratification by
the labor administrative department and other relevant
administrative departments. If the circumstance is severe, it
shall be fined at the rate of not less than 1, 000 yuan but
not more than 5, 000 yuan per person and have its
business license revoked by the administrative department
for industry and commerce. If any damage is caused to the
workers dispatched, the worker dispatch service provider
and the accepting entity shall bear joint and several liability
of compensation.
Article 93 Where an employer without the lawful business
operation qualifications commits any violation or crime, it
shall be subject to legal liabilities. If the employees have
already worked for the employer, the employer or its capital
contributors shall, under the relevant provisions of this Law,
pay the employees remunerations, economic
compensations or indemnities. If any damage is caused to
the employee, it shall be liable for compensation.
Article 94 Where an individual as a business operation
contractor hires employees in violation of this Law and
causes any damage to any employee, the contracting
organization and the individual business operation
contractor shall be jointly and severally liable for
第九十一条 【用人单位的连带 赔偿责任】用人
的劳动者,给其他用人单位 造成损失的,应当承担连
第九十二条 【劳务派遣单位的法律责任】劳务< br>派遣单位违反本法规定的,由劳动行政部门和其他有
关主管部门责令改正;情节严重的,以每人一 千元以
门吊销营业执照;给被派遣劳动者造 成损害的,劳务
第九十三条 【无营业执照经营 单位的法律责
为,依法追究法律责任;劳动 者已经付出劳动的,该
付劳动报酬、经济补 偿、赔偿金;给劳动者造成损害
第九十四条 【个人承包经营者 的连带赔偿责
者造成损害的,发包的组织与 个人承包经营者承担连

Article 95 If the labor administrative department, or any
other relevant administrative department, or any of the
functionaries thereof neglects its (his) duties, does not
perform the statutory duties, or exercises its (his) duties in
violation of law, it (he) shall be liable for compensation. The
directly liable person-in-charge and other directly liable
persons shall be given an administrative sanction. If any
crime is constituted, they shall be subject to criminal
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
Article 96 For the formation, performance, modification,
dissolution, or termination of a labor contract between a
public institution and an employee under the system of
employment, if it is otherwise provided for in any law,
administrative regulation or by the State Council, the latter
shall be followed. If there is no such provision, the relevant
provisions of this Law shall be observed.
Article 97 labor contracts concluded before the
implementation of this Law and continue to exist on the
implementation date of this Law shall continue to be
performed. For the purposes of Item (3) of the second
Paragraph of Article 14 of this Law, the number of
consecutive times on which a fixed-term labor contract is
concluded shall be counted from the first renewal of such
contract to occur after the implementation of this Law.

If an employment relationship was established prior to the
implementation of this Law without the conclusion of a
written labor contract, such contract shall be concluded
within one month from the date when this Law becomes

If a labor contract existing on the implementation date of
this Law is dissolved or terminated after the implementation
of this Law and, according to Article 46 of this Law, an
economic compensation is payable, the number of years for
which the economic compensation is payable shall be
counted from the implementation date of this Law. If, under
relevant effective regulations prior to the implementation of
this Law, the employee is entitled to the economic
compensation from the employer in respect of a period prior
to the implementation of this Law, the matters shall be
handled according to the relevant effective regulations at
that time.
第九十五条 【不履行法定职责 、违法行使职权
工作人员玩忽职守、不履行 法定职责,或者违法行使

赔偿 责任;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人

第八章 附则
第九十六条 【事业单位聘用制劳动合同的法律
行、变更、解除或者终止劳动合同,法律、行 政法规

第九十七条 【过渡性条款】本法施行前已依法
动合同的次数,自本法施行后续订固定期限劳动 合同
或者终止,依照本法第四十六条规定应当支 付经济补
行前按照当时有关规定,用人单位 应当向劳动者支付

Article 98 This Law shall come into force as of January 1,

第九十八条 【施行时间】本法自2008年1月1

Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic
of China
Order of the President of the People's Republic of China
(No. 65)

The labor contract Law of the People's Republic of China,
which was adopted at the 28th Session of the Standing
Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the
People's Republic of China on June 29, 2007, is hereby
promulgated and shall come into force as of January 1,

President of the People's Republic of China Hu Jintao

June 29, 2007

labor contract Law of the People's Republic of China

(Adopted at the 28th Session of Standing Committee of the
Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic
of China on June 29, 2007)


Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II Formation of labor contracts
Chapter III Fulfillment and Change of labor contracts
Chapter IV Dissolution and Termination of labor contracts
Chapter V Special Provisions
Section 1 Collective Contract
Section 2 Worker Dispatch
Section 3 Part-time Employment
Chapter VI Supervision and Inspection
Chapter VII Legal Liabilities
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 This Law is formulated for the purposes of
improving the labor contractual system, clarifying the rights
and obligations of both parties of labor contracts, protecting
the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and
establishing and developing a harmonious and stable
employment relationship.
Article 2 This Law shall apply to the establishment of
employment relationship between employees and
enterprises, individual economic organizations, private non-

和国第十届全国人民代表大会常 务委员会第二十八次
年1月1日起施 行。
中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛


目 录

第一章 总则
第二章 劳动合同的订立
第三章 劳动合同的履行和变更
第四章 劳动合同的解除和终止
第五章 特别规定
第一节 集体合同
第二节 劳务派遣
第三节 非全日制用工
第六章 监督检查
第七章 法律责任
第八章 附则
第一章 总则
第一条 【立法宗旨】为了完善劳动合同制度,
明确劳动合同双方当事人的权利和义 务,保护劳动者
第二条 【适用范围】中华人民共和国境内的企

enterprise entities, or other organizations (hereafter
referred to as employers), and to the formation, fulfillment,
change, dissolution, or termination of labor contracts.

The state organs, public institutions, social organizations,
and their employees among them there is an employment
relationship shall observe this Law in the formation,
fulfillment, change, dissolution, or termination of their labor
Article 3 The principle of lawfulness, fairness, equality, free
will, negotiation for agreement and good faith shall be
observed in the formation of a labor contract.

A labor contract concluded according to the law shall have
a binding force. The employer and the employee shall
perform the obligations as stipulated in the labor contract.
Article 4 An employer shall establish a sound system of
employment rules so as to ensure that its employees enjoy
the labor rights and perform the employment obligations.

Where an employer formulates, amends or decides rules or
important events concerning the remuneration, working
time, break, vacation, work safety and sanitation, insurance
and welfare, training of employees, labor discipline, or
management of production quota, which are directly related
to the interests of the employees, such rules or important
events shall be discussed at the meeting of employees'
representatives or the general meeting of all employees,
and the employer shall also put forward proposals and
opinions to the employees and negotiate with the labor
union or the employees' representatives on a equal basis to
reach agreements on these rules or events.

During the process of execution of a rule or decision about
an important event, if the labor union or the employees
deems it improper, they may require the employer to
amend or improve it through negotiations.

The employer shall make an announcement of the rules
and important events which are directly related to the
interests of the employees or inform the employees of
these rules or events.
Article 5 The labor administrative department of the
people's government at the county level or above shall,
together with the labor union and the representatives of the
enterprise, establish a sound three-party mechanism to
第三条 【基本原则】订立劳动合同,应当遵循
第四条 【规章制度】用人单位应当依法建立和
完善劳动规章制度,保障劳动者享有劳动权 利、履行
工作时间、 休息休假、劳动安全卫生、保险福利、职
者 切身利益的规章制度或者重大事项时,应当经职工
代表大会或者全体职工讨论,提出方案和意见,与工< br>会或者职工代表平等协商确定。
者 职工认为不适当的,有权向用人单位提出,通过协
第五条 【协调劳动关系三方机制】县级以上人

coordinate employment relationship and shall jointly seek to
solve the major problems related to employment relations.
Article 6 The labor union shall assist and direct the
employees when they conclude with the employers and
fulfill labor contracts and establish a collective negotiation
mechanism with the employers so as to maintain the lawful
rights and interests of the employees.

第六条 【集体协商机制】工会应当帮助、指导
劳 动者与用人单位依法订立和履行劳动合同,并与用
Chapter II Formation of labor contracts

第二章 劳动合同的订立
Article 7 An employer establishes an employment
relationship with an employee from the date when the
employer puts the employee to work. The employer shall
prepare a roster of employees for inspection.
Article 8 When an employer hires an employee, it shall
faithfully inform him of the work contents, conditions and
location, occupational harm, work safety state,
remuneration, and other information which the employee
requires to be informed. The employer has the right to know
the basic information of the employer which is directly
related to the labor contract and the employee shall
faithfully provide such information.
Article 9 When an employer hires an employee, it shall not
detain his identity card or other certificates, nor require him
to provide a guaranty or collect money or property from him
under any other excuse.
Article 10 A written labor contract shall be concluded in the
establishment of an employment relationship.

Where an employment relationship has already been
established with an employee but no written labor contract
has been entered simultaneously, a written labor contract
shall be concluded within one month from the date when
the employee begins to work.

Where an employer and an employee conclude a labor
contract prior to the employment, the employment
relationship is established from the date when the
employee begins to work.
Article 11 Where an employer fails to conclude a written
labor contract when the employer put his employee to work,
第七条 【劳动关系的建立】用人单位自用工之< br>日起即与劳动者建立劳动关系。用人单位应当建立职
第八条 【用人 单位的告知义务和劳动者的说明
工作内容、 工作条件、工作地点、职业危害、安全生
况; 用人单位有权了解劳动者与劳动合同直接相关的
第九条 【用人单位不得扣押劳动者证件和要求
居民 身份证和其他证件,不得要求劳动者提供担保或
第十条 【订立书面劳动合同】建立劳动关系,
第十一条 【未订立书面劳动合同时劳动报酬不

if the remuneration stipulated between the employer and
the employee is not clear, the remuneration to the new
employee shall conform to the provisions of the collective
contract. If there is no collective contract or if there is no
such stipulation in the collective contract, the principle of
equal pay for equal work shall be observed.
Article 12 labor contracts are classified into fix-term labor
contracts, labor contracts without a fixed term, and the
labor contracts that set the completion of specific tasks as
the term to end contracts.
Article 13 A fixed-term labor contract refers to a labor
contract in which the employer and the employee stipulate
the time of termination of the contract.

The employer and the employee may conclude a fixed-term
labor contract upon negotiation.
Article 14 A labor contract without a fixed term refers to a
labor contract in which the employer and the employee
stipulate no certain time to end the contract.

An employer and an employee may, through negotiations,
conclude a labor contract without a fixed term. Under any of
the following circumstances, if the employee proposes or
agrees to renew or conclude a labor contract, a labor
contract without a fixed term shall be concluded unless the
employee proposes to conclude a fixed-term labor contract:
1. The employee has already worked for the employer for
10 full years consecutively;
2. When the employer initially adopts the labor contract
system or when a state-owned enterprise re-concludes the
labor contract due to restructuring, the employee has
already worked for this employer for 10 full years
consecutively and he attains to the age which is less than
10 years up to the statutory retirement age; or
3. The labor contract is to be renewed after two fixed-term
labor contracts have been concluded consecutively, and
the employee is not under any of the circumstances as
mentioned in Article 39 and Paragraphs (1) and (2) of
Article 40 of this Law.

If the employer fails to sign a written labor contract with an
employee after the lapse of one full year from the date
when the employee begins to work, it shall be deemed that
the employer and the employee have concluded a labor
contract without a fixed term.
有集体合同或者集体合同未规定的,实行同 工同酬。
第十二条 【劳动合同的种类】劳动合同分为固

第十三条 【固定期限劳动合同】固定期限劳动
合 同,是指用人单位与劳动者约定合同终止时间的劳

第十四条 【无固定期限劳动 合同】无固定期限
限劳动合同。有下列情形之一,劳动者提出 或者同意
劳动合同外,应当订立无固定期限 劳动合同:
(二)用人单位初次实 行劳动合同制度或者国有
连续工作满十年且 距法定退休年龄不足十年的;
者没有本法 第三十九条和第四十条第一项、第二项规

用人 单位自用工之日起满一年不与劳动者订立书

Article 15 A labor contract that sets the completion of a
specific task as the term to end the contract refers to the
labor contract in which the employer and the employee
stipulate that the time period of the contract shall be based
on the completion of a specific task.

An employer and an employee may, upon negotiation,
conclude a labor contract that sets the completion of a
specific task to end the contract.
Article 16 A labor contract shall be agreed with by the
employer and the employee and shall come into effect after
the employer and the employee affix their signatures or
seals to the labor contract.

The employer and the employee shall each hold one copy
of the labor contract.
Article 17 A labor contract shall include the following
1. The employer's name, domicile, legal representative, or
major person-in-charge;
2. The employee's name, domicile, identity card number, or
other valid identity certificate number;
3. The time limit for the labor contract;
4. The job descriptions and work locations;
5. The work hours, break time, and vocations;
6. The remunerations;
7. The social security;
8. The employment protection, work conditions, and
protection against and prevention of occupational harm;
9. Other items that shall be included in the labor contract
under any laws or regulations.

Apart from the essential clauses as prescribed in the
preceding paragraph, the employer and the employee may,
in the labor contract, stipulate the probation time period,
training, confidentiality, supplementary insurances, welfares
and benefits, and other items.
Article 18 If remunerations, work conditions, and other
criterions are not expressly stipulated in a labor contract
and a dispute is triggered, the employer and the employee
may re-negotiate the contract. If no agreement is reached
through negotiations, the provisions of the collective
contract shall be followed. If there is no collective contract
or if there is no such stipulation about the remuneration, the
principle of equal pay for equal work shall be observed. If
第十五条 【以完成一定 工作任务为期限的劳动
用人单位与劳动者约 定以某项工作的完成为合同期限

第十六条 【劳动合同的生效】劳动合同由用人
动合同 文本上签字或者盖章生效。

第十七条 【劳动合同的内容】劳动合同应当具

劳动合同除前款规定的必备条款外 ,用人单位与
第十八条 【劳动合同对劳动报酬和劳动条件约
定不明确的解决】劳动合同对劳动报酬和劳 动条件等

以重新协商;协商不 成的,适用集体合同规定;没有
同酬;没有 集体合同或者集体合同未规定劳动条件等

there is no collective contract or if there is no such
stipulation about the work conditions and other criterions in
the collective contract, the relevant provisions of the state
shall be followed.
Article 19 If the term of a labor contract is not less than 3
months but less than 1 year, the probation period shall not
exceed one month. If the term of a labor contract is not less
than one year but less than 3 years, the probation period
shall not exceed 2 months. For a labor contract with a fixed
term of 3 years or more or without a fixed term, the
probation term shall not exceed 6 months.

An employer can only impose one probation time period on
an employee.

For a labor contract that sets the completion of a specific
task as the term to end the contract or with a fixed term of
less than 3 months, no probation period may be stipulated.

The probation period shall be included in the term of a labor
contract. If a labor contract only provides the term of
probation, the probation shall be null and void and the term
of the probation shall be treated as the term of the labor
Article 20 The wage of an employee during the probation
period shall not be lower than the minimum wage for the
same position of the same employer or lower than 80% of
the wage stipulated in the labor contract, nor may it be
lower than the minimum wage of the locality where the
employer is located.
Article 21 During the probation period, except when the
employee is under any of the circumstances as described
in Article 39 and Article 40 (i) and (ii), the employer shall not
dissolve the labor contract. If an employer dissolves a labor
contract during the probation period, it shall make an
Article 22 Where an employer pays special training
expenses for the special technical training of his
employees, the employer may enter an agreement with his
employees to specify their service time period.

If an employee violates the stipulation regarding the service
time period, he shall pay the employer a penalty for breach
of contract. The amount of penalty for breach of contract
第十九条 【试用期】劳动合同期限三个月以上
不满一年的,试 用期不得超过一个月;劳动合同期限
以上固 定期限和无固定期限的劳动合同,试用期不得
试用期的,试用期不成立,该期限为劳动合同期限。 第二十条 【试用期工资】劳动者在试用期的工
资不得低于本单位相同岗位最低档工资或者劳动 合同
第二十一条 【试用期内解除劳动合同】在试用
同。用人单位在试用期解除劳动合同的,应当向劳 动
第二十二条 【服务期】用人单位为劳动者提供
专项培训费用, 对其进行专业技术培训的,可以与该
劳动者违反服务期约 定的,应当按照约定向用人
供的培训费用。 用人单位要求劳动者支付的违约金不

shall not exceed the training fees provided by the employer.
The penalty for breach of a contract in which the employer
requires the employee to pay shall not exceed the training
expenses attributable to the service time period that is

The service time period stipulated by the employer and the
employee does not affect the promotion of the
remuneration of the employee during the probation period
under the normal wage adjustment mechanism.
Article 23 An employer may enter an agreement with his
employees in the labor contract to require his employees to
keep the business secrets and intellectual property of the
employer confidential.

For an employee who has the obligation of keeping
confidential, the employer and the employee may stipulate
non- competition clauses in the labor contract or in the
confidentiality agreement and come to an agreement that,
when the labor contract is dissolved or terminated, the
employee shall be given economic compensations within
the non- competition period. If the employee violates the
stipulation of non-competition, it shall pay the employer a
penalty for breaching the contract.
Article 24 The persons who should be subject to non-
competition shall be limited to the senior mangers, senior
technicians, and the other employees, who have the
obligation to keep secrets, of employers. The scope,
geographical range and time limit for non- competition shall
be stipulated by the employer and the employee. The
stipulation on non-competition shall not be contrary to any
laws or regulations.

After the dissolution or termination of a labor contract, the
non-competition period for any of the persons as mentioned
in the preceding paragraph to work in any other employer
producing or engaging in products of the same category or
engaging in business of the same category as this
employer shall not exceed two years.
Article 25 Except for the circumstances as prescribed in
Articles 22 and 23 of this Law, the employer shall not
stipulate with the employee that the employee shall pay the
penalty for breaching contract.
Article 26 The following labor contracts are invalid or are
第二十三条 【保密义务和竞业限制】用人单位
与劳动者可以在劳动合同中约定保守用人单 位的商业
对负有保密义务的劳动者,用人单位可以在 劳动
约定在解除或者终止劳动合同后,在竞 业限制期限内
的,应当按照约定向用人单位 支付违约金。
第二十四条 【竞业限制的范围和期限】竞业限
制的人员限于用人单位的高 级管理人员、高级技术人
域、期限由用人单 位与劳动者约定,竞业限制的约定
在解除或者终止劳动合同 后,前款规定的人员到
竞争关系的其他用人 单位,或者自己开业生产或者经
第二十五条 【违约金】除本法第二十二条和第
二十三条规定的情形外,用人单位不得与劳 动者约定
第二十六条 【劳动合同的无效】下列劳动合同

partially invalid if:
1. a party employs the means of deception or coercion or
takes advantage of the other party's difficulties to force the
other party to conclude a labor contract or to make an
amendment to a labor contract, which is contrary to his will;
2. an employer disclaims its legal liability or denies the
employee's rights; or
3. the mandatory provisions of laws or administrative
regulations are violated.

If there is any dispute over the invalidating or partially
invalidating of a labor contract, the dispute shall be settled
by the labor dispute arbitration institution or by the people's
Article 27 The invalidity of any part of a labor contract does
not affect the validity of the other parts of the contract. The
other parts shall still remain valid.
Article 28 If a labor contract has been confirmed to be
invalid, the employer shall pay remunerations to his
employees who have labored for the employer. The amount
of remunerations shall be determined by analogy to the
remuneration to the employees taking up the same or
similar positions of the employer .
Chapter III Fulfillment and Change of labor contracts
Article 29 An employer and an employee shall, according
to the stipulations of the labor contract, fully perform their
respective obligations.
Article 30 An employer shall, under the contractual
stipulations and the provisions of the state, timely pay its
employees the full amount of remunerations.

Where an employer defers paying or fails to pay the full
amount of remunerations, the employees may apply to the
local people's court for an order of payment. The people's
court shall issue an order of payment according to the law.
Article 31 An employer shall strictly execute the criterion
on production quota, it shall not force any of its employees
to work overtime or make any of his employees to do so in
a disguised form. If an employer arranges overtime work, it
shall pay its employee for the overtime work according to
方在 违背真实意思的情况下订立或者变更劳动合同
第二十七条 【劳动合同部分无效】劳动合同部
第二十八条 【劳动合同无效后劳动报酬的支
付】劳动合同被确认无效,劳动者已付出劳动 的,用
额,参照本单位相同或者相近岗位劳动 者的劳动报酬
第三章 劳动合同的履行和变更
第二十九条 【劳动合同的履行】用人单位与劳
第三十条 【劳动报酬】用人单位应当按照劳动
者可以依法向当地人民法院申请支付令,人 民法院应
第三十一条 【加班】用人单位应当严格执行劳
动 定额标准,不得强迫或者变相强迫劳动者加班。用
人单位安排加班的,应当按照国家有关规定向劳动者< br>支付加班费。

the relevant provisions of the state.
Article 32 If an employee refuses to perform the dangerous
operations ordered by the manager of his employer who
violates the safety regulations or forces the employee to
risk his life, the employee shall not be deemed to have
violated the labor contract.

第三十二条 【劳动者拒绝违章指挥、强令冒险
作业】劳动者拒绝用人单位管 理人员违章指挥、强令

An employee may criticize, expose to the authorities, or
charge against the employer if the work conditions may
endanger his life and health.
Article 33 An employer's change of its name, legal
representative, key person-in- charge, or investor shall not
affect the fulfillment of the labor contracts.
Article 34 In case of merger or split the original labor
contracts of the employer still remain valid. Such labor
contracts shall be performed by the new employer who
succeeds the rights and obligations of the aforesaid
Article 35 An employer and an employee may modify the
contents stipulated in the labor contract if they so agree
upon negotiations. The modifications to the labor contract
shall be made in writing.

The employer and the employee shall each hold one copy
of the modified labor contract.
Chapter IV Dissolution and Termination of labor contracts
Article 36 An employer and an employee may dissolve the
labor contract if they so agree upon negotiations.
Article 37 An employee may dissolve the labor contract if
he notifies in writing the employer 30 days in advance.
During the probation period, an employee may dissolve the
labor contract if he notifies the employer 3 days in advance.
Article 38 Where an employer is under any of the following
circumstances, its employees may dissolve the labor
1. It fails to provide labor protection or work conditions as
stipulated in the labor contract;
2. It fails to timely pay the full amount of remunerations;
第三十三条 【用人单位名称、法定代表人等的
变更】用 人单位变更名称、法定代表人、主要负责人
第三十四条 【用人单位合并或者分立】用人单
第三十五条 【劳动合同的变更】用人单位 与劳
第四章 劳动合同的解除和终止
第三十六条 【协商解除劳动合同】用人单位与
第三十七条 【 劳动者提前通知解除劳动合同】
除劳动合同 。劳动者在试用期内提前三日通知用人单
第三十八条 【劳动者单方解除劳动合同】用人

3. It fails to pay social security premiums for the employees;
4. The rules and procedures set up by the employer are
contrary to any law or regulation and impair the rights and
interests of the employees;
5. The labor contract is invalidated due to the circumstance
as mentioned in Article 26 (1) of this Law; or
6. Any other circumstances prescribed by other laws or
administrative regulations that authorize employees to
dissolve labor contracts.

If an employer forces any employee to work by the means
of violence, threat, or illegally restraining personal freedom,
or an employer violates the safety regulations to order or
forces any employee to perform dangerous operations that
endanger the employee's personal life, the employee may
immediately dissolve the labor contract without notifying the
employer in advance.
Article 39 Where an employee is under any of the following
circumstances, his employer may dissolve the labor
1. It is proved that the employee does not meet the
recruitment conditions during the probation period;
2. The employee seriously violates the rules and
procedures set up by the employer;
3. The employee causes any severe damage to the
employer because he seriously neglects his duties or seeks
private benefits;
4. The employee simultaneously enters an employment
relationship with other employers and thus seriously affects
his completion of the tasks of the employer, or the
employee refuses to make the ratification after his employer
points out the problem;
5. The labor contract is invalidated due to the circumstance
as mentioned in Item (1), paragraph 1, Article 26 of this
Law; or
6. The employee is under investigation for criminal liabilities
according to law.
Article 40 Under any of the following circumstances, the
employer may dissolve the labor contract if it notifies the
employee in writing 30 days in advance or after it pays the
employee an extra month's wages:
1. The employee is sick or is injured for a non-work-related
reason and cannot resume his original position after the
expiration of the prescribed time period for medical
treatment, nor can he assume any other position arranged
by the employer;
2. The employee is incompetent to his position or is still so
用人单位以暴力、威胁 或者非法限制人身自由的
令冒险作业危及劳 动者人身安全的,劳动者可以立即
第三十九条 【用人单位单方解除劳动合同(过
以解除劳 动合同:
(四)劳动者同时与其他用人 单位建立劳动关
用人单位提出,拒不改正的 ;
第四十条 【无过失性辞退】有下列情形之一
的,用人单 位提前三十日以书面形式通知劳动者本人
同 :
疗期满后不能从事原工作,也不能从事 由用人单位另

after training or changing his position; or
3. The objective situation, on which the conclusion of the
labor contract is based, has changed considerably, the
labor contract is unable to be performed and no agreement
on changing the contents of the labor contract is reached
after negotiations between the employer and the employee.
Article 41 Under any of the following circumstances, if it is
necessary to lay off 20 or more employees, or if it is
necessary to lay off less than 20 employees but the layoff
accounts for 10% of the total number of the employees, the
employer shall, 30 days in advance, make an explanation
to the labor union or to all its employees. After it has
solicited the opinions from the labor union or of the
employees, it may lay off the number of employees upon
reporting the employee reduction plan to the labor
administrative department:

1. It is under revitalization according to the Enterprise
Bankruptcy Law;
2. It encounters serious difficulties in production and
business operation;
3. The enterprise changes products, makes important
technological renovation, or adjusts the methods of its
business operation, and it is still necessary to lay off the
number of employees after changing the labor contract; or
4. The objective economic situation, on which the labor
contract is based, has changed considerably and the
employer is unable to perform the labor contract.

The following employees shall be given a priority to be kept
when the employer cuts down the number of employees:
1. Those who have concluded a fixed-term labor contract
with a long time period
2. Those who have concluded a labor contract without fixed
term; and
3. Those whose family has no other employee and has the
aged or minors to support.

If the employer intends to hire new employees within 6
months after it cuts down the number of employees
according to the first paragraph of this Article, it shall notify
the employees cut down and shall, in the equal conditions,
give a priority to the employees cut down.
Article 42 An employer shall not dissolve the labor contract
under Articles 40 and 41 of this Law if any of its employee:
1. is engaging in operations exposing him to occupational
disease hazards and has not undergone an occupational
大变化,致使劳动合同无法履行,经用人单位 与劳动
第四十一条 【经济性裁员】有下 列情形之一,
业职工总数百分之十以上的, 用人单位提前三十日向
见后,裁减人员方案 经向劳动行政部门报告,可以裁
用人单位依照本条第一 款规定裁减人员,在六个
同等条件下优先招 用被裁减的人员。
第四十二条 【用人单位不得解除劳动合同的情
形】劳动者有下列情形 之一的,用人单位不得依照本

health check-up before he leaves his position, or is
suspected of having an occupational disease and is under
diagnosis or medical observation;
2. has been confirmed as having lost or partially lost his
capacity to work due to an occupational disease or a work-
related injury during his employment with the employer
3. has contracted an illness or sustained a non-work- related
injury and the proscribed time period of medical treatment
has not expired;
4. is a female who is in her pregnancy, confinement, or
nursing period;
5. has been working for the employer continuously for not
less than 15 years and is less than 5 years away from his
legal retirement age; or
6. finds himself in other circumstances under which an
employer shall not dissolve the labor contract as proscribed
in laws or administrative regulations
Article 43 Where an employer unilaterally dissolves a labor
contract, it shall notify the labor union of the reasons in
advance. If the employer violates any laws, administrative
regulation, or stipulations of the labor contract, the labor
union has the power to require the employer to make
ratification. The employer shall consider the opinions of the
labor union and notify the labor union of the relevant result
in writing.
Article 44 A labor contract may be terminated under any of
the following circumstances:
1. the term of a labor contract has expired;
2. the employee has begun to enjoy the basic benefits of
his pension;
3. the employee is deceased, or is declared dead or
missing by the people's court;
4. the employer is declared bankrupt;
5. the employer's business license is revoked or the
employer is ordered to close down its business or to
dissolve its business entity, or the employer makes a
decision to liquidate its business ahead of the schedule; or
6. other circumstances proscribed by other laws or
administrative regulations.
Article 45 If a labor contract expires and it is under any of
the circumstances as described in Article 42 of this Law,
the term of labor contract shall be extended until the
disappearance of the relevant circumstance. However, the
matters relating to the termination of the labor contract of
an employee who has lost or partially lost his capacity to
work as prescribed in Article 42 (ii) of this Law shall be
第四十三条 【工会在劳动合同解除中的监督作
应当研究工会的意见,并将处理结果书面通 知工会。
第四十四条 【劳动合同的终止】有下列情形之
第四十五条 【劳动合同的逾期终止】劳动合同
的劳动合同的终止,按照国家有关工伤保险 的规定执

handled according to the pertinent provisions on work-
related injury insurance.
Article 46 The employer shall, under any of the following
circumstances, pay the employee an economic
1. The employee dissolves the labor contract in pursuance
of Article 38 of this Law;
2. The employer proposes to dissolve the labor contract,
and it reaches an agreement with the employee on the
dissolution through negotiations;
3. The employer dissolves the labor contract according to
Article 40 of this Law;
4. The employer dissolves the labor contract according to
the first Paragraph of Article 41 of this Law; or
termination of a fixed-term labor contract according
to Article 44 (i) of this Law unless the employee refuses to
renew the contract even though the conditions offered by
the employer are the same as or better than those
stipulated in the current contract;
6. The labor contract is terminated according to Article 44
(iv) and (v) of this Law; or
7. Other circumstances as proscribed in other laws and
administrative regulations.
Article 47 An employee shall be given an economic
compensation based on the number of years he has
worked for the employer and at the rate of one month's
wage for each full year he worked. Any period of not less
than six months but less than one year shall be counted as
one year. The economic compensations payable to an
employee for any period of less than six months shall be
one-half of his monthly wages.

If the monthly wage of an employee is higher than three
times the average monthly wage of employees declared by
the people's government at the level of municipality directly
under the central government or at the level of a districted
city where the employer is located, the rate for the
economic compensations to be paid to him shall be three
times the average monthly wage of employees and shall be
for no more than 12 years of his work.

The term of “monthly wage” mentioned in this Article refers
to the employee's average monthly wage for the 12 months
prior to the dissolution or termination of his labor contract.
Article 48 If an employer dissolves or terminates a labor
contract in violation of this Law but the employee demands
第四十六条 【经济补偿】有下列情形之一的,
(二)用人单位依 照本法第三十六条规定向劳动
(五)除用人单位维持 或者提高劳动合同约定条
本法第四十四条第 一项规定终止固定期限劳动合同
第四十七条 【经济补偿的计算】经济补偿按劳
劳动者月工资高 于用人单位所在直辖市、设区的
倍的,向其 支付经济补偿的标准按职工月平均工资三
十 二年。
第四十八条 【违法解除或者终止劳动合同的法

the continuous fulfillment of the contract, the employer shall
do so. If the employee does not demand the continuous
fulfillment of the contract or if the continuous fulfillment of
the labor contract is impossible, the employer shall pay
compensation to the employee according to Article 87 of
this Law.
Article 49 The State shall take measures to establish and
improve a comprehensive system to ensure that the
employees' social security relationship can be transferred
from one region to another and can be continued after the
Article 50 At the time of dissolution or termination of a
labor contract, the employer shall issue a document to
prove the dissolution or termination of the labor contract
and complete, within 15 days, the procedures for the
transfer of the employee's personal file and social security

The employee shall complete the procedures for the
handover of his work as agreed upon between both parties.
If relevant provisions of this Law require the employer to
pay an economic compensation, it shall make a payment
upon completion of the procedures for the handover of the
employee's work.

The employer shall preserve the labor contracts, which
have been dissolved or terminated, for not less than two
years for reference purposes.
Chapter V Special Provisions
Section 1 Collective Contracts
Article 51 The employees of an enterprise may get
together as a party to negotiate with their employer to
conclude a collective contract on the matters of
remuneration, working hours, breaks, vacations, work
safety and hygiene, insurance, benefits, etc. The draft of
the collective contract shall be presented to the general
assembly of employees or all the employees for discussion
and approval.

A collective contract may be concluded by the labor union
on behalf of the employees of enterprise with the employer.
If the enterprise does not have a labor union yet, the
合同已经不能继续履行的,用人单位应当依 照本法第
第四十九条 【社会保险关系跨地区转移接续】

第五十条 【劳动合同解除或者终止后双方的义
务】用人单位应 当在解除或者终止劳动合同时出具解
办理档 案和社会保险关系转移手续。
单位依照本 法有关规定应当向劳动者支付经济补偿


第五章 特别规定

第一节 集体合同
第五十一条 【集体合同的 订立和内容】企业职
工作时间、休息休假、 劳动安全卫生、保险福利等事
会或者全体职 工讨论通过。

立;尚未建立 工会的用人单位,由上级工会指导劳动

contract may be concluded between the employer and the
representatives chosen by the employees under the
guidance of the labor union at the next higher level.
Article 52 The employees of an enterprise as a party may
negotiate with the employer to enter specialized collective
contracts regarding the issues of the work safety and
hygiene, protection of the rights and interests of female
employees, the wage adjustment mechanism, etc.
Article 53 Industrial or regional collective contracts may be
concluded between the labor unions and the
representatives of enterprises in industries such as
construction, mining, catering services, etc. in the regions
at or below the county level.
Article 54 After a collective contract has been concluded, it
shall be submitted to the labor administrative department.
The collective contract shall become effective after the
lapse of 15 days from the date of receipt thereof by the
labor administrative department, unless the said
department raises any objections to the contract.

A collective contract that has been concluded according to
law is binding on both the employer and the employees. An
industrial or regional collective contract is binding on both
the employers and employees in the local industry or the
Article 55 The standards for remunerations, working
conditions, etc. as stipulated in a collective contract shall
not be lower than the minimum criterions as prescribed by
the local people's government. The standards for
remunerations, working conditions, etc. as stipulated in the
labor contract between an employer and an employee shall
not be lower than those as specified in the collective
Article 56 If an employer's breach of the collective contract
infringes upon the labor rights and interests of the
employees, the labor union may, according to law, require
the employer to bear the liability. If a dispute arising from
the performance of the collective contract is not resolved
after negotiations, the labor union may apply for arbitration
or lodge a lawsuit in pursuance of law.
第五十二条 【专项集体合同】企业职工一方与

第五十三条 【行业性集体合同、区域性集体合

第五十四条 【集体合同的报送和生效】集体合
同订立后,应当报送劳动行政部门;劳动行 政部门自
第五十五条 【集体合同中劳动报酬、劳动 条件
低于当地人民政府规定的最低标准;用 人单位与劳动

第五十六条 【集体合同纠纷和法律救济】用人
单位 违反集体合同,侵犯职工劳动权益的,工会可以

Section 2 Worker Dispatch Service

第二节 劳务派遣
Article 57 A worker dispatch service provider shall be
established according to the Company Law and have a
registered capital of not less than RMB 500,000 yuan.

第五十七条 【劳务派遣单位的设立】劳务派遣
Article 58 Worker dispatch service providers are employers
第五十八条 【劳务派遣单位、用工单位及劳动
as mentioned in this Law and shall perform an employer's
obligations for its employees. The labor contract between a
worker dispatch service provider and a worker to be
dispatched shall, in addition to the matters specified in
Article 17 of this law, specify such matters as the entity to
which the worker will be dispatched, the term of dispatch,
positions, etc.

The labor contracts between a worker dispatch service
provider and the workers to be dispatched shall be fixed-
term labor contract with a term of not less than two years.
The worker dispatch service provider shall pay the
remunerations on a monthly basis. During the time period
when there is no work for the workers, the worker dispatch
service provider shall compensate the workers on monthly
basis at the minimum wage prescribed by the people's
government of the place where the worker dispatch service
provider is located.
Article 59 To dispatch workers, a worker dispatch service
provider shall enter into dispatch agreements with the entity
that accepts the workers under the dispatch arrangement
(hereinafter referred to as the “accepting entity”). The
dispatch agreements shall stipulate the positions to which
the workers are dispatched, the number of persons to be
dispatched, the term of dispatch, the amounts and terms of
payments of remunerations and social security premiums,
and the liability for breach of agreement.

An accepting entity shall decide with the worker service
dispatch provider on the term of dispatch based on the
actual requirements of the positions, and it shall not
dismember a continuous term of labor use into two or more
short-term dispatch agreements.
Article 60 A worker dispatch service provider shall inform
the workers dispatched of the content of the dispatch

No worker dispatch service provider may skimp any
remuneration that an accepting entity pays to the workers
应当履行用人单 位对劳动者的义务。劳务派遣单位与
七条规 定的事项外,还应当载明被派遣劳动者的用工
劳务 派遣单位应当与被派遣劳动者订立二年以上

第五十九条 【劳务派遣协议】劳务派 遣单位派
下称用工单位)订立劳务派遣协议 。劳务派遣协议应
社会保险费的数额与支付 方式以及违反协议的责任。
遣单位确定派遣 期限,不得将连续用工期限分割订立

第六十条 【劳务派遣单位的告知义务】劳务派


according to the dispatch agreement.

No worker dispatch service provider or accepting entity may
charge any fee against any dispatched worker.
Article 61 If a worker dispatch service provider assigns a
worker to an accepting entity in another region, the worker's
remuneration and work conditions shall be in line with the

第六十一条 【跨地区派遣劳动者的劳动报酬、
遣劳动者享有的劳动报酬和劳动条件,按照用工单 位
relevant standards of the place where the accepting entity
is located.
Article 62 An accepting entity shall perform the following
1. To implement state labor standards and provide the
corresponding working conditions and labor protection;
2. To communicate the job requirements and labor
compensations for the dispatched workers;
3. To pay overtime remunerations and performance
bonuses and provide benefits relevant to the position;
4. To provide the dispatched employees who assume the
positions with required training; and
5. To implement a normal wage adjustment system in the
case of continuous dispatch.

No accepting entity may in turn dispatch the workers to any
other employer.
Article 63 The workers dispatched shall have the right to
receive the same pay as that received by employees of the
accepting entity for the same work. If an accepting entity
has no employee in the same position, the remunerations
shall be determined with reference to that paid in the place
where the accepting entity is located to employees at the
same or a similar position.
Article 64 The workers dispatched have the right to join the
labor union of the worker dispatch service provider or of the
accepting entity or to organize such unions, so as to protect
their own lawful rights and interests.
Article 65 A worker dispatched may, according to Articles
36 and 38 of this Law, dissolve the labor contract between
him and the worker dispatch service provider.

Where a worker dispatched is under any of the
circumstances as mentioned in Article 39 and Article 40 (i)
and (ii), the accepting entity may return the worker to the
第六十二条 【用工单位的义务】用工单位应当
第六十三条 【被派遣劳动者同工 同酬】被派遣
工单位无同类岗位劳动者的, 参照用工单位所在地相
第六十四条 【被派遣劳 动者参加或者组织工
依法参加或者组织工会 ,维护自身的合法权益。
第六十五条 【劳务派遣中解除劳动合同】被派
遣劳动者可以依 照本法第三十六条、第三十八条的规
被派遣劳动者有本 法第三十九条和第四十条第一
劳务派遣单位 ,劳务派遣单位依照本法有关规定,可

worker dispatch service provider, the worker dispatch
service provider may dissolve the labor contract with the
Article 66 The worker dispatch services shall normally be
used for temporary, auxiliary, or substituting positions.
Article 67 No accepting entity may establish any worker
dispatch service to dispatch the workers to itself and to its
Section 3 Part-time Employments
Article 68 The “part- time employment” is a form of labor in
which the remuneration is mainly calculated on hourly
basis, the average working hours of a worker per day shall
not exceed 4 hours, and the aggregate working hours per
week for the same employer shall not exceed 24 hours.
Article 69 Both parties to a part-time employment may
reach an oral agreement.

A worker who engages in part-time employment may
conclude a labor contract with one or more employers, but
a labor contract concluded subsequently may not prejudice
the performance of a labor contract previously concluded.
Article 70 No probation period may be stipulated by both
parties for a part-time employment.
Article 71 Either of the parties to part-time employment
may inform the other party of the termination of labor at any
time. Upon the termination of a part-time employment, the
employer will pay no economic compensation to the
Article 72 The criterions for the calculation of part-time
employment on hourly basis shall not be lower than the
minimum hourly wage prescribed by the people's
government of the place where the employer is located.

The maximum remuneration settlement and payment cycle
for part-time employment shall not exceed 15 days.
第六十六条 【劳务派遣的适用岗位】劳务派遣

第六十七条 【用人单位不得自设劳务派遣单


第三节 非全日制用工
第六十八条 【非全日制用工的概念】非全日制

第六十九条 【非全日制用工的劳动合同】非全

第七十条 【非全日制用工不得约定试用期】非

第七十一条 【非全日制用工的终止用工】非全

第七十二条 【非全日 制用工的劳动报酬】非全
政府规定的最低小 时工资标准。


Chapter VI Supervision and Inspection
Article 73 The labor administrative department of the State
Council shall be responsible for the supervision and
inspection of the implementation of the system of labor
contracts throughout the country.

The labor administrative department of the local people's
governments at the county level and above shall be
responsible for the supervision and inspection of the
implementation of the system of labor contracts within their
respective administrative areas.

During the supervision and inspection of the
implementation of the system of labor contracts, the labor
administrative departments of the people's governments at
the county level and above shall solicit the opinions of the
labor unions, enterprise representatives and relevant
industrial administrative departments.
Article 74 The labor administrative department of the local
people's government at the county level or above shall
exercise supervision and inspection in respect of the
implementation of the system of labor contracts:
1. The employers' formulation of rules and regulations
directly related to the interests of workers, and the
implementation thereof;
2. The formation and dissolution of labor contracts by
employers and workers;
3. The compliance with relevant regulations on dispatch by
worker dispatch service providers and the accepting
employers' compliance with provisions of the state on
workers' working hours, breaks and vacations;
5. The employers' payment for remuneration as specified in
the labor contracts and compliance with the minimum wage
6. The employers' participation in the social security and the
payment for social security premiums; and
7. Other labor supervision matters as prescribed by laws
and regulations.
Article 75 During the supervision and inspection process,
the labor administrative department of the people's
government at the county level or above has the power to
consult the materials relevant to the labor contracts and
collective contracts and to conduct on-the- spot inspections
to the work places. The employers and employees shall
faithfully provide pertinent information and materials.

第六章 监督检查
第七十三条 【劳动合同制度的监督管理体制】
制度实施的监督管理工作中,应当听取工会 、企业方

第七十四条 【劳动行政部 门监督检查事项】县
动合同制度的情况进行 监督检查:

第七十五条 【监督检查措施和依法行政、文明执法】县级以上地方人民政府劳动行政部门实施监督
检查时,有权查阅与劳动合同、集体合同有关的 材


When the functionaries of the labor administrative
department conduct an inspection, they shall show their
badges, exercise their duties and powers pursuant to laws
and enforce the law in a well-disciplined manner.
Article 76 The relevant administrative departments of
construction, health, work safety supervision and
administration, etc. of the people's governments at the
county level and above shall, with the scope of their
respective functions, supervise and administer the
employers' implementation of the system of labor contracts.
Article 77 For any employer whose lawful rights and
interests are impaired, he may require the relevant
department to deal with the case, apply for an arbitration, or
lodge a lawsuit.
Article 78 A labor union shall protect the employees'
legitimate rights and interests and supervise the employer's
fulfillment of the labor contracts and collective contracts. If
the employer violates any law or regulation or breaches any
labor contract or collective contract, the labor union may put
forward its opinions and require the employer to make
ratification. If the employee applies for arbitration or lodges
a lawsuit, the labor union shall support and help him in
pursuance of law.
Article 79 Any organization or individual may report the
violations of this law. The labor administrative departments
of the people's governments at the county level and above
shall timely verify and deal with such violations and shall
grant awards to the meritorious persons who report the
Chapter VII Legal Liabilities
Article 80 If the rules and procedure of an employer
directly related to the employees' interests is contrary to
any laws or regulations, the labor administration
department shall order the employer to make ratification
and give it a warning. If the rules and procedures cause any
damage to the employees, the employer shall bear the
liability for compensation.
Article 81 If the text of a labor contract provided by an
第七十六条 【其他有关主管部门的监督管理】
县级以上 人民政府建设、卫生、安全生产监督管理等

第七十七条 【工会监督检查的权利】劳动者合

第七十八条 【劳动者权利救济途径】工会依法
维 护劳动者的合法权益,对用人单位履行劳动合同、
集体合同的情况进行监督。用人单位违反劳动法律、< br>法规和劳动合同、集体合同的,工会有权提出意见或

第七十九条 【对违法行为的举报】任何组织或


第七章 法律责任
第八十条 【规章制度违法的法律责任】用人单
位直接涉及劳 动者切身利益的规章制度违反法律、法


第八十一条 【缺乏必备条款、不提供劳动合同

employer does not include the mandatory clauses required
by this Law or if an employer fails to deliver a copy of the
labor contract to its employee, the labor administration
department shall order the employer to make ratification. If
any damage is caused to the employee, the employer shall
bear the liability for compensation.
Article 82 If an employer fails to conclude a written labor
contract with an employee after the lapse of more than one
month but less than one year as of the day when it started
using him, it shall pay to the worker his monthly wages at
double amount.

If an employer fails, in violation of this Law, to conclude with
an employee a labor contract without fixed term, it shall pay
to the employee his monthly wage at double amount,
starting from the date on which a labor contract without
fixed term should have been concluded.
Article 83 If an employer stipulates the probation period
with an employee to violate this Law, the labor
administration department shall order the employer to make
ratification. If the illegally stipulated probation has been
performed, the employer shall pay compensation to the
employee according to the time worked on probation
beyond the statutory probation period, at the rate of the
employee's monthly wage following the completion of his
Article 84 Where an employer violates this Law by
detaining the resident identity cards or other certificates of
the employees, the labor administrative department shall
order the employer to return the ID and certificates to the
employees within a time limit and shall punish the employer
according to the relevant laws.

Where an employer violates this Law by collecting money
and property from employees in the name of guaranty or in
any other excuses, the labor administrative department
shall order the employer to return the said property to the
employees within a time limit and fine the employer not less
than 500 yuan but not more than 2,000 yuan for each
person. If any damage is caused to the employees, the
employer shall be liable for compensation.

When an employee dissolves or terminates the labor
contract in pursuance of law, if the employer retains the
archives or other articles of the employees, it shall be
punished according to the provisions of the preceding
明本法规定的劳动合 同必备条款或者用人单位未将劳
正;给劳动者 造成损害的,应当承担赔偿责任。
第八十二条 【不订立书面劳动合同的法律责
任】用人 单位自用工之日起超过一个月不满一年未与
限劳动合同的,自应当订立 无固定期限劳动合同之日
第八十三条 【违法约定试用 期的法律责任】用
行政部门责令改正;违法 约定的试用期已经履行的,
履行的超过法定 试用期的期间向劳动者支付赔偿金。
第八十四条 【扣押劳动者身份等证件的法律责
任】用 人单位违反本法规定,扣押劳动者居民身份证
劳动 者收取财物的,由劳动行政部门责令限期退还劳
劳动者依法解除或者终止劳动合同,用人单 位扣

Article 85 Where an employing entity is under any of the
following circumstances, the labor administrative
department shall order it to pay the remunerations,
overtime remunerations or economic compensations within
a time limit. If the remuneration is lower than the local
minimum wage, the employer shall pay the shortfall. If
payment is not made within the time limit, the employer
shall be ordered to pay an extra compensation to the
employee at a rate of not less than 50 percent and not
more than 100 percent of the payable amount:
1. Failing to pay an employee his remunerations in full
amount and on time as stipulated in the labor contract or
prescribed by the state;
2. Paying an employee the wage below the local minimum
wage standard;
3. Arranging overtime work without paying overtime
remunerations; or
4. Dissolving or terminating a labor contract without paying
the employee the economic compensation under this Law.
Article 86 Where a labor contract is confirmed invalid
under Article 26 of this Law and any damage is caused to
the other party, the party at fault shall be liable for
Article 87 If an employer violates this Law by dissolving or
terminating the labor contract, it shall pay compensation to
the employee at the rate of twice the economic
compensations as prescribed in Article 47 of this Law.
Article 88 Where an employer is under any of the following
circumstances, it shall be given an administrative
punishment. If any crime is constituted, it shall be subject to
criminal liabilities. If any damage is caused to the
employee, the employer shall be liable for compensation:
1. To force the employee to work by violence, threat or
illegal limitation of personal freedom;
2. To illegally command or force any employee to perform
dangerous operations endangering the employee's life;
3. To insult, corporally punish, beat, illegally search, or
restrain any employee; or
4. To cause damages to the physical or mental health of
employees because of poor working conditions or severely
polluted environments;
第八十五条 【未依法支付劳动报酬、 经济补偿
行政部门责令限期支付劳动报酬、 加班费或者经济补
差额部分;逾期不支付的 ,责令用人单位按应付金额
第八十六条 【订立无效劳动合同的法律责任】
第八十七条 【违反解除或者终止劳动合同 的法
同的,应当依照本法第四十七条规定的 经济补偿标准
第八十八条 【侵害劳动者人身权益的法律责
罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;给劳动 者造成

Article 89 Where an employer violates this Law by failing to
issue to an employee a written certificate for the dissolution
or termination of a labor contract, it shall be ordered to
make a ratification by the labor administrative department.
If any damage is caused to an employee, the employer
shall be liable for compensation.
第八十九条 【不出具解除、终止书面证明的法
律责任】 用人单位违反本法规定未向劳动者出具解除

Article 90 Where an employee violates this Law to dissolve
the labor contract, or violates the stipulations of the labor
contract about the confidentiality obligation or non-

第九十条 【劳动者的赔偿责任】劳动者违反 本
密义务或者竞业限制,给用人单位造成损 失的,应当
competition, if any loss is caused to the employer, he shall
be liable for compensation.
Article 91 Where an employer hires any employee whose
labor contract with another employer has not been
dissolved or terminated yet, if any loss is caused to the
employer mentioned later, the employer first mentioned
shall bear joint and several liability of compensation.
Article 92 Where a worker dispatch service provider
violates this Law, it shall be ordered to make ratification by
the labor administrative department and other relevant
administrative departments. If the circumstance is severe, it
shall be fined at the rate of not less than 1, 000 yuan but
not more than 5, 000 yuan per person and have its
business license revoked by the administrative department
for industry and commerce. If any damage is caused to the
workers dispatched, the worker dispatch service provider
and the accepting entity shall bear joint and several liability
of compensation.
Article 93 Where an employer without the lawful business
operation qualifications commits any violation or crime, it
shall be subject to legal liabilities. If the employees have
already worked for the employer, the employer or its capital
contributors shall, under the relevant provisions of this Law,
pay the employees remunerations, economic
compensations or indemnities. If any damage is caused to
the employee, it shall be liable for compensation.
Article 94 Where an individual as a business operation
contractor hires employees in violation of this Law and
causes any damage to any employee, the contracting
organization and the individual business operation
contractor shall be jointly and severally liable for
第九十一条 【用人单位的连带 赔偿责任】用人
的劳动者,给其他用人单位 造成损失的,应当承担连
第九十二条 【劳务派遣单位的法律责任】劳务< br>派遣单位违反本法规定的,由劳动行政部门和其他有
关主管部门责令改正;情节严重的,以每人一 千元以
门吊销营业执照;给被派遣劳动者造 成损害的,劳务
第九十三条 【无营业执照经营 单位的法律责
为,依法追究法律责任;劳动 者已经付出劳动的,该
付劳动报酬、经济补 偿、赔偿金;给劳动者造成损害
第九十四条 【个人承包经营者 的连带赔偿责
者造成损害的,发包的组织与 个人承包经营者承担连

Article 95 If the labor administrative department, or any
other relevant administrative department, or any of the
functionaries thereof neglects its (his) duties, does not
perform the statutory duties, or exercises its (his) duties in
violation of law, it (he) shall be liable for compensation. The
directly liable person-in-charge and other directly liable
persons shall be given an administrative sanction. If any
crime is constituted, they shall be subject to criminal
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
Article 96 For the formation, performance, modification,
dissolution, or termination of a labor contract between a
public institution and an employee under the system of
employment, if it is otherwise provided for in any law,
administrative regulation or by the State Council, the latter
shall be followed. If there is no such provision, the relevant
provisions of this Law shall be observed.
Article 97 labor contracts concluded before the
implementation of this Law and continue to exist on the
implementation date of this Law shall continue to be
performed. For the purposes of Item (3) of the second
Paragraph of Article 14 of this Law, the number of
consecutive times on which a fixed-term labor contract is
concluded shall be counted from the first renewal of such
contract to occur after the implementation of this Law.

If an employment relationship was established prior to the
implementation of this Law without the conclusion of a
written labor contract, such contract shall be concluded
within one month from the date when this Law becomes

If a labor contract existing on the implementation date of
this Law is dissolved or terminated after the implementation
of this Law and, according to Article 46 of this Law, an
economic compensation is payable, the number of years for
which the economic compensation is payable shall be
counted from the implementation date of this Law. If, under
relevant effective regulations prior to the implementation of
this Law, the employee is entitled to the economic
compensation from the employer in respect of a period prior
to the implementation of this Law, the matters shall be
handled according to the relevant effective regulations at
that time.
第九十五条 【不履行法定职责 、违法行使职权
工作人员玩忽职守、不履行 法定职责,或者违法行使

赔偿 责任;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人

第八章 附则
第九十六条 【事业单位聘用制劳动合同的法律
行、变更、解除或者终止劳动合同,法律、行 政法规

第九十七条 【过渡性条款】本法施行前已依法
动合同的次数,自本法施行后续订固定期限劳动 合同
或者终止,依照本法第四十六条规定应当支 付经济补
行前按照当时有关规定,用人单位 应当向劳动者支付

Article 98 This Law shall come into force as of January 1,

第九十八条 【施行时间】本法自2008年1月1







