
2020年08月07日 19:08


There are sixteen papers related to the analysis of Young Goodman Brown
from five different perspectives. The first one is about the overview of
the fifteen more ones and the five parts are allegory and symbolism,
expression of Puritanism, writing style, Freudian Psychoanalytic
Approach and the theme.

First is writing features. According to 以《小伙子古德曼布朗》为例试论
霍桑的写作特点,there are 3 features in his works: symbolism with deep
meaning, detailed description of psychology and theme with ambiguity.

Allegory and symbolism
There are mainly four reports related to it.
Let’s take a look at the first report. According to Allegory and
Symbolism——On Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown from Gao Feng, Hawthorne
uses allegory and symbolism with good effect in the short story “Young
Goodman Brown”. In the setting which he chooses, allegory is realism,
and the idea is life itself. Thus Hawthorne brings his allegory and
symbolism to perfect literary form in the novel.

Then it is the second one. This one is 霍桑讽喻小说《好小伙古德曼布朗》
中象征主义的运用 by Liang Xinxin. It tells us that as a great symbolist,
Hawthorne made good use of symbols to express his ideas. Some important
symbols in his “Young Goodman Brown”, such as the pink ribbons, the
fellow traveler’s staff, are closely associated with the theme, relating
to man’s sins. This paper briefly discusses the use of allegory and
symbolism in his “Young Goodman Brown”.

Here is the third one, 论霍桑的人性原罪思想在《年轻的古德曼布朗》中的
体现. According to this one, the authors agree that as a great symbolist,
Hawthorne made good use of symbols in such his works as The Scarlet Letter
and The Minister's
Black Veil to express his ideas. Some important symbols in his Young
Goodman Brown,including the names,the pink ribbons,and the Devil's staff,
are closely associated with the theme,relating to man's original sin.

As the above 3 reports are expressing similar idea, we draw a conclusion
here for you to see it clearly. Because of time limit, here we only list
three points.

First are the pink ribbons. The pink ribbons did appear four times at the
critical moment in the psychological development of Goodman Brown. The
pink ribbons is the key symbo1 signify Goodman Brown’s initial illusion
about true significance of his faith and his belief that his faith will

lead him to heaven if he sticks to it after one more indulgence in sin.
After his journey into the forest, the pink ribbons on his wife’s head
had also become as untruthful and ridiculous as the other pious people
in his cynical eyes.

Second is a hanging twig and the coldest dew. Hawthorne sprinkles dew on
his cheek to represent the absence of tears. This lack of tears, the
outward sign of an inward reality, posits the absence of the innate love
and humility that would have made possible Brown’s moral and spiritual

Third is the forest. It seems that the forest stands for Brown’s own mind.
The forest is haunted and filled with ambiguity implies that Brown’s mind
haunted, and puzzled and lost. What goes on in Brown’s mind is just like
what happens in the forest. Further more, the forest may equate with
temptation and sin.

Then, it is the fourth one. This report is a little different from those
3 other reports. This one uses Frye’s Theories of Symbolism to explain
Young Goodman Brown. According to Herman Nothrop Frye, he partitioned
literary symbolism into five levels or phases. These phases were: Symbol
as motif; Symbol as sign; Symbol as image; Symbol as archetype and symbol
as monad. This paper tries to apply his theories of symbolism to the
comment of Young Goodman Brown. Take the archetype one as example. By
setting the historical background of witch trialswriter
successfully provided the readers with a sense of reality and let them
believe that the story might have been derived from what had really
happened before, thus pulled his story to them nearer and made them more
devoted. It is the effect of choosing a right archetype.

Third is the expression of Puritanism. In the 霍桑《好小伙布朗 》中的
清教思想解读,the authors think the sin in human mind was the main content
of the novel.

Influenced by its social background, family background and
upbringing of origin, Hawthorne’s novels reflect a strong Puritan
Ideology. On the one hand, Hawthorne is committed to exploring ethical
and criminal problems, exploring deep-hidden “original sin” and
“hidden crimes” in people, and advocating the adoption of good deeds
and penitence to wash away sin, purify mind to get salvation. On the other
hand, it is the exclusion and slaughter of aliens by Puritans and the
repression and destruction of human nature by Puritan canon that makes
Hawthorne full of doubt and confusion, which reflected in his works as
an extremely contradictory religious idea.

Then in the 家族记忆和原罪——论霍桑黑色小说的艺术重构,Hawthorne

describe the Puritanism in a mystery and odd way. Hawthorne build the
character in a paradox mood between Calvins and transcendent. He shows
the predicament of Puritanism and the mystery original sin imagination
in his work.

Here comes the third one, Hawthorne's Puritanism in Young Goodman Brown
by Li Na. The report says that in his life, he experienced the development
of American colonial history and the constant social change. In the
colonial period, Puritanism had dominated people's thoughts and been
influencing on people's lives, controlling their thoughts, and Hawthorne
was inevitably effected by the strong and fanatical Puritan thought. The
Puritan thoughts such as “original sin”, “intrinsic depravity” and
the concept of “sin” in religious sense infiltrated in his works.

Then in the一个清教徒的堕落———评《年青小伙古德曼·布朗》,
Hawthorne’s works have a thick color of Puritanism. due to his family
history and personal experience.Young Goodman Brown,the masterpiece of
his short stories,is just a case in point. By a symbolic description of
Brown’s conversion experience,Hawthorne deeply reveals the puritan’s
rigidity and self-doubt and the consequences of such a belief system

In the fifth report透过布朗解析霍桑的矛盾心理, Hawthorne was
psychologically paradoxical: therefore, the theme of his novel tended to
be ambiguous and duplicitous, which left more space for his readers to
speculate. His psychological paradox showed great impact on his narration,
and his language also featured his readers by peculiar meditation and
insight. Considered serious and solitary by nature, Hawthorne used these
character traits to clearly portray his feelings toward Puritanism. This
was Hawthorne’s style and also his reader’s specialty.

Fourth is writing style. The style is Gothic style. According to Gothic
Style of the Hawthorne’s Short Stories, Hawthorne’s style is rather
gothic, one that is different which the setting of the whole story may
appear exotic. The Hawthorne story bears one specific characteristic from
any other Gothic fiction and entitles it a unique style. The usual Gothic
story often has an exotic setting isolated in time or space from
contemporary life, often a ruined mansion or castle. However, in the
Hawthorne story, unlike the usual Gothic fiction, more than often happens
in a familiar setting. “Young Goodman Brown” begins with “the street
of Salem village”. The story happens in a “Salem” village that was
frequently encountered in New England country during Hawthorne’s time.

Then let’s move to the fifth part. Use other Psychoanalytic Approach
to appreciate this novel. The approach is Freudian Psychoanalytic
Approach. We found two reports. And they talk about familiar thing.

First is Collapse of Goodman Brown’s Faith: Perspective from Freudian
Psychoanalytical Theories by CHENG Ming-zhai, WANG Ya-ni. This article
mainly uses Freudian psychoanalytical theories to interpret this theme:
all men have evil in their soul. The theories consist of the Structure
of Psyche, Personality Structure, the Theory of Drive and The Dream Theory
etc. This article mainly applies the former three theories to interpret
Young Goodman Brown, reflecting Brown’s complex mental process from
mental struggles to faith collapse.

Second is From Innocence to Mental Disorder by Li Yunning. In her report,
Young Goodman Brown is a famous psychology –analyzing short story by
Hawthorne. Based on Freudian Psychoanalytic theories, which roughly
include the theory of unconsciousness, instinct, personality structure
and dreams, the whole story stems from the instinct of the protagonist.

Let us give some examples. Freudian Personality Structure consists of
three parts: id, ego and super- ego. The irrational, instinctual, unknown
and unconscious part is called id. Id contains out secret desire. Ego is
the rational, logical, waking part of the mind. Super-ego acts like an
internal censor, causing us to make moral judgments in light of social
pressures. When Brown began his journey to the forest, he was hesitant
and felt guilty. In fact, his mental struggles existed from the beginning
to the end of this journey. The mental struggles were just the
manifestation between the conflicts within id and ego and that within ego
and super-ego.

The final is the theme of the novel. The report 小伙子布朗分层解读 agrees
that the writer’s thoughts on human nature can be embodied from the
narration of the journey in the forest. Sun Yingying thinks that the
dividing line of evil and goodness of human nature is the theme.

The last one is 在宗教的困惑中寻求生命的皈依之路《小伙子布朗》的创作主
题解读. In Yong Haiyan’s opinion, this paper exposes and criticizes the
rigid and hypocritical nature of Puritanism and Puritan’s Doctrine. On
this basis, the paper offers a thematic interpretation of this story and
points our that wicked religion can only lead people to the abyss of
confusion and frustration and the people should comprehend the truth of
life and develop a positive and optimistic attitude towards life.

1, 杨彦清, 《家族记忆和原罪想想——论霍桑黑色小说的艺术重构》,内蒙古
师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2012-07
2,张燕, 《透过布朗解析霍桑的矛盾心理》, 作家, 2012-03
3,甄珍, 以《小伙子古德曼布朗》为例试论霍桑的写作特点, 临沧师范高等
专科学校学报, 2009-06
4,高丰,《Allegory and Symbolism——On Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown》,
海外英语, 2010-08
5,刘翠,《A View Of Young Goodman Brown From Frye‘s Theories Of Symbolism》,
读与写教育教学刊, 2010-03
6,成明斋,王雅妮, 《Collapse of Goodman Brown’ s Faith: Perspective
from Freudian Psychoanalytical Theories》, 海外英语,2012-05
7,李宁云,《From Innocence to Mental Disorder》,校园英语(教研版),2012-06
8,谢丽湘,《Gothic Style of the Hawthorne’s Short Stories》,校园英语,
9,李娜,《Hawthorne‘s Puritanism in Young Goodman Brown》,科技致富向
导, 2011-08
10,袁臣,《The Indirectness of Young Goodman Brown 》, 读与写(教育教
11,王伦,孙静艺,霍桑《好小伙布朗 》中的清教思想解读,短篇小说(原创
版), 2012-09
12,梁歆歆,霍桑讽喻小说 《好小伙古德曼布朗》中象征主义的运用,商品与质
13,孙瑛瑛,《小伙子布朗》的分层解读,湖北广播电视大学学报, 2011-12
14,周家琴,《论霍桑哥特式清教小说》,上海外国语大学学报, 2010-05
15,缪昕,杨静,论霍桑的人性原罪思想在《年轻的古德曼 · 布朗 》中的体
现,黑龙江教育学院学报 2012-05
16,赵攀,一个清教徒的堕落———评 《年青小伙古德曼·布朗》,郑州师范教

There are sixteen papers related to the analysis of Young Goodman Brown
from five different perspectives. The first one is about the overview of
the fifteen more ones and the five parts are allegory and symbolism,
expression of Puritanism, writing style, Freudian Psychoanalytic
Approach and the theme.

First is writing features. According to 以《小伙子古德曼布朗》为例试论
霍桑的写作特点,there are 3 features in his works: symbolism with deep
meaning, detailed description of psychology and theme with ambiguity.

Allegory and symbolism
There are mainly four reports related to it.
Let’s take a look at the first report. According to Allegory and
Symbolism——On Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown from Gao Feng, Hawthorne
uses allegory and symbolism with good effect in the short story “Young
Goodman Brown”. In the setting which he chooses, allegory is realism,
and the idea is life itself. Thus Hawthorne brings his allegory and
symbolism to perfect literary form in the novel.

Then it is the second one. This one is 霍桑讽喻小说《好小伙古德曼布朗》
中象征主义的运用 by Liang Xinxin. It tells us that as a great symbolist,
Hawthorne made good use of symbols to express his ideas. Some important
symbols in his “Young Goodman Brown”, such as the pink ribbons, the
fellow traveler’s staff, are closely associated with the theme, relating
to man’s sins. This paper briefly discusses the use of allegory and
symbolism in his “Young Goodman Brown”.

Here is the third one, 论霍桑的人性原罪思想在《年轻的古德曼布朗》中的
体现. According to this one, the authors agree that as a great symbolist,
Hawthorne made good use of symbols in such his works as The Scarlet Letter
and The Minister's
Black Veil to express his ideas. Some important symbols in his Young
Goodman Brown,including the names,the pink ribbons,and the Devil's staff,
are closely associated with the theme,relating to man's original sin.

As the above 3 reports are expressing similar idea, we draw a conclusion
here for you to see it clearly. Because of time limit, here we only list
three points.

First are the pink ribbons. The pink ribbons did appear four times at the
critical moment in the psychological development of Goodman Brown. The
pink ribbons is the key symbo1 signify Goodman Brown’s initial illusion
about true significance of his faith and his belief that his faith will

lead him to heaven if he sticks to it after one more indulgence in sin.
After his journey into the forest, the pink ribbons on his wife’s head
had also become as untruthful and ridiculous as the other pious people
in his cynical eyes.

Second is a hanging twig and the coldest dew. Hawthorne sprinkles dew on
his cheek to represent the absence of tears. This lack of tears, the
outward sign of an inward reality, posits the absence of the innate love
and humility that would have made possible Brown’s moral and spiritual

Third is the forest. It seems that the forest stands for Brown’s own mind.
The forest is haunted and filled with ambiguity implies that Brown’s mind
haunted, and puzzled and lost. What goes on in Brown’s mind is just like
what happens in the forest. Further more, the forest may equate with
temptation and sin.

Then, it is the fourth one. This report is a little different from those
3 other reports. This one uses Frye’s Theories of Symbolism to explain
Young Goodman Brown. According to Herman Nothrop Frye, he partitioned
literary symbolism into five levels or phases. These phases were: Symbol
as motif; Symbol as sign; Symbol as image; Symbol as archetype and symbol
as monad. This paper tries to apply his theories of symbolism to the
comment of Young Goodman Brown. Take the archetype one as example. By
setting the historical background of witch trialswriter
successfully provided the readers with a sense of reality and let them
believe that the story might have been derived from what had really
happened before, thus pulled his story to them nearer and made them more
devoted. It is the effect of choosing a right archetype.

Third is the expression of Puritanism. In the 霍桑《好小伙布朗 》中的
清教思想解读,the authors think the sin in human mind was the main content
of the novel.

Influenced by its social background, family background and
upbringing of origin, Hawthorne’s novels reflect a strong Puritan
Ideology. On the one hand, Hawthorne is committed to exploring ethical
and criminal problems, exploring deep-hidden “original sin” and
“hidden crimes” in people, and advocating the adoption of good deeds
and penitence to wash away sin, purify mind to get salvation. On the other
hand, it is the exclusion and slaughter of aliens by Puritans and the
repression and destruction of human nature by Puritan canon that makes
Hawthorne full of doubt and confusion, which reflected in his works as
an extremely contradictory religious idea.

Then in the 家族记忆和原罪——论霍桑黑色小说的艺术重构,Hawthorne

describe the Puritanism in a mystery and odd way. Hawthorne build the
character in a paradox mood between Calvins and transcendent. He shows
the predicament of Puritanism and the mystery original sin imagination
in his work.

Here comes the third one, Hawthorne's Puritanism in Young Goodman Brown
by Li Na. The report says that in his life, he experienced the development
of American colonial history and the constant social change. In the
colonial period, Puritanism had dominated people's thoughts and been
influencing on people's lives, controlling their thoughts, and Hawthorne
was inevitably effected by the strong and fanatical Puritan thought. The
Puritan thoughts such as “original sin”, “intrinsic depravity” and
the concept of “sin” in religious sense infiltrated in his works.

Then in the一个清教徒的堕落———评《年青小伙古德曼·布朗》,
Hawthorne’s works have a thick color of Puritanism. due to his family
history and personal experience.Young Goodman Brown,the masterpiece of
his short stories,is just a case in point. By a symbolic description of
Brown’s conversion experience,Hawthorne deeply reveals the puritan’s
rigidity and self-doubt and the consequences of such a belief system

In the fifth report透过布朗解析霍桑的矛盾心理, Hawthorne was
psychologically paradoxical: therefore, the theme of his novel tended to
be ambiguous and duplicitous, which left more space for his readers to
speculate. His psychological paradox showed great impact on his narration,
and his language also featured his readers by peculiar meditation and
insight. Considered serious and solitary by nature, Hawthorne used these
character traits to clearly portray his feelings toward Puritanism. This
was Hawthorne’s style and also his reader’s specialty.

Fourth is writing style. The style is Gothic style. According to Gothic
Style of the Hawthorne’s Short Stories, Hawthorne’s style is rather
gothic, one that is different which the setting of the whole story may
appear exotic. The Hawthorne story bears one specific characteristic from
any other Gothic fiction and entitles it a unique style. The usual Gothic
story often has an exotic setting isolated in time or space from
contemporary life, often a ruined mansion or castle. However, in the
Hawthorne story, unlike the usual Gothic fiction, more than often happens
in a familiar setting. “Young Goodman Brown” begins with “the street
of Salem village”. The story happens in a “Salem” village that was
frequently encountered in New England country during Hawthorne’s time.

Then let’s move to the fifth part. Use other Psychoanalytic Approach
to appreciate this novel. The approach is Freudian Psychoanalytic
Approach. We found two reports. And they talk about familiar thing.

First is Collapse of Goodman Brown’s Faith: Perspective from Freudian
Psychoanalytical Theories by CHENG Ming-zhai, WANG Ya-ni. This article
mainly uses Freudian psychoanalytical theories to interpret this theme:
all men have evil in their soul. The theories consist of the Structure
of Psyche, Personality Structure, the Theory of Drive and The Dream Theory
etc. This article mainly applies the former three theories to interpret
Young Goodman Brown, reflecting Brown’s complex mental process from
mental struggles to faith collapse.

Second is From Innocence to Mental Disorder by Li Yunning. In her report,
Young Goodman Brown is a famous psychology –analyzing short story by
Hawthorne. Based on Freudian Psychoanalytic theories, which roughly
include the theory of unconsciousness, instinct, personality structure
and dreams, the whole story stems from the instinct of the protagonist.

Let us give some examples. Freudian Personality Structure consists of
three parts: id, ego and super- ego. The irrational, instinctual, unknown
and unconscious part is called id. Id contains out secret desire. Ego is
the rational, logical, waking part of the mind. Super-ego acts like an
internal censor, causing us to make moral judgments in light of social
pressures. When Brown began his journey to the forest, he was hesitant
and felt guilty. In fact, his mental struggles existed from the beginning
to the end of this journey. The mental struggles were just the
manifestation between the conflicts within id and ego and that within ego
and super-ego.

The final is the theme of the novel. The report 小伙子布朗分层解读 agrees
that the writer’s thoughts on human nature can be embodied from the
narration of the journey in the forest. Sun Yingying thinks that the
dividing line of evil and goodness of human nature is the theme.

The last one is 在宗教的困惑中寻求生命的皈依之路《小伙子布朗》的创作主
题解读. In Yong Haiyan’s opinion, this paper exposes and criticizes the
rigid and hypocritical nature of Puritanism and Puritan’s Doctrine. On
this basis, the paper offers a thematic interpretation of this story and
points our that wicked religion can only lead people to the abyss of
confusion and frustration and the people should comprehend the truth of
life and develop a positive and optimistic attitude towards life.

1, 杨彦清, 《家族记忆和原罪想想——论霍桑黑色小说的艺术重构》,内蒙古
师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2012-07
2,张燕, 《透过布朗解析霍桑的矛盾心理》, 作家, 2012-03
3,甄珍, 以《小伙子古德曼布朗》为例试论霍桑的写作特点, 临沧师范高等
专科学校学报, 2009-06
4,高丰,《Allegory and Symbolism——On Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown》,
海外英语, 2010-08
5,刘翠,《A View Of Young Goodman Brown From Frye‘s Theories Of Symbolism》,
读与写教育教学刊, 2010-03
6,成明斋,王雅妮, 《Collapse of Goodman Brown’ s Faith: Perspective
from Freudian Psychoanalytical Theories》, 海外英语,2012-05
7,李宁云,《From Innocence to Mental Disorder》,校园英语(教研版),2012-06
8,谢丽湘,《Gothic Style of the Hawthorne’s Short Stories》,校园英语,
9,李娜,《Hawthorne‘s Puritanism in Young Goodman Brown》,科技致富向
导, 2011-08
10,袁臣,《The Indirectness of Young Goodman Brown 》, 读与写(教育教
11,王伦,孙静艺,霍桑《好小伙布朗 》中的清教思想解读,短篇小说(原创
版), 2012-09
12,梁歆歆,霍桑讽喻小说 《好小伙古德曼布朗》中象征主义的运用,商品与质
13,孙瑛瑛,《小伙子布朗》的分层解读,湖北广播电视大学学报, 2011-12
14,周家琴,《论霍桑哥特式清教小说》,上海外国语大学学报, 2010-05
15,缪昕,杨静,论霍桑的人性原罪思想在《年轻的古德曼 · 布朗 》中的体
现,黑龙江教育学院学报 2012-05
16,赵攀,一个清教徒的堕落———评 《年青小伙古德曼·布朗》,郑州师范教







