1-5: BBABA
6-10:DACBA 11-15:BABBB
16-20:BDACD 21-25:AACBA
26-30:BCAAA 31-35:ADCCB 36-40:DCCDB
Comprehension (16 points in all, 4 for each)
41.A from percy shelley’s “men of England”
B. metonymy
C.Here “drones” refers to the
parasitic class in human socity.
42.A.The love
song of PrufrockB. Prufrock
C. Prufrock is
conscious of the fact that he is like hamlet in
some respect. But he is
sensible enough that
he cant be compared with hamlet.
B. “ there was a child went forth”
from “ leaves of grass”
C. The poem describes
the growth of a child who learned about the world
around him
and improved himself accordingly.
In the poem, Whitman’s own early experience may
well be identified with the childhood of a
young, growing American.
44.A. Emily Dickinson
B. The god of death
C. The poem is trying
to describe the moment of death.
at least two leading neoclassicists in
England.What did Neoclassicists
celebrate in
literary creation?
A. Alexander pope, John
Dryden, Samuel Johndon
B. they believed that
the artistic ideals should be order, logic,
restrained emotion and
accuracy and that
literature should be judged in terms of its
service to humanity. They
seek proportion,
unity, harmony and grace in literacy expression,
in an effort to
delight, instruct and correct
human beings. Thus a polite, elegant, witty and
intellectual art developed.
46.Jane Eyre
is one of the most popular and important novels of
the Victorian
Age.Why is Jane Eyre such a
successful novel?
A. it is noted for its
sharp criticism of the existing socity.
B. it
is an intense moral fable.
C. the success of
the novel is also due to its introduction to the
English novel the first
governess heroine.
47.Who are the three dominant figures of the
American Age of Realism and what are
differences in their understanding of the “truth”?
A. William Dean Howells, Mark Twain, Henry
B. Mark Twain and Howells seemed to
have paid more attention to the “life” of the
Ameicans. Howells focused his discussion on
the rising middle class and the way they
lived: Mark Twain preferred to have his own
region and people at the forefront of his
stories; Henry James had apparently laid a
greater emphasis on the “ inner world” of
48.What's Dreiser' s naturalistic belief?
Please discuss the question with Carrie, a
character in Sister Carrie as an example.
A. Dreiser believes that while men are
controlled and conditioned by heredity, instinct
and chance, a few extraordinary and
unsophisticated human beings refuse to accept
their fate wordlessly and
instead strive, unsuccessfully, to find meaning
and purpose
for their existence.
Carrie, as one of such, senses that she is merely
a cipher in an uncaring world yet
seeks to
grasp the mysteries of life and thereby satisfies
her desires for social status
and material
comfort, but in spite of her success, she is
lonely and dissatisfied.
Discussion(20 points in all, 10 for each)
Write no less than 150 words on each of the
following topics in English in the
corresponding space on the answer sheet.
49.Briefly discuss William Shakespeare's
artistic achievements in characterization,
plot construction and language.
shakespeare’s major characters are neither merely
individual ones nor type ones;
they represent
certain types; they are individuals representing
certain types. By
employing a psychoanalytical
approach, Shakespeare succeeds in exploring the
characters’ inner world. Shakespeare also
portrays his characters in pairs. Contrasts
are frequently used to bring vividness to his
B. Shakespeare seldom invents his
own plot; instead, he borrows them from old plays
or storybook, fron ancient Greek or Roman
sources. In order to make the play more
and compact, he would shorten the time and
intensify the story. There are
usually several
clues running through the play, thus providing the
story with the
suspense and apprehension.
C. Shakespeare can write skillfully in
different poetic forms, such as the sonnet, the
blank verse and the rhymed couplet. He has an
amazing wealth of vocabulary and
idiom. His
coinage of new words and distortion of the meaning
of the old words also
creates striking effects
on the readers.
50.Briefly discuss Mark
Twain's art of fiction in terms of the setting,the
and the characters, etc.,based on
his novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
A. Mark Twain uses the Mississippi Vally as
his fictional kingdom, Writing about the
landscape and people, the customs and the
dialects of one particular region, and is
therefore known as a local colorist.
B. he
creates life-like characters, especially the
conventional Huckleberry Finn, who
runs away
from civilization and stands opposite to
conventional morality.
C. He uses a simple,
direct vernacular language, totally different from
any previous
literary language. It is the kind
of colloquial language belonging to the lower
the living local American English.
D. he has created a special humor to satirize
social injustices and the decayed
Multiple Choice(40 points in all, 1 for each)
01-05:DDADA 06-10:BBDCB 11-15:BACDA
16-20:CACAD 21-25:BDADC 26-30:BCCBA
31-35:AADCA 36-40:BACCD
Reading Comprehension
(16 points in all, 4 for each)
41. A. Shelley
& A Song : Men of England. B. This poem was
written in 1819, the year of the
Massacre(彼得卢屠杀). * 1819年8月16日发生在英国曼彻斯特圣彼得广场上的
屠杀。 C. It is not only a war cry calling upon all
working people to rise up
against their
political oppressors, but an address to them
pointing out the intolerable injustice of
economic exploitation.
42. A. It
presents the meditation of an aging young man over
the business of proposing marriage.
dramatic monologue C. The poem is in a form of
dramatic monologue, suggesting an ironic
contrast between a pretended
up to love
and to life in a sterile upper-class world.
43 A. Emily Dickinson B. Entitled thus, the poem
expresses Dickinson's anxiety about her
communication with the outside world.) C. In
her poetry there is a particular stress pattern,
which dashes are used as a musical device
to create cadence and capital letters as a means
44. A. the Jazz Age B. A
masterpiece in American literature, the Great
Gatsby evokes a
haunting mood of a glamorous,
wild time that seemingly will never come again.
C. Gatsby's failure magnifies to a great
extent the end of the American Dream. III.
and Answers (24 points in all, 6 for
each) Give a brief answer to each of the
following questions
in English. Write your
answers in the corresponding space on the answer
45. At the center of the conflict
between human love and spiritual duty lies
fundamental concern with freedom and
theme is the of Man,i.e. man's
and the loss of the fall of man Adam discovered
his full humanity. The
freedom of the will is
the keystone of Milton's creed.
46. The
Songs of Innocence (1809) is a lovely volume of
poems, presenting a happy and
innocent world,
though not without its evils and sufferings. His
Songs of Experience (1794) paints
a different
world, a world of misery, poverty, disease, war
and repression with a melancholy tone.
Childhood is central to Blake's concern in the
Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience.
47. The impact of Darwin's evolutionary
theory on the American thought and the influence
the 19th century French literature on the
American men of letters gave rise to yet another
school of
realism: American naturalism.
Darwin, in his The Origin of Species (1859) and
Descent of Man
(1871), hypothesized that over
the millennia man had evolved from lower forms of
life. The
American naturalists accepted the
more negative implications of this theory and used
it to account
for the behavior of those
characters in literary works who were conceived as
more or less complex
combinations of inherited
attributes, their habits conditioned by social and
economic forces. 或
In a word, naturalism is
evolved from realism when the author's tone in
writing becomes less
serious and less
sympathetic but more ironic and more pessimistic.
It is no more than a different
approach to reality, or to human existence.
48. Briefly state Mark Twain’s magic power
with language in his novels.
A. Setting: In
the novel Mark Twain recreates a small-town world
of America and presents the
local color.
ge: He uses simple,
direct language faithful to the colloquial speech,
the vernacular
language of the local people.
C. Character(s): The author recreates two
rebels and fugitives running away from
especially Huckleberry Finn, an
innocent boy who refuses to accept the
conventional village
Theme: The novel is a criticism of social
injustice, hypocrisy, conservativeness and
narrow-mindedness of the American small town
society. : The novel employs a
style of narration and is also highly symbolic
with the central symbol. IV. Topic
Discussion(20 points in all, 10 for each)
Write no less than 150 words on each of the
topics in English in the
corresponding space on the answer sheet.
A. He read Darwin's The Origin of Species and
accepted the idea of
He was also influenced by
Spencer's The First Principle, which led him to
the belief that man's
fate is predeterminedly
tragic, driven by a combined force of
works, man is shown inevitably bound by his won
inherent nature and hereditary traits which
prompt him to go and search for some specific
happiness or success and set him in conflict with
the environment. Man proves impotent before
Fate, however he tries, and he seldom escapes his
ordained destiny. This pessimistic view of
life predominates most of Hardy's later works and
him a reputation as a naturalistic
B. His best local-colored works are
his later ones, such as The Return of the Native
(1878), The
Trumpet Major (1880), The Mayor of
Casterbridge (1886), The Woodlanders (1887), Tess
of the
D'Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure.
These works, known as of character and
50. A. International
themes: In almost all the stories and novels he
wrote during this period,
James treated with
great care the clashes between tow different
cultures and the emotional and
moral problems
of Americans in Europe, or Europeans in America.
Nearly every work is
important in its own way
in terms of James's cultivation of the theme.
B. Representative works:Daisy Miller (1878), a
novella about a young American girl who gets
The Portrait
of A Lady (1881) is generally
considered to be his masterpiece, which incarnates
the clash
between the Old World and the New in
the life journey of an American girl in a European
C. Language: As to
his language, James is not so easy to understand.
He is often highly refined
and insightful.
With a large vocabulary, he is always accurate in
word selection, trying to find the
expression for his literary imagination.
Style: Moreover, James's realism is characterized
by his psychological approach to his subject
matter. One of the James's literary techniques
innovated to cater for this psychological emphasis
his narrative of view.E. Summary:That is
why James is generally regarded as the
forerunner of the 20th-chentury novels and the
founder of
psychological realism.
6-10:BBBCC 11-15:DAADC 16-20:BABCB
21-25:ABCCA 26-30:CBADA 31-35:BBACB
II. Reading Comprehension (16
points in all, 4 for each)
41. A. Sonnet 18,
B. Personification
C. A
nice summer’s day is usually transient, but the
beauty in poetry can last for ever.
42. A. The Tyger,
William Blake
B. The God
C. Lamb
symbolizes peace and purity.
43. A. Walt Whitman,
“Song of Myself”;
B. His native land,
America or his country
C. I was born and
nurtured by this land and shall from now on devote
my whole life to the
44. A. Ernest
Hemingway, India Camp
B. Life and death
C. When the father says that dying is
pretty easy, he might be thinking about the
self-murdered husband. But when he reflects on
the wife’s miracle survival of the violent
pain in the whole process of birth, he adds
the final sentence. Dying is both hard and easy,
all depends on individuals.
III Questions and
Answers (24 points in all, 6 for each)
45. A.
The novel is a riddle which means different things
to different people.
B. From a social point
of view, it is a story about a poor man abused;
C. As a love story, beautiful and horrible
passion in human beings.
46. A. As one of the
influential members of the Fabian Society, Shaw
regarded the
establishment of socialism by the
emancipation of land and industrial capital from
individual and class ownership as the final
B. As a realistic dramatist, he took
the modern social issues as his subjects. Most of
plays are concerned with political,
economic, moral, or religious problems.
Mrs. Warren’s Profession is a play about the
economic oppression of women.
47. A.
Young Goodman Brown is essentially an allegory. It
is concerned with a young
Puritan who attends
a witches’ Sabbath in the woods. (1分)
Goodman Brown’s journey is a symbolic journey of
discovering sin and evil in human
hearts. The
discovery is horrible in that it makes Brown a
distrust and doubtful man forever.
C. In dealing with the theme of guilt and sin,
Hawthorne exemplifies the “power of
blackness”. (1分)
D. The story
faithfully reflects Hawthorne’s Puritan belief:
“There is evil in every human
heart, which may
remain latent, perhaps, through the whole life;
but circumstances may
rouse it to activity”.
48. A. the American Girl in
Europe, embodying the spirit of the New World.
B. Innocence turns out to be an admiring
but a dangerous quality and her defiance of
social taboos in the Old World finally brings
her to a disaster.
Topic Discussion (20 points in all, 10 for each)
49. A. Jane Eyre is an orphan child with a
fiery spirit and a longing for love and be loved.
B. She is a poor, plain, little
governess who dares to love her master and cuts a
new woman image. (3分)
Jane Eyer represent those middle-class working
women who are struggling for
recognition of
their basic rights and equality as a human being.
50. A. Naturalism was
greatly influenced by Darwin’s evolutionary theory
and French
literature. (2分)
B. Naturalists
accepted the more negative implications of
Darwin’s theory and used it to
count for the
behavior of those characters in literary works who
were conceived as more or
less complex
combinations of inherited attributes, their habits
conditioned by social and
economic forces.
C. Naturalism is evolved from realism
when the author’s tone in writing becomes less
serious and less sympathetic but more ironic
and more pessimistic. (3分)
1-5: DABCB
6-10:DCBCD 11-15:BADDD16-20:AADCC
31-35:BADCA 36-40:
45. What’s the theme of the poem
Paradise Lost? What’s the author’s intention to
create it and the
implication that the poem
expresses? theme of the poem “ParadiseLost”is the”
Fall of
Man,” disobedience and the loss of
Paradise, with its prime cause----Satan.
athor’s intention to write this poem is to expose
the ways of Satan to” justifythe ways of
to men.”
this poem,the author implicitly
expresses his fundamental concern with freedom and
and his belief that the unquestionable
truth of biblical revelation means that an all-
knowing God
was just in allowing Adam and eve
to be tempted and of their free will to choose sin
and its
inevitable punishment.
46. The
Waste Land is T. S. Eliot’s most important single
poem. What’s the theme of the poem?
theme of The Waste Land: The Waste Land is a poem
concerned with the spiritual breakup of
modern civilization in which human life has lost
its meaning, significance and purpose. The
poem has developed a whole set of historical,
cultural and religious themes;but it is often
as being primarily a reflection of
the 20th-century disillusionment and frustration
in a sterile and
47. In American literature, Emily
Dickinson’s poetry is unique and unconventional in
its own way.
What are the features of
Dickinson’s poems?
son is poems are usually
based on her own experiences,her sorrows and joys.
is another subject Dickinson dwelt on.
poems Dickinson wrote are about nature,in which
her general skepticism about the
between man and nature is well-expressed.
is poetry is unique and unconventional in own
poems have no titles,hence
are always quoted
by their first lines.
48. What’s the theme
of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s TheGreat Gatsby?
Great Gatsby evokes a haunting mood of a
glamorous, wild time that seemingly will never
come again. Besides, the loss of an ideal and
the disillusionment that comes with the failure
exploited fully in the personal tragedy of
a young man whose
into pieces by the
relentless reality.
49. Discuss Charles
Dickens’ art of fiction: the setting, the
character- portrayal, the language, etc. ,
based on his novel Oliver Twist.
(1)Charles Dickens uses a mixture of the
contemporary and recollected past as his fictional
In his works, he sets out a full map
and a large scale criticism of the 19th century
especially London. Oliver Twist is
his early novel, in which Dickens reveals the
workhouse system and the dark,
criminal underworld life.
portrayal is the most distinguished feature of
Dickens’s works. His works
characters are those innocent, virtuous,
persecuted, helpless child characters such as
Oliver Twist, Little Nell. Dickens writes best
when she writes from the child’s point of view.
he is also famous for the description of
those horrible and grotesque characters like
Fagin, Bill
(3)With his first
sentence, he engages the reader’s attention and
holds it to the end. In language, he
is often
compared with Shakespeare for his adeptness with
vernacular and
large vocabulary with which he
brings out many a wonderful verbal picture of man
and scene.
Dickens’s works are also
characterized by a mingling of humor and humor
and wit
seem inexhaustible.
50. Summarize
Ernest Hemingway’s artistic features.
1. The
Hemingway code heroes and grace under pressure:
They have seen the cold world ,and for one
cause, they boldly and courageously face the
They has an indestructible spirit
for his optimistic view of life. Whatever is the
result is, the are
ready to live with grace
under pressure. No matter how tragic the ending
is, they will never be
defeated. Finally,
they will be prevail because of their
indestructible spirit and courage.
technique: Hemingway believe that a good writer
does not need to reveal every
detail of a
character or action. The one-eighth the is
presented will suggest all other meaningful
dimensions of the story. Thus, Hemingway’s
language is symbolic and suggestive.
6-10:CBBBB 11-15:CDBDC 16-20:CABAA 21-25:ABDBA
31-35:CDABB 36-40:ACDAA
Ⅱ.Reading Comprehension(16 points in all, 4
for each)
41.A. From Daniel Defoe’s
Robinson Cruse. (1 分) B. Robinson Cruse. (1 分)
C. Robinson is a typical
18th century English middle—class man, with a
great capacity for work,
energy, courage, patience and persistence in
overcoming obstacles, in struggling
the hostile natural environment. He is very
prototype of the empire builder, the pioneer
colonist. (2 分)
42.A. George Bernard
Shaw, Mrs. Warren’s profession. (1分)
is about the economic oppression of women. (1分)
is a kind of new woman, intelligent and well
educated, with a strong sense of injustice and
a passion for “honest” work. (2 分)
From Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself”. (1分)
B. The democratic “en---masse” of America.
C. The genuine participation of a poet
in a common cultural was to behave as a supreme
individualist; however, the poet’s essential
purpose was to indentify his ego with the world,
with the democratic “en---masse” of
America. (2分)
44.A. From Emily Dickenson’s
“Because I could not stop for Death---”.( 1分)
(1 分) C. They represent three
stages of life:”the School”----youth; “the Fields
of Gazing Grain”
—mature period;” the Setting
Sun”—end of life. (2分)
Ⅲ.Questions and
Answers (24 p points in all, 6 for each)
Pride and Prejudice, originally drafted as “First
Impressions” in 1796, is the most delightful
of Jane Austen’s works. (3分) The title tells
of a major concern of the novel: .pride and
46. The two “Chimney
Sweeper” poems are good examples to reveal the
relation between
economic circumstance, i.e.
the exploitation of child labor, (2分)and an
ideological circumstance,
i.e. the role played
by religion in making people compliant to
exploitation. (2 分) The poem from
the Songs of
Experience reveals the true nature of religion
which helps bring misery to the poor
(2 分)
47. Hemingway’s world is limited. He
deals with limited range of characters in quite
circumstances and measures them
against an unvarying code, known as “grace under
which is actually an attitude
towards life that Hemingway had been trying to
demonstrate is his
works. (3 分) Those who
survive in the progress of seeking to master the
code with the honesty,
the discipline, and the
restraint are Hemingway Code Heroes. (3 分)
Set in the town of Jefferson in Yoknapatawpa, the
story focuses on Emily Grierson, an
spinster who refuses to accept the passage of
time, or the inevitable charge and loss that
accompanied it. (3 分) As a descendent of the
Southern aristocracy, Emily is typical of those in
Faulkner’s Yoknapatawpa stories who are the
symbols of Old South but the prisoners of the
(3 分)
Ⅳ. Topic Discussion (20
points in all, 10 for each)
49.A. Hardy’s
novels are all Victorian in date. Most of them are
set in Wessex, the fictional
primitive and
crude rural region which is really the home place
he both loves and hates, such as
The Return of
the Native, Tess of the D’ Urbervilles Jude the
Obscure. These works, known as
“novels of
character and environment,” are the most
representative of him as both a naturalistic
and a critical realist writer. (3 分)
B. Living at the turn of the century, Hardy is
often regarded as a transitional writer. In him we
the influence from both the past and the
modern. The pessimistic view of life predominates
of Hardy’s later works and earns him a
reputation as a naturalistic writer. Though
seems to have
played an important part in Hardy’s works, there
is also bitter and sharp criticism
and even
open challenge of the irrational, hypocritical and
unfair Victorian institutions,
conventions and
morals. (4 分)
C. He tells very good stories
and he is a great painter of nature. His heroes
and heroines, those
unfortunate young men and
women in their desperate struggle for personal
fulfillment and
happiness, are all vividly and
realistically depicted. And all the works of Hardy
are noted for the
rustic dialect and a poetic
flavor which fits well into their perfectly
designed architectural
structures. They are
the product of a conscientious artist. (3分)
50.A. Unlike his contemporaries in the 20th
century, Robert Frost did not break up with the
tradition nor made any experiment on
form. Instead, he learned from the tradition,
especially the
familiar conventions of nature
poetry and of classical pastoral poetry, and made
the colloquial
New England speech into a
poetic expression. (3 分)
B. Many of his
poems are fragrant with natural quality. Images
and metaphors in his poems are
drawn from the
simple country life and the pastoral landscape
that can be easily understood. But it
would be
a mistake to imagine that Frost is easy to
understand because it is easy to read. (3 分)
C. Profound ideas are delivered under the
disguise of the plain language and the simple
form, for
what frost did is to take symbols
from the limited human world and the pastoral
landscape to refer
to the great world beyond
the rustic scene. (2 分)
D. These thematic
concerns include the terror and tragedy in nature,
as well as its beauty, and the
loneliness and
poverty of the isolated human being. But first and
foremost Frost is concerned with
his love of
life and his belief in a serenity that only came
from working usefully, while he
himself throughout his life. (2 分)
6-10:DCDCB 11-15:CABDB 16-20:ADBBA 21-25:ABAAC
31-35:BCADD 36-40:ADBCA
1-5:AAABD 6-10:CDAAA 11-15:BADBA 16-20:BCCCB
21-25:BBCAB 26-30:ADBDA
1. Reading Comprehension (16
41. A. uncultivated land covered with
B. clothes in dark color
C. the
poem reveals the true nature of religion which
bring misery to the poor children.
42. A. The mournful verses
C. The poet suggests the timeless
mystery of sorrowful
humanity and its radiant
43. A. Robert Frost, The Road Not
B. Life is here compared to a journey.
The two roads stand for the
choice one has to
make at a critical moment in his life.
Since where the road leads to is uncertain, one
has to wait to
see the result of the choice
until one’s life is coming to an end.
Then it
will be too late. The speaker acknowledges the
limits of
life, yet he indulges himself in the
notion that we could be really
different from
what we have become, because life is
A. Faulkner, A Rose for Emily
B. Because of
her small frame, a little extra weight, which made
women of larger frame look fat, made her
excessively fat.
C. Emily, the protagonist, is
eccentric. She refuses to go out and
to accept
the passage of time, or the inevitable change and
that accompanies it. She is a symbol of
the Old South and a
prisoner of the past.
2. Questions and Answers (24 points)
A. Hamlet, King Lear, Othello and Macbeth
B. Each portrays some noble hero, who faces the
injustice of
human life and is caught in a
difficult situation and whose fate is
connected with the fate of the whole nation.
46. A. The poem presents a panorama of
physical disorder and
spiritual desolation in
the modern eastern world.
B. The poem reflects
the prevalent mood of disillusionment and
despair of a whole post --- war generation.
47. A. Her poems have no titles.
B. Dashes
are used as a musical device to create cadence
C. Capital letters are used as a means of
D. Irregular or inverted sentence
E. Her poetic idiom is noted for its
laconic brevity.
F. Her poems are usually
G. Her poems tend to
be very personal and meditative.
48. A. His
poetic style is marked by the use of the poetic
B. He adopted “free verse”, poetry
without a fixed beat or regular
rhyme scheme.
C. The images in his poems are unconventional.
D. He uses oral English and his vocabulary is
3. Topic Discussion (20 points)
49. A. the child characters: innocent,
virtuous, persecuted and
helpless, such as
Oliver Twist, Little Nell, David Copperfield.
B. Horrible and grotesque characters like
Fagin, Bill Sikes, and
C. Humorous
or comical ones like Mr. Micawber…
50. A.
Different people on the ship are representations
of different
ideas and different social and
ethnic groups
B. Facts become symbols and
incidents acquire universal
The Pequod is the microcosm of human society and
the voyage
becomes a search for truth
The white whale, Moby dick, symbolizes nature for
for Ahab, it represents only evil;
for the author, the readers and
the narrator,
it is still a mystery.
一.1-5:DCCDC 6-10:DCDCB 11-15:AABAD 16-20:CCBBA
21-25:BBABC 26-30:ADAAC 31-35:BDDAB