
2020年08月07日 19:42


老实说,学完整本外文原著选读,我最推崇还是杜威的实用主义教育 思想。尤其是他的
幼儿教育思想。实用主义教育是杜威所创立的现代西方教育思潮的一个重要流派,以实 用主
To be honest, after learning the entire foreign
language study, the thought, I most admired John Dewey's
pragmatic educational ideas. Especially his early childhood
education ideas.. Pragmatism education is founded by
John Dewey of modern western education thought is one
of important genre, to pragmatism philosophy as the

杜威对教育性质判定的三个核心命题:教育即经验的不断创造;教育 即生活,教育即生
长。他创立了“从做中学”的理论,认为在经验中学习,给儿童创设各种活动的情境, 指导

Below I learned through the several pieces for work
Dewey said I thought of education of Dewey children's
understanding and views.
I think this can be in two major aspects to discuss.
He explicitly pointed out that, process of
education has two aspects: one is the psychology, one is
the sociology .”
The determination of the nature of education Dewey
three core proposition: education is the experience created;
Education namely, education that is life growth. He created


children learning activities to create the situation, and
guide the children's use of various materials and tools, for
exploratory learning.

在传统教育那里,“学 校的重心在儿童之外,在教师,在教科书以及你所高兴的任何地
方,唯独不在儿童自己即时的本能和活动 之中”,[1]教科书“是过去的学问和智慧的主要代
表”,而“教师是使学生和教材有效地联系起来的 机体,教师是传授知识和技能以及实施行
为准则的代言人”。[2]因而,传统教育的弊病是显而易见的 。杜威认为,不以儿童的生活为
出发点,教育便会造成浪费。 由于传统教育把教育的“重心”放在教 师和教科书上面,
而不是放在儿童的本能和活动中,于是,儿童只能受到“训练”、“指导和控制”以及 “残
暴的专制压制”。[4]这种传统教育的缺点使杜威不得不反对传统教育。把教育的重心从教师、< br>教材那里转移到儿童身上,这就是杜威倡导的“新教育”。

In traditional education, where
outside of school, teachers, textbooks, and you are happy
in any place, except not in the child's own instincts and
activities of real-time
and the main representative of wisdom andteachers
are teaching to students and to effectively link the body of
teachers to impart knowledge and skills and the
implementation of codes of conduct voice. Thus, the
shortcomings of traditional education is obvious. Dewey,
not to children's lives as a starting point, education will be
As the traditional education of education of the
of gravityon the top teachers and textbooks,


rather than on instinct and activities for children, so
children can only be
authoritarian repression.[4] the shortcomings of
traditional education, traditional education that Dewey had
opposed. The focus of education from teachers, teaching
materials, where the transfer to the children who this is
Dewey advocated

同杜威一样,我认为,儿童出生后对每一件事情 都可以学习。例如,看、听、伸手、触
摸、爬、走等。但是,他要达到精通熟练,就需要学习、观察和选 择有效的动作。儿童应该
有机会运用他的身体,并由此使他的自然冲动有表现的机会。对儿童来说,“做 事”本身就是
一种最好的教育。学校应该采取与儿童校外活动类似的形式。这样,“从做中学”就使学校 中
二杜威的“儿童中心 论”,强调儿童的兴趣和自由。在现代社会还是值得推崇的,即使

As with Dewey, I think, after the birth, a child can learn
everything. For example,see, hear, touch, and put out his
hand, and climbing, go, and so on. But, he will achieve
mastery skill just need to learn, observation and choose
effective action. Children should have the opportunity to
use his body, and thus making his natural impulses have
the chance of children, the
one of the best education. School children in
extracurricular activities should be taken with a similar
form.. So, by doingmade in the school the
acquisition of knowledge and children in the common life of


environment of activity or job connected.
Second, Dewey's Centertheory,
emphasizing the child's interests and freedom. In the
modern society it still is worthy of praise highly, even to
have drawbacks, but I think is still outweigh the costs. In
my opinion, Dewey's ideas about “children's center” is the
socialist education theory, the essence of John Dewey is
modern education thought of evolution of
children's education concept is to lead
the continuous development of flags. To realize the
modernization of the children education idea, we must take
the Dewey of for the teacher.

杜威是在批判旧教育的过程中提出“儿童中心主义”思想的。 学了杜威的幼儿教育思想
后,我发现现在的幼儿园有一些很明显的弊端1、 幼儿园同社会生活隔离;2、 课程与儿童
需要及现实生活需要脱节;3、 教学是灌输式的,幼儿园充当消极的听众的接色;4、 教师
在课堂上充当监督者或独裁者。这些会导致1、 造成幼儿园的最大的浪费2、 破坏了教育
的统一性;3、 阻碍了儿童思维的发展,失去了教育价值;5、 课程和教学方法划一,使儿

Dewey is the criticism of the old process of education
that centeredschool of thought Dewey's early
childhood education ideas,I found the nursery now has
some obvious drawbacks of a kindergarten with the social
life of isolation; 2, the curriculum ,children needs and
real-life needs now is out of touch; 3, Teaching is perfusion


type and Children's role is just as passive listeners 4
teachers in the classroom is supervisors or dictators.
These will lead to some results ,such as resulting in the
biggest waste of 2 undermining the unity of education; 3,
impeding the development of children's thinking, losing
educational value; five,some teachers uniform curriculum
and teaching methods so that children lose interest in
learning and motivation.

说到这里,肯定会有人质疑 ,那还需要老师吗?我要说,他的思想是想表达不是不要教
师,相反,它对教师提出了更高的要求。教师 只有充分地认识儿童的世界和儿童的生活,充
分地了解社会的需要和目的,充分地认识人类的文化财富, 尤其是充分地认识这几种因素在

Here, it will be some question that still need the
teacher? I have to say, His idea is to express teachers are
the contrary, it put forward higher
requirements of teachers. The teacher only fully know the
world of children and children's life,he can fully understand
the needs of society and purpose, the full knowledge of
human culture wealth, especially fully aware of these types
of factors in the education process of the organic link and
the dialectical relationship between really possible to
implement the new education.



以培养智慧为目的才是我们幼儿教师真正需要做的事情。同时要提倡爱心教 育。当然,最重
这些,就是我读完杜威的著作的感想、看法 ,或者说发现。我衷心的希望成为一名幼儿

Education is not for the children to prepare for future
life, but the lives of children themselves. For the purpose of
the acquisition of knowledge is not enough,and for the
purpose of intelligence is to train kindergarten teachers we
really need to do. At the same time ,we must promote the
love of education. Of course, the most important thing is to
focus on children's interests and freedom.
These view, or impressions of the discoveryis which I
gain by reading the works of Dewey.I sincerely hopewhen I
am a preschool teacher, I'll do that.








