新潮实用英语第二册 Unit Three原文对照翻译

2020年08月07日 20:42


Text A Everyday Life in Space

1 (The following is part of the interview with Jean-Pierre Haigneré
who spent 6 months on board Mir, in 1999.) Why do people do a lot of
sport in space?
2 For the body to be in a state of weightlessness is a bit like lying for
weeks in a hospital bed. The muscles and bones that do the carrying
are no longer called upon. They no longer need to bear the body and so
they quickly start softening. Bones lose 1% of their density every
month! That’s why we have to do at least two hours of sport on the
machines every day.
因为处于失重状态的身体有些类似 于在病床上躺卧数周。由于起
支撑作用的肌肉与骨骼无需受力,不再承受体重, 因此它们开始迅速萎缩。骨骼密度每月减少1%!这就是为何我们必须每天在健身器上
3 How does one sleep in space?
4 It’s a bit like camping, you sleep in a sleeping bag. Since there’s no
up and down, you sleep “standing”! What’s important is to be attached
to the wall,where there’s some space. That’s why the sleeping bags are

covered with straps. A wide belt can be used for those of us who, like
on earth, need to feel the pressure of a surface against the body in
order to sleep better. You mustn’t forget to put your hands in the bag,
otherwise they’ll be dancing around all night!
有点像野营,你是睡在睡袋中。由于没有上下之分,你 “站着”
上缠绕着带子。我 们中有些人睡觉时可以使用一条宽带子, 因为他们
只有在身体感到表面压力时才睡得好, 就像在地球上那样。睡觉时不
5 What is the food on a space station like?
6 Eating in space is one of the things that have greatly improved
with time. Right at the beginning the food was freeze- dried, that’s to
say dried and turned into a powder so it would take up less space and
weight. Since then, the menus have improved and become more varied.
Nowadays there is more selection of food, and the foodstuffs are often
vacuum packed like fast food available in the shops. The International
Space Station has enough energy to use a freezer and an oven.
是说将食物冻干并磨成粉末, 以便少占空 间与重量。从那时起,菜谱

7 Only dishes in sauce?
8 Without gravity, any food that can break into pieces is potentially
dangerous: in a station, small pieces of dust do not fall to the floor;
they stay in the air forever. And there is risk that the dust will block the
air filters, or get into the lungs when breathing! That’s why every dish
has to be sticky with sauce, to prevent small pieces from flying off.
灰尘堵塞空气过滤器的危险或呼 吸时灰尘进入肺部的危险!这就是为
何每道菜都得用调料把它黏住的原因,那是为了防止小碎片随意飞舞 。
9 How do you wash?
10 We basically clean ourselves with a soft cloth that has been made
wet with warm water. Some have cleaning product poured on it. And
then we wash ourselves off with other towels. There has to be very
strict control of water use and we also reuse part of the water. For the
rest, you have to wash your hair dry. As for emptying out the toilets,
it’s a sort of vacuum cleaner!
倒 些清洁剂。接着我们用另一块毛巾把自己洗干净。我们有严格的用

水控制,我们也循环使 用部分水。有关其他的洗刷,比如你必须干洗
11 What entertainment do you have in space?
12 I was allowed 1.5 kg of personal items. I took my CDs, a teach
yourself German, something to write with, to take photos, to program
my computer, as well as a couple of books. I also had a radio so I could
communicate with a lot of people on Earth, including my wife.
我被允许带1.5千克的个人物品 。我带了CD、德语自学机、书
写物品、照相机、编程物品和一些书籍。我还有一部无线电接收器, 所

Text B

Space Teachers

1 Minutes after woman astronaut Wang Yaping gained global
recognition by delivering a lecture from space to millions of students in
China, she was back to work

2 She was writing a “thank you” note to her biggest fan — the first
American teacher in space, Barbara Morgan, who sent Wang a letter
“of honor and love” as she hurtled into space days before. “Thank you
for your care and good wishes,” Wang replied. “We also want to extend
to you our admiration and respect for what you have done for manned
space programs and for education as well.
她正在给她最大的粉丝,第一位美 国太空教师芭芭拉·摩根写“感
谢信”。在王进入太空几天前,摩根向王发出了一封致以“荣耀和爱”< br>的书信。在回信中王说:“谢谢您对我们的关心和祝愿,对您为世界
3 Morgan, 61, who taught a class from the International Space
Station in 2007, could hardly contain her happiness for the 33-year-old
astronaut. “On behalf of teachers and students around the world, I
send you greetings of honor and love as you orbit our Earth and
prepare to teach your lessons from space. We are proud of you. We
wish you and your crewmates safety and success. You will be very busy
up there, but please remember to take time to look out the window.
China and all of this world are beautiful.” Morgan wrote to Wang in her

曾于2007 年在国际空间站进行太空授课的六十一岁的 摩根在这

爱的问候。我们为您感到骄傲。我们 希望您和乘员组同事平安和成功。
您在那里一定会非常忙碌,但请记得花些时间看看窗外。中国和这个< br>世界是如此美丽迷人。”在给王的信中,摩根写道。
4 Twenty-one years before Morgan’s success, U.S. female
astronaut Christa McAuliffe was first selected to teach in space but
failed to complete the mission, as Shuttle Challenger disintegrated 73
seconds after launch, killing all seven crew members on January 28,
1986. Morgan did not give up McAuliffe’s dream of going into space.
For more than a decade, she continued to press NASA for the chance to
fly. In 1998, NASA eventually accepted Morgan as the first educator
在摩根取得成功前二十一年,美国女宇航员克里斯塔·麦考利 夫
是第一位入选进行太空授课的教师,但她未能完成使命。1986 年1 月
28 日,“挑战者”号航天飞机发射73 秒后解体,七名机组人员全部遇
难。摩根没有放弃麦考利夫进入太 空的梦想。在十多年的时间里,她
继续向美国航空航天局争取飞行的机会。在1998 年,美国航空航天局
5 On Thursday, Wang responded from Tiangong-1 Space Station,
to her new friend and role model. “I hope you and all of the teachers
and students elsewhere on Earth enjoyed the lecture.” Wang said,
adding she hoped they had shared “the majesty and beauty of outer

space, and the joy of learning new things.” The live telecast was
watched by more than 60 million teachers and students at about
80,000 schools, Chinese officials said.
周四,王从天宫一号空间站给她的新朋友及榜样回信。“( 我)希望
她还希望与他 们“分享了太空的神奇和美妙,收获了知识和快乐”。中
国官员说,有约八万所学校的超过六千万的师生 观看了实况转播。
6 Eighteen years ago, Morgan showed students how to exercise and
drink water in space. Thursday, Wang gave a fascinating lesson that
included demonstrating the behavior of liquids in zero gravity, while
she was floating in the spacecraft’s cabin. China’s second woman in
space also showed students how zero gravity made a small ball tied
with a string move in a circular fashion and not move like a pendulum,
as it would on the earth.
上了一堂精彩的课, 其中包括展示在失重环境下液体的行为,而她同时
漂浮在飞船(天宫一号)的机舱。这位中国的第二名女 航天员还向学生
现地面上常 见的往复摆动。
7 In her response to Morgan, Wang emphasized the children. “We
would like to join the efforts, as you have done, to bring science-loving
youth around the world closer to their dreams of exploring the

universe,” she said.

在给摩根 的回信中,王强调了孩子。“我们愿与您一道为开启全世
界青少年朋友热爱科学、探索宇宙的梦想共同努 力。”她说。
8 Professor Timothy Swindle at the University of Arizona agreed on
the impact of conducting a class from space. “It is an amazing
experience for the students to have this famous astronaut answering
their questions,” Swindle said. “It is important for young people to
realize that people doing these incredible things are real people, and to
inspire them to try to become one of those people.”
亚利桑那大学 的教授蒂莫西·斯威德赞同太空授课所产生的影响。
“有这么一位著名的宇航员为学生解答问题,对他们 来说,是一次了不
起的经历”, 斯威德说道, “重要的是使年轻人意识到做这些不可思







