
2020年08月07日 21:29



Module7 My school day
1. 我喜欢数学。I like maths!
2. 我们在九点上英语课。We have an English lesson at nine o’clock.
3. 他今天不上语文课。He doesn’t have Chinese today.
4. 我们不喜欢这首歌。We don’t like the song.
5. 你们起床很早吗?Do you get up early?

Module8 Different habits
1. 托尼一直喜欢生日聚会。Tony always likes birthday parties.
2. 门总是开着的。The door is always open.
3. 他经常收到一些有趣的信件。He often gets some interesting letters.
4. 他的生日礼物是一张电影票。His birthday present is a cinema ticket.
5. 她经常穿一双红色的袜子。She often wears a pair of red socks.
6. 她没有记住他的名字。She doesn’t remember his name.

Module9 A trip to the zoo
老虎吃肉吗?Does the tiger eat meat?
袋鼠来自澳大利亚。The kangaroo comes from Australia.
它是一头非洲象吗?Is it an African elephant?
森林里有成千上万棵古树。There are thousands of old trees in the forest.
老虎生活在森林里。The tiger lives in the forest.
它吃草和树叶。It eats grass and leaves.
中国大约有1600只野生大熊猫。There are about1,600 pandas in the wild in

Module10 Computers
1. 我怎么样在电脑上写作业呢?How do I write my homework on the computer?
2. 你怎么样拼读computer这个单词?How do you spell“computer”?
3. 这是你的鼠标吗?Is this your mouse?
4. 你多久用一次电脑?How often do you use a computer?
5. 你有多少本书?How many books do you have ?
6. 有多少牛奶?How much milk is there?
7. 你多大了?How old are you ?
8. 你呢?How about you ?
9. 这张书桌有多长?How long is the desk?
10. 离这儿有多远?How far is it from here?
11. 你什么时候用电脑?When do you use a computer?

12. 你玩什么游戏?What games do you play?


Module1 People and places
6. 我们正玩得很高兴!We’re having a great time!
7. 其他人正在做什么?What are the others doing?
8. 那条狗正躺在火堆前面。The dog is lying in front of the fire.
9. 丽莎经常躺在草地上享受自由自在的时光。Lisa often lies on the grass and
enjoys the free time.
10. 他们正在给那些美丽的花拍照。They are taking photos of the beautiful flowers.
11. 他们正要去听歌剧。They’re going to the opera.
12. 他们正在睡觉。They are sleeping.
13. 托尼正在用他的手机通话。Tony is talking on his cell phone.
14. 这些天我正在读“哈利波特”。I’m reading Harry Potter these days.
15. 孩子们正在湖上滑冰吗?Are the children skating on the lake now?

Module2 Spring Festival
1. 我们正在为春节做准备。We’re getting ready for Spring Festival.
2. 正在忙什么呢?你在做家庭作业吗?What’s happening?Are you doing your
3. 她正在做饭。She’s cooking the meal.
4. 每天这个时间我都在工作。I’m at work at this time every day.
5. 他现在正在写明信片。Now he is writing a postcard.
6. 瞧!李雷和汤姆在踢足球。Look!Li Lei and Tom are playing football.
7. 这个婴儿老是哭。The baby is always crying.
8. Grace在哪里呢?她正在院子里读书。Where is Grace?She is reading in the
9. 此时你妈妈正在购物吗?Is your mother shopping at the moment?
10.在这张照片里,我弟弟正在吃冰淇淋。In this photo,my little brother is eating an
ice cream.


Module3 Plans
1. 周末你打算做什么?What are you going to do at the weekend?
2. 星期六上午我打算查收一下我的电子邮件,然后就做作业。On Saturday
morning,I’m going to check my email and then I’m going to do my homwork.
3. 我们要登上长城。We’re going to walk up the Great Wall.
4. 我期待着收到你的信。I’m looking forward to your letter.

5. 他们打算横越太平洋和大西洋。They’re going to cross the Pacific Ocean and
the Atlantic Ocean.
6. 他打算全程步行。He is going to walk all the way.
7. 他明天要去上钢琴课。He is going to have a piano lesson tomorrow.
8. 你有什么计划?What are your plans?
9. 你正打算去参观长城吗?Are you planning to visit the Great Wall?
10. 大明正要去复习考试。Daming is going to revise for his test.

Module4 Life in the future
1. 人人都将在家里学习。Everyone will study at home.
2. 将来每张桌子上都将有一台电脑。There will be a computer on every desk in the
3. 我明天将要去北京。I will go to Beijing tomorrow.
4. 你们将要为汤姆举办生日聚会吗?Will you have a birthday party for Tom?
5. 我们将把我们的作业发给老师。We will send our homework to the teacher.
6. 没有人会冒雨来这儿。No one will come here in the rain.
7. 人人都会有一辆小汽车。Every one will have a small car.
8. 春天天气将变暖和。The weather will get warm in spring.
9. 会有暴雨和强风。There will be heavy rain and strong winds.
10. 我们会用太阳能供暖。We’ll use the sun to heat our homes.
11. 他们会有很长的假期和很多的休闲时间。They’ll have long holidays and lots of
free time.
12. 今天我不能赴晚宴了。I won’t be able to come to dinner today.
13. 今晚我们不会忙。We won’t be busy this evening.
14. 人们会用机器人来做许多事情吗?Will people use robots to do many things?
15. 学生们将利用互联网来学习。Students will use the Internet to learn.


Module8 My past life
1. 我出生在一个小村庄里。I was born in a small village.
2. 他过去的生活怎么样?What was his past life like?
3. 你生于何时何地?When and where were you born?
4. 上周我没有上班。I wasn’t at work last week.
5. 上周日我们踢足球了。Last Sunday we played football.
6. 我小的时候经常和哥哥一起去看电影。When I was a child,I often went to the
movies with my elder brother.
7. 这两个国家之间有过一次战争。There was a war between the two countries.
8. 徐悲鸿是一位伟大的画家。Xu Beihong was a great artist.


Module9 Story time
1. 从前有一个国王。Once upon a time there was a king.
2. 他们匆匆去了车站。They hurried to the station.
3. 她敲了敲门。She knocked on the door.
4. 我妈妈进了房间。My mother entered the room.
5. 她在路上捡起来了一朵花。She picked up a flower on the road.
6. 她冲进房间告诉我们这个消息。She rushed into the room to tell us the news.
7. 她尽力把它算出来。She tried to work it out.
8. 洪水把这座桥冲毁了。The flood destroyed this bridge.
9. 今天早上他没有吃早饭。He didn’t eat breakfast this morning.
Module10 Life history
托尼什么时候来到中国的?When did Tony come to China?
你母亲弹钢琴吗?Did your mother play the piano?
妈妈回来时,我正在看电视。I was watching TV when my mother came back.
当你是小孩时,你骑自行车上学吗?Did you ride a bike to school when you
were a child?
我们没有小汽车,我们坐火车旅行。We didn’t have a travelled by train.
他决定成为一名演员。He decided to be an actor.
约翰加入了这个俱乐部。John joined the club.
昨夜下了大雪。It snowed heavily last night.
因为他生病了,他没有去上学。Because he was ill,he didn’t go to school.
Was your mother at home last night?Yes,she ,she wasn’t.
Did you go to the park last Sunday?Yes,I ,I didn’t.

Module11 National heroes
13. 詹天佑做了些什么?What did Zhan Tianyou do?
14. 他自己盖了一座房子。He built the house by himself.
15. 英国人和俄国人都想建它。The British and the Russians wanted to build it.
16. 我们坐车穿过了森林。We went through the woods in the car.

17. 他训练了5年。He trained for 5 years.
18. 我两年前见过她。I met her two years ago.
19. 昨晚我写了一封信。Last night I wrote a letter.
20. 他终于到海滩了。He reached the beach at last.
21. 昨天他们在哪里?Where were they yesterday?
22. 他为什么上学迟到了?Why was he late for school?
23. 前天你们做什么了?What did you do the day before yesterday?
24. 格林一家什么时候到达的?When did the Green family arrive?
25. 这是上周五发生的事。This happened last Friday.

Module12 A holiday journey
1. 两年前我去了洛杉矶。I went to Los Angeles two years ago.
2. 画这幅画花费了你多久?How long did it take you to draw the picture?
它花费了我3天。It took me three days.
3. 你们在那里待了多久?How long did you spend there?
4. 我花了10元钱买这支钢笔。I spent 10 yuan on the pen.
5. 我们没有见到女王。We didn’t see the queen.
6. 那个男孩没哟放弃希望。That boy didn’t give up his hopes.
7. 她说接下来的那个星期将举行一场运动会。She said there was going to be a
sports meeting the next week.
8. 昨天妈妈到镇上去买东西了。Mother went to town to do some shopping
9. 门突然开了。The door flew open.
10. 你在那儿待了多长时间?How long did you spend there?
11. 我们去划船,看见水里有许多鱼。We went on a boat and saw a lot of fish in the
12. 我们在泰安待了三天。We spent three days in Taian.


Module2 Experiences
1. 你曾经参加过比赛吗?Have you ever entered a competition?
2. -----莎莉来过中国吗?-----不,她没有。-----Has Sally visited China?-----No,she
3. 她以前来过中国吗?Has she visited China beofe?
4. 你曾经读过“哈利波特”吗?Have you ever read Harry Potter?
5. 你曾去黄山旅游过吗?Have you ever travelled to Mount Huang?
6. 魏明乘飞机去过中国各地。Wei Ming has been all over China by plane.
7. 我没有去过上海!I’ve never been to Shanghai!
8. 我去过长城。I have been to the Great Wall.
9. 他入党已经两年了。He has been in the Party for two years.

10. 她已经去上海度假了。She has gone to Shanghai for holidays.
11. 只有一件事情我还没有做。There’s only one thing I haven’t done yet.
12. 你收到包裹了吗?Have you received the parcel yet?
13. 他母亲1995年开始工作。从那时起她就成为了一名医生。
His mother began working in ’s been a doctor since then.
14. 我爸爸去过北京四次了。My father has been to Beijing four times.
15. Lucy还没有做完她的家庭作业。Lucy hasn’t done her homework yet.

Module3 Journey to space
16. 它已经到达了吗?Has it arrived yet?
17. 它已经把信息发送回了地球。It has already sent messages back to Earth.
18. 他已经知道这个消息了.He has already known the news.
19. 嗨,大明,这是我刚做得宇宙空间站模型。Hi Daming,I’ve just made this model
of the space station.
20. 宇航员在火星上发现生命了吗?Have the astronaunts discovered life on Mars?
21. 我们在其他行星上还没有发现生命。We haven’t found life on other planets
22. 科学家们认为地球上的生命已有几百万年的历史。Scientists think that there
has been life on Earth for millions of years.
23. 宇航员已经去过月球了。Astronaunts have already been to the moon.
24. 他们去了那里,但还没有回来。They’ve gone there,but they haven’t come back.
25. 我在学校刚刚读完了一本极好的书。I’ve just finished reading a great book at

Module4 Education
1. 你学习英语多久了?How long have you studied English?
2. 玲玲认识萨利多久了?How long has Lingling known Sally?
3. Betty住在中国多久了?How long has Betty lived in China?
4. Ms James成为教师多长时间了?How long has Ms James been a teacher?
5. 我从1997年开始一直在这儿工作。I have worked here since 1997.
6. 她6岁就离开了家乡。She has been away from her hometown since she was six.
7. 希望工程已建了许多学校。Progect Hope has built many school.
8. 他的父母生病,他得照顾他们。His parents been ill and he has to look after him.
9. 在过去的3年里,他们已经栽了成千上万棵树。In the last three years,they have
planted thousands of trees.
10. 希望工程用这些钱建了很多学校和图书馆。With this money,Project Hope has
built many schools and libraries.
11. 玲玲已经学习英语将近6年了。Lingling has studied English for nearly 6 years.
12. 她已经戴眼镜3年多了。She has worn glasses for more than three years.
13. -----你在这里住了多久?------从2004年起我就住在这里。
-----How long have you lived here?------Since2004.
14. ------你认识她多长时间了?-----有两年了。
------How long have you known her?------For two years.
15. 自从我回来后就没有见过他。I haven’t seen him since I came back.


Module6 A famouse story
1. 她正坐在河边。She was sitting by the river.
2. 白兔正在看它的手表。The white rabbit was looking at its watch.
3. 五点钟的时候,我和姐姐正在看电视。At five o’clock,my sister and I were
watching TV.
4. 昨天晚上10点钟你在做什么?What were you doing at ten o’clock last night?
5. 那时我们没有在听音乐。We weren’t listening to music at that time.
6. 整个上午她都在读一本书。She was reading a book all the morning.
7. 我敲门时,格林一家人正在吃晚饭。The Greens were having supper when I
knocked at the door.
8. 我在公园散步时,遇见了张先生。When I was walking in the park,I met Mr
9. 王夫人在打扫房子,而王先生在看电视。While Mrs Wang was cleaning the
house,Mr Wang was watching TV.
10. 当我看见Peter的时候,我正沿着马路走,所以我们停下来聊天。
I was walking along the road when I saw we stopped and had a chat.

1. 没有人知道一百年以后会发生什么事情。Nobody knew what would happen
after a hundred years.
2. 我们不知道她是否将在会议上讲话。We didn’t know whether she was going to
speak at the meeting.
3. 我告诉他我不想在这儿待太久。I told him I wouldn’t stay here for long.
4. 他们从没想到人口会成为一个大问题。They never knew that the population
would become a big problem.

1. 到上学期期末,他已学了1000多个英语单词.He had learnt over 1000 English
words by the end of last term.
2. 我们在9点之前已经到达了车站。We had reached the station before nine o’
3. 到他14岁时,他就已经建立了他自己的一个小的化学实验室。By the time he
was fourteen ,he had set up a small chemistry lab of his own.
4. 汤姆在他母亲回来之前就已经完成了他的家庭作业。Tom had already finished

his homework before his mother returned.
5. 她告诉我她最近病了。She told me she had been ill recently.
6. 在他搬到这儿之前,他已经在那所学校学习了5年。He had studied in the school
for five years beofe he moved here.
7. 我昨天看见李萍了。自从我离开学校以后我们就没见过面。I saw LiPing
had not seen each other since I left school.







