
2020年08月07日 21:31


I. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
83. 据报道,政府已经下定决心要解决环境污染问题。(determine)
84. 令他惊讶的是,他的春考成绩比他期望的要好的多。(expect)
85. 汉语是世界上最难的语 言之一,学习这种语言的人就会很快发现自己遇到了挑战。
86. 直到真要出国了,这个年轻人才意识到自立的重要性。 (Not)
82. In the America and Canada, not tipping not givingpaying a tip (tips) failing to
tip failing to givepay a tip (tips) after a meal is veryquite rudeimpoliteill-mannered
bad- manneredinsulting.
83. It is reported that the government has been determined to solvesettle the problem (s) of
environmental pollution.
The government is reported to have been determined to solvesettle the problem (s) of
environmental pollution.
According to the report, the government has been determined to solvesettle the problem (s) of
environmental pollution.
84. To his surprise, the result of his Spring College Entrance Examination is mucha lot (by) far
better than (what was) expected than (he) expected than what he expected.
85. Chinese The Chinese language is one of the most difficulthardest language in the world,
andso people (who are) learning itwho learn it quicklysoon find themselves challenged that
they soon meet with a the challenge.
86. Not until the young personmanyoungster actually went abroad did he realizewas he
awareconscious of the importancesignificance of independencebeing independent living on his
own how important independencebeing independent living on his own was.


I. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
1. 我们学习英语不是为了参加考试,而是为了掌握一种交际工具。(tool)
2. 我们应怀感恩之心善待那些爱我们并关心我们的人。(grateful)
3. 只要你懂得如何反思自己的过错,就能从中吸取教训。(reflect)
4. 尽管家境贫寒,但那个男孩志存高远并梦想着有朝一日能获诺贝尔奖。(Despite)
5. 那个刚被批评的女孩哭着跑了出去,根本不知道这样其实让她的父母更伤心。(Out)
答案:I. Translation
1. We learn English not to take exams but to develop a tool for communication. (1+1+2)
2. We should kindly treat those who love and care for us with a grateful heart. (1+2+1)
3. As long as you know how to reflect on your mistakes, you can learn lessons from them. (1+1+2)
4. Despite his poor family, the boy is ambitious and dreams of getting the Nobel Prize onesome day.
5. Out rushed the boy who had just been criticized, crying and not knowing at all that in fact it made
his parents sadder. (1+1+2+1)

Three 杨浦区
I. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
1. 仔细检查作文的话,许多拼写错误是可以避免的。(check)
2. 花匠告诉他这种树是很难被移植的。(transplant)
3. 李光耀(Lee Kuang Yew)去世的消息使全国陷入深深的悲痛之中。(pass)
4. 直到最近发生了一系列空难事故后,人们才开始关注飞行员的心理健康。(Not)
5. 养成每天看天气预报的习惯,这样你就能够应付上海变幻莫测、变化多端的天气了。(so that)
1. Many spelling mistakes can be avoided if you check your composition carefully.

2. The gardener told him that this kind of trees was difficult to transplant.
3. The whole nation was in deep grief at the news that Lee Kuang Yew had passed away.
4. Not until series of air crash happened did people begin to pay attention to pilots’ psychological
5. Make a habit of watching weather forecast every day, so that you can cope with the unpredictable
and changeable weather in shanghai.

I. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
1. 据我所知,他们学校的面积是我们的两倍。(size)
2. 如果你忘记通知他面试时间了该怎么办?(what if)
3. 在现代社会中,手机不仅是通讯工具,也是一种娱乐工具。(Not only…)
4. 这位经济学家在调查中发现,有些人赚得越多,消费的欲望也更强烈。(the more …)
5. 既然选手们已投入比赛,即使结果不尽如人意,你也别对其吹毛求疵了。(devote)
1. As far as I know, the size of their school is twice that of ours.
2. What if you forget to inform him of the time for interview?
3.Not only are mobile phones a means of communication in modern society but also a means of
4. The economist has found in the survey that the more some people earn, the more they want to buy.
5. Since the participants have devoted themselves to the match, you had better not find fault with the
result even if is far from satisfactory.

I. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
1.这个协议将为两国的合作铺平道路。 (pave)[

答案:I. Translation
1. This agreement will pave the way for the cooperation between the two countries.
2. It was said that the young professor objected to the headmaster’s proposal in public.
3. Nobody can persuade the engineer to change his original decision once he has made up his mind.
4. Yesterday I returned the useless air-conditioner to the shop where it was sold I bought it and got
athe refund.
5. So excited was David that he failed to fall asleep the whole night whenafter he learned that he
would participate in the final competition to be held in Beijing. [

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
1. 人们越来越依赖互联网。(dependent)
2. 他有远大抱负,要成为一名宇航员。(ambition)
3. 这款手机一上市就吸引了世界各地的年轻人。 (Hardly)
4. 你是不是就在这家新开的饭店里看见嫌犯实施犯罪? (it)
5. 她一直犹豫是否要做手术,直到医生确切地告诉她到目前为止手术没有失败过时,才下决心
做手术。 (assure)
答案:I. Translation
1. People have become been more and more dependent on the Internet.
… are becoming…
2. He has a great ambition to be of being of becoming an astronaut.
3. Hardly had this kind of cell phone been put been launched on the market when it
attracteddrewappealed to young people all overacross throughout the world.
4. Was it in the newly opened restaurant that you witnessed saw (that) the suspect committed the

…saw the suspect commit committing the crime…
5. She hesitated (whether)to take have receive the operation (or not), so she didn’t decide to take
itdidn’t make up her mind(to take it)until her doctor assured her that this kind of operation had
never failed had no case of the operation had ever failed.

I. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
82. 昨晚我很累,没做完作业就睡了。(without)
83. 无论多忙,我们都应该经常花时间与父母说说话。(spend)
84. 学生是否必须穿校服,校方和家长各执一词。(opinion)
85. 虽然这种产品有利环保,但因其价格昂贵,几乎无人问津。(in favor of)
86. 骑车不仅能让我们体格强健,还有助于我们免受日益严重的交通拥堵之苦。(suffer)
82. I was so tired last night that I went to bed without finishing my homework.
83. However busy we are, we should regularly spend some time talking with our parents.
84. The school (authority) and parents have hold different opinions on whether students must wear
school uniforms.
85. Although this product is in favor of environmental protection, few people show interest in would
like to buy it because of its high price.
86. Cycling can not only make us physically strong, but also help us avoid suffering from the

I .Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English. You are required to use the word given in
the bracket far each respective sentence.
1. 我很难在这份菜单上找到素食。(difficulty)
2. 希望人人都能各抒己见,因为没有沟通就会产生误解。(expect)
increasingly serious traffic jams.

3. 除了改善公共交通之外,拓宽道路也是缓解交通压力的有效方法。(relieve)
4. 显而易见,现代社会正在步入一个使机机对话变得十分便利的新时代。(when)
5. 公司在录用 新人时,应考虑其能力和工作经验等内在因素,而不应考虑其外貌及家庭背景。
(independen t)
1. I have had (great)difficulty (in)finding vegetarian food dishes on this menu.
2. Everyone is expected to express voice his her own opinions, as lack of communications may lead
to give rise to bring about cause misunderstandings.
3. In addition to Besides improving the public transport, widening roads is another effective way to
relieve traffic pressure.
4. It is obvious that our modern society is stepping into a new era when robot-to- robot
communications are made very easy.
5. When employing a new staff member, a company should take into consideration account his or her
ability and work experience, independent of his or her appearance or family background.

I. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
2、事实证明,你尝试的越多,就越有可能提前取得成功。(the more…)
1、Around half of the students in school are keen on playing games in cell phones.
2、It is proved that the more you try, the more likely you are to achieve success in advance.
3、Never before has he been so eager to receive parents’ understanding and support as he is now.
4、Since there came the Internet, customers have had easy access to various goods they like at home.
5、In terms of the increasingly serious environmental pollution, the government is appealing to citizens

to deal with the used batteries properly.

I. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
1. 众所周知,大量砍树对自然平衡有灾难性的影响。(As)
2. 她的父母忙于工作,因此她在年幼时就学会了照顾自己。(age)
3. 这部滑稽的电影的确分散了我注意力,让我暂时忘记了这些难题。(which)
4. 考官在面试时问了他很多问题,为的是了解他是否能胜任科学研究工作。(in order to)
5. 正因为是他被任命为经理,该公司在过去的十年中迅速发展为广告业巨头。(It)
1. As we all knowas is known to all, cutting down a large number of trees has disastrous effects on the
balance of nature.
2. Her parents were busy with work, so she leaned to take care of herself at an early age.
3. This funny movie did distract my attention so that I forgot these tough problems for the time being.
4. He was asked many questions by the interviewer during the interview in order to see ifwhether he
was capable of doing scientific research.
5. It was because he was appointed as manager that the company has developed into a giant in the
advertising business.

I. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
1、我们渴望一个没有污染的星球。( free )
2、微风吹拂着她的头发,那小女孩注视着彩蝶在花海中飞舞。(With… )
3、这部最近出品的电影旨在唤起人们对贫困山区儿童的关注。(mean )
( under no circumstances )
5、正是高三的学习经历使我们相信无论过程多么艰难,我们的努力终将会得到回报。( convince,
pay off )
答案:Translation: (4’+4’+4’+5’+5’)

1. We long for a planet free of pollution.
2. With the breeze blowing through her hair, the little girl watched the colorful butterflies dancing in
the sea of flowers.
3. The film released newly is meant to arouse people’s concern about the children in the mountainous
4. He assured his friends that under no circumstances would he break the promise that he
shouldwould be faithfultrustworthy and honest.
5. It was the learning experience in Senior Three that convinced us that however hard the process was,
our efforts would eventually pay off.

I. Translation(22分)
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
1. 语言运用需要足够的词汇量为基础。(base)
2. 世界豪华汽车至少50%的销售依赖于快速崛起的亚洲市场。(depend)
3. 无论他编造了多少借口,他都得为因自己失误而造成的后果买单。(no matter)
4. 必须 清楚地意识到自己的长处和短处之后,才能合理地制定人生目标,无怨无悔地为之奋斗。
(before )
5. 参与本次工业展览会的观众无不对一家参展商所推广的家庭自动报警系统赞不绝口。(who)
1. Language practice needs to be based on enough vocabulary.
2. At least 50% of the sale of the world’s luxury cars depends on the fast- rising Asian market.
3. No matter how many excuses he made up, he had to pay the price for the consequences caused by
his errors.
4. A person must realize his strong and weak points before he can reasonably set up the goal for life
and struggle for it without regrets or complaints.
5. The audience who attended the industrial exhibition all sang the praises of the family automatic
alarm system promoted by one exhibitor.







