上海市七宝中学高三上学期周测卷英语试题1 含答案

2020年08月07日 22:04


Test for 21
Teens, Issue 646 (sept 19)
Schoolgirl picks names (7%)
Many children dream of becoming astronauts (宇航员), scientists, teachers or pop stars, but it
is unlikely that many would say, “When I grow up, I want to help people pick their baby’s name.”
Yet one British teenager is a baby namer ____1____ is laughing all the way to the bank.
Beau Jessup, 16, ____2_____(earn) more than £48,000 (422,155 yuan) by helping Chinese
parents choose English names for their children, according to the BBC.
A student at Cheltenham Ladies College in England, Jessup had the idea during a family visit
to China. It came ____3_____, during a meal out, she was asked by her parents’ friends to suggest
an English name for their newborn baby.
And thus, her business was born: She ___4_____(found) the Specialname website.
After choosing their child’s gender (性别), parents are asked by the site to select from a list of
12 personality traits (特点) – including sensitive, honest, creative and clever – to match the way
they would like their kid to be.
Three names are then suggested, along with their meanings and a famous person with the same
name such as Grace Kelly or Catherine Middleton. For example, Rose means elegant, sensitive
and reliable. Parents can share the choices with their family and friends using messaging app
WeChat so they can help make the final choice.
Users ____5____(charge) dozens of yuan to use the service. Jessup said she was happy to have
played a part in the lives of many families and changed her own life.
“I have a target (目标) to reach ___6____ will allow me to pay for my university fees, and
writing the text for the site was really good practice for my Mandarin GCSE (General Certificate
of Secondary Education),” she told The Independent.
The practice of the Chinese ____7____(choose) Western names for themselves and their kids
has been going on for decades. It is especially handy when it comes to cross-cultural
Jessup’s business isn’t the first of its kind. Last year, Lindsay Jernigan from the US started a
similar site called “Best English Names”.
Chinese people aren’t the only ones who pay companies to choose names for their babies,
either. In recent years, baby name experts have found success in the US and Europe by helping

parents name their babies.

Climbing in pain(10%)
Day one: Saturday, April 26, 9 am.
Out in the desert, I leave my truck ____8_____ the path begins for Horseshoe Canyon. My plan
is to cycle up Horshoe Canyon, leave the bike at the top and then come down Blue John Canyon
on foot.
The trip is a last-minute decision. Usually I would leave a detailed schedule with my roommates,
but the only word I have given is “Utah”.
____9_____ the Blue John path will be only a day trip, I’m carrying a 13kg pack, most of the
weight ____10_____ (take) up by climbing gear (装备) for the canyon, food and four liters of
By 2:30 pm, I’m about 7 miles into the canyon, where the canyon is no more than 1 meter wide.
____11____(get) down a steep (急剧下降的) drop I try to hang off the edge of a boulder (巨石)
that is stuck between the walls of the canyon. Just before I let go of it, I feel it move.
___12_____ ________ ________ I land on the floor of the canyon, the boulder comes
falling down. In the narrow space I cannot avoid the boulder. It hits one wall and then breaks
my right arm against the other wall and stops there.
The extreme pain throws me into a panic. I pull my arm quickly three times in an attempt to get
it out from under the rock. But I’m stuck. There is no way I ____13_____ pull it out or move
the boulder.
There is no feeling in my right hand at all and it is already turning grey.
My immediate worry is water. The average survival time in the desert ___14_____ water is
between two and three days. My next thought is escape. Eliminating (消除) ideas that are just
too stupid (like breaking open my AA batteries and hoping the acid eats into the stone but not
my arm), I decide to try to chip away the rock around my hand with my knife. This is terribly
___15_____ _________ I wanted to sleep, I couldn’t. My hand is trapped too high up so I
can’t lie down, and as soon as my knees bend, the pain is terrible. ____16____(use) a rope and
some of my climbing gear, I manage to fix a kind of seat. That helps me take the weight off my

feet, although I soon realize that the straps (带子) restrict (限制) the blood supply and I can’t sit
in it for more than 20 minutes.

Pandas making their comeback(10%)
A. foreseeable B. recovery C. extinction D. concern AB. reserves
AC. decreasing AD. maintain BC. banning BD. threatened CD. survive
ABC. endangered

When it comes to cuteness, few animals can compete with the giant panda, a national treasure.
And there is good news for the lovable creature: It has just been brought back from the brink (边
缘) of ____17_____.
The International Union for Conservation (保护) of Nature (IUCN) downgraded the species
from “____18_____” to “vulnerable” (易危) as the union published its new Red List on Sept 4.
The downgrade came after IUCN data suggested that there were 1,864 giant pandas in the wild
in China in 2014-their population grew by 17 percent in the decade leading up to 2014.
Chinese conservation efforts are considered to have played a big part in the animal’s
Decades of conservation efforts have included the _____19____ of giant panda poaching (偷
猎) and the creation of a panda reserve (保护区) system, increasing the number of areas where the
animal can live.
“The Chinese have done a great job in investing in panda habitats, expanding and setting up
new ____20_____,” Ginette Hemley, senior vice-president for wildlife conservation at the World
Wildlife Fund (WWF), told the BBC.
The number of panda reserves in China has jumped to 67 from 13 in 1992. Nearly two-thirds
of all wild pandas live in these reserves, according to the WWF.
“The ____21_____ of the panda shows that when science, politics and … local communities
come together, we can save wildlife,” WWF Director General Marco Lambertini told CNN.
The giant panda, however, is not completely safe yet. Climate change and ____22_____
amounts of bamboo could mean the gains that have been made in the past few decades don’t last.
The BBC said that fast climate change might destroy a third of the giant pandas’ bamboo-filled

homes in the next 80 years. Due to the warmer weather, bamboo might not even____23____.
Pandas must eat 12kg to 38kg worth of bamboo each day to ____24____ their energy needs. It
makes up some 99 percent of their diet, without which they are likely to starve.
“It is a real ____25_____, and this is the main problem that species are facing all over the
world with regard to (关于) climate change,” Joe Walston, vice president of Conservation Field
Programs for the Wildlife Conservation Society, told the Live Science website. “The most
important thing we can do at the moment is to be able to grow … that habitat (栖息地) and …
allow pandas to move across land.”
Therefore, conservation efforts will continue and the giant panda will still be “a
conservation-dependent species for the _____26____ future,” the IUCN’s report concluded.

Money motivates fitness(15%)
Do you think you would work out more if you were offered money to do so? Science has
shown that money can give people motivation to ____27_____, but perhaps not in the way that
you think.
According to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine journal, the best
___28_____ isn’t offering money; it’s giving someone money, then ____29_____ to take it away.
Researchers gave 281 people the goal of walking 7,000 steps every day over 13 weeks.
To motivate the people who took part to reach the goal, researchers divided them into
____30____ groups. People in the first group received $$1.40 (9 yuan) each day as long as they
____31_____ 7,000 steps; the second group was only able to collect the $$1.40 if they had reached
7,000 steps the day before; and the third group was given $$42 at the beginning of each month, and
$$1.40 was taken away every time someone failed to meet the goal.
The third group met their daily ____32____ goals 50 percent more often than the other two
groups, showing that people were most ____33_____ to walk by the fear of losing money.
“People are more motivated by losses than gains, and they like ____34____ gratification (满
足),” study author Dr Mitesh Patel, an assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania in the
US, told CNN. “They want to be ____35_____ today, not next year or far into the future.”
Our brains tend to avoid wanting to lose things more than they try to get the ____36_____
from gaining them, Patel explained. “It makes people think like the money is theirs to lose from

day one.”
___37____, in most programs, many participants (参与者) will drop out quickly and only the
motivated will stay _____38_____, Patel said.
“In ours, we were pleasantly surprised that 96 percent stayed,” he added.
The study provides _____39_____ that what matters is not only the money incentives (奖励),
but also how you think about them.Œ This is important to how effective they are. The evidence
could have a big effect on health promotion programs in the future, according to the study.

“____40_____ themselves are not all you need,” Stephanie Pronk, a health and wellness
consultant (顾问) with the Aon plc corporation, told The Wall Street Journal. “It’s really important
to ____41_____ the incentive design and keep people on their toes.”
27. A. turn up
28. A. test
B. work out
B. campaign
B. threatening
B. two

C. make up
C. design
C. failing
C. three
C. followed
C. study

D. talk about
D. strategy
D. managing
D. four
D. ran
D. fitness
D. blessed
D. mutual
D. rewarded
D. gifts
D. For example
D. involved
D. aid
D. Experiences
D. produce
29. A. attempting
30. A. one

31. A. finished
32. A. calorie
33. A. motivated
34. A. emotional
35. A. praised
36. A. budgets
B. challenged
B. business
B. worried

C. disappointed
C. intellectual
C. forced
C. benefits

B. immediate
B. compared
B. opportunities
B. In addition
B. calm
B. funds

37. A. As a result
38. A. refreshed
39. A. evidence

C. By contrast
C. awake
C. suggestions
C. Incentives
C. change
40. A. expectations
41. A. adopt


B. Outcomes
B. award
A. But he likes to compete with himself and to improve his acting skills through doing different

kinds of work.
B. His acting life stared well.
C. He was first recognized as a talented actor.
D. Dancer-turned-actor Yang felt lost in the world of acting after he graduated.
AB. But behind his pretty face is a heart that won’t give up.
AC. Different producers and directors offered him roles.
Yang Yang may very well be one of the most popular actors in China. His good looks,
solider-like qualities and heartwarming smile have attracted audiences. _________42__________
Yang majored in the Department of Dance at People’s Liberation Army Arts College, a school
in which students need to take part in military-style (军队风格的) practices. _____43__________
At the age of 16, he stood out with his manners and was personally handpicked to play the lead
role of Jia Baoyu in TV drama A Dream of Red Mansions (红楼梦) by the director Li Shaohong.
“He looks righteous (正气的) and innocent (纯真的), seemingly having no knowledge of the
darkness in the world,” commented director Li Shaohong.
Now this Chinese actor has taken his home country by storm after being cast as Xiao Nai in
the hit TV drama A Smile Is Beautiful (微微一笑很倾城) an adaptation of the best-selling book
written by Gu Man. In the show, he stars as a handsome college student doing a computer science
major. Many people think Yang is the right person for the role.
However, life is not always plain sailing. He has suffered many ups and downs as well.
__________44___________ “At the beginning, I didn’t know how to be an actor,” he told
__________45___________ After he starred in the films The Left Ear (左耳) in 2014 and The
Lost Tomb (盗墓笔记) in 2015, Yang started to gain more recognition.
“So many times he felt his acting was not good enough and asked to try it again. He couldn’t
be more serious,” said Alec Su, director of movie The Left Ear.

Key for Issue 646
1. who 2. has earned 3. when 4. founded 5. are charged 6. that 7. choosing
8. where 9. Though 10. taken 11. To get 12. As soon as 13. can 14. without
15. Even if 16. using
27—30 BDBC
42—45 AB B

31—35 ADABD
36—40 CBDAC 41. C







