教案 E英语2 unit 2

2020年08月08日 02:51


Unit 2
1. Teaching objectives:
(1)Knowledge objectives: ①students can master some key words and animal expressions of the
②Students can acquire more about the present continuous tense & the
past continuous tense.
③Students can learn how to write supporting sentences and
concluding sentences.
(2)Ability objective: ①students can improve the abilities of listening, speaking, reading and
②Students can have a better understanding of language and culture and
improve the ability of the cross-cultural Communication.
(3)Emotional objectives:①students can get more interested in English culture.
②students can raise their awareness to protect and love animals .
2. Teaching key points: ①enable students to master the symbolic meanings of animals.
②help the students have a better understanding of the present continuous
tense and the past contiunuous tense.
3. Teaching difficult points: enable students to infer where conversations take place and ask for
more information.
4. Teaching procedure

Part One Listening and Speaking
Step 1. Pronunciation and listening skills
Inferring where conversations take place
推断对话发生 的地点是听力中常见的一种考题。遇到这样的题目,要注意听整个对话,理解
对话的内容。不要听到某个 表示地点的词就认为该对话发生在这里,导致选择错误。
W: Oh, dear, I’m tired. I can’t walk any farther.
M: Let’s go to the restaurant across the street and get something to eat, OK?
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
W: Dear, I feel hungry now. How about you?
M: So do I. Let me call Room Service. Hello, Room Service? Please send a menu to Room 320
right away.
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?

M: I’ll have the steak, French Fries, and let’s see, chocolate ice cream for dessert.
W: Oh, you know these things will ruin your health, too much fat and sugar, how about ordering
some vegetables and fruit instead?
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
M: Excuse me, I’m looking for the emergency room. I thought it was on the first floor.
W: It is. This is the basement. Take the elevator one flight up and turn left.
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
推断对话发生的地点时要注意听完整个对话,理解对话的内容,切 忌断章取义,听到某个表
示地点的词就认为该话发生在那里,导致选择错误例如,在对话1 中,先提到了walk,又
提到了 go to the restaurant across the street,综合这些,可以推断出该对话发生的地点是在大
街上,而非其他地方。如果仅听 到了restaurant 就作出选择的话,就会推断错误。
Step 2. Conversations
Conversation 1- Asking for information
1. Listen to a conversation and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
1. B 2. B 3. A
2. Listen again and answer the following questions by filling in the blanks.
Hello, this is Quay Restaurant.
Hello, I’d like to make a dinner reservation.
Could I know when you’re coming, Sir?
Tuesday night.
Could you tell me what time you’d like to come?
Our first choice would be 7:00 o’clock, or perhaps 7:30.
7:00 o’clock is fine. I’d like to know how many of you will come, Sir.
I’d like to reserve a table for eight, please. And could I have a table by the window?
Let me see what’s available. Yes, we have one. May I have your name and phone number, please?
Great! My last name is Foster, and my phone number is .
Thank you, Mr. Foster. See you this Tuesday at 7:00 o’clock.
Thanks for your help. I look forward to having a wonderful dinner in your restaurant.
3. Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer
to the Functional Language.
Functional Language
Conversation 2 -Asking for more information
1. Listen to a conversation and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
1. C 2. C 3. B
2. Listen again and complete the following sentences with what you hear. Pay attention to the
function of these expressions.

Top Art School. What can I do for you?
Hello. I’d like to study painting. Could you please tell me what courses you offer?
Our subjects cover almost every painting style, such as oil painting, watercolor painting,
traditional Chinese painting, and so on.
I’m more interested in oil painting. Do you mind telling me more about it?
The course is given twice a week for two months and the tuition fees are 1,600 yuan.
OK. Could you be more specific about what I will learn from the course?
It includes a brief introduction to oil painting and its basic techniques. You will learn to appreciate
the paintings of some great masters such as Da Vinci, Raphael, and so on. And then you will finish
your own work under the teacher’s guidance.
It includes a brief introduction to oil painting and its basic techniques. You will learn to appreciate
the paintings of some great masters such as Da Vinci, Raphael, and so on. And then you will finish
your own work under the teacher’s guidance.
Are you saying that after the course, I could paint myself?
If you can keep up with the course, that is definite.
Good. I’ll think it over and call you later. Thanks a lot.
3. Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer
to the Functional Language.
Functional Language
Step 3. Passage
1. Listen to a passage and match the expressions about cats in Column A with what they really
mean in Column B.
2. Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
Good morning class! Today I’d like to introduce some English expressions about animals.
Cats are one of the most popular pets among Americans; so it’s not surprising that there are many
expressions about cats in American English.
If someone looks very proud and satisfied with himself, we might say, “He looks like the cat
that ate the canary.”
If you reveal a secret or a surprise by accident, we can say, “You let the cat out of the bag.”
If you couldn’t speak or answer a question, someone might ask, “Has the cat got your
And for the way you behave in class when the teacher leaves, we sometimes say,
“When the cat’s away, the mice will play,” meaning to do what they want and have fun when there
is no supervision.
You may have also heard the expression, “Curiosity killed the cat.” This is to warn someone
not to ask too many questions, as it might get them into trouble.
Oral work

Make some sentences or describe a situation by using one or more expressions about cats you
have heard.
Part Two Reading
Passage A Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Step 1. Lead-in
1. Video appreciation
2. Extended reading
(1) Kill two birds with one stone.
(2)Birds of a feather flock (群集)together.
(3)Fine feathers make fine birds.
(1) A cat has nine lives.
(2) Cats hide their claws.
(3) A gloved cat catches no mice.
(4)The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream.
Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.
A crow is never the whiter for washing herself often. 江山易改,本性难移。
Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌.
Every dog has his day. 人人皆有得意时。
Let sleeping dogs lie. 勿惹事生非。
Every dog is a lion at home. 狗是百步王,只在门前凶。
He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运儿
lead a dog's life 过穷困潦倒的日子
The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean. 井底之蛙,不知大海。

Never offer to teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧
Go to the sea, if you would fish well. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子
Don’t ride the high horse. 勿摆架子
Lock the barn door after the horse is stolen. 失马之后锁马厩。(亡羊补牢)
3. Pre- reading questions
1. Discuss with your partner what characteristics the animals in the pictures
below generally represent.
2. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
Step 2. Text study
1. Text reading
2. Organization of the text
Part I (Para. 1) Introduction: Americans have many expressions using the word “dog.”
Part II (Para. 2-7) The author’s exemplification: Some “dog” expressions and their profound
cultural connotations.
Part III (Para. 8) Conclusion: Dog expressions abound in all cultures reflecting all aspects of our
3. Language points
They take their dogs for walks, let them play outside, and give them good food and medical care.
三个动词take,let,give 在句中作谓语,构成平行结构。
take sb. a dog for walks: 带某人去散步 去遛狗
He’d take Helena for walks in park.
2. This means that when many people are competing for the same things, like good jobs, they are
quick to forget their basic humanity.
这句话的 意思是,许多人在为同样的东西——比如好的工作——竞争时,他们很快就忘了自
compete for sth.: 为某物而竞争
The stores have to compete for customers in the Christmas season.
3. And if we fall ill or become miserable, we might become “sick as a dog.”
如果生病了或状况很糟糕,我们可能会“sick as a dog(病得很严重)”。
fall ill 和become miserable 一样,是“系动词+ 表语”构成系表结构 ,在从句中作谓语。常
见的系动词有be,become,fall,feel,seem,sound ,turn 等。
e.g. feel good, seem beautiful, sound great, turn red

What if I fall ill while I'm away on holiday?
4. They believe that older people do not like to learn new things and will not change the way they
do things.
the way they do things 表示他们做事情的方式,they do things 是定语从句,修饰限定 the
I did not like the way he eyed me.
5. Mean dogs are often used to guard this property.
be used to do sth.:
This knife is used to cut apples.
guard: v. to watch over in order to control entry 警卫;把守
The gates were guarded by these soldiers.
6. For example, a woman might get angry at her husband for coming home late or forgetting their
wedding anniversary.
get angry at with sb.: 生某人的气
We sometimes get angry at family members.
7. However, the husband may decide that it is best to leave things alone and not create more
create: v. to cause sth. to happen as a result of sth. 引起;引发
Divorce may create problems for children.
8. Dog expressions abound in all cultures reflecting all aspects of our humanity, for good or ill,
suggesting our close relationship with a creature also called “man’s best friend.”
在所有文 化中都有许多与狗有关的表达,这些表达反映了人性或好或坏的方方面面,也表明
了我们和被称为“人类 最好的朋友”的动物之间的亲密关系。
reflecting all aspects of our humanity, for good or ill 和suggesting our close relationship with a
creature also called “man’s best friend” 都是现在分词短语作伴随状语。
for good or ill: 不论好歹
suggest: v. to make sb. think that a particular thing is true; to indicate 表明;显示
More and more people are traveling abroad, which suggests that they live a better life than before.


1) to do things for sb. who is old, sick, weak, etc. and not able
to do things for himself herself 照顾:看护:
The mother cared for her sick child day and night.
2) be fond of; be attached to 喜爱,对„„中意:
I don't care for that color.
a(n)… life
to have a particular kind of life 过着······的生活
The old couple led a simple life in the countryside after retirement.
衍生短语:lead an easy life; lead a poor life;
lead a snug life; lead a dog’s life
v. to try to win or gain sth., or try to be better or more successful than sb. else 竞争;比赛
I had to compete against 19 other people for the job.
派生词:competitive adj. 竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的
competition n. 竞争;比赛,竞赛
competitor n. 竞争者,对手
competitiveness n. 竞争力,好胜心

adj. cruel or not kind 不善良的;刻薄的
派生词: meanly adv. 卑贱地;吝啬地;简陋地
meanness n. 卑鄙;吝啬;劣等
It was mean of you not to invite her.
to get rid of sth. that you do not want or need 扔掉;抛弃
Fires are often caused by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away.
同近义词:throw by, throw out 扔掉,丢弃
n. 1) land and the buildings on it 地产;房地产
She invested her money in property.
n. 2) sth. that sb. owns 财产;所有物
Don’t touch those tools, they are not your property.


adj. showing or saying that sb. is likely to do sth. that will harm you 威胁(性)的;恐吓(性)

After receiving a threatening phone call last night, he couldn’t sleep any more.
派生词:threat n. 威胁,恐吓;凶兆
threaten v. 威胁;恐吓;预示
threatened adj. 受到威胁的
in the doghouse
to be in a situation in which sb. is angry or annoyed with you 受冷落;惹某人生气(或发火)
He is in the doghouse with his boss for criticizing the company policy.
sth. alone
to stop trying to deal with sth. 别管某事

It’s not your problem, so why don’t you just leave it alone?
Step 3. Exercises
1. Comprehension
1. Complete the following table.
2. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
2. Vocabulary & Structure
1. Compare each pair of words and complete the following sentences with the right one.
Change the form if necessary.
2. Complete the following sentences with proper prepositions or adverbs.
3. Add the suffix “-ing” to the words given below. Then complete the following sentences
with the words thus formed.
4. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese given in brackets into
English using “where.”
3. Translation
1. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
2. Translate the following Chinese sentences into English with the help of the words or
phrases given in brackets.
Part Three Grammar
The present continuous tense & the past continuous tense ( 现在进行时和过去进行时)
现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作。现在进行时由 “助动词 be + 现在分词” 构成。
过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行的动作。其构成是 “was
were + 现在分词”。

Part Four Writing

Supporting sentences & concluding sentences
辅助句(supporting sentence)对 主题句作进一步的阐述,通过给出一些例子、原因、事
实、统计数据或引文等,对主题句进行解释说明, 通常包含若干个句子,置于段落的中间是
结尾句(concluding sentence)亦称总结句,位于段末,是对全段内容进行总结、归纳
或提出结论性观点的句子。它 不仅仅是重复段落主题句提出的段落主题,更为重要的是用来
强调段落的中心思想,引起读者的注意和重 视。有时,结尾句之前会出现 in brief,in
conclusion,to sum up,on the whole,all in all, all in a word 等表示总结、归纳的词。
辅助句和结尾句在英语写作中是非常重要的手段和技巧。我 们应该认真学习和多加练
2. Exercises

3. Additional information
在写supporting sentences 时,要注意剔除与段落主题无关或没有直接关系的句子,因
Topic sentence: My room is cozy and has everything I need.
Supporting sentences:
1) It is small but has enough space for my things with a closet.
2) It has a big window with a view of a beautiful pine tree where birds often twitter.
3) The landlord is not very pleasant.
4) It’s nice and warm in winter.
5) It has a big desk and a large shelf for my books.
解析:这个段落的主题句“我的房间很舒适,里面配有我所需要的一切”。下面的支撑句 1),
2),4),5) 都是围绕着这个主题的,而3) 是说房东不够友好,与主题句格格不入,所以在
Part Five Cultural Express
ic meanings of animals
Work in groups to discuss the following questions.
1 Are there different beliefs about elephants, owls, and black cats between Chinese and
Western cultures?
2 What do you know about the symbolic meanings of the Chinese Zodiac Animals (十二生
Guided Answer (reference)
1. (1) In many Western cultures, the elephant is related to the characteristics of reliability, dignity,
power, and royalty. In China, the elephant is considered a symbol of happiness, longevity and

good luck.
(2) During medieval times, in Western and Central Europe it was fabled that owls were
actually witches and wizards in disguise. To this day the owl is considered a witch’s familiar (an
animal soul-spirit linked to a spiritual person via a unique, communicative bond). In China, the
owl is considered bad luck. People usually think that the owl may bring death if they see it.
(3) Christianity connects black cats with Satan, witches, evil, and any other negative
things that come to mind. Black cat is seen as the partner of its master, and they are often hanged
together when the master is convicted of witchcraft in many Western cultures. In China, black cats
are considered favorable because they can expel evils and bring their masters auspiciousness.
2. In general, the symbolic meanings of the 12 Chinese Zodiac
Animals are:
rat: intelligent, adaptable, and quick-witted;
ox: loyal and reliable;
tiger: enthusiastic, courageous, and ambitious;
rabbit: trustworthy, empathic, and modest;
dragon: powerful, lucky, flexible, and imaginative;
snake: philosophical, organized, and intelligent;
horses: adaptable, loyal, and courageous;
sheep: warm, elegant, and charming;
monkey: quick-witted, charming, and lucky;
rooster: honest, energetic, and intelligent;
dog: loyal, sociable, and courageous;
pig: honorable, determined, and optimistic.

Part Six Summary and Homework
Review of the text and try to master the key words and expressions;
Preview the new words, expressions and Text A of Unit 3.







