
2020年08月08日 02:58


(1) a不一定只能指单数的事物。复数的事物如果作为一个整体受到定语修 饰,该定语前面可以有a或者表示不定

a mere 100区区一百

a full fifteen years整整十五年

a contentious three years纷争的三年

Last year, Carnegie Mellon University received a record 18,864 applications and admitted 6,357.(Newsweek, Aug. 21
—Aug. 28, 2006, p. 68) 去年,卡内基·梅隆大学收到了创纪录的18864份入学申请,录取了6357人。

The famous Desert Fox (= German Field Marshal Rommel) still had an estimated 80,000 German and Italian troops.
(US News & World Report, Oct. 28, 2002, p. 47) 有名的沙漠之狐(隆美尔)仍然有大约八万德意军队。

(2) 当某一专有名词前有说明该人或事物一时的、非固有的情状的定语时,该定语前面可以有a。

A stubborn Senate voted Wednesday to ease restrictions on federally funded embryonic stem cell research, ignoring
President Bush's threat of a second veto on legislation designed to lead to new medical treatments. (The Associated
Press, April 11, 2007) 尽管布什总统扬言要第二次否决旨在导致新的医学治 疗的立法,但参议院置之不顾,星期三仍然固执地

A subdued Assistant District Attorney Michael P. McDermott said on Thursday justice was served. (The Daily Gazette.
Schenectady, NY, Aug. 11, 2006, A7) 脸带愁容的助理区司法局长麦克德尔默特星期四说,正义得到了伸张。

In the days before the test, when driving to the secret testing grounds, a speeding Dr. Greisen was pulled over by a
police officer...(The New York Times, April 3, 2007, B6) 在试验前几天,格雷申博士开车前往秘密试 验场时超了速,被一个
警官拦住了路…但是如果该定语所指的是固有或长期的情状(至少是超出当前范围 的情状),则不能用a,而要用the。

a split Supreme Court内部意见分歧的最高法院/但:the mostly silver-haired Supreme Court多数大法官都是满头银丝
的最高法院。另外,如果在说明一时的、非固有性 质的形容词之前,还有别的表示固有性质的形容词,则也不能用a,而要用

the entire stunned world举世惊愕的人们(entire是固有性质,如果没有entire,则不用the,试比较:a stunned world)。
究竟是一时的还是固有的情状,有时候也不一定是客观硬性的,而是 可以有主观观察角度的不同,例如有一部描
写斯大林格勒战役的影片,评论该片子时提到了当时赫鲁晓夫 指挥的一支苏军,说:... led by a middle-aged
Nikita Khrushchev... 中年人赫鲁晓夫所指挥的…这里用a,是注意到了他后来老年时有了大不相同的一 番生涯。

The 65-year-old O'Neil was chairman of aluminum giant Alcoa. 六十五岁的奥尼尔是巨型铝业企业阿尔科阿公司的董事长。

(3) 某一专有名词前面有 定语,而这个定语是信息的中心,在这种情况下,中文和英文都可以将该事物当作不定指

a prosperous China一个繁荣的中国。

(4) 表示某单数的人的职业、信仰、国籍等身份时,英文通常要在名词前加上不定冠词a。

I'm a teacher. 我是教师。中文根本没有冠词。许多别的欧洲 语言在这种情况下也不用冠词。美国总统肯尼迪1963年6月26
日访问西柏林时用德文说了一句:I ch bin ein Berliner,以为这就相当于英文的I'm a Berliner(我是柏林人 )。有人认为这是
闹笑话。因为德语中用了不定冠词ein,就表示这个Berliner不是指人,而 是指物;而德语Berliner指物就是“(果馅)油煎
饼”(相当于英文的doughnut),于 是这句德文成了“我是一个油煎饼”了。也有人认为肯尼迪那样说并不错,因为如果不
用ein字,就是 说自己是个普普通通的柏林居民,会失去强调口气。尽管问题仍有争论,但这个例子,也反过来提醒了,在英语中,如果to be后面是个名词,这个a是不可少的(如果后面是个形容词,当然就不用a,见下面的5. ),所以肯尼迪才

(5) 但是,如果to b e后面的表语,是个既可作为形容词也可作为名词的表示国籍、信仰之类的单词,则可以作为
形容词使用 ,因而前面不需要放上不定冠词a。

He is Canadian. 他是加拿大人。

They're English. 他们是英格兰人。

I'm Catholic. 我是天主教徒。此时即使是复数,也因为是形容词,不是名词,而可以不变成复数形式:They are Canadian. 他

All students at Holy Child School are Catholic. 圣婴学校的学生全是天主教徒。

Almost all kitchen help, food-prep workers and cooks in Chicago are Mexican. 芝加哥的帮厨工人、食品加工工人和大师
傅,几乎全是墨西哥人。Whether we're Democrat or Republican we care deeply about this country. (George W. Bush,
at a lunch with Obama and three former presidents, Jan. 7, 2009) 我 们无论是民主党还是共和党,我们都深切关怀这个国
家。而由于形容词不加a的连锁影响,有些本来是名 词的词,单数有时也不加a。例如I'm Frenchman。但这并不规范。因此,
前面4. 中所引肯尼迪所说的I am a Berliner在英语中a仍是不可缺少的(尽管德语和其他一些欧洲语言 在此不用任何冠词),
因为Berliner只能是名词,不能像Canadian, English, Catholic等单词可以当作形容词来使用。

(6) 表示“一个像…的…”,可以用a... of a...的结构。

a mountain of a man一个彪形大汉

a mountain of a wave一个排山倒海的巨浪

a nightmare of a marriage一桩恶梦似的婚事

an angel of a g irl一个天使般的女孩子。但是,如果是特指的,则应将第一个a改为the或其他限定词,但注意:第二个a 保

the (his...) X of a Y(其中of a永远不变,这在中国人可能不大习惯):the angel of a girl (= the angelic girl) 那个天使般

the fool of a policeman (= the foolish policeman) 那个笨蛋警察

their angel of a daughter (= their angelic daughter) 他们那个天使般的女儿

his museum of a home (= his museum- like home) 他的那个像博物馆的家

The street, the stump of a street, one hardly remembered at first. 大街,那条破烂凋零的大街,一开头人们都没有把它想
起来。/有一点要注意:这个X of a Y的结构,整件事物,可以是定指的(此时说 the X of a Y,这里的the可以用其他定指
的指示词如this, his之类代替),也可以是不定指的(此时说a X of a Y);例如:It was opened by a small barrel of a
woman,... (John Fowler, The French Lieutenant's Woman, Chapter 12, p. 84) 开门的是一个木桶子般粗壮的矮个子女

For an absurd moment Mrs. Poulteney looked like Sam: that is, she stood with her grim purse of a mouth wide open.
(ibid., Chapter 30, p. 245) 有那么片刻,事情显得怪荒 唐的,波尔蒂尼夫人看上去极像萨姆,她站在那儿阴沉地撅着嘴唇,大

A lean yellow scimitar of a moon hung low over the rocky peaks like a sword of Damocles suspended over our
heads. (R. M. Price, H. P. Lovecraft, The Nyarlathotep Cycle, p. 139) 一轮像窄窄的阿 拉伯黄色大弯刀似的月亮,高悬在岩
石山峰上空,就像悬在我们头上的达摩克利斯之剑(本来虽然月亮是 唯一的事物,但在这个结构中也要说of a moon。表示唯
一事物的the要放在句首,要说the yellow scimitar of a moon;但是作为月亮一时而非经常的表现,所以句首用了a而不用

(7) 即使是“独一无二”的事物,如果尚未实际存在,而只是一个“如果有的话”的推测,也不能用 the,而只能


An avid snowboarder and father of three, Goolsbee, 39, is expected to be named chairman of the President's
Council of Economic Advisers in an (*the) Obama administration. (US News & World Report, Sept. 15-22, 2008, p. 38)
三十九岁的顾尔斯比是个醉心于滑雪板运动的 人,有三个孩子,据估计,如果奥巴马上台,他将会被委任为总统经济顾问委员
会的主任(如果用the ,就等于肯定奥巴马一定上台。奥巴马当选后,这句话就要用the,不能用a


Perhaps a President McCain or a President Obama will prove worthy of the tasks that await whoever wins in
November,... (Newsweek, Oct. 20, 2008, p. 2) 无论今年十一月麦凯恩当选还是奥巴马当选,当选者也许能够担当得起等待着

(8) a与one用法的异同,见one与a条。

是个表示延续状态的第一类动词,不及物,基本意义是“众多”,但是有两种 不同的搭配。第一种搭配是:为数

Rumours abound. 谣言纷起。

Fish abound in this brook. 这条小溪鱼很多。另一种搭配则是:承载的载体(具体或抽象均 可)作为主语,为数众多的事物

The hills abound with streams and waterfalls. 丘陵上面有许多溪流和瀑布。

History abound with examples. 历史事例很多。

London abounds in public monuments. (Max Beerbohm, And Even Now, 1920) 伦敦有许多公共纪念碑。

(1) (往往在T here's...句中或在有动词have的句中)表示在某人身上或某物之中的某种性质。中国人往往因汉语

There's something different about her. 她显得有点异样。

There was much to admire about this man, but so much also to merit disdain. (Tom Clancy, Clear and Present
Danger, p. 156)这个人有许多令人钦佩之处,也同样有许多值得鄙视之处。

There was a defiant manner about this young man. 这个青年人带有一种桀骜不驯的神情。

There's something so selfish and insincere about him. 他给人一种自私和虚伪的印象。

There's something peculiar about mankind. 人类有点特别。

What I like about him is his sense of humour. 他令我喜欢的是幽默感。

There was a steely confidence about her that Rachel liked. (Dan Brown, Deception Point, p. 121) 她显出一种雷切尔所

There was outwardly a certain cynicism about him... (John Fowles, The French Lieutenant's Woman, Chapter 3)乍一看,

... if there's anything about an economy, it's that it's constantly in transition. (US News & World Report, June 7, 2004,
p. 38) …如果说经济有什么特点,那就是经济是经常不断地处于过渡状态之中的。

To me, the most remarkable thing about the Koran is how progressive it is. (Tony Blair, Foreign Affairs, January

February 2007) 在我看来,《古兰经》最了不起的一点,就是它是多么进步。

The great thing about a computer notebook is that no matter how much you stuff into it, it doesn't get bigger or
heavier. (Bill Gates) 一部手提电脑了不起的地方,就是无论你塞进多少东西,它都不会变大加重。

There is indeed something distasteful about the appearance of small figures in a text. 文章中夹带小额数字,看起来的

The place has a certain charm about it. 这地方有点吸引人之处。

He saw nothing inappropriate about a captain shaving one of his soldiers. 他认为,一个上尉给自己的一个士兵刮胡子,

But there was something about him that made it difficult for her to fake an enthusiasm she didn't feel. 但是他身上有

After all, there's nothing illegal or unethical about photographing prospective jurors. 归根到底,拍摄可能担任陪审员
有时候,动词不直接表示“有”而是表示“是”( to be),about也有这样的含义。

Two things were odd about the list. 这张单子有两点奇怪的地方。

Some things about this age of change are unchanging. (Times, Aug. 8, 2005, p. 41)这个变幻多端的时代,有些东西还是

(2) about与on表示“关于”:about是一般的“谈及”,on则是有一定学术水平的“论及”。

a conversation about housekeeping有关家政的谈话

a book for children about Mexico一本向儿童介绍墨西哥的书

a lecture on theoretical physics一场关于理论物理的讲课。所用 介词前面以及后面,两边的名词的正式程度,在这里都需要

a novel about (*on) love一本有关爱情的小说

a film about (*on) Lincoln一部有关林肯的影片

a thesis on(*about) Lincoln一篇有关林肯的毕业论文

a speech on (*about) a political subject一篇有关政治题目的演说

a paper on (*about) the Holocaust一篇有关纳粹大屠杀的论文。

(3) 放在表示“知晓”、“感知”这类动词后面,about比of表示了解得更为详细具体。例如:know of
somebody可能只是从书报电视上知道有此人,但know about somebody则是对此人有比较多的了解。表示
“从不知到知”这一变化的learn of与learn about,也有类似区别。
(4) what X is all about是英语常用的词组,表示X是什么一回事。

That is what our job is all about. 那就是咱们工作的内容。也就是说,这里有一个公式:X is all about Y,其中X是个概括

Moving ahead is often all about making good choices from the start of any venture—professional or otherwise.有进
有成,往往就在于一开 始从事任何事业,无论是职业上的或是其他方面的事业,就作出良好的选择。有时候all可以去掉。

But if he does it any more, I shall certainly let him know that I see what he is about. (Jane Austen, Pride and
Prejudice, Chapter Six) 要是他再这样,我一定要叫他明白我并不是个糊涂蛋(直译:我一定要叫他明白我知 道他的老底)。
Successful truffle-making is about temperature control. 做软块糖要成功,关键在于控制好温度。

Political courage is not about standing up for what's easy and popular with the people who elect you. (Susan Estrich,
The Daily Gazette, Schenectady, New York, Aug. 27, 2008, A9) 政治勇气,并不在于挺身去抓住轻而易举而且容易得到选民
欢心的事情 。
但是这个X is (all) about Y的表达法,有些语言上保守的人士认为不高雅,所以在比较正式的书面英语不常用。
(5) do X about Y有“对Y这种负面的情况采取X办法加以弥补”的意思。

The question is, what can be done about it? 问题在于对此有什么办法?

There's nothing we can do about it. 我们对此束手无策。

(1) above与over表示数量时,above通常用于表示垂直高 度上的“超过”、“高于”、“多于”,如高度、温
度(具体体现为垂直的水银柱)、平均数(具体体现 为表格上的垂直线上的一点),等等。

only two degrees above zero仅仅零上2度

3000 metres above sea level海拔三千米

above average in IQ智商高于平均数。

(2) above与over后面都可以接上一个数量,表示比 这个数量还多。但是above往往暗示“超过了这个数量限

Above 200 people: Please call the restaurant at least 48 hours in advance for special arrangements and pricing. 超过

It is above a week since I saw Miss Crawford. (Jane Austen, Mansfield Park) 我没有看见克劳福小姐,已经有一个多礼拜

He doesn't look above forty. (Journals of Arnold Bennett, ed., Frank Swinnerton, 1954) 他不像是个四十开外的人。此外,
“above + 数目”不能作为主语放在句首,over则可。

(3) 与beyond可以互用,表示“超出了某范围”、“不可能”。

Our love for the country is above reproach. 我们对国家的爱是无可责备的。

The director ought to be above suspicion. 主任应该是无可怀疑的。

His analysis is above criticism.他的分析是无懈可击的。

I thought you were above that kind of thing. 我还以为你是不屑干那种事的呢。但也可以表示肯定的加强语气。

above all praise无论如何赞扬都不过分。

(4) above有时候可以表示“比…更加”。

As his daughter, she above all others should know that. 她是他女儿,应该比谁都更加明白。

(5) above + -ing可以表示“不屑做某事”。

He is not above inventing relatives. He might say, “My cousin, Baron Guy de Rothschild...” 他甚至会捏造出一些假亲

(6) above还可以作为名词(前面必须加定冠词the),表示“本文上面所说的内容”。

The above demonstrates that... 以上所述 ,表明了…但是要注意,不能拿它的反义词below作同样的用途来表示“如下所
述”,不能说*Th e below demonstrates that...

(1) absent from指“不在”某处按常理可以预计会在的地方,而且这个“不在”造成一 定的后果。因此,如果是
临时离开一下,不用absent from。

I called on him unexpectedly but he was out(或not in,不说absent). 我临时去拜访他,但他不在家。

He has never been absent from school. 他从来不缺课。也就是说,absent from通常用于主语按常理与from后面的地点
有固定联系的情况(因而absent from这个地点就多少显得有点不平常),否则就不自然,例如不应说某儿童absent from某
老人院。表示本来以为某地有某物,结果发现并没有,也可以用absent from,以表示认识上的一个变化,

We can see why whole groups of organisms... should be absent from oceanic islands, whilst the most isolated
islands possess their own peculiar species of aerial mammals or bats.(Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species) 我们可以
看到,为什么整批的有机体…在海岛上看不到,而那些最为隔绝的岛 屿,却有自己独特的空中哺乳动物亦即蝙蝠的品种。

(2) absent in可以有 两个截然相反的含义,一个是“在某地不存在”,或“不在某地”,另一个则是“不在通常
所在地而在某 地”。如何判别,方法比较简单。如果主语是人,in后面是个表示地点的名词,该地点并非该人经
常所 在之处,那么absent in就是“不在通常所在之处而在某地”。

Mr. Allworthy had been absent a full quarter of a year in London... 按照小说故事,Allworthy经常住在Somersetshire,
不在London (Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling) 阿尔沃西先生原先离开此地到伦敦去了整整一个季

... there were some of the legatees whose place of abode was unknown, or even whose persons were not known, or
who were absent in a remote country, so that it was not possible (for the executor of a testament) to acquaint them
(William Strahan, The Civil Law in Its Natural Order, p. 551) …有些遗产承受人居住地址不明,甚至身份也不明,或者不在
此地而身 处远方,因而(遗嘱执行人)无法通知他们。

Much of his trade was with France, and his son was born while he was absent in that country. 他的生意很大部分是同

In the fourteenth year of the reign of King Henry the Third, he was made captain-general of the king's forces in
Brittany, and, whilst absent in that country, a war broke out in Ireland, whereupon he was sent to that kingdom with
a considerable army to restore tranquility. (The History of the Knights Templars: The Temple Church: Chapter XII, p.
336) 在亨利第三在 位的第十四年,他被任命为国王驻布列塔尼部队的总兵,而正当他不在国内而在布列塔尼的时候,爱尔兰爆

... he has become financial adviser to Romania. He was absent in that country during the period of my stay in
France. …他成了罗马尼亚的财政顾问。我在法国期间他不在法国而在罗马尼亚。

但是,如果主 语不是人而是物,或者是抽象事物,或者in后面的名词不是指明确的地点而是其他事物,则absent

Snow is absent in some countries. 有些国家终年无雪。

Measles is virtually absent in these countries. 麻疹在这些国家实际上已经绝了迹。

Mutation is a sudden change in a gene which enables a child to inherit a characteristic totally absent in his or her
parents. 变异是一个基因发生的突然变化,它使得一个孩子获得一个他或她父母身上根本没有的特征。

The recent paintings in this show, from 2003, introduce an element of color absent in his earlier work. 这次展览中,

(3) absent是个形容词,但有时也可以当作介词使用放在已有限定词的名词前面,相当于wi thout,表示“在缺

Absent such a direct threat, Mr. Carter professes to feel no pressure. (William Safire, The New York Times, Dec. 20,
1976) 既然没有这样一个直接的威胁,卡特先生就装作不感到有什么压力了。

Those strategies are being shaped absent any real knowledge of what Fitzgerald might do before the grand jury's
scheduled dissolution on Oct. 28. (Times, Oct. 24, 2005) 那些对 策目前在形成过程中的时候,尚未确实知道菲兹杰拉尔德在
大陪审团预定10月28日解散之前会有何行 动。

Absent any in-place protection against the missiles described here,
nuclear retaliation or open-ended diplomacy, cease-fires and negotiation. 既然对这里所描述的导弹没有什么当堂防御的
办法,那么,所谓“ 防御”,要么是反攻、核报复,要么就是泛泛的外交交涉、停火和谈判。

■absolute majority与overwhelming majority
在议会政治中,“相对多数”是relative majority,“绝对多数” 是absolute majority。要注意,百分之五十
一就已经是“绝对多数”,但仍够不上中 文的“绝大多数”。“绝大多数”是overwhelming majority,不是
absolute majority。

这个副词,自19世纪末叶20世纪初叶开始,在美国口语中就开始 流行代替表示肯定回答的yes。当时马克·吐温
(Mark Twain) 和稍后的乔伊斯 (James Joyce)都这样用过。含义没有字面上“绝对”这样重。

不一定是高级的“学院”,在美国也可以指一些私立的高中,如有名的Phillips Academy(布什父子三人都是该
校毕业生),以前中国的北京也有Bridgeman Academy 贝满女中。

accept与receiv e含义不同。前者是“同意、接受”,后者只是“收到”。前者涉及本人的意志,后者则与本人
愿意不愿 意无关。因此,如果劝某人不要接受某邀请,应该说not to accept the invitation,而不是not to
receive the invitation。


The child had a little accident. 孩子尿了裤子了。

Should you have an accident, synthetic quilts are quite easy to wash. 万一尿了床,化纤被子是很容易洗的。

accompany somebody与keep somebody company...见company条4. 。

■according as
according to(见下一词条)是介词短语,后面引入的是个名词成分;according as则是连词短语,后面引入 的

Is all things well, according as I gave directions? (William Shakespeare, 2 Henry VI, III-ii) 一切都妥当,都照我吩咐的那

... the land which the Lord will give you according as he hath promised... ( Exodus 12:25)... 耶和华按着所应许赐给你们
从这几个例句看来,according as意思是“按照”,后面接的词语或句子的意思也可以是不固定的、可变的。

Each of us will give according as we're able. 我们每人都会量自己的可能作贡献的。

Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his works shall be.(Revelation
22:12) 看那!我必快来。赏罚在我,要照各人所行的报应他。

... and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need. (Acts 4:35) …照各人所需的,分给各人。

In like manner, again, according as the ulterior development of the representation varies, so does the whole
development of the man vary. (Hippolyte Adolphe Taine, Introduction to the History of English Literature) 同样,表象
但是according as后面也可以有两个意思(用or连接),表示“按照X或Y的不同而不同”。

Whether a human act is meritorious or demeritorious before God according as it is good or evil? (Saint Thomas
Aquinas, The Summa Theologica, Q. 21, Art. 4, p. 364) 人的行为是否因为或善或恶而在上帝面前或者为功或者为过?

According as actual loss to the injured party following upon the act of the wrong-doer is or is not essential to its
tortuous character. (Thomas Erskine Holland, The Elements of Jurisprudence, p. 279) 要看加害方的行为使得受害方蒙受

According as the representation is distinct, as if stamped by a coining-press, or confused and blurred; according as
it concentrates in itself a larger or smaller number of the characters of an object; according as it is violent and
accompanied with impulsions or tranquil and surrounded with calmness, so are all the operations and the whole
running-gear of the human machine entirely transformed. (Hippolyte Adolphe Taine, Introduction to the History of
English Literature) 表象或者像钱币压模机压出来的那样清清楚楚,或者模糊不 清;它对于一个对象,或者集中了其大量的特
征,或者只是集中较少的特征;它或者猛烈冲动,或者平和 安详,因而人类机械的一切运作和整个传动装置都随之而改造。

It (=the lever) is usually named as the first of the six mechanical powers, and is of three kinds, according as either
the fulcrum F, the weight W, or the power P, respectively, is situated between the other two. 杠杆通常列为六种机械力
的首位 ,本身又分为三类,视支点F、阻力点W和力点P三者哪一个在其他两者中间而分。

■according to
(1) 客观复述他人的意见或说法,并不是一定表示同意, 而且后面可以直接是人,不用再加上“意见”、“说法”

According to Dr. Santos, the cause of death was drowning. (不习惯说according to Dr. Santos's opini on)据桑托斯医
生的意见,死因是溺水。既然对这个意见或说法持客观复述不加可否的态度,因此,说 出自己的看法,就不能说*according to
me,更不能说*according to my opinion,而应该说in my opinion。

(2) 但是后面也可以不是人而是某一有形的资讯实物(不是非物质的“意见”、“说法”),此时according to

It's nearly half past six, according to my watch. 按照我的手表,已经将近六点半了(但我的手表也可能不准确)。

■account for
这个动词词组,语法作用相当于一个及物动词(可以有被动形式to be accounted for),其释义是:

(1) (主语是人或事)解释、说明(其经过或理由)(是个延续状态动词)。

How do you account for the dent in the car? 车身上的凹痕你又作何解释呢?

That would account for his behavior. 那也许能说明他为什么有这样的行为。

Bad weather accounted for the long delay. 耽搁时间那么长,原因是天气恶劣。

(2) (主语是人)交代清楚(是个瞬时动态动词)。

I have to account for every penny I spend. 我花每一分钱都必须交代清楚。

One thousand dollars remains to be accounted for. 还有一千美元尚未交代清楚。

Do I have to account to you for everything I do? 难道我做什么事情都得向你交代?

You'll have to account to me for whatever happens to her. 她出了什么事情,我都唯你是问。

The suspect couldn't account for his time that night. 嫌疑犯无法交代那一天夜里他干了些什么。

(3) 查明下落(是个瞬时动态动词)。

Kip Godwin, chairman of the Columbus County Commission, said authorities had nearly concluded their search of
the area where all the deaths occurred... and had accounted for everyone. (The Associated Press, Nov. 16, 2006) 哥伦
布郡委员会主席基普·戈德温说:“当局已经对所有致死事件发生的那个地区完成了搜 索…查明了所有人的下落。”

(4) (被动语气,延续状态)已经知道下落。

Another 3,400 employees have made initial contact with the company but are not working and 500 are not yet
accounted for. 另有3400人初步同公司取得了联系,但尚未上班,500人仍然下落不明。

We suspected thousands had been killed, and many who worked in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were
not yet accounted for. 我们估计,有好几千人丧生,许多在世界贸易中心和五角大楼上班的人仍然下落不明。accounted for

List of already accounted for objects. 已有下落的物品清单(最好加连字符:accounted- for)。否定形式也可以用
unaccounted for。

(5) (被动语气,延续状态)已经计算在内。

These transactions are already accounted for on the balance sheet. 这些交易已经列入了收支表中。

However, these costs are often discounted within the organization because they're already accounted for in payroll
expenses. 但是,这些成本往往在组织内是刨去的,因为工资支出中已经计算在内了。

(6) (主动语气,延续状态)占总量当中多大的份额。

In 1991 women already accounted for more than 50% of jobs in certain services. 1991年妇女在某些服务业中已经占了

Table 9 also shows that in some cases immigrants already accounted for a large share of births in 1970. 表9还表明,

■accountability, liability与responsibility
见responsibility, liability与accountability条。

作为及物动词,是“使某人熟悉某事物”,不是“自己熟悉 ”。而且是个瞬时动态动词。“自己去熟悉”就应该
加个直接宾语oneself,熟悉什么,用介词w ith引入。

I'll acquaint you with the facts. 我将要把情况向您介绍。

I had acquainted myself with their customs. 我了解了他们的风俗习惯。但是acquaint somebody with后面只能是事情,
不能是人。如果是人,acquaint要变换一下,成为make somebody acquainted with somebody else。

I'd like to make you acquainted with my brother. 我愿让您认识一下我哥哥。无论是acquaint或是make... acquainted,
都是瞬时动态动词,表示“从不熟悉到熟悉”的瞬时变化。但to be ac quainted则通常不指瞬时变化,而是个延续状态动词,
指无限延续的“熟悉”状态,with后 面是人或是事物均可。

(1) 可以指人,意思是“熟人”、“有交情的人”。

We're old acquaintances.咱们彼此是老熟人了。

He has a wide circle of acquaintances. 他的交游很广。

They were nothing more than casual acquaintances. 他们只是萍水相逢而已。

(2) “熟人关系”、“交情”。

There's a doctor of my acquaintance in the hospital. 医院里有我认识的一位大夫。

to strike up an acquaintance 结交一个熟人

his acquaintance with the minister他同部长的交情

to have a nodding

passing acquaintance with somebody


I'm pleased

delighted to make your acquaintance. 很高兴同您结识(也可以采取接近中文的结构,说make acquaintance with you)。

By a lucky chance it excited attention, and various persons sought my acquaintance. (Somerset Maugham, The
Moon and Sixpence, Chapter III) 由于偶然的因缘这本书引起了人们的注意,不少人想要同我结识。

(3) 对人或物的了解。

On first acquaintance, the city seems quite old. 初来乍到时一看,这城市似乎相当古老。

On closer acquaintance, I found her quite easy to get along with. 经过进一步熟悉,我就发现她很好相处。

■across... from..., across from..., from across...
(1) across可以是副词,也可以是介词;而且无论是副词或介词,都 可以是动态,或者是静态。中国人比较习惯于
将across单纯理解为动态的介词(“穿过”、“越过 ”),对于它作为动态的副词、静态的副词与介词,不是十
(2) 作为动态的副词,中国人还是比较容易接受。

The signal turned green and we walked across. 绿灯亮了,我们就走过去。

The boatman ferried them across. 船工把他们送到了渡口对面。

She passed the photo across. 她把照片递了过来(或过去)。

(3) 作为静态的介词,意思是“位于某物的另一边”。

They live just across the road. 他们就住在马路对面。

The parking garage is just across the bridge on the left. 停车库就在桥那头左边。

The idea of being in contact with all those silhouetted shadows he saw thronging before the windows and passing
in and out of the doors across the street — it gave him a nausea. (John Fowles, The French Lieutenant's Woman,
Chapter 38, p. 294) 他影影绰绰地看到他们涌到橱窗前,看到他们从门口进进出出,络绎不绝,他厌恶跟这些人打交道。(这
里across the street的across是静态的,意思是“在马路对面”,不是动态的“横过马 路从门口进进出出”)如果主语是两
件事物,说它们across第三物,意思就是两物中间隔着第三物 而互相对着。

Their rooms are across the hall. 他们两人的房间中间隔着大厅。但是,across如果同from配合使用,就有如下的情况:
(a)如果要说“在X的对面”,英文用across from X(仍然是静态,但这里的across其实是副词而非介词)。

I sat next to Lori, and Peter and Anne sat across from us. 我坐在洛里旁边,彼得和安娜坐在我们对面。

The supermarket is just across from the theater. 超市就在剧院对面。英国英语则更习惯用介词opposite来代替across

She was sitting opposite him.
(b)把across from颠倒为from across,则恢复动态意义。后面的 名词如果指的是一个空间,而且行动所涉及

He cried out to them from across the room. 他从房间的另一头向他们喊叫。如果后面的名词所指的是一个区域,涉及多个
个体 ,则意思是“来自这个区域的各处”。

messages from across the country全国各地传来的信息

trade news from across the world来自全世界的商业新闻

The meeting drew 1,500 participants from across the state. 集会吸引了全州各地一千五百人前来参加。如果后面的名词所
指 的是一条线,则意思是“在(或从)线的另一侧”(静态动态意义都可以)。

the lady from across the street马路对面的那位女士。across from后面可以是个“点”,如across from the hotel(旅馆
对面);但是from across后面通常不能是“点”,应该是“线”或“面”甚至“体”。
(c)说“中间隔着Y而与X相对”,英文用across Y from X。

In Shenzhen, across the border from Hong Kong. 在隔着边界与香港相对的深圳。

Directly across the street from the synagogue. 就在犹太教堂的马路对面。

(4) across作为静态的副词,可以表示“位于(不明言的某物的)另一边”(如果明言某物, 就用from,见上面
across from),或者“有多宽”或“直径有多长”(前面有长度数量)。

They're already across. 他们已经到了对面那一边了。

It's 30 cm across. 它的直径为30厘米(或:它宽30厘米)。

(1) act常常指单个的个别动作,action则可以指范围较广的一整套行为。

The movie will have to pack all the action into less than three hours. 影片将要把全部剧情压缩到不到三小时。

The Knopf edition (= an English version of Tolstoy's War and Peace), in contrast, comes laden with a long
introduction by Pevear, heavy annotation, a historical glossary of people and places and a summary of the
action.(Newsweek, Oct. 15, 2007, p. 81) 诺普夫版则反 之,加上了佩维阿尔的一篇长长的序言,又有大量的注释、人名地名

(2) act用于比较抽象和静态的行为,action的行为则比较具体可见,而且动态意义较强。

Ford's most controversial decision, of course, was to pardon Nixon for any crimes he might have committed in his
White House years ... Yet as the years passed, more Americans came to see the pardon as an act (*action) of unusual
statesmanship. (Newsweek, Jan. 8, 2007, p. 32) 福特最引人争议的一个决策,当然就是对尼克松在白宫期间可能犯下的任何
罪行予以特赦。…然而随着岁 月流逝,越来越多的美国人把这个特赦看作是一件不平常的政治家风度之举。

The CEO vowed not to take any action that would eliminate jobs. 首席执行官许诺决不采取任何裁员的做法。

(3) 修饰act的定语,通常用act of + 名词(或动名词)来表达,这个名词或动名词是act的具体化或评价。

... performing numerous acts of kindness to those in need (Times Literary Supplement, Feb. 8, 1968) …进行许多救助危

an act of arson纵火行为

the act of reading阅读行为。Action的定语则通常以形容词(或名词)形式放在action前面。

a protest action (*an action of protest)抗议行动

a political action 政治行动

unilateral actions 单方面行动。如果action后面有of + 名词,这个名词通常是action的施动者。

... the future of our children depends in great measure on the actions of our political leaders.(Lena L. Gitter,
Children's House) …我们孩子们的前途,在很大程度上要取决于我们那些政治领导人的行动。

(4) ac tion可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词;而act则只能是可数名词。因此,action可以不要任何 冠词;
act则单数时通常要有a或the。action作为不可数名词时,意义是抽象而非具体个别 的“行动”。

egalitarianism in action (*in act) 见诸行动的平均主义

take decisive action (*decisive act) 采取决定性的行动

to press for Congressional action 敦促国会采取行动。

(5) action还可以放在另一个名词前面作为其定语,这是act所不能的。

action movie武打片

action group行动小组

action level食品含毒浓度

action painting抽象派的泼洒画

action radius军队的行动半径

action replay体育比赛精彩场面录像的动作重放。

(6) action常常在观念上同 words(言词)相对,表示“实际行动”而非“空谈”(这也是act所不能表示的)。

Their actions show them to be untrustworthy. 他们的行动表明了他们是不可信的。

Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜过言词。

(7) action还在军事上表示“战斗”、“作战”(act没有这个意义)。

killed in action 阵亡

to go into action 投入战斗

He'd seen action, that was plain enough from the shrapnel scar running into the right eye. 他是经历过战斗的,这一点,

(8) 有些固定词组,act与action不能随便更换。

caught in the act 当场抓获,不能说*caught in the action; to take action 或to go into action(采取行动),不能说*to
take act或 *to go into act;out of action(不起作用,发生故障),不能说*out of act; class action是法律用语“集体诉
讼”,不能以class act来代替。


这个副词,可以表示“真正”、“的确”,也可以表示转折 语气的“其实”(同前面刚说过的意思有点矛盾)。

She's actually very bright. 她的确很聪明。

I never believed I'd actually win. 我从未认为自己会真的获胜。

... but as I have actually paid the visit, we cannot escape the acquaintance now. (Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice,
Chapter Two)…现在既然拜访也拜访过了,我们今后就少不了要结交这个朋友。表示转折的“其实”的

Sea anemones may resemble pretty flowers, but actually they are deadly animals. (Murray T. Pringle, Boy's Life) 海葵


这个动词(瞬时动态)可以是及物的,也可以是不及物的。作为及物动词,它的直接宾语 通常是物而不是人,to
adapt X to Y是对X加以改变或调整,使之适应Y。

We adapted our methods to the students' needs. 我们调整了方法,使之适应学生们的需要。

They adapted the novel for television. 他们把小说改编成电视剧。如果指人自己改变自己去适应某事物,既可以说to adapt
oneself to something,也可以把adapt变为不及物动词,说to adapt to something。

He cannot adapt

adapt himself to being free. 他对自己获得自由也不能适应。

(1) 作为及物动词(瞬时动态,即第四类动词),add的基本搭配是add X to Y(主语是有意识者,通常 是人),

add his name to the list名单上加上他的名字

add fuel to the fire给火增添燃料

We added our voices to the chorus of protest. 我们在一片抗议声中也加进去了自己的声音。

We were soaked, added to which, it was starting to snow. 我们身上湿透了,而且还开始下雪了。

(2) 但是,如果主语不是人,而是新增之物( 增量,相当于X)或是使得Y(总量)加大的原因,不说明主动者是
谁,则可以简化为add to Y。

He is given answers that only add to his confusion. 他得到的回答,只是使得他更加莫名其妙。2005年9月的美 国报纸报
道新奥尔良水灾后有人趁灾打劫,标题是:Looters Add to Woes抢劫者加重了灾情。

Adding to his problem was that, to achieve anything at all, he had either to subdue those feelings or keep them to
himself. 问题更大的是,为了办成一点事,他不得不把这些情绪要么压下去,要么藏在自己心里。

(3) 有时也可以说add X(主语可以是主动的人,也可以是原因),Y(总量)略而不提,表示“增添”某种新因

This will add a touch of class. 这会增添一点高雅气派。

The west wing was added later. 西厢房是后来增建的。

Occasionally, a real fireman would come in to add reality. 有时候会有一个真的消防队员前来参加(防火演习),增加真实

(4) add up合起来,可以相当于一个及物动词,也可以相当于一个不及物动词。(a)作为及物动词,add up X
或add X up是“把X加到一起成为一个总数量”或“把X放到一起通盘考虑”(瞬时动词,第 四类,主语是

Add up all your expenses. 把你的开支都加到一起。

We added up the advantages and disadvantages. 我们对各种利弊进行了通盘考虑。

You'll find the solution when you add it all up. 通盘考虑,就能找出解决办法。
(b)作为不及物动词,add up意思是“加起来同意料中的总数相符”(延续状态动词,第一类,主语不是人,

I can't get the accounts to add up. 账目我怎么也对不起来。

It seems to add up differently every time. 每次加起来的总数都不一样。

The bill doesn't add up. 账单数目不对头。还可以转义为“说得通”。

Now it adds up! 这一来就对头了!

Why would she lie? It doesn't add up. 她何必撒谎呢?这不合情理嘛。

Something doesn't add up.事有蹊跷。

(5) add up to后面有宾语,意 思是“加起来成为”、“加起来相当于”、“相当于”(延续状态动词,第一类,
主语不是人而是事物) 。

Two and two add up to four. 二加二得四。

It adds up to quite a lot of money. 总数加起来,这笔钱可不小。

I wouldn't say it adds up to treachery. /我看还不到背叛这么严重。

It all adds up to a wonderful show. /简直是一场精彩的演出。

It doesn't adds up to much. /没有什么大不了的。

His explanation of the problem adds up to nonsense.他有关问题的说明,简直就是胡说八道。

What their attitude adds up to is an unwillingness to help. 他们的态度,概括来说,就是不肯帮忙。

■address (vt)
(1) 宾语可以是人,此时address表示:

He addressed a mass meeting. 他在一次群众集会上讲了话。

She always addressed me as 她总是把我叫做“我的女儿”。

(2) 谈论、研究、应付、处理(某件事情或某个问题)。

He has not addressed the issue of the strike demands. 他没有处理各项罢工要求这个问题。

That country has reduced national gas export to address greater domestic demand. 该国已经减少了天然气出口,以应

Some treatments address the symptoms, while others reduce your risk of a heart attack or stroke. 一些治疗是针对症

(3) 宾语是某个主张、建议、要求之类,address表示“提交”,提交的对象用介词to引入。

He addressed some general remarks to the gathering. 他向会议提交了一些一般性的意见。

(4) 宾语是信件,address表示“致送”,收信件人也是用介词to引入。

The letter is addressed to the president. 信件是致送总统的。

(1) 作为及物动词,admir e表示一种“赞赏”、“钦佩”的内心感情,不是行为动作,因此是延续体的状态动词
(属第一类动词) ,而且不能有进行时态。直接宾语可以是被钦佩的人,也可以是被钦佩的事。

We admire our professor deeply. 我们对我们的教授深为钦佩。

They admire the woman for her beauty. 他们赞赏这个女子的美丽。

They admire her good looks. 他们赞赏她的美貌。

I admire your being punctual. 您这样守时,我很钦佩。但是不能以that引入名词从句作为直接宾语,例如不能说:*I
admire that you are punctual.

(2) 但是 经过转义,admire表示一种外向的有意志的行为“欣赏”、“观赏”,从第一类动词转变成为第二类动词。第二类动词与第一类不同,可以用进行时态。

While the tourists were admiring one of the great mammals of the sea, however, a Norwegian whaling boat
approached and shot the whale in front of their eyes. 游客们正在观赏海上一种巨大的哺乳动物,但是开来了一艘挪威捕鲸


admit tance与admission两者意义往往重合。但是admission在表示公事公办的“允许入内”、 “接纳”、
“录取”的行动这一点上意义比admittance具体,而在既可接纳进入具体场所也可 接纳参加抽象组织这一点上
意义又比admittance(通常指具体场所)更广泛。由于admis sion的意义比较偏重公事公办的具体行动,所以
甚至可以有复数形式表示多宗的行动。admitt ance则比较不注意具体的行动,而是着重“接纳”的抽象意义(因
而没有复数),而且往往偏重当事 人被动的角度,指一次或经常能进入某地点(通常不包括参加某组织)的资格

her admission to the club她被接纳参加俱乐部

No admissions are permitted in the hour before closing. 闭馆前一小时停止入场。

The admission to the movie was five dollars. 看这部电影的门票是五美元。

They don't charge admission to the museum. 博物馆入场是免费的。

No admittance(*No admission). 请勿入内。

As a European I can gain admittance to their home and table. (Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar)

Anyone who picked an apple gained admittance into the golden castle,... (Andrew Lang, The Yellow Fairy Book) 谁捡

It was only the man's insistence that procured him admittance at such an hour. (Jack London, Adventure) 经过一番坚

Into one house in this neighbourhood they shall never have admittance. (Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice) 这一带的
人家,他们哪一家都休想能进得去。注意:admissio n与admittance后面的名词(无论场所或是组织),介词用to,但是如
果强调“进入内部空 间”,可以用into。

(1) 同许多表示“承认”、“ 否认”、“记忆”、“遗忘”、“遗憾”的动词一样,admit后面如果跟着源出于瞬
间动词(即第四 类动词)的动名词的现在式或完成式(即-ing或having pp),表示“承认(瞬时动作)过去做

No one would admit doing it. 没有谁会承认做过这个的(过去做过)。

He admitted having lied. 他承认撒了谎(明白指出是过去的行为)。也有可能是承认的同时正在发生的反复多次的瞬间动作。

He admitted taking steroids. 他承认服用类固醇(可以是当时正在发生的反复瞬时动作,也可以是过去的行为)。

He admitted taking bribes. 他承认受了贿(过去的行为——承认在当时正在反复多次受贿的可能性不大)。

(2) 如果后面动名词源出的动词是个延续体静态动词,则表示承认(瞬时动作)当时自己处于这种状态(延续静

Two people who admitted being part of a ring that distributed illegal copies of music on the Internet before its
commercial release were sentenced to prison. 有两个人承认自己是一个将尚未发行出售的音乐非法翻录在互联网上传播的

Of those patients with low literacy, 67.4% admitted having trouble reading and understanding what they read.这些

They admitted having firearms in their vehicles. 他们承认有枪支藏在汽车里。

(3) 也可以在admit与动名词之间加上介词to,用法和意义相同。

Iraq admitted to having arrested and detained 126 Kuwaitis. 伊拉克承认逮捕并扣留了126名科威特人(having pp明确

In 1999, the group's leader, Hashim Salamat, admitted to receiving 年,
该集团首领哈希姆·萨拉马特承认从本·拉登那里 拿到“可观的经费”(瞬时动作receive在先,admit在后)。

The student admitted to cheating. 该学生承认曾作弊(瞬时动作cheat在先,admit在后)。

She won't admit to loving him. 她不会承认爱他的(延续状态love与admit同时)。

(4) 以上的admit ,是瞬时的动态行为,主语是人,除非在说话行文中自我表态,不用一般现在时。但是,admit
o f则是延续的状态,表示“容许对自己给予(某种评价,某种待遇)”,可以用一般现在时,主语通常是物不是< br>人。

Her behaviour admits of no excuse. 她的行为是无法原谅的。

It admits of one interpretation only. 这只能有一个解释。

adopted与adoptive本来按照原有词义,adopted是 “被领养的”,adoptive是“领养他人的”,所以“养父”
应该是adoptive father,“养子”应该是adopted son。但是,实际用途中,往往发生混淆。

... he estate of the last of Janice's adopted parents (Erle Stanley Gardner, The Case of the Stuttering Bishop) …詹尼斯

... Mme. Gabrielle Osorio and her adoptive daughter... (Edward T. Cone, American Scholar, Summer 1973) 加布里埃
尔·奥索里奥夫人和她的养女…而经领养而发生的其他关系,用a dopted或adoptive都可以。

adoptive sister或adopted sister义姐妹

adoptive country或adopted country归化国

... who was knighted in his adoptive England in 1980 (Diane McWhorter, The New York Times Book Review, May 1,
1980) …他1980年在他归化的英格兰获册封为骑士。

■adore (vt)
这个及物动词(延续状态)可以表示“崇拜”,例如:“崇拜上帝” 。有一首赞美诗里面就有一句:Joyful,
joyful, we adore thee. 快乐,快乐,我们崇拜。但是也可以表示亲人之间的钟爱、疼爱。

He just adores his wife. 他只是爱慕他妻子。

She adored her sister. 她疼她妹妹。

Both adored their daughter Juliet, now fifteen and apparently unspoiled despite the adoration. 他们俩都疼爱女儿朱丽


Marriage late in life was a quiet but fulfilling adventure.(Kathleen Walker Seegers, My Dark Journey Through Insanity)
(我)结婚很晚,但是婚后生活平静美满。又例如英国学者Henry Bradshaw (1831-1886) 有一次碰巧在巴黎图书馆找到了一
本丢失了一个世纪的珍本。A. C. Benson (1862-1925) 在一篇介绍此事的文章中就称之为the story of his adventure in the
Parisian Library,这里adventure中文可以译成“奇遇记”。

adversary只是“对手”,不是“仇敌 ”。例如:比赛中的对方,或是诉讼中的对方。enemy则是感情上或政治
上对立的“敌人”或是军事 上的“敌军”。foe与enemy相近,但是较为古旧与正式。

(1) 要注意这是个名词(名词用c,动词用s: advise)。
(2) 这是个不可数名词,不能说*an advice,要说a piece of advice。

(3) advice是一般的、不正式、非专业的建议或劝告;recommenda tion是经过集体调查研究后提出的建议;
counseling则是专家就个人问题提供的专业咨询 。


Because of the popularity of the region, it is advisable to book hotels or camp sites in advance. 由于该地区很吃香,所

Children who are below the age of 18 years are not advisable to use this drug. 未满十八岁的儿童,不宜服用本药物。

These foods are not advisable to eat. 这些食品不宜食用。如果是不及物动词或是及物动词而另有宾语,则这个不定式表示
“有助于 达到某目的”。

These shoes are advisable to protect against sharp objects, cuts, scrapes, bruises on the rocky river bottom. 这些鞋可

(1) be advised that...是商业信件的惯用语,没有任何实质意义。

Be advised that nothing of the sort is contemplated. 确无此等意图,尚希鉴察。也可以用于一般的告示上。

Please be advised that the parking lot will be closed tomorrow. 请注意,停车场明日将关闭。

(2) well- advised, better-advised, ill- advised(可以有或没有连字号)常用来评判做某事(后面加动词不定式)

Tom would have been well-advised to tear himself away from the enterprise before he lost any more money. 汤姆本

They would have been better advised to stick with their first choice. 他们要是一直坚持头一个选择,那本来就更为可取。

I think he may have been ill- advised to put his suggestions down on paper. 我觉得他把自己的建议写在纸上可能是不明

(They) are well advised to die young lest they make fools of themselves. (The Economist, Oct. 13, 2007, p. 41) (他们)


(1) 可以有三种搭配,一是to be afraid to inf.,二是to be afraid of + -ing,三是to be afraid (that)…三种搭

He's afraid to die. 他怕死(对死亡本身感到恐惧)。

He's afraid (that) he'll die. 他对自己会死感到担心(可能怕留下孩子没人照料,或是正在办一件事担心未办完,等等)”。

He's afraid of dying. 则两种意义都有可能。

(2) to be afraid to inf. 不可以有肯定的祈使句(*be afraid to inf.)。但是可以有否定的祈使句。

When he had contemplated this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David,
do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, because the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit...(Matthew 1:20)
正思念这事的时候,有主的使者向他梦中 显现,说:“大卫的子孙约瑟,不要怕,只管娶过你的妻子马利亚来,因她所怀的孕
是从圣灵来的…(《 圣经·马太福音》1:20)

(3) be afraid to inf. 中inf. 动词如果是自主有意识的动作,就表示由于害怕其后果而打算避免这样做。

Even fools are afraid to lean against a rotten post. 朽烂的柱子,是连傻瓜都不敢靠的。

Although the figure seemed to be beckoning them, they were afraid to approach her. 虽然那个人形似乎是在向他们招
手,他们却不敢靠 近她。而动词dread(也是延续状态的第一类动词)不但恐惧的意义更重,而且不着重“避免”的意义,甚< br>至可以有“虽然害怕但无可奈何”的含义。

I dread going to the dentist (*I'm afraid to go to the dentist). 我害怕去看牙医。

I dread to think what might have happened. 一想到本来会发生什么事,我就不寒而栗。

The dreaded moment finally came. 担心害怕的时刻终于来到了。名词dread也是如此。

I have a dread of spiders. 我害怕蜘蛛。

His greatest dread is dying of cancer. 他最害怕的是死于癌症。

They lived in constant dread of being deported. 他们老是提心吊胆,生怕被驱逐出境 。afraid是对眼前已经存在的不利情
况感到害怕,而动词或名词fear则带有心神不宁“不知道 将要发生什么事”的意思;所以可以说fear God,因为不知道上帝会
对人施加什么赏罚,前途未卜;说afraid of God就有点突兀,仿佛对眼前的上帝敬而远之。

The authorities were immediately suspicious of the apparitions; they feared that the large crowds attracted to them
would encourage political dissent, particularly a Croatian separatist movement that was active in the region.
(Michael Durham, Writer and Journalist, 1995) 对于那些怪影,当局马上感到疑心;当局担心,被怪影所吸引的大批人群,
会助长政治上的异议活动,尤 其是当地很活跃的克罗地亚分离主义运动(这里的“担心”是对将可能发生的事没有把握)。
afrai d和动词(或名词)fear的另一个不同之处,是afraid所害怕的不利情况往往限于说话者本人或是句子 的主语,而fear

Great fears are held for the safety of John. 人们对约翰的安全十分担心。

(4) 和中文的“恐怕”可以并不是真的“害怕”而只是婉转拒绝对方的要求一样,英文的I'm afraid(只有I可以,
其他人称不可以,在这个意义上后面只能接上that从句 (that可以省略),不能接上of... 也不能接上to inf.)也有

I'm afraid I can't help you. 我恐怕帮不了你的忙。同样,这样的转义,在中英文都可以用来引入一个不利的消息。

I'm afraid there's been an accident. 恐怕出了事故。

(1) 说“(从现在起)再过十天”或“(从现在起算)十天之后”,中国人容易说成I will start doing it after ten
days,而其实应该说I will start doing it in ten days 。这里的in不是用多长的时间完成某一动作(参见for),< br>而是指从现在算起经过多长的时间再做某事情,在这段时段之内是不做这件事的。而与for相对的in则 指这件事
就在时段之内做而且做完。但是,谈及过去的事情,说“过了多长时间之后”,英语也可以说“ after多长时间”,

After a few minutes, she went under and the surgeon began to work. 过了几分钟,她的麻药生效了,外科大夫就开始动

When Earth was very young, its days were but six hours long. After 1.3 billion years, the length of a day reached 15
hours. 地球很年轻时,一天只有六小时长。过了十三亿年后,一天的长度达到了十五小时。

(2) after常后接时间点,但也可after five years of effort,其后的时段当作一个整体而不是一段延续的时间。
(3) after后面可以接上动名词,表示“在做了某事之后”。

After receiving the e-mail, he started for New York. 他收到了电邮之后,就动身去纽约。

(4) after you是“请您先走”的客气话。是从自己的角度来说的。


a standard against which all work, at home and abroad, should be judged判断国内外一切工作的标准

How does Bush measure up against the giants of old? (Newsweek, May 31, 2004, p. 41) 布什同昔日的巨人们相比,有

Private businesses such as rental and mortgage companies and car dealers are checking the names of customers
against a list of suspected terrorists and drug traffickers made publicly available by the Treasury Department...(The
Washington Post, March 27, 2007, D01) 一些私营的企业, 像租赁公司和房产公司以及汽车零售商,都在把顾客的姓名同财
政部公布的嫌疑恐怖分子和贩毒分子的名 单互相核对…

(1) 用这个单词(作为名词或形容词aged)表示人的年龄,可以有几种搭配。

children age 5 and 2 五岁和两岁的孩子

children age 12 to 17 十二岁到十七岁的孩子

a woman aged about 30 一个大约三十岁的妇女

children aged 9 to 12 或children 9 to 12 years old或children 9 to 12 九到十二岁的孩子

at the age of 65或at 65 years of age 或at age 65或at 65 years old或at 65 六十五岁时

patients age 75, 85 and up七十五、八十五甚至年龄更高的病人

adults age 60 or older六十岁或六十以上的成年人。

(2) to be +... age的结构中,age前面可以加上一个物主代词或者the same,但是再前面就不加任何介词(如
at, of之类)。

When I was your age, I used to work six days a week. (不说at your age)我在你现在这个年龄的时候,通常每周工作六

The two boys are the same age. (不说of the same age)那两个男孩年龄相同。

She's the same age as her husband. (不说of the same age as)她同她丈夫同年。如果age前面不是物主代词或the

These children are of school age. 这些是学龄儿童。

They are not of legal age. 他们不够法定年龄。此外,to be of age是“已经成年”的状态,to come of age是“到达成年

(3) act your age原意是 “按照你的年龄来行事”,告诫成年人不要孩子气,但是主要用于告诫小孩子不要顽皮
(假定他已经长大 了)。

Johnny was squirming around and pinching his sister. His mother finally said, 强尼一直在搅和,

(4) age既可以指“年龄”,也可以指“时代”,参见middle age条。阅读时要善于辨别。

The facts that we know with absolute certainty about William Shakespeare can be given in a few paragraphs. It is
not strange that we know so little about one of the greatest men that the world has produced. His age was not one
of biographical writing. 关于威廉·莎士比亚,我们完全确实知道的情况,短短几段文字 就能写完。对于这位世界上出现的最伟
大的人物之一,我们知道得这样少,这并不足为奇。他的那个时代 ,写传记是不流行的(his age不是“他的年龄”)。

通常由及物动词派生的名词,后面跟有of + noun时,后一个名词相当于直接宾语,有被动意义。

the Roman invasion of England罗马对英格兰的入侵

the US invasion of Iraq美国出兵伊拉克

invasion of privacy侵犯隐私。但是aggression of后面的名词却只有主动而没有被动意义。

the aggression of a foreign country一个外国的侵略。


We will not allow a reunited Germany to become an aggressive force again. 我们不能允 许一个恢复统一的德国再次成为
一支侵略力量。而且在日常生活的语言中,aggressive也可以 有“莽撞”的贬义。

an aggressive driver驾驶汽车 时莽里莽撞的人。但是在美国英语中,也有中性的“咄咄逼人”甚至正面的“进取、积极、大
刀阔斧、有 闯劲”的意义。

US business today finds itself challenged by aggressive overseas competitors. 美国的工商业今天面临着咄咄逼人的海外

He is not aggressive enough to succeed in business. 他闯劲不够,经商不易成功。

The Indonesian government was expected to take more aggressive measures in dealing with avian influenza. 人们估

[Robert Gates] said the Army's response to the substandard conditions for the war-wounded was defensive, and not
aggressive enough. (The Washington Post, Feb. 3, 2007) [盖茨]当时说,陆军方面对于战伤者的治疗条件不合格,所作出的

在日常的交际语言中,ago只能是以说话时的现在为参照点说明某事 发生于或某状态存在于过去的某一时间点。
如果改为以过去某时间点为参照点说明更远的过去,则不能用 ago而要用before。两者各有适用范围,“互不侵
犯”。而且,与ago连用的动词时态,通常 是一般过去时(例如:came,不能用现在完成时have come);而
与before连用的动词时态,通常是过去完成时(例如:had come,不用一般过去时came)。

I met him in Tokyo two years ago. 我两年前在东京见过他。

When we got talking, I found out that I had been at school with her husband ten years before. 我们一交谈起来,我就
发现原来我十年前同她丈夫是同学。然而,在小说的叙述中,往往故事的展开虽然 一直用过去时态,但整个时间坐标从现在挪
到了过去,读者的心理感觉是身临其境的,也就是说,有“现 在时态”的感觉。因此,虽然参照点是过去时,但提及更远的过
去,仍然可以用ago而不用befor e。

Arthur Hailey的小说Airport (p. 5)就有这么一句:The present storm had been born five days ago in the ice of the
Colorado mountains. (注意p resent一字)当前这场暴风雪是五天前从科罗拉多山脉上的结冰那里发源的(与现在完成时不
同, 过去完成时可以同表示明确时间点的时间状语一起出现,参见had + pp条)。

(1) 同意(某人的意见)(瞬时的表示或延续的看法),只需说agree with somebody即可,不必说出“意见”,

I entirely agree with you on that matter. 我在那件事情上完全同意你的意见。同意的实质内容可以用that从句来表示。

I agree with you that he is wrong. 我同你一样认为他是错了。如果要明确说明同意某人的什么,也可以说agree with

agree with what they are doing赞成他们所做的事

I agree with political scientist Morris Florina's thesis that... (Times, Oct. 30, 2006, p. 8) 我同意政治学家莫里斯·弗洛林纳
的主张…而同意(某一做法,不是某一意见),要说agree to something(通常是瞬时动作,但也可以是延续状态)。

agree to the use of force同意使用武力

They agreed to John's marrying Julie. 他们同意了约翰娶 朱丽。但是在争论或审议议案的过程中(而不是在日常的意见交流
中),赞同某人的方案或主张,也可以 说agree to something。

I agree to Mr. Johnson's proposal. 我赞成约翰逊先生的提案(可单方)。Agree to的主语也可以是双方,而且可以用被动

It was agreed to that they would meet again soon. 他们约定不久之后再次会面。

(2) 表示同意(自己将来做某事)(瞬时动作),可后面接动词不定式。

She had agreed to let us use her apartment while she was away. 她同意了当她不在的时候让我们用她的公寓房(可单
但是由于这是“同意将来做某事”,所以后面的动词不定式只能是to inf.,而不能是to have + pp。不可以用to
have + pp来表示“一致认为自己过去如何”,例如不可以说:*They all agree to have seen UFOs,而要用下
面3. 的格式,说:They all agree that they have seen UFOs. 他们一致认为自己看见过不明飞行物体。
(3) 一 致认为(双方、多方)(对客观情况加以评判)(瞬时动作或延续状态均可),后面可以接上that名词从句作为直接宾语。

The World Health Organization and US health authorities agree that exposure to movies with smoking leads kids to
smoke. 世界卫生组织和美国卫生当局一致认为,儿童接触有吸烟镜头的电影,容易被引导去吸烟。

(4) 就某个问题或事项(用on或upon引入)表示或达成一致看法(瞬时行动或延续状态均可)。

Few doctors agree on how you treat schizophrenia. 如何治疗精神分裂症,很少医生有一致的看法。

As the jurymen could not agree upon one of the vital points at issue, it has been transferred to another jury. 由于陪

Even legislators who wrote the bill setting up the intel czar's office can't agree on how it should work.(Newsweek,
Oct. 10, 2006, p. 8) 就连那些起草成立情报沙皇办公室的立法议员们,对于该办公室该如何工作,也无法达成一致意见。

(5) agree与be agreed有时意义相同(但be agreed只能是延续状态)。

All the unions are agreed on this point. 所有工会在这一点上都意见一致。

We were agreed that business morals nowadays were very low. 我们大家一致认为,今天的商业道德很低(关于主被动同
义,还可以参看worry与be worried)。

He was waiting for someone to come to his aid. 这里的his aid不是“他对别人的援助”而是“别人对他的援

不要从字形望文生义,以为这是“空中航线”。实际意义是作 为企业的“航空公司”。airliner则是载客的班机。

两个名词发音完全相同(而且s都不发音),但拼写和意义都 完全不同。aisle是会场(包括教堂大厅、剧院观众
席等)当中的通道以及超级市场货架与货架之间 供顾客漫步选购的通道。此外,飞机或大轿车靠着中间通道的那
个座位,叫做the aisle seat或the seat on the aisle。Walk down the aisle 常常指 新娘在婚礼上沿着教堂大厅
的中间过道走向祭坛。isle则是“岛屿”,常用于文学语言,通常比is land小,但也用于一些大岛屿的专有名词。

the British Isles英伦三岛,不列颠群岛。

(1) 只能相似的双方或多方共同出现(而且在句中联成统一成分,大多作主语)时才可以用。

The two boys are alike in looks, but not in personality. 两个男孩相貌相似,但是性格却不同。

They're twins, but they don't look alike. 他们俩是 双胞胎,但是并不相像。只有一方出现,或者双方在句中分处不同地位,
就不能用alike,例如不能 说*He is alike his brother. 而只能说He's like his brother. 或He and his brother are alike。因此,
以ali ke作表语的句子,主语必须是复数的,被alike修饰的名词,也必须是复数的。

(2) 能用作表语放在系词(copula)后面,或是用作后置定语放在名词后面, 不能用作前置定语而放在名词前面,
例如:不能说*He's got two very alike daughters而只能改为He's got two very similar-looking daughters.
他有两个长得十分相像的女儿。又例如:coins alike in size and weight大小和重量相仿的硬币。
(3) 前面不能直接加副词very,而应该加very much。

His two daughters are very much alike (不能用*very alike). 他的两个女儿长得十分相像。

(4) 可以当作副词使用。

The children are all treated alike. 孩子们全都得到同样的照应。

They did everything alike. 他们做什么事情都是一个样。还可以放在并列的两组名词成分之后,表示两者做同样的事或处于同

The strike is damaging to managers and workers alike. 罢工对管理人员和工人都有损害。

(1) 作为形容词,all必须放在一切定语、限定词甚至冠词之前。

all the world全世界

all my best friends我所有最好的朋友

all the president's men总统的整个班子

They believed this magic panacea would solve all a new teacher's woes. 他们相信这个包医百病的灵药会解决一个新教师

(2) 可以作为不定代词,表示“一切(事物)”。但是通常只能当后面接着有一个以t hat引入的定语从句(但
that可以省略)对其范围加以限定时才可以这样用(否则就成了“万事万 物”)。

All (that) I have is yours. 我的一切都是你的。但不能说*All is yours. 而要说Everything is yours. (这里的everything其实
也被当时当地语境限定了范围)。不能说*She lost all. 而要说She lost everything.
特别要注意的是:由于th at常常省略,all后面就会紧接着一个名词或代词,此时很容易误将all看成这个名词或
代词的修 饰语,把两者连成一体。

All my friends want is an explanation. 不能理解为“我的一切朋友…”,这样分析句子,到了is就分析不下去了。又例如在
One beacon of sanity is all society needs. 中,all与socie ty没有修饰与被修饰的关系,全句意义是“一座清醒的灯塔,就
是社会所需的一切”或是“社会唯一需 要的就是一座清醒的灯塔”(作笼统的“社会”解时,society不带冠词)。

All microevolution needs to work is a loss of genetic information. 只消遗传信息有丢失,微观进化就能起作用(all不修

All these men would be able to see is a large glass mirror. 这些人所能看见的只是一面巨大的玻璃镜子(all不修饰these

(3) 与此相仿,all (the) people或all (the) things如果后面不附上补充的限定修饰成分,就很少使用,而代之以
everybody (everyone) 或everything。例如:很少说*All the people are ready. 要说Everybody is ready. 人
人都准备好了。但是可以说All the people in the room are ready. 房间里人人都准备好了。同样,很少说*I
got all the things. 要说I got everything. 我样样都得到了。但是可以说:I got all the things you asked for.
你要的东西,我全都拿到了。但是如果所指的人或物比people和 things更为有类别,则可以用all放在其前面,

All children like to play. 凡是儿童都喜欢玩。

(4) all往往隐含“这就是全部,再多就没有了”的负面限制意义。上面2. 的几个例句都有这种情况。

Is that all he said? 他就说了这些,没说别的吗?

That's all I've got. 我就只有这一点,再也没有了。售货员问你Anything else? 回答是That's all. 意思是“不买别的了”(不
说Nothing else)。

The story would sell a lot of magazines and TV commercials, but that's all. 这个故事,可以拿到许多杂志和电视广告上畅

All that's left are massive, empty niches in the sandstone cliffside. (The Associated Press, June 8, 2008) 剩下来的,只
有砂石峭壁上巨大而空空如也的神龛。由于这个原因,正面 强调“全部无缺”时,用all往往不自然。例如:说I understand
all he said. 就不如说I understand everything he said. 更自然。但是, 如果all后面还有别的成分,而且all代表更为抽象的
事物,则用all似乎比用everythi ng好些,例如美国总统布什2008年6月2日表彰一名在伊拉克阵亡的19岁士兵Ross
McGinnis时说:(He) gave all for his country. 这里用all就似乎比用everything好些。

(5) All that glitters is not gold. 发光的不全是金子。这是一句有名的谚语(来自莎士比亚名剧《威尼斯商人》)。
这里all... n ot...不是全部否定,而是局部否定。就是说,all与否定在一起,是all被否定而变成了“只有一部分 ”,

All the guests haven't arrived yet, two are missing. 客人还没有全部到齐,还差两位。

... all the people who supported Ronald Reagan in California were not opposed to him on his tax bill. (Lyn Nofziger)

... 在加州支持罗纳德·里根的人们,并不全都 在这个税法问题上反对他。美国有一家制造食油的企业,为了标榜自己的产品富含
维生素E,就在油瓶招 贴上模仿《独立宣言》中All men are created equal. 人人被创造出来都是平等的。把这句话变成否定
句,再改头换面便成为:All oils are not created “E”-qual. 并非一切油类制造出来都是含同等的E的。这里的all... not...也
但是这种all在前而not在后的局部否定方式有古旧气息, 已经很少使用,更多使用的是not在前而all在后的方

Although not addressing all these details, the senior intelligence official confirmed that McCarthy was preparing to
retire and said she would retain her government pension despite the agency's decision. (The Washington Post, April
25, 2006) 那位资深情报官员虽然没有一一谈及所有这些细节,但是证实了,麦卡西正在准备 退休,而且尽管局方作出了这样的

But even proponents say minimally invasive (knee) replacement isn't an appropriate technique for all surgeons or
for all patients. (US News & World Report, Dec. 22, 2003, p. 51) 但是,连主张者也说,介入 性最小的(膝关节)置换法,
不过,有时候not... all...也可以表示全部否定。

... jurors in his (Michael Jackson's) child molestation case found the pop star not guilty on all accounts. …审理这位热

In all those things, you can not actually disprove. 在那一切问题上,都是实际无法证伪的。同样,前面的all同后面的 not
如果离得很远,not对于all已经鞭长莫及,否定不了,all管了主语,整个句子也可以是 全部否定。

All inquiries not relevant to the following procedure will not receive a response. 查询凡不符合下述程序者,一律恕不答
有些学者认为,not与a ll无论孰先孰后,都是否定了整句,也就是全部否定(此时all有“虽然”的让步意义)。

Not all the water in the rough rude sea can wash the balm from an anointed king. (Shakespeare, The Tragedy of
King Richard the Second, Act III, Scene 2) 哪怕是汹涌大海所有的海水,都冲洗不掉一个奉天承运的国王身上的油膏(不是< br>一部分海水可以,另一部分不可以)。

Not all that Mrs. Bennet, however, with the assistance of her five daughter, could ask on the subject was sufficient to
draw from her husband any satisfactory description of Mr. Bingley. (Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Chapter I) 尽管
班纳特太 太有了五个女儿帮腔,向她丈夫盘问彬格莱先生这样那样,可是丈夫的回答总不能令她满意(不是一部分盘问达到 了
目的,另一部分没有达到)。从例句看来,似乎是:如果all所修饰的是个不可数的整体,由于该事 物不可分,所以否定时只能
全部否定。总之,由于这个问题牵涉到复杂的逻辑,这个争论恐怕一时不能了 结。

(6) all作为形容词表示“整个(某空间或时间)”时往往跑到介词之前,变成了类似副词。

all over the world在全世界

all along the line全线

all around Europe在欧洲各地

stay asleep all through the night整夜安眠。

(7) all可以同人称代词主语连用。在古英语中,它可以放在这个主语之前,成为句子开头第一个单词。

All we like sheep have gone astray. 我们大家全都像羊一样迷了路。但是现代英语更多将all放在人称代词之后:We all like
sheep have gone astray. 而且,如果代词是it,all就不能放在前面:It all came to nothing. 一切全都一场空。通常all与代

Where's the salad? Have you eaten it all?沙拉怎么不见啦?是你把它吃光了吗?

She helped us all. 她帮助了我们大家。

Now I've seen it all. 现在我开了眼界了。是主语时,通常放在主语和谓语动词之间。

They all live in the same city. 他们全都住在同一座城市。但是,如果谓语动词是to be或to have,则all要放在谓语动词和

They are all married. 他们全都已婚。

They are all very friendly. 他们大家态度都很友善。

These are all problems that he's concerned with. 这些全都是他所关心的问题。(注意:all管these,不管problems。)

Your friends have all a lot of money. 你的朋友们全都很有钱。如果谓语动词是复合形式的,all就插在当中,通常是复合动

The children have all finished their homework. 孩子们全都把作业做完了。

The money is all gone. 钱全花光了。

They would all have perished. 他们本来全体都会遇难。

(8) all修饰宾语时,如果宾语是代词,all可以放在代词后面,也可以放在代词前面,当中加 上of。但是如果宾语
是名词,则只能用all of形式(如果名词是定指的,of可以省略)。

They played all of

all the Beethoven concertos. 他们演奏了贝多芬的全部协奏曲。这句可以改为:They played them all. 但是不能改为:
*They played the Beethoven concertos all.

(9) all后面有数词时,虽然是指这个数目的全部,但通常不加the。

All five(*all the five) were lost. 五个都损失了。

I bought all three (*all the three) of them.我把三个全都买下来了。

■all that much

He didn't like barracks life all that much. 他并不那么喜欢军营生活。

O'Neil was a bright young kid and didn't need all that much supervision. (Tom Clancy, Clear and Present Danger, p.
18) 奥尼尔是个聪明伶俐的小伙子,不那么需要别人来监督他。

■all the more
中国人不习惯使用这个词组,因为译成中文是“更加”,似乎同英文的more或even more差不多。但其实all
the more表示的“更加”,是前后文说出了原因或隐含不明言原因的,而简单的more或even more则不涉及

It's all the more remarkable if you consider... 如果你考虑到…那么这一点就显得更加值得注意。

There's much to admire in this film, making its shortcomings all the more lamentable. 这部片子有许多值得钦佩之处,

I felt all the better for having told him. 我因为告诉了他,心里就舒畅了些。

If we lose our will at home, it makes the task for our soldiers all the more difficult. 如果我们在国内失去斗志,我们士兵

For this very reason, their recklessness is all the harder to forgive. 正是由于这个原因,他们的鲁莽就更难原谅。

这是一个新闻常用的单词。新闻报道发生了某 件事时,如果不是记者目睹或是经过证实的,为了慎重起见,往往
使用这个单词,表示“据称”如何如何 。这个单词的搭配用法如下:
(1) 整件事情用alleged来概括。

It is alleged that they mistreated the prisoners.据称他们虐待囚犯。否定时单独否定从句即可:It is alleged that they did
not mistreat the prisoners.

(2) alleged这个单词落在作为主语的某个人身上,但是alleged的内容实际上落在“主语 + to inf.”这件事情上。
例如:They are alleged to have mistreated the prisoners. 但是这用法不适合否定句,例如不惯说:*They are
not alleged to have mistreated the prisoners. 也不惯说:*They are alleged not to have mistreated the
prisoners. 此时就最好用上面1. 或下面3. 的句型,改为否定句。
(3) 将alleged加上后缀- ly成为副词allegedly,对句子加以限定,例如:They allegedly mistreated the
prisoners. 否定时可以说:They allegedly did not mistreat the prisoners.

(4) 形容词alleged可以作为前置定语,所修饰的名词可以是事情,也可以是人。

his alleged innocence他的自称清白

the alleged identity theft据称的冒名顶替行为

the alleged murderer据称的谋杀犯

the alleged victim据称的受害人。
与alleged类似的,还有reported, supposed等词,搭配用法差不多相同,但意义有些细微差别。alleged往往
是“有人指称 ”的,reported则是“有人报道”的,supposed则可能是说话或写报道者自己猜测的。

是生长在美洲和中国的一种鳄鱼,嘴比crocodil e的略短。美国人在非正式的口语中道别时往往说See you later,
alligator. 在这一句中,alligator完全失去“鳄鱼”的意义,而仅仅是用于与l ater押韵。这句话只是“回头见。”
说了这句话,对方往往也用同样押韵的after a while, crocodile回应,意思也是“回头见”。参见crocodile条。

(1) 表示“允许”时,直接宾语可以是人或行为(用名词或动名词表示) ,可以表示瞬时的行动,或是延续的状态。
用被动语态时也如此。但无论主动被动,如果被allow者 是人或是内容不明确的事物,则必须补上to inf.,否则
意义不完全(注意,let后面的inf. 不要to,allow则无论主动被动,后面的inf. 必须有to)。

Smoking is not allowed here. 此处禁止吸烟。

Allow me to introduce to you my friend Mr. Jones. 请允许我向您介绍我的朋友琼斯先生。

You are not allowed to use a flash in this museum. 本博物馆内不准使用闪光灯。

The further this process is allowed to go, the more difficult it will be to reverse. 这个局面越是任其发展下去,今后要扭
转就越是困难。但如 果不是表示“允许”而是“接纳”,则指人的直接宾语可以后面没有to inf.。

The club doesn't allow women members. 俱乐部不接纳女性会员。

(2) 表示“允许”,let是最普通的用词;permit 的主语是有此权力者,较为正式;allow则介乎两者之间,用于
通常有礼貌的交际场合。一般来说, allow是主观有意的行为,但有时也可以表示无意的疏忽(加to inf.)。

allow a cake to burn把蛋糕烤糊了

Some evidence had been allowed to spoil. 有些证据已经因保管不善而损坏。在这种意义上,只能用allow,不能用permit。

(3) allow也可以有双宾语(间接宾语无to,先于直接宾语),表示“允许某人享有某事物”。

She allowed her son only two hours of television on a week. 她每周只让儿子看两小时的电视。

He allows himself no sweets. 他戒食糖果。在这个意义上,可以有被动语态,而且通常以间接宾语变为主语,原来的直接宾

The royal prisoner, allowed unusual privileges, seemed to enjoy his captivity. 这位钦犯享受着不寻常的特权,似乎在囚

(4) 同order 相似,allow表示“允许(不明言的人)对某物施加某行动”时,可以以某物为直接宾语,将该行动
用被动语态表示,以to be pp形式放在直接宾语后面(但order是瞬时动词,allow则可以是瞬时体或延续体)。

The real aim is to persuade the government to allow the chief executive and the legislature to be elected by
universal suffrage after 2007. (The Economist, July 13, 2003) 他们的真正目标,是要说服政府允许首席行政官和立法机构

... federalism allows many functions to be farmed out by the central government to the states or provinces. …联邦制
允许把许多职能由中央政府包干给各个州或省份。与allow 同义的permit也可以采取这样的搭配。

King Henry VIII of England permitted these properties to be privately owned by Protestants, or followers of the new
English Church. 英格兰国王亨利八世允许了新教徒亦即新的英国教会追随者占有这些地产。

(5) allow X for Y(X是金额、物资或时间,Y是某一可能的情况或项目,用名词或动名词表示)是“ 为Y这种情

allow fifteen minutes for fueling预留十五分钟作为加油的时间

allow a gallon for leakage预留一加仑作漏出量

allow 5 percent for cash payment预定其中百分之五可以用现金支付。也可以只有for Y而没有X,也是“预先估计到”、

allow for the unexpected把预计不到的情况算在内

buy a large one to allow for shrinkage. 买件大的,以防它日后缩水。

Allowing for traffic delays, we should leave at 7:30 at the latest. 把交通耽搁的时间也算在内,我们最晚也得七点半出发。

(6) allow除了“允许”之外,还可以表示“承认”、“同意”,后面可以接上that从句或是“名词成分 + to inf.”
(但是这个inf. 的动词应该是不自主的延续状态,如果是瞬时的自主行动,allow就仍然是“允许”的意思)。

One has to allow that she has talent. 应该承认她是有才华的。

Mrs. Hurst and her sister allowed it to be so. (Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Chapter IV) 赫斯脱太太姐妹同意这种看

Mr. Darcy had at first scarcely allowed her to be pretty... (ibid., Chapter VI) 说到达西先生,他开头并不认为她怎么漂亮…

(7) allow of与admit of同义,可以互用,都是延续体的状态动词(一类动词),表示“可以容许对自己给予
(某种评价,某 种待遇)”,可以用一般现在时,主语通常是物不是人。

His remarks allow

admit of no other interpretation. 他的那些话不可能有别的解释。

(1) almost与nearly常常可以互用。

I've almost

nearly finished. 我差不多做完了。

There were almost

nearly a thousand people there. 那里有将近一千人。

(2) 但是有时候almost比nearly更加强一些。

It's nearly ten o'clock. 快十点钟了(可能是九点三刻)。

It's almost ten o'clock. 马上就十点钟了(可能只差两三分钟)。

(3) nearly前面可以再加上加强语气的very或pretty,但almost前面则不可。

I've very

pretty nearly (*almost) finished. 我差一点点就快做完了。

(4) almo st可以用于表示质量上的“近似”,而nearly则偏重数量上的接近。因此,表示“像”什么时,可以用< br>almost,但不可以用nearly。

Jake is almost(*nearly) like a father to me. 贾克几乎像父亲一样对待我。

Our dog understands everything. He's almost human. 我们的狗什么都懂。它几乎是通人性的。

My aunt's got a strange accent. She almost sounds foreign. 我的姨妈口音很古怪。听起来像外国人。

I almost wish I'd stayed at home. 我几乎恨不得留在家里。

(5) nearly同否定副词或否定代词不能一起使用。almost则可以同not除外的否定词一起使用。

She's almost never

hardly ever (*nearly never) at home. 她几乎从不在家。

Almost nobody

Hardly anybody was there. 几乎没有人在那里。

(6) 在everybody, everything, anybody, anything之前,多用almost,少用nearly。

She likes almost everybody. 几乎所有的人她都喜欢。

Almost anybody can do this job. 这个工作几乎谁都能做。

He's been almost everywhere. 他几乎什么地方都去过。

He eats almost anything. 他几乎什么都吃。

(7) almost后面如果遇到not,通常就两者合起来改为hardly。

Hardly(*Almost not) a day goes by without her paying us a visit. 她几乎没有一天不来看望我们一次。

I need hardly (*I almost don't need) remind you that... 我几乎不用提醒你…但是偶尔也有人用almost not的。

The menu is almost not readable in daylight. 屏幕上的菜单在白天几乎看不出来。

(1) 首先, alone同only都有共同的意义,就是肯定某一事物的某一情况,而同时否定或贬低其他同类事物的同样情况。但是着重点有所不同,alone着重肯定某一事物本身的某一情况,是“内向”的;而only则 着重否定
(已经不光是贬低)其他类似事物的同样情况,是“外向”的。有时即使两者可以互用,侧重的 语气也略有不同。
试比较:This alone would be a miracle. 单单这一件事就已经是个奇迹了(何况还有别的也可能是奇迹呢)。
Only this would be a miracle. 只有这件事可以是个奇迹(再也没有别的可能是奇迹了)。如果句子是否定句,< br>alone本来的对内的正面肯定意义就发生变化,出现一定程度的对外肯定意义。

Man shall not live by bread alone. (Matthew 4: 4)人活着,不是单靠食物。(《圣经·马太福音》4:4)这一句是对bread
本身内在的功能加以 说明,只是表示它不足,对它本身并不否定,同时暗示另外还需要别的东西。

But his charm alone cannot explain the honeymoon atmosphere of these encounters.但是单单他的魅力, 还不是这几
次会谈在蜜月气氛中进行的唯一原因(还有别的原因)。如果是only用于否定,则仅限于 对该事物本身加以否定,而同时保持

Only John and Jennifer didn't come. 除了约翰和詹妮弗,全都来了。

(2) 由于alone没有排斥其他事物的作用,所以在下面的一些例子中应该用alone而不用only。

Losses due to IP theft in Brazil amounted to $$900 million in 2003 alone. 单单在2003年一年之间,盗窃知识产权在巴西

US casualties alone exceeded 6,000. 单单美军的伤亡就超过六千人(还有别的盟国的伤亡)。

100 civilians had perished in his province alone. 单单在他的那一个省份,就有一百名平民丧生。

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said 1,091 people had been killed in April in Baghdad alone. 伊拉克总统塔拉班尼称, 四

Since 2000 alone, the nation has added some 20 million people. (US News & World Report, Oct. 2, 2006, p. 48) 单单

(3) 一个与alone和only意义相近的形容词(但不能作为副词),是mere。但是mer e着重“本身之区区有
限”,同alone的“聚焦本身(不承认本身区区有限),而又不排斥其他”和 only的“肯定本身而又排斥其他”

A mere child can do that. 甚至区区一个小孩子也能够做。

A child alone can do that. 单单一个小孩子(不必多人,也不必成年人)也能够做(如果多人或是成年人就当然更加能够做)。

Only a child can do that唯有一个小孩子才能够做(成年人反而不能够)。 mere还有“尽管本身区区不怎么样,但却能够起

His mere presence made them feel afraid. 他人在那里,就足以令他们心惊胆跳。下面一个例句中的两个mere,都包含了
这个意思:But to go further back, the mere fact that the type of the fern has remained so constant through the time
that has elapsed since the Palaeozoic coal measures that a mere child can recognize it, is astonishing. (Journal of the
Transactions of the Victoria Institute, or Philosophical Society of Great Britain, Vol. XVIII, London, 1885, p. 286 )但是再
进一步回顾,这一类型的蕨类,尽管自古生代煤层以来过了这么久,但竟然一直保存未变,连一 个孩子都认得出来,单单这一
mere还可以用于a mere + 数词 + 复数名词,也有“四两拨千斤”的含义,表示“区区为数这样少的”(此时a

It took him a mere 20 minutes to win. 她只花二十分钟就赢了。

A mere 135 words long, George Washington's second inaugural address (March 4, 1793) was the shortest ever given
by a US president. 华盛顿1793年3月4日的第二次就职演说,才短短的135个字,是任何 一位美国总统所发表的最短的就
职演说(有时候a mere也只是强调其少或小,没有“四两拨千斤”的暗中含义)。

A mere 645 spectators watched the game. 只有645名观众观看了比赛。

(4) 另一个与alone和only意义相近的形容 词(也不能作为副词),是sole,它的词义大体上同形容词only相
近,都有对其他同类事物的排 他性。

This is his sole

only invention. 这是他唯一的发明。但是深层的含义略有不同,用only可能有“ 看不起”的含意(“他一辈子就只发明了这
么一件东西”);用sole则可能有着重本事物自己的积极 面的含意(“这是他毕生心血的发明”)。在这一点上,sole与
mere也是取向相反的(尽管me re对本事物是“先贬后褒”,没有“后褒”就不能用,例如不能说:*This is his mere
invention. 但是,在“for sole + 无冠词名词”(“作为唯一仅有的X”)这 个惯用词组中,sole的意义相当于only(但不能以
only代之),也是“排外”而并不着重本 身积极面的。

For sole answer, he smiled. 他不回答,只是笑了笑。

For sole furniture, he had a bed and a desk. 他仅有的家具只有一张床和一张桌子。

■alone (adj)
(1) alone不能用very, too等副词来修饰,但可以用very much或all(作副词用)来修饰。

The house stands on the hillside all alone. 房子孤零零地立在山坡上。也可以有比较级,不同事物彼此比较或同一事物不同

Sometimes men are more alone than women. 男人有时候比女人更孤单。

She is more alone than ever. 她比任何时候都更加孤单。

(2) leave somebody

something alone通常不是 留下某人(或某物)孤零零一个,孤立某人,而是“不打扰”他或“不惊动”他,或对某物不采取

About half the American people turned their clocks ahead for day-light-saving time, while the other half left their
clocks alone. 大约有一半美国人按照节省白天时间把时钟往前拨,而另一半人则不动时钟。
但是有时候leave somebody

something alone也有字面上的“单独留下某人或某物”的意思。

Don't leave the baby alone. 别把婴孩单独留下。
要注意有时候leave和al one当中会隔着很长的其他成分(即leave的直接宾语),但leave和alone之间的呼
应 关系不能因此而中断。

They left the hospital, where we had been treating servicemen, alone for several weeks and then they abruptly shut
us down at 24 hours notice. (BBC News, March 29, 2008) 这所医院原本是我们治疗军人的,他们(指二战中的日本占领军)
有几个星期没有打扰我们 ,但是忽然之间,通知我们二十四小时内关闭。

(1) 同still和yet一样,already所修饰的,应该是一个延续状态(其中already修饰一业已开 始的肯定的延续状
态,yet修饰一个尚未开始的否定的或有疑问的延续状态,still则肯定与否定 均可)。

She's already here. 她已经在这里了。

When I was fourteen, I already knew that I wanted to be a doctor. 我十四岁的时候就已经知道自己想当个医生。 但是,英
语的现在完成时和过去完成时用于瞬时动作的动词时,有一个特殊功能,就是表示这个动作创造 出了一个新的状态,这个状态
业已开始,而且继续存在。也就是说,already(以及still和 yet)可以同完成时的瞬间动词连用,意思是某个新的状态业已存
在。例如:He has already arrived. = He is already here. 再如:The boy had already fallen asleep. = They boy was
already asleep. 又例如:He has already put on the new coat. = He is already wearing the new coat.

(2) 一般都知道,already用于肯定(“已经”),yet用于否定(“尚未”)。

He has already left. 他已经离开了。

He hasn't left yet. 他还没有离开。但是在英语中,疑问意念同否定意念的关系 比在汉语密切(参见some与any),因此,在
不带倾向性的一般疑问句中也同在否定句中一样,用 yet而不用already(这是中国人不习惯的)。

Has he left yet? 他已经走了吗?而不说Has he left already? 回答时,如果是肯定,就要把原先问句中的yet改为already
(Yes, he already has. 注意:already要提前到主语后、谓语前,谓语只留下助动词并重读,略去实 义动词)。如果是否定回答,
则可以说He hasn't yet.

(3) 但是,如果提问的人已经有了认为回答会是肯定的倾向性,则仍然可以用already而不用yet。

Haven't you read this book already? 你不会没看过这本书吧?或者提问时已经认为答案将是肯定的而只是为了表示惊讶而提
问,也用alre ady而不用yet。

Is it May already? 已经是五月了吗?

Haven't you read this book already? 你不是已经看过这本书了吗?

Have you already finished your task? 你真的完成了任务?

(4) 有一些词组,尽管有否定词,其实意义不是否定的,也不用yet而用already。

They're likely to sell WMD to terrorists, if they haven't already. 他们很可能把大规模毁灭性武器卖给恐怖分子,甚至也许
已经这样做了(if... not...其实是“甚至”的意思)。

(5) 还有一点,用yet而不用already只是在一般疑问句(即yes

no问句)中如此。如果是特殊疑问句(即句首有疑问词的问句),由于谓语动词所指的事情已经是事实 ,疑问并不在此,而是
在句首的疑问词上,所以就不能用yet而只能用already。例如:Has she left yet? 是对的,因为疑问在“她是否已经动身”
上面;但是不能说*Why has she left yet? 而要说Why has she left already? 因为“她动了身”一事已经不成问题,问的只是

■already与all ready
already是个副词,all ready是形容词。意义完全不同,从一个例句可以看出:Are they already all ready? 他

(1) 这个副词有两层略微不同的含义:一是“相同”。

If you will stay, I will also. 您愿意留下我也就留下。二是“而且”。

The game was slow, and it was also boring. 这场比赛进行得慢吞吞的,而且还很沉闷。

She plays the piano and also sings. 她会弹钢琴,又会唱。

He is rich. Yet he is also stingy. 他很有钱。但他也很吝啬。

The book was long, also dull. 那本书又冗长又枯燥。

(2) also通常放在它所修饰的单 词或词组之前,包括实义动词(但不包括主语,因为also修饰谓语也等于修饰了
主语),但是遇到系 动词to be的变位形式和助动词时就不能放在它前面,而只能放在后面(部分原因是:to be
的 变位形式以及助动词通常没有实义或是实义很弱,也就没有很大必要去直接修饰它,更需要直接修饰的成分还在后头)。They also will serve their country是“他们(同别人一样)将为国家服务”,而They will also
serve their country则是“他们(不但干别的,而且还)为国家服务”。但是al so究竟管句子的哪一个成分,往
往不能光是从它的位置来判断,还要根据上下文来决定。下面三个例子 ,also位置都一样,但是管不同的句子成

I read in the paper that their band was coming to town. I also heard that the band would play here. 我在报上看到,他

Mary heard that their band is coming to town. I also heard that the band would play here. 玛丽听说他们那个乐队要到

The band has been playing on the West Coast for weeks. I also heard that the band would play here. 那个乐队在西海
岸表演了好几个星期了。我还听说乐队要在这里表演(also管here )。如果前后文不清楚,最好将also放到尽量靠近所管成

I heard the band would also play here. (also管here或play,但管play的可能性不大。)

(3) 有的学者认 为,also不可以放在句首,但在倒装句中表示“同样”,可以放在句首,远距离修饰倒置谓语之后
的 主语。

Also on the agenda are... 议程还包括有…

Also old are the words from Old English and Middle English. (W. F. Bolton, A Short History of Literary English) 同样,那些来自古英语和中期英语的单词,也已经老旧了。also作“而且”、“更有甚者”解时,也可以放在句 首,后面加上一个逗

Also, during the summer, so-called interim disciplinary rules were promulgated. (The New York Times, Jan. 9, 1969)

The warranty covers all power-train components. Also, participating dealers back their work with a free lifetime
service guarantee. 保修范围包括所有动力系统部件。而且, 一些参加营销的零售商还提供永久性的免费维修保证,为自己的

(4) 一般认为also只能用于肯定,不能用于否定,否定时要像to o那样改用either。但是其实also也往往用于否

Our concern about such practices is also not new. 我们对这些做法的关切同样也不是什么新的事情了。

She also knew absolutely nothing about the Theory of Relativity. 她对相对论也是一无所知。但是,第一,如果用also,
要放在谓语动词前 面(too则放在句末);第二,用also同用too意义不同。also支配后面的not,对前后两者都加 以否定;

You should not smoke, and you also should not drink. 你既不能吸烟,也不能喝酒(also管后面的not)。

You may drink, but you may not smoke too. 你可以喝酒,但不可以又加上吸烟(not管后面的too)。

(1) 这个名词最原始的意义,是“只能两者选一的局面”(the alternative of A or B)。

The government is faced with the alternative of high taxes or poor highways. 政府面临抉择,要么征收高额税收,要么

The alternative is liberty or death. 不自由,毋宁死。

The alternative was simply unthinkable. 根本就不能想象有选择的余地。

(2) 经过转义,alternative又可以表示多个抉择方案中的一个。

There are several alternatives for your choice. 有好几个办法可以供你选择。

They chose the alternative of attacking. 他们选择了进攻的方案。

There is no alternative but to keep them indoors. 没有别的办法,只好让他们留在室内。

(3) 后面加介词to X,表示“代替X做法的另一做法”,对X有否定意义。

Those who propound alternatives to destroying human embryos have to struggle to get a hearing. 那些主张采取别的

The most important point of our study is to let patients know they truly do have an alternative to surgery or
radiation therapy, and that alternative is watchful waiting. 我们的研究,其中 最重要的一点,就是让病人知道,他们的确
有办法不必动手术或是放疗,这个办法就是注视等待。也可以 指“另一个人选”。

He is the only alternative voters will have to the Democratic candidate on November 7. 他是选民们在11月7日唯一能

(4) alter native前面加定冠词the(前文无所指),带有纯粹的否定意义,表示“(如果)不这样做而采取别的做
法”,尤其是出现在惯用句里:It sure beats the alternative.这无论如何也比不这样做好。

There is additional work involved when working from home, but for me, it sure beats the alternative. 把工作拿到家里

I don't think any of us want to take additional meds, but in many cases it sure beats the alternative.我认为我们当中谁
都不愿意增加新药,但是这往往比不增加好些。这 个alternative的内容是什么,后面可以用-ing过去分词来说明。

Hopefully, you will never find yourself in a situation where you need to live on a deserted island, but it sure beats
the alternative dying on a deserted island. 但愿你永远不会落到需要生活在荒岛上的处境,但 这也比死在荒岛上强些。句首
的主语it常常可以省略:Sure beats the alternative. 有时候alternative仍然保持作为形容词,后面再加名词。

This sure beats the alternative children's entertainment featuring suicidal terrorists blowing up infidels. 这怎么样也胜

(5) alternative也可以作为形容词,表示“可供选择的”或“替代(现有的、传统的)”。

We've made several alternative translations of the text. 我们把这篇文字译成了几种不同的译文以供选择。又如:
alternative energy代替能源,指的是例如风能、太阳能之类代替石油和煤炭的能源;alternative lifestyle指不同于传统的生
活方式;alternative medicine代替医学,指例如中医、针灸、食疗之类。

(6) 作为形容词,还可以进一步表示“与此不同的”。

Alternative counts on these and other subjects were rejected as partisan or uninformed. (The Washington Post,
March 20, 2007) 布什政府发表过若干有关伊拉克战争的数字。在这些和其他方面的计 算数字,如果与此不同,就被当作有党

(1) although与though一般地说不但在意义上没有区别,而且在用法上在大多数场合可以互用。


Though she smiled, she was angry. 她虽然在微笑,但是心里很生气。有一种意见,认为alth ough引入的从句应该放在主句
之前,而though引入的从句则比较自由,可以先于或后于主句, 但从实际语言来看,although引入的从句,也往往可以后于

She kept her coat on, although

though it was warm in the room. 尽管屋里热,她仍然穿着外套不脱。

He's very nervous, although

though you'd never think so. 他这个人很神经质,尽管看起来一点也不像。如果不是主从句结构,而是两个 意义对立的短语
要并列起来,则用though可以一口气连贯并列,例如:wiser though poorer,用although则前面要有停顿(书面加逗号);
wiser, although poorer虽然较穷但较聪明。如果从句采取别的结构,以另一个单词开始,当中也只能用though而不能 用

Fond though (*although) I am of sports, I'd rather not sit through another basketball game. 我尽管喜欢体育,但我不

Millionaire though he was, he never let an opportunity slip. 他尽管是个百万富翁,但有任何机会他都不会放过(注意:在
这 个结构中millionaire没有不定冠词a,如果改一般的though从句,这个a就不能省略:Tho ugh he was a
millionaire, ... )。

(2) 中国人往往把“虽然…但是…”照搬到英文,成为although

though... but...但这是错误的。用了although


though,两者是“势不两立”的。这一点许多人也懂得。但是原因何在呢?原因就是:but不是 副词,而是并列连词。副词和
连词的区别就是:副词不是句子的根本成分,它只是“锦上添花”,加进了 句子里并不改变句子的性质。连词却不加进句子则
已,一加进去就成了句子结构不可分割的一部分,而且 句子因为加进了but这个并列连词就从独立句变成为并列句的第二分句。
连词but的特点,可以从一 个现象看出来:but后面不能有停顿,在书面上表现为不能加逗号。以but开始的句子,不可能是
独 立的主句,只能是两个并列句当中的第二分句(有时有些句子以but开始,其实也是并列分句省略了前一分句) 。另一方面,

though开始的句 子,既不可能是独立主句,也不可能是并列句中的第一句,而只能是一个让步从句。这一来,在although

though... but...的结构中,是一个让步从句(用主从连词引 入)搭配一个并列句第二分句(用并列连词引入),没有主句,因
而根本不成句子。如果去掉altho ugh

说 到这里,应该指出,语义上同but差不多的however或nevertheless等却不是连词而是副词 ,因此,它可以
放在句首或句中,后面可以有停顿,书面上可以前后加逗号,而且可以与althoug h


Although this month seemed to be a very quiet month, there were, however, a number of activities that had far
reaching consequences. 虽然这个月看来似乎很平静,但是有好些活动是有深远后果的。

In the privacy of his sparsely furnished house in Kabul, a veteran Afghan Interior Ministry official says the situation
may already be hopeless. Although he has no authorization to speak with the press, and he could be in personal
danger if his identity became known, he's nevertheless too worried to keep silent. (Newsweek, Jan. 9, 2006, p. 32)一
位资深的阿富汗内政部官员在他那陈设简陋的喀布尔家里私下说,局势可能已经毫无希望 。尽管他没有授权同报界说话,而且
他的身份万一被发现他会有人身危险,但是他太担心,以至于无法保 持沉默。又参见but条。

■altogether与all together

The noise had stopped altogether. 杂音全停下来了。

He abandoned his work altogether. 他索性放下了工作。

That would be another thing altogether. 那根本就是另外一回事。

She became an altogether different person from what she had been. 她成了同从前根本不同的一个人。all together就

The legislators were all together in the hall. 议员们全都到大厅来了。但其实这里的all是可有可无的。

(1) 可以同谓语动词的一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、现在完成时、过去完成 时等一起使用。
其中最值得注意的是一般现在时与现在完成时。Always同这两种时态一起使用时, 往往客观意义相同。但是与一
般现在时一起使用时,注重概括性的说明,而且对今后仍然会继续如此视为 当然。与现在完成时一起使用时,则
重点在于对迄今为止情况如何的客观陈述,对将来是否继续如此不作 交代。用一般现在时的例子有:She always
arrives half an hour early. 她总是早半小时到达。

I just wanted to show students that there are always various viewpoints regarding every social phenomenon. 我只是< br>想向学生们说明,对于每一个社会现象,总是会有各种各样的看法。用现在完成时的例子有:I've never walked or stood. I've
always used a wheelchair. (Ben Mattlin, Newsweek, July 24, 2006, p. 19) 我从来没有行走过或是站起来过。我一直都是用

I have always believed that Japan is a single- race country. 我一直认为日本是个单一种族的国家。

(2) always与现在进行时一起使用,表示一种习惯或反复行为,而且这种行为使人感到烦恼。

He's always bossing people around. 他老是把人指点来指点去。

You're always looking for faults. 你老是挑毛病(此时动词不一定非延续性的不可,瞬时动词也可以,表示反复多次发生)。

He is always losing his keys. 他老是丢失钥匙。

(3) always与一般过去时一起使用(动作动词用did inf.),可以表示固有的特性(不限于过去,可以包括现在)。

He always did have a way with the ladies. 他对待女士们很有一套。

You always were an idealist. 你是一贯的理想主义者。

(4) always在句中的位置是:如果谓语动词是简单的只有一个单词,always通常放在主语和谓语之间。

I always walk to school. 我总是步行上学。

She always gets up early. 她一向起得早。

He always wanted to come. 他总是想来。但是如果谓语是系动词to be,由于这个系动词通常同主语密不可分,所以always

He is always late. 他总是迟到。

He's always kind to me. 他总是对我很好。唯有十分强调时,always才可以放在主语和系动词to be之间。

—You should always be honest. —I always am honest. —你应该一直都诚实。—我一直都诚实啊。如果 谓语动词是复合的,
由两个以上的单词组成,则always放在复合谓语词群之中,通常在第一个和第 二个单词之间。

He will always be late. 他会总是迟到的。

I'm always losing my keys. 我老是丢失钥匙。

Things do not always go right. 事情不总是顺利。如果强调always,也可以放在句末。

I shall always treasure it. 可以改为I shall treasure it always. 我将永远珍惜它。


Always keep in mind that... 要时刻记住…

Always look in the mirror before starting to drive. 车子开动前,务必看看反射镜。
never作为always的反义词,在句中的位置 安排,大体上与always相同,但即使强调,也不能放在句末。


■amateur与aficionado 两者都是“业余爱好者”的意思。但是amateur的含义偏重“非专业”、“只略为涉猎”甚至“不内行 ”,而

Many aficionados consider this painting to be among Van Gogh's finest works. 许多业余行家认为这幅画是梵高的最佳

见surprise, amaze, astonish与astound条。

作为“大使”,形容词“特命全权”(extraordinary and plenipotentiary) 要放在ambassador之后。派驻哪一
国,用to引入国名 ;但派驻哪一国的首都,则要用in或at引入首都地名,例如:the US ambassador in

at Tokyo。派驻联合国的,可以说ambassador to the United Nations,也可以说ambassador at the United Na tions;
但是由于联合国不是一个拥有领土的国家,不可以用in。同样,派驻某一条约组织的大使 ,仍然要用to,例如派驻北约大使是
ambassador to NATO。

本来是“美洲”,包括北美、中美、南美以及加勒比海的岛屿。后来为了区 分北美、中美、南美,用了复数the
Americas。但是美国人可能出于自大或是什么别的原因 ,以America专门指美国,例如:《美国之音》就是
Voice of America。这种用 语上的大国心态,常常引起美洲其他国家尤其是拉丁美洲国家人们的不满。所以美国
政界人士尽管在国内 还是以America指“美国”,到了拉丁美洲就有所收敛。2005年11月初,布什总统访问拉
丁 美洲时,还“发明”了一个新名称an Americas,指美洲大陆,既用了复数词尾–s ,但又用单数a,表示整个
美洲为一体:an Americas wholly free and democratic and at peace with ourselves and our neighbors一

(1) amid与among的区别是:among后面的名词是复数可数名词或是集合名词,

among my friends

among the audience。amid后面则是单数的抽象名词,

amid the wreckage

amid the confusion。有些抽象名词,用于具体事件的场合,常常以复数形式出现,也可以用amid。

Amid worries over rising fuel costs, congressional Republicans are pressing for a vote as early as this week to roll
back a moratorium on oil and gas exploration off the nation's coasts.(Newsweek, Oct. 10, 2006, p. 8) 在人 们对燃料价
格上涨忧虑重重之际,国会里的共和党人正在催促尽快在本周进行表决,取消对全国沿岸海域 勘探油气的暂停令。但是,可以
说:Among the news was an obscure item about the abdication. 新闻当中有一条有关退位的不显眼的消息。这是因为

(2) amid往往用于表示两种对立情况并存,一个范围大,另一个与 之对立的范围小,包在其中,像“苦中求乐”
或“美中不足”的“中”。例如美国密苏里州2007年1 月份有两个失踪的男孩子被找回,但是失踪的原因和情
况均不明。报纸的标题是:Mystery Lingers Amid Joy of Finding Boys Alive. (The Sunday Gazette,
Schenectady, New York, Jan. 14, 2007, A1) 发现男孩无恙,但欢乐中仍然谜团重重。但是amid也可以用于表
示并 不对立而是同一个方向的大背景。

Stocks to Open Low Amid Credit Worries. (The Associated Press, headline, Aug. 16, 2007) 在人们对信贷忧心忡忡当中,

(3) 但是amid也可以表示同一方向的情况中突出更甚的情况。

Iran fiercely opposes the deal (between the US and Iraq), fearing it will lead to permanent US bases on its doorstep
amid fears of an eventual American attack. (The Associated Press, June 8, 2008) 伊朗强烈反对这个协议,因为它本来就
担心美国最终会发动进攻,而现在 有了这个协议,就更加会导致美国在伊朗的大门口设立常驻基地。

(1) among与amid的区别,见amid条。
(2) among与between用法上的区别,见between条。
(3) among them + noun,前面有逗号,相当于中文的“其中有”、“例如”。

He is friends with numerous artists, among them Tito Schipa and John Charles Thomas. 他同许多艺术家交朋友,其中

(4) among other + 复数名词,或among others,放在逗号后,可以表示“以及其他…”或“等等”。

Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert, among other composers贝多芬、莫扎特、舒伯特以及其他作曲家。

(5) 最高级后面用a mong或of的区别是:of指的是一个明确的范围,在这个范围内一个个比较,得出“最如何
如何” 的最高级。

He is the tallest of(*among) the three. 他是三个当中个子最高的(比较对象范围明确)。

This is the best among modern novels. 这是现代小说中的最佳者(比较对象范围不明确)。

amount通常指一个整体的数量,不注意构成成分的数目,amount of后面的名词通常是单数的不可数名词(物

This large amount of lumber must have cost a large amount of money. 这样大量的木材一定花了许多的钱。

We'll need a large amount of time, patience, and humor to finish this job. 我们需要花大量的时间、耐心和幽默感才能完
成这项工作。反之,如果指许多个可数的个体组成的一群,就不能用amount,要用number, of后面用复数名词。

The number of the books on the shelf does not exceed one hundred. 架子上的书,为数 不超过一百本(至于number前
面用定冠词或不定冠词,作为单数或复数处理,见number条) 。

(1) 在逻辑上,and与or的区别一直是一个有争议的 问题。这个问题也影响到语言。其中一个常常出现的问题,
出在否定句上面。通常可以这样理解:否定X and Y时,是对两者相加之和加以否定,而不是对两者分别一一加

Don't drink and drive. 勿醉酒开车(不否定醉酒,也不否定开车,但对两者加在一起予以否定)。

You can't have your cake and eat it. 一个饼,你不能既吃掉又保存。有时候中译文可以译成一正一负。

We can never be parents forever and remain psychologically healthy. Neither can our children remain children
forever within the parent

child relationship and expect to remain psychologically healthy. 我们如果要永远做 父母,心理上就无法保持健康。同样,
我们的孩子们如果永远在亲子关系上做孩子,心理上就无法保持健 康。
有时候,否定X and Y and Z,可能是X和Y合成一组,Z为另一组,或是X为一组,Y and Z为另一组,只否
定其中的一组 ,表示“两者不可得兼”;例如2008年美国总统竞选中,有人替奥巴马的人身安全担心,说:You
can't (X) have lived through the civil rights movement and (Y) know something about the history of
African-Americans in this country and (Z) not be a little concerned. (The Associated Press, Feb. 22, 2008)
这里的X和Y,合成一组,实际上不被否定,否定的是Z单独形成的一 组,所以中文可以译成:“你如果经历过
民权运动,又对这个国家非洲裔美国人的历史有所了解,你就不 可能不有点担心(这种句型中,可以在can't后远
处加上not,作双重否定,表示肯定。直译是: “你不可能既…又…又不担心”,而通常not... not...作双重否定是
不可以的)。这样的情况,同样出现在被hard之类的准否定词所支配的X and Y句型。

But amid all the signs of progress, it's hard (X) to be in Bamiyan and (Y) not think about how the hardline Taliban
regime destroyed two giant Buddha statues that had graced the ancient Silk Road linking Europe and Central Asia
for some 1,500 years. (The Associated Press, June 8, 2008) 但是,尽管有这一切进步的迹象,到了巴 米扬,就很难不想到,
那两座护佑了欧洲与中亚之间古老的丝绸之路约一千五百年之久的巨型佛像,强硬 派的塔利班政权是如何加以摧毁的(直译是:

Former CIA Director George Tenet has written that one
desk on a daily basis and be anything other than scared (= not be scared) to death about what it
局长乔治·泰内特曾写道:“如果有谁当 时坐在我的那个位置上,日复一日地阅读那些经过我办公桌面的材料,就很难不被这些
材料所预告的内容 吓得要死。”(直译是:“一个人不可能既…,又…,而不至于吓得要死。)疑问句中的and,也带有肯定一< br>个而对另外一个提出疑问的作用。

Can you be serious about national security and vote on Nov. 4 to invite that test? (Charles Krauthammer, The Daily
Gazette, Schenectady, New York, Oct. 27, 2008, A5) 你如果是珍视国家安全的,你在11月4日投票时难道会愿意招来这个
而否定X or Y时,是对两者每一个都分别加以否定。例如说He can read and write是可以的,但He cannot
read and write. 就说不清楚究竟他会读不会写还是会写不会读(正确的应该说He cannot read or write.)。否
定后面两者用and连接时,究竟是否定哪个肯定哪个,是不清楚的。如果用as well as连接,就是否定前者,肯

He cannot write as well as read他会读不会写。

(2) 否定了的X or Y是两者都一一被否定,这个否定,不一定是not, no之类的否定词,也可以只不过是带有部分
否定意义的副词,如hardly, scarcely, rarely之类。遇到这种情况,要注意这个部分否定的作用是通过or一直涵
盖到Y的,不要把Y误 解为不受否定。

One of the faults classifiable as journalese is the abuse of superlatives—the most, the first, the only. These are rarely
true, or provable if true; and even if true and provable, they generally do not add much to the interest of the subject.
(Wilson Follett, Modern American Usage, p. 241) 可以列为新闻腔的一个毛病,就是滥用最高级——the most, the first,
the only。这些用语往往不是真实的,如果真实也是难以证明的;即使既真实又可以证明,对于增添话题的吸引力 也起不了多
大作用(or provable也受rarely管辖)。

(3) and与or的另一个直接影响到日常语言的理解和运用的问题,就是and连接的多个定语共同修饰一个复数名
词时,究竟是各自分别修饰这组事物的不同部分,还是每个都修饰事物的全部。这里语言本身常常无能为 力,要

red and white Polish flags波兰的红白国旗,而不是一些红旗加一些白旗 (red flags and white flags);但是the company's
selfowned and franchise stores却是一些该公司本身的分店加上一些代销店 (self- owned stores and franchise stores)。
Today there are 43 African-American members of the House and Senate... (Newsweek, Oct. 10, 2005, p. 70) 按照美国
宪法,一个人不可能同时任众议员和参议员,因此,这43个非洲裔美国人,必然是其中一些人是众议员,其余 是参议员,而不

会有人兼任众议员和参议员,更不会多达43人都兼任。On April 6, 2003, the Pentagon listed 61 US soldiers and Marines
killed or missing in action... (The Washington Post, March 20, 2007) 这里用or还是用and, 也是值得研究的。由于一个
人不可能既已知阵亡又同时失踪(生死不明),用and不至于表示61个人 全都既阵亡又失踪,只能表示一部分人阵亡,其余
的人失踪。但是这只是就事理分析,语言上用and容 易给人以“既…又…”的印象。现在用or,也不是没有问题,也可能使人
以为这61个人或者全都阵亡 ,或者全都失踪。但是,从事理上看,只有失踪的才会情况不明,阵亡的数字是明摆着的。如果全
体阵亡 ,就不会再提失踪;如果全体失踪,就不会再提阵亡。因此,可见是一部分人阵亡,另一部分人失踪,加起来是6 1人。

(4) 遇到较为复杂的文字层次时,弄清楚and究竟是把什么和什么并列,十 分重要。比如在一个否定句中,and
后面的成分究竟是同前面一个被否定的成分并列(也就一起被否定 ),还是处于更高一层,不被否定,就十分重

The Good Samaritan, unlike a number of others before him, did not cross the street to avoid the man in want of
assistance and dug into his own purse to provide it. 那个乐善好施者同他前面别的许多人不一样,他碰到那个需要救济 的
人,并没有躲到大街对面去,而是掏自己的腰包提供救济。这里的and后面dug是dig的过去式 ,而cross则是动词原形,可
见两者不是并列的,也就是说,dug不可能受did not管辖,因而也就不被否定。

(5) 前面一个名词成分,后面一个表示可能发生某 事的句子(谓语动词为一般将来时的陈述句),表示“只要发生

One more step and you'll fall down. 再走一步,你就会跌倒。

A little work every day and you'll learn all there is to know about computer basics. 每天学一点,就可以学会电脑的基本

A little more capital, and they would have been successful.本来只要资金多一些,他们是可以成功的。

The tricky part is figuring out how many carp to put in a lake. Too few, and the algae will still prevail. Too many, and
the waste from the fish themselves may simply feed more algae blooms, experts warn.(The Associated Press, May 3,
2008) 专家们警告说,难就难在要弄清楚湖里该放养多少鲤鱼。少了,水草仍然会成为隐患。多了 ,鱼本身的排泄物反而会把

(6) and前面一个祈使句,后面 是一个谓语动词为将来或一般现在时的陈述句,意义相当于前面一个条件状语加后
面一个主句,同样表示 “只要发生前面的事,后面的是即将发生”,往往没有祈使的意思(有时甚至还有告诫勿
做某事的意思) 。

Neglect your bones and you'll regret it. 你如果忽视自己的骨骼,就会后悔莫及。

Use your vote and you'll die, Taliban tell Afghan women. 塔利班对阿富汗妇女说,你们如果投票,就要送命。

Click and it's done. 点击一下,事就办成(广告用语)。

Find purpose and you'll find success. 找到奔头就会得到 成功。往往前面的祈使句,其主动者只是指泛泛的任何人,后面的
and分句中的you也是泛指的,不 能理解为第二人称的“你”。

Add love to a house and you have a home. Add righteousness to a city and you have a community. Add truth to a
pile of red brick and you have a school. 房子加上爱,就是家。城镇加上正义,就是群体。一堆红砖加上真理,就是学校。

Sever your spinal cord and you lose control of your arms and legs. 人的脊椎如果断了,对胳膊和双腿就失去控制。

(7) 如果and改为or,则等于前面的条件变为否定(用and是“如果…就会…”,用or则变 为“如果不…就

Lock it or you'll lose it. 要锁上,否则会丢掉。

Work hard, or you will fail. 要努力干,否则会失败。

Make haste, or you will be late for school. 你再不快点,上学就要迟到了。

Teach kids about money, or you'll pay for it. 要教育孩子管钱,否则会有不良后果。

Book ahead, or you'll pay more. 请提早订位,以免价格更高。

Backup regularly, or you'll be sorry someday. 要定期留下备份,以免到时候后悔莫及。

Speak up now, or there will be no peace. 现在就大声疾呼,否则争取不到和平。

People had to bring their livestock into their dwelling, or risk losing them. 人们不得不把自己的牲口放进居住的地方,否
则就有失去牲口的危险。无论用and或or ,前面那个祈使句都不能是否定的(*Don't... and...)。

(8) 中文偏重于“意合”(例如“敌进我退”),而英文则偏重于“形合”(例如:when the enemy
advances...),这是一般规律。但是英文也常常有“形合”的用法,用两个并列的动词,由 and来连接,前一个

If we were to wake up some morning and find that everyone was the same race, creed and color, we would find
some other causes for prejudice by noon. 假如我们有那么一天,一觉醒来,发现人人都是一样的种族、信仰和肤色,我们
也会赶在中 午之前另外找到一些歧视的理由的。

I would hear that and not be able to breathe for a couple of minutes. (Reader's Digest, Jan. 2008, p. 77) 我听到这样的
话,就会好几分钟无法呼吸(其实Don't drink and drive也可以理解为意合的“如果喝了酒,就别开车”)。

(9) 一连串的名词或 其他成分,用逗号分开,但是到了最后两个,英文就用and连接,现在的中文也习惯了“甲、
乙、丙和 丁”这样的排列方式。但是,英文连接最末两个的and,有时前面仍然有逗号,成为A,B,C,and D,
有时前面又没有逗号,成为A,B,C and D。

I went to Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and Germany. 我去了西班牙、意大利、瑞士、奥地利和德国。

But by the early twentieth century, after the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Enlightenment had swept over
the Western world, the Muslim and Arab world was uncertain, insecure, and on the defensive. (Tony Blair, Foreign
Affairs, January

February 2007) 但是到了20世纪初叶,西方世界已经普遍经历了文艺复兴、宗教改革和启蒙运 动,而穆斯林和阿拉伯世界则
处于彷徨不安和防守的地位。凡是遇到and前面有逗号时,要注意找出所 有并列成分,不要因为逗号以为and开始了另一分句,
例如上一例句中,had swept的主语有三个:the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment,不要因为有了逗号就
误以为主语只有the Enlightenment。

(10) 大单位数量再加小单位数量,通常只用逗号,不用and。

3 hours, 22 minutes ago. 3小时22分钟前。

5 feet, 8 inches tall. 5英尺8英寸高。但是如果小单位本身没有另外的名称,要借用大单位名称,则不用逗号。

one pound twenty-five. 一磅二十五。英尺和英寸之间,也可以不要逗号。

She's five foot eight inches tall. 她身高五英尺八英寸。但是如果不是大单位带小单位,而是两个不同的维度,则要用and来

So that by digging a canal to it of six foot wide and four foot deep, I brought it into the creek, almost half a
mile.(Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe, Chapter XV) 这一来,我给这艘独木舟挖出了 一道六英尺宽、四英尺深的水沟,把它
11. 两个数字因一定的关系并列,通常也用逗号连结,不用and。

one country, two systems一国两制

national one-man, one-vote election全国的一人一票选举;half Irish, half Italian半爱尔兰半意大利的混血儿。

■and such
见 (and) such条。

■and... at that

He has a Ph. D. degree, and from Harvard at that.他有博士学位,而且是哈佛的。

Today, food safety is a business—and a booming one at that. (US News & World Report, Dept. 15-22, 2008, p. 27) 今

可以是作为物质的“麻醉药”(可数与不可数名词均 可),也可以是“麻醉状态”或“麻醉手术”(也是可数与
不可数名词均可)。通常在“实行麻醉”的各 种搭配中,介词都用under:医生对病人施行麻醉,是put the
patient under anesthetic(第四类动词);病人经历麻醉状态是go under anesthetic(第二类动词);病人处
于麻醉状态是be under anesthetic(第一类动词)。“在麻醉状态下(进行某事)”也是under anesthetic

This procedure should be done under anesthetic. 这个手术必须在麻醉状态下进行。通常,“靠(某种药物)维持”用介
词on ,但是“用”麻醉药,不说on anesthetic,而说under anesthetic,可能是因为 on指较长一段时间的用药,而麻醉药
只是一时使用一下,而且麻醉药的功效十分明显,使得病人处于其 作用“之下”。


Yes, but you've got to approach it from his angle. 是的,不过你得从他的角度看问题。

To solve the problem, view it from more than one angle. 要解决问题,就得从多方的角度来观察它。

Roughly speaking, there are three main angles from which a novel can be criticized. (Times Literary Supplement, July
25, 1968) 大致说来,对一本长篇小说进行批评,主要可以从三个角度。但因为用得过滥,近年来已少见。

介绍某一地区的动植物,不说animals and plants,要说flora and fauna。

(1) 表示另外再有的一个复数数量,可以在其前面加一个another,此时another没有单数意义。

another 100 people。

(2) 有人主张前后两个数量应该相等方可在说到后一数量时用another,例如:他们反对说Eighteen persons
were summoned as witnesses, and another six were interrogated. 十八个人被传唤作证,另有六个人被询问。
但是这种反对意见似乎不能成立,因为这个例句中的another如果去掉,可能有歧义,令人以为六 个人是十八个
(3) another放在单数的可数名词之前,可以表示除了 原有的一个或多个之外,再加上又一个。原有的仍然保留,

Could I have another piece of bread? 我可以再吃一片面包吗?

It's generally not a good idea to pick a New Yorker at random, go through his things and slow his rush to the
subway. Nobody needs another irritation on a hot, crowded, smelly commute. 通常,随便挑选出一个纽约人,查看他的东西,耽搁他奔向地铁的路程,这不是个好主意。天气这么热,人这么挤,气味这么大,谁上下班都不需要额 外增添一件恼火
的事。如果名词是不可数的,或者可数但复数(不说明具体数目),就不能用anoth er,而要用more。

Would you like some more meat? 您是不是再来点肉?

Would you like some more peas? 您是不是再来点豆子?不过,在复数可数名词前,如果有few或是数词,仍可以使用

I'm staying for another few weeks. 我再多留几个星期。

We need another three chairs. 我们还需要增添三把椅子。

(4) another放在单数的可数名词之前,也可以表示不要原有的一个或多个,换成另外一个。

I think we should paint it another colour. 我觉得咱们应该把它漆成别的一个颜色。在这个意义上,another的定指形式是
the other。

I don't like this room. I'd prefer another one. 我不喜欢这个房间。我倒不如要另外一间。如果“另外一间”是定指的,就是
I'd prefer the other one.

(5) 有时another可以表示“普普通通”、“同大家没什么分别”的意思(前面往往加上just)。

Where they had seen but an unsuccessful artist, like another... (Somerset Maugham, The Moon and Sixpence,
Chapter I) 他们当初看作是个失败的画家,一个同无数落魄艺术家没有什么不同的画家…

Six years ago he'd been just another comedian looking to score a gig, a few bucks, anything going. 六年前,他只是一

In contrast to the way she had been before her husband's death—handsome, stylish, athletic—she was now just
another elderly woman. 她一反丈夫去世之前的那副时髦漂亮、风度优雅、矫健结实的仪表,现在成了一个普普通通的老太婆。

Do you treat your own father as just another sick old man? 你难道把自己亲生父亲也当作普普通通一个病老头那样对待吗?

(6) another 后面如果出现名词,这个名词只能是单数的。但是如果复数名词前面有明确的数目,就可以放在
anot her后面。

another fifty miles再有五十英里。如果是a hundred, a thousand, a million,这个a要去掉,也可以用one来代替。

another thousand years或 another one thousand years再过一千年。

■answer, reply与respond
(1) 中文“问”,除了 真的提问题要求答案之外,还有“追究责任”的意思(例如“唯你是问”、“问责”)。英
文ask则只 有“提问”和“请求”的意思,没有“追究责任”的意思;但是,中文“回答”没有“承担责任”的
意思 ,英文answer却有。

They will have to answer for their acts in a court of law. 他们对自己的行为,将要在法庭上承担责任。

I'll answer for him. 我替他负责。

Let him answer for himself. 让他自己为自己负责吧。

His parents have a lot to answer for. 他的父母要负很大的责任。

You are to answer to Brian, to take your orders from him. 你要向布赖恩负责, 接受他的命令。Answer to somebody. 要
对某人负责(有过错要受某人惩罚,表示状态,属第一类动词),answer somebody(没有to)则只是“回答某人的提问”(表

He answered me quickly. 他很快就回答了我。

You'll answer to me if your information is not true. 你的信息如果不对,我就要唯你是问。
有趣的是,answer的同义词respond ,派生了形容词responsible和名词responsibility,都有“责任”的意思,
但是动词respond本身却只有“回答”而没有“负责任”的意思,这个意义,给了词根根本不同的answ er(从
answer派生的形容词answerable to是“向…负责”)。另外,值得参考的 是:无论是拉丁系几种语言、德语、
俄语,“责任”的词根全都来自“回答”。大概既然负责,就要对人 家的质问作出答复,经过长时间的使用,虽
然不是“回答”而是承担后果,字面上还是用“回答”来表示 。
(2) answer与reply to(注意要有to才能引入宾语)往往可以互用,但是answer比较偏重答复的内容,reply
to则比较偏重答复的行为(参考hear和listen to以及talk和speak的区别)。

answer (*reply) in the affirmative给与肯定的回答

You should reply to this letter at once. 你应该立即回复这封信。

The mother replied for the daughter. 母亲替女儿作了回答。

Ed replied for all the graduates.爱德代表全体毕业生致答辞(如果用answered就是“替全体毕业生负责”)。因此 ,转义
的“回应”(重行动不重内容),常用reply to。

We replied to the enemy's fire. 我们对敌人还了火。

My friend replied with a knowing wink. 我的朋友报以会心的微笑。名词answer和reply也有同样的区别。

She had only one answer (*reply) correct on the test. 她的测验题只有一道做对。

The invention is a good answer (*reply) to housewives' problems. 这个发明,是对家庭主妇们的难题的一个良好答案。另
外,reply还意味着“ 一来一往”的第二个单独的过程,如果两个过程合而为一,就要用answer。

She answered(*replied to) the phone on the first ring. 电话一响她就接了。

A middle- aged woman answered (*replied to) the door. 一个中年妇女应声开门。

I knocked at the door, but nobody answered (*replied). 我敲了门,但是没有谁应声前来。

(3) reply虽然不着重答复的内容,但是后面如果接上that从句,却可以说出答复的内容。

He replied that he did not know it. 他回答说不知道。

She replied that no one would go. 她回答说没有谁会去。

Asked whether their local residential environment gives a feeling of comfort and serenity, 81% of the respondents
replied that they lived in a 对于当地居住环境是否给人以一种舒适 宁静的感觉这个问题,百分之八

Williams answered that he had no specific proposals yet. 威廉斯回答说,他还没有具体的建议。

Being asked whether she had ever kissed or embraced St. Catherine or St. Margaret, she answered that she had
embraced them both. (The English Review, Sept. -Dec. 1846, p. 252, Jean of Arc) 人家问她曾经吻过或者拥抱过圣凯瑟琳

... and when I asked him if he forgave me, he answered that he was not in the habit of cherishing the remembrance
of vexation... (Charlotte Brontё, Jane Eyre, Chapter XXXIV) …我问他是否原谅我时,他说他没有记恨的习惯…

(4) reply to是对人家专门对自己发出的信息做出回答(即单来单往)。如果该信息是普遍向公众发出的(例如征

She answered

responded to an advert for a job as a cook. 她看到招聘厨师的广告,就报名应聘。

He responded immediately to an appeal for help. 他听到求救,就立即前往(求救不是单独向他一个人,而是向所有人发

When she smiled, even strangers responded. 她笑时,连陌生人都作出回应。
reply是比较实际的一对一的“回答”、“答复”;respon d则是比较笼统的“回应”(可以表现为各种各样的方
式,不一定是正面答复)。例如奥巴马当选美国总 统后,伊朗总统阿赫迈迪内贾德很不寻常地发来贺电,奥巴马
r espond appropriately,
Washington Post, Nov. 8, 2008) “我将审视来自阿赫迈迪内贾德总统的信,我们将做出适当的回应,”他说,
这就留下是否 答复的问题悬着。
(5) answer(也可以加上介词to)还有“符合(描述)”的意思(延续状态,第一类动词)。

Two men answering the description of the suspects tried to enter Switzerland. 两名同嫌疑犯相貌描述相符的男子,试图

The Japanese never built any aircraft remotely answering to this description. 日本人从未制造过任何哪怕是稍微与描述相


有两个几乎是相反的意义:(正面的)渴望,急于;(负面的)担心,生怕。如何辨别,取决于:1) 单词搭配;2)
搭配词的词义;3) 上下文。
(1) 如果anxious单独用作定语或表语,意义就是负面的。

an anxious day焦急的一天

an anxious question令人焦虑的问题

the anxious class(美国)不安的阶级,因为收入提高不了而为日后养老发愁的中产阶级。

It's time to be going home, your mother will be anxious. 该回家了,你母亲会焦急的。

(2) 如果搭配是to be anxious to inf.,to be anxious for somebody to inf. 或to be anxious about + -ing,
就是正面的“渴望”、“急于”。这个意 义,尽管有一些语言学家反对,但实际语言中常常使用。

She's anxious to get abroad. 她渴望到国外去。

My parents are anxious to meet you. 我父母盼着要见你呢。

Anxious to please, he offered to cook dinner. 他急于讨个欢心,就自告奋勇说由他来做饭。

We are anxious for him to return home safely. 我们热切盼望他平安回家。

The movie is so anxious about covering as much of the novel as possible that it never gives the actors any breathing
space. (Newsweek, May 29, 2006, p. 53) 影片急于尽可能多涵盖小说的情节,弄得演员们一点喘口气的空隙都没有。

Even without his books, Don Quixote set forth once again, anxious as before not to lose any time, “for he could not
but blame himself for what the world was losing by his delay...” (Malcolm Muggeridge, Punch, April 8, 1953) 尽管没
有了他的那些书,唐吉诃德仍然再一次出发上路,像从前一样急于分秒必争,“因为他如果耽搁了,全世界就要遭 受损失,这
但anxious about后面不是 -ing动名词而是名词时,意义是负面的“担心”。

... will ease the professor's mind on a point that he seemed anxious about.(George Bernard Shaw, Cashel Byron's
Profession) …可以让教授对一件他似乎担心的事情放心。

... people are afraid of losing their jobs and their homes and are anxious about a possible recession. (US News &
World Report, Jan. 14, 2008, p. 16) …人们害怕失去工作,失去住房,担心可能经济衰退。
anxious lest则当然是负面意义的“担心”。

He was anxious lest they were broken and thus make an evil omen. (Pearl Buck, The Good Earth) 他担心东西破了,兆

(4) 如果搭配是to be anxious for something,意义可 能正面也可能负面。如果这个something是定指的正面
利害关系,则与to be anxious about something相同,anxious意义为负面的“担心”。

I was anxious for their safety when I heard the news. 我听到这消息,就替他们的安全担心。

Distraction display very rarely occurs except when a bird is anxious for its nest and eggs or young. (Edward A.
Armstrong, Bird Display and Behaviour) 一只鸟除非担心自己的鸟巢和蛋或是小鸟,否则很少出现分神的现象。但如果
s omething是不定指的事物(亦即尚未拥有的事物),则anxious意义为正面的“渴望”。

The boy is anxious for a bike. 那个男孩渴望有一辆自行车。

civil servants anxious for promotion盼望升职的公务员。

His sisters were very anxious for his having an estate of his own...(Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Chapter Four) 他

... her sister... for whose happiness she grew daily more anxious... (Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Chapter Twenty-
Three) …她关心姐姐的幸福一天比一天来得迫切…

(5) 如果后面有以that引入的从句, 意义可能正面也可能负面。如果从句中谓语动词组的功能词(operator)是
may (might), will (would)之类表示可能性的助动词(属陈述语气),或是直接用动词的陈述 时态,意义就是负

They were anxious that the enemy might turn south and attack the city. 他们担心敌人会掉头向南进攻这座城市。

Retailers are anxious that consumers may cut back on spending. 零售商担心消费者可能削减支出。

I am getting more and more anxious that gene doping may be misused by athletes and coaches. 我越来越担心基因兴

We are anxious that technology will be turned against us by terrorists. 我们担心科技反而会被恐怖分子用来对付我们。

We're anxious that doing the opposite would be something wrong. 我们担心反过来干会不会错了。

You don't need to feel worried and anxious that pregnancy is playing havoc with your hormones. 你不必忧虑担心怀孕

He was very anxious that we should have lunch one day soon. 他很希望我们大家最近找一天一起吃顿午餐。

We are anxious that there should be no delay. 我们不希望有什么拖延了。

Martin Luther was very anxious that the truths that he now knew be known to his followers. 马丁·路德渴望他的追随者
但在实际使用时,由于表示虚拟语 气的动词不定式同动词的一般现在时同形,难以区分,结果即使个别两者不同
形的动词(如to be)也用了一般现在时来表示虚拟语气。

Villagers are anxious that the kidnapper is (应该是be) caught without delay. 村民们巴不得绑架犯马上能给逮住。但这一
来,正面意义又同前面所说 的动词陈述时态表示所“担心”的事的负面意义似乎形式雷同了。分辨的办法是:表示负面意义时,
从句 动词本身是延续体的,而表示正面意义时,从句动词本身是瞬时体的。这个例句中的is caught必然是瞬时体,所以可知
anxious是正面意义,而前面的例句中is playing havoc则是延续体,所以可知anxious是负面意义。

(作为不可数名词):There is mounting anxiety for the safety of the hostages. 大家对人质的安全越来越担心。

This can lead to unnecessary anxiety over a child's quite normal behaviour. 这种做 法,对于一个儿童本来十分正常的行

It is a great anxiety to me. 这是我十分担心的事。另外,anxiety如果后面带有作为修饰语的to + inf,则也有正面的“渴

In his anxiety to be gone, he forgot his case. 他匆匆忙忙想一走了事,结果忘掉了箱子。

(1) not... any不常放在单数可数名词前,例如说“我没有什么问 题了”,尽管心目中“问题”不是多个,但仍然
不习惯说*I don't have any question,而应该说I don't have any questions。 至于通常只有一件的事物,any
后不好用复数,就宁可不用any,例如不说*She hasn't got any job而要说She hasn't got a job. 关于any后
(2) 放在不可数名词或复数可数名词之前,暗示说话者心目中考虑到该事物的量而不单单是该事物的质。

Is there any water in the can? 罐子里有水吗?(考虑到一定数量 的水,可能有用,也可能占地方需要倒掉,主要不是考虑水

Is there water (*any water) on the moon? 月球上有水吗?(只考虑到水这种氢氧化合物的物质是否存在,不考虑数量多

Do you need any water? 你需要水吗?(一定数量的水,不光是水的性质。)

Do you need water? 你需要水吗?(同果汁、牛奶等相对立。)

(3) 一般语法书指出,some用于肯定 句,any用于否定句、疑问句和条件从句。但是有些疑问句本身带有主观的
肯定倾向性,仍然多用so me。例如提出邀请:Would you like some (*any) coffee? 您来点咖啡好吗?或是提
出要求:Can I have some (*any) soup, please? 能给我一点汤吗?

Can you lend me some (*any) money? 能借点钱给我吗?
另外,有时候表示“如果”并不一定要出 现if才可以用any,例如两个人在争论,第三个人劝双方暂停,下星期
一再谈:Both of you save any more arguments until Monday. (= If you have any more arguments, save
them until Monday.) 有什么争论理由,下星期一再谈吧。这里的any就带有“如果有的话”这个含义。any用

He didn't tell anybody。 他没有告诉任何人。但不可以说:*Anybody didn't tell him. 要说:Nobody told him.

(4) any除了用于否定句、疑问句和条件状语从句,还可以用 于肯定句,意思是“随便一个”、“任何一个”。也
就是说,其实有两个不同的any,一个是作为否定 极性项(negative polarity item, NPI)的any,一个是作为一

般定语的any。但是,有时候即使出现在否定句中,any也可能不是个否定极性项。例如报上有一份 推销床垫的
广告:Free mattress plus $$500 if we don't beat any price on a comparable mattress, no matter what
brand. (The Sunday Gazette, Schenectady, New York, Dec. 9, 2007, A2) 原意第一步是:We'll beat any
price on a comparable mattress, no matter what brand. 凡是相仿的床垫,无论什么品牌,我们的售价都会比
它便宜(这里any不是NPI)。第二步是:If we don't, (we'll give you a) free mattress plus $$500. 如果我们
不比它便宜,我们就会白送您一张床垫另加五百美元。这里不能理解为“假如我们 连任何别人的价钱都比不过”
(也就是“假如我们在价格竞争中处于最末位”),因为原意是“假如我们 在价格竞争中不处于最首位(哪怕是
(5) as any或as anything (anyone等) 原始的意思是“同任何一个一样”,这里的“任何”,指的是“哪怕是
最…的”,因而整个意思就是“哪怕同最…的相比也比得过”(不是同随便一个差劲的比),也就是“自 己最…”

With his stunning, historic victory yesterday, Barack Obama has risen as far, and fast, as any politician can. (The Daily
Gazette, Schenectady, New York, Nov. 5, 2008, editorial)巴拉克·奥巴马昨天惊人的历史性胜利,使得他比任何一个政治家
的 崛起都显得更高更迅速。

July 4 is as good as any day to mark independence (George Will, The Daily Gazette, Schenectady, New York, July 4,
2008, A9. headline) 七月四日比任何一天都更加合适纪念独立。

... for as you are as handsome as any of them, Mr. Bingley might like you the best of the party. (Jane Austen, Pride
and Prejudice, Chapter One) …因为你跟女儿们比起来,她们哪一个都不能胜过你的美貌,你去了,彬格莱先生倒可能挑中你

If you assume that Tolstoy is not really a stylist and that his work can be paraphrased into smooth English, the task
may become comparatively easy. But once you pay close attention to his words, they become as difficult to translate
as any. (Richard Pevear, translator of Tolstoy's War and Peace, Newsweek, Oct. 15, 2007, p. 82) 如果你设想托尔斯泰并
不见得是一个文体大师,设想他 的作品可以对付对付译成通顺的英文,那么,任务也许变得比较容易一些。但是你一旦进一步
注意他的遣 词用句,这些词句就变得比什么都更难翻译了。

She (= Cleopatra) exercised power as firmly as any man, but used her femininity to reinforce her popularity.
(Newsweek, Oct. 15, 2007, p. 47) 她(埃及女王克娄巴特拉)比哪个男人都更加牢固地执掌政权,但又利用自己的女性身份来

You need to look at reliability and safety as much as anything when buying a car. 你买车的时候,最需要注意的是可靠

It was war, as much as anything else, that made an artist out of Westermann. 韦斯特曼之所以成为艺术家,最主要的原

Only seventy years ago, Great Britain ruled over more than one quarter of the land surface of the planet. It policed,
as far as anyone did, the oceans and seas, and it was the most important force in world finance, trade, and economy.
(The New York Review of Books, March 29, 2007) /仅仅七十年前,英国统治着地球陆地表面的四分之一以上。它比谁都控
制着更为 辽阔的海洋(不是“同谁都一样控制着辽阔的海洋”),它又是世界金融、贸易和经济中最为重要的力量。

But in 1275, when Marco Polo first approached the Dragon Throne at Xanadu, the wannabe author was only twenty-
one years old. He had traveled as far as anybody traveled back then; from west to east, across most of the then
known world. 马可·波罗这位壮志凌云的作者,1275年才二十一岁时就第一次在上都 接近了龙椅宝座。他长途旅行所至之遥远,
为当时任何人所不及(不是“同当时任何人的旅行一样远”) ,从西到东,穿越了当时人所不知的世界的大部分。

He was reputed to be as close to the president as anyone in the cabinet. 大家认为他比内阁中任何人都更为接近总统

It was as easy as anything. 那比什么都容易。

... running as fast as anything down the road …沿着路飞快地跑。

(6) 与此相类似,like anything也有“比什么都更加…”(而不是“如同随便任何…一样”)的意思。

Tom only left last week and I already miss him like anything. 汤姆上星期才走,但是我已经想念他想得不得了。

■any more与anymore
(1) 关于在否定句、疑问句和非肯定语气从句中的anymore, 有三种意见。一种认为英语词汇中根本没有这个单
词。第二种认为anymore与any more意思用法都一样,只是写法不同,都可以用。第三种则认为anymore是
个副词,而any more则是专门放在名词前面的定语。从实际情况看来,三种意见都各有部分根据。就第三种意
见来说 。

I don't buy books anymore because I don't need any more books. 我再也不买书了,因为我不需要更多的书。前面的
anymore作为副词,后面的any more作为前置定语,似乎可以从书面上区别清楚,但是这样的区别,实际用处不大。在美国,
any more既可以用作名词的前置定语,也可以用作副词,anymore则出现较少(所以第一种意见也有其事实 根据)。但是美

Anymore I do that. 现在我那样干了。这样,anymore连写成了一个单词才 有其实际需要。不过,无论在肯定句或是否定句
中,anymore的写法似乎只限于美国英语(而且也 不是所有美国人都这样用)。美国的英语词典中收进anymore的比较多些。
英国词典则很少(如1 993年版的NSOED)收进这个单词。

(2) any more作为副词,在否定 句(或疑问句或非肯定语气的从句)中,本来意义是程度比较的“不更多”,但
是实际上的使用,大多是 转义的前后比较的“再也不”。需要注意辨别意义上的差别。如何辨别,要看前面是否
有一个本来可能使 得程度增高的意义成分,此时not... any more就表示:虽然有了这个本来可以使程度增高的因

The knowledge of it did not make him like it any more. 他虽然知情,但对此仍然增加不了好感。

(3) not... any more(“再也不”)还有no more,not... more(即略去any)的变异形式(但语气略为减弱)。
关于no more,见no more条。no more通常放在句末,例如一种去体毛的广告:Shave no more, with Ultra
Hair Away。使用超级去毛剂,再也不用剃毛。no more也可以作为定语,放在名词前面,尤其是用于一些醒目

No more Hiroshima. 不让广岛重演。也可以放在名词后面。

Hunger no more. 消除饥饿。也可以放在句子当中。

She (= Hillary Clinton) was no more inviting when a television reporter approached her after a rally on Thursday and
asked if she was
Angeles Times, Dec. 28, 2007) 一名电视采访记者在星期四的一次集 会散会后向她走去,问她(希拉里·克林顿)对贝纳齐
尔·布托的遇刺身亡是否“震惊”,此时她就不像 从前那样殷勤好客了。她答也不答就转身走开。

■any more than
(1) 这个词组可以用来连结两个句子,两句都是表示否定,但第一句用否定形式表示否定,第二句则 用肯定形式表
示否定(这一点很重要);两句之间的any more than用来表示:前一句的否 定,同后一句的否定同等强烈(顺
着原文的思路,可以这样理解:X并不比Y更多地如何如何,而Y不如 何如何,已经是人所共知,不言而喻的)。

The mind does not create what it perceives, any more than the eye creates (*doesn't create) the rose. (Ralph Waldo
Emerson) 心智创造不出它所感受的事物,正如眼睛创造不出玫瑰花。

Of course, there is no way to return to the original Jesus, any more than there is a way (*no way) to go back to the
original church, however much Christians have tried to do both. (US News & World Report, Dec. 22, 2003, p. 48) 当然,
要回到原原本本的耶稣那里是办不到的,就正如无法回到原原本本的教会那里一样办不到 ,哪怕基督徒们如何千方百计要做到

Tony Blair isn't Great Britain any more than Bush is (*isn't) the US.布莱尔不等于英国,正如布什不等于美国。

The motion picture and recording industries are not legitimate stakeholders in the discussion of what features
should or should not exist in my personal computer or VCR, any more than they are (*aren't) a legitimate
stakeholder in the production of my corrective eye-glasses. 制片行业和音像行业 ,在有关我的个人电脑或录像机里面该有
或不该有哪些性能的争论中,并不是正当的利益攸关者,就正如 它们在我的矫正眼镜的制作过程中并不是正当的利益攸关者一

You cannot learn to sketch and express yourself graphically only by reading about it any more than you can
(*cannot) learn to swim while standing by the pool. 单靠看书,是学不会速写和用图像表达自己的,就 正如一直站在游泳池
边是学不会游泳的。如果后一句当中有些成分同前一句重复,可以采用简略法或指代 法避免重复。

Drug company payments to FDA haven't sped approvals any more than federal funding increases did (*did not).各制
药公司付给食品医药管理 局的钱,就如同联邦增拨的经费一样,对于加快批准速度毫无作用。

I don't like it any more than you do (*don't). 我同你一样不喜欢它。

Technical resources, however, are not sufficient for a physics instructor, any more than they would be (*would not
be) for a doctor. 但是,一个物理学教师,就如同一个医生一样,光有技术设备,是不够的。

(2) any more than有一个变体,就是no more... than,此时,any more变成no more,向前移动到前一句原
来有否定词之处,取代这个原来的否定词,后一句则 仍然是以肯定形式表示否定。结构有些不同,但是意思同
any more than是一样的。

A learner can no more obtain knowledge without reading than a farmer can get good harvest without ploughing. =
A learner cannot obtain knowledge without reading any more than a farmer can get good harvest without
ploughing. 学习者不读书就不能得到知识,正如耕作者不耕地就得不到好收成。

Stephen is no more a musician than Patty is a dancer. = Stephen isn't a musician any more than Patty is a dancer. 史

They could no more decline participation in this mission than they could deny their manhood. = They could not
decline participation in this mission any more than they could deny their manhood. 他们无法拒绝参加这项任务,正如

(3) any more than还有另外一个变样,是将前后两句的次序颠倒过来,后一句移到前面,any more than移到
句首改为no more than,原先的前一句移到后面,取消否定并采取倒装词序。

No more than a soldier wants to admit being frightened, did Marianne want to admit being cold, frigid. (Anas Nin)
= Marianne didn't want to admit being cold, frigid, any more than a soldier wants to admit being frightened. 如同一
个士兵不愿承认自己胆怯一样,玛丽安也不愿承认自己冷感(注意:no more than是管前一句全句的,不是管a soldier的,


■anyone与any one
anyone专指人,意思是泛泛的“任何人”,不必同任何组集发生关系,any重读;any one则指某一个多人或多

Anyone who is interested may attend. 凡有意者均可参加。

Any one of those neckties will do. 那些领带哪一条都行。

■anyone have...?
例如在集合中对人群讲话,可说:Anyone have any ideas? 还有谁有什么意见吗?这里不能用单数的has,因为
这个句子其实是Does anyone have any ideas?的简略说法。又,侦探检查枪击现场时会问:Any body hear
(*heard) a gunshot?有谁听到枪声吗? 这也是 Did anybody hear a gunshot?的简略说法。参见everybody条。


(1) 英语的any及其复合词如anything 之类,常常同否定词或疑问词连用,这是凡学英语的人都很熟悉的。但英
语中不是否定句也不是疑问句的 一般陈述句,如果有表示疑问词义的单词,也往往同anything之类的代词连用,
带有一定的否定 色彩。

Even those skeptical about olive oil's potential as anything other than an ingredient seem willing to cede some
ground to what one of Mort Rosenblum's friends likened to the 甚至有些人,尽
管对橄榄油的潜在作用持怀疑态度,怀疑它除了作配料之外没什么用处,但也有 点松动,认为莫尔特·罗森勃鲁姆的朋友们的那
个把橄榄油比喻为“富饶温暖的地球的血液”的说法也不 无道理。

(2) 疑问句和if条件从句通常不用something而用anythi ng。但是,如果条件从句是否定的,而这个否定又同事
实(肯定的)相反,就要用something (虽然if和否定合在一起似乎对anything的使用提出了双重的要求)。
例如美国民主党一向反 对在本土沿海开采石油,但是最近由于油价飞涨,只好有条件地同意在国会审议一个方案,
条件是:在同 意开采的州,要在离海岸五十英里之外开采;在不同意开采的州,要在离海岸一百英里之外开采
(一向主 张开采者则主张可以在离海岸三英里处开采)。民主党的众议院议长Nancy Pelosi在2008年9月谈到
民主党的让步条件时说:…if we don't have something in the bill, it's drilling three miles offshore. …如果我

■anything but
(1) 在实际语言中,anything b ut相当于否定副词not,后面可以接上形容词或名词成分,表示强烈的否定。例如
美国总统大选中反 对布什的人提出口号Anything but Bush(直译是“只要没有布什就什么都行”)。

Though the tail assembly of the aircraft was anything but intact, you could tell what it had once been.飞机的尾部尽管

Langdon was feeling anything but fortunate. (Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code, p. 15) 朗顿觉得自己真倒霉。又例如在餐
馆的厕所可以看到告示:If the restroom is anything but clean, please... 如果厕所有不够洁净之处,烦请…这个anything

The confidence of the business community and the consumer has been anything but buoyed by the performance of
the Bush team's economic leadership. (US News & World Report, Nov. 25, 2002, p. 84) 企业界和消费者的信心,根本没
有从布什班子的经济领导业绩那里得到什么 鼓励。有时候anything but后面没有别的词语,意思也是“(前面情况的)反面”。

What began as a convenience is now anything but. 本来开头是一种方便,现在却成了麻烦。

(2) anything else也可以表示否定。见else条。
(3) anything you say是“好的,照你说的办”的意思。

—Will you please take this over to the cleaners?—Sure, anything you say. —请你把这个送到洗衣店去好吗?—好的,你

■anytime与any time
anytime是副词或主从连词。any time则是名词短语。
(1) anytime作为副词的。

You can borrow my car anytime. 你随时都可以借我的车子用。

(2) anytime作为主从连词的。

You can call on me anytime you are free. 你随时有空都可以到我这里来。

Anytime I was late, the teacher got mad. 每当我迟到,老师都气坏了。

We have a memory bank, a full-scale computer within us, and we can draw on its record of past experiences
anytime we need to do so. 我们有一个记忆库,是一个规模完整的电脑,我们随时有需要,都可以从中提取有关过去经历的

(3) any time作为名词短语的。

Any time spent being unhappy is wasted. 任何在不快乐中度过的时间,都是白费了的。

■anyway与any way
any way或in any way是个主从连词短语,在肯定句中引入方式状语从句,后面没有东 西就不通。anyway则是
个副词,后面不引入任何成分。这与any time(名词)及anytime(副词或连词)情况不同。
(1) any way在肯定句中充当主从连词短语的。

Any way you look at it, Angel City is heaven on earth for biker crowd. 不管你怎样看,天使城对骑自行车的人群来说都是

You're allowed to use software any way you see fit. 你可以随意使用软件。

Arrange you stuff any way you want. 材料你爱怎样安排就怎样安排。

Help in any way you can. 你能用什么方式就用什么方式来帮忙。美国有一句常用的成语any way you slice it,原意 大概是切

He shouldn't have hit her, any way you slice it. 无论怎么说,他本来不该打她。

Any way you slice it, there are going to be some very unhappy people when the prizes are announced. 无论怎么说,

(2) 但是,需要注意的是:any way之所以不是副词短语而是主从连词短语,是因为它本身意义不完全,需要后 面
有更多的话来把意思说完整。如果把any改为some或别的能把意义说完整的形容词,它就会从主 从连词短语变

All right, we'll do it the usual way. 好吧,咱们就照平常的办法办。

Please try to see it my way. 请替我设身处地想一想。

He must have got to know it some way. 他一定是用什么办法打听了出来。

Every author in some way portrays himself in his works, even if it be against his will. 每个作者总是会这样或那样地在作
品中刻画出自己的形象,哪怕这是违反他本人意愿的。另外,in any way(很少是any way)前面如果有否定或疑问,则in
any way就可以不是 主从连词短语而是副词短语(相当于肯定句中的some),在否定句中表示“根本(不)”,在疑问句或

Umbilical and embryonic stem cells are not in any way interchangeable. 脐带与胚胎干细胞是根本不能互相代替的。

You may not copy, reproduce, upload, post, distribute, republish, retransmit, or modify in any way any of the
material on this site. 您不可以以任何方式抄录、复制、上传、张贴、散发、再发表、转递或是修改本网站上的任何材料。

Do molds help human beings in any way? 霉菌对人类有什么帮助吗?

If you feel affected in any way by the noise, we can help. 您如果感到受了噪音的任何影响,我们可以帮助您。遇到这几种
情况,any way都不是主从连词短 语。但即使如此,它同副词anyway的意义仍然有区别。anyway(副词)是“不管怎样”、
“ 无论如何”、“反正”、“起码”,而且主要用于肯定句。

We can sell the car which we hardly use anyway. 车子咱们反正不怎样用,不妨卖掉。

Anyway, I have to go. 不管怎样,我得去。

That's what we all think, well, most of us anyway. 这是我们全体,嗯,起码是我们大多数人的想法。

■apart from
加上(别的)”。英文的apart from也同样有这两个大不相同的意义,前面一个意思。

Apart from her, we were all in agreement. 除了她一个人不同意,我们大家都一致同意。

This movie house has a reduced price, apart from Saturday and Sunday. 这家电影院有减价票,但是星期六和星期天不减。

Apart from the cost, the plan was a good one. 成本高了一点,但计划还是不错的。后面一个意思。

Quite apart from the time it would take, I can't afford it. 不但时间要拖得很长,而且我也负担不起。

Who else went there apart from you? 除了你,去那里的还有谁?

There are other problems with that car apart from its cost. 这辆车不但价钱高,而且还有其他一些问题。
apart from前面如果有否定词nothing,可能有两个不同的意义。一个是“除此没有别的”、“唯一只有”。

She has nothing apart from her good looks to get by in life. 她只能靠自己的美貌过日子。另一个是“离开了…就什么也不
是”(apart from仍然保持“离开”的意义)。

... good is nothing apart from truth, nor truth anything apart from good. (Emanuel Swedenborg and Isaiah Tansley,
The Divine Providence, p. 14) …善离开了真,就什么也不是,同样,真离开了善,也就什么也不是。

Jesus taught us that we can do nothing apart from him. 耶稣教导我们,离开了他,我们就一事无成。
但是nobody apart from则只有“除了…之外无他人”一个意义。

Nobody apart from my mother has ever said that to me. 除了我母亲,谁也没有这样对我说过。
besides(作为介词)则只有“不但…而且还有”的意义 ,没有“除去…不算在内”的意义。见beside与besides

apology也和sympathy一样,常常以复数形式出现。但是, apology又和sympathy不同,没有内心感情这一
层意义,只是一种对外的社交表示,因此 比sympathy更多以复数形式出现。

Please accept my apologies. 请接受我的歉意。

We offered them our apologies. 我们向他们表示了歉意。

Jim sends his apologies, but he cannot come. 吉姆表示歉意,他不能来。但是,如果强调在一件特定事情上有抱歉,可以
说an apology。

I owe you an apology. 有一件事我要向你道歉。“道歉信”是a letter of apology。另外,表示“不后悔”、“不顾虑”,
也可以用单数的no apology。

I make no apology for bringing up the subject. 我毫不顾虑,要提起这件事情。

I make no apology for my remark.我对自己说出的意见毫不后悔。还有,an apology for a是“一个不三不四的什么”。

an apology for a team一个七拼八凑的球队

an apology for a marriage一门将就凑合的亲事。

这个形容词,本来的意思是“看起来像是”,暗中包含的意思就是“其实 不一定如此”。但是在实际使用中,它
又获得了“显然(是真的)”这个含义。结果是两个几乎相反的含 义都同时被人们使用着。

It is apparent that Walt is going. 既可以表示“瓦尔特显然要走了”,也可以表示“表面看来瓦尔特要走”。为了 避免歧义,
表示“显然”时,最好改用evident,表示“表面看来”时,最好改用it seems。

(1) 作为动词表示法律诉讼中的“不服上诉”,通常说appeal against,这同中国人的语言习惯是一致的。

appeal against the sentence对判决不服上诉

appeal to the Supreme Court向最高法院上诉。但美国英语的appeal可以是个及物动词,以 原审判决(或案件)为其直接

We intend to appeal the verdict. 我们打算对判决不服上诉。

The plaintiff appealed his case to the Vermont Supreme Court. 原告人把案件上诉到维蒙特州最高法院。

The case is being appealed. 案子正在上诉中。

(2) 另外,appeal to还有不属于法律范围的“诉诸”的意思。

You must appeal to public opinion to win the election. 竞选要获胜,就要诉诸舆论。

(3) appeal作为“不服上诉”的名词时,“提出上诉”的“提出”可以是lodge, enter或file,原审判决可以用
against或of引入,也就是:to lodge


file an appeal against

of a sentence



(1) 作为瞬时动态动词(即第四类动词),是“出现”(即从原先看不见变为看得见),通常不能有一般现在时。

She suddenly appeared in the doorway. 她忽然出现在门道上。

She has appeared in five Broadway musicals since 2000. 她自2000年以来在百老汇的五次歌舞会上登过台。

Cracks have suddenly appeared in the walls in our lounge. 我们休息室的墙壁忽然出现了裂缝。

Digital radios for less than $$50 began to appear in the shops before the end of last year. 去年年底商店里开始出现了价

(2) 作为表示状态的延续动词(即第一类动词)是“显得似乎”、“看来像是”,可以有一般现在时,后面的inf.
动词应该是延续状态或延续过程,如果是瞬时动作,就要用to have + pp。

The baby appears to be hungry. 婴儿的样子像是饿了。

They do not appear to be at home. No one's answering. 他们不像在家。没人答应。

They appear to have run away from home. They cannot be traced. 他们像是离家出走了。无法追踪他们。但是appear也
可以 作为瞬时动态动词(即第四类动词)作“显出某个样子”解。

He appeared happy when the company promoted him. 公司给他升职的时候他显得很高兴。

(3) 也可以不以事情的主体作appear的主 语,而以事情本身作appear的主语,但这个主语采取放在后面的that
从句形式而由it在前面 充当形式主语(这里的appear当然还是个第一类动词,可以有一般现在时)。

It appears that you may be quite innocent of any crime. 看来你可能完全清白无罪。

(4) appear to inf. (appear adj.) 与seem to inf. (seem adj.) 都可以作为第一类动词,指事物给人的客观印象以

They have the same surname, but they don't appear

seem to be related. 他们同姓,但是看来没有亲属关系(无情感评价,所以appear与seem均可)。

She's not getting any better. It seems

appears that she's not been taking the medication. 她的病情没有见好。看来药她没有在服用(无情感评价,所以appear

It seems (*appears) ridiculous that he has to stay here to look after the cat. 他为了照料猫, 非得留在这里,这看来简直

It doesn't seem (*appear) like a good idea to leave him here by himself. 把他一个人留在这里, 似乎不是个好办法(同
上)。从另一个角度来说,appear表示的是客观给人的印象,而seem则 是说话者自己感到的印象。

He seems tired. (是我觉得)他似乎很疲倦。

He appears to be tired. (则是)他客观上给人以疲倦的印象(我却不一定觉得他疲倦)。
(b)appear 作“显出…样子”解,本身可以是表示延续状态的第一类动词,也可以是表示瞬时事件的第四类动
词(作 “出现”解当然更是第四类动词)。作为第一类动词,appear如果在时态上采用一般现在时或一般过去时,
它由于本身是延续的,它后面的to inf. 也必须代表一个延续的状态或延续过程,所以要求一个 第一类(延续状态)
动词;如果是第二类(延续动作)动词或第三类动词(延续动作但完成),就要采取 进行时to be + -ing,以表
示状态或动作在延续中;如果是第四类动词(瞬时动作),则应把to inf. 改为to have + pp,也就是取该完成动
作或事件所造成并留下来的延续状态。例如不能说:*He appears to come. 因为come是第四类动词,表示瞬时

动作,同表示延续状态的ap pear冲突。但可以说:He appears to have come. 因为to have come间接代表了
一个延续状态(= He is here.)。也不能说:*He appears to walk. 但可以说He appears to be walking. 经过< br>动词不定式的变化,就同appear不冲突了。这一个特点,appear和seem作为第一类动词, 两者都是一样的。
但是,appear可以是第一类或第四类动词;seem却只能是第一类,采取一般 过去时,加上to inf.,通常也只能
表示过去的延续状态,用来表示过去的瞬时事件就不自然。例 如用appear可以说:He appeared to accept my
proposal. 他似乎接受了我的建议(accept是瞬时动作,第四类动词)。说He seemed to accept my proposal.
虽然不能算错,但有点勉强。总而言之,appear或seam作为前一 个动词,后面的不定式作为后一个动词,两个
(5) appear to inf. 与seem to inf. 如果要否定,可以否定app ear或seem,也可以否定后面的动词不定式。无
论否定前者或是否定后者,如果appear或s eem用一般现在时,后面的动词就必须是个延续体动词(即第一和
第二类动词),如果是个表示瞬时动 作的第四类动词(除非是经常反复的),就必须是完成式 (to have + pp)。

Why do some pages seem not to be indexed? 为什么有些页没有编入目录?

People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Two feared German bird flu cases seem not to be bird flu cases. 德国两个恐怕可能是禽流感的病例,似乎并非禽流感。

Capitalization and space don't seem to matter. 大写和留空格,看来似乎不要紧。

Civil liberties don't appear to mean much to Republicans. 公民自由对于共和党人来说似乎没有多大意义。

Plant estrogens in soy don't appear to increase breast or uterine cancer risk. 大豆中的植物雌激素似乎并不增加乳腺癌或

Prostate cancer patients appear not to experience genetic damage from soy isoflavones. 患前列腺癌的病人似乎并不因

Stem cells appear not to turn into heart cells. 干细胞似乎并不会变成心脏细胞。

Clinical trials appear not to drive up cost of cancer treatment. 临床试用似乎并不抬高癌症治疗费用。

The US appears to have fought war for oil and lost it. 美国似乎为石油打仗却又打输了。 9

11 appears to have changed everything. “9·11”似乎改变了一切。如果appear用一般 过去时,则后面的动词不定式既可
以表示延续状态,但也可以表示瞬时动作(可以to inf. 或to have inf.),如果以to inf. 表示瞬时动作,appeared就不是表
示 过去似乎存在某个延续状态,而是表示过去似乎发生了某事。

He appeared not to know what to do. 他似乎不知道该怎样办(过去延续状态)。

There didn't appear to be a time limit. 不像有什么时间限制(过去延续状态)。

But he didn't appear to react at all. 他似乎根本没有做出反应(过去瞬时动作)。

The hijacked plane didn't appear to crash into the building; most of the energy was dissipated in hitting the ground.
被劫持的客机似乎没有撞到建筑物上;大部分的能量在碰上地面时消耗掉了(过去瞬时动作)。Anna appeared not to notice
Vronsky's worried and inquiring expression. 安娜似乎并没有注意到弗隆斯基那种忧心忡忡、意欲探询的表情(过去瞬时动


This law should not have been applied to such a case. 这部法律本来不应该用于这样的一个案子。

This rule does not apply to members of the club. 这条规则不适用于俱乐部成员。这里及物和不及物的区别在于:作为及物
动词,所指的是某 一具体的“将X运用于Y”的行动,是个瞬间动词,即第四类动词;而作为不及物动词,所指的则是“X具
有可适用于Y的性质”,表示状态,是个表示状态的延续体动词,即第一类动词。因此,除非指的是习惯或反复 的行动,apply
作为“运用”释义的及物动词,不能以一般现在时形式出现;但作为“适用”释义的 不及物动词,则可以。


We'll appraise your jewelry and apprise you of the results sometime tomorrow. 我们要把您的珠宝估一下价,明天找个

(1) 在日常会话当中常常用来表示感谢(是个第一类动词), 但是要注意它同thank的搭配不同。thank的直接宾
语是人,不能是对方给自己的好处;app reciate则相反,直接宾语必须是对方所作的好事,不能是对方这个人。
例如不能说:*I'd appreciate you if you'd do me a favor, 而要说I'd appreciate it if you'd do me a favor. 如
果您能帮我一下忙,我就十分感谢。Thank you. 天天多次使用,用滥了,往往不一定真的认为对方给自己做的事
有多大价值,而说I appreciate it. 则至少在口头上表示对价值的承认。
(2) appreciat e还有许多词典没有收进的一个转义,可以表示带有赞成倾向的“理解”、“明白”、“体会”(是
个第 一类兼第四类动词)。

I appreciate your request, but our store is now closed. 对您的要求我理解,但是我们店已经关了门。

The witness didn't appreciate the question, and looked at the lawyer for help.证人没有听懂人家的问题,就把目光投向

Once you know this, you can appreciate what Bush means when he calls himself the
Daily Gazette, Schenectady, New York, Dec. 9, 2007, p. A9) 这一点你懂了,你就能够明白布什自称为“决策者”是什么意
要注意的是:ap preciate不是单指“理解”、“体会”的努力过程,而且包括了“理解到”、“体会到”这个结

We needn't give credence to the idea of a vast
appreciate the challenge posed by the Iranian theocrats to the American project in Iraq and to the order of the
Greater Middle East. (US News & World Report, April 21, 2008, p. 30) 对于那个建立一个从伊朗 到伊拉克、叙利亚和黎巴
嫩的“什叶派新月形地区”的想法,我们不必非信以为真不可,但是我们照样可 以体会到,那些伊朗神权统治者,对美国在伊

(3) appreciate还可以作为不及物动词,表示“增值”。

Because of the rise in the stock market, many individuals have securities that have appreciated considerably. 由于股
市上涨,许多人的证券大大升值了。在这个意义上,apprec iate可以用现在或过去进行时态(1. 和2. 的意义则不能用进行时

Homes were appreciating as much as 40% per year in some areas. 有些地区的居民房正在每年增值百分之四十之多。


■approve与approve of
两者大体上都是“赞同”、“同意”的意思,但是 细看起来有区别。approve是个瞬时体(第四类)动词,表示
来往手续公事公办上的“予以同意” ,不牵涉到好坏的价值判断。例如,一个会计师可以说:I cannot approve
the reimbursement because you haven't given me the receipts for your expenditure. 我不能同意报销,因
为你没有交来开支的单据。一个招生负责人可以说:I cannot approve your application to study law because
you do not have the relevant qualifications. 我不能同意你学法律的申请,因为你不具备相应的资格。而
approve of则是个表示价值判断的延续状态动词(第一类动词),表示对某事或某人有好感,予以支持或善待。

Her family approves of him. 她家人认可了他。

I don't approve of smoking in restaurants because it is so upsetting usually for non-smokers. 我不赞成在饭馆可以吸烟,

Why don't you approve of my friends? They are all good upright people. /你为什么看不惯我的这些朋友?他们全都是
正 派的好人呀。反义词disapprove与disapprove of,用法也与approve和approve of相对应。


He has had access to the whole of Lady Astor's archive, including her draft of an autobiography. (British Book News,
December 1972) 他可以查阅阿斯托尔夫人的全部档案,包括她准备写自传的草稿。

The archives in the European capitals were searched. (Van Wyck Brooks, The Flowering of New England, 1815—1865)
复数的archives还可以用 来表示“档案馆”这个机构。如果是单数的一所档案馆,虽然archives用复数,但是整
个名称还 是当作单数处理。

From 1954 the National Archives has carried out training programmes for its serving archivists. (Library Science
Abstracts, London, 1956) 自1954年起,国家档案馆进行了一些对自己的在职档案人员加以训练的项目。

An act to establish a National Archives of the United States Government... (US Code, 1948) 设立美国政府 国家档案馆的
做法…既然是机构,就甚至可以理解为所在的一处地点,因此前面也可以用介词at表示“ 在…”。

... documents at the archives on the outskirts of London... (The Associated Press, May 6, 2008) …位于伦敦郊外的档案
archi ve如果用于比喻,要看所指的是具体的人或事物,还是抽象的概念。具体时多用单数,抽象时多用复数。

... memorizing practically every line, thus making herself a living archive (*living archives)... (Hedrick Smith, Saturday
Review, Jan. 24, 1976) …几乎每一行都背诵如流,使得她自己成了一个活档案…

But we must have more than an intellectual desire, filed away in the archives (*the archive) of idea. (Charles A.
Lindbergh, Saturday Review, Feb. 27, 1954) 但是,我们如果只有求知的愿望,放到理念的档案里束之高阁,那是不行的。

■arise, rise与arouse
(1) arise是不及物动词(过去时ar ose,过去分词arisen),表示“出现”、“开始”“引起注意”,主语常常

A discussion arose about the best way to pay. 有关最好采取哪种支付方式,发生了争论。

Some difficulties have arisen.出现了一些困难。

The disagreement arose from a misunderstanding. 分歧是从一个误解产生的。

(2) 同aris e的过去时arose有点相似(但拼写和读音都不同)的arouse,则是及物动词(规则动词),意思是< br>“唤醒”、“唤起”、“引起”、“激发”。

His appeal aroused no response from the public. 他的号召没有引起公众的响应。

The rejection of the measure aroused the people to indignation. 该措施被否决,激起了人民的公愤。

(3) rise是不及物动词(过去时rose, 过去分词risen),没有“出现”的意思,而是表示从低往高的“上升”。

Prices keep rising. 物价一直在涨。

What time does the sun rise? 太阳几点钟升起?

Leave the dough to rise. 让面团自己发起来。

A feeling of rage rose within him. 他心中怒气往上冒。

作为“胳膊”,是可数名词,有单复数。但作为“武器”、“军备”的 统称,则是复数形式的不可数名词,必须
以arms的形式出现,即使作为前置定语修饰另一名词时也必 须用复数形式。

arms race (*arm race) 军备竞赛 。而且arms指笼统的“武装”、“军备”(甚至包括兵员、军事训练等等),不指单独一件
件可数的 武器或是某一特定类型的武器。单独一件件可数的武器,用weapon而不用arm。某一特定类型的武器,也 多用

nuclear weapons 或nuclear weaponry 核武器(较少说nuclear arms)。但是,如手枪步枪之类的小件武器,可以说是
small arms。

Small arms are weapons of mass destruction, killing hundreds of thousands of people around the world each year. 小型武器是大规模毁灭性武器,每年在全世界各地杀害了数十万的人。笼统提及“武装”(尤其是与“非武装 ”相对比),不能

a call to arms 武装起来的号召

by force of arms 靠使用武力

to take up arms against the enemy拿起武器对敌作战

to lay down one's arms 放下武器

to appeal to arms 诉诸武力


sleep on one's arms 枕戈待旦。
arms虽然形式是复数但实质上是个不可数名词,所以它前面既 可以加上many或few,也可以加上much或

the potential destabilization caused by so many arms to an already-saturated region对一个已经饱和的地区再加上这么

a society with that much arms in the wrong hands一个有这么多武器掌握在不合适的人们手中的社会

Effective arms embargo → less arms → less fighting → peace or at least less destruction. 有效的武器禁运→武器减少→

The fewer arms we bear the better it is for the community. 我们所持武器越少,对群体越是有利。

(1) 作为副词,around可以有动态和静态的不同意义:

Around and around they drove. 他们开着车子转来转去。

She glanced around. 她环顾周围。

It is 12m around. 它的周围一圈是十二米。

The dog followed us around. 狗到处跟着我们。

She showed us around. /她带着我们看这地方。

She offered the chocolate around. 她请遍了大家尝巧克力。

There's a rumor going around. 有个谣言到处流传。

I phoned around. 我给好几处打了电话。

She was rolling around on the floor. 她在地板上滚来滚去。

He was waving a knife around. 他拿着一把刀子晃来晃去。

She rummaged around in her bag. 她伸手进袋子里翻找。

All around are towering skyscrapers. 周围全是高耸的摩天大楼。

There's nothing for miles around. 周围好多英里之内空空如也。

Is John around? 约翰在吗?

There's no one around.这里一个人也没有。

I'm usually around after eight. 我通常八点钟以后在。

Computers weren't around in those days. 那些日子,还没有电脑。

She's the only person around who really understands. 真正懂得的,只有她一个人还活着。

The idea has been around for quite a while. 这个主意,好长时间就已经有了。

In 40 years none of us will be around. 再过四十年,我们大家全都不在人间了。

(2) 作为介词,around也可以有动态和静态的不同意义:


She looked around her.她环顾四周。

They traveled around Europe. 他们在欧洲各地旅行。

He sailed around the world. 他航海走遍世界各地。

She took them around the house. 她带他们到房子各处看看。

They sat around the fire. 他们围着篝火坐着。

Do you live around here? 你就住在这附近吗?

I depended upon my oldest son the most to help with chores around the house. 我主要依靠大儿子帮我干家里的杂活
(这里around the house不是“在房子外面周围”)。

We have more than 100 locations around the US for your convenience. 本公司分布在美国各地一百多处地点,方便阁下

A number of uniformed officers were sitting around the living room as if it were a doctor's waiting room. 若干穿着制

around the corner就在拐弯墙角后面,近在眼前,虽然一下子看不见。

Spring is just around the corner. 春天快到了。
a round作为介词的动态和静态双重意义,从美国邮局2008年1月份发出的一张广告传单也可以看出,它宣 告1
月19日在任何一个邮局都可以接受办理出国护照申请手续。醒目的标题是:Go Around the World From
Around the Corner. 前一个around是动态 的,后一个around则是静态的,意思是:出国(周游世界)的第一
步手续很简单,就在你身边最近 的邮局开始,办理申请护照手续就可以了。中文可以试译为:“出国旅行,远达
天边;办理护照,近在眼 前”。
(3) around作为介词,可以引入表示时间位置的名词,表示“约数”。

around five o'clock大约在五点钟

around March 3rd大约在5月3日

around the year 2006大约在2006年

around the beginning (end) of the century) 大约在世纪初(世纪末)

John began to read around the age of five. 约翰大约从五岁起就开始看书了。

Around what time will he come? 他大约什么时候来?
around也可以用来引入表示空间位置的名词,表示“大约”的位置,但是通常要用“at a + 维度名词 + of
around + 长度数量”这种形式。

At a depth of around 3,000 meters, the pressure of the water is enormous. 在深度大约三千米之处,水的压力非常巨大。

At an altitude of around 1,500 meters, the air is very cold. 在高度大约一千五百米之处,空气非常寒冷。
值得注意的是,around + 名词成 分,在这里合在一起又成了一个新的名词成分,前面还可以加另一个介词,这里
是of加在around 前面,但还可以加别的介词。

At around 2,000 meters, the trees no longer grow. 在大约两千米的高处,树木就不再生长了。

At around 2,000 meters, the fish have strange shapes. 在大约两千米的深处,鱼类的形状就很古怪(这里at around
2,000 meters一处理解为高度,一处理解为深处,是从事理来区别理解的)。


基本意义是“到达”这一事件(用于这个意义时通常没有复 数),但是意义逐渐扩大,可以指人、货物、交通工
具等(此时就可以有复数)。机场、车站、码头通常 都有arrivals and departures board(航班或车次告示牌),
这里的a rrivals既可以指到达此处的交通工具,也可以指其排定的航班或车次。书店中新到的书,商店中新到的< br>货物,都叫做new arrivals。来到的人是arrivals的例子如:Late arrivals will not be admitted. 迟到者恕不接

He was being pushed aside by some late arrivals trying to get a better look. 有些迟到的人,要争取看得更加清楚,就在

The church was full. Late arrivals stood in the back, in silence. 教堂挤满了人。来得晚的,静静地站在后面。new arrival

Congratulations on your new arrival. 祝贺添丁。类似这种以动词性名词代替动作主体的借用现象,还出现在另外少数名词。

replacement原意是“代替”,转义成了“代替者”:We're looking for a replacement for Helen. 我们正在找人代替海伦。
Appointmen t原意是“约定会面”,转义成了“约定来访的客户”,例如:My last appointment told me that...我最近来访
的一个客户告诉我说,... Prospect原意是“前景”,转义成了“可争取的对象(人)”,例如:They could be good
prospects. 们可能成为很好的客户。 reservation原意是“定位置”,转义成了“预订客户”。

As soon as the three other reservations arrived, the dispatcher announced the flight. 另外那三个订了票的乘客一到达,调度就宣布飞机起飞。但是departure很少能够用于人,一般仍然保留其抽象意义,至多只能作为可 数名词指一次航班或车次。

(1) 中文的“艺术”,所指的范 围比较明确。英文的art则界限比较模糊,既可以包括戏剧、诗歌(这在中文就不
属于“艺术”而属于 “文学”)、绘画、雕塑甚至音乐,也可以缩小范围,只限于绘画和雕塑(严格也可以说是
fine art或fine arts,这就相当于中文的“美术”)。但是,学校的“文科”(包括文学、艺术和社会科 学)也通
称arts或liberal arts,这些学科的学位,学士是Bachelor of Arts(简称B. A.),硕士是Master of Arts(如果
学的是自然科学则硕士是Master of Science,简称MSc),此时arts就远远不单是“艺术”了。
(2) 一个有趣的现象是:在各种西方语文中,art常常令人联想到同自然对立的“人工”、“人为”。

This beautiful garden owes more to art than to nature. 这个美丽的花园,主要得力于人工,而非自然。由art派生出形容
词artific ial(人工制造的)。

■as against
见 (as) against条。

■as good as
放在形容词前面,动词前面或 动词组之中,表示“几乎”、“差不多”、“简直是”、“实际上”(虽然有good
字,也可以指不好 的事情)。

Without her glasses she was as good as blind. 她没有了眼镜,就差不多等于瞎了。

They as good as promised him admission. 他们实际上等于答应了录取他。

He had as good as abdicated. 他简直等于退了位。

The Defense Ministry as good as admitted that most of the R. A. F. 's fighters are too slow. (Times, Feb. 28, 1955) 国
防部实际上承认了王家空军的战斗机大部分飞得太慢。但是也有些语法学者反对as good as放在谓语动词前面。

■as it is
(1) 如果it有所明确指代,意思是“照现在的原样”。 We can't publish it as it is. 我们不能把它原样发表。

Paris as it was and as it is. 巴黎今昔。

(2) 如果it是泛泛的,没有明确指代,则:

Don't disturb me. I'm nervous as it is. 别打扰我。我本来就已经够紧张的了。

If Carter had done what he has done now six months ago, the German would have found it perfectly acceptable. As
it is, they are afraid that Carter has given an impression of weakness and inexperience not only to his allies... 卡特现
在刚做的事情,假如是半年前做的,德国人就本来会觉得完全可以接受。但 是现在呢,他们就担心卡特不但给他的盟国,而且

(3) 这个is可以有时态变化。

He had decided that four bottles were all he could carry. As it was, the bottles would be enough for eight people. 他

■as long as或so long as
同字面比较直接一致的意义,是表示引入的 从句中谓语动词的动作或状态延续多久,主句的动作或状态也就延续

I'll remember it as long as I live. 我一息尚存都永志不忘。

As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable. (Albert Einstein, Atlantic, Nov. 1945)
一天有一些拥有巨大威力的主权国家,战争就一天不可避免。但是主从句之间也可以完全没有时间长短相 同的关系,而是由从
句起条件状语的作用,表示充足条件(“只要…就…”),此时从句中的谓语动词既 可以是延续体的,也可以是瞬时体的。

You can go as long as you're back by twelve. 你只要十二点以前回来,就可以去。

You're welcome to stay with us as long as you share the expenses. 你只要分担费用,就欢迎你留在我们这里。

I'll do it as long as I get paid for it. 只要有报酬,我就干。

Detergent cannot harm a fabric, so long as it has been properly dissolved. 洗涤剂只要好好溶解,就不会伤衣料。

■as much as
(1) 逐字的字面意义:“像…那样多”。

three times as much as last year为去年的三倍

The cats eats almost as much as the dogs. 猫吃得几乎同狗一样多。

I've done as much as I can. 我已经尽力而为。

I don't work as much as I used to.我现在干的活没有从前那样多了。

He spends as much as he earns. 他挣多少花多少。

Social Security protects the young as much as it does the old. 社会保险制度既保护老人,也保护青年人。

People who live with this plant consider it a friend as much as a foe. 同这种植物生活在一起的人,把这种植物既当作朋友,

(2) “多到…地步”。

You can lose as much as four pounds in one week. 你可以一周之内减轻体重四磅之多。

Whirlpool confirmed plans to invest as much as$$145 million in its Ohio facilities, saving 2,000 jobs. 漩涡公司确定了对
自己在俄亥俄的厂址投资高达一亿四千五百万美元的计划, 这一来就能保住两千个职位。

In North Carolina, two people died in car crashes as heavy rain pounded the state, dropping as much as 5 inches in
some areas. (The Associated Press, Nov. 16, 2006) 在北卡罗来纳州,两个人死于车祸,当时大雨冲击全州,在某些地区降

(3) “(虽然)一边的理由如是之多,(但是)另一边的理由也一样的多”。

As much as I hate to do it, I must stay home and finish my paper. 尽管我讨厌这样做,但我还是必须呆在家里,把论文写

As much as he hated his adversary, he could admit that he was the right candidate to challenge the establishment.

I can't leave you here. Much as I'd like to. 我不能把你留在这里。尽管我很想这样。

(4) “一边的程度之高,同另一边一样”、“无异于”、“简直就是”。

He as much as admitted it. 他实际上承认了这一点。

(5) as much as + 主语 + can do:“所能做到的差不多都做了”、“几乎技穷”、“险些做不到”。

Then when the evening does come round I'm so exhausted from working and looking after the children that it's as
much as I can do to sit upright and watch a BBC drama.干了一天的活再加上带孩子,搞得我筋疲力尽 ,到了晚上,我简直

It was as much as I could do just to stop her crying. 我简直没法让她停止嚎哭。

It was as much as I could do to keep a straight face. 我几乎无法一直把脸绷着。参见so much as条。

(6) 最末的as往后移,成为as much... as...,有“与…的程度相当”或“既…又…”的意思。

I'm as much a patriot as any of you. 我之爱国,不亚于你们当中的任何人。

Yet the Buckeye State... is as much a battleground in the economic as the political sense. (US News & World Report,
June 7, 2004, p. 36) 然而橡树州(俄亥俄州)…既是经济意义上的战场,也是政治意义上的战场。(注意这里as m uch后面同
as后面的成分在句法构造上不对称)有时候后移的as要等到很迟才出现,此时要注意抓 住前后的呼应关系,以免“断线”。

The project you were shown bore about as much resemblance to the one we've approved as horseshit does to roast
beef. 人家给你看的那个方案,比起我们通过的那个方案,就仿如马粪之比起烤牛肉。

Twice as much money went to presentations about American life and values as to programs on Middle East peace,
combating terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, and Iraq combined. (US News & World Report, March 17, 2003,
p. 40) 用于介绍美国生活和价值观的钱,比用于中东和平、反恐、大规模毁灭性武器和伊拉克等 项目加在一起还多出一倍。

■as of
as of是美国英语特有的用法,可以表示两个截然相反的时间点概念:
(1) “截至…之时为止”,谓语动词可以用一般现在时或现在或过去完成时。

as of this writing截至本文执笔时为止

As of March 2000, Japan's Internet users exceed 21 million, ranking second only to the US-reported 124 million. 截至
2000年3月为止,日本的互联网用户已经超过两千一百万,仅次于 美国所宣布的一亿两千四百万。

This version depicts the law as of November 27, 2002. 本版本显示直到2002年11月27日为止的法律。

As of June 2, 2006 USCIS has approved 1,901 petitions under the 20,000 H-1B numbers reserved for holders of US
master's or higher degree, and 4,698 petitions are pending. 截至6月2日为止,美国公民及移民局在保留给持有美国硕
士及更高学位者的两万个H-1 B名额中,已经批准了1,901件申请,尚有4,698 件在处理中。

As of Friday, that total had reached 28,700. (The Washington Post, March 20, 2007) /截至星期五为止,(美国增兵伊

Iraq war results and statistics as of Oct. 22, 2008 至2008年10月22日为止的伊拉克战争结果与统计数字。as of表示
“直到…为止 ”,同until意义不同。until表示“延续到某一时间点就发生变化”,如果仍然不发生变化,保持原状 ,就不能
用until。as of表示“直到某一时间点仍然保持原状不变”。

As of last year, they still had some concerns to resolve. 直到去年,他们仍然有一些问题需要解决。又例如2007年4月美
国弗吉尼 亚理工学院枪击事件中,仍然有人从宽恕的角度出发对凶手赵承熙表示悼念,在他的祭坛上放了小石子,但又有人 把
小石子拿走了。After the first stone for Cho was removed, someone else came forward and placed a new one there.
As of Thursday, the stone remained. (The Associated Press, April 26, 2007) 第 一块祭奠赵的小石子被拿走了后,又有人前
来放上了一块新的。这块小石子直到星期四还在那里。如果谓 语动词是被否定的,则as of也与until不同,并不表示到了该时
间点就发生了从否定变为肯定 的变化,而是表示这个否定状态到了该时间点仍然保持,后来如何则不交代。

As of Saturday, the governor still had not declared a state of emergency. 直到星期六,州长仍然没有宣布紧急状态(如
果说The governor did not declared a state of emergency until Saturday,就是星期六宣布了紧急状态)。

(2) as of本来是个复合介词,如果后面加上yet,成为as of yet,就成为一个副词短语,意思是“截至现 在为
止”。如果谓语动词(通常用现在完成时)是被否定的,则as of yet也与until n ow不同,并不表示现在刚刚发
生了从否定变为肯定的变化,而是表示这个否定状态到了现在仍然保持, 今后如何则不交代。

As of yet, no timetable has been set for construction. 直到现在为止,还没有定下兴建的时间表。

(3) as of后面不一定是个截止日期,也可以是指“按照(迄今为止的资讯)”。

As of the most recent filings with the state Board of Elections... 按照已经报请州选举委员会备案的最新资料…

(4) “(某项措施)自…起(实施)”。

Accordingly, as of January 31st, 2006, Internet Explorer for the Mac is no longer available for download from
Microsoft.因此,自2006年1月31日起,麦金塔电脑上的Internet Explorer再也不能用来下载微软。

The border, effectively closed since 1981, will be opened as of January 1. 从1981年起就关闭了的边境,将自1月1日

As of next week I'll be working at home. 从下周起,我就在家里工作了。

Extraterrestrial life. As of today, the most popular modern myth of all time was no longer a myth. (Dan Brown,
Deception Point, p. 130) 地球之外有生物。从今天起,当代历来最流行的神话,已经不再是神话了。

(5) as of不光是可以指“到何时为止”或“从何时起”这两种相反的与时段有关的时间点,而且还可以指同时段

As of Monday I will talk to him about it. 礼拜一我就同他谈这件事。但是,as of还是指预料同说话时有一些距离的将来。
如果是眼前马上要做的事,用as of + 时间点就不很妥当。

Right now (*As of now) I will cross the street. 我现在马上就过街去。同样,as of作“从何时起开始一 段时段”时,这个起
点也预料同说话时有一些距离,如果是立刻起算,也最好不要用as of。

From now on (*As of now), I shall always refuse such offers. 从现在起,凡是这样的提议,我都一律拒绝。

■as well as
(1) 一般都熟知as well as常常用于 并列多个概念(这些概念可以表现为名词、代词、形容词、副词、介词短语,
甚至谓语动词,as well as后面的一个概念通常是已知的或是作为衬托的,重点往往在前一个概念上)。

He gave me clothes as well as food. 他给了我食物还给了衣服。

I can't carry his bags as well as my own. 我拿了自己的箱子,就拿不了他的。

It has symbolic as well as economic significance. 它既有经济意义,也有象征意义。

He designs as well as makes fashionable dresses. 他既裁制时装,也设计时装。但是,as well as有时候的作用不在于并列

Women, as well as men, have a fundamental right to work. 妇女和男子一样,也有参加工作的基本权利。此时as well as

Although IQ tests were not originally intended for use in business, studies have shown that these instruments
predict work performance at least as well as competency interviews do. 尽管智商测验原先不是为了用 于工作业务,但是
一些调研结果显示,这些手段起码能够同能力面试一样预示工作业绩。另外,as well as究竟是表示并列还是比较,以及拿什么

A new study has found that a diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy lowers blood pressure as well
as drugs. 不是拿blood pressure与drugs并列,也不是拿来相比较,而是拿a diet of...与drugs相比较 (一项新近的研究发

(2) 此外,由于as well as的原意是“同…一样好”,有时候这个原意仍然保留,就可能产生歧义,例如:
Jennifer plays the violin as well as Sylvia. 这一句可以是“詹尼弗也同西尔 维亚一样拉小提琴”,也可以是“詹
尼弗拉小提琴同西尔维亚一样好”。为了避免歧义,如果意思是前者 ,可以改为Both Jennifer and Sylvia play
the violin,如果意思是后者,可以改为Jennifer and Sylvia play the violin equally well.

■as well... as
如果as well as当中的well与as隔开,形成as well X as Y,意思就同 well(“好”)相反,指X之坏,同Y
之坏,程度相等,而X之坏,是大家已经熟悉的,用这样的比 拟,衬托出Y是多么的坏(要注意X和Y不要换错

One may as well not know a thing at all as know it imperfectly. 一知半解,倒不如干脆一无所知。

I'm going to be late for work anyway, so I think I'll go to the shop for a paper. I might as well be hanged for a sheep
as a lamb. 反正上班要迟到了,所以我打算索性到店里去买张报纸。一不做二不休嘛。这里要注意的两点是:第一,I might
as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb是句成语,如果补全了应该是I might as well be hanged for a sheep as be
hanged for a lamb,意思是“反正偷一只小羊也是要被处以绞刑,那就宁可索性偷一只大羊,一样被处以绞刑”。

If God were as you Calvinists say, I would not worship Him. I would rather go to Hell because I might as well be in
Hell as to have to spend eternity with such a wicked, evil and untrustworthy god. 假如上帝真的像你们加尔文派所说的
那样,我就不会崇拜他, 我就会宁可下地狱,因为与其跟这样一个狠毒、邪恶、不值得信任的上帝度过永恒,我就倒不如到地
狱里 过。如果说的是一般的普遍道理,用may;如果说的是当前特定的一件事,用might。

■as well1
(1) “也一样”。

He bought the house and the land as well. 他把房子连同地皮一起买下来了。

You've already been late for breakfast, and if you don't eat fast, you'll be late for school as well. 你吃早餐已经晚了,

(2) “而且加以”。

And then the car broke down as well. 接着,车子又坏了。

(3) it is (was) just as well (that) 是“幸亏”。

Judging from everything you've said, it was just as well she wasn't there. 从你所说全部情况来看,幸亏当时她不在那里。

(4) may (might) (just) as well有两个可能的意义。第一个意义,是表示“那也行”、 “也吧”、“索性…算了”

If I've got to go somewhere I may as well go to Birmingham. 如果非到什么地方去不可,我就到伯明翰去吧。

Anyway, your're here; you might as well stay. 反正你已经来了,你就留下来算了。

You might as well watch the movie, given that you already bought it. 既然片子你已经买了,你就看看也好。

I'll come with you if you like. I might as well. 你乐意的话我就跟你一起去。我无所谓。

—Shall we go to the cinema? —We might as well. —咱们去看电影好吗?—去也好。第二个意思,是更进一步,表示当前
所说的情况已经坏到as well后面所说的情况那样坏的地步,甚至还不如那样干脆。

The couple might as well have been strangers. 那一对简直如同陌路人。

We might just as well be in prison for all the quality our lives have at present. 拿我们目前生活的质量,倒不如干脆住进
监狱里。/芝加哥曾经打算规定计程汽车司 机必须穿着整齐,但是许多司机抱怨天气太热,于是有如下的一段话:That's

(Newsweek, Oct. 10, 2006, p. 9) 司机韦德斯堡说,这简直是“发疯”,而且“夏天太热了。倒不如索性叫我们穿上燕尾礼服

■as well2

Almost all the problems tourists in Barcelona encounter are to do with petty crime—pickpocketing and bag-
snatching rather than more serious physical confrontations, so it's as well to be on your guard and know where your
possessions are. 游客在巴塞罗那所遇到的问题,差不多全都是一些小偷小摸行为例如偷钱包和抢手袋之类,而不是什么 严重

■as with
用以表示“如同其他类似的事例一样”,当前拿来对比的事物,在句中可以有各种各样的地位 ,可以是主语、宾

But as with the nuclear airplane proponents in the 1950s and the nuclear space power proponents of the SDI era,
advocates of nuclear propulsion for human space exploration have been hard-pressed to demonstrate clear-cut
advantages to their preferred solution, 但是同20世纪50年代主张搞核飞机的以及“战略防御方案”时期 主张搞太空核能
的人们一样,那些主张搞核能推进的人类太空探索的人们,对于他们所热中的解决办法有 什么明确的优越性,要证明起来也很

As with the first two volumes in this series, volume III amasses a great deal of useful information (including
bibliography) on the words dealt with. 正如本系列的头两册一样,第三册收集了大量涉及已经处理过的单词的有用资讯(包

Hermes as with the other gods had numerous affairs with goddesses, nymphs and mortals. 赫尔墨斯同其他的神一样,

As with the overall influence of Christian fundamentalism, his theological tenets make reconciliation in this conflict
less likely.正如 基督教原教旨主义曾起过的全面影响那样,他的那些神学原理,也使得这个冲突更加难以调和。

In an agreement between two parties where there is an imbalance in power, as with the Israelis and Palestinians, the
rights of the weaker party must be protected. 双方实力悬殊,像以色列人和巴勒斯坦人那样,要达成协议,力量弱的一方,

As with the other players, encrypted support is not provided directly by MPlayer. 同其他放送机一样,MPlayer并不直

■as... any, as... ever
(1) 从字面上看,似乎意思是“同任 何一个都一样”或是“同任何时候都一样”,换句话说,就是“平淡无奇”了。
但其实any和ever 都有加强语气的作用,拿as... any来说,也可以理解为这个any不是“随便普普通通的一
个 ”,而是“哪怕是千挑万拣找出来的一个”,这一来,意义就变为“不比任何一个差”,再进一步又变为“比任何一个都更加”,也就是“最”(但是as... ever情况较为复杂,请见2. )。这个问题,详见any条5. 。

(2) as... ever也有类似的情况,但是情况比较复杂。如果as... as... have + pp当中pp动词是瞬时性的,就有

She has as fine a figure as I have ever seen. 她的身材我所见过最苗条的(不是“同我所见过的一样苗条”,see是瞬时性

D'Este's biography of General Patton is as thorough and balanced a treatment of this great man as I have ever seen.
德斯特写的巴顿将军传,对这位伟人的处理,是 我所看到的最为透彻、最为面面俱到的。如果as后面有any又有ever,则
“比任何一个都更加” 亦即“最”的意义就更为突出。

The speech was as poetically written as any he'd ever heard. 那篇演说辞,是 他所听过用最精心的诗意词藻写成的。(不
是“同任何一个一样”)但是,如果as... as... have + pp当中pp动词是延续性的,则却有“与从前一样”、“同从前一个程

Factories are going at full blast, and wages are as high as they have ever been, if not higher. 各家工厂全额开工,工资

(1) 可以指主语,依动词词义的不同。(a)可以指没有变化的固定身份(动词通常不涉及整体的变化)。

Over the summer she worked as a waitress. 整个夏天她都干招待员的工作。

As a child, she adored dancing. 她童年喜欢跳舞。

They met almost as strangers. 他们会面时几乎彼此像陌生人。

The sudden change came as a shock to him. 突如其来的变化,对他是个打击(主语说了变化,动词came不是变化)。

I want to speak to you as a friend and not as a lawyer. 我想以朋友的身份,而不是律师的身份同你说话。

To be sworn in as president. 宣誓就任总统之职。

He strikes me as a fool. 我觉得他简直是个傻瓜。

to step down as president下台不再当总统

She resigned immediately as the club's chairman. 她立刻辞去俱乐部主席之职。但是在个别场合,虽然动词涉及负面的变
化,as却 不表示失去的身份或性质,而是表示经过这负面变化后新取得的身份或性质,例如一本虚构小说中说以色列情报部 门
在1967年收到一份关于核攻击的预报,但不予重视,接着埃及发动进攻,以色列就把这份预报理解 为有关埃及进攻的预报,
而把核进攻的预报置诸脑后:Two days later, the Six-Day War broke out and the note was dismissed as a warning of
the Egyptian attack... 两天之后,六日战争爆发,于是这个预告就被否定,当作是有关埃及进攻的警告。

They deny that and dismiss American concern as a Cold War relic.他们对此加以否认,认为美国的担心是冷战的后遗症。

With Casualties Down, the War Retreats as a Political Issue (US News & World Report, Dec. 24, 2007, p. 40, Headline)

When I was hired, old George was dubious, and with reason, because as a salesman I was tongue- tied. (Bill Gerry,
Yale Review, 1948) 我受到雇用时,老乔治有点不放心,那也是有道理的,因为我这个笨嘴拙舌的人,本来不适合当推销员。

(2) 可以指主语以外的其他名词或代词成分,特别是宾语。可以指固定身份,一时的、 新得到的或失去的身份或性

We regard the whole thing as a joke.我们把这件事全看成玩笑。

As a historian this kind of assertion always amuses me. 我作为一个历史学家,这一类的主张总是使我觉得好笑。

He uses his umbrella as a walking stick. 他拿他的雨伞当拐棍使。

They promised to back him as the leader. 他们答应支持他当领袖。

The board of directors fired him as the chief engineer. 董事会解除了他的总工程师职务。

The alibi eliminated him as a suspect. 由于有当时不在场的证明,他就被解除了怀疑。

As an outsider, the Koran strikes me as a reforming book, trying to return Judaism and Christianity to their origins,
much as reformers attempted to do with the Christian church centuries later. (Tony Blair, Foreign Affairs, Jan.

Feb., 2007) 对于我这样一个身处其外的人来说,《古兰经》给我的印象是一本改革的书 ,它要让犹太教和基督教回到自己的

(3) 甚至可以指of后的名词或指主有代词所代表的人称。

his duty as a father他做父亲的责任

my honor as a soldier我的军人荣誉

his life as a composer他的作曲家生涯

test of English as a second language第二语言英语测验

Her father's income as a computer programmer...(The New York Times, Sept. 30, 2007) 她父亲做电脑程序设计师的收

As British ambassador in that period, his advice to London heavily favoured the opposition. 作为那个时期的英国大使,

As a doctor, my duty is to preserve life. 作为医生,我的义务就是维护生命。

Do your duties as a priest extend beyond the church? 你作为牧师的职责是否超出教会之外?

Ha! Say no more! You have my word as a gentleman — it shall be so! (John Darnton, The Darwin Conspiracy, pp.
140-141) 哎呀!别再说了。你就听我的君子诺言吧 ——就这样办!

As the Leon County supervisor of elections, Jon Sancho's job is to make sure voting is free of fraud. (The
Washington Post, Jan. 22, 2006, A6) 作为莱昂郡的选举督察员,桑却的任务是保证选举不出现舞弊现象。

Such ideas were drummed into his head as a battalion commander. 这些想法都塞进了他这个营长的头脑里。

Gold has always been at the heart of Mexico—from the ancient Aztec and Inca civilizations to European conquests
started by Cortés to its modern day struggles as a nation. 黄金 向来是墨西哥的核心——从古代的阿兹台克和印加文明,
到科尔特斯所开拓的欧洲人征服时期,到现代它 作为一个国家艰苦奋斗的时代。

His inexperience as a commander was revealed most pathetically at the Casablanca conference... (US News & World
Report, Oct. 28, 2002, p. 46) 他的缺乏作战指挥经验,在卡萨布兰卡会议上暴露得最为狼狈…

The Korea-US FTA will serve as an opportunity for Korea to solidify its position as a new financial hub in Northeast
Asia and to globalize its economy one step further. 韩美自由贸易协定将为韩国提供一个机会,巩固它作为 东北亚一个新的

South Africa spends nearly 1 percent of its gross domestic product on science—about five times the African average.
Reflecting its needs as a developing country, much of that goes toward research in agriculture, health and
biotechnology.(The Washington Post, April 24, 2006; A06) 南非的国民生产总值将近有百分之一用于科学,大约是非洲平
均数的五倍。其中 很大部分用于农业、卫生和生物科技的研究,这正反映出南非作为一个发展中国家的需要。有时候甚至his,
her, their之类的主有形容词不出现,也可以用as。

Had Eisenhower shunted aside all distractions to focus on seizing Tunis with a battle captain's fixed purposes, the
coming months might have been different. But a quarter century's habits as a staff officer, with a staff officer's
meticulous attention to detail and instinctive concern for pleasing his superiors, did not slough away easily. (US
News & World Report, Oct. 28, 2002, p. 46) 假如当时艾森豪威尔把分心的事情统统放到一边,抱着战地指挥官的固定目标,一心一意考虑如何攻占突尼斯,往后几个月的情况就会大不相同。但是,他二十多年担任参谋人员养成了习惯 ,作为参谋人员,
总是事无巨细均在关心之列,而且还养成了博取上级欢心的本能,凡此种种习惯,是不 会轻易丢掉的。

(4) 可以指主语的行动,作为对它的补充说明或评价。

He builds houses as a hobby. 他以盖房子来作为业余消遣。

He undermined the regime as the unintended consequence of his efforts to reform it. 他设法要改革这个制度,但原先

Court deputies, as a general rule, are uniformed and armed. 法警照例通常是穿着制服并且携带武器的。

David Ridgen had been assigned by CBC Television to do a new documentary on the
part of his research, he had watched a 1964 CBC piece on the murders. (The Washington Post, Jan. 25, 2007) 大卫·里
真是由CBC电视台指派拍摄有关“密西西比烧杀案”的纪录片的。作为他的调研 工作的一部分,他看过了CBC 1964年有关这

…as a step towards conversing with her himself,(Darcy) attended to her conversation with others. (Jane Austen,
Pride and Prejudice, Chapter Six) …他为了想要慢慢地跟她攀谈攀谈,因此她跟别人谈话的时候,他就留心去听。

(5) 对整个事件作补充说明或评价。

Gas prices fell as a result of Congressional attention to the problem. 由于国会重视这个问题,汽油价格下降了。

All schools were closed as a precaution. 作为预防,所有学校都关闭了。

(1) as作为表示“方式如 同…一样”的连词,引入一个状语从句,如果as前面有否定,这个否定究竟是到达as面
就停下来,还 是一直继续,把as及其后面从句的内容也一起否定?应该说,通常情况下,否定的作用是一直贯彻

下来,把as后面的内容连同as前面的内容合在一起全盘加以否定(即使as前面有逗号隔开,这个 否定作用也越

He did not go to office daily, as his father did before him. (Kruisinga) 他不像他父亲从前那样每天都去上班。

Her pregnancy was not seven months long, as he had believed, but only five.她并不如他原先以为的那样怀孕了七个月,

Women's desires to connect with others and their emotional accessibility traits were essential strengths,not
weaknesses as they were traditionally regarded. 妇女要同他人联络的愿望,以及她们在感情上容 易触动的特点,是重要的

It did not matter that Mohamed Atta, the leader of the 9

11 terrorists, never met with Iraqis in Prague, as high-level Bush people claimed.“9·11”恐怖分子的头头穆罕默德·阿
塔从未像高层的 布什亲信所说的与伊拉克人在布拉格会过面,但这不重要。

But it was another Italian, Alessandro Volta, who found that the electricity came not from the frog, as Galvani had
thought, but from the metals. 但是另外 一个意大利人亚历山德罗·伏尔塔却发现了电并不像加尔万尼所想的那样来自那只青蛙,

Working in an open- source world is not without its hardships. There is no toll-free number to call when things
don't work, as is the case with packaged software. 在一个源头开放的世界里活动,总是免 不了遇到种种麻烦。东西不灵了,

.... that it was not that that kept me silent: it was the fear that this sudden cessation of pain was not so favourable a
symptom as he supposed. (Anne Brontё, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Chapter 49) …使我沉默不语的,并不是那个原因,
而是我担心,疼痛忽然这 样停止,并不如他所推测的那样是个好征状。

He posed for a few pictures and shook hands—though not with women, as Islamic custom dictates. (US News &
World Report, Oct. 2, 2006, p. 30) 他摆姿势找了几张照片,还握了手,但是按照伊斯兰风俗,没有同妇女握手。

The Supreme Court normally does not hear any evidence, as is true with all appeals courts. 同所有上诉法院一样,最高

Standard treatment is not terribly effective, as is the case with many advanced cancers. 正如许多晚期的癌症那样,标

Under the new policy, a film's rating will consider all tobacco use, rather than just teenage smoking, as in the past.
(The New York Times, May 11, 2007, C1) 按照新的办法,影片的分级,要将一切吸烟镜头都考虑在内,而不是像过 去那样只

The government would allow outsiders to own 100% of local companies by June rather than by the end of the year
as had been earlier contemplated. 政府可能到六月而不是按照原先预定的那样要到年底才让外来人百分之百地拥有本地公司。

While Iraq's president is optimistic about his country's future, Iran's president remains intransigent in his refusal to
halt nuclear- related activities as demanded by the United States as a precondition for talks. (Newsweek, Oct. 2, 2006,
p. 31) 伊拉克的总统对本国的前途表示乐观,而伊朗的总统则仍 然坚持拒绝按照美国提出的谈判先决条件停止与核有关的活动。
这里的as demanded向前只管到to halt,不能继续往前管到refusal(如果管到refusal ,意义就相反,变成“美国要求伊朗

The White House is betting that the steps it has taken to address the housing and financial crises will be enough to
avert a recession without resorting to a major tax cut or new spending, as leading economists in both parties have
urged. (The Washington Post, Dec. 21, 200 7)白宫正在估计,它为了对付房贷与金融危机而采取的步骤,将足以避免衰退,
而不必照两党的高级经 济学家们所敦促的那样实行大幅度减税或新增支出(as管resorting,不管avert a recession)。

(2) as如果引入表示“正当…之时”的时间状语从句,此 时从句中的谓语动词即使用现在或一般过去时,不用进行
式,也仍然表示无限延续的动作,不是表示瞬时 完成的动作。用第二类动词(“活动动词”)时,固然表示正在
过程中,没有终点可言。即使用第三类动 词(“趋成动词”)时,本来通常用一般过去时这类动词表示动作已经
到达了终点,但是在as引入的时 间状语从句中却是例外,所表示的是动作仍在进行过程中。

Even as the ink on the treaty dried, a final struggle was taking shape over the vast lands of the West. (American
History Made Simple, p. 33) 条约墨汁未干,争夺西部大片土地的一场最后的战斗就已经在开场(注意:这里的dried不是

The clack of high heels can be heard as she crosses the yard. 她穿过院子时,可以听到高跟鞋的咯咯声。

On sidewalks a tide of hurrying inbound office workers swirled around Sam and Celia as they strolled. 萨姆和塞莉娅

Antoine Ghanem... died when a bomb in a parked car went of as he drove by in a Christian suburb of the capital.
(The New York Times, Sept. 20, 2007, A1) 加涅姆正在驱车经过首都一个基督教郊区时,一辆停泊的汽车里炸弹爆炸,他因

They had encountered each other in a corridor where others were passing as they talked. 他们是在一条走廊上碰面的,

As FDA's examination proceeded, scientists from the pharmaceutical companies would be called in, perhaps to
explain some of the submitted material or to add even more. 当食品药物管理局的审查在进行中时,医药公 司的一些科学

As time went on, the prediction of Dr. Gould seemed increasingly and sadly to be true. 随着时间推移,古尔德博士的不

As the world warms, the United States will face more severe thunderstorms with deadly lightning, damaging hail
and the potential for tornadoes. (AP, Aug. 30, 2007) 随着地球变暖,美国将遇到更多的严重雷阵雨,带有致命的闪电、破

As his computer expertise grew, he began making Internet connection all over the world. 随着他的电脑技能日益提高,

Therefore, as months went by with no decision made, his frustration grew. 因此,随着时间一个一个月过去,事情悬而

Resources produced in the United States play a leading role in meeting our domestic energy needs. They will
continue to do so as our economy grows and Americans' demand for energy increases. (ExxonMobil ad, The New
York Times, OP-ED, Nov. 29, 2007, A31) 美国国内生产的资源,对于满足我们国内的能源需求,起着主导作用 。今后,随着

(3) 从上可见,as作为主从连词引入时间状语从句时,它对从句中谓语动词的“体” 可以起“延续化”的影响,不
但可以使第二类动词(延续的“活动动词”)免用进行时,也可以使第三类 动词(延续但有必然终点的“趋成动
词”)转化为第二类而避免用进行时,甚至可以使第四类动词(瞬时 的“达成动词”)“延续化”(把短促的行

As I left the house I remembered the key. 我正要出门时,还没有完全出门,就想起了钥匙(门还没有锁上,还来得及回去
拿),相当于While I was leaving the house I remembered the key. 本来leave是个瞬时的短促动作,但是在这里被as这
个“慢镜头”拖长了。反之,如果说When I left the house I remember the key, 意思就变为“我刚出门,门锁 上了之后,才
想起了钥匙(但为时已晚)”。不过,while后面之所以要说was leaving ,而不能像as后面那样说left,是因为动词leave
是瞬时性的“达成动词”(第四类),如果 动词是延续性的“活动动词”(第二类),while从句中就不一定非用进行时不可,
也可以同as从 句一样用一般时。

She cooked dinner while the kids watched (were watching) TV. 孩子们边看电视,她边做晚饭 。或者如果主句动词是延续

We waited a few minutes outside his office while he finished up his meeting. 我们在他办公室外面等了几分钟,让他把
会开完。又例如:They sat down and watched as the commercial ended. 他们坐了下来看,一直看到广告播送完 。这里的
end明明是个瞬时体的第四类动词,但是在as影响下,被拖长了,带有“一直进行着直到结 束”的意思,此时这个as也可以

(4) as后面如果引入表示“就像…那样”、“照…那样”的方式状语从句,这个从句的标准结构,就是句子成分不< br>完全,或是缺主语,或是缺宾语,或是缺表语,或是缺宾语补足语(也有学者认为在这里as兼管代替了所 缺的成
分,尤其是主语)。正是这个短缺,使得从句同主句的关系更紧密。下面分述各个句子成分缺位的 情况:

Eli Camperdown, as befitted the president and CEO, sat front and center. (埃利·坎泼道恩作为董事长兼首席执行长,理

The government would allow outsiders to own 100% of local companies by June rather than by the end of the year,
as had been earlier contemplated. 政府可能到六月而不是按照原先预定的那样要到年底 才让外来人百分之百地拥有本地公司

It is unlikely that the Attorney General would go to Florida, as was earlier thought.司法部长不大可能像前些时候预料的

When, as happens all too often, there is a fire, or the city council demolishes illegal constructions, ... 每当发生屡见不
鲜的事件例如一场火灾或是市政厅拆除违章建筑之时,... (as后面缺主语it)

…as The Times confirmed in its study of rampage killings, ... (The New York Times, April 22, 2000) (…据《时报》在其有
关狂暴杀人行为的研究材料中证实… (confirmed后面缺宾语it)

As I said a moment ago, we each want to write a best seller. 我刚才说过,咱们每个人都想写一本畅销书 (said后面缺宾语
it或so)。注意:常常可以用such... as...的结构,such 后面(也可以前面)是个名词,as则代替关系代词that(在从句中充当
主语或直接宾语),在意思 上与those... that...相近,但是those... that...是从外延角度规定该事物外部界限,而such... as...
(或... such as...)则是从内涵角度对该事物的内在性质加以说明。

And in them (=her eyes) was a look of adoration such as few men in their lifetimes ever see. 她的目光中流露出一种许
多男人一辈子都很少看见到的仰慕神情(as在从句中兼任宾语,请 详见such条之3. )。

Hair or fur is the hallmark of a mammal, just as feathers are of birds. 毛发或毛皮是哺乳动物的标志,如同羽毛是鸟类的
标志(are与of之间缺表语the hallmark)

as things stand... 从现在情况看…)。

as has been the case in previous crises正如在以前历次危机中的情况那样

We can't publish it as it is.我们不能照原样发表它。

Leave things as they are. 事情就原样别动了。

The present owner is a keen art collector, as were several of his ancestors. 现在的所有主,同他前面的几位先辈一样,是

As it is we can do nothing. 既然如此,我们也就无能为力了。

The old lady was exactly as Arthur had described her.老太太就是亚瑟原先描述的那个样子。

These were not riots as we know them. They were, in the Eastern European fashion, pogroms—only the victims were
African Americans, not Jews. 这些并不是我们所理解的骚乱,而是东欧式的迫害浪潮,只是受害者是非洲裔美国人,而不是

In Susan's eyes, David was as close to perfect as she could imagine. 在苏珊心目中,大卫同她所能够想象的十全十美已经

I like the freedom to organize my day as I want to. 我喜欢自己自由,一天想怎样安排就怎样安排。

Napalm should be banned, as should the development, production, and stockpiling of all chemical weapons. 凝固汽

I found she was staying in the same small hotel as I was. 我发现她住的小旅馆就是我的那一家。

I love her as I would my own daughter. 我爱她如同爱自己的亲生女儿。

The new president would not intervene in overseas crises as readily as has his predecessor. 新任总统对海外危机也许不

Klemperer's conducting of the third movement shows the extreme strength of his interpretation, as does his earlier
recording of the Mass in C. 克伦珀勒对第三乐章的指挥,显示出了他极强的表现力度,就正如他先前录下的C调弥撒曲所显
示 的那样。

(5) 也有as从句完整,不缺少任何成分的,这种情况,往往出现在两件没有相同成分但可以作比拟的事情上。

They hunted him as a tiger stalks his prey. 或As a tiger stalks his prey, so they hunted him. 有时候骤然看来as从句完
整,但其实省略了一个状语(状语不是句子的必要 成分,所以缺了一下子看不出来),例如苏联1978年出过一本用英文写成
的俄语课本,书名是Rus sian As We Speak It。骤然看来,as从句中,主语、谓语、宾语都齐全,但是其实在意义 上缺了状语

(6) as后面的从句,如果实际意义上所缺的成分是how(就像上面Russian As We Speak It的例子那样),可以
从后面的主句看出它是方式状语从句。此时主句往往以so开头, 而且主谓语颠倒。

As he sat then, so had he sat for a whole day and a whole night. (E. Phllips Oppenheim, The Yellow Crayon, Chapter I)

(7) as后面不是句子,而是 一个过去分词。有as与没有as的区别在于:没有as,这个过去分词是表示对前面的
名词有长远的、 固定的修饰作用,而有as,则表示这个修饰作用只在当前这个具体场合有效。

their position, as opposed to ours他们的立场同我们的相对照(当前说话时拿来相对照,不是一直都是对立的)

the English language as spoken in America美国人说的 英语(当前暂时把英语缩小到美国范围,这同对一般意义的美国英语

Paris as seen by tourists is a very different city. 如果用观光客的眼光来看巴黎,那就是另一个大不一样的城市了(当前说话< br>时临时提到观光客,巴黎并不是一直被这样看的)。

This report only discusses unemployment as measured by statistics but not as experienced by actual people. 这个报
告,仅仅从统计数字的测定,而不是从人们实际的感受,来谈论失业问题(当前 说话时谈到失业问题在眼前这个报告中如何测

Tests for safety and efficacy, as required by law, could begin in the United States. 按照法律要求对药物进行 安全与功效
测试,可以在美国着手进行(进行测试,当前的着眼点就是满足法律的要求,这是当前的焦点 ,尽管法律要求是一贯的、普遍

The phrase “改变政权”,是同
先发制人开战主义应用于伊拉克之时形影相随的一个用语。这个as + pp词组 ,有时候不一定要放在一个名词后面作为定语,
它也可以作为一个状语词组,表示“按照…”、“每当… 之时”。

Reseal as required. 请按需要重新封紧。

They can help as needed. 必要时他们可以帮忙。

Take two aspirins as needed. 必要时服用两片阿斯匹林。如果修饰的事件已经发生,as + pp则可以是“照原来说的办了事”

He went as agreed.他如约去了。

They came as promised. 他们履行诺言前来了。也可以作为对全句内容的一个概括说明。

A bolt of lightning strikes, as seen from Bogart Road in Huron Township, Ohio, Wednesday, June 21, 2006, the first
day of summer.夏季的第一天2 006年6月21日星期三从俄亥俄州休伦镇波格特路看到的一下闪电(照片说明)。

(8) as with后面可以接上一个与主语语义同格的名词成分,表示这个成分所代表的事物与主 语所代表的事物有相

As with many other adventurous foreigners later, he was forbidden to leave. 正如日后的许多外国冒险家所遭遇的那样,

(9) as在一些特殊的结构中,可以表示“虽然”。分述如下:

(a)(名词或形容词)+ as +(主语)+(谓语),这样的结构,可以充当一个表示“虽然”、“尽管”的让步

Child as he was, he was brave. 他尽管是个孩子,但却很勇敢(注意child在句首不能有冠词,意义相当的although he was
a child则有冠词)。

Late as it was, we started. 虽然晚了,我们还是出发了。

Powerful as the president is, he cannot stop his country's disintegration. 尽管总统权力很大,他也阻止不了他国家的解体。
(b)要注意:上述结构中,末尾的谓语(往往是to be的变位形式)出现不出现,会产生不同的意义和用法。

Busy as any working mother was, she found time to attend every PTA meeting. 她尽管像任何一个上班的母亲一样忙碌,
但总是抽时间参加每 一次家长会(有了was,主从句的意义方向就彼此相反)。

Busy as any working mother, she could not find time to attend every PTA meeting. 她像任何一个上班的母亲一样忙碌,
因此就抽 不出时间参加每一次家长会(没有was,主从句的意义方向就彼此一致,成了因果关系)。
(c)与此类似,另外还有inf. + as +(主语)+(谓语助动词)的结构,也是用来表示“虽然”、“尽管”。

Try as she would, she could never remember a word of what he said. 她无论怎样回忆,还是一个字也想不起来他说了什

Try as they might, they couldn't persuade her. 他们用尽了办法,都没有能够说服她。
(d)还有as + adj. + as + 主语+ (to be),也可以表示“虽然”、“尽管”。

As Ronald Reagan's vice president, he (= George W. H. Bush) hewed to the CIA view of Saddam, which was that, as
sadistic as he was, he had his uses as a counterweight to fundamentalist Iran. (Newsweek, Jan. 8, 2007, p. 27)老布什
担任里根的副总统时,他坚持中央情报局对萨达姆的 看法,也就是认为他虽然暴虐,但是作为一支同原教旨主义的伊朗相抗衡

(1) 作“灰”、“灰尘”解。是个不可数名词。但是它的复数也 是个不可数名词(虽然复数,但是不能加个数数词
two, three...等)。单数和复数意义差 不多,但是如果是指燃烧后的灰烬(比较注意前面燃烧的事实),尤其是如
果涉及毁灭、死亡留下的后果 ,而不是自然形成(或非灾难性的燃烧留下)的灰尘物质,就倾向于用复数。

The stately palace was reduced to ashes (*ash). 富丽堂皇的宫殿化为灰烬。

Half the capital now lies in ashes (*ash). 半个首都现在成了一片灰烬。

Ashes (*ash) to ashes (*ash), dust to dust. (基督教葬礼诗句)灰烬归灰烬,尘土归尘土。但如果是非灾难性的燃烧,留下
的灰 烬用单数ash或复数ashes均可。

cigarette ash 或cigarette ashes 香烟灰

fireplace ash 或fireplace ashes 壁炉灰;

Coke leaves a lot of ash

ashes. 焦炭留下很多灰烬。如果是自然形成的灰,也是单数复数均可。

volcanic ash或volcanic ashes(火山灰)。但是,美国有个叫做James M. Deem在2005年写了一本关于意大利维苏威火
山公元79年爆发将庞贝 (Pompeii) 古城毁灭的书,书名为Bodies from the Ash,全书ash都用单数,意思可能是:虽然那< br>是一场浩劫,但火山灰本身的形成,是浩劫之前的自然现象,并非浩劫造成的灰烬。

(2) 复数的ashes仍然是个不可数名词,前面不能有个数词,但是前面究竟用many还是much? 表示“较 少”时
究竟用fewer还是less(“较多”则可数与不可数都用more,没有区别)?各人有各 人的用法,并不一律。

If too much ashes are added to the resin material from which fibers are produced, however, the strength of the
produced fibers is adversely affected. 但是,如果给那用来制造纤维的树脂材料增添许多灰,生产出来的纤维,其坚固性就

It could be easily ascertained how much ashes twelve bushels of peat would make. 十二蒲式耳的泥炭,能造成多少灰,

At the bottom of the ditch are many ashes. 水渠的底部有许多灰。

This can cause a problem with raising the soil PH over the optimum level of 6.5 to 7.0 if we spread too many ashes
in the same area. 如果我们在同一面积上撒的灰太多,那么,要把6.5 的PH最佳值提升到7.0,就会发生问题。

With complete incineration you have fewer ashes. 如果燃烧充分,灰烬就会少些。

You will have fewer ashes to handle and get more heat. 要处理的灰烬就少些,而且热量就大些。

What can I do to my fire place to have less ashes? 我要少一些灰烬,对壁炉能有什么办法吗?

The trunks of trees afford less ashes than the leaves. Evergreens yield less ashes than trees and shrubs that shed
their leaves in autumn. (Jean- Antoine-Claude Chaptal, J. P. Breister, Chymistry Applied to Agriculture, p. 97) 树干烧出

ashes这类,本来单数就是不可数名词,变成复数仍然是不可数名词(前面既可以加many,也 可以加much)。第二类是像
oats这类,本来就没有单数形式,只有复数,虽然是复数但仍然不可 数(也是前面既可以加many,也可以加much)。第三
类是像clothes这类,只有复数形式 (单数cloth是别的东西),但又不是完全不可数的物质名词(mass noun),复数仍然
代 表着一件又一件,只是不能分割为个体,也不能数准确数目(不可以说*much clothes或 *less clothes,但可以说many
clothes, several clothes或fewer clothes,只是不能说five clothes)。第四类是像profit, tax, investment这类,本来单数
是可 数名词,变成复数也是可数名词,但是变成复数后意义可以当作一个混沌的数量来处理,像是类似money, air, water之类
的物质名词(mass noun)(前面既可以加fewer,也可以加l ess)。另外还有一些名词,所代表的物品通常只能成双出现,
所以只有复数形式,例如:sciss ors, pants, shorts, binoculars。严格说来,这些不能算是不可数名词,所以不能说:*much
pants, *a little shorts。

(1) 作为副词,是动态的“到一边去”。

I stepped aside to let her pass. 我躲到一边,让她过去。

He took her aside. 他把她带到一边。

We've been putting money aside for the trip. 我们一直在留下钱来作旅费。

They felt cast aside by society. 他们感到自己被社会抛到了一边。可以放到名词后面表示“撇开不算”。

These problems aside, we have been very successful. 这些问题撇开不算,我们干得十分成功。

(2) 中文“除了 …之外”有歧义,既可以表示“除了…作为例外不算在内”,也可以表示“不但有…而且还有…”。
美国 英语的aside from也与此相类似,可以有同样的两个意义。

We're all happy aside from him. 除了他之外,我们大家都很高兴。

Aside from history, I did pretty well. 除了历史,我都考得不错。

Aside from that, the apartment was too small. 不但如此,这公寓还太小。

Aside from being tired, I am so sleepy. 我不但累了,而且还很困倦。

Aside from federal and state aid, county revenue is generated through property and sales taxes and service fees.
(The Sunday Gazette, Schenectady, New York, Oct. 26, 2008, C1) 除了从联邦和州那里得到补助之外,郡的收入来自物产

这个动词(瞬时动态,第四类动词)有两个基本释义,除了人所共知的“问”,还有 “请求”。要善于辨别。
(1) 如果是征求“意见”、“咨询”、要求“允许”、“帮忙”,这些对象可以作为直接宾语,不要for。

May I ask a favor? 我能请您帮一下吗?

Nobody asked your opinion. 没有人向你征求过意见。

I should have asked permission to leave.我本来应该要求允许我走。

All I ask is to be left alone. 我唯一的要求,就是别打扰我。

What more can you ask? 你还能要求什么呢?

Is that asking too much?这样的要求难道过分了吗?

How much is he asking for the car? 他这辆车开价多少?

He asked the professor's advice. 他请 教授给与指导。ask后面可以直接接上advice,不要for,但是如果用代词it代替
advi ce,就要有for。

When I want your advice, I'll ask for it (*ask it). 我需要向你征求意见的时候,我会征求的。

(2) 可以以对方为直接宾语,请求得到的东西用介词for引入。

She asked them for forgiveness. 她请求他们原谅。

(3) 可以不要直接宾语,作为不及物动词,请求得到的东西(具体的和抽象的事物均可)用介词for引入。

She asked for a drink of water. 她要求给她喝点水。

They asked for help with their project. 他们要求人家帮助他们进行那个项目。但是如果for后面是个具体的人,则ask for

(4) ask to inf. 是要求别人让自己去做某事。

I asked to see the manager. 我要求见经理。

She asked to have the day off. 她要求请那一天的假。

He asked to be remembered to your mother. 他请你(或他人)替他向你母亲问好。

(5) ask somebody to inf. 是请求某人去做某事(是某人去做,不是自己去做)。

I must ask you to leave. 我必须请你离开。

He'll do it for you if you ask him to. 你如果请他给你做,他一定会做。

You're asking me to believe that? 你是不是要我相信这一套?但是,如果特别标明,也可以是自己去做。

But when Nick asked his mother to see the newspapers himself, she'd refuse. 但是每当尼克求他妈妈让他自己看看报纸,

(6) just a sk...(直接宾语是人),意思是:作为例证,可以看看某人的所作所为或遭遇(“你看那…”,“君不见…”)。

Writing a best seller is hard. But writing the next book is no picnic either. Just ask Patchett and Sebold. (Newsweek,
Oct. 15, 2007, p. 83) 写出一本畅销书是很不容易的。不过再写一本也不是轻 松愉快的事。帕切特和西博尔特两个人的例子就能

(7) ask that后面从句用虚拟语气,表示“要求某事”。

She asked that the money be (should be) given to charity. 她要求把钱捐赠给慈善事业。

(8) 从“请求”派生出“邀请”。

They asked me to their wedding. 他们请我参加他们的婚礼。

We'll ask them to dinner. 我们要请他们吃饭。

Ask him along.就请他过来吧。

We asked them over for tea. 我们请了他们过来喝茶。


to assert one's own rights伸张自己的权利。到 了形容词assertive,基本意思没有变化,可以有褒义的“有主见”,也可以
是贬义的“刚愎自 用”。中文翻译时有点不容易表达。例如美国总统布什在外交政策上的assertive multilate ralism意思就是
一方面承认要多边合作,但又要确立美国自行其是的领导地位,这里的asser tive就不大好译,暂时可以译为“当仁不让”的多
边主义。又如:Sistani proved himself an assertive competitor among the jostling senior ayatullahs, ... (US News &
World Report, Dec. 25, 2006, p. 47) 西斯坦尼在那些互不相让的阿亚图拉们当中显示出自己是个很有主见的竞争者。


(1) 后面加上that从句(that可以省略)作为假定认为的内容。

When you have a language degree people assume that you can speak the language fluently. 你如果有一门语言的学位,

Let's assume they're right. 咱们姑且假定他们正确吧。

I assume you've heard the news. 我想你已经听到那消息了。

Assuming that everything goes to plan, ... 假定一切都按计划进行,… that从句的谓语动词指的是将来的事情时可以用一般

Let's assume (that) she wins (will win) the game. 咱们假定她赢了这场比赛。

(2) 所假定的内容也可以用名词或代词作为直接宾语来表示。

His mother assumed his honesty. 他母亲估计他是老实的。

We can't assume anything. 我们无法作任何假定。

(3) 这个内容也可以用“直接宾语 + to inf”来表示(inf. 应该是个延续体动词,如果是个瞬间动词就要用to
have + pp),此时被assume的,不是直接宾语,而是这件假定内容本身。

His mother assumed him to be honest. 她母亲估计他是老实的。

Let's assume that to be the case. 咱们姑且假定情况确是如此。

We can assume him to have received the letter. 我们可以假定他接到了信。

(4) 前面3. 的用法也可以变为被动式,此时被ass ume的,也同样不是原先直接宾语变成的主语,而是这件假定

He was mistakenly assumed to be a Welshman because of his surname. 他因为姓氏关系,被误认为威尔士人。

All employees are assumed to be honest, hard- working, and possessing a genuine desire to do good work. 对所有员
工,都先假定他们是老实的、勤奋的、真正愿意好好干的。类似这样的 假定对象在形式上与实质上不一致的情况,参见believe,
report, schedule, say等条。

(5) 前面所有的说明中,assume的主语都 是人。但是assume也可以不以人为主语,此时它的意义是“(某主观

This strategy (of McCain) assumes a Barack Obama candidacy. (The Daily Gazette, Schenectady, New York, May 10,
2008, A7) (共和党总统候选人麦凯恩的)这个战略,是以假定(民主党)由奥巴马来当候选人为前提的。

中文都是“保证”。但是assure是向对方作出保证的表 示,ensure是采取实际措施保证事情成功。前者例如:
He assured them of his sincerity. 他向他们保证自己是真心诚意的。

They assured her it was true. 他们向她保证这是真的。

We've never had anyone like that here, I can assure you. 我可以向你保证,我们这里从来没有过这样的人。

They assured us that they would be there. 他们向我们保证他们一定到那边去。

They have assured us of their support. 他们向我们保证一定支持。

He tried to assure them that the rumor was false. 他向他们保证,传闻没有根据。后者例如:I did everything I could to
ensure his success (to ensure that he would succeed). 我用尽一切办法去保证他的成功。

My recommendation will ensure you an interview. 我的推荐信可以保证你能有一次面试的机会。

This decision ensured a large income for her son. 这个决定,保证了她儿子能有大笔的收入。

ensure a good job for a person (= ensure a person a good job) 保证某人有良好的工作。

The first duty of the state is to ensure that law-abiding people are protected from crime. 国家的首要义务,是保证守法

The door did not lock, but at least it ensured a reasonable amount of privacy.门锁不起来,但是起码保证了有一定程度< br>的隐私。此外,insure则是“为…买保险”或“给…承保”的意思,同ensure不一样,但是由 于发音相同,在美国也有人用
insure来代替ensure,不过由于insure的经济意义很突 出,所以很少有反过来用ensure代替insure的。

见surprise, amaze, astonish, astound条。

见surprise, amaze, astonish, astound条。

(1) 如果要表示在某一栋位于某市或某街道的建筑物中,通常用at而不用in。

She is at the market. 她在市场。

We're at our friend's house. 我们在我们朋友的房子里。

I live at 2345 Maple Avenue. 我住在枫树大 街2345号。但是,如果要进一步说明在某建筑物内的哪一个厅房,则建筑物仍然
用at,厅房用in 。

Mary is at school in her classroom. 玛丽在学校她的课堂里。

Mom is at home in the kitchen. 妈妈在家里的厨房里。

He works at the grocery store in the meat department. 他在副食店的肉类部工作。如果更进一步要表明建筑物内某厅房里
面的某一处地方,就要采取at... in... at...的用法。

Mom is at home in the kitchen at the stove. 妈妈在家里厨房的炉子边。

(2) at the White House与in the White House有时候有一 点细微的差别。前者可能偏重这座建筑物的空间位置
(有时只是一时的地点所在),后者则可能更多指其 功能与象征意义(可以暗示长时间的担任职务)。例如:有
一篇文章(US News & World Report, Sept. 9, 2002, p. 32),开头时讲1991年美国总统老布什在白宫楼上开
会:President George H. W. Bush convenes his inner circle upstairs at the White House. 后面又说到现在
的总统是他的儿子小布什了:There's a different Bush in (*at) the White House, and Cheney is now second
in command. 现在身居白宫的,是另一个布什了,而切尼成了第二把手了。

And whether the individual who ends up in (*at) the White House fulfills that possibility, you know, depends on both
skill and circumstance. (Barack Obama) 至于最后入主白宫的人是否实现得了这个可能性,那就要看他的本领和机遇了。 但

Channel 4 News has seen minutes from that meeting, which took place in the White House on 31 January 2003. 第四
频道新闻已经看到了这次2003年1月 31日在白宫进行的会谈的一些纪录。而述及功能时(但是通常是总统以外的人员)也可

The president's press secretary has chosen his words carefully in denying that anyone at the White House was
involved with the leak. 总统的新闻秘书斟字酌句地否认白宫有任何人同泄密案有牵连。


at his suggestion根据他的建议

at my request应我的请求

at her signal一看到她发出信号

at the ringing of the bell应铃声一响

at the call of the mayor应市长的号召

at the advice of the doctor遵照医嘱

At the initiative of Belarus the UN General Assembly adopted on Oct. 19, 2006 a resolution on fighting trafficking in
persons. 在白俄罗斯的倡议下,联合国大会在2006年10月19日通过了一项打击人口贩卖的决议。

At her insistence, the matter was dropped. 在她的坚持下,该事项撤销了。
但是advice和recommendation前面也可以用on 而不用at(用on似乎比较庄重正式)。

on the doctor's advice遵照医嘱

Our friends ordered scallops at the recommendation of the waitress. 我们的朋友们按照女招待的推荐,点了鲜贝。

on the recommendation of the European Commission按照欧洲委员会的推荐。
at the opposition of som ebody可以有两个相反的意思。一个是“对某人的反对表示让步、顺从”,另一个是
“不顾某人的反 对”。前者例如:The prince wanted to go the the hills and take up defense position there,
but at the opposition of his generals he changed his mind. 王子本来想转移到山上去布防,但是经不起将领
们的反对,改变了主意。后者例如:The black professor moved his family into a predominately white
community at the opposition the white neighbors. 黑人教授不顾邻居们的反对,把家搬进了一处以白人为主

■at all
(1) 一般词典的解释是at all加强否定或疑问或准否定的语气,这个意义比较容易掌握。They don't like him at
all. 他们一点也不喜欢他。

Do you know him at all?你到底认不认识他?

Are you even police officers at all? 你们还算是警官吗?

Has he tried to contact you at all? 他到底有没有同你联系过?

Come late? He didn't come at all. 来晚了?他根本就没来。

It (prostate cancer) is a cancer that doctors debate not just how to treat but whether they should treat at all. 前列腺

He couldn't help wondering how anybody ever walked out of there with any money left in their pocket at all. 他不能
if从句也有怀疑不定的意义,所以里面的at all可以加重“即使”、“万一”的不肯定语气。

They'll come late, if they come at all. 他们就是来也会来晚的。

Seldom if at all. 即使有也很罕见。

If you do it at all, do it well. 不做则已,一做就好好做。

Medical care was not free for them, if they could get it at all. 他们即使得到医疗照顾,也不是免费的。

I can see only with great difficulty, if at all. 我即使看得见,也十分吃力。
如果主句有表示惊讶的意思,从句(引起惊讶的事实)也可以用at all来加重“竟然”的语气。

It would surprise me, if he had seen that guy at all. 如果他竟然见过那个人,我就会很惊讶。

It was truly a miracle that he survived at all.他活了下来,的确是个奇迹。

(2) 但是在肯定句中,at all的意义就比较微妙。大体上,有“究竟”、“到底”、“总算” 、“终于”甚至认为

How this pair of vases managed to survive at all is still another mystery. 这一对花瓶是如何竟然保存下来的,这又是一个

My original question, why he did it at all, has not been answered. 我原先的问题,他到底为什么这样做,还没有得到答案。

Patroni himself had remembered several times, with concern, his reason for being out at all tonight... (Arthur Hailey,
Airport, p. 44) 帕特罗尼自己已经好几次忧心忡忡地记起他自己今天晚上到底是为什么出来的…

With the grazing wound the bullet had caused to his head, it was a wonder he had regained consciousness at all,
but he had. 子弹擦伤了他的头部,他却竟然能够恢复知觉,简直是个奇迹,但他还是恢复了。

They scoffed that he should be charged at all. 对于他竟然被指控一事,他们采取嘲笑态度。

That such an assessment should be made at all was in itself paradoxical. 竟然作出了这样一个评估,这件事本身就很奇怪。

The faculty for myth is innate in the human race. It seizes with avidity upon any incidents, surprising or mysterious,
in the career of those who have at all distinguished themselves from their fellows, and invents a legend to which it
then attaches a fanatical belief. (Somerset Maugham, The Moon and Sixpence, Chapter I) 制造神话是人类 的天性。对那
些毕竟与众不同的人物,如果他们生活中有什么令人感到诧异或者迷惑不解的事件,人们就 会如饥似渴地抓住不放,编造出种
与any连用时,at all突出了“任何”这个意义。

I'll do any job at all—even road-sweeping. 我什么活都干,哪怕是扫大街。与only和any连用时,at all有“总算是”的

Of the twenty projects under construction, only seven had been completed and were producing anything at all. 二十
在连续列举几件事情的最后,来一个总概括,说到底,囊括一切,也可以用at all。

However, Ernestina did her best to be angry with her (= Aunt Tranter); on the impossibility of having dinner at five;
on the subject of the funereal furniture that choked the other rooms; on the subject of her aunt's oversolicitude for
her fair name... and above all on the subject of Ernestina's being in Lyme at all.(John Fowles, The French Lieutenant's
Woman, Chapter 5) 谁知,欧 内斯蒂娜却偏偏跟姨妈处处做对。她对五点钟不能准时开晚饭感到不满;对塞在其他房间里的那
些单调的 家具不满;对姨妈过分关心她的名声不满…欧内斯蒂娜感到最不满的是,她觉得自己本来就不应该到莱姆镇来。

■at issue

■at one's peril

■at the cost of
参见cost条3. 。

■at the expense of
参见cost条3. 。

■at..., we...
许多公司企 业刊登广告或启事,一开头提到本公司如何如何时,用公司名字作主语(第三人称而不是第一人称)
听起 来有点置身事外,不大合适;用“我们”作主语又不能放上公司名字;中文的“本公司”或“敝公司”在英
文又不易表达,而且还是放不上公司名称。所以通常就用“At + 公司名称,we如何如何”这种表达法。

At T. Rowe Price, we believe... 我们T. Rowe Price公司深信…

At Samsung, we realize that to succeed in business we must also succeed in life. 我们三星企业深知,要营业有成,就必
须生活亦有成。At Toyota, we purchase more than $$28 billion in US parts, materials, goods, and services every
year.(Toyota ad. Newsweek, Nov. 20, 2006, p. 3) 我们丰田公司每年在美国采购280 亿美元以上的部件、材料、货物和劳务。

But at McDonald's, we work closely with our suppliers to develop and implement the highest standards, and have
for over 50 years. (McDonald's Corp. CEO Jim Skinner, The Associated Press, May 26, 2006) 但 是我们麦当劳却是同供应
商密切合作,以开发并实现最高的标准,而且这样做已经有五十年以上。at. .. we...这个用法,也用于we的宾格。

Max needs to liquidate these luxury watches so he came to us at NextTen. (Newsweek, Oct. 10, 2005, p. 56, NextTen
钟表公司广告) 马克斯需要把这批豪华手表脱手,他就来找我们NextTen公司了。


the composition of Jupiter's atmosphere 木星大气层的成分。但是,这个名词的复数形式,除了在天文学与气象学中,很少
见到使用。单数形式通常前面加定冠词the表示地球的大气层,用法相当于一个专有名词(尽管有the而且 小写),试比较下
句中的atmosphere与space(用法都相当于专有名词)在冠词上的不同 :The missile soared out the atmosphere into
space. 火箭冲出大气层,进入了太空。

一般的醒目告示上,用attention的多半后 面内容比较长,而且往往是好的消息。用caution的则多半是后面内
容简短的,而且往往是提醒注 意危险,一望而知。

Attention students. Looking for a job with great hours? Come join our team! No late nights or weekends required!
Work our Student Shift Monday through Friday, 4:00 p. m. —8:00 p. m. 学生们注意。你在找钟点合适的活儿干吗?前来
参加 我们的班子吧。不需要带深夜班和周末班!可以到我们的学生班来干,周一到周五,下午四到八点。

Caution, Wet Floor. 注意,地面有水。

两者在中文都是“态度”,但是attitude偏重 内心的看法,posture则是外露的,甚至可以是假装的。

这个名词,由于作为“态度”或“态势”解时本身意义空泛,需要有定语来补充说明,或是从内涵的角度 来说明
“怎么样的态度”,或是从外延的角度来说明“谁采取的态度”或是“对谁或对什么的态度”,例 如内涵角度的,
可以前面加上形容词,如:a firm

















indifferent attitude; 也可以后面加上of + 抽象名词,如:an attitude of arrogance骄横的态度

an attitude of conciliation和解的态度。从外延角度的,“谁采取的态度”。

His attitude irritates me. 他的态度令我恼火。“谁对谁或对什么的态度”。

the blacks' attitude toward the whites黑人对白人的态度

his attitude to his work他对工作的态度。

to get an attitude 发怒,发脾气

to cop an attitude 耍态度(中文这里的“态度”表面上也是没有内涵说明的)

to have an attitude 态度凛然

to strike

pack an attitude 装腔作势,摆架子

Don't give me attitude! 别对我耍态度!说某人是个with an attitude的人,这个with an attitude通常是正面的“有胆量,
有魄力”。例如美国有一名专门帮助犯罪受害人打官司的妇女 积极分子,为了防范犯罪分子报复伤害,买了手枪,练成了一手
射击本领,以便自卫,她写的一篇自述, 标题就是Woman with an Attitude敢做敢为的女性。
with an att itude还可以不用来修饰人,而是修饰事物,意思大致是“独特的”、“别有风味的”。例如一家以烤
猪肉招徕客人的餐馆,广告就说:Pork with an Attitude 风味猪肉。一家售卖飞禽羽毛的商店,广告是:
Feathers with an Attitude 特色彩羽。美国有一个叫做Patrick J. Finn的人,写了一本书,呼吁就下层阶级子弟
的 特点和需要来改善基础文化教育,这本书的书名,就叫做Literacy with an Attitude: Educating Working-
class Children in Their Own Self- interest实行自有特色的文化教学:按照工人阶级子弟自己的需要来 教育他们,

最原始的意义,是“受权代理人”,所以法律上的“授权委任状”叫做letter(warrant) of attorney。律师一般可
以叫做attorney-at-law,或简称attorne y。但是这个单词既可用于私人开业的律师,也可用于政府行政部门的
司法官员,要看有什么定语来修饰 。美国联邦与各州的司法部长,因为是在司法范围的政府授权代理人,所以叫
做Attorney General(复数Attorneys General或Attorney Generals);另外全国有九十多个US attorneys,
是由总统任命派驻各个司法区的 代表联邦政府的检察官。顺带说一下,美国政府的各个部长,通称secretary(英
国政府的各个 大臣也通称secretary),中文都译成“部长”。但是其中专管外交的Secretary of St ate由于历史
上译成古色古香的“国务卿”,已经“木已成舟”,不好更改,只好离开secreta ry一律译成“部长”的通例。反
过来,英文本来离开通例的Attorney General,不用secretary一词,中文却回到通例,译成“部长”。

这是个集合名词,可数。an audience 指一次场合聚集的许多人,audiences 指多个场合聚集的许多人。这样的
场合,可以是讲演会 、音乐会、戏剧表演、电影放映、广播播送、电视播送,不拘泥于audience词源所指的“听
众” ,也可以指“观众”;甚至可以指同“听”或“观赏”无关的书籍、报章、杂志的读者群。意义再放宽一些,甚至可以指某一主张的信奉者群、支持者群、同情者群 。关于其语法地位,参见population条。


这个形容词在英语中十分常用,它的词义在一般辞典上已经有了说明。 但是它的用法有点特别,同possible有点
(1) 它同possible一样可以放在名词之前或之后,如果放在后面,倾向于表示这是就当前而言的。

the only available solution (the only solution available)唯一可行的解决办法

one of the few options available 少数几个可供选择的方案之一

You'll have to examine the available alternatives (the alternatives available). 你们要研究一下各种方案。

The 2004 records were the latest available. 2004年的记录是现有最新的了。如果同表示“有”或“存在”的动词连用,通

There are currently five categories available. 目前有五类。

There is almost no food available on the market. 市场上几乎没有食品出售。

The basic principle is that when there is no oxygen available, yeast produces alcohol as a byproduct of sugar
metabolism. 基本原理就是:当没有氧时,酵母就会产生糖代谢的副产品酒精。

(2) 它同possible一样可以同最高级形容词放在一起,表示最高级的范围。

the best available quality或the best quality available 现有最好的质量

the most powerful available gasoline engine现有的马力最大的汽油引擎

the most recent official figures available 当前最新近的官方数字

Book me on the earliest available flight. 给我订最早的一班飞机。

(3) 但是,与possible不同,available不能用来限定副词含义的范围。例如我们可以说as early as possible,但
不能说*as early as available。
(4) available的词义比较灵活,大体上表示“可以满足他人在某一场合的例行需要”。例 如打电话找某人,找得
到就是available;要拜访某经理,秘书说他忙或者外出了,就是not available;市场上某种货物脱销,也是not
available。make something available是常用的说法,多用被动语态,表示“发表”、“公布”。

The photos were made available by the official news agency. 照片是官方通讯社发表的。/用主动语态也可以有“发挥”、
“使之起作用” 的意思。 They were invaluable in the transformation of the group, making available their
organizational skills. 他们发挥了自己的组织才能,对改造该团体起了宝贵的作用。 make oneself available是婉转的说法,

make a room available腾出一个房间(作某种用途)。

(1) 作为及物动词,avenge的搭配有点特别。 它的宾语是原先受到损害的人或者是原先所受到的损害,意义也就

He was determined to avenge his father's death. 他决心要报杀父之仇。

Our brothers will avenge us. 我们的兄弟们会替我们报仇的。

... it was a son who would some day avenge his father. (Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities) ... 这个儿子有朝一日会替
父亲报仇的。通常是替别人特别是自己的亲人报仇,但avenge也可 以用于为自己报仇,此时就说to avenge oneself on

upon somebody for something为自己向某人报…之仇。

(2) revenge与avenge意义相近,但avenge偏重于“善与恶”的对立与“发扬公 道”,而revenge则更多带
有“私怨”、“仇恨”,与其说是“报仇”,不如说是“报复”,通常 限于“为自己报复”,但偶尔也可以指为

He revenged his dead father. 他替死去的父亲报了仇。

(3) revenge比之avenge更多用作名词,搭配常是to take revenge on somebody(报复某人);如果用作动
词时常用搭配也同avenge一样是to revenge oneself on

upon somebody for something为自己向某人报…仇)。

I must revenge myself upon him for this insult. 我一定报复他给我的 这个侮辱。有些词典认为动词revenge不能将原先所
受到的损害以名词形式作为其直接宾语,但是 实际语言中也有这样用的例子:... she is out to revenge her father's death.
(Geoffrey Godsell, Christian Science Monitor, Sept. 14, 1979) …她一心要报杀父之仇。

... resolving to revenge the flagrant insult...(Oliver Goldsmith, The Citizen of the World) …一心要报复他所受到的这个公

■average, median, mean
这三个形容词意义相近,但是略有不同。A verage指平均值,即从低到高各个数相加之后再除以各个数的数目。
Median指中间值,即离 最高值和最低值都等距的中间一个值。Mean指高低平均值,即最低值加最高值再除以2。
假设有五个 值,4,6,8,12,15,则平均值为9,中间值为8,高低平均值则是9。此外,average还可以表 示

The average family spends $$35 a day on food. 普通一家人一天花在食品上的开支是三十五美元。

两者有相同之处,也有区别。相 同之处是:都可以表示预先防范某件不利之事发生(可以是表示一个连续过程的
第二类动词,也可以是表 示瞬时达到了防范目的的第四类动词或是借用来表示习惯的第一类动词),但是动词的
内涵及其作用对象 都有一些不同。
(1) 最大的一个不同之处,是avoid着重消极的“躲开”、“避开”(对于 对象本身并不产生影响),而prevent
则着重积极采取措施来“挡住”、“使之(在这个具体场合 )失效”(对于对象本身产生了影响)。

Try to avoid (*prevent) the rushhour traffic. 要设法避开交通高峰时间。

It was an attempt to avoid (*prevent) the draft. 那是企图逃避兵役。

These methods prevent pregnancy. 这些方法可以避孕。

Stir the custard occasionally to prevent skin forming. 蛋糊要不时搅拌,以免结皮。

Smear Vaseline on to your baby's skin to prevent soreness. 给您的婴孩皮肤上涂抹凡士林,以免长疮。

to prevent (*avoid) forgery of passports防止伪造护照

to prevent (*avoid) a financial crisis防止金融危机。

(2) 由于avoid对于对象本身并不产生影响,所以 它的对象可以是“人”、“物”、“事”,而prevent的对象
(不是指形式上的宾语)既然受到影 响,就不能是“人”或具体的“物”,而只能是抽象的“事”。(a)对人
(或动物),要用avoid 来表示“躲开”。

Why are you avoiding(*preventing) me? 你干嘛老是躲我?

If you want to avoid (*prevent) the crowds, it's best to come on a weekday. 你如果要躲开人群,最好是别赶周末来。

The driver had ample time to brake or swerve and avoid the woman. 司机当时有充分的时间,可以刹车或是转个弯,躲

Avoid the dog and you will avoid a dog bite. 躲开狗,就不会被狗咬。
但是prevent的直接宾语也可以是人,意思不是“躲开”,而是“妨碍 其达到目的”,其实是prevent sb. from
doing something略去了from doing something。

I'll come at two if nothing prevents me (= if nothing prevents me from coming). 如果不发生障碍,我将于两点钟前来。

I've made up my mind to go, so don't try to prevent me (= don't try to prevent me from going). 我已经打定了主意要
去,你就别阻 挡我了。有时候甚至连这个人称宾语也可以省略(此时prevent成了个不及物动词)。

She will come if nothing prevents. 如果不发生障碍,她会来的。

The horse veered to avoid the tree. 马转身要躲开那棵树。

She braked sharply to avoid another car. 她来了个急刹车,躲开另一辆车。

Expertly he zigzagged his way across the field, avoiding the deeper gullies. 他驾轻就熟地弯弯扭扭越过田野,躲开那些

He avoids the elevator. 他不喜欢乘电梯。

Avoid unhealthy foods such as hamburger and chips. 避免吃汉堡包和土豆片这些不健康的食品。

It is better to avoid all food colours. 倒不如避免所有食品色素。

To avoid

prevent a quarrel. 避免一场争吵。

To avoid

prevent bloodshed. 防止发生流血事件。

People can keep out of the sun to avoid

prevent skin cancer. 人们离开阳光照晒,就可以避免皮肤癌。通常preve nt的宾语表示比较严重的后果,如果后果并不严重,

Book early to avoid (*prevent) disappointment. 及早订票,以免失望。

但是如果措施是消极而不是积极的,尽管对象已经个案化了,措 施对于对象本身仍不产生影响,那就仍然不宜用

Avoid (*prevent) bad company. 别同不三不四的人来往。

Try to avoid (*prevent) wasteful duplication of effort. 要设法避免重复劳动,造成浪费。

Avoid (*prevent) strenuous exercise in the evening. 晚间要避免剧烈运动。

He avoided (*prevented) this tricky question and talked in generalities. 他避开了这个难题, 只是泛泛而谈。

(3) avoid的主语通常是人,prevent的主语则人、物、事均可。

Early diagnosis and treatment can usually prevent (*avoid) blindness. 及早诊断与治疗,通常可以防止失明。但是日常的

Proper diagnosis will avoid treatment errors. 诊断得当,可以避免治疗出错。

A kid-size heart valve will avoid invasive surgery. (UCLA Medicine Magazine, Winter 2007) 采用一种儿童型大小的心脏

(4) 由于prevent有pre-这个头缀,“事先预防”的含义比avoid重,所以avoid常用于临时的躲 避,而

The pilot had to take emergency action to avoid (*prevent) a disaster.驾驶员只好采取紧急行动,以避免一场灾难。

He narrowly avoided (*prevented) an accident. 他险些发生事故。
但是,prevent的这个“时间差”,只限于preve nt后面直接跟着表示所要防止的事情作为直接宾语。如果是
prevent sb.

sth. (from) doing sth. 的结构,就没有这个时间差,而是当堂采取措施或施加作用,当堂阻止住某人或某物去做某事。

They tried to prevent us from leaving. 他们试图不让我们走。

The police prevented the riot (from) breaking out. 警察防止了骚乱的爆发。

The firemen fought to prevent flying sparks from setting fire to neighboring roofs. 消防队员们努力奋战,不让那些飞溅
prevent的主语还可 以是一个不利的因素,使得某件本来有利的事情未能实现,此时就更加没有“事先防止”的

Flu prevented her from attending her daughter's confirmation. 她因为害了流感,未能参加她女儿的坚信礼。
prevent本来是个表示瞬时达到“防止”目的的第四类动词,但是主语如果是某个规章,则可以表 示“禁止”、

The club constitution prevents women from becoming full members. 俱乐部章程不准妇女成为正式会员。

City laws prevent horses from working between 13:00 and 17:00 under the baking summer sun.市政法律禁止下午一时

(5) 在搭配 上,avoid只有一个直接宾语(名词或动名词),这个名词如果来自及物动词,则avoid的主语是这个< br>及物动词的逻辑宾语。

They are cheating but are sophisticated enough to avoid detection. 他们在作弊,但是干得十分巧妙,可以避免被查出

He couldn't avoid humiliation. 他无法避免丢脸 (humiliate的逻辑宾语是he)。avoid后面的直接宾语如果是个动名词,则< br>avoid的主语也就是动名词的逻辑主语。

He could not avoid laughing. 他忍不住笑起来。

Avoid drinking on an empty stomach. 避免空腹喝酒。

He avoided giving a direct answer. 他避免正面回答。

Avoid drawing attention to yourself. 别惹人注意你。

They avoid going out alone after dark. 他们避免天黑后出门。

An easy way to cut the amount of fat in your diet is to avoid eating red meat.减少进食脂肪量的一个简便办法,就是避

如果avoi d的主语不是后面动名词的逻辑主语而是其宾语,就要把这个动名词改为被动式being pp。

I'd managed to avoid being noticed until then.直到那时之前,我一直能够不让人家注意到我。

He'd managed to avoid being sidetracked by Schneider's problems. 他一直避免了因为施奈德的问题而被撂到一旁。

Women have to dress modestly, to avoid being harassed by the locals. 妇女们只好衣着简朴,以免被当地人骚扰。

I endeavored to avoid his seeing me. 我尽量设法不让他看见我。

(6) prevent可以后面只有一个直接宾语,也可以直接宾语后面再加上from + -ing(from可以 省略,avoid则不

这个及物动词,笼统来说,意义是“避免”、“躲避”。可以指努 力躲避的过程,此时为第二类动词,也可以指
躲避成功,此时为第四类动词。但是搭配用法值得注意(参 考avoid与prevent条):
(1) 最简单也是中国人最容易掌握的用法搭配,是只带一个直接宾语(人或物)。

Why are you avoiding me? 你为什么躲着我?

She avoided his eyes. 她避开了他的视线。

(2) 以动名词为直接宾语。

I'd managed to avoid being noticed until then. 直到那时以前,我一直能够避免引人注目。

Avoid drawing attention to yourself. 要避免引人注意。

You can't avoid seeing her occasionally. 偶尔看见她,你是避免不了的。

He only just avoided being sent to prison. 他险些儿被送进了监狱。

He could not avoid laughing. 他忍不住笑了起来。

Avoid getting into arguments with him. 要避免同他发生争论。

(3) 作为直接宾语的动名词,可以另有主语,此时这个主语以avoid直接宾语的形式出现,放在动名词前。

The first and most effective step in reducing waste is to avoid it being produced in the first place. 减少浪费的第一个

You should keep your medications with you when you travel on the plane to avoid them being lost in the heaps of

He saw me and smiled, but I moved further into the crowd to avoid him finding me. (Darrell McBreairty, The Passing
of Martha O'shea) 他看见了我,微笑一下,但是我更加往人丛里挤,不让他发现我。

(4) 同许多其他欧 洲语言不同,英语表示“避免”、“阻止”、“不让”的动词,大都不能带that名词从句作为
其直接 宾语。that名词从句,整个内容被“否定”、“制止”,在英文是不习惯的,不能说*avoid that the cup
falls down,而要取消从句形式,使从句的主语谓语都变成avoid在主句中的从属成分:avoid the cup falling
down或keep the cup from falling down. 英文只有很少数比较固定的句型可以用that名词从句来作为被否定、

Heaven forbid that all her family should come too! 但愿她千万别把全家一起带来!

God forbid that they actually encounter a bear. 但愿他们别真的遇到一头熊。

God forbid that the tornado pulls off the roof. 但愿龙卷风千万别把房顶掀开(参见forbid与prohibit等条有关搭配的说


(1) aware如果是“知道”,是个“绝 对”形容词,就是说,“知之为知之,不知为不知”,不能有程度修饰语
(但加强语气的如well之类 可以),不能有比较级或最高级。而且,通常还要交代清楚“知道什么”,这个“什
么”用三种句法形式 来表示:1) aware后加of + 名词成分,这个形式用得最多。

Are you aware of the problems you're causing? 你知道自己惹起一些什么问题吗?

I was dimly aware of someone calling my name. 我当时隐约听到有人在喊我的名字。

You have to be aware of the latest teaching methods. 你应该知道那些最新的教学法。2) aware后加that从句。

Is your father aware that you drink? 你喝酒,你父亲知道吗?

When did you become aware that something was wrong. 你是什么时候开始觉得事情不对头的?

I'm well aware that it's dangerous. 我很清楚,这是危险的。3) aware后加间接问句。

Are you aware who you're talking to? 你知道你现在是跟谁在说话吗?

(2) aware在两种情况下,后面不需要补充说明:1) 前后文或语境已经说明了“知道”的是什么。

as far as I'm aware... 据我所知… 2) aware的词义从“知道”转为“懂事”(“明白事理”),此时aw are从本来不能有程度

He's very aware for his age. 他年纪小小就很懂事。

They are politically aware. 他们有政治头脑。

(3) 无论属于上面的任何一种情况,aware这个形容词都不能放在名词前面作为其前置定语,而 只能作为后置定语、
(4) 常常有to make somebody aware of something的说法,意思是“将某事情告知某人”。

to make people aware of environment issues向人们宣传环境问题

We want to make people aware of their rights. 我们要让人们认识到自己的权利。这个说法,也可以有被动语气。

... but (he) had not been made aware of of the charges until last week. (Times, Oct. 25, 2006, p. 59) …他直到上周才得



political awareness 政治意识;讲政治。对于什么的注意或是重视什么的观念,这个“什么”用of引入。

She has no awareness of other people's feelings. 她不体会别人的心情。

We should increase public awareness of the dangers of smoking. 我们必须唤起公众关注吸烟的危险。

Past UN campaigns have included the Year of Rice in 2004, which successfully raised awareness of that grain's
nutritional value and resulted in more cultivation. (US News & World Report, Feb. 18, 2008, p. 34) 联合国过去发动的运
动,包括有2004年的大米年,那次运动成功地提高 了人们对这种谷物的营养价值的认识,从而增加了种植。许多按期发动的
公众宣传运动,往往使用awa reness这个名词。

Breast cancer awareness month乳癌宣传月。

(1) 作为副词,同前面的一个动词连在一起,成为一个phrasal verb,此时往往表示一种“逐渐减弱直至 消失”的
含义(属于第三类动词,即经过一段过程最后到达必然的终点,着重其过程),同某些动词后加 out的含义(属
于第四类动词,着重其结果)不同。试比较fade away, die away, rub away, wear away同fade out, die out,
rub out, wear out,即可体味出“体”的区别。

The sound slowly faded away. 声音慢慢地消失了。

He faded away into obscurity. 他逐渐隐没,不为人所知。

The sound of the chopper finally faded out. 直升飞机的声音终于消失了。

(2) 作为副词,还可以表示离开多远(其距离数量放在away前)。

—How far are you from answers?—Perhaps light-years away. —你离开答案还有多远? —说不定还有好些光年呢。距离
数量往往前面是系动词to b e,而且这个距离数量有时候不是以数量词而是以普通名词词组形式出现(尤其是“距离数量”转义
为“ 达到目的所需的条件”时),容易误解为表语(其实表语是away),需要特别注意。

A playground is but a hard day's work away. 努力干它一天,运动场就可以修起来 (a hard day's work是距离数量转义为

All the answers were just a phone call away. 只要打个电话,所有答案就在眼前。(just a phone call是距离数量转义为所需

... the 18-year-old says a free ride is only an outstretched thumb away. (The Associated Press, March 18, 2007) …那个
十八岁的姑娘说,想要免费搭乘,只消伸出大拇指,就能办到 (愿望与如愿之间的距离只是一个伸出的大拇指)。

Many families are just one layoff or one medical emergency away from going into bankruptcy. 许多家庭,只要有一个

It's only a hairsbreadth from the hall. 它离大厅只有方寸之遥。

My son is 15 now. I'm a slipknot from 57; his father, Mort, still older. (Wendy Watson, Newsweek, Dec. 5, 2005, p. 16)

Yet he also acknowledges that with Tikrit's security still in chaos, that prospect seems a long way off. (Newsweek,
Oct. 15, 2007, p. 29) 但他也承认,鉴于蒂克里特的治安仍然混乱,那样的前景看来还遥远。

Some newspaper editors'feeling for usage often is about two generations in arrears. 有些报纸编辑遣词用句的语感常常

At each turn, they are steps ahead of the French police. (US News & World Report, Dec. 22, 2003, p. 46) 每一道关口,
他们都比法国警察抢先几步 (steps不是are的表语)。

The French and many of those demonstrating in the streets of Western Europe last weekend are six decades
removed from their liberation. (The Daily Gazette, Schenectady, New York, Feb. 23, 2003) 法国人和上周末在西欧上街游
行示威的许多人们,距离他们获得解放,已经有六十年了 (six decades不是are的表语,removed不是decades的定语)。

He drived slowly, keeping a few cars behind, just in case the man happened to glance in his mirror. 他慢慢地开着车,
保持在后面隔着几辆车远的距离,以防那个人万一从后视镜向后看 (keeping a few cars behind不是“把几辆车保持在后面”,
而是自己keeping behind,而a few cars则是behind的距离)。

两者 有相当大的区别。awesome往往有褒义,表示“了不起”、“令人肃然起敬”、“壮观”,尽管有时也带有

This is a story about the fascinating business of pharmaceuticals, with its awesome power for good and awful
potential for evil. 这是一个有关那使人眼花缭乱的医药行业的故事,这个行业既有惊人的能力造福人群,也有可怖的潜 能作恶

Oh, Christ, it was awful!天呀!太可怕了!另外,awful也可以表示一般的“很糟糕”的意思。

The food was bad and the service was awful. 饭菜很差,服务更是糟透了。参见terrible与terrific条,又可参见dreadful,


■back 作为副词,要注意它究竟是管后面另一个状语成分的,还是同前面(例如动词)结合或是修饰前面动词的。

Now he was back. 现在他回来了。

He had no idea how anxious his wife was back in Mexico. 他不晓得他妻子在墨西哥老家是多么的着急。

There are no dusty cassette-tape fragments among the ancient bones, for example, to tell us how language was
back in the early stages. (George Yule, The Study of Language, p. 1) 古代骨骼堆中, 又没有带尘土的录音带碎片来告诉我
们,在那些远古时代,语言是怎么样的。又例如:For one night, New York City was as it was back before air
conditioning. 纽约市有一夜简直就像昔日没有发明空调之前那样子。这四句都有was back,但是在第一句中,back同前面的
was直接结合;在后三句中,back同前面的was 没有直接关系,是用来加强后面时间状语的“老家”或“昔日”的意义。
back同后面的状语连在一起 ,还有另外一个意义,就是相当于again,表示“重新如何如何”。

US security company Blackwater was back on the streets of Baghdad on Friday. 美军“黑水连”星期五又重新出现在巴

The wound did not hit any major arteries or bones and he was back in the fight within two weeks. 伤势没有触及任何

(1) 可以有双宾语(搭配见buy条)。

She is baking him a cake. 或She is baking a cake for him. 或She is baking it for him


(2) 这个动词可以是第二类(没有必然终点),也可以是第三类(有必然终点)。所以可以说:bake it for half
an hour烤半小时,不管烤得熟了没有,也可以说:bake it in half an hour用半小时把它烤熟。

(1) 作为及物动词,意思是“妨碍”(是达到了目的的妨碍,而不仅仅是“起点妨碍作用”)。

We were balked at every turn. 我们处处遇到障碍。某人的什么遇到妨碍,某人可以是主语,这个“什么”可以用of或in引

He was balked of

in his hopes. 他的希望遇到了障碍。

He was balked of

in the chance to escape. 他逃脱的机会遇到了障碍。

(2) 作为不及物动词,意思是自己停住了,停住的原因用at引入。

The horse balked at the fence马遇到栏栅就停住了。

(3) 但是balk at还可以用于比较抽象的事情上(at后面可以是个名词,也可以是个- ing动名词)。在肯定句中,

He balked at the idea of murder. 他一想到这是谋杀,就打退堂鼓了。

He balked at the suggestion. 他对这个建议不愿接受。

She always balks at being interviewed. 她老是不愿意接受面试。

He balks at meeting the creditors. 他不愿意同债权人们见面 。在否定句中,表示“毫不退缩地做了某事”(不光是对某事抱
有毫不退缩的态度,而且的确动手做了某 事)。

He never balks at any task no matter how difficult it is. 无论任务多么困难,他都毫不退缩。

She works hard, takes classes on her own time and never balks at working late or weekends. 她很勤奋,自己抽时间去

He loves his reading lessons and never balks at doing them even on weekends.他喜欢自己的阅读课,甚至周末也做这

有细微的区别。flag比较更多是就“旗帜”的物质意义而言。 banner则兼有物质与表示信仰、忠诚等象征意义。

under the banner of social reform在社会改革的旗帜下。投降的“白旗”是white flag 或flag of surrender。但是,“国

navigate under the Panamanian flag 悬挂巴拿马国旗航行。

Their coffins were draped with American flags. 他们的灵柩盖着美国国旗。

barely本来同hardly, scarcely等都是带有否定倾向的副词。

I barely heard any noise in the house. 我听不到房子里面有多大的声音。Barel y也同hardly和scarcely一样,可以表示

Barely had we taken our seats when(或before)the detective entered. 我们刚刚就座,那位侦探就走进来了。但是

He barely survived doing odd jobs. 他干点零活勉强度日。

I had barely enough food to sustain myself. 我的粮食只勉强够我自己吃。

He barely escaped disaster. 他幸免于难。

I barely struggled through calculus. 我勉强学了点微积分。

■based on

His opinions are based entirely on prejudices. 他的意见完全是基于偏见。但是用多了,往往游离于任何名词之外,成了句
子中的一个副词,引入一个状 语成分,管句中的动词,而不管近处的名词。

(They) insist such a (DNA) databank must come with guarantees that no one be denied employment or insurance
based on genetic makeup. (US News & World Report, Dec. 2, 2002, p. 60) 他们坚持主张,如果建立DNA数据库,就必< br>须同时作出保证,对任何人都不得根据其基因结构而拒绝录用或拒绝承保(based on同前面的employment or insurance没

What has changed radically in recent years is the view that cancers of different types—breast, lung, colon—are
relatively homogeneous based on how they look under the microscope and how far they have burrowed into the
body. (US News & World Report, Nov. 3-10, 2008, p. 46) 近年来发生了根本变化的, 是原先的那个看法,认为各种不同类
型的癌症,如乳腺癌、肺癌、结肠癌,按照显微镜下看到的形状以及 钻入身体多深来看,似乎是比较同构的。

... accepting students based purely on merit, without regard to wealth,... (Jonathan D. Glater, The New York Times,
June 10, 2009) …不问家庭经济情况,单纯按照优劣录取新生…

... my hearing must also be fading fast based on the increased volume directed at me. …从人家对我说话时加大了声门
看来,我的听力一定是在迅速退化。类似这种情况(即形容词作副词)的 ,还有relative to,effective, compared to等,均

同fundamental的意义差不多,但是通常没有fund amental可能有(但不常有)的且加重语气的“根本的”、
“彻底的”意义,而是“基本上的”、 “大体上的”。即使是香港的“基本法”(Basic Law),虽然重要,但同一
国宪法的“根本法”(fundamental law)地位,仍然不可 同日而语。basic甚至还有“起码的”、“初级的”、
“初步的”含义(这又是fundament al所没有的)。

basic training初步训练

basic vocabulary基本词汇

This textbook is very basic. 这本教科书很浅。

My needs are very basic. 我的需要是很低的。当然,basic尽管只是 “起码的基础”,但既然是基础,就仍然有其重要性,只

Tourism is basic to the island's economy. 旅游业是该岛经济的基础。

Mathematics is basic to all sciences. 数学是一切科学的基础。

I was basically lucky. 我大体上还算运气。

I believe men are basically good. 我相信人基本上是好的。

Another 39,965 children received outpatient treatment at hospitals and were considered “basically recovered,” the
ministry said.(The Associated Press, Sept. 21, 2008) 据卫生部说,另有39965名儿童在医院接受了门诊治疗, 被认为“基
表示弱意的“基本上”、“大体上 ”,副词可以避免使用fundamentally或basically而用practically或

The campers were practically out of food. 宿营者基本上断了炊。

—Have you finished?—Practically. —你做完了吗?—基本上做完了。

Practically everybody was present. 基本上人人都出席了。

They virtually completed the work in an hour. 他们一小时就把工作基本上做完了。

Before he won the contest he was virtually unknown. 他比赛获胜之前,基本上是不为人所知的。

on a... basis这个词组在英语是十分惯用的,一般相当于将填入的形容词化为副词,已经没有什么“基础”的意思< br>了。

on a temporary basis 暂时地

on a regular basis 正规地

on a case-by-case basis 采取个案方式

on an exclusive basis 采取独家方式

on a first-come-first-serve basis 采取先到先办的方式

on an autodidactic basis 采取自学方式

on a competitive basis 通过竞争

on an urgent basis 以加急速度

on a ceremonial basis 作为仪式

Another version of this surgery can now be done on an outpatient basis. 这种外科手术现在还有另外一种以门诊方式进
行的办法。bas is还可以指“基本的状况或关系框架”。

They had swum to a first-name basis after the second round of drinks, and this was the fourth. 他们俩酒过两巡,就已

(1) 最主 要的一个词义(“是”),中英文是相通的。但有时候中文不用“是”(尤其是表示情状时),英文这个

I'm afraid. 我怕。

They were asleep. 他们睡着了。

I'm against the plan. 我反对这个计划。

He's like his father. 他像他父亲。但有时候也要注意不能矫枉过正,不该有be也用了be。

I like this dog我喜欢这只狗。千万不能画蛇添足,加be而变成*I'm like this dog.

(2) be表示“是”的意思时,也可以有两个不同的含义。一个是表示客观的、自己不能随意左右的情状。

China is a big country. 中国是个大国。

He was very happy. 他高兴得很。另一个则表示自己可以左右的情状(这个含义主要出现在祈使句)。

Be quiet. 安静点。

Be a man. 拿出男子汉的勇气来。

Don't be foolish. 别糊涂了。

China will never be a superpower可以有 两种不同的理解。一种是:“超级大国”只是就综合国力而言,是不是超级大国,
不取决于自己要不要。 如果各方面的力量足够强大,客观上就是个“超级大国”,想不做也得做。如果这样理解,China will
never be a superpower就成了一个客观的推测,认为中国不可能强大到这个地步 。而另一种理解则是:“超级大国”是就国
际上的行为(恃强凌弱)而言,也就是这种行为是自己可以随 意选择干不干的,这时候,系动词be就获得了自己可以左右的行
为意义。但是,在外文,人们对sup erpower的理解往往只是从客观国力来看,“恃强凌弱”的意义更多是我们从中国人的理
解赋予s uperpower的,而且动词be在这里不是用于祈使句。所以,“中国永远不做超级大国”译成China will never be a
superpower并不十分确切,似乎译成China will never behave as a superpower或China will never boss people around
like a superpower可能好些。

(3) 另一个主要的词义是“在(某地方)”。这个词义,中国人略微有点不习惯,但是经过学习,还 是不难适应。
但是,英文常常用be(“在”)的静态形式代表动态的“到达”,这对中国人来说,需要 注意表达方式的不同,

I'll be with you in a few minutes. 我过几分钟就到您那边来。

We could be in London tomorrow morning. 我们明天上午能够抵达伦敦。

(4) be的又一个词义是“存在”(不需要表语)。中 国人最习惯的用法,就是be同there一起出现(there is...,
there are..., there was...等)。但是be在这里往往还同一些助动词或其他动词配合出现,使 得结构复杂化。参见
there is。另外,be常常在哲学和文学理论中出现(没有表语),中文也 是“存在”的意思。例如莎士比亚《哈
姆雷特》中的名句:To be or not to be. 生死或存亡。又例如:God is.上帝在。

If I think then I am. (René Descartes) 我思故我在。being(存在)更是哲学上最根本的用语。

(5) be这个动词,通 常属于第一类(延续状态),但也可以属于第四类(瞬时变化)。即使作为第一类动词,它
也可以以延续 状态形式间接代表造成这状态的瞬时变化。

He is dead代替He has died他死了。

I'll be back in Beijing next week. 代替I'll go back to Beijing next week. 我下周回北京。

“Give me a shout when you're ready. 你准备好了喊我一声。”中的are ready就不是表示延续状态,而是表示从not
ready到ready的变化。作为第四类动词,to be最典型的用途就是被动语气中作为助动词,如:He was promoted. 他被提
拔了。但是即使to be + 形容词,也可以不一定表示延续状态,而是表示瞬时发生的事件 ,比方两个人约会,某甲按时赴约到
达,但是某乙迟迟未到。如果某乙最后还是来到了,事后说He was late,这个was就是第四类动词(“他来了,但是来晚
了”)。如果不是事后叙述发生了 什么,而是事后描述某甲当时苦苦等候的情况(不知某乙怎么样了,来还是不来),说He
was late. 意思就是“他迟迟未到”,此时was就是第一类动词(无限延续状态)。两者中译文是很不一样的 。如何区别,要取


Be careful. 当心。

Be quiet, please. 请安静。但是有时候这种句子不是祈使句,逻辑主语是I,尽管乍看起来不易区别。

Be right there. (= I'll be right there.) 我马上到你那边去。

Be right with you. 或Be with you in a minute (in a moment, in a second). = I'll be right with you. 我回头马上就来(办

— Would you fix this, please?—Be (= I'd be) happy to. —请你把它修一下好吗?—没问题。be的例子比较典型,另外还

Try to catch you later. = I'll try to catch you later. 我晚些时候再设法赶上你。

是不可数的物质名词,但是却总是以复数形式出现。由此就产生一个矛盾。比如 说,前面究竟用much还是
many? 从不可数的角度看,应该用much,但是从复数的角度看, 应该用many。因此,人们用起来见仁见智,

Too much beans will kill you... and you won't understand why! 吃豆子太多会致你死命…你还不知道为什么!

I am wondering, is it possible to eat too many beans and fruits? 我在琢磨,豆子和水果会有吃得过量的时候吗?

You eat too many beans. And it gets people upset during social relations. 你吃的豆子太多了。在交际场合会使人不舒服。

Don't put too many beans in the pressure cooker. 别放太多豆子到压力锅里。与此情况相类似的,还有oats, peanuts,

■bear (vt)
(1) 最原始的含义,是延续性的“支撑”。

The ice on the lake is much too thin to bear your weight. 湖上的冰太薄,支撑不住你的体重。

The table can bear several vases. 桌子能承受几个花瓶的重量。

(2) 另一个含义,是延续性的“容忍”或“忍受”。

He bore his grief with dignity. 他以尊严的态度忍受着悲痛。

The waiting was too much to bear. 等得令人不耐烦。

I can't bear her! 我受不了她!

(3) 非延续性的“负担”。

Postage will be borne by us. 邮资由我们负担。

(4) 延续性的“经得起”,直接宾语可以是名词或代词,也可以是由动名词单独或带有后续成分的词组。

This cloth bears washing. 这种布料很耐洗。

His argument doesn't bear close scrutiny. 他的论据是经不起细察的。

He can't bear being criticized. 他经不起批评。

It doesn't bear thinking about. 这件事不堪设想。

What she said doesn't bear repeating. 她所说的话,简直不能再复述一遍(参考worth条)。

(5) 延续性的bear to inf.,通常采取否定形式,表示“不忍”。

I can't bear to watch. 我不忍心目睹。

I can't bear to think what might have happened! 本来会发生什么事,我真不忍设想!

(6) 延续性的“携带”。

The armed police bear riot shields. 武警携带防暴盾牌。

(7) 延续性的“心中抱有”。

She's no one to bear resentment. 她不是个好记仇的人。

He bore no great affection for them. 他对他们没有什么好感。

(8) 延续性的“带有”。

It bears all the signs of a professional job. 它带有专业工作成果的一切标志。

His account bears little relation to the truth. 他所说的情况,同事实很不相同。

(9) 瞬时性的“生育”,可以用于人和动物植物。用于人的时候,要注意:
(a)以被动语态表示某人出生的情况,见born,此处不重复。(b)以主动语态表示妇女的生育活动,b ear用
于概括性的综述,不具体单独表示某一次的分娩(具体一次的用give birth to)。

She only bore (*gave birth to) one child. 她只生了一个孩子。

She gave birth to (*bore) a boy yesterday. 她昨天生下了一个男孩。

His wife bore him two daughters and a son. 他妻子给他生下了两女一男。

Wal-Mart's buyers even learned to chart the Chinese calendar. They stocked up on diapers in the Year of the
Monkey because it's considered a lucky year to bear children. (Newsweek, Oct. 30, 2006, p. 52) 沃尔 玛的采购人员甚至
学会了查考中国日历。他们在猴年储存了婴儿尿布,因为这一年据认为是生孩子的吉利 年。

The cherry tree bears beautiful blossom in spring. 那棵樱桃树每到春天就开出美丽的花朵。

Some plants only bear fruit once every twenty-five years. 有些植物每二十五年才结一次果。

(1) “赛过”和“胜过”。主语可以是人,也可以是事物(此时这个动词可能是瞬时体第四类,表示 一时发生的事

He thinks he can beat me at chess. 他觉得下棋能赢我。

He was beaten into fourth place. 他屈居第四名。

His cooking beats mine easily. 他的厨艺胜过我绰绰有余。

To my mind nothing beats a cup of tea. 对我来说,什么都比不上一杯热茶。

Our prices cannot be beaten. 我们的价格是谁都比不过的。

You cannot beat the Chinese for inventiveness. 中国人善于发明创造,是谁都赛不过的。

Investing to keep employees working and healthy beats paying for them when they're out and sick. (US News &
World Report, Feb. 11, 2008, p. 13, advertisement)投点资让雇员们既能工作又健健康康,胜过等到他们生病不能工作 时再

(It) sure beats the alternative. 无论如何这样也比不这样合算。

He decided that a walk through the city beat waiting for his wife in the empty flat. 他认定,在大街上闲逛一下,也比在

(2) 也有“使之无法理解”的意义(延续状态动词,第一类)。

It beats me how he gets away with it. 我真不明白他是怎样屡屡得手的。

(3) 也有“比之抢先”、“抢在(某人或某事)之前”(瞬时动词,第四类)的意思。

Beat the rush hour, travel early. 抢在高峰时间之前,提早上路。

Buy now and beat the new tax. 抢在新税目实行之前赶快现在就买。

I beat him to the telephone. 我比他先一步赶到了电话那里。

Beat a possible increase next winter plus save an extra $$50. (电热器广告)请赶在今冬可能涨价之前购买,而且可以另外

■because与as, since及for
(1) 四者当中,只有b ecause能够把原因当作唯一的新知信息加以突出。其余三者当中,as与since(引入的从
句 放在句首)常常只是把已经知道的事情作为原因一带而过,或者即使是新知信息也不加以强调;而for(引入的
从句放在句末)虽然引入新知信息作为原因,也摆在次要的地位。至于because,它引入的原因状 语从句通常包

His electricity was cut off(,) because he had not paid his bill. 这句当中,如果off后面保持逗号,中文可以译成:“他被停
了供电,因为他没有付清账单。”(因和果都是新知信息)如果没有逗号,可能因和果都是新知信息,也可能果 是已知信息,
只有因才是新知信息(译成:“他之所以被停了电,是因为没有付清账单。”)而如果把b ecause换成since, as或for,都不
能起将原因提升为唯一新知信息的作用。所以可以 说,要将原因突出作为唯一的新知信息(“之所以…是因为…”),只能使用
前面没有逗号的becau se,而since, as, for等都不能使用。 正是由于这个原因,回答Why问句只能用because。

(2) 传统的语法认为f or是并列连词而because则是主从连词,也就是说,for引入的是并列句的第二分句,而
be cause引入的则是原因状语从句。但是,because与for表示原因,除了上面说过的区别外,在许多 方面意义
十分接近,这样的区分,实际意义已经不大(但是because前面可以依主句是否新知信息 而加或不加逗号,for
前面则必须加逗号,主句必然是新知信息)。两者都可以表示客观因果关系中的 原因;如果要表示主观判断的根
据,就要看说话重点放在哪里。如果重点在结论,根据只是一个附带说明 ,就通常多用for。

They must have fallen asleep, for the light is out. 他们一定已经睡着了,你看灯是灭了的。

It is morning, for the birds are singing. 清早了,鸟都在叫了。如果重点在根据,就多用because。

You didn't tell me the truth, because I found the money in your room. 你没有给我说真话,因为钱我发现是在你屋里。这

(3) 从because的例子可以看出,往往新旧信息在英文中不一定直接显示区别, 要看上下文和语境;但是中文表
达时,通常在本句中就要显示差别,不能逐字照搬了事。(这里要顺便说 明一下:一个成分是否独立的新信息,
同它在句子中的语法地位无关。往往主语、主句等等语法地位极端 重要的成分并不包含独立的新信息;反之,状
语、从句甚至定语之类语法地位很低的成分,却可能包含独 立的新信息,甚至是唯一的新信息。这是“主述位切
分”即functional sentence perspective的一个十分重要的基本概念。)

(4) 有时候because 从句是唯一的新信息,而其前面的主句却是已知的旧信息,这种情况,如果主句之前再加主
句,这个再加 的主句,只同because从句发生意义上的关系,同原先的主句(已经降格为名词从句)在意义上不

But there has been such chaos since the dictator's fall that it's now common to hear Iraqis yearn for the order
imposed by his strong-arm rule. Even some Americans share that sentiment.
jail and say, 'Sorry, we didn't realize you were so brutal because you had to be',
Operations unit told Newsweek after a hard day's fighting in Fallujah in 2004. (Newsweek, Jan. 8, 2007, p. 22) 这里的
we didn't realize的内容绝对不是you were so brutal(已知信息),而是because you had to be(新知信息)。全句应该
译成:但是,自从独裁者垮台以来,局势如此混乱,以至于现在往往可以听到伊拉克人怀念他用铁腕统治所强加 的秩序。甚至
一些美国人也有同感。2004年费卢杰的一整天鏖战之后,美国特种部队一个单位的一名 成员告诉《新闻周刊》说:“我觉得我
们应该把萨达姆释放出狱,对他说 ‘对不起,我们原先不知道你 之所以如此暴虐是不得已的。’”但是不要译为:“我们原先

就“体”来说,是个第三类动词(即“趋成动词”),也就是说 ,它包含了一个延续的变化过程,但是这个过程
有一个必然的终点,不是无限延长的。因此,它有四个特 点:
(1) 它同第四类动词即达成动词一样,除了在一些特殊情况下,都不能以一般现在时的时态 出现,例如不能说:
*He becomes a composer now.

(2) 如果有一个时段来表示这个过程,就只能用in而不能用for来引入这个时段,例如不能说:*He became a
composer for five years. 而只能说:He became a composer in five years. 这是因为in表示“用多长时间完

(3) 它可以向第二类动词(表示无限延续的活动动词)靠拢,条件是采取进行时态(is becoming或was
becoming等)。这个时态对于第三类动词的作用,就是“磨掉”它的终点,只给它留下过程。这 一来,没有终

It was becoming more and more difficult to live on his salary. 靠他的薪金过活越来越困难。

(4) 它另一方面又可以向第 四类动词(表示瞬时变化的达成动词)靠拢,条件是采取非进行的一般过去时(由于不
能采用一般现在时 ,所以通常只能采用一般过去时或是现在或过去完成时)。这几个时态对于第三类动词的作用,
就是“磨 掉”它的过程,只给它留下终点。这一来,没有过程的终点变化,也就成了瞬间的变化。

He became a composer five years later. 五年后,他成为了一名作曲家。

(1) 这个名词,使用时如果指的是“床”的睡觉功能而不是“床”这件物品,不用任何冠词。

lie in bed 处于卧床状态

stay in bed 停留在卧床状态

go to bed 就寝

get into bed 上床就寝

get out of bed 睡觉后起床

be sick in bed 卧病在床

Never smoke in bed. 千万别在床上吸烟。注意在这样使用时“在床上”用介词in


onto,这里有“题中之义”的“盖上被子 ”因而“在三维立体空间里面”的含义。但是,如果拿“床”当作一件普通的可数物
品来看待,就要使用 定冠词或不定冠词,介词也可以按一般常理把床视为一个二维平面而用on,例如lie down on the bed。

(2) bed(不加冠词)往往可以代替“睡觉”这件行为。

The pill should be taken right before bed. 药片应该在临睡前服用。

用这个 及物动词(瞬时体,第四类),中文的“(某人)遭到(某不幸的事)”在英文就颠倒了主语和宾语。中

Katrina was the biggest calamity to befall New Orleans. 卡特琳娜飓风是新奥尔良遭到的最大的灾难。

When the United Nations hit Iraq with sweeping economic sanctions for its 1990 invasion of Kuwait, no one
imagined the ensuing destruction that would befall thousands of the country's archaeological treasures. 当联合国因
为伊拉克1990年入侵科威特而对伊拉克施加铺天盖地的经济制裁 时,谁也没有想到这个国家成千上万的古物宝藏随之会遭到
befall主要指不幸的事情,happen to可以指好事或不幸的事,fall out for则往往指好事。

It might so fall out for anyone. 谁都可能交上这样的好运。

(1) 这个单词既可以是介词(后接名词成分),也可以是主从连词(后接时间状语从句),还可以是 副词(后不接

Twice before he had arranged a lunch date with George, and each time George had canceled the date at the last
moment. 这里的before就既非介词(后面不可能有主格的he ),也非主从连词(后面的and表明了这是两个并列分句,前
面不可能是从句,因而before不可 能作为主从连词引入从句),而只能是副词,从后面修饰twice,再合起来一起修饰he
had arranged...译文是:他以前已经有过两次安排同乔治午餐约会,但每一次乔治都在最后一刻取消了约 会。

(2) 以主从连词before引入的时间状语从句,如果放在大 句的末处,译成中文时,因为是状语,往往要提前到谓
语之前(中文正常词序是状语先于谓语,英文则是 谓语先于状语),既破坏了事情的先后顺序和重点(往往重点
信息最后才出来),语气也不通顺。这时候 可以采取一个变通的办法,before...不要译成“在…之前”,而是把
“前”译成“后”,保持 英文的顺序:“然后再…”。

Each adoption paper needs to have a notary's stamp, then county, state department, and Chinese embassy or
consulate stamps attached before the document can be sent to China. 每一份领养文件都必须有公证人盖章,然后还要
加上本郡、本州和中国大使馆或领事馆的 公章,然后才能发往中国(不要译成:“在发往中国之前…”)。

It was three days before the body came up. 过了三天,尸首才浮起來。

... and then it may be another four or five days before they can fill a prescription. (The New York Times, May 1, 2007,
F5) …然后可能要再过四五天他们才能去抓药。

Deep are the wounds that remain in the human spirit from this period. Much time must yet pass before they will be
completely healed. (John Paul II) 这个时期留在人类心灵中的创伤很深。要过很长时间才能完全愈合。

It could be eight years, even ten, before we get permission to start construction. 要过八年甚至十年我们才能得到开工的

Anyone who wants to tie into this databank from the outside has to pass a series of security gates before they're
admitted. 任何人想要从外界进入这个数据库,就必须通过一连串的安全闸门,然后才被放进去。

The reader must slog through more than 400 pages before finally getting back to the story line. 读者需要辛辛苦苦看

The blackness lasted only a moment before it was pierced by the intense glare of media spotlights. (Dan Brown,
Deception Point, p. 136) 那片黑只保持了一会儿,就被媒体照射灯的强烈亮光穿透了。

It was not long before he became invaluable to them. 过不了多久,他们就觉得他非常有用。

But it wasn't long before I began to see that the short skirt played a role in boosting my tips. (Newsweek, Nov. 13,
2006, p. 21) 但是不久之后,我就开始发现,穿短裙对于让我多得到小费起了作用。
before从句的这种在语用 (pragmatic)意义上“升格”,“功高震主”,压倒主句的现象,也超出了语用的范
围,对句 法产生了一些影响。通常时间状语从句是以一般现在时代替一般将来时的。

Let's give the house a thorough cleaning before the visitors arrive (*will arrive). 客人没到之前, 咱们把房子彻底打扫一
下。但是,由于before从句在主句后面可以承载主要信息,实际上已经失去 了状语从句的功能,而状语从句本来可以以一般现
在时代替一般将来时,遇到这种情况,如果befor e从句所说的是比较远的将来的事,人们也就忘掉这种代替的成规,在
before从句中也照思维逻辑 用起一般将来时了。

He was sentenced to two years in prison before he will be deported in his terrorism conspiracy case. 他因为恐怖阴谋

It's just a few more years before the space shuttle fleet will be retired, according to current plans. 按照目前的计划,过

(3) 有时候b efore从句所指的事,其实是肯定不发生或是要避免发生的,此时也不宜译成“在…之前”(中文
“ 在…之前”与“在没有…之前”往往同义,可对照参考)。

Lucky, a giant autonomous beast now stalking Hong Kong Disneyland, walks so carefully that if it steps on an egg,
it'll back off before breaking the shell. 现在独来独往走遍香港迪士尼乐园的互动恐龙“乐奇”走起路来十分小心,如果踩着
了一 个蛋,它会后退,以免踩破了蛋壳。

Intelligence agencies had an urgent mission to find hidden plotters before they could strike again. (The Washington
Post, Feb. 5, 2006, A10) 情报机关的一项迫切任务,是趁阴谋者尚未再次下手就发现他们。

The Fed would tolerate a recession before again permitting inflation to go bonkers. 联储会大概会宁可容忍一次衰退,

It's time to call Adult Protective Services before the 85-year-old lady sets the house on fire and forgets how to open
the door to get out. 应该及时呼叫成年人保护处,免得那位八十五岁的老太太把房子烧着而且忘掉怎样开门出去。

An Army investigation in the 1970s found 18 of so-called Tiger Force soldiers had committed (in Vietnam) war
crimes, but the probe was terminated before anyone was charged. (US News & World Report, Sept. 6, 2004, p. 40)
20世纪70年代陆军 的一项调查发现,所谓“猛虎部队”的士兵,有18人曾经(在越南)犯过战争罪行,但没等到任何人被控
值得注意的是:由于before可以隐含否定的意义,所以一些通常同否 定相联系的副词,也可以出现在before引

Before she had even buckled herself in, the craft was airborne, banking hard across the Virginia woods. (Dan Brown,
Deception Point, p. 18) 她还没来得及扣好坐稳,直升飞机就离地升空,斜斜地掠过弗吉尼亚的森林。

(4) 但是有时候before从句所指的事也可能是肯定要发生的,此时就要译成“在…之前”。

Now, will there be anything else before you go? 你们临走之前还有什么事情吗?(变相婉转催对方走。)

(5) not before + -ing表示“在做某事之前赶紧做了-ing这件事”。

Charles Taylor... yielded the presidency Monday... but not before vowing
12, 2003) 查尔斯·泰勒…星期一让出了总统职位…但是赶紧先扬言:“我还是要回来的。”

The director bade farewell, but not before handing out some advice. 局长告别了,但告别前提出了一些忠告。

The hurricane weakened to a tropical storm by evening, but not before swamping roads and knocking out power to
more than 2.5 million people. (The Daily Gazette, Schenectady, New York, Sept. 19, 2003, A1) 飓风到傍晚时减弱为热带


■beggar(s) belief
这个词组,如果放在一个名词成分后面,作为句子的结 尾,表示前面那个名词成分的内容根本荒谬,无法置信。
要注意的是:这里的beggar不是名词(“ 叫花子,乞丐”)的复数,而是动词(“超出…限度之外”)的一般现
在时第三人称单数。莎士比亚最早 使用beggar作为动词(beggars description“无法形容”)。现代英语也有
Her beauty beggars description(“她的美貌无法形容”)的用法。

Tolstoy's powers of invention beggar easy description, much less summary.(Newsweek, Oct. 15, 2007, p. 82) 托尔斯
泰的创造威力,是无法轻易地形容的,更是无法扼要说明的。因此,beggars belief就是“无法置信”。

That story the driver cooked up and told the state trooper beggars belief. 开车人那个杜撰出来告诉交通警察的故事,全

The suggestion that the bank's decision to accept Arafat's money was a noble deed undertaken in the optimistic
spirit of the Oslo Accords beggars belief. (The Atlantic Monthly, Nov. 2005, p. 16) 所谓该银行之决定接受阿拉法特的存
款,是本着奥斯陆协议的乐观精神而做了一件好事, 这种说法,是荒天下之大谬。

(1) 中文说“从何时或何处开始”,但由于begin是个瞬间动词,而from则涉及一段时段, 所以规范的英文不用
动态的to begin from,例如:“十点半钟开始”,不说to begin from ten thirty,而仍然用静态的to begin
at ten thirty;“星期一开始”,不说to begin from Monday,而仍然说to begin on Monday。“从第三十页
开始”是to begin at page 30;但如果起点不是很明确,仍可以说to begin from page 30。或者没有具体确实

Warranty begins from the date of purchase. 产品质量保证自购买之日起生效。有些不规范的英语,即使是具体明确的时间,

begin from Oct. 11 自十月十一日起(参见start条)。

(2) to begin + -ing或to begin to inf. 同to start + -ing或to start to inf. 意义相近,但是用begin比用start
更多暗示所开始的是一个有意延续一段时间的过 程,而start则更为着重开始的那一下子。例如:begin to
cough可能是自己主动的或者开始后可能延续一段时间,而start to cough则是自己控制不了而咳出来,而且开
(3) to begin + -ing与to begin to inf. 都可以表示开始某一延续动作或状态,所以后 面的动词不可以是表示瞬时
动作的第四类动词,但可以是其余的三类动词中任何一类。不过to begin by + -ing则是“开始时先做某事”、
“从做某事入手”,这件“某事”可以是延 续的,也可以是瞬时完成的。

The doctor began by feeling my pulse. 大夫先给我把脉。另外,虽然begin + -ing与begin to inf. 都可以,但是如果
begin已经用了beginning的形式,则后面的动词就只能用inf. 形式。例如:It began to rain. 与It began raining. 都可以,
但只能说It was beginning to rain. 不能说*It was beginning raining. 这个道理是很容易理解的。

(4) can't (even) begin to inf. 是一个惯用词组,表示“根本无法做某事”,此时后面的inf. 可以是延续的,也可

We can't begin to imagine. 我们简直无法想象。

I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I am. 我简直没法告诉你我是多么的感激。

There were certain aspects of the case that he did not begin to understand. 事情当中有些问题他根本理解不了。同样,
do not (even) begin to inf. 表示“根本不可能做某事(连开个头都开不了)”。

That did not begin to explain why she had married him. 那根本说明不了她为什么嫁给他。

Those measures do not even begin to address the problem. 那些措施根本对付不了这个问题。

This economic measure doesn't even begin to deal with the problem of inflation. 这个经济措施根本处理不了通货膨胀

(5) begin to inf. 如果是否定的(本来begin是第四类动词,不 能用一般现在时,但在此却是第一类动词,表示
延续状态,可以用一般现在时),有时候也不能“一对一 ”地理解为“不开始如何如何”,而是相当于cannot
begin to inf.,也就是“根本无法做到”的意思。

Even the official numbers do not begin to capture the severity of the problem. 即使是官方数字也未能显示问题的严重性。

The headlines do not begin to tell the story of US troops injured by roadside bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan. (The
Star-Ledger, Newark, New Jersey, Aug. 6, 2007) 报纸的头条新闻也没有说出美国官兵在伊拉克和阿富汗被路边炸弹炸伤的

(6) to begin with是一个用得十分广泛的习惯词组,原先的意义是“作为开始”,但 是经过发展,除了原先意义
之外,还有了相当于中文“本来”所具有的几个含义,同in the first place意义相近(参见in the first place)。

Yes, most likely three hours of outage every day to begin with, then for longer periods if things get worse. 是的,很

She realized that, if the man had been dressed that way to begin with, she probably would not have noticed him. 她
(b)还可意为“甚至”:Her parents don't have any money, and she probably couldn't afford the right
kind of dress for the party, to begin with. 她父母一点钱也没有,她自己连像样的衣服也买不起来参加聚会。
(c)列举多个事项中的第一项:To begin with, he got the figures wrong. 首先,他的数字就弄错了。

... To Noah, the expenses of his family seem to keep spiraling upward in a kind of endless Laffer curve... To begin
with, more income means more taxes. 在诺阿看来,他家的开销,就像是沿着一条没完没了的拉 弗曲线一直往上冒升。…首

To begin with, I would like to thank American University for putting on this conference. 首先,我要感谢美利坚大学举
(d)to begin with同中文的“本来”意义相似。中文的“本来”,分析起来,有如下几个含义,英语的to
begin with (in the first place亦同) 都大致上与之相对应:
(i)先如何,后来变了:Everything went well to begin with. 事情本来进行得好好的。(ii) 开头时就已经如何,

It's not their money to begin with... so how could they be angry over losing it? 本来就不是他们的钱…钱丢了他们怎能生

There's hardly enough food or water here to begin with, so you can't blame them. 本来这里吃的喝的都不大够,所以怪
但是如果是“现在本来就已经如何,再加上别的什么就更不可接受”,“本来”就更多用as it is。

Don't disturb me. I'm nervous as it is. 别打扰我。我本来就已经够紧张的了。
(iii) 本来已经如何,何况后来更甚(或后来只不过是更进一步)。

The plate was cracked to begin with. 盘子本来就是有裂缝的(后来碎了不足为奇)。

The list of people who could be counted on for that, she decided, was not long to begin with, and even shorter in
the middle of the night. 她明确了,在这件事情上可以依靠的人,名单本来就已经是不长的,到了半夜,名单变得更短了。

Johnson's expression was melancholy to begin with, and became a shade more so. 约翰逊的表情本来就忧郁,现在更

The bedroom, which was small to begin with, looked tiny, as if it could barely contain him. 卧室本来就小,现在更显得

They eliminated six full-time and three part-time elevator men — a vanishing breed to begin with. 他们取消了六名全

He's had too much success too soon. He's got a stupid, sick mind to begin with. 他太少年得志了。况且他本来的精神状

And the head of the police wondered whether the wanted criminal had ever been there to begin with. 警察局长对于

You shouldn't have come here to begin with.你本来就不应该到这里来。

The origin of the calendar is inaccurate to begin with, and our
varies between 365 and 366 days. 历法的来源本来就不精确,何 况我们的“一年”在天文学上又不是严格算准而是介乎365

in my behalf是“为了我的利益”,on my behalf是“以我的名义”、“代表我”。

Since I was unable to appear, he reported on my behalf. 由于我无法到会,他就代表我做了报告。

She put in a good word in my behalf. 她替我美言了几句。但是,“代表…”与“为了…的利益”在意义上有时有些重叠,所
以in my behalf与on my behalf有时也不加区别地互用。

(1) 作为不及物动词(表示活动的延续体动词,第二类),意思是中性的“行为(好坏)”。

He doesn't usually behave so well. 他平常的表现不是这样良好的。

They behaved in a suspicious manner. 他们形迹可疑。

You behaved very rudely toward him. 你对他太粗暴了。

(2) 作为不及物动词,也可以表示正面的“行为良好”,尤其是小孩子的“乖”。

Will you behave! 乖点!

The others preferred to persuade him to behave other than complain to the teacher. 另一些人则认为,与其告到老师那

(3) 作为不及物动词,也可以以事物为主语,表示“起良好作用”。

Let's hope the weather behaves. 咱们就盼望天气好吧。

The car behaves well in the snow. 车子在雪地走得很好。

(4) 也可以作为及物动词加上oneself,表示“行为良好”。

Behave yourself!放规矩点!

(5) 过去分词behaved起形容词作用,表示中性的“行为(好或坏)的”。

He's very badly behaved. 这个人的表现很坏。

But at least our fans were very well behaved. 但是起码我们的球迷们很守规矩。

可以作为介词或副词,意 义都是“在后面”,本来是空间意义上的“在后面”,但很自然地可以转用到时间意义
(1) 很有趣的一个现象是:就时间来说,“前”和“后”的说法,往往出现意义相反的表达形式。例 如中文“往前
看”、“前景”、“前途”的“前”,指的是“未来”;而“前人”、“前任”、“不久之 前”的“前”,指的
却是“过去”。“前不见古人,后不见来者”中的“前”和“后”,听起来仿佛说话 的人脸对着过去,背对着将
来。在英语,behind虽然在空间意义上是“在后面”,但在时间意义上 却既可能相当于中文的“在其后”、“在
更晚之时”,也可能相当于中文的“在其前”、“在更早之时” ;前者(“时间上更晚”,常常说far behind),

If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?

The slump in the economy had hit lawyers, too, and people had stopped suing each other. Could world peace be
far behind? (Lisa Scottoline, Dead Ringer, p. 3)经济的衰落也影响到了律师们,人们不再打官司了。难道世界和平还遥远吗?
又例如2008年因嫖 妓丑闻辞职的纽约州州长Eliot Spitzer在2009年6月又公开露面,路透社新闻的标题是:Spitzer in
spotlight; can comeback be far behind? 斯皮策又到了聚光灯下;东山再起是否为期不远?后者(“时间上更早”)则

But how could one write history with Macaulay so close behind? (John Fowles, The French Lieutenant's Woman,
Chapter 3) 在历史界,刚刚出了个麦考莱,谁还能写出更好的史书?(这里的behind指“不久之前”)

... it is also partly because Chaucer's English lies almost directly behind our own. (W. F. Bolton, A Short History of
Literary English) …这也是因为乔叟的英语几乎是直接发展成我们今天的英语的(这里的behind指“刚刚过去的从前”)。

(2) 此外,behind还有抽象(“重要性次之”)的意义。

Prescription drugs, illegally used to get high, are the second most abused type of drug by teens, right behind
marijuana. (Newsweek, Oct. 15, 2007, p. 39, ad) 把处方药品非法用来兴奋提神,这是青少年滥用药品的第二种最常用的方式,

Yahoo tops in Japan, Google close behind. 雅虎在日本占据首位,谷歌紧接其后。

(3) behind单独使用,作为表语,从“落在后面”意义转化为“滞后”、“亏欠”。

How much am I behind? 我还欠多少?后面有on引入的介词短语,表示“欠什么”。

He was two months behind on his rent. 他已经欠了两个月的房租。

I'm three payments behind. 我已经欠了两次付款了。

(4) leave something behind原意是“把某物留在后面”,但可以转义为“了结某个问题或悬案”。

... without national penitence nothing can be left behind, not the wounds of slavery or the unfulfilled promise of the
civil rights movement. (US News & World Report, May 12, 2008, p. 6) …除非来一次全国大忏悔,否则什么问题都无法了
结,无论是奴隶制的创伤,或是民权运动 尚未实现的诉求。

It must be awfully nice to have someone to go home to and leave all this bad news behind. 家里有个人,可以回去作

That's all behind me. 这些全都是已经过去的事情了。

(5) 说某人have something behind,或是with something behind,这个something是某人迄今为止的经历。

... a guy with that many convictions and so much state time behind... …一个这么多次被定过罪而且在州监狱中度过了这

(6) behind某人,可以从物质上的“在其后面”(静态)或“到其后面”(动态 )转义为抽象的“支持”(静态)

It also kept alive the possibility that at least one Republican may yet swing behind the overhaul,... (The Associated
Press, Sept. 29, 2009) 这件事,也使得仍然有可能起码有一位共和党人转而支持整顿方案,…

So even if political winds start blowing harder behind them and even if they can capitalize on Democratic missteps,
Republicans still will have a long way to go over the next year...(The Associated Press, Nov. 2, 2009) 所以,即使政治风
向开始对他们 更为有利,即使他们能够利用民主党人的失误,共和党人往后一年仍然是任重道远…

(1) believe某人和believe in某人意义不同。前者是相信某人在某一次或几次具体场合所说的话,后者是对某人

There's a big difference between believing someone and believing in someone. 相信某人所言和信赖某人,两者有很大
的不同。believe in还有信仰或相信某一主张的意思。

believe in God信仰上帝

believe in Buddhism信仰佛教

believe in the generation gap相信代沟之说

believe in exercising every day相信每天做运动有效果。

(2) believe somebody是相信某人所说的话。但是后面如果加上一个 动词不定式,就成了“相信某人具有某种性

I believe him to be honest. (加强语气可以省略to be)我相信他是老实的。

I believe him to be dying.我相信他快要死了。同时要注意,后面加上的to inf.,其动词必须是表示性质或状态的静态动词,
不能说*I believe him to die. 这是因为believe与后面动词所表示的事情是同时发生的,我不可能现在这一刹那相信他现在这
一刹那死去。如果是瞬时的动态动词,唯有采取完成式,才可以与believe相容:I believe him to have died. 因为完成式间接

I believe the story to be true. 我相信 故事是真实的。从逻辑分析,这时候真正被相信的已经不是某人或某物,而是某人或某
物具有某性质或处 于某状态的这件事。

(3) 此外,believe的宾语补足语可以不是动词不定式而 是动词过去分词,此时这个过去分词所表示的是一种持续

Electricity was considered a mysterious force believed entwined with mind and body. (The Sunday Gazette,
Schenectady, New York, Sept. 12, 2004, G8) 从前电被看作是一股同心灵和肉体都交织在一起的神秘力量。

(4) 由此出发,这个believe还可以采取被动语态,此时,原先是直接宾语的人或物变成主语,后面的to inf. 情况
不变。同样,这时候真正被相信的,不是某人或某物,而是某人或某物具有某性质或处于 某状态的这件事。

Oil prices are believed to be the biggest threat to the economy. 据信油价是对经济的最大威胁。

The FBI released photographs of 19 individuals believed to be the hijackers of the four airliners that crashed on
September 11. 联邦调查局公布了十九名据信是“9·11”撞毁的四架客机的劫持者的照片。

The fugitive cocaine importer is believed to have fled Australia dressed as a priest. 据信那个在逃的携带可卡因入境者已

At least 21,000 people are believed to have been killed by the earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia. 据信印尼至少有
否定时,可以否定后面的动词不定式,也可以否定to be believed。但后一种否定比前一种强烈。

This product is believed not to contain toxic materials. 该产品据信不包含毒性材料。

The plan is believed not to require approval. 据信计划不需要经过批准。

The plan is not believed to require approval.人们并不认为计划需要经过批准。

Five Iraqis believed not to have been enemy combatants have died. 五名据信并非敌方战斗人员的伊拉克人丧生。

Bin Laden is not believed to have nuclear weapons. 据信本·拉登并没有核武器。

Judging from the relatively weak axial musculature and the thick bones in the limbs, Basilosaurus is not believed to
have been capable of sustained swimming. 从基底龙的中轴肌肉系统比较弱以及四肢骨头很厚看来,估计它不会有持续游
泳的 能力(与此相类似的动词,还有assume, say, report, schedule, fear等,均参见各单词)。

除了“好战的” 、“怀敌意的”之外,这个形容词还有“处于交战状态”的意义。中国历史上的“战国”,不能
译成为B elligerent States而译为Warring States,是因为belligerent states是国际法上的“交战国”(与
“中立国”相对而言),而当时的“战国”,只是一会儿打, 一会儿和,一会儿同这个打,一会儿同那个和,这

通常把belong同to连在一起(“属于”),但是belong也有不 同to一起而是同别的状语或表语成分一起的时

Are you sure these documents belong together? 你肯定这几份文件是应该放在一起的吗?

She doesn't belong married to Joseph. 她嫁给约瑟夫是嫁错了人。有时候belong单用,也可以表示“处在这个状况时很合
适” 。

When he opened it he was taken aback — what was printed inside didn't seem to belong.(Graham Greene, The
Power and the Glory, p. 18)他把书打开,愣了一下,里面印的似乎不对头。

(1) below可以是副词,也可以是介词。under则只能是介词。 两者往往可以互用,但也有区别。作为物质位置,
under可以表示上下两物互相接触,below则 往往表示两者之间有空隙。

She put the letter under her pillow. 她把信塞进枕头底下。

The ice crackled under his feet. 冰在他脚下噼噼啪啪作响。

They live below us. 他们住在我们楼下。below还用于表示量度上的“低于”,这是under所不能表示的。

The temperature is five degrees below zero. 温度为零下五度。

She is well below average in intelligence. 她的智力低于平均值。但是如果表示未达到某一标准数量,可以用under。

You can't see this movie if you're under 18. 你如果未满十八岁,就不能看这部电影。

(2) 转义为职务地位的高低时,这样的区别仍然起作用。

John is under Bill.约翰直接受比尔领导。或:比尔是约翰的顶头上司。

John is below Bill. 约翰的职位比比尔低。

(3) below, under与beneath: beneath在物质位置意义上既可以代替below(上下 不接触),也可以代替

Wood dust beneath a piece of furniture is a sure sign of woodworm. 一件家具底下如果有木粉,就是肯定长了蛀木虫的

She concealed the letter beneath the mattress. 她把信藏到床垫底下(上下紧贴,相当于under)。

(4) 但是beneath更多放在比较抽象的名词前面,这是below和under所不常用的。

He acts as if I was beneath his notice. 他的举动,仿佛我是不值得他一顾似的。

He would think it beneath him to tell a lie. 他会觉得,说谎对他是有失身份的(这里的him其实是抽象的“他的身份”)。

She married beneath her. 她嫁低了(这里的her其实是抽象的“她的身份”)。

Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping —
they called it opportunity. (Bill Gates, 11Rules) 第五条须知:干翻动汉堡包的活并不有失你的尊严。对于翻动汉堡包,你的< br>祖父辈有另外一个名词来表示,叫做机会。

见below条 (3)。


We stood beside the canyon.我们站在峡谷旁边。Besides也可以是介词,但却表示抽象的“除此之外(还有)”。

Besides the lecture there was a concert. 除了讲座,还举行了音乐会。

There are three other candidates besides yourself. 除了你自己,还另外有三个人选。

Besides being old, she was also extremely deaf. 她不但年老,而且还非常耳聋。另外,besi des还可以是副词,也是“除
此之外(还有)”的意思(主要用于列举理由,不可以用于列举具体事物 )。

I am too tired to go, and besides, it is late. 我太累,不去了,何况时间也晚了。但是,besides前面如 果有否定词,“除此
之外(再另加,但原先的仍保留)”与“排除在外不算”的两种意思之间的区别在此 就消失了(中文的“除此之外”也同样有

nobody besides you and me除了你和我再也没有别人。

(1) 作为副词well的最高级,best修饰动词时可以同the一起出 现,也可以不要the,有the的时候语气更为强

Who sings (the) best of all the boys in your class? 你班 里的男孩子,谁唱歌唱得最好?但是只有多个事物相互比较时才可
以加the,同一事物不同场合的比较 就不能加the。

Work out where and how these forces would best (*the best) be used. 弄清楚这些力量最好在什么地方以什么方式来使

(2) 动词like与love可以用副词very much来修饰,但是用like时very much的最高级 不是most而是best
(用love时则best与most均可)。反义语dislike与ha te则只能用most。
(3) 本来两件事物作比较,最好的一件是the better one;多件事物作比较,最好的一件是the best one。Best

Which season do you like best, summer or winter? 你最喜欢夏天还是冬天?

(4) 作为形容词,best可以不指质量上的“最好(部分)”而是指数量上的“最大(部分)”。

the best part of a week一周的大部分时间

the best part of one's life一生的大部分时间。

(5) 作为名词,best可以表示“最大的收益”。

She knows how to bring out the best in her students. 她懂得如何发掘学生们最大的潜力。

He always gets the best out of his employees. 他总是使自己的雇员们发挥最大的力量。

Just make the best of the opportunity. 有这个机会就好好利用吧。但是get the best of somebody有“打败某人”或“从

Don't let those people get the best of you. 别让那些人占你的便宜。Make the best of a bad job中,job不一定真的指

(6) best作为名词,有时候容易被误解为形容词最高级。

Still, the policy— which seems impractical if not unenforceable—may be the best university officials can do, short of
putting cameras in students' dorm rooms. (The Daily Gazette, Schenectady, New York, March 21, 2007, editorial) 虽
然如此,但是这个规定(看来似乎不实际,甚至是无法执行的)可能是大学主管人员所能采取的最上策 了,除非在学生宿舍的
房间里装上录像机。这一句中的best,不能同university officials连在一起,误解成“最好的大学主管人员”。它是个名词,
同university officials之间本来有个关系代词that略去了。

(7) best虽然是最 高级,但是在修辞中往往同否定一起使用,作为一种婉转的说法表示“不佳”(直译是“并不最
好”), 但其实并不一定是“次好”,也许可能是最坏的。

Risking his career didn't seem like the best of options. 拿自己的事业来冒风险,看来实非上策。

… a sailor's life is not the best school of morals.(John Fowles, The French Lieutenant's Woman, Chapter 6, p. 35) 海员
的生活本来就是不检点的。 这种否定最高级,是很常用的修辞手段,中英文也有共通之处。

(8) best作为副词,放在to be之后,一个动词过去分词之前,往往可以表示一种判断,即“最好对之加以( 某
种行动)”,此时这个to be pp尽管pp的动词是瞬时的第四类动词,也可以用一般现在时, 因为这个句子已经
不是通常意义上的叙述句,而是一个判断句,相当于It is best to inf. X (X本是主语,但在此相当于宾语)。

Going to court can be an expensive, time consuming and gut wrenching experience that is best avoided. 打官司费钱
费时间,又揪心揪肺,最好避免(参见better条之7. )。

■best man
作为表语或在as后面,best man通常没有定冠词the,是婚礼上的“伴郎”、“傧相”。

I was recently asked to be best man for a friend's wedding. 不久以前,人家请我给一位朋友的婚礼担任伴郎。

The two of them served as best men at each other's weddings. 他们两人互相在对方的婚礼上担任伴郎。但是作为句中其

While the basic responsibilities of a best man have remained largely unchanged over the years, the world has
moved on. 当伴郎要担负的基本职责多年来大体没有变化,但是世界已经向前进了。

It is the bridegroom's duty to make the second toast to the bridesmaids. The best man responds, on behalf of the
bridesmaids, to this toast. 新郎应该把第二杯酒敬给伴娘们。伴郎则代表伴娘们回敬。此外,在实际语言中,best man作为

And when Muller was engaged to be married, he asked Sullivan to be the best man at his wedding this New Year's
Eve. (The Daily Gazette, Schenectady, New York, Dec. 26, 2006, A8) 当穆勒订婚准备结婚时,他邀请沙利文在今年除夕他


(1) 这个动词,同cast, hit, put, set等以-t结尾的动词一样,它的不定式(一般现在时第三人称单数外与之同
形)、过去时和过去分 词都是bet。
(2) 这个动词可以表示瞬时的“打赌”行动,此时通常不用一般现在时(除非是 习惯或重复行动或代替将来时表示
意愿);也可以表示并不真的打赌而只是自己对某事确信不疑的想法, 此时就可以用一般现在时。
(3) 表示确信(延续状态,第一类)而不真正打赌,可以直接在be t后面加上that名词从句,也可以在bet和
that之间加上you(但并不是真的“同你打赌” ),that也常常省略。它引入的从句中,可以用将来时,但更多

I bet (you) (that) the Democrats (will) win. 我肯定民主党人会赢。

I bet(that) he's missed his flight. 我肯定他误了航班。

(4) 如果 表示真正的打赌行动,就可能涉及打赌的对方以及下的赌注,此时可以采取较为罕见的三个宾语的特殊搭
配,即:间接宾语、直接宾语、that名词从句(that可略),以表示:对某事有信心(that...) ,同某人(作间

He bet them(间接宾语)$$100(直接宾语)(that) they wouldn't win. 他同他们打赌一百美元,认定他们赢不了。

I'll bet you twenty dollars you don't know the answer to this question. 我敢同你打赌二十美元,你肯定不知道这个问题的

He said he was willing to bet a ton of money the deal was a dark secret. 他说他愿意赌一大笔钱,肯定那笔交易是件见不

(5) “I bet.”或“I'll bet.”的意思可以是正面的表示赞同,也可以是负面的讥讽,表示不相信,要看语境和上下

—I'll tell him off. — I'll bet. —我要说他一顿。—是呀(或:不见得吧)。但是You bet! 则是强势的肯定,相当于sure或of

(1) better是形容词 good和副词well的比较级,但是同一般的比较级不一样,它作为形容词表示“患病痊愈”
时,可 以加上completely或quite等副词作修饰语。

He hasn't been well, but he's completely better now. 他曾经身体欠佳,但是现在已经完全康复。

Don't start work again until you're quite better. 你没有完全好之前,别恢复工作。

(2) to know better than to inf. 实际上是一种否定方式,意思是“懂得不应该做某事,也就没有去做”。

He knew better than to think the assailant had given up. 他心中有数,知道刺客并没有罢休。 To think better of it

of + -ing也是一种否定方式,意思是“经过考虑后觉得还是不这样做为妥(从而也就没有这样做)”。

Craig polished off his second drink, eyed the scotch bottle, and thought better of pouring a third. 克雷格喝光了第二

(3) 动词like与love的加强修饰语是very much,但这个修饰语的比较级不是more而是better。

Which do you like better, dogs or cats? 狗和猫你更喜欢哪一样?

No one has been better liked than he was. 没有谁比他更讨人喜欢。

(4) to get the better of somebody是“赛过(某人)”、“超过(某人)”、“压倒(某 人)”、“支配(某

Mary got the better of Jennifer in the tennis match.玛丽在网球赛中赢了珍妮弗。

You have a lot of personal problems which are getting the better of you, creating unfair prejudices, clouding your
judgment. 你有许多个人的问题压住了你,造成一些不公正的成见,遮蔽住你的判断力。

He tried not to let his emotions get the better of him. 他努力不要让情绪控制自己。

(5) to have seen better times


This city has seen better times. 这座城市已经衰落了。

His hat had seen better days. 他的帽子已经很破旧了。

(6) better与could或might(注意不是can或may)连用,往往表示当前“并 不太好”(直译是“本来可以更

—John: How are things going, Fred? —Fred: Things could be better. —约翰:喂,弗雷德,情况怎么样?—弗雷德:不

(7) better作为副词,还有一个特别的用法,就是放在被动语态的谓语动词组之 中,但是并不修饰谓语动词,而是

Cases like this are better forgotten. 像这样的一些事例 ,还是忘掉了的好(不能误译为:“这样的一些事例被更好地忘掉。”
还要注意,这里瞬时动词forg et用被动式一般现在时,表示一个判断,不是表示眼前发生什么事情)。

—I really don't know how to tell you this. —Then don't. Maybe it's better left unsaid. —这件事情我真的不知道怎 样告

These phrases are better avoided than used. 这样的词组,最好还是避免使用。有时候也有模棱两可的情况,better仍然可以理解为修饰谓语动词,但更加准确的理解仍然是对整句内容的一个评价。

He might be better described as a poet. 把他描述为一 个诗人,更为恰当(也可以译成:可以把他更加恰当地描述为一个诗
人)。参见best条之8. 。

(8) 由于better既可以作为形容词,又可以作为副词,所以要注意具体判明它的词性,以免误解。

No one knows how important realistic expectations (=about weight loss) are better than LaVonnia
Johnson. (US News & World Report, June 16, 2003, p. 38) 关于实事求是的(减肥的)期望是如何重要,谁都比不上
LaVonnia 看得清楚(这里的bett er不能理解为形容词,成为are的表语。如果这样理解,全句就成了一
团乱麻,不知所云。这里的b etter是个副词,远距离修饰前面远处的knows;are的表语不是better而是前面远处的how

(1) 这个介词后面如果有两个名词成分,按理两者的句法结构应该对称。但是往往为了省略而出现不对称的情况。

The most essential difference between learning the native language and a foreign language lies in …学习本国语言与

There is often a difference between doing research in universities and in private industry. 在大学里和在私人企业里做

differences in the standard of living between a steel worker in Pittsburgh and in Magnitogorsk匹兹堡和马格尼托戈尔
斯克一个钢铁工人生活水平的差别。要改成对称并不难 :…between a steel worker in Pittsburgh and one in Magnitogorsk。

(2) to keep something between us是“只可你知我知,不得外传”。

What I'm about to say is strictly between you and me. 我下面要说的事情,只可你知我知。

(3) between前面可以再加介词in,成为in between,可以合成一个复合介词。

In between trips to Britain, a personal milestone occurred in her life. 在多次前往英国旅行的间隙当中,她的生活出现了

We have to be more a part of what people are watching and reading instead of being in between. (BusinessWeek,
Aug. 1, 2005, p. 89) 我们(登广告)不应该是在空隙时插进,而应该是人们无时无刻在观看和阅读的东西的一部分。







