
2020年08月08日 02:58


Part I Writing
It is not exaggerating to say that habits determine how much a person can achieve. This is due to
the magical power that habits have. It can redouble the effort of our daily behavior.
Take this for example: if you recite one word every day, you will add 365 words to your vocabulary
by one year, and 700 words by two years, and 1400 words before graduation which is by far beyond the
curricular of CET-6. While if you spend two hours on playing computer games—which is far less than
how much time is spent in reality for college students— you will probably get addicted
to it and fail your study. This phenomenon can be easily found in the college that it is high time for us to
be aware of the importance of habits. We should cultivate good habits and get rid of the bad habits such
as staying up late, being addicted to games, consuming extravagantly, etc as soon as possible.
Rome was not built in one day. We can accumulate a great fortune by the tiny efforts we made
every day. From now on say good bye to the bad habits and stick to the good ones, we will enjoy a
profitable return in the future.
Good habit result…
Good habits are a valuable thing and a bridge reaching desirable results. Evidently, good habits
include teamwork, optimistic attitude, confidence and so on. It is well known that teamwork always
leaves us less mean-spirited and more inclusive. Again, optimistic attitude and confidence can encourage
us to never give up and find silver linings in desperate situations.
Why should we actively cultivate good habits? For one thing, good habits can jump our trains of
thought onto correct tracks, in turn, we can bypass the wrong path. For another thing,
persisting what we are good at and doing even more of it creates excellence. This is where developing
good habits comes in.
As a result, we should take some effective steps to cultivate our good habits. For instance, we can
frequently inform young people that opportunities for errors abound, so we must develop good habits to
cope with them. To sum up, we cannot deny it that good habits do carry a positive connotation.
Part ⅣReading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)

Section A
Question 47 to 51 are based on the following passage
Highly proficient musicianship is hard won. Although it’s often assumed musical ability us
inherited, there’s abundant evidence that this isn’t the case. While it seems that at birth virtually
everyone has perfect pitch, the reasons that one child is better than another are motivation and practice.
Highly musical children were sung to more as infants and more encouraged to join in song games
as kids than less musical ones, long before any musical ability could have been evident. Studies of
classical musicians prove that the best ones practiced considerably more from childhood onwards than
ordinary orchestral players, and this is because their parents were at them to put in the hours from a very
young age.
The same was true of children selected for entry to specialist music schools, compared with those
who were rejected. The chosen children had parents who had very actively supervised music lessons and
daily practice from young ages, giving up substantial periods of leisure time to take the children to
lessons and concerts.
The singer Michael Jackson’s story, although unusually brutal and extreme, is illumination when
considering musical prodigy(天才). Accounts suggest that he was subjected to cruel beatings and
emotional torture ,and that he was humiliated (羞辱) constantly by his father, What sets Jackson’s family
apart is that his father used his reign of terror to train his children as musicians and dancers.
On top of his extra ability Michael also had more drive. This may have been the result of being the
closest of his brothers and sisters to his mother. ―He seemed different to me from the other children
—special,‖Michael’s mother said of him. She may not have realized that treating her son as special may
have been part of the reason be became like that.
All in all, if you want to bring up a Mozart or Bach, the key factor is how hard you are prepared to
crack the whip. Thankfully, most of us will probably settle for a bit of fun on the recorder and some
ill- executed pieces of music-on the piano from our children.
47. According to the author, a child’s musical ability has much to do with their ___.
48. In order to develop the musical ability of their children, many parents will accompany them during
their practice sacrificing a lot of then own ___.

49. Because of their father’s pressure and strict training, Michael Jackson and some of his brothers and
sisters eventually became ___.
50. Michael’s extra drive for music was partly due to the fact that he was ___ by his mother.
51. To bring up a great musician like Mozart or Bach, willingness to be strict with your child is ___.
Section B
Passage One
Questions 52 to 56 are based pm the following passage.
In 2011, many shoppers chose to avoid the frantic crowds and do their holiday shopping from the
comfort of their computer. Sales at online retailers gained by more than 15%, making it the biggest
season ever. But people are also returning those purchases at record rates, up 8% from last year.
What went wrong? Is the lingering shadow of the global financial crisis making it harder to accept
extravagant indulgences? Or that people shop more impulsively—and therefore make bad
decisions—when online? Both arguments are plausible. However, there is a third factor: a question of
touch. We can love the look but, in an online environment, we cannot feel the quality of a texture, the
shape of the fit, the fall of a fold or, for that matter, the weight of an earring. And physically interacting
with an object makes you more committed to your purchase.
When my most recent book Brandwashed was released, I teamed up with a local bookstore to
conduct an experiment about the difference between the online and offline shopping experience. I
carefully instructed a group of volunteers to promote my book in two different ways. The first was a
fairly hands-off approach. Whenever a customer would inquire about my book, the volunteer would take
them over to the shelf and point to it. Out of 20 such requests, six customers proceeded with the
The second option also involved going over to the shelf but, this time, removing the book and them
subtly holding onto it for just an extra moment before placing it in the customer’s hands. Of the 20
people who were handed the book, 13 ended up buying it. Just physically passing the book showed a big
difference in sales. Why? We feel something similar to a sense of ownership when we hold things in our
hand. That’s why we establish or reestablish connection by greeting strangers and friends with a
handshake. In this case, having to then let go of the book after holding it might generate a subtle sense of
loss, and motivate us to make the purchase even more.

A recent study also revealed the power of touch, in this case when it came to conventional mail. A
deeper and longer-lasting impression of a message was formed when delivered in a letter, as opposed to
receiving the same message online. Brain imaging showed that, on touching the paper, the emotional
center of the brain was activated, thus forming a stronger bond. The study also indicated that once touch
becomes part of the process, it could translate into a sense of possession.
This sense of ownership is simply not part of the equation in the online shopping experience.
52. Why do people prefer shopping online according to the author?
A) It is more comfortable and convenient.
B) It saves them a lot of money and time.
C) It offers them a lot more options and bargains.
D) It gives them more time to think about their purchase.
53. Why do more customers return their purchases bought online?
A) They regretted indulging in costly items in the recession.
B) They changed their mind by the time the goods were delivered.
C) They had no chance to touch them when shopping online.
D) They later found the quality of goods below their expectations.
54. What is the purpose of author’s experiment?
A) To test his hypothesis about online shopping.
B) To find out people’s reaction to his recent book.
C) To find ways to increase the sale of his new book.
D) To try different approaches to sales promotion.
55. How might people feel after letting go of something they held?
A) A sense of disappointment C) A subtle loss of interest
B) More motivated to own it. D) Less sensitive to its texture.
56. What does train imaging in a recent study reveal?
A) Conventional letters contain subtle messages.
B) A lack of touch is the chief obstacle to e-commerce.
C) Email lacks the potential to activate the brain.

D) Physical touch helps form a sense of possession.
Passage Two
Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.
Apparently everyone knows that global warming only makes climate more extreme. A hot, dry
summer has triggered another flood of such claims. And, while many interests are at work, one of the
players that benefits the most from this story are the media: the notion of ―extreme‖ climate simply
makes for more compelling news.
Consider Paul Krugman writing breathlessly in the New York Times about the ―rising incidence of
extreme events,‖ He claims that global warming caused the current drought in America’s Midwest, and
that supposedly record-high corn prices could cause a global food crisis.
But the United Nations climate panel’s latest assessment tells us precisely the opposite. For ―North
America there is medium confidence that there has an overall slight tendency toward less dryness‖
Moreover, there is no way that Krugman could have identified this drought as being caused by global
warming without a time machine; Climate models estimate that such detection will be possible by 2048,
at the earliest.
And, fortunately, this year’s drought appears unlikely to cause a food crisis, as global rice and
wheat supplies retain plentiful. Moreover, Krugman overlooks inflation: Prices have increased six-fold
since 1969. so, while com futures(期货) did set a record of about S8 per bushel(葡式耳)in late July, the
inflation-adjusted price of corn was higher throughout most of the 1970s, reaching 516 in1974.
Finally, Krugman conveniently forgets that concerns about global warming are the main reason that
corn prices have skyrocketed since 2005. Nowadays 40 percent of corn grown in the United States is
used to produce ethanol(乙醇),which does absolutely nothing for the climate, but certainly distorts the
price of corn—at the expense of many of the world’s poorest people.
Bill Mickbben similarly worries in The Guardian about the Midwest drought and corn prices. He
confidently tells us that raging wildfires from New Mexico and Colorado to Siberia are ―exactly‖ what
the early stages of global warming look like.
In fact, the latest overview of global wildfire suggests that fire intensity has declined over the past
70 years and is now close to its preindustrial level.
When well-meaning campaigners want us to pay attention to global warming, they often end up

pitching beyond the facts. And, while this may seem justified by a noble goal, such ―policy by people‖
tactics rarely work, and often backfire.
Remember how, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Al Gore claimed that we were in store
for ever more destructive hurricanes? Since then, hurricane incidence has dropped off the charts.
Exaggerated claims merely fuel public distrust and disengagement.
That is unfortunate, because global warming is a real problem, and we do need to address it.
57. In what way do the media benefit from extreme weather?
A) They can attract people’s attention to their reports.
B) They can choose from a greater variety of topics.
C) They can make themselves better known.
D) They can give voice to different views.
58. What is the author’s comment on Krugman’s claim about the current drought in America’s Midwest?
A) A time machine is needed to testify to its truth.
B) It is based on an erroneous climate model.
C) It will eventually get proof in 2048.
D) There is no way to prove its validity.
59. What is the chief reason for the rise in corn prices according to the author?
A) Demand for food has been rising in the developing countries.
B) A considerable portion of corn is used to produce green fuel.
C) Climate change has caused corn yields to drop markedly.
D) Inflation rates have been skyrocketing since the 1970s.
60. What does the author say about global wildfire incidence over the past 70 years?
A) It has got worse with the rise in extreme weathers.
B) It signals the early stages of global warming.
C) It has dropped greatly.
D) It is related to drought.
61. What does the author think of the exaggerated claims in the media about global warming?
A) They are strategies to raise public awareness.

B) They do a disservice to addressing the problem.
C) They aggravate public distrust about science.
D) They create confusion about climate change.
Part Ⅴ Cloze
The continuous presentation of scary stories about global warming in the popular media makes us
unnecessarily frightened. Even worse, it __62__ our kids.
Al Gore famously __63__ how a sea-level rise of 20 feet would almost completely flood Florida,
New York, Holland, and Shanghai, __64__the United Nations says that such a thing will not even
happen, __65__ that sea levels will rise 20 times less than that.
When __66__ with these exaggerations, some of us say that they are for a good cause, and surely
__67__ is no harm done if the result is that we focus even more on tackling climate change.
This __68__ is astonishingly wrong. Such exaggerations do plenty of harm. Worrying __69__
about global warming means that we worry less about other things, where we could do so much more
good. We focus, __70 __, on global warming's impact on malaria (疟疾)-which will put slightly more
people at __71__ in 100 years - instead of tackling the half a billion people __72__from malaria today
with prevention and treatment policies that are much cheaper and dramatically more effective than
carbon reduction would be.
__73__ also wears out the public's willingness to tackle global warming. If the planet is __74__,
people wonder, why do anything? A record 54% of American voters now believe the news media make
global warming appear worse than it really is. A __75__ of people now believe – incorrectly – that
global warming is not even caused by humans.
But the __76__ cost of exaggeration, I believe, is the unnecessary alarm that it causes – particularly
__77__ children. An article in The Washington Post cited nine-year-old Alyssa, who cries about the
possibility of mass animal __78__ from global warming.
The newspaper also reported that parents are __79__
obsessions (忧心忡忡) with dying polar bears. They might be better off educating them and letting them
know that, contrary __80__ common belief, the global polar bear population has doubled and perhaps
even quadrupled (成为四倍) over the past half- century, to about 22,000. __81__ diminishing - and
eventually disappearing - summer Arctic ice, polar bears will not become extinct.

62. A. exhausts B. suppresses C. terrifies D. disgusts
63. A. dismissed B. distracted C. deposited D. depicted
64. A. as if B. even though C. in that D. in case
65. A. measuring B. signifying C. estimating D. extracting
66. A. confronted B. identified C. equipped D. entrusted
67. A. such B. there C. what D. which
68. A. morality B. interaction C. argument D. dialogue
69. A. prevalently B. predictably C. expressively D. excessively
70. A. for example B. in addition C. by contrast D. in short
71. A. willB. large C. ease D. risk
72. A. suffering B. deriving C. developing D. stemming
73. A. Explanation B. Reservation C. Exaggeration D. Revelation
74. A. dumped B. dimmed C. doubled D. doomed
75. A. mixture B. majority C. quantity D. quota
76. A. smallest B. worst C. fewest D. least
77. A. among B. of C. by D. toward
78. A. separation B. sanction C. isolation D. extinction
79. A. turning out B. tiding over C. searching for D. pulling through
80. A. upon B. to C. about D. with
81. A. Despite B. Besides C. Regardless D. Except
Ⅵ Translation
82. (我们刚到山顶)than we all sat down to rest.
83. Anyone driving with a high blood alcohol level (将被指控为醉驾) and face a severe penalty.
84. Many people have become so addicted to online shopping that they (情不自禁每天都要访问购物
85. You are an executive council member of our organization, so (你说的话有份量).
86. To fully appreciate the author’s motive and intention, you really have to (仔细从字里行间去解读).

Section A
47. motivation and practice
48. leisure time
49. musicians and dancers
50. treated as special
51. the key factor
Section B
Passage one
52. A. It is more comfortable and convenient.
53. C. They had no chance to touch them when shopping.
54. To test his hypothesis about online shopping.
55. B. More motivated to own it.
56. D. Physical touch helps form a sense of possession.
Passage two
57. A) They can attract people’s attention to their reports.
58.D) There is no way to prove its validity.
59. A) Demand for food has been rising in the developing countries.
60. C) It has dropped greatly.
61. B) They do a disservice to addressing the problem.
62. C. terrifies 考查动词辨析。exhaust 表示“使筋疲力尽,用尽”;suppress表示“镇压,抑制”;
terrify 表示“使惊吓” ;disgust表示“使反感”。前文表明关于气候变暖的惊悚报道让我们感到恐
惧,更糟糕的是,它 吓到了我们的孩子们。
63. D. depicted考查动词辨析。dismiss表示“开除, 解散”;distract表示“使分心,分散”;deposit
表示“储蓄,寄存”;depict 表示“描绘,描述”。
64. B. even though 考查连词。题考查考生对上下句关系的理解,上半句Al Gore讲述海平面上升
20英尺会几乎完全 淹没佛罗里达、纽约、荷兰和上海,后半句讲联合国说这种事不会发生,由此
可见前后句是转折的关系, 所以用even though,表示“尽管”;而as if表示“似乎”;in that表示
“因为”;in case表示“以防”。

65. C. estimating 考查动词。measure表示“测量,估量” ;signify表示“意味,预示”;estimate
表示“估计,预测”;extract表示“ 提取”。空格所在的句子说联合国认为淹没事件不会发生,同
时预测海平面只会上升20英尺的二十分之 一。
66. A. Confronted 考查动词。be confronted with„为固定短语,表示“面临(困难、危险等)”。
67. B. there 考查there be句型。由句中的连词and可知前后必须都是句子,表示某个现象或东西
存在用there be句型。
68. C. argument 考查名词。morality表示“道德,伦理”;i nteraction表示“相互沟通,相互作用”;
argument表示“争论,辩论”;dial ogue表示“对话”;文章前面两段都是在讲Al Gore与联合国不
69. D. excessively 考查副词辨析。prevalently表示“流行地,普遍地”;predictably 表示“可预言地”;expressively表示“意味深长地”;excessively表示“过度地,极度”。本 句表达的意思是过
度担心气候变暖意味着我们担心的其它事情会变少,而在这些事情上我们本可以做得更 好。
70. A. for example 考查固定短语。for example表示“例如”;in addition表示“另外,除此之外”;
by contrast表示“相比之下”;in short表示“总之”;从上下文我们可以看出这句话是举例子,所
以用for example。
71. D. risk 考查固定短语。该题较为简单,at risk为固定短语,表示“有危险”。
72. A. suffering 考查动词。suffer from表示“遭受;患„„病”。
73. C. Exaggeration 考查名词辨析。explanation表示“解释”;reservation表 示“预约;预定”;
exaggeration 表示“夸张”;revelation表示“启示”。 本题显然承接上文提到的人们对于全球气候
74. D. doomed 考查形容词辨析。dumped表示“废弃的”; dimmed表示“暗灰色的”;doubl ed
表示“两倍的”;doomed表示“注定的;命定的”。这里表示人们假设如果地球的命运是注定 好的,
也就是说如果全球变暖这个问题是注定了的话,那么就不需要做任何事情来拯救,因为做了也没< br>有用。
75. B.majority 考查名词辨析。a majority of 表示“ 大多数的;mixture表示“混合”;quantity表
示“质量”;quota表示“配额;限 额”。
76. B. worst 考查形容词辨析。前面文章一直在讲夸大全球变暖问题所带来的坏 处,这里是作者想
77. A. among 考查介词辨析。among表示“三者或三者以上之间”,among children表示“在孩子

78. D. extinction 考查名词辨析 。separation表示“分离,分开”;sanction表示“制裁,处罚”;isolation表示“隔离,孤立”;extinction 表示“灭绝”。全球变暖只有可能会造成大量动物的灭绝,其他选
79. C. searching for 考查词组辨析。turn out 表示“生产;结果是”;tide over表示“克服,度过”;
search for表示“寻找,搜索”;pull through 表示“克服困难,渡过难关”。这里是说有些小孩子担
心北极熊会灭绝,而这种担心显然对于他们来说是 多余的,所以一些家长会寻找一些其他的东西
80. B. to 考查介词辨析。contrary to为固定搭配,表示“与„„相反”。
81. A. Despite 考查介词辨析。despite表示“尽管”,后面一般跟doing;
且”;regardless of 表示“尽管,不管”;except表示“除„„之外”。
82. No sooner had we reached the top of the hill
83. will be accused of drunk driving
84. can’t help themselves visiting shopping websites everyday
85. what you said weighs a lot what you said matters
86. understandread carefully between the lines








