
2020年08月08日 03:16


 介词+名词词组
at a loss, at any rate, at length,
by any means, by the way,
for the time being,
in a hurry, in any case, in a word, (just) in case,
in haste, in no time, in no way, in the long run,
in the way, in time, in detail, in part
in the event (= if),
of one’s own accord, of one’s own will等
 介词+形容词
at one’s best, at last, at least, at large, at
from bad to worse, for good(永远地), for sure,
in short, in brief, in particular, in general,
in vain等
 介词+副词
as well, as yet, at once, before long, for ever,
of late (= lately recently) 等
 其他:
above all, after all, in all, (not) at all等

 名词与at连用:
amazement, anger, excitement, joy, relief;
attempt, chance, effort, try;
expert, genius, master;
glance, glimpse, look, smile;
其他如grab, pretence, skill等
 名词与for连用:
admiration, affection, contempt, dislike,
feeling, hatred, liking, love, taste;
appetite, call, demand, desire, hope, need,
cure, remedy;
approval, permission, support;
replacement, substitute; responsibility, search

 名词与in连用:
decline, decrease, drop, growth, increase,
reduction, rise; intervention, interference,
investment, involvement, part, participation,
share; ache, numbness, pain; belief,
confidence, faith, trust;

delight, interest, pleasure, pride等
 名词与on连用:
advice, comment, debate, information;
assault, attack, raid;
ban, boycott, emphasis, focus, stress;
effect, impact, influence; burden, dependence,
pressure, reflection, tax等

 名词与to连用:
access, admission, entry, invitation;
answer, reaction, reply, response;
approach, clue, key, solution;
attitude, contribution, devotion, donation,
gratitude, obligation;
appeal, attraction,
exposure, objection, reference, resistance,
superiority, similarity
 名词与with连用:
acquaintance, familiarity, intimacy, touch;
chat, communication, contact, conversation,
dissatisfaction, impatience,

 形容词与about连用:
crazy, enthusiastic, mad, wild;
 形容词与at连用:
good, adept, clever, competent, excellent,
expert, skillful, skilled, poor, bad;
amused, happy, angry, annoyed, furious,
indignant, mad, shocked, sore, surprised;
 形容词与of连用:
afraid, distrustful, frightened, suspicious;
appreciative, ashamed, critical, envious, fond,
jealous, proud, scornful;
capable, guilty, independent, innocent, tolerant,
aware, conscious, ignorant, oblivious
(unaware), bare, clear, empty, exclusive, free,
full, short, void (empty);
sick, tired, weary;
certain, hopeful, sure, characteristic,
expressive, representative, symbolic, true,
 形容词与on连用:

emphatic, insistent, intent, keen, hard, tough
 形容词与to连用:
accustomed, habituated, used;
addicted, attached, averse, devoted, opposed,
partial, resistant;
adjacent, close, near, next, opposite, parallel;
analogous(=similar), contrary, equal,
equivalent, preferable, proportional, similar;
doomed, inclined, liable, prone, subject;
alert, blind, deaf, immune, sensitive, inferior,
junior, senior, subordinate, superior;
 形容词与with连用:
angry, annoyed, bored, content, contented,
delighted, disappointed, disgusted, fed up,
(un)happy, pleased, (dis)satisfied;
awkward, candid, frank, careful, careless, firm,
honest, impatient, intimate, rough, strict,
busy, occupied, preoccupied, tied up;
acquainted, (un)familiar;
alive, crammed, crowded, filled, infested,
jammed, overrun, packed, smothered, thick;

 与at连用:
bark, laugh, scream, shout, snap, sneer, swear,
whistle, yell;
beam, blink, frown, grin, nod, smile, wink;
gaze, glance, glare, look, peep, stare,;
marvel, rage, shudder(tremble), thrill, wince,
bite, clutch, grab, grasp, jump, pull, tug;
aim, come, fire, get, hint, point, rush, shoot;
 与for连用:
ache, hope, hunger, itch, long, wait, wish;
appeal, apply, ask, beg, bid, call, contend, fight,
look, pray, press, run, send, search, strive,
care, fear, feel, grieve, mourn;
claim, compensate, make up, pay;
allow, arrange, cater, prepare, provide,
depart, head, leave, make;
 与from连用:
arise, borrow, come, derive, follow, result;

differ, diverge(become different), evolve;
flinch (move back suddenly), keep, refrain
(keep from doing sth.), retire, shrink,
benefit, learn, profit, suffer;
 与in连用:
believe, confide, trust;
deal, trade, major, specialize;
engage, enlist, enroll, indulge, interfere, invest,
join, participate, share;
consist, delight, end, excel, lie, persevere,
persist, result, succeed;
 与into连用:
blunder, break, burst, crash, enter, fly, plunge,
dig, dip, inquire, look, probe, pry;
 与of连用:
boast, complain, speak, talk, tell, hear, know,
smell, stink, taste;
approve, conceive, despair, dream, think;
die, dispose, drain;

 与on连用:
comment, dwell, elaborate, ponder, reflect,
remark, report, touch, write;
count, depend, hang, lean, rely, rest;
act, experiment, improve, operate, toil, work;
center, concentrate, focus;
dine, feast, feed, live;
bet, call, check, insist, spy, venture;
 与to连用:
appeal, apply, point, refer, speak, write;
answer, react, reply, respond;
admit, confess, swear, testify;
adapt, adjust, consent, listen, object,
surrender, yield;
adhere, cling, conform, keep, stick;
come, convert, lead, resort, revert, switch,
amount, belong, happen, see
 与with连用:
continue, proceed;
abound, brim, bustle, buzz, fill, overflow,
swarm, teem;

cope, deal, fool, mess, trifle;
assist, help;
break, dispense, finish, part;
live, meet, rest, side
 与at连用:
aim, direct, level, point, shake, fling, hurt,
 与from连用:
ban, discourage, dissuade, keep, prevent,
prohibit, restrain, restrict, stop;
insulate, protect, shade, shield;
excuse, exempt, free, liberate, release, rescue,
save, spare;
 与into连用:
change, compress, condense, convert, form,
mould, shape, turn;
blackmail, cajole, coax, force, frighten, press,
talk, tempt, persuade, trick, talk
 与of连用:
accuse, convict, suspect;
assure, convince, inform, notify, reassure,

remind, warn;
ask, avail(avail onself of sth.:take advantage of
sth.), expect, require;
cheat, clear, cure, deprive, drain, free,
relieve, rid, rob, strip;
 与on连用:
bring, dump, exert, force, heap, impose,
inflict, lay, pin, put, revenge;
advise, brief, challenge, commend,
compliment, congratulate, cross-examine,
instruct, update







