
2020年08月08日 04:06


1. The baby was abandoned by his teenage mother.
2. President Yu Minghong was asked to abbreviate his speech since students crammed in the room without
air-conditioning were out of patience.
3. As the school principal, Mr. Yu’s abiding concern has always been to provide students with most useful training.
4. The warm December weather in Beijing is abnormal.
5. Slavery was abolished in the United States after the Civil War.
6. The minister ordered a general abort when he learned there was a mistake on the newly issued stamp.
7. Deer and rabbits abound in this forest.
8. Constant abrasion from shoes wore down the wooden floor.
9. His abrupt question embarrassed me.
10. The rate of absenteeism at this school is very high.
11. Parental love was totally absent from his childhood.
12. The captain of a ship has the absolute right to jettison cargo when necessary.
13. All living things absorb oxygen.
14. His abstract ideas were not easily understood by many people.
15. He made some absurd comments about taxes being too low.
16. In resent years an abundant number of complaints have disturbed the telephone company.
17. An abuse of authority by the manager led to disagreement among the members.
18. The library abuts to the old museum.
19. Like other academic disciplines, sociology has several major sub disciplines.
20. The car accelerated as it went past me.
21. Accelerates evolution happened when significant changes were ushered in the environment.
22. Students must have access to a good teacher.
23. The only access to this building is through pipes.
24. I didn’t know she was on my plan, our meeting was accidental.
25. Spectators acclaimed the winner of the competition.
26. In addition to painting highly acclaimed portraits, Mary was an adviser to several major art collectors.
27. That hotel room accommodates four people.
28. I will accommodate my scheme to yours.
29. She was accompanies by her son.
30. With the acceleration of industrial growth came acute urban crowding and accompanying social stress.
31. The task was accomplished in an hour.
32. The people wrote an account of the accident.
33. The new law requires a personal ID to open any accounts at a bank.
34. Diplomatic negotiations generally take place in embassies where ambassadors are accredited.
35. Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a library is not cleaned daily.
36. Her report is accurate and well written.
37. Janet’s boyfriend accused her of lying.
38. Janet is accustomed to the cold in Harbin.
39. The movie star achieved success and wealth.
40. Vinegar has a strong acid taste.
41. She made some acid comments about his writing.
42. We are acquaintances and talk now and then.
43. Let me acquaint myself with the facts of the case.
44. The stockbroker made an acquisition of the future price of stock based on its historical growth patterns.
45. AIDS is an acronym for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
46. Our actual expense for food and clothes last year were much lower.
47. Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people do.

48. With the acceleration of industrial growth came acute urban crowding and accompanying social stress.
49. After moving to Harbin, Janet adapted to the cold weather.
50. Mary is very adapted and will do well in any situation.
51. Plant behavior is often adaptive-some turn their leaves towards the sun, others clamp down on insects,
preventing their escape.
52. Being aware that she has been addicted to cigarette, Janet decided to quit it.
53. Food companies put vitamin additives in breakfast cereals.
54. Mr. Bao is known to be an adept writer.
55. He makes an adequate salary, enough to pay his bills.
56. That glue does not adhere to the wall.
57. In modern China, not too many people consider it important to adhere to Confucius’ teaching.
58. Glue is an adhesive.
59. I used adhesive tape to stick a note on the door.
60. Weed killers must be chosen and applied with great care to avoid damage to adjacent trees and shrubs.
61. The bathroom adjoins the bedroom.
62. A scream came from the adjoining room.
63. The new computer center was an adjunct to the Sales Department.
64. It takes Janet more than half a year to adjust herself to the new business.
65. The British administered the country until very recently.
66. Headmasters are more involved in administration than in actual teaching.
67. The administration in Washington is usually criticized by the newspapers and TV.
68. I admire how well she speaks English.
69. He was admitted to hospital with heart attack.
70. She admitted that she had made a mistake.
71. The work is very interesting. Admittedly, I do get rather tired.
72. We lived in New Mexico in a house made of adobe.
73. The company adopted new policies regarding maternity leave.
74. The Browns adopted the baby when she just three months old.
75. The bride’s hair was adorned with pearls and flowers.
76. We have advanced greatly in our knowledge of the universe.
77. A working plan was advanced by Janet.
78. The fire advanced steadily through the forest.
79. Recent advanced in medical science mean that this illness can now be cured.
80. They waited many hours for advent of their distinguished leader.
81. Our camping trip turned into an adventure when we became lost.
82. The adverse effects from the medication were minimal.
83. Both candidates suffered adverse criticism in the newspaper.
84. They pledged to remain married throughout any adversity.
85. The Fund for Animals was a strong advocate of the campaign to save dolphins from death.
86. Some people advocated banning cars in the heart of city.
87. Janet felt great affection for her parents only.
88. Janet gave her mother an affectionate hug.
89. The New Oriental School is affiliated with the New Orientals Investment Corporation.
90. She felt an affinity with all who suffered, their pains were her pains.
91. Many girls have strong affinity for chocolate candy.
92. The post office affirmed that the letter was delivered.
93. Villagers of several mountainous areas are afflicted by the worst poverty in the nation.
94. We can’t afford that expensive car.

95. Her seat afforded her a beautiful view of the stage.
96. His agenda was quite full for the day.
97. Mary aggravated her injuries by refusing treatment.
98. Janet as a manager has an aggravating propensity to overspend.
99. Society is an aggregate if individuals.
100. His victory was largely a result of his aggressive election campaign.
101. The country made an aggressive attack on a neighboring nation.
102. The agile kid climbed up the tree in no time.
103. The anti-war agitation is beginning to worry the government.
104. The plan was agreeable to everyone but Mary.
105. Mr. Bao is an agreeable man with a kind smile.
106. A feeble body is always prone to minor ailments.
107. Janet’s aim is to finally qualify as a candidate for quality MBA program.
108. These advertisements are specifically aimed at young people.
109. We left the door ajar so that we could hear what they were saying.
110. This language is closely akin to Arabic.
111. Although he was almost ninety years old, he was still active and alert.
112. Direct mail advertising serves to acquaint customers with products, alert them to new opportunities.
113. When I first went to New York, it all felt very alien to me.
114. The recommenders are requested to comment on the applicants’ most salient strength.
115. New alignments are being formed within the business community.
116. The two dresses look alike in shape, length, and color.
117. The game was all but over by the time we arrived.
118. Orwell’s “Animal Farm” is an allegory which uses a farm to illustrate.
119. “Sally sells sea shells by the seashore” is an alliteration.
120. Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin.
121. The USA and Great Britain were allies in World War II.
122. The spacecraft stayed aloft for 2 weeks.
123. He is not married and lives alone.
124. As the crisis developed, the others remained aloof.
125. The tailor altered the waistband on my pants because it was too tight.
126. Private cars are banned from the city on alternate days.
127. If that business does not make what we went, we can always fine an alternate one that does.
128. Her cheerfulness alternated with despair.
129. An alternative way would be to travel by railroad.
130. I have to alternative but to ask you to leave.
131. The pilot announced that our altitude was 30,000 feet.
132. Only amateur athletes are eligible to participate in this Game.
133. He is an amateur at golf but he loves the game.
134. Janet amazed everyone by passing her final examination.
135. The small bar possesses a pleasant ambience that appeals to young people.
136. It was Janet’s ambition to succeed in business.
137. She has some ambitious expansion plans for her business.
138. He was ambivalent, because he wanted to eat a lot of cake, but was determined to lose weight.
139. Tourists ambled along for hours.
140. The fact that ancient numeral systems are not amenable to even the simplest calculations is largely based on
lack of familiarity with these systems.
141. He was amenable to any suggestions which came from those he looked up to.

142. The Constitution of the United States has twenty-six amendments.
143. There are lot of amenities in the city, libraries, cinemas, etc.
144. On the floor, amid many books, were two small envelopes.
145. After the car accident, he could not identify any of his friends because of amnesia.
146. The amount of the bill is $100.
147. His behavior amounted to serious professional misconduct.
148. She received ample compensation for her injuries in this accident.
149. They need the radio signal to be amplified in order to receive it.
150. He drew an analogy between the brain and computer.
151. A bird’s wing is analogous to a plane’s wing.
152. The laboratory analyzed the rock samples.
153. We did an analysis of the problem and proposed solutions to it.
154. As an anarchist, he thought society would be better off not only without a king, but without any kind of
governing body.
155. The coroner performed a partial anatomy on the corpse.
156. His ancestor came to America on the ship.
157. The patient was under anesthesia during the operation.
158. The anesthetic was administered before surgery.
159. There are two principal types of acceleration: linear and angular.
160. In 1939, Hitler succeeded in annexing various parts of Europe to Germany without firing a shot.
161. They were sent on a mission to annihilate the rebel forces.
162. The parents announced the wedding of their daughter in the newspaper.
163. What annoys me is the fact he won’t listen to other people’s suggestions.
164. Companies publish annual reports to inform the public about the previous year’s activities.
165. A bird that cannot fly is an anomaly.
166. The newspaper made a new policy not to publish anonymous articles in the political opinion section.
167. The band played the national anthem.
168. She received an anthology of the works of 20
century American poets as a gift for her birthday.
169. Antibiotic drugs such as penicillin have saved many lives.
170. Columbus discovery of America was probably anticipated by earlier explorers.
171. Our typewriter is not as efficient as a computer system, so it is antiquated.
172. The clock in the room is an antique.
173. Richard likes antique cars and always goes to the auto show on Weekend.
174. The museum has many antiquities from ancient Egypt.
175. In antiquity, documents were written on parchment.
176. He bathed the wound with an antiseptic.
177. The student was anxious to finish the final examination.
178. Apart from the low salary, it’s not a bad job.
179. You must apologize to your younger sister for being so rude.
180. A winter vacation holds a lot of appeal for me.
181. The idea of spending two weeks on vacation appeals to me.
182. Judgments made in a criminal case can usually be appealed to higher court, which can either overturn or uphold
a lower court ruling.
183. This perfume has an appealing scent.
184. Michael had no appetite, so they had to coax him to eat.
185. The audience applauded at the end of the concert.
186. We have 10 applicants for the position of secretary.
187. Application must be made early for the meeting.

188. Mathematics has applications in science.
189. We’ve appointed three new teachers this year.
190. Our problem now is not to apportion blame for our failures but to find a way to achieve success.
191. Fifty thousand dollars would be fair appraisal of their new house.
192. There has been an appreciable drop in the number of unemployed since the new government came to power.
193. He appreciates modern art.
194. I apologize for encroaching upon your valuable time, but I should appreciate your advice in this important
195. I’ve just read an interesting book which has a new approach to study Cao Xueqin.
196. As I approached the house, I notices that the door was open.
197. I’ve been invited to her wedding but I haven’t got anything a







