
2020年08月08日 05:04


一、Section Ⅰ English-Chinese Translation(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
二、Part A Compulsory Translation(总题数:1,分数:30.00)
The Dreadlock Deadlock

In the fall of 1993 Christopher Polk transferred from FedEx's hub in Indianapolis to take over
a delivery route in Flatbush District, Brooklyn, N.Y. But moving to the country's largest community
of Caribbean and African immigrants only precipitated a far more profound journey. was becoming
culturally aware of the history of the black people,
spiritual answer came providentially, by way of a music video featuring Lord Jamai,
who raps about the Rastafarian belief in the sanctity of dreadlocks —the cords of permanently
interlocked strands first worn by African chiefs perhaps 6,000 years ago.
Now a practicing Rastafarian, Polk sports thick garlands that gently cascade onto his shoulders.

Unfortunately, that path was a collision course with Federal Express's grooming policy, which
requires men to confine their dos to
bosses gave him a choice: shear his locks or be transferred to a lower-paid job with no customer
contact. He refused both options and was terminated in June 2000.
His tale is not unique. Although Rastafarians number about 5,000 nationally, today dreadlocks,
twists or braids are at the height of fashion, nearly as common as Afros were 30 years ago. If
Afros symbolized militancy, dreads signal a more spiritual self- declaration, a figurative locking
with African ancestors. As Stanford professor Kennell Jackson, who teaches a course called

Divine or not, some employers consider them unacceptably outré. Six other New York-area FedEx
employees have lost their jobs because of dreadlocks. They have sued, alleging religious
discrimination; the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and New York's attorney general
have also charged FedEx with violating religious protections in the Civil Rights Act.
The dreadlock deadlock may be easing. FedEx altered its policy slightly a few weeks ago: in the
future, observant employees who seek a waiver may wear their locks tucked under uniform hats,
says a company spokeswoman. The concession isn't enough to settle the lawsuits yet. The EEOC also
wants reinstatement for the fired drivers, says trial attorney Michael Ranis. He's optimistic.
Some new styles, he knows, grow more appealing over time.

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1993年秋季,联邦快递职员克里斯托夫·波尔科由印地 安诺波利斯市的公司总部调职到纽约市的布鲁克林,
负责弗拉特布什区的一个投递线路。移居到这个国家 最大的加勒比和非洲移民区对他影响深远。“我开始
从文化上意识到了黑人的历史,”31岁的波尔科说 ,“主要是精神方面的问题。”正巧,一盘音乐录像带
回答了他的问题:该录像带的主角加马尔公爵以说 唱的形式进述了拉斯特法里教派对于“骇人”长发绺的
神圣信仰。那一缕缕永远编织在一起的发串,是约 6,000年前,非洲酋长们始创的发型。

作为拉斯特法里教派之一员,波尔科将头发 做成一串串浓密的发绺,瀑布一样轻轻地撒落在双肩上。“你
的头发就是你誓约,”他说,“一旦你把它 们做成一种式样,它就带你走上了这一条道路。”
不幸的是,这条道路有悖于联邦快递的着装原则,后者要求男人把自己的仪 表限制在“一种合理的方式 ”
之中。经过数年的考虑,波尔科的上司们给了他一个选择:或者剪掉他的发辫,或者被调到一个与顾客 无
他的 故事并不鲜见。尽管拉斯特法里教徒在全国为数不过约5,000人,但是,今天,“骇人”长发绺、盘
头或辫子十分兴盛,几乎就像30年前的非洲发式那样流行。如果说非洲发式象征着战斗性,那么,“骇人”长发绺则代表一种更具精神性的自我宣誓,一种与非洲祖先们的象征性的对接。正如在斯坦福大学讲授《非< br>洲头饰及新的世界遗产》课程的凯奈尔教授所说,“这种发式中存在一种神圣性。”
不管神圣与 否,有些雇主就是认为它们古怪得不可接受。另外6位供职于纽约联邦快递的职员也因为“骇
人”长发绺 而丢掉了饭碗。他们到法院起诉,指控这是宗教歧视;美国的平等就业机会委员会和纽约市检
察长已指控 联邦快递违反了《民权法案》中的宗教保护条例。
这一“骇人”长发绺之僵局可能有望缓解。几周前, 联邦快递公司已经稍稍变通了其政策。公司一位女发
言人说,以后钟情“骇人”长发绺的员工可以把发绺 藏在自己的制服帽子内。然而,这种让步是不足以解
决法律纠纷的。审判律师迈克尔·拉尼斯说,美国平 等就业机会委员会还要求对遭解雇的司机予以复职。
他很乐观,他知道,某些新时尚会随着时间的推移而 魅力日增。)
三、Part B Choice of Two Translations(总题数:1,分数:25.00)
Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August, his explanation was
surprisingly straight up. Rather than cloaking his exit in the usual vague excuses, he came right
out and said he was leaving
was much my decision,McGee says. Within two weeks, he was talking for the first time with
the board of Hartford Financial Services Group, which named him CEO and chairman on September
McGee says leaving without a position lined up gave him time to reflect on what kind of company
he wanted to run. It also sent a clear message to the outside world about his aspirations. And
McGee isn't alone. In recent weeks the No. 2 executives at Avon and American Express quit with
the explanation that they were looking for a CEO post. As boards scrutinize succession plans in
response to shareholder pressure, executives who don't get the nod also may wish to move on. A
turbulent business environment also has senior managers cautious of letting vague pronouncements
cloud their reputations.
As the first signs of recovery begin to take hold, deputy chiefs may be more willing to make the
jump without a net. In the third quarter, CEO turnover was down 23% from a year ago as nervous
boards stuck with the leaders they had, according to Liberum Research. As the economy picks up,
opportunities will abound for aspiring leaders.
The decision to quit a senior position to look for a better one is unconventional. For years
executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractive CEO candidates are
the ones who must be poached. Says KomFerry senior partner Dennis Carey:
single search I've done where a board has not instructed me to look at sitting CEOs first.
Those who jumped without a job haven't always landed in top positions quickly. Ellen Marram quit
as chief of Tropicana a decade age, saying she wanted to be a CEO. It was a year before she became
head of a tiny Internet-based commodities exchange. Robert Willumstad left Cifigroup in 2005 with
ambitions to be a CEO. He finally took that post at a major financial institution three years
Many recruiters say the old disgrace is fading for top performers. The financial crisis has made
it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one. traditional rule was it's safer
to stay where you are, but that's been fundamentally inverted,says one headhunter. people
who've been hurt the worst are those who've stayed too long.

_______ __________________________________________________ _________________________________
正确答案:(8月份,当Liam McGee以美国银行总裁的身份离职时,他给出的解释直白得令人 惊讶。他没
有像以往那样以模棱两可的理由掩饰自己的离开,而是坦然说出自己即将离职“追求新的目标 开家公司”。
McGee说宣布这一目标正是自己的决定。两周内,他和哈特福德金融服务集团董事会进 行了首次会谈,该
McGee说没有找好工 作就离职可以给他时间反思自己到底想经营何种公司。这也使外界明确他的愿望和决
心。并不只是McG ee一个人这样做。最近几周,雅芳和美国快递这两家公司的一些高管们纷纷离职,并解
释说想寻求一个 CEO的职位。当董事会迫于股东的压力仔细审查继任计划时,那些被否定的高管们也会想
离开。混乱的 商业环境同样使得高管们十分谨慎,害怕模糊的声明会有损他们的声誉。
当经济开始复苏时,副职高管 们可能更愿意在没有找到新工作时跳槽。据Liberum调查,第三季度,CEO
的换任比一年前减少 了23%,原因在于紧张的董事会抓住现有的领导层不放。随着经济逐渐好转,有抱负
的领导们又会充满 希望。
辞去高层职位寻找一个更好的职位,此决定非同寻常。多年来,高管和猎头们一直坚持一个原则 :最具吸
引力的CEO候选人是那些必须通过挖墙脚才能得到的人。KornFerry高级搭档Den nis Carey说道:“在
找不到工作就离职的人并不总是很快就能找到高层职位。10年前,当纯果乐被百事可乐公司收购时,E llen
Marram以经理的身份离职了,说她想当CEO。一年后,她才成为一家商品交易所的老 板,那是一家以互联
网为基础的小型公司。2005年,Robert Willumstad怀着要成 为CEO的梦想离开了花旗集团。可是历经三
解析:1.McGee says leaving without a position lined up gave him time to what kind of company
he wanted to run.
本句句子主干为:McGee says...says后面为省略了连接词that的宾语从句,宾语从句主干为:leaving gave
him time to reflect on。介词短语without a position lined up作leaving的定语。he wanted to run
是一个省略了连接词t hat的定语从句,用来修饰先行词company。要理清该句句意还有个词组需要注意:
refle ct on意为“仔细考虑,思考”。例:I must reflect on how to answer that question.我必须
2.As boards scrutinize succession plans in response to shareholder pressure,executives who don't
get the nod also may wish to move on.
本句为主从复合句,前半句为从句,主干为:As boards scrutinize succession plans;后半句为主句,
主干为:executives also may wish to move on。who don't get the nod为定语从句,修饰先 行词executives。
要理清该句句意还有些词需要注意:scrutinize意为“详细检查 ;细看”;in response to意为“响应;
3.For years executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractive CEO
candidates are the ones who must be poached.
该句子主干为:executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that,此句中that引导同位语
从旬对rule进行解释说明;后面的 who引导定语从句修饰the ones。该句中,adhere to意为“坚持”;
poach原 意为“水煮;偷猎;窃取;把……踏成泥浆”,此处意为“挖墙脚”。此处考生不难发现总结一
些平时所 见的简单词汇的其他意思在考试中十分有用。
四、Section Ⅱ Chinese- English Translation(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
五、Part A Compulsory Translation(总题数:1,分数:1.00)
3.中华民族历来 尊重人的尊严和价值。还在遥远的古代,我们的先人就已提出“民为贵”的思想,认为“天
生万物,唯人 为贵”,一切社会的发展和进步,都取决于人的发展和进步,取决于人的尊严的维护和价值
的发挥。中国 共产党领导人民进行革命、建设和改革,就是要实现全中国人民广泛的自由、民主和人权。
今天中国所焕 发出来的巨人活力,是中国人民拥有广泛自由、民主的生动写照。中的发展中大国,仍然必


(分数:1.00) ________________________________________________ __________________________________________
正确答案:(The Chinese nation has always valued human dignity and value. Even in the ancient days,
our ancestors came up with the idea of people being most important, believing that
most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters.
hinge on human progress and development and depend on how well human dignity is maintained and
how much human value is realized. The Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people in
carrying out revolution, development and reform precisely for the purpose of ensuring the entire
Chinese people broad freedoms, democracy and human rights. The immense vitality displayed by China
today is a vivid reflection of the broad freedoms and democratic rights enjoyed by the Chinese
people. China's population reached around 60 million as early as in the first century. For several
thousand years, to meet the people's need for food, clothing, housing and transport has all along
been the primary human rights challenge for successive governments in Chinese history. In today's
China, which is a large developing country with a population of over 1.2 billion, top priority
should still be given to ensuring the greatest possible majority of its people the rights to
subsistence and development. Otherwise, there would be no other rights to speak of. To have been
able to ensure our people these rights is in itself a major contribution to the progress of the
world human rights cause.)
1.还在遥远的古代,我们的先人就已提出“民为贵”的思想,认为“天生 万物,唯人为贵”,一切社会的
发展和进步,都取决于人的发展和进步,取决于人的尊严的维护和价值的 发挥。Even in the ancient days,
our ancestors came up with the idea of people being most important, believing that
most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters.
hinge on human progress and development and depend on how well human dignity is maintained and
how much human value is realized.
原文为一个句子, 首先要判断一下句子结构。根据原文的意思,可在第四个逗号处断开,译成两个独立的
句子。断开的原文 的两部分都各有两个动词:提出、认为;取决于、取决于。可以把第一部分的“认为” 译
2.“民为贵”的思想the idea of people being most important。
3.“天生万物,唯人为贵”“man is the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters.”
与“民为贵”相同,这里也需要解释。而且这里采取的是合句法。把原文中的两个并列句合为一个简单句 。
4.中国共产党领导人民进行革命、建设和改革,就是要实现全中国人民广泛的自由、民主和人权。 The
Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people in carrying out revolution, development and
reform precisely for the purpose of ensuring the entire Chinese people broad freedoms, democracy
and human rights.
原文中的“就是要……”可以翻译成介词短语for the purpose of ensuring...作状语。原文“实现”的
意思是确保保证人民的权利, 因此,不能译成“realize”。 realize指实现计划、抱负等;了解;认识
5.中国共产党The Communist Party of China。

6.今天中国所焕发出来的巨大活力,是中国人民拥有广泛自由、民主的生动写照。The immense vitality
displayed by China today is a vivid reflection of the broad freedoms and democratic rights enjoyed
by the Chinese people.
如果按照原文“……是中国人民拥有广泛自由、民主的生动写照”翻译成“... is a vivid reflection of
the broad freedoms and democratic fights of the Chinese people”也不属于错译,但“拥 有”实际
指的是享有民主、自由的权利,所以,下面译文更好:...is a vivid reflection Of the broad freedoms
and democratic rights enjoyed by the Chinese people。di splay通常指显露、显示(某特性或情绪),
7.人权 human rights。
人权human rights为时事词汇。
8.中国在公元一世纪人口就已达到过六千万左右,众多人口的衣食住行, 几千年来一直是中国历代政府所
要解决的首要人权问题。China's population reached around 60 million as early as in the first century.
For several thousand years, to meet the people's need for food, clothing, housing and transport
has all along been the primary human rights challenge for successive governments in Chinese history.
meet the people's need for food, clothing, housing and transport)充当第二句的主语。
9.今天的中国是一个有十二亿 多人口的发展中大国,仍然必须首先保障最广大人民的生存权和发展权,不
然一切其他权利都无从谈起。 In today's China, which is a large developing country with a population
of over 1.2 billion, top priority should still be given to ensuring the greatest possible majority
of its people the rights to subsistence and development. Otherwise, there would be no other rights
to speak of.
原文是几个简单句组成的一个复合句。而译文采用分句翻译法,分成了两个 句子:一个复合句和一个简单
句。(1)原文中的第一个分句被译为一个介词短语作时间状语,介词的宾 语加上一个非限制性定语从句,即,
In today's China, which is a large developing country with a population of over 1.2 billion;
第二个分句译为主句,这里也算是用了合句法。(2)把原文中的第三个分句 译为一个单独的简单句,并使用
10.生存权和发展权the rights to subsistence and development。
生存权和发展权the rights to subsistence and development为常见时事词汇。
六、Part B Choice of Two Translations(总题数:1,分数:25.00)
4.与你的个人外表和自我态度一样, 你做生意的方式也可以使客户产生良好的印象。当拜访客户时,很重
要的一点是谈话开门见山。他并不会 真的对你所谈论的天气状况,前一天晚上的总统演说,或是星期天的
橄榄球赛感兴趣。他也不会对你夸奖 他的西装好看,和墙上的照片中他女儿的美丽感兴趣。这样的闲聊是
一种不真诚的表现形式,而且侵占了 他的时间。我一直认为直截了当是最有效的,因此我向你保证任何一
个商人都会因为你能这样做而对你尊 重有加
一个干净整洁的外表也表示你讲效率 有条理—我所知道的公司无不希望拥有这样的形象。如果你曾经走进
过汽车维修站一间干净而整齐的车库 ,我确信你会和别人一样,认为把车留在那里维修感觉更舒服一些。

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正确答案:(Just like your personal appearance and attitude, the manner you adopt in doing business
can also decide whether the impression you leave to the customer is good or not. When visiting
your customer, a key is to be direct and frank about your aims. In effect, the customer will not
be interested in what you say in your small talk, such as the weather, the last night's presidential
speech or the Sunday's Rugby match, nor will he be interested in your flattering admiration for
his suits or the beauty of his loving daughter depicted in photograph hung on the wall. The kind
of meaningless chatting is a form of insincerity, and wastes his valuable time. I always think
that the directness and frankness is the utmost effective, so I promise you that any merchant
will pay great respect to you for your doing so like this.
Just as the appearance decides the first impression you show to others, the appearance also decides
the first impression of one product, place and company.
For example, you may find that the parking steward of a booming hotel always directs RoilsRoyce,
Benz and Cadillac etc. to park at showy places in order to attract the eyes of the passers-by.
I once believe that this practice is caused by tips given by the luxury cars' owners, but the
real reason is that the manager of a successful hotel is extremely clear of the manipulation of
promotion techniques by nice images. He wants to tell the public: The guests we treat are elegant,
so clearly, our meals must be delicious.
A neat appearance also suggests that your are efficient and orderly—All the companies I know
hope to possess this kind of benign image. If you have stepped into a tidy garage of an auto service
station, I am sure you will be convinced like anybody else that it is more comfortable to leave
your car to be maintained there.)







