2020年08月08日 14:21
Because of love,the desperite mother Sara bore the huge stress and never give up the hope because of love,the tired father Brain followed Kate's will and took her to the sea;Because of love ,the poor sister Anna ,who was born to be a perfect donor match for Kate ,endured the pain providing cord blood;becauese of love,Kate's brother ,who had spent most of his life being ignored in favor of ill Kate or donor Anna, silently drew out his sister's looks;because of love,Kate's boyfriend Taylor,who suffered from cancer and finally died, said:"if i didn't have cancer ,i never would found you."
The film ,especialliy Kate's mother Sara ,reminded me of a story of a mother,which took place in the mid-night,A Chiness mother drove home on the ,she got off her private car to distinguish the direction,leaving her two children in the back seat of the unfortunately,someone criminal got into her car and drove away with her mother threw her high-heeled shoes and desperated to run after the car barefoot,crying and calling her children's lly she was just a delicate woman,but at that moment surprising strength burst out of her ran so fast and the criminals was so scared that they abandoned the car and ran mother was so exhausted and behind her,there was a trail of the truth was she rescued her children and the strong love for her children made her create a miracle.
To some degree,Kate's mother Sara was just like the mother running after the car the greatest difference between them was that that brave mother succeeded but Sara lly,we should admit what Sara was faced with is much more equiped her with bravery and strong r,it is the very love that threw her into the great Kate being illed,she quit her job as a lawyer,and became a full-time extend Kate's life,she made every effort and even be somewhat Kate's life,Anna's happiness and health,between which it's too hard for her too find a balance love for Kate and Anna tormented her heart.
Every member in Kate's familly made great sacrifices,which were all due to their love for t a happy ending,the film ended in the death of the surface,love didn't make any differrence for their r ,love raised them up,love drove them to sacrifice and love made people's existense matter whether the miracles took place or not at the end,love made them get rid of loneliness ahead.
So, I always believe that the most touching behaviors in the world are all from love,and all for love.