
2020年08月08日 19:38


The appreciation of The Little Match Girl
The little match girl is a classic masterpiece of fairy tales written by
Hans Christian Andersen, was published in 1846. It tells a story about a
little girl who was very poor selling matches with naked feet on New
Year's Eve warmth of the match gave her many beautiful
illusions: such as warm stove, delicious roast goose, the beautiful
Christmas tree and amiable grandmother .These phantasm made her feel
very happy, but she dead because of cold weather and hunger in the end.
This story reflects people’sindifference of the ruthless at that society.
The whole story is a piece of sad and soulful .The writer,Hans
Christian Andersen,Revealed the darkness of capitalism, and
expressedhis deep sympathy for the poor people. From the very
beginning, in paragraph 1,Andersenbegan to shape the tragic image of
the little girl by using a lot of adjectives to describe the time, place,
weather, and the dress of the little girl, such as
“cold”“darkness”“bareheaded”“naked feet”. Besides, one more detail is
that the poor little girl came out wearing slippers, although very large,
shehad lost one of them, and then was picked up another one .It was
undoubtedly worsefor this little girlwho was already suffered from the
specific description helps to arouse the readers' sympathy.
Although the little girl had been so poor, “Nobody had bought anything
of her the whole livelong day; no one had given her a single farthing.”

The writer used repetition of “nobody” and “no one” here in order to
emphasize that all the people are not willing to charity his compassion.
Faced with such a poor thing, the world had reached a degree of
indifference to incapable of further increase. Confronted with so many
difficulties, this poor little girl couldn’t even go home because she was
afraid of being hit by her father for didn't sell a match and didn't make
world had been very cold, but she still had such an indifferent
father who never cared about her. This further raised the readers’
sympathy and hatred to the cold word. This is the first part of the
story ,the main ideal is the girl sells the matches.
In the second part, this story is mainly described the little girl lights
the matches. The little match girl rubbed five matches in all. She
respectively saw the iron stove that can bring warm to her,thedelicious
roast goose, the beautiful Christmas tree and her grandmother,the only
person in the world who loves things appeared in the order is in
accordance with the needs of the little girl in turn, so they can not
change the article followed with the same structureto
describe the five rubbedmatches. The climax of the whole story was
reached by describing from the illusion of iron stove to
e, roast goose, Christmas tree, grandma these are
the little girl's fantasy, these fantasies is beautiful for the little girl, but
not belongs to the little girl in real life. She could only see these beautiful

things in fantasies so that we can know that the little girl was really very
when the little girl just see the beautiful things ,they went out.
What had been crushed out is not only these matches,but also the little
girl's hope for good Anderson’s describing, the little girl can
only see the fantasy of things for a while ,this kind of description can
reflect the little girl's misery is these fantasies, made this fairy
tale so touching, so well-known.
There can be no doubt that the little match girl dead because of
cold and hunger. This is the main content in the third part. That's the end
of the little girl, and also the end of the story. The fourth clean burning
matches haven't put out is because the little girl quickly wiped burning a
bundle of matches to keep her grandmother after matches extinguished
over and over again. “But in the corner, at the cold hour of dawn, sat the
poor girl, with rosy cheeks and with a smiling mouth, leaning against the
wall——frozen to death on the last evening of the old year.”The fantasy
of grandma is being kept, but the little girl had died. A new year had
came, however the little match girl had gone. Anderson chose such a
special day for the story in order to serve as a foil to the tragic fate of the
little little girl who died with a smiling in a beautiful illusion, she
was happy. For us, happiness is to eat whatever we like, go wherever we
want, do whatever we would like to do, but for the little match girl,
happiness could be death. Death is the only way to keep her away from

the cold and hunger and the indifferent world.
Like the poor little match girl, the writer of this famous story Han
Christian Anderson was a poor little boy, too. His life is not all smooth
sailing , actually, it is full of ups and downs. Compare the author with the
little girl, the common points of themare poverty, hard- working and do
not give up the pursuit of good things. There is happy in their inner heart
even suffered despising from other h this fairy tale,
Andersen expressed deep sympathy for the plight of the poor people,
and the dissatisfaction with the society at that time. At the same time it
was also an affirmation of his own inner world, he firmly believed that
there will be beyond the dream of life and death.







